Year One Meh Stats (& Mediocre stats, too)
77Tonight we're sending each of you an email with your user stats over the last year of Meh. Here's stats for the site & our company.
It's like a Mediocre Annual Report:
Get your personal meh-trics yet? Anything surprising? How do you compare to @snapster's stats?
- 118 comments, 221 replies
- Comment
Oooh, pretty!
I would hate to see the average number of years aged be anything different... you guys got a time machine or something?
@thismyusername We rounded to 1.00
@thismyusername I brought the average down
@NigelF are you in a separate reference plane from the other mehnions?
@thismyusername Well technically gravity affects aging, so having a desk on a different floor would change the average a little bit ;)
@Zelucifer @thismyusername actually I just walk faster than everyone else.
Love it. Can't wait to get my personalized message.
I'm a sucker for snazzy info-graphics!
Nothing good can come of this...
Kick ass! I mean, meh.
I've totally been slipping up on the meh face clicks, though. I mean, the shirt's count is higher than my count!
@narfcake 9 face clicks. 9. Most of the time I just think "meh, it's not going to matter if I click or not. I mean, what are they gonna do? Send a prize for clicking them all?"
They didn't send out a super cool surprise, did they? I'll bet the did. Or they will do SOMETHING. Meh is cool like that.
@narfcake Yeah, I had one day I know I missed a click - I was buying a house - and the others I think the meh servers ate just to spite me. It made me sad. (the count I have in today's email stats is 369...)
Awesome, I love me some stats!
A. This is awesome and I really enjoyed reading it. Thank you for putting it together.
B. I may have squeed a little when I saw my username on it.
C. This has been a great year, Meh. I'm so happy to have found this site.
@PurplePawprints I had very mixed feelings about my name being in the 2nd place batch.
@dave Well, it looks like you got farther than anyone else at the office. You should be proud of that, at least.
@dave I can't decide if I'm disappointed that I mixed the cutoff by 2 days... or glad no one can see my shame.
As much time and effort they put into meh, it's only 29.71% of mediocre's revenue. Very interesting.
@cengland0 A very important 29.71%, but yes, there's lots of stuff we're doing behind the scenes that never surfaces here.
@shawn Are we going to get anymore glimpses into the inner workings of mediocre, soon?
@cengland0 Meh totally gets at least, like, 45% of our love and affection though.

