The Shirt.woot Derby Thread
15Hi y’all. The last thread was getting heavy, so here’s a new one. And thanks in advance for all the continued support here!
New thread.
- 154 comments, 728 replies
- This topic was locked by narfcake
Hi y’all. The last thread was getting heavy, so here’s a new one. And thanks in advance for all the continued support here!
This week’s theme is “exercise”. Trade you a laugh for a vote
Pilates of the Caribbean

@ACraigL Done!
Got one more in for this one. @mehbee
Planet Sitness

Just checking in… do most folks know this gym? They have a pretty wide national footprint, but maybe not so much in the mid-west?
They are in Texas. Big cities anyway.
@f00l Cool, thanks.
@ACraigL Done, and I’m definitely in for one!
@mehbee Awesome! Hope it prints.
Hey, finally getting around to submitting again if you’d like to vote… thanks to anyone interested!
@jasneko I instantly know your work. Love your placement and happiness, as usual. +1
Good luck!
@ACraigL Awww thanks for saying so, appreciate it! Thank you!!
@jasneko I’ve never bought a wootshirt before but this would honestly be tempting. Awesome!
@Kawa Thanks kawa!!
Unfortunately this one didn’t print, but maybe it will in the future?
Check out my other shirts in case any that printed could also tempt you;)
Two entries for the poetry derby. Kinda went 2 different directions.
Thanks for looking!
The Turtling Tree

Helter Shelter

@ACraigL I love Helter Shelter.
@sammydog01 Thanks! Happy new year, Sammy.
Helter Shelter took second place! Woo! Thanks to everyone that voted. (@sammydog01, fyi :))
A quick thanks for the support of the mehtizen artists at shirt.woot over the last year – as popularity has waned, every vote counts. I personally appreciate all the comments, opinions, and feedback you guys offer.
Here’s a to successful 2017!

Entered this today if anyone wants to vote
@jasneko That is beautiful.
@sammydog01 Thank you sammy!!
Hey! Both my exercise shirts printed today. And one from @fishbiscuit too!
@ACraigL Very nice! I especially like the Pilates one. Very clever.
New shirts today! The theme is “Math”. I had a little fun with these, hope you like them.

@ACraigL gotcha
@ACraigL Me too.
@ACraigL voted
I made the email banner this morning with 'Old School Math!". Love when that happens

How To Math printed today in the side sale. Yay!
Props to @fishbiscuit too.
Thanks for the new thread @acraigl !
Here’s mine for the Math derby-- it’s titled “Math” (very creative). Thanks for any help!

@kevlar51 Back at 'chu.
@kevlar51 Nice!
@ACraigL bless you.
@kevlar51 How did you know I sneezed?
@kevlar51 voted
@kevlar51 Congrats on talking the 3-spot!
@ACraigL thanks!
I didn’t see this already posted so sorry if this is a dupe. Congrats @ACraigL!!
@mehbee Thanks!
congrats @acraigl!
Hey this printed today as an Honorable Mention. Missed placing by 6 votes - d’oh. Thanks to all who voted!
Why the Caged Bird Sings
New derby for the week: Psychology. Two entries, kinda fun? Maybe? It’s all in my head anyway.
Do NOT buy this shirt.

Introverts Avoid!

@ACraigL Voted
@ACraigL gotcha
@mehbee @kevlar51 Thanks guys!
@ACraigL Me too.
@ACraigL - Reverse psychology has to win! So good.
(Just edged it one closer to the fog).
Yay! It worked!
@KDemo Reverse Psychology was DQ’d. I should have done an internet search first. Too good an idea to not have existed already, haha. Oh well.
@ACraigL - Awww too bad.
It’s good enough to repeat, in my opinion.
Hey, I did one!
The Chickens
@taternuggets is the one on the left wearing a jesters hat?
@Ignorant If you want it to be, yes.
@taternuggets I don’t get it either @ignorant but I like it.
@taternuggets perfect, then you got my vote.
@taternuggets Gotcha Tater. Dali would be proud.

@taternuggets I seriously hope that they are giving you an editor’s choice… crazy you didn’t make the side sale.
@ACraigL eh… can’t win em all… it was kind of a weird design and ended up falling out of favor with the voters… usually how it happens whenever I use those chickens but I like them so I keep doing it… thanks though.
@taternuggets Ha. I don’t know anything about weird designs.
@taternuggets I love those chickens.
@sammydog01 thanks!
@taternuggets oh I get this one now, is it too late for me to vote?
@Ignorant no
@taternuggets shit!
@taternuggets I like the chickens. Nice print out and it perfectly suits with the color. I just had difficulty knowing what’s behind the concept of it but as I was scrolling, looking for my bet design on this thread, I was struck with your design. Good job though. Keep it up!
Just submitted, if you’d like to vote! Thanks!

@jasneko Cute!
@jasneko +1 from me!
@jasneko Congrats on the side sale, but they kinda screwed up the placement. They made it so big, it loses it’s sensitivity, if that makes sense. You may want to let them know.
@ACraigL Thanks and oh no! I had actually written in to keep the design small with the artwork, but guess it got missed… appreciate you pointing that out. Just wrote, hope it gets fixed!
@jasneko Looks like they got it right. Nice!
Wow! First place for Old School Math! Very shocked. Thanks for all the support here, my friends!
@ACraigL congrats!
@ACraigL Wow big congrats!!
@ACraigL Woohoo!
Just submitted another design! Thanks for any votes:)

The Nurturer
@jasneko This would be great for the love derby next week, also.
@jasneko Adorbs! And no torturing of the bunnies either!
@narfcake Wait, does @jasneko torture bunnies? I’ll take my vote back.
@sammydog01 Of course not! But Fable’s foxes do, and they’re printed regularly enough at shirt.woot to say “It’s normal” there.
Here’s my entries for the “Love” Derby. Again, I went to two different directions.

A Hearty Appetite

@mehbee and @narfcake because, cat.
@ACraigL Yuck. Voted anyway.
@ACraigL Yay catshirt!

@ACraigL That is so sick. And inspired.
@OldCatLady Thanks! Is it weird if I say it’s exactly how I imagined it?
@sammydog01 Sorry.
Up for voting!
We go together
@jasneko Cute!
And Love Bunny

@jasneko Adorbs. Daughter wants one.
@ACraigL awww that makes my morning!! Doubt it’ll print at the rate it’s going though, oh well.
@jasneko Still early, never know. I’m hoping I get a bizzarro nomination for my cannibalistic cupid.
New 'derb. The theme is work. Tried some text-play this time. Hope you like.

Gotta shirt it up
@ACraigL Like the idea, but a little hard to actually read
@compunaut Thanks for the feedback. I didn’t want it obvious, more like finding out it says something, then putting it all together in an ah-hah moment. I liked the interactions of the lettering, becoming more design than headline, if that makes sense.
But it’s more than possible I took that too far. Time will tell. I do appreciate you saying something. More than anything I just like trying new things every time.
Just entered, please vote!
@jasneko Gotcha +1
Bump because this is currently just outside the fog by a couple votes. And catshirtswoot could use some more catshirts.
@narfcake Thanks narf! I was sad seeing it drop out of the fog - right now I see it’s back in there - here’s hoping!

@jasneko I missed this one so have another vote.
@sammydog01 Yay!
@jasneko Currently, 7 of the 9 in the fog are catshirts.
@narfcake Mine dropped out again! D’ohhh. Though weirdly my hamster one seemed to have revved from the middle of the pack into the fog when I looked today?!? Confusing…

Didn’t get a chance to post this one earlier… another entry this derby.

For everyone else – get your copy here:
@narfcake Awesome! Thanks for posting!!
“First contact” Derby… please vote!
@jasneko Cute!
@jasneko Original, cute, and I hope it prints. Got my vote.
@OldCatLady Thank you very much!!

And another one
@jasneko Got you on both. Good luck!
@ACraigL Appreciate it, thanks acraig!!
Darwin Derby! I got three in this time… thanks for checking them out, and for any help!
8-Bit Evolution

For the Evolved Taste


@ACraigL got all 3–nice work!
Crap. 8-bit Evolution was DQd. Sad panda.
@ACraigL I don’t normally like catshirts but I like this one. Do you know which image was the problem?
@sammydog01 Thanks. No idea. It said images, so I assume more than one. I’ll need to put sunglasses on them or something.
@ACraigL not being jerky but wouldn’t have gotten hit for not original art work anyway?
@Ignorant Maybe. The likenesses are there without much parody, so I get it.
Almost forgot. @mehbee
@ACraigL LOVE the cat one!!
@ACraigL Done…still waiting for the dog to get as much attention as the cats get…lol
@mehbee I doubt that’d happen anytime soon. If you look through any of the BOC reveal threads on the main woot forum, it seems that cats ownership is much more prevalent than dogs among Wooters.
Congrats on your first place win with a catshirt, @ACraigL!
@narfcake @acraigl congrats!
@narfcake Thanks narf. Was very pleased this morning. What’s even more surprising to me is that allowed it to be on Navy. Every time I’ve submitted a design on it, they swap it out with Black.
@ACraigL BTW, this is your second catshirtswoot that printed. I have full proof with copy #001!
@narfcake Oh, right.
I forgot I threw I cat in there. It’s more like a word-shirt with a cat. Meow.
Two wins in a single derby! Congrats again, @ACraigL!
@narfcake thank you! Never thought that would happen. Crazy.
@ACraigL Congrats on TWO wins!!! Wow!!
@jasneko Thanks!!
@ACraigL congrats again!
@ACraigL Forgot to post my copy here.

