It takes me a long long time to get the other thread to load so... starting new thread for the delivery stragglers to bring it on home ! My Fuku post to come.
What a wondrous box to brighten my day ( I went to the dentist) Thank you and Happy Birthday Meh !
The complete contents: ~Oversold note ~Random knobs and screws(7/10pack) Hey you never know when you might need a good.... oh never mind ~Hand drawn "Meh" on party hat ~Fuku Bag w/ black string !! ~Silly Surfers Hobby Kit ( Paint and cement not included) ~Edward Scissorhands CD/DVD metal box ~Birthday Card w/SASE ~Ooma w/bluetooth adaptor ~IOGear Bluetooth Keyboard w/touchpad & 2AA's ~Secret Agent Weapon Watch ! ~Magic Knife ~Nice big cardboard "clubhouse" it was all packed in ~Miles of Texas Air
No one wants to wear the hat
Oh NO !! "Q" got into Fuku and has been stabbed !
A clubhouse to heal my wounds !
Sorry buddy, the clubhouse is MINE.
How many days must I keep the box, er, clubhouse before: 1. it's eaten--Q is pica kitty. BTW, I had to get rid of the TX air right away b/c of that. 2. They are bored w/ it 3. I am tired of tripping over it
Thanks for the fun during your BD month Meh. Hope you all are having some fun too. Or at least working on those Guac. #s. : )
@ceagee The only way I know to get rid of boxes is by stacking them inside each other and walking them out. If you have a grazer, I sympathize. I grow little pots of wheat grass for mine. Two prefer it fresh and green, one prefers it half dead. We don't have many hairball problems, but the horking is always done AT FULL VOLUME.
@ceagee Sympathies here on Pica Cat as well. Mine specializes in plastic -- her vet says there's a gene in some cats that triggers an inability to distinguish the oils in plastic from the oils in food. And my many lectures explaining "Look, you idiot, if it didn't come from a can, how can it be food?" have been ignored.
@editorkid Interesting about the oils. He does like to go for plastic ( I have to really watch the mesh bags oranges come in), he prefers wood and cardboard. He has a chipped tooth from eating wood. Bedposts, toys, crafts, handles of any device or utensil, wooden massage pressure point thing, you name it. Wooden clothespins /clips are a favorite. We put them away but somehow he ends up w/ one. He will turn down a nice piece of fresh baked chicken, but eat a piece of wood. Weird cat.
@ceagee@editorkid I love Meh. I learn something new every day. I had a cat like that. He'd eat anything. He loved to chew on wood, wicker, and leather the most. If I left my boots, or a leather purse, lying around, I'd come back to find teeth marks all over it. He also had an extremely sensitive stomach and needed special food. He had major flea allergies, too. He was my first indoor cat back in the 90s. I'm still amazed that my mom was willing to pay for all the crap he needed when we'd always just had 'outdoor' cats before. Anyway, he was the best cat I've ever had, even with all his quirks. (He'd also steal my hearing aid and hide it, and he'd put his toys in the water dish when he was done them.)
@PurplePawprints I have a cat who must be part raccoon who puts everything you can imagine in the water dish as well. And confetti's cardboard and paper, chews on plastic no matter on what it is found, and tries to lick my hair when he is in grooming mode. I have another cat who painstakingly takes all this crap out of the water dish (using his paw) before he will drink from it.
@mfladd there were at least 2 variants of the photocopied note, I assume the originals were on the same piece of paper, top and bottom, then photocopied and paper cuttered (yea that's a verb, I swear)
I've been waiting - somewhat impatiently - over the last week or so, since it was scheduled to be delivered last Friday, but it got stuck in Grove City, OH for a couple of days with a notice that there was "No estimated delivery date available at this time."
I was especially excited since it was a big, heavy package... 36" long? 32.6 lbs? What could it be? Onkyo? Monitor? Roomba?
Not disappointment at meh, but at whatever happened along the way, since they were clear to let me know that the package was "Received open."
In fact, not only was it "Received open," but this was not the same box it was shipped in. The original shipping label was cut off the first box and taped onto this new, smaller box.
How much smaller? Well, this box was about 15"...
... by 15"...
... by 15".
Definitely not 36" long in any direction.
I got a bigger surprise when I picked it up. It was light. VERY light. So light that my bathroom scale had a hard time with it. I balanced it on my kitchen scale to get a little less than 5 lbs, rather than the 32.6 from the FedEx tracking page.
I was anticipating the worst. When I opened it up, I was, in fact greeted with Texas Air.
In fact, there were a lot of things in there!
Fuku Drawstring Bag Insteon WiFi Camera Napoleon Dynamite Trash Bin 100-piece Blue Angels Jigsaw Puzzle SASE Birthday Card DIY Party Hat Bow Wow Dog Photo and Memory Book Nick Zone Lunchbag Confetti (some)
If this was to be it, then I wouldn't have felt so deflated. But between the package being held without delivery date (presumably while the package was stuck, tampered with, and/or damaged), receiving the repackaged-but-still-mangled box, and having it weigh only 15% the original weight, I don't feel nearly as much joy as I was anticipating.
@dariusromero Definitely sucks that FedEx may have stole your stuff. Bunch of magpies. I understand why it decided to stay while in Grove City, OH though. That place is like one crazy nonstop party. In the 80s Prince said he stopped going there because it was too wild for him. Before that they offered Keith Moon a chance to be honourary mayor but he said he didn't want to be associated with that kind of excess. When they were choosing the spot for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame they went with Cleveland instead of Grove City because they were afraid the locals would seige the place and start a 24/7 orgy inside.
