OFFICIAL Fukobukuro Reveal Thread!
35We've begun shipping out bags of terrible misfortune to the unlucky and unfortunate fools that purchased a Fukobukuro, and this is the place to reveal your useless, dreadful, all-around awful bags once you get them.
I'm going to keep this thread locked until they start arriving, give me a heads up when you get yours by making a post in the Fukobukuro deal thread and tag @JonT so I can unlock this one.
Brace for crap. And disappointment.
- 206 comments, 448 replies
- Comment
You're up, @katyg!
Thanks meh!
@KatyG What was the weight?
@barnabee 2.4 lbs, 13x12x12
@KatyG I breathed a huge sigh of relief when it wasn't just a couple bricks or broken computer parts.
@KatyG Thanks! 14 or older for the Spongebob wallet? Now that's something to ponder.
@nickiwhite I know, right? The worst thing is probably the crusty shirt - it's definitely worn and I'm hoping that's just paint... but hey, it could have been MUCH worse!
@barnabee I'm wondering if that's because it's made of "Rubeer"
@KatyG - Thanks for posting pictures. Looks like Spring cleaning in the meh warehouse. We were warned.
@KatyG Not half bad.
@KatyG I have those NY Met napkins. Then again, I love the Mets.
@juststephen I'd say that was almost exactly half bad.
@KatyG I love purple.
@KatyG Rubeer? Why is that not liquid?
Good stuff, Thanks Meh!
@bluebeatpete did you hit play on the video device?
Im still waiting to find out what "press play if it says play" will mean
@msujp I got mine today - I also received the video device and powered it on and pressed play. Nothing was pre-recorded. Will post my detailed list and image(s) this evening.
@msujp nothing on it :(
@bluebeatpete that bomber's pretty sweet!
Nice job on the helicopter Meh. It was in the box upside down and I was excited for half a second before I turned it over and realized the copter was gone and I got nothing but the control. Guess that will go right into the trash.
@smashthesymbols I love purple.
@Barney I despise purple.
@smashthesymbols lol that remote is just plain mean.
@smashthesymbols I would wear that t-shirt with pride!
Yea, mine is here! Boo, my nails are wet and I can't open everything yet! I'll post pictures once either my polish sets or I run out of patience, whichever comes first
@Kleineleh you can redo the polish OPEN!!
@Foxborn you win, I couldn't wait. I'm going out with smudged nails tonight, but I have new toys!

@Kleineleh Purple?
@Barney AND holographic! (sort of)
@Kleineleh Wow!
@Kleineleh nice combo! it is like an artichoke :)
@Kleineleh No Georgia Red??
@Kleineleh I developed an elaborate theory that you were going to a Batman-themed Passover seder tonight and your nails were meant to represent the Joker as Pharaoh. Actually, it's not really that elaborate as that was my whole theory. Tell me all about the Batman seder!
Why is the Dark Knight different from all other knights
@matthew All the other knights eat leaven, but Alfred serves the Dark Knight only matzah.
All the other knights seek glory, but the Dark Knight seeks to redeem his bitter past.
All the other knights don't have movies, but Michael Keaton played the Dark Knight twice.
All the other knights ride horses, but the Dark Knight reclines in the Batmobile.
@mossygreen Close! I went to Easter Vigil mass. It's pretty cool, but no Batman... That does sound like an awesome Purim party theme, though!
@vampje Ooh! Maybe if I draw artichoke leaves on them, it'll hide the smudges
@Kleineleh Aw man, my second guess was going to be a Batman-themed Easter mass, but I couldn't decide who the Joker would symbolize. Also: thank you for telling me about the non-existent Batman seder.
@mossygreen Sadly, I can't come up with any good Easter/Batman stuff either. My attempt at one of the four questions was about as good as I could muster.
Also, in case anyone was wondering: if you don't turn it off, the meh alarm on your phone will go off in a quiet moment during mass. Even when all your other phone sounds are turned off and set to DND. My Easter PSA to the community. ;-)
They have been shipped already? I didn't get my shipping info yet. Interesting.
Just received mine... Interesting. ..
Sailor moon friends and foes,
8gb thumb drive,
Halo recorder thing,
Ear buds,
The USB cable,
Ceramic barbie purse,
Ceramic stove top,
Wedge Antilles figurine, and a time shirt.
@MooNinja Good shot Janson!
@MooNinja I want that figurine
@MooNinja I want the action figure!!
@MooNinja Did your Halo contain anything? Mine had dead batteries, so I swapped them out and hit play (as Meh suggested), but saw nothing.
Mine arrived early today (12x12x12 in. at 2.8 lbs / 1.27 kgs):
Thanks Meh!
@Pavlov I love purple.
@Barney I despise purple.
@Barney Thanks for the love, Barney.
I think the intended recipeient of my sentiment is obvious . . .
@Pavlov Heh. Purple isn't too horrible. I mostly do it out of jest to spite Barney as he posts "I love purple" randomly everywhere. No harm meant. Still, purple isn't my favorite color.
Thank you, @Pavlov.
@Pavlov It might just be @carl669's fault that @juststephen hates purple...
@Thumperchick The Gospels of Mark and John (Mark 15:17, 20, John 19:2, 5) state that the robe Pilate's soldiers placed on Jesus, in order to mock him, was purple.
And in that fact, we may have our answer.
Or, maybe he's just stalking @Barney.
Or, maybe he's just a child.
All I know is that messing with @Barney's meme all the time is getting old.
I'll take 1,000,000 @Barney's over 1 @juststephen any day.
@Thumperchick I blame @carl669. But @mehthafucka shoots and scores.
@mehthafucka Aww, (purple blush) thanks, but you do realize that 1,000,000 Barneys is a LOT of purple.
@Pavlov i use my TOCCS bungee cable a ton. Works pretty well actually.
@mehthafucka I'll stop posting against the color purple. I had a few other things I was going to say, but I'm not going to. Have a great day everyone!
@Pavlov like that shirt!
@Pavlov That's a good T shirt!
- Tie-dyed T-shirt (super soft, so I'll probably wear it around the house
- Purple Cottages of Norman T-shirt (presumably from a college dorm?)
- Star Wars Episode I pencil bag
- 3 Garbage Pail Kids pins (loved them as a kid)
- Pink Jbuds metal earbuds (who can't use more of those around?)
- Tootsie Roll Pop trinket box (probably a little too psyched about this one, but I think it's awesome)
- TOCCS bungee cable
- Popeye fold-out picture frames (fun!)
- Super-cute Lunar Rover salt and pepper shaker
- Purple Halo video device
- DataStickPro flash drive
- Black meh. fanny pack
I'm pretty happy with this fuku, I love all the little novelty kitsch!
@Kleineleh Aww, purple and purple AND purple. Nice!
@Kleineleh You're not too psyched about the Tootsie Pop trinket box - that and the pencil bag and the salt and pepper shaker too, well . . .
Sorry about your nails - but I'm thinking it was worth it.
@Barney The tie-dye is pink and blue too, so that's almost ANOTHER purple!
@Kleineleh Hmm... 1/2 star.
@Pavlov Thanks for the support! I'm already over the nails, I'm now deciding where in my house my new treasures are going to live! Truthfully, though, I'm not going to get around to using the pencil bag. If you want it, I'll throw it in the mail to you.
@Barney I'll take it!
@Kleineleh But, it's not.
@Kleineleh Email me at and we'll work something out, my son would love it! Thanks!
Sorry, no pic. If you want to see any specific thing i'll take a pic of it. I basically got the same thing as everyone else plus a few other worthless goodies. THe mug and flash drive are all i'll keep, the rest goes to my niece and nephew (7&10) as Easter gifts tomorrow! All in all it was a nice first Fuk* from Meh. I enjoyed it!
@aerosquid I love purple.
@Barney I prefer blue.
@juststephen I like that side of the color wheel, pretty much; I favor the red and blue, tending to stay away from kin to yellow.
@aerosquid Can you post a pic of the "Strange heavy piece of black hollow steel. Threaded on one end with what looks like a flash suppressor on the other" please?
@Pavlov Sure thing! It's about 10" long and I honestly have no clue what it could possibly be.

@aerosquid Paintball Barrel. Kingman/spyder thread if I haven't forgotten shit from 10 years ago.
@aerosquid I agree with @Potatoboy - thanks for posting the pic.
@Potatoboy Ahh then I wouldn't know anything about it. All my guns are of the FMJ shooting variety. It does not appear to be valuable so i'm probably going to toss it in the recycle bin.
@aerosquid @Potatoboy @Pavlov It's an original barrel for a spyder compact 2k. You know if I were to guess....
@NigelF Man, I was going to say a stock barrel, probably from an older spyder. I actually had the Spyder one which I think was the same.
@Potatoboy Definitely a stock barrel off of a spider. I had a barrel just like it off of a semi-auto (My first paintball gun :') ) back in the day (1999 to be exact). Then I upgraded, and upgraded....and..upgraded.. and a few thousand dollars later I was playing in the PSP ( to get an idea of what that is.)
@un0 I was a field tech for AGD and store/field manager for a while in the aughts.
@Potatoboy @Pavlov @NigelF @aerosquid @un0 Please forgive me, but as I skim through this conversation, I can't help but think of this guy. If only your name were @Beetboy, Potato. :-)
The wireless router is much better than the one I am (was) using and is already up and running.
I was really pleasantly surprised: thanks Meh!
@binkles89 I'm hoping I get one of those WNDR4500's in my fuko... noticed there is a new build of tomato for them... hope I get one and its the right hardware version!
Hmm. I'm scared, these don't seem to be up to par with previous Fukobukuros... crossing fingers
@okaytodd Since this is the first Fukobukuro, how can you compare?
@okaytodd This was not a FUKU, this was a FUKO. From Wikipedia: Bags containing nothing but unwanted items are known colloquially as fukōbukuro ("misfortune bags") or utsubukuro ("depressing bags"), and some stores which have nothing good to offer inside actually name their bags this and offer them at extremely low prices (such as 500-1000 yen).
As a side note, I was able to acquire both and via a domain holding company I control in Pennsylvania. Not sure what to do with them yet . . .
@Pavlov I'm thinking there is a business model there. Just like those damn glitter mail bombs.
@lisabo Yeah . . . I don't at all regret the investment.
@cengland0 Sadly, I am just now realizing the difference in spelling. Great shit. I told my mom and dad to buy them too. They are going to be pissed at me.
@Pavlov I am now realizing this. The joke is on me and my dyslexia.
@okaytodd Just tell your parents that we all say:
After all, it could be worse . . .
@Pavlov well they are both in their 60's so the fanny pack could end up being useful. They were both already VMP subscribers so if they don't like what they got, they are only out $5 each.
@Pavlov pagaing @snapster
@Pavlov What is utsubukuro? I tried googling that and got fuku instead...
@okaytodd This seems pretty comparable to the Fukus I received. One nice (?) thing and a bunch of stuff that makes you say, "Meh"
@okaytodd Offer to buy them off of them. And maybe send them here, if they haven't already visited.
@Kidsandliz Seriously?
@communist I'm lost
I spoke too soon. Pressed buttons again on the Halo device and a video in the 2nd bank appeared! I hope there wasn't a secret message in bank 1 because I recorded over it...
Anyone from meh want to own up to it?
@bluebeatpete I think that's @JonT?
@bluebeatpete I can confirm. That is @snugglyface, a yet unknown Meh employee. I'm kidding. It's @JonT (but I like to cal him snuggly face)
@hart but what is he saying? seriously I can't make it out
@bluebeatpete He sounds like a wookie!!
@Foxborn Probably nothing. I think there's just background noise.
@Foxborn Something to the effect of "turn it on, it's a pretty good idea. We're gonna make you a video, you are gonna laugh. The video is ?falling? away we made them, so we have to remake them."
@bluebeatpete @jsh139 @Foxborn @hippiechik @bluebeatpete It's kind of confusing because those things picked up sound from really far away when recording but the playback quality is pretty bad, so you're actually hearing @MEHcus recording on another one and I'm just making crazy faces until the end.
So far, these all have shirts. Not good ones, but shirts nonetheless ...
I think I'm doomed next month ...
(Curse you, @carl669!)
@narfcake Doomed to be the goat? It's better than being a dung beetle or something. Or a possum, as they never make it across the road. It's like an unwritten law.
@juststephen Dude, I'm not going out of my way to engage you on the forum (and you could take that promise to the bank and cash it), but you probably mean an opossum. The term possum covers about 70 species of marsupials native to Australia and surrounding islands (New Guinea, and Sulawesi). Opossum covers over 100 species of marsupials living in the Western Hemisphere. Opossums are often referred to colloquially as possums (or ‘possums), but in scientific contexts, possum and opossum refer to different groups of animals. As Meh doesn't ship to Australia and you're more likely to hit a kangaroo than a possum down under, the good 'ole American version is an opossum.
@Pavlov Yeah. You're right. I can't hardly think this late at night, else I probably would of caught it myself. Have a great night and a great Easter!
@Pavlov the more you know....
@Pavlov You, sir, are obviously not a southerner. We call them possums. As in, "what's a southern seven course dinner? A six pack and a possum."
@sammydog01 @pavlov I thought they were called roadkill dinner LOL. We had one in the neighborhood that some people thought the neighbor was fattening (to eat) who was having a nightly feast on the cat food my neighbor left out for feral cats. He was one big porker… And everyone here calls them a possum too no matter what they are really.
@Pavlov We are very colloquial here at Meh.
@Kidsandliz My parents came to visit me just after I moved south, and we came across a brunswick stew fundraiser. My mom asked warily what the meat was. The guy looked at the New York licence plate and said "It depends on what we done run over, but this here's squirrel." It was chicken from the grocery store, and he was probably a white collar guy, but he had my mom going.
@sammydog01 Obviously, as I still have all my teeth and my sister didn't have to lock her bedroom door at night. :P
@Pavlov Hey, I have all my teeth. And only two are black.
@sammydog01 you from Possum Trot?
@Pavlov Representing Okefenokee.

