4School starts here Aug 5 although I know some don’t start until later.
K-12 teachers spend a ton of their own money on their students buying essentials, things needed for projects, etc. Since 2016 we have been picking out teacher projects that we like, post them below, and then as a group fund them 100%. Requests are vetted by the site and the teachers don’t get what they need until the project is 100% funded (and it is not possible to over fund).
As a group a bunch of wonderful mehrichans have been funding projects on threads like this since 2016.
So choose a project you’d like to see funded, post it here and lets get started helping our teachers and by extension their students have a great year!
Notice to teachers on meh posting their own requests:
Last year, for the first time, some teachers saw folks on meh (due to comments left) funded them, came here, and started posting multiple projects of their own here. Please only list one project of your own and identify that this is a project of yours. It would be nice to spread the help around to as many teachers as possible thus reaching as many students as possible as well.
To see past threads go here:
2018 thread
2017 thread
2016 thread
- 21 comments, 43 replies
- Comment
This is your fault too @nolrak
How about
It is basic materials for a school where Trump thinks no human would want to live.
@CaptAmehrican Sounds good! Let’s make that one our first goal. If you could post when it is funded that would be great (I am on the road the next two days). All they need is $100 to be fully funded.
@Kidsandliz Currently 55 dollars left. We can do this today
@CaptAmehrican @Kidsandliz
Fully funded
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz Woohoo thank you meh
Thanks for posting it was fully funded. I just stopped for the night. Am a bit over half way so really can’t do much on this thread until Sunday as Saturday driving my mom the next state over to a birthday party. Started the thread anyway as in the Deep South at least school starts on Monday.
I’m a teacher and I love all of you for doing this. I have no active projects right now but just wanted to say thanks.
My wife is a teacher and I appreciate this effort as well. She doesn’t currently have a project, but almost posted one for new cubbies for her Pre-K class. She found someone selling some on FB Marketplace, but we only had enough moola for one…after explaining to the seller what she needed them for (he was asking her questions), he sold her two for the price of one!
“Our Annual…”
Not officially “ours”. (nor meh’s)
@Cerridwyn This is not sanctioned by Meh, so somewhere in the header it should be stated that it is “unofficial”, and it should probably also say “THE” Annual, instead of “Our” Annual.
talk to @Kidsandliz
her topic not mine
/image meh

@Cerridwyn You were the one who asked. I just gave you what we’ve been told.
We have to do this with the “Deals” thread and others have had to specify, throughout the years, that certain threads are not official.
makes sense
@meds reply was totally blank on my side which is why I asked what had been intended.
this one is matching, so every dollar you give, gives 2
Fully Funded and someone gave a shout out to casemates
If you prefer STEM
another with matching and a small amount, give 1, teacher gets 2.
@Cerridwyn Fully funded
@staff @thumperchick
I love asking, cause i’m like that
This is one of the most awesome things we do. So let’s broadcast it, you know you want to
Except this isn’t “ours” nor is it meh’s. I wonder if a member of the tetrad of @tHumperchick, @Ignorant, @narfcake & @RiotDemon could fix the topic header to reflect this please?
Shortly after I created it I whispered narfcake to get unofficial added
@Kidsandliz You did the right thing.
BLAME for the scapegoat.
School starting in August only because of the football programs. F the boosters and the coaches.
Let your school boards and legislators know. Missouri passed a law prohibiting school districts from starting more than two weeks before Labor Day. Urge your state to do the same.
@nolrak bleat bleat.
Since all the previously listed projects are fully funded how about
I like this one because it is about early literacy and diversity of reading material. I found it by searching for books and then sorting by highest economic need.
$168 still needed on this one.
@Kidsandliz This one has one of my daughter’s favorite books (The Color Monster: A Pop-Up Book of Feelings).
$67 left to go.
@CaptAmehrican @fibrs86 It’s funded!
Here are a few others that have matching money and small amounts to complete and are pretty basic stuff
First is fully funded
Second needs $78
Third one is fully funded
The forth one needs $90
@Cerridwyn Yay, second is funded now! Forth only needs 45.00 due to the donation matching.
@Cerridwyn all 4 fully funded
Here are a couple more, all with doubling and small sums
First needs 90
Second fully funded
Third needs 60
@CaptAmehrican @Kidsandliz @mehbee
Someone else post some
@CaptAmehrican @Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz I’ve tried several times to post l8nks but it’s not working right or I’m not doing it right, most likely the later as it’s late. I’ll try again in the morning.
@mehbee - all I do is just copy/paste the link just as if I am copy/pasting text. I thought I saw like 4 you had done when we were both up late last night. They are gone now. Did you delete that post?
