2-for-Tuesday: AwoX StriimLIGHT Bluetooth LED Speaker Lights
- You get a pair of Bluetooth speakers that screw into lightbulb sockets
- Oh, yeah, they actually are remote-control lightbulbs, too
- Choose the big ones with 10W speakers and 475 lumen bulbs, or the little ones with 3W speakers and 100 lumen bulbs
- Speakers have a one-to-one Bluetooth connection limit, so unfortunately you can’t string them together into some kind of wall of sound. Or should that be ceiling of sound? In any case, you can’t do that, is what we’re saying
- But you can use one remote for multiple bulbs, so you got that going for you, which is nice
- Model: SLM-B3, SL-B10 (not wild about that awkward differently-placed hyphen in these two numbers, but coming from people who think “AwoX StriimLIGHT” is a cool name, we’re just relieved the model numbers aren’t just strings of emojis)
Thanks for the ideas, and the day off.
The last couple of times we sold these, we gave them away to people who posted great ideas for what to do with them in our forum. Well, good ideas. OK, fine, almost any ideas.
Now here’s where all those free bulbs pay off. Instead of putting some effort into writing a piece here of actual merit and distinction, we can just copy/paste your ideas into a long list and enjoy a long, leisurely “wet” lunch. Oh, and maybe you’ll find these ideas helpful and enticing, so, like, bonus or whatever:
- white noise bedside light
- bathroom humiliation system
- household grilling alert system
- baby monitor kludge
- remote spousal alarm clock
- kids’ room intercom
- “assistive device for those with dementia, hemineglect, or other neurological conditions”, sure, if you say so
- at-home elevator simulator
- terribly convoluted car dome light/speaker
- terribly convoluted walkie-talkie
- Real Genius reenactor
- My Two Dads reenactor
- “Dueling Banjos” reenactor
- “Who’s on First?” reenactor
- kitchen recipecasting
- no turntables and no microphone DJ battles
- cat tormentor
- another cat tormentor
If you’d like to win your own free AwoX StriimLIGHT… you can’t. Too late. We’re not giving them away this time. It really feels like we’ve scraped right through the bottom of the barrel on clever uses for these things. But if you’d like to prove us wrong in the forum, please do. Maybe we can treat ourselves to another long lunch one of these days.