@Pavlov Yeah, but technically, scientists would use their Latin names, not common names, just to avoid this type of confusion. And as an ecologist from the southern states, it's still definitely a 'Possum :)
@Pavlov quality.
Gee, I took out all those student loans, but I learn so much more on the meh forum! Possum....opossum.... Fuku....fuko....can I get a masters at meh u?
@eeterrific No. There aren't enough grammar lessons here at meh.
@narfcake There are however a few grammar police present...
@Kidsandliz I used to be one, I still am whwn it comes to news aeticles and whatnot. I've been playing a text based game since 98 and 85 percent of the playerbase consists of blind users.
Using a text to speech program, they can easily tell when there's a typo.
There are generally about 100 people on at any given time.
@juststephen Wow. A ton of typos. On my phone...
@juststephen sure sure sure blame the phone ;)
@juststephen feel free to correct my posts anytime, Isle just blame my fone two
@denboy their are so many miss steaks with that I'm loosing my mind
@billymayfield won mans missed steak is un other mans four chin
@denboy I just wish the auto-correct would stay out of my shirt!
Mine's not scheduled to be here until Wednesday...meh
@dfunk29 you are lucky. Mine wont arrive until Friday :'(
@dfunk29 Saturday here.
@dfunk29 Thursday
Just found mine sitting in the rain on my porch. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@daniel_ohh I just threw away one of those soap dispensers last week. It was nice for about 6 weeks until it stopped pumping soap.
@Cloudscout What did it begin to pump, if not soap?
@margot I never found out. Before I had a chance to look closely, about a dozen men in black combat gear rappelled from two unmarked black helicopters hovering above, snatched the dispenser from my hands and disappeared.
le sigh
Mine isn't scheduled to show up here until Friday.
[waiting intensifies]
@Thumperchick I'd started to worry that I was the only one that said this.
@Thumperchick @joelmw I've actually been wondering for a couple of years why I say le sigh and never got further than "not because of Peanuts." Thanks to you both!
@mossygreen That makes me happy. For some reason, Pepe made a big impression on me as a kid. I think it was because he was so misunderstood, and all he wanted to do was love. :'-(
Uh oh. My tracking info changed to a 25.5 lbs package measuring 43x18x11 in to be delivered Tuesday. I hope they have a sense of humor in the mailroom at work. I hope I have a sense of humor when I open it.
@heartny get your unboxing on video
@heartny Sure enough. Mine was 3 lbs until Fedex did the handoff to USPS. Then it grew to 4.3 lbs. Fingers crossed for tribbles (or at least gloops).
@mikey @heartny Huh. Mine is already sitting at the house (presumably on the front porch) but the weight stayed at 3 lbs.
1 earphones as others have gotten, water bottle insulated with some cartoon face and snap top on the lid, that halo video thing with nothing on it, glow necklace and bracelet, kid's faded t-shirt, nerds pink and purple kid's throw pillow with tag, sponge bob wallet (new), 8 gig flash drive that is empty, 10' bungie cable for smart phones. 11 packages of TX air. Oh and the meh fanny pack. One 15x15x15 box 3.6 pounds. Actually not all that bad.
@Kidsandliz You have the same dimensions/weight as I do. Mine's coming in tomorrow.
@dsantillan lots of extra space in my box. They must be using up odd lots of boxes too.
@Kidsandliz Barney loves Purple!
@Kidsandliz @BabyBear I do! I do! I love purple!
oooh... mine just updated. Up to 13.7 pounds.... color me intrigued!
I can never tell when meh packages come in until the post office leaves me a note to come in when they are open to get it. Fedex sucks big time at the estimated delivery date. It said Thursday and like 90% of my orders it changed to Friday. No doubt it will change to Saturday then change to NA. NA is no fun but almost always happens. Like the driver will deliver it if he has nothing more pressing to do. Uh well if anything smart post's inconsistency is consistent :)
You warned us, but still, the Spongebob and car kit still make it. Plus a gently used Hard Rock shirt. Plus the weird Halo2Cloud thing I can't find any info about. For all the people that received models we should all submit pictures and the best model or person who came up with the idea wins a fabulous prize. Thanks meh. Thanks.
Color me intrigued. My son just called asking if I'd ordered a 39" TV from Meh. My Fuko was delivered today, so it seems that it is in a TV box.
My wife hasn't opened it and can't tell me if the weight seems right for a TV. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this isn't a Meh troll that will irk me... :)
My Fuko never updated from the 10x10x10 3lb. place holder as it traveled.
Well, I got home and opened the box. There was a 39" Magnavox LED TV included, but, after power it on, it looks like the LED display is cracked pretty badly. There was also a crack on the top right side of the TV.
@mediobarkre If it was insured by Fedex/USPS, you might be able to file a claim on it -- but it's entirely possible that they just sent you a broken TV to begin with. Don't ask for the correct answer, and you won't be lying when you assume it worked fine when they sent it.
In addition to the 39" LED TV above, I got:
1 Spongebob Wallet
1 Blues Clues wall stickers
1 8GB Centon Data Stick
1 Pair Earbuds
1 10' TOCCs Mini USB cable
1 Small long sleeve striped shirt
1 Halo cloud video player
and zero fanny packs, but I'm not too torn up about that...
Thanks Meh!
Kinda made out like a bandit on this one.
Toccs 10 foot smartphone charger (merely sustains my phone. Not enough juice to charge while watching youtube)
JLAB ear buds, pink
3" Wolverine Figurine
Spongebob Jumbo wall stickers
Spongebob wallet
Weird-ass x-large Orange penguin sports mascot shirt
Centon usb stick
Halo 2 cloud video (doesn't turn on. I'll try new batteries on it)
And the big "prize?" NEO cordless 12 volt multi head power tool. A "58" "dollar" "value!" I would never have bought a power tool, so who knows, maybe I'll need to ratchet, screw, sand, or cut something someday and my power tool will save the day.
@andrewpatrick I love purple.
Fuko Fanny Pack
Large Dickies Work/Bowling Shirt (may actually be new based on complete lack of wear)
Star Wars Episode 1 pencil bag (probably not officially licensed)
SpongeBob Squarepants Wallet
Dinosaur Javelin Football with those whistle ports
Model Airplane
JLab Jbuds PRO earbuds (pink)
Halo2 Cloud Video player (no pre-recorded videos)
TOCCs 10 Foot Smartphone Charge Bungee Cable
8 GB DataStick Pro
@pengieh I love purple.
@pengieh Did they send you that sick looking dog? I'd ship that repulsive beast away too.
I'm pretty stoked about the Perry bottle. no message on the doohickey. empty 8gb stick. earbuds i wouldn't wish on an enemy. a crappy 10ft cable that i'll throw out just like the previous versions sent to me by meh. the model is f'n cool and I've just the coworker to assemble and paint it for me. and there was other stuff.
I am a fan of Agent P and i'll use the fanny pack to hold magazines while at the range.
@Noddy93 PERRY! I went as Perry for Halloween last year.
My video player doesn't seem to have any videos. Is there any trick to playing it other than "turn it on, hit one of the play buttons?"
@lowlypeon No.
@lowlypeon mine had no videos either, it seems that the memory on these devices is "volatile" so if the battery even lost connection for a second while in transit poof they are gone, if they were ever there to begin with.
30" tall Barbie room buddies wall decoration
spongebob squarepants wallet
size L Oneill t-shirt
Toccs 10 ft smartphone bungee cable
pink jbuds pro metal earbuds
Madagascar coffee mug
Fuko fanny pack
8 gb flash drive filled with glory. (too much to post here, 10 txt docs featuring subjects such as alcohol, dungeons n dragons & goats. Also a cheat file which I'm assuming is for an emulator)
halo2 cloud player, batteries dead so if there was video there isn't anymore :(
and the unlucky contents
AOC 23" L2367F LED HD Monitor.... With a partial unlit LED so part of the screen is kinda dark, otherwise works perfectly. Came with RMA info as well. Any advice on the easiest way to get this fixed? (Warranty maybe? the RMA info is dated 3/9/15, manuf. warranty is for 3 years).
Totally happy with my Fuko
@RogerWilco I love purple.
@RogerWilco lol note to self check for files on my drive.
@RogerWilco AOC might RMA it for you then.
@Potatoboy going to look into it but I think they require the original receipt.
I'll post what I got! Too lazy to take a picture at the moment, so use your imagination. The shipping box had a shipping label covering up something written in sharpie, so I naturally peeled it off in curiosity. "USED IROBOT". Spoilers, perhaps?
That "USED IROBOT" was pretty literal... I also got an iRobot Roomba 550! It is most definitely used, and I am not sure if it actually works, since it's still charging at the moment, but at least it lights up and talks to me, so there has to be some life in it. The home base looks busted up and didn't want to light up when I plugged it in, so that's probably dead, but I can plug the AC adapter directly into it just fine. Whoever last had it left me a hairball gift to clean out of it, so while that's gross, it's still promising. Here's hoping this sucker still works!
@joenforcer I love purple.
@juststephen I love purple, don't you?
@juststephen OK, now this one's funny. Blue Barney still seems pretty happy.
@Barney I think this is more like you...
Black and White... :)
@sohmageek there is no purple :)
@sohmageek Here's the color one

My 14x15x48 27.7 lb fuko arrived today

@baseba4551 lmao i cant wait to see this.
@march5th00 It's probably an Eureka Airspeed Myvac, model ASM1115A.
@juststephen That wouldn't explain the franken-packaging, though.
@baseba4551 OPEN IT! open it!
@baseba4551 It looks like the regular fuko box was nested into the vacuum box. Open it please!
Taking the poorly taped fuko box top off reveals this...

@baseba4551 Go on!
A brand spankin new vaccuum!!!!

Plus all the other standard items.
I am beyond impressed! Not very meh at all!
@baseba4551 and thankfully they must have poked air holes in the box! Snazzy toddler...
@jaremelz I think she's a refurb
This thing sucks!
No for real, it sucks up everything my dyson leaves behind!
Ladies and gentlemen... I win.
@Cloudscout Yes, yes you do.
@Cloudscout Are those deodorant or sweat stains in the pits or just the photo lighting?
@cbilyak nasty!
@Cloudscout You really need to sanitize the cooktop again now . . . Nice shit, but appears unlaundered.
@Cloudscout Nice shirt, but what is it doing on my cabinet?
Pretty good overall!
The shirt was so small that it, plus the soldiers and the SpongeBob wallet made some of my greatgrandkids very happy, at least momentarily. (Not that kids have a short attention span or anything like that.)
The Coast Guard mug may have to go, as the broken handle is kind of sharp. Oh well.
Very nice, meh. Worth more than $5 just for the fun and expectation, and still worth more after adding up the loot.
Thanks and keep up the good work!
Mystery box has arrived! 12 x 12 x 12 and about 5 pounds. Contents were expectedly unexceptional:

• SpongeBob wallet
• Toccs Bungee cable
• 8GB flash drive – blank
• Halo video player – blank
• Box of Toy Story stickers
• Jumbo glow in the dark decals for kids room
• Pink JLab metal earbuds
• Insteon WiFi camera
• Meh fanny pack
And then there’s this beauty:

It smells worse than it looks. It’s airing out on my patio now. I hope it’s gone by morning.
@Trillian that is a quality moo moo!!!
@Trillian I see gold and red. My Wife sees green and black. She is crazy right?
@Trillian I am impressed..all those travel books, a travelocity gnome and THE best part..Calvin and Hobbes!
@Trillian You hope the smell or the garment is gone by morning?
@Trillian That's actually not a bad fuko
@Pavlov I’m hoping the raccoons or squirrels will take it for nesting material.
@mikibell These are a few of my favorite things :) The gnome is motion-activated with about a dozen sayings. I leave it on whenever the apartment maintenance crew is scheduled to come in, because those guys could use more whimsy in their lives.
@Trillian I wonder if that was one that was sent back by someone...
13x13x12 in. 3.6 LBS. It won't show up till next Monday. Worst part of that news is, I'll be out of town on business...
@xoom999 Mine just updated. 19x14x13 in. 6.7 lbs.
@xoom999 mine is exactly the same, except 3.5 lbs and scheduled for saturday
@Mehntok Please post it, i'll be interested in the contents.
My fuko arrived....
1 x refurb Netgear WNDR4500 (not sure if it works the box was pretty beat up on one corner)
1x Lindberg 1925 Ford Model T Street Rod model (No. 72146)
1x Spongebob rectangle wallet (empty)
1x 8GB centon datastick (blank)
1x pink jlab jbuds pro (crap crap crap, whoever gets my mehrican should expect these ;) )
1x Monogram Wolverine Figure
1x toccs 10 foot bungee cable (microusb)
1x Halo video memopad (blank and with very low batteries)
1x funky misprinted ladies blouse with no odor ;)
and the highly sought after meh fuko fanny pack!!!!
... thanks again meh!
Also my box contained zero bags of Tejas air.
the netgear is running well, thanks again meh!
So far the router and the Mr. T t-shirt are the only things that wouldn't have been given away or thrown out if I got them. Almost glad I missed this one. Almost.
God damn. I want that fanny pack. I would pack so many fannies in there.
@fuentes91j no fanny pack? awesome haul from the look of it
@RogerWilco no fanny pack sadly but everything else went terribly right.
@fuentes91j No Fanny Pack?!?! False advertisement! Send everything back (at your cost) and ask for a refund!
@ELUNO they thought of everything (picture from the sale)
@fuentes91j Does the TV work?
@thismyusername These mehstards thought of everything!
@mediobarkre @mediobarkre I'll check today. posting results tonight. USB drive empty
@fuentes91j broken tv as well
Mine dropped to 2.7 lbs and 10x10x10. Still coming Thursday.
@MsELizardBeth so did mine. Thats the problem with the midwest. We get ours after everyone else. And having the small boxes we already know what were getting.
@MsELizardBeth I think my box gained your weight :)
@msujp Midwest has it easy. Northeast will be lucky to see it as of next week. Seems like Clinton PA holds onto packages until the tracking list delivery date reads NA. happends a lot.
Mine got updated to a interesting weight / size18x12x11 in.
Packaging Package
Service FedEx SmartPost
Weight 16 lbs / 7.26 kgs
Total pieces 1
Anyone's the same ?
It's been fun looking at these so far. Thanks everyone for posting. I was hoping for more shots of random and weird tees.
Well, I've never posted here, but I've also never gotten one of these crazy bags before. My 'bag' is supposedly getting delivered Thursday, and got updated with 22x18x12 dimensions and a 11.3 lb weight. Wish me luck!
@jumpingsquare Luck!
@jumpingsquare Good luck! Still no update on mine since Saturday! The suspense...
If there was a Fuku(o) to miss, this is it.
Updated stats: 3.2lbs, 20x9x8 box.... That's a weird shape.
@BillLehecka It's a ukelele.
@BillLehecka 20x16x16 in. 15.6lbs here I am guessing yours is a babies arm
Empty box for NEO Ultimate Multi Head Tool

Spiderman NYC Thermal Mug
USB Stick
Spongebob Wallet
Ten Foot?!?! USB cable
2000 Wilmoth Reunion est 1916
Weird-Ohs Car thingy
JLAB Earbuds
Weird video recording thingy
Meh Fanny Pack
@GiantTarget The T-Shirt smells laundry fresh
@GiantTarget oh man, that sucks. I Got the actual tool in its carrying bag.
Thanks Meh!
@ryancunderwood What's in the box? can't see past the glare.. haha
@kadagan accuforce 3.5 rc helicopter
US coast guard mug
Spongebob wallet
Halo video recorder
Jlab pink headphones
Meh fannie pack
Flash drive
Weird ohs car-icky-ture
Walmart brand toddler polo
My interesting box (maybe I'll post pictures):
Stuff everybody else got:
Meh fanny pack
Halo video thing (it worked too)
TOCCs cable
JLab pink earbuds
USB stick, 8G, previously owned by someone who likes RPGs
My weird items:
Barney Gumble bottle opener in fancy cylinder package (will go great with my Homer Simpson bottle opener)
PHB collection miniture garden sprinkler with dragonfly (don't know anybody who collects minitures)
Pink shirt with flowers for girls around 5 years old or so
@LionMan Who is Barney Gumble? Do you mean Barney Rubble?
@hippiechik Google is life. Google is love.

