Well, I just got the call...... I'm getting 140 pounds of something on a wooden pallet in a cardboard box delivered between 4pm and 5 pm today. Pictures will be posted asap.
Oh, with @JonT's approval, I'd like to make this the Official Wood Pallet Thread, Plus can you fix the spelling in the title, I'm so excited/nervous.......
Maybe it is a safe, that can only be opened when you recite the passcode. The "if you get something with a play button, press the play button" thing is the passcode. Then person with the code, has to decide if they want to negotiate a price that you have to pay for the code.
I'll throw my hat into the ring. I am also getting a pallet (weight unknown) delivered to my house. I told them to deliver it as late as possible so that I can be there when it arrives.
Which ever one of you gets the one with the holes drilled in to the box and something inside that seems really pissed off, be sure to have a few pounds of raw meat ready when you open it....it'll be fine.
I'm sooooo fucking jealous of you all! I wouldn't even care if it was something I'd never use. Just the anticipation would be worth it. Congratulations!
These are the same people who shipped pallets of car wax, and extremely dead microwave ovens, and you still want to be there when it's delivered? Awaiting updates from a safe distance. My shipment has a placeholder of 3#, so I'd guess I'm safe.
Mine has arrived! Yet even now I know not what it is. When the binding was removed the thing moved so swiftly that I scarcely laid eyes upon the thing before it roared and made off toward the tower where I suspect it dwells still. All I know is it was black in colour and glistened in the afternoon sun. Its tail is its fastest and deadliest part, for it was able to slay two guards before they even knew for what purpose the warning chime had been rung. Brave blood now stains the halls, but all is still. In the tower it will come to no harm, but neither shall it kill again, until such time as it descends to feed...
You know that problem that everybody has with matching up socks after doing a load of laundry? You'll never have to worry about that again. That pallet full of Mediocre socks means you won't have to wash any for at least 7 or 8 months... and even then, it's easy to match them up when every pair is exactly the same.
Delivery between 4 and 5 est. It's 4:55 and I need yo get back to work. I hate when I have to wait for the cable guy, like Rob Lowe in those commercials
@somf69 Seriously, best disappointment ever! This is why I love this place! Best laugh I've had in a while! I Love you guys!!! Now I know what I'm giving everyone at meh.com for Christmas!
@somf69 I would seriously love to buy 5-10 of those off you to donate to a local kids summer camp that I know would love those. I'd pay for shipping and pay for the glasses.
@somf69 If you can hold onto them and keep them secret for a few months... this could be a legendary Halloween in your town. That is awesome... thanks for posting and nice work, Meh,
@somf69 Bah... now that they're sold out online, I want to try them! Can't even get them on eBay. Care to sell a couple of pair to someone before you donate them to goodwill?
@juststephen Go to Harbor Freight Tools and buy a couple boxes of their cheap-ass AAA batteries, load them up, and sell them for $5 a pop. Once a kid sees them in action he’ll beg until he gets a pair.
Mine came too! @somf69, we must live near each other. The same truck just came and left. I got a little more than you though :)
I got two full boxes. Each box had 4 smaller boxes with 20 trip glasses in each. There were also 15 loose extras on top. If my math is correct, that is 175 total trip glasses. See ya later guys, I'm going to go have a seizure now.
@jsh139 BTW I'll make the same offer. I'd be seriously interested in buying like 5-10 of those to donate to a kids summer camp near me. I'll pay for shipping and the glasses. If you want to get rid of some and don't mind the hassle.
@jsh139 holy shit! whitout giving it away to everyone, where do you live? Are you near Beacon Industries or somewhere else? That is amazing that we may live so close!
@jsh139 Too damn funny. At least my spreaders don't cause seizures. (Just anaphylactic shock to those who didn't know they were allergic to peanuts.) I think you should stand outside of Movie Tavern and hand them out to customers while telling them they're the new 3d glasses.
@jsh139@somf69 You two should get together the night of 4-19 and put a pair at as many house as possible. Kids of all ages will be excited to wake up to a prize on 4-20.
@jsh139 Bah... now that they're sold out online, I want to try them! Can't even get them on eBay. Care to sell a couple of pair to a stranger willing to take a strange trip???
