Duplex neighbor died this morning....
3I didn’t like him or his family too much, but I didn’t wish him dead.
Detectives were there all morning but I am at work and don’t know what happened. He was fairly young, late 20s - early 30s with at least 2 kids under 5 years old.
/image early death
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So you’re saying there might be potential to be your neighbor?
@cinoclav Possibly, but only until I find a house to buy. We’ve been looking and bidding since October of last year with no luck.
@looseneck Your neighbor’s might go up for sale. Buy it and knock out the dividing wall.
To note, I am sorry to hear that news.

@cinoclav We both rent, so I have to keep looking. I wouldn’t buy this dump anyway.
Sorry for his family and especially his kids.
@moondrake Wife/girlfriend was taken to hospital too. She has to be out of her mind. I know I would be.
That’s really sad.
Chicago? I heard a similar story on the morning news here.
@pitamuffin New Jersey. Just found out it was heroin OD. It’s so common these days - probably won’t hit the local newspaper.
@looseneck Can’t understand how people can have kids and do that shit.
@cranky1950 Same thing happened to my friend’s 20 year old son late last year. It’s insane how bad this has become.
@looseneck Yeah my son in laws brother has been sent up to detox a few time. At least he’s smart enough not to knock anybody up though.
@cranky1950 Sheriff’s came looking for him last summer. Owed child support for another baby momma.
@looseneck Shit. What a fucking waste. I’m so sorry for those kids. I just don’t see how a person can start on that crap.
If his wife knew (I assume she had to) about his heroin use, she’s unfit in my humble opinion. I just hope those kids turn out OK.
@looseneck If their mama tests positive (and since she is at the hospital they will probably run a drug toxicology) social services will likely take their kids. So much trauma for little kids.
@cranky1950 to quote an old PSA, “why do you think they call it dope?”
@Kidsandliz Apparently she was there for surgery the night before. Kids were home with a dead body all night by themselves.
: (
@looseneck How awful for the kids. I hope they didn’t realize that.
When I briefly lived in a duplex… I absolutely hated my neighbor. He was a jerk to his wife. He was also deaf and didn’t use his hearing aid. His tv was so loud that I could hear it clearly in my bedroom with the door shut. We would try to politely ask him to turn it down. He would get angry at us.
He died in his sleep one night.
I felt bad for his wife… But at the same time, she didn’t have to listen to him yell at her anymore, so I didn’t feel that bad.
@RiotDemon We can hear them breathing next door. AND they bought the son a drum kit a year ago!
@looseneck nope. Nope nope nope. This is why I want to live on twenty acres. No neighbors to hear anything.
@looseneck Luckily i’m the deaf one.
@RiotDemon We’re putting Mom’s place up for sale soon. 187 acres there. Nobody will hear a thing.
@ruouttaurmind I’ve got $5. Anyone want to give me a loan?
That sounds like a sweet place. You grow up there?
Could you financially justify renting it out and leasing out the farmland/pasture until you’re ready to retire?
@RiotDemon I’ll match it for you!
I’m bidding $10.
@f00l maybe we can pool out money and start a meh rehab…
Not a More Meh More Mediocre Retreat?
@RiotDemon I’ll be your roomate
Can we make the 187 acres into a Meh Commune and a Mediocre Retreat and a MorningSave Rehab and a Checkout Any Time You Like, But You Can Never Leave Locus?
Not sure about @cranky1950, him being deaf and all.
Not sure about @mfladd, because, ya know, I was already nice to him recently, so now it’s time to kick him while he’s down yet still a little hopeful.
@f00l I gotta truck a dog and a cooler who needs yore damn commune anyway
@f00l Meh Commune sounds wonderful! I’ll grow the veggies and take care of animals. Someone else has to butcher Bessie because I just can’t do that to her.
@f00l So we need staff and food and furniture and landscaping. I got yer door to the entry right here:
@looseneck When you butcher, you always trade the meat with the neighbors, so you never eat family members. That’s what they tell the kids, anyway.
@f00l @RiotDemon @looseneck I’m in. Anyone mind me setting up a motocross track?
You assigned to the aesthetic committee.
Actuall, we need you.
Nah, we don’t really need you. But we do need your damned attitude.
