Mehrican Exchange Ver. 2.0 Unboxing
21I guess I was the lucky one to receive Ver2 box swap. Here are my contents.
Groot bobble head, Hello Kitty 8GB mimobot flash drive, Hello Kitty pencil with big Hello Kitty eraser, PBnJ spreader, Shark Creature Cup, 180's ear warmers, Solar grasshoppers (three), Megaman mini helmet replica with display stand, 100 water balloons, Iron Man novelty bag,
Streetfighter red headband, Gilt Sunglasses, Meh +1.50 reading glasses, Clifford The Big Red Dog toothbrush, Yellow rubber ducky that lights up, 24k gold plated stickers (Transformers, Happy Day, Best), Pony Dreadful beaded bracelet, Timeless Minis - red wagon,
Bodylotion from hotel, How to Survive a Sharknado book and several packets of tea/coffee.
- 131 comments, 393 replies
- Comment
That's quite the haul. Makes my box look sad and depressing.
@capguncowboy I concur. But then, my box always looks sad and depressing....did I just say that out loud?
@lisaviolet there's a procedure for that
@capguncowboy That Groot!!!!!! I thought they weren't even out yet
@JonT They just came out last week, I had pre-ordered. But I scored one from the first run when I was in Los Angeles, so this one was extra. :)
@capguncowboy my thought exactly. I did do my best with what I had. :(
@capguncowboy Yeah mine will be lame in comparison as well...
@JonT In case you didn't know, the baby Groot is out now too.
Pony Dreadful Is my Etsy shop- I made the bracelet, and that one is a men's item in case you were wondering. ;)
I hope I didn't fail too hard at making a semi-cool box of crap.
@Pony Thanks for the items. I'll definitely use the 180's this winter and the kid items will go towards a few of my friend's daughter and my son will use the toothbrush. Does the rubber ducky light up to detect hot water or something?
@sushiboy I've never put it in water, but I believe that it is supposed to light up when it is in contact with water, whether hot or not.
@Pony That's awesome. You totally blew the curve for everyone else.
@DaveInSoCal Aw, I didn't mean to do that... I just remembered that in the last exchange there were some amazing boxes that made me feel like mine sucked, so I tried to make this one really good.
Holy shit...bubble wrap? Meh could really learn something here! Then again they wouldn't really be Meh if they tried too hard!
That PB n' J Spreader is pretty cool. Wish I had one of those! No, really... I wish I had ONE of those.
@Cinoclav Define "one"
@Kidsandliz A number that falls cozily between zero and two.
Oh geez -- I'm weighing whether it's worth the Federal Offense to break into the post office and retrieve the boxes I just dropped off this morning. Umm, I'm feeling lame and will likely be banned from future exchanges. I thought my boxes were Meh-worthy until I saw this.
Is that one of "the" infamous PBnJ spreaders from the last Fuku?
@Pamtha That's it. You need one, I might have an extra around here somewhere...

It was quite a haul. I wasn't expecting so many items.
Apparently mentioning my Etsy shop here was to my advantage. Thanks to the fellow Amehrican that just placed an order- the mailman showed up just after I packed it up, so it's already gone out. :)
Got mine!
I recognize some of the stuff from Fukus and BOCs, like
There's a small shirt with bunnies
LOL rubber bracelet
Child's Sesame St backpack
Solid bath fizz
Slime mix
Game cartridges
Orange zipper bag
Candy Cane chapstick
Stress ball
2 sets of Slaplinx
Paper pad
A travel alarm clock/light
Some of it looks more like it's geared toward kids so I'll be sharing with the ladies at the vet's office (those women are fertile, I tell ya, fertile!)
A pretty decent haul! Thank you!
@lisaviolet You're quite welcome. =)
So cool! Here's what was in the box: 2 Mythbusters talking bobble heads, a Zombrex medication injector and prescription pad, an Intel gaming t-shirt with expired competition entry instructions, a Southpark ornament, a Santa punchball, a bag of Tim Horton coffee, Bones DVD season 1, CSI DVD season 3, two Terry Pratchett paperbacks, a speaker dock and just in case I didn't have a compatible phone, a phone. And a lovely note. Thanks, @nikodemus!!!You completely made my otherwise meh day! I took a picture but have no idea how to upload it.
@AnnaB PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Learn how to post pictures in the Meh Style Guide!
@parodymandotcom Yay, I was hoping someone would post that info. I should be needing to reference it sometime in the next few days, as I'm clueless as well.
@pitamuffin Very short version: paste a link that ends in .gif, .jpg, or .png to have your pictures show up
@AnnaB Yay happy to hear it was sufficiently meh
@AnnaB Mythbusters talking bobbleheads?? I never knew such magnificence existed! Oh to dream of a day where Mythbusters talking bobbleheads arrive at my door ...
Lots of cool but weird stuff

Most excited about the Backpack and the torch?
But that stress ball will really help me get it up
@Quazie The pig appears to have a purpose... what is it?
@brhfl that's a pork thermometer obviously
@Quazie Yeah, I don't know what to tell you about that torch thingy. I don't even recall where it came from (some crap bag, no doubt). I was rather "WTF" surprised when I came across it in boxing up my crap. Also, I'm pretty sure that little metal/rubber thingy (beside the Snap Straw) is a wine bottle cork/pourer -- they go together). Enjoy!
Woo hoo! My mehrican crap arrived today! Thanks @heli0s for sending me the following:
Donnie Darko CD (opened)
Magnesium Dreams CD (unopened)
US Airways travel kit
Hotel soaps & lotion
2 squirt guns (will come in handy at my next group meeting)
Phone stand (yippee! Definitely need for my desk)
Hot chocolate
A stuffed cupcake (tag says shirt.woot)
Pack of AA batteries
Stuffed dog
Bottle of dog shampoo (good timing, my dogs stink)
Bottle coozie
Dashboard Jesus (my favorite item)
Gummie crotchless undies (my hubby's favorite)
Microfiber cloth
Assorted stickers
Love every wonderful & weird thing in my haul! I can't wait for the next one.
@bluedog can't help but notice the disparity in your and your hubby's favorite items...also damn @heli0s, that is some nice handwriting!!
@bluedog Looks like @heli0s is into cycling.
@bluedog Ha I though the FedEx guy might like those man panties ;) and thanks? @JonT
@bluedog You're super lucky to get the stuffed "Fresh Cake". I'm sure there are a few here, myself included, who are jealous.
@LadyLeela Email me your address at and I'll send it to you. While I appreciate @heli0s gifting it to me, I'm not worthy and would rather see someone truly appreciative cherish it.
@bluedog Wow, that is generous of you. Thank you so much! I'll send you an email.
@bluedog My Fresh Cake arrived Monday. Here she is on my tree and after Christmas I'll take her into work.
Thanks for the other little gift as well. I'm enjoying a mug of it right now! I'm a big tea drinker.
@LadyLeela Yippee!!! So happy you're enjoying them!
@LadyLeela yay glad to see tha little nudie being thoroughly enjoyed 😊
Yay for @scolburn! I got:
@lisaviolet & @tightwad, I can only offer my sincerest apologies and hide behind my noob status for the extreme meh-ness of your boxes. You should get them tomorrow, and I am hanging my head in shame.
@Pamtha No worries...I don't think the ones I sent were up to this level either
@Pamtha Hey - if that vodka themed chapstick is Firefly Vodka, in all seriousness I'll buy it from you. I have one and love, love, love the flavor of it. Other than ebay, I can't find anymore of them.
@Pamtha As long as it's not a 4X leather biker jacket, I'm sure I'll be very happy with my package.
@bluedog Yes, it's Firefly SPF 15 Lemon Lip Moisturizer. Buy it? BUY it? How about send me an equally sized piece of crap from your stash. PM me at pamtha09 at that google-owned mail domain with your address and I'll throw it in a padded envelope.
@lisaviolet I chuckled when I saw that I had you! The post office is wondering what sort of relationship we have to be shipping stuff back & forth.
@Pamtha Yeah, Ohio air. We'll go with that. =) Glad you enjoyed it!
@bluedog - It's in a "no return address" (cause I lost my pen in the car) manila envelope to you. Regular USPS mail - says it will be there Monday (ha right!)
@Pamtha Your package went out the other day. Expected delivery is also Monday. Woo hoo!
Looks like you all had loads of fun!
Some day I hope I'm meh enough to participate.
I received my first parcel today, from @teripie and let me tell you it was craptastic to say the least.
Here we go,
Mosaic magic kit
white chalk
light timer
hot dog cutter
4 candles
mini pumpkin
usb drive
usb digital TV stick
flying monkey
2 light stocks
small string of led lights
more led lights
mustache clips
led tap light
water leak sensor
wild flower seeds
gemstone kit
Christmas Trivia cards
foam snowflake cutouts
Andromeda action figure
and an in home Marijuana test.
Damn, you did tremendous. Bravo!

SHIT I found more that fell on the floor
Welding gloves
Sticker set
10 pack of pill bottles for a swivel thing
@studerc Damn! I didn't realize how much crap we crammed in that box! So glad you like it.
@Teripie @studerc That is awesome! So the at home marijiuana tester is that for testing if you are on drugs or if the drugs are high quality?
@chellemonkey not sure, pretty sure that @teripie must think I'm smoking a bit of MJ when posting on the forums! haha
@studerc I take it that the little string of lights was still burning when you opened the box. We put some extra batteries in there just for them. And if you have a fireplace those welder's gloves are really handy.
@Teripie Haha those lights were indeed still going! The box was pretty much destroyed, glad it didn't rain or snow otherwise everything would have been destroyed.
@studerc Is that kevin Sorbo?
@Foxborn If it is he's got boobs.
@studerc Nice haul!
@Foxborn Nope, Lisa Ryder.
@studerc hard to tell in a blurry picture ;) all I could tell for sure was blond
@Teripie Pecks count
@Foxborn Haters gonna hate!
@studerc I'm just Jealous I want Andromeda figure :(
@studerc I'm definitely coveting the Andromeda figure.
@Pony @studerc The Andromeda doll was an item from an early Woot BOC.
My box from @lisaviolet arrived today and she’s not a goat at all. She is the sweetest. I won’t be blaming her for anything other than being completely awesome!
My items included:
- A note from lisaviolet – Signed in Violet
- Happy Bird
- Head Boppers Twinkling Light Up Antler Head Band
- Super Beam Flashlight – Cellphone “Bling” Addition
- World Clock Alarm Clock
- Cool Downz Head/Neck Band
- Woot-Off Lights (Ah, the good ‘ol days)
- A Plethora of Buttons – Rockin’ it “Chotchkie's” Style
- St. Patrick’s Day Rubber Duck
- Glimmers Light Up Star Earring
- Glimmers Light Up Christmas Tree Necklace
- An Avon Watch
- 3 American Flags (regifted from a Fuku)
- 2 Bullet Shaped Knives (also regifted from a Fuku)
Now for the best items
- 2 Limited Editon lisaviolet Cards (Seriously, I’m so excited about these. I have been in awe since I saw them in another thread.)
- 1 Secret Item Customized just for me that I did not include in the picture or describe here so as to not post spoilers for lisaviolet’s other recipients. I can always post one later, but trust me it’s super awesome.
- 1 JW Bad Cuz Dog Toy for my dog. lisaviolet saw that I recommended the brand to another Meh user in the forums who has a dog that is quick to dismember toys. Including this was very thoughtful of her. I love it and so will the pup.
- My kitty also loved the boxes and probably the smell of lisaviolet’s kitties (that I couldn’t smell).
All I have to say is thank you @lisaviolet. You’re the best! Everyone should hope she pulls their name in the next Mehrican Exchange.
@LadyLeela I'm glad you like it!
@LadyLeela If you want to share the custom prezzie, feel free. The one to Ca was delivered yesterday, the one to Tx was out for delivery today, but it was to a business, which wasn't open.
@LadyLeela I have those Woot-off lights, they don't really work anymore though.
@LadyLeela here is the personalized item Lisa violet made!
@The_Baron I haven't tried them yet but that would make sense since woot doesn't really work right anymore either.
Haven't opened it yet, but a hearty thanks to the Mehrican from Ohio who sent me an 85 lb(!!) box. Even if it's just bags of concrete, I salute your dedication and willingness to spend lots of money to ship stuff.
@dashcloud I was getting worried, no sig required and they left it at your door this morning. Figured it would be hard for someone to run away with it though.
@dashcloud Holy crap! 85 pounds! Open it dammit!
@dashcloud Woah. Yes, please open it. This we need to see!
@teripie @pony @lisaviolet Sorry for the delay, but I'll be opening/putting up pictures around 6 PM EST tomorrow or so.
Hint: It worked when left Ohio
@djames85 Is it a Cleveland Steamer? ...hehehe
@studerc that's a lot of cabbage..
@studerc "Call 1-800-steamer, Cleveland Steamers make you feel cleaner!"
@djames85 Little late, but it still works.
I got really curious (and I'm going out to dinner tonight apparently), so here's a picture of what I saw when I opened the box:
Feel free to guess what it could be. We'll find out when I get back tonight.
@dashcloud That's not odd. Go on, put "your hand through the back hole." That line always preludes something exciting!
@capguncowboy And here I was trying to figure out what a hack hole is.
@dashcloud I'm guessing a safe, containing a clue to the lost city of Cibola.
@pitamuffin It DOES say "hack hole"! I want to see that!
@dashcloud I think it has something to do with a door lock set... just guessing.
@dashcloud WHAT IS IT!!!!!! STOP KEEPING US HANGING!!! (Pardon my shouting, but you know how it is..........
@teripie @lisaviolet It's a slot machine!
The rest of the items:
(plus a letter explaining the history of this particular item)
@dashcloud How cool is that! Yay! Wow. What a surprise that must have been.
@dashcloud Holy crap!!!
Sent mine out yesterday to Texas, hint the person has a very active twitter feed with a lot of followers.
9114999944314339072513 USPS
I lived down to my goal! Mine is out and USPS is picking up today.
Got my 2nd box today. Here are the contents.
CD/DVD bubble mailers, Two 2XL Woot tshirts, Brine youth XXS shorts, Bucs checkbook cover, picture frame, Woot-Off lights, 2 strawberry bags, lots of pencils, Sharpies, sticky notes, invisible tape, Band-Aid, AAA batteries, Brainteaser, IQ handheld game, and Meh postcard.
Pretty cool and useful items, some will be donated and others will be used. Thanks!
@sushiboy Those brain teaser games are fun. For my husband. I just want to throw it at the wall. You got some nice and useful stuff. Woot lights! Yay!
@lisaviolet My nieces will enjoy the brainteaser games. I'll donate the office supplies to them as well.
@sushiboy The AAA batteries are a nice touch...
@lisaviolet Tested the Woot-Off lights and only one spins while the other just lights up. It makes a pretty loud noise while spinning.
@sushiboy OMG - I think I still have a case of those Band-Aids from Woot. We pooled our money as we all had kids, but somehow we've all ended up with thousands of BandAids cause, you know, MATH.
@sushiboy I got almost the exact same package except I got a Florida Gators beer coozie and my lights are Meh. lights:
I put a little bit of Irk's spirit in this year's (Krampus) exchange. Hope no one gets their feelings hurt as there are things in those boxes actually worth money. :)
@xarous It will probably bother your recipients more than it should.
@chellemonkey Meh, I don't know about that, some may have a sense of humor. All five people are getting free stuff worth money and here and now I will state this, if you get a medium flat-rate box from me and did not enjoy it please e-mail me at my username at gmail. I always make it right. Besides it's mehexchange. There is always a little troll with Meh.
@xarous I was just adding a little of Irk's spirit into the recipient ;)
Gots me another parcel today from that rough and tough rootin' tootin' @capguncowboy.
Pow! Mugs
2 fake security cameras
Dart gun
Boit organizer
Trip Glasses
Brain bender cards
Killer Elite DVD
Samsung case
Son Mini Discs and holder
Root beer stickers
Thinkgeek annoyatron
bottle opener
litthe mine craft monster head
Monsters Inc. Pez dispenser
Gameboy cell phone case
I sure do appreciate at it, thanks guy!
@studerc the cell phone case is for a Galaxy S3 if you know anyone that had one. I don't. The Minecraft Creeper face is something my wife and son made.
@studerc only two fake security cameras? He showed restraint LOL
@studerc You just can't get rid of those darn Trip Glasses can you? :)
@dashcloud haha...fucking seizure glasses. Put a set in all three of my reciepent boxes hoping to finally get rid of those evil things.
@studerc too funny. I still have a set too.
While these are awesome, I can't help but notice the recycling of various BoC's from Woot and less from the Meh Fuku.
Oh and the person who got the stuffed cupcake, my cats love that thing. 2 play with it and 2 use it as a pillow for whatever reason.
@Outofmymind The umbrellas wouldn't fit in a flat rate box.
@Outofmymind The cupcake is happily on it's way to @LadyLeela. My dogs were disappointed as they were anticipating using it as a chew toy.
All of these pictures are way cooler than what I sent, and now I feel bad. I sent like 4 things. They are all very useless and mediocre.
@Collin1000 think that's bad, wait till you see what your geting :P
@Foxborn lol best comment ever
@Foxborn >_<
Second package unboxing (@Pamtha)
Candy! Lots of peppermint candies!
Reflective dog collar buckle
Shoe laces
Really pretty Expressively Yours bracelet
Travel kit (shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion and body gel)
White tiger container "the greatest show on earth" filled with peppermint candies!
Kitty toys (yay!)
A baby bottle brush set that will probably work with
Camelbak portable filtration system (I drink lots of water)
A Thermos insulated lunch cooler
Really cool stuff. Thank you!
@lisaviolet Yes! The baby bottle brush set was intended for a CamelBak. Those things are a pain to clean. Glad you liked it!!
@Pamtha We've been recycling Dasani bottles we get when we go to the free movies. They're a bitch to clean, so the brush set was pretty obvious. Thank you for sending it.
My second box arrived today, and had some very cool stuff in it (and some downright bizarre).
Items included:
Procrastination University t-shirt
Stickers for various places and things
1x Packet of Emergen-C
Original Sierra CD versions of Half-Life, Blue Shift, and Team Fortress Classic
Beer cozie
Bottle opener
"Drinking" chocolate
TI-84+ Silver Edition graphing calculator
Squirt gun x2
Small notebook
Third generation photovoltaics textbook
Weener Kleener (?)
@dashcloud if the keys for those games are include and haven't been registered on steam already, you can add them to your account and download the most up to date versions. The discs are prettymuch useless. Not much value, per se, but loads of hours of gameplay. Nice haul.
@capguncowboy No keys that I saw, but I actually already owned them all (had the Sierra Half-Life CD, and the Half Life 1 collection in box from years ago).
@capguncowboy I had no idea you could do that... least meh thing I've heard all day!
The only day better than getting a box of crap in the mail is ... a day getting TWO boxes of crap in the mail! =) And let me just say, they both were better that just about every BOC I didn't pay good money for over that other site...
First up ... from @SavvySapphire!

