{closed} Got an old Woot account lying around?
17Why not vote for a shirt? This week’s derby is “Bad Habits” and there are some pretty funny designs in the running. I have a few in there myself, but to avoid being total shill, I’m not going to link to them directly.
Or if you’re not amused, there’s this:
- 175 comments, 694 replies
- This topic was locked by Thumperchick
Why does any interaction I have with that site leave me muttering "stupid woot"
Done. You are disgusting, sir. I voted for you anyway.
@sammydog01 Haha. Thanks SD :)
Too lazy to look through all those designs! Post some links so I know what to vote for?
@MrGlass Thanks! Just vote for the ones you like, even if it has, say, 99 problems.
@ACraigL 99 problems but meh ain't one.
I dig that you linked the whole derby, not just your own. Well played.
+29? That's kinda low isn't it?
@DrunkCat not these days.
+30 now. Nice design. Well, it's subtle. Good job.
Edit: I'll just say some are less subtle :)
+31. Not bad at all, though I also like that phone one
Thanks guys! My other 2 are so far out... holding out hope for something with this design.
I voted! You're in the Fog of War..awesome. Any hints on your other two?
@mehbee - Maybe your dog could sniff it out.
@mehbee that, and it should be easy to "pick" it out from the crowd.
Done. Good luck.
I stopped caring about Woot shirts when 99.9% of those that made it "for sale" were for 11 year old girls or Dr. Who nerds.
FFS - how many kitty and bunny shirts do (functional) adults actually wear?
@Pufferfishy - Apparently a lot - seeing as how they keep selling well.
@Pufferfishy That's an interesting point. I bought the Kitty Gratis shirt years ago and got lots of compliments every time I wore it out. Granted, I think part of that was the relative novelty of an adult shirt that's overtly cute, but either way, people sure love kitties.

@Thumperchick Depends on your definition of "well" I suppose. Woot's audience has grown exponentially and I've seen shirts sell 300 units. And there's no shortage of 11 year olds to buy T-shirts for.
Doesn't make it any more "for me". I find them redundantly boring as hell.
@Starblind - I am thinking more of the cutesy-cartoony kitty and bunny shirts. The stuff that's toddlerwear.
@Pufferfishy Grown? Site traffic indicates Woot has shrunken over the past few years.
To each and everyone their own. My day job is in fire protection; silly shirts is a counter to the seriousness of my field. And 99.9% is quite an exaggeration - it wasn't ever close to that even when Ramy printed nearly every week -- because that's what the market was and what Wooters voted for.
@Thumperchick Yep, I'm wearing a catshirt! =^.^=
@narfcake As stated - the audience has grown by virtue of the acquisition - I said nothing about actual traffic. IMO woot is now nothing more than Amazon's garbage can - you statement on actual traffic may back that premise.
Fine - I'll capitulate that 99.9% is a fanciful number (since, apparently, it's required) - but every time I bothered to look at what was for sale it was another cuddly bunny or kitty or turtle shirt. I'm glad there's an audience for your passtime, it's just, as you say, not for me. I stopped voting because there was no point - the bunnies and kitties always won (around the same time the hems on the waists and sleeves started to fail on the second wash - yet another reason to never buy another again)
Okay, @ACraigL I voted for you. It felt kind of dirty going back there though, like uncomfortably sneaking through a NAMBLA meeting just to use the restroom.
@Starblind - Multiple stars for this!
I know, I hated logging in.
@Starblind Your sacrifice is appreciated. Hope this helps.
@Starblind That analogy only works if you were a former NAMBLA member.
I deleted the bookmark long ago
Thanks for the support everyone! While my intent was just to direct some new voting population to the mix, I appreciate you sleuthing out my entries.
I'm pretty new-ish to the t-shirt thing and have learned a lot in that time, both about designing and the community at large. My observation is that it, and specifically the voting community, is somewhat limited and a bit incestuous. Having the same people voting all the time ultimately results in the same kinds of designs winning over and over. Seeing new biases represented there is a good thing, IMO, and I am grateful that some of you were able to do just that.
Derby closes today; I'll post back with how I did. Cheers!
@ACraigL "Having the same people voting all the time ultimately results in the same kinds of designs winning over and over."
This is made worse by the very low voter turnout. A dozen 'autovotes' wouldn't have made a difference back when it took 1000+ votes to print. It makes a difference when it takes 100 or less to print.
While I have my favorites, NO artist gets automatic votes from me. And it's been that way for years.
@ACraigL Sorry I missed voting. I kept reminding myself to vote but things have been hectic around here.
Please remind us again as some of the above post about kitten & puppies is so true and terrible... well let me take that back and say, from an artistic point of view, not my cup of tea and for another audience which seems to have caught hold at shirt.woot/amazon!
Congrats on the honorable mention! You deserve it!
@fjp999 Thanks, and no worries at all! I actually have a few selling today, 2 of which are in the fantasy football sale. And for the record, I've never done a cat shirt.
Wish they weren't so profitable. Sigh.
@ACraigL GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT - cats rule & you can give them a great cat tee! Make sure it is on pink and I am sure you will have a winner!
@fjp999 Pink would be rejected, as it's not a normal offering.
@acraigl One of these days, you will submit a cat shirt to catshirtswoot. It's contractual.
@narfcake concatual
@narfcake have you purchased one of the all over t-shirts from woot? If so, how does the tee feel? Is it still pliable with the ink all over? If not, was worth the chance to ask 😊.
@mikibell It's a brand new product, so no direct experience. That said, it's dye sub, so it's going to feel like any other 100% polyester t-shirt; the ink is literally dyed into the fibers.
Thanks again guys. :) Got an honorable mention!
Shirt is for sale today here: http://shirt.woot.com/offers/i-got-99-problems
@ACraigL Congrats!
@ACraigL I bought one.
also I lick the spoon (don't judge)
@nadroj OMG I never judge!! Thank you :)
@narfcake Ha! Submitted another and no cat shirt yet! (Though I did succumb to a very popular pop culture reference.) I'll see how long I can keep that cat-free streak going.
@ACraigL voted ! Good luck.
@ceagee Awesome, thanks!!! Which one did you vote for?
@ACraigL Fig 1. One Fig
@ceagee That's my favorite, too. The Magic Pill is hanging around... could be interesting. Thanks again for your vote!!
@ACraigL - I voted for the pill one because I didn't know the fig was yours. Can I vote for 2?
Edit: Done.
They're both in the fog, good going.
@KDemo You can vote for as many shirts as you want, but only one vote per shirt. There are at least 3 "fig" designs in the derby. Mine is named "Redundant Fig". And no need to vote exclusively for me. If you see others you like, share the love.
@ACraigL - I gotta admit, Schrodinger's emoticon is pretty clever, but I'm sure it doesn't need my vote.
And I don't like red.
@ACraigL I voted for a bunch, including 2 separate 'Fig. 1 One Fig' designs, or maybe I voted for the same thing twice
@ACraigL One day, you will succumb to catshirtswoot.
@DMlivezey hope not... voting twice for the same one negates the vote. Three times works though :)
@narfcake You're first sucker! Thanks :)
I actually got first position in today's group sale. Enjoy the fig!
@ACraigL You're welcome! Now about that lack of catshirts ...
I have a shirt up for voting this weekend, too! Maybe you can toss a vote in my general direction as well? Click here, please?
@marcee iVoted
@marcee You know you have mine as well :)
@marcee - Good job. Voted.
@acraigl @bogie @kdemo Thanks so much guys!
@marcee I voted, and I actually like this one.
@sammydog01 Just this one, huh?
A few new shirts up for the Halloween Derby... hope you guys like 'em :)
@ACraigL I like those! Voted too.
@narfcake, I'm still catshirt-free.
@ACraigL If that second one wins, you can have a follow-up How To Be A Halloween Hero: http://www.amazon.com/Hersheys-Milk-Chocolate-1-55-Ounce-Bars/dp/B000IXWCQO
@dave Deal!
@ACraigL Voted! Good luck!
@narfcake @dave @marcee Thanks guys! Got me an honorable mention. http://shirt.woot.com/offers/gluten-scares-me
And Marcee's in the mix too!
New derby's up: Slogans
And my entries are here:
@ACraigL I don't understand the morning meal one.
@sammydog01 refers to the movie "The Breakfast Club"
@ACraigL Pfffft... Not a very good "slogan".
@medz The figure in triangle forms an 'A'. You're welcome. (they can't all be winners :P)
@ACraigL Ehhhh.... I guess movie quotes can be taglines and therefore be used as slogans... I'll throw you a pity vote. ;)
@medz Ha. Thanks. I don't have high hopes for that one anyway, but the other one has a shot, maybe?
@ACraigL Maybe. Wooters really seem to like that movie.
@medz Right. Also cats. Grrrrr.
@ACraigL Throw a cat in it and I'll vote.
@sammydog01 How's this?

@ACraigL Now THAT's a slogan shirt!
@medz Makes a statement. Probably worn by the person who threw out the cats in the other thread.
@ACraigL Big improvement! I like the touch of color.
@medz Could you describe the slogan, sir?
@nadroj Per the derby, "Design a slogan tee. We are looking for something that has more focus on typography and less on the image."
I'll admit that I took some liberties with the definition of "slogan" by using a very well-known quote from The Princess Bride. My intent was to make the text reminiscent of the movie, but make the typography stand alone as art. I think it's very pretty, but I'm probably biased.
@nadroj No, i cannot.
Congrats on today's printing of The Inigo Axiom, @ACraigL!
Now about your lack of a proper catshirt ...
@narfcake Thank you sir! I've proven that you can place in the derby without a catshirt -- it may be a while yet. :)
Thanks for everyone's support here. I'm ridiculously pleased this morning.
@ACraigL Wow, front page on the app! But they forgot the skewered kitty- make sure they fix that.
This week's derby: Space
I think this will be my last one for a little while -- thanks for checking it out!!
@ACraigL Derby closes today at 1pm CST -- there are some great designs in this one. If you have a minute, go and vote for all your favs! :)
@ACraigL Where's your catshirt?!
@narfcake Waiting for the cat-themed derby.
@ACraigL phhhbt. That's not an excuse.
@ACraigL Voted!
I actually ended up throwing one in the derby this week, theme is "woodcuts".
But if you like tardises (tardi?) you have many to choose from. Cats are somewhat limited, so there's that. Sorry @narfcake.
Submitted a new entry for the "Holiday Eats" derby. Hope you guys like it! And yes, there may be something wrong with me.
A Very Voorhees Christmas

... and while you're out voting, don't forget to vote for the November goat!
(You may start here.)
@ACraigL I like it. Not enough to buy for real, as I'm out of drawer space, but still.
@sammydog01 Thanks!
Got a new shirt in this week's derby, "Anthropomorphic Objects". Check it out, vote if you like it! Thanks guys.
THIS is where presents come from

@ACraigL Once again you're the soul of taste and propriety. I voted for you.
@ACraigL Totally TWISTED AND SICK LOL I voted for you.
@sammydog01 @Kidsandliz Thank you! I'm trying to do things that are funny and a little less expected. This is a very competitive category so I appreciate the votes. Fingers crossed!
Tagging @narfcake to make the obligatory "where's your catshirt" comment.
@ACraigL Alternative title : Christmas bags of crap being born.
@ACraigL Ha. That said, are any of those boxes from an Erwin S.?
@ACraigL Nice. +1
@narfcake Erwin S.? I don't know what that is. Is it a store?
@ACraigL Schrödinger.
@narfcake Haha. I looked it up and saw that but dismissed it immediately, thinking you meant something more literal. Yeah, at least one is simultaneously crap and not crap. :)
@narfcake FYI, that entry actually got rejected.
@ACraigL My next reply would've been NO FREE PASS! if it wasn't rejected. Sure, Walmazan is one of my favorite artists and I have at least 60 different designs of his -- BUT that still doesn't mean I'd blindly support his designs every derby ... which is the other destructive vice with the derbies in recent times; the vote counts can be so low that "auto voters" dictate the outcome.
@narfcake you wouldn't blindly support any artists, but would you blindly support catshirts?
@no1 No autovoting on catshirts either.
@narfcake Are you a yay or nay on the dooomcat cat design?
@ACraigL Vacuum of Doom is a yay.
@sammydog01 @Kidsandliz @narfcake @no1 @2many2no @sammydog01 @ceagee and @anyoneelse here I may have missed. First place, yo! Thanks for the votes and support!!
Having a pretty good Friday so far... :)
@ACraigL I saw that when I checked Woot-

