(UNOFFICIAL) 2020 Holiday Exchange Reveal
28Meh-ry Xmas and happy holidays to all my fellow Meh-heads! Guess i’m starting the reveal thread for the first holiday meh exchange that I had the chance to participate in. As much as some of you might want to hear about a HO HUM, Meh like experience, I might disappoint. So far it’s been extremely FUN, filled with anticipation, excitement, even some obsessing and indecision.
All in all it’s been a exhilarating experience. AND, it’s not even close to being over yet! Woohoo! I’ve made some new friends and found that my secret Santa not only lives just a few towns away but we have lots in common too. My gift couldn’t have come at a better time. While i’m stuck in the hospital with NO visitors aloud, AGAIN do to the virus, I was thrilled to have my package sent up to me! It made my day bright! Literally! I’ll be getting my neon color tie dye on real soon! Thanks so much @Bfhorner for making this crazy year of the Covid end with such brightness! It’s great!
Merry Christmas!
- 133 comments, 480 replies
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Neon spray tye dye!
Thanks again @Bfhorner, I love it!
@Lynnerizer that is very cool!! And sorry to hear you’re having to be stuck in the hospital :’( Sending lots of hugs and moral support!
@kerryzero Thanks!

@Lynnerizer, get well soon and Merry Christmas
@tinamarie1974 What she said- in spades!
@PhysAssist @tinamarie1974 @lynnerizer
Hope you are doing better and won’t have any lingering effects from the 'rona…
@chienfou Thanks, feeling much better!!

Thank god not the rona, just some way stubborn kidney stones!

oh… duhh…
just reread your post and see that I made an assumption. (Locally – unless you have COVID --you can have one visitor a day, they must stay in your room, and if they go out, that’s it for the day)
Nephrolithiasis is no fun, and can be dangerous if the stones are the right size and location.
I have been told that kidney stone pain is the closest to labor pain my female patients have ever had. I always tell them that is why women have babies. Men can tolerate pain if it is sudden/unexpected/accidental, but will generally try to avoid it at all costs. If men had to carry a child they would be like “hell no we aren’t doing that… I know what’s coming in 9 months…”
That’s a easy assumption to make these days, and anyway, who the heck can KEEP UP?! Here in CT, my local hospital has been going back and forth constantly with their visitors schedule. Unfortunately I know this stuff and it’s NOT because I work there!
Since even before Coronies (as we’ve been calling it) either myself or a family member has been unlucky enough to be renting a bed there.
At one point we felt that it was “the norm” to have ONLY video visits. How crazy is THAT?

Maybe the stones are God’s way of telling what I missed, idk? No stranger to pain, just NOT labor pain.

As far as the stones go, i’ve heard that before, about men having babies and labor pain. SO TRUE! Plain and simple They’re whimps!
Truth be told, i’ve never been pregnant. Endometriosis sucks!
Thanks for your work in the trenches, you nurses ARE EVERYTHING!!
@chienfou @Lynnerizer CT??? Where abouts?? Right off 84 here!
My husband (who only has 1 kidney now, and had to have emergency surgery when a stone was blocking the tube thing to the bladder) says that kidney stones have to be worse than child birth because you never hear a guy say " I want another one " in about a year or so after expelling a stone, like you hear from women!!
@chienfou @mikibell
Maybe I misunderstood and you meant another kid. IDK?
Wait, wait, wait a minute! I don’t think ANYONE has ever wanted ANOTHER kidney stone! Lol…
Your poor husband, I can imagine what he’s been through. My brother in law was lucky enough to have a transplant. His sister donated one of her’s.
I’m in Waterford, Ct. I’m going to ask where everyone is from one of these days, I think it’ll be surprising & FUN!
@chienfou @Lynnerizer No, no, no…
my husband was laughing at women who have more than one child because no man EVER wants a 2nd kidney stone… No one has that “forget the pain” mechanism for kidney stones like women have for childbirth. 
Ahhh Waterford is soo pretty, I used to stop there on my way home from school … It was a good halfway point between RI and home.
@chienfou @mikibell

Well I always had wanted 8 kids but of course that was WAY before kidney stones! And ALSO way before I knew what 8 kids really meant or would’ve entailed!! Lol
YES I agree, Waterford is VERY pretty! Such a awesome community of people who are extremely kind and thoughtful too!
Received mine from @ginger_ninja today. Not sure how to post a pic, but received:
*Copper infused back brace - I exercise regularly and something is always sore so guessing it will go to good use.
Pretty awesome haul - thanks!!!
@cbilyak turn your phone sideways before clicking anything and a new box will show up. Use the moon over the mountain icon.
@cbilyak Oh YAY!! That got there faster than USPS expected. I’m so glad you’re pleased with it!
@cbilyak @Ginger_Ninja Nice stuff!
Got my Secret Santa Exchange today. I’m so glad I participated, this was a lot of fun!!
@Chevylovr great haul, who is it from?
@tinamarie1974 Not sure I can/should say, since all I have is the person’s real name on the return label.
@Chevylovr then no, to protect their privacy. They did good, whoever they are
@Chevylovr @tinamarie1974 If there is a way you can message them through the system you signed up on maybe you can get the meh name. Also hopefully they will post here who they are.
OR actually @djslack maybe you can look it up and tag the sender? Maybe whisper @djslack your real name and the sender’s real name and then it can be looked up?
@djslack @Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 Good idea! I messaged @djslack.
@Chevylovr awesome! @jrhatton deserves the credit for sending you such a bundle of Meh!
@djslack @jrhatton Happy Holidays, and thanks again, @jrhatton!
@Chevylovr What a fun box, lots of good stuff!
Thanks all - just wanted to make sure someone got a Bag of…I mean IRK that was worthwhile!
@jrhatton Nice pool floats!
Should have signed up. I believe it’s the only one I’ve missed
I got my secret Santa exchange gifts today and I loved every single one of them! I actually was buying protein bars this morning from my favorite local manufacture and had an almost identical shaker bottle in my cart but decided to pass on it this month, glad I did because this package arrived 10 minutes later with it in there!
But there’s literally not one thing in here that I don’t absolutely love I am so appreciative of this! Thank you secret Santa
@leb3k Who sent to you?
@leb3k the kudos for that great haul go to @abozik! Thanks for sharing, enjoy!
@abozik @djslack @leb3k Those cup holders are great! I have a unicorn one I use by the bathtub for candy.
@subsurfhNs, I’m running behind but I’ll get your stuff in the mail ASAP!!!
Hey folks - when you post what you got don’t forget to flag your sender!! If your sender didn’t include their meh name then whisper @djslack with their real name and yours so it can be looked up. Your sender may or may not be closely monitoring the reveal thread. Not to mention the rest of us nosy people like to see who sent what too.
And don’t forget to post when you get your box. It is very sad not to have the person you sent to do that. I know. It has happened to me in the past.
Got my tracking number…
The box I sent was delivered earlier today! So if it isn’t obvious by my return address name, you’ll know who I am!
Haven’t got tracking from my sender yet, but the sender has asked some questions (like shirt size) so I’m sure it’s gonna be sent soon unless it’s already been sent.
@rileyper I sent the tracking number via elfster yesterday but I will whisper it. The box is supposed to be there on the 31st. I hope you enjoy it.
I got my tracking number, thanks secret Santa!
@Star2236 You may have gotten your tracking number on Tuesday, but I didn’t ship it until today. I stopped by our little post office TWICE since Tuesday and the line was out the door. Today is the day though!
No worry’s, I’m typically a pretty patient person and know the postal service is slow as shit.
Has anyone used the “Not Yet- Send An Email” function to contact whoever got them? I just tried it, and notice the “To” field was blank— assuming for anonymity sake. I’m hoping to not come across as impatient but just looking for an update (so I can plan my outings accordingly!)
@stevenmontes I have not, but I will be sending some prodding emails later today reminding people to get on it or at least communicate with their recipient. Thanks for your patience!
@djslack @stevenmontes Got it! I’m just behind (on a lot of things, but that’s another story…) Just sent your tracking number through elfster. Not sure what planning your outings around the potential arrival of some random box of crap means about you, but I’m happy to oblige!
And thanks @djslack for introducing this service. It was definitely easy to use as was pitateship.
@djslack @ybmuG thanx! I loved the note that accompanied the tracking number
Just received/tore open my Holiday Exchange package/IRK. Thank you @Lhizmar (did a search, didn’t find the username so I’m hoping I spelled it right). I loved everything in there but especially the cow shaped meat thermometer that moos, the meh ornament and sticker, and the Awkward Family Photos book (I have already laughed out loud - lol’d to you kids- at the few pages I’ve scanned. I also like the used earphones with one of the rubber plugs missing and the IRK bag - it makes it feel like what I believe an IRK is like. Thank you for making my first experience with this exchange a great one!
Also - just in case I didn’t get the username right - here is from the package (personal information blocked out, my thumbnail inserted). Thank you!

@eddiegordo I believe @jchizmar is the master penman behind your fabulous package! Thanks for posting what you got!
@djslack @eddiegordo @jchizmar The highly coveted Meh ornament!
Thank you, @djslack for the information and running the great exchange and thank you, @jchizmar for the holiday IRK!
@eddiegordo That awkward family photos has been around since, I think it was, the very first fuku (next called fuko, now irk). I got one way back when. I divested myself of it in an earlier exchange. I saw whom I divested it to sent it on. That person sent it back to me LOL I dumped it again on someone. Haven’t seen it since (of course I hadn’t done this or the last exchange, no money for postage) so who knows maybe you are the winner of it this time (or not - as I wasn’t the only one to get it in the fuku).
@eddiegordo @Kidsandliz Between the book and the thermometer this was an OLD SCHOOL fuku!
@eddiegordo @Kidsandliz @mossygreen
I’ve never seen that photo book but it looks super cool/FUN!!
IDK if you know what you got there in that “Chef’s Pal”, but if it’s even close to as good as my Oinking Pig Chef’s Pal- you’re going to love it for general cooking, but especially grilling and/or smoking any beef-type food products.
/giphy cooking beef

/giphy smoking pork

@eddiegordo @Kidsandliz this photo book did not have a storied past, just has been around a while. I was keeping to use as a white elephant gift, but those kinda stopped. Funny, I didn’t realize it was that old until reading more of these comments.
@eddiegordo @jchizmar Hahaha (storied past). We need to put unique marks on these books so we can trace their passing through the meh family in exchanges. I am sure we’d have our own Awkward meh family photos of people receiving them
@eddiegordo @Kidsandliz o. M. G. I didn’t even think of saving some of my treasures to pass on next year!!!
It was me! So many items were part of the meh collection that adds up through the years. Glad you liked it! If I’d of known the cow would of been a hit you’d of gotten more than one
@jchizmar you = the best. My 3yo just put the ornament on our tree (“look at that funny face!”). Again, thank you!
@jchizmar Well you do have that person’s address… just sayin’
@eddiegordo hey! Got your box last night and dug through. Thanks for the surprises from all over the place! I have no pictures, but if people are still reading…
Wireless earbuds x2
Water beads
Baby tooth brush and plate
Some cabinet hardware
A barbie trinket
A grenade power bank
And a couple other things that don’t come to mind right now
It was fun! You never know what may appear again in future years
@jchizmar I do appreciate that but Your thanks belong to someone else. Maybe @djslack can let you know who.
I didn’t get a tracking number but I’ve been stalking Informed Delivery for a week. It’s suppose to arrive tomorrow after being stuck in N. Texas USPS warehouse hell.
I hope the person I gifted to does a reveal. This was so much fun and I already have stuff for the next exchange!
@ironcheftoni I hope my person does a reveal also. I stopped doing these exchanges after I got ghosted a couple of times.
@parodymandotcom well, I asked them on elfster what their favorite things were and also sent them a message when it was shipped which they received the box on 12/28. When I search for their name in the forum, it came up crickets. This person is a master at lurking.
@ironcheftoni @parodymandotcom Sure hope your peoples come back for show-n-tell, seeing what everyone elese got is almost as much fun as finding “stuff” to give!! Can’t wait for the next one, hope it’s way sooner than X-mass!!