Let's start with the tee-shirt. I'm a little embarrassed to admit I'm going to need a little help ID'ing the design on the shirt. It kind of looks like Iron Man, Megaman, and an NES cartridge all blended into one shirt... and it's awesome!
Then there's the Spawn comic figurine. The one I got looks like this dude here:

I can kind of tell he's basically a bad ass. However, I'm going to rely on a superior comic book nerd to tell me if this particular color variant is more rare.
From there, we have:
Hello ma' honey! Hello ma' ragtime gaaaal...
And the coup de grâce...
RCA RC117 Desktop Clock Radio - USB charging station!
A very anti-meh exchange to say the least. Thank You, @SavvySapphire!!
@SColburn So glad you enjoyed it! I had fun packing random stuff in these boxes. The shirt came in a Nerd Block, and I'm ashamed to say I didn't get what it was supposed to be either, and since I already have too many shirts, I passed it on! Same with the Spawn figure, never read that comic series :/
@SColburn the shirt is Samus from Metroid as a NES cartridge.
Got home from work and had a big old box from @bluedog waiting - yay!! The Wife & I tore into it to find ALL the pieces were individually gift wrapped - madness! There was also a really nice Christmas card & note. We slowed down enough for the obligatory unboxing pics:
Item List:
- 12 Keurig cups ( Coffee & Cider)
- Healthy Pfizer Nylon Backpack Bag
- Fanny pack with First Aid stuff
- Cup o' Noodles
- Mini Chops Ahoy!
- 2 ChapSticks - one Peppermint & one regular
- 1 Box Zatarain's Crawfish Shrimp & Crab boil Mix (Mmmmmm!!!)
- 1 Candy Cane filled with Hershey's Kisses
- 1 Ikea Tolsby picture frame/stand
- 1 Glade Candle, Creamy Custard/Apple Cinnamon
- 1 Advil 10 count tube
- 1 Journal with inspirational cover (I WILL Achieve Greatness, tyvm!)
- 1 pack of memo pads
- 1 High Intensity LED Flashlight
- 1 pair of LUX camo binoculars (watch out neighbors!)
- Pack of 2 Christmas Paratroopers
- 1 XTremeMac BTConnect
- 1 USB chargy thingy
- 1 Bottle of Coke. But not just ANY Coke, it seems to be a 16 year old Commemorative bottle from Yankee Stadium's 75th Anniversary! Totally crazy and cool.
Awesome box - thanks!!

@MrHappypants So happy you liked the box o'stuff!
@MrHappypants @bluedog All twelve K cups individually wrapped. Brilliant!
Oh man, this thread is kind of stressing me out. I was happy with my box when I packed it, but now I'm anxious that it's gonna be lame by comparison
@Kleineleh Don't feel bad- I thought I had packed decent boxes as well, but now I'm not quite sure anymore. Really hoping people enjoy them.
@dashcloud I'm glad to hear it's not just me. I couldn't get to all of the stuff I thought I had because of an overly complicated waiting-for-new-plumbing-to-magically-appear-in-my-house situation, but I did try to compensate quantity for quality so hopefully it will still be fun :)
@Kleineleh @dashcloud don't fret. No one here will complain. We're glad you're paticipating. It's a crap exchange. I don't think anyone expects to receive anything special. No one is counting the values. Something original or something that brings a smile to our face when we open it is about the most anyone wants. Relax and have fun with it.
@capguncowboy Thanks for that. I realize I might have been projecting a little outside stress onto our fun little event here
@Kleineleh Feeling a little of the same, but it'll be OK. Definitely stepping up the game next year though, this sh*t just got REAL!
I think I mentioned that I received TWO boxes of crap today. Well ... the second just so happens to have come from none other than ... @studerc!
Before we get started, need I even remind you that:

So I tear open the box and before we even get to the goodies, we find this gem:

Then ... dude, I can't even. lol

Okay, let's get down to business.

Wow, I hope you all had as much fun reading it as I did opening it. Thanks for a fun time, @studerc!
One has a limited number of edits? Anyway, I don't know what's up with the rotation on the box photo. It's right on Photobucket. Also, I just noticed the knob thingy is missing from the watch. Technically, it won't even be right twice a day since it's still running. Meh!
@SColburn You have five minutes to edit. Yeah. I know.
Got my package from @laurict today, and boy what a doozie it was. By far the best mystery box I have received to date, including -
- Sephora "Holiday Bag Festive" with various lotion, serum, concentrate, oil, cream, moisturizer, lipstick, and perfume samples
- 4 Maxwell Audio Cassettes
- HP Tri Color ink cartridge
- a Purina Cat Chow sample
- a "Wireless Installation Cable" (oh the irony)
- a pack of PH test strips
- a pack of SIM card adapters
- an Eddie Bauer compass / thermometer
- a Coldstone gift card with $3.53 left
- a $10 iTunes gift card
- a pack of MTG Planeswalker cards
- 2 mini USB TOCC snap cables
- a DnD? dice set
- a CKRT Eat n Tool
- a CAH 2013 PAX Prime booster pack
- a CAH (best) sticker pack (ever) from this years holiday bullshit
- Elder Scrolls / Bioshock bundle
- Pans Labyrinth DVD
- Bluetooth Home Connect speaker adapter to make a speaker form your home stereo wireless
- a year subscription to Wired magazine
- and a promise of a capsule drop with various L8 bursters and other rare meh quality junk from a fellow enlightened agent
@laurict, you have really outdone yourself. Thank you, good sir, for the amazing package! You have really made my week with this one!
@heli0s ummmmmm next week's package may not meet such lofty standards. :)
@heli0s Glad you like it. I wasn't sure whether I'd given you Pan's Labyrinth or Donnie Darko, and after I saw that you'd sent out the latter, I was hoping I'd gifted it right back to you. And yeah, next time you're headed to or through Tacoma on I-5, let me know in advance so I can give you that capsule.
I am amazed by how much crap we all have around our houses.
Got my first box from @keyeno
3 knife pens
a note explaining knife pens (I would not have looked for that!)
2 regular pens
fireman surgical steel knife (black blade)
3 spoons
magnetic grocery list
mylar blanket
3 HeroClix
and some shampoo/conditioner
Thank you!
@cleverogre Those knife pens look pretty nifty!
@cleverogre The other pens are touch screen pens. I still feel bad that I didn't send a whole lot of stuff though...
@Keyeno ahhh, so they are! You did fine. Everything will be used. Don't feel bad or worry, it makes you age too quick.
@nadroj Tracking indicates you'll be receiving your meh-sack today. Enjoy!
At a previous company I worked for, we had a yearly mystery gift swap; y'know, the one where all the prezzies start in a pile and you take turns unwrapping or stealing.
We had this stuffed devil, on skinny legs, about three feet high. Nobody wanted it, so whoever got it would bring it the next year. It kept circulating for years until one of the receptionists decided she wanted it, and we never saw it again.
I think it would be cool to have something like that here. It would have to be small, durable, unique, and not something anybody would like to keep. But not trash, either.
Of all the stuff revealed so far, I can't find anything to fit the bill. Maybe the wiener cleaner? Ewww.
@SIMBM Would anyone be offended if I offered up the Dashboard Jesus I received from @Heli0s?
@bluedog Pass it on next time and see what happens...
@SIMBM I would so keep a dashboard Jesus unless explicitly told not to.
@bluedog a Dashboard Jesus is always in good taste. The perfect object if durable.
@SIMBM Yeah, if I got the dashboad Jesus, there's no way I'd pass him on again. heh. (I have a glow in the dark Virgin Mary he'd go great with!)
@Pony @laurict I'm open to a trade if either of you would like Dashboard Jesus.
@bluedog Of course not! Its your personal Jesus now - use him or pass him on however you'd like! @SIMBM isn't that Weener Kleener the opposite of grose? I promise it hasn't been refurbished!
@bluedog Ha! I didn't notice who else said they would keep him- @laurict and I are family. I'd be down to trade if he doesn't want to. (he expressed the desire for Jesus first)
@bluedog I don't know if I trust a dashboard Jesus, what if he takes the wheel?
@Pony You've got the Mary, so Jesus can be yours for a mother and child reunion. Go ahead and bring Jesus into your life. I'll continue to take guidance from Sloth.

@laurict Sloth is mighty. :)
@bluedog Email me for swapping negotiations? mehtrades at the1pony dot com.
@Pony Just sent you an email.
My box of meh arrived yesterday, Thanks @lisaviolet! As soon as I figure out how to post the pictures of awesomeness from my tablet, I will.
@mamawoot Yay!
WhooHoo! In an apparent holiday shipping miracle (thank you dashboard jesus) my box from @mikibell arrived 2 days ahead of schedule! Again, my expectations of much meh were greatly exceeded and I was awarded a box of amazing shwag, including:
Thanks so much @mikibell, this package has tons of awesome stuff that I will definitely use, and certainly didn't disappoint!