@goldenthorn OH no wonder....I HATE The Simpsons...
I got the usual stuff but, so far, I think I got the best used piece of clothing. The cutest little onesy ever! It's got the cutest little animal faces on it!

@Teripie Dawww. That is cute.
@Teripie I hope you're enjoying my ride! :)
(Accidentally posted this in the wrong thread.)

The mail carrier dropped off two boxes today, one of which I was expecting. But I had completely forgotten about the Fukobukuro. So I was rather surprised to see him lugging in a box for a vacuum. Once I realized what the box was, it was time for an unboxing.
the final haul:
-Shark Rotator Vac or Steam (reconditioned and missing a few small parts but vacuum works)
-1925 Model T model kit
-Bandits softball team Tshirt (XL)
-10 ft Bungee USB cable
-Jbuds earbuds
-Retrospect Tootsie Roll Pop
-Sponge Bob vinyl wallet
-Datastick Pro 8GB thumbstick (empty)
-Halo video message recorder (hopefully empty. I recorded over the first message on accident before playing it)
-Meh fanny pack
All in all, a great haul.
@tmntman when you record a video on those things it moves any previous recordings down, maybe try pressing the 2?
@JonT Sadly there is no sign of your smiling face in any of the slots.
@tmntman I actually bought that vacuum here a while back and absolutely love it.
@Cloudscout The dust bin seems fairly small, but otherwise it seems to work really well. I just had to go to their website as one of the parts missing was the steam cleaning pad.
Mine just came in the mail.
Oh look! Could it be a TV? I'm so excited.

Yes! It is a TV, how cool. This is awesome.

Turn it on, broken screen. Bummer. Depression setting in.

At least I got a cool T-Shirt. Looks a bit dirty but should come out in the wash, right?

Oh, never mind. It's torn real bad.

Oh well, the anticipation of wondering what I would get was worth the $5 spent.
@cengland0 Wow! That really sucked! No earbuds? No Sponge Bob wallet?
@Teripie Yes, I got the other usual stuff like the earbuds, sponge bob wallet, and 8g usb drive. Those are also as useless to me but I might be able to regift them to someone in the 'hood.
@cengland0 I regift about 90% of my fuku stuff. Family is starting to dread various gift giving occasions.
@Teripie Regifting fuku stuff is fairly easy (though the half bag of diapers was a hard sell). I'm still working on regifting all my built NY cases
@MrGlass I found, for some strange reason, nurses LOVE those buil;t NY cases. I took a bunch to my doctor's office and his staff fell upon them like ravenous wolves. My daughter who works at a hospital took about 30 to her work and they disappeared almost instantly.
@cengland0 That's pretty close to what my TV looked like as well when I turned it on.
@Teripie trust me, receiving those earbuds is its own misfortune. They're so bad that i just threw them away.
@cengland0 Might be a long shot, but try contacting the TV manufacturer. My buddy was gifted a broken Sony TV by his grandparents and Sony ended up shipping him a brand new one for free, no questions asked.
@betaRepeating Suppose that falls into the "can't hurt to try" category. Now I just need to find some time in my busy schedule to handle it.
If anyone wants to get rid of the pink earbuds, I love pink ear buds. I have a lot of BuiltNY to trade...
@Trin I've heard that this brand is completely horrible... So unless you only want them for the look and not the sound, it might not be worth the effort.. haha
@kadagan I only use pink earbuds. My go-to brand is the Logitech Ultimate Ears 200i in pink. So, uh, I dunno how to say this, but yes, I do prioritize look over sound, to a point. delicate cough
@kadagan A bigger problem is that the metal ones are heavier than the Ultimate Ears, and they start to wear on me that way.
@Trin don't do it Trin, not worth it even if the postage is free.
@Trin A friend of mine really loves the ear buds, whereas I found the TOCCs evil voices offputting. Worst, our friends at Justin for making an product that does nothing well.
My haul (dem pants!):
Mine is out for delivery. Come on Mr. Postman, the anticipation/dread is killing me!
@pitamuffin mine looks to be a day away! Just one city over...
Pretty much the same as everyone else. Got a cool cat bed and a used xs tank top (I wonder if my wife would like it!)
@dsantillan Your image needs to be hosted somewhere (like imgur) for you to share it.. it looks like you just tried to paste a link from your hard drive.. "http://C:/Users/DSantillan/Desktop/Fuko.JPG"
@kadagan Thanks. That's exactly what I did.
What's in the box?!

Sweet Napoleon Branded Merchandise!
An almost totally functioning TV!
Thanks, meh? (Anyone know if this TV thing can be fixed?)
@grammarsheriff No, the TV is not Mac compatible. You need to use it on a Microsoft machine only :)
@cengland0 I'm gonna save hundreds on LSD.
@grammarsheriff At least yours works that much. I got the same thing and it just shows some white lines sometimes if it feels like it.
Got home from a trip to find my contained..
The standards:
Nasty torn up black t-shirt
Spongebob Wallet
Bungee Cable
Pink so-called "Pro" Jbuds
Halo recorder thing (no messages)
8 gig memory stick
Fuko fanny pack
Several bags of completely unregulated and therefore potentially toxic Texas air
The unique items:
Turbo (drain) Snake, Pitchman approved by Anthony Sullivan!
Racer X Bendy Figure (SpeedmustneverlearnthatheishislonglostbrotherRex)
1/24th scale "Insani Sedan" from the Extreme Customs Cruisers line, by Hawk, America's Oldest Model Company
The shirt went directly to the trash, but the rest of this is actually much better than meh. Thanks!!!
Got mine today. Lots of pink stuff.
@Necrophagy Oh and the flash drive has some weird Dnd Files on it.
@Necrophagy I hope you make your saving throw against it.
My box came two days earlier than expected!
My bad arrived & wife was kind enough to unbox it for me:
All in all, I think Meh succeeded in making this a particularly crappy shipment of crap. Congrats @jont, @mehcus, @snapster & all the rest on a job well done!
Well my oddly weighted Fuko came today!

My 13.7 lbs package consisted of:
Small Vault Digital Safe - digital inputs didn't work even with new batteries. But the keys worked just fine. nothing inside the safe however. Definitely worth the $5!
Bungee USB cable

Spongebob Wallet
Ninjago Lego Kids sized Tshirt
2 Jedi vs. Sith Jelly Pencil Cases
Halo Video Device (no secret Messages sadly)
empty 8 gig memory stick
Speed Racer Bendy Fig
And Fuko Fanny pack!
Fuko arrived today. I was braced for disappointment.

-Meh fanny pack
-Halo recorder (no messages)
-8 gig thumb drive
-Spongebob rubeer wallet
-Jbuds earbuds
-Gameboy Advance case (NO GBA INSIDE. You cut me deep, Meh)
-A Super Wild Raiders Coach(?) model kit
-A Silly Surfers ... thing? I'm still not really sure what this is.
-A small "Vote Keller - One Pint-Sized Leader" shirt
I can find no information about Keller or his election, but I'm fascinated none-the-less. I tried putting it on for a "fat guy in a little shirt" photo op, but i literally cannot get it over shoulders, it's that small.
@mikey I have cousins named Keller....what a great shirt.
@mikey I still play my GBA, I couldn't bear to part with more than just the bag...
@mikey Looks like the Keller in this instance would be Keller High School
@owlhooter Wow, way to go! You're my new Google!
@owlhooter The story behind it: "We were elected as State Parliamentarian that year. Our platform centered around high school student councils organizing leadership development programs for middle and elementary school kids. Our platform was adopted by the state board the following year, and we worked to help schools across the state work to build leaders, the way milk build young bones and makes them stronger. We had a pretty silly skit with large milk cartons teaching small ones...and as they learned, they became bigger cartons until they grew to be the larger leaders."
So far I think my cute little onesy wins any kind of Fuku used clothes. It's cute and looks like it's never been used. Of course it's super tiny so whoever had it before probably got to wear it maybe one time before it was out grown.
Meh, you never cease to fail with the disappointment. (how many negatives is that?)

I'm stoked about the charge cable & who can't use another 8GB USB stick, and the fanny pack that goes into the shrine. Other than that ... well... lucky for you poor suckers I get in the Mehrican Exchange, I've already packed my boxes. (this time) :-) Thanks, Meh! Or, ya know, whatever.
@SColburn I kind of like the cat. Embarassing, but true. Of course, it's in your house and not mine... Which surely makes it easier to appreciate.
mine is slated for saturday delivery, still showing 10x10x10, but weight changed to 2.6lbs from 3.
Mine was the basic haul. Really nice though. Very happy and would of course do again in a heartbeat

Spongebob Wallet (sadly empty)
Water Bottle with Spiderman and NYC
Video player with nothing on it
Random shirt from a 2011 event
Cool car model thing
Meh Fanny pack (empty)
8GB USB drive (empty)
Charging cable
@Bingo What are the bongo drum set things? Sorry if I missed it in your post.
@dfunk29 my guess is they were already on the table pre-fuko and guessing salt & pepper shakers.

@Ignorant @dfunk29 Oh yeah sorry. Heh. Those live on my table and yes he nailed it exactly - conga salt and pepper shakers. I'm a musician :)
Got mine today...
1 broke as shit TV
JLab Headphones
Toy story stickers
SpongeBob wallet
1 broke as shit Halo recorder (clearly not used as a secret messager from @Jon for a goat prize)
Canton Data Stick
1 nasty shirt that literally smelled of feces
NO Meh Fanny pack...what the fuck?!
All in all it was the experienced I had hoped. I'm gonna donate the TV to my school and allow the kids to slowly open it so they can see the inner workings and such.