@dariusromero That sucks. Mine was supposed to be delivered today but the mail's been and gone and the status still shows it as "in transit" to the USPS (which is what it's said for two days now). Seeing this, I'm even more anxious that it'll be damaged or lost with no recourse (since it's technically only valued at $5, regardless of the actual contents).
FedEx SmartPost: twice the incompetence, none of the accountability.
9 bags of Texas air Iogear bluetooth keyboard (a bit scratched up. Will have hubby test it later) Cat in the hat bobble head Cool gear collapsable lunch set "Cars" self-stick wall border six pack of Star Wars dangler ornament thingies Wedge Antilles figure with helmet that won't stay on Hollywood Moms book Blank birthday card Meh party hat Meh bag 2 fully functional noisemakers A couple handfuls of confetti And the big item is a Queen-sized air bed. I was hoping for a Robot vacuum, a viking helmet and maybe even a Jolly Rancher bag, but what I got instead is certainly nice. Thanks, Meh. :) (If anyone who got a viking helmet doesn't want it, I'd love to have it. We love that kind of nonsense at our house.) Henry wasn't impressed with the hat.
@Pony Come Halloween Viking helmets and such will be easier to obtain, and surprisingly, they are not very expensive. if you can't wait until Halloween check Party America, or whatever party supply stores are these days. They tend to keep silly hats in stock.
What can I say-- this was a truly Amazing birthday even if it wasn't mine-- Happy Birthday (again) Meh/Mediocre!!
First of all it was a huge box-- 31x24x13 in. and 25 pounds. Second of all, it was full of really cool, amazing, awesome stuff:
It's the 1st time I've received a mystery roomba-- Let me say I've bought many, many roomba's over the years (they've all eventually died from the circle of death), I have my hopes for this one, however-- and I'm thrilled. It's a Roomba 560, it's a used refurb, and after charging it works great!!
Also, the Kevin Dundun burger maker is really cool (the non-stick surface will come in handy) and the Mermaids book is something I really like (I like fantastical creatures).
There were things for the grandkids-- ceramic animal cracker tumbler, hat and noisemaker, Clifford sorting puzzle, parachute puzzle. And, for once my wife cut me some slack after seeing my Fuku purchase-- she happily claimed the very, very nice pearl bracelet/earrings:
We don't have any pets with pictures to post, so here's some other fantastical creatures who were looking on:
All in all, the haul of a lifetime-- thanks so much Meh-team and Snapster!!!
I'm posting this here because I'm horrible at following directions. Sorry if you saw it in the other thread. THIS VIDEO IS SO MUCH COOLER THAN THE OTHER ONE. (You should probably watch them both just to make sure though.)
I finally got my box! Watch video for temporary entertainment. Read list for spoilers.
-Meh party hat -Empire State Building model -Turntable with USB Encoding (no idea what that means) -Fuku bag with mystery Asian writing -Blank happy birthday card -Party noise maker -Big Wheel tricycle wheel customizer -Paratrooper puzzle -Campbell’s Christmas ornament -Cat in the Hat bobblehead -2 human neck-replicas -Mystery thing I can’t figure out
@PurplePawprints MAKES SENSE. I kept seeing people say "SASE" birthday card. When I opened it I still had no idea what it meant till I finally looked at the front of the envelope. I'm excited to send one back to Meh now!!
@thismyusername ohhhhhhhhh..... I get it now! I was hoping it was one of those players that you could mount vertically on your wall. It looks like it does play too but it's usefulness is that it can convert old records. I doubt converting the new records that newer artists are releasing could be very cost-efficient.
@janetv you most likely can use it as a player, make sure you connect its AUX OUT to the AUX IN on a JBL Mini speaker dock... don't have one? No problem give it a week and meh will sell you one ;)
(and yea these days vinyl records are pretty pricey due to their limited production)
Showed up on Monday but didn't get a chance to post until tonight.
Other than the confetti that got everywhere I am very happy!
Contents (clockwise-ish from top):
Roomba 560 (refurb in a duct taped box, but appears to work just fine!)
Fitbit Flex (Currently strapped to my wrist, waiting for me to get off my butt)
Nick Zone cooler bag
Terrifying Campbell's Soup Kid Christmas ornament
Dogs Rule "scrap & brag book"
Meh Hat
Kevin Dundon Burger Maker (Mr. Dundon is "One of Ireland’s best-loved chefs" according to thisunbiased statement on his website)
SASE Birthday Card
Meh Bag
Targus keyboard case for iPad2
Puzzle featuring a sweet pic of a Helicopter on a Ship + another ship in the background (puzzle also features enough real-estate devoted to open water to ensure frustration)
Elephant shaped tumbler (possibly has a future holding toothbrushes in the kids' bathroom?)
Enormous Dracula mug (I honestly have no idea how this arrived in one piece as it was just floating around freely in the box)
Happy Birthday Meh, I'm looking forward to another year of this nonsense!
@FsFalcon I think your Dracula mug might be the only one that arrived intact. The two others I remember seeing both broke in transit. Great haul, by the way!
@editorkid True, but the Roomba demanded a 16hr charging once it was removed from the box and plugged in. My spouse had a somewhat different time frame in mind....
My fuku had some interesting items, but the highlights were definitely the mummy sleeping bag and the "re-manufactured" Mr. Coffee espresso machine! Works great! Thanks Meh!
@Teripie I don't care if he is Benjamin-Button aging! I'd trade a vital organ for that guy. My husband told me he had a dream he and Fraser became best friends. I asked him if I was involved in the dream and he told me no. I can't lie. I took it personally. Who doesn't add me to a dream when they realize they're becoming best friends with Brendan Fraser??
