ORDERED! And first post? WOW... How (un)lucky was that? Well it is my wedding anniversary... So I guess it can't be that bad. Well it's off to bed now... or should I stay up and see the day the internet is useless jokes before I go to sleep!
When I saw the Twitter notification pop up on my phone saying that these Fuku bags were for sale, I hustled my way to this website.
I have no idea what I just bought. And I couldn't be more excited.
I also had a minor panic attack when the website prompted me for my card number, before it got auto filled (courtesy of the website) a few milliseconds later.
Edit: These Fuku bags are so much easier to buy than Woot's Bag of Crap. For sale for 5 minutes? That would be unheard of for BoCs.
@Stallion Were being the key word in your reply. The BOC now days really is crap. Last 2 I got were a joke so I just gave up on it. This is my first Fuko though :)
@aerosquid Agreed the original BOC was Boss. I didn't even know they still did them anymore over at Woot, I fell off so hard I hardly even look there anymore....actually, I never look at Woot anymore.
@Stallion@aerosquid You can still get lucky with the BOCs. I got a $80 (on Amazon; $45 on eBay) set of gaming headphones during the St. Patrick's Day Woot Off.
@Stallion $5 + $5 shipping + sales tax (if applicable). In general, the BOCs is still crap though. The headphones came in my 3rd BoC and were the first thing that was at least somewhat valuable. I'm not sure what you mean by the "Must buy 3" rule.
@dongism In ye old days, craps were treated like any other item- you could buy up to 3. If you bought less than 3, it was silly because you were shorting yourself stuff. Eventually, they stopped posting you need to buy 3 craps, and just merged it into a single bag you buy.
@CraigDanger Yes, I think it must be. It's a cruel joke on all of us who think we've scored one. Mine is an antique special joke, so it must be extra funny.
OMG OMG first we put a man on the moon, then i bought a bag of ... stuff. I am so happy. That's one small bag for a man, one giant bag for all mankind.
@jsh139 Bags containing nothing but unwanted items are known colloquially as fukōbukuro ("misfortune bags") or utsubukuro ("depressing bags"), and some stores which have nothing good to offer inside actually name their bags this and offer them at extremely low prices (such as 500-1000 yen).
@jsh139 From the linked Wiki article: Bags containing nothing but unwanted items are known colloquially as fukōbukuro ("misfortune bags") or utsubukuro ("depressing bags"), and some stores which have nothing good to offer inside actually name their bags this and offer them at extremely low prices (such as 500-1000 yen).
@gio Can't be any worse that my first 2 bags. Matter of fact the bag was the highlight of the deal. They have been used numerious times to take/bring belongings home from hospital. Some day in the future could have a whole Meh luggage set! Mine cant really be that much more unlucky than the stuff I've already bought this year. Crappy pre-ripped $2 see-through gloves, breaks after 1 week weather alert radio, crappy security cam that stayed here 2 weeks rent-free.
@heartbleed Once you know how to game the BoCs (at least for the ones that have been on sale for the past couple months), it's trivially easy to get one.
Silky dandy panda, and the images are too cute to attach. But I got one, and the fun will- wait, what kind of stuff will they send on April Fool's Day?
Got it. My phone actually still said 1158 when it changed over. Right in. Awesome. Hopefully something as good as the 8 dollar copter I bought. That thing is the best random 8$ bucks I've ever spent.
@JonT Do I look like the obedient type? HA! AS IF! (btw, that grill you sent me for my art prize has been busy making some seriously amazing Cuban sandwiches- so thanks again.)
I got mine, but my husband couldn't get his because of the fucking captcha. It'd only give him a check box, no text, and whenever he'd check it, it's say okay, but then when he'd click 'buy' it'd accuse him of being a robot. Dammit.
@thismyusername Help me out here. There's no CC and no lips to read, so I can't understand anything they're actually singing. Are you commiserating with me, or making fun of me??? haha
@PurplePawprints commiserating.... and for some reason I'm putting a song that has something (however loosely) to do with robots on every post that talks about the robot captcha ;) here this one has some lips (sorry didn't realize) and here are the lyrics... http://songmeanings.com/songs/view/3530822107858791223/ :D
@PurplePawprints I once met someone on an airplane that proudly told me that they were close friends with the inventor of the Captcha. I said "That's awesome! Could you do me a favor? The next time you see him, can you kick him square in the nuts for me?" To be fair, the Captcha has improved a lot over the years since that conversation. Still, there's nothing more annoying than when it fails completely, like today.
@thismyusername Thanks! I wear hearing aids, so I can hear if you're sitting next to me or whatever, but music has always been a hard one for me. Unless it's super clear, I have no idea what lyrics are and am pretty much in it for the music. It got me in a bit of trouble as a kid for listening to things I didn't realize were 'inappropriate'. haha @baqui63 You're probably right! @ChunkyBitz I hope the friend followed through! When they work, it's a great thing, but as the bots have improved and they've made them more complicated, it can be harder and harder for the average bear to make them work.
@PurplePawprints interesting. I have no hearing difficulties, but it is hard for me to process lyrics - voices generally just come across as another instrument and I don't really process what words are being said.
@PurplePawprints Interesting... I've recently (within last three years) been diagnosed with "severe high end hearing loss" (high end meaning frequency) which explains why I have difficulty understanding speech, especially women, in noisy environments. I probably should see about getting hearing aids, but I still feel (sorta) young and haven't quite come to terms with that yet (I turn 52 next week). Anyways... my point is I wonder if my tendancy to come up with my own lyrics has anything to do with my poor hearing?
@baqui63 I highly suggest you seriously look into it. I'm only 34 and I've been wearing them for over two decades. It's not necessarily an age thing, you know? If you get a decent pair, and get them adjusted properly (can take a few weeks and multiple visits) you'll be amazed at the difference it makes. I still have a hard time in certain situations (back ground noise makes it hard to get voice clarity), but without them I can't hear anything at all unless someone talks directly into my ear. Sometimes I do hear the dogs barking, at least. haha Anyway, don't not do it just because you think being in your fifties is too young for them. Your hearing is way too important to ignore because of vanity.
@PurplePawprints Rather than vanity or an age thing, it is more along the lines of me needing to come to terms with the failure of yet another system (in my body) and my becoming that much more of a Borg (eyeglasses/contacts, pacemaker, CPAP, etc.). There are also cost issues, though I presume that insurance will cover at least part of it. Certainly in about three years (post tuition for daughter unit), I will have much more spending money. Thanks for your input tho... it is appreciated.
@baqui63 Sorry, I didn't mean to infer you were hesitant only due to vanity. I just know it's a big factor for a lot of people. I know it was for me. For years, I'd only wear one small In-the-ear style hearing aid, even though I needed two, because of vanity. Then, in my early twenties I gave in and got two In-the ear style hearing aids, even though my audiologist said I really needed the Behind-the-ear style because the smaller ones weren't going to give me enough power. By my mid-twenties I gave up and accepted defeat. I decided to run with it and got purple ones. I figured if I had to wear them, they'd at least be my favorite color. haha Anyway, if and when you decide it's time, check with your insurance and see what they'll cover. Be careful though. Mine told me they'd pay for two, at up to $5000 each, when in reality, they would only cover $3500 each. So, I ended up having to send the really nice ones back and getting a cheaper pair. Also, shop around before buying. Make sure you find a good audiologist who will pretty much cover them for most everything while you have them. The place I go gives me free batteries for as long as I have them. When you consider the batteries only last about 4-7 days (depending on how long you wear them each day, I get 4 days out of each battery) that can be a huge savings. Also, once I bought from them, my annual hearing screening is free. Anyway, good luck!
@baqui63 Yep. Of course, it really does depend on how long you wear them. Mine are in my ears and on from ~7:30 am until sometime between 1:00 am and 3:00 am. So, I only get four days because I have them in for a loooong time every day. I'm told (when I've complained about battery life) that most people don't wear them anywhere near that long and get at least seven days or more from the batteries. Either way, if you could find somewhere that supplies batteries with your purchase, it gets rid of that expense.
@juststephen from the linked wikipedia page: Bags containing nothing but unwanted items are known colloquially as fukōbukuro ("misfortune bags") or utsubukuro ("depressing bags"), and some stores which have nothing good to offer inside actually name their bags this and offer them at extremely low prices (such as 500-1000 yen).
@cengland0 yeah mine was swaying back and forth like it was on a ship. But then when I went to look again it was "normal" (like meh could ever be normal LOL). Had to refresh the page to start it up again.
On my phone it was a couple numbers and seemed like I had it but order kept failing. Tried on computer and captcha was impossible. Sold out .. so sad... -(
I got one, I got one, I finally got one. I'm so happy I might cry. I almost lost it when my computer froze up but I got on my phone in time to get ONE.
Got mine, kick ass! Great job on the back-end, all those OHSHIT reports have paid off! Now, hopefully I didn't just buy seven year's worth of bad luck, or anything like that. And the homepage is making me dizzy.
@upbeatanime You're a geocacher? You're my instant friend. I have about 500 finds presently and love geocaching when I go anywhere I haven't been before! :)
That was the unluckiest ordering process ever. Tried to buy it from my iPad and the process went so slow I could watch the letters draw... Hit submit and realized my zip code was my old one... Updated and it wouldn't let me buy because the captcha wouldn't display... Refreshed and I was logged out... Logged in and went through it all again... Sold out. :(
Wow. Homegrown-endearing-mite. Less weirdly accurate (hopefully) than my previous expensive-fragile-wafer which was a bit scary considering I work with indium phosphide.
That was so freaking stupid. I logged in at 11:00 on the dot and it kept saying I was a robot. Then they were sold out. I'm glad I've stayed up nightly for the past few weeks for that...
WTH!!!! Stuck watching the green order button repeatedly fill in but my order didn't get placed? Until finally 4 minutes later and I get a message that it's sold out. Whatever.
@mehdaf I Can hope... I'm trying to have one in every room of the apartment, We have 2 in the bedroom, 1 in the upstairs hall, 1 in the baby's room, 1 in the living room, 1 in one of the bathrooms. I only need 6 more 3 closets, 1 bathroom 1 kitchen 1 dining room.
The only hiccup I saw was clicking the I'm not a robot box and placing the order and then being told I might be a robot. I second click went through fine.
Not so sad that I evidently "just" missed this Fuku trying to have a little less clutter, junk, and all that. I am sad, though, that the meh site causes Chrome on my Nexus 5 to crash pretty impressively. At least it works on my desktop - very silly.
Already down $5 how unlucky can I get? I think the servers actually processing the orders so well must be the April Fools joke, there must be something in the back end that will cancel all the orders later on as that was way too easy.
I would have gotten one had my computer not frozen on the HTML5 effects. I started on my phone, then had to go on my iPad, then my laptop, then finally my desktop in order to even load the damn page. Then it kept saying I'm a robot. When I refreshed the page, it was sold out.
Then I went to post this comment, and my internet went out.
I had my phone all set on the meh page but I was driving. The timing was all wrong and it sold out just before I came to stop at a long red light. Oh well. Life goes on. Meh!
WTF.... stupid unsolvable captcha... no bag for me again... i am really getting annoyed with you guys, why is it so hard to get one of these stupid bags! at least make a presale for VMP if it always causes issues...
@Wamzlee hey, this is my 3rd Fuku(counting kickstarter) and the site's not even a year old yet. i've been on woot since the end of 2005, and in all that time, i managed 1 BOC..
@earlyre The closest I came to a BOC was completing the checkout, but dummy me didn't look to see that I had the wrong billing address. So I got flagged for fraud and was out of luck. Don't think it will happen this time. :)
@Wamzlee same here! 10 years, first one! I set my alarm to wake up at mid, use to get up at 2a for other. I'm so excited that this is my first post too!!
Got one! Catcha almost foiled me, and then there was no green button to buy it! Tried several times, and somehow an order got placed! Thanks for the Unlucky Bag, Meh!
I got RIGHT through... all i had to do for CAPTCHA was click a box confirming i was not a robot.
Don't know if was something on Meh's end, or my snazzy "new" Netgear routers(both flashed to DD-WRT, one configured as an access point) that I finally hooked up tonight... but everything was smooooth sailing.
Yay, got one! Hopefully it's one of those cotton-poly pillowcases filled with cheap golf balls. Then I'm off to the streets to dispense vigilante justice like cheaper, way more awesome Batman.
I got one!! And even got a confirmation screen! But then the page froze my phone and I had to restart. But I'm still a WINNER (or loser, guess we'll see).
So I never had the captcha until my last two orders both this week. I bought 5 things in March, and a bunch in previous months, and never a captcha. What is with that? A search tells me people have complained about it all the way back in january? Is it new for everybody, or just some folks?
I clicked to buy before 12:01 but apparently the order went off to never never land as there is no record of it in My Orders, and a confirmation did not come up on the screen like it usually does. So I missed it again, too bad, so sad. Oh well.
@donnameh it's one technique we use from time to time to help make sure some of the popular things we sell go to actual people visiting the site rather than people who have coded up automatically buying programs.
WAIT! Is this #1 or #5 now... I get that this is a Fukobukuro but is that Fukobukuro #1 or counted as Fukuburo #5... I have this thing that Odd numbered Fuku's I don't get... I just miss out on them...
My fukubukuro!!! Site loaded perfectly and right on time! Ordered! Got it! Congrats to the website team! Waiting on some kind of terrible gotcha/April Fool's twist...
Been away from Meh for a bit. Rough time lately, then a death in the family. Just happened to check it tonight (and on time!) and scored a Fuku- keeping my streak alive. I know it's April Fools, but as long as the sale wasn't completely fake, it gives me a little bit of a mood boost. I'm also hoping the fanny pack is real- my Mom loves fanny packs.
I love having a desktop. People whining about captcha and all I have to do is click a checkbox. Suck it, smartphones! Still not precisely sure what the fuss about the fuko is all about, but I'm glad I managed to get in on it at least once.
@eeterrific I'd be thrilled to get more socks. My 8 year old worn one to school. One. He took it off somewhere in his room and it's pretty much dead to me.
Last Fuku I didn't get one and proceeded to whine like hell. This time, I am victorious! Cheer up, suckers! I am one of the chosen. I am the cult of breakfast octopus. I am...going to stop huffing rubber cement.