Hey what sort of program should one use if trying to make a design. Ie i have a design in mind with no idea how to do implementation
@CaptAmehrican Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator are popular paid-for programs. Gimp is a popular free program
@CaptAmehrican I was going to say the same. But pencil and paper are always a good way to start – not being jerky, just reinforcing the program is secondary to good design foundation.
@CaptAmehrican Share the concept with an expert, have them teach you while they implement, split the credit?
@compunaut @acraigl ok i tried and failed at making the art work work today. My idea is words saying
Darwin award nominee
And image of an oscar like statue of a primitive man with dna on the base. Words and statue gold t shirt red carpet red.
I freely give this idea to whomever can execute it.
I’ve got one up this week! Thanks for any help!

Learning to Fly
@kevlar51 gotcha!
@kevlar51 Me too.
@kevlar51 I really like this one, BTW. Great job on the expression and concept.
@ACraigL thanks!
@kevlar51 Did the text and shadows on your copy come out “muddy gray” also?
@narfcake yeah
I need to avoid halftones there.
@kevlar51 Ah, okay. I’ll leave it out of my “need to complain to woot” pile, then.
Just entered. Thanks for any votes!
@jasneko gotcha
@jasneko In for one. Funny and cute!
@jasneko me too
@narfcake Awesome!!! Haha I haven’t even got that one yet, I’m so scattered lately! Thanks for posting narf!!
Submitted another… thanks again for your support!
Entered this in the “Secrets Derby”. Thanks for any votes!!
@jasneko Gotchu
Gee, is anyone else using this thread? At any rate, thanks for any votes!:

@jasneko I’ve been unable to shirt the last few weeks, so I’ve been lacking here. But voted! I like this one a lot.
@jasneko I got you.
@jasneko like it!
@jasneko @ACraigL @sammydog01 @compunaut Thanks everyone!!
Been so busy lately, barely had time to squeeze in any shirting. Here’s one… thanks for looking.

@ACraigL gotcha
I got your back!
first one up in a few weeks–thanks for any help!
Nature’s Pillow

@kevlar51 Love this!!!
@kevlar51 Got you too.
@kevlar51 ha! very sweet. love it.
@kevlar51 Just bought this
@jasneko thanks so much!

@narfcake thanks! I’m not sure what they changed, but the DTG printing on this one was the best I’ve seen from them.
@kevlar51 I know there’s been improvements from time to time, both at the pre-processing and equipment level. Woot/Amazon uses Kornit Avalanche DTG printers.
Maybe they compared their DTG with one from their competition? Screened on the left, DTG on the right from a “just in case we run out of a stock when there should still be some left” order last year.

My Darkness and Light entry. Thanks for looking!
Purple & Octopus = Fun all around.
@jasneko Inky.
Thought I’d catch this week’s derby after a little hiatus.
Please tell me somebody else here is as old as I am and remembers Dungeons & Dragons
Never played D&D, though you’d probably be hard-pressed to find mehmbers who are old enough to remember it yet never heard of it.
This was a TV cartoon in the 80’s, rather than the board game…
Ah. Early 80s, a bit before my time. Though I recognize the names of the voice actors.
@PlacidPenguin that’s some good googling - I’ll check it out - which did you recognise??
@giraffalot Voted!
@ACraigL Thank you kindly!
@giraffalot Just posting the link to purchase it here.
Congrats to @jasneko for taking the “best cute” category in the shirt.woot T-List!
@ACraigL Thank you so much!! I was just happy to be nominated so quite excited!
@jasneko Just bought one of these for my friend
@mehbee Awesome!! Thank you
The Community Choice T-List Derby is up! And it’s mayhem. Here’s a few links to my 2016 shirts (there should be others, but I can’t find them). Thanks for any votes you can throw my way.
@ACraigL Voted
@ACraigL Done, I already own one of those and want another one of them so good luck
I’ve got one in the Community Choice Derby too if anyone would like to vote!:)
@jasneko Voted!
@jasneko Me too
Just realized my daily is in there too (and with a messed up shirt comp)… I’m confused to how this derby works! Is it every print of the last year? Anyway…
“World Meows”
@jasneko I think that’s how last year’s was … except it’s not quite right now. Seems to me there are still some issues …
@ACraigL @kevlar51 @jasneko @fishbiscuit Thus so far, if I bought one of your designs, you got a vote. And they’re not all cats either!
I’ve got some up too, but I think I’ll just concentrate on Lightning Bugs–thanks for any help!
@kevlar51 I like that!
@kevlar51 Gotcha! Good luck!
Is anyone going to try submit designs for the new woot mailer bags?
@mehbee The shirt I got last week came in an Amazon bag. So sad.
@mehbee I’ve got one ready to go. Will post here when it launches (I assume Thursday, but who knows).
@sammydog01 I’ve had a handful come that way – and it bothers me more than it should.
The Amazon bags pretty much go straight into the recycle bin vs. keeping them in a
stackmountain of shirt.woot bags that I have yet to decide what to do with.@narfcake All of mine go into the trash but the artistic ones make me smile first.
Just a quick PSA that the T-List Derby runs until noon CST tomorrow (Thursday). A few of still have some in the fog, so please go vote for your favorites!
My money is on @jasneko’s cat or @kevlar51’s fireflies, but you never know. Good luck everyone!
@ACraigL I will be really shocked if it’s mine! I’ve never won anything like this before (or even been close) I was really surprised by the “Best Cute” win. But thanks for the thought!
@jasneko Oh, like I have??
You have as much as opportunity as anyone else. Woo hoo!
So I know who won. Spoiler: It wasn’t me. I don’t want to ruin the surprise if he/she isn’t checking, so be on the lookout for a formal announcement on Monday.
@ACraigL Suspense!! How do you know though? You have insider info?
@jasneko Not insider info, just know where to look. This just in: I came in second, which means I get nothing.
@ACraigL First loser. Congrats!
@sammydog01 Thanks!
Now that this T-List nonsense is out of the way, it’s time to deal with a bunch of shipbags. The derby this week is to design a new shipping bag for the shirty goodness within. Here’s mine. Thanks for looking!

Shirtcuit Board
Updated URL because it had to be on a bag or something. Blech.
@ACraigL Done!
@ACraigL Well the derby is called shipping bags
My bag entry: if anyone would like to vote!
@jasneko Pretty!
@jasneko voted! Nice job.
@sammydog01 @ACraigL Thank you sammydog and Acraigl!
Put together one more… always excited to design for a different kind of canvas. Thanks for any votes! Woot Hoots

@jasneko Voted!
@jasneko Me too.
Congrats on community’s choice of the year, @kevlar51!!
@narfcake thanks!!
@kevlar51 @narfcake Came here to say the same. Well deserved, great design.
@narfcake Congrats @kevlar51!!
The “Spring!” Derby is up. Here’s my entries this week. Thanks for any help!

Spring Cleaning Never Ends
Springtime at Bushwood

@ACraigL Just a heads up, but you may want to beat the rejectionator to the punch over this one:
@narfcake Shit. Searched and didn’t find. Worked super-hard on it too. Hopefully it is artistically different enough to hold it’s own. But shit. Thanks for the heads up.
@narfcake Oh, wait… it never made a print on woot. So maybe that will make a difference?
@ACraigL It’s hard to say. Nacho does have several prints at woot, which I know they do factor.
My entries - thanks peeps, and yay spring!

@jasneko Voted both!

@narfcake Awesome!! I was wondering how the texturing will look - looks good right?
Haven’t gotten mine yet!!
@jasneko Looks very good. Just enough to give is a muted look without it being excessive and “looks like a bad print”.
@narfcake Oh good… It can be a fine line with textures. Relieved to hear it
Congrats, @fishbiscuit! Looks like I’ll be seeing your bag in the future!

@narfcake Yay! I’m super excited to have my art on a bag!
I made a super cute bunny for this derby.
Springtime Bunny
And this funny bunny. Seems like a good April Fool’s Day design.
The Silent Treatment
Got one up this week–thanks for any help!
@kevlar51 lol
@jasneko Voted!
I made one this week! Space Monkey Butler Is Not Impressed
@cdrewlow Voted, too!
@ACraigL Thank you, sir!
My entry. Thanks for any support!
@jasneko Catshirtswoot needs more space kitties.
@jasneko Voted!
@jasneko If your kitties need a space butler, I may know a disgruntled monkey they could hire.
Yay @spiritgreen shirt!
@narfcake Wow that is SOO pretty. I love it.
SCHADENFREUDE! Is the new derby theme. So…

Thanks for looking!
@ACraigL Done
Just entered. Also question - better with “schadenfreude” at the bottom? or better without?
@jasneko Without IMHO.
@narfcake Thanks narf. Taken a second look and tell me what you think - still without?