Thank you all for sharing. I haven't had a fuku in a while, let alone one from meh. I admit, I am a little envious, and so I live vicariously thru you.
After traveling to what seems like all 50 states, my first FUKU finally arrived!
Zero Texas air (what a rip off!). Loads of confetti. meh bag, hat and SASE card (the dog absolutely refused to model the hat). iCarly planner. Space Precinct Officer Jane Castle doodads. Nick Zone bag. Pair of meh socks (now I can double the time between laundries). MooreSplint Synthetic Roll Splint (very strange) and... An Ollie!. This could be fun.
Finally, after a worrying delay in SmartPost limbo, my Fuku arrived. Let's see what's inside: Hey, Texas Air. Could be worse. Oh.
That...kinda sucks, to be honest.
Texas air
Presto PopLite popcorn popper (unopened, donate)
DBZ VHS (still shrinkwrapped, funny, still trash)
Bindi's Australia Zoo (I don't even know what it is, donate)
InstaJack for Phone (Expansion only, worthless on its own, donate)
Cars wall border thing (no kids, donate)
Wizard of Oz Snowglobe (in the cow box, water's turned brown, trash)
Full size air mattress (opened return, has a hole, trash)
IOGear Bluetooth keyboard/touchpad (got one when they were available on their own, don't need another, donate)
Meh drawstring bag (Actually useful)
Notably, I didn't get confetti or a card or a hat (preprinted or otherwise) or even an "oversold" cartoon. And really, that's what's bummed me out about this. I am fine with getting worthless junk (and aside from the bag and keyboard, that's what this box was full of). I know from past experience not to expect any big ticket items. That's the point of a fuku. You take your chances and see what you get. But it's supposed to be fun/funny. And I know nobody here or at Meh/Mediocre really cares and I know that @JonT or anyone else at Meh won't even read this (not that there's anything they could/would do if they did), but not getting that other stuff like a card or a hat really makes it clear that, yeah, nobody cared enough to put them in. I wasn't just in the "oversold" set, I was in the "who gives a **" set. I guess that's really the point, right? To really drive home that "meh" feeling.
@magnuspraeda I'm really sorry that you didn't get the funny parts of a Fuku- the good news though is that your post is/was read (mostly because you tagged him, but also because he reads every post on the site). Send a support request in- I'm sure the support staff would be happy to send you a card or a cute cartoon lampooning the situation.
@magnuspraeda Wow. I guess you feel you didn't get your $10 worth. I suggest in the future, don't play the Fuku game. Who would have thought it would make you so bitter.
I love that I get to work for a company that dared to name itself Mediocre and name it's flagship site Meh, but I think what we mean by those names gets misinterpreted often.
At the end of the day our customer service, shipping service and speed, website performance and features are not meant to be anything but excellent.
So your experience isn't what we're going for. While it's true that there is no guarantee about what's inside of a Fukubukuro, our goal is for everyone to have fun and feel that they got their money's worth (this is a very lofty goal that we don't always meet and may ultimately be impossible to meet).
You weren't singled out or targeted in a "hey, let's mess with this guy!" way, it was just a shipping mistake that happened during the logistical craziness that is Fukubukuro.
We'll send you a card, hat, and a comic right away. Trust me when I say that we do care.
@JonT That makes me feel a lot better! Part of why I've enjoyed the whole "Meh" thing is for the fun stuff. Great deals (or meh deals) are neat, but it's the quirky, bizarre stuff that keeps me (and probably most of the rest here) coming back every night, if only to click the meh button.
22" AOC Refurbished Monitor!! (slight crack in the screen, but still worth using) King Kong Keychain Hollywood Moms Fan (broken, internal fan piece fell of the mounting and both blades are broken) Bean's Holiday playbook Jolly Rancher shoulderbag Jesse Ventura Bobblehead Birthday Card Dragonball GT VHS! Party blower and Meh Party Cone Hat!
@mfladd Well, if I find a camera that has a charged battery and the proper wires to download the camera...and the dog and cat in a cooperative mood...I'll do it.
Tracking stayed the same with the default dimensions of 10x10x10 and 3lbs. It turned out much bigger and here is everything that was in it, minus the plant, place mats, and table.
Cat In the Hat bobble head
Eragon lunchbox
Fairly Odd Parents coloring felt
Meh party hat
Netgear N900 router with bonus animal hair, guessing cat.
Meh bag
Green lantern Journal
AOC monitor
blue party horn
And SASE birthday card! Thanks meh and happy belated birthday! I promise to send in that birthday card sooner or later. Probably later because I'm a horrible procrastinator.
Happy Birthday meh! I can't believe how generous you were to others on your birthday - thank you! I have never posted pics on the internet, it's just not my thing so here's my fuku haul: confetti party notice maker miles of TX air meh drawstring bag Popeye throw blanket with sleeves Nick Zone lunch box SASE birthday card meh birthday hat Ghost Files Yu Yu Hakusho VHS iCarly planner Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest portable CD player 27" Samsung LCD monitor
Goto and click on "Upload Images" at top
click "browse your computer" and aim it at the picture you want to publish
click open and then "start upload"
on the page that comes up after the upload copy the "direct link" one and place it here in the forums, just paste it in and it will auto show as an image.
Optional: copy and save the "deletion link" if you ever want to remove the image that url will let you delete it... or say you uploaded the wrong picture that link will delete it for you.
@mfladd@thismyusername thank you both for the directions and for saving me search time! I promise I'll give it a try, but it might not be until Monday, so stay tuned - have a great weekend!
