I saw a tracking thread, of course the original thread, and a Birthday Fukus (stuff users sent them) thread, but not a reveal thread. Mine was sitting on the front porch since 10:10 AM Texas time. Details in a bit. Woot! meh
Mine has been waiting for me all day too. I still have to run to the liquor store and mow my lawn real quick before I can sit down and open it, but I'll post (drunken) pics here once I do
@Foxborn yes, good point. Actually, it turns out I can't mow my lawn because I've lost the key to my garage. Now I am sitting here with two new bottles of scotch in front of this giant cardboard box that sounds alarmingly similar to the Smart Planet ceramic mugs...
@meow57 I've got more of them if you like: the mower died on me three times tonight while I was using it and refused to start up again the last time. So now there is one awkward patch of pathetically tall grass and weeds in front of my house.
Let me start by saying, I've run out of superlatives and expletives. And I'll just say it: meh is awesome. Big liars (claiming to be mediocre and whatnot).
As I said, our box showed up at 10:10 this morning. I wasn't expecting it, so I just pulled it in about an hour ago. In the order I noticed (to the best of my recollection):
holy shit, this is heavy (wait for it)
mehday confetti (nice touch)
bags full of Texas air (not pictured, though, if you look closely, you'll notice that the entire display is immersed in unbagged Texas air)
WTF?!?!, an Onkyo TX-NR535 5.2ch Network A/V Receiver!! You guys rock. I so wanted one of these, but couldn't justify it, and we've had a ton of expenses lately--medical stuff mostly and replacing a car, etc. How'd y'all know? I'm unworthy, but I'll keep it anyway, because I'm an asshole like that. Actually, at first I thought it was an error or some kind of prize (God only knows what for), but then I connected the confetti and noticed other stuff.
red, pull-string fukubukuro bag. I might have paid $5.41 just for this; not that that would have pleased the wife.
The Red Queen Alice in Wonderland Personalized Journal Set. Looks decent; I'm tempted to use it for something. Yeah, it's clearly targeted at 12-year-old girls, but I'm confident in my masculinity and immaturity.
Jolly Rancher® Hard Candy Watermelon Fun Fashion Sweet Thang messenger bag. Guys, this thing is surprisingly well-made and it's got lots of pockets and shit. I'm going to use it. But it's also startlingly, um, Jolly Rancher® watermelon, so, yeah, maybe not in public. And the wife might forbid it. She already puts up with an extensive murse collection. She forbade me using some of the more colorful Built NY bags anywhere outside the house.
Bow Wow doggy photo album, acid-free and full of cutesy frames and little scrapbooky blank spaces where crafty crazies write silly shit. I have a beautiful Norwegian Forest cat whom many people (including myself) have described as dog-like; plus, the album is clearly targeted at women with poodles and terriers and other yippy dogs; so, meta-irony if I do.
plastic Viking horny helmet that more-or-less fits. Score.
meh cone hat (some assembly required). Much to my surprise, the little elastic strap actually reaches my chin. I'll offer up a toast with it on.
What's in this little white box? Wait, what?! Is that an iPhone 6?!!!?! Nah. Maybe?! A knock-off? Nope, totally non-functional, but amazingly realistic fake iPhone. That's special. Kinda cool actually. Practically worthless. And I don't say that lightly; I keep trying to figure out how I might use it. I've thought I might set it up as a decoy for thieves, but when you think that one through, it's a pretty fucking ridiculous idea. I mean, for starters, you probably get one use out of it and then it's gone, which, for all of its impracticality, would be sad. Open to suggestions.
party noisemaker. Makes decent, sufficiently partyish noise.
tiny cleaner cloth that apparently fell out of fake iPhone box (not pictured). Sure. It's a cleaning cloth. Who doesn't need more of those?
tiny cheap plastic phone stand that also apparently fell out of fake iPhone box (mostly hidden; duh, I'm using it to hold up the fake phone). Not as good as that free, cardboard Irk phone stand y'all sent a while back, but I might be able to do something with it.
stamped, self-addressed envelope with blank birthday card. Okay, on one level, geez, meh, desperate much? ;-) Seriously, this is cool. I wasn't here for Seligman and I've always felt a little envious. But this will take some time. I really don't even have a clue what I might send. I'll have to think it over. Expect a @JonT timeline on delivery (you know I love you, Jon).
All in all, a great haul. Lots of red. A fair amount of black. Plenty of quirk. I am a little nervous that the Onkyo is a fake. I'll let you know if it is.
Thanks, meh. You're my favorite in several categories. I really, really, really like you guys. Happy Mehday Weekend!
I was so convinced that it might be a real phone (the weight is good and most of the buttons and openings look and feel authentic), that I actually went through a whole series of usage thoughts. E.g., What if there's not enough memory? But it's an iPhone 6. Do I have to give up my 5s? Etc.
@joelmw Start yourself a youtube video "dropping" the fake iPhone and seeing how many people are kind enough to pick it up and give it back to you. It's all good and nice until someone pockets it.
@joelmw Whoa! Were the package dimensions accurate on your tracking notification? Just curious if those are to be trusted or not. Mine says it's going to be 3 lbs which would seemingly rule out anything super awesome.
I'm happy to report that the Onkyo is real. I've got it all plugged in. Works smooth with Spotify (via Bluetooth, I think; when the Onkyo is on, I have the option to push my sound to it). I've got TuneIn and Pandora set up too (it's net-enabled), but, yo, those are kinda retro, plain text, awkward. Still, cool. AppleTV is working well; sounds good, has depth. There's more feedback onscreen than my old receiver, which is nice. There's some sorta weirdass automated speaker setting (with an included mic) that I haven't even played with yet, so that should be fun. Might have to swing into the threads for the dailies to see what's up.
@joelmw It's probably not a fake phone, it's probably a nonworking display phone like you see in stores sometimes. Basically a real phone but with a display screen and no phone guts.
@Starblind I think I get what you're saying, but Amazon say it's fake--and separately, a dummy. And the manufacturer has a page that refers to a "Fake Dummy Cellphone." I thought "dummy" was kinda cruel, so I stuck with "fake"--although that's potentially more of a character judgment.
@Starblind BTW, I'm all sweaty from moving furniture and crawling around fiddling with speaker wire. It seems to me that you haven't been blamed for much this month. So my sweatiness is your fault.
And a mystery cardboard box, that when opened revealed one...million...dollars! Oh wait, that was me daydreaming. It was a bobble Rudolph the Reindeer.
@parodymandotcom From amazon reviews I understand it is pretty entertaining to put a paper cup over the sphero and run it across the floor towards a cat...
Okay, I decided to do the responsible thing and drink, open my fuku, and put off the yard work til tomorrow (I bought the gas for the mower, it's basically half done, right?) For Meh's birthday, they sent me: - Confettis!! - Party noisemaker - Meh duncecap party hat - 20 bags of air- probably could have used 21, but more on that later - Thermos insulated cloth baseball lunchbox - 2 Lucky Spin Scents roulette wheel car air fresheners I can't wait to use these - 808 Duo bluetooth/wired headphones- these will come in handy while I'm doing all that work on the house that I was supposed to be doing today - clear plastic teleflora vase liner - Meh drawstring fukubukuro bag - SASE and blank birthday card - Sphero! I had to open the box to make sure that's really what was in it. And it is. And I'm happy. I couldn't justify buying it for myself, but now that it's here anyway, I'm pretty psyched. And the last item scattered at the bottom of the box: - a ceramic Dracula puzzle mug! Or vase. Or something This is what it looks like when you put it together: This is what it looks like 10 seconds later when you don't use glue to put it together: This was all pretty fantastic, I can't wait to go play with all my new toys! Thanks, meh!
@Kleineleh It looks kind of like a young Dick Gautier, if he were a vampire. And a mug. This picture looks more like Diedrich Bader. I should have gone with one of the Hymie the Robot ones.
@dmlivezey I'm actually really happy with what I got. The receiver would have been cool, but I've got way too many repairs to do on my house before I start connecting electronics. The Sphero, on the other hand, is a fantastic way for me to procrastinate those repairs and I never would have bought it for myself. The bluetooth headphones will come in really handy too. I might be a little jealous of those who got the UV vacs, though. I go back and forth wishing I'd bought one when they were up for sale.
@mehdaf I feel your pain. I think this is part of why I missed out on the infamous Fuku Four. It was at least part of the equation. Only Irk knows what really screwed me. And then after that I was seduced into staying up a few hours more with the delusion that there were still fukus available. I was bitter. Yaknow, on the plus side, at least that didn't happen this time. Neither, really: the fiasco or my being bitter about it.
@joelmw Listen to Marc Maron's WTF Postcast with Haley Joel Osment. He talks about making this movie, it takes some of the mystery out of it, but it was interesting to hear.
@ASpeirs21 Well, in the shipping thread, I believe the mediocre staff said most have shipped already, and the ones going out Monday are being made EXTRA crappy! Only time will tell JUST how crappy they are, though!
@CircaRigel They probably just have to dig through the excess refuge scraps to find stuff that wouldn't be harmful to sell and/or they didn't have enough manpower for all of 'em.
@ASpeirs21 Still processing, the wait is almost becoming fun. Like when you buy a lotto ticket and then dream about what you will do with the riches,......... and yes still processing (as i checked for the 847th time)
@juststephen Mine is still processing as well. At this rate, I'll end up with a bin liner and a partially used eraser. Nonetheless, I remain ecstatic. Perhaps I should seek counseling.
@jsh139 I wondered. I just know that I ordered something Friday morning and I got free delivery by Sunday morning. I figured that it might be a way to make good better on that free two-day delivery thing.
@joelmw Yeah, I've done the "buy $35 worth of stuff and we'll give you very slow free shipping" and the last few times it was delivered on Sunday. No complaints from me!
@Alien I once ordered a disc golf basket from Amazon. The thing weighed about 30 lbs. I placed the order at 4 PM and it was on my doorstep the next morning at 10 AM. Scary.
@connorbush Don't say such things. Now I am going to worry about you all night, and you never need eyeliner. Your eyes are beautiful just the way they are.
I'm thinking that Meh sent @joelmw that wonderful fuku to enhance the disappointment of those who get fuku's later. Like me. Mine is still processing. I'm expecting broken drones and speaker docks, as well as a knife and perhaps signature Donald Trump glassware. whee-meh. or Meh-whee?
@daveJay Mine is 5.6 lbs, too, but it's only 14x11x10. With the small size and light weight, I'm REALLY hoping for a Sphero. My dogs would go CRAZY for one of those!
@sourhead Scroll down the page to the ones posted on Tuesday. I put up several pics - (mostly of my dogs).
My favorite Fuku item was the Ollie by Sphero. I drive it around on the floor and my dog chases it and bites at its wheels. It's a fun little toy, though! It does tricks with just a button swipe (no skill required).
And then I spread a little Fuku-love by sending a couple of my items to @mfladd.
@jalopatin Me too. But I'm leaving town this week, so I 'd probably prefer it to keep processing for a week or two. I don't know why I 'd prefer it at the warehouse to at the post office, but it's the case.
@jalopatin mine is also still processing but watching the reveals is passing time. I'm sure they are crazy busy stocking up on knives and speaker docks and they simply forgot to ship mine today.
Along with lots of confetti I received: Birthday card stamped and addressed to Meh Meh Party hat A couple of noisemakers Star Wars Wedge Antilles figure from Applause Nick Zone fabric lunch tote Red Queen from Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland journal set Mock security camera Plastic Viking helment (some assembly required) Red meh bag And an Ollie robot from Sphero!! - really stoked about this. I was so tempted to order one when they were up for sale! Thanks meh!
@stardate820926 I've been thinking about trying one of the many snack subscription type services out there but, haven't spent anymore time on it than that. I hadn't even heard of "Love with Food" before this thread. Long story short I took a couple of days to weigh the options and I'm going for <3 w/ food. I have a random referral link I can use but, since you did unintentionally plant the seed I would like to give you some cred.
@stardate820926 Aye, sorry man, I should have waited longer than a day. I just figured the post was old and you wouldn't see it. Depending on what I get in my first box I was going to sway one of my sisters to sign up too. I'll just use your link then.
My Fuku arrived 1 Space Precinct Lieutenant Brogan action figure 1 Krusty the clown bobble that sings (My wife had me open it and put working batteries in it to see what it said, then immediately said "That's creepy, get it out of my house." So it's available for trade if anyone wants it.) 1 Paratrooper puzzle 1 TOCCs 900 bluetooth headphones 1 Nick Zone Fabric lunchbox 1 Womens Citizen eco-drive watch that works, very nice touch. 1 Fuku Bag 1 Party Hat 1 SASE with birthday card 1 party blower (not pictured as my daughter was playing with it.)
@owlhooter Alright, my fuku arrived and I've put together a wide assortment of crap for you to pick from, with entrants from this and previous Fukus, as well as the occasional BoC. Let me know if you see anything of interest! So... much... crap
@smigit2002 That is definitely an assortment of crap. haha. Can't say anything really interests me, but go ahead and shoot me your address tominatrix at gmail. I'll get it shipped off.
This is my box. I would offer pictures, but the cable internet has been down for 3 days now and I can only get blow-off responses from them.
Nicktoons can cooler, includes pictures of Spongebob, Fairly Odd Parents, Jimmy Neutron, Wild Thornberries, and Rugrats iCarly personalized deluxe planner (with bonus stickers!) Space Precinct action figure, Lt Brogan Citizen Women's Eco-watch (A men's watch would have been nice since my current watch is dying out, but mom likes her new watch) Lucky Spin Scents car air freshener (roulette wheel) meh.com drawstring bag A4m multifunctional case for new iPad SASE birthday card Meh birthday hat, lots of confetti, and a noisemaker lots of bags of Texas Air
Still... processing. The Onkyo I won is processing as well. At least I know that I've got that coming, even if my Fuku is disappointing mediocrity. Still trying to figure out how to rehome my old (less than 1 year old) Onkyo TX-SR333... charitable donation or Mediocre contest.
@CircaRigel Ok...so, I really don't wanna be THAT GUY, but chill! We all get it, you won the Onkyo in the contest, that's super and we are all happy for you. We also totally understand that you're trying to figure out what to do with your old one, hell you even made a question about it. You don't however have to mention it all in every single comment you put out on the forums. It's old, let's move on.
@studerc Well, okay - you ARE that guy. Which is probably a good thing because I can bet you dollars to donuts (HINT) that someone here is sitting on their hands everytime they see this broad make a post.
@mehniacs@studrc You'd be excited as well if things had been going as crappy lately and suddenly some pretty good things happened to begin countering it. Plus I still don't have a good idea about how to pay it forward. I was just hoping some others might offer some clever ideas.
@CircaRigel Don't worry about paying it forward. When you and your life is in a good place, you will come up with your own clever ideas. Until that day comes, just chill, take care of yourself. You have to be secure and strong in yourself in order to help others.
@CircaRigel As I've had a rough last month and a half, and lately having some good things happen to counter for the better also - I'm happy for you and I understand where you're coming from.
IMHO, I think the issue of the receiver would be best addressed locally - if it were a smaller and lighter item, I'd say maybe do something here with the community - but as many have said in your other thread, there are probably many local needs that could be met in donating it in person right where you live. I doubt that the secondary market for used receivers is all that great and it may be a hassle to sell it locally on Craigslist or eBay - so if it were me, I'd call around (and maybe start by calling your local United Way) and make a list of the groups that might benefit from your donation - and then donate the old receiver with a dedication.
@Mick is right - when the time is right, it'll come to you - and maybe now the time is just to wait - but do let us know when/what you decide to do with the old one.
Hope all is going well with Galen. Keep him away from those cheap imported toys . . . :P
@Pavlov I was wondering if you remembered @CircaRigel from her prior thread. I'm surprised she returned. That being said, you surprised me, too. You were nice. Still on the drugs?
@Barney For Christ's sake, no one said it didn't take effort. But I'm not an asshole ALL the time.
Plus, I think she just needed to tell someone "Hey - thanks - this mattered to me, it made a difference in my outlook because of all the crap that has gone wrong lately" - and to that, I can 100% relate.
And, frankly, the community here is able to be bigger than just one thread.
@studerc has a point - and I politely and diplomatically re-enforced it.
I wish her all the best.
But if she posts another dog toy warning, all bets are off.
@studerc I just found irony in it you posted that comment on a Tuesday. Tuesday you post the same thing every time on the twofer. Call Tuesday a temptress, use a couple fucks, attempt a pun about the product, and inform us if you are going to buy it.
@MrMark Yea...but thats different IMHO. Twofer Tuesday rant has been going on since the very beginning, its tradition. And its only one time, on one thread instead of multiple times on over a half dozen other threads. Not ironic.
@studerc Ok. I'm not saying you should stop, if it's your "tradition" and you enjoy it by all means keep doing it, especially if it makes you happy.
Maybe her talking about her win and donating something makes her happy, it really doesn't impact you in anyway. People handle stressful times different.
I just posted my opinion on you calling someone out for something I found similar...which is posting essentially the exact same thing on many threads. Sure hers maybe in a shorter time frame, but overall I didn't see much of a difference.
@ceagee It's working for me. (And at least four others, who starred it.) What browser are you using? Some of them are getting stinky about what they let you see. I quit Chrome because of that.
@MrMark Let's try this from a different viewpoint, shall we? I am a senior citizen, retired, grandmother, very respectable, and every Tuesday I stay up so I can see how @studerc trashes Twofer AGAIN. Don't take my pitiful pleasure away. Sob, sniffle.
@CircaRigel@studerc@Pavlov@Barney Hey CircaRigel (or should I say TazoWolf?) - Here's an idea: Why not send your "old" receiver to @Thumperchick? Maybe as the beginning of an apology to stealing her spreadsheet and completely fucking up the one remotely entertaining thing that woot has done in quite some time. WootDunnit ring a little bell? Y'know, @studerc is correct. We get it, you had a bad accident. You apparently have PTSD. You have a service dog because of it. I know I'm not the only one that's tired of hearing about it. (Believe it or not, others on woot had something to say...) Your posts are like a constant cry for attention.
@studerc A lot of the posts were deleted by the mods it seems. Essentially, she was playing triple agent under 3 different user names on 3 different teams. All after stealing the spreadsheet that @Thumperchick spent time making and supposedly creating it 'on her own' for the other teams. She disappeared (at least under the known user names) once the shit hit the fan. Seriously childish and pathetic. This was the only post I still see which gives a good idea of what was going on. I'm sure there are others in the other team pages. http://www.woot.com/forums/viewpost.aspx?postid=6369379&pageindex=19#post6386101
@cinoclav Yeah, this doesn't surprise me one bit based on internet lore concerning her two main usernames. Why can't people just play nice and not be asses?
@cinoclav While I appreciate you defending me, I really think dragging that shitstorm into another forum is just beating a dead horse. While I understand that she burned a lot of good will, we don't have to throw it in her face everywhere, all the time. I certainly would request that you don't do it on my behalf.
@cinoclav wow. That kinda stuff really rubs me the wrong way. Ive been around Mediocre from the beginning with outstanding loyalty and participation...aint won shit or got even a slightly good fuku. However, then in comes some shady piece of trash to win a super cool prize. Fuck that, poor form @circarigel.
Heartfelt apologies for the crap you went through @thumperchick. Youre an awesome person and you don't deserve this bullshit.
PS..saw your above comment. I'll respect your wishes and leave the issue alone. But I'll still voice my opinion. :)
@OldCatLady@MrMark...yea eat shit. People like my Twofer rants, im well known and people appreciate my participation. I dont need your approval. Haters gonna hate.
@Thumperchick Sorry! It pissed a lot of us off for the obvious reasons, but more than anything it got to me because she did it to you! Like @studerc said, you're an awesome person and the very last user on either site that I want to see someone taking advantage of. I'll leave it alone after this, but just to note, I don't think we're throwing anything more in her face than she's earned...
@cinoclav I know, it really means a lot that you all rallied about this situation. Thank you. <3 (It's a heart, it's an ass in a party hat! Everybody wins!) <3
@cinoclav TC & I have made peace re: some incidents on Woot (although that isn't the same as saying we have become friends... but it's a start. I never meant to hurt anyone). I never meant to cause discord, I won't go into details of our recent conversation, though, as at this point it's best we put it all behind us. For what it's worth, I harbor no ill will toward anyone, and I accept that people are upset with me. While I did design portions of a spreadsheet with some of the ideas, I did not copy it, and I definitely did not supply clues found by other teams. Any clues my team had were discovered by them alone. Also, they had no knowledge of any of this, so please do not hold any of it against them. Should you require specifica about the conversation TC and I had, feel free to ask her, as I doubt you'll believe anything I say about it, understandably. For what it's worth, you all have my heart felt apologies. I suggest we let bygones be bygones and start anew. Nothing can make me feel worse than I already feel.
My 31x24x13 27.3lbs Fuku arrived today, delightfully yet surprisingly early given past history. I think this is the fastest I have ever received a Meh order. Here we go, starting with the small stuff.
Confetti canon 2nd skin jumpsuit Space Precinct action figure Motorola baby monitor noise maker SASE card 100 piece puzzel Bow wow childrens book / diary? Meh hat Jolly Rancher bag Fuku bag ...and a lot of confetti, but thoughtfully, they included the following to help with the cleanup.
It appears to be in a new sealed box. However I can't help but wonder how Meh knew my other 2 Roombas, one of which was from a BOC and both are worthless on hardwood, were in need of new company?
As you can see, I seriously needed help with cleaning and organization. I don't even know when I'll unbox it, since the floor has to be cleared of clutter before any of my iRobots can be useful again. Perhaps the next Fuku can include a real life maid? I really need one!
@kuoh I own the the 790 and it is awesome on any surfaces! I am jealous you got it in Fuku. Bow down to the Fuku gods and say thank you! If you own pets bow down again (it is great with pet hair).
@MEHcus I suspect the reality of a Roomba running around in circles on 1.5 sqft of bare flooring sucking up confetti may be less exciting than you imagine. I would have to un-hoard all the Meh products and boxes I've accumulated before a death match could commence. Even then, it would probably have to be Roomba vs Roomba vs Roomba to be fair, but all armed with makeshift steak knives, forks and blow torches to make it interesting. Frankly, it's all starting to sound like a lot more work than I originally envisioned when I clicked on the "I'm not a robot" box.
@MEHcus Sure it "sounds" fantastic, just like having Leonard, Raj, Howard and Sheldon moving in across the street from me and Penny moving in with me sounds fantastic, but at some point we all have to wake up and face the disappointment.
@MEHcus I'll be sure to have the most fantastic Roomba vs Roomba vs Roomba vs confetti cannon death match ever in my dreams tonight. I suspect Penny might even be involved at some point.
I got a Razer BlackWidow, which is being used RIGHT NOW, A hands free bathroom faucet that I gave to me dear old mum, an action figure of Space Precinct 2040 Lt. Brogan, some dope Elvis Drink Coasters, a pink lunchbox, and a doggy photo album.
The Outback Steakhouse Bobble Head is probably the most prime selection in any Fuku, ever. The DragonBall GT VHS cassette is pretty excellent, too.
However, my greatest joy in this Fuku is envisioning the trail of confetti that I could probably follow from my front porch to mail truck to mail truck all the way to Meh headquarters.
The glare I got from the mail carrier said it all. Thanks for the shoddy packaging tape job, Meh!
Not one piece of confetti survived the journey, nor did my Fuku bag :/ But if anybody ever breaks their arm I have the splint for you! What a box of Meh!
@mattguyver We can get you the Fuku bag, we've got some extras so you definitely should have gotten one. Shoot us a message if you'd like us to send it out: meh.com/support
Unbagged Texas air, which swiftly escaped into the free-range Oklahoma air upon unsealing the box Bags of Texas air Soundmaker Confetti SASE birthday card Meh party hat, unassembled Nick Zone lunchbag iCarly Personalized Deluxe Planner Meh drawstring bag Dogs Rule scrap and brag book Toy Story Play and Sound book Ooma VOIP device (including return documents from previous purchaser, through a different online company, not Meh nor Woot) Ollie robot toy.
So have folks been ordering a quantity of 3, or less?
I meant to try and order three, but in my excitement of actually seeing the buy now button and going through the order, I completely forgot to change the quantity from 1. :-/
@psbales That's just the placeholder weight and size, in theory when it goes through a hub it'll be weighed and you'll get the real size (although I've had packages from them that have never updated in any way, or stopped updating and just showed up being delivered 4 days later).
@lisaviolet Mine is scheduled for delivery tomorrow and the size/weight hasn't changed. But I suspect tomorrow is when Fedex passes it over to the post office, so I may not actually get it until the end of the week. With my luck it will be delivered to work on Saturday when I'm at home. That would be sad.
7/10/2015 - Friday 11:25 am Shipment information sent to FedEx
...but no other update. So I guess I'm in the Friday batch. I'm hoping it hasn't updated because they decided it was too expensive to ship via FedEx and they are trying to get the truck delivery arranged instead.
Got in my bag today! Contents: Rhombus 2.1 speaker with a blown right driver World of Warcraft wireless mouse Eragon metal lunchbox Nickzone soft lunchbox Anime VHS tape Alice in Wonderland Journal Meh hat Meh Bag Self addressed envelope Confetti that got all over my newly cleaned office but no new dyson or roomba to vacuum it up :( Overall was very excited about the rhombus, but now am going to try to get Palo Alto Designs to fix it lol
My fuku just arrived a whole day earlier than predicted! What's in the box?!! - A bunch of Texas air - A very meh party hat - A broken (used?) noise maker - An Alice in Wonderland Red Queen personalized journal - A Green Lantern journal - An iCarly journal - A Motorola Baby Monitor - The red fukubukuro bag - A hanging sea horse on a shell thing... - Approximately three pieces of what I'm assuming was confetti - A self addressed stamped envelope with blank birthday note card. - Last, but definitely not least, a refurbished 28" Samsung 4k Monitor
So I've got journals for days, an awesome new (to me) computer monitor, and this picture of my dog celebrating the way mehday should be celebrated.
@whistlingwilly Yeah, I realized that a few minutes ago. It has gone through FedEx "check in" so perhaps it will change. Perhaps it won't. I'm just so excited it's en route!!!
@Roy33sakic i got that same blender in the last fuckubro.. Awesome. Id love a roomba or a ollie. But son just broke his tv so maybe one of those. . Am i asking to much lol to say these are spoiling us is a beyond statement !!!!
Red Bag Meh Party hat noise maker confetti that got everywhere A b-day card addressed to Meh. (I guess we're supposed to send these back) A Fozzy bear coffee cup a Green Lantern journal 2 Space Precinct Lt Brogan figures (in package) an Outback 15th Anniversary bobble head a Memorex projection alarm clock radio (don't know if it works) Sphero (lights up, but hadn't had the app yet to try it out)
It was in a very large box 6.7 lbs was the tracking weight, and had like 20 bags of Texas air.
Sorry no pics (most have already been posted), but Fuku arrived:
Toy Story book Green plastic roller skates Razer XBOX 360/PC headset (with sticker that says "buzzing noise when using microphone") Red Fukubukuro bag Orange Nickelodeon "Nick Zone" lunch bag Meh paper cone hat Random card Plastic Rocket nightlight Onkyo TX-NR535 A/V receiver!!!
Best $5 ever spent. Not bad for my first Fukubukuro!
Well, there was no NO Texas air in my Fuku. I don’t know if they just ran out of air in Texas what with the recent floods and all, but you can bet I’ll be writing a strongly-worded letter to those “hacks” at Meh.
Then again, my box didn’t really need the Texas air because it was packed FULL OF AWESOME!
First off, I am now the reigning Queen of Lunch Boxes, because Meh sent me a total of FIVE lunch boxes:
3 Nick Zone soft lunchboxes 1 Baseball soft lunchbox 1 Pink & Green soft lunchbox LOVE IT – (which will become my new work lunchbox – THANK YOU, MEH!)
There’s a Mock Security camera – which will stick out like a sore thumb if used around my REAL security cameras, so I think I’m going to have to pay this particular gift forward…
Meh Party Hat Meh Fuku Bag SASE and Birthday Card – (Ask and ye shall receive. Just be careful what you wish for….. heehee) Party horn And LOTS of confetti!!!
PLUS my Fuku contained a sign from God: (I know, right? Meh’s REALLY well-connected.)
Not 1, but TWO Christmas thingies: Sassy, glittery bobble Christmas reindeer with her hands on her sassy deer hips Campbell Kids Christmas Ornament (SO much Christmas for an atheist. (Sigh) What to do? I guess it’s a sign I should just convert back so that I have a reason to use these little gems.)
An iCarly Planner Car air freshener shaped like a roulette wheel
An Ollie by Sphero!!!!!
I’ve already taken Ollie for a spin and the dogs LOVE IT. (Well one dog loves it, the other dog runs and hides from it.) She chases it as I drive it around the room and tries to bite its wheels off.
@pepsiwine My friend Stacey does dachshund rescue and has one of her own that's particularly googly-eyed, so I'm going to have to send her these. If there's ever any video of your wieners chasing the Sphero around, I'll send that too. They look like pretty cool critters.
@editorkid I wanted to get video but you have to use your iPhone to drive the Ollie and that's the only camera I have. So I couldn't get both at the same time.
Yeah, my pup wearing the sunglasses has a photosensitivity in one of her eyes and she'd just gotten her new sunglasses in the mail that day so she was excited to show them off.
@lichme, @Nexar, Sorry folks, I have to go get my car emissions tested right now, but I'll open 'er up and post the gritty deets as soon as I get back!
@OldCatLady In my state the vehicle registrations are staggered. Some expire on the 15th, the rest on the last day of the month. I was one of those lucky sods slated for the 15th, and with a wonderful propensity for procrastination. If I didn't get it squared today I'd owe a $15 late fee tomorrow.
@ruouttaurmind That makes sense, because I remember how popular inspection places used to get. If FL ever opts for inspections, an awful lot of junkers will be taken off the road.
@ruouttaurmind fun fact, they tried that in NY a while back, it lasted half a month, then they went back to the normal expires in a certain month car inspection stickers
@KDemo it came with 6 packs and dispenses an entire pack when you pull its head back. I guess its for dispensing packs to refill your regular sized Pez dispensers.
@Crud - I learned something today! K -now I'm imagining where this could go - Humongous dispensers to dispense the giant dispensers to dispense regular packs to put in the dispensers.
Received my gift wrapped box today. (gift wrapped with white & red “Rewraped Resealed in the U.S.P.S.” tape). Contents: bags of Texas air confetti meh party hat noisemaker birthday card with SASE meh bag green lantern journal dragonball z vhs Lt. Brogran figure memorex projection alarm clock outback wacky wobbler bobblehead metawatch
My first Fuku was supposed to arrive tomorrow (FedEx said 31x24x15, 18.6lbs), but my wife called to let me know about the "giant box that looks like it went through hell" on our doorstep today!
I don't think anything fell out of that gaping hole except lots of confetti.
Anyway, here's the Fukubukuro glory:
many Texas air
much confetti
party horn
birthday card (not pictured)
Meh party hat
Alice in Wonderland personalized journal set
Hollywood Moms coffee table book
RCA clock radio
walkie-talkies with built in weather radio
Popeye blanket with sleeves
Star Wars Wedge Antilles figurine
a Palo Alto Rhombus Hi-Fi speaker system!
Thanks Meh! We've been rocking out all night, and Wedge is enjoying his new home.
1 meh party hat 1 party horn thing 1 Dragonball Z VHS tape 1 Krusty the clown figure 2 Space Precinct Lieutenant Brogan Action Figures 1 Fuku bag 1 Phone stand 1 god damn huge Samsung refurbished 27" monitor
@stryper2000 Yours and mine are twins on the same truck, apparently. I learned awhile back that a)FedEx lies about size and weight, and b)FedEx lies about delivery dates, but usually in a good way so you get surprised by a delivery much sooner than expected.
@mfladd Aww, sorry for your Fuku misfortune. If it'll cheer you up, you can have my Christmas ornament thingies - Sassy Bobble Deer and Campbell Kids Tree Ornament. Also, may I interest you in one of three Nick Zone lunch bags? :)
@pepsiwine that's mighty fine of you. Mark's a good guy and deserves as much charity as possible... by far the worst fantasy football team I've ever seen!
@capguncowboy LOL you bastard! :) I will have you know I won my work championship last year (Murray and Beckham brought it home) - nice payday. I will see you on the Meh. field this year!
Needless to say, I'm stunned and thrilled at the generosity Meh bestowed on us! I mean... it's THEIR birthday, but I'M the one who got the awesome gifts!
To everyone at Meh, Happy, Happy Birthday! May you have a hundred more...
@ruouttaurmind not to be a Debbie Downer, but I can't help it. It's too bad your Fuku didn't contain a new digital camera, that resolution is so late 90's. I mean, did you take those pictures with your Halo from the last Fuku? J/K, I'm just jealous, enjoy your loot!
Not to start shit... but why is it that when a fukubukuro comes out a BOC isn't that far behind? It seems that Woot plans on it or maybe they don't, but it seems every time I'm waiting for a Fuku, a wootoff happens and a BOC is mine. Granted... I probably should have waited for Friday as the BOC seems to be a bit better on the anniversary, but lets see if they do the same for pre-anniversary... or just try to get my wife to give me her creds ;)
I scored a BOC this time. It suspiciously was way too easy. I figure I wasted $5, but I somehow feel excited about it. I guess that's the master plan. Can never have too many bungee cords.
@heartny You've gotten bungee cords? I keep getting "pair 2 spare" disposable underwear... Somehow I doubt anyone wants to see me in a XL thong even less so in a disposable pair.
@cengland0 True. I wasted $10 plus tax. No Woot VMP for me, or whatever they call it. Wish I could use my Amazon Prime membership to get free shipping on Woot.
@sohmageek Yeah, I got the underwear last time as well, along with some crap folders, F5 sticker, and Mortimer cut-out thing. Yet I still wasted another $10 on another BOC this month.
@CircaRigel I don't even bother anymore. I just take my $5 to the dollar store and get stuff I can actually use. At my last yard sale/tag sale I had a box full of BOC stuff I had collected. I couldn't give away most of it! LMAO!
Mine shipped Friday... I live 4 hours from Meh and for some reason my fuku has been langishing in Houston instead of taking the more direct route down IH35.
Originally it said it would arrive on Wednesday but has now been updated to Thursday.
Thanks for all your reveals. I'm a east coaster so trying to be patient for expected Saturday arrival. Still at 3lb 10x10x10. Can't wait for next update. Love ya meh!
Mine just shipped today. Estimated delivery : Tues 7/21/2015. The tension is mounting. This is better than my own birthday! All the anticipation, surprise and fun without getting a year older.
@bakerzdosen living in texas makes for a longer delivery time thanks to the fedex part. what would normally be an overnight delivery if handed directly to the postman when they're at the front desk is 4 to 5 days with 'mail solutions'... but it's only $5 a month, and frankly, it's a bunch of crap that i really don't need.
and i'm old enough to remember when shipping was 4 to 6 weeks.
Received mine yesterday. Onkyo tx-nr535, Dragonball Z VHS, Insteon IP Camera, a hanging Seahorse decoration, a costume, Hollywood Moms coffee table book, Meh drawstring bag, a party hat, a SASE and birthday card, a noise maker, confetti, and some Texas air :-). Best $5 I ever spent AND my first fuku! Thanks Meh!
So, what do you do while you wait? Do you maybe do what I do? Check out the current unboxings and start making plans?
Okay, the women's eco watch is nice. I like the black on gold is pretty striking. Would I wear it? Dunno, don't wear watches much.
A Sphero...that could be fun with the cats. I'd probably play with it for a week or so, the cats would piss on it and it would die. (They pee on everything they can back up to - we just deal with it.)
The receiver. Nice. But would it work? I have an Onkyo that we got about a thousand years ago. No hdmi connections, a wannabe Dolby system, not true, but it works for us. A new receiver might be nice. But. I have a Technics turntable that I got in the 80s, a nice turntable. They need special care. I do the research. Okay, I get the phono preamp, probably under a hundred bucks, a new receiver might be nice.
Headphones? Damn. I've got so many headphones and only one head (my husband doesn't use them...but I'd love one of those systems where he could wear them and adjust the volume as loud as he wanted and I wouldn't be blasted out of the room). Hmmm....
A new monitor? Yeah! I'd like a new bigger monitor! (Husband "where would you put it?" Ah, come on, gimme some credit, I can always make room somehow, we can move your side of the office out to your shop if need be.)
The empty card. Yeah, I know what I'd do with that. My secret.
Skates? Kids' stuff? Take to my vet's office, the ladies there are a fertile bunch.
So, is anyone else planning? I'm getting ready to grab a lawn chair and a big bottle of water and go outside and wait for the mail. (Yeah, right..)
@lisaviolet About the cats: my petsitter suggested pee pads draped over whatever the spray target is. After a few days you start pre-spraying the pad with Pine-sol or cleaner of choice. The idea is that it offends the sprayer's nose and they stop. I'll let you know if it works; right now we have foamcore dividers between the litter boxes, and they're covered in pee pads, because boys. It does make cleanup easier; will let you know if the Pine-sol actually discourages spraying.
@OldCatLady I buy peepads online at Walmart. A lot cheaper than any other place I've tried. They really do help with cleanup.
We have a lot of rescue cats and over half of our population would be considered senior at this point. Our oldest is close to 22 years now (she was my mom's cat).
@lisaviolet Have you tried Feliaway ? It worked for scratching stuff to mark territory. Might be worth trying. It's pricey but you can sometimes get a deal.
My boy has only been an out of the box when I went away and left him for a few weeks. ( There was even someone here w/ him)
Cats. I love them, but there must be a better way to say "I missed you" I'm glad people don't do that.
For some strange reason I have this feeling that a certain one-deal-a-day site is going to receive a bunch of glitter bombs. Dunno why I think this. 6th sense?
My box was full of stars. And confetti. And a noisemaker. Plus... Cars the Movie wall border Sweet aircraft carrier puzzle. (100 pieces!) Viking helmet Krusty wobbler that sings bar none the most terrifying version of "Super Freak" ever recorded 20 mile walkie And the pizza of resistance, a Sphero Ollie! You'll hear it a lot meh, but you folks are so so very awesome. Thanks!
Mine came with the confetti, noisemaker, hat, bag, SASE card nick zone lunch pail flower lunch box Rocket night light Napoleon Dynamite trash can and a Roomba 560 refurbished (works, ran for a while last night)
Lots may go into a white elephant grab bag this christmas.
Pretty happy with the roomba, better than stereo receiver for me. Only might have wanted the monitor more. Certainly not a very meh deal.
Happy Birthday Meh!
Wish I could get orders like that for $5 all the time.
Came in today while I was out of the office: 1. Watermelon Jolly Rancher Bag 2. Space Precinct Figure 3. Red Queen Journal 4. party hat, noise maker, meh cinch sack 5. JBL Pebble speakers (I already have a pair and are great) 6. That weird Rydis UV U60 Pro vacuum cleaner.
Not certain what I'm going to do with anything yet (up to my ears in speakers and I have two Dyson vacs to get the job done, but thanks Meh!
My chilly-stereotyped-addition (and first ever fuku) just departed Dallas last night at 7 PM. Waiting impatiently for the shipping weight and package size to update, but it may be a long truck ride from Dallas, TX to Harrisburg, PA...
@heartny You are awesome, my fellow lover of purple! Mine should come on Saturday, so if I don't get one, I'll tag you both and see if either of you are still interested in sharing. Thank you!
First off, the box never changed shipping size from 10x10x10, 3lbs.
The actual box size was 35x16x13. I'm only 5'1". Box was awkward to move.
It was weird heavy, one side was way heavier than the other one. I was able to get it up on the table to open, but the table is 29" tall, it took me a couple of tries, but I got it up there. Opened it and started pulling stuff out.
Texas air Unassembled Meh hat Confetti (yeah, there's confetti all over the family room) Sad noise maker (sounds like our kitty Opie...his meower doesn't work very well since he had all of his teeth pulled for medical reasons; stomatitis) Giant Confetti Cannon (looks like fun - and messy, who do I know that I don't like very much who has young kids?) Cars wall decor Fuku bag Bag of hard rubber balls, the reason the box was so lopsided heavy (husband sez "these are cool, they bounce really hard, but you're not going to keep them are you? You'll kill yourself!" Yeah, stepping on them in the middle of the night most likely wouldn't be really fun) Vintage aircraft 100 piece jigsaw puzzle Talking, wiggling Krusty the clown doll Really nice hanging seahorse art (bathroom....) SASE birthday card
28" Samsung refurb 4K LED monitor!
When I saw that monitor box, all I could say was "Shit! Shit! Shit!"
The monitor will fit, my husband will not need to move his side of the office out to his shop. And he said "great! Now I can have your old monitor!" Win/win.
I've already checked out my computer, no hdmi connection, but there is a dvi-d input. Adapter cable has been ordered.
Thank you Meh! Thankyouthankyouthankyou! Totally awesome haul!
@lisaviolet those bounce balls are AWESOME shot from confetti cannons!! Find someone you REALLLLLY don't like and set those off bouncing in their yard! It is one of my husband's favorite things to shoot from a confetti/potato cannon.
Say hello to my Fuku: One Meh birthday hat - it is my son's birthday. One SASE birthday card that will be returned in fabulous fashion. One noise maker for making noise. One rocking horse Christmas ornament for a rocking good Christmaa. One Marvel Heroes Green Lantern switchable 3D sticker. "Where will you stick yours?", it inquires. One Testors Weird-Ohs Davey model As Seen on Fox Family Channel though I cannot confirm this. One 100 piece paratrooper puzzle for, um, putting together. One Domus Empire State Building cardboard model. Also requires assembly. One Cat in the Hat bobble head that constantly agrees with me. One pair of hari mari flip flops in my size. Stalkers? One red Fuku bag for strolls in the park. One pair of badass 808 headphones for tuning out children and husbands. Though I only have one husband. And a ROOMBA 560/561 so I don't have to clean anymore!
Best. Fuku. Ever.
I feel like I won the lottery. Hubs didn't believe I only paid $5. Had to show him my order confirmation. Turns out, I was wrong. I paid $5.41. Damn you taxes!
Also, please ignore the apartment carpet. It's gross and we are moving out next week. Anyway, that's Roomba's job now!
Mine was scheduled for delivery today, but fuckface USPS delivery guy decided that he didn't want to come by. Left a "delivery exception" notice on FedEx saying that the customer or business was closed, which is funny because it is an office with 50+ people in it all day long. Oh well, hopefully I'll know the same joy as everyone else tomorrow.
@modtuc82 We got into a big fight with our post office. The supervisor took it upon herself to say that there was too much mail to go out and held our priority mail boxes instead of delivering them to us. The mailman told my husband they were here, but she said to not deliver them. (They were for his company, he needed them to finish orders.) He went down there and picked up the boxes and gave them hell.
Another time I went out to get the mail minutes after the mailman left it and there was a notification slip that no one had answered the door. Excuse me? Yeah, no one answered because he never came to it. I waited for him to come down the street and he whined "the box was heavy".....
@lisaviolet Yeah, mine conveniently waited until they were closed to add the delivery exception so that I couldn't go pick up my package and couldn't complain to anyone. This isn't the first time that this has happened either. I feel bad complaining about not getting my delivery when many people did not even get a Fuku, but Meh had no hand in my issue. Anyway, can't wait to share my haul with everyone.
@modtuc82 It’s SmartPost up until FedEx hands the package over. @snapster, I would pay a bit more for this shipping option: Check this box to avoid USPS.
I fucking hate the post office for all the reasons above and more. I've caught them twice on my security camera just tossing the package onto my porch from the sidewalk. No more knocking on the door to see if I'm home, just toss and go.
And I've had to complain to the manager just to get them to shut my mailbox door after they deliver mail, because for the last couple of years they have been too lazy to push it all the way closed. They just flop it in the general direction of up and hope that divine intervention carries it all the way through to being latched.
The post office is the only thing I hate more than hipsters.
Aargh! My orders (Fuku and T-shirt) both seem to be stalled in Kansas for some reason... Both were handed to FedEx on Friday, Fuku arrived in KS on Sunday, T-shirt arrived in KS on Monday. Neither shipment has been updated since then.
@dariusromero its the smartpost life, on a bad week, going from California to New York takes almost 2 weeks. my last fuku stayed in one place for 6 days before moving to the next smartpost warehouse
similar thing - it was supposed to be delivered today, but just now status changed to 'no estimated delivery date available at this time.' - I called Fedex and complained, so a supervisor is going to track it and give me a call tomorrow. I suggest everyone do that, so Fedex can workout the issues.
@narahari That means they're either going to open it, take out the good stuff, then retape it badly or make sure it falls off the back of the truck before giving you the bad news. ;)
So got mine today a few days earlier than expected:
Standard stuff: Bag Hat SASE Noisemaker confetti
Unique Items: Yu Yu Hakusho VHS episodes 71-74 iCarly Personalized Deluxe Planner w/bonus stickers Rocking horse Christmas Ornament Time projecting Alarm Clock Meta Watch and what I assume is the most valuable: Radio Active Bevis figure with voice chip technology and includes mini fountain drink, nachos and copy of Spank magazine.
I assume this is the most valuable as the box was protected by 50 bags of inflated in Texas air:
Earlier this week I was wondering why I had a 16x12x12 box that only weighed 4.9 pounds...I found out today.
Meh Drawstring Bag Meh Party Hat Meh birthday card (empty inside) Noisemaker (not pictured) Green Lantern Journal A confetti-covered rubber King Kong keychain Outback Steakhouse 15th Anniversary Wacky Wobbler Dragon Ball Z Fusion-Losing Battle (uncut version) VHS Oregon Scientific Boombero Tria Bluetooth Speaker Citizen Eco-Drive Wristwatch
I'll have to watch the DBZ at some point (I still have a working VHS player!)
Because apparently I am a robot I am only receiving an imaginary fuku from an imaginary meh. It is truly a fabulously spectacular one though with an usual space theme... In honor of their birthday, if the real meh would like to trade up, I'd be willing. Seriously. I will mail you these actual, real, tangible items, and then you too can have an imaginary fuku.
My imaginary fuku had:
Star dust instead of confetti in honor of the Pluto flyby.
Instead of Texas air there was space station air, although that went free range when I opened the box. I would have to substitute earth bound air.
There was also an amazing magic window. You place it on cinderblock walls and when you think really hard about where you want to be or what you want to look at the view appears, complete with sights, sounds and smells. The window itself looks deceptively fake as it is made out of poster board and rolls up (which will prevent it from being stolen) but if you think hard enough it works. It would have been nice if the computer port on it was working (why it has a computer plug in port I do not know since the rest of it works just by me thinking about it). I would have loved to plug my 11" laptop into it as it is a pain in the butt to teach online on such a small screen. But even with that defect, it still is nice.
They sent me the usual completely broken item. This is a solar flashlight. Likely it could be fixed but all my tools were stolen by the hourly help when I moved my crap into storage so I'd fit into this basement. By the way, I'd consider a nice set of craftsman tools (what was stolen) in exchange for these things too.
A small rock that was heavily padded with the space station air. I think it must be a comet or asteroid piece or maybe it is from mars or the moon? The certificate of authenticity was torn and that information was missing.
And the best item in there...... A ticket, that states it is guaranteed authentic (with no expiration date), that reserves me a seat on the first tourist rocket ship flight to the moon. That will be the BEST. VACATION. EVER. I am ecstatic. And I haven't been on vacation in years. And I always wanted to be an astronaut. This will be the next best thing.
The meh bag is clearly a fake, but considering the other items I am OK with that. I have other meh bags.
I was worried that I wouldn’t get my fuku today because the status hadn’t changed since Monday. It was stuck somewhere in New Jersey and I’m in New York. I called Fedex this morning and they said it was en route to the post office for delivery to me today. The placeholder weight and size never changed. Lo and behold it was in fact delivered today! Here’s my awesome haul:
• No confetti, but I did get a noisemaker and hat • Cars the Movie wall border • Bow wow book • SASE birthday card • Jolly Rancher school bag • Red Meh bag • Elvis coasters • Texas air • Moneual UV-C Vacuum Cleaner (used?) • Onkyo TX-NR535 Receiver (AWESOME!)
So now that I have this bad-ass Onkyo receiver, I need recommendations for some good, not too big, affordable speakers. Otherwise it's just a super fancy doorstop. Or, maybe I'll dig out the Audio Technica headphones so as not to disturb the neighbors?
@parodymandotcom Thank you. I'll look into those. I forgot I have Klipsch speakers for my computer and they sound quite nice. However, one of them no longer seems to work, so now they sound half as good as they used to.
Got mine yesterday! I was rather surprised at the size of the box. It was maaaybe 12" x 36" x 48" ish. Took a little bit of dragging to get into the house, especially as it was a bit lopsided in terms of weight distribution.
Inside was: - Approximately a small handful of confetti (likely some leaked out as there was a fist-sized hole in the box) - A large bundle of Texas air, which static-transported a good quantity of the confetti onto the floors, where it proceeded to get everywhere - A gold noisemaker, which sounds like a small but angry goose when blown - A Meh bag (Yay! Another one to add to my small collection.) - An Alice in Wonderland journal set - An iCarly planner - A rocking horse Christmas ornament - A Peanuts Collection frame - A Motorola Blink1-S Baby Monitor Camera (looks like a return, just tossed in the packaging, probably missing bits, and likely not working ... haven't tested it out yet) - Aaaand, the item that contributed to the weight and size of the box the most, a Roomba 790! I boggled when I saw it and had flashbacks to the days of the old site, where Roombas were nearly as common as the speaker docks of today. Looks like it's used, but it works. Dad's totally thrilled with it and has claimed it as his new toy/pet.
No party hat or card/envelope, although I'm at a loss as to what I would have sent anyway. Hmmmm. Ideas, ideas.
Happy Birthday Meh! Doesn't exactly seem right that you decided to celebrate by giving ME a present, but I'm certainly not complaining. Instead, I'll just say thank you for the awesome package that was delivered today!
I came home to find a VERY large and heavy box on my front porch. We order 20lb bags of dog food and my first thought was that my wife decided to stock up with multiple bags. As soon as I saw the lab was from Meh, my heart started racing because I knew that this was much more special than dog food (sorry Fido!)
Box contents include:
Anime VHS Tape
Fuku Backpack
Plastic Rollerskates
A Meh Party Hat. I think. I will figure out how to assemble it and I will wear it with pride!
A blank birthday card
One green cutting board
A Jolly Rancher Bag. I have decided that this is my new Laptop Bag for work. Don't judge me.
A party whistle that my dog does NOT like
And... wait for it... A Refurbished Sherwood RD-8504 receiver! I have a ~7 year old Sony receiver right now thats on the way out and have started window shopping online for a replacement. How did you know that I needed one of these?!?! All I can say is THANKS!
So, no one selling on eBay or (preferrably) Amazon unopened? For those that are disappointed with their Meh. fuko-rama, just empathise with how I feel since I fell asleep from 11:40pm EDT - 4:22am GMT that fateful night...
@dmlivezey I think anyone who originally planned to sell theirs has probably changed their minds after seeing how good the contents are this time around. Each of them (so far) has had at least one item of decent monetary value. Anyone who planned to sell will probably try to sell items individually at this point.
Mine spent all day today chilling at the post office 6 blocks from my house. I even called the post office, confirmed that it was there, and offered to come pick it up on my lunch break today saying it might be a pretty big box and i could save them space on their truck. I was told that's not a service they offer. So I have to wait until tomorrow...
@djslack that blows. My small town post office lets me do that all the time. Then again I'm in there 2-3 times a week to drop stuff off, so they know me. Oh well, good luck with your Fuku. Mine is scheduled for delivery on Monday
@capguncowboy I figured it was worth a shot... Especially if it's one of those big, heavy boxes they don't want to deliver anyway. My size and weight never updated through Fedex.
This reminds me of being a kid at Christmas, except I know I'm being ridiculously impatient now :)