@jasneko Yep, that works. Simple can be good.
@jasneko I like it without much better. Feels more like your style, too.
@jasneko Just voted the new one!
@narfcake @aCraigL Thanks you two! It does feel more like me now. Resubmitted, going to post again.
@jasneko Without, but it’s awesome cause they are so that way
@jasneko Voted
Ok, vote for this one instead - thanks everyone!:)
@jasneko Revoted.
Hooray for small accomplishments… my first “daily” print. Unfortunately in a group-sale, but yay!
The current derby is pretty much full of variations of one of my past derby wins… I’m torn between being like “heyyy, similar shirts exist!!”, and also happy for any positive advertising for black cats! It’s a mixed up feeling!
@jasneko I feel there are enough differences to fail the s.s.e. rule.
Besides, if there’s another shirt that’s more “inspired by” in this week’s derby, I think it’d be this one:
(1,069 votes and 5,473 sales on the first day … and then Woot changed the blanks. sigh … )
Got one in the side sale today:
@Jasneko and @fishbiscuit are in there too!
Full sale here:
From the woot jobs page:
Well that’s something new for catshirtswoot. I also take it that with multiple openings in Carrollton (including @flipit’s old position?), screen printed shirts may still be out of the question.
@narfcake This opening was pointed out to me before, but it doesn’t sound like something I’d be willing to do (not that this was directed at me, but just sayin’). I’d hate be all operations and the responsibilities sound SO BORING. Again, to me, anyway. It would be painful to be so close to the art and not contributing to it.
@narfcake I’ll have you know it took THREE guys to replace me. Three guys and a MACHINE. Three guys, a machine, and a whole new Standard Operating Procedure manual. Three guys, a machine, a new Standard Operating Procedure manual, and a subscription to a separation house in China.
@Flipit We should all be so lucky as to need multiple people to replace us.
@narfcake Interesting! I wonder why in Philadelphia…
@jasneko So it’ll be close enough that @fishbiscuit can go yell at them in person when they print one of her cats off-center?

Your cat came out fine, however.

@narfcake Aww nice!
Haven’t been able to submit in a while, but got one in this derby! Thanks for any votes!
I entered two in this derby… thanks for looking (and hopefully voting)!
@f00l and @PlacidPenguin: Duck!
@narfcake @jasneko @f00l
Got one in. Been a while.
Tip of the hat to Raising Arizona.

@Thumperchick likes llamas.
@ACraigL Done
@mehbee Thanks!
@ACraigL me too
@sammydog01 Thanks sammy!
First one in a few weeks–thanks a lot for any help!!
@kevlar51 gotcha!
@kevlar51 Voted.
@kevlar51 Did you see this? Not that you have anything to worry about, but pretty shocked someone would have the balls to rip off a design while in the same derby!
@ACraigL Ha I saw that. Odd, but no big deal–thanks a lot for looking out!
Here’s mine for the Father’s Day derby. Hope you guys dig it!
Universal Donor

@ACraigL gotcha back
@ACraigL Voted.
@sammydog01 Thanks sammy! Voter turnout is pretty low this week so every one counts.
@ACraigL Voted. After I read the title I coffeesnorted, too.
@OldCatLady Mission accomplished
I was disappointed that, despite finishing in the fog, that this design wasn’t even selected for an honorable mention. Seemed right up the fairway for woot humor/culture so I pinged the team to make sure they got my artwork.
It’s OK if they passed, but I just want to rule out anything I may have done technically that might have excluded it.
Here’s a few for this week… Theme is WATER. Thanks for any help!

@ACraigL Had to look at the title of the third- over my head. I voted for all of them anyway.
@ACraigL I always seem to take their write-up too seriously… they seemed to be only mentioning water activities, so I nixed all the other purely water designs I was thinking of. But the derby is already filled with purely water designs. D’ohh!!! Maybe I’ll go back to those ideas…
@sammydog01 Thanks! I was just goofing around with that last one, as it’s the actual prompt of the derby theme (Water you waiting for). I only over-punned it. My wife commented it didn’t make sense without the title, so you’re not alone.
@jasneko I used to do that and now use it as a jumping off point. I figure the further away I can get from the literal prompt, the more unique my design will be. Except for the one above which is actually the prompt. Kinda.
@ACraigL You can turn my earworm from tlc-warning off now. NOW. Thank you.
@OldCatLady I didn’t recognize the reference so I looked it up. Thanks for the most depressing music video I have seen in a long time- maybe ever.
@OldCatLady Hahahaha! It’s all I’ve been think-singing all week. Alcohol helps.
This will replace it, but also make it worse.
Just submitted… thanks for any votes!
@jasneko Awww- so cute!
@jasneko Voted!
@jasneko That would work for Valentines Day too!
@therealjrn True!
New Derby. Woo! Theme is Vacation (technically Breakation). Thanks for looking.
Staycation Passport

Go-Go Getaway

@ACraigL You and your earworm!
/youtube the go-gos vacation
@ACraigL Voted. Do my votes count more now that I’m up to over fifty shirts?
@sammydog01 Man, I wish. Imagine what a @narfcake vote would be worth! We’d need a electoral system.
@ACraigL Yeah, you probably wouldn’t want that kind of system.

@jasneko and @fishbiscuit, OTOH …
@narfcake This is (again) a no-cat derby. But truth.
@ACraigL The low voter turnout would also exacerbate the matters worse.
@narfcake I see walmazan did the ‘covfefe’ shirt. Shouldn’t that be a separate derby?
@OldCatLady IMO, There’s so many of these out there already, it probably should be DQ’d. But I’ll leave that to the powers that be. I’m in agreement that it’s not really on theme, other than having a sun on it.
@ACraigL gotchoo
@kevlar51 Thanks Kev!
@ACraigL Done, loving Staycation!!!
@mehbee Awesome, thanks!
My entries - apparently summer vacation means maracas.
Thanks for any votes!

@jasneko Gosh your stuff is so happy. Voted both. Good luck!
@ACraigL I know- I can’t decide which one I like better.
@sammydog01 I think I like the pineapple better. But not by much.
@sammydog01 Flip a coin. Heads, you vote for both. Tails, you vote for both.
Right, @jasneko?
@ACraigL Carefree Crab is a companion to Cranky Crab with Coffee, which was sold at GoodJoe several years back.

/image Jasneko’s Cranky Crab with Coffee.
@narfcake Your coin flip sounds good to me!
Wow, good memory narf!! Guess Goodjoe isn’t coming back (I feel like they said they were figuring things out and maybe going to start again).
@ACraigL Thanks! hehe these two are happy
I haven’t had much luck lately in placing… keep hoping though!
@jasneko Yeah.
Also, I remember because I have that shirt.
@jasneko 2 in the fog – looks like you’ve got a fighting chance this time. Just leave me the other spot.
@jasneko got em–nice work!
@ACraigL Both out of the fog… that tends to happen to my designs a lot unfortunately, they start there but fall out as the week continues…
@narfcake Yeah

Aww, nice to hear you have that shirt too!
@jasneko Bummer. Still on the bubble and I’d guess within a few votes of whatever the top spot is. There’s a lot of derby left…
@jasneko I tried- but I could go unvote for @ACraigL’s entries if that would help.
@sammydog01 Hey now.
@ACraigL I got one of your shirts as a random- 5 out of 4 people. Lucky me!
@sammydog01 Yay! Thought that would never happen. Awesome! Think of me every time you wear it (is that never?).
@kevlar51 appreciate it - thanks kevlar!

@narfcake Awesome! I am looking forward to this one especially…I love this design and I love lemon shirts… I bought quite a few!!
@jasneko Only one copy here, though a second copy may be in the future. I (mis)ordered on Anvil.
Gamer’s Derby! Here’s my very silly entry. Thanks for any help!
@ACraigL gotcha
@ACraigL I know that guy!
@ACraigL Done
@mehbee Thanks!
Here’s my video game entry–for Clash fans; thanks very much for any help!

Hardcore Casual Gamer
@kevlar51 Awesome! +1
@kevlar51 Nice!
Didn’t think I was going to enter this one and then got inspired…thanks for any votes!
@jasneko Love it! +1
@jasneko I love this!
@jasneko You got my vote. Simple and charming.

@narfcake Yay that’s nice!! The sales for this one have been pretty low… wish I could get it to some portal fan platform!! Or maybe portal fans are few now?
@jasneko Fewer, but most substantial is how much smaller the shirt.woot audience is. 500 is the new 3,000.
4th of July Derby! Hope you enjoy my Very Patriotic Caterpillar

@ACraigL Awww. Cute. So unlike you.
@sammydog01 How dare you! I’m adorable.
@ACraigL That’s what she said?
@sammydog01 Who?!? Do you you have her number?
@ACraigL I’m late to responding, but well done - looks great! Love the textures.
Me too this week! i love my country a latte
@marcee already voted. Good luck!
@marcee voted
@sammydog01 @acraigl Thanks guys!
Added another one yesterday. Thanks for looking!
Sounds Like Freedom

@ACraigL Done!
@ACraigL Nice! Voted.
@mehbee @Barney Thanks!
@ACraigL voted- and it may be time for a new thread
@sammydog01 Yep. Firehose mode is not a good look for this thread.
So this is the shirt up for voting… Indy 500 Shirt

It looks like this
Just wanted to say thanks to anyone who clicked to vote for this one! It made it to 3rd place - Sunday’s daily. Thanks for your help!
@marcee I know, I was excited to see it on the front shirt page. Congrats!
Got one up for the Summer Camp derby–thanks for any help!
@kevlar51 Funny.
@kevlar51 I saw your shirt made it. Congrats!
@sammydog01 thanks!!
I have one as well… theme is camp. Thanks all!
@ACraigL Scary.
@sammydog01 Most corporate things are.
@ACraigL gotcha!
@ACraigL Done
@mehbee Thanks!
@ACraigL I had to look it up on wikia. Of course.
@OldCatLady Appreciate the effort. I feel like this is such a well known reference, especially when coupled with the hockey mask. But maybe not as well know as I thought?
It’s not my first Friday the 13th shirt either.
@ACraigL This one I got the first time. I felt smart for once.
@sammydog01 If you forget you’re smart, let me know. Happy to remind you.
@ACraigL pay @OldCatLady no mind. She’s old, and possibly likes cats.
@kevlar51 She’s old, she swore off horror movies after ‘Cujo’, and she’s limited to one cup of coffee a day, which limits braining. Cats are still assholes.
@OldCatLady I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter.
@kevlar51 Expect photos of men in kilts.

