20What? AGAIN? I am the first to get a box?
The below box was waiting for me when I got home from work today. The box was heavy and delivered FAST…great job @tlaughner for an excellent assortment of “treasures”
…And here is what I won:
Bag of jingle bells
Wired mini selfie stick
Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man’s Chest
CCD video camera
Panthers hat
LED light bulbs
Amazon smart plug
Autograph pillowcase
USBC keychain
Buddha Homer Simpson
Christmas plastic gift bag
Door hinges
Two different Samsung plugs
Predator bottle opener
Fall themed napkins
Teacher-from-kid greeting cards
Clear plastic name card holders
…and a little note:
…Great job! You’ve set the bar for the rest of us to get our boxes together (me especially)! Thanks for the stuff!!
- 99 comments, 280 replies
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Whew! I didn’t want to be first.
@readnj sent a very disturbing note along with their box. Like maybe I SHOULD feel violated but I don’t.
I scored:
Two Alien figurines. ADULT collectible!!! Can’t wait to try these out on my wife… her favorite movie! She was very excited to see them.
One LED headlamp!!! This will come in very handy as I have some wooded property and use a lesser model all the time when there at night. Awesome!
A Wearable Pocket Plasma (light). I’m definitely wearing this on Halloween!
A 2Wire ethernet adapter that allows use of your home’s phone lines as the network. What are phone lines? Only one 2Star rating on Amazon from nearly 10 years ago so it’s just got to be meh!
Two HP USB printer cables like the one I gave away in the last exchange.
One Ashley Chloe Italian Rose iPhone 6 case like the one I mailed off this morning for this exchange.
Yay! A USB Hubman!!! I’ve been pining for one of these for a long time and never got one in an IRK/Fuku!
Much needed sunglasses for my wife!
A Splash Bomb Water Frisbee. I threw it in the canal behind my house and it just floated away. Must have been a dud.
Harry Potter figurines. Not just any figurines. A FIVE PACK COLLECTOR SET! The nephew will hate these for Christmas. Perfect!
A PROMO DVD of “The Notebook.” “The best love story I have seen in years” -Larry King. Uhmm, alrighty…
A refrigerator water filter for the next exchange. Hint for the next exchange…. Samsung.
One Neurona Connected Life Camera. Reminds me of the song “My Neurona” or a medical condition. Now the damn song is stuck in my head (a mediocre condition). Thanks.
IZON Wi-Fi video monitor. “Eyes on” I get it.
Cameras are always cool. I got a Meshare camera in the last exchange. The damn postal carrier flipped it the bird! It died shortly thereafter. I’m tempted to put the video on my YT channel but I’m concerned about retaliation.
No velvet…
All in all, an AWESOME haul! We had a blast opening it! Thanks @readnj!

@jimmyjoemeeker I wonderd what a Hubman was, gonna have to find me one of those!!

Oh, God. Now my wife keeps singing “My Neuroma!”
Now that the song is out of our heads, we had to mention that the thought put into the letter is the best part!
Impressed I was able to replace so many of the things you gave away even though that wasn’t in the lurking! Very happy I could make your hubman dream come true too. A Samsung Fridge? you live in a key US manufacturing area! Seriously glad you enjoyed your haul and very sorry about the lack of velvet!
All together now: Is it d-d-destiny, d-destiny
Or is it just a game in my mind, Neuroma
I was just getting ready to check the tracking on it when I saw the post. Glad it got there safely, and hopefully you can put some of it to use!!
Got my first box from @unclevinny. Great assortment of goodies inside. Honestly, I’m getting a kick out of the elephant!
Bravest Warriors Comic - love comics!
Flintstones comic - again, love comics!
Look to Windward book - looks like an interesting read
The Color of Magic book - also looks like an interesting read
Pretty Lolli & Pops box
You’re Stranded in the Past bandana
Cool painting that came with a PS note stating it’s not waterproof, and a note on the back
Poo squishy - laughed at this one…it may get passed on as a gag gift
Walking elephant - love this
Two packs of Dinosaurs Attack cards with gum - this is vintage…maybe I won’t try the gum lol
Canada $1 coin
Card that says give this card to someone that makes you smile
Peanut chews candy
Peach mango 5 hour energy
Nut Goodies candy
Travel size Kleenex
Awesome box, I love it! Cat was not included in the box, but as always had to check things out!
@savvysapphire oh great, I’m glad it arrived safely. Yeah, the elephant is super adorbs.
PS: hello kitty!
@UncleVinny I think I’m getting way too much of a kick out of the elephant lol! The cat is Savvy, she’s very nosy. I have two others but they dint get along so they’re allowed out at separate times. Savvy thought everything smelled great lol! And, amazingly she didn’t try to eat the candy! Thanks again, it really is an awesome box.
@savvysapphire @UncleVinny so is the painting an UncleVinny original?
@savvysapphire Ohhhhh…you got “The Color of Magic”! Its magical…
@savvysapphire @tinamarie1974 that it is! I’m really fond of @sunnyday.designs on Instagram, so I’m trying to do my own version of her style of painting. I have a long way to go, but I’m getting better!
@savvysapphire @sunnyday @UncleVinny looks good! Nice job!
@jimmyjoemeeker please check your email as I sent you a message that needs answered sooner rather than later.
@capnjb I apologize for being slow to post my reveal. This box was packed with amazing stuff, and it was definitely sent in a timely manner. lol this is going to take a while to type out.
2 LED floodlamps (will definitely get used!)
Bunch O Balloons (fill and tie a shitload of water balloons very quickly)
1 “Bitty Boomer” mascot bluetooth speaker, Seattle Seahawks. (Did you know Seattle is my hometown?)
2 Apple decals (my hubby works for them!)
1 HUGE “slide to unlock” magnet (will go on our pull-out freezer door)
1 “Nano Prowler” drone (hubby has declared dibs)
1 black mouse pad (my old one was getting pretty rough, so this is handy)
19 cocktail umbrellas (I shit you not, I had just been looking around for some of those. We have a pool, and it’s just not right that we have drinks with no umbrellas.)
1 picture frame building kit (will go in my craft supplies)
1 B&BW candle, “Wine is my spirit animal” (smells soooo nice)
1 Magpul sticker (my AR-15 was built with mostly Magpul parts)
1 bag French grey sea salt (How did you know I’m a salt snob? I have bunches of different types, but never had this kind before. Yay!)
2 sets of disposable hand warmers (Winter is coming)
1 glass screen protector (will actually fit my phone!)
1 black power strip (I never have enough of these!)
1 black extension cord, 6 ft. (again, always searching for one that’s not already in use)
1 wired mouse (will go in the big box of backup computer stuff)
1 set Panasonic Ergofit earbuds (will go in my chore bag so I can rock out when I’m cleaning the chicken coops etc)
1 old school Atari Astroids cartridge (I think someone in our family might actually have the machine to play it on)
1 Lighted cable lock (Nice! I know it will get used for something)
1 McCafe card with a $5 balance. (Yay! I love their fries!)
2 guitar picks, heavy. (brother in law can use them)
1 Richard Sherman “You mad, bro?” silicone bracelet (Sister in Law would probably love this)
1 Paul Frank monkey magnet (will go on the fridge, of course)
1 package wine themed party napkins (will get used, we have friends over quite often)
1 Hofbrauhaus München keychain (must gift this to my friend who is German and a beer freak)
1 bicentennial half dollar (woo! money! lol)
1 1957 Silver Certificate dollar bill (mo’ money!)
1 "Dad Rules metal sign, football season. (will go to hubby’s dad)
1 book of pickling recipes (I love pickled stuff!)
1 Sammy Davis Jr. 45 rpm record (will go to one of my DJ friends who own turntables)
1 Apple Stellar Invaders disc! (believe it or not, my hubby has the vintage machine that will play this!)
Whew- I think I listed everything. My fingers are tired. hahaha! Thanks so much, this was a really fun box of randomness!
@Pony Yay! I’m glad you found something useful
I actually have an Atari 2600 and an Apple IIe Platinum. My daughter is 11 and I thought it was important to teach her the classics
I was also born in Seattle (but grew up on the East coast) and have enough types of salt to make my wife roll her eyes when I try to tell her which one I finished the dish with. Hope you had fun with everything 
Well I know from some tracking numbers I have been asked to pass on that some boxes are arriving to some lucky
victimsrecipients on Monday and Tuesday.I got my overfilled box from @moonhat today. Holy wow! So much awesome! Is this knit cap home made? It’s great! My wife already stole it. My kids will likely pillage the rest when they get home from school. There is too much here to list, but I think it’s safe to say @moonhat knocked this one out of the park. Thank you
@capguncowboy Yay! That was so fast, I just mailed it Saturday afternoon!
I’m glad you like it! Yes, I made the hat, it’s the only thing I know how to knit so I love making them. It was a super mess in the box because I had to switch it all into a new box at the post office though, so I apologize for how it was a chaotic pile!
@moonhat Don’t apologize! This was perfect! Thank you
Lord of the rings glass goblet
Silver crest fitness tracker… will go to a kid I know that wanted to track their steps
Inflatable torch
Two black wells formont gloves
A single use breathalyzer
A date rape tester - I have a bunch of these from the last fuko
A blockbuster dvd for factory girl, don’t know if it’s playable
A pc tool kit
An Ashley Chloe case for an iPhone case. Also from the last fuku
Extreme racing for the ps2.
A hot wheels car
A 1amp car usb charger
A twist and charge usb charger
A grocery reusable bag that says a nice pear, another thing my daddy used to say…
A picture hanging kit
A 2gb trekstor MP3 player from 2007, 2gb
A meh phone stand
A 9 disc audiobook set of they eat puppies, don’t they from the cuyahoga county public library.
I’ll post a picture later… I’m trying to decipher the name written on the bag… jimmy joe decker?
@juststephen That would have to be @jimmyjoemeeker! Its a Rockford Files reference.
@juststephen @ybmuG Just about anyone can snag a Fuko bag, I.R.K. bag or B.O.C. but a Jimmyjoemeeker Bag O’ Pears? Ha! Good luck finding one of those!
Factory Girl played for me. My wife and I thought it was pretty interesting. I won’t give it away, but I never realized someone in the film was such an a-hole.
The iPhone case was actually from two Fukos/I.R.K.s ago.
Sounds like the gloves didn’t come in time for the plumbing problem?
@jimmyjoemeeker @ybmuG Nope. Got a new commode… but perhaps I can use them into wrangling a cat into a bath tub to get rid of a few surprisingly treatment resistant fleas.
@jimmyjoemeeker @juststephen @ybmuG a fun aside, a lot of Factory Girl was filmed two blocks from my office at the time. A girl i worked with got a small part in it, and decided after that experience that she would move to Hollywood to be a movie star.
I saw her name in one B movie once. I bet she’s a heck of a bartender by now, though.
@djslack @juststephen @ybmuG Whoa! Someone who knows an almost celebrity is in our midst! I am honored! Seriously, though, that’s a neat bit of trivia.
@jimmyjoemeeker @juststephen @ybmuG haha i know a few other almost celebrities too lol
@jimmyjoemeeker @ybmuG I got good use out of that computer screwdriver kit. Used it to take apart a portable ice maker. Who knew they were so insanely tedious to take apart? 60+ screws.
@juststephen Awesome! I have that kit in my tool chest, myself. A man can’t have too many tools!
@jimmyjoemeeker I was bad and didn’t post an image with my contents list. Here you go, minus one glove that disappeared and the computer tool kit which is in the car.
not pictured was a fleece blanket in wrapping paper that looked like it had some creepy crawlies on it
record for pediatricians on allergy diagnosis (highlight of the box!)
some solid bbq potato chips
assorted phone and watch protective equipment
book on cd
fake nerf gun
GOT season 2 dvd set
@jalopatin I respectively disagree. The potato chips are the highlight of this box.
The record can be #2.
@jalopatin Apologies for the bugs I had packed the box and left it in the garage over the weekend. When it rained and poured. I’m feel horrible about that.
@jalopatin washing machine will cure it of bugs.
@joebuddah lol its all good! part of the adventure. the chips were awesome and the 1957 record is gonna be around the house for years. all and all a great haul
@jalopatin GOT dvd, nice!!
@zachdecker A grippos fan are we?
Today at work I received a box from @cerridwyn. I will post pix when I get home this evening.
Ok, I lied. I was tired night before last and didn’t even get to unpacking the box. This morning (technically, yesterday morning) I did unpack it and take pix, but then work and other mundane things happened, so here goes, only like two days late:
Some closeups of a few items, and then a list of them…
Philippine Jeepney pen holder
Flowers Feed The Soul art (“for decorative use only”? We shall see…)
(2) black compression girdles
Aroma alarm clock and sound machine with coffee, chocolate, mint, flowers and lavender aroma packets
Berry Frost scented body butter w/ red gift bow
“Haiti” wooden jar with lid
Tiny wooden “SuSAN” mortar and pestle
Rishi matcha instant green tea packets
Meyer lemon scented candle
Aloha Hawaii wooden turtle magnet
Pink horned faery bear stuffed creature (are fae animals?)
Silver and pink bead in a ring necklace
Small orange cap gun
Large hoop earrings with dangling black feathers (
Cheap plastic sunglasses
Timberwolf orange folding knife
Pezneys “Mural of Flavor” spice blend
Pezneys sample packet of cracked Rosemary
Light-up rocket pen
Sticker: “Norway once knighted a penguin”
Button pin: “Farmland Bacon Club Proud Member”
“I Will Vote 11.3.20” bumper sticker
Red horn-like voice modulator and amplifier with four settings
@cerridwyn, thank you for a most meh haul of stuff!
The flower art thing will work perfectly in my hallway to balance several other larger artsy things!
The spices, candle, knife, green tea and a few other items will see good use, either from me or the girlfriend or daughter units. We shall see if the gfu likes Berry Frost… she can be fickle, so who knows if it will be great or rub her the wrong way.
I’m still considering how best to use the girdles…
Thanks again for an excellent box!
@baqui63 you can blame meh for those, and the person who sent them to me in the last exchange
Thanks, @Cerridwyn! Maybe @kidsandliz can arrange for me to be paired up with that person in the next exchange, so the girdles can get home where they belong.
@baqui63 @Cerridwyn oooh compression girdles, cool, what size? Did you try them on? I’m so curious
@Savvysapphire and @tlaughner your boxes of surprises are packaged and ready for the postal man or woman. My condolences on the litany of uselessness contained within them.
/giphy postal man