@Kidsandliz Yes, I posted four and copied and pasted them but they didn’t post as blue like you could just click on them and go right to the page. Then I tried the using the link function. But my brain was tired, so who knows what I did.
@mehbee well that is weird as they were blue for me.
@Kidsandliz that’s good to know, I’ll post some more in a few and I won’t worry if they are not blue for me.
@mehbee nothing stopping people from copy/pasting either to see the page if they end up not “live”.
@mehbee The reason they’re not blue for you is because you’ve already been to that link. Blue links are for unvisited [by you] links.
Unfortunately, the only teachers in my area on this site are from wealthy “white flight” suburbs asking for fancy “wobble chairs” furniture. When we have other schools in this area that don’t have accreditation and federally mandated busing, much less internet and textbooks.
This site shouldn’t even need to exist. There has got to be a better way.
I donated what I would have sent to these projects from teachers at priveleged schools instead to pay off a local elementary school’s student lunch program debt. Yes, we’re such societal douchebags that we won’t give kids free food when we force them to be in our custody. But we’ll donate to fund trendy school furniture. Sigh.
@mike808 That is a good cause you donated to. Long term malnutrition does a lot of cumulative permanent damage to a child’s developing brain that handicaps them the rest of their life. It is false economy to starve kids. It is far more expensive later to deal with the long term fall out from malnutrition than to pay to feed kids in school. I know far more about this than I’d ever care to thank you my daughter I adopted as a grade schooler who was suffering from long term malnutrition. Later good nutrition doesn’t undo the damage earlier malnutrition did.
@Kidsandliz @mike808
is why it is always good to read the description of the school. I high percentage of them are from underserved areas Yes, I tend to look in my state, but not in my area.
Bless you
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz I know that if a parent isn’t paying for their kids lunch, I’m pretty sure I am in no position to make a moral judgement about some other parent forced to choose between bad and worse.
If my area did have project from an underserved school, I would have picked it. But school lunches and weekend meal backpacks are always, sadly, an issue.
k now that I have your attention…
NEXT WEEK, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will be doing a match on ALL DONATIONS for one day only. From 7:00 AM EST on August 13, 2019 until 3:00 AM EST on August 14, 2019…
every. single. donation. will get matched.
So… stop donating. Find a project you love, bookmark it, and wait. Your money will go further, and our impact will be greater, if we all just… wait a few days. So say “meh” and come back on August 13th.
@Collin1000 source:
@Collin1000 how diabolically brilliant
@CaptAmehrican @Collin1000 COOL!!! Good idea. I will be on the road driving home then so if someone could please post and then bump repeatedly through out the day.
@Collin1000 Thank you for that heads up! I was about to look for one or two more but I’ll wait. I’m hoping the class in Pittsburgh, or Philadelphia or something like that got their air conditioner. If not, it’s one I wanted to try to help. Kids can not learn nor should they be expected to sit in a hot class room.
@CaptAmehrican @Kidsandliz bump as requested
@mehbee Please post the AC request before the day is out so people can donate while it is doubled.
It is already having matching funds and is for a school where 100% of kids are in need.
@CaptAmehrican $94 left (after doubling).
@CaptAmehrican @fibrs86 fully funded
Today is the day! All donations being matched!
The first link is where they need a portable air conditioner. I was really surprised at how many needed them. The second link is asking for some jackets for the students to wear in the classroom, which I figure it’s going to be getting cool soon so I’m listing it. The third link, I just liked what it was for so that’s why it’s there. I’m still at work so I just threw these on here quickly.|01||ebb080dcccbe41c1b8b908d7202d3abc|cdb191c8fc034343aead2808b21fd513|0|0|637013250936941512&sdata=ItCoXWtU6T6Y%2Bp3zQlqnxl8PG3hNd7BR5hr3iUSN3Yk%3D&reserved=0|01||d98647aaf8ed411a81ee08d7202d0501|cdb191c8fc034343aead2808b21fd513|0|0|637013250033932393&sdata=0gAPGJkZGabBqCuXN42bDvBNvWsOaxAF64sVo9Sc6uU%3D&reserved=0|01||2cfddcbd94b54a1cbcbc08d7202cab86|cdb191c8fc034343aead2808b21fd513|0|0|637013248533834111&sdata=8QtVve2PZ38861Mm3dV9Dvg6fjX1iA63570agASRnh0%3D&reserved=0
@mehbee all 3 still in need
Schools are starting up for more and more school districts. Let’s continue to help teachers and their students have a good start to the year.