I was a little concerned that my expected shirt might actually be both clean AND of some reasonable value. Thanks guys, I can now sleep peacefully once more.
@stryper2000 fun random fact – those capes were given out to employees at the job I had right before Mediocre! They stopped giving them out right before I started and I never got one.
Yay! Finally saw my Seligman gift on the wall! I've watched each headquarter's video intently in the hopes I'd see it one day. (Yes, my life is THAT exciting.)
@JonT That would be great! It's the Banksy Ratapult decal on the orange exit hall wall. I can only barely make out a bit of the rat's ass in the video, so it would be neat to see it in toto. Thanks!
@JonT Thanks! I asked about its fate when the final report came out and felt like I got the brush-off (from someone who appears to no longer be on staff), so I'm glad to hear someone enjoys it!
@Thumperchick I've had a few good shirts come from rag bags, though the majority came from the racks instead. I mean, I probably didn't need the axe wielding Thumper shirt by Another Enemy, printed on a purple AA blank, but for $1.99, why not, right? No way was I going to pay $5.99 + tax for a mutant blank tainted with some bunguins, though.
Not fair telling us what's going into the Fuko bags! No surprise!? So excitement, sense of discovery!? We'll know what to expect, and when we open it and see exactly what you told us what was in there, we'll be all... "meh."
oohhhhh.... I see what you did there.
It will still be better than my last 3 BOCs. Though, to be perfectly honest, I didn't score a Fuko bag.
My brother (in the Mid-cities)donates a lot of clothes to the thrift store around the way from his house(next to the Big Lots @ Rufe Snow & MidCities Blvd), I will laugh my head off if i get something he donated.
After thinking about it. I'm not sure how I feel about meh going out and buying up clothes to hand to us. Clothes that were meant to be cheapbfor the poorest of people
@sammydog01@msujp Typically, thrift stores will put intact clothes out on racks to resell first. After a set period of time, if they don't sell, they're culled, the better ones may be resorted for other charities or export to countries in need of aid, and the rest resold in bulk like this. I've bought such prebagged as "rag bags" because its intended market is to cut up and use as rags. Indeed, they can end up even cheaper than paper towels.
FWIW, I estimate about a third of my Woot shirt collection came from thrift stores. Shortest time from debut-to-thrift-store-find has been 4-weeks (yep, Anvils). In rag bags, I have found a total of 5 Woot shirts, ranging from new/unworn, AA and Anvil, to stained and threadbare.
I wouldn't be happy with Napoleon Dynamite pants. I fucking loathed that film.
@BillLehecka no one wants a roundhouse kick to the face while you're wearing those bad boys
@BillLehecka loathe NP? How can that be possible? You gonna finish your tots?
@ThatsHeadly I found it to be horribly unfunny. It just rubbed me the wrong way.
@BillLehecka Bill, you already covered this: https://meh.com/forum/topics/goat-day-28-cult-films
@PocketBrain Wait, people actually read that tripe???
@BillLehecka no.
I was a little concerned that my expected shirt might actually be both clean AND of some reasonable value. Thanks guys, I can now sleep peacefully once more.
I want that letterman jacket looking thing they were tossing in that cart!
It was for academic achievement, pretty sweet
@ThePrivateParts Me too! I would totally look like someone who peaked in high school!
So, this must be the fuko Oh Shit Report?
The stuff that even the charity store wouldn't sell.
Love these insights, thanks @matthew.
True connoisseurs know that the very best clothing is always sold by the pound.
Forget the clothes I want that yellow cape
@stryper2000 Nope, I called dibs on it already
@stryper2000 I was so glad nobody screamed while wearing that cape
@stryper2000 fun random fact – those capes were given out to employees at the job I had right before Mediocre! They stopped giving them out right before I started and I never got one.
@stryper2000 Very happy no one screamed like a monkey while wearing that cape
You guys really get paid to have that much fun? I want to work at Meh!
@hippiechik Paid? What's that?
Yay! Finally saw my Seligman gift on the wall! I've watched each headquarter's video intently in the hopes I'd see it one day. (Yes, my life is THAT exciting.)