/giphy postal woman

/giphy usps

/giphy large flat rate

@bleedmichigan oh yay. Uselessness. My favorite! I can’t wait to see what you’ve packed, I’m sure I’ll actually find something useful inside lol!
@bleedmichigan Step-sister caught in the Mailbox, Step-Father has to step in to help out Step-Step-Son on Step-Stool Getting Step-Sister out
Wow, @stolicat! Thank you for a most excellent haul! I am impressed with the abundance. After a trillion spitups (the baby, not me) I’m too braindead today to upload a photo and description but I will tomorrow. Stay tuned, all.
@becca I’ll look forward to that, as I forgot to make a list of what was in there, and, y’know, the memory …
@jimmyjoemeeker YOU Overachiever, you!
Quite the haul! LOTR goblet! Date rape detection kit, BAC straws, PC repair kit, knife blade safety cover (already installed & I feel safer already). What else?
A talking mug! Flaming torch! Sleep mask with earplugs! It’s like you know me!
Matchbox car of a Pontiac GTO! Love the GTO! (Had two dates in high school with a GTO lover. “Love me, love my Goat” was the catchphrase)
USB lighter adapter- who ever has enough of those?!!
A WOOT bag clip. Did not expect woot stuff.
The one thing that has me puzzled is the wrapped gift. Sealed in plastic. No idea what that is. Not sure I want to open in and ruin the surprise.
And (drum roll) a limited edition “a nice pair” reusable bag! Not many have one of those!

Seriously, great fun and a great haul. Thank you for thinking of me!
@JnKL When you finally open it post as I am nosy and want to know what is in it (grin).

/giphy no fair I want to know
@JnKL So why aren’t you opening it? If I had gotten a wrapped box like that I sure would have torn into it first thing. The suspense would have been killing me. Likely not a glitter bomb. Those usually come in envelopes.
@JnKL Maybe you should open it before @Kidsandliz has a stroke…
@JnKL @Kidsandliz @ybmuG well, that sticker on it kind of gives it away
@JnKL @Kidsandliz @stolicat @ybmuG Air crawler?? Is it a drone?
@JnKL @Kidsandliz @stolicat @ybmuG @zachdecker Curses! The sticker!
@jimmyjoemeeker @Kidsandliz @stolicat @ybmuG @zachdecker well… I feel like an ID10T.
Sticker is right there in the corner of the box. Totally missed it. Air Crawler, silver.
How did I miss that!
I dunno, that sure looks like Christmas wrapping paper…
It might be something for a youngster but my wife and I learned on similar ones. I never thought of “The Goat” when we sent that goat.
@jimmyjoemeeker not just a GOAT, a Judge!
@ybmuG And not just a Judge but a police Judge!

/image GTO Police Judge
It’s here! It’s here! It’s here!
The postal carrier just brought in this huge box from @baqui63! I can hardly wait to pop this cork and see what mysteries lurk within…
I just received delivery notifications for the two boxes I sent. Looks like there’s going to be a bunch of activity in this topic today.
@ruouttaurmind Hmm… 17 minutes ought to be enough to open, take photos and post… says she who is curious
@Kidsandliz Interviews all day. Won’t be able to dig in until I get home this evening.
@ruouttaurmind well ok fine. Be that way and put work before pleasure

@Kidsandliz @ruouttaurmind that drawing of the chess pieces and the dice …
Pre-printed there by the post office. That box is designed to be used for board games, hence it’s unusual shape.
I’m positive @baqui63 is sitting in an empty house tonight. Around 30 items in that box! It took me about 20 minutes to unpack them all. So many items in fact that I couldn’t fit them all onto my table for a decent photo. I’m going to lay them out on the floor tomorrow morning and post a detailed report and pic then. In the meanwhile, I will say @baqui63’s generosity and sense of humor is second to none! What a blast I had going through the stash.
Still on my to-do list! I got sucked back into the office despite my strictest command to not be disturbed today under penalty of death. Home now, will get on it this evening.
So. Much. Stuff.
@baqui63 did an awe inspiring job cramming that box so full of goodies!
Wow. Just, wow. I’m totally blown away by the diversity, curiosity, and sheer volume of content!
Thank you so much @baqui63 for a truly entertaining and useful box! You rock!
Hey @mediocrebot,
@baqui63 @ruouttaurmind so you are joining grinder this weekend?

@tinamarie1974 I don’t need no stinkin’ Grindr. I meet the ladies the old fashioned way! (POF and Zoosk) Netflix and chill anyone?
Oh, I crack me up. No, no app dates for me. I’m a good boy.
@ruouttaurmind I am extremely glad that you liked the box of stuff and even more so that some of the items are actually useful for you.
My primary goals when packing it were to have no discernible theme, to get rid of crap from my vast stores of such and, in your case, to include exactly one “girly” item.
My girlfriend’s late father was a Radio Shack junkie. I never met him (she and I met in 2005 well after he died in 2002) but we are still finding things he purchased from Radio Shack, Sharper Image and other places. That Archer Private TV Listener was in a box of stuff from under her bed, discovered when we replaced her old brass framed king-sized bed with a queen-sized captains bed with storage drawers under it. In fact, about a dozen of the items in the box came from junk that had accumulated in her bedroom over the years.
Holy crap @bramby2 going above and beyond!
I was greeted by this absolute unit of a box when I got home last night. I believe it weighed in at 11lbs! Thankfully the fact that we’re both in DelMarVa kept the shipping prices down, but still, dayum!
Stuffed to the brim!
I’ve sorted things into vague categories, bear with me…

I’ll call this well-being! We’ve got a:
Off to a good start, next up, Electronics!

We’ll go with… kids? other? next?

Pets is next! So many dog related things!

And last but not least, the most mediocre category…

Let’s just say Rocket is very excited about the level of dog representation in this box.
You knocked this one out of the park, I’m absolutely blown away, thank you!!!
@smigit2002 Is that a mediocre Christ-mehs ornament in the mix as well?
Everybody’s getting rid of their old woot-off lights…
@smigit2002 great box and adorable pup
@zachdecker Yes, I forgot to mention the Christ-mehs ornament! I can’t wait to hang it on the tree, certainly suits my feelings!
Thanks @CaptAmehrican she’s a sweetheart, somewhere around 9 months and absolutely full of love
@smigit2002 Yeah! My Big Ol’ Box of Meh arrived safely!
Glad you and your pup enjoyed the treats…and thanks for helping me clear out my hoard!
@bramby2 I’ll clear out your stash any day!!!
So @ruouttaurmind came strong with my treasures.
the haul
4 pack of color changing lightbulbs.
Creepy Cup (skull)
Desk cleaner mushroom
iPhone 7 case
Cheapskate phone loop thing
Njoy vape pen (no pods)
Nsr tactical velcro patch
Kids scissors
iClever Wireless headphones
Pampered Chef mix n chop
Chicago Blackhawks hat and mitten set
2 octopus (green)
DJ monkey socks (!)
Awesome box. 10/10 would recommend.