Hey, you should put that cat on a shirt.
@ACraigL So let us know how it went in the end.
@Kidsandliz Like how many sold?
@ACraigL Yes. Do they let you know how your shirt sales go compared to others?
@Kidsandliz Compared to others? No, but they do give you a stats page where you can see how many sold on the debut and then after. Also how many of each size, but that's less interesting to me. Although I am curious how many children's sizes will sell today. :)
You can pretty much go into any shirt discussion thread to see how many were sold (except for the featured shirt of the day).
So, over 250 sold so far, and West Coast is just waking up. If this trend continues, it will be a pretty successful design!
@ACraigL Cool! Good luck.
@ACraigL If I caught this earlier, I would've pulled up my old spreadsheet and given a prediction on what today will end at. But I didn't, so 10pm it is!
A little background: A few years ago, and for well over a year, I manually tracked the sales of every shirt, every week. As someone who was anti-RamyB at the time, I was destined to nail down the shenanigans he was allegedly pulling. I proved ... the opposite - that every week in the reckoning was just that crazy and he wasn't manipulating the outcome any more than what any other "innocent" artist has.
Catch up on reckoning #237 for the most insane one ever.
@narfcake um, I'm not sure what you're telling me here. Admittedly I'm not super close to how the reckonings work, so would you mind giving me a little more context?
@ACraigL I was a shirt.woot number nerd.
Before the side sales and the CATalog, the reckoning was the only other place to buy shirts. As artists earn a $2 commission on every sale after the debut day, shirts staying in the top twenty was a huge deal; come every Monday morning, there was push to make sure some shirts would be still around as once they were reckoned, they were gone for good with no more money coming in.
@Kidsandliz Finished up with 742 shirts sold for the day. Not bad! For comparison, my Inigo shirt sold about 500. Others, like Star Cats, had over 1,000.
@ACraigL ... and that's why you need to do a catshirt. =^.^=
On a more serious point, congrats! These days, 500 is already very good. At the very least, woot didn't lose their shorts; $1000 payout with around 100 sales at $7-10? That's a money losing design.
@ACraigL That 's great! Congrats.
@narfcake @Kidsandliz Thanks guys. It's definitely the best seller this week. The next closest only got to about the 500 mark. I don't have much/any experience with top-20 longevity, so eager to see what happens next week.
@ACraigL Congratulations !
@ACraigL This one is back in a side sale, yay!
Two entries this week, the theme is Anticipation. One is a little subtle, the other is just a bad pun. Thanks for checking them out!!
I should probably look that up.

Don't leave me hanging...

@ACraigL you used Jokerman font. You can't sit with us.
@Thumperchick Ha. The ONE time I ever use it and you call me out on it. Somehow it just felt right with this design.
@ACraigL It works. You know you can't slide Jokerman past without getting shit for it, though.
@Thumperchick Whew! I almost used Brush Script. :P
My Vorfreude design is in the fog! Wish me luck!
@ACraigL - Luck!
"Vorfreude" ended up with an honorable mention, on sale today! I'll have another new one up in the derby in a few minutes, give or take.
@ACraigL - I came here to tell you it's listed as a cyber Monday deal. https://shirt.woot.com/offers/i-should-probably-look-that-up?ref=w_cnt_gw_zlm_nd_41
@KDemo I don't think it is... it's a normal plus sale, just amidst all the other shenanigans going on over there today. So far, one person really likes it. :/
This week's theme is "Best Job EVER!". Hope you guys like this... it's much more on the cute side than I'm used to doing. Be gentle!
Family Dishwasher

@ACraigL You are so gonna win with that one.
@sammydog01 Thanks! But there's cats. SO MANY CATS. Plus sleeping...
@ACraigL This one is pretty damn cute.
@ACraigL It's catshirtswoot. Why wouldn't you expect cats to be prevalent?
(I did vote for yours.)
@narfcake @Thumperchick Thanks guys. <3
@ACraigL Dishwasher is a real job. Sleeping is not. I voted for yours and the exterminator.
@sammydog01 Liberties are often taken with these, but I appreciate you calling that out. Thanks for the vote!
@sammydog01 There are indeed real jobs that involve sleeping.
Derby #499 is suggesting a theme for Derby #500. Since @ACraigL won't do a catshirt unless it was the theme, I suggested ... catshirts.
Thank you! =^.^=
Well, "New Mythical Creatures" was the winning derby suggestion, and here's my super-weird entry for it.
The Bynger

@ACraigL - Very clever! I voted. Do the remote button characters have a significance?
@KDemo Yep! First letter of the major binge sites (Netflix, Amazon, hulu, Crackle and HBOGo). I feared rejection if I placed logos, so was a small, subtle way to imply it.
@ACraigL - Brilliant!
@KDemo Thanks! There's odd stuff up there for this one. It's funny to see what everyone comes up with for this theme. And thanks for your vote!!
Slightly updated final version.

@ACraigL There's no image there- maybe @thumperchick can help?
@dashcloud that is the image linked to.
I bought 12 random shirts at the Woot-off, and the first 6 came in. There was only one catshirt in the lot. I'm a bit disappointed. Maybe the catshirts all sell out? I did get a Woot monkey games 2012 shirt that I can't find in the catalog. I really like it, except it's brown.
@sammydog01 Catshirts are pretty popular on catshirtswoot, hence fewer of them in randoms. As for the Monkey Games, that's a definite oldie! It predates the back catalog and it was only sold around the time of the summer Olympics.
@narfcake @sammydog01 I am jealous you got the monkey games shirt! That's a rarity, for sure. Congrats.
@ACraigL Meh. Not that rare, since it was sold on the site. Now the shirt in the lot I bought from @matthew, that's a rare one ... not that I remember any specifics beyond it's DTG on a lemon neckstretch Anvil.
In terms of quantity, there are definitely rarer ones too. Beyond the last pages in the shirt.woot catalog, I have some shirts from GoodJoe that only sold in single digits and some shirts from TeeTurtle with production in the dozens.
@narfcake Is it still in the catalog? I couldn't find it.
@ACraigL It was only for staff.
@ACraigL @narfcake The monkey games predate my time on Woot and is common enough that I can wear it guilt free, so I'm happy!
@narfcake Ah, of course. That makes sense.
@narfcake I should have known the person on the other end of that transaction would have a handle I'd know, even if I didn't know the name!
@matthew @ACraigL
@narfcake I love that. Thanks for posting it.
@ACraigL I think there were two Monkey Games shirts in this evening's ... haul.

(After the 10th shirt, I didn't care; quantity over quality!)
@narfcake I bet they weren't brown either. Nice! I don't scour every shirt here, but I don't think Virginia is prime Woot territory.
@sammydog01 They were green ones.
Hey all!
Three more shirts this time around for the "Quitters" derby. This is big deal as the top-selling winner of last, this and next Monday's derby gets an additional $4,000!
Hope you like them. :)
Quit While You're A Head

System Warning

Tomorrow, For Sure

@ACraigL I love the zombie but I wish you had put the title on the shirt.
@sammydog01 I generally do not like putting the text on the shirt. I think it's funnier when you have to get it on your own. The thought bubble was enough IMO to lead you down to the punchline. I've seen similar sentiments on the forums when the joke is "explained", and most don't like it.
Appreciate the feedback, though! :)
I've got two in the fog and today's the biggest voting day! Fingers are crossed! :)
Less that 2 hours of voting left and both are still hanging in there. Woooo!
@ACraigL So where do can you see the results?
@sammydog01 http://shirt.woot.com/derby/archive/502/quitters-5k-cup-round-2-of-3?derbyNumber=502&sort=votes
OK! Last entries on the year, and a shot at $5,000. I think these are pretty fun. Theme is "Pop Culture Mashups".
The Darkfather

How To Shirt (admittedly a jab at the shirt thing)

(@narfcake Look, there's a cat!)
As always, thanks for the support guys!
@ACraigL Voted for the cat!
I actually have gone more than a week without wearing a catshirt. It was making up for that time I went 6 weeks only wearing catshirts. =^.^=
@narfcake Ha. Thanks!
@ACraigL HTS got a laugh and my vote. Good luck!!
@Thumperchick Awsome! Thanks TC. :)
I also entered this week for some reason:

Probably there are a ton of Nicki Minaj fans who are also really into Sy Snootles, right?
@matthew Haha, GMV! That would be an interesting venn diagram. Good luck!
@matthew I voted for the disturbing image and the kid-frog name.
I voted for the 'how to' shirt even before I saw it was yours; it's the funniest thing I've seen in awhile. Best of luck.
@OldCatLady Thanks. :)
I've had pent up snark since submitting to the derbies and had to vent all the common tropes artists use. I was a lot of fun to make -- probably the most fun yet.
DarkFather got an honorable mention and is selling pretty well! One last derby on the year, so here's my entry. The theme is "Triangles".
Dark Side of the Shirt

Happy new year everyone! Here's to health and success in 2016!!
@ACraigL - Really nice, appreciate the subtlety. I voted.
@ACraigL I'd actually wear this, and I voted too. Good luck.
@ACraigL I looked at them all and this was the only one I voted for.
I just hit the fog! And a few hours of voting left. :)
I'll have another design launching today as well, stay tuned.
@ACraigL @narfcake Hi shirt experts, I won a box of shirt stuff from Manhands and got a couple of shirts I think are kind of cool. Could you tell me if they were basic catalog items? I also got a monkey I don't recognize. Thanks!

I will post the whole box over there tomorrow.
@sammydog01 Cool stuff! (Congrats, BTW). I'll have to defer to @Narfcake. Nobody knows shirt history better. I'm active now, but that's a pretty recent thing (started submitting as an artist in August).
@ACraigL Thanks! I saw your Darkfather shirt in print- congrats! Also @kdemo explained your new derby shirt to me (I'm kind of slow) and now I like it even better.
@sammydog01 The first shirt is exclusive, and seeing it printed on a neckstretch Anvil means it was probably made over a year ago. The second shirt College of Crap is a @fishbiscuit design. I'm lazy to look it up, though, as Woot's site is pretty dysfunctional on a phone.
@ACraigL There are others who know more shirt.woot history than me; they're just not active at shirt.woot anymore. If you ever feel super bored, read through the comments in the old reckoning and derby threads.
@narfcake Thanks! I found the College of Crap one in the catalog. I may put the other one away in a drawer.
@sammydog01 Thanks! I definitely took a leap with that design, given it was a triangle theme. It's a still a few votes out of the fog. I've been avoiding the mini-derbies (thurs-mon) as they don't get a featured sale, but I liked this idea a lot so I went with it.
DarkFather is selling pretty well... over 200 so far, sale ends today. I'm happy but I think it would have killed had I placed.
New Shirt! The theme is “Lost in Translation”: Misheard Lyrics or Phrases. Hope you guys like it (and get the reference)!
(I've Got) Two Chicks and a Pair of Dice

@ACraigL I voted.
@sammydog01 Thank you! :)
@ACraigL - E. M.!! (In case I should avoid major spoilers)
Edit: Went to vote and all is revealed over there. Great design.
@KDemo :)
Had another idea for this derby...