@Teripie Not this time around but I did get one in a previous FUKU. It's a total piece of crap so you wouldn't want it anyway. Anyone who wants mine can have it for free if you're willing to pick it up.
My results are in the OMG Meh wants my phone number thread... I got a pallet with 11 39" Emerson TVs, RMA units. I've opened 4 and have a 25% success rate so far. 1 smashed, 2 broken, 1 working.
@djslack It only has sound the first time it's turned on after power is plugged in. Strange, but possibly perfect to plug into one of those outlets controlled by a light switch.
@ELUNO actually I'm 40 minutes from the other lucky trip glasses winner and we are both east coast guys. I think it was just an easy way to ship and get rid of them at a low cost
@Lotsofgoats Judging by that area code it's somewhere in southeastern PA. I know because I live there, and now I'm jealous that I didn't get a pallet fuko.
@ELUNO Life is a cruel and unfair fucking bitch, and nothing is "really" (truly) random. Sorry it took this experience for you to learn that lesson. In the meantime:
Cheer up sucker!
. . . as a postscript, I will concede that Quantum mechanical processes, such as a circularly polarized photon striking a surface that is linearly polarized (whereupon it, to anthropomorphize the situation, has to choose whether it was really polarized perpendicular to or parallel to the polarization axis), do not appear to be (locally) deterministic. For all practical purposes, therefore, it makes sense to consider them as "completely" random. However, it is formally possible that there are hidden state variables distributed throughout the universe away from the photon itself that nonetheless govern its behavior . . . But, since no-one has figured out a way to test those variables, living in such a universe and living in a genuinely nondeterministic one may be indistinguishable. (See "Bell's inequality" for more details.)
@ELUNO Well I live in Jackson, MS and was originally going to get one of these but then @jont took it away from me because I was concerned about space (I am living in someone's basement). Would have loved the TV's even if only one wasn't broken (no longer have a TV) and the rest I could have taken to recycling for money. Oh well. Now had I gotten trip glasses that would have been a different matter. Don't want those and would have donated them somewhere. In either case would have had to borrow a car to ditch the unwanted items since my 25 year old ghetto van died.
@Kidsandliz I got the 11:38 email with the original group, so you probably didn't have a pallet of TV rebuild projects headed your way if it makes you feel any better.
@cengland0 i'm in los angeles in a small one bedroon on the second floor, i have no wher to even put the pallet except the sidewalk, and it would be "donated" before i could get it somewhere cool
@vampje I've also kind of hoped that when the Meh team decides who gets pallets, they filter out anyone who's filled in the second address line. Probably like you, I'd just have to refuse any shipment like that. And feel awful doing it, too.
If any of you who got the trip glasses live in the DFW area, I'll be performing at a huge Catholic youth conference in November and I'm sure the kids would love these. I'll give them all away to any kid I see.
I kept waiting for a phone call but never got one. However when I showed up after work today, this was waiting on my porch!
(Don't judge my house, I don't like the color either, we just bought it and had our first kid at the same time!)
Hmmm... Trip Glasses? Upon further inspection it says "USB HubMan Green" Turns out it's 16 boxes of this guy:
Wait... 16 boxes? Each one a 96 count (except for one partial box and one nearly full box)? That's about 1500 little green men.
Little Eleanor says "Wait, HOW MANY DAD?!?!"
I've only gone through two boxes, but so far my army of little green men (one might say, a Mehrtian Army... ok that's a stretch) is shaping up nicely.
Oh! And so far I found a plastic shot glass in one of the boxes. Who knows what other surprises await? (all the other boxes looked to be packed as they were from the factory so probably none... but that won't stop me from looking)
@mikibell Thank you! And not only is she super cute, but she crawled for the first time after we got inside after taking this pic (I'm not even joking). Coincidence or radioactive USB hubs empowering my baby with the skills of a 10 month old? You decide.
@zachary Aww. Cute baby. You should sell them at the flea market or something. A buck a piece, heck $.50 and you'd profit. ($10 booths over here, sell 20 and it paid for the table at least!)
@zachary I have a challenge: Create the longest daisychain of USB hubs with it and send it to the Guinness Book of World Records. And then give any extras to me :).
Cool find on the porch for sure. See if you can't turn all those green USB men into some kind of giant green USB Christmas tree, their hearts light up.