The toast was my breakfast dinner. Not included in box.
@DJ Hope you enjoy something in there.
RE: the Njoy battery… I’m not trying to get you hooked on vaping or whatever. The corner shop near my office sells them for a buck. I grabbed some hoping to open them up and repurpose the battery for one of my ill conceived schemes. LIon battery with a convenient microUSB charging connector and smart voltage regulator for a buck? Why not! So if you’re a tinkerer, hopefully you’ll work out something to do with it.
@ruouttaurmind I love it all. My brother owns a vape shop so maybe I’ll go for it. Haha
@DJ I love breakfast dinner! When our son was young and we didn’t have a lot of money we used to have Wednesday night waffles. Still do occasionally.
@ybmuG My daughters love their dippy eggs.
@DJ oh man - I had those whenever I would stay with my grandmother. Had my own chicken-themed egg cup. Wonder if my dad has that somewhere…
@DJ what’s that fun squid-looking thing?
@moonhat it’s for fishing… not 100% sure how to use it for that purpose but my kids were using them as finger puppets.
@DJ @moonhat you put the jelly squid body on a jig head hook. Then it widdles behind the hook to attract the fish
@CaptAmehrican @moonhat I’ll be sure try that out on Lake Erie’s waters.
I rushed to the post office just to find out the credit card machine was down and I down carry much cash on me. I had to get to the Dollar General (small town) and take cash out and got it out 5 minutes before the post office closed down. So my package is bound for CA
@StrangerDanger that effort was so much more than meh!!
interesting box is in California
pics tomorrow, after I charge the phone and get some sleep
most interesting thing is a book of old unused matches
if it is too big mods please adjust
7 in laptop with no editing abilities
and wtf is the green thing?
for future reference, SD appears to have a thing for watermelons
@Cerridwyn @StrangerDanger it looks like an old fashioned ice bag??
intereting stuff
some oldies cds. some music i remember and don’t own a copy, have to see what magic my SiL can do with getting copies of those i can stream.
the thing with the soccer ball appears to be some sort of child finder
can’t see is the wierd pens, the misc ancient cables, the sparklie key chain, old cassette laps, a robocop dvd and a screw
@Cerridwyn yea it’s a ice holder to use on yourself. The screw is based on your post about ‘screw”. The HDMI cords are new, extra from HP monitors. The Robocop Blu-ray is an extra copy I had kicking around. The soccer ball thing is something I bought from meh and never used. Kids helped me with the pens and cups. They thought they looked fun. Cassette tapes I’ve had forever so I passed them on. Sorry if it disappoints at all. Oh and the matchbooks are from the opening screening of that movie.
never disappointed. you don’t know how much i’ve looked for matches around the house
everyone[s boxes are unique and a bit about them.
i coudln’t open the ice pack thing, so thought maybe it was something else. but so’k
ihave a lot of old cassettes never thought of tossing them in a box, records too. but the cd’ s are an charm.
I wouldn’t know one computer cale from another these days, so just knew they were some sort of cables.
And cool to the kids helping
Thanks again @stolicat for such a hefty many-itemed box
I’m particularly excited/terrified about the scissor-knife. and I actually really needed cutting boards right now, so well done on anticipating that!
(Sorry, I guess I don’t know how to share images correctly anymore?)
@becca ah, that’s where those spatulas went … Glad you found something of actual use - the poetry might be relaxing for when the baby’s quieted down and not spitting up …
@becca Very cool stuff. Is that a Bills jersey I see?
@StrangerDanger a jersey-looking shirt of a former Bill
@becca Very true. I’m a big Bills fan (season tickets). I have Lesean Mccoy shirt myself.
@becca @StrangerDanger Lets Go Buffalo
@becca @StrangerDanger maybe it’s found a home …
@becca scissors are cool
bet part – dishwasher safe
Got a packed box from Bluff City TN. Which is apparently on the VA/ TN border. (I’m from Joisey what do I know)
It was an interesting combination of the weird, useful, useless, fun, broken and unknown. Thanks @capguncowboy for the awesomeness!
Twister Mat- (I guess I have to make my own spinner)
Doll Head (OK?!)
4 mini sharpies
2 mini Yankee candles (wife already took)
Coach eyeglass case
Mini bow on stand
Toothpicks ( I presume used as arrows for above)“You’ll poke your eye out with that thing”
A spooky spider coffee mug
Travel Charger for AA batteries for digital camera
1000 mah charger
Mini speaker (dead)
Headlamp. (Better then the one I just gave)
Race car and control (very cool)
Spooky metal fidget spinner (why not?)
Emoji Tatoo stickers
USB drive (haven’t checked contents)
Dill pickle flavored sunflower seeds. ( Well I like both tastes but…)
A gift bag
And a…
4 FT PL30 and controller (I have no idea what this is but it uses 12 AAA batteries which were all dead. Before I replace what are they? Anyone?
Just looked them up and they are hanging camping lights, but it was too late to edit!
@readnj Glad you’re pleased with it – I have been working so much lately, I didn’t have time to do much stalking on the forums to find out what you’re into, so I just went with random. Those dill pickle seeds are one of my favorite snacks. I suppose they’re not for everyone, but they’re worth a try
The green/orange pucks and remote are LED lights. They’re for camping. Someone got them for me last year (since I camp a lot) and they’re too bright for my liking. If they’re dead, I presume it’s because my kids were playing with them. They can be turned on by both the remote or by bumping the lens
The battery charger is for 18650 batteries, which is what is inside that portable charger.
The toothpicks are in fact for the crossbow. Be careful with that thing, it’s lethal. It will pierce skin from 6-7 feet, maybe more
@capguncowboy My sister and her husband are big camping buffs. Time to regift!! They will love those. I tested one and it really is powerful. I also forgot to list the “Awkward Family Pictures Book”- very funny! Thanks again!
@capguncowboy @readnj the “Awkward Family Pictures Book” has been around since the first fuku (I got one) and several have been regifted multiple times (as has been mine). The are the white elephant that never dies apparently
@capguncowboy @Kidsandliz @readnj There may or may not be more still appearing in this exchange.

@zachdecker says the guilty?
@capguncowboy @Kidsandliz @readnj @zachdecker I’m tucking into mine now as we speak
So the box from @ybmuG has arrived. It actually arrived yesterday or was it Tuesday?well life kept me busy and I finally got to open it today and it is a Gumby and Spam special and some wine thing that scared the wife when she opened the fridge.

Thanks again for this spam meh gedon package.
Blue knife was not included my table is just a mess.
here is the scary Hungarian wine guy that lives in my fridge now
@bleedmichigan Glad you got it. Did the light bulb not make the trip?
@ybmuG it did make the trip safely until my 12 year old ripped the box it was in and it fell on the floor. That was pre picture so…
@bleedmichigan oh man! That’s too bad. 100 years in the attic vs. 30 sec. with a 12yo. Should have labeled the inner box fragile as well. Oh well, credit for enthusiasm!
@ybmuG she is one of the reasons I cannot have nice things
@bleedmichigan Nah - she’s one of the reasons you appreciate nice things! And better her than stuff any day.
@ybmuG perhaps you are correct. Either way it looked cool as it fell to the floor.
@bleedmichigan Well, in an hour and a half (assuming @Mehrocco_Mole doesn’t pull an October surprise!) you can blame me for it, so there’s that!
@ybmuG Not going to happen. It’s all yours! I’m considering nominating you for the very first 61 day Scapegoat. What an honor that would be.
@aetris is clown with the tear-away face. Here in a flash and gone without a trace.
So I signed up to send two boxes and thus receive two boxes. It like Meh mas in October. Box #2 is from @Pony and it is a meh party and a mismash of stuff. My children have already robbed the stash which leaves me with some paint brushes and a screw driver along with some squirrel underwear, if only I had a squirrel as these are a bit small for me though my 12 year old thought they might fit her guinea pig.
thanks again
@bleedmichigan that little captain america looks awfully cute
@bleedmichigan @stolicat why thank you. I do feel cute today. Oh, you mean the toy . Yeah cute too
@MagnaVis The post office says your box arrived earlier this week. Hopefully you agree!
@gt0163c it did, yesterday! Thank you! I’ll post my pictures this weekend.
@MagnaVis Woo-hoo!
@boredashell Did you receive your box? It shows delivered a couple days ago. Someone else asked their person, so I thought I’d tag mine…
Trick or treat, indeed! Got home after a very long work week to find an awesome package from @mikeleemm
My 11 year old daughter helped me unpack it and it was a great haul! Thank you Mike! The Box of Wonder contained:
A SmartStand cellphone holder
A P3 Touch Portable Fan (I’m a gadget guy and we camp a lot… this is perfect)
A glass penguin figurine (more on this later)
A Shopkins Spot-It game and two Dora card games (my daughter is a card shark)
Russell Athletic socks (Wonderkid plays softball and just moved up to size 10 shoes – these will be great)
200 sheets of lined paper – (Both my daughter and I had a good laugh here – last night after trick or treating my daughter needed some to tally her candy count. We couldn’t find any so I had to actually print some…heh)
Polar Bear Pajamas! (full disclosure – not my first pair of polar bear pajamas… although this is a new pattern
A wooden Kendama which my daughter wanted to play with next to the brand new TV. (We’ll find another location to do that)
Grime Boss hand wipes and Gojo scrubbing towels (perfect for my workshop)
A three pack of Juicy Couture hand bags (My anniversary is in 10 days – nobody saw anything)
What a fantastic box… thanks so much @Mikeleemm ! This Mehrican exchange was a lot of fun! (and thanks to @kidsandliz for organizing everything
Oh… the penguin. When that came out of the box my daughter exclaimed, ‘That’s the coolest thing ever!’.
So… sorry everyone. I officially got the coolest thing ever. Better luck next time
@capnjb I agree, it IS pretty cool!
Video Cable
Printer Cable
Thermometer probe wipes
Cut and serve board
Roll of toilet paper
Pack of drywall anchors
John deer oil filter
Jacobsen stumptown coffee salt?
3x Christmas Ornaments
Outdoor outlet cover
10x Hex Nuts
Screws with nuts
3x Teeny Mates series 2
Composition Book
Notebook paper
Design by frtma things
Fuel valve shutoff
2x presharpened pencils
4x fidget spinner s
I think someone took offense to the box saying “Ohio State sucks” as it arrived pretty beat up!

Some pretty interesting things that will require some googling to figure out. Thermometer is actually really nice, but then again what do I know about thermometers? Thanks @bleedmichigan
@tlaughner OH!
put the coffee salt on caramel brownie
@DJ @tlaughner IO
@tlaughner Jacobson salt is pretty good fresh harvested from the Pacific Northwest and comes in lost of salt flavors with ghost pepper being the best. I hate coffee so please enjoy. I doubt it was the Ohio part and more likely the PSU comment. Either way it showed up with everything inside so no harm no foul USPS.

