Competitor Crap for Sale
19Do want to buy any of this crap?
Seems like no one else does. It's been up for evs.
- 97 comments, 388 replies
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Do want to buy any of this crap?
Seems like no one else does. It's been up for evs.
Um, Thanks.
Huh. Thanks. Got one. First one from them in a long time... wondering if it'll be worth the 10 bucks including shipping. Guessing probably not, but I guess I'm in for the entertainment value. Thanks!!
@DJP519 Same exact thoughts here. And I had to pay tax.
@DJP519 I was one of the first 100 of the original buyers on that site and to this day, never got one of those.
@DJP519 My last BOC was pretty good.
@pooflady I’m still trying to get one. They are at least interesting these days.
My third BOC ever (no shirt BOC does not count, nobody wants that junk) I can so wait to see what a horribly horrible waste of money this is.
@Foxborn I always say "never again", but it was so easy, the "team" posted it, and it was in my cart. Now, I'm all excited until I get a toilet foot flush.
@naropa I got a toilet foot flush in a B.O.C. before, used it in a white elephant Christmas exchange - someone actually stole it from the recipient they wanted it so much!
@naropa Ha I have the foot flush. It was a cool conversation piece.
Thanks. I bought one anyway just to make me feel better for missing the Fuku. I am sure it will suck.
@mfladd Same. My co-worker got the fuku and when I told her I got a BOC she said, "Cool, but mine will be better." To which I had no response and could only look down at the floor.
@mfladd keep us updated. post a pic when it arrives
@communist absolutely. Everyone should share in my disappointment. But it is still fun! Thanks again, @Medz.
Huh. Crap. Interesting.
In for one, as they say.
@medz Thanks! I haven't gotten one in a long time because I hardly ever go there anymore. That makes finding the hidden ones impossible. Snagged one for me and my husband!
Since I had to log into my old account to buy this, I clicked over to deals.woot for the heck of it. I hadn't logged in at all since last July. Still a black triangle, ranked #30 overall, with a 99.3% on their weird scoring system. And it's been a year since I visited the site. That's telling!!
@DJP519 I was so confused by this until I saw the date.
What the tax? No wonder I haven't gone to that site in over two years.
@DrunkCat Hey, if your state does sales tax, you best be reportin' those meh purchases when you file your taxes. Woot is just doing you a favor and taking it out for you to save you the trouble. ;)
@medz We have compensating use tax laws here - no one ever files, as there is no funding for enforcement. Law has been on the books since 1937 for catalog and mail order - less than 0.1% of personal taxpayers in my state file. Businesses however do file, at a much, much higher rate. But, there is still no enforcement. (And really no way to effectively enforce if they could fund enforcement).
@DrunkCat My state charges tax on shipping if it includes handling. That truly sucks.
@DrunkCat Do you live in a state where Amazon charges you tax? If so, there's your problem! They put up a distribution center in Baltimore last year, there goes my awesome tax-free goodness
Is it just me or is the saddest part about this is the fact that it's so easy to get one now? Literally had enough time to guess my password, delete all my old addresses, add a new one and checkout.
@DrunkCat Yeah, very strange and sad. It may be hidden pretty well from bots and they've already done a bunch this week, but it's just crazy that you actually have time to browse the site to see if there is anything you want to bundle shipping with the bag of crap. That's not supposed to happen.
@DrunkCat I am also surprised because I had to update my credit card info and still got one. Remember the days when their servers would crash with a BOC?
@DrunkCat Yeah, either their userbase went way down (likely) or they made more BoCs available and diluted what goes in them (also very likely).
@DrunkCat The tell of the tale is right here:
Speed to First Woot:
17h 33m 27.221s
Evidently these are not very popular. I got 1 for myself and 1 for my husband. Both times I had to log in. And in his case I kept having to guess what his nick was and what his pass was! Took forever but I got it. Been so long since we used those accounts.......
@Teripie If they ship to the same address they'll cancel both orders - they've been cracking down - and they actually do now check for duplicates.
@Pavlov No loss if that's the case.
@Teripie That was my next comment . . . you're probably right on the money.
@Pavlov If so, that's a change. In the past, they didn't penalize roommates and all. Orders would only be canceled if they shared payment info.
@PurplePawprints @Pavlov, few months ago I got into it with some of the Woot CS about this. From my experience, you can only have one order per household but they won't cancel them both. I had a buddy bunking-up in the house and we both went for BOCs, they kept mine as it was the first order but removed his as we shared the same address.
@PurplePawprints @chaoscatapult That might have been the case with the person I know this happened to - they did have them cancelled - but, they very well may have used the same billing method. Thanks for the clarification / update(s) - I got the info during a prior woot-off, early this year. More than a few were cancelled if I remember right, from reading the forums.
@Pavlov I changed my address to my kid's house. Now we'll see what happens.
@Teripie as long as the ship to name and name on the payment method are different for each order, should be fine. I had one of my wife's cancelled when she used a credit card with my name on it. No problems using one with her name on it.
@Teripie You have a baby goat with its own address? Coooool.
@chaoscatapult I wonder if you added something to the address like Unit B or APT 1 if it would see them as different addresses and the USPS employee still deliver to the same address...
@sohmageek I added apartment numbers on the end of my address but for different reasons. I wanted to get more than one free sample from a website and that was the loophole method.
@cengland0 I live in an apartment... but I could always add a letter at the end of the apartment...
@sohmageek be careful adding alphas to addresses that are normally numeric only..a couple of the verification softwares I deal with know valid ranges of apartment numbers..
@mikibell Meh... I don't really want to scam the system... It would be nice to get 1 for each of us however... Not saying I Want 6 of them... well I do but I wouldn't purposefully try to scam the system...
God, looking at my Woot account, it's been 2 years since I've used it.
@Teripie My last purchase on my personal account was January 2015. 274 woots and then just nothing. And I visit the site too - just haven't been all that enthusiastic about the offerings. We have made a few purchases for the business, but not many.
It sure ain't what it used to be.
@Teripie I bought a box of monkeys on Monday- free ship day. The monkeys are down to $1.99.
Wow.. I even had time to add things to my cart to make the best of the $5 shipping.
Where was this hidden? I cant find it on the site anywhere
@bruinscbr I am curious about this too.
@Starblind It was some sort of hunt. It was hidden on the Boudoir page, click on the belt to get there.
@Deech no one found them so they pointed to them thru there twitter distro. There were 3 different links
huh. That was super easy. Weirdness. Oh well. It's crap. We'll see what happens.
It sold out while I was mulling it over just now. Probably for the best.
i never managed to get a boc, and i'm just not interested anymore.
@vampje likewise. After the wootcrate debacle, I don't want anything from them unless I know exactly what I'm getting.
@nadroj I would not want anything from woot even if I knew what I was getting. Woot has the worst customer service and I would not call anything a deal.
I'm not going to lie, this is my first BOC.

