and artists should have more opportunities to make a living.
What a wonderfully ironic statement given that all the work up for sale appears to be public domain/government imagery, and a number of the artists are, well, dead.
@brhfl Are you saying the person who chose the canvas and frame materials for each picture isn’t an artist? What about the programmer who designed the site? Work of art, that is. Isn’t everyone an artist in their own line of work?
@narfcake I’m bummed. I wanted the I work on computers shirt they had the other day and completely flaked. Maybe they will have it on sale soon during a woot-off. Paws crossed
I don’t know shit about art. I have an expensive painting hanging over my couch that I acquired because my dad’s cousin didn’t want to bring it back to Norway, and my brother didn’t have room to hang it in his house. So now it’s mine. It has the most gaudy frame, that I would love to paint, but I know I would ruin the value because the artist framed his own works.
I was glad to have it, because it covered the huge void that was left by my wedding photos that I took down after I kicked my ex out. It’s a bunch of boats in a rough sea. It seemed fitting at the time.
@ELUNO Nah. I have no plans on selling it. Despite the ugly frame, I enjoy the actual painting. When I first got it, I tried to look up some of his painting sales, and I remember seeing some in the thousands range. I tried to look again earlier, but now I can’t find anything that will tell me previous sale prices without paying some membership fee. I found one of his paintings, in a very plain frame, for sale around $1200, but no purchase.
Who decides what art is really worth anyway? And what makes one of their paintings worth more than another? I guess it’s just demand.
Yeah. I used to wonder about ugly overblown frames. Now I get them as “part of the experience”, and part of the craft". And frames speak to certain cultural points of view, depending. So have made peace with weird gold-tinted frames.
If you ever just happen to go on a road trip, and you ever just happen to take that painting along in the vehicle, and you ever just happen to go to Texas (cause you wanna visit a Buc-ee’s if you can’t think of another reason), I can promise that the during the return portion of your trip back home, you need not have that painting share the ride, if the vehicle is a little crowded.
@f00l I wouldn’t mind the frame if it was any other color but gold. I went back to find his other paintings and I did come across the website that still has some of his paintings for sale. There’s a guy using a spyglass that looks like it’s in the same exact frame.
You’ll want to lookup Buc-ee’s on YouTube. Your first visit might cost you an hour. After that, it gets faster.
Yes, the bathrooms are awesome. Showers. Full time attendants. Spotless.
No big rig parking allowed on site because they want a family atmosphere.
Yes, you can sample most of the food before you order. Yes, the chain makes its own billion varieties each of bbq, jerky, fudge, and other stuff.
Yes, you will buy stuff you didn’t intend to buy. Yes, it will be good.
Yes, everyone will be insanely nice and helpful. Yes, they have plenty of pumps and cashiers and food stations and helpful people and food variety and bathroom stalls.
I know people who do road trips just for Buc-ee’s. The place overwhelms you with niceness. And their employees are rather well-paid (for that type of job), w bennies,
Love Buc-ee’s. Named for one of the founder’s famous buck-toothed smile.
@f00l that place is huge. I can’t believe that dude filmed in the bathroom though. There was a kid using the urinal!
This video showed the stuff a little better. If I ever find myself in Texas, I’ll have to go. And now I’m gonna watch this guy’s other video where he eats the stuff. Those nuggets that sound like caramel coated Corn Pops cereal sounds really good.
They’re possibly 1/8 to 1/4 the size of a Walmart Supercenter, depending on the Walmart. Just a guess.
But you can get in and out fast at Buc-ee’s.
But you won’t want to.
You know how many people hate going to a place like a Walmart Supercenter? Because it’s so big, and the parking lot is huge, and some of those stores aren’t very nice places to be in, and time-suck, and finding whatever, and long lines, even at self-check?
People feel exactly the opposite about Buc-ee’s and go miles out of their way to visit one.
Looked up the artist. Now I know why I loved the work. My Grandfather had some framed (not gaudy frames) reproductions on his wall. Same artist.
He truly loved them. I wish I knew what became of them.
We have a painting with an uncannily similar frame. The art style is also similar, but it’s painted by a different author. Maybe I should post a photo later.
Don’t know where my Grandfather’s repro is. One of my sibling may have it. It had a plain wooden frame.
Those overblown gold frames used to freak something in me out, a bit. Like, why???
Then decided it was what people did, back in times when only very wealthy people had art, and very weathly peoples’ houses were overblown with gilt and show-off objects and decor, and the rich could afford armies of servants. I think it was normal to over-decorate and over-gild-the-lily as a matter of custom, and as a matter of displaying your wealth and social standing in a society where life and money were very precarious; and how you displayed those attributes of security and respectability could seriously affect your childrens’ quality of life.
So now I see those (to me) weirdly overdone frames as part of the historical context of art in western culture. So if I had my perfect mad-tech house (think warehouse, steel rafters, cinder blocks, concrete floors, electrical cords, other cords, more cords, some cords, and more cords, and futons and composite folding tables from Home Depot) and some decent real art, framed in just such a trad heavy carved golden frame, I would like it, for the juxtaposed weirdness, and the knowledge that it would probably be the only thing I owned and displayed in my dwelling that my great-grandparents would understand and approve of.
Or some such blather blather blather.
(This post as almost as bad as an over-carved and gilded frame.)
@f00l yep - can even turn the Morningsave stuff off. But that wasn’t my point. I wonder what that constant drip feels like to someone who does not visit the deal virtually every night? Perhaps it is OK for them.
What is this event-thang of which you speak?
/giphy event

