Help a school.
14It’s getting close to that time of year. What time is that? The time that mehtizens and mehmers in good and mediocre standing pick some schools off and make some teachers dreams come true.
Pick your favorite need and post it here, some of us that can will work to raise those funds.
Know a teacher, who doesn’t know the site, lead them there, and post their links.
- 85 comments, 87 replies
- Comment
/image unofficial

there it is
I contributed to a previous request from this teacher. It was a request for a single Chromebook. I was touched by how modest the request was, compared to many others. So I’ve contributed to her new request for a video camera.
She needs $281 more dollars to be fully funded.
@Kidsandliz she’s down to 266.00 now!
@mehbee Cool!
@Cerridwyn I was just about ready to post that link for our annual help a teacher thread. Thanks for getting it up and running.
Primarily Native American fishing community school with no roads connecting them to the rest of the world.
Someone has donated. Thanks.
3 donors so far. Thanks!
My daughter’s school receives financial benefits from Amazon for everything I buy from them.
People can designate all sorts of non-profits, schools, etc. to benefit from that, BUT you have to go through the smile page on amazon when you buy for them to benefit. Use the regular page to buy and no donation.
I have the leukemia and lymphoma society as my designee (due to one of my 3 cancers) although I’d guess they get only about 2 or 3 ¢ a year out of me right now.
If anyone cares to look, here is last years thread.
I believe every request posted was fully supported. Most have deadlines to donate by or the request doesn’t get funded and your money gets sent back. That is why we tended, in the past, to focus on just a couple at once to make sure they get fully funded.
I always look for teachers looking for real basics:
binders and pencils:
a table for the room
simple snacks
And I gave some to the above mentioned as well.
We do good at closing for people. and on a lot of these projects, 10 bucks goes a long way. some even have donation matching.
GO for it Mehtizens
@Cerridwyn I think the teacher for the binders just thanked you in this thread
@scastrejon this is the origin of your donation! Continue doing good things. Even if people don’t thank you, there are others who do appreciate your dedication.
@mikibell @scastrejon
You’re welcome!
@Cerridwyn @mikibell @scastrejon The binder and pencils one is funded!
@Cerridwyn @mehbee @mikibell @scastrejon Yea! Now the group can move on to another one. Your other 2 are half way there.
@Cerridwyn @mikibell Thank you !! You guys awesome!!!
As I was looking at that donor page, one classroom was looking for fidget spinners and other items like that. I have like 30-50 of them that I was going to donate to either the kids ward here at our hospital, DFCS or Egleston Children’s Hospital. Do you think they would be better used in a classroom like that? I had thought they we not wanted in the classroom but then saw that request.
@mehbee I have about 50 also…share the link??
@mehbee @mikibell I’d check the batteries on your fidget spinners before donating them anywhere. I went to give one of the 3 leftovers I have to a kid who just moved in 3 units down from me and I had to combine 2 of them to get one working one due to battery death (and these were the “better” version of them - they were all working last halloween).
You could wait to donate them anywhere until after the deadline for the that teacher’s fundraiser is past. If that teacher is fully funded then they won’t be needed. If that teacher is not then they get no money and so you could mail them (I think the address will be easy to find based on info given on the site).
@Kidsandliz @mehbee mine don’t have batteries…
@Kidsandliz @mikibell Some of mine have them and some don’t. Let me go back and find the one looking for them.
@mikibell That’s good then. No worries. Mine were all flashing light ones.
@Kidsandliz @mikibell
@mehbee This one only needs $40 more.
@mehbee @mikibell Now that the project you posted is fully funded, you could always send your fidget spinners to a Ronald McDonald house. They celebrate birthdays once a month and are always looking for gifts for the birthday child and favors for all the other kids there at the time.
@Kidsandliz @mikibell That is a good idea, but I’m going to check the schools in my area first to see if their special ed classes need any.
I found this one after I had already donated. I like the idea of using this type of interactive learning.
@mehbee $35 more and it is funded.
@Kidsandliz I know! If I had gotten to that one first, it would be done. If it is still not funded next Friday, I’ll grab it.
@mehbee It is fully funded. Yes!
@Kidsandliz That makes me so happy. Education is huge with me anyway but to also encourage their creativity along with learning is a beautiful thing.
since we do so well for these teachers every year, what’s the chance of a pin for a few days or so?
I am beyond excited to see how fast my binders project school supply projects are being funded! Two more to go!
Thank you @Cerridwyn @mehbeekidsandliz You guys rock!
Basic school supplies needed for a classroom full of 30!!! first graders this coming school year!