@heli0s I am glad that you enjoyed your mehtastic package. I forgot the return postage paid box for a voodoo donut :( Hopefully the noob stench has worn off and I can do 2 boxes next time!
I'm thinking of opening any of my boxes for Christmas. What say you? (assuming that any arrive by then as I don't have yet :(
@Foxborn As I commented in the email thread, yours from me is estimated to arrive Tuesday, so you may choose to wait to open it for xmas, as you like.
@goldenthorn and I am sooooo looking forward to it. or not. Meh.
@Foxborn You should definitely save my box for xmas and get really, really excited for it so the unboxing disappointment is particularly acute.
@Foxborn Im hoping you received the one I sent you by now...
@Gurkie I'll check my mail tomorrow :)
@Foxborn I just saw this & am one of yours.... hoping it showed up (ETA was Mon night)? I have a tracking # somewhere I can get you if it hasn't arrived yet.
Also, the gifts are wrapped (wrapped AND fairly mediocre) so it's great for Xmas !
I received a box from @SavvySapphire full of strange and wondrous things.
- Adventure Time shirt and puzzle
- Keychain case (afraid to open)
- Futurama kidrobot keychain
- Kodak one-time use camera (develop by 06/2009)
- Marvel cool surprise
- Strawberry cheesecake headphones
- Pinball controller (?) for iPad
- iPad mini case
- iPod nano case, pink
- iPod nano skin, Monet
- Fisher-Price bulb syringe
- Farm friends notepad (damn the camera flash)
- Hair elastic, black with sequins
- Harley-Davidson playing cards
- 52 Ways to Find Your True Love cards
- Wind-up toy, boat
- Folk art from Guatemala (?)
- Gumball machine prizes (rings, ball, etc.)
- Glitter pencil grip sleeves
- Bee fridge magnet with pocket
- Blonde voodoo doll and pins
Thanks @SavvySapphire!
@nadroj Want hair elastic! And the voodoo doll. But with dark hair. Like my sister-in-law. Looks like a fun haul!
@nadroj did you receive the package from me yesterday? USPS shows delivered.
@DaveInSoCal It will be in my hands tomorrow. It looks like USPS came after I left yesterday so it's at the office. Thanks for checking.
I got a nice surprise this week - a handwritten thank you note, courtesy of the good ol' USPS. Thank you for that classy touch, @keyeno, and you're welcome. I hope you enjoy all the "magic" in that box. :)
I guess my 2 boxes that I sent out were so meh that the recipients didn't want to post their crap.
@sushiboy Maybe they haven't got them yet. I know I'm waiting.
@Teripie As am I although I'm more concerned that my recipient like his box. I realize that I prefer waiting for mine than having it turn out to be crap. I mean it's gonna be crap, but what if it's crappy crap? I'd rather not know.
@sushiboy I haven't received a box yet, and the one I sent is supposed to be delivered today. Patience, young padawan.
@sushiboy Not sure who mine is from but I havent yet gotten around to posting a pic. Primarily cause its been crazy around here.
Here's all 5 of my tracking #s and where they're going. Looks like they're all likely to be delivered today or tomorrow. I hope everybody enjoys weird useless things.
9405509699939515062770 HIGHLAND PARK, IL 60035
9405509699937166891268 PITTSBURGH, PA 15206
9405509699937166923907 FLOWER MOUND, TX 75028
(temptation to make dirty joke about town name resisted!)
9405509699938036626317 ATLANTA, GA 30328
9405509699937166966607 Harrisburg, IL 62946
@Starblind Hmmm. No Cleveland. Can't remember where my tracking number is, possibly cause my husband mailed it.
@smoo99 Found it. Out for delivery to one lucky ?) mehrican in Lakewood WA.
@smoo99 There are 2 of us in Lakewood WA and I didn't get a package, so it must be my brudder-in-law. :)
@Pony Sorry. It could be for the best you never know!
@Pony laurict?
@smoo99 Yep.
@smoo99 @Pony Received, unboxed, photographed, and post coming soon! It's mehtastic!
My package from @Starblind arrived!
Oh boy, let's just open it and -- GAAH! KILL IT WITH FIRE!
And it's a fun haul, not meh at all.
- Jar Jar coloring book
- Wind-up chicken
- Moustache luggage tag
- Police Academy 6 Japanese videotape
- Doodle Bear pony
- Holidays with the Hankeys book & figurine
- 9-pc paper coaster set
- face magnets (eyes & nose)
- potato chip sticky notes
- plastic figurine, don't know the character
- poop keychain
- Lego Star Wars Mad Libs
- Happy Bunny "Let's Focus on Me" pencil
- cigar pen
- (2) gourmet scented pencils (root beer and cinnamon)
- Volume 2 (films 16-30) of 30 for 30, Best Films of 2010
Thanks, @Starblind!
@parodymandotcom You're very welcome. I have always found that Police Academy 6 reveals its innermost nuance and subtext when viewed in the original Japanese. The purity of the artists' vision is wholly undiluted and reveals itself like a blossoming flower turning to face the sun. Pour a cognac. Sniff a pencil. Enjoy.
@parodymandotcom What is the thing on the left that looks like a piece of bread?
@chellemonkey Those are the paper coasters. It looks like there's a variety of shapes in the pack but I haven't opened it yet to find out. So, why don't I? Aaaaannnnnddddd...the paper coasters make a sandwich! Tow bread coasters on the outside, with cheese, lunchmeat, onion, lettuce, tomato, and BACON!
@parodymandotcom "let's just open it and -- GAAH! KILL IT WITH FIRE! " That made me laugh
@hallmike 😸
Dear .... in Oak Forest,
I received my box from you today. Thank you!!! I am excited and I can't even open it yet. Not until I get home under threat of a beating from my child and husband (who are just as excited.) The Woot box threw me for a minute, as I haven't ordered from them in forever, but I figured it out pdq. I will post pics after I am allowed to open it.
Thanks again,
The teaser I sent my girl child (nana nana boo boo):

Just got my box from @SColburn and it's crap-tastic! I'm terrible at posting pictures, but here's a PhotoBucket link:
Items are:
1. lime green tote bag.
2. a lovely Made in China watch that would look expensive without the tags, and in dim light
3. A voice message reminder thing that you hang on the fridge. (The package is yellowing with age. It’s almost an antique!)
4. a plastic insulated wine glass
5. a case for an iPhone 5, will probably be regifted
6. a 6 pack of post it notes
7.Universal GPS Accessory 3-way car plug (charges up to 3 devices in your car at the same time, or so it brags.)
8. a pack of face masks to protect us from those germy grandkids when they come over Christmas
9.a fabulous rubber WHATEVER bracelet
10. a very cool kit to make your own bouncy balls (Mine! The grandkids cannot have that!)
11. Kodak software to assist in copying photos to CDs
12. ear buds, Muzx brand
13. a snap straw lid thingy that has a lid that I suspect fits canned drinks
14. 2 containers of hair conditioner, something I go through like crazy
15. a sparkly stretch bracelet
And #16.......I have no clue/ It’s cloth, it’s brand new, looks like some kind of scarf/bandage thing
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This had been a blast and I look forward to filling and sending more boxes in the future. I’m already setting aside stuff I had planned to give as Xmas gifts, and now they wait for the next exchange!
@Teripie From the album, grab the Direct link (it ends in .jpg) and post it here. The forum will automagically do the right thing for you.
@dashcloud Thank you! Whoohoo! It worked!
My meh package has arrived:
Roxy Watch – to join my collection of beautiful watches
without working batteries
Lightbulb card with B2B elevator speech advertisement
– brings back nightmares of when my
company created its elevator speech and
the company president would quiz people
on it – I still don’t know it 15 years later!
Mars and Venus on a Date card game – I have a sister
inlaw who deserves this in her stocking
1 lonely zip tie
2 Multimedia docks compatible with Nintendo DSis
(kids have claimed!)
The other site’s shhhhh ninja sticker
A small green toy car
A glass bead
2 of the other site’s boc shirt puzzle pieces
( now I have three!! )
Picard and Cie watch, stem broken?
Must be a female watch?
One Earth Bath Fizzer
Piece de resistance:
41 4-packs of Self Adhesive Electrodes – I reallllllllly don’t want to know why. Perhaps they will work with my defibulator? Better than any state’s air for packing material.
Kids and husband have already called dibs on some of the stuff. Thank you for the wonderful mehrican exchange experience!!!
I cannot find my reading glasses, I think the userid is @xyroos .. Thank you!
@mikibell My handwriting was sloppy, glad some good came out the crap. The Picard and Cie watch can be repaired. About the electrodes....well....ummm.....nevermind. The ziptie is from @lichme.
@xarous I had my daughter read your handwriting.... i don't think she has ever seen an A written that fancy! She was only off by that..I typoed the u :)
@xarous my daughter purloined the fizzy bathbomb and made grandma's brand new jetted bathtub bubble all over the place..she said it was divine. I haven't heard from grandma yet :) luckily I am her favorite daughter!
@mikibell :) Merry fizzy bath to all and to all a good night.
Got my box from @nadroj. A very nice collection of meh+. Something tells me you are ex-military. Thanks for the crap.
Hello Kitty Bag
Transformer USB Drive
Water Balloons
Glock Golfballs and Tees
Batman Pez
A real live Cassette Tape
Dead Rising 3 Sledgesaw Pen
Hangover Recovery Shot
MegaBloks Halo Figure
HD DVR w/2.5 TFT LCD Screen
Energizer Hard Case Tactical Flashlight
American Flag Hat
20 Baht Bill (worth about $.61US)
Club Tattoo Playing Cards
Beverage Entry Tool
KaBling CAT5 Cable
Belly Flops. Jelly Bellys
Cand Cane Pop Rocks
Dry Erase Marker
@JMACKIE3501 Belly flops? Could they be ex air force and live near Travis AFB? The Jelly Belly factory is in Fairfield.
@SIMBM The Dollar Tree here in the Fl panhandle sells belly flops. Love them!
@SIMBM these are the jelly beans the company finds too meh.
@JMACKIE3501 Congrats on the awesome chainsaw pen thing!
My box from ... Oak Forest:
Color me drunk coloring book
BBQ Plastic Baskets
Troll Doll
KAI Capsule Speaker
2 Prank You Boxes
Pink disposable spoons
Rudolph(the original) puzzle
4 Packs Frenzy Cards
Lil Fisher on Board Sticker
Charles in Charge Season 1 DVDs
Espresso Candy
Pizza Mello Smellos
Fun Dip Tropical Lip Balm
Our Earth Book
Pepe' le Pew movie
Getting started on Drums How-to Video
Sky Shoot Sling Shot
Racer Knights Falconus Cards
Nottingham game
Eragon Cards
Micro Cleaning Hand Pads
Super Mario Shy Guy Figurine
Woot! Mini Plush
Star Wars Lego set
Build Your Own Stonehenge game
Lion Shirt
XTC Extreme Action Cam
Phillips Headphones
5 Illinois airbags
3 deflated airbags
1 note "Cheer up, Sucker." No signature or user name.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!! We love it!
@PyxienTX Whee! That was from me. Glad you all liked it!
@pitamuffin Thank you. It was so much fun going through your box. My daughter claimed the Color Me Drunk book (she's is almost 21) before I could get it out of the box.Same for my mom with Pepe Le Pew. By the time we were done I think I was left with the empty box.
Checked all my tracking numbers and 3 are delivered 1 just said out for delivery and oddly enough the one going from Virginia to Arkansas is still in a sort center while the ones going to California and Kansas have already arrived???
@Foxborn I am posting mine soon! Just need to pull the pictures off my phone.
@TaRDy Hope you liked!!
Here's my 3rd box:

Star Wars puzzle ball
Office Impressions brand large binder clips
33-in-1 USB card reader
Taco Titan- the Taco Bell story
Mini ballpoint pens- x4
Bag of Army Men soldiers
Santa Beard
Glow stick sword
Rubber band shooter
Dark chocolate w/bacon bars x3
Branded rubber swim cap
Grow your own crystal kit (just crystal, not meth)
Lovely holiday card w/ awesome note
Thanks @flouise !
@dashcloud hooray! Glad you like.
@flouise Forgot to thank you for the beautifully wrapped gifts- that must've been a lot of extra work!
@dashcloud very welcome! I'm one of those odds who genuinely loves wrapping presents. So as much my benefit as yours ;)
Got my final box today from an unknown Mehrican - another cracker with tons of amazing items, including:
Boy what an amazing group we have here! All the boxes I received from my fellow Mehxicans vastly exceeded my expectations and were chock full of super cool items. A huge tip of the hat to all who participated, and especially @laurict, @mikibell, and @mysterymehrican for going well beyond the script and providing mystery boxes the likes of which the online deal-of-the-day world has never seen! These jealousy inducing boxes have left me craving the next Mehroccan Exchange while this one is barely reaching its close. <3
@heli0s That was from me. I had a blast putting it together. But if I wasn't going to hell before, this probably seals my fate:
@heli0s @hallmike baby leg
@hallmike Someday, this image will be known as "Exhibit A"
@hallmike Bravo my friend. I think we can all agree that you will, indeed, be keeping the rest of us company in the fiery abyss of Gehenna.
@hallmike THAT'S IT!!!!! the thing to keep passing around. The Baby Leg!!! BRILLIANCE
@hallmike Look at it this way - if you are going to hell you will have lots of meh friends there with you so party on while doing amputations with, I presume, pliers and kitchen knifes LOL
Wow. Just, wow. Received my box from @parodymandotcom today and even my wife said, "Okay, I take it back. This is awesome." Inside the box was:
Lizard glasses
Nielson Business card holder
Star Wars ROTS sticker book
Planet of the apes limited edition cd rom
Carbon Monoxide Alarm (seriously? Did you do this on purpose? You are freaking awesome!)
Yellow knit scarf (love it! Am wearing it in the house right now)
2 decks of Star Wars Clone Wars playing cards
Cool Reindeer socks (will wear x-mas day. Also, I'm a Jew).
Keychain pocket knife
8 ping pong balls
The 12 parodies of x-mas CD
Zombie playing cards
Disney CD Rom sampler
LOL Golf joke book
Traffic Jam plastic toy cars
Giant book of MAD Magazine gags
Mini slinky (metal. LOVE SLINKY!)
Mini multitool thingamabob
Sony High Frequency Cassette
Twist up crayons (wife claimed)
Intel Stuffed action figure
Little pink/white striped notebook (wife claimed)
STAR WARS PRINCESS TATER potato head toy (holy shit, this is awesome)
Coin collecting books for 1, 5, 10, 25, and 50 cent pieces.
And the icing on the cake. Or maybe it's the chocolate chip in the cookie? A 1907 Indian Head penny to start my collection!!! Estimated value is $900 Billion dollars (my estimate. I haven't done any research).
Thanks so much! This was my first mehrican exchange and it's been a blast!
@DaveInSoCal So happy that you (and the wife) enjoyed the box o' meh. And absolutely, that penny is worth $900 billion dollars - just take my word for it, don't look it up.
Dang, there have been some amehzing boxes in this round- wtg, people! :)
I got my box from @Foxborn this afternoon. Everything was nicely gift wrapped.
My Little Pony bag
Jelly Belly Pencils
Scented Pencil
Not sure - some type of homemade phone case (brown with flowers)
Nike Sport Kit Case
My Little Pony puzzle
Snoopy toothbrush 2 pack
Stuffed lamb
4 pack of pens
Weird heart shaped thing (paperweight???)
Freaky ass cat/dog covered in tiny seashells
Catching Fire stickers
Flower pressing kit
Wooly Willy
Fashion puzzle erasers
Why does it rotate my picture??
@remo28 Yep Phone Case Made by me :) and the Catching fire is Magnets (I think)
@Foxborn what is the heart shaped thing? We're guessing a paperweight type thing. Paper goes over the heart but under the metal thing.
@remo28 best as I can tell it is a paperweight...... sorta, same function
What a haul from @smoo99. On my birthday five years ago, my youngest brother proposed a road trip to Cleveland. "Why Cleveland?" I asked. "No reason," he replied, and we never took the trip. If Cleveland is as non-meh as this box, I really need to remind him of his suggestion.
What'd I get? Just this huge haul of stuff, which my cat is already very fond of:


- A card with a photo of Cleveland's West Side Market, wishing me meh holidays and a meh new year
- A small rectangle of bubble wrap
- A dish-cleaning brush shaped like a person's head, which we used to brush the cat. He, typically, didn't care.
- A generic ViewMaster of the 1893 World's Fair (from 2013)
- A Mondrain-esque eyeglasses case (good! my old case was getting kinda crusty)
- Two cheese spreaders (which I truly needed!)
- A red pet collar (which the cat sniffed, and then didn't care about)
- A Lincare Swiss Army knife (they provide oxygen, and they defend Switzerland? Who knew?)
- A three-digit combination lock
- A gold necklace(?)/purse strap(?)/cat belt(!)(yeah, he liked this!)
- Peacock Kleenex
- A "Tallulah Bankhead" postcard, with her name misspelled "Tallnulah". I blame North Korea.
- Two sheets of stickers, one from Highlights Magazine, one from some 1980's neon laser world (Gallant saves his stickers for the next Mehrican Exchange. Goofus puts his stickers on Gallant.)
- Seven ginger candies (remind me to tell you about the time I told a bartender in Vegas, "make me a drink, your choice, but I don't like ginger.")
- A Yoko Ono Hard Rock hunger fighting guitar pick bracelet, because Yoko kicked ass on the axe. Wait, she's still alive?
- Two chip bag clips for very small chip bags
- A Quint Buchholz card, Der Flug, probably from the Cleveland Museum of Art
- A hematite stone in a sack
- A digital clock for sticking to a dashboard
- A book of Detroit Industry murals
- Ladybug and robot appliques
- A pink toothbrush from a Cleveland dentist
- A Viva Zapata! pin
- A Cleveland Museum of Art Monet bag (a little Monet is good, but more Monet, more problems)
- Two surgical masks, now 1.5 surgical masks after the cat literally ate part of one. WTF?
- A cat's miner's lamp
- Naked Bee lotion and shampoo
- A case for a Kindle or Nook or iPad mini?
- Tissue paper for the cat
- And the weirdest item: a "Three Dancers Safety Matches" bedazzled Christmas ornament.
Some useful, some that the cat has claimed, some that my wife has claimed, and some that will go into some geocaches. Nicely done, @smoo99.
@laurict Awesome. :)
@laurict I truly am so happy you liked your crap. And Cleveland is actually pretty amazing. Note: you can flip the eyeglass case infinitely like those kids toys, so the colors change. Enjoy, share and have a great Chrismakah!
Got home right after the post office closed. Doh! They left notice I have 2 packages. Hope one of them is the exchange. The other is meh helicopter I think.
@StrangerDanger No such luck today. Hoping it comes in tomorrow
Nate from IA
- The Wire - seasons 1 & 2 on dvd
- ice scraper and mitten
- Large bear expeditions shirt
- Lego star wars micro x wing fighter
- alligator/crocodile beverage holder
- single AA battery
- 100 poker chips
- cal ripken Jr bobblehead
- an open and unraveled baseball
And my two favorite items:
- tea time clock (I love tea!! And have a teapot collection)
- random blue cement frog
Jeff in WI
- 3 pack notched wooden hangers
- old school and anchorman DVD 2 pack
- small green one shoulder backpack from the Milwaukee Irish fest
- sanyo camera case
- two bits and pepper DVD
- Rook card game
- television trivia game dated 1984
- patch x repair kit
- broken (in transit? No worries I have glue) Laptop fan
- a length of cable
- 3 outlet surge protector
- strip of various button cell batteries
- a blank (?) Cassette
- Logitech webcam
- PC fan with blue LED
- brand new hammer
- hard hat sweat gutter
- book - the barefoot spirit
And my favorite item:
- tea for 2 set. (Arrived in the large blue barrel) It only has one saucer but who cares it is great. As I said earlier I have a tea pot collection! I love them!!
@chellemonkey I have no idea why that one line is bigger print but it works
@chellemonkey looks like you're in for a real treat with that Two Bits and Pepper DVD, here's a review: "Comedy about idiotic (the two can't even add 1+1) kidnappers, both played for unknown reasons by Joe Piscopo, who capture two young girls and hold them for ransom. However, in "Home Alone" fashion, the two girls make fools of the two men. The film becomes even sillier as two horses who talk to one another decide to rescue the girls from the kidnappers."
@JonT My favorite movie "genre" is terrible acting/made for tv movies. My sister thinks I'm ridiculous but I can't get enough. I'm actually looking forward to watching it.
@v is the bottom box from you?
Hooray! You're all amehzing, and this is the most fun I've had checking my mail in a while. Here's box one, courtesy of Joshua T from TX (no forum name given)
-USB 2.0 to SATA/IDE
-iPhone 4/4S Otterbox Defender (this is a great case, but I made the switch to Android this year.. if anyone has that phone I'm happy to mail it to you?)
-pneumatic pocket blow gun (cool)
-Reading glasses +2.00 correction
-four glow sticks (I love glow sticks!)
-4 AA batteries (awesome)
-dual-sided palm ratchet (also awesome)
thank you!
PS - I haven't posted images before, so I'm not sure I'm doing this right... image is here:
@flouise nice! I've wanted one of those palm ratchets every time I see them on woot they are already sold out.
@flouise fixed that image for you, just need to paste in the direct link (that ends in .jpg) :)
@chellemonkey That and the glow sticks are probably my favorites. I'm excited to have a project that I'll need it for... 50% chance the boyfriend comes home to me tearing something apart so I can use it
@JonT thanks! I think I've got it down for the second box post. It's funny - I swear I've seen a million "how-to" image posts in the forums and I remember thinking every time... I'll probably need this.. ha ha.
@flouise Glad you liked it...sorry I forgot to include my forum name
@tightwad yes, thanks much! Glad you saw the post :)
Box 2, courtesy of Chris M. from Louisiana (don't see a forum name, but if you're like me you're lurking to see all the goodies. so hopefully you see this - and thanks!)
-Explorer pocket case for Sony Reader
-Energizer rechargeable light (awesome)
-Mardi Gras-themed mini football. (Lots of mardi gras in this box... Chris M. is probably very fun at the bar)
-Mardi Gras-themed plastic cups (4)
-Large Budweiser T
-Three wooden dinosaur models (awesome) - pteranodon, brontosaurus, brachiosaurus
-Five Star portable case containing mini Mickey Mouse playing cards, mardi gras and Sheriff Ard key chains, zig-zag scissors & mini paper punch-outs (I'm a scrapbooker, so this is even more awesome). Also containing... some sort of audio device? maybe?
-HDMI cable extender
-Mardi gras beads
-two empty mini Tanqueray bottles
-Wild Flyers kite (awesome!)
-90-inch Comfort Float - thank you! I manage to break my floats every time I tube/get in the pool. this will go to good use.
-Pink flower snack box
-Bell bicycle cyclocomputer (Boyfriend and I promised "healthy" would be a new years resolution. this will also, theoretically, go to good use)
-Heavy-Duty custom stamping kit (AWESOME.) this kit also comes with a "free personalized initial stamp" offer coupon... which I'm pretty sure is fairly old, but am going to mail in anyway.
@flouise That's me. Glad you like it. Thought I'd send some Louisiana goodness up north with all the mardi gras goodies from the parades down here. The Tanqueray bottles are salt and pepper shakers (from my girlfriend's grandmother's collection, so they're at least somewhat old). The five star bag has an amplified speaker in it, and was working before I packed it. So it's like a bag and a speaker dock in one!
I would be curious to see if the stamp coupon works. I was going to use it but I thought it made excellent crap swap material, I'm glad you're a stamp person.
@djslack Thanks! Yes, my boyfriend figured out the Tanqueray bottles (cool!) Also the speaker -- combination speaker dock AND carry case is pretty impressive. I'll let you know if the mail-in works... the stamp definitely does. We run a very mature household.
@flouise That needs stamped on a baby butt, preferably right before you send it to daycare or the church nursery. Using permanent ink so it doesn't rub off while the diaper is in use.
@Kidsandliz Yeah, we weren't expecting to go back out tonight but holiday hours at stores ended up too tempting. My eternal amusement every time we checked out. Boyfriend's a good catch (and a good sport)
I got my box today! Less than fantastic photo:

1x double sided letter from @PyxienTX
1x SanDisk Sansa
2x Ballpoint pen refills (In red and green. Christmasy)
1x NanoTek Stand with Micro-Suction Technology
1x Major Money Decisions book (I'm not the best with money, so this is useful)
1x Pink make-up? bag
1x Precision Touch Gloves (Hopefully they work better than my current pair)
1x McDonald's Hello Kitty toy (My daughter's face lit up with joy)
1x Zippo lighter (I was just complaining about not having a lighter)
1x Handmade ornament (This arrived broken, but it's pretty)
1x Kid Rock - Rock N Roll Jesus CD (My aunt is a huge fan.)
1x Barrie House travel coffee cup
1x Phone holster
1x Safety Glasses
2x Styluses (Is that the plural form of Stylus? Styli? Either way..)
7x Bags of tea (in 3 varieties)
1x Texan Hundai drink koozie
This was fun, and it was a great box! Thank you, @PyxienTX. Significantly better than a BOC.
@milujite I am glad you liked it. We had so much fun putting it together. It sucks that the ornament was broken. He does fabulous work. The Kid Rock CD was my mom's (62 years old) contribution. The Hello Kitty came from San Antonio when my husband and I were on our anniversary trip. The Zippo and holster were my husbands contribution. My daughter added the make-up bag and teas. I would so do this again. It was so much fun.
@milujite David said he will send another ornament after the holidays, if you want one.
@studerc - it came today and fortunately the postman put it out of the rain!!
Woot monkey that screeches
6 shot glasses that look like miniature beer mugs (the people whose basement I am living in will love this!)
8 AA batteries
zhip phone stand
tocc 10’ bungee cable lightening
tocc 10’ bungee cable smart phone
The Lego Movie DVD (My daughter's little kids will be thrilled - well at least the 18 mo old, the 7 mo old is probably too young)
Leather photo album
Automatic soap & sanitizer dispenser that plays a chime and needs AAA batteries - meh pay attention to that size
Wireless x-mini KAI capsule speaker
Beer can neoprene holder with Nestle Waverly, IA on it
Patch that says police on it
Small paper bag with a ”?” on it
2 pairs of the infamous reading glasses
Hawaiian sunset air freshener (that is going in the boys' bathroom which is just off the livingroom here - trust me it needs it - there are 7 kids in this family)
Coolmint icebreakers
And an envelope where the contents will be put to good use (THANK YOU!!)
A very nice, long note on the flap of the box - bet people here didn't know studerc, our past goat, works with troubled kids
A bunch of these things will be wrapped and given to my kid for christmas - this has made her christmas much nicer. THANK YOU
photo is at not sure how to turn that link into a jpeg @jont or someone else - please help
@studrec I finally decided to disclose the contents of the envelope. studrec knew I am having a financial crisis and he generously put $40 in there which I am putting into my fund to be able to pay to put my cat to sleep (she has a terminal illness) when the time comes. In the letter he penned on the box flap he told how he has worked with troubled kids in several settings and it was clear from the letter that he tries to make the world a better place. Thank you so much for spreading your generosity to me.
@hallmike thanks for doing whatever magic it takes to turn that from a url to a jpg
My box came today!
Ten-pin strike game (I should probably save it for when I need a kid gift, but I will more likely play with it)
2 baseball caps
Awesome little LED light thingie that will live in my purse, most likely
Bubble Yum lip balm (Did you know I am a lip balm addict? 'Cause I am!)
Dollar sign ice cube tray for making cold hard cash
Really nice Gillette razor
Santa kitchen timer (~squee!~)
Coin purse
2 Christmas wind up toys
Oral hygiene goods in a zip pouch
Mini slinky (I will find a way to confuse the cats with this)
Jeff Foxworthy redneck dictionary (should this go in my bug out bag? hmm.)
6 plump bags of Texas Air with disclaimer "consuming will not make you a Texan" (my dreams are now crushed)
I didn't see a forum name, so R.W. in Texas, thank you very much! :)
I've already put that LED light to good use finding stuff in my backpack/purse several times. I love it! :D
@Pony I sent it from my work so RW is my boss.
@JMACKIE3501 Ahah! There you are. Thank you for the awesome box o' goodies! :)
This exchange has been so much fun and so awesome! I started gathering stuff for the next one as soon as I shipped out my box. At Christmas here I used to make up BOCs for each family member, some great stuff, some silly stuff, and some really odd stuff. This year I’ve assembled Fukubukuro bags for everyone. I have to confess, some of the stuff I’d planned for the Fuku bags has been set aside for the next exchange here. Screw the family! It’s more fun to send weird shit to strangers!
Reading this thread has been a blast. I have a feeling that exchange boxes will be escalating. What fun!
Oh man. I apologize to all for my newbie-ness. I sent like 4 items to my person. I had no idea you guys go all out on this stuff. I have learned my lesson and will improve for next time, I must say. I will start setting aside items now.
Onto what I got, from the wonderful @Foxborn
So here we start. A bunch of wrapped up goodies. Oh boy, Christmas came early for me. I already feel like a party pooper for the lame gift I sent!

Onto the unwrapping!

I thought that lunch box was pretty cool, until I picked it up.... "oh shit. it has more inside" and just like a pregnant spider it burst open with even more goodies.

