@dave simple, use one at each end of the room so when ones goes to investigate where the fart sound actually came from, simply play the sound at the other end of the room. They'll go crazy trying to figure out how the fart sounds are moving around the room!
At first, I thought the buy button read "20-30 for $2" and almost felt a tiny distant spark of interest, like a faint glimmer deep in the cold night sky of desire.
Hm. Lazy person's surround sound? Stick it in a couple of stand lamps I have behind the couch, sync it to the TV's sound system, and you have meh surround sound (let's be honest, it's more about having the sound evenly around you than the quality of the sound. I can't hear behind me super well anyway, but I can tell the difference between surround and unidirectional!)
I would use these as a 2 way front door intercom. So when someone rang my doorbell i would connect to the porch light and give them obscure instructions for entry.
@bul209 Similar to my idea to have speakers on the the front porch to greet Trick-or-Treaters on Halloween. Have creepy Halloween sounds and music playing to scare the little "Treaters" a little.
Seriously I suggested this last time and it got nothing but I am going say it again. I would put the bulb in a lap hidden in a closet in my spare bedroom and play the audio to the soulfully sweet sounds of soft pillow talk and dull grunts so when I have company stay over for the night it would sound like my neighbors in the apartment next door are getting it on all night
This is begging the be put out in a porch light fixture to mess with: trick-or-treaters, solicitors, the mailman, my mother-in-law, whoever delivers my meh.com orders, and all those people about to show up at my door begging me to vote for their candidate!
Just for the sake of completionism, if I had two of these, I would invest six screwdrivers, four cameras, and four beers into tearing into their silly little innards.
These would make a great CAT CONFUSER! You send a bird noise through one somewhere in the room and then once the cat thinks it knows where it came from send it from the other to confuse it: Repeat until Desired Effect is reached.
I would use two to make an awesome sound array. I have two phones, with two speaker bulbs I can rock Funky Town with both devices. My basement will never be the same.
I got one of the big ones as a prize last time, and i still use it every night. Maybe i have a tin ear, but the audio quality seems fine, comparable to some other bluetooth speakers put up here. Suits us fine for a white noise generator, and when i wanna listen to some music in the bedroom
@SSDDR Same here; totally agree. The audio quality was much better than I was expecting, and the light was more than ample for a reading lamp. I'm thinking about going in for another two tonight.
First one i got makes for a pretty nice bluetooth speaker in my home office. I wanted it as an outdoor speaker while grilling & entertaining in the backyard. Could also be nice for halloween music on the front porch or practical jokes elsewhere.
I thought maybe I'd try again to come up with a clever usage (my idea for using them in conjunction with a Clapper didn't do it), but I realized the only thing I would do with these is fiddle around with them for half an hour, then take them to Goodwill. So I think I'll save my current idea in order to potentially save a trip to Goodwill.
You could do a karaoke party with one speaker playing the music and the other hooked up to a microphone so that you get a cool music system for cheap, plus you can aim the light at the jamming crowds for a dope dance party. Or just put them in separate rooms.
@Ipster731 All right, I'm not even exactly sure how this would work, but it seems vaguely feasible, so I'm sending a couple lights your way to try it out.
@dave Since it's a two-fer, the perfect use would be one in the refrigerator and one in the freezer - and of course they would both play "Weird Al" Yankovic's Eat It every time someone opened either door.
Nothing because the only thing less useful than a 400 lumen light bulb is a 100 lumen light bulb. Also, LEDs should be putting out ~100 lumens per Watt. These are about as efficient as incandescent bulbs.
Dueling bulbs. You put them in side-by-side lights (perhaps with different color shades or a colored filter under them) and ~entertain everyone~ drive everyone crazy by having little music selection wars. You'd be using the remotes like the fairies used their wands in Disney's Sleeping Beauty. And each speaker would be connected to a different audio source.
And like a swift kick to the genitals, Twofer Tuesday and @studerc are back in action. Again we find ourselves at the corner of impulsivity and temptation as we near that janky ass pawn shop on the wrong end of town. As we turn the corner we can't help but notice that all the lights in the street have been converted to these Striim lights. The typically dark and dreary alley is suddenly emblazoned in a rainbow of color. It's actually quite impressive and beautiful. Suddenly Twofer Tuesday appears decked out in some strange mother fucking lab coat. Lazy as she is, she has taken it upon herself to adopt all of the suggestions from last time as her own and is now begging @Dave to give her more by stealing all the ideas. Yea...what a total piece of fucking shit, but what would you expect....she is blaring Nickelback from all her speaker lights. She is the definition of terrible. So come up with some stellar ideas for @Dave so he sends lights to you instead of Twofer Tuesday because ain't nobody got time for that!
Suggestion: create a lighting system that tells my wife that the grilled food is almost done so I don't have to run inside and then burn the food.
@studerc Sorry to hear you were in the hospital, but hopefully you are on the mend. Maybe you should steer clear of that janky ass pawn shop for a while :-)
Well, if they can only link to one source at a time, I suppose the best thing to do is to use them to see how similar songs sound to each other by playing them at the same time. Like, in the car earlier today, the radio station starting playing "Roundabout" by YES, and I thought the same thing I always do, which is "can the lyrics to "Love Machine" by the Miracles be sung to this song?" With two speakers, I could find out without knowing the lyrics, which would be nice because I don't know the lyrics.
Hook up a Monoprice bluetooth splitter (yes, it'll pair two of these) to a Chromecast Audio and do a multi room broadcast system! Or, put two as outside lights during Halloween to play music or scare Trick or Treaters.
I live in a duplex with my best friend. I could have one installed in each home and pair it with each other's phone. With that, instant intercom for the whole two family house.
So I originally wanted to use one in the kitchen but realized after my big one arrived last time that I don't have any light sockets in the kitchen (florescent everywhere in there... It is my next project) so I was going to put it next to my bed like someone else suggested but it won't fit in my nightstand lamp because it is too big. So so far I have yet to try it out. If I had 2 small ones I would put one by my bed, one in my desk lamp and give my big one to my sister for her to try and find a place for!
I still believe that these would be a great in a light fixture above a booth/table at a restaurant. Sure, the pairing would be a b*tch, and there would (should) be limitations on explicit content and volume (depending on the establishment)... It would beat the boring 'ol elevator music played at most places I stuff my fat face at. Another application: an elevator?!
My fiancee would give her sister one, then sneak the second into her bathroom. While we're up visiting, she'd make the other one play different, louder music.
I would be more likely to rig them up with Raspberry Pi 3s. Sure, you could make both play the same stream that way. You could ALSO remote control them to seem like a sound (rodent, whispers, water dripping, dying smoke alarm battery, etc.) is moving around.
Half of the basement floor in my new house has these wood slat floor things and I'm in the middle of running LED strips under them for the ultimate dance floor. These speaker lights might be the perfect addition.
Dinner with the extended family. One bulb over the kids' table, playing whatever it is kids listen to these days. The other at the adult table, rockin' out the 80s hair bands.
I would use them to scare my neighbor kids when they come over. They are sure there are ghosts in the house. This would secure they truly believed and help me listen to music in the shower on a side not.
Run Abbott and Costello dialogue through them with one in each of the table lamps on either end of the couch- Abbott's part through one, and Costello's part through the other.
@PhysAssist Who's On First player sounds hilarious. Maybe even moreso because of the struggle to get it linked up with two phones somehow. Two lights on their way!
I would put them in the kids rooms and point them at the beds like spot lights. Then when they start gettin out of line at bed time, I flip on the light and make noises like its a prison break. Idk how effective it'd be but it sounds like fun
I'd pop both of these big boys in each of my bathrooms. Who needs a Bluetooth shower speaker to sing my heart out with, when these are a lot cheaper and you get two! Irk duets here I come!!! Everything I do! I do it for youuu
On a conference call and feel the need for a shower? No problem: Just route your phone's sound output to the bathroom light and take your shower without missing a second of this all important business call. Input doesn't matter since you are on mute anyway.