Starbucks Lovers
@ACraigL Just a little heads up, but since Starbucks is trademarked, don't be surprised if the rejectionator flags it.
@narfcake who doesn't love starbucks?
@narfcake I'm aware of the risk on this one. It's why I went with lower case and avoided any logo similarities. If it's still too close, I can resub it as two words, I guess.
@ACraigL if these are trade secrets, don't worry about answering, but how do you create these images? I can't imagine doing that Christmas tree with the presents freehand, but where do you find an image of an excrementing Christmas tree? :)
@mikibell Ha. No secrets. Most start off as a rough sketch then I start building the design in Adobe Illustrator. The tree is a good example. I made 4-5 different pine cones/leaves (dark, light, and a few in between) and then began assembling copies of them into a tree shape (classic triangle) based on the position of each shade. Once I was happy with it, I tweaked the individual highlights to make sure the lighting and shadow was consistent, but each had a little uniqueness to it.
With that done, I applied a warp to the tree to give it the curve I wanted. Then it was just a matter of adding detail (eyes, arms, poopsents, etc). Something called pattern and art brushes also comes in very handy (used for the pine needles for example) to "scatter" the same image but vary it's size, rotation, etc.) The crumbs on my Vorhees Christmas design used that effectively as well.
Sometimes I use Photoshop to edit my drawings, then bring that into illustrator to manually trace them. That tends to give a more natural, rougher effect.
Many folks use Photoshop exclusively for designing, but I find Illustrator to be more intuitive and better suited for this. If I want REALLY subtle halftones, I'd do that in PS and bring it into illustrator, but so far, I've not had the need (flat graphics work better on a shirt IMO). And since Illustrator is vector based, I have the luxury of re-sizing without losing any resolution, which really helps me when I play with the layout.
Sorry for the novella. If you have other questions, feel free to ask!
@ACraigL my husband says I am spatially challenged, but I think I am just challenged😀 what an awesome explanation.. Thank you. I wish I had an iota of your talent/ability.
@mikibell Thanks, but there's artists in these derbies that are far more talented to me. Half the battle is technique using the tools, which you can surely practice using online tutorials (I try something new each time I design something to push myself and get new skills).
The other (much harder) half is finding out what you like to do. I'm not much of a cartoonist, so I stick to realism as much as I can, but try to skew it so that's it's funny (hopefully) because, at the end of the day, I just want people to like wearing them.
Hey! 'starbucks lovers' just hit the fog. Yay!
@ACraigL Wow, 2 in- nice job.
@sammydog01 And now one :(
Hopefully I get some overnight voting action!
Derby time! The theme this week is puzzles. Check it out!
Solved it.

Been a little while! I have 4 entries in the current derby, "Truth in Numbers". Thanks for checking them out!!
I made it on the facebook page...
@ACraigL Nice!
@ACraigL so..are the shirts with the ±? the considerations for the derby? I voted but still not sure how it all works. I feel like the lady in the commercial with the photos taped to her living room wall 😁
@mikibell The +? designs are those in the top 9 in votes. For a main derby like this one, the top 3 designs will be printed on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and the artist gets $1k (plus additional commission on future sales).
In the past, forum activity was indicative of which would've been potential prints. Nowadays, nothing's guaranteed. On the other hand, the low vote count has made it easier for Woot to track the "auto-voters" and how much follow-through the voters have.
@mikibell, @narfcake pretty much said it all. They hide the actual votes for the 9 most popular shirts to make it surprise to the community, as well as the artists, as to who won.
If you track the derby closely (which I tend to do when I'm in it) you can see subtle movement which may suggest that you are ahead of a shirt or two, but as Narf said, it can be anyone's game from there.
@narfcake Thank you!!!
@ACraigL Best of Luck!!!
@narfcake I vote but only buy randoms. Are they going to suspend my voting privileges?
@sammydog01 Nope. :)
They're probably thrilled you buy anything.
@sammydog01 Unless you're voting @acraigl only, for every design every single time without fail, it's not going to look suspicious.
There was a time not too long ago in which either the father or daughter would submit a design, and like clockwork, would get a lot of votes in very short time afterwards. After one got rejected for voting irregularities, it seemed they used that same stunt attempting to sabotage other artists so they would get rejected.
Woot caught wind of that and I haven't seen anything submitted by them since.
@narfcake I remember something about voting irregularities, but didn't know the context, so thanks for that. There must be more to the algorithm though -- I have about 4 coworkers, and 2 family members that do vote exclusively for me (as far as I know), and they continue to be able to vote and has not appeared to negatively affect me in terms of rejection.
I remember one time when @lichme submitted a design and they almost RJ'd him because there was a flood of votes from the same IP address. Turns out everyone at his company voted for him, which obviously would have the same public-facing IP.
So maybe it's a combo of exclusivity, quantity and geographic similarity?
@ACraigL I don't know. Usually I vote for the ones you announce here, if I like them. Sometimes other designs please me, so I vote for them. The one thing your posts do is get me to look at the shirt site, which is the main goal. I used to be an enthusiast, but after the flameout, and a couple of CS failures, I gave it up totally. They should pay you for referrals.
@ACraigL Yeah, I'm pretty sure there's more to it, but Woot's not going to disclose that and I'm not going to open up 50 accounts to find out what it'd take to flag things either.
@ACraigL Actually, the votes that came from the same IP were from Woot HQ, it was their employees that voted for me lol.
@lichme That's way funnier. Thanks for the correction.
"I <3 Math." got an honorable mention as well! Nice. :)
Voted for all of them!
@melwin Awesome! Thank you.
@ACraigL Me too. Good luck.
@sammydog01 Thanks sammy! :)
@melwin @sammydog01 Woot requested artwork... Hopefully good things to come!
@ACraigL First place. Sounds good to me!
As a side note, it's crazy how low participation has fallen at woot - 90 votes for first. 4 years ago, first place was 1059 votes.
@narfcake Thanks! I'm kinda shocked this won, but thrilled none-the-less.
A few months ago, I had a long conversation with agingdragqueen on the low voter turnout. I made all kinds of suggestions and justifications on why some changes should be made. Her response boiled down to "You missed the party, dude."
@ACraigL I still don't think it's "too late", but the damage (desertion) has certainly been done and I don't foresee them returning back to their heyday. My reference? - besides strangers in line talking shirt with me, last month, a single design on another site garnered more likes on FB than all of shirt.woot and sold over 18k copies in one week.
(And he thought he was going to be a doctor!)
@narfcake And they gave us presents when we voted.
@sammydog01 There's been several occasions in which prizes were offered to voters. I don't know if there was any sizable uptick in sales afterwards, though.
@narfcake what site? I've been itching to find a good T-shirt site lately
@Bingo Good is subjective, but the site in my context is TeeTurtle.com, which RamyB started like a day after Woot announced they were switching to Anvil about 4 years ago.
It's been 3 years since he's entered a derby and far as I could tell, he's still first when it comes to volume with over 350k sold.
@narfcake Sold 587 on the debut, and 14 today (breaking the 600 barrier) so far. Not an amazing outing, but I think anything over 500 is a decent showing. Would you agree?
@ACraigL Yeah, over 500 is already a good number these days. The days of selling out 3k, let alone 5k and 6k, are looooooong gone.
@narfcake seems like some nice designs there but can't be sure because the webpage won't hold still.
@ACraigL - Sounds amazing to me. Congratulations!!
@nadroj Click on 'Browse all designs'.
I keep on getting taunted by @narfcake about some of the designs from TT.
Would I love to buy them? Sure.
Would I prefer having money instead of lots of shirts though? Call me crazy, but i like eating.
@FroodyFrog Cotton is 100% fiber, so it's edible, right?
Now's not the time to be hypothetically correct.
@FroodyFrog Fine. Their birthday sale is over anyway, so you've got a valid excuse not to buy any.
In my defense, I had a handful of shirts in my cart. I just didn't have a chance to place the order in time. :(
Good luck!
New shirts!!! Theme is breakfast:
"cowboy breakfast" is based on this old 'guess the picture' puzzle.

I always loved it so it was fun to recreate it a bit more realistically.
@ACraigL The entries are inspired this time. I guess breakfast is a favorite.
@sammydog01 Yeah, coffee, bacon and pastries are woot favorites on a normal day -- put 'em all together and it's derby feeding frenzy. I'm not super-optimistic about my chances this time, but I had a heck of a good time designing that cowboy one.
Hey guys! I've got one up too in case anyone has an extra-itchy voting finger :)

@kevlar51 I already voted for that one!
@kevlar51 Too funny. Everyone calls it that anyway, so it's sure to connect with folks. Glad another artist chimed in here, BTW. Good luck!
@ACraigL thanks for setting this up. I don't visit the meh forums much. Browsing today and saw this thread.
@kevlar51 It's crooked, isn't it?

(Disregard the poor lighting/white balance. This phone cost less than the shirt.)
@narfcake looks like it! I just got my order in. Three XL and one L. Two XLs were DTG. Very odd. All straight though!
@kevlar51 That is odd for a daily. Were they overnight orders, or standard SnailPost?
(I can understand from the production process that if it was express shipped, they'd be DTG.)
The new derby is "Great Battles"

Here's mine: "Struggles in 8-bit" http://shirt.woot.com/derby/entry/91919/struggles-in-8-bit
Thanks a ton for any help! Appreciate the assistance on the last one--I ended up with a print!
@kevlar51 Congrats!
@kevlar51 Woo!
Whatever strange schedule they have the derbies on now makes me less likely to vote, and less likely to buy. If that's their goal, mission accomplished!
@nadroj Explanation is here.
Thanks @narfcake for the playbook but shirt.woot is becoming too much work. I've spent a bit more than $200 on AA woot shirts since Thanksgiving but now seems like a good time to call it quits.
Just added a quick one to the current derby. Probably too late, but why not:

@ACraigL like the image..would never buy a yellow shirt..
@mikibell I get it. I never did a yellow design before for the same reason. My intention is to only design shirts I would actually wear. It just worked really well (IMO) with the brown chocolate color. I tried the light gray, but it just didn't have the same pop.
@ACraigL: Yellow works, though IMHO, creme would've done wonders for this. A little warm, same family of colors as brown (chocolate) ...
Alas, their reluctance to restock AA, nevermind that they cannot order Anvil at all (because it was a custom color), means the "no creme" rule will stay.
@ACraigL I like the yellow. Meh should sell one.
@narfcake I was thinking EXACTLY this when I was deciding shirt color. I even selected it just to see how it looked. Spoiler: it was better.
@ACraigL This is moving on up in the ratings. Good luck.
@ACraigL I kinda figured. FWIW, the highest vote count for any design was on creme with 2000 votes.
@OldCatLady 10th place right now is at 30 votes; this is at 20. It's plausible it'll fog, but probably won't end up in the top three.
@narfcake wow! What design was that?
@ACraigL http://shirt.woot.com/offers/to-the-top-in-the-style-of-da-vinci
Second highest vote count was 1800.
@ACraigL My son has a Woot shirt almost identical to the no monkeys bouncing on the bed one- don't they check?
@sammydog01 @narfcake called it out already, but to your point, they have been excessively lax in rejecting shirts. The spam dress shirt entry is a good example. I think they dont bother unless it gets too popular.
@ACraigL The bad part is that it gives the wrong ideas to those less familiar -- that such is okay.
The sadder part of this is that it was still under 24 hours when Wences acknowledged his oops and he could've pulled it down himself ... but he didn't.
@narfcake I guess he didn't feel that awful. There was another shirt a few derbies ago that closely resembled a walmazan design (cat in the foreground and fire and stuff in the back) and it was rejected for the similarity. It's so random sometimes...
@OldCatLady Thanks! It's kind of exciting... I never subbed this late before. I tend to avoid the mini derbies, but this (and the previous 2) are getting normal derby treatment. I with @narfcake, I don't think I'll have time to hit top-3 status, but it would be nice to be fogged.
@ACraigL Under the old one-derby-a-week, a Wednesday morning submission printed. On Friday. 27-1/2 hours from zero to first place.
As for the rejected design, it was after 24 hours already, so Rasabi couldn't take it down himself -- so he took the initiative to contact both Woot and Wences that his design was similar. That's noble. And gives much more respect that they're willing to own up when there's an issue.
I vote that woot sucks....Except for Monte and Mortimer
If you nice people are handing out votes, I'd love one.... :) http://shirt.woot.com/derby/entry/91957/lab-safety-2-0
@taternuggets You already had mine
But post here again -- Kevlar joined in, it would be great to get more artist interest and community activity going here.
@ACraigL Thanks!
@taternuggets I had already voted for yours too. Good luck!
@sammydog01 Thank you. :)
@taternuggets I'll pass.
@Ignorant Because there's no Bieber reference?
@narfcake I think the one in the middle is Bieber.
@Ignorant Definitely middle top.
*strong text*All the shirt of 2015 are up for voting.... community favorite of 2015! Here's a few of mine that might have a small chance. Hope you guys visit/vote for all your favorites!!
@ACraigL I still refuse to vote for the pooping Christmas tree.
@sammydog01 I have no problem with that. :)
Oh, and each page load is about 3mb. Not very well planned IMO.
Somehow 'The Inigo Axiom' is still in the fog! Thanks to everyone that voted so far!!
@ACraigL Must be some serious Princess Bride people voted. It appears 33% of the in the fog shirts are related to that movie.
@ACraigL - Not sure the inconceivable shirt means what I think it means, but I voted for it. (And scary gluten).
@ACraigL Didn't I just scroll through a ridiculous number of shirts to pick 2015 winners? And they now have another ridiculous number of shirts to pick more 2015 winners? Not only am I confused I'm overworked.
@sammydog01 I'm not sure what you mean. They did change the default order to random, so it's a different order each time. That good for entries since the same shirts aren't buried, but bad for voters because, well, random.
I'm guessing that's what you're seeing?? Maybe changing the order to 'votes' might help?
@ACraigL That's it! Duh, thanks.
I think this is a fine looking shirt that can use some votes.
This is a shirt thread, so I'm going to hijack it for a second.
@narfcake or anyone else, any thoughts on the blanks used by bustedtees? I've never purchased from them before.
@Ignorant I have no idea what they use. According to their size chart, a ML is 22" chest (typical), 29" length (shorter) ... and the only blank I can think of that had those specs are the Gildan 64000 (SoftStyle); think mutant Anvil with the really short sleeves, only less soft.
At the same time, the use of the term "fine jersey" suggests Tultex 0202, which the current Mexico made ones are alright. Not AA soft, but not sandpaper either, and shrinkage is less than Anvil.
It could be that they'll just source from whomever too, like Threadless. They use mutant Anvils too.
@narfcake hmmm well I guess I'll test the waters with one shirt first.
@Ignorant Let me know. And worse comes to worse, you're down in OC so we can meet up and figure it out by other telltale clues.
(Why do I know so much about this? I don't even work in the imprint industry!)
@narfcake lol I've wondered that about you myself.
Found a 50% off coupon code so went ahead and ordered two, I'll let you know.