@djslack yeah... That's what I was talking about. I just checked and learned that my wife has a small box, too. This is our first Fuku. I just hope it's a satisfying experience!
@sourhead Well, it sounds like a good coupling then. She'll probably be happier if hers comes first, and it may be amazing if her box and your package come at the same time, but as long as you both get yours in the end it will be enjoyable. Best of luck, i hope it's good for both of you!
@Teripie that would be ideal! I was thinking about buying one when they were up. Can't complain at all no matter what....I joined Woot in 2009 and never got a BOC even when they started passing them out like popcorn. It's fun to just be invited to the party!
Fukus just showed up. I had just enough time to open it and poke around. (And post here!) There is a monitor shaped object in a Samsung refurbished box... I'm dying to know if it works, but I have to leave. Here's the whole fuku box, husky for scale:
@Thumperchick first I read this as Husky for sale - and was disturbed :) I grew up with Huskies - Liska and Chuka - we even had a dogsled for them. I might even have a pic if I can find it.
OK guys...one piece of packing tape across the top? Really only caught one flap, so somehow the box made it here almost open.
Looks like the stuff was not disturbed!
One side of the box is crush in a few inches and the other side has a hole.
How did this ship???
But... doesn't look like anything fell out!
OK, I know, pictures. I forgot how to post them.
I didn't look yet. The idea is to drag this out as looong as possible!
Maybe, when I come back from my momisoldandinsistsheisfinelivingalone,excepteverydayshehasacrisis trip, I'll open it and try to see if I can figure out my smart phone to add photos, since I see you have a link down there vvv.
So, yes, you read this post and it said absolutely nothing, but you are just wasting time on meh anyway, so not much of a loss.
Wow meh I'm scared you set alot of people up for disappointment and complaining with future Fukus.
These have all been fantastic! Thanks for mine and happy birthday, here's to many more.
Box size: 30x24x12 Weight: no clue
-27" Samsung SD590 refurb monitor -Peanuts picture frame -Empire State Building model -Box for MetaWatch (watch no included only the USB cable) -Jolly Rancher bag -Rocket ship nightlight -Meh party hat -Noise maker -Fuku bag -SASE birthday card -60 bags of the freshest Texas air.
@Ignorant I'm starting to feel despair. I have a feeling mine has taken a beating. Why else would they decide to send it to Fort Worth? Tried to return it maybe?
I'm sure yours is just picking up more Texas culture before making the journey to Florida.
Lately smart post has been pretty good for me but they still take some random journeys every so often just to keep things fun. Hope yours makes it to you soon and in one piece.
Sphero 2.0 robot ball Ceramic paring knife Baseball Thermos lunch bag Nick Zone lunch bag Lieutenant Brogan toy 100 piece jigsaw puzzle Meh party hat Meh red Fuku bag Noise maker Birthday card addressed to Meh
Thanks, Meh. I hope your birthday was as good for you as it was for us.
-Texas Air -Handful of confetti -Meh Birthday Hat -Dragon Ballz VHS -iCarly planner -Napoleon Dynamite Trash Can -Giant Clown Pez Dispenser -Meh String Bag -Motorola IP Cam -ROOMBA!!!!
Received my box! My tracking never changed from 3lbs. 10x10x10, so I was happily surprised when this showed up:
It's a 30x24x14 box, weighing about 30lbs!!
I don't know who was more excited to open it: me for the stuff inside, or the cats for a big box and a fortune of air pillows!
Here's what I found inside: 49 bags of Texas Air (only about half of which have survived the cats at this point) Red Meh cinch bag Black Meh party hat party blower & confetti Viking hat (some assembly required) sparkly iCarly journal (with bonus stickers!) a mediocre Christmas ornament a nice Peanuts collectible photo frame a Razor Tiamat 2.2 gaming headset!! (refurb, of course) a Sherwood RD-7405HDR 7.1 channel AV receiver!! (also refurb)
@Teripie Nice haul! The fact that your dimensions/weight never changed has given me hope! Here's hoping Campus Mail decides to deliver mine tomorrow....
Expected delivery Wed July 22. Good things come to those who wait...yeah that's it.
For those getting AV receivers, I've got a spare like-new 5.1 speaker set (Energy/Pinnacle) that I'll sell cheap to a fellow Meh'er who could use 'em. Let me know if there's any interest and I'll provide details. Shipping might be somewhat expensive unless you live near (or visit) central Oregon.
Ugh, still waiting on my Fuku, and I'm here in Dallas. Was supposed to arrive today based on the estimated date, but it was pushed back to tomorrow.
meh: we need to have a talk about SmartPost and recipients located within a 20 mile radius. Two days to reach the post office and another day for the USPS to deliver. I could have walked there and back to pick it up! Woot didn't allow local pickups, why should meh follow in their footsteps!!? :P
@zxinfinity I've learned not to cry too much about it... I'm only 100 miles away so i have your problems with the additional issue of Waco losing its USPS distribution center... so it transfers from FedEx to USPS in Waco but then has to go to Austin before it comes back to Waco. Simply hand it to the postman in the lobby and it would be next-day delivery.
but shit, it's now kinda funny to see just how many people in California have their items before me, plus it's $5 a month to ship everything and not once has it been something that I actually needed.
My fuku arrived to meh house today!! I ran home from work to retrieve it (since packages delivered to meh house have a tendency to disappear if they can be seen from the street) The contents were beyond meh-tastic! Thank you meh! Not only did I end up with an Onkyo receiver and other amazing toys, but I also received a wireless camera - which I can now use deter package thiefs and to monitor the delivery of meh packages!! This was the exact opposite of yesterday's #PrimeDay. From meh, I was expecting the unsold garbage that wouldn't sell. Instead, I received gifts that made the meh-tiverse feel right again! Yesterday was #PrimeDayFail. Today is #MehtizenWin !!
My wife's fuku was delivered today. We are beyond impressed... - hat - bag - vhs - green lantern journal - alice journal - birthday card - fozzie bear mug (so awesome) - 808 duo headphones - A NINJA ULTIMA BLENDER!!!! (looks like we'll be having margaritas with our taco Thursday dinner)
First things first - BEST FUKU EVAR! When fedex stopped updating my tracking, I was certain the worst had happened, but then my GIANT box arrived today, in good condition, no less!! Here's the haul: meh bag meh party hat birthday card noise maker confetti a TON of Texas air (yay dunnage!) Peanuts photo frame - pretty nice, too projecting alarm clock lollerskates creepiest clown in the world - it eats your change! Red Queen journal neck exerciser (wtf) and the super awesome part? A 27" Samsung 1080p monitor - in perfect working order. I'm using it now - and I'm scared and aroused by its massiveness.
(There was a better picture of the monitor, but I like the creepy factor of this one.)
Just got mine. Quite and interesting spread. I am using the Black Widow keyboard i got in thee box to type this out. I also got the Texas bags of air, but I am most disappointed that it is not much different from the Houston air I breathe everyday.
Small Vacuum that is way too loud, and hard to use
Green Goblin bobble head
4inch plastic tricycle
FUKU bag
Plenty of confetti (That I picked up with my new vacuum)
Meh Socks (worth the $5 right there)
Razor Black Widow keyboard that is very loud to type on
@mifortuna forgot to mention: The vacuum is that Korean UV light vacuum. Sucker is loud. He had it delivered to the office and I bust out laughing when he tried to sweep up his confetti. Plus, it has a mind of its own. You hit the power button and IT will decide if it turns on. Once it is on, you hit the power again, IT will decide when you are ready for it to be off.
It certainly lives up to it's description: "Ear-shattering 600W motor needs to be plugged in while in use, so it's not cordless or quiet." FO' SHO'!
(re-reading the description from Feb -- mebbe he got the "pro" model.
I've been deliberately avoiding this thread and even the site in general the past week so as to be completely surprised when my Fuku arrived. I was lucky enough to grab one this time and it arrived in all its Meh Glory today. My haul: 1 Fuku Bag with a single roller skate attached 1 Blue Noisemaker 1 Dragonball Z VHS tape 1 Nickelodeon SpongeBob soft sided cooler/lunchbox 1 Citizen women's watch 1 Kansas City Royals branded wooden headphones 1 Meh Party Hat 1 wierd sitting figurine 1 Birthday card with SASE to Meh A large handful of confetti which is now everywhere
@Bingo Email sent - let me know if you don't get it for some reason - also - I don't know the value of those Royals branded cans, so let me know if my offer fell short. I won't take it personally.
It is here. And I got several items that I haven't seen reported by others. I feel special.
standard stuff: 1. Party Hat 2. birthday card 3. Meh bag 4. noise maker (not pictured oops) 5. Wedge Antilles (helmet not pictured, (oops)) 6. Cars Self-Stick Wall Border
Not so common stuff: 1. felix TwoHands II tablet stands. (Package had been opened, but it was complete. It can support a 10 inch tablet and it is very secure. It takes 2 Zhips to hold the same tablet, and it is easy to knock over.) 2. Photo book: Hollywood Moms 3. Photo album: Cats Rule (20 4x6 pages) 4. 2 pairs Urge Basics Precision Touch Gloves, 1 red, 1 white. 5. 4 PC Coaster Set with metal holder. With 4 different Elvis pictures. I can save this for next year's Elvis Fest. 6. Sylvania USB powered Monophonic turntable STT008USB-Black (I would have preferred the purple model). One of the reviews noted that it destroys older records, leaving piles of vinyl shavings behind. 7. HP Envy 5530 Wireless printer/scanner/copier.
Reviews say the printer is slow and expensive to use, but the print quality is reasonable. On the plus side we will finally be able to print directly from our ChromeBook.
I forgot to mention the "Fozzie the Bear" mug. It says "Wocka-Wocka-Wocka" on the inside.
The turntable has a stereo cartridge. They used a monophonic USB interface chip, and the headphone output is monophonic. I unplugged one channel from the cartridge and injected a 60 Hz test signal (I touched the dangling wire). The signal was the same in both ears. I assume the signals are combined with a couple of resistors. I haven't really checked, they might have separate preamps for both channels.
@hamjudo Wow, that's bizarre! Truly a mediocre product… When I read your initial post, I thought 'yeah, if it's using a mono stylus, that's not going to be good on stereo LPs'… but no, I guess it's just all kinds of shit! I do appreciate the Sony PS-F5-inspired looks, though, but it's clear… that's no PS-F5!
@brhfl It is imported by Curtis International Ltd. "Sylvania" is used under license.
I opened it up, as that is a good way to make sure that nobody tries to use it on my Wife's album collection.
I looks like there are two separate single transistor preamps. There is one unpopulated IC space on the board. It could be that this product exists in both monophonic and stereo versions.
This thing has an LED which illuminates the side of the turntable. I'm sure that is inspired by turntables with the strobe light for adjusting the record speed to exactly 33 RPM.
There are exposed trim pots, one for 33 RPM and one for 45. It is entirely analog open loop speed control. Junior HipHop DJs could use that for pitch control.
Just realized that my noise maker looked different than everybody else's. It was two noise makers nested together. They are different notes. They are both metallic pink verging on purple.
And before anyone asks, no I won't trade my extra noise maker for your confetti. They are my noise makers.
@nalesean Why do you ask every single person that and why don't you ever say anything else and why even care about the shipping carton's size and weight? I'm reading this entire thread at once and I know it's harmless but it just kinda stands out.
@editorkid Hi, I was dealing with the anticipation of receiving my Fuku by asking dimensions/weight in order to speculate about my bag. I thought I only asked five or six folks about their dimensions/weigh the. Sorry if it irritated you.
I did post my Fuku below somewhere. With regard to not responding further, I didn't feel any further comments were necessary. No one posed any questions or commentary.
I lurk more than anything so I rarely engage in long online discussions.
Ok, after much anticipation and driving home really fast, I opened my larger than expected box and was rewarded with ..............meh. 3 bags of Carrolton Texas air 1 Cat in the Hat bobble head 1 15th anniv. Outback bobblehead from 2003 1 Seald Dragonball Z - Kid Bluu, A New Beginning VHS 1 Motorola Baby Monitor 1 Himalayan Breeze Alarm Clock fan (needing repair) 1 used Cool Gear container (used with crumbs) 1 Mermaids- Sirens of the Sea Book 1 Sassy Snow Bunny costume from Oriental Trading company (not for girls under 14....duh) 1 Meh backpack.! 1 Meh party hat 1 Noisemaker that my 10 yr old has now (THANKS MEH) 1 Card in SASE
Here's mine: -Sphero 2.0!! - Currently charging, and my ipad successfully connects to it. I just need to test that it actually moves once it's charged. I already have a transparent Sphero from when those were sold; this one is actually a little bit different besides being opaque - it has small ridges, and the logo + another spot on the surface have a different material than the rest
-Wedge Antilles with ill-fitting helmet and elbow-rotating action
-TOCCs 900 series bluetooth headset
-Peanuts frame - this box was pretty heavy, and I didn't know what to expect. Surprisingly undamaged. A pretty cool frame.
-Red Queen journal - seems like a quality journal
-Meh birthday hat
-Meh birthday card with pre-addressed and stamped envelope
-noise maker - I'm not putting my mouth on this
-Meh bag
-loose confetti - thankfully I got a vacuum in my fuko
Overall a great fuku! I'm impressed by how many of the others are also this good. It's crazy how much of a greedy bastard these things make me - I got a Sphero, etc., for $5, but I can't help being jealous of the Ollies, Roombas, and even those Jolly Rancher bags.
Other differences from the limited edition: it's slower, the LED effect is mostly in the top half instead of all over, no foreign outlet adapters in the box, both it and the charger feel hotter post-charge.
-Meh birthday hat -Birthday card -A bunch of confetti -Dragonball VHS tape -Sponge Bob lunch box -Womans' Halloween "Costume" (i cant even tell what it is!) -Childrens' Avengers T-Shirt -Fozzie Coffee Mug (wocka wocka wocka) -23" IPS LED Monictor
Contents: 13 bags of Texas air, 10 intact and 3 deflated 100 piece paratroopers puzzle Empire State Building 3D puzzle Campbell's soup kid Christmas ornament Bobble reindeer decoration Eclipse 4GB MP3 player Jesse Ventura Governor bobblehead Big Daddy gold chain, perfect costume accessory for Egyptian Queen, Disco Dancer, Roman. Pimp, King, etc. Big Wheel action trike Motorola Baby Monitor that looks suspiciously like the two other IP cameras I have from Meh Sylvania USB turntable, potentially record-shredding Birthday card full of hopes and dreams Kind of sad sounding noisemaker Meh drawstring bag!
Pic of the contents: Clover the Pomeranian in her party hat (sister Crimson wouldn't wear the hat long enough for a photo):
THANKS, MEH! You guys are anything but mediocre! Happy birthday!
I'm at a loss for words. I just don't know what to say. I nearly cried when I plugged it in and it powered on. Yeah, for my $5 Meh sent me a Samsung U28D590D 4K monitor that currently goes for $450 on Amazon. It's a refurb and has a few dead pixels: But I still can't believe my luck. Thanks meh.
@thismyusername Didn't work but thanks for the suggestion. These "dead" pixels are strange in that they are black. They're only really visible if I put a white background behind them.
@cjrhoades My hdmi - dvi-d adapter cable got here today (just ordered it yesterday!), monitor works, can hardly wait to switch monitors out (desktop real estate is at a premium). Updated my graphics card driver, seriously considering upgrading my graphics card, which means I'll need a new power supply...(which is all pretty silly since I'm not a gamer).
@cjrhoades The only way I could do that is to make my husband move his work area out to his shop. He won't. I kind of hinted at it, but...you know how that goes. So, I'll be giving him my current monitor instead finding room for it. It would have been nice to have three, but there's just no room.
@cjrhoades It's not even supporting that as far as I can tell. It's only at 1920x1080 right now. I just took my computer apart, blew it out (it was pretty dusty in there, took a picture of my power supply, checked out my PCI-E slots, not enough room, but I can pull the modem slot out (for hubby's old company I'd fax invoice via the computer; there's no longer a need for that), move the firewire card up and I'll have room.
Checking out newegg right now.
And I'm really frustrated that I can't seem to turn off the angle thing. I don't want the monitor darker at the top, I don't want the stupid brightness gradient thing. But maybe a new video card will make it all nice and spiffy, yanno?
@lisaviolet Well if you need any help picking something, don't be afraid to ask. To disable the "angle thing", enter the menu, click picture, then scroll down to Samsung Magic Angle and select Off.
@cjrhoades Thanks. The magic angle doesn't turn off, not that I can tell. The monitor is still dark at the top; it's lightens up as it goes down. I've tried the different settings, but so far, nada.
I ordered a card on Amazon (EVGA GeForce GTX 750Ti SC 2GB GDDR5 Graphics Card - $20 cheaper than newegg with the same rebate) as well as a ten foot DP cable.
Should be here Sunday.
Do you see a problem with any of this? I wish I'd asked you first.
I'm not a gamer, but I do make videos and I thought the 2GB card would be better than the 1GB.
@lisaviolet Go into the menu, scroll down to settings, then scroll down to Reset All. If that doesn't work, then it sounds like there may be something wrong with the backlight. The GPU you've chosen should be just fine as long as you've got a 300W PSU.
@cjrhoades I have some problems and maybe you could help, but I don't want to bore others with them, any chance you could email me? lisaviolet at lisaviolet dot com. (I was told that graphics card won't work with win 7 -- now what?)
BuiltNY kindle sleeve (apparently meh. still has some of these)
Edward Scissorhands CD case
Stretchy King Kong keychain
Casper puzzle
I Love Lucy salt and pepper shakers
"Decorative" fan
Fukubukuro meh. bag
Homemade MEH hat (pre-assembled)
SASE with card
Apologetic(?) hand-drawn cartoon
and what would the big ticket item be? Nope, you're all wrong:
A sweet jacket for all my motorcycling I do all the time! Or I will do now that I've got this jacket! Sales tag says 2X, jacket neck tag says 3X, appears to actually be an XL.
Honestly the hand-drawn cartoon is better than anything I was hoping for. These are the touches that make us all love meh! thanks guys!!!
Well mine finally has updated at the carrier and I am truly disappoint meh..... I missed the last fuku and this is what I get? 14x11x10 and 4.6 lbs.? just you wait until i have finished mine fuku for yuku! you will be truly disappoint!
Got the obligatory hat, noisemaker, drawstring bag, confetti and SASE card.
iCarly Planner, Cats Rule scrapbook Space Precinct 2040 - Officer Castle Marvel Green Goblin Switchers thingy Star Wars Wedge Antilles figure 1949 Mercury Convertible model kit Solo 17" laptop backpack - quite nice!
Sphero 2.0 - Super cool, the kids and I are having fun with it!
A brand New HP 5530 all-in-one printer
Happy Bday, Meh! Thanks for the awesome contents of the Fuku. You'll have to wait a little less than a year for your card, I feel bad about sending late cards - I do have a gift for you though...
Update! Hooray! Dimensions 22x16x16 in. Purchase order number proud-present-monkey Weight 24.9 lbs / 11.29 kgs Due to arrive Monday - AKA Saturday! Our post office is da' bomb and they always deliver packages the day before tracking anticipates.
Incredibly intrigued.... Updated birthday Meh bag today - a whopping 24.4 lbs with dimensions of 31x24x13..... I can hardly contain my anticipatory excitement........
@stryper2000 I don't think it is the onkyo or the roomba. Most of those were mid to high 20s. The receiver alone is 18.7 lbs. My guess is either monitor, air mattress, or something we haven't seen yet. Which is a real shame because I've been needing and jonesing for a new receiver.
We got our Fukubukoro yesterday, and I'm still in shock....
We got
1) A bunch of great chintzy but amazing odds and ends, such as a set of Elvis Presley coasters, a small Spiderman t-shirt, an indeterminate female Halloween costume, a rather expensive looking journal set, a pair of toy roller skates...
and.....this is the one that shocked the hell out of me...
2) An iRobot Roomba 790!!
HOLY CRAP! Those things retail for $549 on Amazon...
Our 8.1 lbs of Fuku greatness was delivered yesterday! We received: bags of Texas air confetti birthday card w/sase party horn black meh party hat red meh bag Napoleon Dynamite trash can (sweet!) Pez clown coin bank (scary) rocket night light baby on a rocking horse Christmas ornament Archos 97 Titanium HD tablet (Android Jelly Bean) Beats Solo 2 headphones (University of Cincinnati Red & Black)
My first ever fuku updated to 16x16x15 and 9.2 lbs of joy last night, set to show up on the doorstep tomorrow. Very excited, though I'm already playing the "what it is and what it can't be" game now. Lesson learned - Next time, going dark in the reveal thread 'til I get mine!
@bdp I managed to keep myself in the dark until after I had opened mine. It worked very well. If I had read the thread first, I would have had a bad case of 4k monitor envy. Instead my expectations remained at meh. Thus when I looked at my $5 Fuku, it was like Wow I got one of the really good ones! I scored!.
Got my fukuru box and it's just absolute garbage. Seriously, just complete trash.
Plastic Alien wall relief Meep X2 tablet Crappy 808 Headphones Toy Story kids book iCarly Notebook Hard written comic saying they over sold so just give me some trash
@JerkMcJerkface That tablet is probably worth around $90 and depending on which 808s you got, those have some good value too. Definitely worth more than the $5 you spent.
If you don't want that stuff, I'll give you $5 and you can ship it all to me.
@cengland0 ha. the tablet is some kids awful garbage, it's going on eBay for maybe $40. After fees and shipping it'll put 20 in my pocket. The headphones I guess are sort of not garbage, but nothing in the kit is a big ticket "wow" item.
@JerkMcJerkface Remember, you must keep your expectations meh, or low if you prefer, then you may be pleasantly surprised. The fact that you even made it into the oversold group means you had better luck than 99% of the other MEHers out there. I don't think all the previous Fuku events were chock full of big ticket wow items and wouldn't expect all future Fukus to be either.
@kuoh I get that I'm not entitled to a Roomba. When a site that's motto is "prepare for mediocrity" delivers on a mediocre surprise, I think it's ok for me to be disappointed, albeit expectedly so. Meh doesn't need me to jump up and down excitedly that they sent me a box of trash.
@JerkMcJerkface So your upset because instead of getting nothing you got maybe $10 extra in money and some sort of not garbage headphones. If it makes you feel any better yours probably has more monetary value than mine and I was one of the 1st 500, so you have that going for you. Now if you didn't see everyone else's would you of been happy? That's how you should look at it.
@MrMark I'm sorry, but am I required by the internet to be excited over a box of items that have no value to me and almost no value to eBay? I played the game, and lost. I don't hate Meh, but when other people are getting Spheros, Roombas, A/V Receivers, and 27" Monitors, and I get a box of valueless items, I'm supposed to not be disappointed? Please tell me how to feel, apparently I'm doing it wrong.
@JerkMcJerkface Disappointed is one thing, but being whiny and throwing a bit of a fit about how much trash it is seems unnecessary. What were you expecting when you purchased it? Do you somehow feel you were cheated out of your $5.00 that you agreed to give in exchange for unknown items? There was value in your box (You stated the meep is worth $40. The 808s could be worth 20-60), just because it isn't valuable to you doesn't mean it was unfair. Someone with a kid might of been thrilled to get your box.
You got at a minimum $60 worth of stuff for $5.00. Could be a worse day.
@JerkMcJerkface I missed out on this one, but got 2 Fuku's previously. I would have been elated with either a set of 808 headphones, or the Meep tablet compared to what I got. I'll swap you a 2pac shotglass and a precious moments figurine for the Meep if you want. :)
@JerkMcJerkface Well, do us all a favor then and don't buy a FUKU the next time it is offered. Someone else will get it instead and be more excited about it.
They should have sent you some prozac or zoloft or something. It's a just a fun game. It costs $5 to enter and you get a nice surprise. Yours is nice but you don't think so. That's your problem.
My offer still stands. If you don't want it. I will pay the $5 you spent and take it all off your hands.
@JerkMcJerkface What @lisaviolet said! If it's all about the dollar value for you, please move on and let somebody else who is more appreciative like @mfladd have your fuku.
For me the fuku is all about the game. I don't care about the dollar value (ok, I lied. I will probably appreciate a big ticket item should I get one). The unlucky bag last time was my first fuku. And I really enjoyed trying to find out if something was on the USB stick and the Halo. Trying to find out where my t-shirt with the hole in the armpit came from. I didn't get a single expensive item. But the sum of all was worth more than $5. And certainly I would pay $5 again just for the fun aspect of it. Was it worth paying less than the price of a matinee movie ticket? Yes! Was it worth the price of less than two café au lait at my favorite coffee shop? Hell, yes!!!
A fuku should always be about the fun of getting stuff that you wouldn't normally have put on your shopping list. If you get something that was on your shopping list, all the more luck! And btw. the human touch of a little hand written note is what sets meh apart from all the other companies out there - at least in my books. Don't complain about a hand drawn comic. This is something that is truly 100% unique!
if nothing else, please make a kid happy by sending your iCarly notebook to @rockabettygirl
@MrMark I do have a kid, and he's not getting the tablet. I don't need my four year old to have his own, since we try not to let him sit and play video games all the time.
Also please indicate where I threw a fit. I got a box of stuff that I don't like and let you know, I'm sorry that you can't deal with that. Maybe next time I'll get a better fukuru box , but this time, it was a let down.
@einrad :) thanks. I would be happy with a box of Texas air. Your right, it's all about the game. If he is disappointed with Fuku, imagine what he would say about a BOC.
@Starblind Crap, I thought about doing that. Oh well, next time, I'll make sure that no matter what I get I only gush praise for it. I didn't realize I was posting on reddit where you are only allowed an echo-chamber of high-fives.
@JerkMcJerkface Deal. Box up everything you included on the list and send it to me and I'll pay you $10 total. You can contact me for address and other communications at myid at gmail dot com. I also assume you got the red FUKU bag too so please include that as well.
@cengland0 you are holding you head up so high that I can almost see straight into your nostrils, @JerkMcJerkface I believe in your words and am glad you spoke up be the jerkface you were born to be don't let these high and mighty mehites try to crap on your jerk parade I applaud you sir ! also he said he would make a fuku just for you not the fuku he got!
@sp3ar Not sure what you mean about holding my head up high. Suppose I'm a little naive so don't know if that's a good or bad thing :)
Anyway, there wasn't a single FUKU that someone has posted that I wouldn't be interested in getting for what they paid. I'm surprised JerkMcJerkface is so unhappy with the FUKU he received to be so disappointed.
In the past, I have always received items I didn't need or want. However, I have always been able to find a friend happy to accept the free gifts I give them.
I don't have any kids of my own but I sure have a bunch of friends that do (and several grand kids) so I can make one of them very happy with that Meep X2 tablet and other supplies. Making someone else happy is worth the $10 admission costs.
And we send a care package to the Philippines for poor families once a month so any other children's stuff is always a nice bonus.
@cengland0 Usually when someone makes a comment like that, they're calling you a snob, but that doesn't really make sense in this case. Also, I completely agree with you.
@sp3ar I hope I don't appear smug. I'm usually the exact opposite. I never have pride in myself and I hate my life. I wish I was never born but now that I'm here, I have to deal with it the best I can. There is nothing here to congratulate myself on. I have no accomplishments that I'm proud of. However, if I do get his FUKU, I will feel glad those objects will be going to someone that would like them.
@cengland0 I didn't say I'd send you my fuku, I said I'd pack up and send you my own mystery box, full of whatever garbage I have laying around. Also, "I never have pride in myself and I hate my life." What? You are allowed to hate your life, and I state my disappointment in a box of meh, and I'm being unreasonable?
@JerkMcJerkface You said you would send me your own mystery fuku box and that led me to believe it was the one you received. Since you do not want to take me up on that offer, I can only assume that you must be satisfied with what you received else you would be willing to get your money back plus an additional $5.
Regarding me hating my life has nothing to do with what meh has done. I love meh. You have no idea what kind of life I have and problems I deal with so you wouldn't understand. I can tell you that your expenditure of $5 is minor in comparison so I still don't think you should be complaining about what you got.
This is my last message to you about this. You obviously are not satisfied but satisfied enough that you don't want to get your money back (sort of mixed messages there). There's no further need to argue about it.
@JerkMcJerkface Compare yourself to @Pavlov, who got a fukubukuro that didn't really have anything anyone in his household could use, so he decided to post a contest and give it away and throw a ton more of cool stuff in there. I mean, yeah, there's only one @Pavlov, but seriously, dude.
@sammydog01 Yes and no. The extra 119 fukus were shipped out on Tuesday or whatever the later date was. However, the orders weren't filled in the order they were received, so even if you got one of the original 500, that doesn't mean your order was one of the first 500.
My 16.4 lb. package landed today. Thank you Meh! That confetti was a mess. I loved it. I got a few items I've not yet seen in the thread (to my knowledge).
1x Meh Bag. So awesome 1x Party hat, with detached string 1x Noisemaker 1x SASE with card (to be returned to sender, obs) 1x Santa on a rocking horse ornament 1x Cat In the Hat Bobblehead 1x 808 Drift Headphones - I love you guys so much 1x Targus Versavu Rotating Keyboard Case and Stand for iPad ($79.99 on Amazon) 1x Cars Adhesive Border
And here's the odd items:
6x Star Wars Episode I Danglers. (above) Mini replicas of various ships from the movie on a small wire with a suction cup at the end. Kinda neat.
1x Mighty Bright LED Floor Light and Magnifier. This is the thing that made up most of the weight. Lists for $72 on Amazon.
Thanks SO MUCH, Meh. It's been fun hanging with you. Here's to another great year for both of us.
I have to admit, I was blown away by what everyone else was receiving, yet I had low expectations for my own (it's better to not get your hopes up, right?).
Meh has outdone themselves. Every single piece of this will get put to use... except for maybe one
The box arrived in really decent shape, despite some of the descriptions here. I guess my mail carriers are exceptionally careful with our packages.
Holy (not-at-all) Meh!
1x Hollywood Moms book 1x Mr. Bean's Holiday activity book 1x King Kong Keychain 1x SASE with card inside 1x Meh Bag 1x Himalayan Breeze Decorative fan (looks like an alarm clock) 1x awesome apology letter and party hat 1x Fozzy Bear mug (my wife stole this as soon as she saw it -- bitch!) 1x Ninja Ultima Blender, opened and used, missing one cup but still awesome (retail on Amazon is $220).
And also this.
1x old motherboard. I haven't looked it up just yet, but it predates SATA connectors. I'm guessing somewhere around 2002-2003 since it does have USB though. I literally laughed out loud when I saw it. Whoever provided this -- Thank you!
No nude pics of @JonT. I guess the mail carrier stole those!
Happy Birthday Meh! I hope it's the best one you've ever had
@capguncowboy Don't bother hooking up the motherboard, there are a few bulging capacitors near the CPU socket. It's either not going to boot at all or not last long even if it does boot. Meh.
@capguncowboy that hand written note is awesome!!!! But I think someone should of sent you just a little something extra since you were Deals.wOOT FFL Champion and you didn't get a prize ;)
@mfladd Ha, thanks for bringing that up! @Snapster's been busy building this awesome empire! I'm not too worried about it. I feel like I've more than gotten my fair share since then :)
I got all excited by my package updating to 20 pounds, and laughed when I opened my fuku to see a full size air mattress in it. That was not what I was expecting, and it made me laugh.
@cengland0 I was driving back to work after bringing the box in. here's the rest of the haul. thanks meh! my previous fuku bag has become my default grocery bag, i think this one may become a laundry bag.
Oh wow, the confetti. The other day I got a kickstarter package and had no idea where it was from and a friend joked it was going to be one of those glitter bombs. Now I actually got one and I couldn't be happier.
Actual contents are amazing too.
Sphero free! Already got the limited edition one but now I can give one to a little cousin or something and have ball battles. Glasses that let you watch TV while laying down with mirrors. These are actually kind of cool and even tempting to use. Bluetooth speakers with included subwoofer! With a label that says "returned subwoofer doesn't work!" I wonder if it was fixed or if its trash!? I'll have to try. Fairly Odd Parents Fuzzy poster with markers! Who knows!? Cat in the hat bobblehead with semi crappy paint job? Freaking sweet! I have a build a bear cat in the hat I got as a gift my freshman year back in college. Love me some Seuss. A random puzzle! A card to send to Meh for happy birthday with a stamp already on it? Great, now will I take the effort to write something witty?
Overall I can't be happier I snagged this for 5 bucks and didn't miss out this time on sheer luck I happened to look at exactly 12 with no idea it was bag day. The Fukayoudiggaridoo gods were with me that day.
Inside: one meh bag One set of imported air (Texas) One flowery thermos bag One projecting alarm clock radio One unfurled, celebratory meh hat One set frozen monster fun pops, to be used with my favorite beverage (coffee) One The Fairly Odd Parents! die cut velvet poster, with markers, to be given to son within the next year One noisemaker, confetti filled One green lantern journal One AOC USB 3.0 (hurray) LCD monitor, 15 inch.
Very nice meh, my only disappointment is the lack of a SASE and birthday card, given that the cost to create and send my own will cost me roughly 1/10 of ordering the fukubukero.
Then again I got the gift of confetti and a hat when so, so many others did not, so it's a perfectly meh trade off. Thanks!
My Fuku finally arrived at my local post office. I just couldn’t wait until tomorrow so I went to the post office to pick it up. It’s a small country post office with just 1 lady working there. She went to the back then called out to me, “How big is your car?” My car is a Dodge Dart, not known for truck like cargo space. I had no option but to open it up and put the contents loose in the car. There was a lot of Texas air. Then there was another good size box inside the big box. And this box wouldn’t fit in the trunk so I jammed it into the back seat along with this stuff. There was no writing on the box that made any sense to me so I had to drive the 20 miles home in deep suspense. It was sad I had to abandon the big box. I brought home all my Texas air. Bet no one else got as much. Got the stuff home and took this picture of some writing on the top of the box. To get right to the point, this is what was in the box.
@JonT The kids are working up the birthday card today so I can get it in the mail too. Hopefully they're feeling "creative" and don't just draw dogs with wieners or something like that! (thought i guess that's kinda creative too)...
1x Giant Pez Dispenser 1x Meh Party Hat 1x Meh B-day Card 1x Meh Drawstring Bag 1x Pair of Sandals (Size 9) 1x Nick Zone Lunch Bag 1x Dogs Rule Scrap Book 1x 808 Drift Headphones 1x Ceramic Tumbler
Birthday card and birthday hat red meh bag 1 wall graffix - resident evil 1 wall graffix - super mario 1 king kong "lifelike" key chain 1 pkg kids plastic motorcycle toys 1 kevin dundon burger maker, new in box 1 genuine lined leather jacket, with tags (retail 119.9) size 2X
Mystery box…are you ready for your mystery box? Will it be a dream? Or a dud?
Mystery box is 24 x 30 x 12 and weighs about 17 pounds. This is the first fuku that I haven’t spoiled by reading the reveal threads, so let’s see if this strategy pays off.
I haz a happy!
• Meh bag • Roomba 560 refurb • Metawatch Glance + Go • 808 Drift headphones • King Kong keychain • Mr. Bean Activity Book • Porcelain trinket box shaped like camcorder • Very pink insulated lunch bag, sadly empty. (Y U no give me lunch, Meh?) • Birthday card - too lame to send back. I will have to upgrade this. • Very anemic-sounding noisemaker, but at least it is purple! • Homemade Meh birthday hat (makes it that much more special) • Photocopied apology for said homemade birthday hat, suitable for framing. And frame it, I shall.
Roomba is in its 16 hour re-charging phase, so not yet certain that it works. Assuming that it does, I cannot wait to delegate this dreaded chore to my new robot servant. I sent a photo of my haul to my brother, and the item he is most jealous of is the King Kong keychain. Weirdo.
Thanks for the awesome Fuku, Meh! Happy, Happy Birthday to you, and many more. It is almost 5:00 p.m. in Dallas, so I shall raise a glass to celebrate your mediocrity and my great Fuku. Drink of choice today is sparkling lemonade with Amaretto. Cheers!
@Teripie I'm not sure how to feel about this - are we teaching our children to whizz on wildlife? Will they see a frog and have the urge to urinate? Okay - now after typing that I'm totally digging this item.
My First FUKU box ever arrived today way late at 6 pm. I came in expecting mediocrity but all you spoilers hyped my 18lb 22in box so hard. Everyones' boxes looked so amazing that I could only expect greatness! Then I saw it, the truely mediocre boxes and I prayed. Neigh, I blindly had faith that whatever I get, I hope It isn't an air bed...
My friend got his fuku before me, he was sad that he didn't get an ollie in his ~8lb box, I laughed and taunted. Well, Karma, karma is one fair bitch. http://imgur.com/a/BBBFj
So is this air bed used or good to go?... At least there wasn't that much confetti
a meh.com fuku bag a sase birfday card a note about this being the overrun batch a handmade meh birfday hat a silly surfers model (hawk classics 16013 "HoDad makin' the scene with a six-pack") a mermaid table book a kevin dundon (who?) hamburger patty grill a set of "I love Lucy" salt and pepper shakers shaped like shoes an iCarley planner and an inflatable whale that has a hole in it
I will attempt to patch whale and drop it in the lake here.
@Mehcus I didn't find a neato robotics botvac 85 in there, guess it's coming in another shipment? (grin)
Happy Birthday meh, next year I'll send more upscale suckers.
Long time meh'er, first time poster. So. I'm super sad. My Fuku came today and my roommate reported that the contents were stolen. All that remained were the Fuku bag and Texas air. (I'm out of town today.) Do I dare wanna know what was originally in the box? Any good guesses?
@kennethdegraff Wow that bites. Roomate: "Sorry your box was empty, but check out my new Sphero!" But really, more details please. Did the box arrive opened? Was it left at your door and someone came along and ransacked it? How did this happen?
So, just got back home. These are the photos. I'll settle on a Fozzie Mug, but I already have a regrettable Sphero (dog doesn't love it). Package theft isn't uncommon, but isn't all that rare either. I was hoping it would be a camera system. Seriously, I would set that up. Oh, and there's no Meh.com bag, just a flat hat.
LOVE mine! Contents: 1 Bag 1 Blank Birthday Card 1 Handmade hat and note explaining they ran out of hats 1 Edward Scissorhands CD case 1 Mario Slugger Wall Graffix 1 Aliens Wall Relief (HUGE FAN) 1 Fozzie Mug 1 Iogear Bluetooth Keyboard 1 Swiffer Steamboost/Sweepervac Combo that will come in handy if you notice the legs under the table that are attached to a Labrador who sheds heavily
Used Deep Fryer 808 Headphones Nickzone Lunch box Coyote Urine Spray Toy Story Talent Show Mermaids Book Mark Cuban Gnome Meh bag, bday card, hat, noise maker. The Red Queen Diary
@whistlingwilly Coyote Urine Spray ? Is it "natural" or manmade ? New cologne to attract other coyotes ? Is coyote love in the air ? That may be the most "interesting" thing I've seen yet. Have fun with that one. :p
1 Cat in the Hat Official Movie Bobblehead 1 Meh Bag 1 Meh Party Hat 1 Silvania Record Player 1 Set of 6 Star Wars Dangler Figures 1 Fairly Odd Parents Coloring Poster 1 Meh Bday Card - To Be Returned 1 NanoTek Phone Stand 1 NickZone Soft Lunchbag 1 Ton of Confetti 1 Hollywood Moms Hardcover Coffee Table Book and 1 Roomba 560 Refurb!
Time to build a DJ Roomba!
So much better than Prime Day! Thanks Meh!
The cat wanted me to open it. The GF wanted me to wait until she got home.
Finally opened.
Shitty picture, but Hollywood Moms book with the Hollywood sign in the background.
A crap day at work and my fuku wasn't supposed to arrive until tomorrow, but "OMG there's a box by the door" and I screamed like a little girl!! My first fukubukuro arrived and I am just overcome!
9 plastic bags with no Texas (or any other state) air. Wedge Antilles action figure. Hollywood Moms photo book. Viking helmet. Dragonball Z VHS tape. 808 Drift headphones. Pink, flowered lunch bag (lead free!) SASE bday card, Meh party hat, noise maker. Meh Fuku Bag. ...and a Mr. Coffee Espresso maker!!
Thank you meh... You made the end of my work week great! Well, the single malt scotch is helping, too.
Fuku (second ever) received today, one day earlier than originally estimated!
meh red bag SASE b-day card Nat Geo VHS Mr. Bean activity books Empire state puzzle King Kong keychain iCarly planner black-on-black meh t-shirt (not pictured) and an AOC 21" monitor (not yet sure if it's functional)
@liquidbluenight Just a fair warning. That fan is the absolute worst fan of all time. All the noise of a working fan with none of the air flow. Maybe mine was a fluke, but it was a 6" fan blade inside a 10" housing. It had more air coming out the back than it did in the front
My box: 1. Fuku String Bag 2. Party Hat, Noisemaker, Birthday Card, 3. Empire State Building Paper Model Kit 4. Nick Zone Lunch Bag 5. Weird toy that looks like it came from a cereal box 6. Sphero Ollie 7. Razer Ouroboros Gaming Mouse (!)
Mine originally said it would be here Monday, but now they pushed it back to Tuesday. The suspense is killing me. I hope I get a Viking helmet in mine! :D
The wife is less than thrilled, she sees nothing but junk. But $5.00 is all I've been billed and I know this not podunk!
Surveying my 31x25x13 haul, I see nothing but (possible) gold. Avoiding the marital squall, may mean some will have to be sold. :-(
Sphero is a robot I tell her, yes, the Sherwood is dented, but the margarita glass is finer. Let me fill it for you, I prompted.
Look, I say, the t-shirt is just your size! Distracted by alcohol and a new garment, the iCarly Daily Planner she now eyes... I whisk the rest of my loot down to the basement.
There, in the dark, next to the laundry room, I will finish my tale: Nickelodeon bag for lunches, a Space Precinct Action figure (clearly an heirloom), and a 100 piece puzzle. Hey Meh - thanks bunches!!
Meh fuku bag SASE with birthday card Noise maker Meh party hat Die cast model car (1947 Mercury Convertible) Fozie Bear mug 1 kids' roller skate Creepy Christmas ornament Pink touch screen capable gloves Set of 6 Star Wars mirror danglers Alice in Wonderland journal Solo laptop bag Sphero 2.0!
And.... the Pièce De Résistance... A refurbed Dyson DC41 Animal vacuum cleaner!!! It was returned, but I'm going to check it out and see if it works. I already bought one from Meh a few months ago, but this one would make a nice gift or fetch some money on eBay.
I just received my (second ever) Fuku bag, a day earlier than expected.
31x24x12 ; 20 lbs
enter code here
1 SASE Blank Birthday Card to Meh 1 Meh Birthday hat, not assembled
1 noise maker A large amount of confetti 1 Meh Fuku bag 16 bags of Texas air 1 small post it note with the word "Remorse " written on it. 1 adult sized sassy snow bunny costume 1 Hawaiian surf scented Lucky Spins air freshener 1 Nick Zone lunch bag 1 piece of blank card stock 2 Salacious Crumb small Star Wars figures 1 Sphero 2.0 1 Motorola Baby Monitor Camera And lastly 1 Homedics Full Back Cushion with Custom Fit Massage, open box, but appears unused and functional.
Overall an awesome haul! Was really jonesing for the Onkyo but I can use almost all of this stuff! :)
@nalesean I tried to link the picture or embed it several ways with a google drive embed. Now it won't let me edit my post further so here is the photo link:
@Thumperchick Thanks. I will definitely try that next time :) I just wasn't in the mood after opening my stuffs to start a new account somewhere to share a picture. I'm mostly a lurker at all the forums I frequent, and rarely have reason to post a photo.
Meh bag Brand new Kevin Dundon grill Jollyranchers bag Refurbished/open box Roomba 560 Self addressed stamped envelope Mock security camera Puzzle set Birthday noisemaker thing that doesn't work A Christmas tree ornament Marvel hero's thing Touch gloves Dragonball Z VHS tape Meh ...hat(?)
Meh Oh my!! Just got my box, thank goodness my sis was able to deliver it early........... <3 my mail-woman!!
My first ever FUKU About my box: 28.7 lbs and 36x16x13
First off -- WOW. You have outdone yourselves -- worst box I've ever opened..Kidding of course. I was literally jumping around in the kitchen...
Confetti! 1 Meh Birthday Card in SASE 1 Partayyyyy Hat - I might just wear this around town today 1 Red Party Noise maker - non-working (Probably for the best) 1 Meh backpack bag -- I suppose If I am wearing the party hat... might as well round out the outfit 1 "Weird-Ohs" Davey Model Set (My son is very excited) 1 "Aprons and Attitude Wine Glass "I'm leaving his ass" How did you know?! Stalkers! 1 Space Precinct Officer Castle Figurine 1 Marvel Comics "Hulk" Switcherz (again my son,excited) 1 Motorola WiFi Video Baby Camera - SWEET!! 1 Sphero 2.0 OMG. I might never need a babysitter for my son again. Once of course, he discovers the awesomeness he was distracted with the other goodies when I tried it out. Not a single sign of Texas air
A Dyson DC41 -- I cannot Thank You enough Meh. Just bought a house, my first house, I wanted this sooo bad but couldn't justify the cost with a new mortgage!! Was used, works perfectly and I'm in love. LOVE.
Meh, you really outdid yourself with this crap box ;-) Happy Happy Birthday to you great minds! I have one handwritten birthday card headed your way. I really want to shout to the rooftops about you -- but I do like my hidden gem of a deal site... a little selfish, I know. My boyfriends father has been getting slowly sucked in, with my encouragement. He helped me with the reveal today -- I think he's a true believer!! Off to suck up all dirt in the vicinity of this house so we can roll the Sphero around while I enjoy a glass of wine. No judging, it's 5 o'clock somewhere....
My haul 18"x16"x16" 12.4lb package Starting with what most others received: 6 bags of fresh Texas air (1 deflated, 1 deflated with confetti inside) meh party hat noisemaker SASE to A Mediocre Corp. and blank b-day card fuku drawstring bag confetti bomb ...and now the rest in increasing order of awesome: Kong "Life-Like" Key Chain Pair of Urge Basics "Precision" Touch Gloves Marvel Heroes Green Goblin Swicherz Campbell's Soup girl rocking horse Christmas ornament Nick Zone canvas lunchbag PoGo Power Card Portable smartphone charger 6 Star Wars Dangler mirror danglers Himalayan Breeze Penguin Fan with a noticeable (but not terrible) dent in its' forehead. Love it. Sylvania Turntable with USB Encoding (Brand New) and last but not least... 6 Mother Effing Elvis Presley 4 pc. Coaster Sets!!
No idea on weight. (FedEx never updated the tracking information and it was definitely heavier than 3 lbs.)
13 bags of Texas air (some partially deflated)
The loot: 1 IOGEAR Multi-Link Bluetooth Keyboard with Touchpad (brand-new!) 1 Dozen Luminarc Bola clear stemless wine glasses (all intact! No broken glasses!) 1 "Hollywood Moms" book (by Carrie Fisher) 1 "Fun4U" 100-piece puzzle 1 Domus "Pop Kit" 3D cardboard puzzle (Empire State Building) 1 "Styx" 3000mAh Super Light Polymer Battery Backup (open box but appears to work just fine) 1 "Campbell's Kids" Christmas ornament 1 Testors "Weird-Ohs" model kit (Davey) 1 "Life-Like Kong" Key-chain (life-like???) 1 "Gerry Anderson's Space Precinct" figurine (Lieutenant Brogan) 2 Star Wars mini-figurines (both are Salacious B. Crumb)
1 Fukubukuro string backpack 1 Meh party hat 1 Mediocre Corporation Birthday Card in a SASE
I think I got one of the last ones to ship. Custom Meh birthday hat Note explaining custom birthday hat SASE card Sock monkey pet toy Fuku bag Mermaids book Monkey tumbler Green lantern journal 808 drift headphones Some kind of video camera shaped mini porcelain box
My wife isn't super happy with me right now, since she's been reading the rest of this thread and was dying for a Nickelodeon lunchbox.
My 9.2 lb 18x16x15 has arrived. My first ever fuku and it is suitably meh! Sadly, I was in the oversold group, even though I was waiting to click right at midnight, which tells you just how fast the first 500 went.
So, unlucky, but lucky in a way that meh was kind enough to still honor the order and I at least broke my fuku cherry.
19 sacks of texas air.
Beautiful red drawstring bag.
Custom-designed replacement meh party hat.
Oversold note
SASE Monkey-themed birthday card for Meh
Fozzie bear coffee mug (irreplaceable, I have to imagine).
Not one, but TWO King Kong stretchable key chains.
My new coffee table book, "Mermaids: Sirens of the Sea".
808 Drift Headphones, Black (untested)
MooreMedial Mooresplint Synthetic Roll Splint (heaviest item in the box - also untested as of this moment. Will let you know if that changes).
Will hope to catch fuku #2 (for me) the next time round, and will also avoid the reveal thread until after delivery!
My 16.8 lbs. of delight got here along with my 15 lb. air cleaner, and boy was the mailperson glad to get those boxes off her truck. Very classic meh collection, with a few WTF included. Three bags for, not of, Texas air. One SASE and card, which will go back Monday. One each decorative fan, NIB, and it may just go to someone who needs it more than I. The roll of instant splint material is going to a local Little League team. The wastebasket and the puzzle are destined for a holiday grab bag. The Big Wheel Action Playset with mechanic's tools and the activity and sticker book for Mr. Bean's Holiday are going to the Toys For Tots drive, as is the creepy Jesse Ventura Little Big Head. The Mermaids book is lovely, and I happen to have someone on my list who collects & creates mermaids. They'll get it- eventually. However, I am keeping the TWO-count 'em- TWO noisemakers, the Meh Hat, the Meh Bag- and the Razer Tiamat 2.2 Headset. At least for awhile. And thank you so much for not putting glitter in the box, because the cats instantly claimed it, although they refuse to pose with the Hat. Thanks, Meh! Happy birthday to you, and mehny more.
@OldCatLady Just fell off my rocking chair laughing, because I took a look at the 'NIB' decorative fan. The box is all taped up, and the fan itself is tied with a lovely red ribbon that says 'www.wbminternational.com' and 'Alpine Breeze', with a pretty mountain logo. However - the fan motor is not mounted to the housing. The wires appear to be connected to the power cord, and I entertained myself by thinking about plugging it in BRZZZ WHAP WHAP CLANK-. I mean it, the motor just rattles around in the case. A whole new level of Meh has been achieved. I will now open it up to see what I can do to fix it. I'm a sucker for damaged animals, plants, and apparently for small appliances too.
@OldCatLady The plastic motor mounts have at some point been sheared off and splintered, with some pieces gone missing. Now I have a small motor with fan blades and power wires attached, and a wire cage suitable for imprisoning garden gnomes, with a nifty handle on top. Good thing I decided to look at it before donating it.
Woo-hoo, mine came two days early! Included: An oversold note. Thank you, Meh, for still sending me one.
I'm going to start out with this so I don't end on a downer. 1 ooma telo bundle (refurbished) with two pages of emails between (I won't give you the name and address) someone in Colorado and Meh discussing the fact that it doesn't work well and he wants to return it and Meh telling him how to and that his money will be refunded.
1 Resident Evil wall graffix w/4 graffix - has "grandson" written all over it. 1 set of I Love Lucy high heel salt and pepper shakers - daughter-in-law is a Lucy fan. 1 Power Jolt SE Charger for iPhone or iPod. 2 Casper the Friendly Ghost puzzles, looks to be about 20 pieces so I might be able to do them. 1 Neoprene sleeve for the latest generation Kindle 1 Jungle & Friends dog toy from Bow-Wow pet products 1 Fuku bag 1 Napolean Dynamite wastebasket 1 10GEAR multi-link bluetooth keyboard w/touchpad and two batteries - looks new 1 birthday card AND a silver birthday hat with MEH handwritten on it and inside a note from Hollboll saying this was the last hat! I am so lucky!
P.S. I was this close [ ] this morning to selling the giant bubblegum machine but his wife said no. sigh
My first fuku arrived today! 2 days early from the original estimate! I was one of the later packages to leave so I was keeping my hopes seriously meh. I was disappointed! No meh in sight...mostly.
I got: Hollywood Moms book: re-gift 808 Headphones: we already have 3 but what's one more 100 piece puzzle: prize box at school 2 monkey figurines: prize box at school - I think they are movie related but I can't tell 6 Star Wars Danglers: I will probably gift these. They are way too cool to prize box. Marvels toy: prize box at school Cars wall cling: prize box at school - may even cut apart to make many prizes Meh hat: prize box at school 2 party whistles: prize box at school Birthday card: Most of mine that I send are belated anyway. This one will be no different. Meh bag: Mine. Don't touch. ....and....Philips Soundbar with Subwoofer!
It is an opened package and I haven't tested it out yet so I've got my fingers crossed. I can't check it yet though because the DC IN cord is MIA. Here's to hoping!
So got this todsy rsther then monday. Welcome to meet my boys oldest is christian jr. Middle dylan and youngest is carter. We got 1)deco fan 2) cat n hat bobblehead 3)meh birthday card + hat 4) cambells xmas deco 5)sports bracelet 6)clifford wooden shape sorter 7)outback wobbler 8)empire state model 9)razer gaming keyboard 10)hollywood mom book 11) meh bag.
* thanks meh. Im sure u csn tell with thr pics we are a very special family lol
@KDemo its cause of my saltwater tank 2 different levels of light at different angles. Although im asking the dr next week. Just tried taking s few and no halo. But def thanks for the concrrn. Meh on meher's
Love meh! My fuku was equal parts awesome and totally weird/crap. But crap in a good way like a really bad movie that's so bad it's funny. My fuku was like a sharknado delivered in a box.!
It includes:
meh drawstring bag
meh special edition commemorative party hat
meh party whistle (claimed immediately by my 4 year old daughter)
Razer Carcharias Gaming Headphones and Mic (Refurbished)
viking helmet (claimed immediately by my 5 year old son)
iCarly personalized deluxe planner (claimed immediately by my 10 year old daughter)
Jolly Rancher messenger bag (the two aforementioned daughters are still arguing over this one)
preaddressed envelope with birthday card to Mediocre Corp. (hope you like kid's hand drawn art - coming your way...)
Under the Sun Seahorse swinging from a swing (by far the absolute weirdest thing, ultimately decided we will actually use it in the girls' beach themed room)
Beats Solo 2 headphones (what!?!? immediately claimed by yours truly)
After losing my 102 day streak of meh button pushes and missing out on every fuku so far (despite being right on time to the party) I was ready to throw in the towel on meh, but now I'm more excited about mediocre crap than ever before. I hope you guys make a fortune on crappy speaker docks (not off me though). Keep selling disposable radio controlled helicopters though and I'll keep buying 'em.
