Win my ENHANCED Fuku 5! (CLOSED)
43My Fuku 5 arrived today, it was 18x16x15 in. and 8.8 pounds.
The last fukubukuro I scored (Fuku 4) was over the top awesome, my son still uses his Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 to this very day! The fukobukuro (the unlucky bag) I snagged on April 1st was great too . . . This last one, well . . . I was obviously in the "orders over 500" club, and although there is one really nice Bluetooth item in there (and another nice item which may or may not work - it is obviously a retail return), the rest of the box is kind of "meh" - but you know what - that's totally okay - I'm not at all complaining - in fact, to me, and I really mean this - that drawstring bag alone is absolutely worth the price of admission! Wear that sucker out in public and wait and see. Those people that know that bag, well they really KNOW that bag, and they'll come up to you, and as fast as a sneeze through a screen door, you've just made a new Meh friend for life!
However, after much discussion, my family and I aren't going to use the items contained in the Fuku 5 which was delivered today - they just aren't a good fit for us - and further proof that this Fuku thing is completely and totally random (and, like I said, I've already got a red Fuku drawstring bag)!
So, it occurs to me, that with the number of Fuku 5 offered being so few, and with so many Mehtizens missing out, I'd like to take this opportunity to give my Fuku 5 away to someone that might enjoy it by holding a(nother) forum contest.
I've stripped the box of one item, and one item only - and that is the birthday card - I will however, include instructions in the box so that you may send your own card to Meh, if you so desire. The red Fuku bag and all other items that were shipped by Meh are included.
To add to the fun, I've included over $200 (retail) worth of goodies to the box. These are brand spanking new items in unopened retail packaging guaranteed to function and please. There's something included to help you charge up your day, and something to help you slice through red tape - and a few more awesome surprises! You'll be happy, unless you're just really a curmudgeon, in which case I doubt you'll enter this contest anyway . . .
So, here are the instructions:
Open a drawing program like Microsoft Paint (Mac users, download Sketchbook Express [free] or another similar program) and HAND DRAW Meh a belated birthday "card". That's right kiddos, we're going to get out the coloring books. And, no, we don't have to stay within any lines. After you've drawn your "card", save it and then upload it to any number of free image hosting services and post a link to it by replying to this post. (If you need further instructions on how to accomplish this, Google is your friend and truly, this is really easy - if you get stuck, ask @JonT for help [you see what I did there?]). I'd assume that this thread is going to look like an elementary school classroom wall when we're done - and that's really the desired outcome!
Here are the rules:
- One entry per username. Take your time. Do your best.
- Your submission MUST be completely HAND DRAWN - no photos, no fonts - be creative! Be colorful - let your imagination soar!
- You cannot WIN if you were lucky enough to have scored a Fuku 5 (and I'll know, I'll ask Meh to cross reference the winner's username and mailing address with the Fuku 5 orders) - but you may enter a drawing for fun!
- Draw whatever you like - the only rule on content is that there is no rule.
- You must post your "card" to this thread no later than midnight CDT Friday, July 24th.
- Winner will be by voting - that's right - the "card" with the most stars wins. Vote for yourself, I don't care - if that one vote puts you over the top, do it. Vote for as many or as few "cards" as you like.
- Voting ends at midnight CDT on Sunday, July 26th. The entire community has two days from the last "card" posted for discussion and to continue to vote for their favorite(s).
- Have fun!
I'll post instructions to the winner in the thread after voting ends on how to claim the Fuku.
Ready, set - DRAW!
- 41 comments, 141 replies
- Comment
I almost forgot - a HUGE SHOUT OUT to @Kidsandliz for blazing the trail and offering the guiding idea for this contest! If you'd like to use a service / program to create a moving image such as that found in her thread, feel free! Hand Drawn is the key rule!
@Pavlov So does this count as my entry? Can I get honorary extra votes for being the inspiration? LOL Not only is this hand drawn, I did it with my finger on a trackpad. Not only that because it is a flipbook I had to draw it over and over. Took me ages.
@Kidsandliz If you would like this to be your entry, repost it in the thread and claim it under your username as your "official" entry - or - submit something different. It is totally up to you! I wouldn't count this post as your "official" entry.