@dave, @shawn - So, you've been cheating on us? I prefer to think it's an open relationship.
@cengland0 @shawn if you let us in on it we may be able to increase the other numbers also. ;)
@sohmageek I know of two other methods of mediocre generating revenue. One is The other is selling products through 3rd party websites and being the fulfillment site for them.
I have seen the same products offered by other sites and the checkout process goes to a mediocre owned process. Interestingly, those products are offered for a higher price than what we buy it for on
@shawn like a mehth lab?
This stat (along with the decrease in shipping delays & customer service response time) is poking holes in their "That requires effort. Effort is hard." mantra. I'm starting to think the mediocre is starting to become efficient and they are actually putting effort into being a success. The employees may even not be mediocre at all, but........good.
@MrMark you didn't (nor did she) hear about where I had a few issues and contacted support... Then thought I shouldn't contact support cause @Hollboll kept making it right by giving me free stuff!... For a while there my wife was wondering who's this Holly and why is she sending my husband stuff?
@MrMark How dare you call us 'good.' Who do you think you are?
@MEHcus Don't worry, I'm not lumping you into that group, I know all your time is spent eating cells on
@MrMark Well, I mean, someone has to be the hero around here.
@shawn Like??? Enquiring minds want to know what you are doing behind the scenes. Is this the shipping you do for other companies?
No FUKU stats?!
Well, here are mine: 0.
I'm scared!
We got to see a preview of some stats when @JonT did one of the periscope video things. That was kind of cool. Having a personalized/scripted email just for me? That is awesome!
Y'all did a good job on these.
I'm genuinely surprised that 20 of you have a perfect streak! I figured the number was 12ish. Congrats 20 perfect streakers, I'm mildly disappointed that I am not among your ranks.
As for my stats, no email just yet - but I know my altruism score is higher than @JonT's. Rubbing it in wouldn't be altruistic, would it?
@Thumperchick What surprised me was that there were fewer in the next two groups. I guess, for most people, if they aren't going for the perfect streak, they just aren't worried about it otherwise. I really assumed there would be a lot more in the almost-perfect groups.
@PurplePawprints If I broke my streak, I'd stop being so nuts about checking it every day and wouldn't care anymore. So your theory holds up at least for me.
@PurplePawprints True, once I broke my streak, I wasn't nearly as dedicated to clicking the button.
@PurplePawprints Some of us started a day or two later as well.
@Zelucifer I've broken my streak twice. I'm so ashamed.
I would have put it at fewer than five.
@Thumperchick On Sunday I missed my first face click in 243 days. I was disappointed. After seeing the stats in this thread and recognizing that there are fewer than about 50 folks with longer streaks... I'm crushed. :-(
@Thumperchick thanks!
Hey, yup, that's me! 365 club! Only 20 of us! Very impressive.
@Collin1000 I'd only be 12 behind you were it not for the meh face eating bot that got me more than once. Oh well. I am just in the mediocrity group LOL
Thank goodness there are no peas in the guac. Congrats on the MehDay.
@johnvoliva Tomato has as little place in guacamole as do peas. I'm appalled.
I made it into the infographic. WOOOO!
In regards to Total # of meh. branded things in the world. did you count a pair of socks as two items?
Please don't ask me why I want to know, I'm at a loss.
@Alien I'm not positive, but I don't think we counted them at all, since they were Mediocre branded.
@dave Ah. My mistake.
I think it's time for another VMP meh branded merchandise item.
@davide i want an apron. Missed the first go, and i need something to wear at the work chili cookoff.
@davide moar sox! meh! socks.
@davide I'd like a meh can koozie, but a really GOOD meh one.
@LaVikinga I'd like a meh branded sun hat that I can wear while working outside in the Florida sun.
@davide I want a calendar that shows something meh for each day of the year.
@cengland0, I have hats for the Florida sun, but I also have a lot of long hair. The two don't play well together. I mostly keep hats in my car for rainy days. Umbrellas and I have issues. I'd suggest a visor but I never wear the darned things either.
@davide, I like that idea. Maybe like a page-a-day calendar? I miss my Far Side calendars. Might have had a Bloom County calendar like that, too.
I want to drill down into those vital guacamole stats. What is in the mysterious "other"? What does the cilantro distribution look like? Doesn't kosher salt just mean any kind of salt? Are there identifiable clusters of guacamole recipe types? Etc.
Made the list!
Picture has been saved to show that I have accomplished at least 1 thing in life.
In a few years, my average will be back up to 365 and with the help of the coming leap year I shall get up to a 364.5 meh/year this year!
My personal stats said that I created 46 forum topics. I think that's wrong. Maybe less than 5. Unless it's counting them differently than I think.
@cengland0 your results are coming up weird in search, too.
Nevermind, at second look, it was status for @support. Very weird that I got that email first.
@Thumperchick I got stats for support first (weird) then mine a couple minutes later. My stats now show 8 topics added which sounds about right.
@cengland0 Is it possible you're reading that right column (that's @snapster stats)? Not sure what you mean by getting support stats.
@dave This is what I mean by getting support stats. And yes, I was looking at @snapster stats because no other column had any other stats besides the average user stats. I thought the zeros were some other scoring system.

@cengland0 btw I can solve this mystery - for some (POSSIBLY NEFARIOUS??) reason you registered the @support username on 12/25/14 but since you never posted or anything on that account you got that email.
@JonT Hey, you're right. I did get that ID registered to me somehow. I confirmed it because I was able to sign in using the same password as my regular account. Now that's weird. I do own my own business and have the support email registered to me so I wonder if I typed that in by accident when on this site instead of my own. I can see that the registered email address is support at mybusiness dot com.
It's also strange that was on Christmas day.
Anyway, I think I'll keep that ID in case I need to buy more than the maximum quantity of something. I can then just pay for shipping for the second set.
Interestingly, I never get any support requests sent to @support.
@cengland0 I'm sure that could be rectified....