/giphy yay more email spam!

What a wonderfully ironic statement given that all the work up for sale appears to be public domain/government imagery, and a number of the artists are, well, dead.
@brhfl Dead artists have a right to make a living.
@brhfl Are you saying the person who chose the canvas and frame materials for each picture isn’t an artist? What about the programmer who designed the site? Work of art, that is. Isn’t everyone an artist in their own line of work?
@medz no
No cat, no sale.
I will admit that the one I’m most partial to is @jasneko’s Sky Canvas:
Technically, there’s a cat on it too, via her signature.
Side sale link: shirt.woot canvases
@narfcake I’m bummed. I wanted the I work on computers shirt they had the other day and completely flaked. Maybe they will have it on sale soon during a woot-off. Paws crossed
@mehbee Out of the additional $3 price now, $2 goes to the artist, so it’s not like woot/amazon is taking all of it in.
@narfcake Not complaining about the prices…just have a certain t-shirt budget.
I don’t know shit about art. I have an expensive painting hanging over my couch that I acquired because my dad’s cousin didn’t want to bring it back to Norway, and my brother didn’t have room to hang it in his house. So now it’s mine. It has the most gaudy frame, that I would love to paint, but I know I would ruin the value because the artist framed his own works.
I was glad to have it, because it covered the huge void that was left by my wedding photos that I took down after I kicked my ex out. It’s a bunch of boats in a rough sea. It seemed fitting at the time.
I’ll try to remember to take a photo later.
@RiotDemon Nice. Have you had it valued?
@ELUNO Nah. I have no plans on selling it. Despite the ugly frame, I enjoy the actual painting. When I first got it, I tried to look up some of his painting sales, and I remember seeing some in the thousands range. I tried to look again earlier, but now I can’t find anything that will tell me previous sale prices without paying some membership fee. I found one of his paintings, in a very plain frame, for sale around $1200, but no purchase.
Who decides what art is really worth anyway? And what makes one of their paintings worth more than another? I guess it’s just demand.
@RiotDemon Oh I didn’t mean for you to sell it. I just like watching Antiques Roadshow and finding out how super valuable something is.
@RiotDemon Sell it. Sell it. Sell it.
Might wanna have it valued and insured. From what I see, I like it too.
Love seascapes cause my Grandfather taught me to. He was innocent of art history or aesthetics knowledge, but knew and loved the sea.
@medz why, you buying?
@f00l ah, I never thought about insurance purposes.
I grew up on an island, in the North Sea. I have a love for that, even though I get seasick.
You selling? ❤️
@f00l doubt it. Unless something horrible happens and I need money. So hopefully not.
@RiotDemon As ugly as you may think it is, a frame like that is worth a lot.
Yeah. I used to wonder about ugly overblown frames. Now I get them as “part of the experience”, and part of the craft". And frames speak to certain cultural points of view, depending. So have made peace with weird gold-tinted frames.
@f00l Exactly. My parents gave me a painting, and thankfully, I like the frame it came with.
If you ever just happen to go on a road trip, and you ever just happen to take that painting along in the vehicle, and you ever just happen to go to Texas (cause you wanna visit a Buc-ee’s if you can’t think of another reason), I can promise that the during the return portion of your trip back home, you need not have that painting share the ride, if the vehicle is a little crowded.
Just sayin’
/image Mona Lisa