Now that the Raspberry Pi 3 is out and has built-in Bluetooth, 2 Raspberry Pi 3s plus 2 small microphones plus 2 connected lights at opposite ends of the house equals 1 weird home intercom system!
During the brief overlap of the hockey and baseball season, I can listen to the Cardinals and the Blues at the same time! Fortunately, since the Rams departure, this will work with just two speakers.
@japanerd I promise I'm not just sending you lights because you're a fellow Cardinals / Blues fan, but it didn't hurt. I like the dual-sports broadcasts!
@magicjamesv This is a terrible idea that almost certainly wouldn't work, but I appreciate the work you put into the Photoshop, so you've got two lights on their way.
A couple blue filters and some motors to tilt them back and forth, stick 'em behind a sofa with each playing a wave soundtrack slightly offset. Keep the tuff-stuff handy as guests get sea sick all over the couch.
Get Two old lamps from goodwill, plug in the bulbs, pair them to a phone and tablet. Now download the album "Aqualung" by Jethro Tull wwith its quadraphonic sound intact. Split into two separate stereo tracks, and play at the same time. NOW THATS ROCK AND ROLL DONE RIGHT!!!! FLUUUUTE SOLOOOOO
2 dudes, 2 lightbulb cords, 1 heavy duty fog machine. One light playing epic Star Wars music, the other playing lightsaber noises. Yes, that is what I would most definitely do.
A few years ago I got my grandparents on each side of the family an iPad mini. It's mostly a FaceTime/Skype machine for them but they love it because they get to talk to and see my brothers and I much more often now. I should mention they live in Europe while my brothers and I are in California.
So I figure, give each grandma a bluetooth LED speaker light, hook it up to their iPad mini - lights, speaker, camera, action!
To do with two? Halloween. Front door. Scar your/someone's children for life. Because it is Halloween and if it is someone else's kid(s) then you aren't liable for the permanent emotional/mental damage inflicted. I mean, "TRICK or Treat!" Those brats will have enough treats, it is time that they were taught a lesson for those balls in my yard, frisbees on the roof, and walking on my grass.
So put two of the bulbs pointed upward and outward from the door base. Have those sweet ass hi-fi bluetooth speakers synced up to you and your partner's cell phones ready to go with whatever loud, soul rattling, heart pounding, shit inducing, noise.
With remote in pocket and drenched in warm pig's blood jump out, activating sounds and lights, lunging at said target(s). Be sure no physical contact is made to protect your interests. As the blood drains from their faces, and the putrid smell of fresh shit lingers in the air cut the lights and lunge one last time. Proceed to chase victim(s) from door area. Do not enter road. Next. Hide. Don't answer your door. When the cops leave and everyone has went to bed. Creep out of your hiding spot, take a shower, burn all evidence but those magnificent blubs, and oversleep the next morning. When the cops stop by to chat play ignorant. When all said and done there is no evidence to detain you and I am sure your home will live on in legends past down generation after generation. Now your grass can grow free. No more shingles torn from your roof by a plastic disc of death. No more faded rubber inflated balls trampling your roses.
I go overboard decorating for Halloween. I'd use one of these to play spooky ambient sounds/music in one of my porch lights and the other I would use to play audiobooks of Vincent Price telling spooky stories in another porch light.
I have a home theater system in my living room, which also has three torch lamps. With remote controlled lights I could finally stop getting up from my comfy couch to turn off the lights when firing up the projector! Now all I would have to do is find something to do with all three of those spare calories...
My boss constantly leaves his office open and unattended. He is also terrified of the sound of the mini quad copters that some work mates and I got on here a couple months ago because my work buddy flew it into his head. It would be hilarious to replace his desk light with one of these and watch what happens as we play the quad copter's sound while he's working. We'd probably get him a couple times before he even knew what was happening!
@donovancrane It's a little scary how many of these ideas are basically torture devices but let's give it a try. I'm not responsible for anyone getting fired, but here's two lights!
When waking up / getting dressed in the morning, you can have one bulb playing music and the other playing motivational audio tapes. They'll be telling you how awesome you are of course. Haha.
Add it outside. I live in big urban areas with lots of foot traffic. Have my light hidden and use the camera to see what rando is walking buy and yell stuff at them.
I mean, I MIGHT be in the market for a couple low profile sneaky talking light fixtures to spice up office life. One in the kitchen to make folks second guess their lunch choices...or maybe two in that one jackanape's office so we can have God and Devil Radio chattering back and forth, slowly, tinnily driving them insa...to...greater levels of productivity...yes, that.
Or, y'know. Epic bluetooth dueling banjo lightshow.
I would connect it to my home automation system and have my house announce as well as flash the lights when I get my mail, when the laundry is done, welcome me when I arrive home, you get the idea.
When I throw a party, I'd use it to shine it on my little brother while I lock him in the basement. Like a cat, he freezes under bright light. It'll make sure to keep the little stinker from snitchin' in the morning to my parents.
I would remake the movie Barbarella with Lady Gaga in the title role and in her frontal costume she would have these two lights shining and playing music to transfix her enemies.
I'd love to say I have some creative use for two of these but I don't. If I had them I'd definitely use them in my new baby's room to blast some Queen Rockabye Baby! tunes and give him a cool light to look at. And when one died I'd have a spare for backup! 😁
Without reading through the million other suggestions, my one thought where these could be useful is at work. We have an intercom system where the front desk tells us our patients have arrived. Several of the intercoms no longer work and are too antiquated to fix. So someone has to spend time phoning the individual departments which is kind of a pain in the ass. Having these lights might make it easier to notify us that we have patients.
I'd pair them an always-on computer. When any person comes in Bluetooth or WiFi range and their phone is detected trying to connect to my network, I'd have the lightbulbs alternate shouting, "Intruder Alert" and "I'm sorry, Dave, but I can can't do that".
@uncleop Coding up something to detect when a phone is trying to connect is over my head, but if you can do it, I'd like to see it. Two lights heading your way.
You're listening to that recipe in the kitchen, but then have to go to that dark corner of the basement to get an ingredient from the freezer. The second speaker is down there lighting the way and reminding you why you're there.
My lighting arrangement in my shower is not that great where I live - I usually have to turn all the lights on just to see. I could set this up on the ceiling or something so I can see while I shower, listen to an audiobook to feel more productive, and get savings on my electric bill, all at the same time!
Now you can have soundtracks for more rooms of your house. Latin dance music for the kitchen, and uh, crud. Relaxing music where you sleep? Elevator music in the Bathroom? I lost it. Maybe some fun on holidays by setting up season-appropriate music near the front door. Really, I just want constant dance music in my kitchen, I'll have to figure out which other room needs constant music. In my heavy D&D days, epic soundtracks in the game room would have worked, but not so much now.
The stereo my car is busted, so I'm thinking an inverter Plus a small lamp plus this bulb plus my phone would equal a decent sound system to get me by on my commute to work
i'd put them up in my workout room and stream my blood pumping tunes to them, while the light creates the perfect shadows on my glistening muscleage for me to admire.
My thought is since I have two garage doors I could put one in each opener and have a pi always playing something horrible so when either my wife or I come home we can enter the house knowing or toddler will be dancing to the horrible music
She had bad taste in music... Hopefully she grows of if it soon, because I can't take any more theme songs or atmospheric Electronica... So don't know how she got that playing 😵
I own a small retail store in a shopping plaza that has an overhang over the front of the store. I would put both bulbs out front and use them with my outdated iPad1 and my outdated iPod Touch and play annoying holiday music through one and bark out specials through the other. "Hey you, come shop here - yeah you in the red jacket".