GF's fuku arrived last night. It never updated from the stock shipping details but it came in a box much larger than 10x10x10 - didn't weigh much more than 5 lbs. Surprisingly only a few items:
Shitload of confetti in the oversized box
Red Meh drawstring bag
Blue party noise maker
Birthday card for Meh (candles on the cover)
Fairly Odd Parents velvet poster. Might be a project for an "altered state".
JBL Onbeat Micro speaker dock. Captures the essence of Meh.
Decorative Fan Keyboard Texas Air Mario Wall Art SASE Yada Yada Note saying I had a custom one. (Although I know I purchased mine at 12:00 and six seconds.) Thanks Meh and Happy Birthday!
1. A SASE with a birthday card (I'll save that for next year) 2. a genuine leather biker vest for Route 66 (now I can look badass on my tricycle) 3. Microshield for the ipod touch I don't have. 4. Kevin Dundon Burger maker (useful for those salmon burgers I like to make) 5. A note saying they oversold and didn't have enough party hats, so they included a generic party hat they hand wrote "M E H" on 6. Edward Scissorhands CD/DVD/Blu-Ray travel tin 7. Residential Evil Wall graphics And last but not least, AniMates fun friends dress-up set with a lion bracelet, lion ponytail clip, and a lion necklace.
No Texas Air No Confetti 1 Meh Fuku Bag 1 Meh Party Hat 1 Meh Letter 1 Kazoo 2 Club Le Med 350TC Cotton Gusset Pillow (Went by the product code on the tag K224410) 1 Kevin Dundon Personal Burger Maker 1 Steelseries Mini Controller Australian Zoo Bingo 3D Empire State Building tacky Money Edition Touch-Screen compatible gloves 100 pc Jigsaw Helicopter Puzzle
Gerry Anderson's Space Precinct Figure 2 Gremlins? 1 Roulette Air Freshener and no one can forget about the Cat in the Hat Bobblehead!
With the exception of the pillows and the burger maker, it's less than mediocre at best considering that everyone else got Spheros & watches. Happy Birthday Meh...
@Davidtrippy this is really bothering me now. I don't think this is a gremlin. It is somewhere in my disturbed mind what character this is - but it won't come forth. Anyone?
Here's my Fukubukuro: Contents: Fuku drawstring bag SASE envelope w/blank card Cars wall cling Dino robot kit Roulette wheel car scent hanger- Hawaiian surf King Kong keychain Kazoo Space Precinct 2040 figure Confetti cannon Meh party hat Moneual vaccum Pure inflatable mattress with plush suede top
27 bags of Texas air. (Sadly four out them were destroyed in shipping) Confetti Yellow Noise Maker Meh Birthday hat (which broke when I was trying to put it together) and card I need to send them A Baseball Lunch Box A Hollywood Moms and Daughters book (my Mom will love this) An iPad 2 Keyboard Case in white A 100 Piece Blue Angels Puzzle Space Precinct Action Figure Men's Pair of Flip Flops size 9. (Sadly I am a Lady with slightly smaller feet so they won't fit me) A really snifty Iogear Keyboard that seams to have a mouse tracking pad on it And the best item is the refurbished Rumba 560!
Over all, I am really thrilled. This is the best five bucks I have ever spent. Thanks Meh!
Looked out front and my Fuku box was sitting there (albeit with a bunch of other crap I bought also).
1x Kevin Dundon Burger maker
1x VHS Dragonball Z - Fusion - Play for the time
1x Meh party hat (yaaay)
1x Meh handy bag to go with the rest
6x star wars plastic figurines with suction cups
1x Mr.Coffee Espresso/Cappuccino maker
1x 100 piece 9x12 inch puzzel
1x UP by JAWBONE (disapointed it doesn't track heart rate. I have a FitBit that does the exact stuff this does that I got for free. But still cool).
Rocket Night Light
Baseball lunch box
Card to send into meh, cause those guys are bad asses!
Very happy with this Fuku. I hope the burger maker and espresso maker work. Although I don't even know how to make espresso. Thank god it came with a manual.
Oh and it started raining 5 minutes after I bought this inside. So glad I didn't sleep in.
@Skylord123 Also not pictured is a alice in wonderland journal set. I just found it in the box. I tried to add it to the post but I think you can only edit so many times. Anyways, that was there to.
My Fuku just arrived and well... let's just say that I would be happy to re-ship the entire contents of the box to anyone who missed out and would like to get it (so long as you pay for shipping, which I'm guessing will be $15 or so). There are no spheros, ollies, receivers, watches, headphones, leather jackets, Roombas, or anything else exciting (to me anyway) in the package. It is definitely meh - so you've been warned. But if you want it, let me know...
When I saw on the tracking that my Fuku was close to 17 pounds, I got excited, and boy I was not dissapoint. :D
In no particular order:
-Party hat
-Broken party horn
-Birthday card
-Awesome OVERSOLD sketch note
-Red MEH bag
-Icarly sketch sticker pad thing
-Strange cow snowglobe where the cow is dressed like the Wicked Witch from TWOO, but the water in the globe is a disgusting brown color oh why haha
-Mr. Bean's Holiday fun pak
-Bindi's extremely annoying electronic Australia bingo thing
-Fan kinda shaped like an alarm clock or something that my younger son called dibs on and scampered away with
-...and my favorite, A MEEP! This one is an X2, whereas the one I bought from Meh ages ago for 20bux was the even crappier earlier version. However, I threw a hacked custom ROM on the old one, and now my wife uses it to play games. So yes, I am stoked and excited over this. I can't wait to attempt to lobotomize and mindwipe this one. :D It was obviously previously used, with fingerprints all over it and a busted charger, but it works, which is apparently more than most MEEPS do. :D
So yaaaaay! Thanks Meh! This was an even better five bucks spent than the last one! Getting one of these is more awesome than any birthday I have had for easily over a decade! :v :D :|]
@SHOVAR the wizard of oz snow globe could be quite old, looking around the net you will find the 10+ year ones the paints have leeched into the water making it dark.
@thismyusername Oh the brown funk just makes it thuper thpecial. It's like the cow had an accident in the globe. Also, if anyone out there is named Stevie#21, I now possess your MEEP. Muahahaha
In it we have: Kevin Dundon hamburger cooker El wire party glasses Jlab fit mp3 player Meh party hat 100 piece puzzle of military planes SASE & Birthday card w/ $1 in it (you want that back? ) Party noisemaker Campbell's soup Christmas ornament Jesse Ventura bobble head Big Wheels action playset Cat in the hat bobble head Mr. Bean's holiday activity book Paper model of the Empire state building (much assembly required) Bright red fuku bag
But for some reason, no confetti, not a single star, sparkle or tiny square was to be found anywhere. :(
Swag List: 2X Birthday Cards with Return Postage (Going to have fun with these) Meh Apron (Really makes this whole thing worth while, I needed one) Meh Bag Meh Comic Plastic Station Wagon Toy Edward Scissorhands Photo Album Razor Headset (Mic appears to be dead, attempting to see if I can do a warranty exchange on it) Alarm Shaped Fan Meh Party Hat Alien Wall Relief. And the best air texas can ship.
Hey everybody, long time lurker first time poster. Got my 25lb fuku today. This is my fourth fuku and by far the best. Here's the contents: australia zoo bingo game card shuffler puzzle a couple of kids toys clifford the big red dog wooden shape starter sylvania usb turntable and a friggin ninja ultima blender! Thanks and happy birthday to everyone at Meh! Also thanks to Brian from Aurora, IL for returning the blender to meh, so they can send it to me, there's something loose in the base, but hey, it still works.!
1 Party whistle that didn't work and deposited confetti into my windpipe 1 Birthday card A bunch of confetti that works its way into cracks and crevices and we'll be cleaning up for the next few months 1 Meh party hat that I am too lazy to assemble 1 Roulette wheel car scent that no longer smells and the wheel hardly turns 1 puzzle set that appears to be from the late 80's or early 90's with a very difficult picture to solve 1 Outback kangaroo bobble head commemorating their 15th anniversary in 2003 that my 3 year old hijacked 1 baseball shaped Thermos brand lunch bag that is perfect for the boy we are expecting in December 1 Duracell universal laptop charger which angers me because I just paid full retail for a universal laptop charger last week 1 Sphero Ollie that my wife has hijacked from me. It is my offering to her for putting up with all the random crap that Meh floods our house with
Mine showed up today. I avoided this thread so there wouldn't be spoilers. Opened it up and was super excited with it, then came and saw what other people got and was still excited with mine.
-Lots of confetti and Texas air (not pictured) -Black meh party hat -Red meh bag -Yellow SASE with birthday card -Orange NickZone lunch bag -Plastic Viking hat -iCarly journal -Over sized Mickey Mouse pez dispenser with LA Dodgers hat, that supposedly plays "Take me out to the ballgame" -Baked taco shell toaster -Shun 4-piece knife set
Stupid politicians keep trying to kill the United States Postal Service, but once again Smartpost comes through days faster than expected, even though deal-a-day-site shoppers keep bitching about it: My #Mehday fukubukuro arrived today even though its arrival had been estimated at Tuesday since the day it shipped. STFU, Smartpost haters, K? It's your fault (and @Starblind's) for your decision to live somewhere you get lousy mail delivery.
I always try to avoid spoilers but unfortunately the birthday card thread wasn't marked as one, and while I was taking chances posting a couple of comments on the buying thread and the shipping thread, I saw a couple of things that weren't real major. So overall we had some good surprises here. Also, it was pretty heavy. I'm still not supposed to lift more than 8 pounds while my sternum's healing, but I was pretty fucking happy to be taking one for the team here.
My first glimpse of the contents:
My second glimpse:
My third glimpse:
From there, this was the first thing I lifted out. It prompts me to wonder whether a certain Meh staffer might have a thing for seahorses, what with the certain thread that appeared recently. But this is pretty cool kitsch.
This is what it looks like hanging from the little thingie that keeps my hutch's door closed:
Here's a closeup:
And, if you're willing to cross your eyes, here it is in (kind of wonky) 3-D:
I then moved on to what I immediately recognized as a VHS videotape, because I'm old:
(If this is Rejection, Mediocre team, you can kick me to the curb every night of our lives together.)
Next, I saw this long shiny tube and, even though the wrapper says "flavored," it turned out it wasn't a too-small condom but a pair of flavored earbuds:
We then moved on to the I Guess I've Got My Secret Santa Stuff department:
All of the kids I know have already passed through the Cars phase. Geometrical temporary tattoos might come in handy, though. Like if I need a tourniquet to stanch my bleeding and stay alive, and nothing else is within reach, at least my corpse will look nice. If I can put them on nice and straight while I'm dying, that is. And whether that works or not, my blood will make the Red Queen even redder.
Speaking of looking nice, I guess I've got my Halloween shopping done too:
Based on past fuku threads, I assumed this blank piece of paper was there to inform me that there was no second shipment on the way:
Believe me, I checked, and both sides are blank.
Next up, more headphones. I think these were widely denigrated after a past sale, but I bet no one stopped to think maybe it was the crappy music you kids listen to these days.
Finally I started to reach the bottom of the box, including this, beloved by all, except @Barney, who half-loves it because red needs blue to make purple --
This handy little item -- lifelike! -- was underneath. I was glad for the warning because a lot of people forget that the original King Kong presented a choking hazard to Fay Wray.
I knew this was in there somewhere. Don't worry, Meh folks, you will get it back, but let me think about it. Plus, while I can't win @Pavlov's contest, I have an idea I really want to try to create for it before I do this.
I love this. It has a zillion uses. I mean, even as a silly DIY hat, there is nowhere I can't wear it.
(Note that it's a choking hazard as well. @JonT, how does that work? Linda Lovelace couldn't choke on this. Well, the whole point was that she couldn't choke on anything, but you know what I mean.)
Finally, the item that was bringing the weight up, this neat surprise:
My company's subcontracted office management department gave us plebes truly shitty chairs that look ergonomic but aren't, and even that pseudo-ergonomic look only lasts as long as the chairs stay together and they don't for very long, so this will actually help in multiple ways, Meh squad, and I know it's a total coincidence I got it, but I really appreciate it.
Thanks to @snapster for creating another great Internet retailer and hiring @JonT, @MEHcus, @hollboll, @shawn, and all the other great folks who execute on the vision. Heck, thanks to all the fun forum inhabitants too, because Meh couldn't make this a great forum without attracting cool people. And thanks to whoever packed my box for shipment, because it had a ton of great stuff and hardly any confetti. Whew.
[IMG][/IMG] My 10.9 lb box arrived yesterday, include
meh Bag and birthday hat Birthday card to send back Meep2 tablet (unfortunately truly DOA as indicated by the sticky note on the screen) Alien figure Casper puzzle Pokemon wall stickers Green table fan
I got excited when I found a folded hand written note, but alas, it turned out to be a note to indicate that my box was extra special since they made it after the sale
Got mine Friday but wasn't able to open it until today. The FedEx shipping measurements were definitely off in terms of weight...it said 28.8 lbs but it really only weighed 5 lbs, if that. Actually, I am not sure if something shady happened to my package...the bottom tape had definitely been cut and then retaped.
What was in the box:
Jolly Rancher bag
Popeye snuggie
Toy Story kids book
"Cats Rule" Scrap and Brag book
Dummy iPhone 6
Happauge DCR-2650 CableCard receiver for Windows PCs
Red fuku bag, Meh hat, noisemaker
No confetti or birthday card, I was actually really looking forward to returning it. Overall, it's a bit underwhelming especially since I've got a sad feeling that something got stolen. I guess I'm still lucky to have snagged one and had the excitement.
My fuku came today. The mail lady rang the doorbell and ran when the dogs lost their minds upon hearing said doorbell. Luckily, she dropped the box before running off. The dogs inspected the 19lb box heavily: Got the large box upstairs and opened it to this: Interesting. Is that a Roomba I see? Here's everything! Roomba is definitely a used return. It's charging now, so we'll see tomorrow if it works.
Bonus I tried to get one of my dogs, Roxy, to wear the party hat. Right after I put it on and went to take the pic, she ripped it off and ran with it. I frantically started to record a video, then realized I was still in portrait mode and flipped it while following her to the living room. Anyway, enjoy the hat destruction.
Thanks, Meh! You are the best!
@harbour@heartny If either of you are still willing to part with your Jolly Rancher bag, I'd be thrilled. Do you think it'd fit in one the cheap USPS flat rate mailers? If so, I'm happy to pay shipping. Or, if there's anything in my box other than the Roomba you'd want to trade for instead, that's fine. Just send me an email to my gmail account using my username. Thanks!
@heartny Thank you! @KDemo Thanks! We'll see soon enough. @duodec She's normally really well behaved; she listens pretty well and gives me toys when I ask her to, but she was going to shred that hat or else. @editorkid Maybe if they work out the kinks and it becomes popular enough. I had to uninstall it from my phone because it wouldn't work correctly.
I got my FUKU!! I'm having issues uploading a picture but what I got has already shown up here so I'll just post the list. I got a MetaWatch & a 6 inch recessed LED light for the house lol. I totally need to find a place to install it poorly. In addition to those two big pieces, I got the ugly reindeer that we've seen already & a 1994 action figure from a TV series I'd never heard of. The wife and I had a hell of a laugh out of the randomness. Thanks MEH!
ah i was one of the over apparently. i did get a viking hat! i also have some outback bobble head, a really creepy feeling king kong key chain, a hamburger maker, and a car jumpstarter that looks like it was a return. along with the meh bag, a hand-meh-de hat, and a card.
@vampje We should get together. I collect all kinds of hats, especially pirate hats. But I've got a British style pith helmet, loads of witch hats, ball caps, and my favorite from a couple Halloweens ago, a velvet, mortician's top hat. That one is quite nice. But besides the hats thing, I think we'd have a great time together!
@Teripie I'll see your pith helmet, and raise you one hat with feather and fascinator. @vampje, I lack a Viking helmet, but the Halloween stores are good for stuff like that.
@OldCatLady Halloween is the best time to grab something new and different in hats. I've also got an insane amount of wigs, also from Halloween, most of them are very nice, came from Ross. Here's how my hat rack is currently decorated. Most of my hats are in a huge container in the shed right now.
@Teripie i have a munch of big floppy sun hats, because as a goth i hate the evil day star. other than that i do not normally wear hats, but i love hair clips and headbands, and obviously colouring my hair pink and purple.
Its been a way too busy week, and I had to work today too so this is delayed; we received our nearly Proliant server sized box on Tuesday (I know because two Proliants came in the same day at work).
In no particular order:
Texas Air in copious quantity
Confetti Cannon
Green plastic roller skates, made in Hong Kong, Sturdy Durable Hard Plastic with METAL SUPPORT, age 5 and up (though they'd have to have tiny feet even for a 5 year old)
Alice in Wonderland Red Queen Journal
Dragonball Z "Fusion, Play for time" VHS tape
an Emoji Face Funny Expressio...ucket Hat 2 Colors (Black) New
A high quality machine-made Meh party hat
Jolly Rancher Watermelon messenger bag
Party whistle for dogs (makes no sound I can here)
SASE Birthday card
Sherwood FD-8504 AV receiver. Its in a refurb labeled box with a lot of scuffing and labels, but the unit is unblemished, came with accessories and remote (except for a setup microphone), powers up, and responds to the remote and front panel controls. I haven't had time to test it hooked up yet but we're hopeful. Our receiver is a Technics from about 1991, with no video capability (but excellent sound) and this one is a 2010 model, newer than our television and speakers, so if it works it may become our new central component.
Thanks Meh! I'll be sending your card back soon, though I have to put some thought into what to write ;)
@communist honestly? recorded on my galaxy Note 4 at 1080p30fps. Imported and edited in cineform studio (go pro software). Had some issues with export because laptop couldnt handle it.
Ended up having to export as cineform avi on laptop- then convert to h.264 and upload on my gaming rig at home. All done in cineform studio.
You already know what these look like, so just a list: Unique hand-crafted birthday chapeau Note 'splaining same Birthday card and SASE Fabulous meh fukubukuro bag Razer Tiamat (0.5?) mono headphones Iogear Bluetooth keyboard (do not know if it works, have to wait till I can waylay an itinerant wireless user to test it) Sturdy Fozzie Bear mug Wee Elvis in the army porcelain figurine treasure box with a lilliputian dog tag in the hinged base (I am ridiculously pleased with this) Pokeman poster iCarly planner
Thoughtful of you to put together some things instead of just cancelling the 119 extra orders. Thank you!
@dariusromero try searching on the usps side and see what it says... my t-shirts had "no estimated delivery date" on the fedex website for a day or so, but showed delivered on the usps website, and they were indeed waiting for me.
The trick is to search the tracking number on your orders page via google, or if you are at the usps website add a "92" to the front of the tracking number on your orders page.
@thismyusername Thanks for the tip! I tried it out, and USPS greeted me with a big red "Not Found" error message, so they haven't gotten any info from FedEx yet.
Originally my Fuku (35x16x13, 29.8lbs) was supposed to arrive Monday. Given the confetti debacles elsewhere in this discussion, I was relieved it would be a week day and I wouldn’t be home to accept the package and possibly interact with the mail person. Of course, the package arrived yesterday… I present to you this short transcript:
Me: Hi USPS Worker: Hi, I have a large parcel for you today. You may want to open it outside, because confetti is getting everywhere. Me: Oh, really? That's strange. USPS Worker: Yes, here you go.
Okay, so this transcript doesn't really convey the glaring look that the mail person was giving me. Anyway, here's the list:
SASE Meh Bag Meh Party Hat Noisemaker Lucky Spin Air Freshener "I'm Leaving His Ass" Wine Glass Life-Like Kong Keychain with a Confetti Coating 2 x Salacious Crumb Figures Space Precinct Figure Fairly Odd Parents Velvet Poster Nick Zone Lunch Box Marvel Heroes 3-D Sticker Solo Backpack! Spero 2.0!
And, if that wasn't enough...
A DC41!
It's a return to Meh, but it doesn't look like it was opened at all. It was a little dirty, but it wasn’t anything a few Grime Boss wipes couldn't handle. I put it together and it works great! Thanks Meh!!
Happy Birthday Meh!!! Congrats on a great year and building a fantastic community & customer base. My super awesome 28lb. box finally showed up yesterday! Tape couldn't contain the awesomeness. [img][/img]
Had some willing assistants. [img][/img]
Wow what a fantastic haul!
Meh bag Meh Birthday card to return. Awesome Meh party hat King Kong key chain Space Precinct Lt Brogan Figure Big Wheel action play set Toy Story Talent Show Book Empire State Bldg Money Puzzle Thing 100 piece jet puzzle Eclipse mp3 video player No Confetti whatsoever Little bit of Tex Air. Not much Party Noise Horn - Non Functioning Rydis U60 Vacuum - Functions great and... Ninja Ultima Blender! - Unfortunately DOA. Switch on base being broken. I might buy a replacement base and get this baby working cause it looks like the bomb diggity. Kinda pricey though from Ninja I found out.
Overall what a fun week and Fuku! Thank you, thank you! [img][/img]
@UgaDogCH If you make a slight technical adjustment to the noisemaker, it almost certainly will work. 1)Place mouthpiece in mouth; blow hard 2)If no sound emerges, rotate the mouthpiece 180 degrees and try again. The little plastic 'reed' won't play BLATTT unless it is right side up or upside down or the other way from what you first tried.
Finally back home from the mini vacation. Arrived to 5 packages, my fuku, the wife's fuku, 2 amazon packages, and a mystery Meh Package!!!!
Immediately went to the mystery box and opened it to find an ONKYO RECEIVER! So floored with excitement the wife walks in and says...why are you so excited, didn't you order one of those... Sure as shit, totally forgot to check the tracking and boom, delivered. Thought @JonT Finally rewarded my patience...nope.
My fukubukro: Cobra Jump starter 2 bobbleheads: Cat in the Hat and Jesse Ventura Meh Bag Party Hat and Card Broken flex keyboard Mr. Bean Activity Book 808 headphones
All in all solid, still wishing for my first big ticket item...
Next, the wife's fukubukro:
Full sized air mattress Sphero iCarly Planner Wedge Antilles action figure Puzzle Nick Bag Meh hat and card
ODDLY MISSING....Meh Bag and Onkyo reciever/roomba/Dyson
My fuku arrived last night. It was in the 2nd batch of shipments (Tuesday AM) weighing in at just under 13 pounds.
10 bags of Texas air
more confetti to add to the home
red Meh fuku drawstring
SASE birthday card for Meh
gold party noise maker
Nick Zone lunch bag. Fits two bottle beers nicely.
Dogs Rule scrap bag. Yes, yes they do.
Star Wars Wedge Antilles not so action figure. "Cut to the left! I'll take the leader."
Star Wars Xmas ornaments. They're pod racers from The Phantom Menace.
Cat in the Hat bobblehead
and the two "big ticket" items:
IOGEAR multi-link bluetooth keyboard with touchpad (~$45 around the web)
Hamilton Beach 2-Way FlexBrew coffee maker (~$100). Would be awesome if we didn't already have a Nespresso, so I'll entertain trades if anyone wants to - I'm looking at you, Sphero.
More detail for the Star Wars ornaments, Anakin's pod with the R2 unit:
So I finalllly got around to opening mine since I was on a week long shoot when it came in.
Standard confetti/hat/jollyrancher bag/plastic skates/Alice in Wonderland diary haul... plus the Onkyo receiver!
I've actually been really needing a receiver so I was totally stoked.
Now I just still have to figure out what to do with those 1500 USB Hubs still sitting in my garage from the April 1 Fuku! (Seriously my wife is pissed... we can't park both cars in the garage until they're sold and/or my lifelong sculpture dreams are realized).
@zachary i tried to locate this picture of this 1500 usb hubs please link somebody i tried using the forum search for zachary can't find it and when I click on his name i don't see posts he posted which would be awesome when I click on peoples names please can you make this possible web devs?
My fuku-ing turn!!! A hand written meh party hat Motorcycle toys An Alien wall relief Silly Surfer model Ball bearing and magnet game from 1978 meh draw string bag meh cooking/painting apron 10gear bluetooth keyboard/mouse combo Size "L" leather jacket with tags Comic proving I received a more exclusive FUKU 2 SASE birthday cards... not a typo, two (2) (guessing this is the exclusive part) I was going to post pics, but its asking that I use an image hosting site... lets be honest, I'm lazy!!!
and an extremely pleasant exchange of wit with Erica... in the end she beat me with her air tight reasoning... next time I shall be prepared for battle
Well I'm VERY late to this party, but also VERY happy to have received the invitation! I believe I never came close to snagging a BOC even when they were worth $5. So to secure A FUKU on Meh's one year anniversary...well...I'm pleased to say the least.
When I learned last week, that I had a small package (the Fuku, that is...14x11x10 5.9 lbs) I was expecting a truly Meh experience. Well it's anything but Meh!
ICarly Planner Cat in the Hat Bobblehead Nickelodeon Lunch Bag Red Queen Journal Meh Party Hat Meh Sase Meh drawstring bag
A Sphero Ollie...
And a fricken OOMA!
I use and love my Ooma, but know they need to be replaced...I almost bought one last week as a backup.
Happy Birthday meh. I'm excited to have gotten in on another fuku, but I have to say it's truly meh. The only reason I'm disappointed in the slightest is because of the pretty cool stuff people were getting right off the bat. In any case, my fuku: - oversold cartoon - SASE birthday card (I'll send it back soon...) - handmade meh birthday hat (shiny purple with handwritten meh on sticker) - meh drawstring bag - Lucy S&P shakers - Sprout's Valley Adventure book and cassette tape (haven't tried it yet to see if it works) - monkey toothbrush holder - iogear keyboard/touchpad combo - meep!x2 kid's tablet (holy crap this thing is worse than the garbage android tabs you can buy at walmart - my almost 4 year old wants nothing to do with it. Though it was fun to have the previous owner's account still logged in.)
Wished for more, but it's a fuku, so no complaint here! Hopefully I'll get on board next time as well.
OK, I'm disappointed with the contents of my fuku and desperately need someone to tell me I'm an ungrateful bitch because (fill in the blank) is awesome. -Built kindle case -alien wall relief -gown bag -rubber non-skid pads for furniture -espresso maker for the stove top with broken handle -trip glasses -iogear bluetooth keyboard -hat -card -bag with big plastic blob under the printing -oversold note (xeroxed)
@sammydog01 bet he likes being called an enhanced loser! 😉 sorry you are disappointed..mine isn't even in town yet..went right past my city..to come all the way back..
Well I received my third fuku and being as it was one of the lightest I have seen from anyone who has posted I will say I am pretty disappoint, my list is as follows: Motorola Baby Cam(box is pretty awfully damaged wonder if it works) 'I'm going to leave his ass' Wine Glass Cambells Soup Christmass Orniment Kong Keychain Lucky Spin Scents - Hawaiian Surf Meh bday party hat Salicious B Crumb figure Meh Drawstring Bag 3 Bags of Texas air(cheapskates) Sphero Ollie(does this thing really only move in inverted joystick? seriously this thing isn't an airplane or a helicopter why would I want to control it inverted? you shmucks @sphero ) and quite a lot confetti, i can only imagine the warehouse in which contained this is littered with it and will be seeing it for quite some time. Before my box updated to that puny weight I was hoping for a receiver or even something unique, 3 out of 3 for non-unique boxes for this guy well unless you call that cheap generic broken coffee mug from 2 fukus ago I'll make a thread about things I want in my next fuku so you don't forget
@sp3ar oh i forgot to say the self addressed and stamped birthday card, which I might add has gotten siphoned into my mothers card collection and you have been chosen a new one at random(well it had to fit the envelope cause I aint paying meh!) hope you enjoy
@mfladd you wanna hear the kicker? the last fuku i got was the 3rd and that was the one where the servers went down I didn't even check for the fuku until about 10 min before the issue was fixed
Happy Birthday Meh! I'm late to the reveal party, nearly everyone else is passed out by now but better late than never! I'm guessing I was one of the 501+ recipients the Meh crew graciously fulfilled in the over sold FUKU 5 celebration packages. This was my first FUKU and I had tried and failed previously back when these guys ran WOOT so needless to say, I'm still stupid excited and grateful!
I received in my 18x15x15 box weighing in at approx 16.5 lbs... * 18 bags of the Infamous Texas Air * "Birthdays Are From God" Birthday card * A hand written note with a Meh party hat explaining they ran out of pre-printed ones so I got an extra special hand made one! * A Meh FUKU bag. (Happy Dance!) * Mr. Beans Holiday Activity & Sticker book. * A "life-like" Stretchable King Kong Key Chain...happy that was clarified as I really thought it was actually a dehydrated King Kong after his travel to our BFE home in AZ! * A Green Lantern Journal. * A cute Thermos Insulated Lunch Bag. * 808 Drift Earphones. & Finally, * A Cobra 500 Amp Jumpstarter /Powerpack complete with returned shipping label from previous recipient.
Thank You again, Meh for including us over-buyers in your 1st year celebration! I'll be wearing my Meh Birthday Shirt and FUKU bag to Vegas when we go next week with our racing team in hopes of sending new Mehtizens your way!!
Got my Fuku today! Yeah I'm reposting this from the #mehday thread
Definitely a modicum of generosity.. -Ninja Ultima+ Blender, complete in an open box -Kevin Dundon Burger maker (sure, why not) -Nude move S wired portable speaker -Cat in the Hat bobblehead -6-pack of hangable Star Wars episode 1 pod racers -Cars wall cover -"Hollywood Moms" picture book -Self addressed stamped envelope with birthday card -Fuku bag! -Wedge action figure (Star Wars, no Final Fantasy) -Meh Party Hat and Noise maker -10 Texas Air -0 Confetti Thanks, excellent #mehday
@mfladd ha ha. Where does everyone find these amazing GIFs? Um... - Meh Party Hat - Meh Bag - iCarly Personalized Deluxe Planner - The Red Queen - Personalized Journal Set - Nick Zone Case Thingy - Kong Keychain (covered in confetti) - Confetti - Oh! And a cheap extendable (telescoping) LED flashlight which might actually be useful. I'm going to keep it in the car for when I need a light to shine down into the guts under the hood when I break down.
@mfladd cbr = type of motorcycle. Fun fact I was at that Toronto game. Section 307 row 14 but still counts. Actually have a picture with the stick Bergeron scored the game winner with. Found the guy in the subway that he gave it to after the game. Unreal night
Well, I'm not impressed with my Fuku compared to what I've seen on here, but it's my best one (out of two now), I think. Very Meh, indeed. I'm certainly thankful not only for the items, but for the fun of getting to open the box.
30 bags of Lone Star air
Some notes, hats and party favors that didn't work
Birthday card with SASE
A lone pint glass - or something taller and skinnier than one, but similar
A tiny porcelain camcorder hinged box (um...)
Mr. Bean's Holiday activity/sticker book
IOGear Multilink Keyboard with Touchpad
MooreBrand® Synthetic Splint Roll (what the hell?)
got the Meh bag plus, a party blower a jigsaw puzzle 2 Green Goblin dashboard suction heads 1 baseball lunchbag 1 roulette wheel car air freshner 1 necklace/earring set 1 Queen of Hearts journal set, as modeled by Lucy 1 Kevin Dunden Burger maker , Lucy wants to haz it? and the super awesome prize 1 refurbed Ninja Blender, looks complete but will further inspect later on
but sadly no Meh hat or note explaining a lack of hat or Meh Birthday card(i must have been an oversold) but thats ok with all that I got in the box
Happy Birthday Meh and I'm looking forward to another year of mediocrity
I made a video of my findings of this fuku But if you want to see what weird things I got well...
Remote Control Helicopter
Decorative Fan
Edward Scissorhands Photo Album?
Amazon Kindle Fire Case
Silly Surfers Model Kit
The Lawman toy gun that may or may not have been purchased at a CVS Pharmacy.
The Bag
Air (7 bags!)
The Card and Envelope
This Drawing
Ultimately, I can safely say I am happy with my purchase, I am using the fan as we speak because it is hot, and I am pretty sure it will catch on fire in the next three hours.
drumroll I'm apparently part of the first 500 (no hand drawn comic) items in order of common mehness - a measly three bags of finest Texas air - lots of colorful confetti - party noisemaker (works) - meh party hat - meh birthday card SASE - wonderful meh drawstring bag - Lt. Brogan Space Precinct figure complete with gun and ID card - Cats Rule scrap and brag book - The Red Queen personalized journal set - pink Thermos insulated lunch bag with flower pattern aaaaand - Panasonic EW-DL90 Sonic Vibration Toothbrush - Ooma Telo + BlueTooth (awesome, bought one two years ago on woot but without BT)
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Meh!!! I still don't get it why I get gifts for your birthday, but I'm not complaining :) My first lucky bag since the previous one was supposed to be unlucky. I am super happy. I'd trade the Ooma for a Sphero or Ollie, but huge wow factor nonetheless!!!
Mine came and there is a Meh-licopter in it and when I'm done playing with it or crash it into the lake I'll figure out how to post a picture. It's a Riviera i-Heli with a spotlight and seems to have been returned by a sad lummox who couldn't read the poorly translated instruction manual (return slip with old-timey handwriting enclosed). Wife wanted Roomba, but this thing is sweet, and I'd have never bought one (currently ~$150 online). Also got: 808 headphones Creepy diary Xmas decorations Air bags Hat Confetti Star Wars mobile Other Stuff to give to nieces and nephews
Pretty mehxcited about this... 1 Decorative Fan 2 Bindis Really Wild Bingo Games 1 Outback 15th Anniversary Kangaroo bobble head 1 USB fan 1 Fozzie Bear mug 1 Green Lantern journal/notebook 1 Meh bag 1 Meh party hat 1 Party noise maker(untested) 1 SASE and blank birthday card 1 Plastic Viking Helmet 1 24" AOC LED Monitor
Happy Birthday Meh... (call me next year and I'll remind you that YOU are supposed to get gifts on your birthday, anyway)
Ha... after years of trying (unsuccessfully) to win some other genius boc marketing idea... and now pulling off Fukubukuro twice... my wife is a believer. Last time she wasn't all that into it but this time she opened it at work (She's the shipping addie) and just couldn't understand...
"How could you get all that for $5????"
And that would be
TEXAS AIR! I left mine bagged up in case of an emergency.
Party confetti... nice colors, very festive boxing!
Party noise maker... "let the horns sound, the Fuku is being unboxed!"
Classic Meh party hat... If you are going to play the part... look the part!
Of course, the Kickass Red Meh bag... gotta carry your booty in something and when doing it.... make a statement!
100 Piece puzzle... Gotta have something to do to get the blood pressure back down from when all the hype wears off.
A Nickelodeon "iCarly" Personal Deluxe Planner (an apple product?)... Just perfect for inventorying all of the score (ok... or maybe an awesome re-gift to one of the Grand Daughters)
A Giant Mickey Mouse Pez dispenser... gotta sugar back up after the puzzle (or... well, alright, yes, re-gift, a very careful re-gifting, ((Mickey is wearing a Dodgers hat and I live in the SF/Oakland Bay area, I value my life and good taste)
A GE LED Smart Track Security light... Double score, I wanted to buy one of these but was being frugal at the time, sorry Meh (snicker snicker)
And for the grand finale.... A Rydis H68 Pro/Plus Hybrid Robot Vacuum Cleaner!!! (Yes, that is the Party noise maker you hear in the background and colored confetti in the air) SO... JUST HOW DID Meh know I don't have carpeting??? (Probably a spy cam in the last Fukubukuro bag... gotta unpack more carefully next time... hmm, wonder what got loose this time??) I have already read some very promising reviews.... so as usual it must be said... Meh!
@Veloslave looks like you had a similar unboxing (or at least re-unboxing) ritual as I did: The party hat must be assembled, worn and the party horn must sound off before the rest of the items can be inspected. Congratulations to you on the nice haul and to meh for the birthday celebration fukus!
More to come... but I will say I am I believe in the over 500 Club... If the # has anything to do with it it's # 527 7/20 listed on the side... Which is yesterday's date... WEIRD... anyway... I did get an actual meh hat... but no over 500 cartoon. I'll do a complete posting later.
Mine just came this morning! - Meh party hat - noisemaker (didn't see any confetti in mine) - sweet Fozzie Bear mug - Cobra Jump Starter / PowerPack (looks like a return) - Motorola Blink wifi baby monitor camera (also a return) - Meh drawstring bag - Jolly Rancher Watermelon bag - IOGear bluetooth keyboard (looks new, no box, batteries included) - Red Queen journal - Wedge Antilles figure - plastic viking hat (my 4yo already has claimed that) - birthday card to send back to Meh
All in all a pretty fun package. Although I admit I'm a little jealous of you guys who got a Sphero.
Well mine finally came. No idea how to post pictures here so I wont (you've seen them all before) Jolly ranger watermelon carrying bag Rydas UV-C Vacuum Cleaner (Very damaged/open box. Arrived DOA) King kong keychain Space Precinct 6 inch tall officer castle action figure Cars self stick wall board Sylvania table-top timer with motion sensor security function (Open package/damaged, taped shut no idea if it works yet) And thats about it besides a few like 1 inch plastic lion like things. Slightly disappointing since I think my one "big" item is DOA but oh well, Ill play again if I get the chance. Sucks was hoping for a roomba, sphero or ninja blender all week!
@bruinscbr In the future, if you want to post an image: 1. Take a photo. 2. Upload the photo to imgur.com 3. Copy the "Direct Link (email & IM)" value they give you and paste it into the body of your message. 4. Profit
Finally got home to open my first FUKU! - Meh party hat - Noisemaker - Nice scoop of confetti - Nick Zone lunch bag - The Original BIG WHEEL Action Playset - Marvel Heroes Swicherz - Meh drawstring bag - ICarly Journal and Sticker set - A pair of mediocre socks - AccuForce Remote Controlled Helicopter - Sphero Ollie - Birthday card to send back to Meh The End! BOOOOOM!
As much as I wanted one of those draw string bags, and as bummed as I was to miss the fuku by a few seconds, it's awesome to see how good they all are.
I'm definitely down for missing a fuku every once and awhile if it means everybody who gets one gets cool stuff.
You know.. as opposed to seeing 10,000 people get unused (re-used?) wedding gifts.
Meh drawstring bag (highlight of the box) iCarly planner birthday card sprout's adventure book with accompanying cassette tape king kong keychain green shiny hat with hand written meh over 500 letter kevin dundon burger maker 23.6" AOC ultra slim monitor, very dead on arrival
@jalopatin I got one of the AOC monitors too. Mine would come on and then start flickering after a few minutes. I took a chance and bought a new A/C adapter for it. Works perfectly now!! It might be worth a shot if yours is doing something similar.
Arrived yesterday and includes: Meh drawstring bag birthday card oversold note pink birthday hat pepper mill I love lucy salt and pepper shakers king kong stretch keychain alarm clock that projects time on the wall bluetooth keyboard silly surfer hodad making a scene 28in UHD monitor, looked broken but no power cord and half the stand is missing
Got the monitor to work, popped open the bezel and as I was looking at the main circuit board noticed a ribbon cable unplugged. Connected and started just fine. Had to improvise on the stand, however.
Belated unboxing post, motivation-to-finally-post story at the end.
Arrived Saturday, box was about 3 feet high. Previous meh purchase for scale.
It contained: 1 Hamilton Beach Flexbrew Coffee Maker 1 Bindi's Bingo game (which has one last unsettling laugh 20 minutes later when it turns itself off) 1 burger specific grill 1 ceramic hanging seahorse 1 Wicked Witch of the West (as a cow) snowglobe 1 Green Lantern notebook
Small cat for scale
And finally, after texting a pic I had forgotten about to @marklog, his immediate response was "are you posting this or am I?" so here we have the friendly ultimatum:
My Fuku came on Saturday. I normally post as soon as I open, but settled for "as soon as I can" since this weekend I was at BOTH Foo Fighter Concerts at Fenway Park. I was sporting my Fuku bag and even ran into someone that lurks the forums (shout out to him - although I couldn't hear his sn and figured it would be rude asking a third time)
...anyhow I was as excited as a kid on Christmas morning as seen in the video I had my girl shoot below:
(that's my cat, she too loves boxes)
Absolutely epic. I don't think this can be topped. Love you Meh - your belated card was just mailed out.
Here's everything in one pic: -Tear-off photocopied note (too many fukus! thanks to Meh for still honoring the orders) -Self addressed and stamped birthday card to Mediocre -Himalayan Breeze Decorative Fan -Edward Scissorhands CD Case -Eragon Lunchbox -King Kong Keychain -Lion themed dollar store jewelry -Fuku string bag -Neato XV-21 -Custom Meh. Birthday Hat -10 bags of Texas air
@TheAlmighty1 Your video made me smile. I loved how enthusiastic you were over everything in the box. It's nice to see people actually appreciate the stuff Meh sends instead of complaining about it.
@TheAlmighty1 I wanted so much to give you a star for your post but I cannot do it because I find vertical videos so annoying. Congrats on the Neato. I'm waiting for a good deal on one of those. My Rooma just cannot clean the whole house with the random movements.
Dear meh: I was pretty sure my fuku would be relatively meager since it seems like one of the last. WRONG! I’m really sad I didn’t get a pet, so many in the pictures and they look like fun.
But, here are my prizes:
❤ Sphero 2.0 – Sadly won’t work with my phone, but it’s going to a good home. My son’s b’day is next month and he will love it, ❤ Cobra jump starter power pack – could have used this a couple of weeks ago when I left the dome light on overnight. I’m sure I’ll need it again, ❤ Collectible soup kid ornament, ❤ Alice in Wonderland Red Queen journal set, ❤ iCarly deluxe planner with bonus stickers, ❤ Wedge Antilles guy ❤ card, noisemaker, meh birthday hat ❤ Plenty of confetti ❤ Texas air, bubble wrap, and disguised as extra dunnage, some top secret documents that may be diagrams of the headquarters. Mwa ha ha ha.
Thanks so much for the Happy Birthday, meh! Love, -KDemo
The Package: • Dimensions 22x16x15 in. • Weight 6.5 lbs / 2.95 kgs
I had a feeling I was in for a disappointment the moment my tracking information updated with a shipping weight of 6.5 lbs.
Standard Loot • 41 Bags of Texas air • A Fukubukuro bag. • Cartoon cat birthday card /w SASE • 2x xerox of note explaining the following items • A "custom” over sold party hat • NO party noisemaker. • NO Confetti
Unique Loot: • Sprint LG 4g Case • Edward Scissorhands Photo Album • Mario Super Sluggers Wall Graffix • A Single JP Penny Home collection Pillow Case (White with Doily Pattern) • IOGEAR Bluetooth Keyboard /w Touchpad (Including 2x AA Batteries) • iLuv 1.3 MP Webcam (Is it 1998 again?) • TV Ears (Dr. recommended ”Marriage Saving” headset )
The "best" Item in the box is an as seen on TV type product that didn't make the cut for a paid commercial spot. I believe I LOST money on this celebratory box. I would say this doesn't even live up to its "meh" namesake. Truly disappointing.
I can honestly say I want my $5 back.
UPDTE: I have decided to donate the unwanted items to charity.
@vermifuge Dude... I wish I had seen that you had the mario wall graffiti, if you were donating that, I would have paid more than $5 to send that my way... Probably $5 + shipping ;)
Meh Drawstring bag Self-Addressed meh envelope Custom-made Meh hat and note iCarly deluxe planner Green Lantern Journal Thermos Pink and Green Insulated lunch bag Fozzy Bear Coffee mug Mooresplint Synthetic Roll splint IOgear Bluetooth keyboard with touchpad. An Empty Citizen Eco-Drive Watch Box.
All in all, Pretty mehtastic!
Will get some use out of the Mug and Keyboard for sure. iCarly is one of my faves, and the Green Lantern journal will be host to my Ryan Reynolds fanfic.
The best was when I opened the watch box. I was like "I guess I could use a watch, professional folks use them!" Then I opened it and was like "OH MEH! You so funny!" after seeing it was empty. Well not completely empty. It came with instructions on how to set it! So if you guys need your Citizen Eco-drive watch set: i'm the guy!
@LazyZombie I guess I got a similar one... This was the thing that I got most excited for then most disappointment for: A TV tuner... With a hand written note on it... No tv tuner, usb extension cable, and an attachment for the antenna... and instructions... Other than that the whole haul is: some kind of pop cardboard puzzle from 1995. Meh hat Bluetooth keyboard (PC layout) Campbells ornament planes puzzle a Motorola baby camera clearly a return HAven’t tested yet. Pink Lunch box big Wheel toy Meh Bag SASE envelope… and the already mentioned TV tuner missing tv tuner.
My fuku arrived Saturday, but too many kids to post sooner than right now. Here's my list:
Many, many bags of Texas air
SASE birthday card
Meh party hat, unassembled
Nick Zone lunchbag
iCarly Personalized Deluxe Planner
Meh drawstring bag
Dogs Rule scrap and brag book
Toy Story Talent Show Play-a-Sound book
Jolly Rancher Watermelon bag
Dragonball Z Annihilation VHS tape
Giant Clown Pez Dispenser
Performance LED Flashlight
Touchless Kitchen Faucet NO Confetti
I'm very psyched about the faucet, which will fit nicely with the impending kitchen renovation - have you guys been putting surveillance equipment in all the meh packages that get delivered here? It even looks like all of the parts are included. Hopefully, it works.
A very sincere thank you to the guys and gals @meh! Happy birthday and here's hoping for many more years of mediocre success.
meh bag sase envelope/card trike playset headphones king kong key chain puzzle christmas ornament noisemaker (purple) weirdos model meh party hat some gloves? and a home medics back massager! nice! but sadly, no confetti.....
And if I'd known it was your birthday, I'd have included something special for you, too.
Your kids are AWESOME!! (SO adorable!)
Who knew a Fuku could spread so much joy!
And a big thanks to Meh (i.e. @JonT & the others) for its unique role in facilitating the inter-community sharing of cheer! Maybe Mediocre's next experiment should be WORLD PEACE!!!
Meh Drawstring bag Custom-made Meh hat and note Self-Addressed Meh envelope with birthday card Green Lantern Journal Life-Like Kong key chain 2 Elvis Presley In the Army Figures Hero Shield for iPhone 5 Kevin Dundon Burger Maker Broken Meep!X2 Tablet - Screen is all static when turned on and does not work
Best part of the Fuku was explaining to my son why I got a broken tablet that he desperately wanted to play with. Thanks Meh for the custom oversold Fuku. My kids are making birthday cards to send back in the SASE. Happy Birthday and keep up the good work!
@TaRDy did you get a lantern from meh? I don't see any other explanation than a spy cam. They had to know that you were still sitting on a box of neoprene cases. Why else would you be getting another neoprene case? Somehow the dwindling of your neoprene case supply must have leaked.
Who wants to sell me their Roomba for dirt cheap? I've got 4 kids, a cat, and a dog. Thank goodness the fish died. It will go to good use. Better to collect dust actively in my house than passively in yours?
I finally got my box! Watch video for temporary entertainment. Read list for spoilers.
-Meh party hat -Empire State Building model -Turntable with USB Encoding (no idea what that means) -Fuku bag with mystery Asian writing -Blank happy birthday card -Party noise maker -Big Wheel tricycle wheel customizer -Paratrooper puzzle -Campbell’s Christmas ornament -Cat in the Hat bobblehead -2 human neck-replicas -Mystery thing I can’t figure out
I was so excited when I heard that my 1st fuku came that I couldn't wait to get home from work to open it.
I got: Fuku bag Hershey's chocolate journal King Kong keychain Kellogg's ornament A broken decorated fan And a 23in monitor. I was so happy about the monitor because I had a monitor that recently stopped working. But unfortunately I discovered that it was DOA (wouldn't power on) :-(
I guess the bag, journal, keychain, and ornament was worth $5.. I'll just recycle the new monitor with the other broken one I guess.
@marycohara I've noticed that some people have said the were issues with the monitor's power cords. Might want to see if yours would work with a new cord.
@marycohara In case you didn't try it, I got the monitor as well. Mine had a different issue, but the manufacture honored the warranty and is repairing it now. I suggest you give it a try!
I would like to thank the person who sent their Roomba back to Meh as DOA. I thought it was DOA too, kept getting error codes left and right, but I did due diligence on it. There was some fur inside the battery compartment. Cleaned that out and now it's humming along nicely.
@Collin1000 We got ours working, too! There was a bit of corrosion in the battery compartment. My husband cleaned it and it charged and worked perfectly.
The last horse crosses the finish line (aka depression is fun kids!)
I recieved:
1x Fukurobukuro Bag 1x Party Whistle 1x Meh Party Hat 7345x Pieces of Confetti 1x Space Precinct 2040 Lieutenant Brogan Action Figure 6x Star Wars Episode 1 Pod Racer Danglers 1x DBZ GT VHS Tape 1x Beebop Bluetooth Speaker 1x Adult Sexy Snow Bunny Costume that my fat ass will never fit into 1x Citizen Eco-Drive Men's watch
So a very belated thank you from me Meh. I finally drug myself together long enough to have the motivation to make the post about it, and I'm sorry it took so long.
@Tiamat114 huge thanks for posting! Depression is a very hard thing to deal with and it's important to recognize every victory and step forward. Hope you enjoy the watch and hang in there. <3
Space Precinct 2040 Lieutenant Brogan Action Figure
Cat in the Hat bobblehead
Egg Cuber
Rocketship Nightlight w/ flickering light (makes it look like a flame)
Big Wheel tricycle wheel customizer
iCarly Planner
Green goblin stick-on head
100-piece puzzle
Sylvania Turntable w/ USB Encoding
Xpress Platinum Countertop Cooker
Sorry for the late post, painting some rooms in my house and finally finished. Tried putting the meh party hat on my puppy, but he was scared by it... This was my first fukubukuro so I'm happy with it. My only gripe was that the Xpress Platinum was in an open box and covered in dust and it makes a rattling noise when shaking gently; not sure if it's safe to use.
Gahh!!! I'm so fuku-ing excited for this !!
@studerc Me too! Not for getting one, because I missed it (stupid bathing!)… but I love these threads!
@brhfl i don't think not bathing would have worked necessarily. It said sold out at 12:02. Not too many people got them. 426 sold if i remember.
@meow57 619 actually. They oversold by 119 hence the apology notes.
Mine has been waiting for me all day too. I still have to run to the liquor store and mow my lawn real quick before I can sit down and open it, but I'll post (drunken) pics here once I do
@Kleineleh I think you mean drunk sweaty pictures
@Foxborn yes, good point. Actually, it turns out I can't mow my lawn because I've lost the key to my garage. Now I am sitting here with two new bottles of scotch in front of this giant cardboard box that sounds alarmingly similar to the Smart Planet ceramic mugs...
@Kleineleh God, being on the east coast sucks for this kind of stuff. Mine has an estimated delivery of Friday
@Kleineleh if you are looking for your keys, check with @mediocrebot
@smigit2002 Ah, but see you still get to enjoy the anticipation...
@Kleineleh Excuses, excuses!
@meow57 I've got more of them if you like: the mower died on me three times tonight while I was using it and refused to start up again the last time. So now there is one awkward patch of pathetically tall grass and weeds in front of my house.
Got mine! Approximately 15x22x16, but very light. As in, is there anything in there? We will find out soon!
@joelmw meh birthday hat!! Awesome!, I mean meh.
Let me start by saying, I've run out of superlatives and expletives. And I'll just say it: meh is awesome. Big liars (claiming to be mediocre and whatnot).
As I said, our box showed up at 10:10 this morning. I wasn't expecting it, so I just pulled it in about an hour ago. In the order I noticed (to the best of my recollection):
All in all, a great haul. Lots of red. A fair amount of black. Plenty of quirk. I am a little nervous that the Onkyo is a fake. I'll let you know if it is.
Thanks, meh. You're my favorite in several categories. I really, really, really like you guys. Happy Mehday Weekend!
@joelmw Score
@joelmw thats a legit haul. Congrats!
Way to set the bar ridiculously high, now everybody's gonna be bitchin if they don't get a haul like that!
I was so convinced that it might be a real phone (the weight is good and most of the buttons and openings look and feel authentic), that I actually went through a whole series of usage thoughts. E.g., What if there's not enough memory? But it's an iPhone 6. Do I have to give up my 5s? Etc.
@studerc Yeah, I almost feel guilty. But, hey, I'll try to make the best of it. ;-)
@joelmw Must be rough! ;) enjoy!
@joelmw Expletive! Superlative!! Congrats, really.
I can begin to see why they set a limit of 500.
Also, @snapster, you are THE MAN.
@joelmw Start yourself a youtube video "dropping" the fake iPhone and seeing how many people are kind enough to pick it up and give it back to you. It's all good and nice until someone pockets it.
@joelmw Sweet!
@joelmw Run out of expletives? You? Nahhhh.
@joelmw Whoa! Were the package dimensions accurate on your tracking notification? Just curious if those are to be trusted or not. Mine says it's going to be 3 lbs which would seemingly rule out anything super awesome.
@joelmw Gratz! So, this is the standard haul right?
@ials Not even close. Standard dimensions on tracking (10x10x10, 3lb). Actual is approximately 13x16x35 and, um, heavyish.
@lichme No idea. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I'm happy to report that the Onkyo is real. I've got it all plugged in. Works smooth with Spotify (via Bluetooth, I think; when the Onkyo is on, I have the option to push my sound to it). I've got TuneIn and Pandora set up too (it's net-enabled), but, yo, those are kinda retro, plain text, awkward. Still, cool. AppleTV is working well; sounds good, has depth. There's more feedback onscreen than my old receiver, which is nice. There's some sorta weirdass automated speaker setting (with an included mic) that I haven't even played with yet, so that should be fun. Might have to swing into the threads for the dailies to see what's up.
Sweet deal. Not bad for $5.41. :-)
@brhfl You know it. But I'm trying to keep it fresh.
@joelmw Cool, thanks for the info! Those are the numbers I have as well...hope it's nearly as great as yours. Congrats!
@joelmw Congrats on the awesome haul! So jealous of the viking horns. I hope I get a set too!
@joelmw It's probably not a fake phone, it's probably a nonworking display phone like you see in stores sometimes. Basically a real phone but with a display screen and no phone guts.
@Starblind I think I get what you're saying, but Amazon say it's fake--and separately, a dummy. And the manufacturer has a page that refers to a "Fake Dummy Cellphone." I thought "dummy" was kinda cruel, so I stuck with "fake"--although that's potentially more of a character judgment.
@Starblind BTW, I'm all sweaty from moving furniture and crawling around fiddling with speaker wire. It seems to me that you haven't been blamed for much this month. So my sweatiness is your fault.
@joelmw You could go with "faux phone" - kind of classes it up a little.
@joelmw wow, awesome haul! Maybe the Onkyo is your scapegoat prize?!
@joelmw Damn, congrats on the haul! I can only hope mine is 1/10th as meh as yours was!
That watermelon bag is pretty amazing. @joelmw
@jsh139 Mehbe. BTW, did I mention that I got my shirts yesterday too?
@joelmw If I get nothing more than a Viking hat I will be beside myself with mediocre joy!
The box:

Opening the box, we see...air!

Removing the air, we see...stuff!

Here it is in all its glory:

A Fukubukuro bag.
A party noisemaker.
A party hat (unassembled).
An envelope containing a blank birthday card.
A "Space Precinct" Lieutenant Brogan figurine.
A "Cars" wall border.
A Fozzie Bear mug.
A pop-up paper flower bouquet.
A sphero! This is going straight to the office.
And a mystery cardboard box, that when opened revealed one...million...dollars! Oh wait, that was me daydreaming. It was a bobble Rudolph the Reindeer.

Thanks, meh. Happy birthday!
@parodymandotcom Pretty awesome. I'd love to get a sphero. I tried to rationalize buying one but I couldn't.
@parodymandotcom Nice haul! Sphero has a solid library of fun and interactive games you can try out!
@parodymandotcom - Are you playing with the sphero? Awesome, congrats!
@parodymandotcom The sphero is cool, but we all know the real star of that fuku is the Fozzie Bear mug.
@parodymandotcom hopefully not alot of those bobbly reindeers
@sp3ar I know, right? Because that makes it more of a collector's item. ;-)
I love the reindeer. And it means that meh can be more a part of your annual Yuletide festivities, @parodymandotcom.
@KDemo Haven't opened it yet. Taking it to work tomorrow -- my coworkers can have their Nerf guns and tiny drones, I have a Sphero! ⚪️
@parodymandotcom - FTW!
@parodymandotcom From amazon reviews I understand it is pretty entertaining to put a paper cup over the sphero and run it across the floor towards a cat...
@joelmw Yep, every Christmas we will look at the bobble reindeer and say "meh".
@parodymandotcom Space Precinct was easily one of my favorite shows as a kid, that RULEZ!
My Fuku still says "processing." No tracking yet. I know my pup Galen would LOVE the Sphero, though!
@CircaRigel Mine, too! Whew! Glad it isn't just me :)
Okay, I decided to do the responsible thing and drink, open my fuku, and put off the yard work til tomorrow (I bought the gas for the mower, it's basically half done, right?)

For Meh's birthday, they sent me:
- Confettis!!
- Party noisemaker
- Meh
duncecapparty hat- 20 bags of air- probably could have used 21, but more on that later
- Thermos insulated cloth baseball lunchbox
- 2 Lucky Spin Scents roulette wheel car air fresheners I can't wait to use these
- 808 Duo bluetooth/wired headphones- these will come in handy while I'm doing all that work on the house that I was supposed to be doing today
- clear plastic teleflora vase liner
- Meh drawstring fukubukuro bag
- SASE and blank birthday card
- Sphero! I had to open the box to make sure that's really what was in it. And it is. And I'm happy. I couldn't justify buying it for myself, but now that it's here anyway, I'm pretty psyched.
And the last item scattered at the bottom of the box:
- a ceramic Dracula puzzle mug! Or vase. Or something
This is what it looks like when you put it together:
This is what it looks like 10 seconds later when you don't use glue to put it together:
This was all pretty fantastic, I can't wait to go play with all my new toys! Thanks, meh!
"Ok, the boss wants a vampire for the monster mugs line. Any ideas for a face design?
"Well, it's a classic horror monster, let's have have it baring its fangs, going in for the kill!"
"No, that might scare kids. Let's take a diffferent approach."
"How about a funny, cute vampire, like on Hotel Transylvania?"
"Now we're too far in the other direction. What's in the middle?"
"A vaguely disapproving vampire, like a vampire that's just seen someone change a baby's diaper right at their table at Burger King?"
@Starblind haha! I think I'm kind of glad it's broken now. Otherwise I would just see it judging me every time I look at it
@Kleineleh time to take off the painter's tape from that wall trim ;)
@jsh139 not if @Kleineleh has another coat left to do...
@Kleineleh They sent you a project. That's cool. And I think broken and reassembled is the right status for Drac.
@jsh139 @mehdaf I'm thinking of starting a new design movement. I just have to think of a catchy name for "too many projects going at once"
@Kleineleh It looks kind of like a young Dick Gautier, if he were a vampire. And a mug.

This picture looks more like Diedrich Bader. I should have gone with one of the Hymie the Robot ones.
@Kleineleh I think that's called "life" ;)
@jsh139 You said it! If you look on the other side of the pic, you may notice that I haven't built my bed yet either...
@Kleineleh ha!!
@joelmw And having my priorities appropriately ordered, I moved "reassemble dracula" to the top of my project list
@Kleineleh that kinda looks like the ceramic mugs i received, nice, bet you wish you got the Onkyo receiver?
@dmlivezey I'm actually really happy with what I got. The receiver would have been cool, but I've got way too many repairs to do on my house before I start connecting electronics. The Sphero, on the other hand, is a fantastic way for me to procrastinate those repairs and I never would have bought it for myself. The bluetooth headphones will come in really handy too. I might be a little jealous of those who got the UV vacs, though. I go back and forth wishing I'd bought one when they were up for sale.
@Kleineleh don't bother with the UV Vac if it comes up again, I bought one and it's performance is Meh. at best...
@dmlivezey Ah, good to know. Sorry for you, but thanks for the heads up!
Y'all are breakin' mah heart all over again.
I'm just going to vent again, screw you captcha...
@mehdaf same here, waited to 12 exact, got to checkout, checked captcha and still said i was a robot! Was all WTF
@mehdaf Ditto. Effing captcha
@mehdaf I feel your pain. I think this is part of why I missed out on the infamous Fuku Four. It was at least part of the equation. Only Irk knows what really screwed me. And then after that I was seduced into staying up a few hours more with the delusion that there were still fukus available. I was bitter. Yaknow, on the plus side, at least that didn't happen this time. Neither, really: the fiasco or my being bitter about it.
@joelmw @mehdaf @StrangerDanger @LadyLeela practice practice practice https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo
@StrangerDanger maybe you are a robot. Have you talked to your mother lately ?
@ceagee It just so happens that I watched this (for the first time even) last night. I wanna be a real boy.
@mehdaf (language warning for those at work)
@joelmw Ted?
@mfladd AI
@joelmw Listen to Marc Maron's WTF Postcast with Haley Joel Osment. He talks about making this movie, it takes some of the mystery out of it, but it was interesting to hear.
@joelmw joke. I remember the Blue Fairy.
@mehdaf and others who missed out.... here's where i'm going to be a real dick.

I got my fuku via cellphone... not on wifi, with only 3 dots of whatever the dots mean. sorry.
@Noddy93 Hubby got his on his cell phone too. It's much faster than his computer.
Do we think it is a bad sign, or GREAT sign, that mine is still processing and not shipped yet.
@ASpeirs21 a GREAT sign..the power of positive thinking. (I hope the best for you)

@mfladd Thanks mate
I'm hoping the last ones to ship are the greatest ones they are shipping... @ASpeirs21
@ASpeirs21 It takes extra time to ship live animals.
@ASpeirs21 Well, in the shipping thread, I believe the mediocre staff said most have shipped already, and the ones going out Monday are being made EXTRA crappy! Only time will tell JUST how crappy they are, though!
@CircaRigel They probably just have to dig through the excess refuge scraps to find stuff that wouldn't be harmful to sell and/or they didn't have enough manpower for all of 'em.
@juststephen Sweet, hopefully, I will get something that will turn me into a TMNT :)
@ASpeirs21 Still processing, the wait is almost becoming fun. Like when you buy a lotto ticket and then dream about what you will do with the riches,......... and yes still processing (as i checked for the 847th time)
@juststephen Mine is still processing as well. At this rate, I'll end up with a bin liner and a partially used eraser. Nonetheless, I remain ecstatic. Perhaps I should seek counseling.
@ASpeirs21 yea, it's probably so heavy the Meh. guys had to order a bigger forklift to get it on the truck.
We need more reveals!
@bruinscbr Mine won't be here until Friday, but I will definitely post a reveal.
Need Sunday deliveries.
@Alien are you willing to pay an extra $30 for overnight guaranteed delivery though?
@communist Dreaming of a better system, comrade.
@communist @Alien Bezos delivers free to Prime members on Sunday. I prefer shopping with snapster, but, hey, I gotta get other stuff somewhere.
@joelmw I'm not Prime but I seem to get my Amazon deliveries on Sunday, too. Pretty cool. They've gotta be paying beaucoup bucks to the USPS for that.
@jsh139 I wondered. I just know that I ordered something Friday morning and I got free delivery by Sunday morning. I figured that it might be a way to make
goodbetter on that free two-day delivery thing.@joelmw Yeah, I've done the "buy $35 worth of stuff and we'll give you very slow free shipping" and the last few times it was delivered on Sunday. No complaints from me!
@Alien I once ordered a disc golf basket from Amazon. The thing weighed about 30 lbs. I placed the order at 4 PM and it was on my doorstep the next morning at 10 AM. Scary.
Per tracking info, I have to wait until THE 20TH!! I'm not sure if I'll live through the suspense.
@deltahaze - Which state?
@KDemo excited
@KDemo I'm in northern California near Sacramento.
@deltahaze - Washington here, will probably take at least as long. Extended anticipation just makes it better, right?
@KDemo i thought that was just with sex
@KDemo mine coming to WA says the 17th, I was in the first batch though.
@Deelron - Glad to know, thanks.
@deltahaze Well, at least sex and ketchup.
Mine still says processing
@Squid_07 yours will ship on monday(aka later today). one of the mehers mentioned it in the other thread
Mine's processing.
@pooflady yours will ship on monday(aka later today). one of the mehers mentioned it in the other thread
Mine still says procrastinating.... just kidding, I do not have one. cuts self and applies eyeliner
@connorbush There, there...
@gertiestn I feel better now. Thanks.
@connorbush You suck and I hate you. Cheer up sucker.
@connerbush -_- ouch bro... ouch.
@connorbush Don't say such things. Now I am going to worry about you all night, and you never need eyeliner. Your eyes are beautiful just the way they are.
@mick Thanks. I feel better now. That was close.
I'm thinking that Meh sent @joelmw that wonderful fuku to enhance the disappointment of those who get fuku's later. Like me. Mine is still processing. I'm expecting broken drones and speaker docks, as well as a knife and perhaps signature Donald Trump glassware. whee-meh. or Meh-whee?
Listening to the fuku song til mine arrives. It's one of my favorite parts of the process.
@ABitterWoman It's my ringtone.
@sammydog01 Mine too! Love it!
@ABitterWoman Ha. I forgot about this
@joelmw My work and home computer are the same, and I'm pretty much the only one using it. I would be the only one accusing me of being a pervert. :\
@ABitterWoman googled from work computer. I did not image search just normal. Lead to a skate board trick.
My box is 5.6 lbs and 22x16x15". So I doubt it's the Onkyo receiver at that weight, but I'm excited to see what it is!
Doesn't arrive until Thursday though
@daveJay Mine is 5.6 lbs, too, but it's only 14x11x10.
With the small size and light weight, I'm REALLY hoping for a Sphero. My dogs would go CRAZY for one of those!
@pepsiwine Good luck!
@pepsiwine so what did you get?
@sourhead Scroll down the page to the ones posted on Tuesday. I put up several pics - (mostly of my dogs).
My favorite Fuku item was the Ollie by Sphero. I drive it around on the floor and my dog chases it and bites at its wheels. It's a fun little toy, though! It does tricks with just a button swipe (no skill required).
And then I spread a little Fuku-love by sending a couple of my items to @mfladd.
@pepsiwine Thanks for letting me know. I had the same 14X11X10 5.6 lbs. So I'm guessing it's a Sphero!
@sourhead Ooooh, good luck! I hope you get a Sphero!
@pepsiwine thank you again for spreading the Fuku love!
looks like end of business for the day and order still listed as processing. anybody else in the same boat?
@jalopatin I'm sure there are a few of us ;-)
@jalopatin Me too
@jalopatin As am I. Honestly, I'd be glad to wait another month or two for enough crap to not sell out and thus make it into all these extra fukus.
I wonder which one of us was the one to get the 119th unintentional fuku.
@jalopatin Me too. But I'm leaving town this week, so I 'd probably prefer it to keep processing for a week or two. I don't know why I 'd prefer it at the warehouse to at the post office, but it's the case.
@jalopatin mine is also still processing but watching the reveals is passing time. I'm sure they are crazy busy stocking up on knives and speaker docks and they simply forgot to ship mine today.
@jalopatin Mine as well.
Me as well. The burden we carry is great. @CircaRigel
@jalopatin me too
If your still processing what are some of your order names? Mine is :
( slightly weighty chipmunk)
...i an unsure about all of this.
(still processing)
@catman25 nondescript-noiseless-juniper
@catman25 proud-present-monkey
@catman25 cloying-motorized-bead
@catman25 narrow-precipitous-turkey
@catman25 tainted-ostentatious-river
@catman25 longer-ultimate-lamp Hmmmm…. slightly pornographic sounding….
@catman25 narcissistic-spotless-boron
@catman25 radical-barred-tomato
@catman25 so, it appears we are chipmunk brothers
@catman25 lopsided-operatic-hydra
@catman25# verdant-silver-expansion . I think that means mine is a green and silver upgraded gaming computer.
@catman25 yucky-appalling-dinner
@catman25 latest-malignant-theory
@Foxborn does this mean I get the last one to go out? I'm worried
@catman25 - partial-creepy-dove. At some point the tracking thread merged with the reveal thread.
@catman25 jumbled-tasty-wing
@catman25 glittering-beige-territory
@catman25 talented-grouchy-screwdriver Which I hope is actually inside.
@catman25 stereotyped-blase-toy
@catman25 shady-punitive-love Is there any other kind ?
@catman25 putrid-artistic-magic
Some fun to pass the time...
My shipping info now says: 30x24x13 in, 28.8 lbs. HYPE
@ials Woah. Mine is 28.7. Just a tad different dimensions.
35x17x14 in.
@juststephen @ials here comes 20lbs of speaker rocks. or just rock rocks
@communist As long as they come with the red bag, I'm good. Doesn't matter, had fuku!
@ials Mine has made it to Florida and still shows the placeholder size/weight :/
I got a citizen watch... (womans...) no Xmas shopping for me!
@brettmcox I don't see any pictures. Not real w/o picture
I got mine today and was pleasantly surprised!
What's in the box?!?!?

Along with lots of confetti I received:
Birthday card stamped and addressed to Meh
Meh Party hat
A couple of noisemakers
Star Wars Wedge Antilles figure from Applause
Nick Zone fabric lunch tote
Red Queen from Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland journal set
Mock security camera
Plastic Viking helment (some assembly required)
Red meh bag
And an Ollie robot from Sphero!! - really stoked about this. I was so tempted to order one when they were up for sale! Thanks meh!

