The school has a great team and a great marching band and a great stadium and a bunch of stuff I usually like in a college football powerhouse
But they also have a tradition of not treating the fans of visiting teams very well
My brother took my dad to the OSU campus to see the longhorns play there oh more than a decade ago
My brother knew that visiting fans got treated poorly and rudely but he thought that wouldn’t apply to our dad because our dad was clearly in his eighties
Well my brother overestimated the courtesy that OSU partisans are willing to show the fans of visiting teams.
My brother and my father are the most gracious and well-behaved people ever
And yet for the crime of walking to the stadium dressed in burnt orange longhorn jackets my brother and my father had beer poured on them were spit on had serious obscenities yelled at them and had people bump into them deliberately and then follow them heckling them and had other people attempt to trip them
Let me emphasize that my dad was clearly in his 80s when this happened
That and other experiences my family members had visiting that stadium on game day meant that the three of my nephews who grew up in Ohio all refused to apply to OSU to go to college even though they knew it was a good school none of them were willing to be a part of that kind of horrible behavior
Some school traditions just suck and that’s one of them
So today I’ll be rooting for Notre Dame
Sorry about the rant
And if there are any OSU fans hanging around,
let me say for your sake that I’m sure there’s a lot more to the school than that and much of it is positive
But it’s not cool - still, more than a decade later - that my dad got treated that way
I am an OSU alumnus. I went there for academic reasons, and graduated with Latin and University honors. I grew up a casual NFL fan, and didn’t care about CFB. It is nearly impossible to spend undergrad there and not somewhat give a shit. I was a freshman the year they hired Tressel. I drove across the country with 8 friends to see the national championship against Miami. I repeated the trip a few years later with different friends and my brother against Florida. I jumped into mirror lake in freezing temperatures. My brother worked at the stadium which allowed me in to big games, like aforementioned Texas.
All that said. . . our fans are pretty shitty. When I was reading the above story I think that I may know some of the people. I audibly said “oh shit.” I was at a large party near the stadium at some of the worst things I ever saw were at that Texas game. Not that there aren’t terrible displays of behavior regularly. However, usually not spitting and beer throwing bad. Usually.
Now let’s say you have no opinion of either team. I am not going to sell you on OSU. I will tell you why Notre Dame sucks. They aren’t in a conference. They are routinely seeded higher than they deserve because of their NBC contract. Their fans are less white trash more elitist dickwads. Not to mention they get every Catholic as a defacto fan of theirs.
I agree that Notre Dame always gets seated higher than it should and always gets more attention than it deserves because of being so special in Notre Dame and all that
However in my family, Notre Dame was defeated once and for all by my dad back in 1943, 1944
here’s the deal
You know how Notre Dame has a real pretty campus and they got that real pretty gold dome and a bunch of other pretty buildings and they have the little lakes that ice over and the kids play hockey on them in the winter and the real pretty attractive place
Well it’s so happened that my dad was stationed in 1943 1944 before overlord in southern Illinois
he was in the army core and he was a fighter and transport pilot and more importantly he was a pilot trainer. His biggest job was teaching kids how to fly and not crash.
Then after the daytime spent doing that pee and all the other pilot writers flew stuff all around the country all night long and nobody can figure out when they slept, but somehow they lived through it at least until they got assigned to Europe
But you know those fly boys they’re hard to control and they can get a little bit restless
And every single one of them hated Notre Dame
Because they all had their favorite schools from wherever they came from and Notre Dame was the only national school then with the national fan base and it got way more attention and higher ratings than it deserve back then way worse than it is now
Even the base commander hated Notre Dame
Hating Notre Dame was a thing you did on the base.
so if you happen to be a pilot instructor taking the kids up and teaching them how not to crash you have to fly around
Sometimes you have to fly around in the rough direction of I don’t know I wish you or Michigan or Indiana or Notre Dame or Wisconsin. You just might have to fly around.
All the pilots were pretty much college kids who’s had gotten interrupted by Pearl Harbor.
And the pilots are all college football fans and so they go explore during their instruction hours with the trainee pilots.