@studerc No fanny pack... isn't that the best part? Also... When did you get your tracking number... I still don't have one... :( ok... last question, What grade do you teach? And what subject(s)?
@studerc we'll get you a fanny pack, and I won't even try to call it a prize of any sort!
@JonT thanks bud. I will, you know, just sit here and wait for my goat prize. One of those quadcopters would be sweet. Or a pallet of various surplus items that i could sell. Whatevs, broseph.
@studerc So do I have to wait in the back of the line for my prize now? Sigh
I got mine - it's horrible not to open it right away, but I'm opening it LIVE tonight on the unofficial mehTV channel. :)
@juststephen Where is said channel? May be interesting to watch..
@juststephen Ooooh, is there a Twitch feed or something?
Just got a picture from home, my Fuko was delivered 2 days early. Basically can't focus with my excitement of what may be in my first meh box of crap.
Mine updated, 21x17x13 in. 21lb. Delivery tomorrow.
My 10x10x10, 3lb box of misfortune surprised me by being much larger than its documentation stated.
Color your own Tyrannosaurus Rex kit--over 3.5' tall
Meh fanny pack
Slightly smelly Lamar Baseball shirt. Size L
Pink metal earbuds of disappointment
TOCCs 10' bungee micro usb cable
Datastick Pro flash drive, unchecked
Pink Halo device, play buttons pressed without success, refused to turn off on command
Napoleon Dynamite photo album
Spongebob SquareWallet
Accu Force Heli 3.5 In torn up box. Can test this one for waterproofness if it works.
Several small pieces of broken safety glass, unknown source, for added sparkliness.
I think I've said it a number of times already, but THANKS MEH!!!
@djslack Accu Force isn't the one you can get wet...but it might be interesting ;-)
@margot I asked on the aquacopter thread how we knew the other ones weren't waterproof already, and someone wanted video proof. If the fuko hadn't already shipped before this comment, I'd have sworn Meh was trying to get me to do this experiment.
I had lots of goodies waiting for me:
Proof that the vacuum works, recorded on the halo thingy.
I just realized that I didn't get a fanny pack. Meh.
Ok here is my first one:
@darkzrobe Those glasses made it worth it as I am a semi wine person and all I have is 4 stemless glasses. Anyone want some hot pants?
@darkzrobe I got some of those too. Mine broke in transit however :(
@Spirtir Ya 2 died, kinda suprised the rest were intact considering how it was packed. How many of yours survived?
@darkzrobe Only 4 survived intact. All but one of the wine glasses broke. I'm pleased with everything else though! The shirt and bag had to be tossed. I kept finding little pieces of glass on them.
@Spirtir Bummer, I would share some of mine but I have no clue how to ship them without having the same thing happen. I really dont know how mine survived considering it was shipped smartpost
@darkzrobe Ha! Got to love smartpost! I'm glad most of yours survived. I probably won't use the ones that did that much anyway. I was most excited for the SpongeBob wallet to be honest.
Mine was 13 pounds and arrived a day early! I got:
Sadly, the bag and shirt had to be thrown out. Most of the glasses did not survive shipping and broke into a lot more than 18 pieces!!! About 4 of them survived.
@Spirtir Not a bad haul - sorry about the glasses. It is a fuko though, so I guess we can't know what to expect!
@juststephen Yep! Overall I am pleased with the haul. I hoped I would get a Spongebob wallet so I am happy. Did you get yours yet?
@Spirtir Yep. I haven't opened the box yet - waiting for the MehTV unofficial game show tonight to reveal.
@Spirtir Shame about the bag, as horrible as it is. I would have chanced the glass splinters, but I'm a reckless risk-taker.
Tomorrow is the big day. It should be delivered and I'll update tomorrow evening
@stryper2000 Size? Weight?
@juststephen 15X15X16 5.1 lbs
Wow, so I was fully braced for disappointment, and instead received:
Meh April Fools 2015 Fuko
The Barney bottle opener is AWESOME! If you don't feel like opening the gallery above, here it is:
Thanks Meh!
Oh, obligatory "There were no videos on the recorder."
@DaveInSoCal Dude, I am so jealous. My fuko wasn't bad, but I'm loving the pewter Barney. You might be more deserving of it than I though. Nice score, man.
All in all, not a bad haul I guess. I haven't checked the thumb drive, assume it's empty. The shirt doesn't fit... :( Ohh it's schooner!
Edit: Cisco box was not included, or the other laundry on the bed..
@TehMaliron No shame, right?
@juststephen When the idea pops into your head, sometimes you just gotta go for it.
@TehMaliron Indubitably so.
@juststephen Saddly, that's not the strangest thing in that picture. Waiting to see when someone notices her.
@TehMaliron Yes, the dog up top.
@juststephen Don't worry, she not in any real danger, she's taxidermy.
@TehMaliron Ha ha ha... You dumb bastard... It's not a schooner it's a sailboat!
@TehMaliron Seriously though... um, how'd the dog get there? EDIT: Oh, I see... Stuffed...
@TehMaliron You had your pet dog taxidermied? I don't know if I could do that, it'd be too sad remembering all of the good times with him/her.
@juststephen Yeah, she was an awesome dog, and the way I look at, that's just the shell that used to contain her. I always told people I'd have he stuffed when she passed, but no one believed me. Now I have my own Rowdy (Scrubs reference). It actually helps quite a bit to be able to walk by every now and then and say "Hi Tessie!" and give her a few pets. I'm pretty weird though.
@BillLehecka A schooner is a sailboat moron! I know someone would catch the reference.
@BillLehecka Yep, she's my "top" dog. heh
@TehMaliron get that action figure signed by Kevin Sorbo and you have yourself a collectible!
@thismyusername I probably shouldn't have opened it and played with it then?
@TehMaliron Sweet Bozo kazoo, friend.
@TehMaliron Yes, I am very jealous of that Bozo kazoo!
@pitamuffin Thanks, I think I like it the most out of all the stuff I got actually. Though my family is starting to get annoyed with me. heh
Christmas in April! Thank you, Meh!!
Odd that this is showing sideways.. but better than the broken link ;)
Received my 16x15x15, 6lbs Fuko today, and it was decidedly more Fuku than Fuko. Thanks, Meh!
@FsFalcon I'm jealous of that iPod. Using my huge-screened android phone on runs is a little scary, even with a case.
@andrewpatrick Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised to find it in the box, as every device I have is too heavy to carry on a run. Sure, it's missing the pack-in lightning cable, but the included snapcable fixed that. Bottom-line: Unless it's secretly cursed or stuffed full of smallpox, I'm happy spending the $5. :)
Someone loves purple.
@ELUNO @barney, c'mere and see what FsFalcon got!
Got my box in today to compliment my 1500 some odd Green USB Hub Men.
2 X Garbage Pail Kids pins.
1 X 8 Gig Centon Stick
1 X Purple Halo Player (empty)
1 X Discount Tire Polo
1 X "Meet Sailor Moon!" book from 1995
1 X inflatable finger bopper of McCain (including vote McCain and Vote Obama stickers)
1 X Star Wars pencil case
1 X Chinese Zodiac Swizzle Sticks
1 X Meh Fanny Pack
1 X Dora the Explorer watch (oh my god my daughter will love this in a few years)
and I think that's it. So much fun! Now to find out what to do with 1500 USB Hubs.
@zachary I wouldn't mind having a couple :) Once upon a time, I had a gajillion faux security cameras to offer in exchange. Now, I just have that less likable form of payment known and Paypal.
@zachary If you're dispersing them, I might be interested as well.
@zachary Did you post your 1500 USB hubs? Here or another thread? I'd like to see a picture of those.
@Teripie I did over in the pallet thread!
@zachary Never mind. I found it. Very impressive!
I got the standards (video doodad, spongebob wallet, thumb drive, Texas air, headphones, TOCCS cable, the fanny pack) along with a Nerds pillow, a Phineas and Ferb travel cup (not pictured somehow) and the obscured Minnie Mouse shirt. All in all, I'm ok with this stuff :)
10,000mAh purple battery w/ USB ports
Pink ear buds
Shirt with hole in it
2 8GB flash drives -- empty! :(
10 foot USB cable
Weird model kit (made in Cedar Rapids, IA!)
Electric soap dispenser
Fukobukuro fanny pack
Coast Guard coffee cup
Spongebob wallet
Video recorder thinger -- no recording :*(
The Spongebob wallet and video recorder will make nice gifts for my niece. My girlfriend seems to like the soap dispenser and headphones. She has also placed dibs on the fanny pack. And I really like the portable battery pack and USB cable! Some poor sap received this with one of the plastic end caps on upside down so that none of the ports were accessible. Easy fix and works great! Just wish it wasn't purple/pink . . .
There was no Meh fanny pack, but given the number of broken TVs I've seen in this thread, and that mine (so far) has been flawless, I'll take it. :) The TV was an RMA, still had the RMA slip in the box, but it works! Special thanks to the woman in Tuscaloosa, AL for returning it, because it's hanging in our bedroom right now!
Thanks Meh!
@cweilemann What did it show for your package dimensions and weight?
@The_Baron 10x10x10 and 3lbs... a bit strange... :\
Ill take pictures when I get home. Mine had some sort of dress which fit my 10 year old daughter perfect!
Not bad at all...

Boring stuff:
Spongebob wallet
Fanny pack
Crappy video recorder
Flash Drive
Cooler stuff:
Model plane kit
Coolest stuff:
The Crow statuette
Razer Tartarus expert gaming keypad
1 small Baylor University Line Camp 2013 (Drumline?) T-Shirt
1 Jlab super-shitty earbuds
1 8GB Centon USB thumb drive
1 Star Wars pencil case
1 Spongbob wallet
1 video recorder device
1 TOCCS self-destructing 10 foot Micro USB Bungee cable
1 Precious Moments figure, which my 4-year old daughter quickly nabbed
1 Meh fanny pack
1 dog sweater, size small. My dog is ginormous, but my brother's dog is perfectly sized
- Meh Fanny Pack.
- Jlabs Jbuds in hot pink (featuring mediocre sound quality).
- Toccs 10ft braided USB cable.
- 8GB flash drive (empty).
- Spongebob wallet (empty).
- Halo video recorder (no messages included).
- Huey’s Hut Rod model (assembly required).
- Several bags of Texas air (disassembly required)
- “You ain’t MESS you be MARVELOUS” children’s M t-shirt.
- 66 million-year old severed head whistling football, right in time for Christmas.
If my five bucks and days of anticipation could express themselves, they would be quite happy with this 3lb 12x12x12 box of meh. Thanks, I guess.
Halo video recorder
8GB flash drive
Chinese Zodiac Swizzle Sticks
JLab terrible no good earbuds
Faded Glory purple small human hoodie with pockets
Spongebob Squarepants Best Friends Plaque
TOCC 10ft cable (will work perfectly for the Raspberry Pi B+
Tootsie Pop memorabilia thing that I can't even figure out how to open
Meh. fannypack (I was in it for this, honestly)
Wow. Amazing mediocrity. I am impressed, Meh.
@thechinglish I was skimming and the way the lines break on my phone, i thought you got an RPi.
Truly meh.
Halo video recorder
8GB flasb drive
JLab pink earbuds
Cowboys (football team) teeshirt
Spongebob wallet
TOCC 10ft bungee cable
Napolean Dynamite mini photo album
1969 Mercury car kit
and the Meh fanny pack.
Truly, truly meh.
So my wife just sent me this, will update once i get home to open it! So excited!
Fixed that for ya ;)
@kadagan sorry im dumb
@whistlingwilly Hey, no problem! You're not the first in this thread to do that ;)
@kadagan Be back here tonight to fix when I fail post whats inside the box
BETTER THAN I WAS EXPECTING based on all the reveals so far, you've done it again you dirty scoundrel @JonT!!!! Mine is out for delivery, I love Christmas in April:)
Very please with what I got.
@daveJay I got that nerds pillow as well, I can't wait to re-gift it!
'ey! If dis is a braaawdcast, den wheah's all da brawds?
Can't say that any of this is particularly useful to me, but still fun none the less. Except the fanny pack of course, I will totally use that!!
I forgot, I also received the Star Wars pencil bag which was immediately given to my boyfriend.
Delivery of my silky-dandy-panda was three days early, but I'm certainly not complaining. I got a Cinderella Bath Mitt and Body Wash with Pump, a brand new Jedi vs. Sith pencil case, a TOCC Ten Foot Smartphone Charge Bungee CABLE, JBuds PRO Premium Metal Earbuds (very pink), an extremely purple Halo device with screen protector, so I have to go figure it out, a perfectly empty 8 GB DataStick Pro, a Juicy Fruit portable hinged box made by Midwest of Cannon Falls (also empty), and a very meh fanny pack. Oh, and a very, very pink women's tank top, with a Goodwill tag of $4.19 on it. It has been washed at some time in its past, but it will get washed again. Six bags of Texas air, so apparently the shipping department wasn't taking any chances. Apart from a small 'squee' at Cinderelly, everything was greeted with apathy. Thanks, Meh!

@OldCatLady Update; the ferociously pink tank top has been washed, and came out so well I wore it today. The Halo recorder now has three short cat videos, the cable is in use and the rest is going to the office for the 'just take it' table, with a few leftover Built cases.
Anyone else see a second lane created when they track by reference using the reference number from the original shipment?
@gmartinez1412 JonT said "Don't excited about those 2 shipments, we had some labels duplicate in the system but we caught them all. You're only getting one Fukobukuro, which is good because two would just be more bad luck."
@gmartinez1412 that was @carl669 fault for leading you on
@gmartinez1412 it was my fault for leading you on. but, it's your own fault for being so damn gullible.
@carl669 I am not sure what you mean leading you on. I was just fooling around on the FedEx page and noticed it. I figured it was an error.
Was excited to get home to my package that delivered a day early! My haul was a Desperate Housewives Dirty Laundry game, Jedi vs Sith pencil case, Bozo Kazoo (Magnetic!), a pink shirt that I will end up giving to my girlfriend, an Odd Job figurine (?)(haven't opened it yet to check), Pink JLABs, 10 ft bungee cable, and the empty flash drive. No halo or fanny pack :( (pretty bummed about the fanny pack, but overall happy with the experience!)

@ThePrivateParts we'll get you a fanny pack!
Here is mine!
The shirt still had goodwill tag on it and I got two fannys.
@0oiiiiio0 2 fanny packs!?! That is so not fair! I'm telling Mom!
Ok i went home on my lunch because the excitement was killing me. All the accessories were there all unused all new! and its my favorite color! Awesome thanks meh! @kadagan i fail at photos

And congrats on the awesome haul!
@kadagan lol thank you! i dont know why i cant post photos.
@whistlingwilly I just copied and compared the two url's (since I didn't know how to do it). He added "i." and ".jpg". Check it out! 😃
@whistlingwilly That's my favorite color too! Nice haul for an "unlucky fuko"!! Can't wait to see what disaster I get in mine,
Finally have a few minutes to post, Fuko showed up yesterday.
Tail of the tape:
Dimensions 13x12x12 in.
Weight 7.3 lbs / 3.31 kgs
Most of the items I received have been photo'ed already.
Not Pictured:
Just don't ask Insane Clown Posse or Bill O'Reilly how the magnet works.
Guess the Fuko was unlucky after all cause by the time I received it, the bottom of the shipping box had glass dust all over the bottom. Which also made it into the carpet after taking the glasses box out of shipping box.
You'd think with how thick those glasses are glass dust would be hard to come by but there was plenty. :'| Must have taken hell of a whack to break 1 but oddly only 1.
Onward to Fuku(o) #6 and my Meh/Glen Cod piece. Get on it Meh!
Got my first Fuko box ever! And it's is so much more meh than I could have ever hope for :D!
@dilkathrens you should totally post a video of that video.
@JonT [At your request][1] [1]:
I have no idea why people are complaining about the earbuds. They sound pretty darn good to me.
Overall I'm not disappointed. Not sure how this video player works though. Pressing the power button doesn't seem to turn it on.
@EasyElric You have to hold it. Also, check the batteries. Mine were dead.
I think I got the most unlucky bag there is. I received all the usual stuff:
sponge bob wallet, halo video thingy with no videos, a couple model sets, aliens action figure, thrift store t-shirt, and a fanny pack.
But then there was also an Ed Hardy light box

