Zakarian by Dash 5-Knife Cutlery Bundle with Finger Guard
- A set of some good sharp kitchen knives
- Geoffrey Zakarian put his last name on them
- Made from high-quality German steel
- Are they available in Georgia Red: Yes, the handles do come in red; if the blade gets red on the other hand, you might’ve cut yourself
Did you see this Bobby Flay video, where he answers a series of questions in the Food Network test kitchen while a pot simmers in front of him? Some interesting takes here, causing, in turn, some interesting arguments in the comments. Washing chicken, for example: should you? And cats in the kitchen: is it gross?
In terms of the first point, about washing chicken: I don’t personally, though I don’t feel passionate about it. As for cats in the kitchen… either all these people saying it’s disgusting don’t have cats or else have kitchens that are located in some sort of armored outbuilding. News flash: your cat spends time in your kitchen. Just keep them off the counters and you’ll be fine. Then, spray the counters clean with something strong because they’re on the counters when you’re not home.
(Also, let’s be clear, the ‘only cats in the kitchen’ seemed a bit tongue-in-cheek, not to mention on-brand; dude is a proud cat dad.)
But, most pertinent to this sale, the video ends with a question about which Food Network person he’d most want to cook for him, and Bobby answers without hesitation: Geoffrey Zakarian.
Now, Zakarian is a bit of a polarizing figure. I’m a fan, myself. I enjoy his whole thing. Others will argue he’s pretentious. To which I would respond, yeah, no shit! He wears tailored suits and eats ice cream with chopsticks on television. That he’s pretentious is the whole point. And, honestly, I appreciate how proudly and openly pretentious he is. He’s owning his status rather than pretending to be some down-home farm spouse who never happens to mention the farm in question occupies 433,000 acres. You know, unlike some other people on the network.
Not to mention, some of the perceived pretension comes from his being a Chopped judge. And that makes sense. Chopped, especially in its earliest seasons, is one of the most mean-spirited shows on Food Network. They cut each episode to make it seem as though the judges do nothing but scowl and say, in gravely serious tones, things like, “You made a really bad choice incorporating the peppermint candy into your chimichurri,” as if this ingredient had not been forced upon the chef in question.
So, is Geoffrey Zakarian mean? Or do they just make him look mean for better television?
Here’s the thing, though: even if you’re not a huge Zakarian fan, or have no idea who he is, it doesn’t really matter. You can still buy these knives if you want them. Yes, they have his name on them, but it’s pretty small.
Pretty strong sales pitch there, huh?