I have 2 porch light fixtures. I would put a mini light in each fixture and then play the airport dialogue from the moving "Airplane" every time someone rings the bell. The women's dialogue through one light the man's dialogue through the other. "The red zone is"....."No, the white zone"
A pair of these would be great to have in our barn! The kids hate going down to feed when it's late because they're "scared". Lights & music might make it easier to get them to do it without all the complaining. Plus, the cows seem to love music, they might make the "moo'd" in the barn a little more relaxed!
"Two coming your way" - so that's it! The practical-joke-enhanced Meh: buy a truly Meh item and have it gifted and delivered to another Meh user. Like giving 'em a gift card, but something totally Meh instead. Or like a fruitcake, but at any time of Meh. How many bluebulbs or microwavable potato chip makers would arrive on an unsuspecting doorsteps?
Door knobs. If I could figure a way to replace the brass knobs with these lights, I'll never have to wonder where the door is while wandering at night or have trouble navigating the restroom.
Two lights+ 2 light outlet adapters + hard Hat + 2 extension cords + 2 phones + duct tape = best thing ever to wear while mowing the lawn....as if my neighbors don't think I'm already crazy enough.
How 'bout using these as a musical rapper game?!? Bouncing ol' rap beats between the speakers...a hip, a hop, you don't stop...bang bang boogie to be...and when the music stop the one not twirling spinning on the ground has to break dance & moonwalk in their undies outside in front of the neighbors house!
I would use them on Halloween, use them to light up a decoration, and then scare kids with screams from the light. Two lights means twice as much terror.
I would wait until my friend was really drunk, then have someone use a voice changer and tell him that God is displeased with him all the while feigning ignorance at the voice in the room. I would also do the same thing in the bathroom with the second one where he would most certainly go to empty all the beer he's stored. Damn, I really want to mess with him now!
They say you should play music for your plants. I would set the small ones in my security lights over the garden to turn on and play you are my sunshine every time someone walks by.
We have a pendant light that we have to keep replacing the switch on. The speaker light would give us a remote light switch--no more replacing broken switch. Plus I can play "Reveille" every morning to wake up my teenagers. They are going to hate me!
When those clipster Bluetooth speakers were around I hid them around the house to scare the wife. She destroyed the one in the bathroom drawer after I played soudbytes I found from babadook. I'm hoping to do more of the same thing with the lights, if they could play sound after switching the lights off even better.
I would place them around in a couple places around the house and pair them to my fiancee's phone. Then I would set them as her trusted devices so she never needs a password, only to randomly turn off the light she's nearest so she can never figure out why her phone keeps locking itself!
A Raspberry Pi 3 hooked up near each light and on the same network. Have them scan for your phone/smartwatch, and play in-house music/notifications to the nearest one.
I could probably even whip up a reminders system: "As long as you're downstairs, bring up the laundry!"
The perfect way to warn people that the British are coming - one if by land, two if by sea - and with the remote control, you wouldn't have to climb all those stairs at the Old North Church. Plus, you could pump up Paul Revere by the Beastie Boys through the speakers, which is a great way to get hyped up for a midnight ride. ``
@jmbunkin I owned 1. Worked ok for about a day. I had it in my hallway can fixture so I could have some tunes while getting ready in the morning. OK sound, nothing spectacular, when it worked. Seemed to have trouble staying connected to my iPhone FWIW.
Noise? Lights? Remote toggling? Obviously the only reasonable course of action for one who owns two of these is to recreate that scene from Fututama where Bender converses with the flickering lights that are God. For optimal results multiple sets may be required.
Well, I find myself in the unique position of having a spouse who is a working medical examiner for the county, and a best friend who is a practicing psychic (crystal ball, tarot cards, whole 9 yards).
So I didn't know about all y'all, but I plan to sneak one into each prospective office, sneak a microphone into the office opposite, and set up a streaming server (note that said server could have the deliriously-hysterical side effect of also providing the ability to stream video of the consequences, ideally to these forums, Reddit, Slahsdot, etc., presupposing some of those WebCams come up again soon).
So I guess what I would do with them is already sort of decided. Instead, I'll answer the question thusly: should get another get shipped my way, I suppose I can put it in the fixture in my bedroom and actually enjoy some LED lighting and smooth jazz, preferably kept just loud enough to drown out the sound of my spouse's and best friend's death threats.
I would use them in my haunted garage to scare the trick-or-treaters. We don't answer the door and hand out candy. Oh no. We open the garage door, make it look creepy, and make the kids walk into the back of a strangers garage. Then we scare the crap out of them so they run screaming from the house. Voices from the ceiling? Fantastic! So when are you guys planning to sell black panel vans?
Replace the back patio lights with these! With close neighbors, it'll keep the volume down by having them pointed to the ground (unlike most speakers) and no "passing the aux cable" every time someone wants you to hear that new jam they've discovered.
These are totally parent to teen communication devices, put one in each bedroom, they can no longer ignore my texts... Just listen to mom's voice..... Mwaahaahaa! Torture at its finest! May even get them out of bed and away from the mirror, miracle device? Quite possibly, I think I would like to try!
"Each speaker can only connect to one sound source, and vice versa, so it's not like you can get some awesome array of speakers going at once, unfortunately"
So, they won't both connect monaurally to a single blootooth stream?? Meh, meh meh meh, MEH!
Mine worked great... for about a day. Meh ended up refunding me since the manufacturer wouldn't do anything about it. The light bulb part still works but the bluetooth speaker constantly cut out and wouldn't stay connected.
Now all I need is some kind of bluetooth device that will turn my 1980's tape recorder into a 2016 retro tape recorder with blue tooth! Can I use these to emit sounds like "Help Me" in my Escape Room...?
Use these in lamps in the room where I do yoga. Hook one up to each of my old iphones. Nice Birds chirping on one and soft wave sounds in the other. Instant relaxing yoga on the beach - in my living room.
I would use the to play some music when bringing home a date . The first one to play some romantic music while on the couch, then move on the bed room use the remote to turn off the light and play some Marvin Gay . . . . Cheesy
I can always place the bulbs in the shop lights you plug with the long cord to work under your car/truck. Always sucks trying to run the car radio with the door open dining that you left your keys in the ignition.
Dual casket spot lights at a funeral home for calling hours. Sighs on the one over the head of the casket and encorperating the fart sounds on the one over the foot of the casket. Bluetooth fun at calling hours.
Perfect for use as a bluetooth controled nightlight and music player / white noise machine for kids room. I could even wrap the front of it so it could project favorite cartoon characters. Now how does this use two bulbs you ask? That's the genius part, I have two kids, muhahaha...
Perfect for keeping my cat entertained: wife's phone intermittently playing the sound of rats scrabbling across cardboard boxes in one room, my phone intermittently playing the sound of a bird flapping helplessly in the room across the hall.
Alternately, leave the kids with the mother-in-law while an MP3 plays 90 minutes of silence followed by a THUMP and a whispered "Quiet, you fool!" on one bulb, and the across the hall plays 93 minutes of silence followed by a loud scream...
Finally!! With these, my kids can use their Bluetooth-enabled phones to talk to each other like they were walkie-talkies! They just have to hang out next to lamps, less than 100ft apart... in direct line of sight. It'll be the most fun they've ever had with their smartphones!
And, when they're not using them, I can finally work on that 2 Chainz/Mozart mash-up I've been trying to perfect without a mixer or DJ software.
That sound that travels infectiously around a playground, or Target, or restaurant, when any kid hears another start saying it. That sound that was funny a couple of times a long, long time ago.
