4-Pack: BoogieBoard VersaTiles LED Memo Boards

  • Like whiteboards, but with light instead of markers
  • Use them separately or put them together
  • Tap the bottom to delete the whole thing
  • Battery can last for years (includes 1 replaceable CR2 per board)
  • Can it make a margarita: No, but you can draw arrows on them, guiding you through the house to where the margs are
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Let's Boogie

Okay, so what we got here is a 4-pack of these light boards.

Yes, light boards. Like whiteboards but they work with light. In some ways, they’re harder to erase, because you can’t just undo a line with your thumb. But in other ways, they’re easier to erase, because you can clear them with a tap:

You can hang one on each of your kids’ doors, and list their chores or write an inspiring quote or do a cute doodle or something like that. Or you can put all four of them together. For art or something. Like this:

Point is: you can probably imagine a million uses for these things. And you can also probably imagine putting one up in your kitchen to keep a running grocery list, and stashing the rest away, pulling them out only occasionally.

And in some ways, isn’t that the exact product a deal site like Meh is perfect for?

Like, if you were to buy some of these from Amazon, where they go for about $35 EACH, then yeah, you’d better be damn sure you’re going to use them on the regular. But if you can grab 4 for $29.99, it frees you from the stress of figuring out exactly what to do with them right when they arrive.

If they become something you use constantly? Amazing! If you use them some of the time? That’s just fine too. After all, you paid less than $10 per board, aka a ‘just fine’ price point for a ‘just fine’ product.

What we’re getting at is, buy them. At best, you’ll feel like a genius deal hunter. At worst, you’ll still feel like you got a good value.

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