UPDATED So here are the ones we have posted so far that need more donations.
The one from the teacher who only asks for one modest thing a year:
The isolated Native American Community not accessible by road (a bit more expensive than the others posted but most Native schools are generally the most poorly funded schools in the nation, their students mostly below the poverty line, and generally it is their reservation that funds them not the federal government):
The ones below teachers are asking for the basics:
Fidget spinners - hmm we could send them hundreds:
Fidget spinner (and other small items):
Posted by the teacher whose binders got funded and posted a thank you above:
TOO LATE TO ADD TO EDIT: These are all or nothing (eg the teacher only gets the money if fully funded). In the previous 2 years we did this we tried to work our way down the list, adding requests as others got funded so that we fully funded what got posted thus ensuring the teachers actually got their needed items.
This one has $40 to go to top it off:
Fidget spinner (and other small items):
rebump since no one will pin us
@Cerridwyn Well that is about all we can do. Hopefully eventually we will have the turnout for this we’ve had the last two years.
@Cerridwyn bump again
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz Yes! This is my favorite thing we do as a community.
bump again
Snacks one is fully funded. Thanks folks!
Fidget spinner one is fully funded. Yea!
8/6 update
UPDATED So here are the ones we have posted so far that need more donations.
The one from the teacher who only asks for one modest thing a year: Still needs $216
The isolated Native American Community not accessible by road (a bit more expensive than the others posted but most Native schools are generally the most poorly funded schools in the nation, their students mostly below the poverty line, and generally it is their reservation that funds them not the federal government): Still needs $1194 (yes this one is twice or three times what some of them are but we have already funded more than that on projects so far)
The ones below teachers are asking for the basics:
Table: Needs $99
Posted by the teacher whose binders got funded and posted a thank you above: Still needs $292
These are all or nothing propositions. Either they are fully funded and the teacher gets his/her things or they get nothing (and you get your money back).
The rest have been funded. Thanks to all of you who have donated so far!
The ones below teachers are asking for the basics:
Table: Needs $99
Is now fully funded.
Watch for matching donors if you are picking a new one for us to fund. For those teachers 1 dollar gets them 2. woot!
@Cerridwyn Others can find them too. All but the remote native american school that is off the grid have been posted by others. I posted the native american one since the poverty level in places like this is horrific. And on some reservations (but not all) many/most people live in houses that would be condemned if they were off the reservation due to no running water, having outhouses, not being “up to code”, being shacks… The funding for schools is well below even in most of our inner cities. Schools in these situations have no money at all for anything but the absolute basics, textbooks are often decades old, no money for curriculum enrichment…
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz I went on to the table one before I saw this and was so happy to see it had funded. That class had another need and it had a matching donation so I got to help! Now they will get to watch chicks hatch and grow up, etc.
It’s a wonderful thing to come to this thread and get updates on the ones that have been funded. I read the actual explanation for why they need a table and it breaks my heart that our school system can’t even provide students with basic furniture in order to be comfortable and SAFE while they are learning. But as sad as it makes me, my spirit is always bolstered by the generosity and compassion of this group of people brought together by a deal site!
and one thing so few people know is every the price of a cup of coffee (or a beer) can make a difference
@Cerridwyn I totally agree
8/7 update
UPDATED So here are the ones we have posted so far that need more donations.
The one from the teacher who only asks for one modest thing a year: Still needs $216
The isolated Native American Community not accessible by road (a bit more expensive than the others posted but most Native schools are generally the most poorly funded schools in the nation, their students mostly below the poverty line, and generally it is their reservation that funds them not the federal government): Still needs $1194 (yes this one is twice or three times what some of them are but we have already funded more than that on projects so far)
Posted by the teacher whose binders got funded and posted a thank you above: Still needs $292
The tables (for $411) got funded sometime last night. Way to go!! Lets make the day of more teachers who need it. Teachers end up spending a fair bit of their own money for essentials for the classroom and students who don’t have/families can’t afford necessary supplies and in many places don’t get paid all that well.
These are all or nothing propositions. Either they are fully funded and the teacher gets his/her things or they get nothing (and you get your money back).
The rest that were listed earlier have been funded. Thanks to all of you who have donated so far!
If you have found one you like feel free to post it.
If the others already listed get funded, this is one that I am watching. We have some time before it expires.
@mehbee This one likely will be funded soon as it only needs $63 more. The others, I guess, people don’t like as much as they haven’t gotten any more donations in a while.