Assembled Viking helment

@stardate820926 Hey, what's in the box that says "Love with food" on the side???
@bluedog It's a monthly subscription box of snacks. Each box also donates meals to kids in need so it's a win, win.
@stardate820926 I've been thinking about trying one of the many snack subscription type services out there but, haven't spent anymore time on it than that. I hadn't even heard of "Love with Food" before this thread.
Long story short I took a couple of days to weigh the options and I'm going for <3 w/ food. I have a random referral link I can use but, since you did unintentionally plant the seed I would like to give you some cred.
@one_two3456 I just saw this but here's my link if you want it. I've been subscribing for over a year and really like it!
@stardate820926 Aye, sorry man, I should have waited longer than a day. I just figured the post was old and you wouldn't see it. Depending on what I get in my first box I was going to sway one of my sisters to sign up too. I'll just use your link then.
My Fuku arrived
1 Space Precinct Lieutenant Brogan action figure
1 Krusty the clown bobble that sings (My wife had me open it and put working batteries in it to see what it said, then immediately said "That's creepy, get it out of my house." So it's available for trade if anyone wants it.)
1 Paratrooper puzzle
1 TOCCs 900 bluetooth headphones
1 Nick Zone Fabric lunchbox
1 Womens Citizen eco-drive watch that works, very nice touch.
1 Fuku Bag
1 Party Hat
1 SASE with birthday card
1 party blower (not pictured as my daughter was playing with it.)
@owlhooter The real winner in this FUKU is that Krusty the Clown bobblehead...so awesome!
@studerc That's what I thought when I saw it as well. My wife however, not so impressed.
@owlhooter Oh man, my boss would love that Krusty bobble head, maybe I'll have something equally meh to trade for it! Hopefully I'll know Friday!
@smigit2002 Sounds good to me.
@owlhooter Alright, my fuku arrived and I've put together a wide assortment of crap for you to pick from, with entrants from this and previous Fukus, as well as the occasional BoC. Let me know if you see anything of interest!
So... much... crap
@smigit2002 That is definitely an assortment of crap. haha. Can't say anything really interests me, but go ahead and shoot me your address tominatrix at gmail. I'll get it shipped off.
This is my box. I would offer pictures, but the cable internet has been down for 3 days now and I can only get blow-off responses from them.
Nicktoons can cooler, includes pictures of Spongebob, Fairly Odd Parents, Jimmy Neutron, Wild Thornberries, and Rugrats
iCarly personalized deluxe planner (with bonus stickers!)
Space Precinct action figure, Lt Brogan
Citizen Women's Eco-watch (A men's watch would have been nice since my current watch is dying out, but mom likes her new watch)
Lucky Spin Scents car air freshener (roulette wheel)
meh.com drawstring bag
A4m multifunctional case for new iPad
SASE birthday card
Meh birthday hat, lots of confetti, and a noisemaker
lots of bags of Texas Air
Did anyone's ship today? mine is still processing! Just curious no rush meh:)
So are people signing the birthday cards, adding a message and sending them back to meh?
@Kidsandliz I think I'll send mine back to them next year for their birthday--if it ever leaves the warehouse.
@Kidsandliz - I'm guessing they didn't specify on purpose, just to see what happens.
Still... processing. The Onkyo I won is processing as well. At least I know that I've got that coming, even if my Fuku is disappointing mediocrity. Still trying to figure out how to rehome my old (less than 1 year old) Onkyo TX-SR333... charitable donation or Mediocre contest.
@CircaRigel Ok...so, I really don't wanna be THAT GUY, but chill! We all get it, you won the Onkyo in the contest, that's super and we are all happy for you. We also totally understand that you're trying to figure out what to do with your old one, hell you even made a question about it. You don't however have to mention it all in every single comment you put out on the forums. It's old, let's move on.
@CircaRigel let me know if you need a good home for it :)
@capguncowboy Please don't get them all riled up again. I'm not sure I can take another dozen comments about it.
@studerc haha, calm down buddy, you won a contest too! I wish I could win a contest...
@smigit2002 Sure did win a contest...you know much I've brought it up...once..right now...that's it, haha. I'm calm, the point just needed to be made.
@CircaRigel After all, it’s not like some precedent has been set. Does anyone go around commenting about Georgia Red or Purple every available chance?
@Barney ;)
@tomvarela Almost every chance :-)
@studerc Well, okay - you ARE that guy. Which is probably a good thing because I can bet you dollars to donuts (HINT) that someone here is sitting on their hands everytime they see this broad make a post.
@mehniacs @studrc You'd be excited as well if things had been going as crappy lately and suddenly some pretty good things happened to begin countering it. Plus I still don't have a good idea about how to pay it forward. I was just hoping some others might offer some clever ideas.
@CircaRigel Don't worry about paying it forward. When you and your life is in a good place, you will come up with your own clever ideas. Until that day comes, just chill, take care of yourself. You have to be secure and strong in yourself in order to help others.
@CircaRigel As I've had a rough last month and a half, and lately having some good things happen to counter for the better also - I'm happy for you and I understand where you're coming from.
IMHO, I think the issue of the receiver would be best addressed locally - if it were a smaller and lighter item, I'd say maybe do something here with the community - but as many have said in your other thread, there are probably many local needs that could be met in donating it in person right where you live. I doubt that the secondary market for used receivers is all that great and it may be a hassle to sell it locally on Craigslist or eBay - so if it were me, I'd call around (and maybe start by calling your local United Way) and make a list of the groups that might benefit from your donation - and then donate the old receiver with a dedication.
@Mick is right - when the time is right, it'll come to you - and maybe now the time is just to wait - but do let us know when/what you decide to do with the old one.
Hope all is going well with Galen. Keep him away from those cheap imported toys . . . :P
@Pavlov I was wondering if you remembered @CircaRigel from her prior thread. I'm surprised she returned. That being said, you surprised me, too. You were nice. Still on the drugs?
@Barney For Christ's sake, no one said it didn't take effort. But I'm not an asshole ALL the time.
Plus, I think she just needed to tell someone "Hey - thanks - this mattered to me, it made a difference in my outlook because of all the crap that has gone wrong lately" - and to that, I can 100% relate.
And, frankly, the community here is able to be bigger than just one thread.
@studerc has a point - and I politely and diplomatically re-enforced it.
I wish her all the best.
But if she posts another dog toy warning, all bets are off.
@MrMark i dont get it...
@lisaviolet my reflexes are too fast...
@studerc I just found irony in it you posted that comment on a Tuesday. Tuesday you post the same thing every time on the twofer. Call Tuesday a temptress, use a couple fucks, attempt a pun about the product, and inform us if you are going to buy it.
It's old..move on.
@MrMark Yea...but thats different IMHO. Twofer Tuesday rant has been going on since the very beginning, its tradition. And its only one time, on one thread instead of multiple times on over a half dozen other threads. Not ironic.
@studerc Ok. I'm not saying you should stop, if it's your "tradition" and you enjoy it by all means keep doing it, especially if it makes you happy.
Maybe her talking about her win and donating something makes her happy, it really doesn't impact you in anyway. People handle stressful times different.
I just posted my opinion on you calling someone out for something I found similar...which is posting essentially the exact same thing on many threads. Sure hers maybe in a shorter time frame, but overall I didn't see much of a difference.
@lisaviolet It says plug in failure. Is that me or you ?
@ceagee It's working for me. (And at least four others, who starred it.) What browser are you using? Some of them are getting stinky about what they let you see. I quit Chrome because of that.
@lisaviolet believe it or not it's there now. Must of been something funky going on here ? (Of course it's them it's not me : P
@MrMark Let's try this from a different viewpoint, shall we? I am a senior citizen, retired, grandmother, very respectable, and every Tuesday I stay up so I can see how @studerc trashes Twofer AGAIN. Don't take my pitiful pleasure away. Sob, sniffle.
@CircaRigel @studerc @Pavlov @Barney Hey CircaRigel (or should I say TazoWolf?) - Here's an idea: Why not send your "old" receiver to @Thumperchick? Maybe as the beginning of an apology to stealing her spreadsheet and completely fucking up the one remotely entertaining thing that woot has done in quite some time. WootDunnit ring a little bell?
Y'know, @studerc is correct. We get it, you had a bad accident. You apparently have PTSD. You have a service dog because of it. I know I'm not the only one that's tired of hearing about it. (Believe it or not, others on woot had something to say...) Your posts are like a constant cry for attention.
@cinoclav can you post a forum link to this fiasco...i gotta see this!
@studerc A lot of the posts were deleted by the mods it seems. Essentially, she was playing triple agent under 3 different user names on 3 different teams. All after stealing the spreadsheet that @Thumperchick spent time making and supposedly creating it 'on her own' for the other teams. She disappeared (at least under the known user names) once the shit hit the fan. Seriously childish and pathetic. This was the only post I still see which gives a good idea of what was going on. I'm sure there are others in the other team pages. http://www.woot.com/forums/viewpost.aspx?postid=6369379&pageindex=19#post6386101
@cinoclav Yeah, this doesn't surprise me one bit based on internet lore concerning her two main usernames. Why can't people just play nice and not be asses?
@cinoclav While I appreciate you defending me, I really think dragging that shitstorm into another forum is just beating a dead horse. While I understand that she burned a lot of good will, we don't have to throw it in her face everywhere, all the time. I certainly would request that you don't do it on my behalf.
@cinoclav wow. That kinda stuff really rubs me the wrong way. Ive been around Mediocre from the beginning with outstanding loyalty and participation...aint won shit or got even a slightly good fuku. However, then in comes some shady piece of trash to win a super cool prize. Fuck that, poor form @circarigel.
Heartfelt apologies for the crap you went through @thumperchick. Youre an awesome person and you don't deserve this bullshit.
PS..saw your above comment. I'll respect your wishes and leave the issue alone. But I'll still voice my opinion. :)
@OldCatLady @MrMark...yea eat shit. People like my Twofer rants, im well known and people appreciate my participation. I dont need your approval. Haters gonna hate.
@Thumperchick Sorry! It pissed a lot of us off for the obvious reasons, but more than anything it got to me because she did it to you! Like @studerc said, you're an awesome person and the very last user on either site that I want to see someone taking advantage of. I'll leave it alone after this, but just to note, I don't think we're throwing anything more in her face than she's earned...
@cinoclav I know, it really means a lot that you all rallied about this situation. Thank you. <3 (It's a heart, it's an ass in a party hat! Everybody wins!) <3
@cinoclav TC & I have made peace re: some incidents on Woot (although that isn't the same as saying we have become friends... but it's a start. I never meant to hurt anyone). I never meant to cause discord, I won't go into details of our recent conversation, though, as at this point it's best we put it all behind us. For what it's worth, I harbor no ill will toward anyone, and I accept that people are upset with me. While I did design portions of a spreadsheet with some of the ideas, I did not copy it, and I definitely did not supply clues found by other teams. Any clues my team had were discovered by them alone. Also, they had no knowledge of any of this, so please do not hold any of it against them. Should you require specifica about the conversation TC and I had, feel free to ask her, as I doubt you'll believe anything I say about it, understandably. For what it's worth, you all have my heart felt apologies. I suggest we let bygones be bygones and start anew. Nothing can make me feel worse than I already feel.
@CircaRigel What you did to the people at Woot was not nice. And what you did to @Thumperchick was not nice. You cheated. You cheated!
My fuku is still ripening as well. Exciting, ain’t it.
@tomvarela Yep. More-so than the current BOC's. Lately, the BOCs on Woot have been, well, utterly crappy.
@CircaRigel Just got a BOC (twice the price including shipping) to compare.
@sammydog01 So did I... Crappy Blue Oyster, last night.
@CircaRigel And the crap shipping race is on...
@sammydog01 @CircaRigel HEY! I got a Blue Oyster Crap as well!
Blue Oyster for me as well. @thismyusername
My 31x24x13 27.3lbs Fuku arrived today, delightfully yet surprisingly early given past history. I think this is the fastest I have ever received a Meh order. Here we go, starting with the small stuff.
Confetti canon
2nd skin jumpsuit
Space Precinct action figure
Motorola baby monitor
noise maker
SASE card
100 piece puzzel
Bow wow childrens book / diary?
Meh hat
Jolly Rancher bag
Fuku bag
...and a lot of confetti, but thoughtfully, they included the following to help with the cleanup.
It appears to be in a new sealed box. However I can't help but wonder how Meh knew my other 2 Roombas, one of which was from a BOC and both are worthless on hardwood, were in need of new company?
As you can see, I seriously needed help with cleaning and organization. I don't even know when I'll unbox it, since the floor has to be cleared of clutter before any of my iRobots can be useful again. Perhaps the next Fuku can include a real life maid? I really need one!
@kuoh I own the the 790 and it is awesome on any surfaces! I am jealous you got it in Fuku. Bow down to the Fuku gods and say thank you! If you own pets bow down again (it is great with pet hair).
@kuoh you need more boxes stacked in the corner... I think you need a few surge protectors as well, oh look they are on sale today! :)
@kuoh well if you are looking for a new home for any of those roomba ...... :)
@kuoh so so jealous of the roomba
@kuoh Mine is almost the exact same weight - I suppose I should expect a roomba. Wonder what the weight is on it..
@juststephen Honestly though, I shouldn't expect anything - it could be 28.7lb of bricks.
@kuoh do you live in or near Texas?
@kuoh Why haven't you posted a death match video of the confetti cannon vs the Roomba yet? Get on it.
@MEHcus I suspect the reality of a Roomba running around in circles on 1.5 sqft of bare flooring sucking up confetti may be less exciting than you imagine. I would have to un-hoard all the Meh products and boxes I've accumulated before a death match could commence. Even then, it would probably have to be Roomba vs Roomba vs Roomba to be fair, but all armed with makeshift steak knives, forks and blow torches to make it interesting. Frankly, it's all starting to sound like a lot more work than I originally envisioned when I clicked on the "I'm not a robot" box.
@thismyusername But more boxes would mean less maneuvering space for the Roombas. Decisions, decisions.
@kuoh I don't know what you're talking about. That sounds fantastic.
@MEHcus Sure it "sounds" fantastic, just like having Leonard, Raj, Howard and Sheldon moving in across the street from me and Penny moving in with me sounds fantastic, but at some point we all have to wake up and face the disappointment.
@kuoh But think of all the fun you could have
@MEHcus I'll be sure to have the most fantastic Roomba vs Roomba vs Roomba vs confetti cannon death match ever in my dreams tonight. I suspect Penny might even be involved at some point.
@kuoh at the very least you owe us a video of you wearing the morph suit and firing the confetti cannon up in the air.
@JonT A video of me in a form fitting body suit?! If it was a green one, I'd probably be sued for copyright infringement for looking like Shrek!
oh so much cool stuff. mine hasn't shipped yet. hoping for viking hat and women's watch. expecting a whole box of neoprene sleeves :D
@vampje I hope you get the eco-drive. I love mine. It is my go to watch.
I got a Razer BlackWidow, which is being used RIGHT NOW, A hands free bathroom faucet that I gave to me dear old mum, an action figure of Space Precinct 2040 Lt. Brogan, some dope Elvis Drink Coasters, a pink lunchbox, and a doggy photo album.
@Felixmcbiggs oh fancy keyboard!
@vampje I had to google it too.
The Outback Steakhouse Bobble Head is probably the most prime selection in any Fuku, ever. The DragonBall GT VHS cassette is pretty excellent, too.
However, my greatest joy in this Fuku is envisioning the trail of confetti that I could probably follow from my front porch to mail truck to mail truck all the way to Meh headquarters.
The glare I got from the mail carrier said it all. Thanks for the shoddy packaging tape job, Meh!
my evil-nonsensical-lift has yet to be lifted.
im kind of hoping for a sphero! my family would love it.
Not one piece of confetti survived the journey, nor did my Fuku bag :/ But if anybody ever breaks their arm I have the splint for you! What a box of Meh!
@mattguyver I'm wondering if you scored one of the 119 over sales.
@nalesean I was wondering the exact same thing, lol.
@mattguyver Did it ship out in the Friday batch?
@nalesean Yes, it was shipped out on Friday.
@mattguyver The headphones are nice.
@mattguyver I'm in the still processing camp. What was the approx. weight and dimensions?
@nalesean never changed... 10x10x10 3lbs and that's actually what arrived
@mattguyver Cast material? Is that actually what's in the box? Something is really, really weird here.
@telepheedian Yes, I opened it and that is indeed what was in the box :/ I was hoping for some kind of surprise re-pack but this was not the case
@mattguyver You also didn't get the fuku bag, which is pretty lame, too. They shouldn't run out of those, same bags as Fuku 4.
@mattguyver We can get you the Fuku bag, we've got some extras so you definitely should have gotten one. Shoot us a message if you'd like us to send it out: meh.com/support
@MEHcus Thanks, will do!
@mattguyver I think the splint would come in handy if you decide to try the obviously top of the line roller skates.
My box arrived shortly before noon Tuesday:
Unbagged Texas air, which swiftly escaped into the free-range Oklahoma air upon unsealing the box
Bags of Texas air
SASE birthday card
Meh party hat, unassembled
Nick Zone lunchbag
iCarly Personalized Deluxe Planner
Meh drawstring bag
Dogs Rule scrap and brag book
Toy Story Play and Sound book
Ooma VOIP device (including return documents from previous purchaser, through a different online company, not Meh nor Woot)
Ollie robot toy.
@TrailBoss Nice haul!
So have folks been ordering a quantity of 3, or less?
I meant to try and order three, but in my excitement of actually seeing the buy now button and going through the order, I completely forgot to change the quantity from 1. :-/
@psbales you can only order one. In the past I think the ordering system granted some people a quantity of 2 erroneously (it gets corrected to 1).
@hashybrown Well, cool. I thought it was like the old BoC stuff. That makes me feel a bit better! Waiting on my 10x10x10 3 lbs. box!
@psbales That's just the placeholder weight and size, in theory when it goes through a hub it'll be weighed and you'll get the real size (although I've had packages from them that have never updated in any way, or stopped updating and just showed up being delivered 4 days later).
@Deelron Mine is supposed to be here tomorrow and it hasn't updated.
@lisaviolet Mine is scheduled for delivery tomorrow and the size/weight hasn't changed. But I suspect tomorrow is when Fedex passes it over to the post office, so I may not actually get it until the end of the week. With my luck it will be delivered to work on Saturday when I'm at home. That would be sad.
@heartny That would be sad.
7/10/2015 - Friday
11:25 am Shipment information sent to FedEx
...but no other update. So I guess I'm in the Friday batch. I'm hoping it hasn't updated because they decided it was too expensive to ship via FedEx and they are trying to get the truck delivery arranged instead.
Got in my bag today!
Rhombus 2.1 speaker with a blown right driver
World of Warcraft wireless mouse
Eragon metal lunchbox
Nickzone soft lunchbox
Anime VHS tape
Alice in Wonderland Journal
Meh hat
Meh Bag
Self addressed envelope
Confetti that got all over my newly cleaned office but no new dyson or roomba to vacuum it up :(
Overall was very excited about the rhombus, but now am going to try to get Palo Alto Designs to fix it lol
@bumonskateboard Any luck with Palo Alto? I find myself in a similar boat.
@russellwilde Nothing yet, I did a little research and they seem like they aren't the best with customer service.
My fuku just arrived a whole day earlier than predicted!

What's in the box?!!
- A bunch of Texas air
- A very meh party hat
- A broken (used?) noise maker
- An Alice in Wonderland Red Queen personalized journal
- A Green Lantern journal
- An iCarly journal
- A Motorola Baby Monitor
- The red fukubukuro bag
- A hanging sea horse on a shell thing...
- Approximately three pieces of what I'm assuming was confetti
- A self addressed stamped envelope with blank birthday note card.
- Last, but definitely not least, a refurbished 28" Samsung 4k Monitor
So I've got journals for days, an awesome new (to me) computer monitor, and this picture of my dog celebrating the way mehday should be celebrated.
@nickiwhite Wow! would love that monitor!
@nickiwhite Nice pup. The hat fits . . . and suits. :-)
@nickiwhite Hope the monitor isn't broken. Damn though, that's nice!
@joelmw he wasn't nearly as excited as I was about the meh hat :P
@Nexar all plugged in and tested. I figure they were making up for the broken 18" avg monitor they sent me in the fuko.
Mine has shipped. 3 lbs 10x10x10
@bakeyoural Thats the automatic default weight/dimensions. Should update eventually.
@whistlingwilly Yeah, I realized that a few minutes ago. It has gone through FedEx "check in" so perhaps it will change. Perhaps it won't. I'm just so excited it's en route!!!
@bakeyoural mine never updated. Ended up being 22 x15 x 15 and over 20 lbs!
@bakeyoural mine just shipped as well. i am full of excite!
@floridasooner Ooooooh, that IS exciting! Maybe it's a bowling alley.

[3:45:43 PM] child: Wow mom
[3:45:49 PM] me: what?
[3:45:52 PM] child: Sorry I just love my icarly planner
^^this is not a joke^^
Posting for a family member who is too busy blending everything in sight.
Weight/dimensions never changed from placeholder, but here's what we got...
Thanks meh, you guys are awesome!
@Roy33sakic yETI? Nice haul!
@Roy33sakic That is not Meh at all.
@Roy33sakic Open mouthed stare :O
What he said, Meh. Nicely done!
@Roy33sakic Very nice!
@Roy33sakic that popeye slanket NEEDS to be modeled. please :) pretty please :):)
@Roy33sakic i got that same blender in the last fuckubro.. Awesome. Id love a roomba or a ollie. But son just broke his tv so maybe one of those. . Am i asking to much lol to say these are spoiling us is a beyond statement !!!!
I gotta wait until Monday :(
Red Bag
Meh Party hat
noise maker
confetti that got everywhere
A b-day card addressed to Meh. (I guess we're supposed to send these back)
A Fozzy bear coffee cup
a Green Lantern journal
2 Space Precinct Lt Brogan figures (in package)
an Outback 15th Anniversary bobble head
a Memorex projection alarm clock radio (don't know if it works)
Sphero (lights up, but hadn't had the app yet to try it out)
It was in a very large box 6.7 lbs was the tracking weight, and had like 20 bags of Texas air.
The Sphero and alarm clock work just fine. The Sphero is fun, it scares the dog!
Sorry no pics (most have already been posted), but Fuku arrived:
Toy Story book
Green plastic roller skates
Razer XBOX 360/PC headset (with sticker that says "buzzing noise when using microphone")
Red Fukubukuro bag
Orange Nickelodeon "Nick Zone" lunch bag
Meh paper cone hat
Random card
Plastic Rocket nightlight
Onkyo TX-NR535 A/V receiver!!!
Best $5 ever spent. Not bad for my first Fukubukuro!
@socos don't let this one get your hopes up.
@socos this deserves a pic. Congrats!
Well, there was no NO Texas air in my Fuku. I don’t know if they just ran out of air in Texas what with the recent floods and all, but you can bet I’ll be writing a strongly-worded letter to those “hacks” at Meh.
Then again, my box didn’t really need the Texas air because it was packed FULL OF AWESOME!
First off, I am now the reigning Queen of Lunch Boxes, because Meh sent me a total of FIVE lunch boxes:
3 Nick Zone soft lunchboxes
1 Baseball soft lunchbox
1 Pink & Green soft lunchbox LOVE IT – (which will become my new work lunchbox – THANK YOU, MEH!)
There’s a Mock Security camera – which will stick out like a sore thumb if used around my REAL security cameras, so I think I’m going to have to pay this particular gift forward…
Meh Party Hat
Meh Fuku Bag
SASE and Birthday Card – (Ask and ye shall receive. Just be careful what you wish for….. heehee)
Party horn
And LOTS of confetti!!!
PLUS my Fuku contained a sign from God: (I know, right? Meh’s REALLY well-connected.)
Not 1, but TWO Christmas thingies:
Sassy, glittery bobble Christmas reindeer with her hands on her sassy deer hips
Campbell Kids Christmas Ornament
(SO much Christmas for an atheist. (Sigh) What to do? I guess it’s a sign I should just convert back so that I have a reason to use these little gems.)
An iCarly Planner
Car air freshener shaped like a roulette wheel
An Ollie by Sphero!!!!!
I’ve already taken Ollie for a spin and the dogs LOVE IT. (Well one dog loves it, the other dog runs and hides from it.) She chases it as I drive it around the room and tries to bite its wheels off.
Here’s the little rascal with Ollie:
And here’s a shameless plug of my adorable dogs:
All in all a very Fuku-licious haul! Thanks, Meh!
@pepsiwine Your dogs are adorable!
@sammydog01 Aww, thank you!
They have big personalities for such little weiners.
@pepsiwine Pssst - c'mere - I'll show you a big wiener with a little personality. Wink, wink - nudge, nudge.
@Pavlov I think you and Bill Murray have something in common:

@pepsiwine Life kicked my ass for a bit but I'm quickly getting back to good . . . And a big wiener helps.
@pepsiwine My friend Stacey does dachshund rescue and has one of her own that's particularly googly-eyed, so I'm going to have to send her these. If there's ever any video of your wieners chasing the Sphero around, I'll send that too. They look like pretty cool critters.
@editorkid I wanted to get video but you have to use your iPhone to drive the Ollie and that's the only camera I have. So I couldn't get both at the same time.
Yeah, my pup wearing the sunglasses has a photosensitivity in one of her eyes and she'd just gotten her new sunglasses in the mail that day so she was excited to show them off.
Look what I found on my doorstep this afternoon when I arrived home from work...

Considerably larger than the 10x10x10 @ 3lbs. reported by FedEx. It's actually 35x16x13 @ around 25ish lbs.
What form of mehness lurks within?
@ruouttaurmind Nobody likes a tease
@ruouttaurmind don't keep us waiting!
@lichme, @Nexar, Sorry folks, I have to go get my car emissions tested right now, but I'll open 'er up and post the gritty deets as soon as I get back!
@ruouttaurmind It would be just great if you never showed us what was inside. Make us wait forever!
@ruouttaurmind - Are you out of your mind?
@ruouttaurmind at 8 PM? Oh wait... I'm east coast and it wouldn't be on the east coast yet... :P
@ruouttaurmind - I like the glow behind it - like Stonehenge at the Solstice. Or, no, I'll bet it's the monolith from 2001 A Space Odyssey!
@ruouttaurmind Onkyo, calling it.
@ruouttaurmind Car emissions certifications are all good until the last day of the month. You're stalling. Come on, open it!
@ruouttaurmind Did they send you @JonT for your Fuku???
If so, then he might want out of that box soon.....
@telepheedian That's a very large Onkyo.
@OldCatLady In my state the vehicle registrations are staggered. Some expire on the 15th, the rest on the last day of the month. I was one of those lucky sods slated for the 15th, and with a wonderful propensity for procrastination. If I didn't get it squared today I'd owe a $15 late fee tomorrow.
@telepheedian On the money. Based on the weight, that was a given. Read on for the full reveal at the bottom of the thread...
@sohmageek Fortunately for me, test stations are open 'til 7pm here (MST). It's sort of an enabler for my procrastination. LOL!
@ruouttaurmind That makes sense, because I remember how popular inspection places used to get. If FL ever opts for inspections, an awful lot of junkers will be taken off the road.
@ruouttaurmind fun fact, they tried that in NY a while back, it lasted half a month, then they went back to the normal expires in a certain month car inspection stickers
@KDemo No, but I am.
This is probably the best $5 I've ever spent.
@Crud Will buy for $6. That's $1 profit! Easy money.
@Crud - But where do you get giant Pez candy?
@KDemo it came with 6 packs and dispenses an entire pack when you pull its head back. I guess its for dispensing packs to refill your regular sized Pez dispensers.
@Crud - I learned something today!
K -now I'm imagining where this could go - Humongous dispensers to dispense the giant dispensers to dispense regular packs to put in the dispensers.
@lichme didn't you make wootstalker? so you have like a bazillion bags at your disposal?
@sp3ar Yes I did, but I also have a pregnant wife who hates me spending money on random stuff lol.
@KDemo It's kind of like this, sorry for the poor quality video:
Received my gift wrapped box today. (gift wrapped with white & red “Rewraped Resealed in the U.S.P.S.” tape).
bags of Texas air
meh party hat
birthday card with SASE
meh bag
green lantern journal
dragonball z vhs
Lt. Brogran figure
memorex projection alarm clock
outback wacky wobbler bobblehead
@sassymango did you get the fancy metawatch for the cheaper one from a while back?
@communist its the frame model, in white
My first Fuku was supposed to arrive tomorrow (FedEx said 31x24x15, 18.6lbs), but my wife called to let me know about the "giant box that looks like it went through hell" on our doorstep today!
I don't think anything fell out of that gaping hole except lots of confetti.
Anyway, here's the Fukubukuro glory:
Thanks Meh! We've been rocking out all night, and Wedge is enjoying his new home.
1 meh party hat
1 party horn thing
1 Dragonball Z VHS tape
1 Krusty the clown figure
2 Space Precinct Lieutenant Brogan Action Figures
1 Fuku bag
1 Phone stand
1 god damn huge Samsung refurbished 27" monitor
@jasonkoz whats the model number on the samsung?
@communist It's a Samsung S27D590P.
YAYYYYY , my FUKU updated to coming next Monday , still at placeholder weight 10x10x10 and 3lbs
@stryper2000 Yours and mine are twins on the same truck, apparently. I learned awhile back that a)FedEx lies about size and weight, and b)FedEx lies about delivery dates, but usually in a good way so you get surprised by a delivery much sooner than expected.
Can I just say 2 things.
1) Congrats to everyone on your Fuku Gold!
2) And from all of us that didn't get one Fuk you! :)
@mfladd Aww, sorry for your Fuku misfortune.
If it'll cheer you up, you can have my Christmas ornament thingies - Sassy Bobble Deer and Campbell Kids Tree Ornament.
Also, may I interest you in one of three Nick Zone lunch bags? :)
@mfladd I promise that if I get vinyl wall clings of @JonT wearing a teddy, I'll send you one.
@pepsiwine you are sweet, thanks. My kids would probably love the NicZone bags.
@capguncowboy Ha! now that is what I am looking for. Even if you don't - if anyone can provide a photoshop pic it would be appreciated.
@Carl669 Sorry. I should have included you in this ;)
@mfladd Done!
How many kids/NicZone bags?
@pepsiwine 2. are you serious? 1 girl/1 boy.
@mfladd Yup. They're yours. Glad to see they're going to be put to good use.
@pepsiwine Thank you.

@mfladd You're most welcome. Shoot me an email at: a38679 (at) yahoo (dot) com. I can probably get them sent out later this week.
@pepsiwine that's mighty fine of you. Mark's a good guy and deserves as much charity as possible... by far the worst fantasy football team I've ever seen!
@capguncowboy LOL you bastard! :) I will have you know I won my work championship last year (Murray and Beckham brought it home) - nice payday. I will see you on the Meh. field this year!
@capguncowboy Aw, thanks! I like my fellow Mehricans and it gives me a warm and fuzzy to spread a little Fuku cheer.
Ok kiddies, good news at the emissions testing station. I passed, and only had to wait in line about 20 minutes.
Better news at home: The Fuku reveal!
Based on the weight I was easily able to guess the first item, the rest were all a wonderful surprise treat...
And last but not least...
9.One Meh birthday chapeau (some assembly required)
Needless to say, I'm stunned and thrilled at the generosity Meh bestowed on us! I mean... it's THEIR birthday, but I'M the one who got the awesome gifts!
To everyone at Meh, Happy, Happy Birthday! May you have a hundred more...
@ruouttaurmind A model… made of bubble wrap?
@ruouttaurmind Onkyo Gold - Sweeeeet! As is the pup!
@brhfl Odd packaging, innit. The bubble wrap is an envelope containing the model. My mom loves puzzles, so I'll be shipping it off to her in the AM.
@mfladd Thanks! That's Super Belle The Wonder Dog. She's a sweetie for sure!
@ruouttaurmind Yeah that's very, very odd. Guess it explains how meh ended up with it :D
@ruouttaurmind Awesome haul! If I get the Inspire 1 you requested I'll be sure to let you know :)
@djslack LOL! If you get the Inspire I'll trade you a Onkyo receiver and Motorola baby monitor for it! ;-)
@ruouttaurmind Belle is beautiful!!
@beachbum Thank you. :-)
@ruouttaurmind not to be a Debbie Downer, but I can't help it. It's too bad your Fuku didn't contain a new digital camera, that resolution is so late 90's. I mean, did you take those pictures with your Halo from the last Fuku? J/K, I'm just jealous, enjoy your loot!
@mehdaf Dear Debbie, don't be such a downer. :-)
Pics taken from my (very old) HTC EVO 3D phone. I happen to have a very nice, shiny new Onkyo AV receiver I'll trade you for your iPhone 6!
@ruouttaurmind how about a 10 year old Sony digital camera? Ah, but shipping would probably kill the deal, Meh must get awesome rates on shipping...
@mehdaf Funniest thing about that offer... it probably takes better pics than my HTC phone does.
Extra bonus! The Motorola baby monitor/wifi camera WORKS! Now streaming 24/7 live Super Bell spy cam. ;-)
Not to start shit... but why is it that when a fukubukuro comes out a BOC isn't that far behind? It seems that Woot plans on it or maybe they don't, but it seems every time I'm waiting for a Fuku, a wootoff happens and a BOC is mine. Granted... I probably should have waited for Friday as the BOC seems to be a bit better on the anniversary, but lets see if they do the same for pre-anniversary... or just try to get my wife to give me her creds ;)
@sohmageek I think the real question here is why is anybody wasting Money on the BOC any more?
I scored a BOC this time. It suspiciously was way too easy. I figure I wasted $5, but I somehow feel excited about it. I guess that's the master plan. Can never have too many bungee cords.
@heartny That's $5 plus $5 s/h, right? Total $10?
@cengland0 True... It's not as nice as Meh with the $5/month shipping...
@heartny You've gotten bungee cords? I keep getting "pair 2 spare" disposable underwear... Somehow I doubt anyone wants to see me in a XL thong even less so in a disposable pair.
@cengland0 True. I wasted $10 plus tax. No Woot VMP for me, or whatever they call it. Wish I could use my Amazon Prime membership to get free shipping on Woot.
@sohmageek Yeah, I got the underwear last time as well, along with some crap folders, F5 sticker, and Mortimer cut-out thing. Yet I still wasted another $10 on another BOC this month.
@CircaRigel I don't even bother anymore. I just take my $5 to the dollar store and get stuff I can actually use. At my last yard sale/tag sale I had a box full of BOC stuff I had collected. I couldn't give away most of it! LMAO!
Mine shipped Friday... I live 4 hours from Meh and for some reason my fuku has been langishing in Houston instead of taking the more direct route down IH35.
Originally it said it would arrive on Wednesday but has now been updated to Thursday.
What does it all mean?
@russellwilde Maybe they're putting EXTRA Texas air in yours. lol
@russellwilde It means it'll be there Thursday.
@russellwilde its smartpost, so it has to go to a distribution center first, then your local post office.
I was hoping it meant I was getting a pony. I really want a pony.
@russellwilde I want a unicorn. Mine is out for delivery so we'll see.

@russellwilde - Did you ask if @Pony was available?
@russellwilde I don't believe that you live in Texas simply because you called it 'IH35'.
what kind of yankee crap is that?
the only thing in texas that calls it that is Google.
@Noddy93 Well I never said I was originally from Texas and this isn't the first time I've been call a yankee. I blame my day job.
Thanks for all your reveals. I'm a east coaster so trying to be patient for expected Saturday arrival. Still at 3lb 10x10x10. Can't wait for next update. Love ya meh!
Mine just shipped today. Estimated delivery :
Tues 7/21/2015. The tension is mounting. This is better than my own birthday! All the anticipation, surprise and fun without getting a year older.
Delivery estimate hasn't changed. But new dimensions/weight: 14x11x10 in, 5 lbs
Fuku out for delivery! Reveal forthcoming.

@bakeyoural Mine too!
Husbands Fuku. Weighed around 6 pounds and came in a big box.

@Teripie OOO I am thirsty for those steel series.
@connorbush I'll keep that in mind.
I've got to move closer to Texas...
But receiving a Fuku the day before my birthday has a nice ring to it as well.
@bakerzdosen bakersdosenmas eve?
@bakerzdosen I live in Texas and still haven't got mine.
@russellwilde Ditto. HQ is less than an hour’s drive.
@bakerzdosen living in texas makes for a longer delivery time thanks to the fedex part. what would normally be an overnight delivery if handed directly to the postman when they're at the front desk is 4 to 5 days with 'mail solutions'... but it's only $5 a month, and frankly, it's a bunch of crap that i really don't need.
and i'm old enough to remember when shipping was 4 to 6 weeks.
Received mine yesterday. Onkyo tx-nr535, Dragonball Z VHS, Insteon IP Camera, a hanging Seahorse decoration, a costume, Hollywood Moms coffee table book, Meh drawstring bag, a party hat, a SASE and birthday card, a noise maker, confetti, and some Texas air :-). Best $5 I ever spent AND my first fuku! Thanks Meh!
So, what do you do while you wait? Do you maybe do what I do? Check out the current unboxings and start making plans?
Okay, the women's eco watch is nice. I like the black on gold is pretty striking. Would I wear it? Dunno, don't wear watches much.
A Sphero...that could be fun with the cats. I'd probably play with it for a week or so, the cats would piss on it and it would die. (They pee on everything they can back up to - we just deal with it.)
The receiver. Nice. But would it work? I have an Onkyo that we got about a thousand years ago. No hdmi connections, a wannabe Dolby system, not true, but it works for us. A new receiver might be nice. But. I have a Technics turntable that I got in the 80s, a nice turntable. They need special care. I do the research. Okay, I get the phono preamp, probably under a hundred bucks, a new receiver might be nice.
Headphones? Damn. I've got so many headphones and only one head (my husband doesn't use them...but I'd love one of those systems where he could wear them and adjust the volume as loud as he wanted and I wouldn't be blasted out of the room). Hmmm....
A new monitor? Yeah! I'd like a new bigger monitor! (Husband "where would you put it?" Ah, come on, gimme some credit, I can always make room somehow, we can move your side of the office out to your shop if need be.)
The empty card. Yeah, I know what I'd do with that. My secret.
Skates? Kids' stuff? Take to my vet's office, the ladies there are a fertile bunch.
So, is anyone else planning? I'm getting ready to grab a lawn chair and a big bottle of water and go outside and wait for the mail. (Yeah, right..)
@lisaviolet I don't like jumping to conclusions...but I already have the bracket for the big screen tv installed on my wall.
@lisaviolet About the cats: my petsitter suggested pee pads draped over whatever the spray target is. After a few days you start pre-spraying the pad with Pine-sol or cleaner of choice. The idea is that it offends the sprayer's nose and they stop. I'll let you know if it works; right now we have foamcore dividers between the litter boxes, and they're covered in pee pads, because boys. It does make cleanup easier; will let you know if the Pine-sol actually discourages spraying.
@OldCatLady I buy peepads online at Walmart. A lot cheaper than any other place I've tried. They really do help with cleanup.
We have a lot of rescue cats and over half of our population would be considered senior at this point. Our oldest is close to 22 years now (she was my mom's cat).
Let me know how your test goes.
@lisaviolet Have you tried Feliaway ? It worked for scratching stuff to mark territory. Might be worth trying. It's pricey but you can sometimes get a deal.
My boy has only been an out of the box when I went away and left him for a few weeks. ( There was even someone here w/ him)
Cats. I love them, but there must be a better way to say "I missed you" I'm glad people don't do that.
@ceagee We have feliway. The sprays and the diffusers. But they don't last long with all of the doors and windows opened.
Thank you.
Mine will be here Saturday.
However, I will not be. Will have to pick it up from family Sunday evening.
Still showing the placeholder 10x10x10 albs box.
@trimm 3 lbs. Darn autocorrect.
@trimm Mine said the same thing - huge lie. It was a massive 27 pounder with a roomba in it :D
@pholvey I'm hoping for a surprise :D
@trimm I'm pulling for ya!
@trimm I have a similar problem - mine arrives Saturday, but I'll be out of the country. My wife will know what's in it a week before I do. :-(
Onkyo tx nr535. I'll end up probably selling it on craigslist as I don't have enough electronics to warrant it..
Ge motion sensing led security spotlight. It looks like most everything is there. It's been opened.
Bowwow book, add your own text.
Meh birthday card.
Nick zone bag.
Meh birthday hat.
Jolly rancher school holder thing. Made in ganzhou, jiangxi, China.
Meh bag.
100 piece puzzle.
@juststephen Will post pictures later...
@juststephen What did FedEx say your weight was?
@lichme 28.7 lb
I believe the onkyo is refurbished as it's in a brown cardbox box with stickers of product info?
@juststephen yes we need pictures.
For some strange reason I have this feeling that a certain one-deal-a-day site is going to receive a bunch of glitter bombs. Dunno why I think this. 6th sense?
@Teripie Well, did you receive a SASE from that site?
@tomvarela Not yet but husband did. I expect I'll get one too.
@Teripie url please (of those glitter bombs you have this 6th sense about)...LOL
@Kidsandliz https://shipyourenemiesglitter.com/ Not that I've used it or anything...
@Willijs3 gottcha - plausible deniability
@Willijs3 Ah, I had heard of the Glitter Shitter service. Now I see it's real. Hmm.
I guess I'm getting a really small Onkyo speaker...? And an agonizing wait till Monday. :-/

@SColburn It's probably the SASE, Party Hat, a $500 gift card and 3.7 lbs of confetti.
@SColburn Dont feel bad, im still at a place hold and waiting until a week from tomorrow!
My box was full of stars. And confetti. And a noisemaker. Plus...
Cars the Movie wall border
Sweet aircraft carrier puzzle. (100 pieces!)
Viking helmet
Krusty wobbler that sings bar none the most terrifying version of "Super Freak" ever recorded
20 mile walkie
And the pizza of resistance, a Sphero Ollie!
You'll hear it a lot meh, but you folks are so so very awesome. Thanks!
@poppaearl I hope I get a Viking helmet. Mine is broken. I really need a new one.
Mine came with the confetti, noisemaker, hat, bag, SASE card nick zone lunch pail
flower lunch box
Rocket night light
Napoleon Dynamite trash can
and a Roomba 560 refurbished (works, ran for a while last night)
Lots may go into a white elephant grab bag this christmas.
Pretty happy with the roomba, better than stereo receiver for me. Only might have wanted the monitor more. Certainly not a very meh deal.
Happy Birthday Meh!
Wish I could get orders like that for $5 all the time.
@raccoon81 Weight/Dimensions? I need my dream of getting something good to live on.
@lichme Dimensions were 30x24x13, huge box, plenty of that air packed in there though.
Tracking never updated the weight from 3lbs, I would guess close to 15-18 lbs.
@raccoon81 Dreams = crushed. Thanks!
Delivery slated for 7/17 still stock weight/dimensions.
Sometimes get a day early. Come on Fed-Ex!
Came in today while I was out of the office:
1. Watermelon Jolly Rancher Bag
2. Space Precinct Figure
3. Red Queen Journal
4. party hat, noise maker, meh cinch sack
5. JBL Pebble speakers (I already have a pair and are great)
6. That weird Rydis UV U60 Pro vacuum cleaner.
Not certain what I'm going to do with anything yet (up to my ears in speakers and I have two Dyson vacs to get the job done, but thanks Meh!
@harbour I super desire a blue-tooth speaker. ya know, if you have any extra around.
@harbour What were the dimensions and weight?
@nalesean Mine never updated from the placeholder info. In fact, once it left Texas, FedEx didn't update tracking info at all.
I got a rock.
@mr_crash_davis I live in Florida. I wish I had some rocks.
@mr_crash_davis Add this. Knock yourself out.

@joelmw Have you ever played baseball with stale hard rolls? Lotsa fun!
My 30x25x13, 23.1 pound box came in today. Recieved:
Sadly no confetti, but I can deal with that. Thanks Meh, happy birthday!
My chilly-stereotyped-addition (and first ever fuku) just departed Dallas last night at 7 PM. Waiting impatiently for the shipping weight and package size to update, but it may be a long truck ride from Dallas, TX to Harrisburg, PA...
I am going to be sooooo disappointed if I don't get one of those Jolly Rancher bags. I want it to be my new purse.
@PurplePawprints if you don't get one, you can have mine.
@harbour That's a really generous offer! I'm hoping I get it, but if not, I'll send you a reply and see if you still want to pass yours along. Thanks!
@PurplePawprints If you don't get one and @harbour wants to keep theirs, you can have mine. And the Elvis coasters, if you want those too :-)
@heartny You are awesome, my fellow lover of purple! Mine should come on Saturday, so if I don't get one, I'll tag you both and see if either of you are still interested in sharing. Thank you!
It's here and just dayum!
First off, the box never changed shipping size from 10x10x10, 3lbs.
The actual box size was 35x16x13. I'm only 5'1". Box was awkward to move.
It was weird heavy, one side was way heavier than the other one. I was able to get it up on the table to open, but the table is 29" tall, it took me a couple of tries, but I got it up there. Opened it and started pulling stuff out.
Texas air Unassembled
Meh hat Confetti (yeah, there's confetti all over the family room)
Sad noise maker (sounds like our kitty Opie...his meower doesn't work very well since he had all of his teeth pulled for medical reasons; stomatitis)
Giant Confetti Cannon (looks like fun - and messy, who do I know that I don't like very much who has young kids?)
Cars wall decor
Fuku bag
Bag of hard rubber balls, the reason the box was so lopsided heavy (husband sez "these are cool, they bounce really hard, but you're not going to keep them are you? You'll kill yourself!" Yeah, stepping on them in the middle of the night most likely wouldn't be really fun)
Vintage aircraft 100 piece jigsaw puzzle
Talking, wiggling Krusty the clown doll
Really nice hanging seahorse art (bathroom....)
SASE birthday card
When I saw that monitor box, all I could say was "Shit! Shit! Shit!"
The monitor will fit, my husband will not need to move his side of the office out to his shop. And he said "great! Now I can have your old monitor!" Win/win.
I've already checked out my computer, no hdmi connection, but there is a dvi-d input. Adapter cable has been ordered.
Thank you Meh! Thankyouthankyouthankyou! Totally awesome haul!
@lisaviolet Awesome monitor! really would love one of those!
@lisaviolet those bounce balls are AWESOME shot from confetti cannons!! Find someone you REALLLLLY don't like and set those off bouncing in their yard! It is one of my husband's favorite things to shoot from a confetti/potato cannon.

Say hello to my Fuku:

One Meh birthday hat - it is my son's birthday.
One SASE birthday card that will be returned in fabulous fashion.
One noise maker for making noise.
One rocking horse Christmas ornament for a rocking good Christmaa.
One Marvel Heroes Green Lantern switchable 3D sticker. "Where will you stick yours?", it inquires.
One Testors Weird-Ohs Davey model As Seen on Fox Family Channel though I cannot confirm this.
One 100 piece paratrooper puzzle for, um, putting together.
One Domus Empire State Building cardboard model. Also requires assembly.
One Cat in the Hat bobble head that constantly agrees with me.
One pair of hari mari flip flops in my size. Stalkers?
One red Fuku bag for strolls in the park.
One pair of badass 808 headphones for tuning out children and husbands. Though I only have one husband.
And a ROOMBA 560/561 so I don't have to clean anymore!
Best. Fuku. Ever.
I feel like I won the lottery. Hubs didn't believe I only paid $5. Had to show him my order confirmation. Turns out, I was wrong. I paid $5.41. Damn you taxes!
Also, please ignore the apartment carpet. It's gross and we are moving out next week. Anyway, that's Roomba's job now!
Mine was scheduled for delivery today, but fuckface USPS delivery guy decided that he didn't want to come by. Left a "delivery exception" notice on FedEx saying that the customer or business was closed, which is funny because it is an office with 50+ people in it all day long. Oh well, hopefully I'll know the same joy as everyone else tomorrow.
@modtuc82 We got into a big fight with our post office. The supervisor took it upon herself to say that there was too much mail to go out and held our priority mail boxes instead of delivering them to us. The mailman told my husband they were here, but she said to not deliver them. (They were for his company, he needed them to finish orders.) He went down there and picked up the boxes and gave them hell.
Another time I went out to get the mail minutes after the mailman left it and there was a notification slip that no one had answered the door. Excuse me? Yeah, no one answered because he never came to it. I waited for him to come down the street and he whined "the box was heavy".....
@lisaviolet Yeah, mine conveniently waited until they were closed to add the delivery exception so that I couldn't go pick up my package and couldn't complain to anyone. This isn't the first time that this has happened either. I feel bad complaining about not getting my delivery when many people did not even get a Fuku, but Meh had no hand in my issue. Anyway, can't wait to share my haul with everyone.
@modtuc82 It’s SmartPost up until FedEx hands the package over. @snapster, I would pay a bit more for this shipping option: Check this box to avoid USPS.
@tomvarela ^^^^ Yes. This.
I fucking hate the post office for all the reasons above and more. I've caught them twice on my security camera just tossing the package onto my porch from the sidewalk. No more knocking on the door to see if I'm home, just toss and go.
And I've had to complain to the manager just to get them to shut my mailbox door after they deliver mail, because for the last couple of years they have been too lazy to push it all the way closed. They just flop it in the general direction of up and hope that divine intervention carries it all the way through to being latched.
The post office is the only thing I hate more than hipsters.
Aargh! My orders (Fuku and T-shirt) both seem to be stalled in Kansas for some reason... Both were handed to FedEx on Friday, Fuku arrived in KS on Sunday, T-shirt arrived in KS on Monday. Neither shipment has been updated since then.
@dariusromero Eudora, KS?
@dariusromero its the smartpost life, on a bad week, going from California to New York takes almost 2 weeks. my last fuku stayed in one place for 6 days before moving to the next smartpost warehouse
@dariusromero Mine has done that before too, when there is actually movement. Try putting the tracking number into USPS and see if you get anything.
@lichme Tried it, and USPS gives me a "Not Found" error. :-/
@dariusromero @lichme I have good luck with packagemapping.com when everything else ...errrrrr... "craps" out. Copy and paste number into the box. YMMV.
@dariusromero mine has been in Atlanta for nearly 4 days now
similar thing - it was supposed to be delivered today, but just now status changed to 'no estimated delivery date available at this time.' - I called Fedex and complained, so a supervisor is going to track it and give me a call tomorrow. I suggest everyone do that, so Fedex can workout the issues.
@narahari That means they're either going to open it, take out the good stuff, then retape it badly or make sure it falls off the back of the truck before giving you the bad news. ;)
So got mine today a few days earlier than expected:

Standard stuff:
Unique Items:
Yu Yu Hakusho VHS episodes 71-74
iCarly Personalized Deluxe Planner w/bonus stickers
Rocking horse Christmas Ornament
Time projecting Alarm Clock
Meta Watch
and what I assume is the most valuable: Radio Active Bevis figure with voice chip technology and includes mini fountain drink, nachos and copy of Spank magazine.
I assume this is the most valuable as the box was protected by 50 bags of inflated in Texas air:
@MrMark i vote most meh so far
@MrMark that beavis figure is the rules! yeah yeah hehehehehehehe yeah yeah yeah
@catman25 After I opened it:
@MrMark I think that Beavis is worth like 40 bucks.
@thismyusername Not sure about that. This individual hasn't sold the bevis and butthead combo in 6 months for under $30. Ebay Link
I think I will play around the watch so still worth the $5 bucks for sure. I just like arrested development (video) :)
@MrMark iCarly and Beavis, together at last!
@MrMark There's always money in the banana stand.
@MrMark Your house looks nice, don't feel bad.
Tracking info now has details. 18x16x15 and 10.9 lbs. Delivery Friday. Avoiding what is posted by others until it gets here.
Earlier this week I was wondering why I had a 16x12x12 box that only weighed 4.9 pounds...I found out today.
Meh Drawstring Bag
Meh Party Hat
Meh birthday card (empty inside)
Noisemaker (not pictured)
Green Lantern Journal
A confetti-covered rubber King Kong keychain
Outback Steakhouse 15th Anniversary Wacky Wobbler
Dragon Ball Z Fusion-Losing Battle (uncut version) VHS
Oregon Scientific Boombero Tria Bluetooth Speaker
Citizen Eco-Drive Wristwatch
I'll have to watch the DBZ at some point (I still have a working VHS player!)