What did I ever do to you meh and how do I lift the curse of Ed Hardy from my house?
My Fuko has arrived and man was it unlucky.
1 pack of NY Mets napkins
1 8gb flash drive, nothing on it
1 Halo video recorder, Purple( which I'm sure @Barney would've loved to have) , plus it works
1 set of ear buds
1 Fanny pack
1 Accu Force remote control Helicopter......BOX(no Heli, no remote, just some parts)
1 small gray shirt
1 SpongeBob wallet
1 model car kit
Rather Unlucky but still good, now to wait for The next one
Definitely not an unlucky score as promised although I was really hoping for an autographed brick. The data stick and model car are worth more than the 5 bucks but the anticipation was worth triple that. And the Meh fanny pack will be worn with pride at the next family outing. Thanks, Meh!
Orange blouse with Goodwill sale tag
Pepsi serving tray
JLab ear buds
Spongebob wallet
Halo recorder
Data stick
Weirdos model car
Maxam convection oven without needed pieces
(it doesn't power on anyway)
Meh fanny pack
nothing spectacular, but not terribly disappointing either. Mostly meh... my kids are loving it though. 2 year old gets the fanny pack and the speed racer chick, 4 year old get the spider, 5 year old gets sponge bob and the model car. The video recorder is an annoyingly annoying hit with the kids as well. Not sure about the stained old lady scarf though.... thanks meh!
Weight.3 lbs
So...nothing exciting. Couple of notes...
I've had a couple Centon drives in the past. They're really really slow, and they are not reliable. So....don't put anything on them you're not afraid of losing.
I'll be sealing the holes on the outside of the jbuds...the other ones were usable if you did that.
The Halo...does anyone know what its supposed to do or how it works???
So the whole thing was.....meh! Thanks meh!
@eeterrific The Halo button functions are described here, which was enough information to make it work, after new batteries.
My Mom opened the box before I got home, she's like "what did you order?" I'm like "a surprise box." Surprise alright, she was disgusted by an apparently worn & dirty XL t-shirt that had hair on it. Hahaha. She put the shirt in a plastic bag and threw it in the garbage, I saw enough of it that I didn't want to take a closer look. Ewwww.
The rest of the very meh box:
- a Wonder Pets children's book w/ sound buttons
- a brown dog sweater hoodie for a tiny dog.
- Star Wars pencil bag
- halo video player thingie
- the data stick
- Meh fannypack
- JBuds pink earbuds
- TOCC bungee USB cable
- Texas air bubbles!
I am overall quite pleased.
Really more than meh, so thanks Meh!! Bring on #6!
Here's what my 3.1 pounder contained.

1 x Sailor Moon Friends and Foes book
1 x Beethoven's boogie shirt
1 x Meh tushie pack
1 x 8GB data stick (no files)
1 x Halo video recorder
1 x 10' charge cable (micro USB, yay!)
1 x ear buds w/mic
1 x porcelain sofa figure hinged box (retails for like $8)
1 x Barbie wall decal pack
Not bad. Needed the cable, might use the flash drive and ear buds. Shirt too small. Fanny pack is noice. The porcelain thing is neat, but I have no idea what to do with it. Daughter is not in to Barbie, but is into sticking stuff to the wall. Sailor Moon book, though? Meh.
I pushed play on the Halo device and some bearded rando was rambling about gerbils becoming the master race or something...

@medz Can you post a video of that video?
@medz hard to tell without a video, hint hint, but I'm fairly sure that's @harrison or @hart.
@JonT @medz i don't remember saying anything about gerbils, but that looks like my glasses and horribly-kept mustache. Don't drink and record, kids
@cengland0 Nope. It has since been recorded over. Also, I totally faked it.
@JonT It's @harrison. My beard is much more seemly.
Did anyone with a 2.7 lb 10x10x10 box list there items. Mine is sitting at the local post office for delivery and Im no longer excited with these meh reveals today
@msujp I never read this thread until after I receive mine...and now I have to go through all of them before I reveal mine, I'll get there
Mine also arrived today:
Toy Story sticker box - unopened- 500 stickers
SpongeBob wallet (empty)
Centon Datastick Pro
Halo video player
Toccs 10 ft. Charge & Sync Bungee cable
JLab Jbuds pro earbuds, pink - new in box
Tootsie Pop hinged porcelain "box" from PHB
Girl's t-shirt
Meh fanny pack
23.6" AOC monitor, re certified - have not tested for functionality yet
Quite pleased with the haul!!!
Mine was not much different from others:
For $5, it was a certainly amusing haul and I hope I can get the Roomba working to go with the speaker docks I've bought on Meh before:
This was my first Fukobukuro, not too bad, worth the $5 lol. The box came a day early, I found it when I got home from work. The box was 20x16x15 in. & 9.6 lbs.
A Gap Girl T-Shirt - Size M (8)
Ed Hardy Lightbox
A Marvel Wolverine figure
Lindberg 1925 Ford Model T Street Rod model
2 Leakfrogs
Tootsie Roll Pop trinket box
10' Micro USB Bungee Cable
Pepsi branded ice cold tray
Centon 8GB DataStick Pro
& a Meh Fukobukuro fanny pack
The drive actually did have 11 files on it. I attached a picture.
@jhoran86 Why not look at what those files contain. The curiosity is killing me. obstgoat.txt? Interesting.
@cengland0 I got the same files on my stick. The obstgoat file is a story about two goats on a very narrow path who refuse to move out of the way for the other one.
@jhoran86 @LionMan How to evaluate new… whats? What was hygiene like in 1996? Are you sold on the fudge?
@jhoran86 I'm curious about these files as well. Same ones on my flash drive
Got the standard FUKO:
1) American Muscle Shirt, I am more of a Bowtie guy but hey this didn't have stains or smell, so WIN
2) Sponge Bob Best Friends plague, Meh you will always be my BFF
3) 8GB USB Stick, sadly empty.
4) Sith vs Jedi Coin? Pencil? Pouch... Amazing Artistic Rendering
5) JBuds Pro Pink Earbuds... my GF just broke her cheapo earbuds so now she gets something equally meh and I come off looking good, thanks Meh
6) Halo video recorder, dead batteries of course, no videos :(
7) Sponge Bob wallet... its yellow.
8) 10ft USB cable, super WIN since my feline companion likes to chew my good cables and I needed to order a new one
9) Precious Moments Figurine, I just found my Mother's Xmas present, thanks!
10) Meh Fanny Pack... I want to wear this the next time I go to Disneyland
Not so unlucky after all, thanks Meh!
1x Texas clearly used shirt
1x Speed Racer toy
1x Matagascar mug
1x JBuds headphones
1x TOCCS bungee thingamajig
1x Spongebob wallet
1x Star Wars money holder thing
Not pictured: 8GB USB drive and Meh fannypack
@Collin1000 weight?
@msujp 3.4lb
Got mine. It's Fuko-riffic!
1 child's large long sleeve t-shirt, blue tie-dye with "TYLER'S Southlake Texas" in giant pink mid-80's typeface on back.
1 Simpsons Pewter Collection figurine, Barney Gumble (upper torso detaches to reveal that his large intestine is a bottle opener)
1 8 GB datastick pro, apparently empty
1 purple Halo2 video recorder (either empty or girlfriend promptly recorded over any important message that was included) that looks more like a crappy LCD electronic game and works about as well.
1 Jbuds Pro premium metal earbuds
1 TOCCs bungee cable, USB -> micro USB
1 "PHB Collection" porcelain hinged box, "Sprinkler with dragonfly": a porcelain base with apprx. 1.5" high metal rotating sprinkler atop. The girlfriend inadvertently threw away the included plastic dragonfly (smaller than the size of your pinky fingernail) thinking it was just excess packaging. It was later rescued, then lost again.
See for similar items.
1 Meh fanny pack
Photo to follow.
No picture but:
1x Salt and Pepper shaker moon rover
1x Popeye photo stand
1x tee shirt with Get Lucky With Louie from Bar Louie
1x Jedi vs Sith pencil case
1x Halo2cloud recorder (empty but with working batteries)
1x USB drive (empty)
1x TOCCS bungee charger
1x JBuds headphones (pink)
1x Meh Fannypack
Might try for a pic tomorrow
1 x SpongeBob wallet
1 x JLab earbuds (hot pink)
1 x Meh fanny pack
1 x 10 feet micro-USB bungee cable
1 x Star Wars pencil holder
1 x Dinosaur wall stickers, which says "just for kids" :(
1 x Halo2cloud recorder (empty)
1 x 8 GB flash drive (empty)
1 x 2004 Softball Champions T-Shirt
I'll gift out the wallet, earbuds, and dinosaur wall stickers. I'll be keeping the fanny pack (priceless), micro-USB cable, and flash drive. I'm gonna dump the rest.
All in all, not that bad.
1 Shark Rotator Professional Vacuum/Steam Mop (that thing is DANG heavy but I did find it on Amazon for $300 with an overall 4-star rating)
1 Halo recorder (nothing on it)
1 flash drive (also nothing)
1 10 ft bungee cable
1 set of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" jumbo room stick-ups
1 Napoleon Dynamite photo album
1 Spongebob Squarepants wallet
1 set of pink earbuds
1 Meh fanny pack
1 Ralph Lauren women's small sweater
Not bad. The vacuum is overwhelming. I tried vacuuming up everything in the box and now I can't get it to turn on. Luckily I know everything else in the box was vacuumible. thumbs up
@janetv And here I was feeling lucky for being the only one to get a vacuum.
@tmntman same vacuum? i saw a few people get roombas.
@janetv Yep, same vacuum. Mine was missing the steam cleaning pad and the filling flask was broken. But otherwise it seems to work well.
I am jealous, I got one of the "rare" 1 out of a 100 Barrels of Gophers for April Fool's and it wasn't near as cool as all of these. (I missed the meh one because I was in another timezone and forgot about the difference.)
Got my Fuko today! Most things have already been pictured, but still enjoyed the fun surprises, and the good items with the meh.
Contents were:
- 18 bags of Texas air
- 1 Fuko fanny pack (yay!)
- 1 SpongeBob wallet
- 1 magenta JLabs earbuds
- 1 Speed Racer figure
- 1 8gb Datastick Pro (empty)
- 1 magenta Halo cloud video device (batteries were mostly dead, but device was empty after replacing the batteries)
- 1 Pepsi-Cola "Ice Cold" tray
- 1 Accuforce helicopter... controller (no helicopter included, but did include a USB power cable, tiny screwdriver, and spare rotor blades)
- 1 pair dark green corduroy pants w/ Goodwill tags still attached
For some reason, I really dig the Nerds pillows. I hope I get one.
Rookie mistake... I posted my swag in the original thread. I'll dump it in here as well since it seems like the shirt would feel more comfortable being near it's brothers and sisters.
My order arrived today and I have no complaints.

3 x Texas air
1 x meh fanny pack
1 x Betty Boop Utensil Caddy
1 x Bungee Cable (micro usb)
1 x 8gb flash drive
1 x Bozo kazoo
1 x jbuds pro earbuds
1 x Small woman's Forever 21 Goodwill shirt
1 x HALO video recorder
Also... there was nothing on the thumb drive and no videos recorded to the HALO.
J-Lab Metal Earbuds (Pink)
Halo video player (Empty)
Spongebob Best Friends plaque
Spongebob figurine
Precious moments figurine
10ft bungee cable (USB)
Meh fanny pack (Empty)
8GB USB flash drive (Empty)
Large Ralph Lauren Blouse (a bit small you guys)
7 connected air bubbles used for packing
A box (possibly used in the movie Seven
A sticker on the box with my address ( MY ADDRESS WAS ON IT)
@pixelnated Nice shirt. And it suits you. That combo works. Extra points for trying it on.
10"x10"x10" - 3lbs, estimated delivery - Tue 4/7. Folks said may come a day early so I got excited on Monday. Well Tuesday rolled by and package had gone MIA. Last place updated - somewhere in Alabama. Estimated delivery - N/A. Confusion. Apprehension.
Late Wednesday a guy in a beat up pickup truck showed up with this
Family gathered around and we tore into the box.
FYI the shipping size has still never changed from original. Inside was: Empty USB, Spongebob Wallet(daughter ran off with before pic), Cloud Wall Stickers, Cable, Purple Video thingy, Napoleon Dynamite Coasters, Ear Buds, Super Tiny Massage Squad Shirt that I can fantasize was worn by some top heavy Hooter's Girl type Masseuse, Broken-Ass 39" TV(The funniest thing I have ever seen!!!). My ONLY disappointment was No MEH Fannypack!
@UgaDogCH @jont that missing fannypack
@UgaDogCH tell them and they will send you one. When I was missing a red fuku bag they sent me one
@UgaDogCH After contacting customer support, Holly sent me a fanny-pack. Thanks!
@MsTinkles There actually is a new Sailor Moon show that just started this year, so technically the book is correct!
My husband and I both ordered Fukos. His just came, but he wants to open it when he gets home. Mine will be here tomorrow. I want to open his sooo bad. What should I do??