Oh, with @JonT's approval, I'd like to make this the Official Wood Pallet Thread, Plus can you fix the spelling in the title, I'm so excited/nervous.......
Maybe it is a safe, that can only be opened when you recite the passcode. The "if you get something with a play button, press the play button" thing is the passcode. Then person with the code, has to decide if they want to negotiate a price that you have to pay for the code.
Or, maybe it's just a pallet of bricks.
@lichme Bricks? I need to start trying to get the Fukus again. I could really use a pallet of bricks. For the patio.
Oh, man! How cool/frightening! Looking forward to hearing of your luck (good or bad).
I'll throw my hat into the ring. I am also getting a pallet (weight unknown) delivered to my house. I told them to deliver it as late as possible so that I can be there when it arrives.
@jsh139 Today? Updates!!!!!!
@whistlingwilly not here yet. Still waiting!!
@jsh139 @whistlingwilly
@joelmw well hopefully its more than 140 trip glasses.
Which ever one of you gets the one with the holes drilled in to the box and something inside that seems really pissed off, be sure to have a few pounds of raw meat ready when you open it....it'll be fine.
@MEHcus Never, never ever feed it after midnight.
@MEHcus Were these chosen randomly are based on distance as it's costly to ship pallets?
@MEHcus @2many2no We may be laughing, but we're also slightly terrified for @somf69
@juststephen Like anyone could even know that
@MEHcus I'm cornfuzzled by your answer.
I'm sooooo fucking jealous of you all! I wouldn't even care if it was something I'd never use. Just the anticipation would be worth it. Congratulations!
@PurplePawprints I agree. One of these days....
@PurplePawprints i am also mildly jealous. .. but happy that i at least got a fuku this time.
@MsELizardBeth fukO... you got a fukO ;)
@thismyusername whatever it is, I'll get it on the 9th
I'm soooo excited!!!!! (I don't know why.)
These are the same people who shipped pallets of car wax, and extremely dead microwave ovens, and you still want to be there when it's delivered? Awaiting updates from a safe distance. My shipment has a placeholder of 3#, so I'd guess I'm safe.
Mine has arrived! Yet even now I know not what it is. When the binding was removed the thing moved so swiftly that I scarcely laid eyes upon the thing before it roared and made off toward the tower where I suspect it dwells still. All I know is it was black in colour and glistened in the afternoon sun. Its tail is its fastest and deadliest part, for it was able to slay two guards before they even knew for what purpose the warning chime had been rung. Brave blood now stains the halls, but all is still. In the tower it will come to no harm, but neither shall it kill again, until such time as it descends to feed...
You know that problem that everybody has with matching up socks after doing a load of laundry? You'll never have to worry about that again. That pallet full of Mediocre socks means you won't have to wash any for at least 7 or 8 months... and even then, it's easy to match them up when every pair is exactly the same.
@Cloudscout I'd take a pallet of meh socks. Damn.
Here's the unboxing video:
(Jump to 3:23)
@Cloudscout Mel, kiss my grits!!!
@Teripie Dam thought it was gonna be ALF. HAAA!
Delivery between 4 and 5 est. It's 4:55 and I need yo get back to work. I hate when I have to wait for the cable guy, like Rob Lowe in those commercials
I'm starting to think that the April fools joke is me standing here waiting for a 140 pound imaginary wooden pallet if so ...., well played Meh
@somf69 lolz. tomorrow's video will be footage of you pacing back and forth outside set to a goofy soundtrack.
@ACraigL It's a game on iOS now, you know, Silly Walks is. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/monty-pythons-ministry-silly/id883997728?mt=8
It feels like you palleters are the one-percenters and we're all staring in hungrily through the window.
Well, at least you aren't driving us away from the window . . . yet.
@joelmw Makes me want to hunt them down and............camp in their yard or something.
@Teripie Yes.
Boo mine is 10x10x10 and 3lbs
@jml326 That deserves a pallet.
OK, Here it is.....They showed up!!!
140 Pairs of Trip Glasses!!!!!!!
I am going to donate these to Goodwill!!
@somf69 Awe... wait for it... some
@somf69 They are sold out on the website... sell them back at $2 a pop.