Most of the schools they just flew around and pointing stuff out look there’s the horseshoe and all that
And most of those excursions just involvied admiring the scenery and making sure the training pilots didn’t crash and teaching them how to navigate and all that stuff
But that’s not kind of how those pilots behaved when they went to visit the golden dome
There were a few students left on the Notre Dame campus and when there were hockey games on those frozen lakes in progress and the pilot instructor showed up the pilot structures would kind of try to join the game from the air
This was not appreciated by the Notre Dame administration
Neither was the pilots habits of flying with their wing tips maybe 4 feet away from the golden dome or some other high up windows in one of the administration buildings and waving at the staff inside
And sometimes mysteriously school swag from some of the competitive schools got dropped on campus at Notre Dame
And Notre Dame would get upset and the men would call Washington and bitch sometimes and he knew which base the Flyers were coming from and would call the commander and complain
And the base commander would do this all shucks thing you know they’re just letting off steam no harm no foul
But I’ll tell him to cool it and stop doing that
Then the base commander would have a meeting of all the pilots on the base
Now y’all quit doing that it’s bad an accident can happen
so cool it for at least two or three weeks
That was the base commanders attitude. He never worried about what Notre Dame thought.
so as far as I’m concerned, my dad beat Notre Dame so thoroughly but it’s fine with me if they have a winning year now and then
in the end my dad remembered them very, very fondly because they put up with them because they had no choice
When I and my siblings were young maybe elementary school one year in summer my dad took us on the huge vacation and we went to the base and Illinois and we went to visit all the schools that he had buzzed as an army air core pilot
And he would show us in the stadium with the approach would be and what they do when they got there and
it was nice to see all those pretty stadiums. That’s when I first saw the horseshoe.
But for Notre Dame our family got a full two days and a walking tour where he described everything they’d done way back when
One more reason Notre a dame doesn’t bother me si much:
Remember 1969 if you’re old enough
This was 100 year of college football and all the players had insignia on their uniforms, indicating the hundredth year of college football
Right before the last game of the regular season there were three undefeated teams Penn State, who had had a soft schedule
And university of Arkansas and the University of Texas, who had both had very tough schedules
Roone Arledge at ABC had this brilliant idea that the last game of the regular season should settle the national championship given that Arkansas in Texas were at that time in the same conference
so he pulled strings and called Texas and called Arkansas and got them to reschedule the game for after every other regular season game two undefeated teams widely believed to be the best two teams in the country
Played in Fayetteville
oh yeah, I was watching
it was an absolutely heartbreaking game for Arkansas. They lost but just barely and they played beautifully.
it was a wonderful game for the University of Texas who completed their national championship run and who had respect for the Arkansas team who played so well
But the game was also heartbreaking for Texas as well because Freddy Steinmark was diagnosed with leg cancer and had to have his leg amputated
it turned out the cancer had already spread, and though he had a few good years and managed to get married he didn’t live very long just a few years after he got out of the University of Texas and today the scoreboard at the University of Texas is named after him
But the game was a circus not only because ABC had pulled out such a clue of getting the national championship effective game to be the last game of the regular season after every other game
it was 1969
The country was wild with as war, protest, and anti-racial protest
Bill Clinton was in a student at Arkansas.
All sorts of activist groups descended on Arkansas campus to protest all the hot button issues of 1969
in addition Richard Nixon was president and Richard Nixon was as serious as a college football fan as you could get
so president Nixon announced she would attend the game in Fayetteville and that meant all the protest that were planned just got that much bigger
he did attend in Texas one and he presented the winner of the game, which was Texas with a plaque saying they were the national champions in the hundred year college football
But this left out Penn State who did have an undefeated streak, even though there’s scheduled that year was soft.
so President Nixon gave them a consolation prize he gave them a plaque stating that in the hundredth year of college football they had the longest unbeaten untied winning streak
They weren’t exactly happy with the substitute plaque. They wanted to be considered the national champions.
But it turned out they were a bunch of cowards or something
Because the winner of the Arkansas Texas game who would be the other undefeated team was contractually bound to play in the Cotton Bowl on January 1 and the cotton bowl could invite any were the opponent who wasn’t already contractually bound elsewhere
so the Cotton Bowl committee did the sensible thing and invited Penn State to come play the winner of the Texas, Arkansas game and that would settle who is national champion on the field where it should be settled
But Penn State also had a big fat invitation to the orange bowl and to play there and party their heads off in Miami
And the team had a vote and voted Miami and I think they won that game. I forget who they played but nobody took them seriously as a contender for the national championship after that they had a chance to play for it and they had deliberately chosen not to.
so this left the Cotton Bowl committee, wondering who to invite to play against Texas in the Cotton Bowl
Notre Dame had always avoided ball games for decades, but somehow somebody persuaded them to give up their isolation stance and the first ball game. They played in after decades of being too good for ball games.