I know, I know!
Alstyle 5301 for men, Next Level 3900 for women.
I have a shirt that just went up for sale over there. :D http://www.bustedtees.com/deal/migrateagain
@fishbiscuit thanks fish :)
@fishbiscuit: Thanks, Fishie! Now for you to list out every shirt that needs a vote here! ...
Also, mwahahahaha! Added irony - Alstyle is typically made in Mexico, Next Level in China.
@Ignorant: Expect shrinkage. Threadless used Alstyle for a while too; I'll measure up one up later tonight.
@ignorant You're welcome!
@narfcake Haha! That's some good irony. No way could I list all of my shirts from this derby. lol. But if anyone likes this one I'd love a helping vote. :D http://shirt.woot.com/derby/entry/92505/the-floppy-disks
@fishbiscuit I bought one, so it's GMV.
(I'm also hoping that the reason why you weren't nominated under artist-of-the-year is because the staff already named you as such already.)
@Ignorant All are M2XL thrift store finds. Royal blue is neckstretch Anvil 980, black is Alstyle 5301, slate is AA 2001.

@fishbiscuit Glad you joined in on the fun here. Good luck in the derby! I've got a fun new one coming tomorrow as well...
@narfcake shirts from busted tees came in.
For some stupid reason I ordered both shirts a size smaller than I usually order so I can't do a proper size comparison, I can say that the neck hole is very tight but again it's a size smaller :/
Softness seemed to be close to AA.
@Ignorant If they are made in Mexico (or sometimes India), tubular construction (aka no side seams) and closely spaced stitching on the hems, then odds are good they're the Alstyle 5301 as Fishie reported.
Hey! My 'Gluten Scares Me' design got selected as a T-List staff pick by Mike D. How awesome is that?
@ACraigL Yay!
Here's one from my best internet friend @taternuggets. I helped too.
This one is now for sale in a side sale :)
@Ignorant Fun design. Congrats!
And I have one in this derby, too. Theme is "Defeat: Second Place or Worse"
I'm getting some derby feedback that this design is offensive (or could be considered so). While that was absolutely not my intent, the last thing I want to do is offend -- I was merely parodying the Miss Universe pageant.
What do you guys think?
@ACraigL nope..not offensive.. I thought it was quite funny..
@mikibell Thanks. :)
Barring any voting discrepancy, it looks like the catshirtswoot's 2015 shirt-of-the-year is a cat shirt.
@narfcake I don't have any reason to believe it would be contested... that was a very popular shirt all year. Frankly, I'm just happy I got to sit in the top 9 of 2800 some shirts. Though once again, voter turn out was so low... I thought it would have picked up some for this derby.
@ACraigL I don't either, but weirder things have happened before.
I too was hoping for better turnout, though that's with every derby nowadays, really.
@narfcake - Aren't they going to reveal the votes? @ACraigL FWIW, I think your shirt is better and should have won.
@KDemo Click the link; that's first place in votes. Today's only Friday; second place votes gets revealed Saturday, and the rest on Sunday.
@narfcake - Ah, thanks. Still a chance then.
@KDemo Thanks! As I said, that was a LOT of shirts. Just to sit in the top 10 is pretty amazing IMO.
@narfcake, I'm pretty sure there is no 2nd or 3rd place for this derby -- only first gets the community fav nod/special sale. At least that's how I understood it.
@KDemo @narfcake I tied for 3rd place overall. I'll take it.
@ACraigL - Bronze is awesome, congratulations!!
I've always wanted to try to do something for the woot shirts.... is it hard to mess with? Is it worth it?
@linnry There's some basics you need to know, but I think it's worth it. I've learned a lot in the 7 months or so I've been doing it, and I really enjoyed being part of the process. It's not all sugar-plum faeries, but worthwhile IMO.
Start by reading up below. If you need more info, or have any questions, hit me up. Happy to help. Might seem daunting at first, but we we all noobs once.
http://shirt.woot.com/derby/upload (link to templates and other descriptions)
@ACraigL Thanks so much for the reply! Out of curiosity, what program do you use for layer separation, etc.? I know my way pretty well around all the freeware (Gimp, Krita) but have been balking at buying a photoshop subscription for a while now....
@linnry I mostly use Illustrator. I just find it works better for me for design and layout. Will sometimes bring in art from Photoshop Elements but ultimately, I provide Woot an .ai file. YMMV.
If you can download/import any of the templates, that should help, but generally the design build should have one Pantone Coated spot color per layer, usually with no more than 6 colors per design.
New shirt...
The theme is 'Dungeons & Dragons in real life'. I know almost nothing of D&D so I made a really simply entry. I might have another if I find time tonight to finish.

This one printed! Yay!
@ACraigL Nice!
And one more...

I've got one! Thanks a lot for any help!

@kevlar51 This made me chuckle. Nice one!
@kevlar51 Congrats!
@ACraigL Thanks!
I got an artwork request for the D&D derby! (not sure for which design). Will keep you all posted, and thanks again for the support!
This week's theme: Practical Jokes:

Though it seems most entries thus far forgot the "practical" part and are just illustrating old jokes. Ah, well. :)
@ACraigL Oh goodness, I hope you make it through.. I NEED one of those.. my son never ever remembers to zipper his fly. A shirt asserting this as a statement would just be killer!
@mikibell Ha. Everyone I showed it laughed, so hopefully!
@ACraigL Love this one!
@mikibell @sammydog01 It got printed! In the plus sale today!! http://shirt.woot.com/offers/made-you-look
@ACraigL Awesome.. it is in my cart.. now if I could only remember my password!!!
@ACraigL Congrats! Sorry I'm too cheap to buy one.
@sammydog01 Haha. No worries! I just get excited when another one gets added to my catalog.
@ACraigL CATalog.
@narfcake But not in mine.
I've got one up too--a collab with Walmazan--thanks for looking!

The Other Side
@kevlar51 Bonus points for showing "chicken butt".
@kevlar51 Love this one too!
My and @kevlar51/walmazan's designs are featured in this week's email banner. Yay!
AND we both finished in the fog (as did a few other really excellent designs). Fingers crossed!
Congrats @kevlar51/walmazan! First place, woo!
@ACraigL SWEET! @kevlar51
I've got one up for the "Lightning in a Bottle Derby"
@kevlar51 REALLY well done. I'm sure you're pretty proud of it. The lighting and halftones are so good. Kinda has that Summer Glow (Glau).
@ACraigL Thanks :) And nice pun
@kevlar51 One of only a few I've voted for. I wonder if there's a GITD remix in the future too.
I noticed @no1 has a couple entries too ...

@narfcake You can tell the veterans from the old shirt template style. :)
@narfcake thanks! GITD would be a nice twist. not sure they'll do it though since it's halftoned.
@kevlar51 Maybe not on an initial run, but if I learned anything from buying too many shirts from another site, GITD can indeed be halftoned.
@narfcake my apologies to every1.
@narfcake I absolutely love this one!
@no1: You're weird. Besides, I like your panda.
@sammydog01: It's pretty calming.
@kevlar51 Congrats on another well-deserved win! It's one of the nicest designs I've seen in a while (including my own :P). Really well done!
@ACraigL Thanks a ton!
@narfcake I take it this one didn't win? I finally found a shirt I was willing to part with cash for and can't order it.
@sammydog01 It didn't and it was not selected for the side sale, unfortunately. Perhaps @no1 will resub to a future derby.
@ACraigL @sammydog01: It was selected. @no1 needs to submit the artwork ... which you better because I ordered a copy already!
@narfcake uh ... whut? it's not on the event page ...
@narfcake I just ordered one too. Thanks for the head's up.
@no1: Submit your artwork, then!
@sammydog01: Hooray!
@narfcake First sucker is you, last wooter is me.
@narfcake that's crazy. how did you figure that out?
For what it's worth artists, I haven't gotten a "send us your artwork" e-mail in either of the last two derbies. I tend to send mine in regardless, but in the past if they want/need the art, they send the e-mail for print files out to everyone on the list, even if they already got the file. I think they finally got annoyed enough from people holding back.
@kevlar51: E.S.P.?
@sammydog01: Hooray!
@narfcake @sammydog01 It wasn't there when I replied; glad it finally got out. @kevlar51 is right, I hadn't gotten a request for art either lately, but have learned to send it in early. One time I placed and hadn't sent in art, but asked on a Wednesday if they wanted it. MikeD said, sure, it helps them make certain decisions if they have it.
Meanwhile he totally played me because I came in second in votes.
They've been lax in all aspects though. From policing the derby, to putting vote counts on the winning sale (though I suspect that's a way to hide the decline) to offering comp shirts for winners/HMs, they seem to need prodding.
Maybe they're just understaffed or something, but I sure liked it better when they were more involved. Or maybe ADQ did most of that stuff.
@ACraigL Correct that it wasn't there before. The page had a "no image available" placeholder.
And yes, they're understaffed. Besides shirt.Woot, there's the Amazon Merch stuff that falls on their shoulders too. Instead of seven shirts a week, there are dozens. And AFAIK, it's still just Joel, Mike, and Ocho keeping it all going.
@ACraigL As for being played, it's better than getting hit with a rejection stamp on Thursday.
@sammydog01 @narfcake thanks for the sales.
on a completely unrelated topic, does mcd's still have a dollar menu?
@no1 It's called a Value Menu now because many items are more than a dollar.
@narfcake it's the "dollar menu and more"
I'm not sure how that's any different than just "menu"
@Ignorant Ah. Well it goes to show how out of the loop I am.
@no1 My shirt came. I love it! I hope you enjoyed your sausage McMuffin.
New shirt! Theme is "Red".

Thanks for checking it out!
Hey! I'm in the fog (for now)! Yay!
It printed today, yay!
I've got a collab up with @fishbiscuit Thanks for any help!
Banana Stand Bank & Trust
@kevlar51 Can't go wrong with AD. Nice one. :)
@ACraigL thanks :) My backlog is steadily growing, but my wife and I can only seem to bring ourselves to watch AD and Seinfeld reruns anymore
@kevlar51 Thanks for posting! I guess I'll throw my entry up here too. This is a drawing of my son and me. I'm the tree.
The Money Tree
@fishbiscuit that is awesome! Come on, people, stop enticing me to spend more money on t-shirts my son will outgrow!
@mikibell: Buy it for yourself instead, then! :)
@fishbiscuit: Next gift - "Mom got another print and all I got was another shirt."
Got new one up! Theme is 'nature'.