@f00l I wouldn’t mind the frame if it was any other color but gold. I went back to find his other paintings and I did come across the website that still has some of his paintings for sale. There’s a guy using a spyglass that looks like it’s in the same exact frame.
If you’re curious:
The spyglass mariner guy is on sale for $6600 or so. The other ones I checked are in the $4000 range.
My mom met the artist once. He passed away around 2011.
I think this painting will stay on my wall, I’m sorry, haha
And now I’ll go look up what a Bucees is.
You’ll want to lookup Buc-ee’s on YouTube. Your first visit might cost you an hour. After that, it gets faster.
Yes, the bathrooms are awesome. Showers. Full time attendants. Spotless.
No big rig parking allowed on site because they want a family atmosphere.
Yes, you can sample most of the food before you order. Yes, the chain makes its own billion varieties each of bbq, jerky, fudge, and other stuff.
Yes, you will buy stuff you didn’t intend to buy. Yes, it will be good.
Yes, everyone will be insanely nice and helpful. Yes, they have plenty of pumps and cashiers and food stations and helpful people and food variety and bathroom stalls.
I know people who do road trips just for Buc-ee’s. The place overwhelms you with niceness. And their employees are rather well-paid (for that type of job), w bennies,
Love Buc-ee’s. Named for one of the founder’s famous buck-toothed smile.
@RiotDemon Nah, but you need to gets paid, bruh.
@f00l that place is huge. I can’t believe that dude filmed in the bathroom though. There was a kid using the urinal!
This video showed the stuff a little better. If I ever find myself in Texas, I’ll have to go. And now I’m gonna watch this guy’s other video where he eats the stuff. Those nuggets that sound like caramel coated Corn Pops cereal sounds really good.
They’re possibly 1/8 to 1/4 the size of a Walmart Supercenter, depending on the Walmart. Just a guess.
But you can get in and out fast at Buc-ee’s.
But you won’t want to.
You know how many people hate going to a place like a Walmart Supercenter? Because it’s so big, and the parking lot is huge, and some of those stores aren’t very nice places to be in, and time-suck, and finding whatever, and long lines, even at self-check?
People feel exactly the opposite about Buc-ee’s and go miles out of their way to visit one.
@RiotDemon I think you’d really enjoy watching “Who The #$&% is Jackson Pollack?”
@dashcloud I enjoyed the Wikipedia article anyway. Thanks! Interesting how a $5 painting could be worth millions to someone else.
@f00l seems like a place I’d enjoy shopping by myself with no one rushing me to leave.
@f00l I didn’t know about this place until today, but we seriously need to make a Buc-ee’s meet up happen!
Where are you, geo-wise?
Ha ha we could have a Meh meetup at a Buc-ee’s.
PS I can promise I will disappoint in person. I hear I also disappoint on the net. And with my various lame teams in various leagues.
/giphy oh well