Anyways, Stagger the sound by a beat and put the speakers on two sides of a room. Crank it up! Stick your kids in there for a few minutes, and I imagine they will stop making that sound forever. :D
Put them in the Dungeon/play room/Red room of pain. Different tops can play their own music instead of hearing the dreaded NIN incessantly through the entire space. One for the suspension point, one for the flogging station.
Bluetooth Repeater (of sorts) - Put a song on using one bluetooth speaker and within earshot of that one set up your phone on speakerphone to call another phone that is set up to play sound through the second speaker light. You will get the same music with only a slight delay broadcast miles apart.
Alternatively, you could use the same song started at different times in the same room for a good Counterpoint music jam. Counterpoint NYTimes Link
It might be cool to try some Echo integration. Like, using ITTT, have one turn on during a flash briefing, and another during music playback. Or using home automaton, light one up from another room when the garage door opens (all this assumes one can simulate the remote control signals).
Put one into the light sitting on our end table and play Werner Herzog soundbytes about the destructiveness of capitalism through it, and then just put the other one on the table in front of it next to a portrait of Nietzsche.
is it too late!? I would put one of these in my chicken coop, on a timer so I can wake them up before they wake me up. The other I would use to play soothing music to the goats... or just so I can have music while Im taking care of them!
I use one in my garage door opener light so I can bridge from car to home when Radiolab (NPR) has something really interesting playing. Also great for when I'm doing stuff in the garage.
Plug them into the extendo-arm-style beside lamp I have. Aim both directly at my pillow. Program an alarm to play an obnoxious sound through the speakers when I need to wake up in the morning, and turn on the first light. If I hit snooze, the second light turns on after the interval, and the volume begins to increase.
Bonus points: Program this via the new Raspberry Pi and somehow use that put the physical off switch across the room or down the hall in the bathroom.
...and then we wait and see how long it takes me to annoy the roommates with this contraption because I'll still probably sleep through at least the first couple alarms.
I have two small dogs that like to sleep with me but whom I cannot sleep with (I can't sleep with them because I am afraid I am going to turn over and squash one). With these, I can place them over their bed (which is in a different room) and talk to them, allowing them to fall asleep thinking I am in the same room with them. Wonderful!
I could set up a stage in my basement and act out reproductions of broadway shows! The lights could be the stage lights, one playing the music, the other with lines by my co-stars since I have no friends..... It's a lonely life :(
Remote included with the Mini works on the Original and vice versa
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year Awox
Estimated Delivery: 3/9 - 3/11
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
2x LED light with Bluetooth speaker
2x Remote control with batteries
Mini retail box
They don’t talk to each other
Price Comparison
$39.98 for two Minis at Amazon (31 reviews, fulfilled by Amazon)
$64.36 for two Originals at Amazon (fulfilled by Amazon)
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 days
Decent? Concept is sort of screwy
@Stallion Don't thread on me.
@Stallion Yeah, but imagine the potential haunted house applications!
Speak lightly about this deal tonight - bright deal indeed
Perfect for a hidden remote fart machine!
@bobrhoades Figure out some way this requires you to use two lights and you might have something here.
@dave remote farting in stereo?
@dave Can light above a can below in a guest bath.
@dave simple, use one at each end of the room so when ones goes to investigate where the fart sound actually came from, simply play the sound at the other end of the room. They'll go crazy trying to figure out how the fart sounds are moving around the room!
@bobrhoades Ok, roaming farts gets you a couple lights. (That's not a sentence I expected to type.)
@dave woohoo!
This mehs so hard I think I just pulled something.
Buyer Beware, I have gotten 2 B10's DOA
Not to be that guy but I'm second guessing my VMP after the recent offerings.
Maybe this is just build up to a mega-ultra Fuku supreme?
@RedOx Idk, a Fuku just went out Around Vakentines, but then again I've learned to never trust unpredictable Meh
@RedOx I think they should give all the VMP people a FUKU....
At first, I thought the buy button read "20-30 for $2" and almost felt a tiny distant spark of interest, like a faint glimmer deep in the cold night sky of desire.
I still don't get it
"We have a ton of bluetooth chips and leds, what are we gonna do with all these bluetooth chips and leds...."
@Lotsofgoats Hey, you're still goat!
@narfcake don't believe the hype
I know what I'm going to do with them. Nothing. Because I'm not going to buy them. Not even for free. Thanks for the meh to click, though!
I think a pair would be great musical headlights for a car-based loveseat. Like My Two Dads had back in the day.
@djslack All right, you're our first winner tonight. Two minis coming your way!
@dave Awesome! Thanks!
Nightstand table lamps. Each one gets their own light and speaker.
I would play dueling banjos, one track from each bulb while shedding light on my poor taste in music.
@KDemo I like dueling banjo lights, you've got two minis on the way. If you manage to get this to work at all, you've gotta post the video.
@dave - Thank you!!
Wait . . . . I really have to listen to banjo music?
@KDemo There is a metal version on guitar(s)...Shred the light fantastic!!!
For those who like to start the "party" in one room and end it in another.
@watcher82 oooh, innuendo and out the other.
Hm. Lazy person's surround sound? Stick it in a couple of stand lamps I have behind the couch, sync it to the TV's sound system, and you have meh surround sound (let's be honest, it's more about having the sound evenly around you than the quality of the sound. I can't hear behind me super well anyway, but I can tell the difference between surround and unidirectional!)
binaural beats meditation
Do these go to eleven?
@mike808 they go to 22
I would use these as a 2 way front door intercom. So when someone rang my doorbell i would connect to the porch light and give them obscure instructions for entry.
@bul209 Similar to my idea to have speakers on the the front porch to greet Trick-or-Treaters on Halloween. Have creepy Halloween sounds and music playing to scare the little "Treaters" a little.
Light at the end of the tune-L?
What an underwhelMEHing 2-for-Tuesday offering.
Seriously I suggested this last time and it got nothing but I am going say it again. I would put the bulb in a lap hidden in a closet in my spare bedroom and play the audio to the soulfully sweet sounds of soft pillow talk and dull grunts so when I have company stay over for the night it would sound like my neighbors in the apartment next door are getting it on all night
@boredashell I lived in an apartment like that. It is cruel and unusual torture!
@boredashell I understand why it got nothing the last timer you posted this
This is begging the be put out in a porch light fixture to mess with: trick-or-treaters, solicitors, the mailman, my mother-in-law, whoever delivers my meh.com orders, and all those people about to show up at my door begging me to vote for their candidate!
Two words: Shower Disco.
Make your voice come alternately through bulbs on opposite ends of a room to make your dog crazy?
Idea for two: smoke detector beep. Randomly choose which bulb to beep from to drive a person slowly insane.
Alternatively, phone dj battle, two people, one bulb each, mixing it up all night. This has a bonus of probably driving listeners insane, too
@SkyyPunk I like the "No turntables and no microphone" DJ system. Two lights heading your way!
Just for the sake of completionism, if I had two of these, I would invest six screwdrivers, four cameras, and four beers into tearing into their silly little innards.
@brhfl I'm sending two your way just to reward your work on the big one, though I'll also hope to see these little ones torn to bits.
These would make a great CAT CONFUSER! You send a bird noise through one somewhere in the room and then once the cat thinks it knows where it came from send it from the other to confuse it: Repeat until Desired Effect is reached.
@mehhead I like the extra confusion the second bulb will cause. Got cats? Cause you've got two bulbs on their way.
@dave I've got a little furry gray ball of fury that is gonna go crazy over these! Thanks Dave!
@dave So you like this idea with cats but not dogs?
I would use two to make an awesome sound array. I have two phones, with two speaker bulbs I can rock Funky Town with both devices. My basement will never be the same.