From @mattykillpatty
I love it, nothing like a food and alcohol box
It included:
5 in 1 fryer filters (sadly no deep fryer)
Watch bands for I think a fitness tracker (don’t own it, but I could have fun repurposing them!)
Silipint shot glasses that say Bend and Oregon (love them for my collection, thanks!)
Harry & David hot cocoa (yum!)
Portland ketchup (cannot wait to try this!)
Vodka mini bottles (erm hand sanitizer lol) in dark sweet cherry, apple & cinnamon and pear infused flavors (it’s like you know my boss drives me to drink lol!)
And gluten free brownie mix (brownie lover here!)
It’s certainly an Oregon care package and it’s going to be well enjoyed!
@savvysapphire like they say, rules are meant to be broken. This is a food and drink based box done well. Nice job @mattykillpatty!
@djslack well, he did ask about allergies first, and anything I may want in particular (the shot glasses). The rest was a surprise and the ketchup was because I cannot eat mustard without my body telling me it hates that decision. Altogether a wonderful box since I love food…and drinks. Lol
What a great box, I’m a shot glass collector myself and vodkas the best, I mean hand sanitizer.
I received an amazing box today from @readnj! It was a big box stuffed with gadgets!
In the box were the following things:
And in that bag, what could it be? A tiny toothpick-shooting crossbow with a bag of ammo!!! This thing is seriously cool. My wife is scared I’m going to hurt the dogs or myself with it
Thanks so much, @readnj! This is an over the top awesome box!
@djslack Glad you like it all. You said you were a gadget guy so… FYI The Koretrak is pretty good, Just know the app is weird to setup. When it asks for the captcha what it doesn’t tell you is they send it to your email or spam and you have little time to enter it all. Once you do it’s not a bad tracker. I got one for me which I use daily and one for my wife who didn’t want hers so…
Beep beep boop boop. (I assume if you failed CAPTCHA you now understand Robot.)
Tiny toothpick crossbow is awesome!! I want one of those.
@djslack @Star2236 agree! I can imagine sneaking it out to get my sister when she least expects it!!
@djslack @Star2236 @tinamarie1974 @readnj that crossbow looks just like the one i sent someone on here a couple of years ago. They’re awesome! Definitely not a kids’ toy though
@capguncowboy @djslack I’m not saying that might not be the exact same one and I’m not saying it isn’t. LOL
@djslack That bluetooth speaker is a classic!
The feared words… USPS in possession of item… In Transit, Arriving Late
Your package will arrive later than expected, but is still on its way. It is currently in transit to the next facility.
I hope this doesn’t end up in the blackhole called ‘District Heights MD’. I’ve had a package sitting there for a couple of weeks now.
Hi everyone, This is where I brag a bit. I got @Oregonian as my meh exchange giver. I came home to a package of awesome pictures above.
Some highlights include
3d printed mandalorian helmet!!
3d printed tie fighter ornament
Check mix
A cinnamon bun
A mini cutting board
Plus other awesome things
I feel pretty darn lucky. Thanks Oregonian
P.s. good Instagram sleuth skills
@CaptAmehrican so glad you like! Im oregonian, kenneth by day. Happy mehring around the christmas tree!
@CaptAmehrican is it me or is one wing backwards on the X wing?
@tightwad one was I fixed it.
@CaptAmehrican @kennethdmabry Hey, Kenneth, we have a lot of 3D printing people here if you’re interested. The thread is kind of old but I love to see new stuff.
Got my haul today! Thank you!! @DAlgle
*Star Wars The Old Republic
*Airline Tycoon 2
No imported air but a nice handful of easter grass.
I hope I got the name right from the return address, I have asked @djslack for confirmation.
Got mine today!!! Great haul and thank you to @ iluvmingos for the wonderful gifts!!! I had to fight off one of the girls during the unboxing so I could take a photo (they are already claiming the jelly bellies). I tried to organize in the most logical order the items received. You’ll have to let me know if I missed the intended purposes.
Protection kit:
2 face shields
1 jelly belly hand sanitizer
9 jelly belly touchscreen wipes
1 jelly belly paper hat
Relaxation kit:
1 mini zen garden
1 mini desk top radio (for soothing sounds)
1 coffee brewing scale (will go great on the coffee bar)
1 elf yourself flask (will go great with the bar)
Dress up kit
1 Jelly Belly Pin
1 random bag of Paparazzi jewelry
1 Jelly Belly accessory tote
Home defense kit
1 Grifols popper (for popping home intruders)
2 micro-USB flashlights (to see them at night)
No ID10T errors here.
@kykazaa Yay! I’m glad you liked it. Clearly most of it was random Meh items, but I wanted to add a little something from where I live. The Jelly Belly factory is right down the road. I’m still not sure about those scented screen wipes! I may go get some for myself and try them out.
@iluvmingos @kykazaa Those Belly Flops are neat! I’ve never seen them, somebody was darn ingenous making money on their bloopers/flops!
@iluvmingos @kykazaa @Lynnerizer if you live near a Big Lots store, they frequently have Belly Flops. I used to get them to fill the office candy jar. They were very popular. Fortunately, these bags do NOT include the Bertie Botts flavors!
Such cool jelly bean stuff.
@iluvmingos @kykazaa @Lynnerizer wow! I’ve never see those belly flops either! I need to find some, how super fun!!
@iluvmingos @kykazaa As soon as I saw the Jelly Belly hand sanitizer listed, I thought, someone lives near an outlet! Very cool.
@kykazaa @Lynnerizer @moonhat You can buy them online, apparently. https://www.jellybelly.com/belly-flops-reg-jelly-beans-2-lb-bag-2-pack/p/99698
@kykazaa @mossygreen The factory is right down the highway from me, I pass it on my way to work. I can usually tell what flavor they are making that day because the smell is so strong. Right past it is the Budweiser Factory, which oddly enough, always smells like baking bread to me, lol.
@capguncowboy Thanks for the awesome box! It arrived last night but the Shipping Gods saw fit to leave it outside in a bag behind a tree. Oh well, I found it at lunch today and loved opening it up.
in the box was a Red Fumo Bag, A flashlight, a Shadow Puppets mug, A happy head massager. Laser Guns (extra small), a small metal car kit, flow rings and a Flying Disco Ball. And I can’t forget the Orange Pen…
Thank you sir, my Holiday is complete!
@tedesj great haul! Those flow rings are mesmerizing.
@tedesj I’m glad it finally showed up! I was starting to wonder if it was ever gonna get there!
@tedesj Oooooh the tiny laser guns are SO COOL.
@capguncowboy @tedesj I hope the flying disco ball works- it looks really fun.
My package(s) arrived from Amazon yesterday. In all the hurry off day to day stuff I wasnt able to open any of it until this AM. @Lynnerizer really went above and beyond! Thank you a bunch!
I received:
Marble Parkour set
Wood burning kit/soldering iron
Wood box to test out my wood burner skills
Farewell 2020 book
Metal puzzles
A huge paint by numbers kit
I’ll have to add some pictures later, but I’m impressed with how well this gift was geared to me.
I hope you feel better soon! Thanks again!
And I did manage to get the marble set assembled! That was a real task. Very fun and will look great on my desk!

@capguncowboy wow! That marble machine looks like a lot of fun.
Get well soon @lynnerizer!
@capguncowboy @Lynnerizer Major envy of the marble machine!!! I have looked at those on the internet and haven’t been able to justify the price. These are called rollingball sculptures. I’m on a group that makes them. The only one I have made so far (made out of cut up aluminum cans and wood chop sticks) is seriously pitiful compared to the incredible ones some of those folks make.
@Kidsandliz when you really want to step up the rolling balls, check out wintergatan on YouTube.
/youtube wintergatan
@djslack yes some of those folks who design marble “items” are very clever and good design engineers.
@capguncowboy Love that marble set!
@capguncowboy YAY! I’m so glad it was a good fit for you! I’m impressed to see you already put together the marble run! Can’t wait to see how you do with the rest of it, painting (never by # tho) and wood burning are 2 of my favs. Enjoy and Happy New Year!
@capguncowboy @Kidsandliz

WOW, that wintergaton is super amazing! I’ll definetly be all over THAT on youtube! …and where ever else I can find it!
@capguncowboy @djslack
Thanks for the well wishes! I’m finally home and feeling much better. Chronic Kidney stones and their complications really stink, besides the fact that it’s getting old!! (where’s the goat, must go blame the goat!
Just got home from a real shitshow at the ER and found this package on my doorstep. What a day brightener…
Thanks JMHSVR!
(Haven’t put the batteries in the terminator yet since it is 0200 and my wife is asleep…)
Hey @djslack can you hook me up with the meh user name of my donor
(I would also like that of my recipient if you can either post or whisper it to me…) THNX
@chienfou credit for your box goes to @jmhsrv!
@chienfou @djslack that would be me.
Thank you for your front line service!
@djslack @jmhsrv
Thanks a bunch… sorry for the confusion … Tried to troll your username and came up empty. Now I know why! I am not really lysdexic
BTW thanks for sporting the big honkin’ K by your name or I wouldn’t have a place to buy marginally useless shit and hang out in the forum!
Thanks @dozonian!
@RiotDemon are those skull spoons??
@RiotDemon I love those! I have one that we use for sugar. I want to get a whole set like that!
@Pony I’ve had one for sugar for a couple of years now. I’ll probably use these for coffee/dessert spoons if I ever have a party, lol. They’re not that comfortable in terms of eating spoons though, lol. But I love them still.
@Pony @RiotDemon
Those are really cool*, and I can see that they would be a perfect fit for you RD!!
@chienfou @Pony they are great for soup if you want to eat really slowly.
@Pony @RiotDemon
yeah, I can see that!
I’d link the “spoon hack” video, but I’m too lazy to look it up… (plus I’m at work)
@RiotDemon Welcome! I was new to the exchange this year. This was fun!

Welcome to the mad house! Now that you have ‘found us’ please come back and play any time!
@dozonian @RiotDemon You did amazing!
Came with
Meh mug
Meh pillow
Leather celtic coasters
And sugar!!! Thanks @Kerryzero !!
@kennethdmabry super awesome IRK never got one before but my MEH meter is filled up!!
@kennethdmabry you’re welcome!
Let’s see if I can break Meh with cuteness
My box from @nhbillups arrived today! Apparently they grew up close to where I live now, small Mediocre world!
My lab Rocket was VERY excited to help unbox everything

Some might even say TOO excited
It was a pretty relaxing package, including:
I know it was your first exchange, but you knocked it out of the park!!! And everything even arrived safe and sound!
Here’s to what is hopefully a Happy New Year!
@smigit2002 Rocket is adorable! My pup wants to come play!!
Also, wood floor for THAT guy who hates wood
@smigit2002 Aww thanks so much! I’m glad the pupper was happy, and hopefully you’ll get to use some of it. Happy New Year!
@nhbillups Don’t you worry, it’ll get used!
@smigit2002 @tinamarie1974 Tina!! Your pup is freaking adorable!! (And so Is Rocket!!)
@moonhat @smigit2002 thanks, don’t let his good looks fool you. He is quite the stinker!!
Thanks @Jalopatin!
A raised hand ceramic something
Coffee filters
3 Ron Popeill fryer filters sans the frier
Kids clown costume
2 commercial dual switch plates
A poop emoji
A cool mug
A makeup organizer
A book titled " A treatise on the law of pawnbroking as governed by the principles of the common law and as modified by the statutes of the different states of the United States"—A real page turner I’m sure!!!
And a seriously cool item: a set of Polk in ear headphones. They look very nice.
@readnj Definetly a VERY COOL mug!!

Received my Mehmas box.
Thank you! I know your real name, but screen name?

Mega-congrats on the 25 years. Looks like you have already been doing the “Be Bold. Be Smart, Be Responsible” slogan!
@jmhsrv @melanie413 awkwardly sent someone who is winning at sobriety a breathalyzer.
(I can tease her, she’s my little sister
@jmhsrv oh, and she told me yesterday that other thing is (I think she said) a colander cone. I think it can go inside a funnel to strain something you are putting in a bottle?
@djslack @jmhsrv actually the plastic thing is a flat colander. I use one at my sink to get the kids excess food out of the bowls before washing and take to the trash. This was my first exchange, of course I had to participate because my brother was running it…I still feel bad about the breathalyzer, but am glad you found the irony in it. I actually got that in a MEH IRK and told my 19 year old twins I bought it for them. (They by the way are very responsible lazy gamers who rarely leave the house and never drink). They weren’t amused by my joke.
@djslack @melanie413 Thats what I thought it might be - actually kinda handy. Im gonna use the breathalyzer on my wife tonight lol.
Seriously funny!

