Weird Food Combos
8My grocery store does this thing where a person stands up front, cooking simple meals that you can get a recipe card and all the ingredients right there, after you try the meal.
Today the sign said Blue Cheese Crunch Burgers and Rock and Roll Burgers.
Lady is assembling the burger. I see some kind of sauce, the burger, onions, bacon. Ok, looks good. I don’t read the recipe card, I just take my piece of burger and move out of the way for the other people waiting.
As I go to eat it, I get this odd smell of peanut butter. Surely, it can’t be the burger. Yep. It’s the burger. It’s a really sweet peanut butter too.
Apparently I got the Rock and Roll burger. I can only guess it’s supposed to be modeled after Elvis’ famous peanut butter sandwich.
I must say it was really gross.
Do you eat any weird combos that are good? Have you tried any gross stuff that people think is good?
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Plain Pringles and strawberry yogurt!! (yummyyyyy)
I’m not a fan of raw tomatoes, so my BLT becomes BLPB (bacon, lettuce, and peanut butter)

/image bacon, lettuce, and peanut butter
OMG! There’s an image of my sandwich!
@compunaut WTF!
@compunaut This sounds good!
@compunaut um. Interesting.
@compunaut peanut butter makes everything better.
@conandlibrarian I think it was the bacon making things better…
@duodec @conandlibrarian starring both of you because I can’t pick. Don’t make me choose between bacon and peanut butter!
@compunaut Bacon goes with almost everything.
@conandlibrarian I’m allergic to nuts. It’d kill me.
Cheddar on apple slices?
@thismyusername I eat that sometimes. Yummy.
@thismyusername I wouldn’t call that weird.
@thismyusername - One of my favorite combinations! Ideally on Cameos or Braeburns, or Granny Smiths as a third choice.

/giphy cheese and apples
Pizza Hut breadsticks with ranch instead of their normal marinara? Buffalo sauce and fries? Mayo on hot dogs? Not sure if any of those are weird. Wish my husband was awake, he tells me all the time that I have weird eating habits.
@mehbee those sound really good.
@mehbee mayo on hot dogs is good. Also, Ranch on most everything.
@Mominator I totally agree about ranch! As far as the mayo/ hot dog, I almost got in a fight with a Dairy Queen employee when I was in high school because she made fun of me eating that.
@mehbee Those all seem normal. The hotdog would also have to have ketchup though. I can’t do just straight mayo.
@RiotDemon I don’t eat my hot dogs with mayo as much as I used to but when I do it’s mayo and cheese. I love plain dogs or ketchup and relish dogs…shoot, I’m getting hungry.
@mehbee mmmm, ranch!
Take a giant dill pickle, bore a hole through it lengthwise, and insert a peppermint candy stick. Enjoy!
@medievalist Ok yours beat mine!
@medievalist OK, that’s pretty weird. And how do you ‘bore a hole through it lengthwise’? Maybe I don’t want to know

/image I don’t want to know
@compunaut use a nice narrow filet knife if you have knife skills, or a clean drill bit if you don’t. Usually you can just cut a small hole in the thick skin at each end and force the stick through the pulpy middle.
@medievalist out of context, this comment wins.
@medievalist - How did you discover you liked this?
/giphy morbid curiousity

@KDemo my grandfather. I have no idea where he got it from.
@medievalist What do you do with the middle? I’d eat the middle.
@medievalist this and the Twinkie hot dog bun are probably the most WTF for me so far.
Have you tried Koolickles? Kool aid pickles?
Kosher dill pickles and twix.
@MzSooze And this beat mine also!
In university, I had a suite-mate match from heaven - he loved to clean and couldn’t cook for the life of him, and I love to cook and can’t stand cleaning. (we both thought we had the better deal of the pair of us)

So I spent the year cooking meals for the two of us, all of which were hits, save one.
I had purchased a lovely large salmon fillet, and was thinking to myself, I’ve heard of maple glazed salmon…
And I love salmon with lemon and dill… And so I decided to make a lemon dill maple glazed salmon!
Needless to say, it was INEDIBLE. I ended up washing the cooked fish in the sink to get off as much of the flavour as I could, and sort of salvaged it by reheating it in a pan of butter, dill, and lemon.
I never ever did end up making a proper maple glazed salmon though, to this very day.
@curtise Cedar planked, maple glazed salmon. Delicious! Even got my planks from meh.

But yes, yours sounds amazing!
Chili with a pickle.
Home made 3-bean chili with a giant deli dill pickle
Oh, just remembered that I used to eat cocktail shrimp with chocolate pudding. That was an odd combo for sure.
Cheddar and apple pie for sure. Also, olives in everything. Put olives in everything.
@vanslaterco Green, black, pitted?
@MzSooze All the above. I’ll take any olive. Kalamata’s flow in my blood.
@vanslaterco Olives are a love them or hate them food. I absolutely hate them.