gla you liked them
@mossygreen Rest of the box? I am dying of curiosity!
@Kidsandliz Tonight!
@mossygreen Thanks!
@mossygreen Darn it, I just missed the edit window.
My fine box from @Cerridwyn included:
2… girdles? Foundation garments of some sort, XL/XXL beige, M/L black
a wooden spatula
a cookie-themed pot holder (already in play in the kitchen)
a (not pictured) Trader Joe’s mason jar cookie mix, already baked and eaten, with a best by date of 10/19/19 (classic!)
a very feminine and discreet electric shaver
a frosted peppermint-striped candle holder
2 acrylic Christmas wine glasses
a Philosophy bath gel in Hollyberry
an oversized white and red mug from anthropologie with a cat on one side and a teacup on the other, in the original box (not shown)
2 pairs of sunglasses
a Penzey’s I Will Vote sticker
and a mini-bullhorn which will probably be my favorite item once I scare up some batteries for it
All in all, a great and well-balanced box! I don’t celebrate Christmas, but the handful of holiday items will make great present-bases for friends who do! Thanks, Cerridwyn!
First the one from @ruouttaurmind that I received Wednesday and am just getting around to posting now!
Rangers leggings (new)
3 pack of flexible stencils
Black-ish DVD - new
Green purse
24 piece professional make up brush set
Bath pouf
Snowflake cards (super cute!) sealed
Two months of audible card
iPhone arm sleeve
Tommie copper kids compression arm sleeve
Grumpy cat green and grumpy socks - these are great!
3 pack towel suction hooks
Kids scissors (may be safe enough for my mom lol!)
And a charging clutch
Great box of surprises! Thank you!!
And my last box came today from @bleedmichigan
The box was fun to read, and if I can get the uploads to work I’ll post pics of it
Pack of lined paper - we love paper in this house!
Composition book - more paper!
5 pack of clasp envelopes
Roll of toilet paper - always useful!
Thermometer probe wipes
2 sharpened pencils
AV cables…I think
An Xbox 360 AV cable - well I do own one…or several so very useful
John Deere part - a filter I think
2x dead light up fidget spinners
2x maple leaf fidget spinners
3x pack of Teeny Mates (I know just the little one to send these to!)
Chef pals pork thermometer
Pulley idler flat (no clue what is, thankfully the package said what it was)
3x picture frame ornaments, one says merry meh-mas
Tack cloth
5x headlok 8” screws
7 LED module strand (huh? Again no clue lol)
Jacobsen Salt Co stump town coffee
Scotch tape refill
Pack of ten hex nuts
Pack of 16 washers, looks like it may be missing a few
Pack of screws with nuts, missing some - works for me, I know I have a few loose/missing screws lol!
Was fun to read the box, and pulling all this randomness out! Thank you!!
@savvysapphire nice work @bleedmichigan on decorating the box.
I received a super big jam packed box from @zachdecker full of so much fun stuff!
The box contained:
A six pack of ketchup type squeeze containers with little vodkas in some
Jolly ranchers
4 pack cheese, salt type shaker jars
Scottie dog licorice yummmm
Meh stickers
4 good DVDs!
A water bottle holder belt
Awkward Family Photo book (funnn!!)
Fruit fly trap refills
Car charger plug
Sneaker power bank
Soil tester probe
Star Trek micro machines
A cute little green beetle
A tablet smart stand
Cool flag bottle opener
A woot monkey
A Heineken glass in a Heineken tin
Save a Watt for TV
A puzzle!
A Kendama toy
A cooling towel!
Purple paracord wrapped cross
Zipper pulls
Bluetooth speaker
Metallic jewelry tattoos!
HDMI cord
And- a set of woot-off lights. Which I have a set so now I have TWO sets of which I am planning to use at a bake sale at work I need to draw attention to!! Perfect!
Totally, completely fun box of stuff! Thank you SO much @zachdecker !
@lyladog, @jtcrawford25, any arrivals?
@jtcrawford25 Thank you so much for the box full of useful but not too useful stuff!
A vac bottle
A tin of piroulines
2 magic kits
A Harry Potter miniature set
A projector nightlight
A plug splitter
A tablet stand
A shop knife
A multitool pocket knife
A big selectable screwdriver
Some thinsulate gloves
Super glue
Lipo battery charger
Safety glasses
Sun glasses
A 3d printed doohickey
Santa Claus gift card tin
Flag wine cork
A magic 8 ball
A ring pop
A giant pink carabiner
A tiny spy camera
A 20% off harbor freight coupon
A transplant cutter? Not too sure
And perhaps most inexplicably
A 2017-2017 S.T.E.P. Medallion
A participation award if I ever saw one!
Makeup removal tool ( claimed by the wife)
Fire stick
Frakenberry pop pez dispenser
Jerry stuffed animal
Bob’s burgers magnets
Rick and Morty lanyard
The office coffee mug
Meal prep containers
Starwars collectable cards episode I
Wooden toy
Thanks Jdude727
@joebuddah Also some cool toy stars
@joebuddah coveting the Bob’s Burgers magnets …
@joebuddah Great! glad it made it ok, hope you enjoy it!
@jdude727 I will thankd again for amazing box
I got:
A martin Watch
A hammock
A Survivor Dry box (perfect for cigars on a camping trip!)
and in the survivor dry box was:
assorted fidget spinners
orange sholaces
a pixl tracker
Awesome good stuff @JnKL, thanks soo much!!!
There are still 21ish boxes that have either been sent, not sent, arrived and not posted about or not arrived yet. We are a bit more than 1/2 way through the fun!
If your box has come, even if you haven’t had time to post yet, please at least post it came so the sender can know.
The management
@stolicat see down lower, yours should be in early this week
Hey @MagnaVis @Boredashell @mossygreen please post what you got!! Your senders and the rest of us are waiting with bated breath!
@Kidsandliz @mrbillmc you too
@CaptAmehrican I am not part of the exchange so am not getting anything so I am presuming you are just saying @mrbillmc should have gotten/did get it by now and hasn’t posted
I only know if someone has sent if they happened to have sent me the tracking number. I can see if their recipient hasn’t posted yet. There are still 23 boxes in limbo where they are not posted yet BUT there are also 19 boxes going out where I don’t know if they have sent yet. Of that 19, as some people are sending multiple boxes so at least 4 of those unaccounted for boxes on the sender side are likely already sent since at least one receiver has posted what they got. So 15 outgoing boxes I have no clue what is up yet.
Those of you who do not send and/or post realize that you risk not being allowed to participate in the future.
I got one of @DJ 's boxes and it’s full of some cool stuff. Some custom crafted items too! First, there’s a pretty nice backpack, a couple t-shirts, one from Woot Zombie Bait and another Daddy Town one. Next, a couple Game of Thrones items, a King of the North print and a figure, nice. Moving down, a interesting pattern stone, 3.5mm cable, emergency poncho and some Unicorn Sprinkles (edible!). A fitness tracker! Then, I had a good laugh with some vintage items, POGS with Slammer and a Beanie Baby magazine, a Larry Johnson basketball card, and some baseball cards, Ryne Sandberg, Lou Piniella and a Pete Rose, a few others but I don’t remember and I can’t see them on the photo! I love it, they weren’t just random cards. A Clay Matthews poster/schedule. Finally, the best items, a couple NES carts, Top Gun, original and second mission, and am embroidered mushroom, custom socks by @DJ and a framed Meh! Thanks!
@mikeleemm so the daddy town shirt is for a dad to get free back scratches when your kid runs their cars on the road on the back.
@DJ HAHA I love it! Is that one another @DJ item?
@mikeleemm yes sir. Made some for father’s day event we were at this year.
I just emailed everyone where I don’t know what is up with their boxes to ask if they have sent or not; if they have not when they plan to.
Hey @Strangerdanger, @stolicat, @zachdecker, @ybmuG and @gt0163c - so far I have heard back from a couple of people. Pretty good for only sending the emails 20 min ago. Collective update news: either already mailed and due in early this week or will be mailed Monday or Tuesday.
The rest of you waiting to know what is up, I will be not home for a bit but will update as soon as I get back.
@Kidsandliz Thank you for following up and doing the weekend CS shift!
@Kidsandliz thanks for the notice, and again for putting up with all the work to make this happen.
@HexTheOwl yours has been received but not opened yet as the person at a family member’s house and will open and post as soon as they get home.
Thank you to @CapAmehrican for your shipment! It was so full, the lid was curved! I also enjoyed the custom Mr. Bill artwork on each side.
My assistants got to play with the box before I could open it. Sorry it took so long to wrestle it away from them & post the reveal.
I couldn’t believe how much was packed into the box! The variety was amazing.
On the top was a stringed ‘beware’ sign - a sign of things to come? Nope, it’s an amazing box including a bag to carry everything and:
Two fitness trackers
Sports fanny pack
Floating key ring
Inflatable football
Lip balm
Exercise band
(I assume you correctly determined that I could use a bit more exercise…!)
Phone camera set
Phone stand
Phone card holder
Drying mat
Scarf/hat set
Flamingo bowl, hand fan (these were snagged by Mrs. Bill)
Novelty syringe
Zippered bag (cosmetic or pen?)
Compact mirror
Eye liner majic thingy (hey, I’m a guy - I don’t know…)
A leather medallion belt (?)
Bottle opener
2 bags of cute Peanuts Woodstock decor (already deployed at work)
3-D socks with 3D glasses - WOW!
Popcorn buckets
And last, but not least, a cookie dunker!
Thanks for everything!

@mrbillmc @CaptAmehrican looking at this pic before seeing who it was from I Knew it was a sailor- the flat silver item from a sailing club and the West Marine bag were a dead giveaway.
Also, MrBill your assistants are quite pretty. I hope you pay them well.
SO! On Friday, I received not one, but TWO boxes from the Mehrican Exchange. Each box deserves its own post, so here is delivery #1 from @savvybaybri:

Don’t let that medium-flat-rate-box fool you…it was PACKED with awesome randomness! Behold my haul:

Here is what was crammed in there:
Department of Transportation water bottle
3 holiday ornaments
USB cable for printers
Handcrafted key chain by Dunn Hookin’
Gummi Beeps Bears
Rick’s Picks Snacking Pickles–garlic dill flavor
NHL Breakaway '98
M&M shoelaces
Alien Jailbreak Appgear (with aliens included)
International Track & Field for PlayStation
A note from Savvybaybri
Penguin Post-its
6 different pens
All Space Storage notebook
Brain teaser maze-puzzle
Hand crafted coffin earrings and octopi love by Donna the Dead
Hand crafted ring by Rayning Creations
Santa magnet
…the above photo had the octopi backwards, so here they are up close:

…thanks for the crammed box of goodies!!!
@Savvysapphire Our king octopus here needed that for when he got engaged, and I presume by now married perhaps.
@savvysapphire …I am only realizing now, about 100 years after my original post, that I mis-tagged you! Sorry! Thanks for the epically crammed box!
Friday was a big delivery day for me! I received TWO boxes from the Mehrican Exchange. Each box deserves its own post. My first box reveal is above, and here is delivery #2 from @mossygreen:

…I literally got a Home Depot moving box…you know the crap is serious when it comes in a moving box! There is SO MUCH of it, that I had to take multiple photos:

In this photo:

Sunbeam electric clock (sticker says “new, tested works”)
Phone stand with a zip line
Hand chopper
Paper Christmas tree plates
Teddy Bear
2 Star Wars figurines
Stack of Starbucks mini Frappuccino cups
Orange metallic eyelashes
Halloween glass jar
Felt witch basket kit
The Wizard of Oz (on cassette!)
The Supernatural book
Price Tag gun (see picture below)
Comic notebook (I couldn’t tell what comic this was from…I’m sure my fellow Mehtizens can help!)
Mouse pad with Gel Wrist Rest
LA Fitness towel
Boot-shaped Bandz
The Presidents ruler
Energizer bunny figurine
Angry Birds stickers
Key Light
Phillips tripod
Bag of random beads and buttons
Logitech camera
Mini devil-horn frame
random clippy-thingy
Tree art
Long, black cord keeper
…a close up of the price tag gun reveals this used to belong to Jenny…
This next photo of epic stuff was clearly not from previous I.R.K.'s:
Ninja Turtles Bluetooth speaker
Charge it! Game
Roma Souvenir 60 color slides
Vaticano Souvenir 60 color slides
Ask if You Dare electronic fortune-telling kit
…the stuff kept coming with this NIC + ZOE bag…but I saved the absolute best for last…

buried in a box-within-a-box. WAS! THIS!
EPIC BOX…thank you for the most amazing box of indiscriminate stuff!
@bramby2 I expect all these items to keep showing up in crap exchanges for years to come. Except for the bacon bowl kit.
@mossygreen These treasures are too precious to hoard all to myself! I will have to bequeath some of them to strangers on the internet in the future…

My beagle, Elton, has already laid claim to the teddy bear and thanks you for the new fluffy toy:
@bramby2 That is a Beagle With a Plan.
@mossygreen He is usually plotting and scheming…if he had opposable thumbs, he would totally be a bank robber.
@gt0163c, I love my box! Such a random assortment of things, and most of it just made me laugh. My favorite item by far is my sample of the Purple material, I’ve wanted a Purple mattress for a long time. Getting the sample made my day.
So, the boxes contained at least:
some weird tights endurance testers?
Unboxing this thing was crazy. Stuff kept coming out of the box to the point where I wondered if there was some kind of compression spell. For a moment, I felt if I devoted my whole life to removing items, I may die before the box was empty. I cannot believe this all fit in a single box.
Thank you, gt0163c! I love it!