@Kidsandliz @mehbee
It’s funded
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz That makes me happy! Great news to start the day
Couple more basic ones nearly funded and some are matched
this one is matched and focuses has alot of homeless
and one more matched for kids with Austism
all basic stuff, all low amounts to finish
@Cerridwyn These are now funded
8/7 evening update
Older ones that still need need funded:
The one from the teacher who only asks for one modest thing a year: Still needs $216
The isolated Native American Community not accessible by road (a bit more expensive than the others posted but most Native schools are generally the most poorly funded schools in the nation, their students mostly below the poverty line, and generally it is their reservation that funds them not the federal government): Still needs $1194 (yes this one is twice or three times what some of them are but we have already funded more than that on projects so far)
Posted by the teacher whose binders got funded and posted a thank you above: Still needs $292
Newer ones that still need funded:
and one more matched for kids with Austism
@Kidsandliz I noticed that the 3rd one in your list has donations doubled, so $146 to finish it:
@fibrs86 @Kidsandliz
be sure you give too fibrs86
The first one on the list above has now been fully funded as has the next to last one. Thanks folks.
Help me develop a play based classroom for pre-k please. in
8/8 evening update
We are slowly knocking these off which is wonderful. Here are the ones that are still only partly funded
An isolated Native American Community not accessible by road needs hands on STEM robot stuff for use both in the classroom and a club. This is bit more expensive than the others posted but most Native schools are generally the most poorly funded schools in the nation, their students mostly below the poverty line, and generally it is their reservation that funds schools not the federal government. As a result their schools have almost nothing, use ancient books, have no extras: Still needs $1194
For kids with Autism ($178 to go - has donation matching)
The ones below are from teachers who have come here to post their projects
Posted by the teacher whose binders already got funded by meh and posted a thank you above and has posted two more of her requests
From a different teacher: Help me develop a play based classroom for pre-k please.
If any mehrians see ones they’d like to see funded please post them. We have already knocked 9 of them over the top. Thanks so much for helping make some teachers’ (and their students’) day
8/9 update - no different than yesterday
If there is a teacher project you’d like to post please do that. Go to
and then you can search on, for example, teachers who have never been funded before, a type of school, area of the country, specific school, etc.
If you know a teacher you’d like to help, tell them about that site and then post here when they create a request.
I went on and filtered by matched donations and Warmth, Care and Hunger. The link is below. If there is one that maybe we can all go together in, I’m going to hold off donating in case there is one we might be able to fund as a group.
@mehbee So what you want is someone to pick one of that bunch for us to fund? Or?
@Kidsandliz Well I’m happy with any of them, but there may be one that is special to someone, or easier to do, etc.
@mehbee If no one posts one within the next 24 hours then you might as well pick one you like.
@mehbee So do you have one you want to post since no one has chosen from that bunch?
@Kidsandliz Sorry, I haven’t really been on, let me look
@mehbee ok just post one when you find one you think we should concentrate on and I will post it in the evening update too.
/image cat bump

Somehow @MsChenevert found us… she needs $49 and $199 respectively.
And @scastrejon needs $149 by end of Sept.
Imagine the story she is going to tell about the crazy mehtizens!
Thank you for spreading the word about my classroom. I really don’t want it to get a meh when school starts.
A native american community in Alaska where there are no roads in or out has little money for extras like science lab stuff. They want to do robots with the kids both for class and as a club. She needs funded by September 14th or she loses the 4 donations she already has. This teacher has never asked for anything before.
While this one is a bit more than most of the ones posted here, it would make a big difference in the lives of those children. The bulk of the community does substance level fishing and almost all of them are below the poverty line.
8/11 evening update
We are slowly knocking these off which is wonderful. Here are the ones that are still only partly funded
A native american community in Alaska where there are no roads in or out has little money for extras like science lab stuff. They want to do robots with the kids both for class and as a club. She needs funded by September 14th or she loses the 4 donations she already has. This teacher has never asked for anything before. While this one is a bit more than most of the ones posted here, it would make a big difference in the lives of those children. The bulk of the community does substance level fishing and almost all of them are below the poverty line.
For kids with Autism ($178 to go - has donation matching)
Posted by @mebee I went on and filtered by matched donations and Warmth, Care and Hunger. The link is below. If there is one that maybe we can all go together in, I’m going to hold off donating in case there is one we might be able to fund as a group. We need to chose one.
The ones below are from teachers who have come here to post their projects
Posted by the teacher whose binders already got funded by meh and posted a thank you above and has posted two more of her requests
From a different teacher: Help me develop a play based classroom for pre-k please.