Finally got mine. It was worth the $5 Metawatch smart watch Alice in Wonderland Journal Set Meep Tablet 2 Christmas ornaments Red bag SASE birthday card noisemaker hat anime vhs
Major Straggler here ... arrived on Monday 7/20, but hey that's life. I somehow ended up in the oversold bunch. Anyway, here goes...
Hero Shield screen protector for iPhone 5/5S/5C
808 Drift Headphones (HPA86BK)
King Kong "Life-Like" stretchable keychain
Meh. Drawstring Bag
PHB Collectibles Porcelain Hinged Box "Camcorder with Videotape"
iCarly Personalized Deluxe Planner
CRAP we oversold note (photocopy)
Razer RZ01-00770300 Ouroboros Elite Ambidextrous Gaming Mouse (appears to be a return, small broken piece fell out of the packaging; not yet fully tested)
Green Lantern journal (no love notes from Meh. team)
SASE Birthday Card -- you guys will see this again next July.
Close-up of the tiny video cassette inside the Camera hinged box.
Razer Gaming Mouse in all its refurb-return glory:
All in all... pretty not Meh. assuming the mouse works! Happy Year 2, guys & gals! I'll be keeping the streak alive...
@SColburn I was looking for some function there, but I guess the "camcorder" is just pure decoration: At some point kids are going to see these in a museum and are going to ask their mom / teacher what a camcorder was. Thanks for sharing your loot with us!
Okay so mine delivered last Saturday, retrieved it last Sunday (was out of town), but then work got crazy and I didn't get a chance to take a picture/test out everything. I finally have. Here's what it was:
(1) Meh Fuku Bag
(1) Jolly Rancher Messenger style bag
(1) Jawbone Up (non-functioning, semi-open)
(1) Kevin Dundon burger grill (think George Foreman, but shaped for burger patties)
(1) 100-piece puzzle (sealed!)
(1) Big Wheel Action Playset
(1) Heart Rate Monitor Watch
(1) Rudolph Bobble Head
(1) Motorola WiFi Video Baby Monitor Camera (Returned; totally functional, but I would've returned it too if I paid full price. Now in the window as a front door camera)
(3) Figurines of something I'm not familiar with
Noise maker
Meh Hat
SASE + Birthday Card (not pictured, sent back already)
All in all, not a bad haul. The camera is kinda of cool, even if it is controlled with a terrible app.
Hello, all, I am a straggler by destination, but I am also way behind in opening packages :) @mfladd before you ask, I will post pictures in a while ..
My fuku arrived Tuesday. It included:
11 bags of Texas air -- ratio of popped to inflated is 7:4
A NIB Sylvania turntable with USB encoding
A Netgear Refurbed router, returned with note that stating "internet dip/drop in connection while gaming"
A Vivitar Infinite Bluetooth Shower Speaker (possibly returned)
A pair of precision touch gloves that only fit oompa loompas (I donated my other 4 pairs!! Not sure if oompa loompas shop at GoodWill.)
Meh fuku bag
Hollywood Mom's book
Set of six Star Wars danglers
ICarly deluxe Planner
Cat in the Hat bobblehead
Meh birthday hat, SASE birthday card and noisemaker!
Confetti everywhere, even though I warned my husband not to make a mess!!!!
All in all, I like my fuku -- it might change to a "love" when I figure out if the router works! It was well worth the $5!! Happy Birthday Meh and best wishes for the year to come!
@mfladd my husband has hundreds of records, not sure if he will let me touch them.. I bought him a similar item a few years ago, I think it is still nib too :)
I guess I probably should post mine even thought I think it was a week ago at least when I got it.
It contained - One bag Texas Air - Very creepy Alice in Wonderland journal - Maxam Apple peeler/corer/slicer ( will be great in September) - Little boy on rocking horse Christmas Ornament (Love Christmas in July theme :) - Reindeer Christmas decoration - Pink Flower soft lunch box container - Sawed off noisemaker (assuming sawing it off adds more noise) - Meh party hat - Drawstring meh "lucky bag" - SASE with birthday card for return to Medicore Labs. I did return this with party favors - Ollie app controlled robot
@einrad oh that rocket is 'roman flicker night light' , the clown is coin bank, and there are many stuffs like... a 3d paper empire state building, a meh fuku bag, roller skates for kids, a meh hat, a pipe and also pieces of colored paper were in the box. Also there was a birthday card with a stamp attached. I sent the card back to meh - texas. Thank you again meh!!
@tb1999 The sales occurred so fast that their back-end system didn't respond in time to the front-end fulfillment system to display the sold out message.
This can happen when you have multiple machines that send transactional messages back and forth. They get queued and more sales data were ahead of the sold out message in the queue back to the web interface.
Just a guess based on my own experiences dealing with complex systems.
@cengland0 Yeah. I think that's what happens when you have a database with eventual consistency instead of a purely transactional model. At least that would be my guess about what happened. I'm really looking forward to the oh-shit report on this.
Big kudos to the meh staff (probably a lot of extra work for @hollboll and @galmaegi) for pulling together and resolving the situation by quickly making extra fukus instead of disappointing some of the winners and cancelling the oversold orders.
What a wondrous box to brighten my day ( I went to the dentist) Thank you and Happy Birthday Meh !
The complete contents:
~Oversold note
~Random knobs and screws(7/10pack) Hey you never know when you might need a good.... oh never mind
~Hand drawn "Meh" on party hat
~Fuku Bag w/ black string !!
~Silly Surfers Hobby Kit ( Paint and cement not included)
~Edward Scissorhands CD/DVD metal box
~Birthday Card w/SASE
~Ooma w/bluetooth adaptor
~IOGear Bluetooth Keyboard w/touchpad & 2AA's
~Secret Agent Weapon Watch !
~Magic Knife
~Nice big cardboard "clubhouse" it was all packed in
~Miles of Texas Air
No one wants to wear the hat