@ACraigL nice work!
@kevlar51 Thanks! :)
@ACraigL OK, do the green markings on the sloth mean something?
@sammydog01 gamma radiation.
@sammydog01 Do I need to spell it out for you?
@ACraigL Squinting helps. Once you see 'Y', it all makes sense. Sneaky; I like it.
@OldCatLady OK, got it. I'm slow, what can I say?
@OldCatLady @sammydog01 I wanted it to be subtle. Originally, the design had the Y totally connected -- imagine the tail of it wrapping around the bottom, ending in the sloth's head. That made the word easily understood, but it kinda stopped looking like an animal.
It's my first negative space design, so there's that. :)
I've got one up for nature too--thanks a ton!
Roots of Life
@kevlar51 Another hit, man. Your last few entries have been amazing!
@kevlar51 Pretty!
@kevlar51 If this prints, I could probably sell a couple dozen at any genealogy conference.
@ACraigL thanks!
@OldCatLady ha nice! stock up on day two ;)
Two in this time -- theme is "Periodic Table"


Thanks, as always, for checking them out!!
@ACraigL - I voted. Been getting t shirt-related emails from woot because I've been voting for yours, I guess. Never bought a woot shirt.
@KDemo Thanks! :)
@ACraigL gotcha--nice work
@kevlar51 Thanks! It's literally the cutest thing I've ever done. Not sure how I feel about that.
@ACraigL Get used to it?
Looks like cupcakes may finish in the fog! Here's hoping for a good weekend.
@ACraigL Yay! I voted for it even though it's nauseatingly cute.
@sammydog01 LOL. Yeah, I know. I still can't believe I actually did that. :P My daughter loved it, so there's that.
Hey guys! Both printed and are available in today's plus sale. Woo!
@ACraigL Woo hoo!
@narfcake If the trend here continues, you'll have to come up with a new name for catshirt.woot!
@dashcloud Don't worry about @narfcake. My stuff is totally the exception and not the rule. Cat shirts continue to thrive on woot.
@dashcloud Sometimes I just vote for all the shirts without cats on them.
@sammydog01 Yay!
@ACraigL "Thrive" may be stretching it. The way sales are these days, or the lack thereof, I question how much longer can they sustain the current commission model.
@sammydog01 Spite voting. Nothing new there, actually. Back in the days, much of that was "everything except Ramy".
Come November, we'll be seeing spite votes for the presidency too. Anyone except __!
@narfcake Can't disagree. I just meant catshirts still show up in the derbies and dailies on the regular.
@narfcake I was just kidding. That would take too much work. Most of the time I only find a few entries that I really like.
Shirt's up. Theme is basically Star Wars. Was going for a 'Wacky Packages' type of thing. (Does anyone remember those?). Hope you guys like it.

@ACraigL nice stuff!
I made it into the email banner! That's always fun. :)

I've got one up too!

Millennium Shipping
@kevlar51 I knew this was yours before I even clicked through. Nice, simple design.
@ACraigL Guilty as charged. I enjoy making corporate logo shirts :)
@kevlar51 and I are still in the fog, with only a few hours left of voting! Honestly, I keep expecting to fall out at any minute, but it hasn't happened yet.
Anyway, thanks for the support guys! Wish us luck!

@ACraigL Good luck! I voted for both.
I think I just got promoted to 8th place. warbucks360's design was rejected after the derby closed for having the shirt for sale elsewhere (second time this derby) and "voting irregularities".
and tagging @narfcake for some shirt facts on the above. :)
@ACraigL Good to know they're still watching! (And thanks for tagging me.)
@kevlar51 and I both got printed in the side sale!
@ACraigL How do you make the mistake not once, but twice of having a derby shirt for sale elsewhere?
@dashcloud If you’re referring to the comment about warbucks360, he was only one of the DQ’s. The other one in that derby was Dooomcat – didn’t mean to make it sound like it was twice from the same artist.
@acraigl Thanks!--Good Luck!
New Derby, theme is "Purple" (Eggplant shirt, or purple as the primary color). I couldn't resist doing the second one. Sorry. :)


@ACraigL I love the Grimace.
@ACraigL Well, there's my new word for the day. I did vote for 'Fast Food'.
@sammydog01 @OldCatLady Thanks guys!
"Fast Food" was my real entry, and it was a lot of fun to design. When I heard the theme (purple), the second one was the first thing I thought of and still makes me laugh when I hear it. I haz a maturity.
@ACraigL Yeah, that's like me. I haz a couth, like new and almost never used.
@ACraigL nice X2
@kevlar51 Thanks! :)
Good news, I made it into the email banner again!

Bad news, I just fell out of the fog (again). But hoping this makes another HM. We'll see...
Good news, both my entries printed as honorable mentions, yay!

Got one for the Camp derby! Thanks a ton for any help!

Just Add Fire
@kevlar51 Great textures! +1
@kevlar51 I really like this- and s'mores.
@kevlar51 Nice companion to your The S'mores design (which I have it in the long sleeve version).
@kevlar51 I saw your shirt today- congrats!
@sammydog01 thanks!
@kevlar51 Congrats! I knew that one would place.
@ACraigL Thanks a lot!
Congratulations, @kevlar51!
I was bummed your Millenium Shipping shirt didn’t win, it would have gone great with my Imperial Defense Systems shirt.
@jbartus thanks–it at least got an HM print. they haven’t put it in the catalog yet, but check back on this link periodically:
Millennium Shipping
@kevlar51 They’re WAY behind in getting shirts into the catalog. I’m missing about 5 or so from 3 past derbies.
New derby! Theme is “Slogans”. I had fun with this one, hope you guys like these.


@ACraigL Got you on both
@kevlar51 Thanks! Actually resubbed the shrub one…
If you get a chance (or if you like the first one better, either way)
I’ve got one up for the slogans derby! Thanks a lot for any help!

@kevlar51 Right back at 'cha.
@ACraigL @kevlar51 I voted for all three.
@kevlar51 Wow! You shot right into the fog. Nice going!
I’m extremely partial to this catshirt this week.

@narfcake I’m pretty sure you’ll get to own that one.
@ACraigL We’ll see. Cats and cute hasn’t been as dominant in recent times.
Then again, compared to the past, nothing is dominant anymore. And compared to the very early days, a huge difference in the buying rate, as @jasontoon posted here.
Hi all! I’ve got one up this week–thanks for any help!

Let’s Heat Things Up
@kevlar51 Fun design! +1
Here’s mine for the ‘Science Fiction Literature’ derby. Funny mash-up, but I really liked how it came out.

@ACraigL gotcha
Woo! It printed today. Really pleased because although it didn’t garner too many votes, it is one of my personal favorites that I’ve done.
Thanks for the continued support!
@ACraigL OK. explain the lizard. Yes, I voted for it but still don’t get it.
@sammydog01 Haha, not surprised unless you’re pretty familiar with the story. It’s a salamander. The salamander is one of the official symbols of the firemen, as well as the name they give to their fire trucks.
I considered doing the hound, and a few other ideas for that third icon (I had to do the match and book), but I liked that it was different, and thought it worked well against the green. I’l be ordering mine, just as soon as the coupon is delivered!
@ACraigL Thanks- I read it in high school. It’s been a while.
@sammydog01 Yep, for me, too. My daughter recently read it for school and we got to talking about it. That’s what inspired me to do this subject for the derby.
Got one up for woot–thanks! http://shirt.woot.com/derby/entry/95133/electric-sheep
@kevlar51 Back at ya. Nice one!
@kevlar51 I love this!
@kevlar51 Congrats!! You’ve been kicking ads lately – way to go!
@ACraigL Thanks very much!
Hey guys, I resubbed my shrubs design because it fit the theme. If you liked it you can vote for it here:
Theme is USA! this week. Thanks for checking these out!


@ACraigL nice job–gotcha
@ACraigL Voted.
@sammydog01 @kevlar51 Thanks guys!!
I posted it in the derby thread, but the waveform element in the first one is actually from a recording of myself chanting, USA! USA! USA!. I brought it into a sound editor, grabbed the waveform image and enhanced it from there.
I made a dumb entry for the hat derby.

I didn’t lie
@Narfcake, did you see the theme for next week? I might have to do a cat!
Then again, it’s father’s day weekend so I may be too drunk to do it.
Or just drunk enough.
@ACraigL You know you want to do one. =^.^=

/image always cat.shirt.woot
Ok, (@narfcake) here’s my first official cat shirt. I may have one coming later today as well…

Be kind
Finally used my Woot account for something for the first time in 6 years.
@FroodyFrog Thanks! I hope people recognize the the art on which it’s based (not a pipe, by Magritte)
Turns out 3 other people had the same idea. So many geniuses.
@ACraigL I’m only seeing 3 total, not “3 other people”. But maybe I’m just being nitpicky.
FWIW, this weekend and next Monday might get expensive (again), as I voted for:
I see you got more cat shirts today
@FroodyFrog Cat shirt. Not cat shirts.
Then again, the day isn’t over …
That one I saw, but I figured maybe you’d have gotten this one:
(I myself almost bought a few shirts, but thankfully, common sense prevailed. Although I decided that after 7 years, I’ll finally try to get a BoC.)
@FroodyFrog Nope.

/image nope cat
(Actually, I didn’t see that one, but it would’ve been a pass anyway.)
@narfcake yep, mistype. Meant a total of 3
@narfcake How many did you buy??
@ACraigL Less than a week’s worth so far.
They added some on Monday, so I haven’t done a round two.
No, I still can’t draw, but I can draw attention to this design:

… mainly for something said:
Let the record show that @ACraigL voted for a catshirt. =^.^=
@narfcake Guilty. I happen to like most of kg07’s work – he’s relatively new to derbies, but appears to be super-talented.
Here’s my entries for the “Magnitudes” derby. This one is potentially worth $10K, so if you care to part with a few votes, I’d appreciate it
Thanks for looking!
Butterfly Effect Pale Ale

Actual Size

@ACraigL gotcha
“Lifelike” is in the email banner! (sorta) Yay!

As @narfcake already pointed out, “Actual Size” took the 3-spot today, woo! Thanks SO much to everyone that voted!
Third place by one vote, @ACraigL! Now for everyone else here to put their money where there mouth was and buy one!
(Or two, like the first buyer did. Or three, because you’re even better!)
I was pleased to wake up to an honorable Mention for Butterfly Effect Pale Ale as well, on sale today! Woo!
And @fishbiscuit got the nod with Catzilla. Nice!
Edit: AND @taternuggets/oakenspirit with Sound of Silence.
Here’s mine–thanks a lot!

The Little Virus That Could
@kevlar51 Great colors. Gotcha back!
@ACraigL @kevlar51 Gotcha both.
@sammydog01 Thanks!
I have a couple of entries too! I have to remember to post here. Thanks, guys!
Evolution of a Star
@fishbiscuit Gotcha already, FB5! Catzilla is great – but for @narfcake’s sake, I choose to believe this is a godzilla shirt.
@ACraigL I can’t stop drawing cats! It’s like a disease. A cute, furry, adorable disease.
@fishbiscuit I like the godzilla shirt too.
@sammydog01 Thank you! I’m happy people are liking it.
@ACraigL phhhhbt!
@fishbiscuit5 Hahaha! Of course, your very first print was a catshirt too, so it’s all fine.
@fishbiscuit gotcha!
I have one in the derby too! Big Bang
@odysseyroc gotcha!
Glad we’re getting other artist participation in this thread. Thanks @kevlar, @fishbiscuit and @odysseyroc for joining the party!
@ACraigL I’ll make it a point to remember to come over here. School is out so I have more time to focus on fun Internets stuff.
(Moar catshirts, @fishbiscuit.
@ACraigL I’ll definitely make it a point to hang out here, too.
Just a shameless bump because the stakes are high for these (including the next 3) derbies. If you’re inclined to, voting runs for this one until Thursday, 12pm CST.
Jumping in to share a collab with Oakenspirit. As acraigl already stated… the stakes are high. lol. thanks for any votes. http://shirt.woot.com/derby/entry/95554/sound-of-silence
New derby, and another round of 10K opportunity!!

