Today's SideDeal

6-Pack: Keeps Extra Strength 5% Minoxidil for Men Topical Foam

  • Slows down hair loss and even helps hair grow back
  • The bottles claim it’s only for the fellas, but women say otherwise
  • Usually a lot pricier than this
  • Is it Mac-compatible: Unfortunately, your sleek MacBook Air will remain forever hairless
see more product specs

Grow For It

We sold this Minoxidil Topical Foam once before. Just to recap, it helps prevent hair loss and even helps hair grow back. You have two options for application: liquid or foam like we’re selling today. The foam is considered more comfortable, less irritating, and easier to apply. Plus it works as a styling product. Also, it’s more expensive. Unless you buy from us.

And last time, a fair number of you did just that. What’s more, you provided some great feedback in the comments.

First off, there’s this basic ‘it works!’ comment from @njhuber:

If anyone has doubts on the effectiveness of this, I can say about 5 years ago I started using it, along with Finasteride, and I couldn’t be 100% which one is working better or if it really is the combination of both or not, but I got a ton of my hair back, I went from a thinning horseshoe pattern to just moderately thin hair, but 5x more of it.

Elsewhere, @nobile asked a question we’re embarrassed we didn’t address ourselves: can it work for women too? In response, @fondaporn thoroughly outlined her own Minoxidil application strategy and generally sung its praises:

If you are devastated about losing so much of your hair like I was, doing this once a day is not even a bother to get the results I got. I would say I got at least half of the hair that I lost back.

@timsthebomb, meanwhile, provided a helpful tidbit about using it for growing facial hair:

Take with a grain of salt, but I couldn’t grow a beard until I used twice daily monoxidil and a twice a week micro roller. I assumed I was going to stay beardless until in my 30’s a trans coworker managed some facial hair that put mine to shame. I figured I might as well try, and lo and behold it’s not magic, just chemistry and consistency. Now I’ve got a full face of whiskers.

In short: this stuff works, and usually it’s not this cheap. So buy it if you need/want it.

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  • 87833 of you visited.
  • 40% on a phone, 1% on a tablet.
  • 2980 clicked meh
  • on this deal.

And you bought...

  • 723 of these.
  • There’s still some left.
  • That’s $20303 total.
  • (including shipping)

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