I got one of the big ones as a prize last time, and i still use it every night. Maybe i have a tin ear, but the audio quality seems fine, comparable to some other bluetooth speakers put up here. Suits us fine for a white noise generator, and when i wanna listen to some music in the bedroom
@SSDDR Same here; totally agree. The audio quality was much better than I was expecting, and the light was more than ample for a reading lamp. I'm thinking about going in for another two tonight.
You can give light to your plants as well as play them music to help them grow, without ever having to get up!
First one i got makes for a pretty nice bluetooth speaker in my home office. I wanted it as an outdoor speaker while grilling & entertaining in the backyard. Could also be nice for halloween music on the front porch or practical jokes elsewhere.
@fennsk Is it loud enough to be useful outdoors?
With a pair of these, I'd put them in my game room and stream arcade ambiance sounds through the speakers to make it feel more alive...
...the other one would be for farts.
I thought maybe I'd try again to come up with a clever usage (my idea for using them in conjunction with a Clapper didn't do it), but I realized the only thing I would do with these is fiddle around with them for half an hour, then take them to Goodwill. So I think I'll save my current idea in order to potentially save a trip to Goodwill.
You could do a karaoke party with one speaker playing the music and the other hooked up to a microphone so that you get a cool music system for cheap, plus you can aim the light at the jamming crowds for a dope dance party. Or just put them in separate rooms.
@Ipster731 All right, I'm not even exactly sure how this would work, but it seems vaguely feasible, so I'm sending a couple lights your way to try it out.
Remember, because it's a two-fer, I'm looking for ideas that make good use of two speaker-lights.
@dave oh crap your
threateningoffering us free bluetooth lightbulbs again??!??!@dave so, two kids, two bedrooms. Sweet Lullabys and Good Night is all we said!
@dave I could grow, er, tomatoes, and serenade them with "I fought the law"
@dave Since it's a two-fer, the perfect use would be one in the refrigerator and one in the freezer - and of course they would both play "Weird Al" Yankovic's Eat It every time someone opened either door.
Nothing because the only thing less useful than a 400 lumen light bulb is a 100 lumen light bulb. Also, LEDs should be putting out ~100 lumens per Watt. These are about as efficient as incandescent bulbs.
Dueling bulbs. You put them in side-by-side lights (perhaps with different color shades or a colored filter under them) and ~entertain everyone~ drive everyone crazy by having little music selection wars. You'd be using the remotes like the fairies used their wands in Disney's Sleeping Beauty. And each speaker would be connected to a different audio source.
Sorry. I am apparently too out of it to remember formatting things right now.
And like a swift kick to the genitals, Twofer Tuesday and @studerc are back in action. Again we find ourselves at the corner of impulsivity and temptation as we near that janky ass pawn shop on the wrong end of town. As we turn the corner we can't help but notice that all the lights in the street have been converted to these Striim lights. The typically dark and dreary alley is suddenly emblazoned in a rainbow of color. It's actually quite impressive and beautiful. Suddenly Twofer Tuesday appears decked out in some strange mother fucking lab coat. Lazy as she is, she has taken it upon herself to adopt all of the suggestions from last time as her own and is now begging @Dave to give her more by stealing all the ideas. Yea...what a total piece of fucking shit, but what would you expect....she is blaring Nickelback from all her speaker lights. She is the definition of terrible. So come up with some stellar ideas for @Dave so he sends lights to you instead of Twofer Tuesday because ain't nobody got time for that!
Suggestion: create a lighting system that tells my wife that the grilled food is almost done so I don't have to run inside and then burn the food.
Boom easily two sets worth of awesome.
@studerc We missed you last week. Well, maybe some of us did.
@heartny Appreciated. Just got out of the hospital yesterday, looking forward to getting back in the swing of things.
@studerc Sorry to hear you were in the hospital, but hopefully you are on the mend. Maybe you should steer clear of that janky ass pawn shop for a while :-)
Porch light, spooky sounds at Halloween. You're welcome.
[EDIT] install a second porch light.
We have a tiny kitchen with minimal counter space for speakers.
But we do have big ugly track lighting fixtures that accept standard bulbs.
Might this be the solution to surround sound in our kitchen whilst making scrambled eggs early in the dark morning?
... and since we have 6 fixtures does that mean we need 3 pairs of these gadgets?
Here's what to do with two of these:
Install them in his and hers lamps, each located by his and hers usual relaxation spots.
Have an epic 80s hair bands (his) vs 80s ballads (hers) volume battles.
Well, if they can only link to one source at a time, I suppose the best thing to do is to use them to see how similar songs sound to each other by playing them at the same time. Like, in the car earlier today, the radio station starting playing "Roundabout" by YES, and I thought the same thing I always do, which is "can the lyrics to "Love Machine" by the Miracles be sung to this song?" With two speakers, I could find out without knowing the lyrics, which would be nice because I don't know the lyrics.
@mossygreen Maybe my fiancee will finally believe me about that Ed Sheeran song and Marvin Gaye's Let's Get it On being the same song!
@djslack Exactly.
Hook up a Monoprice bluetooth splitter (yes, it'll pair two of these) to a Chromecast Audio and do a multi room broadcast system!
Or, put two as outside lights during Halloween to play music or scare Trick or Treaters.
I live in a duplex with my best friend. I could have one installed in each home and pair it with each other's phone. With that, instant intercom for the whole two family house.
@BillLehecka Two lights coming your way so that I can see this bizarrely overcomplicated walkie talkie in action.
So I originally wanted to use one in the kitchen but realized after my big one arrived last time that I don't have any light sockets in the kitchen (florescent everywhere in there... It is my next project) so I was going to put it next to my bed like someone else suggested but it won't fit in my nightstand lamp because it is too big. So so far I have yet to try it out. If I had 2 small ones I would put one by my bed, one in my desk lamp and give my big one to my sister for her to try and find a place for!
I still believe that these would be a great in a light fixture above a booth/table at a restaurant. Sure, the pairing would be a b*tch, and there would (should) be limitations on explicit content and volume (depending on the establishment)... It would beat the boring 'ol elevator music played at most places I stuff my fat face at. Another application: an elevator?!
@itomeshi Do something with these and a Raspberry Pi and I'll be happy. Two coming your way.
@itomeshi Leaky faucet sounds in the bathroom or kitchen! That is sooo sneaky ;)
Half of the basement floor in my new house has these wood slat floor things and I'm in the middle of running LED strips under them for the ultimate dance floor. These speaker lights might be the perfect addition.
I would put them in my windows (curtains drawn) to confuse passersby with thunder and lightning coming from WITHIN the house.
Spooky Halloween noises coming from the porch lights!
Dinner with the extended family. One bulb over the kids' table, playing whatever it is kids listen to these days. The other at the adult table, rockin' out the 80s hair bands.
I would use them to scare my neighbor kids when they come over. They are sure there are ghosts in the house. This would secure they truly believed and help me listen to music in the shower on a side not.
Run Abbott and Costello dialogue through them with one in each of the table lamps on either end of the couch- Abbott's part through one, and Costello's part through the other.
Who's on first?
I don't know is pitching...?
@PhysAssist Who's On First player sounds hilarious. Maybe even moreso because of the struggle to get it linked up with two phones somehow. Two lights on their way!
@dave Awesome- Thanks!
I would put them in the kids rooms and point them at the beds like spot lights. Then when they start gettin out of line at bed time, I flip on the light and make noises like its a prison break. Idk how effective it'd be but it sounds like fun
I'd pop both of these big boys in each of my bathrooms. Who needs a Bluetooth shower speaker to sing my heart out with, when these are a lot cheaper and you get two! Irk duets here I come!!! Everything I do! I do it for youuu
On a conference call and feel the need for a shower? No problem: Just route your phone's sound output to the bathroom light and take your shower without missing a second of this all important business call. Input doesn't matter since you are on mute anyway.