Oh NO !! "Q" got into Fuku and has been stabbed !

A clubhouse to heal my wounds !

Sorry buddy, the clubhouse is MINE.

How many days must I keep the box, er, clubhouse before:
1. it's eaten--Q is pica kitty. BTW, I had to get rid of the TX air right away b/c of that.
2. They are bored w/ it
3. I am tired of tripping over it
Thanks for the fun during your BD month Meh. Hope you all are having some fun too. Or at least working on those Guac. #s. : )
@ceagee The only way I know to get rid of boxes is by stacking them inside each other and walking them out. If you have a grazer, I sympathize. I grow little pots of wheat grass for mine. Two prefer it fresh and green, one prefers it half dead. We don't have many hairball problems, but the horking is always done AT FULL VOLUME.
@ceagee Sympathies here on Pica Cat as well. Mine specializes in plastic -- her vet says there's a gene in some cats that triggers an inability to distinguish the oils in plastic from the oils in food. And my many lectures explaining "Look, you idiot, if it didn't come from a can, how can it be food?" have been ignored.
@editorkid Interesting about the oils. He does like to go for plastic ( I have to really watch the mesh bags oranges come in), he prefers wood and cardboard. He has a chipped tooth from eating wood. Bedposts, toys, crafts, handles of any device or utensil, wooden massage pressure point thing, you name it. Wooden clothespins /clips are a favorite. We put them away but somehow he ends up w/ one.
He will turn down a nice piece of fresh baked chicken, but eat a piece of wood. Weird cat.
@ceagee @editorkid I love Meh. I learn something new every day. I had a cat like that. He'd eat anything. He loved to chew on wood, wicker, and leather the most. If I left my boots, or a leather purse, lying around, I'd come back to find teeth marks all over it. He also had an extremely sensitive stomach and needed special food. He had major flea allergies, too. He was my first indoor cat back in the 90s. I'm still amazed that my mom was willing to pay for all the crap he needed when we'd always just had 'outdoor' cats before. Anyway, he was the best cat I've ever had, even with all his quirks. (He'd also steal my hearing aid and hide it, and he'd put his toys in the water dish when he was done them.)
@PurplePawprints I have a cat who must be part raccoon who puts everything you can imagine in the water dish as well. And confetti's cardboard and paper, chews on plastic no matter on what it is found, and tries to lick my hair when he is in grooming mode. I have another cat who painstakingly takes all this crap out of the water dish (using his paw) before he will drink from it.
That cat/knife pic is great.
@TaRDy - she she got a different note.
@ceagee - is it a photocopy or original?
@mfladd there were at least 2 variants of the photocopied note, I assume the originals were on the same piece of paper, top and bottom, then photocopied and paper cuttered (yea that's a verb, I swear)
@TaRDy way to kill my mediocre dreams of an original.
Literally the biggest box I've ever receieved. So huge. I fit in it easily. Yes, I tried.
The stuff. A bunch of fun items in here! Zentai suit is too small for me but awesome.
The big item that made the giant box necessary. A bluetooth speaker ottoman! So impress. Very cube.
@Starblind a bluetooth ottoman?! That's sweet!
@Starblind Holy shit that's cool! That's about the size my box was.
@Starblind THIS Speaker(Foot)Dock was previewed in the Birthday Periscope!!!
@Starblind That ottoman is awesome, congrats! But no pics of you in the box??
@Starblind I can't believe your box fit on a whole field. I'm impressed.
Mr Nesbitt has learnt the value of not being seen. However he has chosen a very obvious piece of cover.
@mfladd Everything's better with Bluetooth. :-)
@SColburn That's true.
Just got my Fuku today!
I've been waiting - somewhat impatiently - over the last week or so, since it was scheduled to be delivered last Friday, but it got stuck in Grove City, OH for a couple of days with a notice that there was "No estimated delivery date available at this time."
I was especially excited since it was a big, heavy package... 36" long? 32.6 lbs? What could it be? Onkyo? Monitor? Roomba?
Not disappointment at meh, but at whatever happened along the way, since they were clear to let me know that the package was "Received open."
In fact, not only was it "Received open," but this was not the same box it was shipped in. The original shipping label was cut off the first box and taped onto this new, smaller box.
How much smaller? Well, this box was about 15"...
... by 15"...
... by 15".

Definitely not 36" long in any direction.
I got a bigger surprise when I picked it up. It was light. VERY light. So light that my bathroom scale had a hard time with it. I balanced it on my kitchen scale to get a little less than 5 lbs, rather than the 32.6 from the FedEx tracking page.
I was anticipating the worst. When I opened it up, I was, in fact greeted with Texas Air.
In fact, there were a lot of things in there!
Fuku Drawstring Bag
Insteon WiFi Camera
Napoleon Dynamite Trash Bin
100-piece Blue Angels Jigsaw Puzzle
SASE Birthday Card
DIY Party Hat
Bow Wow Dog Photo and Memory Book
Nick Zone Lunchbag
Confetti (some)
If this was to be it, then I wouldn't have felt so deflated. But between the package being held without delivery date (presumably while the package was stuck, tampered with, and/or damaged), receiving the repackaged-but-still-mangled box, and having it weigh only 15% the original weight, I don't feel nearly as much joy as I was anticipating.
In fact, I feel kind of meh.
@dariusromero Oh no! I'm so sorry for this. Fuck you FedEx!!!
@dariusromero Definitely sucks that FedEx may have stole your stuff. Bunch of magpies. I understand why it decided to stay while in Grove City, OH though. That place is like one crazy nonstop party. In the 80s Prince said he stopped going there because it was too wild for him. Before that they offered Keith Moon a chance to be honourary mayor but he said he didn't want to be associated with that kind of excess. When they were choosing the spot for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame they went with Cleveland instead of Grove City because they were afraid the locals would seige the place and start a 24/7 orgy inside.
@dariusromero That really sucks.
@Starblind Don't try to make an excuse. We all know it is your fault :)
@Starblind I blame @dariusromero's loss on you.
@dariusromero You should just assume that your missing item is a pre popped air bed. Now you don't have to worry about disposing of 30 lbs of vinyl.
@dariusromero That really sucks -- Hopefully whoever lifted something from your package dies of aids. I really hate a thief.
@dariusromero That sucks. Mine was supposed to be delivered today but the mail's been and gone and the status still shows it as "in transit" to the USPS (which is what it's said for two days now). Seeing this, I'm even more anxious that it'll be damaged or lost with no recourse (since it's technically only valued at $5, regardless of the actual contents).
FedEx SmartPost: twice the incompetence, none of the accountability.
9 bags of Texas air

Iogear bluetooth keyboard (a bit scratched up. Will have hubby test it later)
Cat in the hat bobble head
Cool gear collapsable lunch set
"Cars" self-stick wall border
six pack of Star Wars dangler ornament thingies
Wedge Antilles figure with helmet that won't stay on
Hollywood Moms book
Blank birthday card
Meh party hat
Meh bag
2 fully functional noisemakers
A couple handfuls of confetti
And the big item is a Queen-sized air bed.
I was hoping for a Robot vacuum, a viking helmet and maybe even a Jolly Rancher bag, but what I got instead is certainly nice. Thanks, Meh. :)
(If anyone who got a viking helmet doesn't want it, I'd love to have it. We love that kind of nonsense at our house.)
Henry wasn't impressed with the hat.
@Pony Come Halloween Viking helmets and such will be easier to obtain, and surprisingly, they are not very expensive. if you can't wait until Halloween check Party America, or whatever party supply stores are these days. They tend to keep silly hats in stock.
I got My Fuku on Saturday and my husband got his on Monday. My son was visiting from Georgia, so didn't get a chance to post our reveal until now.