Hi djslack’s sister!
@sammydog01 hi!
I’m not sure how to post pictures via mobile, or how to know who got me. I posted a thank you on Elfster. I got a Starwars edge light nightlight that I used with some custom made Wetbike engravings and a camping fan/light combo…perfect for my hammock!
@tightwad turn your phone sideways before clicking the box. Use the moon over the mountain icon.
@tightwad whisper @djslack with your name and the sender’s name and he can give you the user name so you can then also post it here (people like to see who sent what too).
@tightwad @therealmrsbeny deserves all the credit!
@moonhat Great stuff! Of course the flamingo is my favorite part, lol.
@iluvmingos @moonhat @CapAmehrican Awwww, that’s a great t-shirt, hit my cutness overload button this morning! I’m SURE i’ll be searching the web for it in a minute!
@iluvmingos @Lynnerizer @moonhat the shirt is from teeturtle.com. I bought one several years ago.
Correction @CaptAmehrican, sorry bout that
Thanks @RiotDemon!! And my OCD thanks you, I could have been searching ALL DAY!! (believe me, I would have)
@Lynnerizer @RiotDemon it is adorable but too small for me and to big for my neices. Confession time. It is a regift I received in another exchange but then bought the larger size. I then kept this one and kept saying one day i will lose enough weight to fit in it but truth is it has probably been too small for my shoulders since middle school.
@iluvmingos @moonhat I actually bought several of the flamingos at a housewares store going out of business sale about a year ago. I have used mine and thought they would make awesome hosting gifts but sadly I didn’t go to many parties in the last year.
@iluvmingos @moonhat as a fellow amingo lover, it is super cute!
I was the lucky recipient of a wonderful box full of fun things AND artwork and jokes to boot, from @CaptAmehrican ! Such great stuff in the box and out!! She’s clearly a great gift giver AND a comedian/arteeest!!
I was gifted:
-A tervis cup - might be my fave thing!
-Silpat mats - love these
-A flamingo dip bowl & knife
-Cuisinart knives! Of which we already have but need to replace! The timing! Love it
-emergency car glass breaker. Yes!!
-very cute tee (too small for me but I’ll find a taker!)
-license plate cover!
-flask bag - can’t wait to try out!
-mooing cow thermometer
-green hand exercisers (I think??)
-seed paper (will try to grow this!! Yay!)
-a heated headband. Too fun!
-a beaded body wrap thing. Will try this out today!
-etc!! Thank you so much @CaptAmehrican !!
@moonhat glad you enjoyed it!! Happy New Years
P.s. yes they are hand exercising grips
I have to say, this is the cutest cow ever!!
@moonhat It has udders and everything!
I have my tracking number and my box is travelling from Florida to California. It is already having a better trip in 2021 than I likely will!
This is SO MUCH FUN! The boxes get better and better inside and OUT! We should do this more often!
My package arrived bright and early (6:40 am!)
Kudos to the postal workers for their holiday hustle!
So, this was my first exchange, and thank you to @ybmuG for making it awesome and hilarious to unbox!
Such an amazing haul, and although it was hard to pick a favorite, I definitely love the little jar for some odd reason!
So thoughtful to provide an itemized list to save me from the hassle of typing it out on here! Definitely a good laugh and making me think I’ve been seeeeen!
Again, major thanks to @ybumG for the box of awesomeness. Someday yours truly will be a juggling giphy!
@stevenmontes Glad you liked it, and that it arrived safe and EARLY (well, not early in relation to when I was supposed to get it there, but early from the original USPS estimate…). I know what you mean about the jar. It has a certain appeal, like “What do you suppose could go in me? What might I hold? Do you know what I used to hold? That was really cool. I mean who would have though that such a thing would have fit in a small container like me? And the color! That was really something!” Or something like that.
Looking forward to that giphy…
@stevenmontes @ybmuG Abbott’s chocolate almond is the best. I’ll get a cone if they ever let me back in the state.
@sammydog01 @stevenmontes Definitely my go-to if nothing else grabs my interest, though I do like their black raspberry. Had some interesting flavors this summer, like mocha and something, blueberry and something…I don’t remember it was half-a-2020 ago.
Helps that our niece manages one of the stores!
@sammydog01 @stevenmontes And I’ll up the ante - if you make it past the border, Abbott’s is on me! Just keep an eye on the other vehicles…

@ybmuG Got a spare license plate I can borrow?
@sammydog01 I might have an old one lying around…

You think it will work?
@Candiedisilvio1 your boxes were just dropped off on your front porch.
I got a seriously cool box from @bfhorner!

Sorry this is going to be a photo bomb, but some of these items are just too cool not to show closer.
1 IRK bag, orange.
1 pair of Mediocre socks, which made me laugh because I also sent out a pair.
1 Meh Christmas ornament, which I will happily add to my collection.
1 package of TrackR Pixels, which my husband likes to use on his tape measures and other small items because he always loses them.
1 pair wireless earphones.
1 super cool Rooster head that is obviously meant to bolt onto something, but I am not sure what. Don’t care, Love it anyway.
1 seriously kickass thermal tumbler covered in skulls and stuff, and it has my name on it! So freaking COOL! It even has sparkles!
1 gorgeous sugar skull mug!
1 little framed “Bok Bok Bitch” which is one of my favorite lines ever, even if the movie was dumb.
Thank you SO MUCH! I am delighted!
(Additional photos will be posted as comments, because it’s less confusing for my poor old brain.)
@Pony Whew. Done. hehe.
@Pony oh my gosh that tumbler is amazing!
@RiotDemon RIGHT?! I’m in love!
@Pony what a bunch of fun stuff!!
@Pony @RiotDemon @Bfhorner
Not only the tumbler but that sugar skull mug too! I’m always looking for new ones for my (pseudo) daughter in law, she goes NUTS for that stuff!!
Many, many thanks to Compunaut for my package! Got it today and a GREAT haul!!
Ft. Worth hat
Key Smart
Meshare camera!!
Phone screen protector and tablet screen protector
Beaded bracelet!
Micro-dermabrasion paste
2 HeadAmp stickers
Wacky Waving Inflatable Tube Guy!
NetGear 5 port switch
Top flip spiral note pad
Note pads with case and pen!
4 Video cards of Sponge Bob Vol.1
DVD ‘Red’ (one of my fav movies)!
‘Dangerous Pack for Idiots’! (seriously…how did you know I’m an idiot?!?)
5 Taster Choice coffee packs
Straight Ahead hair serum
Travel jar FILLED with Nips and espresso candy!
‘Clash of the Titans Battles Team Ups’!
And a USB charged Martian Watch!!
Just all kinds of AWESOME!!
Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!
Happy New Year!!
@Tadlem43 Have fun with all this meh
Note: there is a single Keurig-type coffee pod kinda hidden at the very top of the candy jar (water bottle).
Hope you enjoy coffee flavors.
@compunaut Found it! I will, indeed! Thanks, again!
Checked the progress on my (late) shipment. Took 2 days to go 90% of the way and is now slated to take 4 days to complete the journey…WTF.
I was already late sending it due to being out of town at the appointed time and then super busy at the ER. Oh well, “
Goodmeh things come to those who wait”!The box I received is AMAZING! I am still trying out All the stuff in my box! Wow!

@don Who sent this?
This one really is amazing!
@zachdecker it was from @tedesj, the most Amazing box or bag ever.
@don @tedesj @zachdecker

Definitely a super cool box, what a great bowl!! And sign!!
@tedesj Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! the box you sent me was ridiculously Amazing! It would have been too much without the hang-made sign and bowl. I can not believe the extra time and thoughtfulness you spent researching and making those two things.
@tedesj not only sent me all these things
he hand made the two above!
@don that is an awesome box!
@don wow!!!
@don that bowl is beautiful!
@don that’s very cool! Also those grime boss wipes are definitely in the top 10 things Meh ever sold!
I got my package from @smigit2002 the other day promising mediocrity and indifference with an extra helping of meh as well as shame for taking so long to jump in on the fun.
I’ve got plenty of mediocre and meh excuses for both, but let’s skip to the good stuff!
Overall I could really feel the extra MEH. Ranging from hmm, that’s interesting to oooh, I can regift this, to wow something I actually want, nice! And also lot’s of laughs! Thank you!
@dijit27 glad it arrived safe and sound! I’m sorry if you got enjoyment out of the package, I tried my best to prevent it!
Happy New Year!
@dijit27 Bull Durham is a really good movie; I recommend watching it
Got my secret irk, didn’t see a username so will only post their initials, D.O’B
Got 3 neoprene cases kindle sized.
2 lights
Earbuds in a keurig cup
A xxl woot monkey shirt
A minnetonka shoebox (no shoes)
And a retro fukabukaro bag.
@rileyper @don just received a sign with a name similar to those initials
@rileyper whisper your fearless leader of this @djslack with your real name and that of the sender and you can get the meh user name (then please post that as ~~ we are nosy~~ inquiring minds want to know. (grin).
@rileyper the box was from me. I hope you liked the box. I figured since you were a Kickstarter you might have been a legacy wooter. The shirt (never worn) is from woot before meh was a site and those neoprene cases are from one of my favorite meh sales. (I may have a few more left)
@don @rileyper Oh yeah - the “bath” joke - I had forgotten about that. (They sold them in huge lots and there was someone from here who took a photo of himself in a bathtub totally full of those).
@don Loved it, love the retro woot shirt.
My mind is fully blown! I hope that I do this box justice but I don’t think I can. @mikibell you went above and beyond any expectation I had for this exchange and I can’t believe you drove it to my front door!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know me and making this a truly magical experience. The personal touches honestly touched my heart in ways that I’m not fully capable of articulating. The Santa photo with my granddaughter…full on ugly crying…
Foodish type Items
Delish looking homemade brownies
8 Landies Candies Choclate cover pretzels
40+ Lindt chocolates
15lbs of Fettuccine
Meh related items
I WON the trophy for the” Meh”est of them all
Large clear Meh ornament
1 black and 1 white Meh Pillows
1 woot lunch box hiding inside was 1 black & 1 white Meh Xmas ornaments
Very cute Irk sticker, Glen sticker and Meh stickers
Insulated Meh coffee cup
Large black IRK bag
Grandbaby & heart melting stuff
three beautiful onesie hoodies for my granddaughter (heart melting!)
The softest crocheted baby blanket
A sweet picture of my granddaughter in ornament being looked at by Santa Merry Christmas 2020
Tassel organic throw with my initial C
Grandma apron
3 large blue pillows with kind & inspirational sayings
Ceramic Xmas ornament with my name
Last but not least
2 bubble sticks
Cupcake shaped chalkboard with stand
4 head count sunglasses
Beekman 1802 shine bright goat milk lip balm
20 Buffalo Bill gallon zip lock bags
My folding heavy duty umbrella
12 Pack of sharpie S Note markers
6 reusable cloth masks (all really cute!)
3 rings in gift bags
Fidget spinner
2 silver sharpie markers
Justice league pen that’s also a flashlight (I know this is insane!!!)
3-1 collapsible bottle that is also a light
1 Pk of 25 Pencil top erasers
Star mirror
Save A Watt TV standby Killer plug
2 Built neoprene E reader/table 9-10” size one black with blue interior one purple poke dots
Built neoprene stretch cover for Kindle fire
Cob LED work light 200 lumens
Lego eyeglasses
4 Bormioli wine glasses
But most of all, one sweet card from a kind and extremely giving person.
@candiedisilvio1 Hmm I don’t think your box was medium priority mail size LOL
Side note to those who stuck to that size don’t feel like you somehow are giving a “lessor” box. It’s like an irk where a few get a ton of stuff and the rest get a normal amount of stuff.
@candiedisilvio1 @Kidsandliz no, it was not… as I stated in the other thread, I had the benefit of not having to pay shipping. Gas and tolls were less than a medium flat rate box
No one should feel that their box was “lesser” than mine!! Every gift is a wonder, imho.
@candiedisilvio1 I am sooo sorry you had to list all of that!! It never even occurred to me
There should be some blue thingymabobs in the “built” neoprene that are ear savers to go with the masks. My son printed them for your box. I will send you the image of your grandbaby so you can have prints made, if you want. I am not nearly as good at it as others. I think it came out ok, but it is only a laser print of it.
So glad it wasn’t ruined in the weather, sorry it was at the top of the box for the ugly cry… hahahaha.
The blue pillow covers were from another mehexchange (I am sorry I cannot remember who sent them to me) and I finally embroidered them!! It was 100% coincidence they matched the blanket I embroidered !!
The wine glasses are also etched with “wine” sayings… just a warning in case you decide not to keep em …
Oh, and i did NOT crochet the blanket, a friend of mine did and I have had it for a little while (she donated them to me for charity and somehow I missed that one). I ran it through the washer with unscented/no dye detergent as it had gotten a bit dusty.
@candiedisilvio1 @mikibell I’d love to see pictures! Sounds like a great box!
@candiedisilvio1 @mikibell I only made that comment to reassure some folks because people who haven’t participated before sometimes think their box is now inferior and worry about that (when I ran this I’d get some emails about this) when someone else gets to an exceptional box. No worries! Each exchange there are a few folks who sent a small mountain of things and their recipients are very lucky (well presuming they like the stuff they got
Sounds like a fantastic box.

/giphy GO BILLS
DARN none of the photos posted
I’m trying to post the photos from this wonderful box but every time I do it only posts the same photo 6x instead of the individual photos for each group…sigh in not very good at this I’m sorry
@candiedisilvio1 You load one photo at a time and choose upload. Then hit return in the message to a new line, upload the next photo rinse and repeat. If you try to upload a bunch at once it will replace what you dragged there with the newest drag (if my memory serves me anyway).
You could do what someone else did and just post a main message, reply to yourself and post the rest of them one reply at a time.

Looking forward to seeing them when you get it figured out, sounds like it’s a very colorful box! Pictures of grandchildren …on Santa’s lap? THAT is some serious personalization!!!
@candiedisilvio1 @Lynnerizer I am nowhere NEAR that good
I added her grandbaby to a snowglobe…

@candiedisilvio1 @Lynnerizer @mikibell so sweet
Hi! I apologize for the late upload, I was out of town for New Year’s. @djslack, would you please let me know who my secret santa is so I can tag them?
Meanwhile, the contents of my awesome (not-meh-at-all) box are as follows:
-Vizari green AXL soccer collection shirt
-Vizari black/yellow L soccer shin guard 2-pack
-Silicone all/purpose scrubbie
-The Classics assorted colors 50-pc 1” book rings
-5in1 Fryer Filter Pack
-Rigid PC-1250 Blade Replacement
-Youthchg.com “What Never to Wear to School” poster
-2 Brite Ideas Loving Macie Pumpkin lines placemats
-Design House 3.5” oil rubbed bronze finish hinge
-National Hardware 2.5” Safety Hasp
-Park Tool FR-5 Cassette lockring tool
-Vestia Wine Stopper Set 3-pack (for use with Vestia wine saver)
-100 yd Reach dentotape
-Bytech true wireless Bluetooth earbuds (charging case included)
-Adirondack 5-port USB passenger car charger
-Progressive flexible scraper
-HoneyCanDo 3-pack kids’ hangers
-Sparo Virginia Tech watch with a cool heart insert
-NO Saints Large women’s t-shirt
-Mundial knife protector
-Arlon monkey sticker/decal
-Georgia Tech 8” x 30” cooling towel
-Blue Reebok UFC S/M hat
-Blue C-Line Products 2-pocket portfolio with prongs
-2 Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them Magical Movie Handbook books (this is one of my favorite movies!!)
-3 Asobu porcelain jewell mugs
-Perfect Pumpkin Stencil Book (12 Jack-o-lantern stencils inside)
-Motion control rockets: 1 red, 1 silver
-Empty Metallic rainbow coil spring slinky box
@gr8mick1 @djslack
Sorry for all the tagging, but I found out I have gr8mick1 to thank for my awesome box! I love the VT watch and the FBaWtFT and mugs so much, thank you.
My secret box sender was @Savvysapphire! My box was full of cool stuff!

