Other site's April Fool's day pranks
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Youtube launched Snoopavision
On Google, if you hover over "I'm Feeling Lucky" you'll get some other thing. Like "I'm feeling hungry" or "I'm feeling curious"
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I can't get the Google thing to work. I'm actually surprised they didn't put a doodle or something fun on their homepage.
Edit: Looks like it doesn't work in FF. Works in Chrome, tho.
http://www.thinkgeek.com/ has a few joke products. However I do sort of wish this one was real:
@MrMark I would totally buy the Star Trek white noise machine haha
@MrMark I would replace every "dont flip this switch" I see with that
Apparently Google tried to do something funny in Gmail, but it backfired terribly. "Mic drop".
Hot Topic has a Golden Girls line

Woot is being unshitty with $5 all month shipping.
@narfcake but they are also being shitty with their "bidet" theme today
@narfcake Woot is also offering bidets in every category except wine. Apparently some things are sacred. -edit- No, the top menu says 'wine' but the mouseover says 'winebidet!'
@OldCatLady mmmm, bidet wine lol
@OldCatLady I think that's what the college kids call "butt chugging"
@Moose had to look it up in urban dict:
"butt chugging
Having an intoxicant enema, the main purpose of which is to bypass the vomiting reflex, though it also causes the active ingredients to be absorbed faster, for more fun and greater tissue damage. Apparently Mayan priests used to do this with mixtures of alcohol and powerful tropical hallucinogens, and the ones who survived often had strange insights, now sadly lost to us."
...and filed under "Things we wish were pranks"
Dead 7 on SyFy tonight
NSYNC and Backstreet Boys Team Up To Fight Zombies
Hulu "launched" HuluDatr to find a soul mate.
@KDemo Not far fetched, actually: http://www.arboristsite.com/community/threads/chainsaw-meat-cutters.33472/
@narfcake - Sounds like a nightmare though.
Oh, this insurance is perfect:
Hamburger helper launched a rap album:
@hollboll - Couldn't get it to play, but reviews say it's all right.
@hollboll This is the greatest thing.
@hollboll, don't let @snapster see this one.
Poster for next Star Wars movie
Shout out to the #brands that didn't do elaborate April Fools pranks, maybe just a discount code for the day or nothing at all. I appreciate you not making me want to punch anybody in the face today.
(except Meh of course, where I always expect shenanigans)
I think Pornhub won. (link is to screencap, not to the actual beast)
Someone posted that screencap and there I was, at my desk wheezing and spewing tears and praying to everything holy my boss did not come back there and ask me what was funny.