Two things are missing from the pic. A metal car model and a cat brag book. My son wanted the car model and he took the cat book for my mother.
Husbands Fuku:

The Meep kids tablet was in the box--but not in the pic, my husband is trying to mod it.
It was so much fun, loved the surprises--hope to do it again! Thanks Meh for the extra fun this weekend.
Everyone posted such cute pics of their pets, but my dog Teddy wouldn't cooperate. So with a handful of treats, this is all I got...

What can I say-- this was a truly Amazing birthday even if it wasn't mine-- Happy Birthday (again) Meh/Mediocre!!
First of all it was a huge box-- 31x24x13 in. and 25 pounds.

Second of all, it was full of really cool, amazing, awesome stuff:
It's the 1st time I've received a mystery roomba-- Let me say I've bought many, many roomba's over the years (they've all eventually died from the circle of death), I have my hopes for this one, however-- and I'm thrilled. It's a Roomba 560, it's a used refurb, and after charging it works great!!
Also, the Kevin Dundun burger maker is really cool (the non-stick surface will come in handy) and the Mermaids book is something I really like (I like fantastical creatures).
There were things for the grandkids-- ceramic animal cracker tumbler, hat and noisemaker, Clifford sorting puzzle, parachute puzzle. And, for once my wife cut me some slack after seeing my Fuku purchase-- she happily claimed the very, very nice pearl bracelet/earrings:
We don't have any pets with pictures to post, so here's some other fantastical creatures who were looking on:
All in all, the haul of a lifetime-- thanks so much Meh-team and Snapster!!!
@WaltC I love the Moai!
@WaltC I am also loving the Tardis...MINE!!!!!
@Trillian Me too-- I think I need a bigger one though.
@mfladd Imagine the trouble Gollum could have made with a time machine!!?
@WaltC My precioussss Tardisssss.
@WaltC It's bigger on the inside.
@parodymandotcom The Moai, or the Tardis? -- Just kidding, that bigger inside than outside thing would be great fun!
@parodymandotcom @WaltC

@cengland0 That is exactly what I was thinking!
@WaltC - Cool Easter Island Moai. I was surprised to read that they dug down and found the statues have bodies buried underground.
So, does that mean they're bigger on the inside or the outside?
I'm posting this here because I'm horrible at following directions. Sorry if you saw it in the other thread. THIS VIDEO IS SO MUCH COOLER THAN THE OTHER ONE. (You should probably watch them both just to make sure though.)
I finally got my box! Watch video for temporary entertainment. Read list for spoilers.
-Meh party hat
-Empire State Building model
-Turntable with USB Encoding (no idea what that means)
-Fuku bag with mystery Asian writing
-Blank happy birthday card
-Party noise maker
-Big Wheel tricycle wheel customizer
-Paratrooper puzzle
-Campbell’s Christmas ornament
-Cat in the Hat bobblehead
-2 human neck-replicas
-Mystery thing I can’t figure out
@janetv The last thing might be an earring display stand (to go with the twin necklace display stands?).
@janetv Great video! The birthday card has a stamp and address on the front. If you try to mail it to your brother, he's gonna be a bit disappointed.
@janetv 福袋 = fukubukuro = lucky bag
@janetv the turntable thingy turns these:
into a digital form that you can use on one of these:
@PurplePawprints MAKES SENSE. I kept seeing people say "SASE" birthday card. When I opened it I still had no idea what it meant till I finally looked at the front of the envelope. I'm excited to send one back to Meh now!!
@einrad thats right! I totally forgot they told us in the very beginning what it meant. It's a perfect name!!
@thismyusername ohhhhhhhhh..... I get it now! I was hoping it was one of those players that you could mount vertically on your wall. It looks like it does play too but it's usefulness is that it can convert old records. I doubt converting the new records that newer artists are releasing could be very cost-efficient.
@janetv you most likely can use it as a player, make sure you connect its AUX OUT to the AUX IN on a JBL Mini speaker dock... don't have one? No problem give it a week and meh will sell you one ;)
(and yea these days vinyl records are pretty pricey due to their limited production)
Showed up on Monday but didn't get a chance to post until tonight.
Other than the confetti that got everywhere I am very happy!
Contents (clockwise-ish from top):
Happy Birthday Meh, I'm looking forward to another year of this nonsense!
@FsFalcon I think your Dracula mug might be the only one that arrived intact. The two others I remember seeing both broke in transit. Great haul, by the way!
@FsFalcon The flex is super fun! Nice find!! That's a pretty great box there. Hopefully the burger maker makes burgers at decent quality!
@FsFalcon If you think about it, confetti and a Roomba are a natural combination.
@editorkid True, but the Roomba demanded a 16hr charging once it was removed from the box and plugged in. My spouse had a somewhat different time frame in mind....
@FsFalcon That's exactly where my elephant went. It matches the green bathroom, and holds the kid's toothbrushes.
My fuku had some interesting items, but the highlights were definitely the mummy sleeping bag and the "re-manufactured" Mr. Coffee espresso machine! Works great! Thanks Meh!
@rabidchild I hope you mean the sleeping bag has a picture of Brendan Fraser on it....
@FsFalcon Oh, if only.....
@rabidchild pictures ?
@FsFalcon @rabidchild I'LL TRADE FOR THE BRENDAN FRASER SLEEPING BAG. Awwww... I wish it existed. I would be all over him-... I mean, "that".
@rabidchild Pictures please! Don't make us (@ceagee @janetv) photoshop pics of the sleeping bag....
(I had to do it, I have no self control)
@janetv I do so love some Brendan Fraser but he is not aging well, like Antonio Banderas. Sigh, time does us all in.
@Teripie I don't care if he is Benjamin-Button aging! I'd trade a vital organ for that guy. My husband told me he had a dream he and Fraser became best friends. I asked him if I was involved in the dream and he told me no. I can't lie. I took it personally. Who doesn't add me to a dream when they realize they're becoming best friends with Brendan Fraser??
@janetv Day-yam! That's grounds for divorce.
Thank you all for sharing. I haven't had a fuku in a while, let alone one from meh. I admit, I am a little envious, and so I live vicariously thru you.
After traveling to what seems like all 50 states, my first FUKU finally arrived!
Zero Texas air (what a rip off!).
Loads of confetti.
meh bag, hat and SASE card (the dog absolutely refused to model the hat).
iCarly planner.
Space Precinct Officer Jane Castle doodads.
Nick Zone bag.
Pair of meh socks (now I can double the time between laundries).
MooreSplint Synthetic Roll Splint (very strange)
An Ollie!. This could be fun.
Thank you and happy birthday Meh!!
@etheltheflog Finally got the hat on the hound for a few seconds (while holding her head up so she wouldn't immediately tear it off)...