@Pavlov OK. I will decide later then as to whether or not I can do another one for this contest. Mostly is going to depend on how much spare time I have - of course we have all learned in the past that those who post first get more votes so it might just be wise to go with this even though it isn't snarky clever as the winning one is likely to be.
I am adjuncting online (while trying to find full time employment again (I was let go for being too expensive for their health insurance) and they not only redid the class (and they screwed that up royally including putting assignments in the wrong weeks) but rolled out a new interface (that I am reasonably sure we are doing the pre beta test beta testing for them - OMG what a mess it is) and I am up to my ears with time consuming issues with that class/students.
I was really upset earlier that they cancelled one of my two sections due to low enrollment as I really, really need that money to pay next month's health insurance (I don't make enough for a subsidy and I am on my 3rd cancer, donor fatigue in my gofundme blah blah blah bring on the 144th scale violins) but right now I am glad I am not teaching two sections due to all the problems. Students are pissed and I don't blame them. I am pissed too.
I also have to move out of this basement by the end of the month as those people are moving out of state (no idea where I will go next) so am busy packing stuff back up and trying to cram it into the storage unit the rest of what I own that is already jammed in there. And applying for jobs... I feel like I am working 60 hour weeks and I only have a part time job LOL
@Kidsandliz I intentionally closed the submissions two days before the contest ends so people would have more of a chance to look through all the cards and perhaps vote more a bit more evenly this time. Also, this one takes a bit longer to participate in and in some ways a bit more effort - so the submissions may come in more slowly depending on how creative people want to be . . . I hope you enter and I'm certain you'll get votes!
@Pavlov Good plan.
you give me faith in humanity @Pavlov
But, but......I have no skills :(I will just vote) BUT, @Pavlov rocks with his generosity!
@mfladd Everyone can draw SOMETHING - give it a try! Don't be shy!
@mfladd Listen I have no skills either. Why do you think I used that flip book program I found online? Mine looks like a little kid drew it but the animation makes it look like, at least to me, an explosion of happiness at the end. I drew it with my index finger on a track pad. Probably took me 1.5 hours as I had to draw over an over each page so the writing would continue to show up. That flip book is about 40 or so pages long. Likely I should have done about 5 or so more of the final page, but there was so much on that page and it took so long to do it, and it was after midnight so I ran a preview of it for the billionth time, decided it was meh enough and went to bed. : )
@medz Nothing says crappy like a freshly laid turd.
Never draw to an inside straight.
I'm not entering your contest (it is a very nice thing for you to do, @Pavlov). I just want to wish Meh a very Happy Birthday.
Whew, that was hard to draw! (I'm sorry it's so big).
@Barney Thank you Barney, for drawing in my thread.
Aw, @Pavlov, you're such a good guy.
While I appreciate your contest and thanks for holding it, I have to wonder about the value of the fuku if you are in the over 500 club. I mean you're adding $200 of retail value to the box because either you're just that great a guy or Meh was just that bad on the Fuku 5 overage when they filled them. I'm not wanting to start shit, or take away from what you're doing but I'd bet that those in the over 500 club won't get anything near like haul that the 500 fuku that they planned for get and that the difference is more than noticeable. It seems to be from the other thread.
@dweeb WTF? he is just that great a guy. It's just a fun contest.
@dweeb I know my box was in the "over 500" club because of the photocopied note that was included. The contents of the Fuku I received were much more in step with a normal Fuku offering (looking back at past threads) and no, to be frank, my box was not nearly on the same "level" (for lack of a better word) as those that were in the obviously advanced planned 500 birthday Fuku. THAT SAID, I certainly wasn't disappointed, it was still a more than decent Fuku - it just doesn't quite fit with me or my family - but there is value there, and it is obviously more than the $5 (plus shipping) paid.
Admittedly, I added the additional items (hence my stating this is an enhanced Fuku) to bring the box more in line with the other boxes being reported in the reveal thread, because 1) I can afford to, and 2) I want to make someone that didn't get a Fuku 5 really happy, and 3) Yeah, I'm that cool - thanks. Plus, I wanted to make sure that we'd get a lot of entries because 4) I really just like Meh that much and they work hard and deserve the birthday wishes.