Photo one:
-twisty led light with magnet for getting your keys out of sewers
-cool Star Wars cup
-hat in my daughter’s school color
-trakr pixel 3 pack
-xbox 1 games- halo 5 steel box and ufc
-dinosaur putty
-fun putty (I love fun putty)
-candy cane
-tiny, tiny laser guns!

-eye mask with super soft foam
-magic gloves
-super cute pen
-adorable plush elephant with suction cup. need to find a place to suction it
-BEANIE BABY! Ty2k, a decent year if I remember correctly
-Woot monkey
And this thing. What it this thing?

@savvysapphire THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE STUFF. I forgot to mention the box was from Oriental Trading Company and had the cutest flamingo picture on it.
@sammydog01 @savvysapphire magic wand??
Yer a wizard Sammy!
/image gif you’re a wizard harry potter

@RiotDemon @sammydog01 @savvysapphire a magic wand AND magic gloves!!! I sense a theme
@RiotDemon @savvysapphire @tinamarie1974 Yes it it totally is a magic wand! Awesome!
@sammydog01 is that magic wand also one of those sticks that women put through their hair when they twist it up? Like a classier way than just sticking a pencil through there?
@djslack Ooh, maybe? I use scrunchies because I have no class.
I love the socks and slipper socks with the ducks on them. I’m a crazy sock person and would sport those with pride. Love the putty, I haven’t had putty in who knows who long, I need to buy putty. The magic wand cracks me up too.
@djslack @sammydog01 I would totally use it as a hair stick. The texture would hold better than a pencil.
How long is your hair Sammy?
@sammydog01 the cans of the putty are so fun. I keep one by my desk at work and my desk at home, for mindless mushing it around in my hand. Love it
@Star2236 YOU NEED TO BUY PUTTY! Amazon has Silly Putty that smells!
@djslack @RiotDemon My hair isn’t long enough for a hair stick. Barely scrunchie length. So a wand it is!
@djslack @sammydog01 when I fix my printer I will print a mini version of different Harry potter wands for my hair. I’ve been meaning to do it for months, oops.
@RiotDemon what happened to your printer???
@RiotDemon I was just telling the woodworking guy we need a new creativity thread. You’ll show them to us, right?
@djslack @RiotDemon @sammydog01 I have always thought mini lightsabers would make neat hair sticks
@mikibell I need to solder or replace something. I need to take the time to diagnose it.
@CaptAmehrican @djslack @sammydog01 dang. Now I really regret not buying the light up light saber chopsticks.
@RiotDemon oh that sucks… my son was having trouble with his too… a glass bed seems to have fixed some of the problems, but I think our house is too cold some of the time, his printer is right next to an old window

@mikibell you can put a box around it as a temporary enclosure. Drafts affect prints a lot.
@sammydog01 It is a magic wand! I bought a few and you can decorate it yourself! I haven’t been ambitious enough to paint my magic wands yet. I bought them from a crafter from one of the many crafters groups I’m in on Facebook! It’s filled with light magic, sorry no dark magic coming from my house! I’m so glad you enjoyed the box, I had fun picking out stuff to put in this box. The
@savvysapphire I love my magic wand and everything else! I also discovered that in the Halo case there was one of those little metal construction kits. My daughter loves those. She took the Christmas tree socks too.
My package arrived today, and I was thrilled to see it was a box from my regular exchange-mate @mikeleemm!
The box:

The note inside:

While @mikeleemm noted that we have been paired before, this is actually the third exchange box I’ve been lucky enough to get from this generous mehtizen (1 of 3 boxes from the 4.01.a v2 exchange and then again in ver 8.0).
This box contained a several pairs of women’s socks that my wife has graciously accepted. She’ll wear all of them.

There were a couple of scarves (we’re keeping one and will re-gift the other), a spa headband thing, and a couple of nice bows for the girls hair.
Lastly, there was a nice messenger bag that I’m taking, a huge purse that we don’t know what to do with yet, wet hair brush I’ll definitely use for the girls, a cooler seating pad, daisy pot, eye makeup, dino putty, and an iron accessory set.
Thanks @mikeleemm!!!
@zachdecker Haha, oh it has been the third time! Another selection of fine products of Meh
I was actually wondering what the PALM thing was!
IT CAME!!! djslack will have to let me know who to thank for this one, I’m in Meh heaven! I received the following:
-Nice big watch with silicone band, actually ticks too!
-Monkey bag ties which are hilarious
-Pack of handy gel pens
-Coun purse with stars
-Very nice hand-carved hardwood cross (olive wood maybe?)
-Pack of Silky Sheer stockings (I’m a 6’2" man who weights 250 pounds so now I will have the sexiest legs in the land)
-Sparkly grooming kit with file, clippers, scissors and tweezers which will absolutely get put to use
-“Who moved my cheese?” Hardcover book (one of my favorites however, I don’t own a copy so this is great!)
-8 figure golden ticket USB card. I assume I plug it in my computer and $10 mil pops out?
-“Great Quotes from Great Women” softcover
-Sample wellness chews
THANK YOU SECRET SANTA! This was a smash hit and will definitely be participating next year!
@bdorsch44 sweet! Your sender is @mbersiam!
Got my package! Thank you. Not sure who sent it @djslack. But this included:
A blue irk bag (not pictured)
2 stool samples w/ a note saying “one for me one for my favorite doctor”
2 different pairs of ear buds
A wireless smartphone camera remote
A networking cable
A 3D printed F bomb w/ strict instructions to watch a video before using
Wireless charging pad (just the pad)
Wyndham rewards bottle opener
Pinny arcade pin
And an “I heart bbq” sticker in the shape of a pig
@abozik @rileyper sent you that awesome box! Once you’ve watched the video I need to know more about that F bomb.
I’m also envious of your BBQ sticker!
@djslack http://bit.ly/2L40K8n
@abozik Glad you like it, That F bomb was hard to make, had to shave a lot of the plastic down to make the parts fit together. be sure to post another photo of the F bomb exploded
@abozik @carl669 needs that F bomb
@abozik I LOVE IT!
@abozik @rileyper that’s pretty f-in’ awesome!
@abozik @djslack @rileyper
Best darn “F-bomb” i’ve ever seen!! Way cool!
@rileyper the f bomb is cool, will put on my coffee table as a conversation starter. The stool samples have me a good laugh though!!
@abozik, @carl699 enjoys a good f-bomb!
So not sure who sent this as there was no name. But thanks.
@Vrysen @mycya4me sent you that box!
I knew that you were into computer gaming, so a Cat5 cable comes in handy. Sorry that it was so Late. Blame the post office.
@mycya4me Oh no, thank you. I have my basement wired up, but I can always use a non-black network cable on my desk at work. I sit in a dark room and 90% of our cables are black. Now I have purple, green, orange and yellow for when I’m building out computers. And yours wasn’t late. I have a package that was shipped to me on Dec 11th. I still don’t have it.
Ok, to start I must say I was not expecting anything more than some weird tech gadgets that were only applicable to an old flip phone and definitely not what arrived for me via a big brown truck yesterday. @tyler524 must be the coolest person on the planet Meh because not only did I get a box of wine and two glasses from an area that I had no idea made wine but there is a second box on its way. Truly one of my favorite gifts I’ve gotten and I can’t thank you enough @tyler524. So thank you, thank you, thank you! Just FYI, I was definitely asked questions about my likes and dislikes and @tyler524 definitely nailed it!
In the box we have (just in case the pic doesn’t show up)
Leelanau Cellars is one of my favorite place to visit when I go up north and wine tasting. The winter white and red ones are really good I drink them a lot. @tyler524 must live in Michigan like me!
@mattkillpatty @Star2236 I am transplant from Ohio but have been up here for about six years now in Royal Oak
@mattkillpatty @tyler524
I live in Waterford. I knew you had to live in the state to have sent the wine.
i want some witches brew.
@KathyB was an absolutely incredible Elf! I am super duper thrilled and excited to have received the gifts she sent and they will absolutely be well used and appreciated!
-Cocktail picks
XL Broncos Shirt
M Chargers Shirt
Toddler Liverpool Hat
Fluxx Game
Book - 8 bit Apocalypse
Book - The Metamorphosis Odyssey
Misc Small Creatures of which i am unfamiliar, though one appears to be pennywise as a child?
Earrings x3
Movies The Warlords, Warriors of Heaven and Earth, Night Watch, and the sequel, Day Watch.
Great assortment of things in here. I’ve already shared some with members of the fam. Will probably watch the movies soonish as I’ve not seen these. Thanks, Secret Irk!
@jaybird your secret Irk is @humbledalek. Great box!
My box arrived! The opening and reveal will happen this weekend.
Received mine today from @Vrysen. This box is awesome! I’m very much looking forward to playing the Mafiozoo game and the Luke Kywalker action figure will sit on my desk next to the Darth Vader still in box. Thank you!
Webcast Gun II
Wine stopper set
LED headlamp
Wall mounted bottle opener
3 fidget spinners
Season 1 of Blackish
2 micro drones
Fuzzy heart battery pack
Set of Margarita glasses
JIT charger/flashlight/lighter
Facialhair removal spring
Minions stocking and Frozen gift bag (I think I have two more of these from that giant box of giftbags Meh sold a couple years ago
Cat did not come with it but if anyone wants him you can have him. He’s an asshole
Thank you @Vrysen! Also, superb job packing everything!
@mongoose7000 the cat is cute and that webcaster gun is awesome!
@mongoose7000 @RiotDemon so I had to look that up, that seems like a neat concept!
@RiotDemon it looks pretty cool, i was wondering how well it works. It should make my Halloween decorating go to the next level
@djslack @mongoose7000 my friend bought one and I drug my compressor over to another friend’s house to decorate for Halloween. It looked super realistic and it was easy!
You can do a similar thing with a blow gun/blower-shop vac and a glue gun.
@mongoose7000 You’re welcome!! glad it made it there and in one piece. I was a little worried about the glasses.
@djslack @mongoose7000 @RiotDemon

I had to look it up too! Can’t believe I never heard of this before especially since Halloween is my (pseudo) daughter-in-law’s most favorite holiday! I used to think they went over the top with their decorations, can’t wait to see what they do next year, after I get them one!
Oh man - my box arrived today. I’m so happy that I joined in on this aMEHzing event. Thanks to @ruthersby for this stuff:
My Lockdown/Winter beard appreciate it already!!
My mystery sender from IL bestowed upon me this tightly packed pseudo-IRK:
VHS copy of The House of Seven Corpses
A Barbie (sans clothes)
Man Pill stress ball
Van Goh magnets
Bouncie Balls
Western Union travel clock (analog)
DVI to HDMI plug
Valve stem lights
Aux cord extender
Magnifier neck piece
Make your own coin purse leather craft
USB hub leaf
Some beauty supplies
Charcoal toothpaste
Some sort of gaming attachment for your phone
Stuffed animal with hidey pouch
Tree embossed wax seal (hidden in stuffed animal)
Wireless charging pad
Lamp shade light string set
Spitball dartboard game
Wine glass markers
Egg cracker gadget
Wax pellets for candle making
Meh coffee cup (mine have all had their paint flaked off)
And one orange edition IRK bag!
Nicely done mystery Meh-tizen! Thank you very much!
@Hskrjer99 @mossygreen did a great job with that box for you!
@djslack @Hskrjer99 I did!
That’s locally-made toffee from the Long Grove Confectionery, who do a lot of private-label stuff for fancy companies.
@mossygreen I used to live in Fox Lake, so I know right where that is. Thanks again for the above and beyond effort!
@Hskrjer99 Yay! Sorry it took so long to wend its way to you, and also that I misplaced the tracking number until yesterday. Other than that, I aim to please!
Late post, but I received my package from the Department of Wacky Ideas (username?) a couple of days ago.
Buckmaster hat
So glad payroll isn’t still done with these!
Phone case
Ear pieces for earbuds?
HP ink
Random cord
Small level
Mounting bracket
Some type of clips?
TaC brew tea water outlet lid
Cute penguin window clings
Christmas cookie cutters
Light for my cat’s entertainment
Awesome stay back sticker
A bag that says “What do you want to find out?”
And the thing that I want to find out! Punch cards that I’m going to have to decipher.
Thank you, Mystery Mehtizen!
@iluvmingos @RschDev sent you coded messages that youngsters won’t even know are messages.
@djslack @RschDev There is a computer history museum in San Jose where you can make these, if it weren’t for Covid, I would just go there and run them through the machine. That would be cheating though, right?
@iluvmingos those aren’t for payroll, they are flashcards for learning math facts (my dad used to bring them home by the bundle and that is how we reused them) … tape rings and carbon paper were almost as useful!!!
@djslack @iluvmingos @RschDev Well you might be able to find an online translator for it. Maybe one that would take an uploaded photo.
My box is still in transit, delivery date keeps getting pushed back. Says it will be here tomorrow so hopefully
@Star2236 I guess you could blame the goat…oh wait

