Another Random ACraigL Shirt Giveaway! [unofficial]
7It’s been a minute since I did one of these. I hope everyone had an awesome summer! Let’s try to keep the summer spirit alive with short sleeves!
- To enter, comment in this thread. Only top-level comments will be considered (but replies are welcomed) so enter a new one if you want to participate in the drawing.
- Any design in the woot catalog a fine choice for the winner(s), but something of mine is always appreciated.
- Contest will end on Sunday, 9/10 at 11:59pm. I’ll announce the winners on Monday.
- I have a few derby entries this week – have a look and vote for those if you can. Here and Here. I’m super-proud of the MC Escher inspired one. Does anyone know the reference?
That’s it! And if you don’t want to talk about shirts, that’s cool. How about favorite art or artist? GOOD LUCK!!
- 24 comments, 46 replies
- Comment
Voted. Very generous of you to do this again!!!
No idea of the reference with the record but I know who MC Escher is. Clearly don’t know enough about him other than his signature optical illusions in most of his work.
@Kidsandliz It’s based on his “drawing hands”. Since his name is “MC”, went for the “DJ” vibe

@ACraigL Ah yes.
@ACraigL @Kidsandliz I was looking for much deeper meaning. Thought recognizing it based off this artwork was assumed to be known.
@ACraigL @Kidsandliz @raccoon81 I assumed it referenced not only the two hands art but the deeper meaning of “which is the creator?” in the hands with a new question of “which is the musician?” since the two hands are in differing “scratch” position almost as if it’s two people…kinda like the pencil holds of the drawing hands. Then again, I just love Escher and the depth of his work. Though the positioning in each image is a nod to the most common for right or left-handers depending on which you’re looking at, so maybe it’s always the same person and really all about showing some love to the ambidextrous.
@raccoon81 It’s my favorite work by him and influenced a lot of what I did early on in school. But just because I know it doesn’t mean everyone does. Glad to know you picked it up right away!
@ExtraMedium Art is intended (I think) to evoke questions like this. I purposefully picked the two positions because I didn’t just want to “mirror” the hands, creating more visual interest. Love you were so thoughtful about it.
Don’t forget to do a top-level comment to enter!
BTW, top level comment.
Voted on them, the Escher would be at top of list.
Is staff even allowed to enter?
Regardless, I love the Escher piece so I’m here for it.
@ExtraMedium I DON’T MAKE THE RULES. Not all of them, anyway
But I think it’s ok
I’ve already picked my shirt, so now your job is to pick me.
@lisagd That’s up to the random number generator, but you’re half-way there!
I predict that this entry will not be selected.
@werehatrack Well, not with that attitude!
@ACraigL I decided against invoking the “Change my mind” meme because I’m not a fan of That Guy.
@werehatrack I think you exercised fantastic judgement.
@ACraigL @werehatrack
I like this one:
Me neither, the odds could be 1 out of 2 and I still won’t get picked. I’m just not a lucky person. Now if came to me having some super rare genetic condition or disease, I definitely would get picked and be lucky there.
@Star2236 I feel you. Theres been a lot of cancer/mental issues going around with parents/grandparents and friend having the same thing. It’s depressing.
I know someone who would love this shirt!
Ohh…me, Me, ME… PICK ME!
thanks for all the wonderful shirts you design and the opportunity to win one…
@chienfou @ACraigL Wonderful design - but I’m not going to make a top-level comment since I’ve been super lucky and gotten a free shirt before!
@ACraigL @Kyeh
That’s very sporting of you!
TRACKERS DID EVERYONE GET ONE? During their entire meh lifetime?
@shadowgaurd I have several too many
@ACraigL @shadowgaurd The fact that my IRK for this round has not yet shipped fills me with existential dread. Will the box be nothing but TrackRs, Casery, craft paint, hand sanitizer and roll-on essential oils?
@shadowgaurd I have 60 or 70 including full boxes. You want any?
/eightball well?
Most likely
Aww yeah! Thanks for going this!!
Perfect design for elkcirP - loves Escher, into vinyl, can’t get enough t-shirts.
Excellent work as always! Voted