@MagnaVis I’m glad you enjoyed it! Wave springs are pretty cool. I didn’t know they were a thing which existed until last year when the middle school stem/robotics team I coach was looking into different things to provide resistance in tension and compression and I stumbled upon wave springs. I emailed a few companies explaining what my team was doing and asking for samples. A couple of companies really came through. One took FOREVER (in middle school time scales) but sent a big selection. Unfortunately the kids had already moved on with their project by the time they arrived. But I enjoyed learning more about their products. Hopefully you do too!
![So this is my box. Apparently I’ve made mention of football? ha.
Thanks @jalopatin !
@jtcrawford25 Having trouble posting pictures, or I’ve forgotten how… @jalopatin, if it doesn’t show up, let me know will ya…
@jtcrawford25 - didn’t show up. On your phone turn it sideways and then look for the mountain with sun icon (to the right of the one with 0 and 1 numbers). On the computer click on that same icon. Then drag your photo once the window comes up.
Oh yay, a “box of stuff” waiting at the gate when I got home. Thank you @boredashell! Luckily still light enough to get some good pictures.

The overstuffed medium flat rate box contained:
-Holiday union suit pajamas for adult (and this will get some use)
-Domo Stay Puft ghostbusters plush (gets a place on the shelf next to the temple bell)
-the notorious black-on-black Meh t-shirt. Small. Very Small. See pic below for how small. I have some small recipients in mind.
-So I Married An Axe Murderer, VHS
-The Life Aquatic, DVD
-Frozen Planet 3-DVD set - looking forward to watching this over the holidays
-Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Trading Cards (sealed!)
-Cool little POGO USB charger that can plug into wall or car socket
-Nice, heavy metal purple and brass fidget spinner that looks to have seen some action
-3 quartz crystal rocks, these look like they were collected in the wilds of Missouri …
-an assortment of well-aged Halloween candy (Warheads Extreme Sours, Super Bubble, Now & Later, and Gobstopper)
-and two strange siliconey ball/orb things that I have no clue as to what they are. They come apart , and there’s a hole in the top part. They smell slightly perfumey, maybe some sort of scenting device? Detail picture below. Anyone know what they are?
@stolicat they is for ice spheres
@boredashell thanks! one in the freezer now …
@boredashell fun!

I think we filled it too much, but we get the idea!
@boredashell @stolicat Perfect for the core of a snowball in a hard core snowball fight

@boredashell @Kidsandliz
@boredashell @stolicat Well yes but we’d do stuff like that as stupid kids - trying to get icier chunks of snow in the center. But we also didn’t aim for someone’s head either. Those still developing (one might say at times non functioning) frontal lobes late grade school to high school (actually college too) kids have account for many “adventures” where everyone breathes a sigh of relief that they actually lived through that period of time. And vow never to tell their parents about until they are well past the age that parents can punish them.
My reveal will be posted tomorrow I had such a fun time this round
I lied. Trying for tonight
arrival yesterday from @smigit2002
definitely some useful fun stuff and some that’ll make the long trek through the junk pile into the next exchange.
cripsy fresh Meh. bag
2xl white performance long sleeve t
xl green meh t
laundry drying rack
usb car charger
makers mark ambassador custom 2016 labels and bottle bows
bottle? costume
some white flip out thing with an unknown function
thinnest maskign tape ever
mini drone
phone camera lens kit
phone cases
toilet paper roll extender
fitness tracker
astros car decal (nice touch sending that to DC this week)
phone stand
phone sneaker charger
caffeine gum
glow sticks
frozen bag
mardi gras beads
keychain tape measure
some sort of goo
maybe some other stuff I can’t make out in the pic!
very fun unboxing experience. thanks!
@jalopatin do you have a pic of the flip out thing flipped out? I love a good unknown item.
@jalopatin @RiotDemon I believe that would be a foldable nylon fan.

@jalopatin @RiotDemon @zachdecker yes I’d agree.
@zachdecker Damn dude, that was quick. Nice pick.
@RiotDemon @zachdecker yea that’s definitely it. my guesses were waaaay off
@jalopatin @RiotDemon Yup, @zachdecker was correct, a fan!
The goo is a tube of Bondo hardener
Yes, when I received the costume thing, I was told it was for wine bottles
I got a random variety of MLB memorabilia in a Bag of Crap a bit back, and had no idea what to do with it… until this exchange. I was going to feel like a real dick had the Nats lost!
Holy BIG BOX Batman! The postal carrier lugged this thing into my office a few minutes ago. A giant box from @Bramby2!
This bit is cracking me up! Per my request:
So I can hardly wait to open the box and find it filled with two dozen pairs of L’eggs control top pantyhose (Sun Beige) and a couple gallons of Jean Nate after bath splash.
I’ll uncork this baby at home tonight and won’t be a bit disappointed if I find nary a pantyhose or drop of smelly splash.
@ruouttaurmind let me know if you want any perfume or beauty samples. I am sure I could send you a few (read large box) full.
@ruouttaurmind You are in luck. @Bramby2 sent me a box that I will post this evening full of all the girly stuff THAT Bramby2 DIDN’T SEND YOU! (my kid will be thrilled - being passed on at christmas).
So look for my reveal and you will see what you didn’t get. So if you are envious, or a girl in your life is envious, you might want to re-think that request next time.
Now mind you I didn’t participate in the exchange so this box came as a big surprise and I had told several others who wanted to send me a box there was no need…I didn’t realize Bramby2 had hung on to my address from last year!! Never mind having a filing system where Bramby2 could actually find it (that would not be my filing system - mine needs some work. Good thing for the search function).
@ruouttaurmind I literally diverted all “girly stuff” to a box that I ultimately sent to @kidsandliz …she got all the uber-girly leftovers…or at least I hope that’s how it worked out and I didn’t mess up the addresses on the boxes after I taped them up…
@bramby2 @ruouttaurmind Yup an entire box of girly girl stuff. Christmas for 3. My kid and a couple of other people (a friend and her trans and sometimes cross dressing son) will be absolutely thrilled.
FINALLY got mine shipped out so I could open my inbound from @hextheowl. Sorry it took me so long but I was holding it hostage until I got mine sent. I know me…
Here’s my very non-Meh haul:
▪Pac man ghost lamp - too cool!!
At first it looked like another potential dog toy and then I noticed the tag.
▪Zmodo Smart Wi-Fi doorbell
▪Army Gear flashlight in EXPLOSION- PROOF case!!
▪Metal credit card/money clip
▪Baking Soda soap
▪Sina ginger candy
▪Vibe triple outlet with nightlight
▪Storm Thundercraw fishing lure with “vibrating action”
▪Built polka dot neoprene cover
▪Discreet Stalker - a new-fangled frisbee, can’t wait to try it at the beach!
▪Big Ass Fan ass stress thing - Wilbur the terrier claimed this already
▪cute tiger and panda erasers
▪misc stickers
▪mini Mario puzzle. It felt weird sticking that piece up his ass.
▪a Fuku-fuku bird!!
It’s a fukufuku shimaenaga!! At first I thought it was a nod to the old Fuku bags but still I looked it up…This bird is native to Hokkaido, Japan and is only found there. My Mom was born there. I got goosebumps and this is going to her.
So, many thanks for the awesome box, @hextheowl. It will all be used for good and not evil.

@llangley Wow! I had no idea about the Fuku Fuku bird plush, I won it from a claw machine at a Japanese arcade a few months ago in Chicago. What a fantastic coincidence, I hope your mother enjoys it!
@HexTheOwl @llangley That is an AMAZING coincidence!!!
Several people had wanted my address to send me a box since I wasn’t doing the exchange. I told all of them that it was OK, I didn’t need a box. While @bramby2 didn’t ask, what I wasn’t counting on was that she still had my address from last time. And this morning a box arrived that said “surprise!” on it.
A ton of stuff packed in there