/image man in kilt
@sammydog01 Nice!
@sammydog01 That is a very specific type. Where’s the other end of that rope?
@ACraigL Maybe “women in potato sacks”?
Here’s my entry for the Artificial Intelligence derby. Thanks for any help!
Blue Pill Propaganda

@ACraigL gotcha
@ACraigL voted
@sammydog01 @kevlar51 Thanks sammy! Thanks kevlar!
Here’s my Artificial Intelligence entry–thanks!:
Car Fishing

@kevlar51 gotcha back
@kevlar51 Voted
Sat the last couple of derbies out… this is one of my favorite designs, giving it another try! Thanks for any votes!
@jasneko voted!
@jasneko voted
@jasneko done!
@jasneko The DTG print was fine, but the Canvas’ muted color kinda removes some of the ‘pop’. I’m almost pondering of reordering this in the future on Anvil.

@narfcake Oh darn, sorry to hear that. I got mine on anvil, and I kind of felt like the printed it too low on the shirt, which seems to be a common error with my latest prints… d’oh.
@jasneko No fault of yours; AFAIK, the templates haven’t changed since the pre-Anvil days. I should ask Ocho or Ben if updated templates are in the works or not.
As for print position (and other issues), that’s seemingly par for the course with shirt.woot in the past 5 years. Yes, “CS takes care of it” on the most part via replacements and/or refunds, but it’s still annoying that it has to be done in the first place. Or second place. Maybe third place. Occasionally fourth place too. But hey, I have one good copy out of five shirts, right!?
On a different note, the warmer yellow of Canvas’ “lemon” gives Anana! an even cheerier vibe. I’ll post some comparison pics later in the week.
@narfcake I’ve mentioned it to them multiple times (often the design is too big and too low)… I have a number of my designs with the design so low it’s too odd to wear out:/
What do you mean by “CS takes care of it”? Should I contact CS and ask for replacements then? Though some are older now… but some are more recent.
Nice to hear that about the canvas! I got mine on anvil, after you post pics maybe I’ll buy another heh! I do love the cheeriness, so even more cheer is all the better

(Damn. I took too long to write up the rest.)
@jasneko The print on women’s shirts was exacerbated in recent years. The “neckstretch” Anvil were almost men’s sized, so they upped the print size, but didn’t downsize it after Anvil changed their cut and reintroduced the more petite AA shirts. It doesn’t help that those operating the DTG printers aren’t grabbing the right print file all the time either, as I’ve received half-sized prints on men’s shirts before.
And yes, that’s what I meant by CS taking care of it. Making a note along the lines of “can you ask the shirt team if these are print issues?” may help it get past the level 1 CS. They aren’t always the most adept when it comes to shirt.woot specifics.
As for Anana!, left is Anvil, right is Canvas. Since it came out, I’ve worn them over a dozen times already … because not everyday is catshirt day.
@narfcake So should I write CS instead of the shirt editors then? … you’ve gotten replacements each time? I’ve gotten replacements a few times (facilitated by Ocho) but I know she/they have a lot on their plate…
Blargh blargh to the print stuff, it’s kind of frustrating that most times it’s the same problem.
@jasneko Yes. CS has replaced them every time so far. I think @acraigl has had CS replace some of his artist’s copies too.
Several were incorrect prints altogether, but a few were crooked or the wrong size print. Two replacements were for partially sent orders; a week later, I received the replacements and the remainder of the original order.
I still have like a dozen more from the past year to complain about, though. I don’t do laundry right away (for some known reason), and alas, the print didn’t survive the wash.
@narfcake Ok Thanks for this. Also, as you say you have a dozen more to complain about - I haven’t complained about many either (usually because I am slow to open packages and take a close look… and notice the low/large printing), so it’s been months since - is CS okay about that? Complaining quite later from the delivery?
@jasneko I hope they are! One that didn’t quite survive was a “spare” DTG copy of Zen Neko; I finally decided to enter it into wear rotation so I wasn’t only wearing my screened copy every time.
Does anyone know if something has changed with the forum signature codes? I tried adding another image link to mine, and since then it just shows all the images as broken (even if reverting back to what previously worked). So I tried just using the default thumbnail code when posting on a design (minus the quotes and words), but the image still shows up as broken, but the link works. I’m confused!
@jasneko The devs have been doing some back end changes that have messed with a lot of the .sigs. Make the changes and I’ll check again in about a half hour (3:15 your time).
@narfcake oops sorry just saw this. I saw the thumbnail worked. I just redid my sig, broken images again.
@jasneko I resaved it; see if it’s okay on your end.
@narfcake hooray! Thanks. So should I beware of changing the sig, because each time it’ll mess up?
@jasneko Tag me if it happens. I think they know what’s going on; blame @ACraigL.
@narfcake We have a goat for that, thank you very much.
@ACraigL Don’t worry – you’ll get your month.

Thanks for the nod on Counting Sheep, @narfcake!
@kevlar51 Yay, it’s fixed! They originally had the other counting sheep, which isn’t a bad design, but it wasn’t what I picked.
My “top 10” was originally closer to a top-100, so it took a lot of whittling down though a variety of methods, including separating out all the catshirts for another time, random numbers, and other non-scientific means like “how many copies do I have” and “is this due for a replacement because of Anvil?”
@narfcake That would explain why I got my e-mail notification mid-day.
I’ve got one up this derby–thanks for any help!

King of Planets
@kevlar51 Voted! Good luck.
@kevlar51 Voted
@jasneko and I both printed in the side sale today!
(I was doubly-pleased that I’m the featured design)
@ACraigL Thanks and congrats on being the featured design! I know exactly what you mean, I felt the same way the few times mine was!
@kevlar51, too! Sorry man!
I’ve got three up for the Mythology derby this week. Thanks for checking them out!
Swing and a Myth

Unicorn PSA

Seussyphish (resub)

@ACraigL If I didn’t have piles of shirts on shelves because my shirt drawers were full I would buy the Cthulhu one.
@sammydog01 Vote now, buy later. Thanks sammy!
@sammydog01 You need a way to store them so you can see them. Like this:

@OldCatLady But I like to wear them too- except for the big pile I bought a size too small for when I lose ten pounds. Those can go into the deep storage.
@ACraigL Done!
Missed placing third on Seussyphish by 5 votes.
Explain yourself, @2many2no.
@ACraigL OK, I’m really sorry because I don’t pay much attention to the Derby any more and I didn’t vote at all.
So this literally is (partly) my fault. Blame me.
BTW, excellent play on words for the shirt name. You definitely should’ve won.
@2many2no Thanks! Good news is that all three of my shirts printed in the side sale (as did two of @jasneko’s).
Bad news is they layered like 3 sales on top of it already, so once again, they’re over-indexed on available shirt options.
I blame you for too many shirts on sale.
@ACraigL I saw that. Congratulations!
Too much stuff on Woot in general, but definitely too many shirts currently featured. I guess back-to-school is big for apparel, but still too much.
Nice shirts!

I have one more daily running, too:
That’s 5 shirts in 3 separate sales. Personal record.

@ACraigL I hear that… I was like… oh man, the HM sale is all the way on the bottom… d’oh!
@ACraigL Nice one!! And congrats on the personal record!
@jasneko I voted for both of yours already – or are there more?
@ACraigL Thank you!
Actually I have 3 as well… I’ll post em in a moment!
3 entries this week! Wow, haven’t submitted that many in a while (upcycled entries though;)) Thanks for any votes!

@jasneko I voted for that one without knowing! It’s so pretty!
@mehbee Awww that’s nice to hear!! Thank you!
Also, not sure why the mermaid one double posted, but now I can’t fix it, d’oh!
@jasneko I saw that but didn’t see any differences so I just voted for the one. I wonder if you can email them and see if they can combine the votes since it’s the same shirt.
@jasneko Missed the mermaid. Going back for that one now.
@acraigl and @jasneko gotcha both x3
@kevlar51 Thanks kev!
Reworked an older sub for this derby. Thanks for any help!

My Poet Tree
@ACraigL Voted. This is adorable.
@OldCatLady Thanks!
Artists’ Choice Derby – Anything goes, woo! Here’s mine, thanks for any support!
Hugs and Extinction


surrounded by a-holes

@ACraigL Replace the robot with a cat for an even better effect.
@narfcake Considered it, but thought the open-ended derby would result in an onslaught of felines.
Related – TeeTurtle had a huge booth at the Boston Comic Con. It was pretty impressive.
@ACraigL got em all!
@ACraigL Surprisingly, not too many cats submitted so far.
From what I’ve heard, they get very busy. Like insanely busy. Like oops-we-thought-we-brought-enough-stock-for-the-weekend-except-we-sold-out-in-a-day kind of busy … which I suppose is a good “problem” for a business to have?
(Hopefully that was just a past problem. I suppose graduating John Hopkins with a BA in neuroscience doesn’t prepare someone to run a business selling t-shirts with bunnies, cats, pandas, or turtles.)
@ACraigL Liked. Thanks for putting a title on the third one so I would figure it out.
@sammydog01 Thanks sammy! I know it won’t last, but I’m amused that one is in the fog for now. I didn’t put a lot of artistic energy into it (obviously) but somehow I thought that added to the joke. I guess folks find it funny enough at the moment.
Really hoping Hugs & Extinction pulls through – that was where most of my time went.
@ACraigL Hugs and Extinction was my favorite. Cute and scary.
@ACraigL voted on all three
Here’s one I submitted earlier, currently submitting another… thanks for any votes!
@jasneko Pretty!
@jasneko voted!
@sammydog01 thanks sammy!
@jasneko voted
And here’s another - thanks for the support!
@jasneko Voted
@jasneko voted!
@jasneko voted
@ACraigL The checkout guy at the grocery was snickering. What, dude? I like your shirt. I was wearing 5 out of 4 people have trouble with fractions.
@sammydog01 Makes me smile. Thanks for that!
@sammydog01 @ACraigl My copy still hasn’t made it to the wash yet.
OTOH, I’ve worn Inevitability at least a half dozen times already.
@narfcake I wore Kirk’s Response to day 2 of the Boston Comic Con and got lots of compliments there. Given all the cosplay I’m shocked I was even noticed. Even later that evening as I passed a homeless man walking down the street, he turned about 10 feet behind me and said, “I like your shirt. AND I get the reference.”. He got my dollar.
@ACraigL The folks at the renaissance fair loved Caffeineosaurs. But they’re pretty easy to amuse.
Vintage Logos and Slogans! Fun! Here’s mine. Thanks, as always for any help.
Max’s Chocolate Coating