Great work! Thanks for doing these; one day. . .
I have to somehow make a new habit of remembering to vote for woot shirts. I always did it Monday or Tuesday mornings after I checked Meh while I was smoking my morning cigarette but I quite back in April and I just can’t remember anymore. I’m lucky if I even remember to look at meh or my emails some days. Just a lot of things I associated with smoking I now have to find different ways of doing.
@Star2236 So … you’ve stopped smoking?
@Star2236 Congratulations!
@Star2236 Congrats on quitting smoking, though!
@Star2236 It’s a pain to get to the Derby on my phone because any link I click on a Woot email takes me to the app, which doesn’t have Derby voting, and the only time I remember to vote is if I see an email featuring shirts. I do go to Chrome and use the URL, but it’s an (IMO) unnecessary extra step.
. It’s maddening the things that you can’t do in the app. The only way I can get to it on my phone is do a search on meh for “woot shirt derby” or something like that. I wish people would bring it up more with the links bc I forget a lot now that I don’t smoke.
All I use is my phone. I can never find the link when I use the woot app for some reason. WHY ISNT IN THE APP
I’ll enter!
That was an easy vote - Love Escher and love your t-shirt designs!
Love Eschers work but my fav artist is Munch. The Scream really gets me. I feel like inside I am the scream.
Very cool design! I’d definitely wear this one with pride!
I like the drawing hands/records but if we’re being honest for me it would be a giant casset with the pens through the holes.
Cause that’s just the correct way to rewind.
@unksol Old school. I like it.
@ACraigL records are older school. Not sure on the scratching. But that’s my childhood memory lol. Looks cool though
@unksol There are a couple shirts in the Woot Top 20 that reference using a pencil to rewind a cassette.
Very nice promotion of yours thank you!
I have voted for both of your entries.
It’s funny… I didn’t think I had bought that many shirts from woot but looking through your list and noticing “oh I got that for my son… Oh I got that for my daughter… Oh I got that for me…”.
@OnionSoup I had a massive amount before I started designing for them. It’s overwhelming now
Hm, I can’t remember if I’ve won one of these or not, so if I have, and I get the lucky random number, go ahead to the next person!
And I’m loving Mondrilorian!
@brainmist I don’t recall, but haven’t been keeping great track either. I think you’re in the mix tho.
Thanks for the comment on Mando. It was a fun one to do (and a lot less intensive).
I should probably enter this. Right?
@FreePasta yes
Just a few days left to enter!
Also, as a PSA, woot has their top-20 designs for sale today at 2 for $18. Not bad
@ACraigL yes - and everyone please vote for the DJ Escher so they’ll print it! And because you like it. I mean I’m really not just being selfish because I want one. Well OK, maybe a little. But please vote for it anyway.
@ACraigL Update - I was surprised it didn’t win but happy I could order it. Came yesterday!
Congrats to our winners!

@OnionSoup and @milstarr
Please whisper me the following:
Thanks for all the comments and the continued support for my designs! And FYI, the Halloween derby starts tonight!
@ACraigL I took the quick satisfaction survey and gave you 1/5 for not picking me.

@lisagd I understand. The math checks out.
@ACraigL Woohoo! My prediction was correct! Yay me!
@ACraigL oh wow! Cool thank you… I will have to take a peek back through the list tonight!
@ACraigL @OnionSoup Eh, I just predicted that I wouldn’t win.
@ACraigL @OnionSoup @milstarr
Thanks for another opportunity to win, ACL
Congrats to both of you winners!
If anyone would like to help me out with the Halloween derby by voting for my entries, I’d appreciate it!!
Ghost Writer
Night (School) of the Living Dead
@ACraigL I LOVE the Ghost Writer!
I saw and voted for @jasneko in there too … !
But what the heck is going on down at the bottom of the site, where there’s multiple repeats of several designs?!?
@jasneko @Kyeh Thanks for voting!
The derby had a bug right now where it says there was an error after you enter, but it enters anyway. So people keep trying not knowing it’s working the first time.
@ACraigL @jasneko Oh. Looks like some people don’t check the site afterwards.
@ACraigL voted