Was the cotton ball on January 1, 1970
And Texas beat them
And then Texas had no contenders for number one for the football year of 1969
so since Notre Dame came out of its isolation to play Texas and they lost. I have a hard time hating them as much as my dad did.
And they were well-behaved I gave them that
The game had some unexpected ripples down through the years for one thing the Arkansas Texas game the Texas barely won is considered to be one of them. I don’t know top 10 or top five college football games ever it was a heartbreaker.
it was so painful that neither the coaching staff nor the team ever watched the game tape even after 30 years they had not watched it. The game was too painful.
a book was written about the game. That’s pretty decent if you like college football.
Horns Hogs and Nixon Comimg
The title of the book is an obvious reference to the famous song Ohio from that era.
And there was a code to the game decades later I think in the 1990s or late 1980s
One of the players on the Arkansas team became an assistant football coach at UCLA. I think it was UCLA.
And every morning he would get up and go for a run and then he would go run to the locker room and take a shower and change clothes and start his workday
so one morning in the late 1980s or the early 1990s he’s doing his morning run around LA and he runs past a famous hotel
And his eyes kind of bulge a bit because what he sees is the very retired and elderly Richard Nixon and his Secret Service crew out for a walk in the early morning of Los Angeles
I think he met Richard Nixon at that game all those decades ago but that was just a handshake or something
And he wants to sort of go up and say hi but you don’t walk up to a president with his Secret Service people and you’re all sweaty in your running clothes and just say hi
so he walks up to one of the Secret Service guys and tells the Secret Service guy who he is and then he’d like to say hello to the president and he still remember the president attending that football game
This particular player didn’t approve of Nixon’s conducting office, but that has been over decades before so he’d put that behind him and Nixon was obviously quite frail at that point
Anyway the Secret Service guy goes up to the president and ask if he wants to talk to an assistant coach at UCLA who was on the Arkansas team in 1969 for that game in Fayetteville
And Richard Nixon suddenly tossed off all the years and lit up because he loved college football in a way that he loved nothing else ever
And so they re-introduce each other and shake hands and to the astonishment of the UCLA guy Richard Nixon starts giving him a play-by-play of the game. This is decades later.
Nixon remembers the players names. He remembers the place. He lights up and they talk about this in that aspect of the game.
And the UCLA guy could’ve stayed there all day and had that conversation. He was fascinated, but he had to get to work and so finally he excused himself and ran back to the campus to take a shower and change clothes and start work.
Before he left to the Secret Service guys, took him aside and said you don’t know, but you just made his day his week and his year
And he’s knowledgeable about college football as anybody who works at one of the networks or who writes a national famous column on it
so that story of the impromptu encounter is recounted in the book I mentioned
Anyway I don’t exactly root for Notre Dame
But given that Texas beat them on January 1, 1970 I’m OK with them
Especially since my dad got to see the golden dome up very close and personal from the outside without using a ladder
i grew up in ohio, went to THE Ohio State University, now live in ‘the state up north’. the championship almost made up for the loss to UofM AGAIN this year.
one of the Ohio State players interviewed after the game called it University of Ohio - lol. but without fail they all mentioned their success being due to their lord and savior Jesus Christ. felt a little awkward/cultish to me. and i consider myself a christian.
later heard a nortre dame player say he was glad that both teams were christian teams, something to that effect.
sorry about your dad’s experience. kinda wonder if it’s drunk students or locals that are more likely to act out in a bad way. the few can ruin the reputation of the many.
Younger bro has lived in Cinti for decades. Because he and his kids love college football, he’s been to games all over the area, even tho none usually of the teams are one of “his team” unless some Texas team comes up north to play.
His kids have also been to many college games. In Ohio and the surrounding states. In Virginia and the surrounding states (one of my nephews went to UVA)
And they would fly off to places to see other games elsewhere.
And they all (his other people who do similar agree) that OSU is traditionally somewhere between rude and extremely rude/hostile to visiting fans.
[Curiously, Notre Dame is very gracious to visiting teams and fans.]
I know OSU as a school has many virtues. But that portion of the various “student and fan traditions” needs to be gone for good.
I am NOT for OSU.
The school has a great team and a great marching band and a great stadium and a bunch of stuff I usually like in a college football powerhouse
But they also have a tradition of not treating the fans of visiting teams very well
My brother took my dad to the OSU campus to see the longhorns play there oh more than a decade ago
My brother knew that visiting fans got treated poorly and rudely but he thought that wouldn’t apply to our dad because our dad was clearly in his eighties
Well my brother overestimated the courtesy that OSU partisans are willing to show the fans of visiting teams.