Have a nice winter

@ACraigL Got it.
@ACraigL @mehbee
@sammydog01 Thanks sammy! You got all the references? (I always assume so unless you say otherwise
@ACraigL I voted but man I loved so many of them! A lot brought back some great memories, lot of warm and fuzzy going on while I voted.
@ACraigL The second one yes. The first one no.
@sammydog01 It’s from The Princess Bride (Miracle Max covered the miracle pill – the one that brought Wesley back to life – in chocolate because it makes the pill go down easier.
Side note – this reminded me my daughter never saw the movie, so we’re watching it together tonight.
@ACraigL Yay! Bonding time!
@ACraigL HOW is it possible to have a daughter and never have watched The Princess Bride together? Step up your game! Watch it again!
@OldCatLady I’m pretty sure my daughter wouldn’t watch the Princess Bride if you paid her (unless it was a ton of cash).
@OldCatLady No idea how it floated past us all this time. We did watch last night. It was liked, but not loved. I think had I showed it to her a few years ago it may have had more impact (she’s 17 now).
At some point, she did feel bad for the R.O.U.S. so I knew it was deviating just a bit.
@ACraigL Everyone else must have understood it. Congrats!
Me too! Me too!
duh vintage shirt

do you even lift, bro

cash me ousside

@marcee Got it. I need to do some googling tonight though.
@sammydog01 At the very least, you get “duh”, right?
@marcee Got yours!
@marcee voted
@marcee Yep, that one I got. It’s probably my response when I look the others up too.
Thank you guys!
Late to post this in here, though it has very little movement… but if you like it, feel free to vote! Also question - would this be better with some color? I was going for a chalk look, but just wondering. Thanks!

@jasneko I like a little color but I also don’t buy shirts unless they’re dirt cheap so I’m probably not the person to ask.
@jasneko Voted. Like the sentiment, but not sure it’s coming through in the design. Maybe if you had some of your signature characters dressed up (like an explorer, astronaut, etc) to emphasize the meaning that would help (and add visual interest, as well as color).
@ACraigL @sammydog01 Thanks for the tips… didn’t get around to working on it though… Maybe for another derby
Hugs and Extinction printed in the side sale today! Woo!
@ACraigL Yay! Well deserved.
Got a print in Editor’s Choice Part 2!

(don’t think I posted this one, I entered it quite late)
@jasneko saw that! Woo hoo!
Got one up for this week! Thanks for any help!

Mobile Banking
@kevlar51 Gotcha. Nice work.
@kevlar51 Love it kevlar, soooo cute!!!
@kevlar51 Nice!
Entered 2, working on another (will see if I can complete it). Thanks for any help!

"Why Do Pumpkins get the Spotlight?"
"Sir Acorn"
@jasneko Voted both. Good luck!
@jasneko gotcha on both–nice work
@jasneko Voted- I really like the apple one.
Congrats on 1st place, @ACraigL!
@narfcake @sammydog01 Thanks! Really surprised this took the top spot.
@narfcake congrats @acraigl ! nice win
Oops I meant to post this here but accidentally did it in its own post. Congrats @acraigl!!
Congrats acraigl!!

Thanks, @jasneko I’ll take 'em both.
New derby entries – This week theme is “Gone!”
Desperate Monsters Call For Desperate Measures

Washing away the day

Thanks for any help!
@ACraigL Gotcha X2
@kevlar51 Thanks!
@ACraigL That giraffe one is a very cute idea acraig!
@jasneko Thanks! Quite a compliment, from one of the queens of cute.
@ACraigL Haha awww gee I appreciate the title… woo!
Sorry I missed the reminder this week. 2 more hours to vote though
@ACraigL Got them- I really like the monster one.
@sammydog01 Thanks! Hoping for an HM out of that one.
Here’s mine for “Gone”–thanks for any help!
Nonvending Machine
@kevlar51 Weird. I like it.
@kevlar51 Voted
My entry… “Or we’ll be gone”

Thanks for any support!
@jasneko Voted!
@jasneko I think you have a real shot with this one. Good luck!
@ACraigL Thanks… I’m amazed it’s still in the fog… been so long since one has stuck. Hoping hoping hoping!
@jasneko voted
Yay @jasneko editor’s choice daily!
(It’s been YEARS since there was the V-neck option.)
@narfcake @jasneko Came to say the same thing. SO MANY OPTIONS. Congrats!!!
@jasneko Just saw your bio – didn’t know you were in the Philly area?
@ACraigL I blame
@kidsandlizyou that you didn’t know that.Did you also know that the neko (猫) in @jasneko is Japanese for cat?
@narfcake Thanks!!! Was really happy about the editor’s choice pick - and even better with the options! Will be my first woot V-neck!
@ACraigL Yup! And also as narf said, neko =
@ACraigL And right after I write that… it drops out of the fog
@jasneko Well you’re back in now. Don’t feel too badly, mine tumbled out and lost all momentum. It’s so weird (for both of us) when you get so many votes up front and then nothing the last 2 day. And it’s not my “friends” either… I don’t have 49. Between here and woot, it’s probably closer to 12. On a good day.
That said, I prefer to be #10 than lower in the fog. At least then my disappointment is held in check.
C’mon honorable mention
@narfcake Wait wait holdup… I just went to order myself a V-neck, and don’t see those options there anymore. Are the alternate options only available on the first day??
Did I really miss the V-neck? ARrrgh! 
@jasneko Yep. Launch day only.
@ACraigL Arrrrr!!! Is that always the way it is? I guess because in the side sales they sometimes have sweatshirts, etc then those are available all week right? Man I can’t believe I missed those other options
@jasneko I have an extra sweatshirt; apparently they can’t count.
How has your recent track record been? Neither @acraigl or I have had much luck recently.
Nice, though I hope they were just blanks.
(I doubt they’re misprints, since the customers get them anyway.)
@narfcake Yes. Probably all mutant anvil blanks in schmedium size. Hopefully nothing that could be considered offensive…

@medz Quality posts tagged “Today’s offended party” used to be handed out on shirt.woot.
@narfcake That would make me start reading shirt entries again.
A few of us printed in the side sale today, including my Desperate Monsters
Halloween Derby is here! Always good designs, so check 'em out. Here’s mine:
Boo, Baby, YEAH!

Scarier Things

Thanks for any help!
@ACraigL Got them.
@ACraigL gotcha
@sammydog01 @kevlar51 Thanks guys!
@ACraigL voted yesterday, though I’m one of very few that can’t stand candy corn. blah…
@daveinwarsh Thanks! But you like Austin Powers, right?
@ACraigL Everyone does!!
@ACraigL done!
Just a quick thing for this week’s derby: Theme is Explore! It struck me funny… you can tell me if it isn’t.

Thanks guys!
@ACraigL The distressing is unnecessary, what with Woot doing it automatically through misprinting anyway.

@narfcake Haha, yeah. The misprint thread is getting WAY too active.
@ACraigL got em both
@ACraigL Done
@ACraigL Me too.
@ACraigL @narfcake I’m pretty dismayed at the constant misprints/mistakes… it’s dejecting. I have a pile of my own designs that are too low or other issues. My last HM prints had a whole slew of problems with the textures and one had to be vastly changed… d’ohhh.
Still working on getting that updated.
@ACraigL Threads. The QC thread from 5+ years is active again too.
@jasneko It absolutely is. As ACL posted in the thread there, it’s mind boggling how they’ve been printing for over 10 years and still has all these issues. There’s only so many regular customers left that haven’t been so peeved that they stop buying all together.
@narfcake It’s the only comment wajeremy didn’t respond to, either.
@ACraigL Seeing how several of my posts lack direct acknowledgement, I’m wondering why it’s not shirt.woot staff posting the responses in the thread instead.
Hey y’all, missed last derby (d’oh!), but here’s one in this derby… have other potential ideas/reworks but not sure if I’ll get to them:/ Thanks for any votes!
@jasneko Nice!
@jasneko Gotcha!
Worked on another one and submitted it tonight - thanks for the support! "Cat in the Wild"
@jasneko I like the colors.
@sammydog01 Thanks for saying because I spent sooo long on the colors/scheme… it went from black outlines, blue, teal, green to yellow outlines/other colors, to no outlines to a few other combos and finally this!
Here’s my take, in a Japanese woodcut style.
Everyday Noodle Cat