@somf69 Seriously, best disappointment ever! This is why I love this place! Best laugh I've had in a while! I Love you guys!!! Now I know what I'm giving everyone at meh.com for Christmas!
@somf69 Wow. That's... trippy. ;p
@somf69 That's just magical.
@somf69 congrats!!!!! i am enjoying watching this unfold way more than i should be.
@somf69 I have these. Got a pair in a Fuku. Christ they are trippy.
@somf69 ill take one! the one i got was doa.
@somf69 @BillLechecka "Trippy" is not the word. "Epileptic" comes to mind.
@somf69 I would seriously love to buy 5-10 of those off you to donate to a local kids summer camp that I know would love those. I'd pay for shipping and pay for the glasses.
@somf69 Wait! But some stock in an anti-seizure medicine company, THEN donate.
@BillLehecka mine never worked
@somf69 If you can hold onto them and keep them secret for a few months... this could be a legendary Halloween in your town. That is awesome... thanks for posting and nice work, Meh,
@somf69 OK, I am officially jealous.
@Foxborn Did you replace the battery? Mine started right up once I did. Still haven't taken them out for a test drive, however.
@Foxborn I replaced the battery on mine. Worked like a charm after that.
@BillLehecka @mossygreen tried that
@Foxborn Aw. That's too bad, although they're really annoying, so maybe not too bad for you.
@mossygreen that's the attitude I took
@somf69 That explains a lot. http://cornfieldelectronics.com/tripglasses/trip.home.php
@somf69 Bah... now that they're sold out online, I want to try them! Can't even get them on eBay. Care to sell a couple of pair to someone before you donate them to goodwill?
You are so blessed. (<-----Sarcastic.)
If I were to get a pallet I'd notify the local news. And ya know what? They'd cover it! (One horse town.)
@Teripie Jinkies. I guess I wouldn't want that. I suppose I could go to the flea market, rent a $10 table and sell them at $1 a pop.
@juststephen Go to Harbor Freight Tools and buy a couple boxes of their cheap-ass AAA batteries, load them up, and sell them for $5 a pop. Once a kid sees them in action he’ll beg until he gets a pair.
Mine came too! @somf69, we must live near each other. The same truck just came and left. I got a little more than you though :)
I got two full boxes. Each box had 4 smaller boxes with 20 trip glasses in each. There were also 15 loose extras on top. If my math is correct, that is 175 total trip glasses. See ya later guys, I'm going to go have a seizure now.
Thanks Meh, and APRIL FOOLS!!
@somf65 In fact, that's my pallet next to yours in your second picture!
@jsh139 Send me a couple! I really wanted to try the ones in my last fuku but they were dead on arrival :(
@jsh139 whoa thats a haul there.
@jsh139 BTW I'll make the same offer. I'd be seriously interested in buying like 5-10 of those to donate to a kids summer camp near me. I'll pay for shipping and the glasses. If you want to get rid of some and don't mind the hassle.
@whistlingwilly these are all dead too. They need batteries. Button cells, IIRC.
@jsh139 I am jealous of you, too.
@jsh139 So that's 315 pairs of these things hitting the same town? It boggles the mind!
@jsh139 if you send me a couple ill get some batteries.
@Bingo Sure, I'll see what I can do. Send me an email at [myusername] at gmail.com
@whistlingwilly Sure, man. Send me an email at [myusername] at gmail.com and we can work out some details.
@jsh139 holy shit! whitout giving it away to everyone, where do you live? Are you near Beacon Industries or somewhere else? That is amazing that we may live so close!
@somf69 kinda close. I'm in Collegeville.
@somf69 Does that put you near Perkiomenville?
@jsh139 Too damn funny. At least my spreaders don't cause seizures. (Just anaphylactic shock to those who didn't know they were allergic to peanuts.) I think you should stand outside of Movie Tavern and hand them out to customers while telling them they're the new 3d glasses.

@cinoclav nope Close to Reading
@cinoclav nope not even near it. I am near Reading, Pa
@jsh139 @somf69 You two should get together the night of 4-19 and put a pair at as many house as possible. Kids of all ages will be excited to wake up to a prize on 4-20.
