March: In like a Lion or Lamb ?
4Everything is relative to where you are. Sort of. So is your March coming in like a lion or lamb ?
Here(WNY) it is currently spitting sleet. It's 34 degrees. 3-6 " snow & ice expected by tonight. National Weather Service has Winter Storm Watch out. (which tbh doesn't really mean much of anything, just sounds like it does)
I'm going to have to go w/ Lion, bc snow. But (dare I day it ? ) a bit of a mediocre Lion. I reserve the right to change that as the day progresses.
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This is meh. March comes in like a goat and goes out like irk
The current temperature (8:16am) in Raleigh, NC is 43* F with a high of 71*. Sun filled blue skies are in store for today and through the end of the week with no days below 54*. Thursday or Friday will likely bring (possibly severe) thunderstorms but before the weekend is over the sun will return for the following week with highs predicted to be above 72* until the middle of the month.
@RedHot So are you declaring lion or lamb ? Not being from NC, I cannot tell.
@ceagee its a lamb, a beautiful, sweet, sunshine pooping lamb.
Typically we see a lot of ice in early March. Its probably our most fickle month. 28* one day and 75* the next kind of weather.
It's officially spring in Eastern Massachusetts.
@Kevin where in eastern MA? I grew up in Newbury.
@mfladd Salem MA
@Kevin Nice! I loved going to Salem. Go Vikings!

But I ended up at Worcester State instead.
Laurie Cabot still around?
@mfladd we have Christian Day
It was 32 when I got up this morning, but the high for the day is supposed to be 61. The rest of the week will be chilly, though. Lows in the 20s, highs in the 40s with a 40% chance of snow on Friday. Sunny otherwise. This is definitely lamb-like weather in my part of WV.
In like a lamb here in Middle TN. 53 and cloudy now, supposed to be 61 by this afternoon. I'm hoping this is spring and it's here to stay.
@koalamoo It was totally a lamb this AM, but now, got some wicked sweet storms. Gonna go watch em!
Also, haldo! More TN peoples!
@cj0e Haldo to you too! It didn't storm so bad for me, but now it's freezing today. Grrrrr.
Lion: thunderstorms with hail and rapidly falling temps.
Mild temps, many songbirds, many voters, and the start of Sunburn Season for the very fair.
NW OH, mid 40's with some wind and rain, dropping into the 20's/rain transitioning to snow overnight. so fun sloppy/icy roads on my way to work @ 6am. WooHoo!
Depends how the primaries turn out...
I posted this in another thread . . .
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
The Wettest Winter in Seattle History
At 1 PM today, Seattle weather history was made.
Seattle has received enough precipitation since October 1 to make it the wettest winter in Seattle history.
And it's still raining. And hail the size of couscous today.
@KDemo Congratulations !
It looks like more lambs on here than lions. We now have a nice slick bit of ice w/ a couple inches of snow and counting on top. Wind is pretty wicked too. I take back my mediocre lion comment and will make this a moody lion.
At least that means where I'm at we go out like a lamb.