@Superjimtendo I still won't shut up about missing the last bag and attendant hideous red drawstring backpack. I don't know that this new hideous fanny pack will stop me.
what the heck shoot am I missing? I've been trying this since 12:02 and it's been sold out the whole time. Is everyone in the comments in on the joke? gradient-fleck-table
missed it! this is what happens when i try to be nice and run errands so the wife can stay home and take a hot bath. damn you @BillLehecka! (or whoever the goat is now)
Question: Was it $5 + $5 shipping, or just $5? I clicked a month of VMP to make it "free".. Wondering now. Not that it really matters. It's worth it just to see what I get. :)
@juststephen VMP costs $5/month. If you're new to VMP, you'll be charged $10 ($5 item + $5 VMP); if you already had VMP, you'll only be charged the $5 item.
@Perkalicious@cengland0 Did we need to explicitly say we wanted a month of VMP? If so, I missed that button. Is there a way to change the $5 shipping to 1 month of VMP?
Damnit! Days of checking in a timely fashion, and today I decide to finish doing dishes AND WHAT IF THE FUKU CONTAINED SOMETHING THAT WOULD HAVE MADE THAT EASIER????
I've been battling flu for three days and Facebook "authentic name"d me, but missing the fuku.... Today I truly feel despair.
Well, my cursory knowledge of Chinese/Japanese characters paid off! Usually the fukoboro is 福袋 or something close, this one is 不幸袋 and is also fukobukoro... All we can do is wait and see.....
@mfauske88 I check every day and you usually start to get a feeling one is coming up. After about a month from the last one I start checking the second it's midnight EST.
@mfauske88 well its been past two months since the last one(on average one fuku every two months) its a national jokish holiday. and they released a fuku related video(back when @snapster and friends ran woot, they was a BOC every time they sent out a email blast)
@cbilyak Oh, okay. That makes sense. I thought maybe you thought people were just picking pictures they thought matched their order phrases or something.
@PurplePawprints I realized last night that i don't know how to post pictures here, which is a shame because the image that came up on google is mildly obscene. I'm mildly ashamed of myself.
@mossygreen As long as you can get to a direct URL of the image (by doing 'Open Image in New Tab' or the like, as long as your URL ends in .jpg, .gif, .png, etc...) just paste the link in and magic happens and it shows up.
@shannenelaine I hope people will actually USE the fanny packs. If someday I ever see someone walking around with a Meh fanny pack I'm going to freak out.
@jon98gn Hey, somebody else was supposed to send that - at last, a Woot prize fuckup that wasn't entirely my fault! But email me at my first name dot my last name at google's free web mail service, and let me see what I can do...
@JasonToon Thanks. I emailed you from my handle from that one company who used to send everyone free unlimited CDs in the mail with internet software on it.
@jon98gn I think I have one or two of those in my garage, in storage for a bathroom project that has never happened. If you truly still need/want one, PM me on that other site.
NOOOOOO! Are you fucking kidding me right now! Please say this is an April fools joke --- I guess no good deed goes unpunished.........took my ailing 78 yr old mother to dinner and I get back late and see this! CRAP!
@mfauske88 You don't. They only have about 1000 of them so they don't announce when they happen to make it fair. Typically they happen once every 2-3 months ish.
@mfauske88 about every 2 months they hit Almost never on two for tuesday. always have cc info already saved, and bookmark meh.com and start spamming refresh at 11:58EST
@communist Alternatively, just turn on notifications for Meh's Twitter account. You get a notification and/or text alerting you what's for sale at exactly midnight ET.
of all the days to get lazy and not show up here on time. I feel terrible but I have no one to blame except myself. I should have known a million times over. I never saw it coming.
Well fuku me. EVERY DAY for... like... months I'm one of the first handful of visitors. The ONE day I decide to eat some supper when I get home from work... BAM! There's the fuku... SOLD OUT. 12 minutes late and I get fukued over.
@cengland0 You are correct! I'm usually monitoring the site the second the clock ticks over. Got all wrapped up in my cheeseburger and damn if I didn't lose out. It was a good burger and all, but... fuku!
@ACraigL The fun continues. Every once in awhile I F5 just to see what it's doing. Except for the seasick routine. I go away for awhile when it does that.
So here I am checking Meh about 8 1/2 hours after the product update and there are no more fuko's for sale? What happened to the wonderful server crashes that would keep the offer going until I could get to it?
did what I always do - woke up at some random time to pee.
random time - 12:40am of course, there was nothing to be had. on the bright side, the annoying music started blasting & woke up my gf. well played, meh. well played.
@Boomdabah It's 4/1.. You never know what you're gonna get. The fuko could be even better than the fuku, or it could be total shit.. Who knows.. Worth the couple of dollars to find out :)
Hello. I hope you all can forgive me when I tell you the following: I am new here. I have been keeping my eye on Meh for awhile But I've never bought anything. Until last night. I got my first meh and my first fuku :)
So....anyone willing to turn their unluckiness into luckiness? I will pay $15 for you to forward on a sealed fuko as a way for me to get the unluckiness I missed out on.
@juststephen oh I guess I should have specified I will cover shipping cost as well. I'm imagining these will all be significantly smaller than the typical Fuku though (being a fuko after all)
@wilstev remember it is a fuko not a Fuku so if it's anything like the underwhelming mystery bags from thatdailydeal or any other sites (bags not worth value spent, or frequent broken items to which you are told "well we said you may not like it") I would expect small boxes of useless parts or gag gift type items
Just wondering, when did sell out actually happen? I'm sure another post says it but dealing with unreliable net connection at the moment doesn't allow me to see all posts.
I remember checking my phone and seeing the Twitter notification and for some reason deciding to go back to sleep. All I can think is that the previous night's terrible sleep, or complete lack thereof, was to blame.
@wilstev My order was placed at 12:01. Went back to the home page immediately after placing it and they were sold out. I'd estimate 12:02-12:03 they were gone.
@wilstev On the home page, to the left of the map (when it's not warping or upside down), it says how many they sold and when it sold out. Today it says, "...we sold out at 12:03 am ET."
@gio cool, thanks. I somehow never noticed that. Although it took me 6 attempts to be able to see it due to browser crashing with my unstable internet/the crazy html5
@wilstev I can feel for you! My internet and computer only recently got upgraded to something that doesn't flinch on a page like that, but I haven't dared try to open it on my aged tablet, which will crash on any gif-heavy page.
All I know is this... Horrible Grand Chocolate heralds my first Fukobukuro... and should this be the Dark, Unlucky Bag... then so be it, for Bad Luck is still Luck, and such shall I harness....
I would love to get something that will prove useful for my trip to Alaska next month. At the very least the fanny pack should start some conversation.
i am a marketing guy, and i am not a meh employee, but if i was, i would do a double fukubukuro one after the next, on the next friggen day, because, well, I am awesome and I drive traffic
Hey all - three of us so far who got fuko's got an email from @jont for our phone numbers… and the million dollar question is, what on earth could it be we have been randomly chosen to get...
@juststephen maybe we will actually get lucky and it will be something useful (I can hear meh laughing from here) like maybe for me a car? I sure need one. My 25 year old one bit the dust and so far anything I can afford that still has a running engine has sold before I can get to it.
@Kidsandliz No wan't me. I just remember it from the old days. I wish I knew about this site during kickstarter. I did get 6 other people to join based off the article about this site.
@StrangerDanger I think the Kickstarter fuku was the most interesting. Lots of different things. The first site fuku was really cool. Remember those speaker docks? Did you ever get one for your daughter? I still have one in the box.
Well apparently because I was hesitant due to my living situation about getting an oversized practical joke, I have lost my opportunity and someone else will be getting mine…wahhhh
@mcbridma@ELUNO Those are just placeholder weights and dimensions. Usually, when the package gets to the last FedEx stop before it's sent to USPS it will update with the correct dimensions.
I keep refreshing my tracking info to see if my weight placeholder has changed! I don't know why I'm so excited for this thing. Last time I got one of these, all I got was a leak frog, a tupac shotglass, a multi-device phone charging adapter, and a crocodile mug that's impossible to clean.
I'm sitting at 3 pounds and a week away. Sigh. My wife and I are kinda hoping against hope for more contigo glasses! Lol we lost all our straws already.
The mail carrier dropped off two boxes today, one of which I was expecting. But I had completely forgotten about the Fukobukuro. So I was rather surprised to see him lugging in a box for a vacuum. Once I realized what the box was, it was time for an unboxing.
the final haul: -Shark Rotator Vac or Steam (reconditioned and missing a few small parts but vacuum works) -1925 Model T model kit -Bandits softball team Tshirt (XL) -10 ft Bungee USB cable -Jbuds earbuds -Retrospect Tootsie Roll Pop -Sponge Bob vinyl wallet -Datastick Pro 8GB thumbstick (empty) -Halo video message recorder (hopefully empty. I recorded over the first message on accident before playing it) -Meh fanny pack
Ok, folks post their details... you guys did better than me, but this was my first Fuko
Sweater for a small dog. (I have a dog this will fit) Shirt for a 2-3 year old (I have another dog this will fit) Star Wars wallet 8G USB stick Meh Fanny Pack 10' USB Bungie (I tested it with a charger and only got 0.33A, my normal USB cable does 1.9a!) Precious Moments Figurine Halo2 video recorder (blank) Headphones
Sweeeeeeet. The Simpsons Barney Pewter bottle opener Bungee USB cable star wars pencil holder headphones Halo Video thingie Meh fanny pack Number 22 jersey 8gb Centon USB drive link to picture
3 x Texas air 1 x meh fanny pack 1 x Betty Boop Utensil Caddy 1 x Bungee Cable (micro usb) 1 x 8gb flash drive 1 x Bozo kazoo 1 x jbuds pro earbuds 1 x Small woman's Forever 21 Goodwill shirt 1 x HALO video recorder
Halo video recorder (which I didn't check for a message...oops) JLAbs earbuds 8gb datastick Spongebob Wallet Bungee Cable Meh Fanny Pack 1932 Ford B Roadster Model Kit The Crow Statuette Graberbootie & Pinch T-Shirt (that, frankly, looks used.)
Thanks, Meh! Worth the $10, just for the earbuds and flashdrive. And my 5 year old's loving the video recorder.
I got a Roomba that had "damaged" written on the box...in addition to the things everyone else got. With some charging, the Roomba is tearing around the room terrifying my dogs. I'm pumped about this fukobukuro!
All right...who works at Meh, went to Texas state, has a cat that sheds, and is missing their used, albeit clean (thanks Meh!) shirt covered in cat hair? I'll trade you your shirt for a Pet Roomba...
I also got: 1. Bento boxes 2. Automatic foam dispenser Speed Racer bendie 3. Mets napkins (go Mariners- blah) 5. Spongebob wallet 6. Ear buds 7. OOB Jump Drive (that I'm scared to see what is on there) 8. Halo2Cloud charger 9. and my favorite - a Meh FANNY BAG!! I'll be stylin' Thanks Meh :)
Applause Wedge Antilles (I swear, Meh must have remembered my comment about working at a Star Wars shop, Applause is complete junk. The bane of my employment)
Sailor Moon book (Embarassingly, I was a Sailor Moon fan when I was 12 years old, did Meh scour my myspace?)
Jlab Ear buds
TOCCs Micro-USB bungee cable. Gave it to my roommate, I'm a Lightning port guy.
Thumbstick 8GB - Yay!
Meh Fanny Pack - Will probably wear it at my booth at Star Wars Celebration.
Halo 2 Video thing - Non-functioning. I can see why they needed to get rid of it.
Chinese Stir Sticks
A clearly used/previously worn Ralp Lauren shirt. Sure it was wrinkled and had a giant stain, but the tag was also removed. Didn't smell like Meh sweat though.
1. Box of Toy Soldiers (Cool - I'll give this to my Nephew) 2. JLab Ear Buds 3. TOCCS 10' Smartphone Cable 4. 8GB Centon DataStick Pro (No messages) 5. Halo Video Messenger (again, no message for me) 6. NY Mets Napkins (I guess cuz my address is in NY?)7 7. Meh Fanny Pack 8. SpongeBob Wallet (Ew... Maybe my Niece will want it) 9. Allison Daley ugly jacket (That'll go into the donation bin)
I got a bunch of broken glass. Apparently the lid of the cooking(?) contraption I got didn't survive the trip. I also got a pair of women's pants and most of the nick nacks from above.
Got mine as I was packing up for a trip to America's hat on Thursday. Opened today. Contents:
1) True winner, a 39" Emerson LED television, screen shattered and base torn off. The remote was included, so I've got that going for me. 2) 2 boxes of Jumbo Stick-Ups, space and dinosaur themes. 3) JLAB Metal Headphones 4) Halo Video Thing, no message... 5) Toccs 10' bungie cable, Good for charging them PS4 controllers ;) 6) Super Hip, Hip pack. 7) Spongebob Wallet 8) Used red shirt with CCB and an anchor on it. 9) Centon Datastick Pro
So basically meh tried to make unique boxes by putting a shitty video messager in every box but because they sucked meh actually made almost every bix a meh worthy unoriginal trash bag. I like the thnking that went into it but this was a big oh shit failure
I'm pretty confident you guys will be proud to know how confused I was by this package (I mean of yourselves.. but I guess maybe me too? I can receive a package like nobodies business). I was unloading my stuff from the car from being out of town for a few days.. I noticed a vacuum box and thought that it was weird somebody had apparently bought a new vacuum, but didn't think much about it. What I did notice was that the 3~lb Fuko I was expecting was nowhere in sight. I spent a solid 5 minutes trying to figure out what happened and preparing to scrub through security footage when my detective instincts kicked in and I realized that maybe FedEx tracking wasn't always 100% and decided to compare the tracking number on the vacuum with my Fuko.
I'm tired and I feel like this story wayyyy more longwinded than it should be for an anecdote about me being a dumbass, so I'm just gonna TL;DR the rest of it. Thanks for making it this far. Even if you skimmed. :)
TL;DR: I'm stupid. Didn't realize my Fuko was hidden inside of a vacuum box. It was! I was happy. Fin.
1x PHB Collectible Tootsie Pop 1x Spongebob Wallet 1x Fanny Pack 1x (Broken :( ) Halo Player 1x Jlab Earbuds (Substituted in photo by other Jbuds on account of I lose stuff really fast) 1x Toccs Cable 1x SHARK ROTATOR! WOO!
Also, I'm not sure if the candle was actually in the Fuko.. but I put it in the picture for some reason, and you guys deserve credit for it regardless.
Seriously though, thanks again :).. Awesome to get usable stuff in these! [ETA Oh shit, there was a shirt in one of these I forgot to take a picture of! I'll remember to take a picture of it tomorrow. For now just pretend the candle is a shirt]
Condition: Unlucky
Warranty: None
Ships Via: FedEx SmartPost
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
It is a mystery…
*If you get something with a play button, press play
Fukobukuro Fanny Pack
Unlucky Crap
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Friday, Aug 5 - Wednesday, Aug 10
And first post? WOW... How (un)lucky was that? Well it is my wedding anniversary... So I guess it can't be that bad. Well it's off to bed now... or should I stay up and see the day the internet is useless jokes before I go to sleep!
@sohmageek Hey, it's our Anniversary too! Well, yesterday but still. Failed at my Fuku however. :(
@sohmageek i leveled in ingress right after purchasing this. Lucky night indeed.