All the stuff
The next batch are closer up images
And this last one is a close up of the trick or treat bags (3 bags total, 3 different kinds). They light up but I haven’t taken a screw driver yet to see if I have to pull a tab from the batteries or put in new ones. The 3 older kids will love them next halloween.
I’ll post a list of what was in there as soon as I dump out the box again. The card had a walmart gift card in there that will go to pay for cat food and litter along with christmas presents for my daughter (although she is mostly taken care of with all the girly girl stuff) and little grandkids.
Thanks @bramby2!!!
In the box was:
Big puppy dog throw
Socks with meh on them
3 meh stickers woot monkey
Battery toothbrush
2 meh pop sockets
note and card (I’ll take a better photo of the note and upload it)
Card has walmart gift card in there for $300 which will be extremely helpful!
Flamingo can holder that floats
$ things of different face cream
Scent thing for a diffuser
Hair remover
6 scrubby soaps
Hat and scarf
Keep Calm and Meh! Cup
Meh Christmas tree ornament
9 sparkle finger nail polishes
High on Life socks
Fuzzy socks
Meh band aids (and I just used one as I cut my hand on glass helping an elderly couple pick up glass from what they dropped in the parking lot)
Earrings with black stuff hanging from them
Candy corn not yet bricked
Lib balm
Fingernail files
3 Halloween bags that light up (might need batteries, haven’t found a screw driver yet to open and check – 2 with pumpkin faces, one orange and black striped (see last photo above)
Gift bags
Thing to massage scalp
Wet hair brush
Cat calendar for 2020!
Wallet with charger
Daily planner for 2019
More sparkle fingernail polish
Brush cleaner
Dr. Teal’s cream
24 piece makeup brush set (has the lady picture)
I think I got it all. Box was crammed full. Thanks again so much @bramby2 - especially since I wasn’t expecting this!!!
Typos: that would be 4 not $ things of different creams and 3 halloween bags of 2 different styles (see last file above)
three cheers for @bramby2
you deserve 300!!!
@bramby2 @Cerridwyn YUP!!
@Kidsandliz I don’t know if you noticed, but that toothbrush is none other than the highly controversial, highly coveted QUIP! Enjoy! I hope the FBI doesn’t breakdown your door for having stolen goods that Meh sold on the black market…
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz Also, thanks for letting me send an unsolicited box of stuff to your house!
@bramby2 Hi - I missed it was the quip. You needed to have kept that and then framed it with the coin you folks got from it. When I use it I will use it under the cover of darkness to keep me, the toothbrush and my teeth safe.
The only way you got away with sending that box is that you had kept my address from last time. I didn’t “let” you (grin). Others had wanted to do that too and I told them that was OK, running this without getting a box was fine so didn’t give out my address; I complain enough on the goat thread so need to do something to give back to the community. I did appreciate it though!! It was a VERY nice surprise, although completely unnecessary… My kid will be thrilled at chrismas (as will my wallet) as she loves all these girly girl things.
Wow! I got a 16 pound box from @bramby2 today, and a lot of it is pretty cool!
Starting with the cool stuff I think I’ll actually use:
A bendable ‘gear tie’ pair. This will be pretty handy on my bike rack, I think.
A snowman wine topper. Seasonal!
A kitty calendar.
3 pairs of socks: 1 pair for stoners, one cute and fuzzy, one Meh
A Fuko bag
A mysterious Woot monkey…ok I might not actually use that
A Bob Ross mug
A bag of candy corn – handy in case @f00l drops by for a visit
3 Meh stickers
A ‘sarcastic 9-ball’
A pop socket for my phone
A Meh toothbrush
A Meh apron — I think I’ll actually wear this!
A Meh xmas ornament
An expand-o-Jesus. Just soak him in water to watch his mightiness grow!
A movie by The Onion!
A Star Wars mini-space ship
A “canadian scent” stick….truly fascinating
A funny button
Now for the stuff I’m probably not going to get much use out of, but that I appreciate sincerely:
A mini Jenga game
Various electronic bits ‘n’ bobs
4 barf bags
A shampoo scalp massage brush
Another mini-woot-monkey
A robot neck-massager
Various pool floating things
A set of Woot alarm flashers
A bear screen wiper
A toy gun set
Meh bandaids
A brain teaser puzzle
A fidget spinner
A meh fanny pack
A Star Wars 3-D foldable kit
Mini army dudes
Anti-poo scent applicator
Pretty great stuff! I really appreciate it, and will make sure it all gets to loving homes even if it’s not with me.
Thanks again!
@UncleVinny I am glad there is at least 50% usefulness out of that haul…thank you for letting me dump my stuff on you!
@bramby2 thanks again! BTW, how in the world do you have all this stuff? Are you the Emperor/Empress of a Thousand IRKs? Do you have a wormhole into the decaying larders of Meh?
@UncleVinny I even surprise myself at how quickly I can fill a box of random stuff… I just keep telling myself that I am way too organized/clean to be an actual hoarder!
@bramby2 @UncleVinny Umm you can’t possibly be a hoarder as you pack up the stuff and send it on. A true hoarder would stash the box somewhere in the house. Besides sending it all off to people in the exchanges is then is a good thing! Right?
14 people left to post of which I know that several of them likely haven’t gotten their box yet.
@Kidsandliz I’m so glad I’m not the last one. My box says it should get there today.
@Kidsandliz Tracking information says mine should arrive on Thursday. I’m waiting in the middle of my seat.
@Kidsandliz My box arrived today. I opened it but haven’t had a chance to look at all the fun stuff just yet. I did see that there’s a dog t-shirt. I put it on one of my cats. She was not pleased. If I don’t post tomorrow, there’s a reasonable chance that cat murdered me in my sleep.
@gt0163c I would imagine a jury of your cats peers would call that justifiable homicide
I received my package yesterday from @Boredashell. Pretty nice haul.
poppers - used to scare my kids! Fidget Spinner 2 DVD’S Double VHS
Ghost Busters Plushie Start Trek Lanyard - I do like Star Trek
“Monkey Business” coin pouch New Zippo lighter - I drove by there
factory a few weeks ago 30 pin to Bluetooth adapter - More useful
than you would think for old docs Canadian Club Flask Hitchhikers
Guide to the Galaxy Cards Liquid Image gooles with camera - I do have
an ATV, can’t wait to try out.
Thanks @boredashell for this great package.
Ok @mehbee is the most wonderful gifter. I got the best box. It is
Sky lanterns,
vr glasses,
A flying robot,
A knife
A flask
A flashlight
Hand exercise things
2 pairs earrings
Lens kit
Back massage
Photo holders
And the peice de resistance
A Globe Ship Decanter
oh how awesome!!
I am putting it on my bar and filling it as soon as I hit post
@CaptAmehrican I’m so glad you like it! I need to get my picture of my box up also. Apparently my mail lady put it in my truck and I didn’t know it!
@CaptAmehrican Is that a square rigged ship on your decanter?
@mehbee I Love it.
@Kidsandliz yes. It looks like a Barque in the Globe. The Barque is glass inside the center of the decanter
@CaptAmehrican Cool!! And so very fitting. Nah you never talked about tall ships on these forums. Ever.
. Seriously though your sender must have stalked you on the forums. It’s perfect!
@CaptAmehrican Didn’t realize it was 3D INSIDE the thing. Hard to tell from the photo. That is so cool!!!
There are some folks who have gotten their boxes who haven’t posted yet. Please at least post you got it and will post photos later. One of those boxes arrived Oct 29, another on the 30th… your senders are waiting, as are the rest of us, with bated breath!
AND several folks haven’t sent yet, or at least if they have I don’t know about it and their receivers haven’t posted.
I got my other box today, from MagnaVig
will post later

picture of the entire load
Items of note:
green meh bag
google mini thingee i think
superhero socks
screwdriver to to with the screw in the other box
zombie survivors guild - i have gifted stuff like this to so many peeps.
more to come
Interesting item here. let you judge for yourself and the direction is odd but that’s my photography
last pic

there was a decent blank book in there with the following inscription in the front leaf
and assorted pens to write in it
Thank you kindly for an interesting box
@Cerridwyn the paracord knotted thing looks interesting. Does it have an obvious function?
@JnKL not an obvious one, no
@Cerridwyn That note is really sweet. I wonder if it was forgotten…
@Cerridwyn I’m glad you liked your box! I enjoyed packing it for you, and I’m sorry it got out late. Of note:
I am sorry that the box really isn’t very good. I looked at all your posts for the last 6 months, and there’s a lot of responses to threads and such, but very little to give me information about you specifically, or your interests. I tried to use Google to dig a bit deeper, but there’s a lot of your content here, and much of it betrays very little about you.
So, I went for items that were interesting or weird in one way or another. Or, at the very least, easy to pass on without guilt. I like things people made or things with stories, and most of those things have one or the other.
@JnKL @MagnaVis @moonhat
you did good Magna
At work we had decided the paracord was a old school military fitbit when one of the guys said they used it to count steps.
Tonight I finally managed to get home from the office before 8PM for the first time this week. I took this as a sign that it’s a great opportunity to unpack the incredible box I was fortunate to receive from @Bramby2.
Without further delay, I am pleased and proud to present The Box:
First impression? That’s a BUNCH of stuff up in there!
A bit more than 30 minutes later, I had unpacked the box and managed to snap a pic:
I think this is a complete inventory:
Star Shower Window Wonderland projector (perfect for mom’s first Christmas here to brighten up her front courtyard)
Foscam wifi camera
2020 Puppies calendar (puppies!)
LEGO Classic Bricks set (yup, loves me some LEGO)
DUDE Wipes personal hygiene wipes (as fate will have it, I happen to be a dude!)
Tudia magnetic phone mount
Woot lights (Woot-off! compatible)
Dr. Cool cooling towel
Shower Shroom drain strainer (need!)
Floating Flood Siren leak/flood detector (need at mom’s)
AlcoHAWK breathalyzer
meh Christmas ornament
Insulated water bottle
Skeleton hand (Hey, let go my bottle skeleton hand!)
meh insulated tumbler
Olfatix toilet deodorizer
Vitagoods massaging shampoo brush
GearTie reusable twist tie (into the BOB with this one!)
Dart gun (when the zombies come, I’ll be ready)
JIT 3-in-1(excellent little flashlight on these)
Tacticool rechargeable flashlight (spec-ops compatible)
Ace-Sori phone camera lens kit (dang! I should have used it for these pics)
meh pop socket
4:20 button and socks
Plastic army people (aah, memories of my misspent youth)
SmartStand phone stand
Glass screen protector for iPhone 7/8 Plus
Brain teaser puzzle
XS Sneaker Bank power bank
Santa in the chimney wine bottle cover
Gabba Goods micro-USB phone charger
Candy corn
Minions kite
No Bo packable backpack (another one for the BOB)
meh toothbrush (BOB)
Blu-Ray copy of Bull Durham (never watched this, so looking forward)
Barf bags x5 (perfect gift bags for employee holiday party door prizes)
Giant Woot monkey
Fuk bag
Personalized note from @Bramby2
meh stickers x4
Fun fun fun x30+ minutes
Laughs x50+
Sense of gratitude and joy x∞
A giant pile of stuff, and nearly every item useful for me! Those few things I cannot make use of will be going to the charity shop across from my office on Monday morning.
@Bramby2, thank you so much for your overwhelming generosity. My favorite thing from this box? The deep sense of joy and happiness I’m feeling. Your kindness really turned what was previously a pretty rough week upside down. Bless you!

@ruouttaurmind or save what you can’t use for the next exchange.
@ruouttaurmind That’s a lot of fun stuff!!
@ruouttaurmind Thanks for letting me dump all that stuff on you! As promised, “no girly stuff” …or at least nothing overtly girly…except for the puppy calendar, but those puppies are bad a$$!
I’m glad the box put a smile on your face
Sorry. This is a little late. I was out of town.
I got this wonderful box from @savvysapphire! I had a hard time tracking her down here because she signed her note with what was probably her Tinder user name and not her Meh user name!
First up is a bookmark magnifier. The better to see you with, my dear.
A notebook with bees which my wife has claimed. She’s going to grow her some bees but she’ll leave the sweet stuff for somebody else…
Random pens including 2 glitter pens! The glitter pens were also commandeered.
A safety orange stick with rubber on one end, from the New York Department of Transportation, it says, “See, Be seen.” I guess they must beat unruly motorists with this.
Very cool vintage Christmas ornaments, including a Santa made in Taiwan. They don’t make anything in Taiwan anymore.
Green M&M shoelaces. Which reminds me of a story. . . my wife and I were in a large department type store in the shoe department, trying on shoes. An obvious loss prevention officer was loitering by the shoe lace rack trying to keep an eye on us while not being noticed. He looked like he was trying to match the color of shoelaces to the shoes he was wearing! He was obviously out of place, because it must have been 15 degrees F out and he wasn’t wearing a coat. And who holds shoelaces against the shoes they are wearing?
A maddening, 2 sided metal ball maze that I’m not even going to attempt.
Formula One 99 for PlayStation disc. It is now stuck in my truck’s CD player, I guess it’s not a CD.
Nintendo NBA Courtside featuring Kobe Bryant. That won’t even fit in the slot of my CD player.
What looks to be a handcrafted bookmark, that says, “Saving people, Hunting things, The Family Business.” With a pentagram at the top. I hope I’m not cursed! If anybody can explain this to me, I would appreciate it!
An Avengers coin purse. My credit card won’t fit in it.
Donna the Dead jewelry! My wife loves Halloween jewelry, well, any kind of jewelry, actually.
Whimsical pixi refrigerator magnets. Get yours at
Rudolph post-its, I always liked ol’ Rudolph.
A keyring advertising Adams Fences. Because good fences make good neighbors. Too bad Adam didn’t use that line on his ad!
What appears to be a handcrafted notecard with a hungry cupcake on it. Pretty cool.
An Appgear Elite Command AR, ages 9+, I just made it! This looks interesting!
A VERY cool New York State Department of Transportation water bottle!
And last, but certainly not least, to coin a cliché, another hp USB printer cable. Someone’s going to get 3 of these come the next exchange! I bet you can’t wait.
Thanks so much @savvysapphire I am enjoying my great box of randomness!
it’s a thing, apparently - I’d never heard of it either but there are a lot of tshirts you can buy …
@jimmyjoemeeker I’m glad to see I’m not the only one sending gov’t office swag
@stolicat Never would have thought to Google it!
@jimmyjoemeeker google knows almost everything
@stolicat Almost?
So my box arrived today. Can’t tell who it’s from as there was no note, but there was no doubt what it was.
A veritable smorgasbord of randomness. From what I can tell
iPhone 7 case (have an idea who’ll get that)
Pack of (unused - thank you) thanksgiving plates. I think they actually match the ones we have and we’re hosting this year so, cool
Jacksonville Jaguars t-shirt
Bulb syringe - how did you know my ears were plugged?
Ginger grater - one of the few gadgets I don’t have
Flip-up pocket light bulb, interesting
Jock itch themed bottle sweat protector - uh, thanks?
Boy scout patch
Coffee sticker
Pair of pliers - going in the car
A box of ID badge holders - been a long time since I was responsible for a conference, but I guess I’m prepared for the next one
A vintage goat postcard - I’ll treasure it!
And what I can only describe as a squirrel hammock. Maybe it’s a hanging seat of some kind but I’ll be dipped if I can figure out where you would use it.
Oh, and a Meh-and-crossbones bumper sticker
Well, for a first round of this, it was pretty fun. Thanks