@Star2236 IT’S FINALLY OUT FOR DELIVERY!! I’m so stoked, hope you enjoy the very mediocre contents!
My person only posted a photo on elfster so I just wanted to post a photo of the box I sent out.
@Star2236 @pgravi owes you a post. That looks like a jam packed box!
@djslack @pgravi
I definitely didn’t think about about shipping while I throwing stuff in the box. Oh well, I’d do it again it was fun.
@Star2236 That looks like a great box! Where on earth did you find pre-made stroopwaffle cake mix? …and SO many other little goodies!
The cake mix I found at Trader Joe’s and knew I had to put in the box bc some people on this site are obsessed with those things. A lot of the stuff I had myself. I have a gift bin that I buy stuff when it’s on sale and throw in there for occasions like this or Christmas. The chips I obviously bought bc I wanted to send something from my area.
I love my Mehrican Gift box! It came in a fine Black Widow bag and included essential items like 2 different bags of coffee to keep me alive in the morning, a no-touch key attachment so I can proudly wander the world not-touching things, and among other things an irritable bowel syndrome DVD which I assume, if used judiciously, could completely eliminate my health insurance costs. Thank you!
@rickpoet you seem fun! You should hang out in the forums more.
@RiotDemon If I service the irritable bowel situation, I’ll strongly consider it! (and thanks
@rickpoet well, it sure is weird seeing someone who knew me when I was 10 years old on this site.
@creativecstasy whoa. Probably Creativecstasy wasn’t the name you went by back then?
@rickpoet you do seem fun! And the source of your bowel healing powers is @rockabettygirl. Thanks for posting and participating!
@djslack @rockabettygirl Thanks @rockabettygirl ! - I love my box! (and the things in it.)
@rickpoet you don’t remember your dear student creativecstasy?

j/k I’ll whisper my identity to you
My very first IRK! Thank you @mrmikenikes !
I got 3 star wars figures
A real IRK reusable bag
New copper gripper socks
And a desktop charging station
Thank you!
Thank you thank you!!! I was greeted with this at work today. I have some nieces and nephews I can give the game and pack of dalmatian cards too. The glasses, cards and HD action cam stay with me!!
I’m trying to add my picture but im having issues uploading from my phone. Any help?? Also this was a very fun thing to do and am looking forward to next years…
@frankthehobo turn your phone sideways before clicking the text box. A new menu shows up. Click the moon over the mountain.
@frankthehobo your thanks should be directed to @subsurfhNs in particular. Thanks for posting!
I got a super awesome box from my person who maaaaay be a dentist!
Came with:
Travel toothbrush with small toothpaste and floss
UV toothbrush
Tons of candy
Empty Maple Tea box
Box of Paperclips
Flashlight with screwdriver attachments
Half used roll of dinosaur stickers
Color changing lights
Tealight candles
Random green ribbon
Thank you so much mysterious dental hygiene enthusiasts!!!
Did I miss something, do we know WHO this masked “dental do gooder” is…???
@mikesmells I bet @Mongoose7000 has a fantastic smile. Thanks for posting!
@mikesmells glad you like it and may your teeth be clean and white!
@djslack @mikesmells @mongoose7000 @Lynnerizer Tons of candy? This dentist is no fool.
My first exchange and I loved it.

Set of metal tongs
Tears of disappointment pouch
Pack of Super Awesome Postcards
Martha Steward tissue paper pom-pom kit
Inflatable rotisserie chicken
Wooden Slingshot
Terrycloth Spa Headband
Choco Pie
Fillets of Plaice (book)
(4) Color Your Fire - Magical Flames
Grumpy scarf
Light up ring
Woot Flying Monkey
Nightmare before Christmas Pen
Watermelon Tap Kit
Soothing Coconut and Shea Bath Salt
CBD Infused lotion
Lip balm
Touch-free door opener
Canvas belt
Black, White and Bold notepad
Poopuri Potty on with birthday hat
Shea hand lotion
Black pouch with bright red lips
Stretch Me Jelly Resistance Band
and candy cigarettes
@cbooboo2 @funsyd sent you a fun box! Thanks for sharing your haul!
@djslack @funsyd I agree! The absolute best with a very nice note
So many goodies to keep me delighted
Aslo, I left off a couple things by mistake
A small plastic chicken
Nail polish strips
Such a cool and fun box.
@cbooboo2 @djslack @funsyd Wow, what a fabulous haul. That book, Fillets of Plaice, should be a very enjoyable read. Gerald Durrell is great - they made a PBS TV series, The Durrells in Corfu, from his books, but I think the books are better.
I hope you were surprised! Happy new year! Did you leave out the Trump pen on purpose?
@funsyd I forgot about him! Is that Freudian?

My package came from Denton Texas and I have to say good work. Love the coasters really do need some new ones. Will have fun with the Golden Gate Bridge and really like the Funko peeps (are they key holders?) the dice game seems appropriate. What is the meh computer thing for please? And yeah I’ll keep the Bernie sticker. Thank you Texas
@funsyd the meh thing is a USB charging cable.
@funsyd your sender is @adamselby!
I am loving these photos. This was my first time and I didn’t really know the way the exchange worked so apologies to both my sender and the recipient of my noob efforts. Now I get it! NEXT YEAR I SHALL RULE.
@ElRage Different people do different things! Remember this is meh and the goal level to meet
@ElRage Mine too. I endeavor to do better next time around.
Just got my box and I had so much fun opening it. I love it. Thank you so much @bdorsch44. I love whale stainer, juicer and grater. I have a thing for kitchen tools. Im gonna be making fresh OJ this weekend with breakfast. The booby traps are awesome and really loud, I had to use one right away. My boyfriend and I are huge fireworks people. The multi tool is really nice and the chemical resistant gloves I’m gonna use to clean I just ruined my last pair stubbing the inside of the oven clean. I love all the stickers and patch, I used to have a sticker book as a kid and still collect cool stickers (need to get another book). I burn candles all the time and that one smells nice, the batteries work for my car starter and I needed to order more. The box opener is seriously cool. I probably have 100 or more boxes in her basement I have to go through from moving so it will come in handy BIG TIME. Everything else will finds its place in my home. So much fun, can’t wait to do it again next year.
@Star2236 YES! I’m so glad it finally made it’s way to you AND with nothing broken! I was sure that the orange juicer was going to be smashed big time. I’m glad you like it and can actually use some of the things. The box cutter is my favorite and the best thing since sliced bread!
@bdorsch44 @Star2236 @chienfou
“Brigades des Stupefiants Marseille”?!!
What a great title - so much cooler than "Drug Enforcement Agency. “Stupefiants” - I think I’ll start using that.
I’ll use almost all of the stuff and save a few things for next year to pass on lol. The box cutter will come in handy big time. Thanks again for everything, I really enjoyed opening it.
@chienfou @Kyeh @Star2236 “Hey… Hey man, got any stupefiants?!”
@bdorsch44 @Kyeh @Star2236
need to say it with a Cheech accent.
@bdorsch44 @chienfou @Kyeh @Star2236 Doug’s Fish Fry in “Downtown” (heh) Skaneateles, NY… just a few miles down US Route 20 from LaFayette, where I grew up.
@chienfou @Kyeh @Star2236 @ThunderChicken No way! Where are you now?
@bdorsch44 @chienfou @Kyeh @Star2236 Wichita, Kansas, by way of Raleigh, NC and Daytona Beach, FL. And you?
@chienfou @Kyeh @Star2236 @ThunderChicken That’s awesome! I just moved back to Syracuse after about 10 years in Eugene, Oregon. Right on Onondaga Hill now, family is still in Skaneateles and Marcellus
@bdorsch44 @ThunderChicken

@bdorsch44 @chienfou @Kyeh @Star2236 My brother still lives in Jamesville, which is where we moved to from LaFayette just before I turned ten. His wife is from Marcellus. I have good memories of Skaneateles; the lake was so beautiful.
Mine got delivered on Tuesday evening… Can’t tell the giftee due to no meh name… so far I got an Elfster thankyou but as for this thread…

@chienfou I got an Elfster thank you note from my giftee as well, but they didn’t post here. My gift box was pretty underwhelming compared to most of what I’ve seen here, though. Maybe they didn’t want to embarrass me.
@chienfou @Pony
I’ve noticed a few people only shared their box on elfster and not in the form while scrolled trough and looked for the one I sent so your not the only one. I had no idea what to send either.
@chienfou Mine was delivered on Dec 30th (not picked up until Jan 4) and I also got an Elfster thx but nothing here. Meh.
@chienfou @Pony @bfhorner @Elrage
Well I just found out that I might have been confused about who sent MY super cool box! And…
I posted and thanked @bfhorner for sending my WAY COOL tie-dye spray and NOW @djslack tells me it’s from @Elrage. Come-on people, PLEASE help me out…! I just want to thank the right person! Please…
@chienfou @Pony @Star2236 @cbl_wv I went through Elfster last night and made requests on the thank you notes that didn’t have corresponding posts here to please come here and share. And I’m still riding herd on a handful of people who have not marked as sent yet in hopes they will come through. I’m hoping we can avoid disappointment in all avenues for as many people as possible, from both not receiving and not posting.

Thanks for your tireless efforts in this project!
PLEASE share your boxes on this thread (part of what you agreed to do when you signed up). The folks who sent the box like to see your post. Some people feel hurt when you don’t. The rest of us nosy folks like to see what everyone got. One way to get banned from being part of the exchange, in the past anyway, was repeated failure to post what you got (along with failure to send).
@Kidsandliz (or both) Guess I drew a short straw this time.
@cbl_wv @Kidsandliz
Bummer. Here’s hoping you weren’t ghosted, just a victim of the postal/package delivery system and your
craptreasures will arrive soon.@Kidsandliz Yeah, mine got delivered on Dec 22 and not a peep. I skipped the last few exchanges because I kept getting ghosted, so it seems nothing has changed.
@cbl_wv @Kidsandliz Same here so far!
@Kidsandliz @parodymandotcom
Did you look through the elfster thread? That’s what I had to do to see a pic of the box I sent and then I just copied the pic and shared it myself. I know I shouldn’t have to but it didn’t seem like my person was gonna share it on here.
@cbl_wv @chienfou @Kidsandliz my bets on the person who didn’t know what IRK or CAPTCHA was!
Beep beep boop boop. (I assume if you failed CAPTCHA you now understand Robot.)
The Goodies that I received…
2 white Apple sticker sheets
1-in 1 LED flashlight
2 Gen Tek Liquid Screen Protector
1 Just Don’t Shake It bottle Opener
1 TrackR pixel
1 Blue RC Car with controller
1 Stress man - baramundi
1 set of Bytech wireless earbuds -White
1 10 watt Rapid charge wireless pad
1 Batman metal Batwing key chain
1 3.3 ft Braided Micro USB / Lighting Charge & Sync cable
1 Bee Wildflower mix of seeds
1 Fidget spinner / bluetooth speaker w/ flashing LED Lites
1 Orange spice works head band
1 Pose able pixel man keyring
1 Portable (Pen shaped) screw driver with bits
1 small Kindle touch sleeve
1 Green set of sunglasses with blinking LEDs
1 Motion control RC fly Rocket
1 Flash Drive
1 Bitdefender key fob/ tracker
1 5 in 1 Ron Pope fryer filters
1 Frontier Communication bag
@mycya4me thanks for posting! The flash drive had some goodies that were at least wishlist adjacent
Can’t take a picture right now but I got:
-Looney Tunes Salad Tongs
-Frozen Bag
-Casino Nightlight
-Harley Davidson Mug
-whiskey cocktail set (no booze but I got plenty of whiskey to make these different cocktails)
-wine stopper set
-a box of Dots the candy
-Sticky Notes
This was from Cindi P not sure of her name on here but I had a lot of fun and I will definitely be doing a Dots and Whiskey night! I’ll try to post a picture later when I get home from work.
Thanks again!!
@MrMikenIkes Thank you for posting! Your sender was @cbooboo2
@cbooboo2 Thanks! I loved everything! Was a great exchange!
@MrMikenIkes I’m glad you enjoyed it. This was my first exchange
So I don’t know how I’ve overlooked this until now, but @lynnerizer your sender was @elrage. I’m digging to see if I told you incorrectly somewhere, but I assume I owe everyone involved as apology!
@djslack I’m looking for the note from the sender, I did take a screenshot. Be back…
@djslack just to let you know why I have not posted my box, I was warned it was on its way but running late. I am getting a “bobcat in a box” which looks cool…
My box arrived Thursday, and now it’s time for the grand opening!

The first thing we see is…packing paper! My favorite!