I suppose it’s prob attached to your body. So you can come. So try to be a little useful beyond the attitude. Bring the truck the dog the cooler and make sure that cooler is full of whatever good stuff you usually put it in. Depending on what you usually store in there, we’ll either help you consume it, help you bury it, or call the cops on you.
Bring some of them weird wimmen too, or at least bring pix. We’re curious as to just what likes to hang out with you.
187 acres is some room. Yeah, motocross sounds good. Make it “environmentally friendly” enough that none of the neighbors or local law enforcement shoot at us too often.
Nope, Mom moved there shortly after I finished high school and started building her empire.
I’m not really interested in living there. It’s a fantastic place to visit (usually under better circumstances than my recent visit) but the rural location and lack of services is not something I desire. Not to mention Mom needs the capital to buy something when she moves.
But the time you would be ready to retire, it’s possible that you might have tolerable cell and data service there. Sorry you can’t keep it for laters. But I get it. Hassle and expense and need to cash in. And prob no one wants to deal with property and tenant problems at a distance. It’s amazing how many things can go wrong with a rural property the exact instant you are more than 30 miles away.
Put up some pix of it if you have the inclination.
@f00l The bulk of the acreage:
The house and outbuildings:
What’s planted?
@f00l Currently, nothing. When Dad was diagnosed and treatment schedules were looming they were growing beef. Prior to that they messed with some corn and soy, but primarily red and white Burley (tobacco). Until the USDA subsidies stopped, there was a good living in growing, then not growing tobacco.
Tobacco planting typically begins the first half of May, so it’s possible one of the neighboring farms will come through with an offer to crop lease.
@f00l BTW, surrounding the fields and the parcel with the house you can see wooded areas. Gyps and I took a walk through the woods on Tuesday before I left, and we spotted at least 20 turkeys in them thar woods!
At first, I was saddened by this. Then, I read it was an OD and my sadness turned into anger. Fuck him. Kids deserve better than that. Hopefully, they’re not too scarred by his selfish behavior and they can lead semi-normal lives.
@capguncowboy yeah, the part about “home alone” with dead body is pretty distressing.
a) if old enough to realize something is wrong that sucks
b) if not old enough that sucks even more!
@chienfou Little girl is 3ish, little boy is maybe 5
@looseneck I hope they slept all night through that.
@looseneck @capguncowboy @chienfou Plenty old enough, unfortunately. As part of my monitoring job I use to read case files at the child crisis shelters. There were quite a few that I’ll never forget. The four year old girl that saw her dad stab her mom to death, and they had to separate her from the other children because she kept having the dolls stab one another over and over again. The six year old girl who was found hidden in the cab of a truck crossing the border into Mexico, she’d been kidnapped in the midwest and would have been sold in Mexico but for a border patrol officer that had a bad feeling and searched the truck. The ten year old boy whose mom had rented him out to men since he was in diapers for drug money, who was sexually molesting other kids in the shelter. Humpty Dumpty kids.
@moondrake Innocence lost. This world sucks.
@moondrake the world makes me sad. Those people suck.
They’re old enough that, if they didn’t realize at the time, they will realize later on. They may have a very rough path.
Sometimes I really wish I had a magic wand. That just really is awful.
My cousin was a prosecutor for more than 15 years, for child-related crimes. She finally quit and got a commuting job out in the boonies, doing the usual rural county variety.
I asked her why: She said it was affecting her moods, her marriage, her relationship with her kids, her belief that the universe could ever be a decent place, having to read and deal with that stuff all day every day.
She later told me that even after more than a year, it hasn’t worn off yet. The memories wander by in her mind every day. She looks forward to when it will be a few times a week.
@f00l @looseneck @capguncowboy @chienfou @moondrake @Kidsandliz The novel ‘Keeping Watch’, by Laurie R. King, is about a man who has set as his life’s mission to rescue abused children, and sometimes their mothers, who have no recourse and no other champion. It makes the reader question social services, and recognize heroism. You may want to borrow the hard copy or ebook from your library. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/170238.Keeping_Watch
Is that the same writer who did The Beekeeper’s Apprentice, which i own and look forward to reading someday?
@f00l Yes! She has another book, ‘Folly’, with some of the same characters, which disrupted her publisher’s office. People kept wanting to do what the main character did: move to an island and build their own house. BEEK and its sequels hold one of my all-time favorite worlds.