@Prissy The question that needs answering is, can the dog be blamed? Make it look like it got into the box? Because it's too cute to hold a grudge against.
@jaremelz Great idea!
Hubby received a computer monitor (hopefully it works--has a RMA sheet inside), a used gray tank shirt, spongebob wallet, Blue's Clue's wall stickers, Tootsie Pop trinket box (love it), earbuds, Halo video thing (blank), flash drive, bungee charging cable and meh fanny pack. Not too bad.....
@Prissy That is, indeed, a dog of almost otherworldly cuteness.
@Prissy I got the same monitor, it had an led light out but otherwise worked fine. Trying to see if I can rma it to aoc.
@RogerWilco Got it connected last night and it seems to work good. Can't complain here.
@Starblind He really is a good dog. Cuteness with a great personality too. He wants to greet and lick everyone. He whines if someone walks on by without petting him--most people oblige though.
I got my Fuko today. Not as good as the one hubby got yesterday--but still fun and exciting for everyone here.
Included in this Fuko: Brown shirt, Star Wars guy, Cinderella bath mitt with soap, bungee micro usb cable, flash drive, ear buds, video memo recorder thing (unfortunately blank) and of course Meh Fanny pack.
Top prize in our box - Spongebob set of 2 bath poofs and body wash. That alone makes this purchase a success! Most of the rest was standard, but Spongebob and Patrick bath poofs for the win!
Evidently mine was being delivered and now it's being returned to meh due to a wrong address. I have reached out to the elite customer service department to see what's going on.
@somf69 Why did you give meh the wrong address? Next time give them the correct address and you wouldn't have that problem. Unless, of course, @carl669 gets involved then nothing will work right.
@cengland0 address was right. Package showed up today. Thank you USPS
@cengland0 @somf69 yeah...i rerouted that for you. just count it as your monthly goat tribute.
Received my Fuko box today - Not nearly as tragic as I was hoping. (I either hope for something pretty cool - or something really horribly wrong...)
Pixars CARS soap and mitt set (made in china - i'm sure it's "safe" )
Star Wars pencil case (Liam Neeson is protecting my pencils so they don't get Taken...)
TOCC's 10 Ft Bungee mini usb cord
Popeye Comic book thing - I'd open it but fear it would diminish the collector value...
JBUDS ! PRO !!!! Pink - nice
The coveted MEH! fanny pack
HALO recorder (PURPLE !)
8 GB datastick PRO !!! (centon usb stick)
a PURPLE tank top - that i had to IMMEDIATELY take to the garage due to the chemical smell...
Interestingly, with all the noise Meh made about this one supposedly being worse than the others, the stuff I got was both better and more numerous than my other Fukus (and recent BOCs). Here we go:
Definitely a big step up. Thanks, Meh!
PS: Love the thrift-store clothes idea. Great cheap way to make sure every single Fuko is unique!
And to make the mystery shirt even more of a mystery, the O in "MON 729" has a Texas outline in it, but the other side says "Vineville 2012" and as far as I can tell there is no Vineville in Texas. So confuse. Very baffle. Wow.
The pic:
@Starblind It seems Monday, July 29, 2013 was a huge crossfit day all over the country.
My Fukobukuro! My lovely bag consisted of:
Meh fanny pack

Spongebob wallet
Halo Video recorder
flash drive of some variety
Med Orange Polo shirt that reads, "The Children's Courtyard"
Bungee phone charge cable
Lunchbox that says "Alex" on it
Barbie Room buddies wall sticker
...and the best part. Coming in a box that read "Damaged" and also including an order confirmation sheet from Nov 2014 to a woman in NYC:
I have no idea if it works ( I haven't gotten it out yet to try) but I'll definitely find out.
@ninjaemilee what was size and weight on your box ?
@catman25 28x24x7 in. and 18 lbs. I was not expecting this. xD
My loot consisted of a GIANT T REX.
Other stuff included:
Spongebob wallet
Barbie Room Buddies wall sticker
Bungee phone charge cable
Pink Earbuds
Pepsi Tray
Meh Fanny Pack
Halo video thing
Vest-like piece of clothing
Not a bad haul. Obligated to post because of the "Color your own jumbo dinosaur" though. Will probably try to set this guy up at some point.
@daniel100333 If you don't put that dinosaur together, I'm going to be so offended.
Mine Finally arrived today, 10x10x10 box, 2.6lbs
(4) bags of Texas air
(1) Cars "berry fast" body wash pump, with Lightning McQueen Wash mitt
(1) Jedi vs Sith Pencil Pouch
(1) Centon 8Gb Data Stick pro, with random txt files
(1) Halo video thingy - empty
(1) Jlab Metal Earbuds(pink)
(1) Toccs ten Foot microUSB cable. (I already have 4 of these)
(1) "Big Mac McCain" Inflatable finger bop
(1) XL promotional T shirt, " Toyota Trucks Presents....EA Sports Supercross Series Pontiac 2000" - should fit my brother, who actually does like supercross.
(1) Fuko Fanny pack
I am dissapoint that I wasn't dissapoint. ;)
A model of a stagecoach being pulled by a hot rod engine? Trixie from Speed Racer? an actually useful flash drive? Awesome assorted other loot? RED WOMEN'S SIZE 4 GOODWILL PANTS? I was promised disappointment. There was nothing but joy in the box! Well, now my cat is in the box but you get the idea. Cats gravitate towards boxes. Mine particularly likes this box. It's probably that Goodwill pants smell. My son wants to wear these pants to school. Would I be a horrible father if I let him? At least I'll be able to see him running home in tears from a distance. Those pants are very red and highly visible. Anyway, you jerks are liars. Liars, I say. Meh Meh Meh. Meh.
@SHOVAR Funneee! Let us know what you decide re pants. lol
@SHOVAR Oh, let him wear the pants. He'll decide quickly enough if bright red ladies' pants are really for him or not.
@brhfl Here's a pic that my wife snapped of him leaving for school this morning. That boy ain't right. [1]:
How me do post meh web? lol
Yup. You can see those pants from space. [1]:
When my town got our brand-spankin'-new Goodwill store, they turned the old one into the place Goodwill clothes go to die. It's just all the clothes from all the other area Goodwills that nobody will buy. Great for last-minute halloween shopping. Anyway, I predict one of these locations is where all these mystery tops came from (admittedly a few, like the orange leaves, were cute but most are truly bizarre so far…).
My mystery box arrived today and contained:
It was fun, and I was fairly happy with my haul!
Alright meh, you out did yourselves, Inside my box was the following:
39 inch Emerson TV (and 2 remotes)
spongebob wallet
pop-eye photo frames(?)
JLAB Earbuds (pink)
Napoleon Dynamite coasters
TOCC 10ft smartphone cable
2x Nerf darts
a weird gold coin
the Meh fanny-pack
an 8GB DataStick (empty)
Halo video recorder (empty)
and a strange note...
Here's everything in one shot:

Also here is the note:
I have been on the phone with fedex for an hour now, they either have no idea where this package is or won't tell me because i don't have a shipping number. I feel like either the flashdrive or video recorder were supposed to be clues because they were unpacked, but both are empty. not really sure what to do next because there is like 12 fedex locations in the city and i don't have a car. help me @JonT
@axleman1011 If I remember correctly, someone said, "This one is going to be harder than finding the Zodiac Killer." Good luck!
@hart Great, it's finals week and i move back home after that, so i have until the 20th to catch a killer. Do you at least know if the flash drive or heart video were supposed to have stuff on them? when i got the video player the batteries were dead and after replacing them i think it wipes all the data.
Using recuva i found one file on the datastick named #EST, it was empty. also the TV's colors are all screwed up and half the screen is green, i will email emerson about that i suppose. Still no luck with fedex, asuming the package was sent through smartpost it could have ended up at the post office, did i mention there are more then 20 post offices in boston? I hope whoever's idea this was is having a good time.
Mon crayon est grand et mon crayon est jaune.
@nadroj your pencil is big and yellow?
I've been avoiding the thread for spoilers. Shouldn't have bothered, as disappointment reigned supreme. My unlucky contents are as follows:
1x Meet Sailor Moon #1 Book
1x Halo2CloudVideo Recording Device (no special messages -- batteries were doa, but functional). What the hell is this thing good for?
1x Meh Fuko Fanny Pack
1x Star Wars Jedi vs Sith Pencil Holder
1x Jbuds Pro Premium Metal Earbuds (Pink)
1x Toccs Ten Foot Smartphone Charge & Sync Bungee Cable
1x Centon DataStick Pro 8GB
1x PHB Collection Porcelain Sprinkler with Dragonfly
1x Ladies' Top - "East Providence Cycling Club" XL
Thanks Meh! Fun as always. Now to lament and covet other peoples Fukos that were better than mine. Until next time...
@ACraigL after searching for anyinfo on the HALO video thingy, I finally found one for sale on Fleabay. apparently you are supposed to use it like a video notepad. record a short msg to your loved one/roomie/parent, etc, instead of "finding a pen/pencil, and paper" (What a drag...) and WRITING them a note. now you can tell them in(crappy) full Color Video! also there's a magnet in the back so you can stick it to the Fridge, or your metal Door, or the steel plate in your head... you know, where ever. (Edit: a VERY weak Magnet.. won't even hold the weight o this unit..)
once again you guys send me good stuff!
Sailor Moon Book
Another set of shitty headphones
10 ft bungee usb cord ( love these)
8gm Memory Stick
Meh Bag
Some Middle school t-shirt
Simpsons - Barney Gumbel Pewter Bottle Opener
Halo video thing
15.9lb 28x24x7 in. package arrived on my doorstep today. Last I checked it was on Sunday, when it was still listed at 3lb 10x10x10.
Back of the shirt -- hope Kelbie didn't get cut from the squad or something O.o
@kalira what size is the shirt? aside from apparently being a school in TX, Early is also my Surname. and i had some cousins that did run cross country! (not my 300Lb ass, but I have one cousin that just did a 100k Endurance Run through the hills around HongKong)
@earlyre It looks to be a medium (Gildan brand, if that matters at all).
Lol! Meh indeed!
Five bags of Texas air, 8gb USB Stick, earbuds, 10ft micro usb cable, Star Wars Pencil Case, Spongebob "Best Friends" plaque, XS dog hoodie sweater, weird video recording magnet, kid sized "Everything is possible with God" t-shirt from Goodwill, and Meh! Fanny pack!
I shouldn't have been so excited for the April Fools Day Fukubukuro Bag. Although everything in here is useful or funny and still better than my two Woot Bag-o-craps...
Got my bag today. Nothing that hasn't been shown before. I'm most excited about the model kit- now I have a legitimate reason to buy airplane glue!

Slightly disappointed to not get a Halo recorder. Does anyone want to trade? I can put up a pro datastick and some pink earbuds (premium!). Also have a lovely purple size L ladies shirt.
@sammydog01 better read the oh shit report they just put up. All the halo's are garbage and can be trashed.....but if your earth friendly dropped in the target electronic recycle bin.
@msujp Too bad- how cool would that have been.
Received my bag today, not much different but still fun. Meh is really not living up to their name. My bag was not unlucky at all and was not at all mediocre.
I feel like I made out like a bandit! In order from meh to AWESOME:
- "Not Lucky Bag" fannypack; Yay!!! :)
- Pink Jbuds
- Ten foot bungee smartphone charging cable
- 8GB Centon USB stick with the same text files as previous posters
- Star Wars pencil case
- Wedge Antilles figurine
- Halo2Cloud video recording device with dead batteries
- Pixar Cars body wash and mitten ($5.99 price tag)
- Baylor U T-Shirt size S with a hole in the left armpit: I have no idea why my wife seems to like this best of all as I'm normally a size M ;)
I think my favorite is the fanny pack that boldly says "Unlucky Bag" in Chinese. And I guess I'll have to wear the t-shirt with the hole to make the wife happy. Thanks, Meh!!!
Mine arrived today - the tape job was minimal to say the least and both the top and bottom of the box were half sealed. I suspect I might have lost an item or two (no flash drive for me)

Here are the contents

No Texas air so the contents were free to rattle about and perhaps escape through the untaped areas.
Giant Cardboard T-Rex
Pepsi Platter
Halo memo thing (batteries dead - no message when replaced)
Honda Racing T-Shirt
Sponge Bob Wallet
TOCC usb bungie cable
Ear Buds
Speed Racer figure (one of those rubbery ones with wires inside)
Salena Gomez lunchbox
And the Meh Fanny Pack.
I'm happy of course - I'm also telling myself there was a super cool gift that fell out in transit that I will never know about ;)
Thanks Meh peeps!
@ilovereality As I was about to throw away the box today - I discovered the 8gb centon drive hidden under a flap! It contains several text files which are all dated 4-2 - seem to be random text files - several of which I was able to locate here: of particular interest is one titled " THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO AD&D ALCOHOL FOR ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS" - you can read it here if you are so inclined.....
I got:
- Refurb Razer Carcharias Gaming Headset XBOX 360/PC
- Pink Metal Jlab Earbuds
- 3x SpongeBob wallets
- Pink Halo2Cloud video recording device with dead batteries
- 8gb Datastick Pro
- meh Fanny Pack
- Model DieCast Car
- US Coast Guard Mug
- Gently Used Womens Ribbed Tank Top Size M (Creepy)
Not bad for $5.
I was a little wary of this one after watching the Stuffing the Fuko Bags video, but here goes nothing.
First look at the opened box:

Let's remove that Texas air and see what we have here.