@KevinKevinKevin A BOC virgin...congrats!!!! Be prepared to be disappointed.
@KevinKevinKevin are you sure you didn't try 3 times but didn't notice?
@mfladd My first purchase from woot too, had to make an account. Gave the revenge of selling out.
@KevinKevinKevin Ive gotten 3. Been extremely disappointed in all. Not one unique item or worth the money.
I wonder if they will all send us a book and have us do homework :( .
@KevinKevinKevin (broken record) set expectations low, but, these are technically "woot birthday" boc's so who knows... and they did fail to do any bocs the last 2 woot offs (although they do woot offs far more often now too) so perhaps they have more crap than the recent ones.
woot mystery boxes are meh, and meh mystery boxes are woot... it's weird.
They got my $10 too.
@thismyusername $10.60 (fuck'in tax - they built a distribution center in Baltimore)
@KevinKevin sorry you broke down.
Ignored this for an hour deciding whether to waste $10 or not, then just as I log in to complete the order, it sells out. Oh well, problem solved.
I got one, but I am sure I will curse you later.
@Trillian hey, i just asked a question. I didn't tell anyone to do anything. :)
@medz I had enough time to alert my brother so that he was able to snag his first ever BOC. He is hoping they send him something to mow his lawn. I am hoping they send him a goat.
I looked at that brown paper bag for a moment and thought "nah". Surfed the web a moment, thought, "well I just scored on a Fuku so maybe...". Went back, sold out.
Last few BoCs I got weren't even worth the price I paid. Used to be worth it. Now it's whatever dollar store stuff Amazon hasn't been able to dump. I'm honestly not sure I'd even buy one now given the chance.
@Roy33sakic they have been bad. The dream is here that something worthwhile will show up. But is it really a disappointment when you set the expectation so low that the ? Bag is the best part???
@Roy33sakic they have sucked each time for me but...
I went for one on the woot birthday as I am a sucker for a mystery bag.
I got one. Still something to look forward to. They also sent me a $10 off $25 coupon.
BOCs have become a revenue source for them, not a fun and exciting way for them to unload their unwanted stuff. I'm pretty sure they are buying stuff with the express purpose of putting it into BOCs. I'm all done with them.
When you posted this yesterday, I grabbed a BOC, then told my FB friends about it, tagging my bestie. She finally, after all of these years, got one.
Now, she'll either be really happy or come to the realization that she didn't miss much. I'm betting on the latter.
Me and my fiance both got one to be shipped to the same address. Different credit cards, different names and everything, They decided to cancel our orders saying it was not allowed. I am done with them. Why are we excluded now that we live together? When we lived separate we had no problem.
@bruinscbr Consider yourself lucky. The crap is usually dollar-store junk that you wouldn't want and definitely not worth $10.
@cengland0 Ive got them before and had mixed results. Got 96 AA batteries in one once so that was nice.
@bruinscbr When I started getting them (before they became wootazon, they had fun things like Sansa MP3 players in them. Multiple players in one BOC.
I guess knowing what they had been and seeing what they've become, gives a little different perspective.
@bruinscbr hopefully, they didn't leak! Just say'in, Meh. ;)
@medz I'm curious, did you buy one?
@Barney I buy lots of things. What's your angle, friend?
@medz No angle. Sorry.
@Barney That's ok, pal. I did buy one. Let me know if you have any other questions. Hope you have a great day.
@Barney He was only kidding. PURPLE! - it's all better now. :)
@mfladd Yeah it's kinda weird seeing Barney making multi-word posts and having conversations. It's like having an imaginary pet come to life!
Hey look. Another crap sale.
@medz "You are only allowed to crap once per seven days. It’s painful, but necessary."
Well fuck you too woot.
@medz message -"You are only allowed to crap once per seven days. It’s painful, but necessary.
@medz Thanks again. I registered as "akakakakakak" and had it sent to a friends house. I tried to register as "screwyou" but it was already taken.
fine. i'm giving it one more chance.
@carl669 Mwha ha ha! Sucker!
@DrunkCat Maybe they changed that due to my winning 13 bags of crap back on March 22,2012. I got 9 for myself and 2 each for son and hubby. It was craptastic!
@Teripie Way to ruin it for everybody.
@CozzaFrenzy And you guys can have it. The last few BOCs I got were just paper items like stickers and folders with a couple dollar store items. Not worth the price of the BOC plus shipping.
@CozzaFrenzy "Limit one bag per week per person." Wow, that makes it sound like a really exclusive and rare event! They must be including a door stop in every bag to have to limit it so severely!
Ok, someone find me the next one and tag me this time. I love me a good gamble.
@TaRDy crap available
@sammydog01 AAAAAAnd still available at 3:45 pm ET. I figured I got a raise so why not
That's funny, it says:
"Crap. I Know Who Killed Me"
I'm pretty sure it was suicide.
@sammydog01 This is a disturbing number of craps. There's no way these aren't complete dog shit. I am lamenting my purchase of one on Wednesday.
Edit: screw it, I just bought another one with @MrsPavlov's login and a different credit card. If they completely suck balls, I'll file a chargeback.
@TaRDy Still there. After years of trying and never getting one, it feels wrong seeing it and not clicking the button this time. But I'm pretty sure I'd be better off spending the $10+ picking out my own crap at the dollar store.
@walarney - I know. Years of conditioning. Of all people, it probably affected @Pavlov most ;-)
@walarney I've had many over the years - back when they were good. I still to this day have a Teac radio they sent me (New in box - sold for $80 at the time) on the credenza in my office and use it quit e a bit.
I've ordered two now off this latest barrage of what may very well be a gorilla throwing his own shit into boxes - but I just can't bring myself to let the gamble go.
Yes, this explains why I have my own casino host when I visit Vegas.
@sammydog01 I got it. Not sure why. I bought some protein powder with it to spread out the shipping cost and because I've never tried this kind. As per Woot's standard operating procedures, the powder is only the cost of shipping less than it is on Amazon. With tax added in this is a pretty meh deal.
@KDemo Nice . . . . : )
@Pavlov FOMO. It kills me. The last ... i dunno, 6 bocs have sucked, but every so often I had gotten a good one that I don't want to miss out ... Hope #43 is lucky :) (at least it's a(n Amazon) Prime number ....
@oppodude FOMO is what really makes the world go around.
@sammydog01 Sold out.
@Pavlov yeah, this amount of BOC's can't be good. I have already picked up two in the last few days.
@mfladd @Pavlov we need a reveal thread here next week
@sammydog01 @Pavlov oh yes! oh yes!
I am hoping for some wOOt charity, but I am not getting my hopes up. This one time at band camp.....I got a really good BOC - I can't even remember now what everything was, except that it rocked. But I also think that @Jumbowoot might have had a part in that one. I do remember my wife was about to give birth and it came with a baby monitor and other such related stuff.
@Pavlov I guess so. Maybe it's an issue from my childhood. Does Irk do counseling sessions?
@mfladd last one I got had a decent pair of exercise shorts in there and some duct tape. The rest went straight into the circular file.