If any mehrians see ones they’d like to see funded please post them. We have already knocked 9 of them over the top. Thanks so much for helping make some teachers’ (and their students’) day
The autism one is fully funded! Way to go folks!
The Alaska campaign ends just before my birthday. I would consider it an excellent b’day present if it gets funded.
@TheFLP Oh, and I’m donating too, just in case it sounded weird.
@TheFLP That for the plug! It would be fantastic if that happens. With 5 donors they are a bit over 1/2 way there.
Generally the reservations that don’t have casinos or large attractions have unemployment that is the highest in the nation (due to no jobs on or near the reservations) and families are well below the USA poverty line. Most of the houses are so below USA code that they’d be condemned if they were off the reservation. Those schools have a need that is even beyond most inner city schools or poverty stricken rural schools, again in substandard buildings with minimal to no extras. I’d really love to see this teacher funded too as would give kids programming skills, allow them to compete in robot competitions and help them learn, hands on, about technology/engineering/computer science. And those really interest would have a club.
@Kidsandliz Feels like it’s within reach now. Fingers crossed…
8/11 evening update
We are slowly knocking these off which is wonderful. Here are the ones that are still only partly funded:
A native american community in Alaska where there are no roads in or out has little money for extras like science lab stuff. They want to do robots with the kids both for class and as a club. She needs funded by September 14th or she loses the 4 donations she already has. This teacher has never asked for anything before. While this one is a bit more than most of the ones posted here, it would make a big difference in the lives of those children. The bulk of the community does substance level fishing and almost all of them are below the poverty line. They are now a bit over the half way mark.
Someone(s) needs to pick one or two from here:
Posted by @mebee Says, “I went on and filtered by matched donations and Warmth, Care and Hunger. The link is below. If there is one that maybe we can all go together in, I’m going to hold off donating in case there is one we might be able to fund as a group.” We need to chose one.
And if there are any others people like post them here too.
The ones below are from teachers who have come here to post their projects
Posted by the teacher whose binders already got funded by meh and posted a thank you above and has posted two more of her requests
From a different teacher: “Help me develop a play based classroom for pre-k please.”
If any mehrians see ones they’d like to see funded please post them. We have already knocked 10 of them over the top. Thanks so much for helping make some teachers’ (and their students’) day
Well this is an awesome thread!
My local elementary school has a project:
For the little kids and our district just had a huge state decrease in funding, well over a million less in aid moving forward so would be great to see a little sunshine for them. Thanks!
and it’s matched right now.
Give a little, give a lot
8/13 evening update
We are slowly knocking these off which is wonderful. Teachers only get the money if they are fully funded. If they are not you get your money back and they get nothing. Here are the ones that are still only partly funded:
@TheFLP says funding this would be a great birthday present for him as this one ends on his birthday.
A native american community in Alaska where there are no roads in or out has little money for extras like science lab stuff. They want to do robots with the kids both for class and as a club. She needs funded by September 14th or she loses the 4 donations she already has. This teacher has never asked for anything before. While this one is a bit more than most of the ones posted here, it would make a big difference in the lives of those children. The bulk of the community does substance level fishing and almost all of them are below the poverty line. They are now around the half way mark.
Someone(s) needs to pick one or two from here:
Posted by @mebee Says, “I went on and filtered by matched donations and Warmth, Care and Hunger. The link is below. If there is one that maybe we can all go together in, I’m going to hold off donating in case there is one we might be able to fund as a group.” We need to chose one.
@reg036 posted about significant budget cuts where he lives for schools: That person says, “My local elementary school has a project”:
And if there are any others people like post them here too.
The ones below are from teachers who have come here to post their projects
Posted by the teacher whose binders already got funded by meh and posted a thank you above and has posted two more of her requests:
From a different teacher: “Help me develop a play based classroom for pre-k please.”:
If any mehrians see ones they’d like to see funded please post them. We have already knocked 10 of them over the top. Thanks so much for helping make some teachers’ (and their students’) day
@scastrejon that made me smile… You have projects yet to be funded and you post a different school/teacher’s request.
@everyoneelse This request is for interactive notebooks, $400 …has a matching grant and needs to be funded by December.
8/14 evening update
We are slowly knocking these off which is wonderful. Teachers only get the money if they are fully funded. If they are not you get your money back and they get nothing. We have helped 11 of them to fully fund so far (“Got Supplies” was fully funded today). Here are the ones that are still only partly funded:
@TheFLP says funding this would be a great birthday present for him as this one ends on his birthday. @kidsandliz likes we have funded at least one Indian reservation school project each year.