Thanks again, @Foxborn. I look forward to next round.
PS: All of this stuff was crammed into a USPS Medium Flat Rate Box. YOU ARE A MASTER OF TETRIS.
@Collin1000 OMG I laughed so hard at the pregnant spider remark... hahahahahahahaha!
@Collin1000 This round has escalated how much is in a box. Last time the boxes weren't s grand. At least based on the unboxing thread last time.
@Collin1000 :D
@Collin1000 Yeah, no way I am clicking on that spider link.
@hallmike smart move. It is mean. Some guy smashed the mother spider with his foot and all the babies ran off her
I'm starting to think that a general value limit is going to have to be set for the next one. At this point it looks like people are going to really try to outdo each other.
@Cinoclav It would be difficult to put a dollar value on a good portion of the stuff I've seen here.
@Cinoclav don't know about out do each other though; a minim dollar amount should be set but no max, that's part of the fun. Personally I think people are just sending what they think is a good box, and along the line of what they would like to see in return
@Cinoclav Yeah, I don't think people are approaching it with an "outdoing everyone else" attitude at all. I think it's just that making up an awesome box of stuff is so much fun, people are running with it. When I do one of these, I am way more excited about my recipient getting their box than I am about getting one myself.
@Cinoclav I must admit that once I saw what people were sending I added some things I wouldn't have otherwise added if I were to have based my box on what people posted last time. Had I known how grand they were going to be I am not so sure I would have participated due to how tight funds are and postage was a consideration.
@Kidsandliz I've been planning since the last one, you'd probably be surprised at what I and I'm sure a lot other spent. Planning ahead helped, Check out clearance sales, re-gift anything you didn't' use, Yard sales can be a great source too. and remember no one is going to fault you or anyone if you decide that you can't quite do it. it's ok
@Kidsandliz I used Kohl's cash for some of the stuff I sent. I think I spent more mailing the box than I did on the contents.
@Cinoclav I agree that it would be pretty hard to assign a value to many of the items in these boxes. I sent and received several new in packing items, but there were also many older or essentially worthless items that contribute greatly to the overall experience despite not having much monetary value... Maybe instead of having a "dollar value" limit there should be small/medium/large (value) box exchanges that imply a certain "value" range? Even this though might limit the creativity of some boxes (@hallmike may have spent tens of dollars on a new baby doll with a certain monetary value, but cut it up and only shipped a portion that is now essentially worthless, despite being one of the most entertaining items I received)
@bluedog I mostly sent things I had been trying to sell in a garage sale (including some new items), although I did spend some of my food stamps on some stuff in there…One of my problems was I did a pretty serious culling of items once I realized that I had to put things into storage due to my new digs being a friend's basement. Had I thought about this before I moved and had the garage sale (and I donated a bunch of stuff that didn't sell due to the cost of storage) I could have sent out several boxes.
Add me to the chorus that thinks trying to set a maximum value is a dumb idea. Not only is it impossible to value a lot of items, but what kind of sad sack would tally up their stuff anyway? "Uh, I totalled my items and they were 46 cents over the limit. I want the sender to be punished." And what would the penalty be? "You have been determined by the high tribunal to be too generous by 46 cents. Write a 1000-word essay by tomorrow promising to be less giving in the future." Look, people are sending better boxes than last time for 3 major reasons (1) Holiday season generosity (2) abundance of cheap giftable items due to holidays/Black Friday (3) the realisation that the boxes cost about $10-15 to ship and it's silly to pay $15 in postage for $5 worth of stuff.
@Starblind I, for one, am all for a max limit:
@Cinoclav I literally only bought the pocket pack of tissues. Everything else was stuff I had bought/been given and either never used or was ready to pass on. I don't have the funds to buy stuff for the amusement of strangers, even likeable strangers.
@parodymandotcom Estimated retail value of "12 Parodies of Christmas" CD: $99,999,999,990.00
@Starblind Holy crap, I have a whole box full of those! I'm rich! RICH!
@Kidsandliz I'd think SNAP benefits would have been better off for your family, not an exchange.
@xarous Didn't spend much. Took it out of what I allow for junk food for me. If you cook from scratch and don't usually buy junk then there is enough to do this very occasionally. And there is joy in giving… I just am limited in what I can give.
Mine arrived tonight from @Starblind (funny how we live in almost the same town in different states) The wife and I got some good laughs and some "ooo - that's cool"s out of it! Thank you!!
Got my second from @xarous
Fun stuff. Thank you!
I just wanted to give a shout out to everyone that participated and thus far I haven't seen many complaints, which is awesome! As always, there are a couple more kinks that we will have to work out in the future. In the end however, this continues to be one of my favorite things about this community.
@studerc and I swear if there is Max limit set on value then there will be hell to pay
@studerc Hey, you've gotten a few boxes back, how 'bout some unboxing pics from the ring leader of the mehrican exchange?
@Thumperchick I've already posted two of them! I'll post the last one after the Christmas insanity.
My MehX from @DaveInSoCal was delivered over the weekend but I'm only now unboxing it. Mea culpa.
Thanks Dave!
@nadroj Oh, the red thing is a ziptie thing for electronic cable organization. OR also ribbed for her pleasure. Either way I hope it satisfies a need.
Box #4 (from @SavvySapphire)
Magic Peeler (Love ASoTV products- cooking ones less so, but still great)

Automatic soap & sanitizer dispenser w/ optional musical chime
Burger King kids toy #1
Rocket(?) balloons
Burger King kids toy #2- Woody!
Y splitter for headphone jack
Brookstone iPad mini tablet
Smurfs tag-a-thon piece
Harley-Davidson playing cards
Rings from those vending machines you see in stores (at least I think that's what they are?)
LED color-changing Santa
Hair ties & clips
Sims House Party expansion
Sims Unleashed expansion
Sentry Turret set piece (very cool- had no idea there was a whole collectible playset)
Bouncy paddle with hard rubber ball and soft generic Koosh fling
Bilz Mini- some kind of puzzle game?
@dashcloud Sorry for my very delayed response. Busy at work before the holiday...sick since the holiday. The Bilz mini is a gift card holder you have to solve the maze to get the gift card ;) Have fun with it!
Today I found a glorious box of Meh in the mail from @Remo28. All of these swell things were somehow packed into a medium-sized USPS box:
Thank you so much Rebecca! Your box of Meh was fun and totally unmediocre. :)
@harder Want the Wallet
@harder Lol "Windows Phone kind of guy" thats great
Also, as I just posted on the other mehrican-exchange thread, I finally got my one box of meh shipped out to @Kleineleh. Hope you get it soon and it fills you with as much joy as @Remo28's did for me.
Thanks, @harder! I'm sure it will!
@harder glad you enjoyed it. There are a few boc regifts in there (I have no idea who Anna and Camilo are either, but I had 4).
@remo28 Was the purse one of them? I got a purse very much like that years ago in a boc; couldn't use it as the chain pulled my hair out.
@mossygreen yes it was, and yes I've had it for years. I thought the girls might used it to play. But nope, it's just sat in a drawer for a very long time. Now it has a new home :D
@harder it came early! The mailman came & rang the doorbell while I was getting ready to go to work. I thought I'd open it real quick to start the day off fun but, oh my gosh, you must have been a Tetris master. I will have to wait til after work when I have more time to go through it all! I love the decorated box too, will post everything as soon as I can!
@remo28 That purse was a great idea to include and made the box. Thanks again. I gave it as a fun gift for Christmas along with the story of where it came from and it was a big hit. I will make sure to include Anna and Camilo in any future exchange to keep their unkown memory alive!
I'll let the video speak for me. I'll reword that. I'll let the video speak because it is me. I have no idea how to embed a video but click here to see the vid.
@janetv Good news- you can embed it just by pasting the YouTube video link in your comment.
@janetv The "Who Knew?" book looks awesome!
@janetv I love how the dude n the background couldn't care less about the box.
I just realized that we already have the "thing" to keep passing around it's shown up on this thread already and it's a Meh reference too. Can you guess??
THE BABY LEG!!!!!! Perfection!!!! @Hallmike Brilliant!!
@Foxborn phh you think I'm giving up the baby leg?!
@Foxborn ok I might give up the baby leg...
@heli0s think of the awesome traveling baby leg. there should be pictures with every stay
@Foxborn The thing about legs is, there's usually two.... ;)
@Foxborn Yes and a special thread to post them to….
@hallmike you forgot to insert creepy music with that comment (grin)
@hallmike even better
@Foxborn I would love a traveling baby leg picture thread
@hallmike Yes the person (or people since that baby is missing 2 legs) should be tasked with taking and posting photos of all the places the baby leg(s) have been until the next exchange
@Foxborn @hallmike Can we please do this? How far across aMehrica can these baby legs go1?
@heli0s And just think if these baby legs meet up with the baby arm...
Okay, repost because @dashcloud taught me how to embed YouTube vids. Thanks @strangerdanger for the awesome box! It was definitely Meh enough for me! Again, I'll let the video speak because it's me.
@janetv Epic box! Those bone glasses are kind of the best thing ever. :)
@Pony I KNOW, RIGHT? They're pretty amazing. I'm trashing my regular glasses and replacing them with the skeleton glasses.
Got my meh on Monday but wasn't able to retrieve it until this morning. Pretty sure it's from @Starblind but not 100% certain of that. In any case, it's awesome!
Contents include...
Nice haul, thanks @starblind or whoever the mystery person is that sent it!
Hi everyone! I just joined and saw you do a Meh exchange! While I missed this one, hopefully I can join in next December. Looking forward to using this wonderful new(to me) site! Merry Mehxmas!
@txbuyer Welcome! This is the second exchange this year so you may not have to wait until December.
Got my box from @marissalt today and it was full of fun. Also, the roaches were a truly mean touch :P

Picking the bag up out of the box, I found this waiting for me:
Thanks for that.
The full haul:

The stickers are pretty nifty!

The list:
Dickies bag
Festive deer glass
Pen cup
Family of rubber duckies
Universal speaker stand
Love canvas
TV mount
Jager wristlet
101 Dalmations pencils
Blinged out ID case
KavaKava candy/supplement
Purple Ribbon temporary tattoos.
Lumineers CD
A photo that says "I am still alive" - this is an actual photo, printed at a Walgreens earlier this year
Several stickers, including 2 "meh." stickers
2 Postcard type things
The decal letters for some type of vehicle. I originally tried Land Rover, then Loredo, then a terribly spelled Eldorado. I'm not sure which is right.
And 4 fake roaches. ಠ_ಠ
Mehrry Christmas!
@Thumperchick "DORA LIE"? "ADORE IL"? "OILER AD"? "RAIL DOE"?
@Thumperchick Rad Olie?
My final box arrived today from @v! Some funny and useful stuff - Thank you! Both of my boxes were great and I am looking forward to doing this again.
I'm still waiting on the arrival of box #3. I know all three of the ones I sent were delivered.
@lisaviolet I'm still waiting for my box. :(
@smoo99 I just found out box #3 for me will be here next Tuesday!
I received my package yesterday but just now got time to show it off. Most everything was individually wrapped:

Here is the after photo:
I am too lazy to make a list but the picture tells it all(except the was already mine). It was a very mehtastic box and many thanks/great appreciation goes out to @foxborn for her efforts and a big thanks also to @studerc for coordinating this once again. Meh-rry Christmas to everyone!
P.S. @foxborn: I glued the head back on the seashell animal. Also, the 3-D stickers on the outer box were a nice touch. :)
My box from @chellemonkey came in this morning. Included:
Flower tea, bird and flowers heart shaped basket thingy, mean face cat treats and cat brush, a kind of castle thing for a toy. Uhuru Star Trek glass and The Soldiers of Fear novel. Mini M&Ms that top yogurt or something, expires tomorrow (will eat tonight for safety). Half dozen special dark and crispy rice mini chocolate bars, never seen before and delicious. Sweet n salty snack mix, looks tasty. Whale squirter. Poodle pin, handmade. Light up dog bone from as seen on Facebook (white strobe lights). Dilbert strip magnet, Hotel Transylvania pin, Mindfreak card trick (will be doing to my nephews tonight), dark Knight, zombie cage fighter, and 2x Think Geek monkey stickers, micro USB converter, some sort of plastic piece of a bigger contraption. Buffy Zompire bracelet, puzzle road pieces, a set of Unravels wrapped crayons, HP 58 ink cartridge from Puerto Rico May 2006 (a great vintage for PR inks, especially the cyans!) and a mini red Christmas ornament. Thanks for the meh, @chellemonkey!
@djslack those unravels can write on glass etc. Got them here
@chellemonkey awesome! I suspected they might have been grease pencils except they were for kids which confused me a little. But I've got some uses for them!
Christmas eve is the best time to open a box from Lumpthar of the Lumpy People! Based on the contents, it seems we are twins separated at birth. Lots of cool stuff, much of which will be used.

3 T-shirts (will only wear when wife isn't looking)
D-link USB network adapter (going to Goodwill)
Set of 4 plastic funnels (will use)
Box of magic tricks (will learn and entertain nephew with)
2 Decks of cards, one with Zombies, one with electronic modules (will use)
PAAS easter egg coloring kit (will use)
Teensy spring clips (will use)
Monopoly Deal Card game (I'm allergic to Monopoly)
10 IKEA batteries (No Swedish name, what's up with that?)
A scary black box that vibrates when the button is pressed (won't admit to using)
2 calculators (will use the HP35 to teach daughter how RPN works)
Wallet Ninjas x 2 (will use daily)
A 3.5" floppy disk (will investigate contents)
A sticker for the Chattahooligans (would like to join)
A pen, some lens cleaners, and a great cardboard box.
Many, many thanks to the noble Lumpthar! You're on my Christmas card list from now on.
@Yendi Ooops. Forgot to mention the Moon Pie (will not eat)
@Yendi 'will use the HP35 to teach daughter how RPN works'.
You are a good parent.
Box #2, opened and immediately claimed by my daughter:

Russian version of Lion King, on VHS (a true collector's item)
Potato Chip memo post-its (already in use)
Many pens: Scented, fake cigar, etc (how did you know my daughter is a pen collector)
Star Wars Mad Libs (very, very __ (adjective))
Book light (will use)
Waffle House lip balm (??)
Hello Kitty sparkle lip gloss (hmmm)
Cupcake sticky flags (will use)
Elf doll (will use)
Pack of red pens (need to find tests to grade, will use)
Sushi erasers (will not eat)
30 films from ESPN (will watch)
Dartboard memo bulletin board (will use)
Folding magnifier (will use)
Nice job! Thanks to Andrew L. from Virginia (username unknown).
Hey @tightwad - please tell me you got the package from me? USPS said it was delivered and I don't want porch thieves enjoying your crap. Merry Christmas!
@Pamtha Sorry, I did receive the package. The giant bag of DumDums was a hit! My son called dibs on the no-tie laces and the coffee press was re-gifted to a friend who drinks coffee
Well, lovely woman from a suburb just a tad north of me, thank you for my box of crap which arrived last night!
It is the very first box I've ever received for which, upon opening, I didn't shrug and heavily sigh "well, it's the giving that makes it fun, not the getting."
There are two things over which I am WILD: the coffee to-go mug and the t-shirt. OH MY GODS THE T-SHIRT. I have always wanted it! I love that design!! But I never got it, alas--'TIL MEOW. It's a ML and huge, so I'm gonna take it to my seamstress and have her turn it into a tank top for me. I AM SO VERY PLEASED!
I'm also quite pleased with the body wash! Yves Rocher isn't bad at all and the scent is warmly sweet without being nauseating. And the planet stress ball will be perfect to bring to work: a patient just absconded with our last stress ball a week ago, so this is perfect timing for a replacement. I also fully intend on using the water balloon set once summer rematerializes in some far distant future.
One is never too old for water balloon fights.
My teen cousin came over this morning and, upon seeing the layout on the table, immediately begged for the pen and candles and bath pouf and "totally bitchin' Satanic candle holder" and incense and soaps. She's going through one of ~Those~ phases right now and was over the moon for her little haul.
Apologies for potato quality photos; the pics were taken last night upon opening and by this morning, all had been redistributed, so no re-takes (I guess if you care enough to want to see a close-up of what I got, you can always right click and open in new tab):
Teh list of stuffs:
-gorgeous DesignByHumans tshirt
-plastic eco coffee to-go mug
-ceramic mug
-set of ceramic measuring cups
-red star candle holder
- vanilla candles
-a gardenia candle
-coffee scented candle-addition ball thingies (x2)
-tongue scraper
-world-shaped stress ball
-nylon bath pouf
-blinky-lights drink pouring attachement
-salt and pepper shakers with no bottoms
-tin of spiral incense
-package of incense sticks
-square of soap
-yves rocher vanilla bean body wash
-bubbly-shaped pen
-set of glass olive Crate and Barrel drink-mixing sticks
-water balloon set pack
-video cable for projectors
-some kiddie wind-up toy track thing
@marissalt USPS tracking said your package was delivered around noon on the 24th to the "front desk/reception". Hope that was a secure place for them to leave it.
Received my box from @foxborn the other day. Apologies for the delay.
Funny enough, I sent her a box in the last exchange!
Cool 3D dolphin stickers on the flat rate box. (I had a picture but seem to have forgotten to pull it off of my phone)
Next we have the first glimpse of the contents:

Unpacked contents:

Now for the wrapped presents (missing a picture of a toaster-like stuffed...thing)
Molding Clay (girlfriend has already claimed this)

Home made phone case (nice job @foxborn!)