This theme is fake promotional tees. Thanks, as always, for looking!

Here’s mine! enter link description here
@odysseyroc Funny!
I entered four this week! I hope you guys like them.




@fishbiscuit Feeling distressed this week?

Great as always, love Clone Camp
@ACraigL Haha. I like the retro look.
@fishbiscuit Tacos. Shouldn’t. Crunch.
@narfcake No such thing as a bad taco!
@fishbiscuit Having moved from So Cal to Missouri, I can tell you there is definitely such thing as a bad taco.
@odysseyroc Living in a predominantly Hispanic city, I’m spoiled here.
@fishbiscuit Look on yelp.
Also, some reading material: http://www.sfweekly.com/foodie/2011/08/17/where-did-crispy-tacos-come-from
@narfcake You’re in Whittier or something like that, right? I’m from Gardena, but the last place I moved before I left was Covina.
IMO, there’s nothing wrong with a good deep fried taco dorado. Not a fan of the corn chip “shell” taco however.
@odysseyroc @narfcake I like crispy tacos. Maybe I’m just patriotic.
@fishbiscuit The weird food thread is over here.
@odysseyroc Whittier was where I used to work; Pomona is where I live, though.
nice work all around
Bump/reminder that voting ends at noon, CST tomorrow. @fishbiscuit, @odysseyroc and I are all in the fog as of this post, so it should be an exciting outcome!
Thanks, as always for checking these out!!

@ACraigL Yay! Go us!
Womp Womp
Go @fishbiscuit & @odysseyroc!
The one above got an honorable mention, yay!
10K Derby Round #3: Dystopia.

Hope you guys like this one – it’s one of my favorite designs, I think.
@ACraigL This is great!
@fishbiscuit Thanks! I had another few ideas, but life got in the way. Maybe this weekend…
Yay! This one got printed in the side sale
I’ve got one this week too! Thanks!

We’re Listening
@kevlar51 Gotcha kev. Frightening indeed!
@ACraigL thanks! ditto!
@kevlar51 Way too truthful! I already have Cortana suggesting cat videos and Google (AdSense) reminding that TeeTurtle has a catshirt up. I don’t need Amazon to recommend me cat food and cat litter and cat trees and cat toys for a nonexistent cat here!
(Granted, it may be too late; a little while back, I bought @fishbiscuit’s Coffee Stain Cats via Amazon because large is still available. Then I found my old copy. And my other copy too.)
@kevlar51 I always meant to ask - are you a professional designer, like do that for a living?
@ACraigL Nope. This is very much a hobby. I’m a dirty lawyer.
@kevlar51 Me too. Well, not the lawyer part, but I’m pretty dirty.
@ACraigL people like us are so misunderstood.
I have three left standing after a round of rejections. I’ll take pity votes!
@fishbiscuit Congratulations - I think you just set a new record for most rejections by one artist in a single derby.
@narfcake Achievement unlocked!
@narfcake Yay, @fishbuscuit!
@fishbiscuit An update: four rejections in one derby has occured before waaaaaaaay back in Derby 221; I forgot about his FireFox entry. I still face palm over the rejectionator calling the USA ficticious.
Voted !/)
Here’s my weekly $10k bump. If you haven’t voted, and might like to, the Dystopia derby is open until Thursday, noon CST.
@ACraigL Done.
@sammydog01 Yay! Thanks
(Even if you didn’t vote for mine.)
This week’s derby is open if anyone wants to go check out the new designs. Here are mine!
I got two in this week as well! Theme is simple machines:


Here is mine and Walmazan for this derby if you could be so kind. http://shirt.woot.com/derby/entry/95862/guess-what-day-it-is
@taternuggets I love that I see Walmazan’s style in the girl and yours in the camel. Funny and dark. Just the way I like it.
@taternuggets I don’t get it.
@taternuggets You want to nominate @ignorant for August goat?
@narfcake Absolutely.
@narfcake @taternuggets the goat might hit a “circuit breaker” that month.
@Ignorant Three chances of
notbuying means triple the blaming!For a better escape, the octopus could use some votes …
@taternuggets/walmazan and I both made the promo banner. Yay!

This is my last $10K bump (I can hear the collective sigh of relief). Derby is open until noon CST on Thursday, if you anyone is still interested in looking/voting.
Thanks, everyone!
@ACraigL Your nagging is the only reason I remember to check out the derby. Keep it up.
@sammydog01 Thanks Sammy
I’m only doing the extra bumps because it’s the 10k derby. I’ll go back to the “this is my design” -only posts after this week. 

@ACraigL T-minus thirty minutes and I did a final sweep of voting. Best of luck! – and you’re unlikely to have to worry about the catshirt, as that only entered the fog last night, so it’s probably in 9th place.
Thanks @narfcake! The wildcard I’m actually worried about is “Trojan Rabbit”. vomaria had a shirt for sale yesterday and basically put in an ad in the sale thread to vote for her design. It got a lot of looks, gaining about 25 votes in a 2-hour period (and pushing @fishbiscuit out of the fog in the process). I have no idea how many additional votes it has garnered since.
Clever marketing on her part, maybe, but seems brutally unfair. That said, I do like the design. Hopefully it won’t be as impacting as I fear, but you never know with this crowd.
@ACraigL I didn’t see her any differently than any other artist commenting with a link in the .sig calling out to voting their design.
Also, what crowd?
Besides folks having moved onto other shirt sites, shirt.woot’s drop in the past few years is attributable to woot.com’s overall drop too.
@narfcake It was just super-prominent, is all. I didn’t even realize it was a signature at first since it didn’t scroll. As for the crowd comment – I only meant the voters in general. I can’t ever seem to get a fix on what will resonate. Like predicting the stock market.
@ACraigL The audience has always been fickle, even back in the heyday when 1000+ votes wasn’t enough to print.
From what I can see these days:
Congrats on another print, @ACraigL!

@narfcake Thanks Narf! It was quite a surprise to wake up to. And thanks to everyone here that voted – only 2 votes separated the #1 and #2 spot. Another very close race this time around!
@narfcake Any stats on the worst-selling featured shirt? 'Cuz I’m thinking I may take that honor today.
@ACraigL I actually don’t, but I do know there were a few dailies that sold <100.
@narfcake Looks like I should break 100, so there’s that. But no need to post it in the thread for all eternity, right?
@ACraigL For consistency’s sake, as long as it’s higher than the votes, I’ll post it.
@narfcake Ha, figured. Just broke 100, so go for it.
@ACraigL When side sale shirts sell by singles, 100 becomes a good number.
That said, I can’t foresee the current commission model being sustainable either. But I hope I’m wrong.
Started a new job so I haven’t had much time for designing lately, but I got one up today! Thanks for any help!

Take These Slippers
@kevlar51 Classic. Gotcha. +1
@kevlar51 nice!
Got two in this derby. It’s a strange multi-theme this week, but mine are based on humor/wordplay. Thanks for looking!


And @narfcake, yes, I have a cat in there. When I asked my daughter’s opinion (as I often do) she said – “that’d be perfect if it had a cat”. I had to agree.
The second is a reworked resub, fyi.
@ACraigL I agree too.
Tagging @sammydog01 because maybe you were away? So welcome back. Maybe?
@ACraigL I’m back! And I voted. Nice cat.
@sammydog01 Thanks! Welcome home.
Hey guys! I have a design doing well in this week’s derby if you feel like voting. This is for the “Concept” theme. Thanks for taking a look!
Got one up for this week’s “Back to Class” Derby–thanks a lot for any help!

Defense Against the Dark Arts
@kevlar51 gotcha +1
New shirt! Theme is back to class. If you know the song, The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades, you’ll get it. Thanks for looking!

@ACraigL nice work–gotchoo
Woo! I took home a silver medal in the humor category. See, now’s there proof I’m funny. Told ya. Thanks for all the support guys! And to @narfcake for being my first sucker. Again.
In case you didn’t know, there’s an actual, physical medal that comes along with this win… I’ll post a photo of it when it comes.
I bought a fishbiscuit shirt and didn’t even realize it. Wore it to the oral surgeons the two weeks ago and the ladies in the front flipped over it…so I went a bought two more of the Meh Whatever 2016 shirt. And I voted for ACraigL! I don’t always remember to go to the derby but I liked that shirt right off.
@mehbee Accidentally buying a @fishbiscuit shirt is a good thing.
@narfcake @mehbee I know her style so well now it’s hard to mistake. My wife is a huge fan of her designs. Wears more of her’s than mine.
@ACraigL I’ll have to start paying more attention to the artists.
@mehbee Many have very distinctive styles. I’m kind of all over the place. ADD of design, I guess.
@ACraigL I think I suffere from that also. ADD of Design…the struggle is real
@mehbee Though I lurked for most of the earlier years, I’ve paid attention to the artists since the controversies over “borrowed” art and other shenanigans.
The last big one was a family that was manipulating the derby through multiple accounts. After their designs got flagged for “voting inconsistency”, they turned to voting up other artists in an attempt to have their designs flagged – which unfortunately did take down a couple of them until the staff caught up to their stunt. There hasn’t been an entry from any of them since.
@ACraigL Variety makes a better artist. OTOH, familiarity make for better followers … or in the case of my late doggie, better slobber rags. Bella did mistake one of Fishie’s designs once, but in her defense, it was purchased from TeeTurtle. When I said “awww, this is a @fishbiscuit shirt”, she only understood the “biscuit” part.
@narfcake Haha. Pretty funny, narf.
I can’t attest to having much in the way of followers (though I surmise there’s a few here and at woot that have helped me out over the last year or so). I try to be different with my entries in hopes of learning something new with each derby . If that translates to dollars, then all the better. I enjoy being part of the derbies more than anything else.
I, too, have a shirt in this week’s derby. It’s over tomorrow afternoon, so if you have a moment to vote, I’d appreciate it. http://shirt.woot.com/derby/entry/96244/sorry-im-booked
It looks like this:

@marcee That’s a real nice shirt and I wish I had seen it.
@emilyap It printed!
@emilyap @narfcake Thanks guys!
@marcee Woo!
@ACraigL’s nicely done catshirt arrived today.
It’s still on sale until Sunday at 11:59 pm CDT.
@narfcake Thanks for the plug, Narf. I got mine too. Wife is, appropriately so, sleeping in it tonight.
New one! There was a recent Dr. Horrible discussion here and I re-watched it with my daughter and got inspired. Hope you guys like it!

@ACraigL gotcha nice work! Love Dr. Horrible
Here’s mine–thanks!

Cat’s Greatest Invention
@kevlar51 Haha. That should do well. Right, @narfcake? Gotcha back.
@kevlar51 and I printed today! Side sale is located here for those that are interested:
@ACraigL Also @fishbiscuit.
She got some prints this week too.
Cats and coffee, yay!
@narfcake Fishy didn’t post here this time, so I neglected to mention, but yes, @fishbiscuit, always @fishbiscuit.
@ACraigL Tagging @fishbiscuit.
She needs to spend more time here.
Posting and banter.
I’m sorry I haven’t posted lately, guys! School started and I’m running crazy between two school buildings this year. Things will settle down and I’ll be back to hanging with you.
If anyone feels like voting, I have a Dr. Seuss/Doctor Who horse in the race this week.