/giphy vomit
@cinoclav I don’t like olives either.
@cinoclav @riotdemon @vanslaterco I’m not usually one for olives, but I LURV me some o that olive salad they put on a true NOLA muffuletta sandwich

/image central grocery olive salad
My mom makes this dish where she minces green and black olives, and then mixes it with softened cream cheese. I can never stop myself.
Watermelon with feta cheese.
It’s an oddly satisfying mix of sweet and salty!
Taco or Nacho Cheese Doritos with cottage cheese. Yum.
When I was little, my dad and grandpa would crumble saltines in a big glass of milk, eat the saltines with a spoon, then drink the milk. Yum! Another one was sliced tomatoes sprinkled with sugar.
I didn’t believe it until I tried it, but s’mores with a big piece of thick bacon in them is the only way to eat s’mores!
Fries with a Frosty! Wendy’s restaurants have a wonderful malty chocolate soft ice cream called a Frosty that is the perfect dip for an order of French fries!! Yum!
@emt305 it’s so good! Damn, now I wanna get a frosty and some fries.
@emt305 I was going to add this one (if you or someone else hadn’t already). Now I’ll have to go with one of my other things… (but first a meeting at work).
@emt305 I’ve tried it. It was just ok. I’m not a huge fan of Wendy’s fries, so maybe that clouded my judgement.
@RiotDemon I agree, Wendy’s needs to rethink their fries. If you can get fries elsewhere, McDs or etc, it’s much better!
@emt305 I prefer salty McDonald’s fries, I’m not that fond of the Wendy’s fries. Most of the time, they are are cold and bland.
Ketchup on eggs is pretty weird to me.
@elimanningface Ketchup on anything is weird to me. Shit’s gross.
@elimanningface salsa works betta
@sanspoint ketchup on mashed potatoes, fries, and meatloaf are delicious sir!
@cranky1950 that is a lie and you know it.
@elimanningface YOU LIE.
@elimanningface Sorry man but salsa trumps ketchup, I use both but only use ketchup if they ain’t no salsa so live with it.
@elimanningface good on stuffed cabbage too.
I know Kids will put ketchup on anything, when i was in elementary school, I put it on corn.
I once saw my nephew(about 3-4 at the time) dip a chocolate chip cookie in ketchup…
@earlyre I cringed a little.
@earlyre my grandpa would make my brother and I peas and ketchup.
@earlyre Grandpa liked elbow macaroni with ketchup so that was often lunch when visiting. I am not that wild about it so I do not make it now.
@earlyre My dad used to eat balogna and ketchup sandwiches when I was a kid. I can barely tolerate ketchup on anything anymore.
@melwin ketchup is great with balogna, esp fried balogna. Now the one MY dad doesv(thats really pretty good) bet grosses most people out is a PB&B…
PeanutButter & Balogna. Yum-o!
@earlyre wow! that stock android keyboard really is great ain’t it?
S&B burgers has a peanut butter burger and you can add a side of peanut butter fries. One of my co-workers has both for lunch and said it was a little too much peanut butter for one meal.
Tater tots and totinos pizza rolls covered in white country gravy. yummy.
@taternuggets You cover your kids in white country gravy?
Guava paste and creme cheese on rye toast with a cuppa coffee. The breakfast of champions.
@cranky1950 that doesn’t seem too weird. Fruit and cream cheese. I’d skip the rye though. Not my favorite bread.
@cranky1950 I had my first guava jam the other day and it was excellent, I’m sure it would be awesome with cream cheese too!
My friends son used to dip his Cheetos in ranch. I used to gag whenever he did that.
@conandlibrarian why?
@cranky1950 I am not a Cheetos or a ranch fan, so the two together just gets me.
@conandlibrarian I like to dip cheddar cheese in French onion dip. It would probably be good in ranch too.
You all are weird.
@pitamuffin Your point is?
@cranky1950 Kale does

/giphy kale smoothie
@cranky1950 No,no and no…it counts as awesome
@cranky1950 don’t think so. I’ve made fruit smoothies with spinach, and I don’t really taste it. Do you taste the kale a lot?
@RiotDemon sometimes depends on the other stuff that I find laying around.
My older sister used to mix her vegetable soup with her iced tea. She still doesn’t think it was weird.
Breakfast of champions: The dregs of the corn chip bag with salsa, in a bowl. (Desayuno de championes.)