I'm also pretty sure I got high from that page. It really did make me a bit woozy.
@Thumperchick meh too
ORDER # reflective-taunting-pigeon
The rotating screen made me dizzy.
@ThatsHeadly I think the model number changed from Fuku-5 to Fuko-1. I could be wrong.
Got it! No server issues! Kudos, Meh!
Well, for better or for worse?
Smooth as pure-accidental-milk!
@mossygreen Ah, there it is!
Well, that was easy ;)
And I didn't even see all the great effects or the video till I went back. Kudos! Awesome! Decidedly not meh!
Still undefeated fucking right!
Let me just go ahead and set this here for any lucky souls
@studerc (tableflip)
Also, bonus points to @shawn and the rest of the Mediocre crew for making this fire sale work without a hitch. Clap, clap, clap
Servers worked way better than expected.. Shocked even!
Edit: Ha I clicked so fast I missed the Irk-Website meltdown. Caught it on the refresh.
@BabyBear Same thing with me! Well, similar. Someone commented on it, so I had to go back and refresh one million times. Going again now.
Awwww yeah. theatrical-husky-mouth
When I saw the Twitter notification pop up on my phone saying that these Fuku bags were for sale, I hustled my way to this website.
I have no idea what I just bought. And I couldn't be more excited.
I also had a minor panic attack when the website prompted me for my card number, before it got auto filled (courtesy of the website) a few milliseconds later.
Edit: These Fuku bags are so much easier to buy than Woot's Bag of Crap. For sale for 5 minutes? That would be unheard of for BoCs.
@dongism You didn't buy a Fuku. You bought a Fuko.
@dongism Bag of Crap's were the ultimate!
@OldCatLady Even better. :)
@Stallion Were being the key word in your reply. The BOC now days really is crap. Last 2 I got were a joke so I just gave up on it. This is my first Fuko though :)
@aerosquid Agreed the original BOC was Boss. I didn't even know they still did them anymore over at Woot, I fell off so hard I hardly even look there anymore....actually, I never look at Woot anymore.
@Stallion Woot went straight downhill the day Amazon acquired them. That marked the beginning of the end. It was fun while it lasted though!
@Stallion @aerosquid You can still get lucky with the BOCs. I got a $80 (on Amazon; $45 on eBay) set of gaming headphones during the St. Patrick's Day Woot Off.
@dongism Wow, i'm impressed. Are they still $5? Still the old "Must buy 3" rule if I remember right, its been so long.
@Stallion $5 + $5 shipping + sales tax (if applicable). In general, the BOCs is still crap though. The headphones came in my 3rd BoC and were the first thing that was at least somewhat valuable. I'm not sure what you mean by the "Must buy 3" rule.
@dongism In ye old days, craps were treated like any other item- you could buy up to 3. If you bought less than 3, it was silly because you were shorting yourself stuff. Eventually, they stopped posting you need to buy 3 craps, and just merged it into a single bag you buy.
"If you get something with a play button, press play"
so excited.
Good morning, Mr. Phelps...
@nadroj "This fuku will self destruct in 5 seconds..."
WUT WUT, easiest fuku purchase yet!
@MooNinja noooo... It clearly says fukObukuro.
I bought it anyway.
Fuko NOT fuku
April fools, all of us.
Why didn't the servers melt down? Also, the home page is awesome.
mmm abundant-jerky-jam
@Alien88 I'd hit it.
@Portlis I did. now my screen is broke
Got it
Snagged one. Server seems to be okay...for now...
BOO-YAH! Scored myself a shiny new reliant-unhealthy-route
Got it!!!!!!
gosh I hope this is as terrible as advertised
Got one! But I'm skeptical...