However, I'd wager I could have this contest for the red drawstring bag alone and probably get just as many entries.
I hope you draw a card and enter! Have fun! There's no charge if you win!
@dweeb Wait, what? He's giving this stuff away, what's your point? He's not charging anyone for it.
For spit's sake....
@dweeb Maybe I'm misunderstanding your post, but Pavlov genuinely is a great guy and you can trust him to run the contest as promised. I won his last contest and he made sure he arranged for the prize to be distributed even after being hit with a fucking roof. That to me is some serious dedication and integrity.
@Starblind I think that his comment would have been better placed in a different thread if he had concerns about the "quality" of the Fuku as a whole in Fuku 5 (or the 500 versus the over 500 issue) - but I understand his concerns and hope I've answered his question - and that he'll draw a card! If he wins, he'll be delighted!
@Pavlov No good deed goes unpunished - isn't that what we say?
Meh was nice to honor all those extra orders and eat the loss rather than cancel them. As far as I can tell the over 500 club has more or less a "normal" fuku.
I think the goal here is to have us make a bunch of birthday cards for meh, people weren't posting in the thread I started so (I am presuming anyway) @Pavlov resurrected the intent of my thread with a new twist to make that happen (so thanks for that Pavlov).
I have gotten every fuku so far except this one (I apparently am a robot). I have a number of things from those fukus that I have no use for and while I have sold some, others have not sold. If you are willing to pay postage I will be glad to send you that stuff. The retail value is probably about $150-200 or so. I am running out of time to sell these things and I don't have room to store them. I have to be out of here by the end of the month and so every single thing I want to keep has to be either in the almost full storage unit or in my car. Shoot me an email at my user name at yahoo dot com if you are interested.
Just to give you an idea of the value of the Fuku I did receive, @dweeb, I just looked up one of the items in my box which was placed there by Meh - it is brand new and retails for $79.95 and sells on Amazon today - right now - for $61.27.
It was a more than decent Fuku - it just wasn't a fit for my family. There were some items in there that were just "meh" - but as with all Fuku - there always are . . . The added items are a bonus from me to bulk it up and have a fun contest.
Now let's all DRAW!
@dweeb Why even bring this up? Let someone just be nice. Damn.
@pavlov Why are you so good to the community? Is this an attempt to be locked up in the mental... all for more nurses... I mean come on! I'll give you a secret... The nurses on the psych wings aren't there by choice, and usually have to be strong enough to help the patients up... ;)
All Joking aside. Awesome idea! It's sad that Meh oversold and had to come up with them on the fly. I have a feeling... Just looking at weight alone, mine is in the same boat... but then again whatever, it's $5 spent, and it's a lot of fun. And at worst, I found out I won 2 contests over the past week... All I'll say is @JonT there better be a card in there... Just saying... I've seen what people got... as long as there is 1 speck of confetti and a card... If not Pavlov send me the info for the card alone ;) I have something I've been saving up for them... evil laugh
@sohmageek A) I'm as nutty as Rocky Road and B) I'm sure you'll get a birthday card - and I'll guarantee that there's more than $5 value in that box!
@Pavlov I'm sure there is too, I just wonder... and the excitement is killing me... It's in Pa now... which means there is a chance that it may hit the destination city over the weekend... but they don't deliver on the weekends... so Monday-Wednesday...
Hey @Pavlov please shoot me an email at my user name at yahoo dot com. I know you posted one using your alias once in a thread but I can't find that thread. Thanks.
@Kidsandliz My email for general Mehness is:
@Pavlov Thanks. Check your inbox there in a few minutes.
@Pavlov So tempting to send random email.. After reading it however I realize it's babbling and needing to not be sent... :)
@sohmageek LOL - Okay - go draw a card - you can still enter (But it'll have to be someone that didn't get the Fuku 5 to win)!
@Pavlov Bit slower than I thought I'd be. Just sent it.
@Kidsandliz I got it - I'll reply later tonight. : )
@trippymeh Hey, no one said it would be easy.