@mfladd My last one had bungee cords in it. I needed one today and thought "yes, some value". They are 10 inches long and stretch about a half inch. Into the trash.
@mfladd more like:
@oppodude BOC anticipation
@sammydog01 Absolutely a reveal thread is in order.
I actually think they sent people out dumpster diving. They had what seemed like millions of misprinted can coozies, key rings, and note pads to throw in the bags. The bag itself is ALWAYS, and I mean always the paper bag with a ? on it. The wife still uses the cloth shopping bags she got from years ago.
And then there's the people who defend the BOC itself. It is not what it used to be. "But you were told up front it was crap." they say. No, I was told up front to expect nothing but crap. This implies that there is the chance I could get something of value for my $5 + $5 shipping + tax. Something I haven't seen even in the forums. So those of us lamenting the BOC of old are speaking to the randomness of the content. I would rather get that broken hard drive or the ipod with the return form still attached than another dozen misprinted cozies.
Apparently this happened:
I'd have done it.
@darksaber99999 - Wow, innovation! Fun idea, actually.
@darksaber99999 haha me too, it would've been the first thing I bought from woot in awhile.
@darksaber99999 I'd have done it also - in a heartbeat.
@darksaber99999 man it was up for a while!
@darksaber99999 Shit I could really use one now too.
@darksaber99999 Yeah, that would've been nice. And it doesn't violate TINSTAAFL....
@darksaber99999 Unfortunately someone hacked it early so it wasn't a surprise.
For as bad as people always say Woot is, I'm impressed that they keep getting David Ogden Stiers to be in all their videos.
@Starblind Amazon can afford pretty much anything - I know - I've intentionally overbilled them (via the agency that subcontracted us to do the work) and they paid it without blinking, in record time. The left hand at Amazon doesn't always know what the right hand is doing, and their own staff go out of their way to screw the company for surprisingly little payola.
@Starblind Yeah, too bad he's not as good as that guy who used to take his clothes off in all of @matthew 's videos
@slydon Were there only ever 2 Nudeman Reviews videos? Those had so much potential.
@Starblind nobody sees my penis but @matthew
Oh My God there's another 500 bags of crap up.
@sammydog01 I'm out - screw it - there's no way at this point that these aren't anything other than complete shit.
I'm betting Prime Day leftovers that didn't sell (maternity waistbands and used compression stockings) will fill these.
@sammydog01 must... resist...
@Pavlov @Sammydog01
Call me a glutton for punishment. This is my 3rd BOC in 3 days.
@sammydog01 Thanks- finally got one.
@sammydog01 Got this one...thank you folks...the original one you tagged me in was sold out by the time I had enough service to load the page
More Crap Available
@boc Bloody hell.
@boc - Please tag me when there's more pizza ;-)
@Pavlov c'mon - just oneeeeeeeeeeee more ;) Think of the fun we will have with the reveal thread.
@mfladd Hell no - I'm out. 2 is enough - I have a really bad feeling about this now.
@boc An hour later and it is still there - not a good sign.
When did Woot drop Google as a login provider (or are you supposed to paste in for your OpenID provider?)
I got one from the second(?) one. Shared with two coworkers who got the "Hollywood" one. Last time I got an LED Headlamp, which is actually quite useful. Probably almost worth the $8 I paid for it. The rest was basically junk.
Yeah, if anyone else sees a pizza one, tag me. I need some cheap pizza.
Is it a wootoff??? Is it.. what??? What's happening???
@HELLOALICE How are y'all finding these??
@HELLOALICE it's the whodunit thinger
@thismyusername wot
@thismyusername Oh!! I see!!! WHat room will it be in?? Does it change?? This is exciting!
@HELLOALICE It's been going on this week and my guess is that it's almost over if it hasn't finished already.
@HELLOALICE It's Woot's 11th birthday. They had stuff happening all week. Today was the last day. It's all over.
woot says I'm only allowed to crap once a week.
I think they have me confused with my wife.
Well it appears my crap and fiances crap shipped after all. After two different staff members gave me a robot like response saying they would not be fulfilled because it was the same address, we both got tracking numbers today.
@bruinscbr perhaps they didn't sell out and figured an extra sale is extra cash
@nadroj I actually talked to the support on the forums and they told me the person that contacted me through email was wrong. It only matters if the credit cards are the same name.
3.2 lbs
Let's see if Woot really has reached the end of its ropes.
@DrunkCat Same thing for me. Might be a placeholder. Doesn't show as shipped yet; just printed label.
@DrunkCat Same thing for me. Might be a placeholder. Doesn't show as shipped yet; just printed label.
@DrunkCat Same thing for me. Might be a placeholder. Doesn't show as shipped yet; just printed label.
Same thing for me. Might be a placeholder. Doesn't show as shipped yet; just printed label.
@DrunkCat Same thing for me. Might be a placeholder. Doesn't show as shipped yet; just printed label.
@DrunkCat Same thing for me. Might be a placeholder. Doesn't show as shipped yet; just printed label.
They sold 3500 of these. If anyone has any high expectations of them, you're doing it wrong. There will be a few notable exceptions, of course, but crap is promised, that's what you should expect.
@ACraigL This time I'm not going to make the mistake of reading the official reveal thread - which they've already emailed me about twice - ahead of time, so I'll at least be surprised at what will be disappointing me.
@darksaber99999 Yep, I always avoid the spoiler threads (here too) until I get my shipment. Then I go back and get jealous of everyone else's stuff.
I had one shipped 3.2 lbs. They caught me and cancelled another yesterday. I don't know about the third yet.
@mfladd placeholder weight. both mine and my co-worker's are at 3.2 lbs. unless we all get the same shit. which I can't discount the possibility of.
@oppodude Same 3.2 lbs, i think normally 3 lbs is placeholder. We shall see.
@mfladd heh... let's see if they catch this.... I ordered one, my wife used my card (with permission) and ordered one... they cancelled her and refunded... My bank account says:
Woot INC -$10
Woot INC +$10
Woot INC +$10
Woot INC +$10
heh.. ;)
@sohmageek wishing you the best on quadrupling your sadness :) They caught my third one too.
@mfladd Well... If it stays (I'll probably contact support tonight...) It's the best BOC I've ever got... ;)
@mfladd ADQ checks all the BOC sales manually. Every. Single. One. She enjoys making it her mission to nuke duplicate craps. If she sees that you make a habit of it, she makes sure to triple check for you in the future.
Mine is still preparing for shipment. And that went so well with my fuku. (Still an ungrateful bitch.)
@sammydog01 ha!!!
Here is my cancellation notice for one of my BOC's
"Hey hot shot,
Looks like you managed to score more than one BOC during our birthday week. That's amazing! Almost super-human, you could say. Unfortunately our rules clearly stipulate that you're only allowed to buy one BOC per week even if you're trying to use alternate accounts, so we're canceling all your orders save one.
If you think this rule is unfair, you are strongly encouraged to take it up with someone who cares. If you think this email was sent in error and you deserve your BOC, send an email to and we'll look into it.
Thank you for taking such a keen interest in our $5 bags of worthless garbage, and we wish you all luck in your future endeavors. Unless you're Lichme in which case: shakes fist
Woot "
@mfladd so does @lichme get two?? and a fist shake?
@mikibell Lichme gets (nor needs) no luck. His bot-kwan-do scores him all the BOC's! Although that's kind of like creating a program that convinces the garbage man to dump your trash in your driveway instead of his truck...
@mfladd Yeah, my wife got one also... I had her send in an e-mail to Customer service asking what the official rules are on it... as we used different shipping addresses... It is 2 different people... I think she used my credit card however...
@sohmageek I tried different credit cards, different addresses and different usernames - bitches still caught me for a box of disappointment.
@mfladd It was different names, addresses and usernames.
@mikibell Lichme got several of the mystery items- one shot deals for pricey electronics for $11. There were 14 or 15 available and two people got most of them.
I was wondering if woot still had that in their cancellation email. I didn't get several, I got a few. Darkinc got several. There was also another guy that got a couple. Some other people got more than none, but less then multiples.
Woot's still there? The last two BOC's I got were utter garbage. No thanks. I can get $5 worth of useless shit at the dollar store and come out ahead.
@capguncowboy Nice way to kill my dream, thanks.
Ok, I know it's going to be garbage - just trying to be an optimist.
@mfladd it was their birthday, I still have hope. It will be dashed in a few days, I see it shipped.
@capguncowboy technically they are $10 now... prime shipping don't cover woot (however I think it should).
@thismyusername you know what - your right! (about the prime.
@thismyusername @mfladd I agree. I'd probably shop there a little more if it did
I miss the old Woot. I especially miss the tight-knit deals.woot community. This place is nice, but it's not quite the same (so many people -- too many!)
@mfladd @capguncowboy it would help improve the "deal" since it's pretty rare that the "deal" is anything other than prime price minus the $5 that they add right back on ;)
@capguncowboy I'm with you on the deals.woot thing. It use to be a lot of fun. It's a ghost town now. With only a few good people holding it together.
(p.s. I miss @loubricant)
@thismyusername this might be a good thread. Because while most of it is shit I did get a really good deal on a escort 9500ix radar detector (new) that rocks. I drive a lot for work.
@capguncowboy For me when they started doing things like letting people pay to put deals on the top instead of it being fully organic community-based rankings, that really did things in. Now the whole default tab is all paid stuff that barely qualifies as a "deal". I noticed community involvement plummet after that.
Also, remember when Ask The Community used to be a hotbed of activity? Now the questions on the main page go back 6 months. Months!! Used to be the main page would go back a few hours tops.
@Bingo down-voting for me was also a repellent. Bad idea.
@mfladd I left when they took away downvoting. Some of the sponsored deals were so stupid they deserved to die. (By "some" I mean "so many.") I liked deals.woot least of all their sites, but I liked it best as they rolled it out, and every change made it die a little for me. Even just the extra click to vote on sponsored deals was annoying.
@editorkid Ya, I was speaking of down voting for member deals/comments. Some a-holes thought they all of a sudden had a godly gift given to them. The sponsored deals are stupid so I can understand wanting to express you opinion.
But I can say my username over there shows only 2 downvotes and I commented on both that they were mistakes. # hatedownvoting
@mfladd @editorkid You know how you can tell no one goes there any more? I haven't been on that site in probably more than year, and I'm ranked 156 on the leaderboard... It really does make me sad :(
@capguncowboy I will post a deal once in a blue moon and I am #55. I hear ya.
@Bingo Yeah, I miss the Ask the Community. They helped me out so many times.
Departed from Dallas. Still 3.2 lbs but added 10x10x10 dimensions. Might be a placeholder. Estimated delivery Saturday.
Mine got here this morning and I'm just going through it now. So far it's better than the last BOC I got. I haven't found any misprinted pens or koozies yet and some of it might be useful to someone- just not me- but still not fuku-cool
@Kleineleh Pics or it didn't happen. : )
@Pavlov We're really doing that here? Okay, but first I have to go take my painter's tape down before @jsh139 chastises me again
@Kleineleh Forget the tape, take the pictures. I scored three of these damn things, I'd like to see how deeply disappointed I'm going to be prior to my disappointment after they arrive.
@Kleineleh you still haven't taken that shit off? Careful, the longer you leave it on the harder it is to take off without either ripping some of the paint off or leaving little pieces that are a PITA to remove without a knife. I'm not a professional painter but I unusually take painters tape off immediately after I paint.
@jsh139 I have found this out the hard way. Luckily it was outside and not inside. I am allowing the elements to handle most of the work :/
@jsh139 @mfladd You're right, I know. I'm in the process of almost taking my entire house apart and putting it back together. I guess I got distracted by other projects and got used to seeing everything outlined. It's like living in a terrible cartoon.
@mfladd @jsh139 Okay, I realized talking about it was taking more time and effort than it would to actually take the stupid stuff off. Thanks for the prodding :)