got one too
This is going to sell out so fast!
Don't care, I wanted it, I got it. incredible-toasty-wafer

Yep. That was easy. I knew it was coming.

hells yess!!!!!
GOT IT!!! nimble-mopey-minotaur
I am not a robot! Hooray!
@Mac454 I got the same thing. what does it mean?
@sassymango It means you can go out and smell the flowers! You are hooman. Congrats on the opposable thumbs!
I just ordered one first time with no issues
Count it.
I bought it... a little scared what it is...
So glad I bought before the page started moving.
Yay! I got one! Because why the heck not.
Wow finally got one on my fourth try :)
woot!...uh...er...I mean...meh?
mechanical-unknown-mentalist I did it again!!!! yes yes yes yes
@CraigDanger Yes, I think it must be. It's a cruel joke on all of us who think we've scored one. Mine is an antique special joke, so it must be extra funny.
How is it still available two minutes in? Wow. Impressive.
Holy crap.... The page, it's getting blurry. I think Meh just made a drunk simulator.
OK I'll try it, once, I promise. Maybe!
Got one, no issues!
Can't be worse than the broken chocolate fountain I got last time right?
@joebootoo Oh yes it can.
@JonT Oh, I hope so... because I didn't get one. :)
OMG OMG first we put a man on the moon, then i bought a bag of ... stuff. I am so happy. That's one small bag for a man, one giant bag for all mankind.
That went amazingly smooth.. must be april fools.
Everyone needs a meh branded fanny pack!
@medz People have always commented on my Meh fanny but now it will be even more obvious!
Awww yisss got one! Thank you 5 month old for forcing me to feed you around midnight every night giving me an opportunity to get a fuku :-)
@deadlybunny It's a fuko. And it's gonna be red.
@OldCatLady Or maybe black. No purple. Where's Barney when you need her?
Passionate vast wish
Anyone else notice it's spelled differently?
@jsh139 Bags containing nothing but unwanted items are known colloquially as fukōbukuro ("misfortune bags") or utsubukuro ("depressing bags"), and some stores which have nothing good to offer inside actually name their bags this and offer them at extremely low prices (such as 500-1000 yen).
@jsh139 From the linked Wiki article: Bags containing nothing but unwanted items are known colloquially as fukōbukuro ("misfortune bags") or utsubukuro ("depressing bags"), and some stores which have nothing good to offer inside actually name their bags this and offer them at extremely low prices (such as 500-1000 yen).
@j8048188 Beat me to it! :)
@gio Can't be any worse that my first 2 bags. Matter of fact the bag was the highlight of the deal. They have been used numerious times to take/bring belongings home from hospital. Some day in the future could have a whole Meh luggage set! Mine cant really be that much more unlucky than the stuff I've already bought this year. Crappy pre-ripped $2 see-through gloves, breaks after 1 week weather alert radio, crappy security cam that stayed here 2 weeks rent-free.
scored one I'm one temperate-quick-moth
My nippy-profuse-skin is covered in goosebumps of anticipation.
bam listless-wistful-omelette
I'm feeling unlucky, But got it anyway.
And it worked! Nice, didn't have to wonder & keep refreshing & keep refreshing.
Now, Joni Mitchell, take care. We're all happy here.
That was almost too easy................I don't get it, something MUST be broken since the site handled the traffic JK!!! Amazed!
(i really hope this is real)
well... umm.... I guess we have a better chance at a BOC on woot
meh! success.
SOLD OUT???? In 2 minutes??? This better be April Fools
@ninkorn lucky it lasted that long
I love the page on Mobile right now...
@sohmageek yep, I got mine on my phone on the first try. Something smells funny......
holy crap. It has been two minutes and the server didn't crash. This must be an April fools prank.
Yay i finally got one!
Now this could get interesting: "*If you get something with a play button, press play"
Oh my god I got it

It took me 5 years to get a bag of crap somewhere else.
This is dramatically shorter.
@heartbleed This captures the feeling so well. I never thought i could be so lucky
@heartbleed Once you know how to game the BoCs (at least for the ones that have been on sale for the past couple months), it's trivially easy to get one.
Thanks and happy Ape-Meh-ril fools day! Can't wait to see what we get for the official holiday of the Interwebs!
Man, I was already woozy from a head cold. Thought to myself "I didn't take that much cold medicine."
Its going to be terrible isn't it. O gosh what have I done.

Yay! I got one for my birthday!
@gumbright Happy Birthday!
Can't believe I finally got one!
Got one 2 minutes ago, almost too easy...
Already gone at 12:01
April Fools Day Fukobukuro? Count me in. What could possibly go wrong?
First! (fukobukuro for me)
ugliest-lively-chicken sweet.
Yup me too. Although the site hiccuped and I had to start all over again to buy. But it went through the second time.
I can't believe I got it; this one was easy. Is something wrong?
@medonsw Most definitely.
@medonsw terribly terribly wrong.
I could not get the robot verifier to work through my lap top , but I was able to get it on my phone....WTF?
I got one, but it makes me wonder why it was so easy.....
@WilhelmScreamer Keep blaming @BillLehecka until otherwise notified.
I thought I had my first fuku... but I got my first fukō instead? :D
@thismyusername -Sounds much less lucky than a fuku.
@KDemo the fear is setting in after listening to irks song for a few minutes.
I hope I get the gator!
@eeterrific Or maybe a goat....
It worked. This has to be an April Fools Joke
Someone's having fun with the HTML5 effects.
Silky dandy panda, and the images are too cute to attach. But I got one, and the fun will- wait, what kind of stuff will they send on April Fool's Day?
@OldCatLady Now you understand...
Oh what fools we are!

@tentalces1349 Best receipt name yet, not that I am biased or anything.
@alacrity 3 minutes to load, and y'all sell out...
Got one thanks. Hope I get something not so shitty :D
@catman25 Count yer blessings, we could have run the utsubukuro
wow, missed by minutes...pls meh just MAKE MORE
Got it. My phone actually still said 1158 when it changed over. Right in. Awesome. Hopefully something as good as the 8 dollar copter I bought. That thing is the best random 8$ bucks I've ever spent.
How can my correct zip code fail validation over and over and over and over and over?
Looking forward to that OH SHIT report. Enjoy, lucky buyers.
Oooh yeah
My first! brackish-snotty-garden Hoorah!
tangy-valuable-birch Gotta Love Valuable birch..... and it's tangy to boot
This will actually be the first one I've been able to get in on since the Kickstarter Fuku. So no matter what I get it'll be fun.
We said don't buy this.
@JonT Reverse psychology dude. It always works sometimes.
@JonT - I tried not to buy it, really!
@JonT don't YOU tell us to not do a thing...
@JonT artsy-waxy-cooler
I didn't even try not to buy it, cuz I DO WHAT I WANT!
@JonT- Now I'm scared.
@JonT because, april fools!
@JonT Do I look like the obedient type? HA! AS IF! (btw, that grill you sent me for my art prize has been busy making some seriously amazing Cuban sandwiches- so thanks again.)
@JonT When I saw it was a fanny pack
@JonT well........just couldn't help my self. Hi My name is C and I am a MEH. addict
@JonT buy button loaded before the video. Sorry I realise now that I should not have bought that.

@baqui63 where'd you get a picture of mom?
@eeterrific lol... was the best image on the first page of hits
@baqui63 I've said it before and will say it again..... Dirty old man!!!!!! :P
@baqui63 Nice find baq! Betty Page pic for an order number AND a fuku? You're having a good night.
@Raider thanks. I appreciate that.
@Thumperchick it happens. rarely, but even at my advanced age, it happens
Defeated by the damned robot checkbook on my phone! Nooooooo
Happy Birthday to me!!!!! Yay!!!!!! I will push play!!!!
There is nothing wrong with your browser. Do not attempt to adjust the picture.
Congrats to all of you lucky so-and-sos who got one. Someday I will be that lucky. Til then, meh. sniff
Too funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sold out already and now the page is swaying back and forth!!! Clever meh.
@Kidsandliz It was swaying even before it sold out.
I got mine, but my husband couldn't get his because of the fucking captcha. It'd only give him a check box, no text, and whenever he'd check it, it's say okay, but then when he'd click 'buy' it'd accuse him of being a robot. Dammit.
@PurplePawprints Same happened to me.
@PurplePawprints same here.. very frusterating
@PurplePawprints I delayed clicking buy for a little bit after clicking the check box. Guess it's too late to try now though :-(
@thismyusername Help me out here. There's no CC and no lips to read, so I can't understand anything they're actually singing. Are you commiserating with me, or making fun of me??? haha
@PurplePawprints commiserating.... and for some reason I'm putting a song that has something (however loosely) to do with robots on every post that talks about the robot captcha ;) here this one has some lips (sorry didn't realize) and here are the lyrics... http://songmeanings.com/songs/view/3530822107858791223/ :D
@PurplePawprints perhaps you should be suspicious of him?
@PurplePawprints I once met someone on an airplane that proudly told me that they were close friends with the inventor of the Captcha. I said "That's awesome! Could you do me a favor? The next time you see him, can you kick him square in the nuts for me?" To be fair, the Captcha has improved a lot over the years since that conversation. Still, there's nothing more annoying than when it fails completely, like today.
@thismyusername Thanks! I wear hearing aids, so I can hear if you're sitting next to me or whatever, but music has always been a hard one for me. Unless it's super clear, I have no idea what lyrics are and am pretty much in it for the music. It got me in a bit of trouble as a kid for listening to things I didn't realize were 'inappropriate'. haha @baqui63 You're probably right! @ChunkyBitz I hope the friend followed through! When they work, it's a great thing, but as the bots have improved and they've made them more complicated, it can be harder and harder for the average bear to make them work.
@PurplePawprints interesting. I have no hearing difficulties, but it is hard for me to process lyrics - voices generally just come across as another instrument and I don't really process what words are being said.
@PurplePawprints Interesting... I've recently (within last three years) been diagnosed with "severe high end hearing loss" (high end meaning frequency) which explains why I have difficulty understanding speech, especially women, in noisy environments. I probably should see about getting hearing aids, but I still feel (sorta) young and haven't quite come to terms with that yet (I turn 52 next week). Anyways... my point is I wonder if my tendancy to come up with my own lyrics has anything to do with my poor hearing?
@baqui63 I highly suggest you seriously look into it. I'm only 34 and I've been wearing them for over two decades. It's not necessarily an age thing, you know? If you get a decent pair, and get them adjusted properly (can take a few weeks and multiple visits) you'll be amazed at the difference it makes. I still have a hard time in certain situations (back ground noise makes it hard to get voice clarity), but without them I can't hear anything at all unless someone talks directly into my ear. Sometimes I do hear the dogs barking, at least. haha Anyway, don't not do it just because you think being in your fifties is too young for them. Your hearing is way too important to ignore because of vanity.
@PurplePawprints Rather than vanity or an age thing, it is more along the lines of me needing to come to terms with the failure of yet another system (in my body) and my becoming that much more of a Borg (eyeglasses/contacts, pacemaker, CPAP, etc.). There are also cost issues, though I presume that insurance will cover at least part of it. Certainly in about three years (post tuition for daughter unit), I will have much more spending money. Thanks for your input tho... it is appreciated.
@baqui63 Sorry, I didn't mean to infer you were hesitant only due to vanity. I just know it's a big factor for a lot of people. I know it was for me. For years, I'd only wear one small In-the-ear style hearing aid, even though I needed two, because of vanity. Then, in my early twenties I gave in and got two In-the ear style hearing aids, even though my audiologist said I really needed the Behind-the-ear style because the smaller ones weren't going to give me enough power. By my mid-twenties I gave up and accepted defeat. I decided to run with it and got purple ones. I figured if I had to wear them, they'd at least be my favorite color. haha Anyway, if and when you decide it's time, check with your insurance and see what they'll cover. Be careful though. Mine told me they'd pay for two, at up to $5000 each, when in reality, they would only cover $3500 each. So, I ended up having to send the really nice ones back and getting a cheaper pair. Also, shop around before buying. Make sure you find a good audiologist who will pretty much cover them for most everything while you have them. The place I go gives me free batteries for as long as I have them. When you consider the batteries only last about 4-7 days (depending on how long you wear them each day, I get 4 days out of each battery) that can be a huge savings. Also, once I bought from them, my annual hearing screening is free. Anyway, good luck!
@PurplePawprints I didn't feel that you had inferred anything... thanks for the tips. 4-7 days? ouch!
@baqui63 Yep. Of course, it really does depend on how long you wear them. Mine are in my ears and on from ~7:30 am until sometime between 1:00 am and 3:00 am. So, I only get four days because I have them in for a loooong time every day. I'm told (when I've complained about battery life) that most people don't wear them anywhere near that long and get at least seven days or more from the batteries. Either way, if you could find somewhere that supplies batteries with your purchase, it gets rid of that expense.
Sold out. I'm now a sad dancing robot. :(
I hate so many things about so many things!
Did anyone else notice: It's spelled a Fukobukuro and not a Fukubukuro?
@juststephen it's a fake, the real one is coming at precisely 1:39 am
@juststephen from the linked wikipedia page:
Bags containing nothing but unwanted items are known colloquially as fukōbukuro ("misfortune bags") or utsubukuro ("depressing bags"), and some stores which have nothing good to offer inside actually name their bags this and offer them at extremely low prices (such as 500-1000 yen).
upsetting-perfumed-talk ftw. Bad luck is better than no luck, right?
There's absolutely no way that we all got in on this. Something is weird here.
WTF meh. In my basket all filled out and then you keep claiming I'm a robot? I think I'm finally over you. Happy April Meh Day to me. So long.
@thismyusername I don't know how you and Meh discovered this about me. I am robot 3.14 in the video.
@mehgrl domo arigato
I thought fukubukuro was a joke - "fu*k you, buckaroo".
Got one so joke may be still be on me.
My page was doing some strange things. Here's one:

And this one from my smartphone.
@cengland0 yeah mine was swaying back and forth like it was on a ship. But then when I went to look again it was "normal" (like meh could ever be normal LOL). Had to refresh the page to start it up again.
@Kidsandliz Like this one?
@cengland0 Chrome on my phone simply crashed on my first visit.
@jqubed I was using Chrome on both a PC and on my Android and they both worked fine.
@cengland0 Someone learned CSS animations this week. How cute.
@armchair yup. boo. damn captcha
Try as I might, I couldn't get past the captcha.
On my phone it was a couple numbers and seemed like I had it but order kept failing. Tried on computer and captcha was impossible. Sold out .. so sad... -(
@jayman007 Ohhhh SNAP!!!! I got an order confirmation email. Thanks MEH!!!
The captcha pop up didn't work on my phone!!! :(
@fyreblazer Failed on my tablet; got it on my phone. Forgot that there are some folks who uses WP? No complaints for me. :)
Drat, missed it by a minute. I was hoping for more awful crap this year!
I got one, I got one, I finally got one. I'm so happy I might cry. I almost lost it when my computer froze up but I got on my phone in time to get ONE.
My crappy week just got better.
That main page man...

Less than 3 minutes and sold out.....
Got mine, kick ass! Great job on the back-end, all those OHSHIT reports have paid off! Now, hopefully I didn't just buy seven year's worth of bad luck, or anything like that. And the homepage is making me dizzy.
@DJP519 its better than no luck at all
got one, yes. hopefully some small junk included to attach to trackables and send out in geocaches :)
@upbeatanime You're a geocacher? You're my instant friend. I have about 500 finds presently and love geocaching when I go anywhere I haven't been before! :)
@juststephen yep, me too. you race trackables?
cmon meh, make the youtube video at least 1 hour
Captcha took all the time!
screwed me on the captcha... so bitter
I'm not sure. May have got one, but I didn't get a confirmation, so maybe not :-(
I was all panicked over the not a robot and SCORE!! excited-dizzy-conjurer
super now I dont have to stay up for that other site
The green bar just filled up over and over for two minutes and then it failed. I tried again and it was sold out. Your server still sucks.
As the song says: "If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all."
@dashcloud Damn, that's still an awesome song... slooow hand!
:( My card on file expired. I tried to figure out where to update it yesterday but no luck.....
@shyxgrl you cant without actually purchasing something
@xEBRONx Dammit!! Good to know though.... Wish I knew earlier!
That was the unluckiest ordering process ever. Tried to buy it from my iPad and the process went so slow I could watch the letters draw... Hit submit and realized my zip code was my old one... Updated and it wouldn't let me buy because the captcha wouldn't display... Refreshed and I was logged out... Logged in and went through it all again... Sold out. :(
yay for websites that dont let you update your card info till you check out!
Wow. Homegrown-endearing-mite. Less weirdly accurate (hopefully) than my previous expensive-fragile-wafer which was a bit scary considering I work with indium phosphide.
FINALLY got one
WTF did EVERYONE get one? Hardly any cries of not getting one yet....I guess those are on the way.
@Stallion I did not. Just reading post.

That was so freaking stupid. I logged in at 11:00 on the dot and it kept saying I was a robot. Then they were sold out. I'm glad I've stayed up nightly for the past few weeks for that...
I hate these things because I never get them.
WTH!!!! Stuck watching the green order button repeatedly fill in but my order didn't get placed? Until finally 4 minutes later and I get a message that it's sold out.
Came to the site 12:01, snagged one!
Super awesome!
sturdy-familiar-gun Thanks for fixing the servers Meh! Good job one and all!!! (Bill you missed out on this by one day).
Oh and happy April Fools suckers... I bet everyone is getting speaker docks...
@mehdaf I Can hope... I'm trying to have one in every room of the apartment, We have 2 in the bedroom, 1 in the upstairs hall, 1 in the baby's room, 1 in the living room, 1 in one of the bathrooms. I only need 6 more 3 closets, 1 bathroom 1 kitchen 1 dining room.
Kinda wish I had a cat.
Also, thank you for the captcha, it sold out seconds after I bought and this is probably what allowed my order to go through.

voiceless-sweaty-chain ...no doubt one of 2 Chainz' chainz.
Got my first bag! Finally after missing all others. Won't open it until the little one arrives in May. The baby will share my mediocre luck.
@fuentes91j What if it's just a big bag full of antibaby?!
already sold out. wow
Really hope my order number isn't included in the bag.

@j8048188 ...um that would be the most epic bag ever...and somewhat fitting for a 'unlucky bag'
@JeepDude from what I've seen @jont and team Meh do, I am preparing for the worst.
Woohoo! Got my first one. Husky-squealing-dog. I was going to post a fat dog picture but my google image search just made me sad.
Congrats Meh on a pretty smooth Fuko sale!
The only hiccup I saw was clicking the I'm not a robot box and placing the order and then being told I might be a robot. I second click went through fine.
Not so sad that I evidently "just" missed this Fuku trying to have a little less clutter, junk, and all that. I am sad, though, that the meh site causes Chrome on my Nexus 5 to crash pretty impressively. At least it works on my desktop - very silly.
@uncleop It may have just been the crazy features from today's page. Tilting, mirror, upside down, etc.
got one....meh?!?!
Already down $5 how unlucky can I get? I think the servers actually processing the orders so well must be the April Fools joke, there must be something in the back end that will cancel all the orders later on as that was way too easy.
My order name is: unhappy-muffled-riddle
The "I'm not a robot" made me click all the pictures of bowls of soup. lol! Took me awhile to determine if a bowl of noodles was "soup". It was not.
@medz pretty sure you're a robot
@medz what the phở?
Missed out, I did not realize I was being asked if I was a robot. Darn it, I am not a robot or am I?
I clicked buy, I clicked let's do this after my info came up, but I show no order. :/.
Is that the April Fools?
@eyewerks april fools on most of us
I would have gotten one had my computer not frozen on the HTML5 effects. I started on my phone, then had to go on my iPad, then my laptop, then finally my desktop in order to even load the damn page. Then it kept saying I'm a robot. When I refreshed the page, it was sold out.
Then I went to post this comment, and my internet went out.
You ruined everything
@wylel Ha, ha, April fools joke is on you!
@cengland0 I'll be SO ready for the next fuku
Oh, right. April 1 again. Time to ignore the internet for 24 hours.
I had my phone all set on the meh page but I was driving. The timing was all wrong and it sold out just before I came to stop at a long red light. Oh well. Life goes on. Meh!
Guys, could this Fuko just be a really intricate April Fools joke? D:
@dins yeah, they're gonna send you video cameras instead.

Yay! Congrats on the site running well (from my point of view at least). No issues other than a shockwave error message that seemed to resolve itself.
WTF.... stupid unsolvable captcha... no bag for me again... i am really getting annoyed with you guys, why is it so hard to get one of these stupid bags! at least make a presale for VMP if it always causes issues...
Chrome selfie? WTF?
Thats gonna be some great pics though. the look of panicked meh fuku clicking
Everyone is complaining about the layout of this page. I don't understand. This is how the Internet always looks to me.
only just a few over 1000? why meh? do you only reward those who aren't on mobile. from here on i quit meh for good
@tuxtuxman I was on mobile and got one.
@okaytodd well you're lucky that you aren't a robot with 3g
@tuxtuxman somehow I also got one using a mobile browser.
@tuxtuxman add me to the list of people who bought it on mobile, and I had time to switch payment methods...
@tuxtuxman I was on a tablet. In bed. Fatfingered the recaptcha 3 times and STILL got one. Just (un)lucky, I guess.
Wow, after 10 years of trying to get a BOC and a Fukuburo bag, I finally got one! I don't even care if it's a bag of expired Cheerios, I'm elated! :)
@Wamzlee Congratulations!
@Wamzlee hey, this is my 3rd Fuku(counting kickstarter) and the site's not even a year old yet. i've been on woot since the end of 2005, and in all that time, i managed 1 BOC..
@earlyre The closest I came to a BOC was completing the checkout, but dummy me didn't look to see that I had the wrong billing address. So I got flagged for fraud and was out of luck. Don't think it will happen this time. :)
@Wamzlee same here! 10 years, first one! I set my alarm to wake up at mid, use to get up at 2a for other. I'm so excited that this is my first post too!!
I believe this is April fool thing.
@awhosit Was thinking the same thing. Still would have got one if i was on time though
Breathtaking-noteworthy-coast Sweet! I'm feeling shiny all over.
No crashes, so the east coasters better not bitch this time. Why is the fanny pack not red?
@Birdheh unlucky (but maybe should be white?)
Glad I stayed up with hubby (month end reports). Harder for East Coasters to stay up. Sooo happy--now I can go to bed.
These effects are killing the shit out of my browser.
Goddammit fucking shit. cancels. Vmp
jammed-advanced-pita !!!
@ricknorton this fuku shan't be good for meh mehtabolism!!
Got one! Catcha almost foiled me, and then there was no green button to buy it! Tried several times, and somehow an order got placed! Thanks for the Unlucky Bag, Meh!
Yay, I got one!!!!!!
Oooooooh fanny pack...
I hope I get to press play!!!!