@ACraigL Needs an edit - I thought we were wishing meh happy birthday... your card made me laugh though
@Kidsandliz I can't win anyway, because I scored a Fuku. I just thought everyone (including Pavlov) would like the sentiment.
@ACraigL Thank you - I do like it, and the sentiment also.
@Kidsandliz MY birthday is the 21st - so I think that is where this may have been aimed.
@pavlov I won't be entering as I did score a Fuku this round but I just wanted to say this is really awesome of you!
@tinkertime Thanks! Although, you can still draw a card if you like!
Hey @Pavlov, I love that in your recovery, your generosity and wicked sense of humor are what is coming most to the forefront. We as a community are damned lucky to have you the mrs here. Thanks for being awesome.
Thank you for being @tHumperChick.
@jaremelz Awesome!
@Pavlov Thanks! And you're a class act, for a freak. I mean that in the best way.
I can't draw, but I love MEH!
@tlaughner I love Meh too!
Nice. I scored a Fuku, so I'm out, but still...nice
So I just spent an hour and a half on this. About a half-hour in I thought "This is a really irresponsible use of my time, I have to get up in 6 hours." Forty-five minutes in I thought "Why am I even doing this? Do I really want that Fuku? Ok, yeah." Fifteen minutes later. "God, DO I? What am I doing with my life?" Ten minutes after that. "I'm now too invested in this to give up. This picture is too important to me right now."
Eventually I got there.
I took progress photos because when I started I thought "LOL NOBODY WILL BELIEVE I DREW THIS HAR" but it didn't turn out as awesome as I'd pictured because I couldn't find my tablet so I had to draw everything with my mouse.
I used photoshop but I hand-did everything, from the background to the shadow. The only thing I did that was "cheating" I think is that I used a brush texture to make the random sketchy texture lines on the background but like CUT ME SOME SLACK OK GOD
so anyway here's wonderwall
@HELLOALICE boy did art school pay off, am I right? god please someone like this and validate my efforts
@HELLOALICE ^liked! Great Job!
@HELLOALICE Efforts validated.
@HELLOALICE Well, we've all lost. Great job, take my star!
thanx guys. I feel better about my life choices. Time for bed.
@jaremelz Ha! this is why I didn't play.

@HELLOALICE Wowza! Great job!
@HELLOALICE Wow! That's impressive!
@Pavlov should you disqualify her for being too good? I mean Holy Shit!
@mfladd That's the thing, the best drawn might not get the most votes - I mean, this is great, don't get me wrong - but someone might come up with a different take on things that gets more votes - we'll see!
Also - I'm betting there are quite a few of us Mehtizens out there that can DRAW! Let's keep going! No matter the level of artistry, Meh will enjoy every single one!
@Pavlov I am keeping an open mind but....damn!
My comments keep getting nibbled up. Here's my last ditch effort.
Well, I'm glad it worked. I fired up the ol' clip studio 5 and realized that maybe I should take some classes or something, yeesh.
@vududahl I like it!
@vududahl Haha, that is a wonderful Glen.
This is truly less than mediocre!

@2many2no That's about on par with what I could do - I like it!
Wow you guys are much better than anything I can make but I made a half "ass" attempt!

@StrangerDanger try again - didn't load.
@mfladd Damn flickr
@StrangerDanger Huh, there doesn't seem to be a way to escape image URLs in mehdown. seems to be the direct URL if you add .jpg to the end. Didn't want to paste it in myself and have any possible confusion over whose it is…
@StrangerDanger Try again !

@brhfl Seems to work. Thanks!
@StrangerDanger awesome!
@StrangerDanger Awesome - simply awesome.
OK so I am formally adding mine to the voting list. If you thought you voted for it up in Pavlov's shout out list please realize that won't count for a vote. It is not snarky, clever, witty like some of these. It is just a card that I hoped would make them feel happy - the confetti fire works explosion in the last frames was meant to show that we are happy they made it to their first birthday.
@Kidsandliz Yay! You entered! Woohoo!
I don't think I have the same feelings as everyone else...
@Kevin Oh but legally they are considered a "person"... LOL
Thanks for the entry!