The initial unboxing reveals:
A Bruce McCulloch CD (from Kids in the Hall, remember them?)
An Ottmar Liebert CD (a German musician who plays Spanish guitar in many countries)
An audiobook of Steve Martin’s “Born Standing Up” read by the wild & crazy guy himself! I’m going to need to get small before listening to this.
A football superstars poster book from 1992, including both Troy Aikman and Emmitt Smith from my local team and other great players like Art Monk who unfortunately had to play for Washington.
Two golden age science fiction paperbacks, both with a price of 35 cents. “6 Great Short Novels of Science Fiction” and “5 Galaxy Short Novels”. Stories back from a time when men were men, women were women, and fuzzy green creatures from Alpha Centauri were fuzzy green creatures from Alpha Centauri.
[not pictured] Included in the wrapping of one of the books was an ad for Ukuleles, prices ranging from $4.00 to $9.00! The ad is from the Theodore Presser Co., which still exists as Presser.com, although it looks like they only sell music these days and not instruments. A shame, I probably would have gone all out and bought the $9.00 uke.
Three mystery wrapped packages, including a bag of pancake flour that felt suspiciously unlike pancake flour. What could these items be? Let’s find out…
3D glasses for watching a special episode of “Medium” (“Still Life” that aired November 21, 2005). “When Allison (Patricia Arquette) encounters the work of one artist, disturbing, three-dimensional images emerge that lead her to believe that the man behind these alarming canvasses may have a deadly secret.”
An ad for a Jet Rocket Space Ship for only $4.98! Cool, now I can play my ukulele in space!
An ad for a Pioneer reel-to-reel tape deck, for…$699.95? C’mon Pioneer, I can buy a space ship for $4.98!
Two clips (flower and dragonfly) on metal bases to stand on a desk or other suitable item of furniture and hold – um – well, whatever you can clip on them! Perhaps a memo, or an ad for a $4.98 space ship, but probably not a 3-liter I-6 Internal Combustion Engine.
A hardback of “Edison - Inventing the Century”! As you know, Edison was that first man to say “Walk toward the light!”
Another golden age science fiction paperback, from the magazine of fantasy and science fiction. This one is the most expensive at a whopping 40 cents. Someone had started writing comments in the Table of Contents – apparently the first story is “family good” and the second is “fair”, and overall it’s “mostly love stories”.
And last but not whatever, four Poker coasters for game night. May all your cards be high and all your chips be potato.
My word, all in all an amazing haul!
@parodymandotcom I thought I commented on this before but I don’t see anything. What an A+ reveal post! Thanks for sharing!
My much delayed post. This arrived long ago and life has distracted me. I was a bit nervous about taking a picture without scattering pieces. A 5D Diamond Art project. Thank you Kristoffer! (Not sure of your name here)

The thank you for the screaming goat goes to someone else
@speediedelivery @Kristoffer assigned you an art project.
@ThunderChicken sent @Kristoffer a screaming goat.
@djslack @speediedelivery Yes, I am guilty of sending the screaming goat to @Kristopher, who may have assumed the exchange was two-way. Here’s a picture (Kristopher’s father-in-law absconded with the goat before Kristopher could post a picture).

The above shuld have referred to @kristoffer. Sorry for the misspelling.
shud? Speaking of misspelling, eww.
@ThunderChicken ehh… Blame it on the small screen
(even if it is not!!)
@mikibell That would be a real stretch, since the 40" screen is only small by cinema standards. Lousy typing and proofreading are the culprits. I r an egsellunt spellur.
So at what point do I get to complain my secret partner ghosted?
@creativecstasy ghosted sending or ghosted posting? Or both?
@Kidsandliz ghosted sending. I haven’t received a box.
@creativecstasy you can feel free to complain now. I am poking the ones who haven’t sent yet, and your sender is one of them.
We will get this sorted out. Thank you for speaking up!
@creativecstasy @djslack
I will send you a box if no nobody else does? I thought you were saying the sender never posted the box you sent. But that’s horrible that you still haven’t gotten your box!!!
There are folks who so far have not received or have not yet posted what they did get.
If you have not yet sent please contact your recipient and let them know what is going on. They are feeling very disappointed right about now, wondering if they will get anything after sending.
If you have sent, have not sent the tracking info to your recipient and tracking shows it has not yet been received, send the tracking number to your recipient so they know what is up and at least know you sent. Knowing that you have sent will make them very happy!
If you have received and have not yet posted HERE (not just on the elfster platform) please post HERE. It is part of the exchange rules that you post here. It is also very disappointing to the sender when you don’t and spoils the fun for them and for the rest of us. The exchange is also about the reveal and the vicarious enjoyment of everyone else (whether or not they participated in the exchange themselves) as they watch the reveal thread unfold.
@djslack will post when she wants to hear from the folks who have not yet received. I am not sure what timeline she is working on for that. Eventually she, as she has already posted, will need volunteers to send to those who got screwed by their senders who had no intention of sending and instead selfishly just did a gift grab (in the past those folks have been banned from future participation).
Kristen Tyrie
I get it. Life is busy. There are much more important things than swapping crap with strangers on the internet. Yet that is exactly what you signed up to do, and it’s been weeks since it was supposed to go out. According to Elfster you haven’t shipped yet. Some of you haven’t even answered any messages there or whispers here.
Don’t let your recipient down. Send out your box. Mark it as sent in Elfster and include the tracking number for your recipient. If you’re having trouble, communicate. With your recipient and with me. We can complete this exchange. Don’t break the circle.
@djslack who are these people?
@cbl_wv They didn’t mark elfster as having sent yet. Based on my past experience running this there may be one or two who claim they send but actually didn’t as well. Only time will tell with that. That they are ghosting @djslack is not a good sign.
@djslack @Kidsandliz So, 92 out of 100 people actually (or supposedly) sent out a package? If so, that’s kind of remarkable, honestly.
@cbl_wv as of this post we stand at 101 of 109 people marked as sent.
Most of us impress me
sadly, that comment rings true in this day and age…
@cbl_wv @djslack in the past it has been around 1-3 (mostly 2-3) out of 50-60 people who didn’t send and a bit higher than that who never posted. This is why we have always (sadly) need back up people to send to those who got screwed.
@djslack The elfster site doesn’t make it easy to find the page where you communicate with your match or report the gift as sent. I had to keep going back to the email that announced that matches had been made, and follow that link. Or you could always bookmark that page. But just looking for it within the site, I never found it. If there’s a way, someone please post it as there may be folks stumbling around out there.
@ThunderChicken it has changed for me as I have marked everything as done, but to my recollection when I logged into Elfster it would show the exchanges I was participating in (just this one). When I clicked on Irk’s face the main exchange page showed my recipient’s info with the buttons to mark as sent or ask a question, and once the box to me was on its way there was also a section that showed my box on the way and the tracking information if available.
This information is based on pure recollection so take it with a grain of salt.
Now Elfster did a good job of hiding the messages section. On mobile you have to go to the menu , then select More and then find messages. That part is dumb.
@djslack I sent mine back on 12/30…and it just now was received in the STATE I sent it to. I sent the tracking number. Hope it gets there THIS YEAR!
@Tadlem43 wow! Did it go on a NYE bender?
I knew we would be playing with fire by shipping out a crap exchange during the busiest time of the year. I’m glad that packages are eventually making it!
@djslack lol I don’t know about NY, but it was stuck in Detroit forever. How it got there, I have no idea. I’m in TX and sent it to Maryland!
@djslack I can send another package if you need a backup for anyone that gets stiffed. Just let me know.
@cbilyak Thank you. I appreciate you volunteering and will be in touch!
@djslack I also can send another package if needed (but please do not have someone send a 'backup" one to me - I’m de-cluttering and do NOT need any more stuff, heh.)
@cbl_wv thank you too, and noted. I’m still holding out hope that your sender will come through, they responded in the past and said they were shipping tomorrow. I hope they didn’t get hit by a bus outside the post office.
@cbl_wv @djslack
Me too, I can send another box, I don’t want anybody by get left out.
@djslack I can also send a box if need be.
gonna wait a few more days to see if my recipient finally posts here, and if not I’ll import the pic she posted on Elfster to this thread.
Oh, and I have already started a box to hold the
craper… I mean wonderful treasures I am accumulating for next time.@chienfou You just made this Audrey Hepburn fan’s day.
YW. I love that musical.
@chienfou Me too. You also made this My Fair Lady fan’s day!
What a haul from @RiotDemon! This is my first meh exchange and I felt like I was at the feet of a master. I feel lucky to have received a box from someone I consider a friend.
++Two emoji pillows. Way cool.
++T-shirt: For me it’s more a case of “I missED the old woot!” since I didn’t find them until they were already the new woot! But I tend to research anything I’ve gotten involved in, and that led me to meh. So yay! Or meh.
++Three little tin buckets that look like good pencil holders or dog hats.
++earbags bandless ear warmers, in season.
+the dipr, apparently the tres chic way to dunk your Oreos.
++Chimpan-Tea tea infuser. You dunk the little guy! There were teas on my Wish List.
++Swiss+Tech carabiner micro light. Looks handy.
++Light green roll of SpiderTech. I had to look this up. It’s athletic/kinesiology tape. Might be fun in the bedroom.
++X-mini speakers. One of my laptops has very weak audio; maybe these will help.
++BYTECH true wireless earbuds. I’ve never had wireless buds; looking forward to trying them out.
++Commuter Waiting Games book. I no longer commute but it will be handy for the occasional Uber ride or waiting room visit.
++Several unidentified foam blocks that look and act like Mr. Clean erasers, so I’ll go with that.
++And last but not least, a note in which RiotDemon thinly veils calling me a turkey and proves she is pretty dang good at drawing one.
Thanks, RiotDemon! Color me happy.
@ThunderChicken We’ve really enjoyed the x-mini speakers purchased here almost 5 years ago
@compunaut Good to know!
I bought these and then decided that I had zero idea what to do with them.
I went on woot a few times right around when it was sold. I didn’t really understand it and was never a wooter.
If you use them as dog hats, please let me know. I had actually thought about using them as the hangers for giant Christmas ornaments. Then I decided that I didn’t need any more giant Christmas things to store.
They weren’t finding much use here in Florida.
Am I weird that I don’t dunk my Oreos?
This was your personalized item (besides a t-shirt in your size). If I do drink tea it’s usually lipton in the bag. I wished I had found some loose leaf tea to send along but I figured maybe you would of had some since it seems you were an avid tea drinker.
Hope they still work!
Lol. I use this for my achy knee, wrist, sand sometimes plantar fasciitis instead of wearing a brace. I’ll wear it for a few days and then usually feel fine for a while. I bought a big box of them to get free shipping and most people I’ve introduced it to has found it helpful. Just make sure you round out any edges unless you want it immediately peeling off. I’ve found several helpful videos on YouTube depending on what is ailing me that day.
This was one of my first purchases on meh. I remember liking them but then I got a Google mini and never used them again. I hope they still work. It’s been forever since they’ve been out of their bag.
I’ve gotten 3 or 4 sets of these exact ones. They aren’t the best things ever, but they’ll work in a pinch.
I have no commutes except where I’m the driver so I passed it along.
They are knockoffs that I bought in a 100 pack from eBay. They work ok. Felt like everyone should have some around the house.
Lol! That’s not what I meant. I just really had no idea what a “thunder chicken” was so I looked it up. I should of guessed it wasn’t a turkey thing since your elfster picture was a chicken.
Thank you for your kind words. I hope you find some of the items useful, or at least fun.
@RiotDemon @ThunderChicken
What a great box/gift! Even greater is the obvious friendships that have been made here on meh.
During these days/years of this whole Coronavirus living nightmare & social distancing, opening and sharing these boxes/gifts it’s more like a BIG group hug! (at least in MY silly, over thinking mind
1 x Dogfish IPA
2 x sets of trippy glasses with a warning they may cause seizures.
1 x 3 pack batteries for trippy glasses
1 x attempt at blindness from red lasers pointed directly into eyeballs from trippy glasses.
1 x How to Irritate People starring John Clease on VHS. Yes, I still have a VCR hooked up and I let my boss know I will be attending some interpersonal training this week.
1 x roll of high quality TP. Locked it up in the safe immediately after taking this picture. Don’t get any bright ideas.
1 x Bluetooth TrackR Pixel. Affixed to said roll of TP in case someone cracks safe.
1x super awesome Meh bag in blue. My orange one broke last week from a case of overcrowding. Now I feel less guilt and will treat this one kinder.
And…saving the best for last…an approximately 4 pound GPS dash mount in the original packaging! It will either find its place as king amongst the the three tier sliding plastic drawers of cables I NEED. I didn’t move them 2000 miles for nothing, one day you will need a cable and I’ll have it!
(Phew, had to get that off my chest for the hubby.)
Or, I will use it as a discus to drop that #(--_er who tries to still my toilet paper.
@rockabettygirl A great box and an amusing post! Before you posted the picture, I had to look up Dogfish IPA. At first I only searched for IPA and thought someone had sent you an intermediate power amplifier for you to connect some of your cables to. I had a big box of cables going back to at least 1977, but lost it in a recent move. [sob]
And a mooing alarm beef thermometer! I’m stoked about this, too. Although mooing the cry of its people when ready for my carnivorous self to devour it may be a bit disconcerting.
@rockabettygirl your excellent box comes courtesy of recent ex-goat @jaybird!
@rockabettygirl OMG there are still trip glasses around!!! Those are from ancient history and someone got close to a pallet of them in a fuku, not to mention many of us got them in a fuku as well.
@rockabettygirl @ThunderChicken
Me too! This was what I found when I Googled it; the last line says it ALL!!
Dogfish Head › brewery › beer
Web results
Beer - | Dogfish Head Craft Brewed Ales | Off Centered Stuff For Off Centered People
@Lynnerizer @ThunderChicken Dogfish is awesome! I just assumed everyone knew what an IPA was. I may have placed about 30 beer related items in my Elfster “like” list. Our house is a craft beer snob haven. @jaybird nailed it!
@rockabettygirl i did stalk rhe wishlist for ideas. The 120 minute ipa used to be pretty hard to get but is now a bit easier to find. Glad you liked everything.
@jaybird @rockabettygirl @ThunderChicken

Even when I WAS drinking I wasn’t a fan of beer or wine so being 30 years sober most probably doesn’t make a difference, I wouldn’t have known what it was back then either!
@jaybird @rockabettygirl Nice choice, I have not yet tried the 120 Minute because it is always so $$$$. Very impressive haul, good job!
You know what’s been really fun? Seeing all the people who aren’t regular posters interacting here. Stop by more often, guys!