Hey all woot account holders… I just started re-entering the derbies after a break… @narfcake told me this may be a place to share my designs… if anyone would like to vote!:)

Yay it’s @jasneko!
Wonderful cheery designs
And cats. Lotsa cats.
(I see that meh doesn’t link newer accounts to previous taggings, though.)
I’ve got a collab with @odysseyroc at Woot up for voting today! Thanks for any help on
Bigger on the Inside
Congrats @kevlar51 and @odysseyroc on the second-place win! A tip of my coffee mug to you both.
@ACraigL Thanks!!!
I have two designs in this week’s derby.
I must preemptively blame @Ignorant for not posting @taternugget’s first place design today:
@narfcake wow I’ve never seen this shirt, I’m blown away. Nice work @taternuggets
WOOOOOOOOOOOO! Congrats @taternuggets
@taternuggets bought mine as soon as I woke up. Love it man, nice job.
@ACraigL thanks!
@taternuggets @ignorant for October goat? I’ll preemptively blame him that I forgot the s in “taternuggets” too.
@narfcake Ignorant should always be the goat… he didn’t seem to garner enough votes last time… not enough people realize what a menace he is.
It’s great to see our little @taternuggets has become a successful entrepreneur! I remember when he was just a little spud.
Entry in this week’s derby for anyone who’d like to vote!
Shirts for the Halloween Derby! Thanks for checking them out!
Carbs Are Evil

A True Horror Story

And one more! Thanks for any help!

What Scares Me Now
Hey y’all. Just a reminder the Halloween derby runs until Thursday, 10/6 1pm ET. There’s some really good art over there, so please go check it out.
I’ve got one up for the Vintage Ads derby! Thanks for any help!

@kevlar51 I wandered over and voted for this- I like it. All the comments, however, seem to be shirt artists talking to each other. Is it just a big popularity contest?
@sammydog01 I feel like with rare exceptions, it’s always been a popularity contest. Only now it’s like a popularity contest at a small private high school instead of a public university.
@kevlar51 And over at Woot I’m sitting at the outcast table in the cafeteria.
@sammydog01 As @kevlar51 said, it’s always been one. The very concept that prints are by vote counts mean it.
Back story time: The derby didn’t use to be so quiet. In fact, all of shirt.woot wasn’t this quiet, and there used to be some really outspoken folks, arguing over what’s art and what’s not all the time. It made for a lot more attention and activity, and not necessarily of the positive/constructive type either.
5 years ago - Derby 220: 1,617 total comments.
1 week ago - Derby 571: 223 total comments.
Then in February 2012, this happened – which alienated a good number of customers. The top selling artist started his own site the very next day and along with starting med school, tapered off shirt.woot – shifting more customers away. The overall site redesign that accommodated for the current formula of “more things to buy” – that removed more customers. The “numbers driven” folks that were put in charge after the founder and CEO stepped down, meaning less deals – that resulted in less customers at Woot overall.
Snowball all that over the subsequent years, and that brings us to the present.
I got 2 in the side sale today!
@fishbiscuit did as well:
Yay, Halloween!
@ACraigL I love pikaboo? Too bad both my shirt drawers are full.
@sammydog01 Time to buy a new dresser!
@sammydog01 Only two? You’re doing it wrong.
@ACraigL Congrats on the prints and thanks for posting mine too!!! Yay!!!
Hey guys! I have a sciencey shirt up for this week’s derby. Hope you like it!
My entry this week in the Junk Food Derby, if you’d like to vote!

I have 2 entries in the new ‘Snarky Slogans’ derby. Thanks for checking them out!
D. Knight, C.P.A.

Self(ishly) Motivated

@ACraigL Voted.
@sammydog01 Yay! Thanks
Snarky slogans is my wheelhouse…
Feel free to throw some woot-votes my way too, if you have the opportunity. Please and thank you.
Just Give Up

Happiness Is Fleeting
Closer to Death
@marcee Voted.
@acraigl, @bootsboots, @fishbiscuit, @jasneko, @kevlar51, @marcee, @odysseyroc, @no1, @taternuggets, and any other artist who has prints at shirt.woot:
The past few days, I’ve been flagging hundreds and hundreds of stolen shirt.woot designs that are being sold on Amazon, many of which were through Amazon Merch – and no one has been immune to the design thieves. @del and the other mods have passed on all that’s been flagged so far to legal to take care of, but try as I might, there’s no way I can catch everything.
Catshirts have been especially targeted. Some of the ones I flagged already were designs from just the past 6 weeks. In the past, design thieves have even put stuff up the same day it was offered.
Spend some time this weekend flagging your own designs. The way I’ve been doing it is by opening up Amazon in an incognito/In Private/Privacy window as not to taint or be tainted by your own Amazon search results. Start with the shirt title as a keyword, then again with more generic terms. Searching ‘cat coffee shirt’ yielded many of the Catffeine designs, including designs which lifted the art and but retyped the captions.
I haven’t even touched on other sites yet. @marcee noted that at teecraze, the thieves have even included the artist’s name.
Remember, I have zero financial gain doing this. I’m only doing this because I DO give a damn!
OMFG there are like a bajillion shirts with the title pandemonium/pandamonium (but not my design)
@narfcake the pics of the tees on teecraze include what looks like a woot exclamation point on the tag. what up wit dat?
@no1 @narfcake Which is one of the reasons I asked if teecraze was an approved vendor. I was really confused - especially since woot artists have actual portfolio pages there. You can actually search by my woot name and find a couple of shirts. But I’m sure as hell not being paid on teecraze sales, though it is nice to see new comments on my designs.
@narfcake mother fucker. I see a handful of shirts here that I worked on
Blame the goat. Then ask @taternuggets so he can blame the goat too.
@narfcake Thanks Narf. I’ve been on the lookout. I’m not nearly successful enough (apparently) to be ripped off, but have and will report stolen designs. Appreciate your good-sumarianism here.
@ACraigL Your Actual Size design was one of the ones I flagged.
@narfcake Haha, I missed it because I was looking for the shirt title. I guess I am somebody after all. They did use a different font, so, that.
@narfcake Close enough?
REAL: http://shirt.woot.com/offers/gluten-scares-me-2
FAKE: https://www.amazon.com/Womens-Gluten-T-shirt-Large-Black/dp/B01M8GLC2C
@ACraigL Not quite IMHO. Designs themselves have an inherent copyright, but concepts do not.
Now I am NOT a lawyer, but as I understand, Woot cannot argue on behalf of the artist when it comes to works that take the same concept from the original design, so as I see it, when the design of The Cat in the Box …
… is lifted like so:
… there’s legal grounds, but when it’s like so:
… not so much.
@ACraigL Yeah, no. And it’s irritating because there are a bunch of shirts that spoofed off of my “Touch my Shelf” shirt - but if they’re not using my actual artwork/design, I’m not bothering to report it.
@ACraigL I bought that shirt and wear it proudly because you are definitely somebody!
@narfcake @ignorant @no1 @taternuggets @acraigl Last post at woot inferred that teecraze might be an approved affiliate. I don’t know what that means. Meh. Still, there are lots of fakes out there. Stay sharp!
Thanks for fighting the good fight @narfcake
@taternuggets You’re welcome. I can’t catch everything, but it absolutely disgusts me that someone else out there has (1) stolen the work, (2) is profiting MORE from it, and (3) the customer gets a completely shitty product out of it because the source was nothing more than a screen grab.
And on the topic of shitty products – all artists opting for the cheaper Anvil option on Amazon Merch = no sale from me. I understand that it’s $1.50 less in cost, but unless my intention is to cut them up, they are unwearable for me.
Just added a too-late entry. Maybe you guys can give it a look? Thanks!
Inconceivable Insult

@ACraigL Voted. Good luck.
@sammydog01 Thanks Sammy. You’re awesome. Appreciate all the support.
New derby - Silly Science. Here’s my my very silly entries, scientifically speaking. Thanks for looking!
eleMentos of Surprise

Because Science

Because science is posted on the shirt.woot facebook page, so I have that going for me, which is nice.
@ACraigL Got you covered. I’m actually kinda disappointed in the quality of the entries overall.
@sammydog01 Thanks! Can’t say I disagree. There’s much fewer entries (maybe because they said no cats?) and half of those are not my cup of tea either. Not saying mine are super-worthy, but there are several newer artists trying to make a go of it and I guess the science theme didn’t resonate as well as other topics.
The usual suspects are still there, occupying the fog, per standard derby protocol.
I’ve been skipping a few lately as well, and will likely not be in the next one. Sigh, woot.
@ACraigL No cats and no pop culture- next week should be interesting.

@ACraigL Starting out in the fog is one thing; staying there after the week is another. Many of the recent prints have been from artists without much, if any, social media following.
I’m not denying the existence of “auto-voters”; they’re definitely out there. OTOH, with the exception of one artist (only because on multiple occasions, the sales ended up less than the already meager vote count), I’m not seeing those being a detriment on what ends up printing either. Even back in the days of 1000+ votes, there was no direct correlation between votes and sales.
@narfcake I’m an auto-voter, anything linked here gets a vote unless it’s a Christmas tree shitting presents. I’ll probably go to t-shirt hell.
@sammydog01 T-shirt hell exists, y’know:
(I never bought from them before, and have no plans to.)
@sammydog01 I resemble that remark. That one took first place, btw.
Because Science printed today! @fishbiscuit got one in as well!
(sorry if I missed anyone else)
I’ve got a couple of my negative nancy slogans for sale this week… so there’s that.
@marcee Congrats on the prints! Told ya they would see light of day
Adding some links here:
@narfcake Love this one!
I’ve got one up this week–thanks for any help!

@kevlar51 Done.
@kevlar51 gotcha.
Just entered one in the derby, thanks and hugs!

@jasneko So freaking cute!
@sammydog01 Aw thanks!!
@jasneko I love how your designs are always so happy and cheerful.
@jasneko gotcha

Guess I shouldn’t have created a new topic for fishbiscuit5’s shirt in the same group,
I snuck one in as well… thanks for any help!

@ACraigL Aw, this is cute too.
@sammydog01 Thanks sammy
@ACraigL Voted!
@mehbee Thanks!!
This one printed today! Woo!
And thanks @narfcake for being my first sucker!
Here’s one for the “How it’s Made” derby that just launched. Thanks for checking this out!

@ACraigL Well, it’s about time old Wile got teh cyber.
@ACraigL I love this!
@OldCatLady @sammydog01 Thanks guys! He’ll get the roadrunner now, right?
@ACraigL A non-ACME product? Yeah, he’ll be successful.
@ACraigL Voted!
Just a quick reminder voting is open until Thurs noon CST. Go me and @fishbiscuit!
@ACraigL Yay! Go us! Thanks for voting, friends.
Hi guys! I made a kitty if anyone would like to help it print.
Thank you! 
@fishbiscuit Voted.
@fishbiscuit Gotcha fishy! Seems to me your cats already have taken over the world. Good luck!
@sammydog01 Thank you!!
@ACraigL Ha! Kitties rule the world. Gotcha too.
@fishbiscuit I’m guessing that cat got the idea after watching a certain pair of lab mice.
@ACraigL At the very least, they’ve taken over my closet.

@fishbiscuit Voted!
Congrats on today’s print, @kevlar51!

@narfcake Came here to say this. Woo!
@narfcake and @acraigl thanks!!!
New theme! Retro Gaming. Thanks for any help!

@ACraigL Gotcha
@ACraigL nice!
Here’s mine for this week. Thanks!

Duck Hunter
@kevlar51 Haha, right back at 'cha.
@kevlar51 Love this one. Trying to buy a Nes with this for xmas.
Hey you guys, @fishbuscuit and I printed in the side sale today! Woo!
@ACraigL You are doing well mate, good work!
@ACraigL how do you go about forming a team to submit together? Does woot have a system in place for that?
@giraffalot No, but I think there’s a Facebook group that may support that interaction. I’ve only done a few collaborations but that was mostly through email and PM. Posting in the artists resources tab might be a way to draw interest, if that something you wanted to do.
Can anyone post shirts here? I’ve got this one in the derby, if y’all want to check it out… http://shirt.woot.com/derby/entry/97455/indy-game
@cdrewlow Please do! Voted already, great design.
@cdrewlow Including the design for you too:

@narfcake and @ACraigL Thank you! I got your PokéInvaders, too!
@cdrewlow Thanks! It’s struggling a bit, but hoping for an HM. Good luck with yours!
@cdrewlow I love it.
Ha, found you you rascals! Imagine keeping this hotspot of Woot joviality to yourselves
I won’t tell anybody I found it I swear. Is it secret?
Here’s my design for this week’s derby if anybody would like to see it. I love the Duck Hunt one by the way, awesome: http://shirt.woot.com/derby/entry/97520/1983

@giraffalot Not a secret. Welcome aboard!
@giraffalot Got you covered. Welcome!
@ACraigL Thanks @ACraigL
good job on all the recent success!
@sammydog01 Thank you!
@giraffalot this is good stuff! I love clean simple designs like this.
@cdrewlow hey, thanks
@giraffalot congrats on the 1st place win!
@ACraigL Thanks mate
completely out of the blue. Woot emailed me just after the derby ended about file psd requirements being okay and didn’t say a thing!! I didn’t sleep at all. Just waiting for the launch to see who they’d print. Can’t believe they just drop it on us like that. My nerves can’t cope with that week in week out!
@giraffalot ha, you’ll get used to it. Congrats again
The Thanksgiving theme is ‘Inspired by Class Movies’. Hope you guys can give these a look! Gobble Gobble!
Play it again, Venn.