Ok, @Pavlov - I at least had to attempt it for you. It's sad, but it's all I got.

@mfladd I'm certain @JonT likes it - in a disturbing kind of way. I do.
@DrunkCat Thanks for the entry - I like those whiskers.
@Pavlov I've used that "signature" for so long I don't care how much they make me cringe.
lucky bastiches i feel it would of been luckier to not get the fuku 5 with this contest..... especially one of the lightest of the fukus.....
@sp3ar Please - let's leave these discussions to a different thread. I know there is a disparity in the recent Fuku - everyone knows - but I'd really like to remind everyone that the golden rule of Fuku is we "get what we get and we don't throw a fit" - I'm not accusing you of doing that - and I feel ya, I really do - but let's leave it to a different thread please and let this one be filled with cards. In every Fuku there is value.
Thank you.
@Pavlov last word
Thank you.........
@sp3ar You're welcome ; )
Now stay away from my zip-lock bags!
(not everyone is going to get that joke)
@Pavlov no you're welcomer and the bags are already in the trash
@KMakato Love it- thanks!
@Pavlov Hope you're doing okay!
@KMakato I'm doing much better thanks - hope to be back to 100% early this autumn.
Update 7-17:
Currently, @HELLOALICE (find the caps lock key, k? K.) is in the lead, but I have a feeling we've got a few more great artists out there - post your "cards" - don't be shy!
@StrangerDanger is in the running for a Fuko for showing us Irk's ass (literally).
Thanks so much for all your great artwork! Keep 'em coming!
ADDITIONAL PRIZE ADDED: Following a recent email exchange, I have agreed that we're going to add a prize. That's right - @Pavlov's favorite "card" will also get a nice little box shipped to them - so in addition to the Enhanced Fuku 5 that will be decided by votes (stars), there will be a "mini" Fuku ($100+ retail value) awarded by me to my favorite "card" (sorry, no drawstring bag). And since I comment on everyone's submission, and star them all, you're not going to know which one I choose until I choose it - so GET THOSE CARDS DRAWN! (All previously stated rules remain).
And yes, I'm toying with filling a box with Fuko for @StrangerDanger for proudly displaying Irk's ass - but we'll have to wait and see.
So now that there are TWO GUARANTEED PRIZES and you can bet 'yer butt I'm not an art critic, GET TO DRAWING! I'm pretty sure my favorite will be based on creativity and ingenuity!
@JonT, if you think updating my OP with this modification would help bring in the submissions that's cool - if not, I understand also. They'll find it.
@Pavlov A tip of my hat to you. You are a gentlemen and a scholar.
@mfladd Or just plain crazy.
@Barney Well, that too.
@Pavlov I wouldn't be surprised if Kidsandliz wins favorite; after all, she inspired the whole thing :D
@HELLOALICE I suspect he will be fair and pick which one he actually likes best (if the one he likes best doesn't get the most votes). After all there are some very clever people on this forum and we haven't even begun to see all the entires yet. Plenty of days left.
@Kidsandliz I don't play favorites - I will be picking the one I truly find most entertaining. I do hope to see a lot more entries!
@helloalice he says he doesn't play favorites
@Kidsandliz Thank you, kids, I do see the comment just above yours. If it wasn't clear, I am rooting for you to get favorite since your image is the one that inspired the whole contest. Also, animation takes a lot of patience.
@HELLOALICE Took me a while (like 1.5+ hours). Over 40 frames and I had to keep redrawing the entire thing with my finger. Thanks for rooting for me.
@Kidsandliz What did you use to make it? An app?
@HELLOALICE Not an app (I don't have a smart phone) a free online flipbook. If you right click on the image (or on a mac use the control key to copy the link) that will take you to my flipbook there, then just back up the url until you get to where you can create your own. I did it as a guest as it wasn't letting me create an account. As a guest you get 100 frames. I used around 40-50 making this. It saves it to their website with whatever user name you want it to use. I just used that url to post it here.
It's a fun diversion.
I'm a geezer now, so the whole "birthday" thing is annoying. Keepin' it simple.
Vote for me. You have to go old school to see my work.