I've known for 20 minutes that stats were coming. Judging from that first twenty minutes, this is going to be a long night. Oh, the agony of waiting!
I would like a poster of this, suitable for framing.
@Trillian select, ctrl+P, print selected. (meh version)
Your report needs more 'splosions.
Rectify that in Year 2 and I will be a loyal Meh-er forever.
Wow, I spent $1,058 dollars here on 48 orders. I'm glad my wife doesn't see this report!
@daveJay Unfortunately my wyf just saw my report... fortunately I pointed out that the FUKU I just got had the Sphero in there for her.
95 orders
188 items
On a teacher salary...fuck.
@studerc but you're flipping! I'd love the stat of what you sold: 49 orders, 135 items, $1482 made back!
@studerc what did you make from flipping some of them?? I had a feeling you beat me in orders. But I didn't flip any? Well other than neoprene as the wife was pissed about it! Lol
@sohmageek I buy some stuff on Meh with the full intention of reselling it at a profitable point.
Example: Deep Fryers
Meh Cost:$10 x 3 purchased = $30
Sold each for $20
Made $30 in profit.
@studerc That's a good point. I bought the Dyson Animal vaccum and sold the accessories on Amazon separately and got back what I paid for it (250ish). Later sold the vaccum itself for 200 (a harder sell) and that was all profit.
Can't wait!
Love the Bar Chart, where was the highest bar?
@KDemo I want to know where that below-sea-level bar was at???
@KDemo I like that the Bar Chart is a bar chart.
@pepsiwine there is a below sea level bar in the Maldives.
@rockblossom Even more than a bar bar chart, I think it's supposed to be a bar bar bar chart, since the unit 'bar' is a measure of atmospheric pressure at sea level?
@mehdaf Whoa! Very cool! THAT just got added to my bucket list!
I got my stats email! Yay! Now, how can I save it? C&P isn't working and a screenshot is going to be sloppy. Anyone smarter than me wanna tell me what to do?
Also, 60 orders of 124 items costing $1007. I've given 6333 stars and have an altruism score of 5.1.
@PurplePawprints right click the image, choose save as
@PurplePawprints Whoa! Nice.
@thismyusername Yeah, that definitely did not work. It's not a single image. I guess I'll just have to do multiple screenshots and splice it together.
@PurplePawprints i went into windows settings, set the orientation to portrait, and used windows snipping tool to save the image then printed it out.
@PurplePawprints Sheetrock. Your altruism is over three times mine (1.60). I've got to start saying less and clicking more stars. Oops - this won't help.
44 orders
52 items
473 bucks
32 orders for $491. And I really can't remember more than a dozen of my orders off the top of my head. Mission accomplished, Meh.
I LOVE my Meh-Trics!
Well, I finally made an infographic. Bucket list item achieved.
I love the stats! But maybe next time you can use some purple in the graphics. I answered more polls than @snapster, but haven't spent as much money. Guess I need to work on that and my altruism for year 2.
This was totally awesome. Congrats on a great first year, @snapster and the mediocre/meh team!
Stats are in!
37 orders, 59 items, $828 spent.
39 forum topics, 1423 comments, 2825 replies.
18,062 stars awarded. Altruism score 4.2.
Conclusion: I'm here too much and spend too much money. I also seem to prefer starring a post to replying. It's like a drive by high five.
@Thumperchick I didn't look it up, but I wouldn't be surprised if you're the leading non-staff starrer. (And you may be beating all but @jont including staff.)
@dave @thumperchick lurkers who star do a lot better. I saw one with an altruism score over 17.
@katylava I'll have to stop responding to posts so my altruism score goes up. LOL It say 16 topics, 424 comments, 2085 relies, 518 stars. Holy Crap!! Clearly I need a life.
Getting my email made me ridiculously happy. Thanks, meh! And I need to frame that shit.
I LOVE this.
Altruism is 6.40.
Stars given 10,363. Betting that @gio starred the most posts. (depending when s/he joined).
42 Orders, 51 items, $374
373 clickfaces, 363 polls
11 topics, 495 comments, 1104 replies.
meh, if I knew you were counting . . .
@KDemo @gio is on the list as a perfect streaker, so you're right, he or she probably has starred the most.
@KDemo @PurplePawprints @Thumperchick has me beat by 705 stars and I'm surprised I'm even that close.
Hire me. I have zero applicable skills, but I can bring up your bowling average!
Maybe you should include how much money we saved off of the lowest price on Amazon or wherever else it's sold too. Cause seeing the amount spent without knowing how much was saved is kind of unsettling.
@daveJay We have that in the infographic up above. In total it was $10,038,872. Feel better?
@shawn Interesting, I didn't catch that. But it would still be nice to see how much I personally saved.
Way above average on orders: 8
But, below average on dollars spent:$78
holy shit meh i did not need an e-mail informing me of how much money i have spent FFS
@elpepe I tell you what, if each person that we emailed doubles their purchase total in the next 2 months we promise to not send you one again. Deal?
My Altruism score is a 0.2. Does that make me a bad person?
@BillLehecka Just means you're star stingy.
@BillLehecka whew, I was feeling bad about my 0.4 score. Honestly, ever since we've been keeping track of this as of a few weeks ago it has made me give out more stars which is probably a nice thing to be doing.
@shawn I'll star that comment.
@shawn Well, I tend to think of it as currency. A star from someone who has a high Altruism score has lesser value than one with a low Altruism score. That sounds harsh, but let me explain.
This one forum I visit... There's this one poster who likes every post. It's rather annoying and you wonder if he actually likes your post or is using the system as a means to mark off a post he's read. Whereas there's another poster where if he likes your post, you know you said something meaningful and/or funny. He only likes posts that amuse him.
@BillLehecka I disagree with that premise. When the potential currency is limitless, withholding to create a false scarcity is pointless.
@BillLehecka I agree. I think my exact words to @dave were "the things I star are quantifiably better than the things you star". That at least made me feel better about having a 0.4 asshole score.
@Thumperchick Isn't that exactly what China does?
@BillLehecka @Thumperchick @shawn @KDemo
I'm easily entertained, but I don't think that devalues my stars. I'm just happy to be here.
@BillLehecka - Now, don't go making altruism a negative thing. My score is 6.4. I dole out stars conscientiously - like voting. Sometimes I'm more liberal with them when someone is responding to my comment , as an acknowledgement, but mostly only to comments I agree with or respect, or anything that makes me laugh.