@ybmuG It was from @becca.
@becca @Kidsandliz thanks. And thanks @becca
@ybmuG you’re welcome, and sorry for the delay! Enjoy that majestic goat, etc.
@becca no worries. And can you tell me what that squirrel hammock thing is?
@ybmuG under-desk foot hammock. I think it was a lightning deal
@becca OK, I see it now. Thanks. I’ll have to think about that. Not sure it will fit my desk, but I’ll see.
@becca @ybmuG Maybe use as a cat or small dog hammock then if won’t work for feet?
I got my box yesterday. If I can figure out how to post pictures I’ll do that later. I got:
A tote bag that says “Sorry my weekend is booked” with a stack of books on it. Seems like the best way to spend a weekend to me!
A Donna Bell’s Bake Shop book (for the tote bag?". I love to bake so this will be fun.
An overly large lid rest which might come in handy when I make stock and soup.
One Total Eclipse forever stamp. I didn’t realize they issued those. That eclipse was awesome.
A two deck set of playing cards in a nice plastic box. That will be handy for some upcoming trips next year.
A USB wall charger. Hard to have too many of those.
A dog shirt which says Feliz Navidad. I tried it on both my cats. It’s a little big and now I think one of the cats wants to kill me as retaliation for the humiliation. She would be justified.
A set of mini gel pens. Those are cute and will get used.
A picture of two otters maybe. I like otters so I’m gonna go with otters on a page from a dictionary…Benin to beriberi… that’s a nasty disease. We’ll call it a mixed media piece. I like otters.
Some assorted girly products including bath bombs, fancy hand creams, an interesting looking parafin hand treatment kit, some eye makeup remover, an oxygen nail treatment, hell eye masks and a kinda cool bracelet made by women artisans in Nepal. I probably won’t use most of this stuff but will try to pass it on to those who will.
A metal card wallet thing which looks interesting and I had looked at those when they were on sale but didn’t buy any so it’s cool to get one I can try out
And, best of all, a Guardians of the Galaxy pen with a little light that projects a picture of little kid Groot. I am Groot! So awesome.
I was told not to get my hopes up about this box so I tried to keep expectations low, wait just on the center of my seat with just kinda normal breath. And the box completely blew those expectations away. It’s an awesome, eclectic blend of all kinds of fun stuff.
I am Groot!

Mostly girly stuff
Cookbook, lid rest, cards, pens, awesome stamp
Otters! Tote bag, bracelet, card wallet and dog shirt (no cats)
Tolerant cat wearing the dog shirt being sniffed by the cat who will likely murder me in my sleep sometime soon.
I am Groot!
@gt0163c the pen is pretty cool.
@gt0163c this is from @llangley
@gt0163c Lol, the things we think are the lamest are sometimes the most-appreciated
. Glad you can use some of it, sorry about the girly stuff (I made the meh-stake of buying not 1 but 2 Mother’s Day mystery boxes). The cookbook is by Pauley Perrette (Abby from NCIS). I included the eclipse stamp because someone talked about it in the forum recently which reminded me that I had one; if you hold your finger on it the heat will reveal the moon more clearly.
Glad your cat hasn’t murdered you yet!!
Which reminds me of a sign I saw on a vet’s office today:
I don’t need a snooze button…I have paws.
Took me a minute
@gt0163c @llangley Yeah the eclipse stamp is neat. I talked about it on the forum after seeing one my mom got in the mail on a letter.
@Kidsandliz @llangley That eclipse stamp is cool! I didn’t realize it was heat sensitive. I’ve enjoyed playing with it. No worries about the girly stuff. I’ve got a few honorary nieces who I can pass some of the stuff on to. They’ll think it’s the most luxurious stuff in the world. I was looking through the cook book last night. I thought I recognized the woman on the front (although I’ve never watched NCIS). It’s neat that it’s like half cookbook half memoir/story of how the bakery came to be. I love stuff like that. And the Guardians of the Galaxy pen has become my new church notebook pen. I’m looking forward to showing it off to the fifth and sixth graders in the class I help out with. They already think I’m cool since I’m in charge of making sure we have snacks, but this will likely elevate my position to “coolest adult of all time”!
@gt0163c @Kidsandliz yay! I’m so glad it wasn’t TOO meh
@gt0163c The otter picture reminds me of a Rorschach ink blot.

I got home today and started my weekend with a box of crap!!
When I saw that USPS was delivering a package today, I knew it had to be either an exchange box or my Vibe 3-in-1 USB Cables that still show under my orders as “Processing”.
The box was very nondescript.
Based on some similarities to s’ymbuG box above, I am guessing this may have also came from @becca
Box contained:
This is the great thing about these exchanges though. Random crap, and a few things I actually will use, but the weird item here and there that is just randomly PERFECT!
In my box, that item is the Kindle case. I have an old keyboard Kindle that I had bought a case with, and I was never happy with it.
Then in July I bought a Paperwhite on meh for my daughter to use. I didn’t buy a case for it, and never really even looked for one. Now though, she’s been taking the Kindle to school and complaining that the screen gets dirty, and I was just about to start looking for a case.
This case fits the Kindle she uses. It’s her favorite color (blue), and unlike my previous experience, this case actually seems very nice. That one item alone makes the whole exchange worth it for me.
I’m also planning on giving the camera to my nephew as a pretty cool Christmas gift.
Thanks @becca!! (or whoever this was from, if not you)
@zachdecker random and potentially useful is the goal! Sorry it was late. Well done to you and @ybmuG for posting so promptly.
@zachdecker oh that’s not for ice cream that’s a tortoise baseball cap!
I have received a box that I haven’t posted about (or opened) yet but I’m looking forward to it and will this weekend. Sorry, I’m late at everything.
@Lyladog have you sent? And when will you post what @jalopatin sent that arrived 10/26?
@Boredashell you have two boxes to post that were sent by @JustStephen and @Mrbillmc
@Mehbee now that you found your box safely stashed in your truck by USPS we are all waiting with bated breath for the posting of what @DJ sent you.
@becca thanks for saying you will post what @Savvysapphire sent you.
Hey @bramby2, @jdude727 @Mrbillmc @Savvysapphire @smigit2002 check your email, including your spam folder (since I sent one email with all of you blinded).
Hey there! I wasn’t supposed to be part of this exchange at all, but @Bramby2 saw that I was going into surgery soon and sent me a surprise post-recovery box out of the kindness of her heart. ;_; It was a wonderful shock to receive, and I appreciate it more than I could possibly express, friend.
I actually received this a few days ago, and you have my apologies for not posting about it sooner; it took me a little while to work up to being able to properly unpack and document everything.
Here are pictures of everything in the box:
Most of the contents are dedicated to the things I would find helpful after surgery, which is amazingly thoughtful and will save me more trouble than I can imagine.
For as much as all of the above means to me, and how wonderful it is (and it truly is!), the most heart-warming inclusion of all was this:
(It is much larger than it looks, I just don’t have enough room to lay it out in its entirety!)
Not just a blanket to keep me snug, but one that you knit yourself—according to the letter included, it’s the first thing you ever knit!
My grandmother used to knit all the time, and I aasure you, I know how absolutely, exhaustingly time-consuming the art is, especially for something as large and intensive as a huge blanket. I could never find the patience to make a handkerchief, let alone something as useful and incredible as this. It is one of the most thoughtful things I have ever received, and it looks and feels amazing. I will be using this for months, because hospitals are cold and bedrest is lonely. I can’t get over it being the first thing you ever knit; you have a true skill with it.
Thank you so much, @Bramby2! You are a lovely person, and I will cherish this for a very, very long time.

@TheMeerkat Surprise! You were selected to get a box…and since I was sending it, I had to unload a whole lot of stuff on you!

I’m glad the box made it and you enjoyed my first venture into knitting. Here is a photo of me using my dining table as a size template for the blanket…next time I should look at actual blanket dimensions…
Good luck with your hospital stay and I am very glad to send some useful stuff your way!!
p.s. the other tote bag is a “C” for Clinique…one of the many “free gift with purchase” beauty items that ended up in your box…you can never have too many tote bags!
@bramby2 Thank you so much for sending @TheMeerkat such a lovely box! And @TheMeerkat good luck with your upcoming major surgery. I hope things go well and that the outcome is everything that you, your family and your doctor hopes for!
@TheMeerkat The toothbrush bag was created for those who had bought that toothbrush and then were caught in the fiasco of the alleged, that were not, stolen toothbrushes…(detailed in depth somewhere or other on the forum). They also got a really cool coin and, eventually, the toothbrush. SO you got a very exclusive bag, far more exclusive than the fuku, fuko and irk bags! The toothbrush got sent on to me in the box bramby2 sent me (that I wasn’t expecting to get).
@Kidsandliz @TheMeerkat Yeah, I hoarding that shiny, precious coin like Gollum!
@bramby2 @TheMeerkat Hah! Anyone taking any bets on whether that coin will show up in one of branby2’s furture great boxes?
Seriously though when I saw the bags and coins I so wished I had bought the toothhbrush just for those. But, of course, who ever would have guessed that epic would have taken place.
@TheMeerkat How are you doing?
@Kidsandliz Sorry for the delayed reply! Things after neurosurgery are a bit hectic, apparently.
I am recovering fairly well; the doctor said it would take up to a year and a half to completely recover all the functionality that I can, but I can at least walk again now, which is nice.
I have used many, many of the things that @bramby2 was generous enough to send to me in recovery. I cannot thank either of you enough for being so very kind to me in a time of need.