Kirk’s Repsonse

Silent Warning

@ACraigL cool! I sent you a message on woot - not sure if that message system actually works, ha
@ACraigL Voted for all three- I really like the Casablanca one.
@sammydog01 Thanks as always! That’s my favorite too.
@ACraigL Voted on all three but the Casablanca one is my fav. I missed a few of these due to being busy. If you think of it when y’all post new shirt designs, if you can att my user name, I will always go vote, it’s just sometimes the posts have been pushed down the list and I don’t see there is a new addition.
@mehbee Thanks, and will do. Always appreciative of the support here.
My derby entry is a variation on the old horror posters http://shirt.woot.com/derby/entry/97624/it-came-from-canada
I hope you like it.
Eeks. It says there’s only 3 hours left of my shirt sale, is that right? What happens then to it?

@giraffalot it then moves over this way http://shirt.woot.com/top20?ref=sh_ft_top20 and then to the shirt back catalogue.
@Ignorant oh cool! Thanks for the info!
Two of my designs are on mugs this week for anyone interested:)
"Computer Work"
"Dignify your Drink"
@jasneko Dignify your Drink is great. I like the other one, but they should have used the royal blue mug – not enough contrast IMO against the black cat. Congrats on the mugging.
@ACraigL Yeah, I’m a bit afraid of the lack of contrast with the black cat too, but I’m still considering it anyway … because @jasneko neko.
@ACraigL Thanks! I agree with you about the contrast, I’m concerned about it myself… hoping the mug color is lighter than it looks in the image! Is there a royal blue mug? I’d have been ok if they switched the color to another color too to add contrast, like red or green or something. Happy for more mugs though!
@narfcake d’awww thanks Narf!
@jasneko I had 8 of your designs in my last load of laundry. Because
Toasty is up in a new side sale again in both t-shirt and pullover hoodie options.

@narfcake Wow that’s some awesome laundry! What are your favorites?
And thanks for the headsup on toasty - I didn’t even realize it myself!
@jasneko My top 5 of your designs: Zen Neko, Comparing Apples to Oranges, Seasonal Landscapes, Another Sleepless Day, and The New Good Luck. And of course I have Sky Canvas hanging in the hallway too.
@jasneko congrats …u are talented
@jasneko Fear unfounded. Your cat’s ears offer just enough contrast to keep the black visible.

(For everyone else: this was inspired by real life.)
Also, yay for proper dunnage in shipping, catshirtswoot!, unlike … coughmehcough.
@narfcake yay! I haven’t opened up my box yet so finding out this way hehe.
awesome, well done! How did you make that happen!?
@giraffalot shirt.woot chooses which designs will end up on a mug, etc., not the artist.
@narfcake looks like they chose well. Those are great mugs
@giraffalot Yup what @narfcake said. The “Dignify Your Drink” design was for a previous mug-specific derby, and the other one they picked - I’m guessing because it’s currently in the top 20 (a first for me to have a shirt in there for so many weeks!).
And then woot decides on all the products/sales - I find out when it’s up for sale!
Thank you!
Happy Thanksgiving weekend, friends! I hope everyone filled their bellies and had some quality family time.
I’m a little late posting for the derby, but if you have time to check out my design that would be super cool. 

A bunch of us printed in the retro-gaming side-sale today.
@ACraigL Yay!
Some nice designs in this one. I love the Retro Gaming topic, being a bit of a nerd myself.
New shirt for the COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY derby.

Modern Convenience
@ACraigL Done!
@ACraigL Nice!
I don’t have any chance of placing on this one, but they put it in the email promo banner. So I have that going for me, which is nice.

This one printed today. Woo!
@ACraigL I liked that one, although maybe that means I’m old?
@sammydog01 Retro, not old
And thanks to @narfcake for being my first sucker. I have no idea where you keep all those shirts. My drawers are exploding and that’s mostly with my own designs. (though I was an avid buyer before I began designing)
@ACraigL what I wonder is how @narfcake affords all those shirts.
Hi guys! I have a couple of entries in the new derby.
@fishbiscuit done !! Great job!
@fishbiscuit Nice! I especially like the modem one.
@fishbiscuit I am NOT going to spoil the first one.
@AttyVette @sammydog01 Thanks for the support! Glad you like my designs this week.
@narfcake Ha. I think it must have been too obscure.
@fishbiscuit Gen X and older would understand; Millennials and younger, maybe not.
(Here in SoCal, card catalogs were already being replaced by computers in the late 80’s. They were 10 Mhz turbo XT (8088), floppy bootup with dual CD-ROM drives with a staggering 150kbps transfer rate. Yes, using the manual card catalogs was faster.)
@narfcake the demise of paper card catalogs did not signal the demise of the Dewey Decimal System.
I want The Modems shirt though!
No excuses now, @jbartus; @fishbiscuit won 1st place.
@narfcake $13
@jbartus $11 to woot, $2 to @fishbiscuit. That’s the split after its debut day.
@narfcake yeah I’ve never been too keen on that distribution. The creators who make it even viable as a business get less than 20%, seems wrong to me.
(Fucking forum wouldn’t reload and my long reply is gone. FUCK. So here’s the abbreviated version.)
@jbartus Most crowdsourced sites only pay $1 per shirt. At their lowest, Threadless paid $0.25 and before that, had commission caps.
I can safely say that shirt.woot has the best payout of all the daily shirt sites.
@narfcake doesn’t mean I have to like it. I have enough insight into the industry to have a good idea of what Woot’s (and the others for that matter) worst case production costs should be. Many other industries that have curated marketplaces work on something like a 30% commission for the marketplace after any relevant expenses, my estimates have Woot at closer to 70 or 80%.
@jbartus Summary: are you going to buy or are you not? Your kvetching about shirt.woot’s practice doesn’t change the fact that they still offer the best commission and is the only site offering the option of printing on USA-made shirts.
If you can do better, show me the numbers.
@narfcake eventually, money is tight at the moment. Holiday season and whatnot.
I’m sorry if you’re offended that I don’t like the royalty share afforded the artists, I just think they deserve to be paid more as people are paying the premium prices being asked for the design, not Woot’s printing skill (if anything about DTG can really be called skillful).
@narfcake this was meant as an addendum to the prior but I took too long writing it and double checking numbers:
I suppose that being the least greedy in an industry marked by apparent extreme greed ($0.25 w/ cap is insane, was it in the early days pre-DTG when they had to do up screens and store them and such?) is an achievement of sorts, but I still feel like that split should be closer to 50-50.
I can’t claim to know the operating cost of more recent DTG machines as my direct knowledge of them is around 5 years old at this point (they were still cheaper than screening for small runs) but I know my local screen printer (who I used to work for) will do traditionally screened American Apparel shirts (bought indirectly through a middleman mind, so driving his costs up) with a 4-color design in small quantities (24ish) for under ten bucks. If it wasn’t completely impractical to screen single shirts that alone would be the foundation for a model where he could put up a site and take a 30% marketplace fee matching Woot’s pricing. Hell, he could just parrot what Woot did back in the pre-DTG heyday and run the design for a week or two and print them all at the end and drive that number way down. His costs reflect his position as a low volume buyer of AA products, when you start involving the kinds of economies of scale that someone like Woot can command… suffice to say the pricing disparity gets far worse.
Don’t get me wrong, I respect that Woot is paying artists for their work and that it’s given artists a means by which to profit from their designs without having to strike out into business for themselves. There is value in that service and I don’t begrudge them a cut of the action, I just feel like that cut is excessive.
@jbartus Fair enough. And if that model can work, do it.
As for Threadless, it was in the transition from mostly screen printed to some DTG. By then, there was no base payout to the artist, so the split was all they got.
That has since increased, but it laid the groundwork for artist flight. And for folks who care, consumer flight.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When @snapster green lighted shirt.woot 10 years ago (give or take), he made certain that they were to do better than the competitors – not that there was much of it back then – but they set out to pay the most (to the artists) and sell for the least (to the consumer).
That still remains true.
@narfcake out of curiosity do you know where it’s at with Threadless these days? I totally dig this but I’m not about to buy a $80 canvas print if the artist is only gonna get a fiver. https://www.threadless.com/product/8224/moons_helmet/tab,walls/style,square-print
I don’t typically even look at Threadless because their pricing is insane ($25 for a tee?!) but just popped over to take a peek and this grabbed my attention. Still wouldn’t be able to get it for a month or so but I like it so if it’s fair…
@jbartus Last I know, the commission was simply selling price minus their “base price” with a $1 minimum. What their base prices are, I do not know.
Also, that $25 tee is a mutant Anvil.
@narfcake it’s okay I wouldn’t spend $25 anyhow.
I really like that print.
Hey! Second place, y’all! Thanks for the support over here, as ever! Woo!

@ACraigL hehe too funny
@ACraigL Yay!
(1 out of 7 chance for a double win, still!)
@narfcake Missed it by 5 votes!
But good on simic on the win.
Too many to list, but lots of prints happened in today’s side sale, classic movies. Kinda bummed that they changed the blank color of my Casablanca shirt. The colors don’t flow as well with the lighter gray IMO.
Got one up this week! Thanks for any help!

Iron Meow
Does anybody else
feel that the original
purpose has been lost?
This thread has become
little more than a billboard
for woot designers.
People I never
see posting anywhere else
on the meh forums.
What was once a place
for supporting members of
our community.
Now cheapened and made
commercial like a certain
coming holiday.
Not you @ACraigL
I see you all over the place
refers to others.
@jbartus I’m not posting on all the threads, but i’m moderately active in the meh community; i certainly visit the site every day.
@jbartus I get that. But I’m ok with it. It kinda IS the purpose, after all. Better to have this stuff in a single place, rather than spam the community at large. I think the folks that are interested in shirts like seeing new posts here. Some have commented in the past that they even appreciate being reminded to check out the derbies as as result.
The feedback is appreciated though. I was actually thinking this thread has gotten a little heavy – but not about the protocol (or perception) of starting a new one.
@jbartus My personal view (worth $.02 or less):
I’m OK with the occasional thread bump as a reminder to check out the latest shirt design by a Mehtizen/Mehrican. At this point it’s not too spammy for my tastes.
Besides, it’s the only time I link over to Woot anymore - kinda nostalgic…
@ACraigL I’m fine with anyone posting, but a new thread would be nice- too long to load. It’s mostly a popularity contest anyway. I’ll vote for your stuff @kevlar51.
@kevlar51 @ACraigL @compunaut @sammydog01
Discarding the Haiku format because I just can’t be bothered. If it’s just me that’s fine I have no problem with that it’s just that every time I read through the thread there are a bunch of names that I don’t recognize whose post histories consist almost exclusively of posts in this thread. Que Sera Sera.
I just put on in this week for the Superhero derby. Thanks for looking, as always!

Turtle Power
@ACraigL @mehbee
@ACraigL Voted and totally super cute!!
I really hope it’s not just me that knows about this particular Monty Python superhero
. My design for this week’s derby: http://shirt.woot.com/derby/entry/97829/bicycle-repair-man

@giraffalot I looked it up. I love Monty Python.
Hey, finally getting around to submitting again if you’d like to vote… thanks to anyone interested!

@jasneko FYI I created a new thread because this one is so slow to load now. Head over here:
@ACraigL Thanks for the headsup!!
@thumperchick @hollboll Can we close this thread in favor of the new one I created? Thanks!
New Thread HERE