@Kleineleh we have to do it here, have you ever been able to successfully find a reveal thread over at the woot forum rats nest?
@jsh139 Thanks! I even battled window-sill spiders for that wad of tape

@Kleineleh nice job! did it all come of cleanly?
@mfladd It actually came off better than the tape I took off sooner. But now I want to repaint my walls.
Mine came too!

@sammydog01 What is that stuff?
@cengland0 rocks- it was a joke

@Pavlov, ask and you shall receive Crap in a Blue Dress:

Not a great picture, I know, I was in a hurry because as I was taking it I discovered a weird smell in that room- the source of which I now have to go find. And no, it's not the 40 year-old couch. I checked. Anyway, on to the contents:
- Woot bag and sticker
- Silicone Christmas tree ice mold
- Size S Flip Flops
- Polaroid cooking game stylus for Nintendo DS
- SimpliciKey key fob for electronic deadbolts
- OralB Winnie The Pooh electric toothbrush (ages 3+)
- National Geographic, Vol. 168, No. 6
- Five Go Green alkaline AA batteries
- Two packs of sonic replacements toothbrush heads
- USB cord for something from Jawbone
- Muk Luks fleece-lined knee highs (size L/XL)
- a big wad of some kind of bungee somethings
- a bunch of little rubber cats
- Polaroid charger for Nintendo DSi
So yeah, I'll find a use for a few of these things (although the fleece-lined knee highs may have to wait a few months if they're not too big). I think I may just scatter the cats around my store to see if anyone notices
@Kleineleh That is really not a bad haul for crap. I want cats in mine.
@Kleineleh Thanks - and I'm sorry - they used to be sooooo good. Love the couch. Reminds me of the couch I spent a long afternoon on with the prom queen once upon a time.
@sammydog01 Yeah, definitely better than what I was expecting, at least I can use or find new (non-trashcan) homes for most of it.
@Pavlov I missed out on pre-amazon woot, but maybe that's better so I don't have to miss it and can just be happy I found this place instead.
And thanks! It's huge and ugly and uncomfortable and some of the seams are coming apart, and I pretty much love it for all of that. But I really, really hope it's not the same couch 'cause it was my grandmother's and eww.
@Kleineleh Not the same couch, not the same couch, not the same couch, not the same couch, not the same couch, not the same couch, not the same couch, not the same couch, not the same couch, not the same couch, not the same couch, not the same couch, not the same couch, not the same couch.
@Kleineleh @mfladd @pavlov best boc ever!
So they paid me not to get crap. Ok I can handle that.
@Pavlov prom queen, drag queen - same thing ;)
@mfladd Speak for yourself there, buddy. The difference is National Hot Dog Day.
@Pavlov it's ok. "Not that there's anything wrong with that."
@Kleineleh - Your store? Just being nosy.
@KDemo A friend and I are starting a vintage store here in Dallas. It's not open yet, we're still cleaning and setting up the space. And naming it. Who knew that would be the hard part? haha
@Kleineleh - That sounds like so much fun! Seems like you have a wear a lot of hats, so to speak. Pyrotechnics, social work, retail.
I had a shop years ago - I loved working there.
You should start a "Name my Store" thread here for suggestions.
@KDemo Haha, yeah, I guess I do wear a lot of hats. Maybe that's why I'm so anxious for them to come back in style, haha. What kind of shop did you have? I am having a blast with this one so far.
That is a great idea! We've got a few top contenders right now, but if those fizzle out I just might do that.
Mine have updated - Two packages at 12x10x9 @ 2.6lbs and one package at 14x10x9 @ 2lbs. I'm not holding out much hope.
Here's the official thread (started by @lichme) over at Woot:
I got one too - it's supposed to be here Monday. My father was able to order one as well, even though he types about three words a minute, due to there were several available for an hour or two at a time.
I regret that I stayed up so long the first few nights trying to get one (and succeeding) due to the fact it was so easy at the end...
I'm really looking forward to Meh's 2nd birthday! :)
Meh > Woot nowadays, unless they improve their BOCS.
Me and my Fiance's both updated. 2.5lbs and 2.8lbs. I got a crap in January and December. Some of the reveals I have seen were literally the exact items I received... Creativity with these things is gone. Its literally crap they cant sell and dont want.
@bruinscbr Mine updated... 12x9x7 box... 1.7 lbs.... I'm starting to think that it's shit. Bad shit. Like broken pens stuff you'd find in a desk after someone quit and didn't want to take with them shit...
Did anyone follow the garden gnome woot-off? TT bought garden gnomes and sold them as special items between woot-off items. They were cute and maybe a couple of bucks off Amazon price. At least a few people thought they were incognito bags of crap and bought them by the boatload. Very funny.
Anyone get theirs yet? I got mine and man it is legit crap. Some of the same garbage I got 6 months ago when I got it. Literally no value or no use in any of the items.
@bruinscbr Pic'sssssss
@bruinscbr Yup. Hubby and I both got ours yesterday. True crap. Most went straight to the Goodwill box. I did keep the funky little shower radio and the universal laptop charger. Those will probably end up in our big ol' box of Xmas crap.
We give out BOC's at Xmas. (Very good BOC's, with some crappy stuff for laughs.)
@Teripie Pics!!!!!!!!!!!!
@mfladd Okay. You Know I must really love you guys to go all the trouble to reassemble this pile of crap just for you. Missing is a cheap ass serving spoon that did make it to the kitchen. The tiny little flashlight thingy is not LED so I assume it's highly collectable.