Thanks for any help!
@narfcake because cat.
@ACraigL Pretty!
@sammydog01 Thanks sammy!
@ACraigL I like it alot. My only $0.02 would be I wish you’d faded the rays out at the edges so it wasn’t rectangular. Otherwise a very cool design.
@jbartus Thanks! Didn’t know you perused this thread.
Not a bad idea, I’ll play with that tonight… I’ve submitted subtle variations like that for print before without issue. Thanks for the feedback.
@ACraigL I pop in from time to time. Mostly I avoid it for the sake of my wallet!
Often I find designs I like where the design is cropped abruptly to fit the print dimensions and it reminds me of a movie or event poster pasted on the wall. For my part I like it when a design looks part of the shirt, so little things like blending the edges out make a huge difference to me.
@jbartus I get that. In looking at woodcuts (on which the design is based), they tend to be more rectangular – it’s hard to do subtle blends in woodcuts, I guess
@ACraigL I can see how that might be challenging!
@ACraigL Even without the fade, I think it’s fine, as the rays are close to the shirt color and won’t draw a lot of attention.
Also, yay catshirt!
@narfcake @jbartus Also, my first yellow shirt. Never thought I would go there, but I think it worked in this case.
@ACraigL I agree it works well on the yellow.
@jbartus @acraigl I was going to say the same thing. Very nice design, but looks like it was meant for a rectangular medium that way.
Still good job!!
And I love the yellow - underused color!
@narfcake @jbartus @jasneko
I subbed final artwork in the rectangular format, but did a little more treatment on the burst to make it more woodcutty, and not solid so that there’s less ink on the overall shirt. I think it will help a lot. Assuming it prints.
I’ve got two in this derby for anyone who would like to vote - thanks!

@jasneko Voted.
@jasneko Voted also. Love the Emu one. Really. Definitely getting it when it prints.
@ACraigL Thanks though I’m kind of hesitant about the HM prints right now (As you pointed out below!). Declined in the last sale though they wanted my last 2.
@jasneko What are you doing with them? Saving for another derby or posting elsewhere? Fortunately some of the side sales were short-lived, but if they keep this up, it won’t be worth my time. Sigh.
@ACraigL Given the numbers these days, especially when so many designs get released at once, it’s almost better to save them for a different site, even if the returns are lower. One humongous aspect about submitting to shirt.woot is that their printing rights are perpetual. Sure, there’s the back catalog, but being “available anytime” aspect means that there’s no rush to buy something right away, never mind that it’s also 8000+ designs deep. For an informed customer, that’s a lot of wading through. For a casual or new customer, anything past a few pages would probably never be seen.
It’s been almost an entire year and I’m still first and last for this design.. And only. And we know how much they pay.
@jasneko If your two designs were included, that would have meant 44 HMs this week just from one derby.
That’s absolutely absurd.
@dave Would “someone” you know have any clout to suggest bringing back a guest artists program?
@ACraigL As of now saving for another derby, though I suppose I really need to branch out to other sites. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free!
… no attention drawn to these shirts. It’s just beginning to seem a bit much?
I mean, part of me thinks well, why not give it to them, but some of my side sales are just sooo low, plus the misprints/etc and the increased quantity of shirts in every sale, plus putting other side sales on top of them
@narfcake Yes… I mean, the curation process seems more than a little inflated. I didn’t give my design to this last side sale either. I did explain why (all the above reasons in more detail).
@jasneko If Mediocritee ever gets off the ground …
The other daily sites are predominantly IP infringing mashup shirt sites. I don’t even consider Threadless as viable anymore.
Selling on a POD site is always an outlet, but alas, is an expensive one for the average consumer. And you’ll still be lost among thousands and thousands of other designs there.
I have to think more about this later …
@jasneko Having had some more thoughts …
The selfish side of me says “submit the art so I can buy them”. I have 42 of your designs already, and Woot’s pricing has made it an easy guilty pleasure. I’ll be unlikely to buy it anywhere else near the price.
The business side of me cringes over the meager returns. Over the years, their inability to reliably deliver the product has taken a toll on the audience – and the numbers reflect it. It’s a bitter pill to swallow that after all the time spent on a design, it’s not going to yield enough to cover lunch.
@narfcake First off that’s so awesome to hear you have so many shirts of mine (and 42! answer to the universe!!).
Secondly… yes, what I struggle with. I mean, when some of the side shirt sales can be counted on one hand and there appears to be no real marketing/promotion…I just don’t know anymore.
Lots of stuff printed today. Seriously, they must be “featuring” 200 shirts in the various side sales. Anyway, I got 5 launched today, and my Miracle Max shirt still in the Top 20. Pretty good day!
Gluten’s back!
So is Crystal Lake Retreats:
And 3 new ones:
Looking for love:
From the Halloween derby: Boo, baby, YEAH!
@ACraigL Maybe even more than 200. The catalog currently shows 286 $8 (aka side sale) shirts.
I’m confused. I looked up your shirts and some of the same ones are $8 AND $11 elsewhere.
What is going on over there? It’s as confusing as the toothpaste aisle.
@therealjrn Sometimes they add new listings instead of repricing the old one as not to break something else on the site’s back end.
@ACraigL You missed an s.
@narfcake I left it off for “savings”.
Thanks Narf
@narfcake Ok smarty-pants. How do you explain the toothpaste aisle?
@therealjrn Yeah, it’s kinda insane. For example, they printed 40 shirts from the last derby. That’s nuts. They are not discerning at all anymore. All that does IMO is water down the sales so the artists get less opportunity. But I guess someone did the math and saw more $$ for woot that way. Sigh.
@ACraigL Same thoughts here. Offering more designs doesn’t widen the audience; it just moves the sales around more and more, lower and lower.
@narfcake @acraigl Yes, all of this. Because they hadn’t fixed errors with some of my most recent HMs (despite repeated reminders from me) I didn’t participate in the last HM sale even though they wanted my 2. Then I saw 40+ shirts in it!! Wha??? Plus it was underneath 2 other side sales! From a shirt a day with a limited run to just a massive amount of shirts where most designs get lost in the heap. Pretty dejecting, and now very hesitant about giving so many designs to the Editor’s Choice sales…40+?? …
Derby this week is Monochromatic designs. Here’s mine!

A.K.A. "Lizard"
Thanks for any support you can throw my way!
@ACraigL gotcha
@kevlar51 Cute!
@jasneko @kevlar51 Thanks guys!
@ACraigL Done
@ACraigL Cute!
@ACraigL Seems on the smaller side … did they used the wrong print file (again)?

Seem’s like @jasneko’s Winter Bloom was prepped incorrectly too; I didn’t recall any borders/outlines.

Also for another design, they sent a women’s shirt instead of a men’s shirt. The order and order label are right, but they still picked the wrong shirt. QC? Still not there, it seems.
Lizard seems ok… matches the preview pretty well:
And I’m happy with the placement/size on my men’s medium:

As for @jasneko’s, it looks like the color choice behind the flowers is too close the new blank color. Seems like a border but is supposed to be a darker circle behind each one. Might we worthwhile getting the spot blank color updated in the template since the supplier has changed?
Here’s mine for this week–thanks a lot for any help!

Maple Everything
@kevlar51 Back at 'cha.
@kevlar51 Done
@kevlar51 Maple chocolate? Ewww. Voted anyway.
@kevlar51 Congrats!
Thanks peeps.
@jasneko Got 'em both. Good luck!
@jasneko gotem
@jasneko Done
@jasneko The flowers are really pretty.
@sammydog01 Thanks all! Stayed in the fog all derby but just got the email about including it in the Editor’s Choice sale… so guess it isn’t near the top, d’oh
Still hoping for some sudden flux of votes!!
@jasneko Tied in 4th place.
@narfcake yup
Noodle cat printed today in the side sale!
@narfcake was my first sucker. Thanks narf!

Shirt wootoff now.
@OldCatLady Because the 50 I bought during shirt month are dirty…
One more reminder to please vote (20 minutes left!) - every vote counts! (can you tell how long it’s been since I’ve finished in the fog?) Much thanks!!
@jasneko Good luck!!!
New shirts! What we’re really thinking, or whatever. Here’s mine… thanks for the help!

And threw this one in for good measure. Didn’t do great last time, but I still like it.

@narfcake because there’s a cat in there.
@ACraigL Done!
@ACraigL Done. That last one is really hard to read- at least on a phone.
@ACraigL Meow!
@sammydog01 You’re not wrong. I just like it as a design piece. I like how you can only see each phrase at a time – but not both at the same time. If that makes sense. At least that’s what I see.
@ACraigL got em
@kevlar51 Thanks!
Got my first featured daily, ever, today on shirt.woot!
@ACraigL First daily, that’s great - congrats!!
@jasneko Thanks! I really didn’t ever submit dailies for the first year and half but I’ve since gotten a few ‘D’ contracts. One was in the shirt-off last week and relaunched today:
Hey all, another design in the fog as the derby end nears… I missed placing by 9 votes last time - would really appreciate any votes! Thanks!!
@jasneko Got it. And congrats on the blue flowers!
@jasneko You’ve had my vote since it launched. Good luck!
@jasneko Here’s hoping!
Derby is book themed this week. I’m guess I’m still in Halloween mode, because this:
Thanks for the help!
@narfcake (the most cats I ever had on one shirt, but counter-balanced by a giant dog head)
@ACraigL Doge head. I can read, you know!
@OldCatLady Ha! Totally meant ti type that. Stupid autocorrect.

/image odd toe co wreck

@ACraigL OK I voted for it. Happy?
@sammydog01 Yep!
Finally finished this! At first I made a design with stacks of books and cats, but then there were others like that in the fog (and nicely done!)… decided to change it - a lot!