Now that the Raspberry Pi 3 is out and has built-in Bluetooth, 2 Raspberry Pi 3s plus 2 small microphones plus 2 connected lights at opposite ends of the house equals 1 weird home intercom system!
During the brief overlap of the hockey and baseball season, I can listen to the Cardinals and the Blues at the same time! Fortunately, since the Rams departure, this will work with just two speakers.
@japanerd I promise I'm not just sending you lights because you're a fellow Cardinals / Blues fan, but it didn't hurt. I like the dual-sports broadcasts!
@dave Thanks so much! Lets go Blues!
I'd make them into headphones and show them off around town, probably while riding on a hoverboard.
@magicjamesv This is a terrible idea that almost certainly wouldn't work, but I appreciate the work you put into the Photoshop, so you've got two lights on their way.
I would synch one to my phone and one to my husband's and have epic sound effect battles (light sabers, phasers, pew pew pew!!).
A couple blue filters and some motors to tilt them back and forth, stick 'em behind a sofa with each playing a wave soundtrack slightly offset. Keep the tuff-stuff handy as guests get sea sick all over the couch.
@michaelahess Seasickness machine! Two lights on their way.
@dave Crap now i have to do it. Good thing i just got adicted to home automation, got me some ideas! Thanks @dave!
Get Two old lamps from goodwill, plug in the bulbs, pair them to a phone and tablet. Now download the album "Aqualung" by Jethro Tull wwith its quadraphonic sound intact. Split into two separate stereo tracks, and play at the same time. NOW THATS ROCK AND ROLL DONE RIGHT!!!! FLUUUUTE SOLOOOOO
2 dudes, 2 lightbulb cords, 1 heavy duty fog machine. One light playing epic Star Wars music, the other playing lightsaber noises. Yes, that is what I would most definitely do.
A few years ago I got my grandparents on each side of the family an iPad mini. It's mostly a FaceTime/Skype machine for them but they love it because they get to talk to and see my brothers and I much more often now. I should mention they live in Europe while my brothers and I are in California.
So I figure, give each grandma a bluetooth LED speaker light, hook it up to their iPad mini - lights, speaker, camera, action!
I call it: Grandma Telepresence.
@tcarpel Two grandmas need two lights! I like it, two lights on their way.
@dave :) Awesome!
I would place one in each neighbor's outdoor security lights for some good ole redneck midnight fun with them! gooooooood moorrrnnning Vietnam!!!!
@railek c'mon @dave this "torture" device deserves a go. I hate my neighbors!
To do with two? Halloween. Front door. Scar your/someone's children for life. Because it is Halloween and if it is someone else's kid(s) then you aren't liable for the permanent emotional/mental damage inflicted. I mean, "TRICK or Treat!" Those brats will have enough treats, it is time that they were taught a lesson for those balls in my yard, frisbees on the roof, and walking on my grass.
So put two of the bulbs pointed upward and outward from the door base. Have those sweet ass hi-fi bluetooth speakers synced up to you and your partner's cell phones ready to go with whatever loud, soul rattling, heart pounding, shit inducing, noise.
With remote in pocket and drenched in warm pig's blood jump out, activating sounds and lights, lunging at said target(s). Be sure no physical contact is made to protect your interests. As the blood drains from their faces, and the putrid smell of fresh shit lingers in the air cut the lights and lunge one last time. Proceed to chase victim(s) from door area. Do not enter road. Next. Hide. Don't answer your door. When the cops leave and everyone has went to bed. Creep out of your hiding spot, take a shower, burn all evidence but those magnificent blubs, and oversleep the next morning. When the cops stop by to chat play ignorant. When all said and done there is no evidence to detain you and I am sure your home will live on in legends past down generation after generation. Now your grass can grow free. No more shingles torn from your roof by a plastic disc of death. No more faded rubber inflated balls trampling your roses.
@xarous I'm not easily played.
do this
skip to 1:30
With some improper wiring and some faith a impromptu disco ball could be achieved.
I go overboard decorating for Halloween. I'd use one of these to play spooky ambient sounds/music in one of my porch lights and the other I would use to play audiobooks of Vincent Price telling spooky stories in another porch light.
Oh yeah, cue up his spoken-word album about demonology on youtube and you're ready to go!
I have a home theater system in my living room, which also has three torch lamps. With remote controlled lights I could finally stop getting up from my comfy couch to turn off the lights when firing up the projector! Now all I would have to do is find something to do with all three of those spare calories...
Two of these are a must-have when tempting the elusive Wesley snipe into the cloth bag. Or children into the van, where there is no candy.
My boss constantly leaves his office open and unattended. He is also terrified of the sound of the mini quad copters that some work mates and I got on here a couple months ago because my work buddy flew it into his head. It would be hilarious to replace his desk light with one of these and watch what happens as we play the quad copter's sound while he's working. We'd probably get him a couple times before he even knew what was happening!
@donovancrane It's a little scary how many of these ideas are basically torture devices but let's give it a try. I'm not responsible for anyone getting fired, but here's two lights!
@dave work just got a lot more fun, thanks dave
When waking up / getting dressed in the morning, you can have one bulb playing music and the other playing motivational audio tapes. They'll be telling you how awesome you are of course. Haha.
Add it outside. I live in big urban areas with lots of foot traffic. Have my light hidden and use the camera to see what rando is walking buy and yell stuff at them.
I mean, I MIGHT be in the market for a couple low profile sneaky talking light fixtures to spice up office life. One in the kitchen to make folks second guess their lunch choices...or maybe two in that one jackanape's office so we can have God and Devil Radio chattering back and forth, slowly, tinnily driving them insa...to...greater levels of productivity...yes, that.
Or, y'know. Epic bluetooth dueling banjo lightshow.
so, two kids, two bedrooms. Sweet Lullabys and Good Night is all we said!
I would connect it to my home automation system and have my house announce as well as flash the lights when I get my mail, when the laundry is done, welcome me when I arrive home, you get the idea.
When I throw a party, I'd use it to shine it on my little brother while I lock him in the basement. Like a cat, he freezes under bright light. It'll make sure to keep the little stinker from snitchin' in the morning to my parents.
mmm... soft-nutritious-falcon.
I have a couple of these:
It might be pretty cool to rig the bulbs in these so that when they turn on they make lightsaber noises.
@Sabre99 Yes. It seems crazy those lamps don't do that already, but they definitely should. Two lights on the way.
I would remake the movie Barbarella with Lady Gaga in the title role and in her frontal costume she would have these two lights shining and playing music to transfix her enemies.
@johngme I'm going to hold you to that. We have to get the debut night for your movie when it comes out. Two lights on the way.
I'd love to say I have some creative use for two of these but I don't. If I had them I'd definitely use them in my new baby's room to blast some Queen Rockabye Baby! tunes and give him a cool light to look at. And when one died I'd have a spare for backup! 😁
You just need a couple of these and a couple of raspberry pi 3s to beat Sonos and Amazon - a whole-house Echo+music system.
"Honey Pi, what's today's deal at Meh? And play that new Adele song in the office."
Without reading through the million other suggestions, my one thought where these could be useful is at work. We have an intercom system where the front desk tells us our patients have arrived. Several of the intercoms no longer work and are too antiquated to fix. So someone has to spend time phoning the individual departments which is kind of a pain in the ass. Having these lights might make it easier to notify us that we have patients.
Build them into lightsabers with sound effects.
I'd pair them an always-on computer. When any person comes in Bluetooth or WiFi range and their phone is detected trying to connect to my network, I'd have the lightbulbs alternate shouting, "Intruder Alert" and "I'm sorry, Dave, but I can can't do that".
@uncleop Coding up something to detect when a phone is trying to connect is over my head, but if you can do it, I'd like to see it. Two lights heading your way.
