OMG meh wants my phone number…

Kidsandliz went on a bit of a rant said

So I got lucky - or unlucky maybe? Who knows it was April fools and we at least get a fanny pack in that fuko that I managed to get. I got an email today that meh wants my phone number. Which, with trepidation I sent. Actually with a lot of trepidation I sent. I know they love jokes. Heck I have laughed at some of the jokes they have sent people (and at the same time been very thankful they weren't sent to me). Some jokes are big and take up a lot of space (the gumball machine comes to mind). I am living in someone's basement and can't afford to be thrown out due to a large gum ball machine or equivalent that is now a lawn ornament in their front yard - although where I am living is "red neck fabulous" to quote my friend (mostly trailer homes on 1/2 acre lots - they happen to have a house in the middle of that) so who knows maybe it can't be any worse than the roosters that go off with the 4:10am train, the dogs that run lose and bit a hole in my good jeans the other day grazing my calf and the yards that look like satellite locations for Pull-apart. I don't even have a car anymore to live in if they'd toss me as the 1990 ghetto van died permanently last week. OMG what have I done? I gave meh my phone number!!! I will keep people posted.