@sammydog01 I couldn’t agree more.
I have debated on whether I should have limited the exchange to forum regulars, or whether I should do that if I ran another in the future. But seeing all these new names and interacting with some new people has been one of the best parts of what I’ve done with this exchange. A lot of these new people (new to me anyway) have been simply delightful.
Y’all do keep showing your faces around here, please!
I have yet to see a single broken mug. Take note, meh IRK packers!
Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, a second box arrived! For some reason I’m having a hell of a time attaching pics but here is the list of all the amazing things found in the box and sent by the incredible @tyler524
Bonbon chocolates (there were 6 now there are none)
Some Frozen bags (gifts for the nieces!)
Coins from travels that @tyler524 has been on (I’ll save them for a trip to Singapore!)
A Singapore souvenir key chain
A keys holder
Rapid Ramen Cooker (man I wish I had one of these in college!)
An Atom 1.0 Micro Drone (trying to figure out if I can attach salt packets to it and fly it across the table for air delivery to the wife)
A super cool journal from Shinola Detroit. And it’s monogrammed!
A Star Wars Prince Xizor doll thingy
A Woot Monkey (I’ve always wanted one of these from the old days!)
True Wireless Earbuds (pretty happy having a back up now!)
Monster Clean Touch for my IPhone
I mean, for reals, this has been the best gift exchange I’ve ever participated it. A huge thank you to @tyler524 and to @djslack super appreciate it!
@mattkillpatty wow, @tyler524 is rocketing up the overachiever leaderboard! Great stuff!
@mattkillpatty Your very welcome and I had fun putting it together. I thought I would throw a a couple of local things in the box with the journal and some amazing local gourmet chocolates from Bonbonbon out of Detroit. I have containers of change from counties all over the world and like giving some of it away. There should be some from China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Europe, UK, & and Mexico in there.
Again, we had fun putting it together and I am glad you enjoyed it all.
I sent mine timely and my recipient did post a thank you on elfster. For proof, here is a screenshot. Sent:
Train conductor hats
Train whistles
Train kid’s cup
Insulated mugs
Playing cards
Luggage tags
20 year calendar
Save a Watt plug
Polar something something
Tie dye gaiters
3 pack Dickies socks
Collapsible rubber straw
Lionel Ritchie CD
Charging cable
And the closer…$75 gift card for Tastes of Chicago
I think that was it.
I was fine that it was not posted here, but seems many of you want to see it all so I am sharing.
@cbilyak Wow! Exchange participants like you are setting a high bar this go round!
Crap…I forgot to list the best item!! A bar of Uranus Soap!
@cbilyak It’s just so aggravating that some of the participants cannot/will not follow the directions (“rules”) for this Mehexchange, sorry you had to post it for them. (And I’m sorry I didn’t grab a pic of the box I sent, or I could have done what you did. I’ll know better, next time!)
@cbl_wv all good. He was overly appreciative in a private message to me and that was worth it all in the end. I do not mind posting here. All in good fun.
Woohoo. Just received mine! Thanks @Railek
Not sure how to load photos.
@yugrudfooz If on a phone turn it horizontally and click on the mountain and moon icon. If on a computer use the same icon.
@yugrudfooz That’s a fun one!

Here… let me help you out…
@chienfou @yugrudfooz
Tiny arcade game of the Oregon trail, how cool is that! I used to play that game all the time in elementary school.
@chienfou @Star2236 @yugrudfooz https://www.retrogames.cz/play_687-DOS.php
@yugrudfooz So glad you liked your stuff. I had almost nothing to go on.
Also I was jealous of the Oregon Trail game so I ordered one for myself!
Received a perfect gift package today - hand & body lotion (always a good thing in the winter!), a bag of Kona-blend C-O-F-F-E-E (!!) and a dog toy for my best buddy. Thanks so much, Bret C. (@djslack, do you have a user name for my benefactor? I can’t figure out how to post a thank you on Elfster.)
@cbl_wv your sender is @Atli126!
@cbl_wv Nice box! BTW, Blue Mountain Coffee is Jamaican. Like Kona, it is one of the most expensive coffees and is often blended with other, less expensive beans. As a coffee fan, I’d be curious to know what you think of Gold Coffee Co.'s blend.
Blue mountain coffee is my favorite.
Received mine today from @CreativEcstasy
Felt like a real IRK! Thank you.
And my favorite, the open protein bar with a bite taken!
Yay, glad you like it! I’m so sorry about the protein bar bite, looks like someone in the house tried it and hid the evidence hahaha.
The watch bands are from my last irk, unknown accessory. The silk lanyards are for your mask, to wear around your neck, as needed.
@creativecstasy @railek I like how the puzzle is called “24 Puzzle Pieces”. Implies that it’s not a whole puzzle, but just 24 pieces of a puzzle, haha
@creativecstasy oh no problem! It was very irk-ish! You did good. I will put the 24 pieces together and determine whether or not we have a full puzzle. Haha! Mask holder - That makes much more sense!
@creativecstasy Also, I’ve already put the charging cords to use and that’s actually a really great tote bag. I’m a bag lady, I love them!
Man, last week was distracting, right? My box came early in the week, there was no user name so I’m not sure who sent it. It contained: the well-known motion control rocket, a bracelet and a bag of spicy ramen. Now, I know this was sent before I posted my “I have too much crap” screed here, but I do like that this did not add a bunch of crap that I’ll have to deal with to my home. And I’m not being passive aggressive when I say that the best part is the box it came in–it’s a pretty, sturdy Colourpop box which multiple family members are eyeing. Boxes are in vogue right now. Thank you, west coast stranger.
@mossygreen Sounds like a win, unless the box envy turns ugly, heh. @djslack can you shed light on who sent it?
@mossygreen your sender is @yugrudfooz! Thank you for posting!
Let’s see this fancy box!
Hooray! My package has finally made its winding way to the delivery location–and of course I am out of town for a week! (huffs) WELL. I NEVER. Par for the IRK course, I reckon! Can’t wait to get my paws on it and will be sure to post pics as soon as I can. Squeal!
Received a package today from [insert username here] (I have his real name but not his username). It is a great haul and I still have another package still on the way.
The steamer will very much come in handy since my fiancée sews custom clothing and can use it on her fabric. I would use it for my dress clothes but office work seems to be a thing of the past. The organizer will be nice for all of my little electronic components that are currently in zip lock bags. I will make sure that I start practicing my badminton so that I can make it to the national tournaments and put those shuttlecocks to proper use.
Thank you for the great gifts and I will anxiously be waiting for the next package which shows a delivery of tomorrow.
@tyler524 Great stuff! Your sender is @hoosier!
@tyler524 Glad you are happy… sorry for the delay as life went chaotic… hope you like box #2 even more
Okay, I guess the box I sent isn’t going to get posted here, so here’s the pic my recipient posted in his thank you note on Elfster. I sent:

1 “Calm the F*ck Down” coloring book
1 set colored pencils
1 grey fuzzy throw blanket
2 Dr. Cool cooling towels
1 bottle Bath & Body Works “Sunshine and Lemons” creamy luxe hand soap
1 sample pack heel blister relief pad
1 set curtain LED mini lights
1 pair Mediocre socks
2 Meh stickers

Definitely a super cool box, I wanted one of those coloring books to gift this year! Cool curtain of lights too! At least you got a thank-you on elfster and weren’t totally ghosted!
@Lynnerizer @Pony Sort of a theme here? Almost everything in the box would have a calming or soothing effect. The colored pencils were a nice touch – no stressing because you can’t use your “Calm the F*ck Down” coloring book right away.
When did they do mediocre socks? I’m a huge sock person and I soooooo want a pair.
@Pony @Star2236 it was a VMP giveaway a long time ago. I joined in 2016 and it was before then.
@Pony @RiotDemon
Meh, they need to offer them again for us sock junkies.
My whispers haven’t been heard OR at least not responded to so hopefully THIS will be seen by @Elrage and @Bfhorner. Apparently I misunderstood who MY secret Santa was and I just wanted to make sure that @Elrage knows how much I loved AND appreciated my gift! It totally brightened my day!

I received a mystery Amazon package, and I can only think it’s got to be my Mehrican Exchange. Hopefully I’m right, and it’s a pretty cool and nice laser etched cutting board of Illinois!

@mikeleemm Neat! I don’t have a Meh name for the person that is your sender, so I’ve reached out for confirmation. Hopefully they will respond (and drop by to post what they received!)
That’s really nice.
Since I was a ghost sandwich ( ™ @djslack ), I’m posting the box that I sent to my recipient:
Most of it packed inside of an old MacBook Air box which, along with the stuff that didn’t fit in there, was packed inside of a black IRK bag, and then all packed in a box.
@eric1024 what a great box! I’m sorry your recipient was unworthy. But I hope they experienced the full roller coaster ride of emotion seeing that macbook box and hoping they had scored even bigger than they did. Still, you’re quite the overachiever. Thanks for playing!
@djslack @eric1024
Smart move taking your own pics too! 

I 2nd what djslack said, super cool box! Even MORE super cool is the “BEST BLK IRK BAG” i’ve ever seen, great graphics!!
@djslack @Lynnerizer Thank you both! I’m really hoping that about the MacBook box too - it was supposed to be funny for the recipient, but now I’m (not-so) secretly hoping they REALLY got their hopes up seeing that!
I got an amazing box of goodies, this is super awesome! I don’t have a Meh name, but it turns out we share the same birthday so that’s even MORE perfect.
@dptalia I’m to blame for that. lol I hope there’s something in there you can use!
@Tadlem43 DEFINITELY! All sorts of cool stuff!
Thanks to @ironcheftoni for this LARGE (8.3lb) replacement Exchange box to cover for some deadbeat…

3 cool BlueQ items
smart phone camera lens kit
Piggy Pop pigs-in-blankets silicone baking tray
knit/crochet trivet (looks hand made)
WOOT! bag-of-crap mini-bricks set
Marvel spiral notebook
purple mini Christmas lights
pack of candy smokes
tiny 9-foot (!) tape measure (employer swag)
small puzzle of hot air balloons
3x pink glow sticks
‘baguette lumineuse’ multicolor glow wand
vintage (?) Ronald McDonald toy (with Hula Hoop)
O’Keeffe’s cream for
3x tiny office supplies (eraser, Post-It pad, pen)
bottle of Sodastream organic ginger ale syrup
@compunaut wow, nice box! I was just gifted some of that O’Keeffe’s cream, it comes in very handy for dry hands this time of year. I noticed improvement with the first application and drastic changes within a few days.
Thanks again @ironcheftoni for volunteering to come through in a pinch!
Christmas stationery
2 video games NIP
AND a veritable cornucopia of tea & hot chocolate flavor samplers.
THANKS AGAIN @ironcheftoni !
@compunaut @ironcheftoni
My mom knits those squares you’re calling a trivet. They make great scrubbers for either dishes and pans OR your body! We even make it a pocket and insert a bar of soap! Love em!
Great box!
@compunaut glad you like it. If you don’t have a soda stream, the soda stuff is good mixed with any plain bottled fizzy water. Yes, the dishcloth is hand-made. My tv watching hobby.
I stalked some of your posts that mentioned you were more of a tea drinker than coffee and it’s finally getting hot cocoa weather in Texas.
Not a coffee drinker. You’re turning me into a bigger tea drinker. Now need to find a cheap Keurig.
@compunaut @ironcheftoni ironcheftoni kudos to you for stepping up where another failed.
@adamselby Thanks for posting! What all’s hiding in that box from @parodymandotcom?
@djslack I’ll do my best to recount it, since I (stupidly) didn’t take a photo when I opened it on Christmas. Got a flat rate box completely packed to the gills! As seen here, there’s Age of Empires, The Miniature Book of Miniature Golf (which is so great), The Dr. Demento Interviews, some Meh paraphernalia, candy, some keychains, and other random bits and bobs. It was absolutely way better than the last IRK I got, full of those Superman bags. Thanks @parodymandotcom!
Huge shout out and thanks to @sammydog01 for this awesome replacement box for my ghost sender! This was my first exchange, and though I went into it being okay with and knowing that I may or may not receive something back, it was definitely a bit disappointing being ghosted! Huge thanks to @djslack for gathering volunteers to send to those ghosted, to @sammydog01 for being my replacement sender, and to all of the other volunteers!
1 x Thumb Chucks
1 x Tocky alarm clock (rolls off of the nightstand and around the room - I am the deepest sleeper ever, so this is actually perfect!)
1 x Pokemon Pikachu Portable Charger
1 x YES & NO buttons that say various phrases - my wife is going to hate me
1 x Mullet Wig Ski Hat (see comment to previous item)
1 x Meh popsocket - this is perfect as I had one previously and trying to take it off of my old phone to put on my new phone did not work so well.
1 x Meh foam hockey puck
1 x Meh Christmas ornament - putting on the tree immediately (only to be taken down tomorrow when we take the tree down)
1 x fitness tracker
1 x set of “Car Logo” letters - presumably for spelling out something on the outside of your car - oh, the possibilities
1 x Shirt.Woot holiday card to me!
And, last but not least, 1 x 24-105mm EF stabilized camera lens (mug) sent to me via Amazon - love this - thanks so much!
@eric1024 wow! I’m glad you got a happy end to your ghost sandwich experience. Thanks to @sammydog01 for another one knocked out of the park. Her first recipient was also a ghost, I know she sent out another winning box before this too.
@eric1024 @sammydog01 sammydog01, kudos for stepping in where another failed. I’m kinda hoping you draw me next time; I’ve been wanting one of those lens mugs!