Awesome I was actually up but decided to go take a quick shower. Can't win ma bagz.
I got RIGHT through... all i had to do for CAPTCHA was click a box confirming i was not a robot.
Don't know if was something on Meh's end, or my snazzy "new" Netgear routers(both flashed to DD-WRT, one configured as an access point) that I finally hooked up tonight... but everything was smooooth sailing.
@earlyre that's beautiful
@derpandabar it's just the first image that came up after googleing my order number
@earlyre I know. Just sayin' :-)
Yay, got one!
Hopefully it's one of those cotton-poly pillowcases filled with cheap golf balls. Then I'm off to the streets to dispense vigilante justice like cheaper, way more awesome Batman.
Nuts. Missed the boat.
@sp3ar Stop yelling...
I got one!! And even got a confirmation screen! But then the page froze my phone and I had to restart. But I'm still a WINNER (or loser, guess we'll see).
Crap! I am in a different time zone than normal and forgot to check. :(
So I never had the captcha until my last two orders both this week. I bought 5 things in March, and a bunch in previous months, and never a captcha. What is with that? A search tells me people have complained about it all the way back in january? Is it new for everybody, or just some folks?
I clicked to buy before 12:01 but apparently the order went off to never never land as there is no record of it in My Orders, and a confirmation did not come up on the screen like it usually does. So I missed it again, too bad, so sad. Oh well.
@donnameh it's one technique we use from time to time to help make sure some of the popular things we sell go to actual people visiting the site rather than people who have coded up automatically buying programs.
I think I preferred when the website stalled out for a bit - at least then it felt like I had a fighting chance! :'(
Aw man...missed it.
Boo hoo, all gone.
Of course, the one time I don't check right at midnight...
Swaying page crashed my chrome, i had so many tabs that the little box just said ":D"
The next crash wiped the recently closed history. It was time for me to let go, i suppose.
Ugh... too late...
WAIT! Is this #1 or #5 now... I get that this is a Fukobukuro but is that Fukobukuro #1 or counted as Fukuburo #5... I have this thing that Odd numbered Fuku's I don't get... I just miss out on them...
Second bag in a row! Good looking out, meh. I'm stoked to see what garbage I get this time around.
Got one! And fittingly, egregious-equable-verse.
I stumbled on the recaptcha 3 times and still got through on my android tablet. Crazy.
@ACraigL Congrats! I failed today with my expired card on file!
Damn!!! Way too late, Seriously? It's 2318 CST
Somehow meh made my iPhone go on the fritz, was unable to even reboot for 10 minutes. Someone really didn't want me to get the fuku this time... Crazy
My fukubukuro!!! Site loaded perfectly and right on time! Ordered! Got it! Congrats to the website team! Waiting on some kind of terrible gotcha/April Fool's twist...
@UgaDogCH brace for disappointment, it's a fukobukuro.
@shawn so was #3. ;-)
@shawn You get what you get and you don't mind a bit - my philosophy at this present time...
Scored one! #ghastly-rural-notebook
Been away from Meh for a bit. Rough time lately, then a death in the family. Just happened to check it tonight (and on time!) and scored a Fuku- keeping my streak alive. I know it's April Fools, but as long as the sale wasn't completely fake, it gives me a little bit of a mood boost. I'm also hoping the fanny pack is real- my Mom loves fanny packs.
@ABitterWoman - Sorry for your loss.
@ABitterWoman :( Sorry to hear about your loss. Sending good vibes your way.
@Alien88 Thanks Alien, thank you KDemo.
@ABitterWoman Also sorry for your loss, but happy for your gain!
The site fucked up my phone. Rebooted and sold out while in checkout. :(
A fanny pack? Unlucky indeed!
@KDemo My wife loathes fanny packs. 😈
@joelmw so send it to @ABitterWoman
My God that thumb is huge.
@ABitterWoman That's what she said. BOOM!
Had time to order mine then call my brother @capguncowboy his wife ordered one and he got one to!!
Looks like I've got a new running mix.
I just remembered its April 1st ...
It's April Fools so I'm not trusting anything on the internet.
way to turn this days frown upside down meh! i love you guys.
Nooo! The ONE time I don't check right at midnight.. :/
@eric1024 really? this is the ONLY time? THE ONLY TIME?
@miko1 the ONE and ONLY! Haha
First time got the dancing robot after I clicked I was not a robot but nothing to click on. Tried to order again and it went through that time. Yea!
(this is actually the 5th image)


I'm expecting some seriously awful shit. Maybe. Or maybe awesome. For $5, it's worth the ride either way.
I love having a desktop. People whining about captcha and all I have to do is click a checkbox. Suck it, smartphones!
Still not precisely sure what the fuss about the fuko is all about, but I'm glad I managed to get in on it at least once.
@Charcoalwolfman You realize that your device has absolutely nothing to do with how the algorithm decides what type of captcha you get, right?
@Charcoalwolfman meh. I have a tablet and I know how to use it.
Just wait, we're all getting IP cameras and speaker docks
Dammit dammit dammit. Too busy reading.
Socks. Can't wait for a hundred pair of meh socks...
@eeterrific I'd be thrilled to get more socks. My 8 year old worn one to school. One. He took it off somewhere in his room and it's pretty much dead to me.
@eeterrific Shirts. Can't wait for a hundred pair of meh shirts...
@RogerWilco SHIRTS!
Is there a secret message in the description? It has the awkward cadence of something that contains a secret message.
Glad I didn't have to go through this crap (was taking a rest stop).. Gone in 15 minutes.. Hey! Isn't that the name of a movie somewhere..?

Last Fuku I didn't get one and proceeded to whine like hell. This time, I am victorious! Cheer up, suckers! I am one of the chosen. I am the cult of breakfast octopus. I am...going to stop huffing rubber cement.
@Superjimtendo I still won't shut up about missing the last bag and attendant hideous red drawstring backpack. I don't know that this new hideous fanny pack will stop me.
For anybody who wants to hear it backwards I backwardsified it:
I'm reversing songs given to me by e-commerece sites at 9:30 on a weeknight.
It may be time to re-evaluate my life.
@Chops Ha, I didn't even realize he was saying anything backwards until you posted that. Good job!
@Chops this isnt a normal e-commerence site, its a mediocre one.
what the heck shoot am I missing? I've been trying this since 12:02 and it's been sold out the whole time. Is everyone in the comments in on the joke? gradient-fleck-table
@00 It sold out in 5 minutes. Anyone commenting that they got one probably just came back to this thread after they got their email confirmation.
Oh man, can't believe I got on 30min after and still got one! ...april fools :(
@SkyyPunk Bazinga!
missed it! this is what happens when i try to be nice and run errands so the wife can stay home and take a hot bath. damn you @BillLehecka! (or whoever the goat is now)
Question: Was it $5 + $5 shipping, or just $5? I clicked a month of VMP to make it "free".. Wondering now. Not that it really matters. It's worth it just to see what I get. :)
@juststephen VMP costs $5/month. If you're new to VMP, you'll be charged $10 ($5 item + $5 VMP); if you already had VMP, you'll only be charged the $5 item.
@juststephen @Perkalicious In other words, it's $5 for VMP members and $10 total for non VMP members, and @unixrab
@Perkalicious @cengland0 Did we need to explicitly say we wanted a month of VMP? If so, I missed that button. Is there a way to change the $5 shipping to 1 month of VMP?
@nxp Yeah. There was a button to click that changed it to "free" shipping and you get a month of VMP charged to your card instead.
@nxp you can probably contact support and ask them to amend your order. YMMV.
@juststephen @Perkalicious Thank you both! I'll check with support to see what they have to say. Meh.
Al Capone was right.
@tentalces1349 It's probably the coolest thing about this little virtual lost-and-found bin of ours.
@tentalces1349 What happens next depends on whether you're an idiot or a genius
@tentalces1349 Sorry, early adopters.
@tentalces1349 does the fanny pack contain a gun and a kind word?
@nadroj "He left the team in 2003 to devote more time to his collection of replica muskets."
@nadroj I started trying to log all the variations of the write up, but i'm sleeepy
@tentalces1349 "Oyster crackers!" taken from Microfiber Comforters -2 https://meh.com/deals/microfiber-comforters-2: "The supermarket was out of Saltines so I was going to get oyster crackers. They were out of those too. Oyster crackers! Who panic-buys oyster crackers?" Also this review http://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g55764-d2470915-r259806211-Wimberley_Valley_Winery-Driftwood_Texas.html
@tentalces1349 I REALLY need to go to bed
@tentalces1349 A Florida man is severely injured when he gets an alligator high on bath salts in the lavatory of a Ruby Tuesday. https://meh.com/deals/emerson-39--1080p-tv--refurbished-

(I take no sides...this is the first image that came up!)
Still think this one is better:

Damnit! Days of checking in a timely fashion, and today I decide to finish doing dishes AND WHAT IF THE FUKU CONTAINED SOMETHING THAT WOULD HAVE MADE THAT EASIER????
I've been battling flu for three days and Facebook "authentic name"d me, but missing the fuku.... Today I truly feel despair.
yeah! i got one!

I didn't even believe it until I got my order confirmation email. noted-dangerous-feather!
With an order number like advanced-fun-engineer how can my fuku not be completely awesome?
WTF... I clicked on the SOLD OUT button and GOT one any way... Good one MEH..
So did anyone get the fuku instead of the fuko?
Well, my cursory knowledge of Chinese/Japanese characters paid off! Usually the fukoboro is 福袋 or something close, this one is 不幸袋 and is also fukobukoro... All we can do is wait and see.....
@RedBaronHD I also see others have made similar observations.
Sorry I'm kinda late to the punch.
In for one! sexy-delerious-mermaid, I'll take it.
Sigh... I knew it was coming and I tried and tried, but the page refused to load. stumbles to bed... sad and defeated
@Lrok how did everyone know this was comming?
@mfauske88 I check every day and you usually start to get a feeling one is coming up. After about a month from the last one I start checking the second it's midnight EST.
@mfauske88 the video from the other day
@mfauske88 well its been past two months since the last one(on average one fuku every two months) its a national jokish holiday. and they released a fuku related video(back when @snapster and friends ran woot, they was a BOC every time they sent out a email blast)
@mfauske88 Everything above, and simply this: it's April Fools Day. If not now, when?
I have no idea what kind of graphic to even post for that one...but at least we are getting a very fashionable fanny pack!
@cbilyak People get their 'order graphics' by doing a google image search with their order phrase and posting one of the results. :-)
@PurplePawprints Oh I know,just none of the pics were any good in my eyes...next time!
@cbilyak Oh, okay. That makes sense. I thought maybe you thought people were just picking pictures they thought matched their order phrases or something.
@PurplePawprints I realized last night that i don't know how to post pictures here, which is a shame because the image that came up on google is mildly obscene. I'm mildly ashamed of myself.
@mossygreen As long as you can get to a direct URL of the image (by doing 'Open Image in New Tab' or the like, as long as your URL ends in .jpg, .gif, .png, etc...) just paste the link in and magic happens and it shows up.
@brhfl Ah, I knew it had to be deceptively simple! Thanks! Here is again:
I'm just here for the fanny pack!
@shannenelaine It's time the needle arts had a gritty reboot.
@shannenelaine I hope people will actually USE the fanny packs. If someday I ever see someone walking around with a Meh fanny pack I'm going to freak out.
In the midst of all of my audio reversing and subsequent April Fools d-baggery I forgot to share and say thanks! drifting-victorious-pepperoni