Dreamy Eyes dolphin

Zen Garden (ahh, I feel the stress leaving the room already!)

Thank you again @foxborn!
Thank you @studerc for setting this up again, I take back most of those bad things I said about you when you were the goat.
@TaRDy I love being late.
@TaRDy Glad you like
I got my 10 lb box from @stallion this morning. It's very un-meh, despite his best efforts to disguise it as such. Individually labeling each piece with Post-Its was a nice touch.
1 Appleton Estate pour mat
1 digital cooking thermometer
1 surgical mask (meh dooms day mask)
1 solar powered car (my son was really excited about this
1 set of pacifiers
1 bluetooth adapter
1 toddler dining set (bowl, bib, spoot, sippy cup)
1 squirt bottle/spoon set (for baby)
1 magic eraser
1 PB & J spreader
2 Iphone cases
1 screen protector for Ipod Nano 1
1 book by Scott Mebus - Gods of Manhattan
1 pair of Trip Glasses
1 Creature Cup - Alligator
1 Husky screwdriver set
1 tube of Hair-styling gel
1 ice shot glasses set
I'm pretty enthused about some of this stuff. My sister is getting ready to have a kid in a few months, so all of the baby stuff is going her way since my kids are too big for it.
Thanks @stallion!

@capguncowboy Hmmmm that soap dispenser next to the Xmas tree on the sink, sure looks familiar.
@Teripie it's funny -- I bought 4 total, and 3 of them were clogged soon after from using them for dish soap. I finally gave up on that and decided to use it for hand sanitizer. 3 months and still going strong, with no clogs
@capguncowboy mine just keeps burning through batteries I think
@capguncowboy I love PB n' J Spreaders.
@capguncowboy Btw, that totally ruined the surprise. I was going to send you one for your wife since she was jealous of mine. Guess I don't have to now. (Unless she wants more.)
@Cinoclav Nah, I appreciate the offer, but I think one is all we need.
@v: Your package should have shown up by now, any confirmation?
@MrHappypants Merry Christmas!!! We are away from home for the next day - our neighbors grabbed our boxes, but I will confirm and post pics when I get back home. (sat or sun)
@v Phew, good to know it didn't get misplaced!
@MrHappypants .... which state did your package come from? I want to make sure I attribute my gratitude.....or otherwise ;) to the appropriate person!
@v Yeah, I forgot to ID myself on the package. We're in Maryland.
To Everyone who sent me a box THANKS I have received and open all of them. I'd have them all posted but I went and caught what ever the nasty chest bug / cold is going around Bad Stuff you don't want it. I'm hoping to be out of my death bed (LOL) to get those posted to today but I promise by sunday
@Foxborn ah hells, nix my impatience with a shamed sigh. just saw the other thread. my deepest condolences.
@goldenthorn thank you and does it help if I say I loved it? I wore the red scarf today and anytime you need to clear out the teas feel free to send 'em my way, that I ddon't have a bunch too
For Xmas my son presented me with a huge box full of these. Took me almost an hour to wrapped each one.
I foresee future boxes from me being graced with a horse or 2. There are 17 carousel horses, 16 music boxes, 7 rocking horses, and a mess of angels and cherubs.
@Teripie Wow. Just wow.
@Teripie Would it be completely wrong of me to say that if I should have one of those sent to me I'd kind of be okay if it ended up like a Smart Planet Eco Ceramic Mug?
Steven Z. in Bensalem
The post office said yours would be delivered Monday. Now I just have to find that tracking number...
@mamawoot I found the tracking # 9114999944313699285380. Now it says Dec 26th arrival. I'm stressing about this way too much! I've just gotta know...did'ja get it yet?
@mamawoot That's a USPS number right?
@dashcloud Yes, USPS. Sent over a week ago. For You?
@mamawoot The tracking number is very weird: This shows as not yet delivered, with a date of Dec 26th. That's really weird.
@dashcloud I'll go to the P.O. on my next day off & ask them. That is the correct tracking number from my receipt. I should have insured it for $1000. That would buy a lot of crap.
@mamawoot Out. For. Delivery. Squeee!
Anyone send a pkg of meh to Cleveland? Maybe for New Year?
Last but certainly not least, my parcel from @thumperchick arrived on Christmas Eve.
Woot monkey
Woot shirt
Panda and Sriracha shirt
Christmas socks
Fire Starter
100% maple syrup jug
Trophy and 1st place medal
Kodak case
Lake George metal thing
water bottle sling
Lastly, homemade fudge(gone already). Totally against the rules, but as the leader I'll allow it this time because it was delicious!

@studerc you forgot the jar on your list (I presume the fudge came in)
@studerc There were a few more things, but since they had identifiable stuff of them, they were left out. (I had to say something because my box looks so meager compared to the others, lol.)
@studerc Also, the Lake George green thing - is a trivet.
I got my package in today from a Jessica B. in Highland park. It was taped with blue leopard print. Pretty cool, my 4year old was excited by it so we went though it together.
2 large t-shirts (my size) :)
Woot Tee of a topless (from behind) redhead with shorts, knee high socks and her dragon tattoo coming off of her. Weird so really I like it
Tee Fury shirt if lots or cartoon birds, not to bad either
Batstach (moustache shaped like a bat.)
A Casanovia action figure. (With many fun facts about him)
Hanging wasp trap
A ladies watch from natures way
Nike+ sports case
Dinosaur water toy/puzzle
6 fruit shaped candles in a bag.
Unscented pillar candle
Pen/pencil grips
Pizza cutter with "10th anniversary Rabbi Phylis"
Temporary tattoo of 8-balls, chequered flags and a chain?
Santa clause, frosted cookie chap stick from Avon
Untied Camera lanyard with more chap stick
Christkindmarket Chicago mug (1996-2008)
Bamboo charcoal soap
Jasmine rice Soap
A bracelet with cherries and the word "Cheeky"
Rubber stamp set
Spool of twine
The letter "C" patch
A nigh-light
Incense set (dish and incense)
2x Coffee candle beads for decoration or to add to a candle
Blinking pour spout
Large white and pink travel mug
Nintendo DSI docking station (I'll have to see if it fits the wife's DS)
Reusable shopping bag with a holder (hard to describe)
Paper weight with a medallion you spin to make a horse appear.
Pretty awesome... I mean meh package. Thank you!
Today my slow, lazy mailman delivered my 'Mehrican Exchange 2.0 box from @Quazie. OMG! Thank you so, so much @Quazie!
- A Chromecast!!
- A $25 HuluPlus gift card!!
- A really cool nerf dart gun!!
- An 8GB SDHC card!!
- A cat bowtie made from a former lumberjack shirt!!
What could it be?
A two-headed narwhal!
Seriously Quazie, you kind of made my Christmas. Being the Mom and making sure everyone else has nice gifts is rewarding in its own way, but sometimes it's nice to get gifts too, and you gave me awesome stuff that I'll actually use. I'm completely overwhelmed. Thank you again!!
@nadroj Again, sorry for the delay. I was able to retrieve my box from my friend today and this was definitely worth the wait. A box stuffed with meh-awsome-ness. Thanks for all of the cool stuff. This was great to come home to after a long week with the relatives. The bottle opener will be used tonight and the recovery shot will be used tomorrow morning.
Instant Game Table – Velcro included
Sphero Robotic Gaming System
Trader Joe’s Texas bag
2 pairs of Mukluks socks
Bottle Opener necklace
Hangover Recovery Shot
Tinker Bell stickers
Mega Man Mini Helmet
Kershaw Knife/Screw Driver combo
Camo Cap Light
Sony Mini Disc – Ruby Red
Alligator wind up toy
Belly Flops Irregular Jelly Beans
Pop Rocks – Candy Cane flavor
A 20 Thai Baht note
Luxor used playing cards
Crazy 8’s game
Glow Flying Stick
Dry Erase Marker
Bunny Key Chain Flashlights
FM Stereo Radio
Visor Eyeglass Clip
Thanks again @nadroj !!
@djames85 does your sphero have a charging cable included? My son got one for Christmas and promptly lost the cable and I have no idea what I am looking for :)
@mikibell It sure did. The model# is SAW-1200500. It's about 8ft long. I'm adding a pic - sorry for the crappy phone camera.
@djames85 awesome..thank you greatly!
@nadroj i didn't know what a sphero was - it is way cool! now i hope i can repack it so my son thinks its from me....
There was so much fun packed into (and onto) my box from @harder I had to pause going through it or risk being late for work. Seriously, you must kill at Tetris!

-A Modern Classic: The Art and Architecture of The Philadelphia Museum of Art
-VHS copy of Riverdance (may have to go find my VCR for this)
-Sneak King Burger King game for XBox
-Austin Powers Goldmember DVD
-Halo 2 for Windows
-Red Urge Basics Precision Touch Gloves (totally needed these at work today)
-Candy Corn Frosting apparently bought in a "moment of weakness" (I LOVE all these little notes!)
-Hello Kitty Grab & Go! Play Pack with crayons & stickers
-A-meh-rican Flag glow stick
-David Smells Leap Frog board book
-Woot! lights (they are plugged in & flashing as I type)
-HEBuddy stickers for HEB Grocery chain (these amuse me way more than they probably should)
-An overview of German cultural history auf Deutsch! (ja, spreche ein bißchen deutsch, aber nicht sehr stark jetzt)
-Awesome Fireman and Policeman puppets that I cannot wait to put on display when I get home! As a Pyrotechnician, I am especially excited about the fireman!
-Whoogles book. And no, I can't believe someone made money publishing google searches, this post-it will now be a permanent part of the book :)
-Justin Bieber Never Say Never
-A special travel-sized treat that I am indeed able to enjoy and fully intend to do just that ;)
-AcuRite digital thermometer that I will absolutely use at home
-2 oddly familiar looking two-packs of fujitsu G-Plus batteries (Thanks! I gave all mine away at Christmas)
-Green USB headphone/mic jack
-Kodak EasyShare digital camera with 4, Count 'em, FOUR mega pixels! Sadly, not a single one of those four seems to be pixeling, but the camera case is pretty nice & will be used!
-Pretty sweet HDMI switcher with cable & remote, perfect for an impending TV purchase
-16mb Canon SD Card (if you forgot to delete anything off of this, now is the time to ask for it back as I haven't looked at it. Yet...)
-Finally, everyone's favorite edutainment game sequel: Oregon Trail II Now with more dysentery
I feel like I'm forgetting something here, there is so much. This was a blast to open and I will enjoy and find uses for nearly everything here! Thank you, @harder!!
@Kleineleh If the camera isn't working anymore, considering sending it here:
@dashcloud Ooh, what a cool project! Will definitely consider it if I don't wind up taking it apart myself
@Kleineleh If you do take it apart, please post pictures of the experience, regardless of if it works or not- I'd love to see them.
@Kleineleh I'm so happy that you liked it! Your write-up was very fun to read and made it well worth participating in the mehrian exchange. :) I'm sorry the camera was not pixeling; I couldn't remember and thought maybe I had kept it around for many years because it still worked, but looks like it was because of laziness. Ich fragte mich, ob Sie ein Deutsch sprechende Fräulein. I have a good bit of German literature left over from when I studied it in school. I actually thought about including an unused VCR in the box as well with Riverdance pre-loaded, but it wouldn't quite fit. I wonder if the USPS makes an XXL flat rate box. I hope you have a great new year free of dysentery!
@harder I haven't spoken German in years, no one around anymore to use it with, maybe the book will help me get some of it back. Or it'll be way over my head and I'll just look at the pretty pictures, lol. No worries on the camera, it'll either be a fun project for me or for the organization @dashcloud posted above! Yeah, A VCR would have been hilarious, but you might have had to change your username to Mary Poppins if you pulled that one off. Now I have to ask: is there a story behind those puppets?
@dashcloud I'll do my best to have the camera working in time to take photos of the dismantling ;)
@nadroj Thanks for that. Although I'm not entirely sure what I just watched...
I have really enjoyed the crap swap. It's a fantastic celebration of our weirdness. I really look forward to the next one.
Got a pretty awesome box from @mamawoot (definitely worth the wait).