My brother and my father are the most gracious and well-behaved people ever
And yet for the crime of walking to the stadium dressed in burnt orange longhorn jackets my brother and my father had beer poured on them were spit on had serious obscenities yelled at them and had people bump into them deliberately and then follow them heckling them and had other people attempt to trip them
Let me emphasize that my dad was clearly in his 80s when this happened
That and other experiences my family members had visiting that stadium on game day meant that the three of my nephews who grew up in Ohio all refused to apply to OSU to go to college even though they knew it was a good school none of them were willing to be a part of that kind of horrible behavior
Some school traditions just suck and that’s one of them
So today I’ll be rooting for Notre Dame
Sorry about the rant
And if there are any OSU fans hanging around,
let me say for your sake that I’m sure there’s a lot more to the school than that and much of it is positive
But it’s not cool - still, more than a decade later - that my dad got treated that way
I am an OSU alumnus. I went there for academic reasons, and graduated with Latin and University honors. I grew up a casual NFL fan, and didn’t care about CFB. It is nearly impossible to spend undergrad there and not somewhat give a shit. I was a freshman the year they hired Tressel. I drove across the country with 8 friends to see the national championship against Miami. I repeated the trip a few years later with different friends and my brother against Florida. I jumped into mirror lake in freezing temperatures. My brother worked at the stadium which allowed me in to big games, like aforementioned Texas.
All that said. . . our fans are pretty shitty. When I was reading the above story I think that I may know some of the people. I audibly said “oh shit.” I was at a large party near the stadium at some of the worst things I ever saw were at that Texas game. Not that there aren’t terrible displays of behavior regularly. However, usually not spitting and beer throwing bad. Usually.
Now let’s say you have no opinion of either team. I am not going to sell you on OSU. I will tell you why Notre Dame sucks. They aren’t in a conference. They are routinely seeded higher than they deserve because of their NBC contract. Their fans are less white trash more elitist dickwads. Not to mention they get every Catholic as a defacto fan of theirs.
Go Bucks!
I agree that Notre Dame always gets seated higher than it should and always gets more attention than it deserves because of being so special in Notre Dame and all that
However in my family, Notre Dame was defeated once and for all by my dad back in 1943, 1944
here’s the deal
You know how Notre Dame has a real pretty campus and they got that real pretty gold dome and a bunch of other pretty buildings and they have the little lakes that ice over and the kids play hockey on them in the winter and the real pretty attractive place
Well it’s so happened that my dad was stationed in 1943 1944 before overlord in southern Illinois
he was in the army core and he was a fighter and transport pilot and more importantly he was a pilot trainer. His biggest job was teaching kids how to fly and not crash.
Then after the daytime spent doing that pee and all the other pilot writers flew stuff all around the country all night long and nobody can figure out when they slept, but somehow they lived through it at least until they got assigned to Europe
But you know those fly boys they’re hard to control and they can get a little bit restless
And every single one of them hated Notre Dame
Because they all had their favorite schools from wherever they came from and Notre Dame was the only national school then with the national fan base and it got way more attention and higher ratings than it deserve back then way worse than it is now
Even the base commander hated Notre Dame
Hating Notre Dame was a thing you did on the base.
so if you happen to be a pilot instructor taking the kids up and teaching them how not to crash you have to fly around
Sometimes you have to fly around in the rough direction of I don’t know I wish you or Michigan or Indiana or Notre Dame or Wisconsin. You just might have to fly around.
All the pilots were pretty much college kids who’s had gotten interrupted by Pearl Harbor.
And the pilots are all college football fans and so they go explore during their instruction hours with the trainee pilots.