@eric1024 Yay, the USPS got their act together! Your wishlist made it fun.
Hi! If you are my sender, I am hoping to be able to pick up my package from the delivery location within the next day or two! I don’t know who sent it yet but I know it is coming from Tennessee so if this is you, thank you in advance and I will be sure to post pics as soon as I get it! SO STOKED!
Big time thanks to @punkynpye for my righteous box of mehness!
I won’t embarrass them by sharing details as to why the box was late (and let’s be honest, what constitutes “late” on this site, anyway?) but suffice to say that Punkin gets a HUGE pass in my books and in fact big respect for right priorities!
So my box was lots of fun to open and I really got a kick out of figuring out what to do with everything:
Thanks again for all the fun!
Thank you to my mysterious secret irkster! They really went above and beyond and asked me a fun question: Do I prefer brand name or locally sourced?
I had 1 wish list item for a hat with a chili pepper on it and they went the extra mile and custom embroidered me 3!
Been loving the hats. Everything much appreciated. Thank you all!
@PublicArt your hot and spicy sender is @justintyme! Thanks for posting!
I get it now! Thank you, @Thunderchicken, for the Screaming Goat. I had the boys at the lab mock up an image of me opening it (if I can figure out how to upload it).
@kristoffer I love that picture!
Well it IS based on a true story.
Eye would have liked to participate in this. Why was eye not notified?
@whomeyesu everyone was notified for weeks, you should read the forum more often. Eye cannot take any responsibility for posted notices not being noticed.
Catch it next time!
@djslack Well I do not recall being notified yet during the holidays eye was just a wee bit busy as well. Its possible that the notifications were related to me as the check to delete box. Eye will not say that might be the case. So, eye will prepare for this in November or is there a gifting in July?
@whomeyesu Aye, there be a gifting whenever the spirit moves the forum and someone motivates enough to run it. It’s not a Christmas thing, this one just happened to be shoehorned into the holidays. To be honest it made it a little harder to accomplish, I think.
@djslack well ask if anyone would like to run one for lets say Valentines themed. Eye am sure there will be some people trying to pawn off those unwanted holiday gifts. Eye am one.
@djslack @whomeyesu
Eye would LOVE to participate in another one ANYtime! Eye’d even offer to help run it, never did anything like it before but eye’m sure eye could learn! Looks like “EYE’M” pretty good at following suit!
@djslack @Lynnerizer Well start a thread as for such gifting and include some details. Add me and when eye see it. Eye will be sure to participate.
@djslack @Lynnerizer @whomeyesu Eye’m trying to figure out how to weed out the flakes that signed up and didn’t bother to send a gift. Eye noticed that the person eye gifted to ended up being a flake and has never posted to the forum. Eye hate to be elitist but something like no lurkers allowed? Ewe have to at least respond to any questions sent to ewe by elfster. No response, no gift. Eye would be willing to help organize as well.
@djslack @Lynnerizer @whomeyesu Aye think you should keep an Aye on the announcements that are PINNED to the top of the pages.
/giphy my brain hurts


@Lynnerizer @mikibell @whomeyesu There is actually a bit more involved than just having people sign up and let the program match folks. I am sure if anyone wants to run it next both @djslack and I would give you info about what we learned the hard way so you could learn from our mistakes, a list of folks who didn’t follow the rules, screwed others…
@djslack @Kidsandliz @Lynnerizer @mikibell Let eye be honest. Personally eye rather just send shit. If eye get nothing back in return let it be. I’m fortunate to still be alive after 2020. So if eye can gift shit to the less fortunate and feel great about it let it ride.
Uncovering this thread after the Mehrathon has died down; I know some recipients out there will be looking for it to post their arrivals!
@leb3k It is like you are peering into MY VERY SOUL! First off is a nifty styling tool. Seeing as I have an entire bin chock full of loose hair just crying out for a groovy new 'do, I am looking forward to messing with it, especially since no one will be seeing it except the cat. (Who is very much enjoying assaulting the packing debris, and that’s what really matters, right?)
Next, I got this same color mug in a past IRK but the handle was busted off (this is the sound of exactly ZERO jaws dropping) and although I ended up using it a a mini planter, I did secretly pine to mash it to my lips with a steaming cup of hangover misery ramen. Dreams really DO come true! And there are two of them! One for the ramen, one for the “Morning Wine”. Heck, I got two hands, and it’s in a coffee cup for crying out loud, so no one will be the wiser. Are you ingesting life-giving wine nutrients? Or is it just ramen? Only your hairdresser knows for sure!
To go along with my vigorous wine-based self care regime, I also received Sparkling Wine Bubble Bath powder! Now if only I had something to put my drink in while soaking…
But wait! What’s this? A fabulous floating unicorn beverage holder? I have pounded so much bulk wine this year I could make an igloo out of the Franzia boxes so this will come in handy when one is drifting aimlessly down the gutter in a river of despair and chardonnay.
Oooo a whole heap of tracker thingys! How DID you know I lose absolutely everything all of the time? I may just swallow one, or rest it under my tongue like a lozenge so I can locate my train of thought when I stride into a room with great purpose and can’t remember why. At this point I am just going to put them in a decorative cut crystal dish like after dinner mints and force them on the party guests who are most likely to smuggle out the good silverware inn their purse.
And last but not least, a fun party popper to celebrate my good fortune! Wheee!
Thank you thank you! This was so fun!
Edit: I can’t seem to figure out how to attach pics, very sorry!
@missmessye turn your phone sideways before clicking any boxes, and then a new manual pop up. Use the little icon that is a moon over a mountain.
@RiotDemon thank you for the advice! I don’t use a smartphone though and the photo button here doesn’t seem to work on my computer, I gave up after a few tries that just left a funky string of text. I appreciate it though!
@missmessye oh! Hmm. The text does look a little weird in the box after uploading a photo, that’s normal. Did the box pop up that lets you choose a photo at least?
@RiotDemon thank you for encouraging me to try again!! It worked this time, hooray!
@missmessye cute!
@RiotDemon she is such a sweet little dummy and luckily also “full access” ha ha. Feel like noisily smooching all over her whole face including her WIDE OPEN EYEBALL? She won’t even flinch. How about sliding your finger along her gums and tap-tapping your fingernail merrily on her fang? Sure, knock yourself out, she’ll just purr louder. Cramming a tearful drunken face into her soft jolly tummy is just par for the course! What a good kitty!
@missmessye aww, what a good trait to have in a kitty.
I got a massive box this week from @cbilyak after my original gifter ghosted. Thank you!
@creativecstasy There are people on here who would kill for that meh toothbrush fiasco item.
@creativecstasy man, what a box! @cbilyak thanks for stepping up!
I don’t know if it was pent up demand in the form of a whole years worth of junk built up or what, but the whole what’s-in-the-box line has skewed wayyyy high this go round. There have been some of the most jam-packed boxes I can remember going out this time.
Note to everyone reading this: this is not a measure of good or bad, not every box is expected to be extravagant, everyone has their own means and limits. Just wow, there have been some this time.
@Kidsandliz tell me more? I hadn’t seen this design previously, so I missed some excitement!
@creativecstasy I am too lazy to go look for the threads but meh sold those toothbrushes. The company then claimed they were stolen when they were not. Shipment was delayed. Things went to court or at least were going to go to court. Eventually people got their toothbrushes, individually numbered commemorative fiasco coins and other swag.
@creativecstasy I think it starts here: https://meh.com/forum/topics/quip-electric-toothbrush
@Kidsandliz and @djslack ah ha! I remember the toothbrush fiasco, but I didn’t pay attention to all the follow up. Thanks for the intel!
@creativecstasy hope you can use at least some of those things.
@creativecstasy @djslack
Oh wow! Always learning something new here. And the excitement goes on…
What great haul
So… I received this lovely bookmark addressed to @mikibell, but it was not labeled as from “bobcat in a box”… Thank you to my exchange buddy?

They send each item separately. And I don’t even know what they are sending. I don’t believe anything I’ve received has said bobcat on it. Bookmark does look very meh though.
@butter021 cooolll and thank you!! It is lovely… I used to live up by you, about 20 years ago!!
@butter021 I received another package from books a million!!

Paging @sublimebones
Just want to say thanks to @djslack for running this exchange. You did a great job, thanks so much!
@sammydog01 can’t give this enough stars!!

@sammydog01 @djslack

/giphy Thanks!
@djslack @Lynnerizer @sammydog01 Fantastic job, and I KNOW it was a lot more work that it looked like!
@sublimebones hay is for horses and cows too!
@sublimebones @tinamarie1974
Straw is cheaper
Grass is free
@sublimebones @ybmuG but, but, but that is not part of the limerick
@sublimebones @tinamarie1974 Sure it is. Last line:
Buy a farm and get all three
Maybe it’s a regional thing?
@sublimebones @ybmuG oh how does your go??
Mine: Hays for horses and cows too. Pigs don’t chew it b/c they don’t know how …hay!
@sublimebones @tinamarie1974
Definitely not heard it that way before
I grew up hearing:
Hay is for horses
Straw is cheaper
Grass is free
Buy a farm and get all three
@sublimebones @ybmuG huh, interesting! I wonder how many other versions there are?!?!??
Can someone tell me how to add photos? I need to thank my gifter! I got it on Saturday but describing it does not do it justice. I am on my phone. Do I need to use a computer?
@sublimebones turn your phone sideways. Some icons will appear in the comment box. Click on the mountain one. Good luck
@tinamarie1974 thanksssss!!!
Also is this the thread where I post photos?
@sublimebones yup
@tinamarie1974 thanks!!!
Words cannot describe the joy this box has brought me. The fact that a complete stranger would go to the effort that they did for me is unbelievable. I was in such shock. Especially since my original gifter ghosted and this was someone that made up for that. I can’t get over it. I got it Saturday but wanted to get a picture of my girls and that’s not always easy. Sorry is took a couple days, I feel like a jerk. @mikibell you are absolutely amazing!!! They stalked me on Facebook and sent matching outfits for my 6 month old twins and personalized them with the word “Love” for Valentine’s Day! They sent me toy cars and masks for my son! They made me a personalized mask with the logo for my parents bakery that I work at. I got a chapstick holder with my name on it, two awesome cup coozies, a meh bag, hair clips, Essie nail polish, fettuccini, a glass catchall tray, an umbrella, sunglasses, lego glasses with lego pieces to put on it, a smart watch, headphones, pens, two flashlights, wine stoppers… I am sure I am missing something. I think I hit the gift giver lottery. Truly amazing. I can’t say thank you enough. And @djslack you are amazing for putting this together. I have been with meh since the beginning but this is my first year in the exchange! It’s Great!
@sublimebones Alana was very tired (on right) sorry about that!
@sublimebones What a great reveal! And @mikibell knocks another one out of the park.
SO glad I stalked the right person. I would snuggle those two all day long, tired or not!! The pasta was really just to get the bang for my buck on the flat rate box
Hope it made your day brighter!
@mikibell @sublimebones For a minute I thought “they sent babies!!! Wow, I didn’t think the post office would deliver those…”
@sublimebones @ybmuG oh man… I would love someone to send me one of them babies to snuggle… But, alas, I think you are right… The post office won’t deliver … I think they fall into the breakable, fragile, and possibly containing liquid categories!!
I keep coming back and looking at their beautiful faces… Ahhhh eventually I will get grandbabies, but I am the only one ready for them!!
@mikibell @sublimebones brilliant! I did not even think about sending some of my pasta…next time!
Girls are so stinking cute.
All right, folks, I’m calling it. We’ll go out with a bang on that box @sublimebones posted above. There are some people that didn’t manage to post, but I think we have tied up as many of the loose ends as we can expect.
I want to thank everyone who participated in this giant exchange. It may not have always been smooth but I hope everyone has enjoyed it after all is said and done.
I also want to take another opportunity to thank all those who stepped up to fill in where someone else fell through. @sammydog01, @mikibell, @mossygreen, @CaptAmehrican, @IronChefToni, and @cbilyak all stepped up to save someone’s day and we couldn’t have completed this without your generosity. And there were more volunteers than ghosted people, so thanks to those others that volunteered as well.
It feels kind of weird to still be dealing with a holiday thing in February, but I hope everyone had a great holiday and is on the way to a better 2021! Catch y’all next time!
@djslack thank YOU for being the ring leader, this circus certainly needed it at times!
@cbilyak @djslack
Yes thank you, it was tons of fun.
@djslack thank you DJ and all those that stepped up. You are all wonderful! It was a great exchange!