Because apparently I am a robot I am only receiving an imaginary fuku from an imaginary meh. It is truly a fabulously spectacular one though with an usual space theme... In honor of their birthday, if the real meh would like to trade up, I'd be willing. Seriously. I will mail you these actual, real, tangible items, and then you too can have an imaginary fuku.
My imaginary fuku had:
Star dust instead of confetti in honor of the Pluto flyby.
Instead of Texas air there was space station air, although that went free range when I opened the box. I would have to substitute earth bound air.
There was also an amazing magic window. You place it on cinderblock walls and when you think really hard about where you want to be or what you want to look at the view appears, complete with sights, sounds and smells. The window itself looks deceptively fake as it is made out of poster board and rolls up (which will prevent it from being stolen) but if you think hard enough it works. It would have been nice if the computer port on it was working (why it has a computer plug in port I do not know since the rest of it works just by me thinking about it). I would have loved to plug my 11" laptop into it as it is a pain in the butt to teach online on such a small screen. But even with that defect, it still is nice.
They sent me the usual completely broken item. This is a solar flashlight. Likely it could be fixed but all my tools were stolen by the hourly help when I moved my crap into storage so I'd fit into this basement. By the way, I'd consider a nice set of craftsman tools (what was stolen) in exchange for these things too.
A small rock that was heavily padded with the space station air. I think it must be a comet or asteroid piece or maybe it is from mars or the moon? The certificate of authenticity was torn and that information was missing.
And the best item in there......
A ticket, that states it is guaranteed authentic (with no expiration date), that reserves me a seat on the first tourist rocket ship flight to the moon. That will be the BEST. VACATION. EVER. I am ecstatic. And I haven't been on vacation in years. And I always wanted to be an astronaut. This will be the next best thing.
The meh bag is clearly a fake, but considering the other items I am OK with that. I have other meh bags.
I was worried that I wouldn’t get my fuku today because the status hadn’t changed since Monday. It was stuck somewhere in New Jersey and I’m in New York. I called Fedex this morning and they said it was en route to the post office for delivery to me today. The placeholder weight and size never changed. Lo and behold it was in fact delivered today! Here’s my awesome haul:
• No confetti, but I did get a noisemaker and hat
• Cars the Movie wall border
• Bow wow book
• SASE birthday card
• Jolly Rancher school bag
• Red Meh bag
• Elvis coasters
• Texas air
• Moneual UV-C Vacuum Cleaner (used?)
• Onkyo TX-NR535 Receiver (AWESOME!)
So now that I have this bad-ass Onkyo receiver, I need recommendations for some good, not too big, affordable speakers. Otherwise it's just a super fancy doorstop. Or, maybe I'll dig out the Audio Technica headphones so as not to disturb the neighbors?
@heartny Go for the Energy Take Classic 5. Can't go wrong.
@heartny Define "affordable".
@parodymandotcom How about between what I paid for the receiver and $300?
@heartny In that case, I suggest looking at the klipsch speakers in that price range. Like these: http://www.amazon.com/Klipsch-RB-41-Reference-Bookshelf-Loudspeaker/dp/B0040L3DAO/ref=sr_1_30?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1437070198&sr=1-30&keywords=klipsch
@parodymandotcom If I can get my monitor to work and give my old one to my husband, these are the speakers he's getting. Only the best. (I'm sure they sound way better than the speakers built in to his current monitor). http://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Powered-Computer-Speakers-A100/dp/B00GHY5F3K/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1437070784&sr=1-1&keywords=pc+speakers
@parodymandotcom Can't go wrong with Klipsch.
@parodymandotcom Thank you. I'll look into those. I forgot I have Klipsch speakers for my computer and they sound quite nice. However, one of them no longer seems to work, so now they sound half as good as they used to.
Got mine yesterday! I was rather surprised at the size of the box. It was maaaybe 12" x 36" x 48" ish. Took a little bit of dragging to get into the house, especially as it was a bit lopsided in terms of weight distribution.
Inside was:
- Approximately a small handful of confetti (likely some leaked out as there was a fist-sized hole in the box)
- A large bundle of Texas air, which static-transported a good quantity of the confetti onto the floors, where it proceeded to get everywhere
- A gold noisemaker, which sounds like a small but angry goose when blown
- A Meh bag (Yay! Another one to add to my small collection.)
- An Alice in Wonderland journal set
- An iCarly planner
- A rocking horse Christmas ornament
- A Peanuts Collection frame
- A Motorola Blink1-S Baby Monitor Camera (looks like a return, just tossed in the packaging, probably missing bits, and likely not working ... haven't tested it out yet)
- Aaaand, the item that contributed to the weight and size of the box the most, a Roomba 790! I boggled when I saw it and had flashbacks to the days of the old site, where Roombas were nearly as common as the speaker docks of today. Looks like it's used, but it works. Dad's totally thrilled with it and has claimed it as his new toy/pet.
No party hat or card/envelope, although I'm at a loss as to what I would have sent anyway. Hmmmm. Ideas, ideas.
@kayanadyeath 790 rocks...trust me.
Happy Birthday Meh! Doesn't exactly seem right that you decided to celebrate by giving ME a present, but I'm certainly not complaining. Instead, I'll just say thank you for the awesome package that was delivered today!
I came home to find a VERY large and heavy box on my front porch. We order 20lb bags of dog food and my first thought was that my wife decided to stock up with multiple bags. As soon as I saw the lab was from Meh, my heart started racing because I knew that this was much more special than dog food (sorry Fido!)
Box contents include:
Picture Below. Happy Birthday Meh!

I want a Roomba sooo bad but my package only weighs 6 pounds. I'll have to dream a little longer.
@march5th00 I have the weight, I just don't have the girth
Wait till I post my BOC contents. Ok, that's all I got to work with. I still hate you all for your Fuku awesomeness :)
@mfladd hmmmm how do I spell "nahhnern, nahhhner, nahhner" ? 😛
@mfladd the joys of having both to post...
So, no one selling on eBay or (preferrably) Amazon unopened? For those that are disappointed with their Meh. fuko-rama, just empathise with how I feel since I fell asleep from 11:40pm EDT - 4:22am GMT that fateful night...
@dmlivezey I think anyone who originally planned to sell theirs has probably changed their minds after seeing how good the contents are this time around. Each of them (so far) has had at least one item of decent monetary value. Anyone who planned to sell will probably try to sell items individually at this point.
Mine spent all day today chilling at the post office 6 blocks from my house. I even called the post office, confirmed that it was there, and offered to come pick it up on my lunch break today saying it might be a pretty big box and i could save them space on their truck. I was told that's not a service they offer. So I have to wait until tomorrow...
@djslack that blows. My small town post office lets me do that all the time. Then again I'm in there 2-3 times a week to drop stuff off, so they know me. Oh well, good luck with your Fuku. Mine is scheduled for delivery on Monday
@capguncowboy I figured it was worth a shot... Especially if it's one of those big, heavy boxes they don't want to deliver anyway. My size and weight never updated through Fedex.
This reminds me of being a kid at Christmas, except I know I'm being ridiculously impatient now :)
Just found out I have a small package. ;/
@sourhead Aww, sorry to hear it. Did you find out anything about your fuku? :D
@djslack yeah... That's what I was talking about. I just checked and learned that my wife has a small box, too. This is our first Fuku. I just hope it's a satisfying experience!
@sourhead Well, it sounds like a good coupling then. She'll probably be happier if hers comes first, and it may be amazing if her box and your package come at the same time, but as long as you both get yours in the end it will be enjoyable. Best of luck, i hope it's good for both of you!
@djslack Well said! As long as she doesn't find out there are bigger packages out there, she should be happy!
@sourhead Maybe you'll get one of the watches. They are very nice.
@Teripie that would be ideal! I was thinking about buying one when they were up. Can't complain at all no matter what....I joined Woot in 2009 and never got a BOC even when they started passing them out like popcorn. It's fun to just be invited to the party!
@sourhead @djslack @JonT why can't I double star this conversation?
If anyone needs a new home for their iCarly planners, let me know. Will beg, barter or trade. My kiddo is a rabid iCarly fan.
@rockabettygirl Coming your way. Just need to know your address somehow.
@rockabettygirl actually you can just email me your address here: REMOVED and I’ll send it on its way.
@rockabettygirl @MrMark I love it when a piece of crap becomes someone else's cherished possession...
Mine is out for delivery 25 lbs.. Starting to get excited.
Shipment Facts
Tracking number XXXXXX
Reference XXXXXX
Dimensions 22x16x15 in.
Purchase order number selective-very-joke
Service FedEx SmartPost
Weight 11.4 lbs / 5.17 kgs
Total pieces 1
Packaging Package
My tracking info finally updated!
@densa with the order number already calling it a joke, this better be interesting ;)
@densa I hope it's absolutely full of headphones and watches
18x16x15, 10.2 lbs. gonna be here Saturday. probably too light for a receiver. still cant wait to get it.
Fukus just showed up. I had just enough time to open it and poke around. (And post here!) There is a monitor shaped object in a Samsung refurbished box... I'm dying to know if it works, but I have to leave.

Here's the whole fuku box, husky for scale:
@Thumperchick first I read this as Husky for sale - and was disturbed :) I grew up with Huskies - Liska and Chuka - we even had a dogsled for them. I might even have a pic if I can find it.
@Thumperchick Holy crap! It works!!!!
@Thumperchick What was your full list breakdown?
@nalesean It's further down the page.
Here's mine!
more pics: http://imgur.com/a/2Qfro
@clonetek Love the hand-made Meh party hat for being oversold.
@clonetek I really want to know whats on the floppies.
@clonetek wow! 5.25'' floppies? I wonder if they are blank or not. :D
@einrad some have def been used.
@clonetek Those things can hold like 1/4 of a single JPG image, so it's probably just some ASCII porn.
@clonetek yay! Glad you like the hat! :)
Woo Hoo! It is here!
OK guys...one piece of packing tape across the top? Really only caught one flap, so somehow the box made it here almost open.
Looks like the stuff was not disturbed!
One side of the box is crush in a few inches and the other side has a hole.
How did this ship???
But... doesn't look like anything fell out!
OK, I know, pictures. I forgot how to post them.
I didn't look yet. The idea is to drag this out as looong as possible!
Maybe, when I come back from my momisoldandinsistsheisfinelivingalone,excepteverydayshehasacrisis trip, I'll open it and try to see if I can figure out my smart phone to add photos, since I see you have a link down there vvv.
So, yes, you read this post and it said absolutely nothing, but you are just wasting time on meh anyway, so not much of a loss.
@smilingjack Not a waste of time. Gives me an inside look at son/old mom relationships.
Wow meh I'm scared you set alot of people up for disappointment and complaining with future Fukus.
These have all been fantastic! Thanks for mine and happy birthday, here's to many more.
Box size: 30x24x12
Weight: no clue
-27" Samsung SD590 refurb monitor
-Peanuts picture frame
-Empire State Building model
-Box for MetaWatch (watch no included only the USB cable)
-Jolly Rancher bag
-Rocket ship nightlight
-Meh party hat
-Noise maker
-Fuku bag
-SASE birthday card
-60 bags of the freshest Texas air.
@Ignorant I'm starting to feel despair. I have a feeling mine has taken a beating. Why else would they decide to send it to Fort Worth? Tried to return it maybe?
@Ignorant Very nice haul, btw.
@Teripie thanks terps.
I'm sure yours is just picking up more Texas culture before making the journey to Florida.
Lately smart post has been pretty good for me but they still take some random journeys every so often just to keep things fun.
Hope yours makes it to you soon and in one piece.
Fantastic Birthday Fuku! This is why we love Meh.
Sphero 2.0 robot ball
Ceramic paring knife
Baseball Thermos lunch bag
Nick Zone lunch bag
Lieutenant Brogan toy
100 piece jigsaw puzzle
Meh party hat
Meh red Fuku bag
Noise maker
Birthday card addressed to Meh
Thanks, Meh. I hope your birthday was as good for you as it was for us.
@PFFlyer In all honesty, Meh's birthday was better for me than most of my last twenty birthdays were.
-Texas Air
-Handful of confetti
-Meh Birthday Hat
-Dragon Ballz VHS
-iCarly planner
-Napoleon Dynamite Trash Can
-Giant Clown Pez Dispenser
-Meh String Bag
-Motorola IP Cam
Thank You Meh...
@mehuserdt Your image is not coming through.
@mehuserdt eoomba 790? I also want to see the Pez dispenser.
@mehuserdt 790 is a score!!!!!!!!!!!! So is that creepy John Wayne Gacy Pez dispenser.
Received my box!
My tracking never changed from 3lbs. 10x10x10, so I was happily surprised when this showed up:
It's a 30x24x14 box, weighing about 30lbs!!
I don't know who was more excited to open it: me for the stuff inside, or the cats for a big box and a fortune of air pillows!
Here's what I found inside:
49 bags of Texas Air (only about half of which have survived the cats at this point)
Red Meh cinch bag
Black Meh party hat
party blower & confetti
Viking hat (some assembly required)
sparkly iCarly journal (with bonus stickers!)
a mediocre Christmas ornament
a nice Peanuts collectible photo frame
a Razor Tiamat 2.2 gaming headset!! (refurb, of course)
a Sherwood RD-7405HDR 7.1 channel AV receiver!! (also refurb)
Happy Birthday Meh!!!
@kasona It's The Cat in The Hat.
@Teripie Nice haul! The fact that your dimensions/weight never changed has given me hope! Here's hoping Campus Mail decides to deliver mine tomorrow....
@kasona What cute cats! 😻😻
Expected delivery Wed July 22. Good things come to those who wait...yeah that's it.
For those getting AV receivers, I've got a spare like-new 5.1 speaker set (Energy/Pinnacle) that I'll sell cheap to a fellow Meh'er who could use 'em. Let me know if there's any interest and I'll provide details. Shipping might be somewhat expensive unless you live near (or visit) central Oregon.
@etheltheflog I love my wOOt Energy speakers.
Just got my fuku:
- Star Wars action figure (with helmet that doesn't stay on)
- Party hat
- Giant Mickey Mouse Pez dispenser
- SASE w/ birthday card
- Fuku bag
- Women Citizen eco-Drive watch
- iCarly notebook
- Noisemaker (broken)
- Nickelodeon soft lunchbox (not pictured)
But wait - OMFG, what's this?!
Oh, umm...
Really?!... That's just mean. :-(
- Healys binder w/ empty page sleeves
- Abundance book
- Empty Apple Magic Mouse case (I think)
@psbales Sooooo sooo cruel. But lol
@psbales That is mean! @JonT

(false hope)
@psbales haha, that's equal parts funny and mean.
Whoever did this should be equal parts ashamed and proud.
My Fuku consists of :
Card and SASE
Nick zone bag
Party hat
Elvis coasters
Tug n play dog toy
Felt fairly odd poster
Red queen journal
Meh bag
A rhombus "HiFi" Bluetooth speaker
Thanks Meh! The confetti in my office will remind me of you for months to come.
@russellwilde glitter Bomb them.
@mfladd Doesn't need the service. Meh sent a SASE. Easy do-it-yourself glitter bomb.
Ugh, still waiting on my Fuku, and I'm here in Dallas. Was supposed to arrive today based on the estimated date, but it was pushed back to tomorrow.
meh: we need to have a talk about SmartPost and recipients located within a 20 mile radius. Two days to reach the post office and another day for the USPS to deliver. I could have walked there and back to pick it up! Woot didn't allow local pickups, why should meh follow in their footsteps!!? :P
@zxinfinity I've learned not to cry too much about it... I'm only 100 miles away so i have your problems with the additional issue of Waco losing its USPS distribution center... so it transfers from FedEx to USPS in Waco but then has to go to Austin before it comes back to Waco. Simply hand it to the postman in the lobby and it would be next-day delivery.
but shit, it's now kinda funny to see just how many people in California have their items before me, plus it's $5 a month to ship everything and not once has it been something that I actually needed.
I'd just order from Amazon if it were important.
My fuku arrived to meh house today!! I ran home from work to retrieve it (since packages delivered to meh house have a tendency to disappear if they can be seen from the street) The contents were beyond meh-tastic! Thank you meh!
Not only did I end up with an Onkyo receiver and other amazing toys, but I also received a wireless camera - which I can now use deter package thiefs and to monitor the delivery of meh packages!!
This was the exact opposite of yesterday's #PrimeDay. From meh, I was expecting the unsold garbage that wouldn't sell. Instead, I received gifts that made the meh-tiverse feel right again!
Yesterday was #PrimeDayFail. Today is #MehtizenWin !!
@ricknorton unless you post a pic it doesn't count. I want to see all of your Fuku awesomeness so I can revel in the shame of not getting one.
@mfladd Yep, when I get home from work I'll do a proper unboxing and I'll make sure you can revel in the shame by posting the pic! :P
The Big reveal!
Thank you meh! Can't wait for your next #MehDay!!
@ricknorton Nice haul! envious :)
When I saw the Bow Wow this is the first thing that popped into my mind (I love 80's one hit wonders - I am disturbed I know) I want fuku candy!
@ricknorton will you play us a song on your new kazoo and upload a video of it for us all to enjoy ? : )
My wife's fuku was delivered today. We are beyond impressed...
- hat
- bag
- vhs
- green lantern journal
- alice journal
- birthday card
- fozzie bear mug (so awesome)
- 808 duo headphones
- A NINJA ULTIMA BLENDER!!!! (looks like we'll be having margaritas with our taco Thursday dinner)
The kids have already claimed the journals :)
Thanks Meh for being anything but meh!
@baseba4551 aww. your kids are adorable!
@baseba4551 What was your weight and dimension breakdown of this fuku?
@mfladd Thanks! They got their looks... and penmanship from their mom :)
@nalesean Not sure of the exact dimensions. I'll check when I get home. I do remember her saying it was just shy of 23 lbs though.
@baseba4551 Thanks :) Trying to guess mine, it is 20 lbs, 31x24x12
@baseba4551 Got a Ninja blender last Fuku. Different model. LOVE IT! made margaritas for taco night last night lol.
@baseba4551 Wow! Ninja AND headphones!
Fedex decided to update the details. For those keeping score: 14.4 lbs., 22x16x15 in. due 7/21
Fuku arrived!
I may have paid too much for this one.
Thanks nonetheless, Meh!
@tomvarela what u get.?
- Fuku bag
- Bubblewrap bag
- Cardboard box they rode in on
First things first - BEST FUKU EVAR!

When fedex stopped updating my tracking, I was certain the worst had happened, but then my GIANT box arrived today, in good condition, no less!!
Here's the haul:
meh bag
meh party hat
birthday card
noise maker
a TON of Texas air (yay dunnage!)
Peanuts photo frame - pretty nice, too
projecting alarm clock
creepiest clown in the world - it eats your change!
Red Queen journal
neck exerciser (wtf)
and the super awesome part?
A 27" Samsung 1080p monitor - in perfect working order. I'm using it now - and I'm scared and aroused by its massiveness.
(There was a better picture of the monitor, but I like the creepy factor of this one.)
Happy Birthday, Meh!
@Thumperchick "and I'm scared and aroused but its massiveness."
Obligatory that's what she said comment!
@kuoh I'm trying to change that to, "That's what she wished!"
Just got mine. Quite and interesting spread. I am using the Black Widow keyboard i got in thee box to type this out.
I also got the Texas bags of air, but I am most disappointed that it is not much different from the Houston air I breathe everyday.
Happy Birthday Meh, it was for me!!!!
@mifortuna Nice keyboard!
@mifortuna forgot to mention: The vacuum is that Korean UV light vacuum. Sucker is loud. He had it delivered to the office and I bust out laughing when he tried to sweep up his confetti. Plus, it has a mind of its own. You hit the power button and IT will decide if it turns on. Once it is on, you hit the power again, IT will decide when you are ready for it to be off.
It certainly lives up to it's description: "Ear-shattering 600W motor needs to be plugged in while in use, so it's not cordless or quiet." FO' SHO'!
(re-reading the description from Feb -- mebbe he got the "pro" model.
I've been deliberately avoiding this thread and even the site in general the past week so as to be completely surprised when my Fuku arrived. I was lucky enough to grab one this time and it arrived in all its Meh Glory today.
My haul:
1 Fuku Bag with a single roller skate attached
1 Blue Noisemaker
1 Dragonball Z VHS tape
1 Nickelodeon SpongeBob soft sided cooler/lunchbox
1 Citizen women's watch
1 Kansas City Royals branded wooden headphones
1 Meh Party Hat
1 wierd sitting figurine
1 Birthday card with SASE to Meh
A large handful of confetti which is now everywhere
Thanks Meh!
@Bingo Open to a trade on the headphones??
@Pavlov Absomehtly! Hit me up at matt at jamgoodshot dot c o m
@Bingo Email sent - let me know if you don't get it for some reason - also - I don't know the value of those Royals branded cans, so let me know if my offer fell short. I won't take it personally.
It is here. And I got several items that I haven't seen reported by others. I feel special.

standard stuff:
1. Party Hat
2. birthday card
3. Meh bag
4. noise maker (not pictured oops)
5. Wedge Antilles (helmet not pictured, (oops))
6. Cars Self-Stick Wall Border
Not so common stuff:
1. felix TwoHands II tablet stands. (Package had been opened, but it was complete. It can support a 10 inch tablet and it is very secure. It takes 2 Zhips to hold the same tablet, and it is easy to knock over.)
2. Photo book: Hollywood Moms
3. Photo album: Cats Rule (20 4x6 pages)
4. 2 pairs Urge Basics Precision Touch Gloves, 1 red, 1 white.
5. 4 PC Coaster Set with metal holder. With 4 different Elvis pictures. I can save this for next year's Elvis Fest.
6. Sylvania USB powered Monophonic turntable STT008USB-Black (I would have preferred the purple model). One of the reviews noted that it destroys older records, leaving piles of vinyl shavings behind.
7. HP Envy 5530 Wireless printer/scanner/copier.
Reviews say the printer is slow and expensive to use, but the print quality is reasonable. On the plus side we will finally be able to print directly from our ChromeBook.
I forgot to mention the "Fozzie the Bear" mug. It says "Wocka-Wocka-Wocka" on the inside.
The turntable has a stereo cartridge. They used a monophonic USB interface chip, and the headphone output is monophonic. I unplugged one channel from the cartridge and injected a 60 Hz test signal (I touched the dangling wire). The signal was the same in both ears. I assume the signals are combined with a couple of resistors. I haven't really checked, they might have separate preamps for both channels.
@hamjudo Wow, that's bizarre! Truly a mediocre product… When I read your initial post, I thought 'yeah, if it's using a mono stylus, that's not going to be good on stereo LPs'… but no, I guess it's just all kinds of shit! I do appreciate the Sony PS-F5-inspired looks, though, but it's clear… that's no PS-F5!
@brhfl It is imported by Curtis International Ltd. "Sylvania" is used under license.
I opened it up, as that is a good way to make sure that nobody tries to use it on my Wife's album collection.
I looks like there are two separate single transistor preamps. There is one unpopulated IC space on the board. It could be that this product exists in both monophonic and stereo versions.
This thing has an LED which illuminates the side of the turntable. I'm sure that is inspired by turntables with the strobe light for adjusting the record speed to exactly 33 RPM.
There are exposed trim pots, one for 33 RPM and one for 45. It is entirely analog open loop speed control. Junior HipHop DJs could use that for pitch control.
Just realized that my noise maker looked different than everybody else's. It was two noise makers nested together. They are different notes. They are both metallic pink verging on purple.
And before anyone asks, no I won't trade my extra noise maker for your confetti. They are my noise makers.
@hamjudo I love purple.
got the box today. Standard stuff + Onkyo receiver + Eviant Android tablet
@narahari That's it?????? standard stuff - onkyo's and tablets? pics please, oh ungrateful one ;)
@mfladd will do tonight - sneaked out of a meeting to check it and headed back to work :) - will take a pic and post it later!!!.
@mfladd Here is the image:
@narahari what was the weight and dimensions?
@nalesean Fedex never updated the weight or dimensions.
@narahari I hope you don't mind if I re-post the image for all to see.

@narahari sorry, I only re-posted as yours didn't show up at first.
@mfladd no worries. it didn't show up for me as well yesterday, just a link. Its showing up today!!
@nalesean Why do you ask every single person that and why don't you ever say anything else and why even care about the shipping carton's size and weight? I'm reading this entire thread at once and I know it's harmless but it just kinda stands out.
@editorkid Hi, I was dealing with the anticipation of receiving my Fuku by asking dimensions/weight in order to speculate about my bag. I thought I only asked five or six folks about their dimensions/weigh the. Sorry if it irritated you.
I did post my Fuku below somewhere. With regard to not responding further, I didn't feel any further comments were necessary. No one posed any questions or commentary.
I lurk more than anything so I rarely engage in long online discussions.
I hope that answers your questions. Cheers :)
Dimensions - 22x16x15 in, Weight 16.3 lbs.
Finally updated once it arrived here in Phoenix. Any idea if you can pick up from fedex smartpost?
@whistlingwilly I wasn't able to pick mine up, but your post office may be nicer.
@djslack Its not at the post office yet, still at fedex smart-post center.
Ok, after much anticipation and driving home really fast, I opened my larger than expected box and was rewarded with ..............meh.

3 bags of Carrolton Texas air
1 Cat in the Hat bobble head
1 15th anniv. Outback bobblehead from 2003
1 Seald Dragonball Z - Kid Bluu, A New Beginning VHS
1 Motorola Baby Monitor
1 Himalayan Breeze Alarm Clock fan (needing repair)
1 used Cool Gear container (used with crumbs)
1 Mermaids- Sirens of the Sea Book
1 Sassy Snow Bunny costume from Oriental Trading company (not for girls under 14....duh)
1 Meh backpack.!
1 Meh party hat
1 Noisemaker that my 10 yr old has now (THANKS MEH)
1 Card in SASE
Here's mine:
-Sphero 2.0!! - Currently charging, and my ipad successfully connects to it. I just need to test that it actually moves once it's charged. I already have a transparent Sphero from when those were sold; this one is actually a little bit different besides being opaque - it has small ridges, and the logo + another spot on the surface have a different material than the rest
-Wedge Antilles with ill-fitting helmet and elbow-rotating action
-TOCCs 900 series bluetooth headset
-Peanuts frame - this box was pretty heavy, and I didn't know what to expect. Surprisingly undamaged. A pretty cool frame.
-Red Queen journal - seems like a quality journal
-Meh birthday hat
-Meh birthday card with pre-addressed and stamped envelope
-noise maker - I'm not putting my mouth on this
-Meh bag
-loose confetti - thankfully I got a vacuum in my fuko
Overall a great fuku! I'm impressed by how many of the others are also this good. It's crazy how much of a greedy bastard these things make me - I got a Sphero, etc., for $5, but I can't help being jealous of the Ollies, Roombas, and even those Jolly Rancher bags.
Update: Sphero works!
Other differences from the limited edition: it's slower, the LED effect is mostly in the top half instead of all over, no foreign outlet adapters in the box, both it and the charger feel hotter post-charge.
Just got my Fuku:
-Meh birthday hat
-Birthday card
-A bunch of confetti
-Dragonball VHS tape
-Sponge Bob lunch box
-Womans' Halloween "Costume" (i cant even tell what it is!)
-Childrens' Avengers T-Shirt
-Fozzie Coffee Mug (wocka wocka wocka)
-23" IPS LED Monictor
Pretty good haul for my first time! Thanks Meh!
@Noddy93 picture didn't load
@Noddy93 In the future add .jpg to an imgur picture to get it to load.
@hamjudo I LOVE that wastebasket! So jealous :)
@hamjudo thanks for the tip, and for posting my pic... was trying to load before heading out to dinner so didn't have time to research the issue.
My larger-than-declared Fuku arrived today!
13 bags of Texas air, 10 intact and 3 deflated
100 piece paratroopers puzzle
Empire State Building 3D puzzle
Campbell's soup kid Christmas ornament
Bobble reindeer decoration
Eclipse 4GB MP3 player
Jesse Ventura Governor bobblehead
Big Daddy gold chain, perfect costume accessory for Egyptian Queen, Disco Dancer, Roman. Pimp, King, etc.
Big Wheel action trike
Motorola Baby Monitor that looks suspiciously like the two other IP cameras I have from Meh
Sylvania USB turntable, potentially record-shredding
Birthday card full of hopes and dreams
Kind of sad sounding noisemaker
Meh drawstring bag!
Pic of the contents:

Clover the Pomeranian in her party hat (sister Crimson wouldn't wear the hat long enough for a photo):
THANKS, MEH! You guys are anything but mediocre! Happy birthday!
@djslack - Crimson and Clover! Love that. Clover is very cute.
Oh, and congrats!
@KDemo this is your fault.
@KDemo Oh Great. Now I'll be replaying that Joan Jett song in my head over and over.
@KDemo I told you it was your fault. ;)
@djslack - great pup pic!
@djslack A Jesse Ventura Governor bobblehead AND a Big Daddy gold chain?? I'd say you hit the Jackpot!!
@etheltheflog Just for the record: before Joan Jett, that was a Tommy James and the Shondells song.
@beachbum - I didn't even know about the Joan Jett version.
Thanks y'all!
Bonus covers:
And Prince's version is so terrible it's not on YouTube. Possibly worse than the Spanish fly one above.
Wow. I am surprised at how great these Fukus are. I'm trying to stave off high hopes for mine but it's hard. :s
I'm at a loss for words. I just don't know what to say. I nearly cried when I plugged it in and it powered on.

Yeah, for my $5 Meh sent me a Samsung U28D590D 4K monitor that currently goes for $450 on Amazon.
It's a refurb and has a few dead pixels:
But I still can't believe my luck. Thanks meh.
@cjrhoades not that will work in all likelihood, but worth a try right? http://www.jscreenfix.com/
@thismyusername Didn't work but thanks for the suggestion. These "dead" pixels are strange in that they are black. They're only really visible if I put a white background behind them.
@cjrhoades My hdmi - dvi-d adapter cable got here today (just ordered it yesterday!), monitor works, can hardly wait to switch monitors out (desktop real estate is at a premium). Updated my graphics card driver, seriously considering upgrading my graphics card, which means I'll need a new power supply...(which is all pretty silly since I'm not a gamer).
I just love things that need accessorizing!
@lisaviolet I'm still trying to figure out how to fit this giant thing on my desk and still keep 3 of my other 4 monitors visible.
@cjrhoades The only way I could do that is to make my husband move his work area out to his shop. He won't. I kind of hinted at it, but...you know how that goes. So, I'll be giving him my current monitor instead finding room for it. It would have been nice to have three, but there's just no room.
First world problems, right?
@lisaviolet I can relate. It's like projects that have puppies, large litters. There is no end.
@cjrhoades I'm glad it went to someone who appreciates monitors!
@lisaviolet Doesnt DVI-D only support up to 2560x1600? Is the monitor actually running at the full 3840x2160 with your adapter?
@cjrhoades It's not even supporting that as far as I can tell. It's only at 1920x1080 right now. I just took my computer apart, blew it out (it was pretty dusty in there, took a picture of my power supply, checked out my PCI-E slots, not enough room, but I can pull the modem slot out (for hubby's old company I'd fax invoice via the computer; there's no longer a need for that), move the firewire card up and I'll have room.
Checking out newegg right now.
And I'm really frustrated that I can't seem to turn off the angle thing. I don't want the monitor darker at the top, I don't want the stupid brightness gradient thing. But maybe a new video card will make it all nice and spiffy, yanno?
@lisaviolet Well if you need any help picking something, don't be afraid to ask. To disable the "angle thing", enter the menu, click picture, then scroll down to Samsung Magic Angle and select Off.
@cjrhoades Thanks. The magic angle doesn't turn off, not that I can tell. The monitor is still dark at the top; it's lightens up as it goes down. I've tried the different settings, but so far, nada.
I ordered a card on Amazon (EVGA GeForce GTX 750Ti SC 2GB GDDR5 Graphics Card - $20 cheaper than newegg with the same rebate) as well as a ten foot DP cable.
Should be here Sunday.
Do you see a problem with any of this? I wish I'd asked you first.
I'm not a gamer, but I do make videos and I thought the 2GB card would be better than the 1GB.
@lisaviolet Go into the menu, scroll down to settings, then scroll down to Reset All. If that doesn't work, then it sounds like there may be something wrong with the backlight. The GPU you've chosen should be just fine as long as you've got a 300W PSU.
@cjrhoades I have some problems and maybe you could help, but I don't want to bore others with them, any chance you could email me? lisaviolet at lisaviolet dot com. (I was told that graphics card won't work with win 7 -- now what?)
Thanks! (I hope you're not sorry you offered.)
woohoo! Just updated in west virginia. 30x24x13 21.4#. Due to arrive on tuesday
Here's the Neato navigating a table, and one of my cats. I think I need to name it...
@kentron Brave kitty --my cats would be hiding in the basement !
@kentron Good idea. Ooh! You could give the vacuum a name too!
Over 500 club:
and what would the big ticket item be? Nope, you're all wrong:
A sweet jacket for all my motorcycling I do all the time! Or I will do now that I've got this jacket! Sales tag says 2X, jacket neck tag says 3X, appears to actually be an XL.
Honestly the hand-drawn cartoon is better than anything I was hoping for. These are the touches that make us all love meh! thanks guys!!!
@binkles89 don't wear that shit in Waco... you're likely to be arrested and held under a $1,000,000 bond
For a site that only sells one item a day, I am spending an inordinate amount of time here.
@sourhead Congratulations @Snapster! Mission Accomplished!
Well mine finally has updated at the carrier and I am truly disappoint meh..... I missed the last fuku and this is what I get? 14x11x10 and 4.6 lbs.? just you wait until i have finished mine fuku for yuku! you will be truly disappoint!
@sp3ar mine updated tonight as well, identical dimensions and weight.
@sp3ar sam boat brother
@ASpeirs21 @potter412 I live in mass and am due to receive tuesday.........
Wow, meh, y'all outdid yourselves!
Box is 30 X 24 X 12 - don't know the weight
Got the obligatory hat, noisemaker, drawstring bag, confetti and SASE card.
iCarly Planner, Cats Rule scrapbook
Space Precinct 2040 - Officer Castle
Marvel Green Goblin Switchers thingy
Star Wars Wedge Antilles figure
1949 Mercury Convertible model kit
Solo 17" laptop backpack - quite nice!
Sphero 2.0 - Super cool, the kids and I are having fun with it!
A brand New HP 5530 all-in-one printer
Happy Bday, Meh! Thanks for the awesome contents of the Fuku. You'll have to wait a little less than a year for your card, I feel bad about sending late cards - I do have a gift for you though...
Update! Hooray!
Dimensions 22x16x16 in.
Purchase order number proud-present-monkey
Weight 24.9 lbs / 11.29 kgs
Due to arrive Monday - AKA Saturday! Our post office is da' bomb and they always deliver packages the day before tracking anticipates.
Incredibly intrigued.... Updated birthday Meh bag today - a whopping 24.4 lbs with dimensions of 31x24x13..... I can hardly contain my anticipatory excitement........
Tracking info just updated with Saturday delivery.
Weight 5.9 lbs / 2.68 kgs
Dimensions 14x11x10 in.
@DaveInSoCal this is the same as I have... It we will be interesting to compare the contents.
@DaveInSoCal 5.4 here. Car keys for all of us!
@el_bandolero007 @sourhead The Sphero weighs 1.61 lbs, so there's hope!
Mine gained a bunch of weight, 20lbs and 30x14x17
@stryper2000 very close to mine - 20 lbs 31x24x12
@nalesean me thinks either Onkyo, a Monitor, or a roomba . but knowing Meh, probably a box of Beta tapes
@stryper2000 I don't think it is the onkyo or the roomba. Most of those were mid to high 20s. The receiver alone is 18.7 lbs. My guess is either monitor, air mattress, or something we haven't seen yet. Which is a real shame because I've been needing and jonesing for a new receiver.
Holy crap!
We got our Fukubukoro yesterday, and I'm still in shock....
We got
1) A bunch of great chintzy but amazing odds and ends, such as a set of Elvis Presley coasters, a small Spiderman t-shirt, an indeterminate female Halloween costume, a rather expensive looking journal set, a pair of toy roller skates...
and.....this is the one that shocked the hell out of me...
2) An iRobot Roomba 790!!
HOLY CRAP! Those things retail for $549 on Amazon...
Thank you, Meh, you guys are the very best!!!!
Any one get shipping info update to 22x15x15. 18.1 lbs?
@catman25 Close, I'm at 22x16x15 24lbs.
Our 8.1 lbs of Fuku greatness was delivered yesterday!
We received:
bags of Texas air
birthday card w/sase
party horn
black meh party hat
red meh bag
Napoleon Dynamite trash can (sweet!)
Pez clown coin bank (scary)
rocket night light
baby on a rocking horse Christmas ornament
Archos 97 Titanium HD tablet (Android Jelly Bean)
Beats Solo 2 headphones (University of Cincinnati Red & Black)
Thanks meh! We have the same birthday.
@ilovecincinnati I'd say you did really well for only 8 lbs!!!
Put mine all up on twitter - Anime Tapes!
Holy crap! Mine just updated to 32.6 lbs and 36x16x13 dimensions! Coming either today or tomorrow. Can't wait!
@jsh139 Nice. I hope it's a Roomba or a Onkyo for your sake instead of a box of rocks or dirt!
@mehdaf Me too!
My first ever fuku updated to 16x16x15 and 9.2 lbs of joy last night, set to show up on the doorstep tomorrow. Very excited, though I'm already playing the "what it is and what it can't be" game now. Lesson learned - Next time, going dark in the reveal thread 'til I get mine!
Reveal tomorrow!
@bdp I managed to keep myself in the dark until after I had opened mine. It worked very well. If I had read the thread first, I would have had a bad case of 4k monitor envy. Instead my expectations remained at meh. Thus when I looked at my $5 Fuku, it was like Wow I got one of the really good ones! I scored!.
I got mine yesterday. Ended up having a working 27" monitor. SWEET!
@slhilbert doesn't count w/o pics.
Finally! Mine is finally moving my way! Still same holding size but at least it's going in the right directions.
Got my fukuru box and it's just absolute garbage. Seriously, just complete trash.
Plastic Alien wall relief
Meep X2 tablet
Crappy 808 Headphones
Toy Story kids book
iCarly Notebook
Hard written comic saying they over sold so just give me some trash
Nothing else. It's just junk and I hate it.
@JerkMcJerkface What was the size/weight on FedEx while shipping?
Weight: 8.60 lb.
Size: 18x12x16. It's a largish box.
Oh, also a couple pieces of tupperware.
@JerkMcJerkface That tablet is probably worth around $90 and depending on which 808s you got, those have some good value too. Definitely worth more than the $5 you spent.
If you don't want that stuff, I'll give you $5 and you can ship it all to me.
@cengland0 ha. the tablet is some kids awful garbage, it's going on eBay for maybe $40. After fees and shipping it'll put 20 in my pocket. The headphones I guess are sort of not garbage, but nothing in the kit is a big ticket "wow" item.
@JerkMcJerkface Remember, you must keep your expectations meh, or low if you prefer, then you may be pleasantly surprised. The fact that you even made it into the oversold group means you had better luck than 99% of the other MEHers out there. I don't think all the previous Fuku events were chock full of big ticket wow items and wouldn't expect all future Fukus to be either.
@kuoh I get that I'm not entitled to a Roomba. When a site that's motto is "prepare for mediocrity" delivers on a mediocre surprise, I think it's ok for me to be disappointed, albeit expectedly so. Meh doesn't need me to jump up and down excitedly that they sent me a box of trash.
@JerkMcJerkface I like that we all pick fitting names.
@JerkMcJerkface So your upset because instead of getting nothing you got maybe $10 extra in money and some sort of not garbage headphones. If it makes you feel any better yours probably has more monetary value than mine and I was one of the 1st 500, so you have that going for you. Now if you didn't see everyone else's would you of been happy? That's how you should look at it.
@MrMark I'm sorry, but am I required by the internet to be excited over a box of items that have no value to me and almost no value to eBay? I played the game, and lost. I don't hate Meh, but when other people are getting Spheros, Roombas, A/V Receivers, and 27" Monitors, and I get a box of valueless items, I'm supposed to not be disappointed? Please tell me how to feel, apparently I'm doing it wrong.
@JerkMcJerkface Happened to me all the time at Woot. I got some pretty crappy stuff, while others got pallets of left handed golf clubs and car wax.
My last fuku wasn't nearly as exciting as the others people got. https://meh.com/forum/topics/official-fukubukuro-4-reveal-thread#54d1584ddf4ce0b002bc658f It's part of the game.
Like Roy says in Tincup "everybody gits what they git".
No, you don't have to be excited about it, but it's really kind of silly to complain. No one was promised a certain dollar value, yanno?
@JerkMcJerkface Disappointed is one thing, but being whiny and throwing a bit of a fit about how much trash it is seems unnecessary. What were you expecting when you purchased it? Do you somehow feel you were cheated out of your $5.00 that you agreed to give in exchange for unknown items?
There was value in your box (You stated the meep is worth $40. The 808s could be worth 20-60), just because it isn't valuable to you doesn't mean it was unfair. Someone with a kid might of been thrilled to get your box.
You got at a minimum $60 worth of stuff for $5.00. Could be a worse day.
@JerkMcJerkface I missed out on this one, but got 2 Fuku's previously. I would have been elated with either a set of 808 headphones, or the Meep tablet compared to what I got. I'll swap you a 2pac shotglass and a precious moments figurine for the Meep if you want. :)
@JerkMcJerkface Well, do us all a favor then and don't buy a FUKU the next time it is offered. Someone else will get it instead and be more excited about it.
They should have sent you some prozac or zoloft or something. It's a just a fun game. It costs $5 to enter and you get a nice surprise. Yours is nice but you don't think so. That's your problem.
My offer still stands. If you don't want it. I will pay the $5 you spent and take it all off your hands.
@JerkMcJerkface What @lisaviolet said! If it's all about the dollar value for you, please move on and let somebody else who is more appreciative like @mfladd have your fuku.
For me the fuku is all about the game. I don't care about the dollar value (ok, I lied. I will probably appreciate a big ticket item should I get one). The unlucky bag last time was my first fuku. And I really enjoyed trying to find out if something was on the USB stick and the Halo. Trying to find out where my t-shirt with the hole in the armpit came from. I didn't get a single expensive item. But the sum of all was worth more than $5. And certainly I would pay $5 again just for the fun aspect of it. Was it worth paying less than the price of a matinee movie ticket? Yes! Was it worth the price of less than two café au lait at my favorite coffee shop? Hell, yes!!!
A fuku should always be about the fun of getting stuff that you wouldn't normally have put on your shopping list. If you get something that was on your shopping list, all the more luck! And btw. the human touch of a little hand written note is what sets meh apart from all the other companies out there - at least in my books. Don't complain about a hand drawn comic. This is something that is truly 100% unique!
if nothing else, please make a kid happy by sending your iCarly notebook to @rockabettygirl
@MrMark I do have a kid, and he's not getting the tablet. I don't need my four year old to have his own, since we try not to let him sit and play video games all the time.
Also please indicate where I threw a fit. I got a box of stuff that I don't like and let you know, I'm sorry that you can't deal with that. Maybe next time I'll get a better fukuru box , but this time, it was a let down.
@cengland0 Tell you want, give me $10 ($5 plus $5 shipping and I'll send you my own mystery Fuku box.
@einrad :) thanks. I would be happy with a box of Texas air. Your right, it's all about the game. If he is disappointed with Fuku, imagine what he would say about a BOC.
@JerkMcJerkface You did it wrong, you have to send in a wish list first. No wish list, they send you random stuff.
@Starblind Crap, I thought about doing that. Oh well, next time, I'll make sure that no matter what I get I only gush praise for it. I didn't realize I was posting on reddit where you are only allowed an echo-chamber of high-fives.
@JerkMcJerkface Deal. Box up everything you included on the list and send it to me and I'll pay you $10 total. You can contact me for address and other communications at myid at gmail dot com. I also assume you got the red FUKU bag too so please include that as well.
@cengland0 you are holding you head up so high that I can almost see straight into your nostrils, @JerkMcJerkface I believe in your words and am glad you spoke up be the jerkface you were born to be don't let these high and mighty mehites try to crap on your jerk parade I applaud you sir !
also he said he would make a fuku just for you not the fuku he got! 
@sp3ar Not sure what you mean about holding my head up high. Suppose I'm a little naive so don't know if that's a good or bad thing :)
Anyway, there wasn't a single FUKU that someone has posted that I wouldn't be interested in getting for what they paid. I'm surprised JerkMcJerkface is so unhappy with the FUKU he received to be so disappointed.
In the past, I have always received items I didn't need or want. However, I have always been able to find a friend happy to accept the free gifts I give them.
I don't have any kids of my own but I sure have a bunch of friends that do (and several grand kids) so I can make one of them very happy with that Meep X2 tablet and other supplies. Making someone else happy is worth the $10 admission costs.
And we send a care package to the Philippines for poor families once a month so any other children's stuff is always a nice bonus.
@cengland0 Usually when someone makes a comment like that, they're calling you a snob, but that doesn't really make sense in this case. Also, I completely agree with you.
@cengland0 not i think you are being rather smug
@sp3ar I hope I don't appear smug. I'm usually the exact opposite. I never have pride in myself and I hate my life. I wish I was never born but now that I'm here, I have to deal with it the best I can. There is nothing here to congratulate myself on. I have no accomplishments that I'm proud of. However, if I do get his FUKU, I will feel glad those objects will be going to someone that would like them.
@cengland0 I didn't say I'd send you my fuku, I said I'd pack up and send you my own mystery box, full of whatever garbage I have laying around. Also, "I never have pride in myself and I hate my life." What? You are allowed to hate your life, and I state my disappointment in a box of meh, and I'm being unreasonable?
@JerkMcJerkface You said you would send me your own mystery fuku box and that led me to believe it was the one you received. Since you do not want to take me up on that offer, I can only assume that you must be satisfied with what you received else you would be willing to get your money back plus an additional $5.
Regarding me hating my life has nothing to do with what meh has done. I love meh. You have no idea what kind of life I have and problems I deal with so you wouldn't understand. I can tell you that your expenditure of $5 is minor in comparison so I still don't think you should be complaining about what you got.
This is my last message to you about this. You obviously are not satisfied but satisfied enough that you don't want to get your money back (sort of mixed messages there). There's no further need to argue about it.
@JerkMcJerkface Compare yourself to @Pavlov, who got a fukubukuro that didn't really have anything anyone in his household could use, so he decided to post a contest and give it away and throw a ton more of cool stuff in there. I mean, yeah, there's only one @Pavlov, but seriously, dude.
Out for Delivery!