/giphy gagging
I put mustard in the tuna salad. Brian had never heard of this before. Tuna, mayo, mustard, relish and onions.
Nothing weird at all.
But one time at Denny’s. there was a guy dipping his fries in a side of mayo. That grossed me right the hell out.
@lisaviolet I do that too – I also add a diced up hard-boiled egg
@lisaviolet Mayo and fries is one of my faves, but it has to be Heintz mayo…any other just isn’t the same.
@lisaviolet In Europe( or at least the Netherlands) mayo on fries is really big. They serve it with the mayo on top of the fries, not just on the side for dipping. You have to specifically ask for fries with no mayo if you don’t want them completely smothered in it.
@metaphore I can’t even describe how nasty that sounds. I gag at the burger advertisements on television where the mayo is dripping down the sides of the hamburger.
@lisaviolet I don’t put onions but I put everything else. I use brown mustard though.
@lisaviolet if I’m gonna do mayo on fries, I mix it with ketchup.
@lisaviolet dripping mayo is gross. Mayo is fine, but must be in moderation.
@RiotDemon Garlic mayo for the fries, ketchup optional.
@speediedelivery garlic mayo is good!
@MzSooze I’m going to hope and assume you meant Hellman’s mayo.
@cinoclav no, Heintz. It’s the brand that my high school had. That’s where I started dipping fries in it. Never found it again until my last job.
Whenever I bake a blueberry pie, I like to put some fresh basil in it. I seem to be the only one who likes it.
Pasta salad with Italian dressing and Pesto. Mmmmm.
@hollboll That sounds delightful, at least if you’re using Italian dressing and Pesto instead of a mayonnaise based dressing.
@sanspoint oh definitely. Only pesto and Italian dressing on the pasta. No mayo.
Mayo and bread.
@DrunkCat I do that, but I add tomatoes or shrimp.
@DrunkCat had a friend with an eating disorder (the one where your loved ones have to basically force you to eat.) that did that to keep her mother appeased ( I ate something! SEE!!) she called it a slam sandwich.
@earlyre Stealing that name.
Jalapeno and pineapple toppings together in a pizza
My brother would eat hot dogs with Twinkies as the bun, and when we were much younger he would dunk Jeno’s pizza in Hawaiian Punch. Grossed me out.
@MzSooze Twinkie Weiner Sandwiches! But no Easy Cheese?
@sanspoint Not that I remember. Sliced Kraft singles though.
@MzSooze sounds… Delightful.
/giphy gag

@RiotDemon that’s my reaction to it too.
Peanut butter and banana open faced sandwitch on toast, drizzled with honey. Go full Elvis if you’re up for it, batter dip and deep fry.
Mac and cheese with applesauce.
@scooter550 Those three ingredients, peanut butter, honey, and bananas are great together, separate or in any combination…yummy, yummy. I love banana sandwiches with Miracle Whip.
A sandwich of buttered toast with jelly and scrambled eggs (bacon optional).
@sophi that does not sound bad at all, I should try that this weekend.
@conandlibrarian please report back with your findings!
Taramosalata (greek caviar spread) and nutella on water crackers
@Kleineleh I can’t find an expression to show how I feel about this.
Okay, here’s one.
Horseradish on a baked potato. Atomic hot horseradish. That’s really good stuff.
@lisaviolet I’ll skip trying it. I can’t deal with too spicy!
We have a fabulous restaurant here that has a hamburger that is two patties, onions, jalapenos and a mess of other stuff, topped with a fried egg, and the “bun” is two grilled cheese sandwiches. They used to have one that had donuts as the bun, but that has since been replaced by a couple of options with peanut butter, including one that has peanut butter AND jelly on the burger, on a potato roll. Ergh…I only get the vegan hot dogs when I go there.
@melwin Sounds like a lot of the concoctions at PYT Burger here in Philly.
@cinoclav Oh, lord, PYT. Didn’t they close? I only ever ate there once, the burger was mediocre, and the service was abysmal.
@sanspoint They closed the one in the Piazza with intent to open one at the Fillmore. That fell through so it’s in limbo. I wouldn’t be surprised to see it return at some point.
I’ve never met another person in my life who likes to eat fried liver with Heinz 57 sauce. That’s the only way I choked down liver and survived childhood.
A local restaurant makes what they call a Thai Cobb Burger. It’s got peanut sauce & guacamole. It’s surprisingly delicious.
Tartar Sauce with Chicken Tenders … sounds wierd, but so good …
Fritos with strawberry cream cheese,
corn bread and buttermilk…
@bullrocky I love buttermilk… But I’m not sure about eating corn bread with it. Do you dip it or?