Here's the universal changer thing.
@mfladd The basketball thing is a pair of cheap aux plug in speakers. The little blue bar goes with the sunglasses. Those are kinda cool the way they fold up and are silicone frames. This stuff goes into the Xmas box.
The iPad and Nintendo things go to Goodwill.
@Teripie Thank you for the reveal. Mine says it is still in WV being handled by my uncles cousins daughter. It is WV - don't judge.
@Teripie whose back half is in the first picture ?
@ceagee Patches, crazy Jack Russell.
Here's mine:

What's in the box:
Woot ? bag
Crap folders- Total, More, and Other
Christmas cards x3 (2 w/ music CDs)
Woot monkey papercraft
Basketball stereo speakers
Spongebob Fusion Digital video card w/ 6 episodes of the show
Miniature flipbook wallet w/ pen
Flashing Mouth- multi-colored lighting you can put in your mouth like a retainer
And finally:
Pair-to-Spare- Disposable travel panties (1 pair)
The inside of the card:

-Crappy Bag
-Papercraft assembled by master papercrafter
-Thomas the Tank Engine dvd
-Guilt Trip notes
-Sandwich cutter
-Sticky thing
-Toilet brush
-Brush of crap sticker
-XXL Zelda hoodie, which hopefully shrinks in the wash. Really glad it wasn't a kids size for once.
So... not.. that.. bad? I'm, uh, most excited about the toilet brush.
@darksaber99999 That is a nice toilet brush! So crappy!
This thread is amazing for the fact that meh allows us to post woot crap. What would happen if someone posted their fukubukuro over there? meh is so smart, because it is highlighting the difference without having to say a word.
meh whoops woot's ass.
@KDemo @Snapster listens to @JonT. Bezos may not even know who runs the forums at Woot and he certainly doesn't listen to them.
Who ever runs the forums at Woot got tired of hearing about things they could do nothing about.
@KDemo What happens here is called "freedom." It's assumed we are all adults.
@hamjudo - I love how @snapster and @dave are hands-on involved, and have a vision that concerns the community as much as (or more than) the business. It seems to be working. Bezos is probably off in search of untried breakfast foods and focused on his personal bottom line.
I know next to nothing about business, but I know I love spending time (and sometimes money) here.
@Teripie - At least most of us can fake it ;-)
@KDemo Hey can you do me a favor and shoot me an e-mail :)
@sohmageek - Done.
Finally picked mine up at the post office today:

Woot bag
Sandwich cutter
Hershey candle (amazingly unmelted)
Spare underwear (hey, you never know)
2 keychain flashlights
Calculator – broken
Misprinted journal, koozie and magnets
Invader Zim Fusion video card
IMobifone handset
I can re-gift a few of these, so all is not lost.
Got mine, and its so sad I wont even post a picture... it doesn't deserve the space on imgur.
Woot bag
One of those odd polaroid nintendo dsi docks
A headset that only has one earpiece and a mic (for voice phone calls, but it's an ear bud)
Some post-its with some random company name on it
Blank white spiral notebook (nothing on covers)
A Fusion Digital Video Card (Invader Zim Vol 1) works in a "fusion digital media player" no idea what that is.
a "republican" Cahootie?
Once again...
Meh mystery boxes are woot,
and woot mystery boxes are meh.
@thismyusername I believe this was the Npower Fusion Media player:
I love how even my lower value items from meh fuku were useful or neat. Not even my higher value items from woot are useful. Basketball speakers? No. A phone headset to attach to a cell phone? Still no. Nintendo ds dock? Even more no. How about cup koozies, post its and magnets with company logos on them? Yeah no thanks
@bruinscbr not just any nintendo, a dsi dock... who the heck has a dsi these days (other than collectors)?
@thismyusername Maybe ... @acraigl? :)
@narfcake No DSi for me, but plenty of docks. :P However I did learn that the connector works with most of the Nintendo handhelds and the dock is an SD card reader as well, so there's a modicum of value there.
But, yeah, mostly they're just super-dumb.
@thismyusername You can use the cord with a usb adapter or power bank- 3DS uses the same fitting. We use them every day.
@ACraigL @sammydog01 thank you two for this… needed a charger for a nintendo 3ds… couldn’t find the charger anywhere… almost bought one on amazon then remembered these comments, went and found the stupid dsi dock… now have a charged 3ds… thanks again!
@thismyusername It’s nice when something you thought was crap turns out to be useful.
I'm starting to think that my Woot crap isn't good enough to donate to Goodwill.
@Teripie - They might find a use for the box it came in?
@Teripie I've ran across a set of the crap folders at one of my local Goodwill stores and it was gone the following week, so "useless BOC crap" was worth the $1.99 to someone, at least.
I tried to tell you people that you're better off throwing your money away. Next time, instead of wasting it on some shit to make Amazon more profitable, stuff $10 in an envelope and mail it to Ronald McDonald House or Saint Jude's.
@capguncowboy But... it's fun to get random crap... Besides there has been at least one thing that's been useful that, while I don't value at $10 worth, I'd never buy if I was to actually track the items down and buy them... well mostly... One of the old ones I had looked like they took the leftovers from someone that quit that week and boxed them up... Broken pencils...
I got my bag of crap on Thurs/Fri -- all the days blur together :) It felt disrespectful to post this before my fuku.. but you might see some confetti from the fuku, since I took the photos one after another!
I expect this is a great bag o crap, but I am such a neophyte with technology, I will let you guys tell me if I am wrong!
@mikibell I think you did quite well. You can actually put some of your stuff to use. Cool.
@mikibell just so you know I received the cooking stylus and a Nintendo DSI multimedia dock. They are yours if you want them. (I haven't posted my stuff yet. I received it today)
@mfladd Thank you, kindly..I received 2 dsi docks in my mehexchange and I only need 1 stylus :) I really do appreciate the offer though, it is quite nice!!
@mikibell mehexchange? have I been left out of something I don't know about :(
@mfladd - @studerc's delayed box exchange.
@mfladd oh dear, @studerc is going to kill me if we start this again :) We had a Mehexchange right before Christmas. It was really cool. I received a box of stuff from @xarous containing lots of goodies! Including the dsi docs ..
@mikibell aah..before my time, thanks.
Got mine, here's the summary:
@DJP519 you did get a score with the watch!
Crap came today- here's a photo:

Fuku to crap comparison:
-fuku- iomega keyboard, working
-crap- jawbone jambox special edition with accessories, working
-fuku- card, hat, oversold note, alien figure, bag
-crap- cooking stylus, poo dough, woot off light sticker, bag
-fuku- trip glasses, garment bag, anti skid pads, broken stove top espresso maker
-crap- ichair, iphone armband, video card
Tweety likes his new speaker

@sammydog01 for $10 how did wOOt win when you got a Jawbone Jambox?
@mfladd OK, I won. Yay, me!
@sammydog01 yeah you did win... Although, I still Think my wife made out good... :)
I expected disappointment with this BOC but didn't think it'd be this bad...
- brush of crap. Sticker had half peeled off the backing and stuck itself to...
- dinosaur sandwich cutter.
- glow in the dark shitty wind chime. Dollar store quality
- joke 'guilt trip' forms from Knock Knock
- diy monkey cube
Definitely not worth the $10.
Joseph Abboud leather uppers - sz 8. Brand New. Nice! If I'm Peter Dinklage.
Mortimer sticker
Tainted TX air
a red flashlight thing- broken
shower bug
iChair (?) case for Ipad.
Finally got mine. I too got some shower radio and SD Sponge Bob episodes. But the real prize seems to be an apparent Roku.
Does anyone know anything cool to do with a Roku3?
@DrunkCat Woot! I never get anything that great... I tend to get a lot of pairs to spare however... I think they are telling me something...
@DrunkCat I use mine to watch amazon prime. I guess I'm not cool.
@DrunkCat nice, best streamer out there right now. congrats.
@DrunkCat That may be the best score I have seen from a crap bag.
@DrunkCat Netflix, possibly YouTube, lots of other paid content, and a bunch of other things.
@mfladd I thought it was pretty good and considered myself lucky I got something of value at all. I didn't realize this was a cream of the crop bag of craps. I remember that was reserved to those who got TVs, laptops and large appliances. So yay, guess I'll take pictures now.
@DrunkCat My Roku stick also does PBS. Hey @oldcatlady, have you been watching "Poldark"?
Over the years, I've gotten several jamboxes, watches, a blender, a Vulcan Phantom Vibration Speaker, utensils, Samsung wifi digital camera, towels, curtains, Sansas, Zune, hammock, and many, many more things of actual value.
I've been keeping a spreadsheet all this time of things I've gotten. Yes, a lot of crap. However, the value of the items overall has been basically 10x higher than what I paid. These bags have more than paid for themselves over the years. I still like the "hunt" and am happy either way. It's fun and a low-cost way to look forward to something.
@ACraigL That's because you solve all those freaking RogetRay puzzles I'm apparently too stupid to do quickly.
@sammydog01 Ha. I've only officially won 7 of those. But I've been pretty good at snagging the regular crap, too.
So has anyone been following the reveal thread over at Woot? TT has been sending little gifts to people wishing for certain items in their crap bags. The best so far was a box of vibrators and bungees for someone that wanted a massage chair. You can badmouth Woot all you want for their deals or lack their of, but @Del is single handedly making it a fun community.
Letters are starting to come in, as well as reports of 45 and 55 lb. shipments for the recipients of said letters.
@ACraigL I submit that until I get a letter, they are myths... :)
@sohmageek I be inclined to agree if I didn't have one of my very own to prove their existence. But I'm rooting for you!
Got both of mine last week (the third I thought was coming was cancelled). I have now been refunded on both.
They were just that bad.
This sums up my experience well:
Last woot purchase(s), ever.
@Pavlov OVER THE LINE! :) One should hope the connection is noticed.
@Pavlov So the cup is half-full here and half-empty there?
No - the glass was just empty, there.
1 box had three items, a misprinted beer koozie, a paper bag with a question mark on it and a little contraption that scrambles the egg in the shell. That was all, those three items. The egg thing was broken.
The other box was damaged upon arrival (I sent pics) - it too contained misprinted promotional give-away items such as beer koozies, etc. and a paper bag. The only half decent item contained therein was a kickstand of some sort for an Ipad, which was snapped in two pieces and not repairable. It appeared they snapped it to get it into the box or it was damaged in transit.
The combined value of the two boxes the donkey raping shit eating douchewaffles at woot sent me amounted to . . . maybe, 50 cents at a bad garage sale.
After it made it to a customer service rep that actually was authorized to do anything but give a snarky reply (eight of their summary "we aren't doing a damn thing for you" emails in total) - they apologized in embarrassment . . .
I'm just done with them.
@HELLOALICE has had her fuku from me for a couple days and she's communicated with me via email and said she would post the contents, but as yet she has not - and I can't reach her via email now (weird). But the Fuku retail value prior to enhancement was well over $150. I pushed it higher. A lot higher, actually.
@Pavlov I hope you know I wasn't criticizing your contest. Without the details regarding the mystery bags' comparable contents, the outsider looking in didn't have any relative context, which you supplied as vividly as expected here.
Back in the days when you could order 1, 2, or 3 bags, it was pretty common for stuff to arrive broken, which a lot of folks took as a challenge. Of course, they might get six or seven of the same item, all broken, and piece it together, which doesn't seem to happen much anymore. My own experience is that I've gotten as many dull BOCs as dull fukus (one), as many exciting BOCs as exciting fukus (two), and as many reasonable but not noteworthy BOCs as R-B-N-N fukus (the rest), so it's a wash here on Chicago's north side; plus Woot still sells lots of stuff I like, whereas here, two purchases a month is a busy one for me. So mostly I feel badly that you feel so cheated, but not to the point where I'd try to defend Woot or change your mind.
@editorkid I looked over my complete order history on my combined accounts at woot, and I've scored 18 BOC - the minimum retail value in any one bag (box) - with the exception of these last two - was $58.
I have experienced order issue after issue with them over the past couple years and my purchasing there has dwindled . . . I've a combined 1029 orders between me, the wife and the office. The office will continue to order and pay via Amazon with AMEX (AMEX removes a charge if they even intuitively sense we're dissatisfied). Otherwise, woot (for me) has licked the donut.
Fuck 'em with a buffalo dick. I'm done.
@Pavlov you have to love AMEX customer service they have taken care of of every issue I have ever had, including replacing a pair of sunglasses that were accidentally broken. Also, my new 55" Sony 4K TV from Amazon was paid for with points.
@Pavlov Holy.... I've had a total of 19 orders, 10 of which have been BOC... I think the best "value" was probably $30. Most of them probably averaged $5-$8. Also the $30 one was cause there was a shirt and a freaker in it... My worst one was about 10 broken pencils/pens and a handheld video game thing that didn't work well... I think one of the buttons was broke.. The games it played were the same ones on the old nokia cell phone from the mid 90's. ya know one of the ones that had faceplates.
@studerc email "meh @ sohmageek (dot) com" pls. thx.
@Pavlov Thats alot work for a guy that just submitted his 30 pg thesis.
@Pavlov fucking did it though.
@Pavlov Wrong email for here.. but that works :) Thanks!
@sohmageek Try and do something nice . . .
@Pavlov Something nice? :) Like pull another name for the contest? :)
@sohmageek I'm coming up on my 10 year anniversary over there - that's not a lot of orders considering all the stuff we've bought for the office that appeared slightly cheaper on woot than it did Amazon after the sale to Bezos.
@Pavlov I didn't shop a lot on Woot... Which means I didn't meet you swell people earlier. However, according to my account I opened it on September 02, 2008 Probably about the same time that I registered my domain.
@Pavlov Yikes, dual crappy craps?
@Thumperchick Surprised? Haha. My BOCs have always been super sub-par.
@studerc @Thumperchick @Pavlov The best BOC I've gotten so far is when they cancelled the BOC and refunded me my money.... 3 times. Pay once, cancel and refund x3!
@Pavlov And again I'm not arguing -- that's absolutely a shitty bag -- but I've never even wondered what the retail value of the stuff in my bags and boxes was. Ok, I'll argue: I think that's counterproductive, because when folks worry about that, it means the idea of getting a bunch of broken items that can be pieced together to make one good one has been stomped dead. The second most awesome BoC I got had four items, one of which was a bottle opener. I guess we've had wildly differing expectations and experiences and the only solution is to have a few drinks, go outside and settle it like men, and then hug it out in the holding cell while waiting for @MrsPavlov to pay our bail.
Um, user drewcroa just got his tracking on his letter crap: 445 pounds.
@ACraigL Wondered how long it would take someone to post this. :P
@Del Gotta spread the cheer. Not much fandom over in these parts.
@ACraigL You beat me to it.
@ACraigL None expected. ;)
@Del It looks like @Pavlov got screwed. See above. I love you guys though.
@sammydog01 @del Haha! The past four BOCs I have received have come with that sketchy 3/4 item range of pure disappointment. Emailed the CS warlords and got the super awesome canned response about not complaining. Same thing will probably happen for @pavlov.
@studerc Same thing did happen - and I eventually got every dime refunded . . . eight email exchanges later.
Should I press charges for battery?
@ACraigL Batteries alone were worth it, Good haul... makes up for the other ones like @Pavlov and I got.
Here is what I got for my first BOC:

For reference, here is what I got with my Fukubukuro #5:

All honesty, Woot provided me with much better content in this round.

Before I get attacked I would like to add that I did manage to get these pair of Bluetooth headphones from meh for free a few months ago. It's something I use everyday and, so far, it's my favorite gadget I received all year. I will consider the headphones part of the Fukubukuro, making meh the clear winner! Yay!
I just don't understand how you can complain about getting crap when it's very plain that that's what you've ordered. I've had a number of BOCs; some good, some bad. I remember way back when we used to get stuff that seemed to come out of the wastebaskets. I've had cords that went to nothing. My first one had a Robosapien that had all the batteries in it. If you buy lottery tickets, you have to know you probably won't win. Same thing.
@medz ugggggghhhhhhhh I regret this already
@Lotsofgoats me too but I totally went for it anyway...
@stardate820926 I know I know LET IT ROLL BABY WOOOOOOOO
get it we're playing craps
@medz when did they raise the price to 10 bucks?
@Kevin maybe a year ago... Always $5 shipping, but increased from $3 to $5 sometime in last 2 years...
@medz sold out. deal is dead. lies.
@medz Was this on the app or what?
@medz Never mind, they just explained it.
@medz DANG! I ordered this on Wednesday. It was shipped yesterday and the tracking show it's already been delivered. It's sure to be super crappy this time.
@stardate820926 hmmm... mine is shipped already too
assembly line crap? :\
@Lotsofgoats They're filled by the trash dumpster.
@narfcake @loatsofgoats

and yet I do every opportunity I get...
@stardate820926 I still get excited every time I get crap. It's the best $10.53 I spend all month. Even if it really is crap.
Anyway to tell who all is subscribed to this thread? I fear a certain Woot mod will not appreciate me posting links here. Nobody tell that person who I am, okay?
@medz Create a different username here and post the links using that one! Fuck woot!
@medz ಠ_ಠ
@medz I think she's onto you.

fuck I always wondered why I missed these! 'twas not subscribed.
Crap is up- look at the banner on the main page, type in the Konami code, link will pop up
@sammydog01 got one! Thanks!
Damn you, @sammydog01 ! You just cost me $10.60...
Thanks (sort of) for the heads up! :-)
@curtise Blame the goat not me.
@sammydog01 fine. i bought one. fucking @lumpthar/@Lotsofgoats!
@sammydog01 - No thank you. At least until I figure out what to do with the oversized Michael Jackson bobblehead from the last one.
I was too late. :/
@KDemo Could be worse.. You could have TWO oversized Michael Jackson bobbleheads from TWO previous craps.
@sammydog01 Don't see it. Lies. Deal is dead.
@connorbush You snooze you lose.
@curtise - Do you have TWO? Lol - I think it's woot's form of aversion therapy. I'm cured.
@KDemo Didn't @oldcatlady sell one for twenty bucks or so?
@sammydog01 -Maybe someone in the Jackson family is trying to buy them up to destroy them?
@sammydog01 Not I. What a ghastly thought.
@OldCatLady Sorry, I thought there was someone here that sold one. My memory is not what it used to be, and it never was worth shit.
@KDemo But... Bookends!

@sammydog01 - LOL! Just for thrillers?
@KDemo I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe. Thank you for that
@sammydog01 Of course it's entirely possible that I did and forgot about it. You can use my favorite line: 'I've always been a space cadet, and I can't tell when I lose it because I've never really had it together.' It's worked for me since I was in my 20s...
@OldCatLady OK I looked it up and it Marlenestclair, on the Woot boards, and it was for $25. So I wasn't close but it's not time for Alzheimer's testing yet. I did get the MJ bobblehead on EBay part right.
@KDemo I sure do. One of them lives on my piano. The other is still in its original box. Maybe if I wait long enough it will be worth something. And by that, I mean more than a buck. :¬)
@curtise 乁( ◔ ౪◔)ㄏ
If it weren't for the shipping cost, I would gladly send you a third one.
I don't get it... I don't see any Konami code... ? 😖
@haydesigner Its in the banner. But they are now sold out.
@haydesigner for future reference:
Ah thanks. I guess you just needed to type that in while just on the webpage? But you couldn't do that on an iPad… :-(
Received my crap today (ridiculously fast). Was pleasantly surprised!

@stardate820926 Purple!
@Barney You love purple! ;)
@stardate820926 I love Weird-ohs.
@stardate820926 !!!
@stardate820926 I see shirts! Well, a shirt and an AA tank. The neckstretch Anvil is old stock, BTW, as it's been over a year since the Anvil blanks went to the mutant type.
@narfcake they are both mediums (and thus too small for me) so if you want them let me know. I'm sure we can work something out.
@sammydog01 the same goes for the Weird-ohs
@stardate820926 No purple for Barney? sniff, sniff
@Barney I actually like the bowl but I'm sure I have something purple I could send you haha
@stardate820926 That's okay. You received the holy grail of BoC items. I wouldn't share either.
@Barney I got this colander in a bag of crap. Woot loves purple.