Here's a picture of all the non-food items:
FBI/CIA Films DVD collection
Spitball Dartpad- Excuses
Spitball Dartpad- Procrastination
Insight Priority Pad
Portable Fact or Crap game
Kindle case
Christmas ornament with spot for a picture
NanoTek phone stand
SpongeBob friendship plaque
Baywatch Barbie backpack
3 beautiful postcards from places in the US
Here's the food items:

1x Starbucks Hot Cocoa Toasted Marshmellow
1x Starbucks Hot Cocoa Double Chocolate
2x ZipFizz (2x flavors)
2x Vanilla Chai Decaf tea
3x Spice Dragon Red Chai tea
2x Lemon Ginger tea
2x Cozy Chamomile tea
2x Passion tea
2x Plantation Mint tea
3x Unnu Lemon-lime drink flavors
1x Unnu Strawberry lemonade flavor
1x bar of soap
Excellent choices on the tea!
@dashcloud fyi soap is not food ;)
@chellemonkey but it is a consumable, in the same way printer ink isn't food, but is consumed nonetheless.
@chellemonkey It's not? How else do you cleanse your innards?
@Cinoclav Alcohol.
@dashcloud it is definitely consumable - swear words = wash your mouth out with soap when I was a kid...
Hello @cleverogre, @gurkie, @mehhhhhh, and @starblind ! You all should have a box from me- while I'd like it if you posted what you got, a simple reply saying you got it would also be fine.
@dashcloud Same here with @mehhhhhh.
@dashcloud see two posts below. =)
@dashcloud oops... Yea I received it and thank you! I keep meaning to post but have been swamped with holidays/kids/(insert other lame excuses here)...
@Gurkie If I'm not remembering wrong, there's a very special item in your box.
@Gurkie :)
Thanks to @dashcloud for my final box!

x2 lightbrite keychains
tinkertoy keychain
mustache headphones
x2 foodie paperbacks
Evanovich #13 paperback
8-track of Alvin and the Chipmunks!
universal remote
South Park lunchbox
Cheese paper - (did not know I needed such a thing!)
Various IT bits, bobs, and cables that were stolen from my closet, I swear!
A mousedriver CD
home recorded VHS tape including Star Trek - The Cage
various dunnage including cpu fan box...
oh almost forgot monkey family toys, but the twins got them before I could photo
Thank you, sir!
PS: sorry for the delay, was unsure who to thank. =)
as per @dashcloud's lead, I sent out boxes to @don, @mehhhhhh, and @nikodemus (He said he was out for the Holiday, so I understand that). All tracking is showing delivered before Thursday Holiday. Love to know that these are not sitting somewhere suffocating. I forgot to put holes in the box!
@cleverogre not to worry, I got the box and everything survived the trip. Sorry I did not post the picture yet. I took one but then I was in such a hurry to play multiplayer hearts on a LAN, which as you may know requires Windows For Work Groups. So, I installed the disks on all my computers and temporarily lost internet access.
OK, I was actually busy working and doing things with my boys who were home for the holidays. I will get the pic up soon, thank you very much for all the great stuff. It was way too exciting for me to be meh.
@cleverogre @dashcloud @lisaviolet I am told I did receive packages but I have been out for a while since my Aunt passed away. I am very sorry. I will let you know as soon as I can. On the same token @smoo99 @pamtha @stallion Our office admin did not send your packages as I requested before I left in a hurry so they are being sent out ASAP... I am very sorry to you all and will have updates tomorrow or the next day.
@Mehhhhhh I am sorry for your loss. No worries and no rush.
@Mehhhhhh Stop right there. Family first. Always, no exceptions, no apologies.
@Mehhhhhh I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. It's hard any time of the year, but particularly around the holidays. Stay safe.
@Mehhhhhh Sorry about your loss- no need to rush to post. I know you got it, so take all the time you need to do the vastly more important things in life than post photos of a box.
@Mehhhhhh Not to worry. I am so sorry about your aunt. No need for updates.
@Mehhhhhh My sympathies on the loss of your aunt.
@Mehhhhhh I don't want to be crass and disrespectful but if for whatever reason you will not be sending out your boxes I would appreciate knowing. No explanation needed. Just a no, not this year would be fine.
@Mehhhhhh Any idea if the boxes went out? I am into 2 boxes and only received 1, so was curious if this was from you or the other person. What State are you from, that way I can check and use that? Or if you have tracking that says it arrived that may help.
@Mehhhhhh I think you need to get a new office admin, as he / she has obviously stolen the boxes belonging to @smoo99 @stallion and me, and sold them for a profit somewhere. If your company is like mine, it is Performance Review time, and I hope you take her shortcomings into account and give her a scathing review. You gave her a second chance, she blew it.
Finally home to open my box o' Meh. @cleverogre after a 12 hour drive packing it in an Amazon box just threw me. Was carrying everything in and walked by it probably 5 times thinking where is the Meh box and what did I order from Amazon that I forgot about?
Not one, but two in one Tetris games!
Spider man DVD
Air freshener for my Truck - see above about 12 hour drive, it's probably needed
Hand Soap
DVD-R disc in case I need a backup copy of Spider Man
Stickers...stickers...and more stickers (My coworkers will enjoy them being added randomly to any documents left out at work - Clean desk policy run amok)
Balls of golfing
A lonely tea K-cup
Spider Man Stress ball
Joystick-it tablet joystick (Even works on the Surface Pro - Meh!)
AGP2 handheld gaming
Office Spa book, probably to be used by co-workers when much of this migrates there
CleverOgre sticker, didn't strike me until I was taking the picture for the post of oh hey that name is familiar...
Many thanks good sir, been playing with some of it already instead of unpacking :)
@Nikodemus It was a trick! Tetris was too big to go in a standard rate box, so I improvised. Glad you enjoy!
@Stallion, the box got here, I unboxed, it's hilarious. I'll take pictures later, the lighting is not good where I have it all so I have to move some lamps around. I will post pictures.
@lisaviolet :)
@Stallion Taking pictures today, posting contents after that! I promise!
So finally here to report that I've received 2 out of 3 (wondering if I should be concerned with box 3's whereabouts?) of the boxes I signed up for. Sorry for the delay in posting, but I worked the 15 days leading up to Christmas...then got sick on Christmas. I'm finally feeling somewhat human enough to get these organized and posted.
Box 1 from Elisabeth E. in Va:
Most of the items were wrapped, my cats thank you for the temporary play toy!
Upcycled jeans sack
My Little Pony Gift Bag
My Little Pony Butterfly Island DVD (even though I'm too 'old' for this, I think I'll be watching it, lol)
Planters apron
Felt phone case, so pretty!
Hunger Games Catching Fire magnets (love!)
Stuffed animal (cat?) with a suction cup to hang
A bag with mystery puzzle in it...should be fun to attempt putting together!
Martha Stewart cat toy (amazingly, the preferred the wrapping paper...or maybe not amazingly)
2 pack of Peanuts toothbrushes
Cat care book
Potato Chips memo pad, way to fun
Robot magnets
Mini Wooly Willy...yup, love it!
Jelly Belly 4 pack pencils with cherry scented eraser
Scented pencil
Magnet set - eyes, nose, ear (LOL)
Figure in a box, The Adventure of Oden-Kun, rest is in Japanese or Chinese
Twas a fun box, and I love it! It was fun to open everything, and my cats loved tearing up the paper...until mean ol' mommy took it away! PS, That's Sambuca (or Sammy) in the pic, he was good and didn't try to destroy everything right away.

@SavvySapphire Glad you and kitty enjoyed the Jeans thing was a slip cover for a computer I used to have, I hope you can find a use for it
@Foxborn I wonder how my cats will react if I try to stuff them in it...or put it on their head...hmmmm Must try this...
Box 2 from a W. W. in Wa (omg, too many W's!):
Hawaii Five-O DVD, 6th Season, sealed (maybe my mom will watch it?)
Ministry Work for Love CD, sealed...hmmm
Chicken Figure, lol
Oval shaped Peterbuilt water bottle (these always come in handy, thanks!)
Hulk Aqua Sonic Water Jet toothbrush! So stinking cool
Paccar Technical Center pens with a case
Cooper Moog Automotive Special Markets knife (this opens in a really cool way, and I actually kind of like it even though I don't generally like knives)
2,400 MAH battery pack by IOGear, sealed (will go to great use, and saves me from having to buy one, so thanks!)
7 various color Canon Ink Cartridges
The meh. (unoffical) box makes this so worth it! I literally lol'd when I saw it!
And, the cat in this picture is Sapphire (or Savvy), she loved the tissue paper, and I let her shred it for a while before I realized what a huge mess she had the potential of making and took it away! She says thanks for the temporary allowed destruction!
@SavvySapphire - Ironically, that's the type of ink cartridge my printer uses. If you can't use them, maybe we can work out some type of trade?
@scfd0766 Tis possible! I doubt I'm going to be able to use them. They all appear sealed and new, but only 1 is in a box.
Very late in doing this, but here is my haul from @v.
5/28/88 written on box
on it (???)
Cubs fan!)
And, in its own separate shipment, this lovely piece:
This made me laugh so hard, and my family had no idea why. This is now the SECOND one of this lovely Pears Metal Wall Plaque that I own! I purchased one from Woot last year, thinking it would make a funny white elephant gift for one of the exchanges I do. (It is very large, and I literally paid $1.99 for it.) But when I received it, it was so big and gaudy (no offense meant, v) that I just couldn't bring myself to stick one of my friends with it! But now I know what to do with both of them -- watch out whoever I ship to in the next exchange!
Thanks @v, this was lots of fun. Even my kitty got in on the excitement.
@pitamuffin Good God! no offense taken. We got it for $1.99 also and came to a similar conclusion. So you get it! :) The funny thing is that it cost like 5x the price to ship!!! I know you said you were a Cubs fan, so that was a no brainer. No clue on the golfball, it just felt right to send it. Glad you enjoyed it. Have a great 2015!
Gee people, how do you all have a nice clean place to take pictures of your mehrican exchange boxes?? My house is covered with presents from Christmas and waiting for Russian Christmas!!!! I am jealous of the neatness out there!
@mikibell I imagine the people who don't obessively clean use the same idea I use: a piece of carpet or a couch with the items arranged so you can see them all without taking up too much space.
@dashcloud I used dining room table -- where the kids do homework -- and white posterboard to hide the disaster, aka my house :)
@mikibell Just remember- it's not a mess or a disaster, it's organzied chaos. And if anyone says that's crap, remind them of the time things got cleaned up too well, and no one could find stuff for a while anymore.
@mikibell I use my bed a lot. Usually there isn't much on there, except the mess that cats make out of the covers every day. I just straighten it up a bit...move said offending cat aside, and line everything up and take pics. Sometimes you see the hole where I put my knee through the wall while sleeping one night...and sometimes it's well hidden lol
@mikibell Remember, a clean house is the sign of a broken computer.
@mikibell I used a clean area of the floor (aka a walkway) with one of the shipping boxes behind the stuff to prop things against. Then make sure to get your picture in nice and tight to the arraigned items. Boom! looks like a tidy area in your house lol
Thanks, @SamK! Got my box a few days ago. Despite my slowness in posting, I do appreciate it, and I'll post some pictures shortly. The standout item for me is MST3K Vol. 6 discs. It's the show that taught me the futility of DVRs. I don't know how many VHS tapes I had full of MSTK3 episodes I never got around to watching when I finally abandoned VCRs.
@walarney No worries, glad you enjoyed it!
The other DVD is "Somewhere in Time." He sacrificed life in the present... to find love in the past. It probably won't be rescued from shrink wrap this round. There's also what appears to be a complete Magellan GPS kit, patriotic weights, candles, Swankies, and magnetic film canister. Thanks again, Sam. I had fun opening.
I'm such a bad exchanger! We're back home after the holidays, and I think I have THE best exchange box ever. It took an extended family a good thirty minutes to come up with about 80% of what it was. A riot in a box. Can't wait to post pics tomorrow.
First off - our sincere apologies to the 2 individuals whom gifted us with separately INCREDIBLE boxes of Christmas MEH - you both ROCK! We were launched out of town/state unexpected for a family emergency, and have just returned and been able finally collect our mail. Working on the principal of "better late than never", if anybody is still watching, this is the bolus of magnificence with which I was gifted:
1 bulk pack of men's brown jersey gloves - hubby says, "Hell, yeah; I'll use those!"
1 two pack of storm window kits - for hurricane season kit?
Belkin folio wireless keyboard - new - HURRAH! - MINE!!!
Augen Roll-Up Keyboard - also MINE!
Totally magnificent, but sadly broken, alarm clock - face resembles window screen with fly as the second hand.
Black taper candle
Metallic blue Christmas package bow
4 pack of 3 remaining night-light bulbs - always useful
1 three pack of automatic plant waterers - sure could have used these.
Tektron Helping Hand Magnifier - new - this looks cool & useful!
1 box of 6 cat pan liners - gifting to friend with cat
Bar of Mickey Mouse soap from Disneyland in Paris
Yellow submarine pin
Standard sized pillow sham
2 blank birthday cards w/4 envelopes
ZHIP phone stand - hubby excitedly snared ........ along with:
W-One WiFi Rearview automotive camera - hubby's HAPPY!
"Gold Digger" Bobble Head statue - ? also for car ?
Pack of 2 football design golf balls & 8 tees
Cassette tape of: Mars & Venus On A Date - YOWZA!
Air - state of origin: unknown
Quality Inn postcard with tiny baggie of "Ya'at'eeh" attached? ...... does one smoke this?
1 "Gluee Louee" rat trap - THANK YOU SO MUCH for not sending it "used" - the results, by now, would have been epically horrendous!
1 BABY FOOT!!!!!! - Truly HILARIOUS!
AND - the piece d' resistance - this hand-made Holiday wishes greeting, which is truly worthy of a place in the Louvre:
Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU! Great stuff - great laughs - very much needed & appreciated!
Epilogue on the baby foot - while I was in here uploading the pictures, the little dog made off with the baby foot for the vast under-reaches of our bed ........ probably still in "Hostile" mode for having been unexpectedly left boarded for so long. Sadly, the baby foot did NOT survive the "attack".
@scfd0766 - Just realized that the baby foot was snaked before the picture was even taken! See that empty spot to the left of the black taper candle? Well, that's where it was.....and this is the guilty party with the awesome wuffie ninja skills that perpetrated the crime: [img]
@scfd0766 This box was from me - glad you (and the dog) enjoyed it! There is a post somewhere way up above suggesting the other baby leg be a traveling exchange gift. Now that there is only one left it makes the one remaining leg that much more valuable!
@hallmike Over the top enjoyed your box of meh - your selection was stellar! Had the same exact thought about the baby leg when we saw it, like this will be to pass along in our next box to someone. Unfortunately, Lillie had other ideas - but that doesn't mean that we can't follow your shining example and track down a replacement........ Thanks again for the good laughs - & especially the funny "homemade" meh Christmas card!
@scfd0766 Aww.... adorable looking doggy....
Next up, what the hubby received. Note on this - only the sender will know if all arrived intact, as the box has a rather large tear hole in the side of it ........ so if anything isn't pictured, then it must have run off to join the circus. What was in the box, however, is an eclectic thing of beauty:
Toshiba Portfolio 360 case & matching screen protectors ...... if only we had a Toshiba ...... sigh
Pair of women's "Hounds" Ultra-light slip-on shoes
Witches Brew fragrance incense - circa 2012
Shirt Woot "Other Worlds" comic book - Volume 1
3 sheets of stickers - thinking cat head shaped?
AWESOME foam shark-head visor - how did you know we are Parrot-heads?
Plastic Pirate eye patch - for the same "We Luv Jimmy" theme
Chef Pals turkey thermometer - these really do work great!
Barry's Bootcamp bands
WOOT ? bag ( yes, everyone; I checked - its empty - HA! )
Essentials camera bag
2 pack of pacifiers -possibly for the baby foot eating dog !?!?!
Talk & Train dog collar - BRAVO - timing is everything - need I say more?
Jar of Blitz Jewelry cleaner
Ghiradelli chocolate square - YUMMMMM
Downy scent booster trial packet
Tinkerbell watch - sadly, non-working ( seems to be a trend for us )
5 Urine Ovulation Test Kits - are Congratulations in order????
Cosmic MEH sticker - I'm stealing this one
Gray knit cap w/BIG eyeballs - this thing is 10 shades of AWESOME!
And - best of all - a work of art which I must assume was done by the gifted & adorable child of the house - how fantastically great is this cheerfully colorful wish for Christmas happiness?????:
Thank you, also - for the booty, and for the laughs!
@scfd0766 I could be wrong but that looks like a Bender hat. Good job to the person who sent you the box, that's is awesome!
@LadyLeela It is. It was one I made before I learned to make the antenna less.. flaccid.
@scfd0766 I'm glad you liked it. I was a little worried that it was a little TOO meh, after some of the other packages were posted. The stickers are furby stickers, and the hat is indeed a Bender (from Futurama) hat. I honestly cannot remember if that was everything I put into the box or not.
@milujite Ahhhh, now I understand the hat - which, by the way, I wore all day yesterday after it came out of the box. It was warm and comfy ....... plus seemed to have the added perk of completely freaking out the dog - HA! It's AWESOME - as also is the Christmas picture which your budding artist created! And discovered, much to my happy surprise, that the Toshiba case is a perfect fit for our still perfectly functioning Viewsonic G-Tab ( Do most of us remember that one? Now if only I could find that elusive docking station to buy for the thing, then the grandchild would be doing the happy dance. ) Thanks again - LOVED what you chose!
@savvysapphire I want to apologize to you!! I will be (finally) sending out your box tomorrow morning!! I have meant to do it for quite some time, and I certainly have not forgot, but my wife and I and both of our kids (11 months and 4 years old) have all been very sick for weeks.. We're finally starting to get better after what seemed like never ending colds, and a total of 5 infected ears and one sinus infection (mine) in the household.. I feel very bad that this has taken so long, so I'm going to do my best to make it a great box!
@savvysapphire I mailed it this morning, and they said it should get there by Monday.
@kadagan Ah, I was wondering if something happened. I'm not surprised, I got sick on Christmas, and am still feeling it. Started with a meagre cold...then became the sinus infection from beyond, so I feel your pain. Glad everyone is starting to feel better! Thanks for letting me know :)
@starblind Hope you enjoyed the box I sent.
@dashcloud Same here....the tracking number shows that mine was delivered on 12/23. Maybe our boxes to him were just too "meh" to comment on? I tried rather hard on mine but whatever....
@jsimsace @dashcloud - the person I sent my box to had it delivered on 12/24… she picked it up several days later per a response to an email I sent her… I guess mine was also too blah… I did put some good stuff in there - nice Christmas chocolate (not the cheap crap chocolate either), a christmas cow that pooped jellybeans (also new in the clamshell- put in for humor), Koss earbuds new in the clamshell (making sure there was something nice), a handful of new christmas gift paper bags, scrap booking paper, and a handful of other things, some of them new. Bigger than the largest priority mail box… sigh. Part of the fun is the unboxing on the forum. @studrec I think we need a strong advisory that people have to post what they got.
@Kidsandliz I'd certainly prefer that, but as long as people are clear up front and acknowledge receipt of the box once asked, that would go a ways to making things better.
@dashcloud I guess my person hated my box - I even spent some of my food stamps on decent chocolate and that candy pooping cow (was shocked when it rang up as food) and thought it was all crap because when I finally emailed to see if she got it there wasn't even a thanks, or saying she liked it (or it was meh) or any reference at all to the contents when she replied. She did say she'd post something here but that was ages ago. Although I have an extremely limited budget I tried to put some nice things in there that if she didn't want she could regift and others might like it. Yeah I put a few meh things in there but I tried to mostly have new things (and no I didn't buy anything other than the candy related items, this was new stuff I had that I already had that I had been planning to sell) in there. Sort of disappointed.
@Kidsandliz :( That's a horrible feeling. I didn't have the greatest experience, but I still enjoyed the concept (one box is still MIA, unfortunately). It was much more fun than even the real Meh Fuku, and I'd do this again. I just feel so badly that you went over & above based on your situation, and got such a meh response. I love those pooping reindeer - I need to find more brown jelly beans to refill ours..
@Pamtha @Kidsandliz @dashcloud @jsimsace @studerc I have fun seeing everyone else's boxes unboxed, but this is the second time (out of 2) that the person I sent a box to did not post an unboxing, one of the common factors is that both recipients acknowledged that they were doing 5 each. In my opinion, we should make a requirement to post the unboxing within a reasonable amount of time or have a negative impact on your future participation. It is just disappointing to not see any feedback or acknowledgement on something we took the time to put together, no matter how meh the box actually was. Just my thoughts.
@TaRDy @Kidsandliz @dashcloud @jsimsace Same boat. I did forget to put my username on mine, but it hasn't been posted. It wasn't spectacular or anything, but I thought it was fun enough to post. Oh well, I still enjoyed putting it together and opening the box I received from @harder
Forum reading fail ;/ I have a large pile in the office for the 2nd mehrican ex, guess the goodies will have to wait.
I got my box from @V on Christmas Eve, and I was very excited, but too sick to bother posting pictures.. haha.. So here they are!