@etheltheflog If I could give that pic 10 stars, I would.
Finally, after a worrying delay in SmartPost limbo, my Fuku arrived. Let's see what's inside:

Hey, Texas Air. Could be worse.
That...kinda sucks, to be honest.
Notably, I didn't get confetti or a card or a hat (preprinted or otherwise) or even an "oversold" cartoon. And really, that's what's bummed me out about this. I am fine with getting worthless junk (and aside from the bag and keyboard, that's what this box was full of). I know from past experience not to expect any big ticket items. That's the point of a fuku. You take your chances and see what you get. But it's supposed to be fun/funny. And I know nobody here or at Meh/Mediocre really cares and I know that @JonT or anyone else at Meh won't even read this (not that there's anything they could/would do if they did), but not getting that other stuff like a card or a hat really makes it clear that, yeah, nobody cared enough to put them in. I wasn't just in the "oversold" set, I was in the "who gives a **" set. I guess that's really the point, right? To really drive home that "meh" feeling.
@magnuspraeda I'm really sorry that you didn't get the funny parts of a Fuku- the good news though is that your post is/was read (mostly because you tagged him, but also because he reads every post on the site). Send a support request in- I'm sure the support staff would be happy to send you a card or a cute cartoon lampooning the situation.
@magnuspraeda Make some popcorn & watch your movie. You will feel better in the morning.
@magnuspraeda Join me?

@magnuspraeda Wow. I guess you feel you didn't get your $10 worth. I suggest in the future, don't play the Fuku game. Who would have thought it would make you so bitter.

at least you got one.
Hey there @magnuspraeda,
I love that I get to work for a company that dared to name itself Mediocre and name it's flagship site Meh, but I think what we mean by those names gets misinterpreted often.
At the end of the day our customer service, shipping service and speed, website performance and features are not meant to be anything but excellent.
So your experience isn't what we're going for. While it's true that there is no guarantee about what's inside of a Fukubukuro, our goal is for everyone to have fun and feel that they got their money's worth (this is a very lofty goal that we don't always meet and may ultimately be impossible to meet).
You weren't singled out or targeted in a "hey, let's mess with this guy!" way, it was just a shipping mistake that happened during the logistical craziness that is Fukubukuro.
We'll send you a card, hat, and a comic right away. Trust me when I say that we do care.
P.S. I read everything ;)


@JonT How about a thread pic change?

@mfladd @JonT Yes please. The asshole thing is not a good fit imo.
@JonT That makes me feel a lot better! Part of why I've enjoyed the whole "Meh" thing is for the fun stuff. Great deals (or meh deals) are neat, but it's the quirky, bizarre stuff that keeps me (and probably most of the rest here) coming back every night, if only to click the meh button.
I got a meta smartwatch and an ollie remote control car along with assorted other randomness! Overall best $5 mystery box so far.
@bxm83 PICTURES!!!!
Just got mine today!
22" AOC Refurbished Monitor!! (slight crack in the screen, but still worth using)
King Kong Keychain
Hollywood Moms
Fan (broken, internal fan piece fell of the mounting and both blades are broken)
Bean's Holiday playbook
Jolly Rancher shoulderbag
Jesse Ventura Bobblehead
Birthday Card
Dragonball GT VHS!
Party blower and Meh Party Cone Hat!
So when will we see the highlights of what people sent back to meh? I want to see what people sent!
@wa27 You can start here for a taste of what people sent us before we sent the cards out:
We'll get all of the birthday cards we got back posted in a couple of weeks once we feel like they've all trickled in.
@MEHcus - Good news, gives me time to think of something.
@MEHcus Oh, wait, you're gonna post them? [hurriedly erases dozens of crudely-drawn dicks, starts over]
@Starblind Jonah, is that you?

I tried to join the modern world and took some pictures with my new smart phone. Then I tried to post them.
The nice, useful icons in the bar right below my typing on the computer aren't on the phone.
Rusty wore the hat! He wasn't happy about it. I haven't tried putting it on Scratchy.
The box was all dented with holes in it and sealed with only one piece of tape, that barely went only the two flaps.
Everything was there!
birthday card
Autorewind extension cord reel with 20 foot cord. My husband is a cord nut, he likes it.
Motorola monitor with scree and outdoor camera unit. With return sticker on it. Might be useful!
Elvis coaster set
Dragonball Z dvr tape
Green Lantern journal...always use another journal
Hollywood moms photo book with introduction by Carrie Fisher.
fukubukuro red drawstring bag.
So...More than worth the $5!
Maybe...someday...I'll take photos.
Not really likely, but might happen.
@smilingjack pics!!!
@mfladd Well, if I find a camera that has a charged battery and the proper wires to download the camera...and the dog and cat in a cooperative mood...I'll do it.
Tracking stayed the same with the default dimensions of 10x10x10 and 3lbs. It turned out much bigger and here is everything that was in it, minus the plant, place mats, and table.