A native american community in Alaska where there are no roads in or out has little money for extras like science lab stuff. They want to do robots with the kids both for class and as a club. She needs funded by September 14th or she loses the 7 donations she already has. This teacher has never asked for anything before. While this one is a bit more than most of the ones posted here, it would make a big difference in the lives of those children. The bulk of the community does substance level fishing and almost all of them are below the poverty line. They are now around the half way mark.
Someone(s) needs to pick one or two from here:
Posted by @mebee Says, “I went on and filtered by matched donations and Warmth, Care and Hunger. The link is below. If there is one that maybe we can all go together in, I’m going to hold off donating in case there is one we might be able to fund as a group.” We need to chose one.
@reg036 posted about significant budget cuts where he lives for schools: That person says, “My local elementary school has a project”:
@scastrejon posted this one (she also has two for her own classroom below, her binders have been funded)
And if there are any others people like post them here too.
The ones below are from teachers who have come here to post their projects
Posted by the teacher (@scastrejon) whose has had 2 funded so far (#1 was binders and #2 was supplies which was funded today) and posted a thank you. She has one left:
From a different teacher (@MsChenevert): “Help me develop a play based classroom for pre-k please.”:
If any mehrians see ones they’d like to see funded please post them. We have already knocked 10 of them over the top. Thanks so much for helping make some teachers’ (and their students’) day
Two days left to fund!
THank you for funding me!
My students will be very excited when I tell them the great news!
I’m a public school teacher who teaches at a low-income Title 1 school. I love you guys for doing this. I do not have any projects up right now, but it means the world to me that you’re out there supporting classrooms.
@Collin1000 So create one for something you really need and post it here. Studrec did that last year for his class and we funded him.
Number 6 up a little only needs 270.00 and the donations are being matched so we really only have to come up with 135.00. I’m starting it off with 25.00
Here’s s one from the filtered link I posted above
They still need 307.00 I think and donations are matched, so 154.00
One more and I’ll stop posting! This is a request from a scrum my area. They need books, and reading is a huge thing to me . They need 248.00 to be funded. No donation matches but we have until November 29
@mehbee the url is???
@Kidsandliz Shoot, I was tired! I’ll find it and post it
Here is the link to the school in my area, sorry about leaving off the link.
5/15 evening update
We are slowly knocking these off which is wonderful. Teachers only get the money if they are fully funded. If they are not you get your money back and they get nothing. We have helped 11 of them to fully fund so far (“Got Supplies” was fully funded today). Here are the ones that are still only partly funded:
@TheFLP says funding this would be a great birthday present for him as this one ends on his birthday. @kidsandliz likes we have funded at least one Indian reservation school project each year.
A native american community in Alaska where there are no roads in or out has little money for extras like science lab stuff. They want to do robots with the kids both for class and as a club. She needs funded by September 14th or she loses the 7 donations she already has. This teacher has never asked for anything before. While this one is a bit more than most of the ones posted here, it would make a big difference in the lives of those children. The bulk of the community does substance level fishing and almost all of them are below the poverty line. They are now around the half way mark.
@mehbee posted: Here’s one from the filtered link I posted above
They still need 307.00 I think and donations are matched, so 154.00
@reg036 posted about significant budget cuts where he lives for schools: That person says, “My local elementary school has a project”:
@scastrejon posted these (she also has two for her own classroom below, her binders have been funded)
One days left to fund
The ones below are from teachers who have come here to post their projects
Posted by the teacher (@scastrejon) whose has had 2 funded so far (#1 was binders and #2 was supplies which was funded yesterday) and posted a thank you. She has one left:
From a different teacher (@MsChenevert): “Help me develop a play based classroom for pre-k please.”:
If any mehrians see ones they’d like to see funded please post them. We have already knocked 11 of them over the top. Thanks so much for helping make some teachers’ (and their students’) day
TWO above had the url cut off. The full url is:
Sorry about that.
8/16 evening update
We are slowly knocking these off which is wonderful. Teachers only get the money if they are fully funded. If they are not you get your money back and they get nothing. We have helped 11 of them to fully fund so far (“Got Supplies” was fully funded today). Here are the ones that are still only partly funded:
@TheFLP says funding this would be a great birthday present for him as this one ends on his birthday. @kidsandliz likes we have funded at least one Indian reservation school project each year.
A native american community in Alaska where there are no roads in or out has little money for extras like science lab stuff. They want to do robots with the kids both for class and as a club. She needs funded by September 14th or she loses the 7 donations she already has. This teacher has never asked for anything before. While this one is a bit more than most of the ones posted here, it would make a big difference in the lives of those children. The bulk of the community does substance level fishing and almost all of them are below the poverty line. They are now around the half way mark.