What about my goodwill item? Oh you mean my CAPE?!?!
That's right, I got the cape that was featured in the video of them having fun with all the dumpster clothes. Worn by a real Meh employee or a highly paid stunt man, you decide.
I plan to walk around my apartment in nothing but the cape from now on.
@TaRDy A cape!? You just won the forum.
@TaRDy You are SuperMeh
OK, mine came Tuesday and I got:
10 bags of sweet, sweet Carrollton air
Madagascar mug in box
Sponge Bob wallet
The Crow statuette
blue Escali digital scale
empty 8 gb DataStick Pro
TOCCs bungee cable
meh fanny pack
Star Wars pencil case
empty Halo recorder
pink earbuds
bendable Speed Racer figure
hideous polka dot sleeveless women's sleep shirt (I believe)
I was really hoping for one of the Weird Ohs kits (I know you're based in TX, but was someone on staff shopping at the Lambs resale shop in Libertyville, IL last fall? they had a bunch at one point), so naturally I received a The Crow statuette. On the other hand, I needed an 8 gb data stick, I've always regretted not buying the scale, and who knows what I would have done had I missed out on the fanny pack? Something terrible, no doubt.
I rec'd mine in MI, 8GB USB ($5 value), earbuds ($5 value), Sailor Moon book (wtf?, priceless), Star Wars knock off junk, Dora watch, Bungee micro USB cable ($2 value), Meh... fanny pack, Halo video thingy (huh?), funny t-shirt to re-gift ($5 value), pHb collectible (?)
Happy customer? Check
Confused? Check
Mine's been delivered... but it's at my rental office. The FedEx tracking was never updated, so it still shows as a 10 inch cube, but the postman left a note that he had to deliver it to the office. We have pretty big package boxes, so it's clearly bigger than reported.
My bag contained:
A Shark vacuum/steam mop (and it works!)
A random white and red "23" jersey (and we threw it out!)
A Spongebob wallet (and maybe I'll use it on vacay!)
A halo2video thingy (and it works, and it's terrible!)
A pink pair of the jlabs earbuds (and my wife has them now!)
No meh fanny pack (and there was my real disappointment!)
@joethemack write them and they will send you one. Happened to me with a red bag.
Received my 20x9x8 3.2lb Fukobukuro today...
-Pink Long Sleeve Women's Shirt, Large. Needs a cleaning (Has that Old Clothing Funk, but the same kind of funk you'd get with clothes bought at a garage sale). Luckily my Washer has a Sanitary/Steam setting. Might be able to use it. Might make a good chamois...
-Halo2CloudVideo Recorder with NOTHING on it. I was able to record 3 videos, but it killed the 2 AAA batteries. Not sure if they'll stay there.
-Pink JBuds Earbuds.
-TOCC 10 Bungee Phone Cord (For USB Mini, so no good for me as an Apple guy)
-8GB Centon Datastick with nothing on it... Might check it on my MacBook, but I don't think it had anything on it.
-Barbie Wall Cling. Cool. One of my nieces will appreciate it.
-Sailor Moon Book.
-PCH Cooktop Set with Broccoli... It's like a little porcelain model. This was the weirdest thing.
-Fukobukuro Fanny Pack
Very Meh. Very, Very Meh....
So now all I'm waiting for is my March Video Prize Shipment. Ahem, @JonT.... :)
@BillLehecka Get in line, broseph.
Mine arrived yesterday, 10" cube:
5 Bags Texas air
1 Meh fuko fanny pack
1 Link Crew t-shirt (pic shows the back)
1 JLab Pro ear buds (pink)
1 10' bungee cable
1 Jedi v Sith pencil bag
1 Baby Elephant Rescue book
1 Halo 2 recorder
1 Red dog hoodie
1 DataStick Pro, 8G, empty
Surprisingly NOT too fuko. After replacing the batteries on the Halo recorder, it works but, sadly, no Meh video available. The shirt might fit youngest son and oldest son can use the ear buds if no one is looking (pink). Bungee cable and USB stick are good, we always plug things in. The rescue book will make youngest son happy (he has cerebral palsy and likes to press buttons that make noise). The dog hoodie will fit my MIL's little dog. I will find something to put in the pencil bag (pencils, maybe?) and I don't care how stupid I look, I use fanny packs at theme parks and flea markets.
Mine certainly lived up to the Fuko name though.
I think the only thing I'm keeping is the 8gb drive (stick in the bottom of the box, I didn't notice it at first) and the bungee usb cable. Gave the bag and camera to my son, headphones and little porcelain things to my wife, Blood Donor shirt under the sink for use as a rag, and the housewife's game and texas air goes in the trash.
@kazriko Probably could have made a couple bucks on the game selling on the ebay
@medz Which would have cost more time than it was worth. I haven't actually thrown it away yet though.
@kazriko I think so independent games stores and used book stores take board games
@Foxborn I don't think we have many independent game stores around, and I've never seen a board game at any of the local used book stores.
GF and I were unlucky enough to snag a fuko each, here are the combined contents that I can remember:
1x bag of Texas air
1x child's 3/4 sleeve shirt
1x nautical cotton "shorts" (lighthouses and ship wheels)
2x TOCCS 10ft cable
2x Halo video recorder, blank
2x USB storage sticks, blank
1x Juicy Fruit collectible metal box
1x Sponge Bob wallet
1x Sponge Bob bath set
1x that weird caricature car set thing
1x Popeye fold-able picture frame(s)
1x Napoleon Dynamite photo album
And the big winner...
1x Insteon wifi camera
also 2x JLab earbuds and of course, 2x meh fanny pack
Got my fukubukuro
1) data stick
2) one nasty shirt ha ha
3) spongebob wallet
4) Popeye thingy
5) 10 foot cord
6) halo video recorder ( no virus)
7) pink ear buds
8) baby room stickers ( did u know we were expecting like this weekend?????)
9) a meh ass bag
10) the biggest thing I've ever gotten a ninja mixer model 830 appears new ( refurb) but never used amazon tells me it goes for 220-250 new
Hope pic works.
![check this out ][1]: http://%5BURL=
@catman25 Not sure how you mangled that URL so bad...
@TaRDy idk either ! it wouldn't let me edit it to try to fix it so I posted it with tiny IMG 2 spots lower ✅
My 2.7 pound one was the usual ear buds, blank halo thingy, blank datastick, TOCCS cable (to go with the other 3 I have) and fanny pack. Plus a newish Camel logoed long sleeved denim colored button up. (Still has the plastic neck button holder but smells like thrift store) And a dog sweater that may be too small for my cat. (And certainly won't even kinda fit my German Shepherd Chow mix). and a spongebob friendship plaque. If I had any AAA batteries, I'd give the halo thing to my kid. Mom will get the shirt. coworker will get the dog sweater. I imagine the spongebob plaque will go to the trash.
Got my fukubukuro

1) data stick
2) one nasty shirt ha ha
3) spongebob wallet
4) Popeye thingy
5) 10 foot cord
6) halo video recorder ( no videos)
7) pink ear buds
8) baby room stickers ( did u know we were expecting like this weekend?????)
9) a meh ass bag
10) the biggest thing I've ever gotten a ninja mixer model 830 appears new ( refurb) but never used amazon tells me it goes for 220-250 new
For those of you wondering about the Halo2Cloud video recording device, I found it in two places: has it for $29.64 and is currently out of stock.
Both have descriptions full of lies:
- "high resolution video" - haha
- "High quality speaker delivers excellent sound quality" - hmm. I should record a song on it...
- "Built-in magnet - attaches easily to metal surfaces such as a refrigerator" - doesn't work on my fridge; slides down every single time
- "Powered by three AAA batteries, included" - I'm still searching for the third dead battery
Initially I thought this one would go straight to the garbage. But this morning when I left for work it was sitting on the little table next to the door and had a short message from my wife. She's never done anything like that before in the 25+ years we've been married. Keeper!!!
Thanks again, Meh for providing a lot of fun in your "unlucky" bag. Not so unlucky at all by my books. :D
OK so i checked for my shipping update. It keeps getting pushed back. Maybe Monday i'll see it. How ever it did update 28x24x7 in. 16 lbs / 7.26 kgs... I'm getting to excited.
Just an after thought. Maybe my Meh fantasy trophy is in there!
@jml326 Too small for a steam vacuum, but more than the standard contents. Roomba? Ninja blender?
@einrad Based on other boxes i'm thinking roomba. But fingers crossed for my own Shiva!
@jont I still am clinging to hope that i will see a shiva on my door step.
South Africa World Cup shirt (doesn't smell)
Samurai Sword (works)
Eureka vacuum (works)
Ed Hardy lightbox (works)
Spongebob wallet (works)
Halo video camera thingy (haven't checked - dead batteries)
8 GB usb stick (works but no files)
10 ft smartphone charging cord (haven't checked)
pet attachment for vacuum (haven't checked)
earbuds (haven't checked)
Meh-themed fanny pack (works)
There was at least one extra battery for the Halo thing, but it didn't come out when I flipped the box. Still need to investigate the double box for possible envelopes full of cash.
The lightbox is like a backlit piece of paper; I wonder if I can change the image?
Between the sword and the working (so far) vacuum, this is the best fuku/BoC I've received! I'm especially glad it wasn't a couple of broken tvs.
@darksaber99999 How do you know the sword works? Is your family still alive?
@einrad Yes, but I solved the raccoon problem.
@darksaber99999 - Perhaps you got the sword because of your name?
@KDemo That would be neat.
You've seen it before . . .
Now see it again.
Thank you meh!
(Sorry for the terrible iPad photo).
Oh, and the data stick is under the shirt. Very nice.
@KDemo I just noticed I didn't get the only McCain "bop bag". But you got some kind of mini desktop version?
@walarney - I guess so. It's an inflatable finger bop, 7" tall. And I only got 2 bumper stickers - Vote McCain and Vote Obama.
This will be a great stress reliever every time McCain is in the news. Yours is better though, you can really punch him.
Got my 3lb 10 inch cube. As my wife will attest, it was considerably larger and heavier (She carried it down the hill). Inside the box, inside another box, inside another box was:
- Spongebob wallet
- Small Popeye fan-fold photo frames with MGM Grand price tag on the back
- TOCC 10ft Bungee cable
- JLAB Earbuds (pink)
- Speed Racer poseable figure
- Meh fanny-pack
- 8GB Centon DataStick (empty)
- Halo video recorder (turns on, but empty)
- Blue kids XL t shirt with a sparkly "Titans" logo
This was all tossed around the 39 inch Emerson TV!!! Wait a minute... the inside inside Emerson box has a tag from Tech#5 with failure codes on it, but the repair lines are blank... Sure enough, the screen is crunched all over. Now I got to haul it to the recycler. MEH. Wonderful April Fools Fuko.
Well, I got my 10x10x10 3 lb box. It was not 10x10x10 nor was it 3 lbs.
No pics because meh.
Halo Video player- dead batteries and/or broken
Napoleon Dynamite photo book
Tootsie Roll Pop ceramic hinged box
Spongebob Wallet
DataStick Pro by CENTON (you know it's good because pro) With the normal text files. There's also a bunch of hidden/system files on it too, but nothing special.
Bungee cable
JLAB Headphones
Meh Fanny Pack
XXL off white (was probably white) well worn, stained and hole riddled T shirt with a majestic 'murican flag waving in the breeze- How did this not sell in Texas?
And the source of the massive box:
39 inch Emerson TV!!!!!!!
Does it work? Fuko no. Cracked from the top right all the way down to the bottom left.
Crummy phone pic, sorry.
Helicopter box with controller and spare parts for not included helicopter - anyone need these?
XL women's shirt
Data stick
Halo recorder blank - boo
Boyd's Bears decals
Pencil case
Toccs cable
SpongeBob wallet
Pink earbuds
Fanny pack
Also, Thank you, Erica in CS! I did not reply to your email to add to your pile of unread but fast response during (I am guessing) a busy day.
Anybody looking to trade/sell their fanny pack? I wouldn't mind a extra.
got mine today. nothing new to you all! got the star wars case, earbuds, cable, fanny pack, data stick (nothing on it), halo (dead), a grey medium sized track & field shirt for a high school and the betty boop utensil holder. Worth $5? absolutely.
Still, I would have loved me some Contigo cups. lol Love ya Meh!
Finally got my box today in mi. Well I have to be in the running for bottom of the barrel fuko. I videoed it and will upload it when I have WiFi. No way anything cost more than $3 . nor sure if it equaled the 5$ price and 5$ shipping in total value.
Halo was d.o.a. datastick empty.
@msujp here is the video
(5) Bags Texas air
(1) Barbie collectible clutch purse with gloves (has certificate of authenticity... might be cool for a Barbie collector if I knew any)
(1) Superman Man of Steel plastic cup with straw and instructions
(1) Jlab Jbuds Pro Premium Metal Earbuds
(1) Meh fanny pack
(1) 47 Brand hoodie... size X-Large (tho I'm guessing it means Kids X-Large)
(1) Purple video recorder thing (working) with nothing recorded on it
(1) Jedi vs Sith vinyl pencil case
(1) TOCCs 10ft "bungee" micro USB cable
(1) Golf putter for very very very short person (or maybe there is a tabletop version of mini golf?)
(1) Centon 8GB USB 2.0 Flash drive (empty; I checked it for deleted files and found no @jont or @snapster porn... nothing)
(The keyboard and Dell monitor were merely being used as photography stands.)
All in all, a very nice haul and well worth the $5.
Thank you meh.
@baqui63 sorry about the url... it should be but I edited the post to fix the picture URL and didnt' notice that the Cloud-to-butt Chrome extension had changed the URL until it was too late to fix it.
@baqui63 You can use the very short putter to practice while sitting on the potty with nothing else to do while you do your doo...that should be about the right height.
Very happy with my bag!

Coldcreek(?) sweater?
JDubs ear buds w/ volume controls, mic
Raiders Coach model kit
Meh fanny pack
Spongebob wallet
Centon datastick Pro USB stick
Roasted turkey dog toy
Halo2cloudvideo device
Another shirt
iPhone case
A set of Tandy 720k double density 3.5'' disks!
@dashcloud Did you check the floppys to see if there is anything on them?
@kadagan Still working on it- All of my machines with floppy drives seem to be conspiring against me. Will get them all checked out as soon as I can.
Apologies for the awful picture.