You're listening to that recipe in the kitchen, but then have to go to that dark corner of the basement to get an ingredient from the freezer. The second speaker is down there lighting the way and reminding you why you're there.
One in the kitchen and one in the back porch fixture so it's easier to listen to music while I prep for grilling.
@stardate820926 This is quite clever.
Mosquito or other annoying insect sound piped in but with long pauses so when you think you found it and get close it stops for awhile.
My lighting arrangement in my shower is not that great where I live - I usually have to turn all the lights on just to see. I could set this up on the ceiling or something so I can see while I shower, listen to an audiobook to feel more productive, and get savings on my electric bill, all at the same time!
Now you can have soundtracks for more rooms of your house. Latin dance music for the kitchen, and uh, crud. Relaxing music where you sleep? Elevator music in the Bathroom? I lost it. Maybe some fun on holidays by setting up season-appropriate music near the front door. Really, I just want constant dance music in my kitchen, I'll have to figure out which other room needs constant music. In my heavy D&D days, epic soundtracks in the game room would have worked, but not so much now.
INTERCOM! Set a mic in each room hooked to the light in the other. It's tin can and string for a whole new generation.
The stereo my car is busted, so I'm thinking an inverter Plus a small lamp plus this bulb plus my phone would equal a decent sound system to get me by on my commute to work
i'd put them up in my workout room and stream my blood pumping tunes to them, while the light creates the perfect shadows on my glistening muscleage for me to admire.
My thought is since I have two garage doors I could put one in each opener and have a pi always playing something horrible so when either my wife or I come home we can enter the house knowing or toddler will be dancing to the horrible music
She had bad taste in music... Hopefully she grows of if it soon, because I can't take any more theme songs or atmospheric Electronica... So don't know how she got that playing 😵
I own a small retail store in a shopping plaza that has an overhang over the front of the store. I would put both bulbs out front and use them with my outdated iPad1 and my outdated iPod Touch and play annoying holiday music through one and bark out specials through the other. "Hey you, come shop here - yeah you in the red jacket".
I would attach them to both sides of my hard hat - headlamps and tunes while working. What could be better?
I have 2 porch light fixtures. I would put a mini light in each fixture and then play the airport dialogue from the moving "Airplane" every time someone rings the bell. The women's dialogue through one light the man's dialogue through the other. "The red zone is"....."No, the white zone"
I would put two in the recessed cans in my mother in laws kitchen. I have an old iPod I will set to play whispers. It will really fuck with her.
The millions of us who love to build working replicas of Number 5 could use the minis for eyes.
Finally I can turn on the lights in my kitchen...
A pair of these would be great to have in our barn! The kids hate going down to feed when it's late because they're "scared". Lights & music might make it easier to get them to do it without all the complaining. Plus, the cows seem to love music, they might make the "moo'd" in the barn a little more relaxed!
Each bathroom of my house could have it's own relaxing water stage theme.
I'm thinking this:
and this:
My crazy idea: I would use them to project light and sound into dark and/or silent rooms.
"Two coming your way" - so that's it! The practical-joke-enhanced Meh: buy a truly Meh item and have it gifted and delivered to another Meh user. Like giving 'em a gift card, but something totally Meh instead. Or like a fruitcake, but at any time of Meh. How many bluebulbs or microwavable potato chip makers would arrive on an unsuspecting doorsteps?
I would build an epic camping lantern speaker
Door knobs. If I could figure a way to replace the brass knobs with these lights, I'll never have to wonder where the door is while wandering at night or have trouble navigating the restroom.
Two lights+ 2 light outlet adapters + hard Hat + 2 extension cords + 2 phones + duct tape = best thing ever to wear while mowing the lawn....as if my neighbors don't think I'm already crazy enough.
How 'bout using these as a musical rapper game?!? Bouncing ol' rap beats between the speakers...a hip, a hop, you don't stop...bang bang boogie to be...and when the music stop the one not twirling spinning on the ground has to break dance & moonwalk in their undies outside in front of the neighbors house!
@RICH531 "Rapper's Delight" Haven't heard that tune in ages. Now it is stuck in my head! Thank you :D
I would use them on Halloween, use them to light up a decoration, and then scare kids with screams from the light. Two lights means twice as much terror.
@explosivepotato Amazing how great minds think alike. I had the same idea!
can 2 of these play the same audio source at the same time?
@eugenerot Yes, if you use a bluetooth splitter.
I'd play sub-20hz sound through them to convince my in-laws that our house feels haunted.
I would wait until my friend was really drunk, then have someone use a voice changer and tell him that God is displeased with him all the while feigning ignorance at the voice in the room. I would also do the same thing in the bathroom with the second one where he would most certainly go to empty all the beer he's stored. Damn, I really want to mess with him now!
They say you should play music for your plants. I would set the small ones in my security lights over the garden to turn on and play you are my sunshine every time someone walks by.
We have a pendant light that we have to keep replacing the switch on. The speaker light would give us a remote light switch--no more replacing broken switch. Plus I can play "Reveille" every morning to wake up my teenagers. They are going to hate me!
When those clipster Bluetooth speakers were around I hid them around the house to scare the wife. She destroyed the one in the bathroom drawer after I played soudbytes I found from babadook. I'm hoping to do more of the same thing with the lights, if they could play sound after switching the lights off even better.
Deesco how groovy
I would place them around in a couple places around the house and pair them to my fiancee's phone. Then I would set them as her trusted devices so she never needs a password, only to randomly turn off the light she's nearest so she can never figure out why her phone keeps locking itself!
I think I should use one to replace my outside light, and send a honking horn to it. Drive the neighbors outta their mind.
A Raspberry Pi 3 hooked up near each light and on the same network. Have them scan for your phone/smartwatch, and play in-house music/notifications to the nearest one.
I could probably even whip up a reminders system: "As long as you're downstairs, bring up the laundry!"
The perfect way to warn people that the British are coming - one if by land, two if by sea - and with the remote control, you wouldn't have to climb all those stairs at the Old North Church. Plus, you could pump up Paul Revere by the Beastie Boys through the speakers, which is a great way to get hyped up for a midnight ride. ``
Ridiculous question I know but anyone know how these sound?
@jmbunkin I owned 1. Worked ok for about a day. I had it in my hallway can fixture so I could have some tunes while getting ready in the morning. OK sound, nothing spectacular, when it worked. Seemed to have trouble staying connected to my iPhone FWIW.
Noise? Lights? Remote toggling? Obviously the only reasonable course of action for one who owns two of these is to recreate that scene from Fututama where Bender converses with the flickering lights that are God. For optimal results multiple sets may be required.
Well, I find myself in the unique position of having a spouse who is a working medical examiner for the county, and a best friend who is a practicing psychic (crystal ball, tarot cards, whole 9 yards).
So I didn't know about all y'all, but I plan to sneak one into each prospective office, sneak a microphone into the office opposite, and set up a streaming server (note that said server could have the deliriously-hysterical side effect of also providing the ability to stream video of the consequences, ideally to these forums, Reddit, Slahsdot, etc., presupposing some of those WebCams come up again soon).
So I guess what I would do with them is already sort of decided. Instead, I'll answer the question thusly: should get another get shipped my way, I suppose I can put it in the fixture in my bedroom and actually enjoy some LED lighting and smooth jazz, preferably kept just loud enough to drown out the sound of my spouse's and best friend's death threats.
Gods, how I love technology.
Watt color light do these project? Is it blue?
@Not_Ken_M it actually projects blue teeth at 475 teeth/minute (110 for the smaller one) for an effective range of 200 - 20000 hurtz.
@Not_Ken_M Color Temp: Warm white 3000k, so it will be a more yellowish white. Similar to ye olden incandescent bulbs.