LoL well now i know when these reset each day, 11 my time xD
@heehaw 12am ET, to be exact.
first fuku!
am i doing this right?
I ordered my natural-vivid-unicorn =D
Hooray for my near-imminent-conjuror!
Excited for my order of suppressed-fractured-drum
Hey Jason Toon, you never sent me that PermaFlow Never-Clog drain that I won on your going away Woot! video. Can I have a fuko instead?
@jon98gn If you really want to pester @JasonToon, be sure to mention his username. ;)
@jon98gn Hey, somebody else was supposed to send that - at last, a Woot prize fuckup that wasn't entirely my fault! But email me at my first name dot my last name at google's free web mail service, and let me see what I can do...
@brhfl Thanks for the assist ;)
@JasonToon Thanks. I emailed you from my handle from that one company who used to send everyone free unlimited CDs in the mail with internet software on it.
@JasonToon I haven't received a response, so i'm guessing you were unable to help. Thanks for the try though.
@jon98gn I think I have one or two of those in my garage, in storage for a bathroom project that has never happened. If you truly still need/want one, PM me on that other site.
NOOOOOO! Are you fucking kidding me right now! Please say this is an April fools joke --- I guess no good deed goes unpunished.........took my ailing 78 yr old mother to dinner and I get back late and see this! CRAP!
I got mine (first time) using the app I created, best day of my life (sort of)...
@nmassenkoff Okay, now I feel sad for you.
Just noticed this: *If you get something with a play button, press play
Just noticed this
Warning: its not that simple
@lichme I was just about to make the same comment. I look forward to seeing this play out....haha, get it?!
First Fuku I've haven't gotten. Hopefully I didn't miss out on anything amazing. :(
@versabox how do you know when these come around. I'm new and this is the first one I have seen
@mfauske88 You don't. They only have about 1000 of them so they don't announce when they happen to make it fair. Typically they happen once every 2-3 months ish.
@mfauske88 about every 2 months they hit Almost never on two for tuesday. always have cc info already saved, and bookmark meh.com and start spamming refresh at 11:58EST
@communist Alternatively, just turn on notifications for Meh's Twitter account. You get a notification and/or text alerting you what's for sale at exactly midnight ET.
Nooo.... I NEED that fanny pack! I've yet to get in on one of these :/
congrats to everyone who got one. i was busy working and missed this one. i am sad i'm not getting the gator head though.
of all the days to get lazy and not show up here on time. I feel terrible but I have no one to blame except myself. I should have known a million times over. I never saw it coming.
It's April Fools Day. Everyone's getting a JBL speaker dock and no bag. Well played meh.
NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T__T i missed this random crap
Curvy fickle tequila.
Also hit level 8 in ingress just before midnight.
@MsELizardBeth Congratulations! I hope you're RES.
I hope a set of 808 headphones are in mine, these are awesome headphones at an $8 price point and I regret only getting 1.
@Saffer49 The only headphones ever sold on Meh (besides the still-too-expensive Beats) that were actually decent!
These fuku threads should be gif only. Mods, get on that.
Well fuku me. EVERY DAY for... like... months I'm one of the first handful of visitors. The ONE day I decide to eat some supper when I get home from work... BAM! There's the fuku... SOLD OUT. 12 minutes late and I get fukued over.
@ruouttaurmind If you tried 12 minutes past midnight, that was about 10 minutes too late.
@cengland0 You are correct! I'm usually monitoring the site the second the clock ticks over. Got all wrapped up in my cheeseburger and damn if I didn't lose out. It was a good burger and all, but... fuku!
@cengland0 This is a relief, the site claimed to be sold out 1 minute before I loaded. I'm assuming a cruel April Fools' joke.
I was dumb enough to not purchase fuku because of shipping rate.
@seungyeonyou Smart, actually.
Wait. I get a Fanny Pack, too!? SCORE!
Another East Coast shutout!
@SongNotSung I live on the east coast and My brother an I scored them.
@StrangerDanger maybe @SongNotSung means shut-in
@SongNotSung Living near Philly I consider myself an East Coast guy. I got one, so I must be on the good side,
In my panic to get my FukO, I didn't even realize all the fun things the site is doing today. Well coded, Meh. April fools to you as well.
@ACraigL The fun continues. Every once in awhile I F5 just to see what it's doing. Except for the seasick routine. I go away for awhile when it does that.
Is it really an April Fool's joke if you don't know until 2-5 weeks later?
@RedOak A very mediocre one, yes.
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
. . .didn't want one anyway. . . . right?
So here I am checking Meh about 8 1/2 hours after the product update and there are no more fuko's for sale? What happened to the wonderful server crashes that would keep the offer going until I could get to it?
@parodymandotcom sold out at 12:03 am ET. you never had a chance.
odd-skilled bunny

I'm getting a fanny pack!
They will finally be able to get rid of those JBL Docks.
@hozae Nah, you're expecting something like this so why would we?
actually wanting to sleep kept me from getting this. Maybe next time.
@kadagan Kids taking bong hits, drinking out of guitars and eating national monuments?
@Chops I think they're all drinking.. I think it's a straw in the guitar.. haha.. Don't as me, ask google!
@kadagan vegas....
did what I always do - woke up at some random time to pee.
random time - 12:40am
of course, there was nothing to be had.
on the bright side, the annoying music started blasting & woke up my gf.
well played, meh. well played.
You guys realize you bought fukos right?
@Boomdabah A Fuko is a Fuku for a first time winner such as myself.
@Boomdabah It's 4/1.. You never know what you're gonna get. The fuko could be even better than the fuku, or it could be total shit.. Who knows.. Worth the couple of dollars to find out :)
@kadagan I've found that in life in general you never know what you're going to get. Similar to a box of chocolates?
Hello. I hope you all can forgive me when I tell you the following:
I am new here.
I have been keeping my eye on Meh for awhile
But I've never bought anything.
Until last night.
I got my first meh and my first fuku :)
@Jertyrael well done, you!
@Jertyrael oh no... you got a fukōbukuro not a fukubukuro, better luck next time (I've never got a fuku either so don't feel bad).
@thismyusername My sincerest apologies, good sir or madam. I got my first Fuko :)
@thismyusername I think I said fuku because when I googled the word it corrected it to "Fukubukuro" I dunno which is right and I don't care :D
@Jertyrael It's easy to confuse. A "Fukubukuro" is a Lucky Bag. A "Fukobukuro" is an Unlucky bag. Today's sale was for an Unlucky bag.
@somf69 [img]
Duh! I had the computer with me but I forgot to check!
Whatever I get in the Fuko, it can't be worse than the JLab Premium Metal Earbuds.
@walarney challenge accepted.
Sad I missed it, but man I needed the sleep, so my broken streak isn't too soul-crushing...
Its all fun and games until you get an IP camera.....
(and no, I slept so still no Fuko for me and I doubt I ever will...)
Finally found an image that suits my silky-dandy-panda.
@OldCatLady Sweet!
@OldCatLady I'd use that as my screensaver.
@sammydog01 Take it. Please.
ignorant-budding-lobster !! (hope I get a skunky-meh cobra jump starter) just sayin'
My favorite quote from the write up today:
@ACraigL Don't you be laughing at Florida Man. He keeps the spotlight off the rest of us in Floriduh.
@ACraigL @OldCatLady I got drunk once and smuggled my dog into a Florida Ruby Tuesday's by way of the kitchen.
El Ganso Con La Rinonera!
So....anyone willing to turn their unluckiness into luckiness? I will pay $15 for you to forward on a sealed fuko as a way for me to get the unluckiness I missed out on.
@wilstev I've been half tempted to throw my Fuku on ebay unopened to determine the actual value of a Fuku. But I think my wife would object.
@wilstev No, thanks. Odds are it'd cost more than five bucks for a consumer to ship one anyway.
@juststephen oh I guess I should have specified I will cover shipping cost as well. I'm imagining these will all be significantly smaller than the typical Fuku though (being a fuko after all)
@wilstev remember it is a fuko not a Fuku so if it's anything like the underwhelming mystery bags from thatdailydeal or any other sites (bags not worth value spent, or frequent broken items to which you are told "well we said you may not like it") I would expect small boxes of useless parts or gag gift type items
@wilstev As long as it's better than the BOCs I've been getting, I'll be happy. (That doesn't take much)
@dsantillan the post I addressed to myself was meant as a response to you but apparently I don't pay attention when I click
Just wondering, when did sell out actually happen? I'm sure another post says it but dealing with unreliable net connection at the moment doesn't allow me to see all posts.
I remember checking my phone and seeing the Twitter notification and for some reason deciding to go back to sleep. All I can think is that the previous night's terrible sleep, or complete lack thereof, was to blame.
@wilstev About 2 min after it went up at midnight est
@wilstev yeah - it was pretty fast - but it also seemed to be pretty crash-free (other than ppl whose browsers died with the html5 stuff).
@wilstev My order was placed at 12:01. Went back to the home page immediately after placing it and they were sold out. I'd estimate 12:02-12:03 they were gone.
@ilovereality Yeah i did it on my iphone using chrome and had no issues.
@wilstev On the home page, to the left of the map (when it's not warping or upside down), it says how many they sold and when it sold out. Today it says, "...we sold out at 12:03 am ET."
@gio Hey, @shawn shouldn't that be EDT?
@gio cool, thanks. I somehow never noticed that. Although it took me 6 attempts to be able to see it due to browser crashing with my unstable internet/the crazy html5
@wilstev I can feel for you! My internet and computer only recently got upgraded to something that doesn't flinch on a page like that, but I haven't dared try to open it on my aged tablet, which will crash on any gif-heavy page.
@gio If I was at home I likely would've had no issues, so I blame bad timing for the item listing while I was at a poorly planned conference for work.
@wilstev Been there, done that. My condolences.
I finally got it! thank you for upgrading your shitty servers:D
Missed it
@Jasonf1984 by THAT much!!
Oh, the excitement and mystery! I love not knowing! Like they say, not knowing is half the battle!
All I know is this... Horrible Grand Chocolate heralds my first Fukobukuro... and should this be the Dark, Unlucky Bag... then so be it, for Bad Luck is still Luck, and such shall I harness....