Have we established that the fukus that shipped on Tuesday are the oversells?
@sammydog01 I believe that @MEHcus said they were all mixed together.
@sammydog01 Here is his statement...
@mediobarkre Thanks!
@sammydog01 Yes and no. The extra 119 fukus were shipped out on Tuesday or whatever the later date was. However, the orders weren't filled in the order they were received, so even if you got one of the original 500, that doesn't mean your order was one of the first 500.
Received my first ever:
18x16x16 - 12.3lbs
1 - King Kong Keychain
1 - Sassy wine glass
1 - Green Goblin head thing
1 - Roulette Car Air Freshener
1 - Fuku bag
1 - Birthday Card
1 - Meh Party Hat
1 - Razer Mechanical Keyboard
1 - UV Vacuum Cleaner (with lavender scent)
Very pleased, since by some miracle I was in the market for a mechanical keyboard.
@nighguy Great keyboard, i have the chroma version and love it!
My 16.4 lb. package landed today. Thank you Meh! That confetti was a mess. I loved it. I got a few items I've not yet seen in the thread (to my knowledge).
1x Meh Bag. So awesome
1x Party hat, with detached string
1x Noisemaker
1x SASE with card (to be returned to sender, obs)
1x Santa on a rocking horse ornament
1x Cat In the Hat Bobblehead
1x 808 Drift Headphones - I love you guys so much
1x Targus Versavu Rotating Keyboard Case and Stand for iPad ($79.99 on Amazon)
1x Cars Adhesive Border
And here's the odd items:
6x Star Wars Episode I Danglers. (above) Mini replicas of various ships from the movie on a small wire with a suction cup at the end. Kinda neat.
1x Mighty Bright LED Floor Light and Magnifier. This is the thing that made up most of the weight. Lists for $72 on Amazon.
Thanks SO MUCH, Meh. It's been fun hanging with you. Here's to another great year for both of us.
I finally got my 27.2 pound 30x17x14" box today.
I have to admit, I was blown away by what everyone else was receiving, yet I had low expectations for my own (it's better to not get your hopes up, right?).
Meh has outdone themselves. Every single piece of this will get put to use... except for maybe one
The box arrived in really decent shape, despite some of the descriptions here. I guess my mail carriers are exceptionally careful with our packages.
Holy (not-at-all) Meh!
1x Hollywood Moms book
1x Mr. Bean's Holiday activity book
1x King Kong Keychain
1x SASE with card inside
1x Meh Bag
1x Himalayan Breeze Decorative fan (looks like an alarm clock)
1x awesome apology letter and party hat
1x Fozzy Bear mug (my wife stole this as soon as she saw it -- bitch!)
1x Ninja Ultima Blender, opened and used, missing one cup but still awesome (retail on Amazon is $220).
And also this.
1x old motherboard. I haven't looked it up just yet, but it predates SATA connectors. I'm guessing somewhere around 2002-2003 since it does have USB though. I literally laughed out loud when I saw it. Whoever provided this -- Thank you!
No nude pics of @JonT. I guess the mail carrier stole those!
Happy Birthday Meh! I hope it's the best one you've ever had
@capguncowboy That's a smokin' motherboard.
About 13 years ago.
@capguncowboy - Wow, antiques! Score!
@capguncowboy What do you need SATA for, you have TH7-RAID !!
@capguncowboy Don't bother hooking up the motherboard, there are a few bulging capacitors near the CPU socket. It's either not going to boot at all or not last long even if it does boot. Meh.
@capguncowboy Nice, that's an old-school AGP slot!
@capguncowboy I do have a parallel printer cable in the basement if you need one.
@capguncowboy that hand written note is awesome!!!! But I think someone should of sent you just a little something extra since you were Deals.wOOT FFL Champion and you didn't get a prize ;)
@mfladd Ha, thanks for bringing that up! @Snapster's been busy building this awesome empire! I'm not too worried about it. I feel like I've more than gotten my fair share since then :)
So are all the ones arriving now the extra 119?
@bruinscbr no
@bruinscbr Mine was surprisingly in the first 500... no apology note, plus party hat.
Alright, get ready for a boat load of pictures, cuz I like pictures... DEAL WITH IT.
OMG, my fuku is here! And it's a big box, too! AWESOME. Fedex never updated my tracking, it always said 10x10x10, 3lbs, so I had no way of knowing!

Oh.... shit... that can't be good... Hopefully there's not a now obliterated display in there or something...

Well, looks like some of the confetti stayed in there!

hmmm, 4.4lbs? Whelp, it's not a display!

Crap ton of Texas scented air! Sorry guys, didn't count them all, really didn't feel like cleaning up confetti all over the warehouse

My haul!

So... it's a roulette wheel air freshener? o...kay

Looks like Kong partied a little TOO hard...

Something about this little dude is just staring into my soul... creepy

Annnnd, that's it! It's no Onkyo receiver, no roomba, no Samsung 4k display, but you know what? It's MY fuku, and I love it just the way it is
@smigit2002 - He he, cool. According to Campbells, that little dude is collectible. (If you're into that stuff, I guess)
@smigit2002 I didn't look too closely. This the same ornament I received.
@KDemo Huh, knowing is half the battle!
Happy birthday, Meh!
Meh Birthday!
I got all excited by my package updating to 20 pounds, and laughed when I opened my fuku to see a full size air mattress in it. That was not what I was expecting, and it made me laugh.
@andrd Don't keep us in suspense. What else did you get?
@cengland0 I was driving back to work after bringing the box in. here's the rest of the haul. thanks meh! my previous fuku bag has become my default grocery bag, i think this one may become a laundry bag.

Oh wow, the confetti. The other day I got a kickstarter package and had no idea where it was from and a friend joked it was going to be one of those glitter bombs. Now I actually got one and I couldn't be happier.
Actual contents are amazing too.
Sphero free! Already got the limited edition one but now I can give one to a little cousin or something and have ball battles.
Glasses that let you watch TV while laying down with mirrors. These are actually kind of cool and even tempting to use.
Bluetooth speakers with included subwoofer! With a label that says "returned subwoofer doesn't work!" I wonder if it was fixed or if its trash!? I'll have to try.
Fairly Odd Parents Fuzzy poster with markers! Who knows!?
Cat in the hat bobblehead with semi crappy paint job? Freaking sweet! I have a build a bear cat in the hat I got as a gift my freshman year back in college. Love me some Seuss.
A random puzzle!
A card to send to Meh for happy birthday with a stamp already on it? Great, now will I take the effort to write something witty?
Overall I can't be happier I snagged this for 5 bucks and didn't miss out this time on sheer luck I happened to look at exactly 12 with no idea it was bag day. The Fukayoudiggaridoo gods were with me that day.
Just arrived. I received:
Truly mediocre. Thanks!
My birthday fuku just arrived, ahead of schedule which was a nice surprise! But i'll cut right to the chase, here's what i found inside:

and drum roll please...
There was also a letter inside which you guys will be receiving back shortly. just give me some time to think of a suitable thank you.
Bonus: Happy Birthday Meh

Just arrived
Plenty of confetti made it!
Inside: one meh bag
One set of imported air (Texas)
One flowery thermos bag
One projecting alarm clock radio
One unfurled, celebratory meh hat
One set frozen monster fun pops, to be used with my favorite beverage (coffee)
One The Fairly Odd Parents! die cut velvet poster, with markers, to be given to son within the next year
One noisemaker, confetti filled
One green lantern journal
One AOC USB 3.0 (hurray) LCD monitor, 15 inch.
Very nice meh, my only disappointment is the lack of a SASE and birthday card, given that the cost to create and send my own will cost me roughly 1/10 of ordering the fukubukero.
Then again I got the gift of confetti and a hat when so, so many others did not, so it's a perfectly meh trade off. Thanks!
@Deelron oh and one "Cat in the hat" bobble head that I accidently set aside in unloading. Oops!
My Fuku finally arrived at my local post office. I just couldn’t wait until tomorrow so I went to the post office to pick it up. It’s a small country post office with just 1 lady working there. She went to the back then called out to me, “How big is your car?”

My car is a Dodge Dart, not known for truck like cargo space.
I had no option but to open it up and put the contents loose in the car. There was a lot of Texas air.
Then there was another good size box inside the big box.
And this box wouldn’t fit in the trunk so I jammed it into the back seat along with this stuff.
There was no writing on the box that made any sense to me so I had to drive the 20 miles home in deep suspense.
It was sad I had to abandon the big box.
I brought home all my Texas air. Bet no one else got as much.
Got the stuff home and took this picture of some writing on the top of the box.
To get right to the point, this is what was in the box.
@Teripie Thanks Meh! You guys are the best! Stop by for coffee if you're ever near Panama City, Florida.
@Teripie wow, nice.
@Teripie You can have a new career as a barista. That's a LOT of coffee machine.
@OldCatLady I know. It scares me a little.
@Teripie Great story and photos, congrats on your excellent birthday meh-prise! Very non-meh, that coffee maker.
@Teripie Sweet garden, as well. Maybe if you try planting those Texas air bags, you'll grow some air plants
@Ignorant Yeah, really nice! Goes between $500 to $800 on EBay. This is a refurb though and probably goes for a lot less. But still........
I got mine on Wednesday. Just getting around to posting the photos now. Sorry for the delay, Meh.
Arrived home to find a huge box at my doorstep.

Found out it was mostly Texas air.
But, hey, there was some cool stuff in there!

Very happy, Meh. Very, very happy.
What great fun!
35x25x12 18.8lb box arrived yesterday containing:
For reals, so much fun, and thanks so much for being so generous on YOUR birthday - loved it!!
@mitchkramez pictures plz

My kids were pretty hasty getting the thing opened (as was I) so I didn't get a nice stacked pic of everything like a normal earthling. :(
Oh - I forgot about the planner/organizer. My daughter loved that too! Thanks again guys!! :)
@mitchkramez your daughter is a cutie!!!!!
@mitchkramez i want that dog back....
@JonT The kids are working up the birthday card today so I can get it in the mail too. Hopefully they're feeling "creative" and don't just draw dogs with wieners or something like that! (thought i guess that's kinda creative too)...
My stuff is here!
1x Giant Pez Dispenser
1x Meh Party Hat
1x Meh B-day Card
1x Meh Drawstring Bag
1x Pair of Sandals (Size 9)
1x Nick Zone Lunch Bag
1x Dogs Rule Scrap Book
1x 808 Drift Headphones
1x Ceramic Tumbler
And the heavy item:
1x 18 Piece Wine Glass Set
Thanks Meh!
@lichme no pictures ??
Rec'd my large box this morning!
Birthday card and birthday hat
red meh bag
1 wall graffix - resident evil
1 wall graffix - super mario
1 king kong "lifelike" key chain
1 pkg kids plastic motorcycle toys
1 kevin dundon burger maker, new in box
1 genuine lined leather jacket, with tags (retail 119.9) size 2X
thanks meh
@imagine pictures please
Mystery box…are you ready for your mystery box? Will it be a dream? Or a dud?

Mystery box is 24 x 30 x 12 and weighs about 17 pounds. This is the first fuku that I haven’t spoiled by reading the reveal threads, so let’s see if this strategy pays off.

I haz a happy!
• Meh bag
• Roomba 560 refurb
• Metawatch Glance + Go
• 808 Drift headphones
• King Kong keychain
• Mr. Bean Activity Book
• Porcelain trinket box shaped like camcorder
• Very pink insulated lunch bag, sadly empty. (Y U no give me lunch, Meh?)
• Birthday card - too lame to send back. I will have to upgrade this.
• Very anemic-sounding noisemaker, but at least it is purple!
• Homemade Meh birthday hat (makes it that much more special)
• Photocopied apology for said homemade birthday hat, suitable for framing. And frame it, I shall.
Roomba is in its 16 hour re-charging phase, so not yet certain that it works. Assuming that it does, I cannot wait to delegate this dreaded chore to my new robot servant. I sent a photo of my haul to my brother, and the item he is most jealous of is the King Kong keychain. Weirdo.
Thanks for the awesome Fuku, Meh! Happy, Happy Birthday to you, and many more. It is almost 5:00 p.m. in Dallas, so I shall raise a glass to celebrate your mediocrity and my great Fuku. Drink of choice today is sparkling lemonade with Amaretto. Cheers!
@Trillian I love purple.
@Trillian I spoiled my fuku by reading reveals and it rekted me, first time fuku, never forget.
Wow to all. Wonder what my 18 lbs fuku will bring on Monday. Hope it something stellar..
@catman25 hope it's not an air bed
Did anyone else get one of these?

@Teripie I'm not sure how to feel about this - are we teaching our children to whizz on wildlife? Will they see a frog and have the urge to urinate? Okay - now after typing that I'm totally digging this item.
@Pavlov Will they grow up to say things like "Be right back -- I've got to see a man about a frog?"
My First FUKU box ever arrived today way late at 6 pm. I came in expecting mediocrity but all you spoilers hyped my 18lb 22in box so hard. Everyones' boxes looked so amazing that I could only expect greatness! Then I saw it, the truely mediocre boxes and I prayed. Neigh, I blindly had faith that whatever I get, I hope It isn't an air bed...
My friend got his fuku before me, he was sad that he didn't get an ollie in his ~8lb box, I laughed and taunted.
Well, Karma, karma is one fair bitch.
So is this air bed used or good to go?...
At least there wasn't that much confetti

@heehaw the 808s are dead, sweet magnets tho!
At the post office... a lightweight 8 lbs. The reveal will be tomorrow. I'm hoping for a Sphero. Young Galen would love such a toy!
Ok, mine arrived...
a meh.com fuku bag
a sase birfday card
a note about this being the overrun batch
a handmade meh birfday hat
a silly surfers model (hawk classics 16013 "HoDad makin' the scene with a six-pack")
a mermaid table book
a kevin dundon (who?) hamburger patty grill
a set of "I love Lucy" salt and pepper shakers shaped like shoes
an iCarley planner
and an inflatable whale that has a hole in it
I will attempt to patch whale and drop it in the lake here.
@Mehcus I didn't find a neato robotics botvac 85 in there, guess it's coming in another shipment? (grin)
Happy Birthday meh, next year I'll send more upscale suckers.
@thismyusername I will admit I'm super jealous of the whale. It is adorable.
@thismyusername Isn't that the whale from the mediocrebot video?
@whoopsijoined I was laughing pretty hard when I pulled it out... the mediocre patch job sorta cracked me up as well.
@mikibell not sure... any mehnions wanna comment? Is this a piece of meh history? or a reject?
@mikibell looks just like it.. wow maybe I wont toss this in the lake
@thismyusername My kids were riding this same whale in our pool today. See if I can get a pic tomorrow.
Long time meh'er, first time poster. So. I'm super sad. My Fuku came today and my roommate reported that the contents were stolen. All that remained were the Fuku bag and Texas air. (I'm out of town today.) Do I dare wanna know what was originally in the box? Any good guesses?
@kennethdegraff check under roomates bed.
@thismyusername Agreed with this. If the roommate is suddenly rich in Fozzie bear mugs and maybe a keyboard or new monitor- be suspicious.
@kennethdegraff :-(
@kennethdegraff Wow that bites. Roomate: "Sorry your box was empty, but check out my new Sphero!" But really, more details please. Did the box arrive opened? Was it left at your door and someone came along and ransacked it? How did this happen?
So, just got back home. These are the photos. I'll settle on a Fozzie Mug, but I already have a regrettable Sphero (dog doesn't love it). Package theft isn't uncommon, but isn't all that rare either. I was hoping it would be a camera system. Seriously, I would set that up. Oh, and there's no Meh.com bag, just a flat hat.
LOVE mine! Contents:
1 Bag
1 Blank Birthday Card
1 Handmade hat and note explaining they ran out of hats
1 Edward Scissorhands CD case
1 Mario Slugger Wall Graffix
1 Aliens Wall Relief (HUGE FAN)
1 Fozzie Mug
1 Iogear Bluetooth Keyboard
1 Swiffer Steamboost/Sweepervac Combo that will come in handy if you notice the legs under the table that are attached to a Labrador who sheds heavily
Thanks Meh! I am very happy with my Fuku!!
All in all, great Fuku. Thanks Meh!
@Chris Now clean your crap up off our floor.
@Chris Do your noise makers make the same note, or two different notes?
@hamjudo one works and the other doesn't. So, different notes?

Used Deep Fryer
808 Headphones
Nickzone Lunch box
Coyote Urine Spray
Toy Story Talent Show
Mermaids Book
Mark Cuban Gnome
Meh bag, bday card, hat, noise maker.
The Red Queen Diary
Meh, was hoping for roomba! Next time meh!
@whistlingwilly Not sure why the photo is flipped.
@whistlingwilly totally jealous of the Mark Cuban gnome. Love him on Shark Tank!
@whistlingwilly I guess it's the deep frier, but I definitely thought that was a VHS rewinder from the pic…
@whistlingwilly Coyote Urine Spray ? Is it "natural" or manmade ? New cologne to attract other coyotes ? Is coyote love in the air ? That may be the most "interesting" thing I've seen yet. Have fun with that one. :p
@whistlingwilly Haha, I thought that was a top down view of a VHS rewinder
@brhfl the fact we both thought that means something. Not sure what, but definitely probably something.
Just got my awesome haul today!
1 Cat in the Hat Official Movie Bobblehead
1 Meh Bag
1 Meh Party Hat
1 Silvania Record Player
1 Set of 6 Star Wars Dangler Figures
1 Fairly Odd Parents Coloring Poster
1 Meh Bday Card - To Be Returned
1 NanoTek Phone Stand
1 NickZone Soft Lunchbag
1 Ton of Confetti
1 Hollywood Moms Hardcover Coffee Table Book
1 Roomba 560 Refurb!
Time to build a DJ Roomba!
So much better than Prime Day! Thanks Meh!
The cat wanted me to open it. The GF wanted me to wait until she got home.

Finally opened.

Shitty picture, but Hollywood Moms book with the Hollywood sign in the background.

@bradandcoffee Cute kitties. Little orange and white guy still a kitten ?
@ceagee He's about 8 months old. I think he's done growing for the most part, but the other cat is pretty big, and he's pretty small.
A crap day at work and my fuku wasn't supposed to arrive until tomorrow, but "OMG there's a box by the door" and I screamed like a little girl!! My first fukubukuro arrived and I am just overcome!
9 plastic bags with no Texas (or any other state) air.

Wedge Antilles action figure.
Hollywood Moms photo book.
Viking helmet.
Dragonball Z VHS tape.
808 Drift headphones.
Pink, flowered lunch bag (lead free!)
SASE bday card, Meh party hat, noise maker.
Meh Fuku Bag.
...and a Mr. Coffee Espresso maker!!
Thank you meh... You made the end of my work week great! Well, the single malt scotch is helping, too.
Happy birthday....
Fuku (second ever) received today, one day earlier than originally estimated!
meh red bag
SASE b-day card
Nat Geo VHS
Mr. Bean activity books
Empire state puzzle
King Kong keychain
iCarly planner
black-on-black meh t-shirt (not pictured)
and an AOC 21" monitor (not yet sure if it's functional)
Also, party hat - mehvalous!
@liquidbluenight Just a fair warning. That fan is the absolute worst fan of all time. All the noise of a working fan with none of the air flow. Maybe mine was a fluke, but it was a 6" fan blade inside a 10" housing. It had more air coming out the back than it did in the front
@capguncowboy Then turn it around
Very happy with my haul, and glad I opened it up on my deck so didn't confetti bomb the house! Thanks Meh!
My box:
1. Fuku String Bag
2. Party Hat, Noisemaker, Birthday Card,
3. Empire State Building Paper Model Kit
4. Nick Zone Lunch Bag
5. Weird toy that looks like it came from a cereal box
6. Sphero Ollie
7. Razer Ouroboros Gaming Mouse (!)
Very happy! Thanks, Meh!
@ft pics please
Mine originally said it would be here Monday, but now they pushed it back to Tuesday. The suspense is killing me. I hope I get a Viking helmet in mine! :D
The wife is less than thrilled,
she sees nothing but junk.
But $5.00 is all I've been billed
and I know this not podunk!
Surveying my 31x25x13 haul,
I see nothing but (possible) gold.
Avoiding the marital squall,
may mean some will have to be sold. :-(
Sphero is a robot I tell her,
yes, the Sherwood is dented,
but the margarita glass is finer.
Let me fill it for you, I prompted.
Look, I say, the t-shirt is just your size!
Distracted by alcohol and a new garment,
the iCarly Daily Planner she now eyes...
I whisk the rest of my loot down to the basement.
There, in the dark, next to the laundry room,
I will finish my tale: Nickelodeon bag for lunches,
a Space Precinct Action figure (clearly an heirloom),
and a 100 piece puzzle. Hey Meh - thanks bunches!!
@TimWalter - Pretty good haul, now pictures?
So you're a poet,
and we didn't know it.
@OldCatLady But his feet show it, they're long fellows.
@TimWalter - Really funny- I have a mental picture. Great job. Extra stars.
Got mine!! 32.6 lbs of FUKU goodness.
Meh fuku bag
SASE with birthday card
Noise maker
Meh party hat
Die cast model car (1947 Mercury Convertible)
Fozie Bear mug
1 kids' roller skate
Creepy Christmas ornament
Pink touch screen capable gloves
Set of 6 Star Wars mirror danglers
Alice in Wonderland journal
Solo laptop bag
Sphero 2.0!
And.... the Pièce De Résistance... A refurbed Dyson DC41 Animal vacuum cleaner!!! It was returned, but I'm going to check it out and see if it works. I already bought one from Meh a few months ago, but this one would make a nice gift or fetch some money on eBay.
Giant box

The loot

Canine inspection

Thanks Meh and Happy Birthday!!
@jsh139 - So the dog found no drugs or explosives? Congrats!
@KDemo Haha, nope, all clear!
It's hereeeeeee
@deadlybunny Pro-tip add .jpg to the end of the imgur link and it becomes a photo embed in the meh forums
@communist thank you sir!
heeding your advice, here is a pic of the contents!
blocks and corgi did not come in the box
@deadlybunny - Sure it's not a Fozzie Bear mug? Sweet Corgi. I wish they were sending dogs in the Fukus, I want one.
I just received my (second ever) Fuku bag, a day earlier than expected.
31x24x12 ; 20 lbs
enter code here
1 SASE Blank Birthday Card to Meh
1 Meh Birthday hat, not assembled
1 noise maker
A large amount of confetti
1 Meh Fuku bag
16 bags of Texas air
1 small post it note with the word "Remorse " written on it.
1 adult sized sassy snow bunny costume
1 Hawaiian surf scented Lucky Spins air freshener
1 Nick Zone lunch bag
1 piece of blank card stock
2 Salacious Crumb small Star Wars figures
1 Sphero 2.0
1 Motorola Baby Monitor Camera
And lastly
1 Homedics Full Back Cushion with Custom Fit Massage, open box, but appears unused and functional.
Overall an awesome haul! Was really jonesing for the Onkyo but I can use almost all of this stuff! :)
Happy Birthday Meh and Thank you very much!
@nalesean I tried to link the picture or embed it several ways with a google drive embed. Now it won't let me edit my post further so here is the photo link:
@nalesean It's the way google drive does its links. Try imgur next time - very forum friendly.
@Thumperchick Thanks. I will definitely try that next time :) I just wasn't in the mood after opening my stuffs to start a new account somewhere to share a picture. I'm mostly a lurker at all the forums I frequent, and rarely have reason to post a photo.
@nalesean I've tried a few different ways to get your pic up. But no one will accept this file type.
@mfladd the image is saved as a .webp which is weird.
@kuoh Thank ye kindly.
Meh bag
Brand new Kevin Dundon grill
Jollyranchers bag
Refurbished/open box Roomba 560
Self addressed stamped envelope
Mock security camera
Puzzle set
Birthday noisemaker thing that doesn't work
A Christmas tree ornament
Marvel hero's thing
Touch gloves
Dragonball Z VHS tape
Meh ...hat(?)
Meh Oh my!! Just got my box, thank goodness my sis was able to deliver it early........... <3 my mail-woman!!
My first ever FUKU
About my box: 28.7 lbs and 36x16x13
First off -- WOW. You have outdone yourselves -- worst box I've ever opened..Kidding of course. I was literally jumping around in the kitchen...
1 Meh Birthday Card in SASE
1 Partayyyyy Hat - I might just wear this around town today
1 Red Party Noise maker - non-working (Probably for the best)
1 Meh backpack bag -- I suppose If I am wearing the party hat... might as well round out the outfit
1 "Weird-Ohs" Davey Model Set (My son is very excited)
1 "Aprons and Attitude Wine Glass "I'm leaving his ass" How did you know?! Stalkers!
1 Space Precinct Officer Castle Figurine
1 Marvel Comics "Hulk" Switcherz (again my son,excited)
1 Motorola WiFi Video Baby Camera - SWEET!!
1 Sphero 2.0 OMG. I might never need a babysitter for my son again. Once of course, he discovers the awesomeness he was distracted with the other goodies when I tried it out.
Not a single sign of Texas air
A Dyson DC41 -- I cannot Thank You enough Meh. Just bought a house, my first house, I wanted this sooo bad but couldn't justify the cost with a new mortgage!! Was used, works perfectly and I'm in love. LOVE.
Meh, you really outdid yourself with this crap box ;-) Happy Happy Birthday to you great minds! I have one handwritten birthday card headed your way. I really want to shout to the rooftops about you -- but I do like my hidden gem of a deal site... a little selfish, I know. My boyfriends father has been getting slowly sucked in, with my encouragement. He helped me with the reveal today -- I think he's a true believer!! Off to suck up all dirt in the vicinity of this house so we can roll the Sphero around while I enjoy a glass of wine. No judging, it's 5 o'clock somewhere....
My haul
18"x16"x16" 12.4lb package
Starting with what most others received:
6 bags of fresh Texas air (1 deflated, 1 deflated with confetti inside)
meh party hat
SASE to A Mediocre Corp. and blank b-day card
fuku drawstring bag
confetti bomb
...and now the rest in increasing order of awesome:
Kong "Life-Like" Key Chain
Pair of Urge Basics "Precision" Touch Gloves
Marvel Heroes Green Goblin Swicherz
Campbell's Soup girl rocking horse Christmas ornament
Nick Zone canvas lunchbag
PoGo Power Card Portable smartphone charger
6 Star Wars Dangler mirror danglers
Himalayan Breeze Penguin Fan with a noticeable (but not terrible) dent in its' forehead. Love it.
Sylvania Turntable with USB Encoding (Brand New)
and last but not least...
6 Mother Effing Elvis Presley 4 pc. Coaster Sets!!
Thanks meh!

OK. My Fukubukuro 5 (4th for me) arrived...
The loot:
1 IOGEAR Multi-Link Bluetooth Keyboard with Touchpad (brand-new!)
1 Dozen Luminarc Bola clear stemless wine glasses (all intact! No broken glasses!)
1 "Hollywood Moms" book (by Carrie Fisher)
1 "Fun4U" 100-piece puzzle
1 Domus "Pop Kit" 3D cardboard puzzle (Empire State Building)
1 "Styx" 3000mAh Super Light Polymer Battery Backup (open box but appears to work just fine)
1 "Campbell's Kids" Christmas ornament
1 Testors "Weird-Ohs" model kit (Davey)
1 "Life-Like Kong" Key-chain (life-like???)
1 "Gerry Anderson's Space Precinct" figurine (Lieutenant Brogan)
2 Star Wars mini-figurines (both are Salacious B. Crumb)
1 Fukubukuro string backpack
1 Meh party hat
1 Mediocre Corporation Birthday Card in a SASE
@boc I got your sister figure - I got the police woman.
I think I got one of the last ones to ship.

Custom Meh birthday hat
Note explaining custom birthday hat
SASE card
Sock monkey pet toy
Fuku bag
Mermaids book
Monkey tumbler
Green lantern journal
808 drift headphones
Some kind of video camera shaped mini porcelain box
My wife isn't super happy with me right now, since she's been reading the rest of this thread and was dying for a Nickelodeon lunchbox.
@telepheedian Aw. :( If I get the Nickelodeon lunch box, you can have it.
My 9.2 lb 18x16x15 has arrived. My first ever fuku and it is suitably meh! Sadly, I was in the oversold group, even though I was waiting to click right at midnight, which tells you just how fast the first 500 went.
So, unlucky, but lucky in a way that meh was kind enough to still honor the order and I at least broke my fuku cherry.
Will hope to catch fuku #2 (for me) the next time round, and will also avoid the reveal thread until after delivery!
Thanks meh and happy belated birthday!
Was supposed to be delivered Tuesday but PO attempted delivery today at work... Which is closed! Two more days to obsess!
My 16.8 lbs. of delight got here along with my 15 lb. air cleaner, and boy was the mailperson glad to get those boxes off her truck. Very classic meh collection, with a few WTF included. Three bags for, not of, Texas air. One SASE and card, which will go back Monday. One each decorative fan, NIB, and it may just go to someone who needs it more than I. The roll of instant splint material is going to a local Little League team. The wastebasket and the puzzle are destined for a holiday grab bag. The Big Wheel Action Playset with mechanic's tools and the activity and sticker book for Mr. Bean's Holiday are going to the Toys For Tots drive, as is the creepy Jesse Ventura Little Big Head. The Mermaids book is lovely, and I happen to have someone on my list who collects & creates mermaids. They'll get it- eventually. However, I am keeping the TWO-count 'em- TWO noisemakers, the Meh Hat, the Meh Bag- and the Razer Tiamat 2.2 Headset. At least for awhile. And thank you so much for not putting glitter in the box, because the cats instantly claimed it, although they refuse to pose with the Hat. Thanks, Meh! Happy birthday to you, and mehny more.
@OldCatLady Is your cat mooning us ?
@ceagee Yes, sorry. The other end looks like this
@OldCatLady Just fell off my rocking chair laughing, because I took a look at the 'NIB' decorative fan. The box is all taped up, and the fan itself is tied with a lovely red ribbon that says 'www.wbminternational.com' and 'Alpine Breeze', with a pretty mountain logo. However - the fan motor is not mounted to the housing. The wires appear to be connected to the power cord, and I entertained myself by thinking about plugging it in BRZZZ WHAP WHAP CLANK-. I mean it, the motor just rattles around in the case. A whole new level of Meh has been achieved. I will now open it up to see what I can do to fix it. I'm a sucker for damaged animals, plants, and apparently for small appliances too.
@OldCatLady The plastic motor mounts have at some point been sheared off and splintered, with some pieces gone missing. Now I have a small motor with fan blades and power wires attached, and a wire cage suitable for imprisoning garden gnomes, with a nifty handle on top. Good thing I decided to look at it before donating it.
@OldCatLady The Garden Gnome Liberation Front would like a word with you.

@OldCatLady Gnew gnome housing.
@Trillian Hastily rephrased. They're happy to be there, except that the garden fairies are in another compound. Er, place.
@OldCatLady painted toes : )
@ceagee Always. I buy it to refurbish the gnomes when they get weatherbeaten, and the humans get whatever is left over.
@OldCatLady LOL I meant your cats toes !! He/she has little white toes ! But your pedicure is quite nice as well. ;-)
@ceagee Ooops! Around here we say the cat has sugar toes. His brother had white ankle socks.
Woo-hoo, mine came two days early! Included:
An oversold note. Thank you, Meh, for still sending me one.
I'm going to start out with this so I don't end on a downer.
1 ooma telo bundle (refurbished) with two pages of emails between (I won't give you the name and address) someone in Colorado and Meh discussing the fact that it doesn't work well and he wants to return it and Meh telling him how to and that his money will be refunded.
1 Resident Evil wall graffix w/4 graffix - has "grandson" written all over it.
1 set of I Love Lucy high heel salt and pepper shakers - daughter-in-law is a Lucy fan.
1 Power Jolt SE Charger for iPhone or iPod.
2 Casper the Friendly Ghost puzzles, looks to be about 20 pieces so I might be able to do them.
1 Neoprene sleeve for the latest generation Kindle
1 Jungle & Friends dog toy from Bow-Wow pet products
1 Fuku bag
1 Napolean Dynamite wastebasket
1 10GEAR multi-link bluetooth keyboard w/touchpad and two batteries - looks new
1 birthday card
AND a silver birthday hat with MEH handwritten on it and inside a note from Hollboll saying this was the last hat! I am so lucky!
P.S. I was this close [ ] this morning to selling the giant bubblegum machine but his wife said no. sigh
My first fuku arrived today! 2 days early from the original estimate! I was one of the later packages to leave so I was keeping my hopes seriously meh. I was disappointed! No meh in sight...mostly.
I got:
Hollywood Moms book: re-gift
808 Headphones: we already have 3 but what's one more
100 piece puzzle: prize box at school
2 monkey figurines: prize box at school - I think they are movie related but I can't tell
6 Star Wars Danglers: I will probably gift these. They are way too cool to prize box.
Marvels toy: prize box at school
Cars wall cling: prize box at school - may even cut apart to make many prizes
Meh hat: prize box at school
2 party whistles: prize box at school
Birthday card: Most of mine that I send are belated anyway. This one will be no different.
Meh bag: Mine. Don't touch.
....and....Philips Soundbar with Subwoofer!
It is an opened package and I haven't tested it out yet so I've got my fingers crossed. I can't check it yet though because the DC IN cord is MIA. Here's to hoping!
@rhcurry02 The small figurines are the character Salacious Crumb, the rowdy crony of Jabba the Hutt in The Return of the Jedi.
So got this todsy rsther then monday. Welcome to meet my boys oldest is christian jr. Middle dylan and youngest is carter. We got
1)deco fan
2) cat n hat bobblehead
3)meh birthday card + hat
4) cambells xmas deco
5)sports bracelet
6)clifford wooden shape sorter
7)outback wobbler
8)empire state model
9)razer gaming keyboard
10)hollywood mom book
11) meh bag.
* thanks meh. Im sure u csn tell with thr pics we are a very special family lol
@catman25 - Great family - especially Carter the party boy! Thanks for sharing.
@catman25 Lovely family! Hope I'm "seeing things", but have the little one's left eye checked. :)
@catman25 - Whoa, seriously. Good call @YahSah15 http://www.chla.org/site/c.ipINKTOAJsG/b.6298193/k.8A57/Know_About_the_Glow__White_Glow__Childrens_Eyes__The_Vision_Center.htm#.Vasv0_lVj4h
@KDemo its cause of my saltwater tank 2 different levels of light at different angles. Although im asking the dr next week. Just tried taking s few and no halo. But def thanks for the concrrn. Meh on meher's
@catman25, @YahSah15. Glad you're checking - better safe . . .
@catman25 Did the baby check out ok?
Love meh! My fuku was equal parts awesome and totally weird/crap. But crap in a good way like a really bad movie that's so bad it's funny. My fuku was like a sharknado delivered in a box.!
It includes:
After losing my 102 day streak of meh button pushes and missing out on every fuku so far (despite being right on time to the party) I was ready to throw in the towel on meh, but now I'm more excited about mediocre crap than ever before. I hope you guys make a fortune on crappy speaker docks (not off me though). Keep selling disposable radio controlled helicopters though and I'll keep buying 'em.
GF's fuku arrived last night. It never updated from the stock shipping details but it came in a box much larger than 10x10x10 - didn't weigh much more than 5 lbs. Surprisingly only a few items:
and finally
Thanks Meh! Mine should be showing up today.
Got my Fuku today. Was an oversell. Had to run out so will post picture later. Suitably meh, nothing worth mentioning. Happy Birthday Meh!
Got my Fuku!!
Decorative Fan
Texas Air
Mario Wall Art
Note saying I had a custom one. (Although I know I purchased mine at 12:00 and six seconds.)
Thanks Meh and Happy Birthday!
Overflow Fuku Stuff

@mfladd Thanks! Are you in my house? Haha.
@densa Just for a short time. I didn't stay long, but I hope you don't mind me grabbing a drink from the fridge :)
1. A SASE with a birthday card (I'll save that for next year)
2. a genuine leather biker vest for Route 66 (now I can look badass on my tricycle)
3. Microshield for the ipod touch I don't have.
4. Kevin Dundon Burger maker (useful for those salmon burgers I like to make)
5. A note saying they oversold and didn't have enough party hats, so they included a generic party hat they hand wrote "M E H" on
6. Edward Scissorhands CD/DVD/Blu-Ray travel tin
7. Residential Evil Wall graphics
And last but not least, AniMates fun friends dress-up set with a lion bracelet, lion ponytail clip, and a lion necklace.
@CircaRigel Oh yeah, and the drawstring Fuku bag
No Texas Air
No Confetti
1 Meh Fuku Bag
1 Meh Party Hat
1 Meh Letter
1 Kazoo
2 Club Le Med 350TC Cotton Gusset Pillow (Went by the product code on the tag K224410)
1 Kevin Dundon Personal Burger Maker
1 Steelseries Mini Controller
Australian Zoo Bingo
3D Empire State Building tacky Money Edition
Touch-Screen compatible gloves
100 pc Jigsaw Helicopter Puzzle
Gerry Anderson's Space Precinct Figure
2 Gremlins?
1 Roulette Air Freshener
and no one can forget about the Cat in the Hat Bobblehead!
With the exception of the pillows and the burger maker, it's less than mediocre at best considering that everyone else got Spheros & watches. Happy Birthday Meh...
@Davidtrippy this is really bothering me now. I don't think this is a gremlin. It is somewhere in my disturbed mind what character this is - but it won't come forth. Anyone?
@mfladd salacious crumb. he hangs out with jabba the hut
@jalopatin Yup - that's Salacious B. Crumb
@jalopatin thank you. i was thinking star wars but I just couldn't put it together

Here's my Fukubukuro:

Fuku drawstring bag
SASE envelope w/blank card
Cars wall cling
Dino robot kit
Roulette wheel car scent hanger- Hawaiian surf
King Kong keychain
Space Precinct 2040 figure
Confetti cannon
Meh party hat
Moneual vaccum
Pure inflatable mattress with plush suede top
It contained:
27 bags of Texas air. (Sadly four out them were destroyed in shipping)
Yellow Noise Maker
Meh Birthday hat (which broke when I was trying to put it together) and card I need to send them
A Baseball Lunch Box
A Hollywood Moms and Daughters book (my Mom will love this)
An iPad 2 Keyboard Case in white
A 100 Piece Blue Angels Puzzle
Space Precinct Action Figure
Men's Pair of Flip Flops size 9. (Sadly I am a Lady with slightly smaller feet so they won't fit me)
A really snifty Iogear Keyboard that seams to have a mouse tracking pad on it
And the best item is the refurbished Rumba 560!
Over all, I am really thrilled. This is the best five bucks I have ever spent. Thanks Meh!
Looked out front and my Fuku box was sitting there (albeit with a bunch of other crap I bought also).
Very happy with this Fuku. I hope the burger maker and espresso maker work. Although I don't even know how to make espresso. Thank god it came with a manual.
Oh and it started raining 5 minutes after I bought this inside. So glad I didn't sleep in.
@Skylord123 Also not pictured is a alice in wonderland journal set. I just found it in the box. I tried to add it to the post but I think you can only edit so many times. Anyways, that was there to.
My Fuku just arrived and well... let's just say that I would be happy to re-ship the entire contents of the box to anyone who missed out and would like to get it (so long as you pay for shipping, which I'm guessing will be $15 or so). There are no spheros, ollies, receivers, watches, headphones, leather jackets, Roombas, or anything else exciting (to me anyway) in the package. It is definitely meh - so you've been warned. But if you want it, let me know...
@dlaiho heh, join the club :(
@dlaiho Did you get a watch?
@Teripie pretty sure it says he didn't if you would open them squinters of yours and I am already anticipating my disappoint as well

@dlaiho I was lucky enough to get a Fuku #4, and that one was a lot of fun. I'm still looking forward to Fuku #6... I think
@dlaiho Same here, not even willing to post the contents due to the seriousness of "meh"
When I saw on the tracking that my Fuku was close to 17 pounds, I got excited, and boy I was not dissapoint. :D
In no particular order:
-Party hat
-Broken party horn
-Birthday card
-Awesome OVERSOLD sketch note
-Red MEH bag
-Icarly sketch sticker pad thing
-Strange cow snowglobe where the cow is dressed like the Wicked Witch from TWOO, but the water in the globe is a disgusting brown color oh why haha
-Mr. Bean's Holiday fun pak
-Bindi's extremely annoying electronic Australia bingo thing
-Fan kinda shaped like an alarm clock or something that my younger son called dibs on and scampered away with
-...and my favorite, A MEEP! This one is an X2, whereas the one I bought from Meh ages ago for 20bux was the even crappier earlier version. However, I threw a hacked custom ROM on the old one, and now my wife uses it to play games. So yes, I am stoked and excited over this. I can't wait to attempt to lobotomize and mindwipe this one. :D It was obviously previously used, with fingerprints all over it and a busted charger, but it works, which is apparently more than most MEEPS do. :D
So yaaaaay! Thanks Meh! This was an even better five bucks spent than the last one! Getting one of these is more awesome than any birthday I have had for easily over a decade! :v :D :|]
@SHOVAR the wizard of oz snow globe could be quite old, looking around the net you will find the 10+ year ones the paints have leeched into the water making it dark.
@thismyusername Oh the brown funk just makes it thuper thpecial. It's like the cow had an accident in the globe. Also, if anyone out there is named Stevie#21, I now possess your MEEP. Muahahaha
Box arrived today, two days early (yeah!).
In it we have:
Kevin Dundon hamburger cooker
El wire party glasses
Jlab fit mp3 player
Meh party hat
100 piece puzzle of military planes
SASE & Birthday card w/ $1 in it (you want that back? )
Party noisemaker
Campbell's soup Christmas ornament
Jesse Ventura bobble head
Big Wheels action playset
Cat in the hat bobble head
Mr. Bean's holiday activity book
Paper model of the Empire state building (much assembly required)
Bright red fuku bag
But for some reason, no confetti, not a single star, sparkle or tiny square was to be found anywhere. :(
Happy Birthday Meh! Now get back to work!!
@webender I think they want you to use that dollar to buy your own confetti.
@Trillian My first thought when I saw a Dollar in a Birthday card was "Grandma??"
@webender Grandma would have written you a check for one dollar. And then forget to sign it.
@webender Or use the $1 to buy something to send back with the birthday card..
Swag List:
2X Birthday Cards with Return Postage (Going to have fun with these)
Meh Apron (Really makes this whole thing worth while, I needed one)
Meh Bag
Meh Comic
Plastic Station Wagon Toy
Edward Scissorhands Photo Album
Razor Headset (Mic appears to be dead, attempting to see if I can do a warranty exchange on it)
Alarm Shaped Fan
Meh Party Hat
Alien Wall Relief.
And the best air texas can ship.
Note: Cat was not included.
@darkzrobe Your kitty looks like a Maine Coon.
@jaremelz Used to have one... This one is just a calico. Mut of a mother and sneaky breaking in outside cat father.
@darkzrobe Well that fan doesnt work and the alien wall relief's paint is coming off, lame. O well.
Hey everybody, long time lurker first time poster. Got my 25lb fuku today. This is my fourth fuku and by far the best. Here's the contents:
australia zoo bingo game
card shuffler
a couple of kids toys
clifford the big red dog wooden shape starter
sylvania usb turntable
and a friggin ninja ultima blender!
Thanks and happy birthday to everyone at Meh!
Also thanks to Brian from Aurora, IL for returning the blender to meh, so they can send it to me, there's something loose in the base, but hey, it still works.!
@joshf - Welcome to the forums, glad you posted.
Just got my fuku today:
1 Party whistle that didn't work and deposited confetti into my windpipe
1 Birthday card
A bunch of confetti that works its way into cracks and crevices and we'll be cleaning up for the next few months
1 Meh party hat that I am too lazy to assemble
1 Roulette wheel car scent that no longer smells and the wheel hardly turns
1 puzzle set that appears to be from the late 80's or early 90's with a very difficult picture to solve
1 Outback kangaroo bobble head commemorating their 15th anniversary in 2003 that my 3 year old hijacked
1 baseball shaped Thermos brand lunch bag that is perfect for the boy we are expecting in December
1 Duracell universal laptop charger which angers me because I just paid full retail for a universal laptop charger last week
1 Sphero Ollie that my wife has hijacked from me. It is my offering to her for putting up with all the random crap that Meh floods our house with
I'm too lazy to post pics.
Okay maybe one pic.
Mine showed up today. I avoided this thread so there wouldn't be spoilers. Opened it up and was super excited with it, then came and saw what other people got and was still excited with mine.
-Lots of confetti and Texas air (not pictured)
-Black meh party hat
-Red meh bag
-Yellow SASE with birthday card
-Orange NickZone lunch bag
-Plastic Viking hat
-iCarly journal
-Over sized Mickey Mouse pez dispenser with LA Dodgers hat, that supposedly plays "Take me out to the ballgame"
-Baked taco shell toaster
-Shun 4-piece knife set
@metaphore - Score on the knives! Congrats!
Maybe I should have said score with the knives.
@metaphore Enjoy those knives! I have a Shun and it's awesome.
@KDemo @ials Thanks! Every(all 2) time these came up for sale I stared longingly at the screen wishing I could buy them. Now I don't have to!
Stupid politicians keep trying to kill the United States Postal Service, but once again Smartpost comes through days faster than expected, even though deal-a-day-site shoppers keep bitching about it: My #Mehday fukubukuro arrived today even though its arrival had been estimated at Tuesday since the day it shipped. STFU, Smartpost haters, K? It's your fault (and @Starblind's) for your decision to live somewhere you get lousy mail delivery.
I always try to avoid spoilers but unfortunately the birthday card thread wasn't marked as one, and while I was taking chances posting a couple of comments on the buying thread and the shipping thread, I saw a couple of things that weren't real major. So overall we had some good surprises here. Also, it was pretty heavy. I'm still not supposed to lift more than 8 pounds while my sternum's healing, but I was pretty fucking happy to be taking one for the team here.
My first glimpse of the contents:
My second glimpse:
My third glimpse:
From there, this was the first thing I lifted out. It prompts me to wonder whether a certain Meh staffer might have a thing for seahorses, what with the certain thread that appeared recently. But this is pretty cool kitsch.
This is what it looks like hanging from the little thingie that keeps my hutch's door closed:
Here's a closeup:
And, if you're willing to cross your eyes, here it is in (kind of wonky) 3-D:
I then moved on to what I immediately recognized as a VHS videotape, because I'm old:
(If this is Rejection, Mediocre team, you can kick me to the curb every night of our lives together.)
Next, I saw this long shiny tube and, even though the wrapper says "flavored," it turned out it wasn't a too-small condom but a pair of flavored earbuds:
We then moved on to the I Guess I've Got My Secret Santa Stuff department:
All of the kids I know have already passed through the Cars phase. Geometrical temporary tattoos might come in handy, though. Like if I need a tourniquet to stanch my bleeding and stay alive, and nothing else is within reach, at least my corpse will look nice. If I can put them on nice and straight while I'm dying, that is. And whether that works or not, my blood will make the Red Queen even redder.
Speaking of looking nice, I guess I've got my Halloween shopping done too:
Based on past fuku threads, I assumed this blank piece of paper was there to inform me that there was no second shipment on the way:
Believe me, I checked, and both sides are blank.
Next up, more headphones. I think these were widely denigrated after a past sale, but I bet no one stopped to think maybe it was the crappy music you kids listen to these days.
Finally I started to reach the bottom of the box, including this, beloved by all, except @Barney, who half-loves it because red needs blue to make purple --
This handy little item -- lifelike! -- was underneath. I was glad for the warning because a lot of people forget that the original King Kong presented a choking hazard to Fay Wray.
I knew this was in there somewhere. Don't worry, Meh folks, you will get it back, but let me think about it. Plus, while I can't win @Pavlov's contest, I have an idea I really want to try to create for it before I do this.
I love this. It has a zillion uses. I mean, even as a silly DIY hat, there is nowhere I can't wear it.
(Note that it's a choking hazard as well. @JonT, how does that work? Linda Lovelace couldn't choke on this. Well, the whole point was that she couldn't choke on anything, but you know what I mean.)
Finally, the item that was bringing the weight up, this neat surprise:
My company's subcontracted office management department gave us plebes truly shitty chairs that look ergonomic but aren't, and even that pseudo-ergonomic look only lasts as long as the chairs stay together and they don't for very long, so this will actually help in multiple ways, Meh squad, and I know it's a total coincidence I got it, but I really appreciate it.
Thanks to @snapster for creating another great Internet retailer and hiring @JonT, @MEHcus, @hollboll, @shawn, and all the other great folks who execute on the vision. Heck, thanks to all the fun forum inhabitants too, because Meh couldn't make this a great forum without attracting cool people. And thanks to whoever packed my box for shipment, because it had a ton of great stuff and hardly any confetti. Whew.
@editorkid - The 3-D pic kind of made me dizzy.
@editorkid Wish I could give you a couple of extra stars for the first sentence as well as your wonder-filled epical style.
There you go:
@DaveInSoCal - Fabulous pearls, dahling!
My 10.9 lb box arrived yesterday, include
meh Bag and birthday hat
Birthday card to send back
Meep2 tablet (unfortunately truly DOA as indicated by the sticky note on the screen)
Alien figure
Casper puzzle
Pokemon wall stickers
Green table fan
I got excited when I found a folded hand written note, but alas, it turned out to be a note to indicate that my box was extra special since they made it after the sale
Still, happy with my haul
Thanks meh!
Got mine Friday but wasn't able to open it until today. The FedEx shipping measurements were definitely off in terms of weight...it said 28.8 lbs but it really only weighed 5 lbs, if that. Actually, I am not sure if something shady happened to my package...the bottom tape had definitely been cut and then retaped.
What was in the box:
No confetti or birthday card, I was actually really looking forward to returning it. Overall, it's a bit underwhelming especially since I've got a sad feeling that something got stolen. I guess I'm still lucky to have snagged one and had the excitement.
Suspicious re-taping.
@ials That DCR is AWESOME!
@march5th00 I guess it was the best thing in the box, but I've been a cordcutter for about 4 years now so it's useless to me! Maybe I can resell it.
My fuku came today. The mail lady rang the doorbell and ran when the dogs lost their minds upon hearing said doorbell. Luckily, she dropped the box before running off. The dogs inspected the 19lb box heavily:

Got the large box upstairs and opened it to this:
Interesting. Is that a Roomba I see?
Here's everything!
Roomba is definitely a used return. It's charging now, so we'll see tomorrow if it works.
Bonus I tried to get one of my dogs, Roxy, to wear the party hat. Right after I put it on and went to take the pic, she ripped it off and ran with it. I frantically started to record a video, then realized I was still in portrait mode and flipped it while following her to the living room. Anyway, enjoy the hat destruction.
Thanks, Meh! You are the best!
@harbour @heartny If either of you are still willing to part with your Jolly Rancher bag, I'd be thrilled. Do you think it'd fit in one the cheap USPS flat rate mailers? If so, I'm happy to pay shipping. Or, if there's anything in my box other than the Roomba you'd want to trade for instead, that's fine. Just send me an email to my gmail account using my username. Thanks!
@PurplePawprints If both fall through, you can totally have mine.
@ials Thanks!
Also, the video seems to play fine even though it won't display a thumbnail. I'm not sure what's up with that.
@PurplePawprints - Hilarious video! And good luck with the Roomba.
@PurplePawprints That was a dog with a mission!
@PurplePawprints One of the other nice things about Periscope is that it will help people get over portrait-mode video. It's fine.
@PurplePawprints Sent you a email. Jolly Rancher bag still available if you need it. Maybe you need more than one?
@heartny Thank you!
@KDemo Thanks! We'll see soon enough.
@duodec She's normally really well behaved; she listens pretty well and gives me toys when I ask her to, but she was going to shred that hat or else.
@editorkid Maybe if they work out the kinks and it becomes popular enough. I had to uninstall it from my phone because it wouldn't work correctly.
@PurplePawprints Great presentation! Thanks for sharing.
@PurplePawprints That dog is awesome.
@Moose Thanks! She's incredibly needy and jealous, but I think she's great, too.
got mine today. enjoy the video if i can post it correctly.
includes a special message for @jont
@jaybird @jont
@jaybird don't worry @Samorak! We haven't forgotten you but this was a great reminder. :)
I got my FUKU!! I'm having issues uploading a picture but what I got has already shown up here so I'll just post the list. I got a MetaWatch & a 6 inch recessed LED light for the house lol. I totally need to find a place to install it poorly. In addition to those two big pieces, I got the ugly reindeer that we've seen already & a 1994 action figure from a TV series I'd never heard of. The wife and I had a hell of a laugh out of the randomness. Thanks MEH!
ah i was one of the over apparently. i did get a viking hat! i also have some outback bobble head, a really creepy feeling king kong key chain, a hamburger maker, and a car jumpstarter that looks like it was a return. along with the meh bag, a hand-meh-de hat, and a card.
thanks meh!
viking hat enhanced to maximum meh
@vampje Fabulous! Just fabulous!
@Teripie thanks! i forgot the noise makers:( oops. sub-maximum meh.
@vampje If that Viking hat is like mine, you can pop out the one horn, turn it sideways and pretend to be a unicorn.
@Teripie oh i am a unicorn, didn't you get the memo?
there is no shortage of me in stupid hair thing pictures. i'm just waiting for a fascinator day on meh, i'll be in for all i can buy
@vampje We should get together. I collect all kinds of hats, especially pirate hats. But I've got a British style pith helmet, loads of witch hats, ball caps, and my favorite from a couple Halloweens ago, a velvet, mortician's top hat. That one is quite nice.
But besides the hats thing, I think we'd have a great time together!
@Teripie I'll see your pith helmet,
and raise you one hat with feather and fascinator.
@vampje, I lack a Viking helmet, but the Halloween stores are good for stuff like that.
@OldCatLady Halloween is the best time to grab something new and different in hats. I've also got an insane amount of wigs, also from Halloween, most of them are very nice, came from Ross. Here's how my hat rack is currently decorated. Most of my hats are in a huge container in the shed right now.