@sammydog01 I guess Woot didn't love me. They never sent me anything purple. Meanies.
@sammydog01 Every time I see this bumped... I think I'm missing crap
@sohmageek Sorry. and BUMP.
@sammydog01 CRAP!!!!!!!
@stardate820926 Alas, I'm currently not quite a medium either.
(For reference, they are these:
I got a BOC once. It had an odd assortment of clothing items and a busted bluetooth speaker. Apparently it costs Woot less to put stuff like that in a BOC than to bin it.
For sale now!
@connorbush Woot crashed on the first BOC of a Woot-off. It's crazy that there are that many people there at 1 am. Last time they switched to a pop-up (Wootsquatch).
@sammydog01 Just noticed they sent out a notification at 1AM. That's what they get.
@connorbush I picked one up today. Wootstalker went off and it was kinda automatic reflex.
I forgot , however, to go back and use my unlocked shipping to get a little tower heater I wanted. Now I'm too po'd to get it and pay ship. sigh.
@ceagee I ordered a gate. And I was hoping to cash in on the free shipping to get crap. My internet has been sucking recently. I missed crap for the first time in a long time.
@sohmageek I guess some how we evened things out in the Woot cosmos. or not.
I got my Crap today, and I finally got drunk enough to open it (bad day, don’t ask). Although I recognized less than half of the characters on the gray shirt, it redeemed itself by having Castiel, The Doctor, and Mal.

@Trillian a cat shirt? gross
@Trillian The Cheshire cat shirt -- is that the one that glows in the dark?
@Barney No glow as of now, but I will leave it in the sun tomorrow to see if it does.
@lotsofgoats Oh fuck you. Catshirts rule.
@Barney This one glows, and was offered on eggplant on its debut day.
@Trillian I have that catshirt; it doesn't glow.
@Trillian You got the nail polish with boobies. Score!
@Trillian - I saw that gray shirt in an email - it's the nerd alphabet.
@KDemo ah, that makes sense. I was trying to figure out the random assortment of characters.

@ACraigL thanks! I recognized most of them but couldn't figure out why they were chosen. It didn't even occur to me that they were alphabetical haha
goodness gracious, a shirt that has to explain itself on the back? classic shirt.woot
almost as bad as a cat shirt
@stardate820926 I have that shirt. I love it.
I looked at the woot-off at random moments. I know things are more competitive now than in days of yore, but yesterday's event seemed like a huge lame-a-thon.
@f00l Every woot-off becomes "worst woot-off ever".
@narfcake Until you get a letter, then it’s the second worst woot-off ever. I still have things from my letter BOC that I got this summer that I haven’t used or re-gifted.
My crap:

@sammydog01 Space Racing Stripes is still a current design; I have a copy of that in purple.
I don't recognize the white shirt, though.
@narfcake It's apparently from an app called Hungry Shark Evolution

@stardate820926 Yep, and I now have two of them in children's sizes. I offered the first one up for free but got no takers. They're not bad if you have kids that size.
@sammydog01 What sizes? My friend (actual friend, not me lol) has 2 boys that would probably like them.
@stardate820926 That's a fun game. Battery eater, though.
@stardate820926 Ah. That explains why. Also, as a Windows Phone user, what's an app?
@stardate820926 One is labelled youth medium, the other 10. They are about the same size. The other one is blue, both are kind of cool. If you drop me your address on Slack I'll mail them out.
@sammydog01 done. Thank you!
credit to @lichme’s wootstalker. (LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICH!)
@carl669 Thank you. Why did I just buy this? Crap is a hard habit to break. Ugh.
@carl669 Got one! Thanks!
gone now.
@carl669 The good news is, now that I snagged a BOC, I can’t buy another for a week. I can pretty much skip the Woot-off and get some sleep.
Thanks, @carl669! Went there, signed in, got ready to place order, then remembered what’s in them. Changed my mind in time.
I have conquered the screaming monkey on my back!
@KDemo i figured since i missed the last 2 fukos, i needed my fix. you know… until i miss the next fuko.
@carl669 - Missed some fukos as well, but I know what you mean. Maybe if I weren’t still trying to find homes for ~500 hot pink hubmen . . .
@carl669 Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarl. First sucker woohoo
@kungpaoguy liiich?
@thismyusername I got the second offering. My first BoC since 03/2012!

@looseneck Congrats! Or is it condolences? Either way, I guess!
@narfcake I haven’t gotten squat. I hate the new social media stuff. Fuck Twitter.
@sammydog01 Old times sake

@sammydog01 No argument here. Alas, social media may be their last hope to grow … though it might be too late, too little already.
(I dunno … I’m not into all that either.)
@sammydog01 Yeah, I don’t know how nor do I want to learn how to Twitter. I am on it, but I just re-tweet stuff. I have a bunch of followers somehow. Don’t know any of them.
@thismyusername They used my suggested names for the BOC’s. I’m famous.
@daveinwarsh you are woot famous all day long!
Hubby woke me this morning by announcing he scored a bag of crap… what a way to start the day!
@mikibell Sorry. I hope the rest of the day has been a lot less crappy!
So TT is holding a “happy hour” and is giving out prizes for posting in a certain place, say at the top of page 9. Guess what the quality of posts is like? If anyone is up for a spam-athon, it’s on now.
@sammydog01 I don’t know what’s going on there.
@melwin If you say a magic word or post in a specific position you get a coupon for a BOC or something. It’s insane. Plus she has had two special sales but they were for really expensive items.

@sammydog01 There were some other “special” sales but they were not expensive, and kind of gross, to be honest.
@sammydog01 sounds terrible.
@sammydog01 Encouraging spamming on another site? Nice.
@Del You sure seem to keep track of what’s going on over here. I guess you aren’t very busy at the other site?
@Barney A very old subscribe to this thread. Started getting emails again this morning.
@Del I wasn’t encouraging spamming, I would never do that. I was inviting folks to watch the spamming that was already happening there. If you skew prizes to the people who post the most then you get a lot of garbage posts. And pages and pages of the word “coupon”.
@sammydog01 thank you for clearing that up. Coupons went to random things I decided days ago. The posting of the word coupon was an unexpected outcome but it ended after a bit. Trial and error.
@Del I peeked in late. It was difficult to pick up and follow without reading all the way through. At times another full page was posted while I scrolled through one reading and waiting for my slow connection to load the pictures. Interesting ideas to engage buyers though.
@Del Sorry if I came off sounding like a bitch. It’s just that sometimes I’m, well, a bitch. Like tonight. It was a really cool idea. I hope people really did enjoy it. It was just frustrating for me because I couldn’t keep up. But then I’m kind of slow.
The infamous Bag-Of-Crap. Reminds me of the good old days. Even though Woot went to crap at least we have Meh which is pretty Meh, but better than nothing.
Got mine in today. Even meh’er than meh’s!

@ELUNO pick up sticks?
King size sheets might be nice!
They even give you clothes pins in case you want to hang them outside!
@ELUNO Yeah, the sheets don’t look too bad. And you got a purple bag. That’s always bonus points – because purple.
Is this the night light?
@ELUNO I like the bowls.
@RiotDemon @narfcake @sammydog01 Yup, the sheets are what made it all worth it. The bowls are nice, but meh, I don’t see myself yearning to use them. really thin pick up sticks.
And yeah, that is the nightlight. I thought it was more of a dollar store product, but wow, 20 bucks!