@gio which one??? I'd be happy to provide more pics.
@JonT That would be great! It's the Banksy Ratapult decal on the orange exit hall wall. I can only barely make out a bit of the rat's ass in the video, so it would be neat to see it in toto. Thanks!
@gio I love that thing! I see it multiple times every day and it always makes me happy.

@JonT Thanks! I asked about its fate when the final report came out and felt like I got the brush-off (from someone who appears to no longer be on staff), so I'm glad to hear someone enjoys it!
Mmm, cast off clothing... 3rd hand. That's setting the bar nice and low.
@Thumperchick I've had a few good shirts come from rag bags, though the majority came from the racks instead. I mean, I probably didn't need the axe wielding Thumper shirt by Another Enemy, printed on a purple AA blank, but for $1.99, why not, right? No way was I going to pay $5.99 + tax for a mutant blank tainted with some bunguins, though.
@narfcake I love purple.
I can't wait for mine! Hopefully I'll know exactly what 3rd rate gems I got by Tuesday.
Forget the pajama pants (not for use as shirt) ... any Woot shirts?
I'm more excited than I ought to be to see what item of clothing made a Texas hobo say, "Nah, man, fifty cents is too much for that. "
@jaremelz Hobos get their shit for free; not every kind soul can be troubled to make the trip down to Goodwill.
Fuck you. When did this happen?
@shabazz18 April Fools.
@shabazz18 that's a great conversation starter, I'm going to try it sometime.
The fuko sale was on 4/1. The video made me less disappointed I missed out on ordering.
@belowi Don't look for the other thread where another mehmber got a pallet of 39" TVs, then.
@narfcake 39"? Figures they couldn't come up with one more.
@thismyusername shit
@narfcake yea shabazz18 should not look at this thread https://meh.com/forum/topics/the--offical-fukobukuro-palleted-shipping-thread , or this thread https://meh.com/forum/topics/omg-meh-wants-my-phone-number , or this thread for certain https://meh.com/forum/topics/official-fukobukuro-reveal-thread
Not fair telling us what's going into the Fuko bags! No surprise!? So excitement, sense of discovery!? We'll know what to expect, and when we open it and see exactly what you told us what was in there, we'll be all... "meh."
oohhhhh.... I see what you did there.
It will still be better than my last 3 BOCs. Though, to be perfectly honest, I didn't score a Fuko bag.
@PocketBrain I waited until spoilers were already spilling forth here: https://meh.com/forum/topics/official-fukobukuro-reveal-thread
@PocketBrain @matthew That's why I deliberately avoided watching this video until today after I opened mine! Spoiler free since 2003 baby!
@narfcake They've listened to you! You're finally going to get lots of shirts from Meh!
@dashcloud i bet alot of these shirts are from people who realized the old website shirts were cartoonish garbage. Lol
@dashcloud Yeah, I probably should've been more specific.
Does the shirt come with a packet of bleach or other disinfectant?
My brother (in the Mid-cities)donates a lot of clothes to the thrift store around the way from his house(next to the Big Lots @ Rufe Snow & MidCities Blvd), I will laugh my head off if i get something he donated.
Sexy, sexy picture of George Costanza spotted about 12 seconds in.
Also, this seems relevant given my new found abilities:
After thinking about it. I'm not sure how I feel about meh going out and buying up clothes to hand to us. Clothes that were meant to be cheapbfor the poorest of people
@msujp I don't think that poor people buy clothes by the pound- this is stuff that didn't make the cut at Goodwill.
@sammydog01 @msujp Typically, thrift stores will put intact clothes out on racks to resell first. After a set period of time, if they don't sell, they're culled, the better ones may be resorted for other charities or export to countries in need of aid, and the rest resold in bulk like this. I've bought such prebagged as "rag bags" because its intended market is to cut up and use as rags. Indeed, they can end up even cheaper than paper towels.
FWIW, I estimate about a third of my Woot shirt collection came from thrift stores. Shortest time from debut-to-thrift-store-find has been 4-weeks (yep, Anvils). In rag bags, I have found a total of 5 Woot shirts, ranging from new/unworn, AA and Anvil, to stained and threadbare.