@jsh139 I like the BOC sticker in the background haha
@gmartinez1412 ;)
@jsh139 Bah... now that they're sold out online, I want to try them! Can't even get them on eBay. Care to sell a couple of pair to a stranger willing to take a strange trip???
@tgoggin Sure! Send me an email at [myusername] at gmail.com
Is it safe to say we probably won't be getting any of these in our little fukos?
@Teripie Nope. These could possibly be what's left after putting one in each fuko.
@Teripie Not this time around but I did get one in a previous FUKU. It's a total piece of crap so you wouldn't want it anyway. Anyone who wants mine can have it for free if you're willing to pick it up.
@cengland0 I have one. It was kind of useful at Halloween. I put it in a pumpkin. Too bad it turns off automatically.
Have not gotten a call yet about mine. I wait with baited breath!
This is so full of funny/win!
My results are in the OMG Meh wants my phone number thread... I got a pallet with 11 39" Emerson TVs, RMA units. I've opened 4 and have a 25% success rate so far. 1 smashed, 2 broken, 1 working.
@djslack That's awesome, one working is a full win!
@somf69 Turned it back on to show my sister and now there's no sound. So not working, although it was once.
@djslack It only has sound the first time it's turned on after power is plugged in. Strange, but possibly perfect to plug into one of those outlets controlled by a light switch.
Nice. At that rate, you'll have two or three working! Perhaps you can fix one or two of the others, for four or five total!
This clearly shows that Meh sent the big pallets based on location! Not really random/fair! You are treating us location challenged unfairly!!!
@ELUNO actually I'm 40 minutes from the other lucky trip glasses winner and we are both east coast guys. I think it was just an easy way to ship and get rid of them at a low cost
@ELUNO So you're saying my extra letter item from the kickstater fuku (a 40lb bag of dirt) wasn't random? Those bastards! What did I ever do to them?
@Lotsofgoats Judging by that area code it's somewhere in southeastern PA. I know because I live there, and now I'm jealous that I didn't get a pallet fuko.
@ELUNO Life is a cruel and unfair fucking bitch, and nothing is "really" (truly) random. Sorry it took this experience for you to learn that lesson. In the meantime:
Cheer up sucker!
. . . as a postscript, I will concede that Quantum mechanical processes, such as a circularly polarized photon striking a surface that is linearly polarized (whereupon it, to anthropomorphize the situation, has to choose whether it was really polarized perpendicular to or parallel to the polarization axis), do not appear to be (locally) deterministic. For all practical purposes, therefore, it makes sense to consider them as "completely" random. However, it is formally possible that there are hidden state variables distributed throughout the universe away from the photon itself that nonetheless govern its behavior . . . But, since no-one has figured out a way to test those variables, living in such a universe and living in a genuinely nondeterministic one may be indistinguishable. (See "Bell's inequality" for more details.)
@Pavlov I still haven't learned the lesson. :(
@nickiwhite you all need to stop using geography and facts
@ELUNO Well I live in Jackson, MS and was originally going to get one of these but then @jont took it away from me because I was concerned about space (I am living in someone's basement). Would have loved the TV's even if only one wasn't broken (no longer have a TV) and the rest I could have taken to recycling for money. Oh well. Now had I gotten trip glasses that would have been a different matter. Don't want those and would have donated them somewhere. In either case would have had to borrow a car to ditch the unwanted items since my 25 year old ghetto van died.
@Pavlov Well, yeah. Everybody knows that. If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice. And collapsed the waveform in the process.
@Pavlov Huh? What are you smoking? Crack?
@Pavlov I love seeing people use my "cheer up" gif. Even the same image source. Makes me feel like I'm making a differnce in the world.
@Kidsandliz It makes me sad that you can't follow my copypasta.
@Pavlov I prefer creepy copypasta.
@Kidsandliz I got the 11:38 email with the original group, so you probably didn't have a pallet of TV rebuild projects headed your way if it makes you feel any better.
@ThatsHeadly Freewill!
Mine says 10x10x10 and 3lbs. On route from Texas. I would have loved that truck to pull up to my house.
These are fantastic fun. Lol enjoy your pallets folks!
Another pallet post from the other thread:
Just received mine. Here's a photo but I'm going to wait to open it until my ex-girlfriend comes over for a visit.