Thanks meh and happy belated birthday! I promise to send in that birthday card sooner or later. Probably later because I'm a horrible procrastinator.
Happy Birthday meh! I can't believe how generous you were to others on your birthday - thank you! I have never posted pics on the internet, it's just not my thing so here's my fuku haul:
party notice maker
miles of TX air
meh drawstring bag
Popeye throw blanket with sleeves
Nick Zone lunch box
SASE birthday card
meh birthday hat
Ghost Files Yu Yu Hakusho VHS
iCarly planner
Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest portable CD player
27" Samsung LCD monitor
Thank you again, you guys are awesome!!!!!!
@tinkertime pics please! Especially of the Popeye throw blanket.
@mfladd I will have to read thru the theads to figure out how to do it. I'll give it a try.
Goto and click on "Upload Images" at top
click "browse your computer" and aim it at the picture you want to publish
click open and then "start upload"
on the page that comes up after the upload copy the "direct link" one and place it here in the forums, just paste it in and it will auto show as an image.
Optional: copy and save the "deletion link" if you ever want to remove the image that url will let you delete it... or say you uploaded the wrong picture that link will delete it for you.
@tinkertime click upload images, then browse computer for pic.
@thismyusername again? :)

@mfladd you owe me sugary caramelized carbonated beverage?
@thismyusername yes I do, bitch!
@thismyusername age difference? I am sooo old. But, Mean Joe Green was way cooler than Troy Polamalu.
@mfladd well coke zero is nasty, but damn that's a good ad. ;)
@mfladd @thismyusername thank you both for the directions and for saving me search time! I promise I'll give it a try, but it might not be until Monday, so stay tuned - have a great weekend!
@tinkertime You too!
Finally got mine. It was worth the $5
Metawatch smart watch
Alice in Wonderland Journal Set
Meep Tablet
2 Christmas ornaments
Red bag
SASE birthday card
anime vhs
Major Straggler here ... arrived on Monday 7/20, but hey that's life. I somehow ended up in the oversold bunch. Anyway, here goes...
Close-up of the tiny video cassette inside the Camera hinged box.

Razer Gaming Mouse in all its refurb-return glory:

All in all... pretty not Meh. assuming the mouse works! Happy Year 2, guys & gals! I'll be keeping the streak alive...
@SColburn I was looking for some function there, but I guess the "camcorder" is just pure decoration:
At some point kids are going to see these in a museum and are going to ask their mom / teacher what a camcorder was. Thanks for sharing your loot with us!
Okay so mine delivered last Saturday, retrieved it last Sunday (was out of town), but then work got crazy and I didn't get a chance to take a picture/test out everything. I finally have. Here's what it was:
All in all, not a bad haul. The camera is kinda of cool, even if it is controlled with a terrible app.
Hello, all, I am a straggler by destination, but I am also way behind in opening packages :) @mfladd before you ask, I will post pictures in a while ..
My fuku arrived Tuesday. It included:
All in all, I like my fuku -- it might change to a "love" when I figure out if the router works! It was well worth the $5!! Happy Birthday Meh and best wishes for the year to come!
@mikibell that is sooooo funny, because I was about to do just that before I read this :)
@mikibell I know you've been waiting to digitize your old vinyl.
@mfladd my husband has hundreds of records, not sure if he will let me touch them.. I bought him a similar item a few years ago, I think it is still nib too :)
I guess I probably should post mine even thought I think it was a week ago at least when I got it.
It contained
- One bag Texas Air
- Very creepy Alice in Wonderland journal
- Maxam Apple peeler/corer/slicer ( will be great in September)
- Little boy on rocking horse Christmas Ornament (Love Christmas in July theme :)
- Reindeer Christmas decoration
- Pink Flower soft lunch box container
- Sawed off noisemaker (assuming sawing it off adds more noise)
- Meh party hat
- Drawstring meh "lucky bag"
- SASE with birthday card for return to Medicore Labs. I did return this with party favors
- Ollie app controlled robot
@sjohannes thank you for posting. I am kinda digging the Apple dissector and the Ollie.
iROBOT Roomba 랑 WiFi Camera
외... 잡다한 것들 받았어요! 감사합니다. Meh!!!
고구마 From Mississippi
I got iRobot Roomba, Wifi web cam and other stuffs.
Thank you,!!!
Maroon-yam from Mississippi
@goguma Thanks sweet potato! Anything else interesting among the "잡다한" things? I think I see some rocketship thing in your picture.
@einrad oh that rocket is 'roman flicker night light'
, the clown is coin bank, and there are many stuffs like... a 3d paper empire state building, a meh fuku bag, roller skates for kids, a meh hat, a pipe and also pieces of colored paper were in the box.
Also there was a birthday card with a stamp attached.
I sent the card back to meh - texas. Thank you again meh!!
@goguma The big clown PEZ dispenser I recognized from other fukus. But I don't think I've seen the night light before. A rocket ship with a flame for propulsion sounds cool ( ). Thanks again and enjoy your lucky bag (福袋)!
How do you oversell when the fukus were sold out in less than 2 minutes?
@tb1999 The sales occurred so fast that their back-end system didn't respond in time to the front-end fulfillment system to display the sold out message.
This can happen when you have multiple machines that send transactional messages back and forth. They get queued and more sales data were ahead of the sold out message in the queue back to the web interface.
Just a guess based on my own experiences dealing with complex systems.
@cengland0 I got the sold out message at 12:01.
@tb1999 They were sold out in less than 30 seconds. And @cengland0 is pretty spot on about what happened.
@cengland0 Yeah. I think that's what happens when you have a database with eventual consistency instead of a purely transactional model. At least that would be my guess about what happened. I'm really looking forward to the oh-shit report on this.
Big kudos to the meh staff (probably a lot of extra work for @hollboll and @galmaegi) for pulling together and resolving the situation by quickly making extra fukus instead of disappointing some of the winners and cancelling the oversold orders.