@KDemo That's pretty much how I operate, too. I've given out a decent amount of stars and have a score of 5.1. But, I don't just star everything I read. Even if I did, there would be nothing wrong with that. Stars give me validation, you know? The days that I don't get stars make me very, very sad. So, even when it's just a habitual starrer starring my posts, that's enough for me.
@shawn LOL... Hey, I just realized something... Where are the stats for the amount of stars a poster has received? Would be fun to compare stars given and stars received.
@shawn As a fellow member of the sub 1 altruism committee I concur. I consider my stars to be of higher value than those that just throw them out all willy nilly.
@MEHcus - May I have one, please? For my collection.
@MEHcus not starring this.
@KDemo You may haz one if you haz a funny for me
@MEHcus - Okay, the very funniest thing I have ever read is this letter from The Smithsonian. If it's TL:DR, I'll understand, but it's so worth it.
(And disregard the site it's on).
@BillLehecka Means you have standards?
@KDemo You may haz a star. This, this is a funny.
@MEHcus OMG, Thank you! It's my favorite! You might say it's my star star.
Wow, I really could've done without the dollars spent stats. I'm spending way too much money here!
@dalekjoe Same, I need to firewall Meh now, maybe redirect it somewhere safe like a porn site.
@awk You can try that, but it'll never stick.
@awk Maybe a redirect it to
@dalekjoe @awk yeah you should definitely try using a redirect, I hear is pretty nice
@narfcake That or today's lightning deals.
I think they need a 'cheapest person' category. Me: $78 for 11 items. $7.09 per item.
@bfg9000 And that includes the latest Fuku. That alone was worth more than $78. Thank you meh.
@bfg9000 not the cheapest - I spent $55 for 9 items. $6.11 per item. No Fuku, though :(
@chokcheesecake $20 on 5 items and none are fuku. So $4 per item... Aka I'm cheap.
I am above average in the spending department, but I've been happy with all but one of my purchases, so I can't complain. (And the one thing I wasn't happy with I should have known better about because the write-up was very clear about how shitty it was.)
I'm worried about the team bowling average.
42 orders
49 purchases
$433 spent
2671 stars
2.50 altruism
I like stars too. Altruism 2.60
Has anyone explained the half of a functional forklift?
@KDemo The other half doesn't work.
@KDemo spork. Nothing else is more half functional.
@KDemo Ha, almost forgot this made it in there. I'm not super clear on the specifics but it's something like we have one fully functioning forklift, one forklift that no longer reaches the top racks, and one totally dead forklift.
@shawn - Aha. So that's why meh doesn't sell so much "top shelf" merchandise?
Sounds like Fuku material.
Got mine. Geez, I've spent some money around here.
Altruism: 2.6
313 button clicks.
I'll take it.
I unblocked remote images in my email so I could see mine properly, that's how much I love Meh!
I got a shout out in the infographic! Thanks, guys. Of course, I managed to miss one day, so I'm a member of the rather mediocre 364 club, but that just seems appropriate here. Thanks! I mean.... Meh.
I love stats - especially when they aren't stupid. Clever/fun stuff Meh.
Need time to digest, but first, some rest.
1) There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics!
2) Meh blinded me with science!!! insert song here
3) I love this in so many ways, and am super excited to see my name in lights up there, right next to @dave! (damn you, DAY FOUR hehe!! Which day did you miss, dave?)
4) I am above average in every single category except for dollars spent and altruism. (I think the altruism stat is unfair, since I am an above average commenter/poster, and I have doled out well over 100x the number of stars given out by the average user. I think it needs a new name, but maybe it just bothers me more than it should...)
4a) I surpassed @snapster in Meh Buttons Clicked and Polls Answered, but in every other metric he wipes the floor with me.
5) I was most surprised that the average user has only answered 10.5 polls, compared to my 353.
Kudos to the Mediocre team for all the work behind this, thanks for all the fun this past year, and, one more time, HAPPY BIRTHDAY (two weeks ago xoxo)!!!!
@curtise I missed June 4th. I was on the beach with my family, though, so it's at least not as bitter as if I'd somehow missed it while working.
@dave Yay! I'll say, that's an ace way to spend a day away from meh, eh? :-)
(I love alliteration)
@curtise sigh I really don't want to be that guy, but my parents paid for my education, so I feel obligated here....
I swear I just want to make this world a better place...
@mehdaf Way to totally put the ass in assonance!
:¬) I wasn't aware that alliteration required the sound repetition to be at the beginning of each word. But I sure am now:
@dave Terrific! To this turkey, that's a top time to take a trip to the tropics together with your tribe, true? :-)
(I love alliteration)
Wow! Im gonna use this pic as a wallpaper on my PC.
Dammit, Google, why'd you filter my email?
70 orders, 113 items, $978.
280 mehs, 186 polls.
12 topics, 312 comments, 943 replies.
11,982 stars, 9.50 altruism
I'm guessing that many of those stars were for @barney. And any pun thread.
@narfcake Wow, that's a lot of stars. Do you just star every post containing the letter "a"?
@SSteve Nope. Plethora of posts purveying purple? Probably!
Thought I would mention that your (and my) stats would be higher if you wouldn't have sold out of so many things. but way to go! Selling out means you made some good choices!
So of those 154,205 remaining units ... how many are ... uhhhh, speaker docks?
@narfcake All of them (except for the Oregon Scientific stuff.)
@narfcake Speaker docks and Kindle Fires.
My altruism score is almost exactly 1. (1495/1502 = 0.99534). That must mean something. Of those 1495 stars, I'm guessing ~800 were for @Barney.
I spent about half as much as @snapster (unless you count the eight-figure sum he forfeited for leaving Amazon early) but answered a chunk more than twice as many polls (277).
@SSteve you can get a 1.0 by starring all your own posts and nobody else's 😈
What's woot?
@gskellig It's a big bag of crap.
@dave How about top ten cities per capita?
Cinco de Mayo is the reason for the excessive guacamole in May, right?
i'm slightly above average for almost everything. yay?
it's nt that i don't love everyone's posts, it's more that i forget to star stuff. i'll try harder next year.
This is freakin'

