Bon Voyage Aero Collection 3-Piece Luggage Set

  • A 28" suitcase, a 24" suitcase, and a 20" carry-on for 200 bucks less than the manufacturer wants you to pay
  • Sleek, simple design
  • Hard-sided and durable as all hell
  • Can it make a margarita: No, but it can give you peace of mind sitting next to you while you drink a terrible margarita at a Chili’s Too
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What we have here is a nice hard-sided luggage set. You get a 28" suitcase, a 24" suitcase, and a 20" carry-on. All for about 200 less than the manufacturer would charge you.

So, should you get it?

That depends. Do you need luggage?

Then buy it!

On the other hand: do you already have luggage?

Then buy it!

Here’s the thing: the luggage you have? It’s probably getting old. Even if it’s not actively falling apart, it’s likely a bit scuffed, a little torn, the zippers jam sometimes, the wheels don’t always roll as smoothly as you want them to, et cetera.

What’s more, you’ll only remember all of this when you take the luggage out and start packing for a trip. Then you’ll be like, “Dammit, I really shoulda bought that good luggage Meh was selling for super cheap. Then, I’d have a nice new hard-sided piece to take with me.” But you’ll tell yourself, “That’s okay, though. This will be this bag’s last ride. As soon as another set of luggage shows up at a steep discount, I’ll buy that.”

But actually, you won’t.

Because you don’t use your luggage often enough for all the problems to stay top-of-mind. And even if you do–use it often, we mean–it doesn’t matter. It’s not in the weeks and months following a trip that you forget all these issues. It happens much sooner than that. As soon as you get through airport security, check your watch, and see you have plenty of time to dilly-dally before take-off–that’s the exact moment when your memory voids itself of all the pre-trip-preparation stress.

Hence, our initial point. Whether you need new luggage or don’t, you should buy some new luggage. After all, you’ll be hard-pressed to find it this cheap anywhere else.

Get it? Hard pressed? Because it’s hard-sided?

Well, we tried.

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