I am not a human being!
they should be called "FukUtoo" boxes...
I would love to get something that will prove useful for my trip to Alaska next month. At the very least the fanny pack should start some conversation.
At least I hope it does. I'm so lonely.
i am a marketing guy, and i am not a meh employee, but if i was, i would do a double fukubukuro one after the next, on the next friggen day, because, well, I am awesome and I drive traffic
@lumber5607 and you missed getting one?
My label has been generated! 3lb. placeholder weight, no other info to report at this time. Let the anticipointment begin!
@ACraigL Hey me too!
Oh sure, NOW @JonT locks threads...
@Thumperchick It may be locked, but you can still star the crap out of it!
@Thumperchick What thread is locked?
@Kidsandliz The "received fuku" thread, until someone posts here that they've received theirs to avoid unnecessary spam.
@Kidsandliz - What @juststephen said.
@juststephen Of course someone will just see it is locked and start another one not knowing how to get it unlocked...
@Kidsandliz It says why and how to unlock it... but yeah, people don't like to read.
@Thumperchick Maybe @JonT should use that fancy Broadcast system to make sure people see it.
Hey all - three of us so far who got fuko's got an email from @jont for our phone numbers… and the million dollar question is, what on earth could it be we have been randomly chosen to get...
@Kidsandliz Pallets of melting lard. Who knows?
@juststephen maybe we will actually get lucky and it will be something useful (I can hear meh laughing from here) like maybe for me a car? I sure need one. My 25 year old one bit the dust and so far anything I can afford that still has a running engine has sold before I can get to it.
@Kidsandliz Maybe you'll get countless phone calls about amazing timeshare opportunities?
@Kidsandliz Remember way back where Woot sent someone a plalett of car wax? It was also April first.
@StrangerDanger What that was you? What did you do with it?
@Kidsandliz No wan't me. I just remember it from the old days. I wish I knew about this site during kickstarter. I did get 6 other people to join based off the article about this site.
@StrangerDanger I think the Kickstarter fuku was the most interesting. Lots of different things. The first site fuku was really cool. Remember those speaker docks? Did you ever get one for your daughter? I still have one in the box.
@StrangerDanger Oh man I remember that! First thing I thought of when I got a request for my phone number!
Well apparently because I was hesitant due to my living situation about getting an oversized practical joke, I have lost my opportunity and someone else will be getting mine…wahhhh
Sigh...still no shipping info. Good Friday??
@eeterrific There still working on water bottles from the 24th of last month. I'm sure they have some lables made up but it's been 1 day.
Mine has shipped already? Not sure if size/weight are right - looks like the temp info they use to make the label
10x10x10 in - 3 lbs / 1.36 kgs
Will be here on the 7th. I fully expect my Meh branded fingerless mittens from the LED Lamp/IP Camera debacle to be inside.
@mcbridma Mine shipped as well! Same dimensions and weight! :'( (mine will arrive on the 10th)
@mcbridma @ELUNO Those are just placeholder weights and dimensions. Usually, when the package gets to the last FedEx stop before it's sent to USPS it will update with the correct dimensions.
@PurplePawprints Oh ok. Thanks! First time getting a Fuku, hopefully it will be something fun!
@ELUNO Fuko, in this case.
@juststephen I know what I said ;)
Same for me. Supposed to be here on Monday!!!
Get ready to unlock @JonT
So hoping for that broken horseshoe.
ooooo I gots tracking info! slated for delivering in upstate NY on the 11th!
@tentalces1349 Same for me in upstate NY as well.
@Prissy nice weather we're having!
@tentalces1349 Yes, finally! Dare, I say "Spring is here"?!?
Come on @Prissy you know better, it'll be snowing again in a few days
fawk 10x10x10 3 lbs sounds like a single BRICK lol
@rhedayi that was the placeholder weight on mine... mine has changed to 13x12x12 and 5.6 lbs once it hit Kansas City.
@rhedayi .... mine has changed to 1.9 lbs & 11x10x10 in.
I keep refreshing my tracking info to see if my weight placeholder has changed! I don't know why I'm so excited for this thing. Last time I got one of these, all I got was a leak frog, a tupac shotglass, a multi-device phone charging adapter, and a crocodile mug that's impossible to clean.
Good to know it may not be a brick
I'm sitting at 3 pounds and a week away. Sigh. My wife and I are kinda hoping against hope for more contigo glasses! Lol we lost all our straws already.
@JonT I got mine and I'm ready to reveal the contents!
@JonT Unlock the thread!
@JonT Release the Kraken!
Placeholder finally gone.
Dimensions 13x12x12 in.
Weight 7.3 lbs / 3.31 kgs
Fedex says Weds delivery, but it's here Tues. The interest builds.
Dimensions 10x10x10 in.
Weight 3 lbs / 1.36 kgs
Estimated delivery :
Thur 4/09/2015
We're all getting clothes
@futaira I hope I get one that was dropped on the wet ground then stepped on by a meh staffer!
I got my Fuku today! Lots of interesting stuff! (no car wax). I have a lousy sense of smell, but some of the clothes were even on a hanger!
Finally got a weight and dimension:
35x16x14 in.
7.1 lbs / 3.22 kgs
Is slated to get here on the 11th, but hopefully I get it sooner
My fuko came!

TV! Stuff! Yesss
It also came with a small video player but it didn't have any videos on it.
@Endreo But does the TV work?
@Brandonson112 mine did.
The mail carrier dropped off two boxes today, one of which I was expecting. But I had completely forgotten about the Fukobukuro. So I was rather surprised to see him lugging in a box for a vacuum. Once I realized what the box was, it was time for an unboxing.
the final haul:
-Shark Rotator Vac or Steam (reconditioned and missing a few small parts but vacuum works)
-1925 Model T model kit
-Bandits softball team Tshirt (XL)
-10 ft Bungee USB cable
-Jbuds earbuds
-Retrospect Tootsie Roll Pop
-Sponge Bob vinyl wallet
-Datastick Pro 8GB thumbstick (empty)
-Halo video message recorder (hopefully empty. I recorded over the first message on accident before playing it)
-Meh fanny pack
All in all, a great haul.
Mine's at my house...must resist leaving work early.
Ok, folks post their details... you guys did better than me, but this was my first Fuko
Sweater for a small dog. (I have a dog this will fit)
Shirt for a 2-3 year old (I have another dog this will fit)
Star Wars wallet
8G USB stick
Meh Fanny Pack
10' USB Bungie (I tested it with a charger and only got 0.33A, my normal USB cable does 1.9a!)
Precious Moments Figurine
Halo2 video recorder (blank)
I'm happy! Thanks Meh!
Forgot photo.. too late to edit.

The Simpsons Barney Pewter bottle opener
Bungee USB cable
star wars pencil holder
Halo Video thingie
Meh fanny pack
Number 22 jersey
8gb Centon USB drive
link to picture
HOLY FUKO! My first one, and I got a 39" TV, Spongebob wallet, etc. - looks identical to the picture @endreo has. Thanks Meh!!!!!!!
@cweilemann sweet man. Did your video player have anything on it?
@Endreo not that I can tell dude. The batts were dead and I had to replace them. Looks like nothing on it.
@Endreo Did yours?
The 39" TV still had the RMA printout in the box... Ha! It works though! Glad the nice lady in Tuscaloosa, AL who returned it didn't want it! :)
I just WON!!! Its Christmas, well Jewish Christmas I just got a 23 inch Monitor in my Bag. Im beyond happy and excited. THANK YOU
@lennon818 Does it work?
Tracking updated 2.6lbs 11x11x10. No TV for me then!
@osubrit If you pay for the shipping, you can have the one they sent me. https://meh.com/forum/topics/official-fukobukuro-reveal-thread#552408a06677a0b001f68615
My order arrived today and I have no complaints.
3 x Texas air
1 x meh fanny pack
1 x Betty Boop Utensil Caddy
1 x Bungee Cable (micro usb)
1 x 8gb flash drive
1 x Bozo kazoo
1 x jbuds pro earbuds
1 x Small woman's Forever 21 Goodwill shirt
1 x HALO video recorder
Halo video recorder (which I didn't check for a message...oops)
JLAbs earbuds
8gb datastick
Spongebob Wallet
Bungee Cable
Meh Fanny Pack
1932 Ford B Roadster Model Kit
The Crow Statuette
Graberbootie & Pinch T-Shirt (that, frankly, looks used.)
Thanks, Meh! Worth the $10, just for the earbuds and flashdrive. And my 5 year old's loving the video recorder.
I got a Roomba that had "damaged" written on the box...in addition to the things everyone else got. With some charging, the Roomba is tearing around the room terrifying my dogs. I'm pumped about this fukobukuro!
@socioeconomic Oh, and I got a handmade puff-paint sorority shirt. Odd...doesn't smell used.
@socioeconomic Sorry to hear that :/
All right...who works at Meh, went to Texas state, has a cat that sheds, and is missing their used, albeit clean (thanks Meh!) shirt covered in cat hair? I'll trade you your shirt for a Pet Roomba...
I also got:

1. Bento boxes
2. Automatic foam dispenser Speed Racer bendie
3. Mets napkins (go Mariners- blah)
5. Spongebob wallet
6. Ear buds
7. OOB Jump Drive (that I'm scared to see what is on there)
8. Halo2Cloud charger
9. and my favorite - a Meh FANNY
BAG!! I'll be stylin'
Thanks Meh :)
Overall, pretty happy with what I got!
1. Box of Toy Soldiers (Cool - I'll give this to my Nephew)
2. JLab Ear Buds
3. TOCCS 10' Smartphone Cable
4. 8GB Centon DataStick Pro (No messages)
5. Halo Video Messenger (again, no message for me)
6. NY Mets Napkins (I guess cuz my address is in NY?)7
7. Meh Fanny Pack
8. SpongeBob Wallet (Ew... Maybe my Niece will want it)
9. Allison Daley ugly jacket (That'll go into the donation bin)
the Wedge Antilles action figure is bad ass and I was really disappointed that there's no real gum in the porcelain Wrigley's Juicy Fruit box
but I do get to spend the rest of my life sitting on Spongebob's face
@dearjohncarter that's a dream of a lot of (weird) people.
I got a bunch of broken glass. Apparently the lid of the cooking(?) contraption I got didn't survive the trip. I also got a pair of women's pants and most of the nick nacks from above.
The cooking contraption is the silver black and metal item in the picture.
I got a TV but the screen was broken :(
@daftrounders Join the club.
Got mine as I was packing up for a trip to America's hat on Thursday. Opened today. Contents:
1) True winner, a 39" Emerson LED television, screen shattered and base torn off. The remote was included, so I've got that going for me.
2) 2 boxes of Jumbo Stick-Ups, space and dinosaur themes.
3) JLAB Metal Headphones
4) Halo Video Thing, no message...
5) Toccs 10' bungie cable, Good for charging them PS4 controllers ;)
6) Super Hip, Hip pack.
7) Spongebob Wallet
8) Used red shirt with CCB and an anchor on it.
9) Centon Datastick Pro
Photo to follow, if I can remember how.
@joebootoo [URL=http://s1303.photobucket.com/user/joebootoo/media/IMG_4258_zpsjvulcjsk.jpg.html][IMG]
So basically meh tried to make unique boxes by putting a shitty video messager in every box but because they sucked meh actually made almost every bix a meh worthy unoriginal trash bag. I like the thnking that went into it but this was a big oh shit failure
I'm pretty confident you guys will be proud to know how confused I was by this package (I mean of yourselves.. but I guess maybe me too? I can receive a package like nobodies business).
I was unloading my stuff from the car from being out of town for a few days.. I noticed a vacuum box and thought that it was weird somebody had apparently bought a new vacuum, but didn't think much about it. What I did notice was that the 3~lb Fuko I was expecting was nowhere in sight. I spent a solid 5 minutes trying to figure out what happened and preparing to scrub through security footage when my detective instincts kicked in and I realized that maybe FedEx tracking wasn't always 100% and decided to compare the tracking number on the vacuum with my Fuko.
I'm tired and I feel like this story wayyyy more longwinded than it should be for an anecdote about me being a dumbass, so I'm just gonna TL;DR the rest of it. Thanks for making it this far. Even if you skimmed. :)
TL;DR: I'm stupid. Didn't realize my Fuko was hidden inside of a vacuum box. It was! I was happy. Fin.
1x PHB Collectible Tootsie Pop
1x Spongebob Wallet
1x Fanny Pack
1x (Broken :( ) Halo Player
1x Jlab Earbuds (Substituted in photo by other Jbuds on account of I lose stuff really fast)
1x Toccs Cable
Thanks guys :D
Also, I'm not sure if the candle was actually in the Fuko.. but I put it in the picture for some reason, and you guys deserve credit for it regardless.
Seriously though, thanks again :).. Awesome to get usable stuff in these!
[ETA Oh shit, there was a shirt in one of these I forgot to take a picture of! I'll remember to take a picture of it tomorrow. For now just pretend the candle is a shirt]
The phone charging cable in mine died in less than a month :[