awesomemeh!Don't let my honey see this, I spend too much time & money here.
@2many2no I wonder if that is the highest Altruism score ever. I haven't seen anyone mention a higher number.
@cengland0 Much to my own surprise, I star much more than I type.
Though I like to think of stars as a general "attaboy" so I try to give them liberally.
(attagirl/attaperson? not intended to be gender specific or exclusionary in any way)
@2many2no attabeing? There's no proof that posters are human. And any mention of counting stars and I think of Dr. Seuss and The Sneetches.
@rockblossom Dr. Seuss FTW

@2many2no Sneetches!!!!
@cengland0 Gio is over 100
@saodell Wow, and I though I was old!
I hate stats. Should I start building the fire?

@mfladd - It's okay to share, no one will judge. The numbers are all over the place. Too bad they didn't count gifs posted,
@KDemo it's not that I would post them if I could figure out how to get the image off of my email - nothing is working. I just hate stats in general - hence the burning. :)

Cool, @mfladd. No one could deny you’re a major player in this community. I don’t think they factored your work with KIVA into your altruism score. They might have charted the amount of time spent on the site. That would have been interesting.
@KDemo I don't even want to see the time spent here score. You extremely likable people are addicting (looking at you here)! Scores and stars mean nothing to me - it's all about fun! But the gif/meme score would have been interesting. They are my love :)
@mfladd what is interesting to me is that you have convinced me to spend in one day here on Meh, 4 times more than you have even spent here ever!!!
@mehdaf Commission, baby!!!!!
17 Orders, 25 items, $138 spent
3 forum topics, 349 comments added,626 replies
6,538 stars given, Altruism score 6.70
1 question answered by Irk.
Note: I was MIA for 7.5 months, to put those numbers in perspective.
I am still mad at the computer glitch that wiped out some early mehs . (even though my meh click score later got messed up by being MIA)
Love this. Love meh. Love the mehmployees. Love the community. Nothing but love for you. Here are some ass hats. <3 <3 <3 You've earned 'em!
Did you get this stat by using all those cordless cameras?