@mehbee posted: Here’s one from the filtered link I posted above
They still need 307.00 I think and donations are matched, so 154.00
@reg036 posted about significant budget cuts where he lives for schools: That person says, “My local elementary school has a project”
@scastrejon posted these (2 of her own have been funded) for other teachers
The one below is from a teacher who has come here to post their project
From a (@MsChenevert): “Help me develop a play based classroom for pre-k please.”:
If any mehrians see ones they’d like to see funded please post them. We have already knocked 11 of them over the top. Thanks so much for helping make some teachers’ (and their students’) day
I apparently accidentally swapped out who posted which project. And I have no idea what I accidentally typed to get a star there. This one is in that person’s school district at home (not what I had above).
@reg036 posted about significant budget cuts where he lives for schools: That person says, “My local elementary school has a project”
I am guessing then that @scastrejon posted this one:
Sorry about the errors.
This one is funded. Thanks folks!!
@mehbee posted: Here’s one from the filtered link I posted above
They still need 307.00 I think and donations are matched, so 154.00
8/17 evening update
ANOTHER ONE FUNDED!!! and the Alaskan Native American community one has had another donation!
@TheFLP says funding this would be a great birthday present for him as this one ends on his birthday. @kidsandliz likes we have funded at least one Indian reservation school project each year.
STEM project
A native american community in Alaska where there are no roads in or out has little money for extras like science lab stuff. They want to do robots with the kids both for class and as a club. She needs funded by September 14th or she loses the 7 donations she already has. This teacher has never asked for anything before. While this one is a bit more than most of the ones posted here, it would make a big difference in the lives of those children. The bulk of the community does substance level fishing and almost all of them are below the poverty line.
Only $599.
@reg036 posted about significant budget cuts where he lives for schools: That person says, “My local elementary school has a project”.
$436 to go:
@scastrejon posted these:
$400 to go:
$396 to go
The one below is from a teacher, @MsChenevert, who has come here to post her project: “Help me develop a play based classroom for pre-k please.”:
$436 to go
If any mehrians see ones they’d like to see funded please post them. We have already knocked 11 of them over the top. Thanks so much for helping make some teachers’ (and their students’) day
TWO IS NOW FUNDED! Way to go mehricans! $776 raised!
@reg036 posted about significant budget cuts where he lives for schools: That person says, “My local elementary school has a project”.
$436 to go:
You all rock!!!
8/18 evening update
Another one funded today! $776 raised for that one. Yea! Way to go folks!
@TheFLP says funding this would be a great birthday present for him as this one ends on his birthday.
@kidsandliz likes we have funded at least one Indian reservation school project each year.
This one is a STEM project
A native american community in Alaska where there are no roads in or out has little money for extras like science lab stuff. They want to do robots with the kids both for class and as a club. She needs funded by September 14th or she loses the 8 donations she already has. This teacher has never asked for anything before. This would make a big difference in the lives of those children. The bulk of the community does substance level fishing and almost all of them live below the poverty line.
$599 to go.
@scastrejon posted these:
$400 to go:
$396 to go
The one below is from a teacher, @MsChenevert, who has come here to post her project: “Help me develop a play based classroom for pre-k please.”:
$490 to go
If any mehrians see ones they’d like to see funded please post them. We have already knocked 12 of them over the top. Thanks so much for helping make some teachers’ (and their students’) day
@Kidsandliz My project has matching funds. $245 will complete my project and bring a year’s worth of puzzles to my classroom. Thanks for your help!
Reviewing the site and organization (we’re skittish as heck about orgs that sound to good to be true, and like to be sure of who is ‘behind’ them) but its looking like we’ll add the site to our list of charitables. If so we’ll come here to look at the recommended projects.
There are a lot of questionable “charities” out there, I agree, don’t think donor’s choice is one of them, they list in the project what fees are in it and they use less then 1% for admin.
“Functional allocation of expenses
94.9% - Classroom projects materials and processing
0.9% - General and administrative
4.2% - Fundraising”
Picked one.
@duodec By picked one if you mean donated. THANK YOU. If you mean found one you liked, then please post the url here so I can include it in the evening updates.
@Kidsandliz Donated to one of the ones listed already.
8/21 evening update
Sorry for the lack of updates. I am out of town dealing with medical crap and mostly have no internet and no phone bars.
@TheFLP says funding this would be a great birthday present for him as this one ends on his birthday.
@kidsandliz likes we have funded at least one Indian reservation school project each year.