@cengland0 Interesting! It looks like there's a button in there if you look closely enough. Maybe an eye. Probably a button, though.
@cengland0 interesting http://www.instructables.com/id/Monster-In-A-Box-Halloween-Prop-Part-2-The-Guts/?ALLSTEPS
@Foxborn It looks like the exact same one, same markings, same everything. Good find.
@juststephen @foxborn you didn't realize that this is just a joke? It is from Stephen King's Creepshow. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creepshow#The_Crate
@cengland0 Nope. I must be dense.
@cengland0 Well you have your halloween decorations for next year
@cengland0 Any update or pics of what it was?
@MrHappypants The photo was a crate from a movie. I didn't really receive that and I followed up saying it was just a joke. I did post a photo of the broken TV that I received here: https://meh.com/forum/topics/official-fukobukuro-reveal-thread#552408a06677a0b001f68615
@cengland0 that's fine and all but what did you get in the box?
@Ignorant This was what was in the crate.

oh dear, i live in a one bedroom apartment, i wouldn't know what to do with a pallet of anything.
@vampje Sell the stuff for profit, give to friends, donate to charity?
@cengland0 i'm in los angeles in a small one bedroon on the second floor, i have no wher to even put the pallet except the sidewalk, and it would be "donated" before i could get it somewhere cool
@vampje I've also kind of hoped that when the Meh team decides who gets pallets, they filter out anyone who's filled in the second address line. Probably like you, I'd just have to refuse any shipment like that. And feel awful doing it, too.
If any of you who got the trip glasses live in the DFW area, I'll be performing at a huge Catholic youth conference in November and I'm sure the kids would love these. I'll give them all away to any kid I see.
@phatmass Make them sign a wavier! You don't want a mass(no pun intended)of lawsuits because you caused a bunch of seizures.
@BabyBear Embrace that pun! You know it was totally intended.
@phatmass I've been out of the loop for a while, what conference is happening here in November?
I kept waiting for a phone call but never got one.
However when I showed up after work today, this was waiting on my porch!
(Don't judge my house, I don't like the color either, we just bought it and had our first kid at the same time!)
Hmmm... Trip Glasses? Upon further inspection it says "USB HubMan Green"
Turns out it's 16 boxes of this guy:
Wait... 16 boxes? Each one a 96 count (except for one partial box and one nearly full box)? That's about 1500 little green men.
Little Eleanor says "Wait, HOW MANY DAD?!?!"
I've only gone through two boxes, but so far my army of little green men (one might say, a Mehrtian Army... ok that's a stretch) is shaping up nicely.
Oh! And so far I found a plastic shot glass in one of the boxes. Who knows what other surprises await? (all the other boxes looked to be packed as they were from the factory so probably none... but that won't stop me from looking)
@zachary Aww, too bad Hubman isn't purple...
@zachary How random! What a voluminous surprise. You have more USB ports than your grandchildren's grandchildren could plug devices into.
That is an insane amount of USB hub men. I second the vote for a sculpture, although a quick turnaround for cash is probably more practical.
@zachary OMG, what a beautiful baby!!! Congratulations!
@mikibell Thank you! And not only is she super cute, but she crawled for the first time after we got inside after taking this pic (I'm not even joking). Coincidence or radioactive USB hubs empowering my baby with the skills of a 10 month old? You decide.
@zachary That is awesome.. I miss those days greatly. I love my 10 and 12 yo's but there is something wonderful about baby drool!
@zachary Aww. Cute baby. You should sell them at the flea market or something. A buck a piece, heck $.50 and you'd profit. ($10 booths over here, sell 20 and it paid for the table at least!)
@zachary I think this is my favorite palleted haul yet. Cute little usb dudes. heh. And your little girl is beautiful. :)
@juststephen You want him to sell babies at the flea market? What kind of monster are you?!
@Bingo The usb dudes. Duh.
@zachary I have a challenge: Create the longest daisychain of USB hubs with it and send it to the Guinness Book of World Records. And then give any extras to me :).
Cool find on the porch for sure. See if you can't turn all those green USB men into some kind of giant green USB Christmas tree, their hearts light up.
@okaytodd Or give them all to me. heck, i'll even pay for shipping just to make that tree you're talking about.