@cengland0 not funny. I guess locally a 5 year old girl found a wireless camera in the bathroom of a Starbucks pointed at the toilet...
Note to self:
Star every mundane post and comment for the next year, as opposed to actually awarding them on merit, so I'm a better mehtizen. Right.
372 Meh Button Clicks. I'll take it.
Other than that, I'm pretty bad across the board.
Thanks for pointing out my inadequacies. I will work to be better this year.
@krdavids - Ha ha. I always heard that in school. "Not working up to capacity". meh should offer a mentoring program. ;-)
@KDemo Wouldn't a mehntering program just teach you how to be average?
@rockblossom :-)
Hopefully, isn't that the goal here?
37 orders, 64 items, $551 spent. I gotta cut back this year. So far that's been pretty easy to do. Altruism is .3
btw the graphic (above) is fantastic. Whomever created it, did a super job! I thoroughly enjoyed the stats as well. Just like the "Oh Shit" reports the insight is much appreciated!
Well here's an interesting anomaly: because I tend to star heavily (17,357 relevant, funny, heartwarming, insightful or like-minded posts), rather than adding original comments (167 posts, comments and replies), I end up with an altruism score of 103.9.
I feel guilty that the altruism score makes me seem like a good community member, when in fact, I am just someone who rides on the coattails of all you erudite and witty posters.
@gio I'll star that.
@gio Who you callin' an erudite? ;-)
@gio We love you anyway. And you know what, I actually mean that. When I see something I posted got a gio star, it feels nice that it got noticed and appreciated.
@Starblind That is so very kind of you to say! I try to give heartfelt stars, whether to eloquent goats, knowledgeable posters, or just some newbie trying hard to assimilate the mehness of this site. I especially love helpful and caring posts that often perfectly express my own thoughts.
@gio - Wow! Your number is off the charts! Well, on the charts, but you know what I mean. I think it does make you a valuable community member, hence the formula. It’s validating to feel support from others.
I wonder how much the dynamic has changed since names were revealed?
@KDemo Thanks for validating my backstage efforts!
I imagine that there'll be some short-term changes in the dynamics as people either try to be better about posts/comments/stars or rebel against being quantified. Human nature being what it is, I also imagine we'll all slip back into our natural rhythms before long.
@dave Why no column for speaker docks and knives sold/bought??? Hehe
@sohmageek they already did that in the last speaker dock friday TL:DC ~26,000 sold via . 40,000 sold via their whole sale business .
@communist no info on knives yet.
Apparently I'm an asshole. Altruism .60
74 orders 89 items $1,140 spent. 11 topics, 295 comments, 638 replies 552 stars.
@sohmageek If, in fact, you are an asshole (which I have seen no evidence of), you could not achieve that status through lack of stars or a low altruism score. I think you may just be exaggerating your own assholiness for comic effect.
@2many2no As a side note, I can't believe that the predictive text program on my tablet just asked me if I wanted to add "asshole" to my dictionary. Can I have actually gone so long without using it?
@2many2no you get a gold star for that ;)
Did any of you guys go to Rose Hulman? Reminds me of catalog I got from them back in '82. 23% of professors have beards, 156 VW Bugs on campus. Ski Terre Haute!
stars given - 2
altruism - 0
meh buttons clicked - 0
orders placed - 44
items purchased - 56
@ekw hey dude, it's time to jump in. The water is fine!
@ceagee jump in that what?
star giving or Meh clicking?
the 2nd one will never happen.
it's my response to that particular element of the social experiment. ;)
Looks great on my phone.

@DrunkCat Try tilting your phone until the numbers slide into place.
@DrunkCat here's another stat: 40 email clients tested when building the infographic.
Yours was not one of them.
@shawn Hey now, the native Gmail app on the HTC m8 is pretty standard. It's been used as product placement in a lot of shows.
@Starblind Yup that did it. This is why I detest developing mobile sites.
Will someone please devise an illuminati conspiracy based theory on these info graphics? THANKS IN ADVANCE
no goat stats.
I see the standard retail trope: money saved by shopping here. No, that's still money spent. Saved would be putting it in the bank.
@saodell No no, because you would've bought the exact same thing over THERE. Sort of like 97% fat free.
What did the other 72.1% use as a base for guac rather than avocado?
@marklog From the looks of it, the non-Meh revenue.
@dave correlation is not causation! I NEED ANSWERS.
Two things:
1) computers still over phones and tablets? What year are we all living in? Or is that simply a function of most people shopping at work?
2) i'd like to see a chart of order density based on time of the day. What percentage of orders are made in the first hour, how quickly does it taper off, and is there a surge at any point the next day?
@saodell They had #2 briefly on the order page stats. Must have abandoned the idea!
@saodell People who like to type like computers. We even talk about the best keyboards we've ever used.
@saodell Shopping on my cell phone would cost an extra $20 a month. And typing on my tablet is a PITA. I prefer a keyboard.
@saodell while my phone and tablet do a decent job of browsing, I prefer my laptop for catching up and posting on the forums.
Desk top for code
Laptop for writing the next great American novel
Tablet for everything else you do sitting
Phone for everything else
I'm confused about whether I won the contest or not. I beat @snapster in orders and items but not in total dollars spent. Do I still get the trophy?