Maybe you don't need to see it after all. Just pick me.
No strings or psychodrama involved.
Many Happy No Returns of the day
@mfladd Thanks for the embed - @kathologist, thanks for the entry!
@Pavlov and thanks to you for commenting :)
@kathologist I am responding.
@Pantheist An entry in the true spirit of being Meh if ever there was one. Thanks!
@Pavlov thanks for running the contest :) Fun looking at all the entries
C'mon everyone - where are all the entries? If even I could make one (sad as it was) - anyone can!

Make @Pavlov proud.
@mfladd They don't like my little contest . . . I think I'll go eat worms. But seriously, I wonder if it may have been a little too difficult, and I probably shouldn't have mentioned it was a Fuku oversell box.
I dunno. We'll see what happens - live and learn. All I know for certain is that someone (@HELLOALICE is currently leading in the voting) is getting a really nice box for their efforts.
@Pavlov Don't eat worms, most of us are ineligible.
@Pavlov Perhaps, on the hard part. But it wasn't that hard if I could do it. As for what someone is getting (fuku oversell) It shouldn't be about what you get - just that you are getting something and that it is fun (I am all about fun). I appreciated your effort, and I think most other people did too - even if they didn't put in an entry (get off your lazy asses and try it - hmpf! And I will keep bumping this thread until you do :)
@mfladd You're pushing my technology envelope. Now if I could use crayons and take a photo...

@sammydog01 We'll do the "take a picture of a drawing" thing next time - probably a better idea. I thought it would be funny to see the images drawn with a mouse, not a lot of people own a Wacom (drawing tablet with stylus). However, given that many people access Meh from only a tablet (iPad, etc.) I suppose if you would like to draw with your finger on the screen, that would be okay! Not to mention that only 619 members are ineligible.
@Pavlov Even though I was clearly out-awesomed (sash, it's a thing now, I'm making it a thing) in the drawing department, I love that you did this. It was fun just being considered and I love that you did something so generous and light hearted. And it was easy to do something, there are apps galore! C'mon, dance monkeys, mama wants to be entertained!
@mfladd I'd love to enter... just for the phun... but I'm saving it for something I have in mind...

@sammydog01 Thanks for the drawing!
@sammydog01 yes! Great JOB!!!
@sohmageek ooh, can't wait for that one either.
@jaremelz sorry, but the train just makes me think of this.
@jaremelz Aww, that's sweet (wait that wasn't meant FOR me - ok awkward ;)~
@mfladd If you'd like... E-mail me... meh@(my username).com but fill in my username :) I'll let you in on it. :)
@sohmageek done.
I am not eligible to win, but please enjoy this subtle subliminal advertising.

@Trillian I love it! Thanks!
Too much fun to not try...

@pugsly exactly what a robot would say.
@thismyusername by the way, when can we expect your art?
@pugsly Thanks!
@pugsly If Meh sold t-shirts, I'd buy one with that robot and caption.
@mfladd I won an fuku, sorry :(
@thismyusername I was still hoping to see it. But congrats on the fuku!
@mfladd not eligible
here ya go
(I used flood fill, is that cheating?)
@thismyusername (looks to the ineligible judges - nope counts) Very Nice!
@thismyusername Thanks for the ineligible drawing!

(suck it seahawks)
@mfladd Thread isn't getting much traffic, I may close the contest early.
@ Pavlov - this is not eligible but I still wanted to do it.
@mfladd SEA MONKEEEHHHHHS wait what happened to them
@HELLOALICE good question. meetings? off? @denboy actually did eat them and @Hollboll doesn't want to post it - I don't know.
Okay my fellow Mehtizens, this seems to have lost a bit of traction (probably because @HELLOALICE has it all sewn up with her awesome talent) - so if there's no objection during the day on Wednesday, 7/22, I'm going to close this one down early at 12:01 AM eastern Thursday, 7/23 and send out the Fuku(s) accordingly. Speak up now, or forever lose your right to bitch and complain (about this).
@Pavlov You'll get a sincere lack of bitching from me. About this. And thanks again for doing this.
