@sligett Look at the green - they are all braille letters was thinking someone who had too much time on their hands could send a braille message by what they clicked on or not... I guess too lame a joke since I had to explain it. Sorry about that. : )
Go for the facepalm!
Is it me, or are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays always bad deals?
@sligett Is this braille?
It's all bad deals. You are likely more awake some days, so you notice.
@Kidsandliz I don't think I can see what you did there....
@sligett Look at the green - they are all braille letters was thinking someone who had too much time on their hands could send a braille message by what they clicked on or not... I guess too lame a joke since I had to explain it. Sorry about that. : )
@Kidsandliz Aw, mine was lame - "I don't think I can see ..." see versus braille, see?
You could certainly do braille characters in button clicks. It's a 2x3 matrix of dots.
@sligett yes I see, since I can see, you see...I finally see what you did there. See?
Now that's seriously awesome.
@thekenya I get where you are going with this.
In my family, when we can't remember a person's birthday, it gets auto-defaulted to leap day!