@Starblind a little help. I can't figure out how to get my pic off of my email.
@mfladd I used the Windows Snipping Tool (probably in your Accessories folder if you have Windows 7). You can also use the Print Screen key to save a screenshot to the clipboard, then save it as a picture in an image editing program.
@Starblind thanks, I will try again.
@Starblind I'm actually surprised that @snapster buys anything at all. Why not just go into the warehouse and take whatever he wants. It's his company so he owns everything there. Seems silly to buy your own stuff.
If he has investors or it's a partnership with other people, I can then understand.
@cengland0 It's just the easiest way to do things. If you start taking inventory you add extra accounting steps for both the business and later for personal tax returns. Also makes a potential IRS audit all the more complicated if you take business items out for personal use.
@cengland0 It's mostly a tax thing, as inventory for a business is taxed differently from stuff you buy for personal use. There's also the factor that it would be kinda bad form for the employees to see the CEO head to the warehouse and take a TV home.
@cengland0 I wonder if @snapster tries for the fuku. I don't think he got one, he probably would of posted pics. I hope he would at least. Not cool if he got one and didn't share a picture of the contents.
@MrMark In at least one of the Meh-casts or Meh-riscopes, it was mentioned that Mediocre Employees are unable to purchase Fukubukuro.
@Starblind Get some gold spray paint, paint a speaker dock - ta da instant trophy.
Yay, I made it into the 365 club!
What, no "Original Meh-Themed GIFs Posted" stat?
@medz stats with a result of '1' aren't terribly valuable. ;)
Thanks @Snapster and @JonT for the report, helps me realize how much I've wasted here at Meh. Damn do I love this place! Maybe I can get a part time job with you guys?
No stats on self-starring your own posts? But anyways, awesome stuff, I appreciate things like this!
@jjohns71 You just starred your own post this time. You do know that we can see that now by hovering over the star, right?
@cengland0 I do now.
@cengland0 They brought the feature back! Uh oh...
@cengland0 uh oh, guess I better stop doing that!
@jjohns71 I need to defend the practice of self-star-terbation. I have been known to polish my own star occasionally. I do it so that I can find my contribution in a large comment field. At least, that's what I tell myself.
@G1 I think it is meh-star-bation. Okay when it was private, but bad form now that it is in public view.
@rockblossom doing it in private was a great way to get the starball rolling down hill to maximum star comment potential. What am I going to do to get my comment noticed now? :( Guess I'll have to come up with something useful/witty/intelligent/relevant to say now.
@G1 Polishing your own is your
rightresponsibility as a 'mehrican.Something tells me the number of stars on posts is going to increase!! I had mostly ignored this feature...too much like faceyuck and it's "like" feature. But, to have such an embarassing altruisim score is just not acceptale.
So, to infinity and beyond...stars for everyone, every day.
BTW, love the stats, thank you for sharing. That didn't happen without someone doing something called "work"!
This is awesome guys, I loved the personal mehtrics email and thoroughly enjoyed seeing how many feet of toilet paper your employees used in year one. Keep being awesome Meh!
What happened to half of the other forklift?
@pitamuffin Ya. That. Let's see the security video of the forklift tipping over with a load of speaker docks!
@pitamuffin it was mentioned higher up in this thread, 1 forklift fully working. 1 cant reach the high stuff. 1 dead forklift waiting to be packed and shipped for fuko 2
@pitamuffin Irk got hungry
@communist Thanks! That'll teach me not to read all the posts. And can you imagine checking your fuko shipment tracking and finding a weight of 9000 pounds??
I just wanted to say that I think it's really great that the average altruism score on the site is 2.7!!! That actually seems like a really great overall balance of lifting each other up and original contributing. Even if some people are more "starry" and some people are more "posty," on the whole it's a pretty solid balance.
I've given this site a good bit of my money, but not as much as some it would appear.!