Most of the schools they just flew around and pointing stuff out look there’s the horseshoe and all that
And most of those excursions just involvied admiring the scenery and making sure the training pilots didn’t crash and teaching them how to navigate and all that stuff
But that’s not kind of how those pilots behaved when they went to visit the golden dome
There were a few students left on the Notre Dame campus and when there were hockey games on those frozen lakes in progress and the pilot instructor showed up the pilot structures would kind of try to join the game from the air
This was not appreciated by the Notre Dame administration
Neither was the pilots habits of flying with their wing tips maybe 4 feet away from the golden dome or some other high up windows in one of the administration buildings and waving at the staff inside
And sometimes mysteriously school swag from some of the competitive schools got dropped on campus at Notre Dame
And Notre Dame would get upset and the men would call Washington and bitch sometimes and he knew which base the Flyers were coming from and would call the commander and complain
And the base commander would do this all shucks thing you know they’re just letting off steam no harm no foul
But I’ll tell him to cool it and stop doing that
Then the base commander would have a meeting of all the pilots on the base
Now y’all quit doing that it’s bad an accident can happen
so cool it for at least two or three weeks
That was the base commanders attitude. He never worried about what Notre Dame thought.
so as far as I’m concerned, my dad beat Notre Dame so thoroughly but it’s fine with me if they have a winning year now and then
in the end my dad remembered them very, very fondly because they put up with them because they had no choice
When I and my siblings were young maybe elementary school one year in summer my dad took us on the huge vacation and we went to the base and Illinois and we went to visit all the schools that he had buzzed as an army air core pilot
And he would show us in the stadium with the approach would be and what they do when they got there and
it was nice to see all those pretty stadiums. That’s when I first saw the horseshoe.
But for Notre Dame our family got a full two days and a walking tour where he described everything they’d done way back when
One more reason Notre a dame doesn’t bother me si much:
Remember 1969 if you’re old enough
This was 100 year of college football and all the players had insignia on their uniforms, indicating the hundredth year of college football
Right before the last game of the regular season there were three undefeated teams Penn State, who had had a soft schedule
And university of Arkansas and the University of Texas, who had both had very tough schedules
Roone Arledge at ABC had this brilliant idea that the last game of the regular season should settle the national championship given that Arkansas in Texas were at that time in the same conference
so he pulled strings and called Texas and called Arkansas and got them to reschedule the game for after every other regular season game two undefeated teams widely believed to be the best two teams in the country
Played in Fayetteville
oh yeah, I was watching
it was an absolutely heartbreaking game for Arkansas. They lost but just barely and they played beautifully.
it was a wonderful game for the University of Texas who completed their national championship run and who had respect for the Arkansas team who played so well
But the game was also heartbreaking for Texas as well because Freddy Steinmark was diagnosed with leg cancer and had to have his leg amputated
it turned out the cancer had already spread, and though he had a few good years and managed to get married he didn’t live very long just a few years after he got out of the University of Texas and today the scoreboard at the University of Texas is named after him
But the game was a circus not only because ABC had pulled out such a clue of getting the national championship effective game to be the last game of the regular season after every other game
it was 1969
The country was wild with as war, protest, and anti-racial protest
Bill Clinton was in a student at Arkansas.
All sorts of activist groups descended on Arkansas campus to protest all the hot button issues of 1969
in addition Richard Nixon was president and Richard Nixon was as serious as a college football fan as you could get
so president Nixon announced she would attend the game in Fayetteville and that meant all the protest that were planned just got that much bigger
he did attend in Texas one and he presented the winner of the game, which was Texas with a plaque saying they were the national champions in the hundred year college football
But this left out Penn State who did have an undefeated streak, even though there’s scheduled that year was soft.
so President Nixon gave them a consolation prize he gave them a plaque stating that in the hundredth year of college football they had the longest unbeaten untied winning streak
They weren’t exactly happy with the substitute plaque. They wanted to be considered the national champions.
But it turned out they were a bunch of cowards or something
Because the winner of the Arkansas Texas game who would be the other undefeated team was contractually bound to play in the Cotton Bowl on January 1 and the cotton bowl could invite any were the opponent who wasn’t already contractually bound elsewhere
so the Cotton Bowl committee did the sensible thing and invited Penn State to come play the winner of the Texas, Arkansas game and that would settle who is national champion on the field where it should be settled
But Penn State also had a big fat invitation to the orange bowl and to play there and party their heads off in Miami
And the team had a vote and voted Miami and I think they won that game. I forget who they played but nobody took them seriously as a contender for the national championship after that they had a chance to play for it and they had deliberately chosen not to.
so this left the Cotton Bowl committee, wondering who to invite to play against Texas in the Cotton Bowl
Notre Dame had always avoided ball games for decades, but somehow somebody persuaded them to give up their isolation stance and the first ball game. They played in after decades of being too good for ball games.
Was the cotton ball on January 1, 1970
And Texas beat them
And then Texas had no contenders for number one for the football year of 1969
so since Notre Dame came out of its isolation to play Texas and they lost. I have a hard time hating them as much as my dad did.