This one is a STEM project
A native american community in Alaska where there are no roads in or out has little money for extras like science lab stuff. They want to do robots with the kids both for class and as a club. She needs funded by September 14th or she loses the 9 donations she already has. This teacher has never asked for anything before. This would make a big difference in the lives of those children. The bulk of the community does substance level fishing and almost all of them live below the poverty line.
$499 to go.
@scastrejon posted these:
$400 to go:
$396 to go
The one below is from a teacher, @MsChenevert, who has come here to post her project: “Help me develop a play based classroom for pre-k please.”:
$490 to go
If any mehrians see ones they’d like to see funded please post them. We have already knocked 12 of them over the top. Thanks so much for helping make some teachers’ (and their students’) day
8/22 evening update
Sorry for the lack of updates. I am out of town dealing with medical crap and mostly have no internet and no phone bars.
@TheFLP says funding this would be a great birthday present for him as this one ends on his birthday.
@kidsandliz likes we have funded at least one Indian reservation school project each year.
This one is a STEM project
A native american community in Alaska where there are no roads in or out has little money for extras like science lab stuff. They want to do robots with the kids both for class and as a club. She needs funded by September 14th or she loses the 9 donations she already has. This teacher has never asked for anything before. This would make a big difference in the lives of those children. The bulk of the community does substance level fishing and almost all of them live below the poverty line.
$499 to go.
@scastrejon posted these:
$400 to go:
$396 to go
The one below is from a teacher, @MsChenevert, who has come here to post her project: “Help me develop a play based classroom for pre-k please.”:
$213 to go
If any mehrians see ones they’d like to see funded please post them. We have already knocked 12 of them over the top. Thanks so much for helping make some teachers’ (and their students’) day

/image bump
Hey, that teacher I helped twice before has another DonorsChoose project. She’s asking for pencils, paper, and notebooks. And contributions are currently being doubled. Can you help?
8/24 evening update
$400 to go:
$396 to go
$245 to go:
If you see one you’d like to have supported please post it.
I formerly taught these students, but funding this myself isn’t quite in reach.
This one has been funded. Way to go!
@sligett posted this one as s/he has donated to two of them from this teacher in the past (she has had 4 others funded since July 28th) listed as $256 to go but funds are being doubled right now so $128 to go.
@Kidsandliz Hot damn! Yay!
@sligett Now if we could just get the native american STEM one funded. They have more than half, this is a first time request, the school system really needs it as they have almost nothing… it has 16 days left until all the 800+ donated from 9 donors is lost. They need $499 more.
8/27 evening update
One got topped off today. Thanks everyone!
Each year we have funded a project on one of the poorer Indian Reservations. This one is in Alaska, no roads in or out. Nearly everyone in town is below the poverty line. This teacher has never asked for anything before. This is a STEM project for both the classroom and will also be used for a club (robotics). There have been 9 donors so far. $805 has been raised by 9 folks, there is $499 left to go. The project has to be fully funded by Sept 14th or the teacher loses all the donations. We have funded some other projects where they wanted nearly this amount. I would really appreciate it if we could top this one off. @TheFLP’s birthday is the day this closes and wants it funded as a birthday present. If you are undecided what to do, please help this teacher. (thanks!)
Other projects:
@scastrejon posted these two:
$400 to go:
$396 to go
Posted by the teacher for this project @MsChenevert
$245 to go:
If you find one you like, please post it.
8/28 Unchanged from yesterday’s update
COOL the Alaskan Native American STEM project just got a $100 donation. $399 and two weeks to go. THANK YOU!!!
Please help us send this one over the top.
@Kidsandliz Yes, please! My birthday happiness depends on it.
Evening 8/31 update.
Nothing has changed except that the STEM Native American reservation school request had a donation today. They need only $399 left ($905 donated so far) and 14 days to go or they lose all the money donated.
It would be really nice if we could top this one off as this teacher has never ever asked for anything before, the school system is really destitute, and it would be something a lot of kids would benefit from both in the classroom and with the club.
We’ve topped off 12 so far. Please lets make this the lucky 13th.
Needs $299 now
Come on guys, we can do it
if 30 of you gave 10 bucks it would be enough
@Cerridwyn cool!! Makes me happy. It was someone from here too as they mention meh. THANK YOU!
9/1 update
We had another $100 donation today to the Native American reservation school for STEM robotic kits. THANK YOU whomever gave. I know you are from this forum since you mentioned meh and I so appreciate your donation! They have 13 days left to raise $298.25 or they lose it all (and everyone gets their donations back).