@Teripie i have a munch of big floppy sun hats, because as a goth i hate the evil day star. other than that i do not normally wear hats, but i love hair clips and headbands, and obviously colouring my hair pink and purple.
@vampje Hope you don't really munch on those sun hats :) You could get your RDA of fiber though.
@cengland0 lol! one should not wake up and post
@cengland0 @vampje We need to start an "Accessories" Thread. This Fuku thread is just too big.
@Teripie Yes, 'accessories' is a good idea for a thread. Excuse me, I have to dash out. I feel a sudden need for a hatstand.
Its been a way too busy week, and I had to work today too so this is delayed; we received our nearly Proliant server sized box on Tuesday (I know because two Proliants came in the same day at work).
In no particular order:
Thanks Meh! I'll be sending your card back soon, though I have to put some thought into what to write ;)
So, I don't want to list everything. Because I'm lazy. And put too much effort into a video for you people.
@cj0e - Very entertaining. Thank you.
@cj0e Truly interesting elephant glass thingy. Loved your video!
@cj0e that elephant is super cute!
@cj0e thats nice 1080p quality, what did you use to record that?
@communist honestly? recorded on my galaxy Note 4 at 1080p30fps. Imported and edited in cineform studio (go pro software). Had some issues with export because laptop couldnt handle it.
Ended up having to export as cineform avi on laptop- then convert to h.264 and upload on my gaming rig at home. All done in cineform studio.
You already know what these look like, so just a list:
Unique hand-crafted birthday chapeau
Note 'splaining same
Birthday card and SASE
Fabulous meh fukubukuro bag
Razer Tiamat (0.5?) mono headphones
Iogear Bluetooth keyboard (do not know if it works, have to wait till I can waylay an itinerant wireless user to test it)
Sturdy Fozzie Bear mug
Wee Elvis in the army porcelain figurine treasure box with a lilliputian dog tag in the hinged base (I am ridiculously pleased with this)
Pokeman poster
iCarly planner
Thoughtful of you to put together some things instead of just cancelling the 119 extra orders. Thank you!
No motion on it since Thursday, and now it says "No estimated delivery date available at this time." Ideas?
@dariusromero try searching on the usps side and see what it says... my t-shirts had "no estimated delivery date" on the fedex website for a day or so, but showed delivered on the usps website, and they were indeed waiting for me.
The trick is to search the tracking number on your orders page via google, or if you are at the usps website add a "92" to the front of the tracking number on your orders page.
@thismyusername Thanks for the tip! I tried it out, and USPS greeted me with a big red "Not Found" error message, so they haven't gotten any info from FedEx yet.
The wait continues! Looks like I have a 14lber coming on Wednesday.
Originally my Fuku (35x16x13, 29.8lbs) was supposed to arrive Monday. Given the confetti debacles elsewhere in this discussion, I was relieved it would be a week day and I wouldn’t be home to accept the package and possibly interact with the mail person. Of course, the package arrived yesterday… I present to you this short transcript:
Me: Hi
USPS Worker: Hi, I have a large parcel for you today. You may want to open it outside, because confetti is getting everywhere.
Me: Oh, really? That's strange.
USPS Worker: Yes, here you go.
Okay, so this transcript doesn't really convey the glaring look that the mail person was giving me. Anyway, here's the list:
Meh Bag
Meh Party Hat
Lucky Spin Air Freshener
"I'm Leaving His Ass" Wine Glass
Life-Like Kong Keychain with a Confetti Coating
2 x Salacious Crumb Figures
Space Precinct Figure
Fairly Odd Parents Velvet Poster
Nick Zone Lunch Box
Marvel Heroes 3-D Sticker
Solo Backpack!
Spero 2.0!
And, if that wasn't enough...
A DC41!
It's a return to Meh, but it doesn't look like it was opened at all. It was a little dirty, but it wasn’t anything a few Grime Boss wipes couldn't handle. I put it together and it works great! Thanks Meh!!
Happy Birthday Meh!!! Congrats on a great year and building a fantastic community & customer base.
My super awesome 28lb. box finally showed up yesterday! Tape couldn't contain the awesomeness.
Had some willing assistants.
Wow what a fantastic haul!
Meh bag
Meh Birthday card to return. Awesome
Meh party hat
King Kong key chain
Space Precinct Lt Brogan Figure
Big Wheel action play set
Toy Story Talent Show Book
Empire State Bldg Money Puzzle Thing
100 piece jet puzzle
Eclipse mp3 video player
No Confetti whatsoever
Little bit of Tex Air. Not much
Party Noise Horn - Non Functioning
Rydis U60 Vacuum - Functions great
Ninja Ultima Blender! - Unfortunately DOA. Switch on base being broken. I might buy a replacement base and get this baby working cause it looks like the bomb diggity. Kinda pricey though from Ninja I found out.
Overall what a fun week and Fuku! Thank you, thank you!
@UgaDogCH Love the Pup!
@UgaDogCH If you make a slight technical adjustment to the noisemaker, it almost certainly will work. 1)Place mouthpiece in mouth; blow hard 2)If no sound emerges, rotate the mouthpiece 180 degrees and try again. The little plastic 'reed' won't play BLATTT unless it is right side up or upside down or the other way from what you first tried.
Finally back home from the mini vacation. Arrived to 5 packages, my fuku, the wife's fuku, 2 amazon packages, and a mystery Meh Package!!!!
Immediately went to the mystery box and opened it to find an ONKYO RECEIVER! So floored with excitement the wife walks in and says...why are you so excited, didn't you order one of those... Sure as shit, totally forgot to check the tracking and boom, delivered.
Thought @JonT Finally rewarded my patience...nope.
My fukubukro:
Cobra Jump starter
2 bobbleheads: Cat in the Hat and Jesse Ventura
Meh Bag
Party Hat and Card
Broken flex keyboard
Mr. Bean Activity Book
808 headphones
All in all solid, still wishing for my first big ticket item...

Next, the wife's fukubukro:
Full sized air mattress
iCarly Planner
Wedge Antilles action figure
Nick Bag
Meh hat and card
ODDLY MISSING....Meh Bag and Onkyo reciever/roomba/Dyson
Happy Birthday, Meh!
From @studerc @chaoscatapult and Charlotte
@studerc Your post made my day! I too, have forgotten things I've ordered, then flipped out when they arrived. It's fun to surprise your self.
This is what I imagined when you saw the mystery box before you realized its true nature
@sp3ar a truer gif, there is not.
@studerc why didn't you tell anyone about the wine glass "im going to leave his ass" i see it! cause I got one as well
My fuku arrived last night. It was in the 2nd batch of shipments (Tuesday AM) weighing in at just under 13 pounds.
and the two "big ticket" items:

More detail for the Star Wars ornaments, Anakin's pod with the R2 unit:

Ok, so I just went thru this whole thread again and there are a few things I have learned.
1) It's a really looooooong thread (part II anyone?)
2) you kids have received some really great and silly stuff.
3) Congrats again, Meh you are awesome!
4) and MOST importantly -

So I finalllly got around to opening mine since I was on a week long shoot when it came in.
Standard confetti/hat/jollyrancher bag/plastic skates/Alice in Wonderland diary haul... plus the Onkyo receiver!
I've actually been really needing a receiver so I was totally stoked.
Now I just still have to figure out what to do with those 1500 USB Hubs still sitting in my garage from the April 1 Fuku! (Seriously my wife is pissed... we can't park both cars in the garage until they're sold and/or my lifelong sculpture dreams are realized).
@zachary I saw them on the hook at walmart in the checkout isle the other day, I could picture that pallet of them in my mind. ;)
@zachary I assume that means you can't park your car in the garage. Her car probably takes the one remaining vacant spot.
@zachary Donate them to some unsuspecting hospital.
@MrMark Ha, yeah it does!
@eulestadt Nah, they got enough problems to deal with!
@zachary i tried to locate this picture of this 1500 usb hubs please link somebody i tried using the forum search for zachary can't find it and when I click on his name i don't see posts he posted which would be awesome when I click on peoples names please can you make this possible web devs?
@sp3ar - Here you go.
(I used Google).
@zachary Then my front porch would work just as well ;)
My fuku-ing turn!!!
A hand written meh party hat
Motorcycle toys
An Alien wall relief
Silly Surfer model
Ball bearing and magnet game from 1978
meh draw string bag
meh cooking/painting apron
10gear bluetooth keyboard/mouse combo
Size "L" leather jacket with tags
Comic proving I received a more exclusive FUKU
2 SASE birthday cards... not a typo, two (2) (guessing this is the exclusive part)
I was going to post pics, but its asking that I use an image hosting site... lets be honest, I'm lazy!!!
and an extremely pleasant exchange of wit with Erica... in the end she beat me with her air tight reasoning... next time I shall be prepared for battle
Well I'm VERY late to this party, but also VERY happy to have received the invitation! I believe I never came close to snagging a BOC even when they were worth $5. So to secure A FUKU on Meh's one year anniversary...well...I'm pleased to say the least.
When I learned last week, that I had a small package (the Fuku, that is...14x11x10 5.9 lbs) I was expecting a truly Meh experience. Well it's anything but Meh!

ICarly Planner
Cat in the Hat Bobblehead
Nickelodeon Lunch Bag
Red Queen Journal
Meh Party Hat
Meh Sase
Meh drawstring bag
A Sphero Ollie...
And a fricken OOMA!
I use and love my Ooma, but know they need to be replaced...I almost bought one last week as a backup.
Thanks, Meh, and Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday meh. I'm excited to have gotten in on another fuku, but I have to say it's truly meh. The only reason I'm disappointed in the slightest is because of the pretty cool stuff people were getting right off the bat. In any case, my fuku:
- oversold cartoon
- SASE birthday card (I'll send it back soon...)
- handmade meh birthday hat (shiny purple with handwritten meh on sticker)
- meh drawstring bag
- Lucy S&P shakers
- Sprout's Valley Adventure book and cassette tape (haven't tried it yet to see if it works)
- monkey toothbrush holder
- iogear keyboard/touchpad combo
- meep!x2 kid's tablet (holy crap this thing is worse than the garbage android tabs you can buy at walmart - my almost 4 year old wants nothing to do with it. Though it was fun to have the previous owner's account still logged in.)
Wished for more, but it's a fuku, so no complaint here! Hopefully I'll get on board next time as well.
OK, I'm disappointed with the contents of my fuku and desperately need someone to tell me I'm an ungrateful bitch because (fill in the blank) is awesome.

-Built kindle case
-alien wall relief
-gown bag
-rubber non-skid pads for furniture
-espresso maker for the stove top with broken handle
-trip glasses
-iogear bluetooth keyboard
-bag with big plastic blob under the printing
-oversold note (xeroxed)
@sammydog01 wow they still have those trip glasses from last year

@sammydog01 you're an ungrateful wench (can't call you the other) because @mfladd didn't even get one.. 😇
@mikibell Point taken, but at least he can try for @Pavlov's enhanced loser box.
@sammydog01 bet he likes being called an enhanced loser! 😉 sorry you are disappointed..mine isn't even in town yet..went right past my city..to come all the way back..
@sammydog01 @mikibell I have been called worse :)
@sammydog01 for you
@mikibell And a grateful crowd thanks you very much.
@mikibell Aww, now I feel better. Thanks!
@mikibell if you can't do it I will.

@sammydog01 (you asked)
Meh. is awesome. (but so are you :)
@mikibell Is it getting hot in here?
@beachbum Hot? You can always hose off.

@beachbum Or stand under a waterfall.

Well I received my third fuku and being as it was one of the lightest I have seen from anyone who has posted I will say I am pretty disappoint, my list is as follows:

Motorola Baby Cam(box is pretty awfully damaged wonder if it works)
'I'm going to leave his ass' Wine Glass
Cambells Soup Christmass Orniment
Kong Keychain
Lucky Spin Scents - Hawaiian Surf
Meh bday party hat
Salicious B Crumb figure
Meh Drawstring Bag
3 Bags of Texas air(cheapskates)
Sphero Ollie(does this thing really only move in inverted joystick? seriously this thing isn't an airplane or a helicopter why would I want to control it inverted? you shmucks @sphero )
and quite a lot confetti, i can only imagine the warehouse in which contained this is littered with it and will be seeing it for quite some time.
Before my box updated to that puny weight I was hoping for a receiver or even something unique, 3 out of 3 for non-unique boxes for this guy
well unless you call that cheap generic broken coffee mug from 2 fukus ago
I'll make a thread about things I want in my next fuku so you don't forget
@sp3ar 3rd Fuku's??????? WTF?

@sp3ar The Ollie was at the top of my want list- want to trade for a bluetooth keyboard? And include some confetti- I got none.
@sp3ar oh i forgot to say the self addressed and stamped birthday card, which I might add has gotten siphoned into my mothers card collection and you have been chosen a new one at random(well it had to fit the envelope cause I aint paying meh!) hope you enjoy
@mfladd you wanna hear the kicker? the last fuku i got was the 3rd and that was the one where the servers went down I didn't even check for the fuku until about 10 min before the issue was fixed

@mfladd and I would be more upset at the ability for couples double dipping fukus
@sammydog01 i know I am not grateful for the ollie but i know when to hold um know when to fold um know when to walk away know when to run
Happy Birthday Meh! I'm late to the reveal party, nearly everyone else is passed out by now but better late than never! I'm guessing I was one of the 501+ recipients the Meh crew graciously fulfilled in the over sold FUKU 5 celebration packages. This was my first FUKU and I had tried and failed previously back when these guys ran WOOT so needless to say, I'm still stupid excited and grateful!
I received in my 18x15x15 box weighing in at approx 16.5 lbs...
* 18 bags of the Infamous Texas Air
* "Birthdays Are From God" Birthday card
* A hand written note with a Meh party hat explaining they ran out of pre-printed ones so I got an extra special hand made one!
* A Meh FUKU bag. (Happy Dance!)
* Mr. Beans Holiday Activity & Sticker book.
* A "life-like" Stretchable King Kong Key Chain...happy that was clarified as I really thought it was actually a dehydrated King Kong after his travel to our BFE home in AZ!
* A Green Lantern Journal.
* A cute Thermos Insulated Lunch Bag.
* 808 Drift Earphones.
& Finally,
* A Cobra 500 Amp Jumpstarter /Powerpack complete with returned shipping label from previous recipient.
Thank You again, Meh for including us over-buyers in your 1st year celebration! I'll be wearing my Meh Birthday Shirt and FUKU bag to Vegas when we go next week with our racing team in hopes of sending new Mehtizens your way!!
@Jolara pic did not load
@mfladd I'm incompetent, I tried but failed to load the pic. :/
fuku delivered 3 hours ago. Can't wait to get home and examine the 5 lbs of goodness.

Got my Fuku today! Yeah I'm reposting this from the #mehday thread
Definitely a modicum of generosity..
-Ninja Ultima+ Blender, complete in an open box
-Kevin Dundon Burger maker (sure, why not)
-Nude move S wired portable speaker
-Cat in the Hat bobblehead
-6-pack of hangable Star Wars episode 1 pod racers
-Cars wall cover
-"Hollywood Moms" picture book
-Self addressed stamped envelope with birthday card
-Fuku bag!
-Wedge action figure (Star Wars, no Final Fantasy)
-Meh Party Hat and Noise maker
-10 Texas Air
-0 Confetti
Thanks, excellent #mehday
Thanks Meh! You all rock! I got a Sphero! This thing is the best, and the voice on the app is Brent Spiner (Data from TNG) Perfect choice!

what else?
@mfladd ha ha. Where does everyone find these amazing GIFs?
- Meh Party Hat
- Meh Bag
- iCarly Personalized Deluxe Planner
- The Red Queen
- Personalized Journal Set
- Nick Zone Case Thingy
- Kong Keychain (covered in confetti)
- Confetti
- Oh! And a cheap extendable (telescoping) LED flashlight which might actually be useful. I'm going to keep it in the car for when I need a light to shine down into the guts under the hood when I break down.
@daveJay thank you for the update! Congrats :)
re gifs: google is my friend.
My wait continues. Looks like it is coming Wednesday. Anyone else still dying with anticipation?
@bruinscbr - See the tracking thread.
@bruinscbr No... ;)

@mfladd 4 rings! #FreeBrady
@bruinscbr I agree. Witchhunt!!!!!!
@bruinscbr bruins fan?
@mfladd Of course. What gives that away?
@bruinscbr wiseass :) because I have no idea what the cbr would be. I always verify a true boston sports fan.
Even though they lost to the the Hawks in 2013, still one of my favorite vids.
@mfladd damn, now I'm all pumped up to go skate, 2 days early.
@mfladd cbr = type of motorcycle. Fun fact I was at that Toronto game. Section 307 row 14 but still counts. Actually have a picture with the stick Bergeron scored the game winner with. Found the guy in the subway that he gave it to after the game. Unreal night
@TaRDy Light'em up!
@bruinscbr sweeet! #37, baby!
Well, I'm not impressed with my Fuku compared to what I've seen on here, but it's my best one (out of two now), I think. Very Meh, indeed. I'm certainly thankful not only for the items, but for the fun of getting to open the box.
Got my Fuku and it was Awesome
got the Meh bag

a party blower
a jigsaw puzzle
2 Green Goblin dashboard suction heads
1 baseball lunchbag
1 roulette wheel car air freshner
1 necklace/earring set
1 Queen of Hearts journal set, as modeled by Lucy
1 Kevin Dunden Burger maker , Lucy wants to haz it?
and the super awesome prize
1 refurbed Ninja Blender, looks complete but will further inspect later on
but sadly no Meh hat or note explaining a lack of hat or Meh Birthday card(i must have been an oversold) but thats ok with all that I got in the box
Happy Birthday Meh and I'm looking forward to another year of mediocrity
I made a video of my findings of this fuku

But if you want to see what weird things I got well...
Ultimately, I can safely say I am happy with my purchase, I am using the fan as we speak because it is hot, and I am pretty sure it will catch on fire in the next three hours.
@jordha - Fun video. But I'm pretty sure a fan on fire kind of defeats the purpose.
Stay cool!
I'm apparently part of the first 500 (no hand drawn comic)
items in order of common mehness
- a measly three bags of finest Texas air
- lots of colorful confetti
- party noisemaker (works)
- meh party hat
- meh birthday card SASE
- wonderful meh drawstring bag
- Lt. Brogan Space Precinct figure complete with gun and ID card
- Cats Rule scrap and brag book
- The Red Queen personalized journal set
- pink Thermos insulated lunch bag with flower pattern
- Panasonic EW-DL90 Sonic Vibration Toothbrush
- Ooma Telo + BlueTooth (awesome, bought one two years ago on woot but without BT)
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Meh!!!
I still don't get it why I get gifts for your birthday, but I'm not complaining :)
My first lucky bag since the previous one was supposed to be unlucky. I am super happy. I'd trade the Ooma for a Sphero or Ollie, but huge wow factor nonetheless!!!
Mine came and there is a Meh-licopter in it and when I'm done playing with it or crash it into the lake I'll figure out how to post a picture. It's a Riviera i-Heli with a spotlight and seems to have been returned by a sad lummox who couldn't read the poorly translated instruction manual (return slip with old-timey handwriting enclosed). Wife wanted Roomba, but this thing is sweet, and I'd have never bought one (currently ~$150 online). Also got:
808 headphones
Creepy diary
Xmas decorations
Air bags
Star Wars mobile
Other Stuff to give to nieces and nephews
MEH-Licopter! $5
Tiny quadcopter: $12
Starting a Meh-r Force.
Thanks Meh!
Pretty mehxcited about this...
1 Decorative Fan
2 Bindis Really Wild Bingo Games
1 Outback 15th Anniversary Kangaroo bobble head
1 USB fan
1 Fozzie Bear mug
1 Green Lantern journal/notebook
1 Meh bag
1 Meh party hat
1 Party noise maker(untested)
1 SASE and blank birthday card
1 Plastic Viking Helmet
1 24" AOC LED Monitor
Thanks Meh!
Just like home, I can't get a Fluck
Happy Birthday Meh... (call me next year and I'll remind you that YOU are supposed to get gifts on your birthday, anyway)
Ha... after years of trying (unsuccessfully) to win some other genius boc marketing idea... and now pulling off Fukubukuro twice... my wife is a believer. Last time she wasn't all that into it but this time she opened it at work (She's the shipping addie) and just couldn't understand...
"How could you get all that for $5????"
And that would be
TEXAS AIR! I left mine bagged up in case of an emergency.
Party confetti... nice colors, very festive boxing!
Party noise maker... "let the horns sound, the Fuku is being unboxed!"
Classic Meh party hat... If you are going to play the part... look the part!
Of course, the Kickass Red Meh bag... gotta carry your booty in something and when doing it.... make a statement!
100 Piece puzzle... Gotta have something to do to get the blood pressure back down from when all the hype wears off.
A Nickelodeon "iCarly" Personal Deluxe Planner (an apple product?)... Just perfect for inventorying all of the score (ok... or maybe an awesome re-gift to one of the Grand Daughters)
A Giant Mickey Mouse Pez dispenser... gotta sugar back up after the puzzle (or... well, alright, yes, re-gift, a very careful re-gifting, ((Mickey is wearing a Dodgers hat and I live in the SF/Oakland Bay area, I value my life and good taste)
A GE LED Smart Track Security light... Double score, I wanted to buy one of these but was being frugal at the time, sorry Meh (snicker snicker)
And for the grand finale.... A Rydis H68 Pro/Plus Hybrid Robot Vacuum Cleaner!!! (Yes, that is the Party noise maker you hear in the background and colored confetti in the air) SO... JUST HOW DID Meh know I don't have carpeting??? (Probably a spy cam in the last Fukubukuro bag... gotta unpack more carefully next time... hmm, wonder what got loose this time??) I have already read some very promising reviews.... so as usual it must be said... Meh!
@Veloslave looks like you had a similar unboxing (or at least re-unboxing) ritual as I did: The party hat must be assembled, worn and the party horn must sound off before the rest of the items can be inspected. Congratulations to you on the nice haul and to meh for the birthday celebration fukus!
@Veloslave dude they gave you a cat!!??!!‽ ‽ ‽
More to come... but I will say I am I believe in the over 500 Club...
If the # has anything to do with it it's # 527 7/20 listed on the side... Which is yesterday's date... WEIRD... anyway... I did get an actual meh hat... but no over 500 cartoon. I'll do a complete posting later.
Mine just came this morning!
- Meh party hat
- noisemaker (didn't see any confetti in mine)
- sweet Fozzie Bear mug
- Cobra Jump Starter / PowerPack (looks like a return)
- Motorola Blink wifi baby monitor camera (also a return)
- Meh drawstring bag
- Jolly Rancher Watermelon bag
- IOGear bluetooth keyboard (looks new, no box, batteries included)
- Red Queen journal
- Wedge Antilles figure
- plastic viking hat (my 4yo already has claimed that)
- birthday card to send back to Meh
All in all a pretty fun package. Although I admit I'm a little jealous of you guys who got a Sphero.
Well mine finally came.
No idea how to post pictures here so I wont (you've seen them all before)
Jolly ranger watermelon carrying bag
Rydas UV-C Vacuum Cleaner (Very damaged/open box. Arrived DOA)
King kong keychain
Space Precinct 6 inch tall officer castle action figure
Cars self stick wall board
Sylvania table-top timer with motion sensor security function (Open package/damaged, taped shut no idea if it works yet)
And thats about it besides a few like 1 inch plastic lion like things.
Slightly disappointing since I think my one "big" item is DOA but oh well, Ill play again if I get the chance.
Sucks was hoping for a roomba, sphero or ninja blender all week!
@bruinscbr No Boston stuff? Pfft!
@bruinscbr The drawback to reading everyone else's score - you start to have expectations...expectations are not very Meh!
@bruinscbr Disclaimer. I don't want to sound salty or disappointed. Just wish my one big item wasn't DOA :( It happens though
@bruinscbr In the future, if you want to post an image:
1. Take a photo.
2. Upload the photo to imgur.com
3. Copy the "Direct Link (email & IM)" value they give you and paste it into the body of your message.
4. Profit
Mine arrived, hubby opened.. sounds interesting, will post list later!!

OOPs! I mean a Meh. Meh.
@mikibell p.s. need pics
Finally got home to open my first FUKU!
- Meh party hat
- Noisemaker
- Nice scoop of confetti
- Nick Zone lunch bag
- The Original BIG WHEEL Action Playset
- Marvel Heroes Swicherz
- Meh drawstring bag
- ICarly Journal and Sticker set
- A pair of mediocre socks
- AccuForce Remote Controlled Helicopter
- Sphero Ollie
- Birthday card to send back to Meh
@el_bandolero007 Congratulations to your first fuku! Have fun playing with your Ollie and your Heli!!!
As much as I wanted one of those draw string bags, and as bummed as I was to miss the fuku by a few seconds, it's awesome to see how good they all are.
I'm definitely down for missing a fuku every once and awhile if it means everybody who gets one gets cool stuff.
You know.. as opposed to seeing 10,000 people get unused (re-used?) wedding gifts.
(eta I tried to make a hashtag but failed)
@Chops I can send you a drawstring bag if you want. I got one in the last fuku and another one in this fuku and don't really use them.
@metaphore Appreciate the offer! If I can't get one by the next fuku I might have to take you up on that :)
just arrived today! 21.4 lbs of true meh-ness.
Meh drawstring bag (highlight of the box)
iCarly planner
birthday card
sprout's adventure book with accompanying cassette tape
king kong keychain
green shiny hat with hand written meh
over 500 letter
kevin dundon burger maker
23.6" AOC ultra slim monitor, very dead on arrival
pics pending
@jalopatin I got one of the AOC monitors too. Mine would come on and then start flickering after a few minutes. I took a chance and bought a new A/C adapter for it. Works perfectly now!! It might be worth a shot if yours is doing something similar.
Arrived yesterday and includes:
Meh drawstring bag
birthday card
oversold note
pink birthday hat
pepper mill
I love lucy salt and pepper shakers
king kong stretch keychain
alarm clock that projects time on the wall
bluetooth keyboard
silly surfer hodad making a scene
28in UHD monitor, looked broken but no power cord and half the stand is missing
Got the monitor to work, popped open the bezel and as I was looking at the main circuit board noticed a ribbon cable unplugged. Connected and started just fine. Had to improvise on the stand, however.
Belated unboxing post, motivation-to-finally-post story at the end.
Arrived Saturday, box was about 3 feet high. Previous meh purchase for scale.

It contained:

1 Hamilton Beach Flexbrew Coffee Maker
1 Bindi's Bingo game (which has one last unsettling laugh 20 minutes later when it turns itself off)
1 burger specific grill
1 ceramic hanging seahorse
1 Wicked Witch of the West (as a cow) snowglobe
1 Green Lantern notebook
Small cat for scale

And finally, after texting a pic I had forgotten about to @marklog, his immediate response was "are you posting this or am I?" so here we have the friendly ultimatum:
Damn it...
My Fuku came on Saturday. I normally post as soon as I open, but settled for "as soon as I can" since this weekend I was at BOTH Foo Fighter Concerts at Fenway Park. I was sporting my Fuku bag and even ran into someone that lurks the forums (shout out to him - although I couldn't hear his sn and figured it would be rude asking a third time)
...anyhow I was as excited as a kid on Christmas morning as seen in the video I had my girl shoot below:
(that's my cat, she too loves boxes)
Absolutely epic. I don't think this can be topped. Love you Meh - your belated card was just mailed out.
Here's everything in one pic:
-Tear-off photocopied note (too many fukus! thanks to Meh for still honoring the orders)
-Self addressed and stamped birthday card to Mediocre
-Himalayan Breeze Decorative Fan
-Edward Scissorhands CD Case
-Eragon Lunchbox
-King Kong Keychain
-Lion themed dollar store jewelry
-Fuku string bag
-Neato XV-21
-Custom Meh. Birthday Hat
-10 bags of Texas air
@TheAlmighty1 Your video made me smile. I loved how enthusiastic you were over everything in the box. It's nice to see people actually appreciate the stuff Meh sends instead of complaining about it.
@TheAlmighty1 I wanted so much to give you a star for your post but I cannot do it because I find vertical videos so annoying. Congrats on the Neato. I'm waiting for a good deal on one of those. My Rooma just cannot clean the whole house with the random movements.
@cengland0 I too was disappointed in my girl for shooting a vertical movie. I will forward the PSA via Glove n Boots
Dear meh:
I was pretty sure my fuku would be relatively meager since it seems like one of the last.
I’m really sad I didn’t get a pet, so many in the pictures and they look like fun.
But, here are my prizes:
❤ Sphero 2.0 – Sadly won’t work with my phone, but it’s going to a good home. My son’s b’day is next month and he will love it,
❤ Cobra jump starter power pack – could have used this a couple of weeks ago when I left the dome light on overnight. I’m sure I’ll need it again,
❤ Collectible soup kid ornament,
❤ Alice in Wonderland Red Queen journal set,
❤ iCarly deluxe planner with bonus stickers,
❤ Wedge Antilles guy
❤ card, noisemaker, meh birthday hat
❤ Plenty of confetti
❤ Texas air, bubble wrap, and disguised as extra dunnage, some top secret documents that may be diagrams of the headquarters. Mwa ha ha ha.
Thanks so much for the Happy Birthday, meh!
Pictures, maybe.
The Package:
• Dimensions 22x16x15 in.
• Weight 6.5 lbs / 2.95 kgs
I had a feeling I was in for a disappointment the moment my tracking information updated with a shipping weight of 6.5 lbs.
Standard Loot
• 41 Bags of Texas air
• A Fukubukuro bag.
• Cartoon cat birthday card /w SASE
• 2x xerox of note explaining the following items
• A "custom” over sold party hat
• NO party noisemaker.
• NO Confetti
Unique Loot:
• Sprint LG 4g Case
• Edward Scissorhands Photo Album
• Mario Super Sluggers Wall Graffix
• A Single JP Penny Home collection Pillow Case (White with Doily Pattern)
• IOGEAR Bluetooth Keyboard /w Touchpad (Including 2x AA Batteries)
• iLuv 1.3 MP Webcam (Is it 1998 again?)
• TV Ears (Dr. recommended ”Marriage Saving” headset )
The "best" Item in the box is an as seen on TV type product that didn't make the cut for a paid commercial spot. I believe I LOST money on this celebratory box. I would say this doesn't even live up to its "meh" namesake. Truly disappointing.
I can honestly say I want my $5 back.
UPDTE: I have decided to donate the unwanted items to charity.
@vermifuge Dude... I wish I had seen that you had the mario wall graffiti, if you were donating that, I would have paid more than $5 to send that my way... Probably $5 + shipping ;)
Just got mine today.
Meh Drawstring bag
Self-Addressed meh envelope
Custom-made Meh hat and note
iCarly deluxe planner
Green Lantern Journal
Thermos Pink and Green Insulated lunch bag
Fozzy Bear Coffee mug
Mooresplint Synthetic Roll splint
IOgear Bluetooth keyboard with touchpad.
An Empty Citizen Eco-Drive Watch Box.
All in all, Pretty mehtastic!
Will get some use out of the Mug and Keyboard for sure.
iCarly is one of my faves, and the Green Lantern journal will be host to my Ryan Reynolds fanfic.
The best was when I opened the watch box. I was like "I guess I could use a watch, professional folks use them!" Then I opened it and was like "OH MEH! You so funny!" after seeing it was empty. Well not completely empty. It came with instructions on how to set it! So if you guys need your Citizen Eco-drive watch set: i'm the guy!
@LazyZombie I guess I got a similar one... This was the thing that I got most excited for then most disappointment for:

A TV tuner... With a hand written note on it... No tv tuner, usb extension cable, and an attachment for the antenna... and instructions... Other than that the whole haul is:
some kind of pop cardboard puzzle from 1995.
Meh hat
Bluetooth keyboard (PC layout)
Campbells ornament
planes puzzle
a Motorola baby camera clearly a return HAven’t tested yet.
Pink Lunch box
big Wheel toy
Meh Bag
SASE envelope…
and the already mentioned TV tuner missing tv tuner.
@sohmageek @JonT Why do I have the sneaky suspicion that you (or Mediocrebot) were behind the tv tuner missing the tv tuner... and the no cartoon... ;)
My fuku arrived Saturday, but too many kids to post sooner than right now. Here's my list:
NO Confetti
I'm very psyched about the faucet, which will fit nicely with the impending kitchen renovation - have you guys been putting surveillance equipment in all the meh packages that get delivered here? It even looks like all of the parts are included. Hopefully, it works.
A very sincere thank you to the guys and gals @meh! Happy birthday and here's hoping for many more years of mediocre success.
mine arrived today!
meh bag
sase envelope/card
trike playset
king kong key chain
christmas ornament
noisemaker (purple)
weirdos model
meh party hat
some gloves?
and a home medics back massager! nice!
but sadly, no confetti.....
I have a FuKu unveiling - that's right. You people can keep your Roombas, Spheros, Dysons, Ninjas, etc. I have the best FuKu of all.
A FuKu sent by @pepsiwine just to be charitable. My kids loved them and appreciated that you thought of them.
Think of this next time you complain about your FuKu.
Thank you @pepsiwine!
@mfladd what cuties!
@beachbum Thanks. I love the little monsters.
@mfladd This makes me SO SO SO SO SO happy!!!
And if I'd known it was your birthday, I'd have included something special for you, too.
Your kids are AWESOME!! (SO adorable!)
Who knew a Fuku could spread so much joy!
And a big thanks to Meh (i.e. @JonT & the others) for its unique role in facilitating the inter-community sharing of cheer!
Maybe Mediocre's next experiment should be WORLD PEACE!!!
@pepsiwine you're awesome! Thanks again!
Here's what I got:
Thanks Meh!!! Happy Birthday!!
Got mine today:
@bieghe bastard.
We know Hollywood Mom's book is going on the nightstand.
Contents of my Oversold Fuku
Meh Drawstring bag
Custom-made Meh hat and note
Self-Addressed Meh envelope with birthday card
Green Lantern Journal
Life-Like Kong key chain
2 Elvis Presley In the Army Figures
Hero Shield for iPhone 5
Kevin Dundon Burger Maker
Broken Meep!X2 Tablet - Screen is all static when turned on and does not work
Best part of the Fuku was explaining to my son why I got a broken tablet that he desperately wanted to play with. Thanks Meh for the custom oversold Fuku. My kids are making birthday cards to send back in the SASE. Happy Birthday and keep up the good work!
Got mine yesterday, doesn't compare to what my co-worker (@bieghe) got in his first fuku, but still overall can't be upset.
First glimpse at the box (not sure why it is a little blurry):

Note about how I get custom Meh hat instead of those factory made 500 elite club ones.

Spread of the haul:

OK not to seem ungrateful here, but seriously, I can't afford another neoprene case.
Why? I drive to work every day with my last box that had 30 to start (now down to 25) in my back seat.
The damn thing haunts me when I look in the rear view mirror.
I got another 4 during fuku 4, so yeah, I'm back up to 30, damnit!!
This has to stop!
Otherwise, Saul Good-man
@TaRDy It still amazes me that someone at meh took the time to write all these notes.
(they are photocopies as far as my proofing skills can ascertain)
@TaRDy what? well now I am joking - bastards! I was giving them the benefit of the doubt since I have never seen one up close. I am so naive at times.
@TaRDy did you get a lantern from meh? I don't see any other explanation than a spy cam. They had to know that you were still sitting on a box of neoprene cases. Why else would you be getting another neoprene case? Somehow the dwindling of your neoprene case supply must have leaked.
Who wants to sell me their Roomba for dirt cheap? I've got 4 kids, a cat, and a dog. Thank goodness the fish died. It will go to good use. Better to collect dust actively in my house than passively in yours?
@n8mack33 try for the 790. It rocks with pet hair.
@n8mack33 "Thank goodness the fish died." - That cracks me up!
Started new thread for reveals as this is getting ridiculously long to load:
@ceagee Thank you. It was getting to look like @Terpies Texas air.
@ceagee I'll copy-paste over to there! I don't know how to read....
I finally got my box! Watch video for temporary entertainment. Read list for spoilers.
-Meh party hat
-Empire State Building model
-Turntable with USB Encoding (no idea what that means)
-Fuku bag with mystery Asian writing
-Blank happy birthday card
-Party noise maker
-Big Wheel tricycle wheel customizer
-Paratrooper puzzle
-Campbell’s Christmas ornament
-Cat in the Hat bobblehead
-2 human neck-replicas
-Mystery thing I can’t figure out
@janetv That was really funny. Thanks for posting the video.
@ACraigL Glad someone got a laugh! I tend to get...really...bored.
@janetv I think it is an earring display holder. Goes along with displaying necklaces on the human neck replicas...
I was so excited when I heard that my 1st fuku came that I couldn't wait to get home from work to open it.
I got:
Fuku bag
Hershey's chocolate journal
King Kong keychain
Kellogg's ornament
A broken decorated fan
And a 23in monitor.
I was so happy about the monitor because I had a monitor that recently stopped working. But unfortunately I discovered that it was DOA (wouldn't power on) :-(
I guess the bag, journal, keychain, and ornament was worth $5.. I'll just recycle the new monitor with the other broken one I guess.
Thanks meh
@marycohara I've noticed that some people have said the were issues with the monitor's power cords. Might want to see if yours would work with a new cord.
@PurplePawprints thanks for the info! Will look into it!
@marycohara In case you didn't try it, I got the monitor as well. Mine had a different issue, but the manufacture honored the warranty and is repairing it now. I suggest you give it a try!
I would like to thank the person who sent their Roomba back to Meh as DOA. I thought it was DOA too, kept getting error codes left and right, but I did due diligence on it. There was some fur inside the battery compartment. Cleaned that out and now it's humming along nicely.
@Collin1000 We got ours working, too! There was a bit of corrosion in the battery compartment. My husband cleaned it and it charged and worked perfectly.
So I bought a Bag of Crap off Woot recently and after seeing all these posts I realize I made a huge mistake. :(
It really was crappy.... I guess I should have known better. :(
@TheFlameCrow misery loves company, join us:
The last horse crosses the finish line (aka depression is fun kids!)
I recieved:
1x Fukurobukuro Bag
1x Party Whistle
1x Meh Party Hat
7345x Pieces of Confetti
1x Space Precinct 2040 Lieutenant Brogan Action Figure
6x Star Wars Episode 1 Pod Racer Danglers
1x DBZ GT VHS Tape
1x Beebop Bluetooth Speaker
1x Adult Sexy Snow Bunny Costume that my fat ass will never fit into
1x Citizen Eco-Drive Men's watch
So a very belated thank you from me Meh. I finally drug myself together long enough to have the motivation to make the post about it, and I'm sorry it took so long.
@Tiamat114 Depression sucks! Been there, hated it. Hope you're doing better.
@Tiamat114 - Ugh, been there as well. Hope you're able to talk to someone.
@Tiamat114 huge thanks for posting! Depression is a very hard thing to deal with and it's important to recognize every victory and step forward. Hope you enjoy the watch and hang in there. <3
I received:
Sorry for the late post, painting some rooms in my house and finally finished. Tried putting the meh party hat on my puppy, but he was scared by it... This was my first fukubukuro so I'm happy with it. My only gripe was that the Xpress Platinum was in an open box and covered in dust and it makes a rattling noise when shaking gently; not sure if it's safe to use.