Thanks for any votes!
@jasneko I love the little mouse.
@sammydog01 Thank you! The mouse was part of my original design… thought it worked here also!
I also just resubbed it with a different thumbnail so please vote again:)
@jasneko Voted!!
@jasneko and I printed today in the side-sale!
Yay everybody!
Thanksgiving Derby is up! Here’s my two entries – thanks for any support.
Thanksgiving Bird

Must be all the turkey…

@ACraigL gotcha
@ACraigL Done!
@ACraigL I love Thanksgiving Bird. Don’t have the guts to wear it though.
@sammydog01 I dunno. I’d find it appropriate to wear on Black Friday while out shopping.
Then again, I used to wear Foamy the Squirrel shirts a lot too.
@kevlar51, @mehbee Thanks!!
@sammydog01 I understand, but I can totally see myself wearing it with a sportscoat on top to dinner. You know, to class it up a smidge.
Just a heads up that I was offered a contract for “Tyrptophan” so that one will launch in a side-sale tomorrow and therefore pulled from the derby.
Thanksgiving Bird however, is still pissed off.

@sammydog01 @ACraigL same here. I wouldn’t wear it, but pretty darn funny!
@ACraigL First place!
@ACraigL Yay! I ordered one!
@therealjrn @narfcake Thanks!
Lots of hate in the sale thread… but I guess that’s to be expected. Appreciate your comments in there though.
Wondering if I should even post a simple thank you.

/giphy crowd outrage
@ACraigL Congrats on that print today. I love it. I tend to not buy ‘seasonal’ shirts but I’m seriously tempted.
@ACraigL This may be the rest of my day today in the discussion thread there.

/image cat pics
/image more cat pics
/image and moar cat pics
@narfcake sorry man. But this thing is selling!
@ACraigL How many so far? I expect a lot of people appreciate the sentiment.
@ACraigL No fault of your own … yet. Unlike the NES, I actually haven’t had to do any cleanup …
… yet.

And 10 hours left!
@ACraigL I haven’t been keeping track, but that’s probably the best seller for this year. And maybe even last year’s.
@narfcake Awesome. Just about 1100 as of this post. I’m no good at projections, but 1400 seems within reach, and it’s already my top-selling design. So exciting!
@narfcake @sammydog01
New personal milestone – a #1 shirt. For those that are interested,
Debut: 1730
Ongoing: 120 (as of this post)
Total: 1850
The placement won’t hold due to the seasonality of the design, but I’ll take it while it lasts. What a day! And Fable’s cartoon was just icing on the cake. Hilarious.
@ACraigL Due to the reckoning math, it’ll probably linger on for a couple weeks after thanksgiving.
Probably no chance to print at this point, but just in case there’s a surge, please give my design a vote! Thanks
@jasneko I’m sure you’ll get an HM. Really, so cute!
@jasneko So so cute.
@ACraigL Thanks! I’ve actually been being more selective of HMs lately, turned down a bunch lately. Factors being: such a huge # of HMs, lack of promotion and very low sales… and then the longer I took to make a design, the more reluctant I’ve been feeling - just saw I was asked for it this one… but I dunno… lots of effort into this one!
@sammydog01 Thank you!
Wish enough voters felt that way.
@jasneko I get that. If you find a place to sell your designs let me know – teepublic ain’t doin squat for me.
@jasneko @ACraigL Over 30+ HMs each the last couple rounds.
Beyond Woot itself, there’s not much of any promotion at all. And the back catalog has gotten entirely too big, not to mention with the default of top sellers, the most popular designs are going to get the most views.
And it doesn’t help that their QC (and CS) still needs improving.
@jasneko Still in the fog, and very cute.
@OldCatLady Back in the fog, actually. It was outside of it the past few days.
Given the lack of traffic/participation there nowadays, the odds of making it up to 3rd place with one hour left to vote are about as good as the odds of @snapster selling a crazy-catshirt-collector starter kit tomorrow.
@acraigl will do. That’s good to know about teepublic actually, because someone else suggested it to me, but I haven’t joined so far.
@narfcake Yeah, I just don’t understand the HUGE HM sales plus lack of attention/promotion. It’s kind of the opposite of how woot started (very selective and limited). I appreciate the catalog, but… yeah all the things you said.
@OldCatLady Didn’t finish there unfortunately, but thanks, appreciate it!
@jasneko What is a “HM”?
@therealjrn HM = honorable mention. For those contracts, it’s $0 upfront, $2 per sale, and Woot holds printing rights perpetually.
The issue isn’t the payout, but because they’ve been handing out HMs like crazy (30+ each derby recently), the sales are extremely thin. The catalog sales cannot be relied upon, as I have designs that haven’t sold anything for well over a year.
For one, I was the only sale. So the artist basically “sold” their design to Woot for $2.
@therealjrn Yup, what @narfcake said. With the many ongoing side sales (and high number of shirts in each sale), it seems like tons of these designs go mostly unnoticed… d’oh
Seems a strange system!
Just in case, my design this derby if you’d like to vote - thanks!
@jasneko Cool… voting now. I’ve been out of the loop – just got back from Vegas from a long weekend.
@jasneko Nice.
@ACraigL Gambling all those shirt profits?
@sammydog01 Sorta? It was planned for a while, just so happen to hit the same day I placed in the derby. No serious gambling – mostly just lost my voice.
@ACraigL and here I though you were going to say that you lost your shirt gambling
/image lost your shirt

2 designs if you’d like to vote - thanks everyone! I love me a cranberry shirt
@jasneko voted
@sammydog01 @jasneko +1
@jasneko got the second one… didn’t realize the first was yours, so going back now
@jasneko done!
@ACraigL hehe yeah I can imagine, I rarely do text shirts, and this one is a totally different style (I used a brush pen on paper - trying to learn new ways of lettering!)
@jasneko No print issues this time!

(The flash and resizing the pic washed out the brush effect, but it’s definitely there.)
Indeed, all 13 shirts in the order came out fine. I think this one order makes it the longest of “no-complaints” I’ve had all year!
@narfcake Aww looks great! Love that kitty up there too. Yay brush effect!! (Thanks for posting as I actually missed ordering this!)
@jasneko The cat was holding the shirt down.
I’ve since purchased the tabby (arrived today) and then in a later order a (random?) 3-pack too. In hindsight, I probably should have just gone with the remaining 5 instead.
I wonder if Diana’s foxes will become plushified in the future …
I just got a couple in late… thanks for any support!

@ACraigL Why doesn’t the grinch have eyes? Afraid of lawyers?
@ACraigL gotcha
@sammydog01 Kinda? My original thought was to use a silhouette which felt appropriate to this kind of design. Unfortunately, it ended up looking like a weird plum or something. So I added more detail to suggest it was the Grinch, but didn’t want to go so far that it would be considered infringement.
Good news: @acraigl’s bird arrived.

Not-as-good news: these arrived too, but with a poor print.

Thanksgiving Bird actually has a bit of streaking too but it was barely noticeable given the lack of solid areas. Any which way, I still have to write into CS yet again, even though it seems that they still haven’t placed a replacement for my last order that had an incorrect shirt.
So much for ‘taking steps to improve QC’ …
@narfcake And @acraigl didn’t color within all the lines.
Mine came today too! It looks great to me, but I don’t have your discerning eye.
@therealjrn I looked closer only because the other two had print issues. This is shirt.woot we’re talking about …

@narfcake Did you post at Woot, too? Sorry about the misprints. I didn’t see any issues with my bird(s), but my brother and niece appeared to have some kind of problem with it.
And @therealjrn, sorry for the lack of precision. Must be the lingering frostbite.
@ACraigL Unlike the catshirts, it’s really minor and unnoticeable from more than a few inches. So no, I’m not going to post that issue there.
Public service announcement- @acraigl’s turkey finger shirt is 35% off with a coupon code if you were too cheap to buy it at full price.
Turns out the coupon doesn’t actually work on a lot of the shirts they implied it worked on.

/giphy never mind
@sammydog01 It’s not working because they have it discounted in the Top 25 sellers of 2017 already.
@narfcake I understand that, but 35% off of $13 is cheaper than $11. So they’re still more expensive. I’m sure there is print too tiny to see on a phone that explains it but the giant banner doesn’t.
@sammydog01 It should work now!
@narfcake Thanks for the heads up. I bought the Star Wars Van Gogh one (a phrase I never thought I would use).
Question- do the ladies standard shirts have the weird shoulder puffs the men’s have?
Death Starry Scarif
I bought that one too in
mutant Anviltank top form. No idea on the current Anvil women’s blanks; I know they’re a different cut (less trapezoidal in shape) versus the older neckstretch (Woot tagged) ones.@narfcake I ordered the crap f5 shirt in women’s standard just to see how they fit- I’ll let you know.
I just saw that @Acraigl’s frostbite turkey shirt is on the top 25 of the year list.