A bunch of sacks of TX air.
Spiderman Travel Cup
Stained 3rd hand Red Polo Shirt
Lala Leapord
Star Wars bag
Fabulous Fanny Pack of Mehness
Jlabs Earbuds
Spongbob Wallet
8 gig flash drive (no porn)
Video Recorder thing
Tocco 10 ft cable that charges, but doesn't sync
Well, I said it couldn't be worse than the JLab headphones, and since (like all the others) I got another pair in my fuko, I was sort of right. Also got the usual TOCCS cable, pencil bag, USB stick, and battery-dead Halo. The T-shirt seems soft and absorbent, so good rag. I haven't seen the McCain punching bag in the others -- from the weight it might be more durable than toy bop bags (unless it's already filled with sand?). Maybe it'd make an interesting floatation device. Oh, wait... "this is not a life saving device". Darn. Thanks anyway, Meh!
The usual pink jbuds, empty halo recorder, star wars pencil case, meh fanny pack, tocc micro usb cable, and empty 8gb drive.
The fourth mccain finger bop and the fourth cars soap/mitt set posted.
The second silly surfer's plastic model posted, glue and paint not included.
My unique goodwill item is an XL girl's dress with a few small holes showing it was well loved.
- Napoleon Dynamite coasters, 4pk (we needed more coasters!)
- 60 pc Plastic Dynosaur toys (with play mat!)
- Used blue skirt (for infant!)
- 8 gb thumb drive (empty!)
- Halo recorder (empty!)
- Sponge bob wallet (empty!)
- Fanny Pack (empty!)
- TOCCs cord (empty?)
- Jlab headphones (empty!)
Mostly the usual schlock, but I like surprise schlock! Gonna use a fair number of these and others will make fun gifts - ie, girlfriends sister is visiting today; has 6 month old baby boy who needs a used blue skirt.
Got my Fuko yesterday.
@mcanavino Lucky. I was really hoping for a jacket like that.
@medz if my father doesn't want it, it's all yours. Seems in good shape & clean.
@mcanavino that's ok. I guess I don't want it THAT badly. Thanks though
I spent twenty minutes of this beautiful day in the post office, which was roughly the temperature of 5000 suns. anyway, here's the loot:
all in all a pretty good day.
@Lotsofgoats I don't need to take a photo of my Fuko now, because you already did. I got the exavt same stuff, plus one very bland long sleeve t-shirt that will get washed and given to my stepson.
@Pony I'm kinda bummed that I didn't get a random shirt :\
@Lotsofgoats I blame @carl669 for the lack of thrift store reject t-shirt
Meh Fanny Pack
Saddle Bag - Buffalo Leather *What did the buffalo ever do to any of you! :(
mio active ekg-accurate heart rate watch packaging only, no watch :(
2 Halo Video thingys
8g DataStick Pro (empty)
Make-up Pouch
JLAB Earbuds
Hamm's Tires white T-Shirt (size unknown) WITH BONUS POSSIBLE BLOOD STAINS!
Carter-Burgess 20th Annual dingy white polo shirt (size medium) that is already in the trash
Thanks for the mehmories!
Yay, a glorious box of random has been delivered! Mine was the standard stuff. The Halo was sadly empty as was the data stick. But the 8 year old descended on the box and gleefully made off with the Star Wars pencil pouch and large Antilles Wedge figure. The clothing item wasn't bad either, a women's size medium tank top that will makea great sleep shirt. The earbuds will go to the teen boy and the fanny pack will actually get used come camping time.
@jaremelz Wedge Antilles. Sheeps and rice I can't Internet today. The best thing is, someone just offered me 5 for the figure. I've broken mehven!
Fanny pack
Women's night shirt that says "Sleep Deprived"
Halo device (no video's)
Low end pencil case
8 Gig flash drive
Barbie porcelain clutch with gloves (not sure what this is for as too fragile for kids)
Betty Boob Utensil holder
10 Foot TOCCS micro usb cord
Pink JLABS headphone, which my wife stole...
Very MEH indeed.
I got:
8 Gig flash drive (empty)
Halo recording device - broken - batteries exploded :(
Spider dig kit
Bungee cable
Pink JLABS headphones
...another type of JLABS headphones
Coast Guard mug
Popeye frame
Toy Story sticker box with stickers
Sponge Bob wallet
Smithfield Choir shirt
Meh fanny pack
and my cat's tail in the picture.
MUCH better than Woo.... errrr... Thanks Meh!!!
Hey! I think I got something nobody else did!
(1) A Marilyn Monroe Neon "Sculpture" (really just a piece of cardboard with neon around it)
(2) My first neoprene sleeve. Damn you, meh.
(3) A creepy dog toy. My friend who has a dog will love this.
(4) A 8GB (empty) thumb drive.
(5) A kids size 8 Iron Man shirt (gonna give this to my ex who has a toddler [not my toddler])
(6) A shirt for a Junior Tennis team in Texas. Kinda creepy because the kids' names are on it... Is this for one of the staff's kid's teams? or was this a trip to Goodwill?
(7) the crappy, unfortunately empty, player with dead batteries.
(8) Some crappy headphones that I have regrettably bought off of Meh previously (not pictured because I pawned them off on the nearest person who would like pink headphones).
(9) A meh fukobukuro fanny pack (I'm wearing it, so also not pictured).
@grum 99.999% Thrift store. If you haven't seen it, you need to head over here:
Finally arrived.

Looks a lot like the box my TV came in a few months ago!
Damn! this tv is not healthy

The rest of this was stuffed around the tv:

Biggest disappointment? No Halo :(
I think I'm the only one who didn't get one.
Overall, a very Meh box. good job
Meh fanny pack
8 gb flash
Star Wars pencil case
Sponge Bob wallet
Halo video recorder
'37 Chevy convertible model (nice)
DaVinci code 750 piece jigsaw puzzle
USB bungee cord
Old Navy henley (I suspect a scabies infestation)
Texas vapor
Thanks meh!
So here's what I received, and I'm pretty happy.
Most of it has been seen before:
meh Fanny Pack
Halo Video Recorder (Empty)
8GB Drive (Empty)
SpongeBob Wallet
Star Wars Pencil Case
JLabs Headphones
Napoleon Dynamite Coasters
TOCCs Bungie Cable (based on the 3 I purchased a while back, I only expect this one to last a few days, if at all)
Two items that have only have shown up a few times here:
Agent P Water Bottle
Insteon WiFi Camera (not bad for $5!)
And one item is the icing on the cake... I haven't seen it here yet... a Leak Frog! Now the one I received in Fuku 3 has a friend.
Overall, pretty great. The Insteon camera box is pretty beat up, but the camera looks like new. Thanks meh!
meh Fanny Pack
8GB flash Drive
Star Wars Pencil Case
Jbuds Headphones
TOCCs Bungie Cable
Desperate Housewives Dirty Laundry game
Andromeda figurine
Well-loved XXL 2004 Baylor homecoming long-sleeved t-shirt
I've probably spent $5 in worse ways, but ...
my 4.7 lbs Fuko arrived friday..
small "it's an arizona thing" t-shirt
cinderella soap and wash mitt
8 gig flash drive (empty)
toccs cable
ear buds
blank, but working (for now) halo player
Meh fanny pack
and an 18" Marilyn Monroe mirror
I was really hoping for one of those crazy model kits.
thanks Meh!
I received quite possibly the most METAL Fuko.
1x Meh "hip pouch" (as to not offend any Britons who happen upon this post)

1x Navy with Pink Polka Dots Built Slim Neoprene Case
1x Halo Video Recorder, complete with some METAL internal components and batteries that contain some METAL
1x Pink JBuds Pro Premium METAL Ear Buds
1x 16-out-of-22 pieces of a Chef's Secret cookware set (17 pieces if you include the lifetime guarantee sheet of paper) that is almost entirely made out of METAL.
Is that METAL?
My Fuko arrived Saturday, but I wasn't able to get to it till late Sunday night. FedEx doesn't like my house and I wasn't able to see my incoming deliveries, so I was in the dark about my Fuko. Then it suddenly arrived! It was worth the wait. Inside the box was:
It's like Christmas. I told my family about the Fuko and they couldn't understand why I would spend money on "junk." Now they understand. Thanks Meh! You guys are awesome!
Videos will be uploaded, but my internet connection is REALLY slow and I am downloading Galaxy Tab updates. I will post them as soon as I everything finishes. Fukobukuro Halo2Cloud Video Recorder Video 1 Can anyone help identify the voices?
Fukobukuro Halo2Cloud Video Recorder Video 2: Sadly the batteries died in the middle of this one. I frantically ran around the house looking for new AAA batteries (ironic because Meh had just sent me 36 AA's). After replacing them with fresh ones, I found the entire thing to be empty. We'll never know if there was a third video... All of you guys rock! Thanks Meh!
@Willijs3 sounds like the first one might be @jont, @hart or @mehcus. I'm ashamed to tell you that the second video is me... @galmaegi was supposed to sing with me but she chickened out.
@Willijs3 @hollboll
@hollboll Nice work! I would be glad to hear you at Karaoke any day. Also, thanks for the Tab. It's the best $5 I have ever spent.
@Willijs3 I am one of those voices. Too bad the video didn't work.
@Willijs3 There are a bunch of us on that first one with no video. Definitely me, @Moose, and @ChadP.
@hollboll So that's @galmaegi in the background of the video? I always thought the Korean staff worked remotely all the time.
@dashcloud actually, @galmaegi joined us as full time customer support not long ago! She works in the Mediocre offices now next to @hollboll, @MEHcus, and me. We're very happy to have her.
@JonT Glad to hear that.
@dashcloud didn't realize karaoke was part of the deal!
An excellent bag experience.

My fuko came on Friday and I'm pretty happy with it. Nothing extraordinary..
Haven't had a chance to post mine yet but I will. I've been out of town since yesterday. I was very tired when I got home but opened my Fuko immediately. My spirits were lifted when I saw a Beats by Dre 2 box! My headphones have been crapping out so I couldn't believe my luck! I was celebrating when I said to my husband..."Wait..I wonder if they are in the box. Knowing Meh, probably not." And they were not.
Other than the lingering hurt I feel for the betrayal (how could you, my sweet, sweet Meh?), I was happy with the Fuko. Nothing spectacular, but fun and definitely worth more than the money spent. I was also there when my Mom opened hers (I was visiting her in NM this past week) and she got a full size air mattress in her Fuko. I should probably call her later and tell her to check the box and make sure the mattress is there and that it isn't just a bunch dead birds taped together. I just don't trust you anymore, Meh.
@ABitterWoman Where in NM? My parents are in middle of nowhere southern NM, maybe 40 minutes from Roswell. I love going out for a visit.
@speediedelivery Roswell :) I was born and raised there.
@ABitterWoman I will wave next time I get to go. I am in PA and work gets in the way.
@ABitterWoman Is there still a big presence with UFOs and such there, or does no one really care any more?
@dashcloud People who were born there don't care much. Tourists still come quite a bit, which is good. For over 15 years my parents have made extra cash selling alien postcards to the UFO Museum gift shop.
Just picked my box up in the mail room. I'll post a picture and item list later. But i was wondering why you shipped me a roomba from a person Pleasanton CA? And included their packing slip from
meh fanny packs
2 8gb sticks one with files one with out
2 spongbob wallets
lunch box
young sports jersey
2t old navy baby shirt
2 head phones
rommba from with a packing slip from some guy in CA
10 ft cell phone cable
jedi pencil pouch
2 halos both dead.
1 tootsie roll pop decorative thing.
@jont @hart I really am curious as to why I have the shipping information for a roomba that was to go to some guy in Pleasanton CA from overstock?
@jml326 probably because the packing slip was in the box before it was returned or refurbed?
@jml326 Um...let's just say it's probably broken.
@hart @jont I've got this guys full mailing address. That worries me with what company's do with my information... nomorerack could have at least looked in the box and tossed his information.
So far holds a charge, sucks up cat fur, and can find the base all on its own. More testing is needed as this is on hard wood flooring.
Expecting a small box, I was surprised to see a large one waiting for me. Inside I found some nice surprises. A nice leather jacket that will work well for me. I just lost 150lbs and now have a jacket that is not two sizes too large! The Halo device was DoA, may try and tinker with it at some point.
The real puzzling this is the USB drive that came loaded with some really odd files. As best I can tell, they are a bunch of table top roll playing and random stories. Also one "color.cht" file. I will have to keep digging into the text files to see what is going on.
1x meh fanny pack
1x Roaster Set
1x Dead on arrival Halo device
1x Earbuds
1x Leather Jacket
4x Assorted t-shirts
1x USB drive (Files Included)
@Tiverty Congratulations on losing the 150 lbs!!!!
@bluedog Thanks! Got a lot more to go, but at least I'll be doing it warm!
OK... @carl669 I'm blaming you for nothing on my Halo... There were no batteries... @JonT ?
So... here's what I got... 2 XL shirts... Sam's Club Optical Dallas 2004, TT baseball, 3 x cars decals.... a pink headset, Halo, Fanny pack And another box... @JonT I want to thank you for the best part... a convertible! Image will be posted soon... also.. Where were the batteries for my Halo? and an empty USB 8 GB stick.
@sohmageek image included.
@sohmageek well thank you all meh staff that put this together. I want to make a special thank you to two of you. Whoever came up with the fanny pack idea and whoever put $.02 in mine. Zipped up making that noise of change clinking around has been the best toy for Raylan in a while. It boggles my mind. It looks like a toy store here with all his toys. His favorites: paper towel tubes, meh fanny pack with coins in it, cardboard boxes. I swear he must be part cat... Well I guess I'll blame this on @carl669 too. Thank you.
@sohmageek Not to be negative but be careful of pennies near the baby. Newer pennies are nasty to the stomach if swallowed..
@mikibell I'm making sure it's one of the supervised toys. :) Thanks for the concern:). I do have a feeling he will figure out the zipper or the bag will rip at some point. :) I have been working on baby proofing this weekend. He's going to start crawling any day now! (He already gets in position already.)
@sohmageek our doctor gave us the best advice...give the baby his own cabinet to play in and he won't get into the cabinets you don't want him kids had so much fun in their cabinet. They crawled in and out and were amazed when they closed the doors and mom didn't yell.. I put plastic dishes, wooden spoons and small metal pans in there. Yes, they ended up everywhere and the noise was loud, but I worried much less!
@sohmageek i hear ya. on a 3 hour drive from chicago to st louis, our son was 7 months old. our saving grace was a starbucks cup with its lid taped shut (very, very well) with some pennies inside
I got my fuko! We had lots of fun opening:
1 green dragon shirt with a hole in it (will be mended and worn)

1 US Coast Guard mug (going in the kitchen with the other mugs)
1 set of glow in the dark stick-ons (going in the little one's bedroom)
1 Meh fanny pack
1 ten foot bungee cable smart phone (using to charge phone)
1 spongebob wallet (add to little one's collection of toys)
1 set of earphones (going into ears)
1 purple halo video thing with batteries, but it doesn't work. We're thinking the batteries need to be replaced.
1 USB stick
THANK YOU MEH! We love it!
Expecting a small box based on tracking, wife picked up a large box from the post office instead. It Contained:
1x meh fanny pack
1x 2005 Women's BB tourney tank top small
1x Halo device (no hidden video)
1x Pink earbuds
1x Spongebob wallet
1x Napoleon Dynamite picture album
1x Popeye picture frame set
1x 10ft bungee usb cable
and last but not least 1x partially functioning Dyson DC41 complete vacuum.
Thanks Meh for the 2 hour diagnostic challenge. I will take it in the shop soon for professional help.
this is my bag. It also had a spongebob wallet and a flash drive. I have the flash drive at work. And a younger sibling wanted the sponge Bob wallet
I ordered right at 12 (well 9pm in Tucson time) and have yet to even show my order has shipped. I am slightly worried but slight excited at the prospect. I wonder what my unluckiness will hold.
@imzwho They're probably still collecting enough biowaste to fill your box.
@imzwho If you haven't received this one yet there is a serious problem... this is last years Fuko thread.