Looked up the artist. Now I know why I loved the work. My Grandfather had some framed (not gaudy frames) reproductions on his wall. Same artist.
He truly loved them. I wish I knew what became of them.
@f00l Don’t worry, I disappoint myself… I live in the Atlanta area.
@f00l I honestly had no idea that he was popular outside of Norway. Neat.
@ELUNO I do too! Well south of the airport.
We have a painting with an uncannily similar frame. The art style is also similar, but it’s painted by a different author. Maybe I should post a photo later.
@DVDBZN I’d like that!
This is one of the reproductions in my grandparent’s house.
Cutty Sark

@f00l aww, it even has a gold frame!
That’s just an Internet image.
Don’t know where my Grandfather’s repro is. One of my sibling may have it. It had a plain wooden frame.
Those overblown gold frames used to freak something in me out, a bit. Like, why???
Then decided it was what people did, back in times when only very wealthy people had art, and very weathly peoples’ houses were overblown with gilt and show-off objects and decor, and the rich could afford armies of servants. I think it was normal to over-decorate and over-gild-the-lily as a matter of custom, and as a matter of displaying your wealth and social standing in a society where life and money were very precarious; and how you displayed those attributes of security and respectability could seriously affect your childrens’ quality of life.
So now I see those (to me) weirdly overdone frames as part of the historical context of art in western culture. So if I had my perfect mad-tech house (think warehouse, steel rafters, cinder blocks, concrete floors, electrical cords, other cords, more cords, some cords, and more cords, and futons and composite folding tables from Home Depot) and some decent real art, framed in just such a trad heavy carved golden frame, I would like it, for the juxtaposed weirdness, and the knowledge that it would probably be the only thing I owned and displayed in my dwelling that my great-grandparents would understand and approve of.
Or some such blather blather blather.
(This post as almost as bad as an over-carved and gilded frame.)
/giphy blather

/giphy unimpressed

/giphy meh

Definitely not my taste… I shall pass for now…

/giphy You Shall Not Pass
@f00l But I bought the season pass!

You are, no doubt, a Balrog. You know your fate. Deal with it.
/giphy Balrog


@ELUNO Image swiped from a Woot shirt.
Damn, you’re fast!
/giphy fast

@narfcake Nooooooooooo. You ruined my plan for global domination!
@f00l It was easily identifiable as I have that shirt.
@ELUNO Oh sure, just blame the one that says “narf” instead …
There’s a perfectly good scapegoat here to blame instead, y’know!
Oh come on. First you post like @FlashNarfcake, then you edit that fast!
Do you have some special shirt that speeds you up?
/giphy speedy t-shirt

@f00l I can be one and then the other.
I really enjoy the time lapse star trails photo. I would love to have something like that turned into a wallpaper mural, instead of a piece of art.
@RiotDemon Biggish version on NASA JSC’s Flickr, for future reference…
@brhfl thanks!
Sopha art has it’s place.
Where’s the bullfighter on black velvet?

/image black velvet trippy
Hope that glows in the dark.
@medz Yowzer!
@f00l If under a black light it will
Then Tempted. I could put it in a room where I put guests. Yes!
or the image of Jesus watching over truckers
@somf69 That just hang in his fast food joints
@somf69 I bet if they look hard enough they can find a crate of those in the warehouse
@somf69 I used to own that print. My ex wouldn’t let me have it when we separated…not that I want it now.
@ELUNO Masterpiece.

/giphy "shut up and take my money!"
@heartny that frame really makes it.
@heartny LOL I remember that thread.
@Kidsandliz It was fun and crazy. Maybe we’ll get to do it again if and when @ELUNO is goated
@heartny hooray! Although I didn’t get a cap
Google sent the email to SPAM. (For both of our meh accounts, separate gmail addresses.)
Wouldn’t have known about the “event” without this chain showing up on today’s deal page.
The daily meh emails are starting to feel like another familiar place… whose emails I typically delete daily.
Can’t you stop them in the account settings?
@f00l yep - can even turn the Morningsave stuff off. But that wasn’t my point. I wonder what that constant drip feels like to someone who does not visit the deal virtually every night? Perhaps it is OK for them.