/giphy high five
According to @narfcake, it was the best debut all year. It’s crazy to me that I made the list so soon after the design launched, but I’m crazy happy about it. It was #1 for a little while, until simic schooled me.
Thanks for the mention!
@ACraigL For a little while, it was the best selling kids shirts too.
Today’s design may end up as the lowest selling daily ever, though. Only 9 sold so far.
@narfcake Kid’s? That’s just wrong.
@sammydog01 And small kids:

Size 4! – I want to party with those parents.
@sammydog01 I’m not lying! @ACraigL posted this in the forum:

I mean, who’s to discriminate that they might be for kids that have lost some fingers to frostbite or something?
ETA: Nice ongoing number! Feel free to repost @Fablefire’s art yourself, though.
@narfcake I don’t know how woot can justify paying $1000 for shirts that sell so poorly. Wondering how long that can go on. Or maybe they’ve already figured out something between side-sales and better performing shirts (like mine, or simic’s).
@ACraigL I have no idea. Maybe there’s something else going on behind the scenes with the artist, what with his Nope turning out to be non-exclusive? I don’t know.
Shirt.woot is like the only remaining site to have any upfront commission. All the other major sites are per sale and non-exclusive.
Maybe legal manages to extract $$ from other sites/design thieves too? That’d be nice.
@narfcake How many so far for today’s shirt? Hard to tell from the map.
@ACraigL As of this post, 26.
(Don’t look at the map; look at the percentage of sales per hour. That makes it easier to calculate.)
@ACraigL Up to 36 now.
Come to think of it, I don’t recall what the last lowest seller is now.
@narfcake “Up” to 36. Wow. Yeah, not sure how you find out the lowest-selling featured design vs. plus sale. Hmm.
@ACraigL IIRC, catshirtswoot sold 43 on April 1. Granted, that’s an internal design, so it didn’t “cost” anything, and it has very limited appeal outside of catshirtswoot fans, but it’s still low.
New Derby - Circle Shirts! Design needs to be in circle. I have two entries… got a little out of my comfort zone with a more artsy piece. Thanks for any help!

@ACraigL I see you’ve succumb to more catshirts.
@ACraigL gotcha
@narfcake Was the first thing I thought of for this derby.
@ACraigL Voted
@ACraigL Done.
Sat the last one out, but also have 2 entries in here if you’d like to vote - thanks!!

@jasneko Voted cat already, going back for turntable.
@jasneko I like the record player!
@sammydog01 Thank you! I’ve had many variations on this design, it’s definitely one I would like to wear
@jasneko I’m still the only buyer for Circle of Nyan so far.
32 HMs in the side sale + 7 HMs so far in today’s shirt woot-off. It’s getting nearer and nearer to the point in which a derby submission = a print.
@narfcake Which doesn’t make me feel any better that I haven’t had anything print since my Bird.
Man. They wanted my other design too but I passed… was unsure on giving this one but I’ve passed on so many lately so I figured I’d try this one. I just don’t get it… I’ve asked repeatedly if they have more plans for promotions/exposure but no answer. Maybe because there is none?
@narfcake The HMs in the shirt-off don’t make much sense to me. If they didn’t have enough shirts to do the shirt-off, why did they bother doing it at all?
@ACraigL Your guess is as good as mine. Alternatively, an hour per shirt would have meant fewer designs needed.
@jasneko It really doesn’t seem like it. I will say that at least they’re running Google adwords, but I don’t think there’s any remarketing efforts (ads that follow through to other sites) like what other sites have done.
Status quo that still mostly relies on Woot’s customer base might be keeping the shirt.woot going, but alas, any growth is going to be slow.
@jasneko Meow.

@narfcake Nice! Looks like the distressing came through… was worried about that.
@therealjrn Nice badge!

Hi, I have an entry this week. It’s a collaboration with @taternuggets
@Ignorant I dont get it.
@taternuggets me either man. I’m just told what to draw.
@Ignorant Voted
@ACraigL thanks man, got yours too.
@Ignorant Since I voted for this an explanation would be welcome.
@sammydog01 Thanks for the vote!
You’d need to ask old man @taternuggets.
Something to do with the lyrics to Walking in a Winter Wonderland.
@sammydog01 When originally released the song was pretending the snowman was Parson Brown and he was marrying the couple that were walking in the winter wonderland… it was decided that this was too scandalous for children… people shouldn’t be getting married all willy nilly like this… so the song changed the snowman to a circus clown. Later versions contain both verses.
I have 2 in this time.
(mashed up Cobra Kai from karate kid, and Cobra Command from GI Joe)

Thanks all!
@ACraigL Got them.
@ACraigL Done.
Nope Soap printed today, woo! Unfortunately, it’s one of 35 on the worst-selling color blank. This should be pretty slow sales… guessing it will be my lowest volume shirt to date.
@ACraigL whee! 'grats!
@ACraigL I don’t wear white shirts. I spill stuff.
Bit of a hiatus there, but happy to have one to submit this week–thanks for any help!
Fake News

@kevlar51 Clever! +1
@kevlar51 It’s pretty subtle, I like it.
@kevlar51 Got it.
@kevlar51 Lotta love for this one in the derby thread. Hopefully bodes well.
@kevlar51 Got it. If it prints, I’ll most likely buy it, too.
@ACraigL Thanks! Fingers Crossed!
Thanks for the support everyone!
@kevlar51 I have a feeling I might be posting a lot of cat pics next weekend to diffuse the critics.

@narfcake What critics? We all know “The Old Gray Lady” lost any journalistic integrity long ago. No right-thinking American would have a problem with this shirt.
@therealjrn You do realize that Wooters can be offended by anything and everything, right? Just ask @ACraigL – there were folks offended that a someone with frostbitten fingers shouldn’t have been allowed to draw a hand turkey, y’know.
I’ve got two in this week, too! Thanks for looking.


@ACraigL Oh, I do like vennforlife
@ACraigL gotcha
@therealjrn Thanks!
@ACraigL Got them.
@sammydog01 Thanks sammy!
@ACraigL Done, first derby in a long while where there were a whole bunch of shirts I’d wear.
@mehbee Awesome! Aside from mine (snicker), which ones? Is it the Trumps?
@ACraigL I love the Tenionaire, the Girl Power ones(well most of them), the one with the silhouette of a girl with a pony tail and it has the #metoo…those are the ones I remember
Tenionaire printed today!
Merry Christmas everyone.
There’s so much Trump in this derby, I decided to resub this one. Just for grins.
@ACraigL Got it, and it’s pretty much time for a new thread.
@sammydog01 Thanks!
Couldn’t agree more. Figured I’d make the clean break for 2018. Going forward (if we’re still doing this) I may restart every 6 months.
@ACraigL I don’t get it.
@therealjrn If you’re being serious, it’s a parody of a really popular phone game, doodle jump, from a few years back:
Otherwise, you’re just @ignorant*
*this opportunity was just too good and I mean no malice with the above statement.
@ACraigL I knew not of this “doodle jump” game. Just how popular was this game?
@therealjrn Haha, cool.
It came out in 2009 (I was shocked to learn that, BTW, so I’m officially old now) and by 2011 it was the #1 game on iOS and generated over 10 million in sales.
It was fun because there were all these power-ups and stuff that would change your doodle’s abilities. It also made pretty good use of the accelerometer as part of the gameplay.
I definitely didn’t realize how dated the game was when I came up with the design. So I guess it’s retro?
@ACraigL And uses that obscure iOS platform. I’m more into freedom of choice so I’ve been an Android man from the jump.
Oh, it was ported to Android very early on. I was just calling out the #1ness on Apple. jump&c=apps
@ACraigL Good luck with it. Why does he look like qBert?
@therealjrn Because everyone loved qBert? Dunno, but you’re not the first to see it.
@ACraigL Oh, yeah, it’s like I tell the womens, “You can’t be first but you can be next!”
@therealjrn Have more stars.

Here’s one I just did. Just click through.
@ACraigL Where would we be without Hollyweird? heh heh I completely agree, (especially lately) but it’s just a wee bit over the line, Mr Whiiskers voted for it.
@therealjrn I’m confident it will get DQ’d but I thought it was funny, and on theme.
@ACraigL Unfortunately, you’re probably right. I tried to think of a way to work in robes, or showers, or potted plants, or something but came up dry. lol
Just entered. Thanks for any votes!
@jasneko voted!
@jasneko voted
@jasneko What a cutie!
@sammydog01 Aww thanks sammydog! I love this little feller too!
@narfcake Nice! Looks like the distressing came through… was worried about that. For some reason it won’t let me reply to your picture, but it’s letting me post separately.
@jasneko You do realize that there’s never a worry about them under-distressing a print, right? It sometimes comes standard, even when not desired.
(I will say that the past 20 or so shirts have all been well printed, so that’s an improvement for me, at least.)
@narfcake I got my copy of Nope Soap, above, and I have to say that I was really impressed with the print. Sadly, only 3 other people can say the same, but the blends and half-tones are really good.
Now, I’ve never printed on a white shirt before, so maybe there’s some goodness without having to print the underbase, but it feels like a good screen – part of the shirt, rather than a decal on top. I’m pretty happy with it.
@ACraigL There’s definitely less of a “tack” feeling without the underbase.
The technology is there; it’s up to the operator to get it dialed in correctly.
@narfcake oh heh… well actually I’ve kind of had some complications with some of my designs with texture/distressing… “remember the boombox” is now an alternate version - different from what it looked like in the derby because the printing of the distressy textures didn’t look good.
@jasneko Going by memory here, but wasn’t the issue one that cropped up in their post processing?
(I have a copy somewhere over here …)
I got one in for the resolutions derby…
Thanks for any help, and have a great holiday, everyone!

Um, hello…?
@ACraigL That bright red will help the wearer blend in!
@therealjrn Yep, you get it.
@ACraigL Yeah, I need one of those.
@sammydog01 We’re Woot and Meh people. It’s expected.
One more entry if you’d like to vote
Hey all, just submitted a late entry - would appreciate any votes! Thanks in advance!
@jasneko Pssst. New 2018 thread.
@jasneko I found it here and voted.
@jasneko Voted! (now let’s officially retire this behemoth in favor of the new one).
@narfcake Can you use your new powers to lock this one?
@narfcake Ha I had no idea, thanks. @sammydog01 Thanks for that! And thanks @aCraigL Thanks!
@ACraigL I could …
Reply hazy try again
/8ball but should I?
@narfcake maybe you should wait.