@Pavlov Hey, Wile E. thanks again for making this place entertaining.
@Pavlov wait. I didn't know we had a right to moan and bitch and could lose it. anyway. I have something I'm cooking up. Pavlov can you send me an email/pm me on another site (woot/facebook) my username is the same. Or email meh@(myusername).com fill in my username I don't own my
@Pavlov I would have liked to have seen more, but I don't blame ya (and there's no way I'd complain). Entries have definitely slowed down.
@Pavlov Yea I saw @HELLOALICE and was like yep there is our winner. I still figured well lets go a different direction and tried to come up with something funny since my paint skills suck especially with the trackball I use at work. I had fun drawing it so it was worth it.
@sohmageek Email sent - if you don't see it in a minute or three, write me
@mediocrebod Yes - closing tonight - and like a fart in the wind, it will soon be gone.
@StrangerDanger You got my star!! I didn't have enough brain cells firing at that time of night to do anything funny (or my version of funny, which is... probably not funny for anyone else)
@Pavlov It is too bad that there aren't more cards for meh to "enjoy"... but there is a clear winner that the rest of us have no hope in catching.
@Kidsandliz you mean mine right?
@Pavlov I think you got a pretty good amount of participants (both entries and voting), actually. If you look at the contests Meh has run, you probably got more entries than they have. I'd have done it, but I'm ineligible and am not artistic. They'll have to settle for a snail mail card instead.
@thismyusername Lets see... even in if we turned your votes in to base 2 it wouldn't be enough. ROTFLMAO... Of course neither would mine.
Tadaaa!!!! This is A) My first post and B) my first attempt at an image hosting site...sooooooo hope I did it right. I've been off work super sick with continual migraines (for about 3 months straight) and holed up in a dark dark quiet room with pretty much no light, or I missed the fun! Thanks for such a fun contest!
@meandressedup Thanks!
Thank you everyone for all your wonderful entries. I hope that Meh and the community enjoys them as much I have enjoyed sponsoring the contest.
However, like a young teenager at the drive-in movie, this contest is ending a bit prematurely. I hope that the more we do this, the longer we'll last in the future.
@HELLOALICE - please send you shipping details to - you're our grand prize winner.
I must admit that I could not bring myself to pick a favorite from all the other entries - of those eligible, there is something about each of them I really like - and it is too difficult.
So, I took everyone's username (including @StrangerDanger, who showed us all Irk's ass) and put them in a hat, shook them up and then had @MrsPavlov draw one.
@TrippyMeh - also send you details to the email address above. You're the winner of the additional prize announced last Friday.
Thank you all again. Please post pictures of your Fuku after receiving them, and remember "Nothing says success like Meh" (tm).
And with that, the gavel drops - and this contest is CLOSED.
@JonT - could you please replace "Contest" with "Closed" in the title while leaving the thread open for additional comments? Thanks so much.
@Pavlov Sent you my deets, code word oregano so you know it's from me :D
@HELLOALICE You realize now that a ton of people are going to send me email with the codeword "oregano" now, just for shits and giggles. Thanks.
: P
I've got the email and the address - will send tomorrow.
My prize arrived tonite and it ends up I'm not that far from @Pavlov so it only took one day via UPS. I only got one thing. But holy moly. I'm terrible at posting pics so I'll just link to it on the web. @Pavlov, this is so freeeeeking awesome, I can't begin to even know how to say thank you - but thanks man. I can only imagine what you sent in the other box, I mean this is nuts.
Thanks again so much. We will use this a ton when we go camping.
By the way it is so heavy that my wife wondered if I won bricks!
@trippymeh You're very welcome! Make sure to charge it fully prior to first use - and enjoy! If you have any issues, contact Goal Zero directly and they'll take very good care of you, just mention my company name when you call. Goal Zero sends us stuff all the time - we buy a lot (too many) of their larger power packs (the Yeti 1250's) for location shooting where we have to have an absolutely silent power source. We had a couple of these in the warehouse and I thought it would make a nice gift. I'm happy it worked out and you'll find it useful! Have fun!
@Pavlov Nice prize - very generous of you!!
That is sweeeeet..congrats!