And they were well-behaved I gave them that
The game had some unexpected ripples down through the years for one thing the Arkansas Texas game the Texas barely won is considered to be one of them. I don’t know top 10 or top five college football games ever it was a heartbreaker.
it was so painful that neither the coaching staff nor the team ever watched the game tape even after 30 years they had not watched it. The game was too painful.
a book was written about the game. That’s pretty decent if you like college football.
Horns Hogs and Nixon Comimg
The title of the book is an obvious reference to the famous song Ohio from that era.
And there was a code to the game decades later I think in the 1990s or late 1980s
One of the players on the Arkansas team became an assistant football coach at UCLA. I think it was UCLA.
And every morning he would get up and go for a run and then he would go run to the locker room and take a shower and change clothes and start his workday
so one morning in the late 1980s or the early 1990s he’s doing his morning run around LA and he runs past a famous hotel
And his eyes kind of bulge a bit because what he sees is the very retired and elderly Richard Nixon and his Secret Service crew out for a walk in the early morning of Los Angeles
I think he met Richard Nixon at that game all those decades ago but that was just a handshake or something
And he wants to sort of go up and say hi but you don’t walk up to a president with his Secret Service people and you’re all sweaty in your running clothes and just say hi
so he walks up to one of the Secret Service guys and tells the Secret Service guy who he is and then he’d like to say hello to the president and he still remember the president attending that football game
This particular player didn’t approve of Nixon’s conducting office, but that has been over decades before so he’d put that behind him and Nixon was obviously quite frail at that point
Anyway the Secret Service guy goes up to the president and ask if he wants to talk to an assistant coach at UCLA who was on the Arkansas team in 1969 for that game in Fayetteville
And Richard Nixon suddenly tossed off all the years and lit up because he loved college football in a way that he loved nothing else ever
And so they re-introduce each other and shake hands and to the astonishment of the UCLA guy Richard Nixon starts giving him a play-by-play of the game. This is decades later.
Nixon remembers the players names. He remembers the place. He lights up and they talk about this in that aspect of the game.
And the UCLA guy could’ve stayed there all day and had that conversation. He was fascinated, but he had to get to work and so finally he excused himself and ran back to the campus to take a shower and change clothes and start work.
Before he left to the Secret Service guys, took him aside and said you don’t know, but you just made his day his week and his year
And he’s knowledgeable about college football as anybody who works at one of the networks or who writes a national famous column on it
so that story of the impromptu encounter is recounted in the book I mentioned
Anyway I don’t exactly root for Notre Dame
But given that Texas beat them on January 1, 1970 I’m OK with them
Especially since my dad got to see the golden dome up very close and personal from the outside without using a ladder
@f00l @KNmeh7 That was very long but I read every word. Fascinating!
@KNmeh7 @Kyeh
I dictated it. As usual, SIRI was so helpful.
For instance, I kept saying “bowl game”. And SIRI kept transcribing “ball game”
Oh well. Still a decent story about my Dad and his “defeat” of Notre Dame.
I was born in Ohio.
I grew up in Miami.
I live in Texas.
I apologize and disavow all connection with Ohio.
i grew up in ohio, went to THE Ohio State University, now live in ‘the state up north’. the championship almost made up for the loss to UofM AGAIN this year.
one of the Ohio State players interviewed after the game called it University of Ohio - lol. but without fail they all mentioned their success being due to their lord and savior Jesus Christ. felt a little awkward/cultish to me. and i consider myself a christian.
later heard a nortre dame player say he was glad that both teams were christian teams, something to that effect.
sorry about your dad’s experience. kinda wonder if it’s drunk students or locals that are more likely to act out in a bad way. the few can ruin the reputation of the many.
Younger bro has lived in Cinti for decades. Because he and his kids love college football, he’s been to games all over the area, even tho none usually of the teams are one of “his team” unless some Texas team comes up north to play.
His kids have also been to many college games. In Ohio and the surrounding states. In Virginia and the surrounding states (one of my nephews went to UVA)
And they would fly off to places to see other games elsewhere.
And they all (his other people who do similar agree) that OSU is traditionally somewhere between rude and extremely rude/hostile to visiting fans.
[Curiously, Notre Dame is very gracious to visiting teams and fans.]
I know OSU as a school has many virtues. But that portion of the various “student and fan traditions” needs to be gone for good.
I will support the University of Southern North Dakota at Hoople.