Today is Penguin Awareness Day. Jan 20
11Always be careful on this day. Penguins will randomly attack. Be aware. They might be hiding under your car, hiding under your mattress, waiting behind a closed door. Be prepared for random penguin attacks.
Don’t say you haven’t been warned. There is a reason Meh decided to sell penguin cutting knives on this day.
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I would like to invite the penguins over here to hang out. As long as I can pet and cuddle them!!!
Tee hee
@tinamarie1974 penguins are far too dangerous to hug. That’s why we need an awareness day.
@OnionSoup but, but, but they are sooooooo cute!!
/giphy penguins with knives

It’s a sign! I’m hauling out the old laptops. Mint, eh?Independence, here we come.

Well, it only took all day:
/showme a penguin sitting on a kitchen countertop unaware of a cat holding a chef’s knife behind it
Not enough “cat holding a chef’s knife”. Take #2 with a slight revision.
/showme a penguin sitting on a kitchen countertop unaware that a cat is holding a chef’s knife behind it
@narfcake that one is better!
/showme a penguin sitting in a roasting pan with a cat chef seasoning it
/showme a cat chef placing a roasting pan with a penguin in it into an oven
/showme a penguin sleeping on top of a bbq because it’s cold
Still too cold!
/showme a penguin sleeping on top of an open fire bbq because it’s cold
Something went terribly wrong. Please try again.
Fine. Same prompt again:
/showme a penguin sleeping on top of an open fire bbq because it’s cold
Not enough cold.
/showme a penguin sleeping on top of an open fire bbq because it’s cold and snowing
/showme a penguin about to dive into a pot of water that’s on top of a stove
@mediocrebot the chef penguin on top of the stove is an unusual subtlety. (The penguin in the roasting pan image).
/showme a cat reading a penguin cookbook
/showme a cat reading a cookbook on penguins
/showme a cat about to cook a penguin pizza
/showme a sad divorced penguin eating a meal alone
/showme a sad divorced penguin being served as a meal
/showme a cat hugging a penguin as if it’s a pet
@narfcake that looks a lot like one of my cats… But he would know better than to hug a penguin
@narfcake @OnionSoup
That’s right. The little f*ckers are vicious!
@chienfou @OnionSoup
/showme cat versus penguin staring contest
@chienfou @narfcake @OnionSoup
/showme honey badger versus penguin staring contest
Awww… Thanks for that! I love Opus.
@chienfou my favorite penguin, by far!
(Skip the spam at the end)
Breakfast anyone?

No way!
Penguibacon? Penguicon? Bakeguin?
/showme a cat chef baking a penguin cake
/showme bacon that’s shaped like a penguin
/showme penguin tacos
Hard shell? That’s not a real taco!
/showme tacos with a penguin inside of it
@mediocrebot That’s too freaking adorable. Not the carnage I was hoping for.
/showme beef, shrimp and penguin fajitas
@mediocrebot Clearly mediocrebot is in denial that penguins are not only dangerous, but they’re edible.
/showme polar bears preparing some beef, shrimp, and penguin fajitas
Doesn’t quite understand penguins or fajitas, does it?
/showme polar bears preparing beef, shrimp, and penguin burritos
/showme penguins wrapped in a burrito
Looks cozy!