@Bandrik With a name like Not_Ken_M, i'm sure he's just being a goofball... playing off BLUEtooth and "watt"
@jralexander418 Total coincidence. I'm trying to be enlightened.
I would use them in my haunted garage to scare the trick-or-treaters. We don't answer the door and hand out candy. Oh no. We open the garage door, make it look creepy, and make the kids walk into the back of a strangers garage. Then we scare the crap out of them so they run screaming from the house. Voices from the ceiling? Fantastic! So when are you guys planning to sell black panel vans?
Replace the back patio lights with these! With close neighbors, it'll keep the volume down by having them pointed to the ground (unlike most speakers) and no "passing the aux cable" every time someone wants you to hear that new jam they've discovered.
@jralexander418 are they safe for outdoor use?
Use them for dueling banjos, with flickering to take the place of missing teeth.
So I can be the voice of Jesus when the lady next door goes outside. She will love it
I would put one in the campaign bus of Ted Cruz and one in Mario Rubio's. They would play the voice of the Donald saying "LOSER" at random intervals.
These are totally parent to teen communication devices, put one in each bedroom, they can no longer ignore my texts... Just listen to mom's voice..... Mwaahaahaa! Torture at its finest! May even get them out of bed and away from the mirror, miracle device? Quite possibly, I think I would like to try!
"Each speaker can only connect to one sound source, and vice versa, so it's not like you can get some awesome array of speakers going at once, unfortunately"
So, they won't both connect monaurally to a single blootooth stream?? Meh, meh meh meh, MEH!
I will replace my old heat lamps with these and play inspirational music for my rooster as he gets ready to conquer the entire Pluto planet.
@MrBubbles The other will be used in his bedroom he will listen to Jay Z to help him sleep lol;)
Mine worked great... for about a day. Meh ended up refunding me since the manufacturer wouldn't do anything about it. The light bulb part still works but the bluetooth speaker constantly cut out and wouldn't stay connected.
Now all I need is some kind of bluetooth device that will turn my 1980's tape recorder into a 2016 retro tape recorder with blue tooth!
Can I use these to emit sounds like "Help Me" in my Escape Room...?
Use these in lamps in the room where I do yoga. Hook one up to each of my old iphones. Nice Birds chirping on one and soft wave sounds in the other. Instant relaxing yoga on the beach - in my living room.
I would use the to play some music when bringing home a date . The first one to play some romantic music while on the couch, then move on the bed room use the remote to turn off the light and play some Marvin Gay . . . . Cheesy
I can always place the bulbs in the shop lights you plug with the long cord to work under your car/truck. Always sucks trying to run the car radio with the door open dining that you left your keys in the ignition.
Dual casket spot lights at a funeral home for calling hours. Sighs on the one over the head of the casket and encorperating the fart sounds on the one over the foot of the casket. Bluetooth fun at calling hours.
Better yet, spots on grandpa's urn on the bookshelf. One playing Helter Skelter and the other playing that opra piece from Shawshank. Ava Maria?
Two of them...isn't it obvious?
I had a fleeting thought that this would be awesome for my overhead hanging pool table light.
(this one)
But then became concerned it would not cast even light and the sound would be worse than what I have currently. So I guess not.
@ACraigL is this light for sale?
@tobiehead The pool table light? Nope. Ties the whole room together.
Perfect for use as a bluetooth controled nightlight and music player / white noise machine for kids room. I could even wrap the front of it so it could project favorite cartoon characters. Now how does this use two bulbs you ask? That's the genius part, I have two kids, muhahaha...
2 bulbs? Say hello to Uncle Fester's lesser known Edison socket!
Here is an upscale version of the same idea for $479. 2 would be $958.
@cmrk3 "Fusing state-of the-art Warm Dim LED technology" At least they're honest, it's a dim bulb.
@cmrk3 OMFG. I thought you were joking. Nope. Some people have more money than brains.
Where in the lords name would you use such an Item. VMP is about to cancel.
Perfect for keeping my cat entertained: wife's phone intermittently playing the sound of rats scrabbling across cardboard boxes in one room, my phone intermittently playing the sound of a bird flapping helplessly in the room across the hall.
Alternately, leave the kids with the mother-in-law while an MP3 plays 90 minutes of silence followed by a THUMP and a whispered "Quiet, you fool!" on one bulb, and the across the hall plays 93 minutes of silence followed by a loud scream...
Finally!! With these, my kids can use their Bluetooth-enabled phones to talk to each other like they were walkie-talkies! They just have to hang out next to lamps, less than 100ft apart... in direct line of sight. It'll be the most fun they've ever had with their smartphones!
And, when they're not using them, I can finally work on that 2 Chainz/Mozart mash-up I've been trying to perfect without a mixer or DJ software.
If you have kids you know this sound:
That sound that travels infectiously around a playground, or Target, or restaurant, when any kid hears another start saying it. That sound that was funny a couple of times a long, long time ago.
Anyways, Stagger the sound by a beat and put the speakers on two sides of a room. Crank it up! Stick your kids in there for a few minutes, and I imagine they will stop making that sound forever. :D
Put them in the Dungeon/play room/Red room of pain. Different tops can play their own music instead of hearing the dreaded NIN incessantly through the entire space. One for the suspension point, one for the flogging station.
@firstgeer is NIN really that common?
@5665150 Unfortunately, yes. However a lot of groups have moved to trance music instead of songs. Not an improvement, IMO.
@firstgeer I'm not sure I would want music in a dungeon. Hmmmm. I guess I would need to see the difference. ;-)
Speaker light bulbs???
Bluetooth Repeater (of sorts) - Put a song on using one bluetooth speaker and within earshot of that one set up your phone on speakerphone to call another phone that is set up to play sound through the second speaker light. You will get the same music with only a slight delay broadcast miles apart.
Alternatively, you could use the same song started at different times in the same room for a good Counterpoint music jam. Counterpoint NYTimes Link
It might be cool to try some Echo integration. Like, using ITTT, have one turn on during a flash briefing, and another during music playback. Or using home automaton, light one up from another room when the garage door opens (all this assumes one can simulate the remote control signals).
Put one into the light sitting on our end table and play Werner Herzog soundbytes about the destructiveness of capitalism through it, and then just put the other one on the table in front of it next to a portrait of Nietzsche.
is it too late!? I would put one of these in my chicken coop, on a timer so I can wake them up before they wake me up. The other I would use to play soothing music to the goats... or just so I can have music while Im taking care of them!
@mbucky is in luck! Both options are still available.
I use one in my garage door opener light so I can bridge from car to home when Radiolab (NPR) has something really interesting playing. Also great for when I'm doing stuff in the garage.
I would play the Flaming Lips Zaireeka album on them. It's 4 albums that you play all at once, but it would be on two lightbulbs this time. Instead.
Plug them into the extendo-arm-style beside lamp I have. Aim both directly at my pillow. Program an alarm to play an obnoxious sound through the speakers when I need to wake up in the morning, and turn on the first light. If I hit snooze, the second light turns on after the interval, and the volume begins to increase.
Bonus points: Program this via the new Raspberry Pi and somehow use that put the physical off switch across the room or down the hall in the bathroom.
...and then we wait and see how long it takes me to annoy the roommates with this contraption because I'll still probably sleep through at least the first couple alarms.
I have two small dogs that like to sleep with me but whom I cannot sleep with (I can't sleep with them because I am afraid I am going to turn over and squash one). With these, I can place them over their bed (which is in a different room) and talk to them, allowing them to fall asleep thinking I am in the same room with them. Wonderful!
Is it just me or are these bulbs absurdly dull? If what I read is right, the brighter of the two are roughly the equivalent of a 40W bulb.
I could set up a stage in my basement and act out reproductions of broadway shows! The lights could be the stage lights, one playing the music, the other with lines by my co-stars since I have no friends..... It's a lonely life :(