When my wife saw this box sitting on the front step she said "You bought another TV!?!" and then I remembered @V saying that "It's not a TV", so I knew it was from him!
Here's a look inside:
That's a lot of crap crammed into a thin box!
Here's a pile of it all!
And now it's spread out!
I really like the2.1 speakers with the external volume dial, they're pretty sweet, and sounded good when we were playing Christmas music on them!
There's a hammer in that bubble wrap, plus a pear shaped wall art thing (which my wife wasn't a fan of, so it will go to someone else), a roll of TP, a laptop keyboard with some missing keys, some keys for said keyboard (but one less than were missing!), a Sanyo camera bag, one of those two to 6 outlet splitter things, a set of Andrew Llyod Webber dvd's with half of them missing, checkers pieces, and a few other odds and ends. Overall it was pretty nice :) Thanks for the time, effort, and I'm sure the shipping wasn't cheap! It was an exciting gift to receive!
@V oh, and I'm shipping the animals back to you!
@kadagan Awww, Man!! The keyboard was a bluetooth keyboard, it's one of my favorites. I actually stressed giving one away, but I have two more :) And the pear thing.....enjoy! :) the reason we sent it is because it's really only good for this type of thing or a tax write off. RE: shipping.....for the five boxes we sent out, shipping was over $100!
So, my third and final box from @kadagan arrived on Monday, and my lazy self is just getting around to posting about it now. I received:
Book: Safety on the Rails
DVD about the negro baseball league, looks to be signed too!
DVD Witless Protection
BluRay (which I don't have...yet)~ 10,000BC ~ Hugo ~Gran Torino ~Law Abiding Citizen
6 packages of Wisp brushes (trying to tell me something?)
Nathan's Knife Kit...makes a wooden knife...interesting
Blue mini flashlight (hey, my favorite color!)
meh... tissues (oh hell yea I love these!)
And, what I'm guessing is a stand/megaphone for an iPod? Kinda strange since it's all made of rubber or silicone.
@SavvySapphire Sorry for the super late response! I should have thought about people possibly not having a bluray player (maybe next Mehrican exchange??).. The thought never crossed my mind! The Safety on the Rails book is about the 130 year history of the company I work for, and there's some pretty interesting stuff in there I thought. The Negro Baseball League DVD was signed.. I was in the Post Exchange at some Army base, and there was a guy there signing them, so I got one.. I'm not sure that I ever watched it.. lol.. The wooden knife was bought to teach my son how to use a knife, but he's still young so I thought it could be a cool thing to throw in here and I'll get him a new one ;).. It's pretty cool because it can be "sharpened" with sand paper, and can carve/cut ivory soap bars but won't hurt the kid very easily.. It's great for learning knife safety! The weird rubber-is thing is supposed to be an amplifier for an iphone.. haha.. I think that's about it! I tried to include a few different genres of dvds, and all of them were decent movies.. lol
So, I got the goods from @collin1000 and am happy to share the we got some fun stuff! we got:
8x air (texas air?)
1x flying monkey (one cannot have enough Woot! flying monkeys)
1x nothing. For the person who has everything, the gift of nothing is everything. A special thanks for the zen moment
1x camera case
1x "Bullshit" button.
While we appreciated all of it, the laughs from the bullshit button from the 8 yr old ("Dad!! We're not supposed to say that!").
Thanks @Collin1000!
@studerc - WOW!!! To date the most fun box I've ever gotten, with this priceless introduction. The time and thought into this is fricken awesome.

Included in the box was:
2012 Sports Illustrated swimsuit calendar
Sega Genesis game
a 2 VHS set of Pathfinder
a 1.25x pair of reading glasses that I'm wearing now
a 1.5x set of reading glasses (that I will wear later)
The single freakiest salt and pepper shaker thing I've ever seen (an astronaut rover thing)
some fancy pants "tripping" glasses - which I denied my 15 year old
A sweet United States coin book
A Woot! "?" Bag
A NY Build case - to go along with the 90 I ordered!
We also got this REALLY cool "you'll never lose your..." tagging package. I can't wait to learn more about this.
Ice breakers - sealed and everything
a two pack of shot glasses (with one on holiday)
A cassette tape
A fuel running/biking bag (I should use it this year)
A Woot! screaming monkey, and
a court marking kit
Thanks again @studerc, it was fantastic - and in my personal experience, epic.
Our third box contained some wonderful things!
a book of "...Totally Useless Information", which the 12 year old has claimed with great joy. And yes, there is an appalling amount of useless information.
1x Bawls bag (get it? 1)
a four pack of party shots
a blow-up unicorn horn (that our dog HATES :))
some fabulous plastic horses
a star trek barbie and ken watch (how, exactly this happened only makes my head hurt to imagine)
a Gumby! (dammit) - such a neat thing that I didn't yet see anywhere else.
Some really creepy cat-face/eye gloves...(shudder)
2x super bawls
1x joy stick (bluetooth)
@MrHappypants - thanks for the great stuff above!!
@v those cat gloves are great.
Our fourth bag was so much fun!!!
1x rubber chicken - a fricken rubber chicken!
1x Godzilla comic book
1x Spider-man comic book
3x Futurerama comic book
1x 3-d egg shaped clear puzzle
1x tee shirt (these aren't the droids you're looking for)
1x usb hub
1x extendable/retractable usb mini mouse
This one was ransacked by the kids, it was tough to even get a picture done!
okay - this one - this one is now the most epic random bag I've seen. Sorry @studerc for the short reign that you had. I think it was the doings of @MrHappypants It comes in two parts, the box came with this respectable list of items:
There was a box within this box (this in a minute)
1x "It's the law" poster
1x "my 3D" app/glasses - we can't wait to play with this and see how it works
2x sweet air gun with nerf style bullets. The 8 yr old LOVED these. except there are only 3 bullets left, now.
1x large post-it note spring loaded dispenser thing
1x pair of sock sandals (so awesome / terrifying at the same time)
1x large paperclips
1x package of 4 balloon coloring thing (deemed couch and carpet threatening and made it to the "donate" pile)
1x raincoat
1x Spongbob SDcard with 6 videos on it
1x Chapstick
2x can cozies
1x toilet light - which brought giggles from the boys
1x Redneck bacon flavored hot chocolate
1x pen/pencil bag
4x pens in the pencil bag
1x pack of glow sticks
1x Chinese chicken design thing
1x two pack night light
1x straw glasses
1x pack of shot glasses (our third version of this!)
But wait. Check*this* out!!:

@v Much as I'd like to claim that box - not me! We did the box 2 above with the Bawls bag etc. Glad some of it was unexpected at least!
@v Oops, I just now saw your post. Sorry I forgot to put my name on it, but I'm glad you enjoyed it!!
FYI- the pens & pencil bag are all promotional handouts from various psychiatric hospitals, so use them/lend them out as you see fit ;)
Dang it! I listed out the contents, and our best guesses. Any help is welcome, but this is what we were able to come up with:
1x No service tag (no room in the inn - use the barn!)
1x Elizabethtown movie (the little town of Bethlehem!)
1x light up star necklace (the Star of Bethlehem)
1x Stevie Wonder cd of others covering his music (we couldn't figure this one out)
1x Y splitter (It's a boy!)
1x CareBear baby bedding (straw for the manger)
1x Angel Soft (Angels!)
1x Coffee Mug (Can't figger this one)
1x pack of 4 king pops (we three kings)
(king's gifts?)
1x pack of incense
1x extra virgin olive oil
1x Taster's Choice coffee
animal companions:
4x pack of animal crackers
1x Gummie Bears
1 x Dove bar of soap (peace dove!)
In short, this is the best bag I've ever seen and it was already inside a wonderful random box of goodies! I'm lucky to have been the recipient of such a thoughtful and effort filled gift. Thanks!!
@v This was so much fun to put together, but I realized after I mailed it that I probably should have included a few hints- there are some pretty obscure references in there.
Correct Answers:
-Star necklace/Star of Bethlehem
-Angel Soft/Angels!
-No service/no room in the inn
I'm happy to give hints (or answers) here if you like. I'll start by pointing out that is a bag of Ring Pops (not King :P) and that the incense, scented oil, & Haribo Gold Bears have gift bows on them.
I have been kicking it around a few times... but I have to say... I am glad I am now watching for these... I can't wait for the next one. Also, I see what people put in them, but I think that I'd only want to do 1-2 to start... I now have something to do with the extra "stuff" that accumulates around the house from randomness...
@HELLOALICE @studerc will post a thread announcing Mehrican Exchange 3.0, and telling everyone who is interested what to do to be included in the fun.
@dashcloud think it will break 100 exchanges?
Just realized that I have been bad and not posted my pictures yet. it's late but I loved all of it.

First From @Flouise
Next Unknownm but I suspect he's a Dentist

the rest of the swag
Next up Another Unknown (Loved the internatinal stuff)

the stamps were an awesom touch
From @Goldenthorn a very fun and crazy packed box, and anytime you have extra teas send it my way

I want to high light the Scarf since I get huge complements when ever I wear it (also is like the third such thing I've ever worn Love it)

and finally another unknown, great box that only had to travel a few hours to get here

I really hope this posted right because I'm not oing back and fixing it
@Foxborn Did a great job!
@dashcloud ooo is there a Dashcloud box in there?
@Foxborn Nope- @cleverogre is the only one of my 5 recipients to have posted their box.
Oh, shit, did that bottega mirror arrive broken like that? I am so sorry, it was perfectly intact when I packed it! I hope no broken pieces got annoyingly scattered.
And I am so pleased about the scarf! Ten years travel from Egypt to you for it to get an appreciated life, huzzah!! ('Twasn't my colour, alas.)
Heh, and any future bountiful harvests of surplus teas, I vow to send you a random box!
@Foxborn Oh wow! I know my local homeless shelter would be ridiculously happy to get that much toothpaste/mouthwash. Great hauls!
Oh, and btw, that brown bottle is sterile. My mother got a whole bunch from a rep for her clinic and I pilfered a box of 'em for my whisky library. Then I decided I liked blue better than brown, thus my redistribution of it. In any case, the brown is usable for anything you like, never been opened.
@Foxborn hooray! Glad you like. looks like a great haul overall too!
wtf when did the emails go out? I never got mine.
@Brooklyn11218 This is the thread for the one from December 2014... I think the current one is called Exchange 2.5 or 3?
@Brooklyn11218 the gentleman who is coordinating the current exchange has had a significant health issue as well as he is awaiting a new bundle of shit happens, so will the exchange...eventually...