@TheMeerkat I wasn’t expecting a quick reply. Rather that was so you knew people were thinking of you. I am glad you are having a positive outcome after that scary surgery! I am glad @bramby2 was able to send you things that you found useful.
Wow! These are great! so when is the next meh off I need some disappointment that I can pass out as gifts for Christmas this year cause I just turned old and am boycotting all things that frown upon llama pajamas as appropriate atire
LOL! I actually read the thing! You all are awesome for putting this together. I maintain that I will be boycotting anything requiring non pajama pants but I applaud you all for your awesome crap exchanging.
@Panegyric Just so you know - no dress code to participate in the exchange. You can fill a box, mail that box, open the box you get and post about your box all the while wearing pajama pants.
@Kidsandliz Oh… Well damn in that case. IN!
@bramby2 @Mrbillmc @Savvysapphire @smigit2002 please read your email about bonus boxes and our poor person who got screwed.
@Kidsandliz replied, thanks!
@amehzinggrace @jdude727 @Jt954 @Tina-Marie1974 Please check your email. Thanks!
@TinaMarie1974 oops in the message above I accidentally had a hyphen in your user name.
@Kidsandliz i saw it anyway
check your email
@dj, I’m going to have to wait until I’m on my work laptop. I’m on my phone, which is what I took the photo with but the site is not letting me upload it. So I’m emailing the pic to myself and I’ll post it tomorrow.
@mehbee turn your phone on its side for landscape mode. It will give you the options to upload pics
I’m so sorry I am so late in getting to post my photo of my box, but here it is.
@DJ sent me:
2 tshirts - a Zombie Bait tshirt and a Papa tshirt
2 Nintendo games
a Starbucks coffee cup
a bib
a backpack
a fitness watch
a The 'Burbs VHS tape
a Myles Garrett poster
a set of lenses for a cell phone
a crow statue from Game of Thrones
a Unicorn Sprinkles candy bar
a game controller key chain
a bunch of round discs that I don’t know what they are but my grandkids are going to love!
and an awesome framed Meh sign which will go on my desk as soon as I have my desk set up again
there was also a rain poncho that is not shown because I already have it in my purse
and a small stone that I’ve been using as a worry stone
Thank you very much @DJ for my great box, and apologies again for the lateness.
@mehbee oh, love the papa shirt!
@mehbee POGS are the discs. Also the mug is Game of Thrones custom as well.
@DJ What are POGs? Forgive my ignorance! And I’ll have to get the coffee mug back out. I’m in the middle of a big project at work, we are implementing a new service/incident platform and it goes live tomorrow. I barely know my own name…lol. I just wanted to get it posted because I felt awful about being so late and planned on spending more time later going through it. Don’t know why, everything will just get claimed by someone when the kids and grands combo visit, but hey, you are making me look good!!!
@mehbee Pogs -
You moving to ServiceNow? Just did that recently myself.
@DJ @mehbee
@DJ One Touch Service Management Platform OTSMP, coming off of SDP
@DJ @mehbee I also gave POGs in my box, lol!
@MagnaVis @mehbee POGs!
@boredashell Going to post your boxes? Curious minds inquire.
@boredashell and that is part of the deal of participating - that you post.
@juststephen yes sir. Sorry life has been chaotic as of late and have been awfully distracted. I got pictures just need to post them
@boredashell Gracias, amigo. I know life has its way of getting busy and one day at a time is all that we can do.
@Jt954 @Mrbillmc @Savvysapphire please check your email I sent you folks a message
@TinaMarie1974 @smigit2002 Both of you already saw the email I sent, have sent one back
We have a couple of people getting bonus boxes - the random luck of the draw and of course, @DJ will be getting his box since one of his senders didn’t bother to send (or post what they got for that matter). Thanks to the generous senders of those!!!
So rub your lucky rabbit’s foot, cross your fingers (too late to bribe me
)… and maybe you will be one of the lucky ones!!
Thank you all for playing. This has been fun!
Also I have a request - on this thread: that person being talked about is me. If people could pass on through their networks I’d really appreciate it.
@DJ is on the naughty list, no more meh playing for them
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz huh?
@Cerridwyn @DJ Nope he isn’t. He sent his boxes and didn’t get one from someone who also hasn’t posted the one they got from someone else.
@DJ @Kidsandliz
my apologies to DJ for misunderstanding.
So who is on the naughty list?
@Cerridwyn it’s @lyladog who didn’t send and didn’t post (and ironically offered to send an extra box). @Boredashell and @becca both sent but still need to post what they got - hey so post we are waiting with baited breath to see what cool stuff you got!!. Yes we all know life can get in the way but please at least post pictures even if you don’t have time to itemize them yet.
So rumor has it some boxes are arriving Tuesday and Wednesday (don’t know about some of them)…
I’m tremendously sorry to post so late. I only just opened the box (which was delivered in a timely manner!) My new boss (pictured) has been quite demanding.
Thank you so much @savvybaybei for this fun selection! My SIL is into the skull motif so some will be regifted her way. I’m very excited about the pickles and water bottle.
Magnifying glass bookmark
“Snacking pickles”
A couple of notepads
NYS Dept. of Transportation water bottle
Skull necklace
Crocheted skull …scarf? Bandana?
Purple bear
Purple squid necklace
ball-bearing toy
Christmas ornaments
Rose earrings
Gummy bears
USB cable
black bird (raven? crow?) scrunchie
M&M’s shoelaces
PlayStation game: Formula 1 Championship edition
N64 game (we actually still play n64!): NFL Quarterback Club ‘98
Figurines that are used to play a game through an app? “Appgear Mysterious Raygun”
Thanks again!!!
@becca The sender actually is @Savvysapphire who would fail as a spy since that person can’t keep their different online identities straight And thank your boss for allowing you to post when you should have been working.
@becca glad to hear this will get some good use. And apparently I was duh on labeling everything. That’s what I get for being more worried about my upcoming vacation than what I was writing lol! That water bottle is adorable, I kept going back to get more, they hand them out at my local fair. And I love the pickles! I bought some for myself as well. Glad the boss allowed you some time to post.
Man, you guys know how to make someone’s Meh!
Thanks @smigit2002 for the hookup replacement/bonus box!
Irk bag, women’s undies?, white tshirt, green water bottle, ice hand mold, 2 cooking thingies, mighty handle, wall decals x4, caffeine gum x2, iPhone case x2, meh charger slash phone stand, woot change purse, phone loop, phone business card holder, anti slip car pad, cubs ribbon (world series loss for my Indians still stings), tiny tape measure keychain, and a TP holder. Oh plus a hat, scarf, folding brush, meh sticker, meh stress puck, maybe something else one of my daughters stole off the bat.
@boredashell Still gonna post those photos? I can’t remember all I sent…
There are two bonus boxes that will be arriving sometime after Thanksgiving (or early Dec at the latest)… Cross your fingers, cross your toes it might be you!
There is one bonus box that was supposed to have shown up yesterday presuming USPS didn’t lie (I don’t have the tracking number just was told it was to be delivered yesterday).
Meh, y’all are too good to me. @mrbillmc sent me a killer bonus box. I’ve tried to grab some pictures but my girls tried to claim everything they could.
The haul:
Airheads candy (several dozen?), Necco candy, bag of miscellaneous foreign coins, shredded cash money, nice insulated bag, alien crazy straws, 2 pairs of “Google goggles”, cd titled "Christmas Gone Wrong, a beautiful purple Mario shell, hula girl, mizu travel mug, led flashlight, wacky erasers, cubicaller- the cubicle doorbell, kurv stand for phones, death by gameshow steam download card, einsteinien sticky notes, scatterbrained trivia book, bebe yoga mat/blanket thing, a slimer and minion toy, 2 fidget spinners, case and 2 extra packs of 1992 edition muscle cars cards, and case and 2 extra packs of hitchhikers guide to the galaxy cards.
I hope that’s everything! It was quite fun to go through and I thank both of my replacement/bonus box senders greatly.
@DJ oh also 2 little skulls
@DJ I’m glad to hear it was well received!
And there are still more bonus boxes coming. Not sure if they have been mailed yet though. I know one person is going to be a bit late with them. Another person was sick for a while…
More bonus boxes were mailed yesterday so keep your eyes peeled.
Got a GREAT bonus box delivered yesterday from @tinamaire1974! Was scheduled to be delivered this Friday, so kudos to the USPS for making it early! I don’t know what I did (nothing) to deserve two great boxes in this exchange (thanks again @Cerridwyn). I will post a photo and description… soon… -ish.
@mossygreen glad you liked it!!
@mossygreen bonus box recipients were mostly chosen by chance, although occasionally there were other criteria… For example random choice within a reasonable distance geographically due to cost of postage, another had me chose whomever was #7 after I gave each person a random number using excel’s random number generator, etc. So clearly the stars aligned in your case!
Check your emails for the subject “You’re Getting A Bonus Meh Box” as I sent out two packages yesterday morning. Inside I will be providing clues as to what will be inside once they arrive (ETA Saturday and Monday).
Sorry I didn’t post my bonus box sooner, been pretty busy lately. I was actually super surprised when I received this box, as I was not expecting any packages at all. Some pretty great/funny stuff in this bonus box. The theme of this box must have been lights, as I got three different types, and the magnetic bendy light has already been claimed by my brother to work on cars. The Sht spray will make great additions to some white elephant gifts, and the buildable stegosaurus is pretty neat. Kinda weird, but both of my boxes contained the same printer cable. I think you guys are conspiring… Anyway thanks for the bonus box @savvysaphire

Itemized list:
3pc Camping Light Set
Road Hazard/LED Flashlight
Bendy Magnetic LED Light
Printer Cable
Pair of Gloves
2 different types of Sht Spray
PS3 MLP The Show 08
PS1 Jarrett & Labonte Stock Car Racing (with included cheat code)
Buildable Stegosaurus
3 Custom? Halloween theme earrings (I thought the butcher knife ones are awesome)
2 Shoe ornaments
Sparkly pens/Notepad
Bullet casing necklace, with tie dye “bullet”
And some lifesavers, that I unfortunately don’t trust to eat.
Thanks again!!
@tlaughner lol. Those lifesavers are safe to eat…unless the post office left the box outside in the rain! I’ve been eating them and bought them not too long ago. Also, I believe the cleaver earrings glow in the dark.
And there are more bonus boxes coming… Keep your eyes peeled.
Well much to my surprise @tinamarie1974 sent me a bonus box. Thank you!
9.Neck ice pad thing - likely will be something my mom will want
13.Wristwatch - the person who takes care of my cats when I am out of town will love this and likely be willing to trade that for caring for my kitties
14.Boss dirty hand wipes
16.A plastic glass with a straw
17.A water bottle with a snap top that, presuming it doesn’t leak will leave in the car.
18.Hairbrush that I will leave in the car since I don’t have anything in there to comb my, or the kids’, hair with in there.
There are a couple of people who received (or should have received) their bonus boxes at the beginning of the week or the end of last week. PLEASE POST - or at least acknowledge that you got one and will be posting shortly. The folks who sent you one were very generous to do so as they get nothing in return except the pleasure of seeing your enjoyment.
I received a bonus box from @JT954 on Monday. Sorry for the delay in posting but work is wearing me out and I’m adjusting to a new drive a family member around schedule so I pass out on my couch almost immediately after getting home from work. Any way. It contained a massive load of comics! I mean, holy cow, I’d take weeks to try and type every one individually into this post. I can’t wait to read all of them. Also included were some unique looking cards, a Spider-Man cardboard figure, a light which will become a stocking stuffer, a notebook (we always need paper!), and a coin (put it away without writing down exactly what it was duh on me), and a fidget spinners…I think I named it all lol, but now my cat is holding me hostage lol so I can’t get back up.
@savvysapphire Sounds like you were a good recipient for all those comic books. Enjoy!
very thankful for the headphones, fidget spinner, anime soundtrack, wrapping paper and gift tags, folder and dividers, charger cord, street fighter comic books and retro gamer magazine. Cool! Thanks for thinking of me.
@becca Looks like @JT954 sent you a nice bonus box! I know you have been busy. Thanks for posting.