2-for-Tuesday: AwoX StriimLIGHT Bluetooth LED Speaker Lights
- You get two remote-control LED bulbs (yay!) with a Bluetooth speaker built into each one (huh?)
- The big full-size one (10W speaker and 8W 475 lumen bulb) needs a lot of space to do its thing
- The smaller mini (3W speaker and 3W 110 lumen LED bulb) is a better bet for any fixture where space is constrained
- Use one remote to control all the bulbs, keep the others as backups
- Each speaker can only connect to one sound source, and vice versa, so it’s not like you can get some awesome array of speakers going at once, unfortunately
- What do you do with two? Check our forum for ideas
- Model: SLM-B3, SL-B10 (the mini gets an M, and the numbers at the end are watts, so you could have two pretty sharp five-character model numbers - then the hyphen screws everything up, dividing each number in a different place so they’re awkward-looking and hard to remember, and why? for what? what does the hyphen add that’s worth so much ugliness and confusion? when will the madness end?)
Neat idea. What do we do with two of them?
As we said last time, we love the idea of a remote-control LED bulb, especially when one remote can work with multiple bulbs. Lower the price to even cheaper than a regular LED bulb, and that sounds like a winner. That’s what we’ve done with these two-packs. They’re priced to move. Everybody’s happy.
But what about that Bluetooth speaker built into each bulb? Sure, we could just ignore it. We could try to not let it nag at us that there’s a functional-if-not-high-fidelity Bluetooth speaker sitting right there going unused. We could try to not let our inability to think of a use for it slowly drive. Us. Insane.
We’re not built that way. So we asked for your suggestions for uses for these bulbs in the product discussion, and rewarded our favorites with free bulbs. Prize-winning solutions ranged from the eminently practical, like recipe streaming and multimedia bunk bed reading light, to the ridiculous, like bathroom humiliator and remote spousal wake-up alarm. The ideas flew in, the free bulbs flew out the other direction, and we all had a fine old time.
Now the question is: what are we supposed to do with two?
So, announcing Speakin’ 2: Electric Bulbaloo. Post your baddest, deffest suggestions for what you would do with a pair of AwoX StriimLIGHT (hey, don’t blame us, we didn’t name them) Bluetooth Speaker LED Lights to this sale discussion within the first half-hour or so of this sale.
If @Dave likes it, we’ll send you a FREE pair of the smaller 3W bulbs - not because that’s cheaper for us, but because some of the winners of the larger 10W ones were unable to execute their ideas on account of the bulb being too big for whatever fitting they had in mind. Also it’s cheaper for us.
And if you’re wondering what you would do with two of these, check everybody else’s suggestions in the forum. We’re sure that we’ll be flood-lit with so many incredibulb ideas that, combined with this crazy low price, we’ll sell out of these for sure!
Just in case, though, you might want to start working on some ideas for what to do with three of them.