NOOOOO! I didn't get mine. Unless I deleted it, but I don't thing I would delete a meh post.
I did get one on another email with a different user name.
Don't understand that. If I opened a second account, it would have been to buy extra of something, but it had no orders on it.
Are they all sent out??? Did I delete it??? Can you send it again???
@smilingjack I know it sounds obvious, but you did check spam folder and all that, right?
@smilingjack If it helps, the subject line was probably "Hey @smilingjack, Meh is a year old, how about some stats?"
@smilingjack If you have a gmail account, check the promotions tag in the web client.
I accidentally deleted mine because of that. (But was able to do the "put the iPhone in airplane mode and forward it to yourself since it can't update" trick to salvage it.)
@smilingjack are you sure you know which email account is associated with "smilingjack"?
@no1 Yes mr 1. Maybe you know why I opened a 2nd account. I sure don't.
@bakerzdosen I do not know this trick. thank you.
I need iPhone lessons.
@dave @shawn do the forum stat averages exclude anyone who has never posted/replied?
@marklog Yes, it's metric by metric. So of the users that have added a topic, the average is 3.7. Of the users that have added a comment, the average is 9.8. Etc.
@shawn this is why I love you.
@shawn ideas for next year:
As I write this I realize that I'm surely not the first to think of these. This brings me to a likely unanswerable question. What OTHER stats were pulled that didn't make the graphic? Some of the above probably wouldn't be for public consumption, others might be deemed less relevant/interesting than determining future toilet paper allotments per wipe.
@marklog The one I was most bummed about not getting in here was # of hours of They Might Be Giants theme songs played.
@shawn OK, since you brought it up...
@shawn - I'm curious whether there is any correlation between stars given by mouse click vs. mobile. Seems more satisfying with a mouse.
Attention @JonT and @snapster
My stats say ZERO across the boards. I've bought plenty, I've contributed enough, I've voted almost every day and have missed the meh face only 2 times. Hell, I have 200 pairs of Trip Glasses to show for it too.
I think someone is doing it wrong.......
@somf69 just for you buddy:
@JonT F'N Awesome, Thank you!
@JonT is there anyway I can get a really cool looking one sent to my email address???? Thanks
The one thing that was missing from the stats? # of speaker docks ordered. I think I would be at 1. but the Mrs. loves it. so we have that going for us, right?
@oppodude Yeah I kept scrolling and waiting for the speaker dock stats.
Pretty sure I win in the Topics/Comments/Replies added categories.
@JonT - Pretty sure. It will be interesting to see how much activity changes now. Really cool stuff.
I've got image autoload turned off in Gmail, so this really confused me for a moment when it arrived. But it's really cool, even if it pretty much confirms that Meh is watching me every moment of the day. If this is a rough template of how profile pages might look, I'm all in favor of that, too. (If not, I'm sure there's something else cool planned. But I wanted to get that in there.)
Very interesting! Thanks meh!
Here's my stats:

Little different than I thought they would be.
OK Meh, I checked spam and deleted posts and active posts.
@smilingjack Did you check Promotions if you're a Gmail user? Just search for Meh otherwise- it should turn up the email.
Thanks for the stats Meh! Seeing my name in the infographic was great! Surprisingly, my wife was not as impressed as I would have hoped.
@snapster can you speak to this statistic?
I find it amazing that Meh only accounts for less than 30% of total Mediocre revenues. Are you all consultants on the side or does drive the business?
@TheAlmighty1 They also do and fulfill orders for other companies.
@cengland0 Thanks! for others interested, I'll leave this here...
@TheAlmighty1 Aside from,, and the other's we know about, mediocre handles B2B solutions on the back end.
So. Cool. Great idea whoever came up with this personalized email infographic!
What has two thumbs and made the Year One infographic?

Thanks as always for making it fun, guys & gals of Meh.
So doing the math... that's about 1 roll of scott toilet paper a day every day... That's either impressive that it's only that much toilet paper, but it could also be the industrial type that have other measurements (BTW this is rough calculations from google telling me how many inches a sheet is... how many sheets are in a roll... ETC..
@sohmageek 377,523.25 feet total divided by 375 feet in typical rolls = 1,006.73 rolls.
1,006.73 rolls divided by 365 days = 2.76 rolls per day.
But there are so many toilet paper brands. Even within a single brand, there are different feet/roll. Here's a Charmin with 320 feet per roll.

@cengland0 Well that is a much different set of numbers that I could have used... I used scott 1000 count and 3.1 inches per sheet of length, which seems long now that I'm thinking of it.
@sohmageek Toilet paper used to be 4.5" x 4.5". Lots of articles on the Internet about the shrinkage.
@sligett The Charmin sold at Costco is still 4.5" wide. I had a considerable back and forth with the manufacturer over the shrinkage because we have a built-in holder that doesn't work with the adding machine tape they sell now. They don't give a shit about the complaints but did mention the Costco exception.
I bet it burns them to have to leave a wider line in production to keep even a big customer happy.
It appears that your bowling team is bowling less and spending more time on shipping and customer service. I do love how fast my orders are arriving these days, but you've got to give the team time to practice.
@sligett It's a ruse! @Snapster makes them work more, decreasing their practice time. Then he places bets against them. It's a win-win.
Still waiting for mine to arrive. It definitely didn't get shuffled off to the spam folder...
@duodec Google put mine in the Promotions folder
@Pamtha not gmail here. I don't think I got one; its not in the spam folder, and mindspring (earthlink) doesn't really do anything else as far as filing. I do get the normal emails (orders, shipping, etc) so maybe... maybe I just didn't rate one. Sigh... Meh...
Oh well.
Who is number one? You are the new number 2, number 6.

I spent $3050.00, shit! Altruism 0.50, Meh.
@dmlivezey - You've certainly been altruistic toward meh's coffers, that wasn't in the formula :-)
@KDemo if my wife were more technical, she would block the site ;0
Thanks to @Holly for fixing things for me
@somf69 @holly is the mehster of the universe
Hey! My name in (metaphorical) lights!
I'd like to put my vote in for VMP Stats next year.