2-pack iLive 30-pin Bluetooth Adapters or 2-pack Adapters & Crappy Speaker Docks
- Two 30-pin Bluetooth adapters to raise your old speaker dock from the grave (or the basement)
- If you’ve already tossed your old 30-pin stuff you can get a pair of shitty wireless speaker docks for a buck apiece
- Your choice of speaker dock, if you go that route: this shitty portable one, this shitty one that rotates for some reason, this shitty one with a clock, this shitty clock radio one, or this shitty one that – get this – lets you swap out the color of the inlaid plastic ring.
- Wipe that smug grin off Apple’s face
- Model: ICP232P, ICP391B, ISP091B, ISP122S, ISP191BS, ISP191B (Your choice between two of the most disliked three-letter acronyms on the planet – Insane Clown Posse or Internet Service Provider)
Any Apple Port In A Storm
You’ve gone through every stage of grief. Anger at Apple for changing their connector with so little regard for the consequences. Denial that you can’t still use the 30-pin speaker dock you paid such good money for. Depression, when you realized it was hopeless. And now acceptance.
You’re ready to take that old 30-pin product out back, bury it, and move on.
But what if we told you that you could have that expensive speaker dock back? That you could spit in the eye of Apple and cheat death … for a terrible price? And by terrible we mean terrible for us: two Bluetooth adapters for $6.
That’s all it takes to wield the power of tech-cromancy and breathe new life into your long-dead speaker dock. Just pop one of these little adapters into your speaker’s 30-pin connector and voilà: Life everlasting. It’s so simple and obvious, we can’t believe it took this long to really catch on.
Chances are that, even if you pawned your obsolete 30-pin dock years ago, your parents are still holding onto theirs. They probably don’t even know why it doesn’t sound as good as it used to, when they jam their new iPhones on and hit “play.” For them these could make an excellent gift.
We feel bad for those of you who dumped your beloved family speaker docks at Goodwill years ago. For you (and those tongue-in-cheek Mehers who have been clamoring for speaker docks) we offer an especially killer deal: We’ll throw in two 30-pin speaker cadavers, upon which you can practice your own dark revivification arts, for just $2 more.
Yes, that’s how worthless those outmoded docks have become. We’re going to give them to you for less than they will probably take to ship just to get them the hell out of our warehouse. Don’t expect much from them sound-wise or overall-quality-wise, but for a speaker that you’re Weekend-At Bernie’s-ing back to life for $1 a pop, you shouldn’t complain. You might wonder why we’re ever bothering to sell them to you instead of dumping them in a landfill, but really that’s what Meh is about – slightly delaying the time it takes before outdated technology is thrown in the garbage. We would rather let you do it.
Our hatred of speaker docks is powerful, abiding, and well documented, so it may seem strange or even sick that we would exhume our nemeses from their obsolescent slumbers in this way. But, like a roommate you’ve hated for years, life seems strangely sad and empty when you no longer have them to complain about. Please bring your docks back to life so we may once more publicly deride them.