It would be really nice if we could top this one off as this teacher has never ever asked for anything before, the school system is really destitute, and it would be something a lot of kids would benefit from both in the classroom and with the club.
We’ve topped off 12 so far. Please lets make this the lucky 13th. Thank you all who have donated so far!!!
A challenge to every meh employee to give 5-10 dollars to that project.
I dare everyone of you to put up or shut up!
Down to $270 now.
@TheFLP That’s wonderful!
@Kidsandliz @TheFLP
how many staff can we think to send this dare too?
@thumperchick - dare you
@riskybryzness - dare you
@moose - dare you
@Targaryen - dare you
@jdub - dare you
@Leftoverburrito - dare you
@thomasf - dare you
@feralrants - dare you
@woodhouse - dare you
@brandom - dare you
@Hussypants - dare you
@chadp - dare you
@cardiganb - dare you
@Cythwulf - dare you
I’m sure there are more
and i’m sure not all of these are not clones
We need more mehricans to donate too…
@Cerridwyn I dare you to donate $5-$10 to me, and I’ll donate it as I see fit.

/image chicken
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz If my brain doesn’t catch fire (came pretty damned close today
) and I manage not to forget (somewhat less likely than brain on fire), I’ll see if I can drum up some support IRL.
And if we pull this off? I’ll lead the fight against @jst1ofknd’s campaign to be the first Goat Dictator.
(I mean, there’s gotta be a reason why he’s so gung-ho to be Goat, right?)
@jst1ofknd @Kidsandliz @TheFLP
@TheFLP Thanks for trying to help get this one topped off. 10 days to go and they lose it all if we don’t.
@TheFLP PS maybe @jst1ofknd covets the goat icon or the dead goat icon?
@Cerridwyn I donate to schools every semester, when my student loan debt increases
@woodhouse Theoretically though you got (or will be getting) a little something that you will find useful like a diploma? Right?
9/4 evening update
Please donate to this one and/or spread it to your friends (and generous enemies).
10 days to go and they lose all the money donated if we can’t top this one off. They need $269.25 more. They have, so far, 11 donors and most of them are identifiably mehricans (due to what they posted on that teacher’s donation page). Lets make this the lucky 13th teacher and classroom (and in this case a classroom and a club) we have funded. She has never asked for anything before. This school (and entire community) is one of the poorest in the nation.
Think of this as a fuko where your $10 will be paid back not in a bag full of meh goodies, rather paid back by a teacher and a bunch of kids who will be grateful, thrilled, excited and thankful and in disbelief that a bunch of strangers cared. How much better can it get than that? Research shows that experiences rather than stuff contributes to happiness. Be happy. Experience donating and sharing in the thrill of making their day!!
9/5 evening update
OH COOL ONLY $170 LEFT!!! (well technically $169.25) YES SHOUTING IN EXCITEMENT!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! AND it was someone from meh who just donated $100!!! They mentioned sent them there.
The teacher is getting excited (per her recent thank you notes on the site). Please please please lets not let this teacher and her kids down. And I, personally, appreciate the folks who have been donating (12 of you to this project and those of you who donated to the other 12 we have funded in full). I can’t personally top this one off due to my (un)employment situation, and it makes me happy others are being so generous. You all are making MY day.
9 days until this one closes and if not topped off all the money is given back. (and actually might be 8 as with the working not sure if the 14th is the last day or has to be funded by then (eg the 13th) based on the wording).
Good Morning America highlighted the site we are using (donorschoose) this morning and endorsed it. Too bad there was no way to call and tell them, hey our forum here on meh has funded 12, and almost a 13th - and could some listeners please help us kick this 13th one over the top - only $170 to go and 8 days until all is lost. One thing I didn’t know is the donorschose folks actually purchase the stuff the classroom gets and has the stuff shipped to them; the teacher never sees the actual cash.
Please help kick this last one over they top. They are SO close.
GOOD NEWS EVERYONE!!! The Native American STEM project just got fully funded. Someone funded the final $170!!!
I do feel guilty though as another teacher in that school is looking for books for the classroom and I didn’t even see that one until I clicked on the school.
Thank you everyone who contributed to all of these!!!
Hey @TheFlp - you got your birthday present!
Minutes ago:
Dot, a staff member at, purchased the resources for Mrs. Clavette’s classroom and notified the school principal of delivery
@lichme That was quick.
I actually called the school to tell them to let her know it was topped off (figuring teaching would get in the way of checking email - well for teachers that is, not so much so perhaps for students despite the cell phone jail bag I made for phones for my students’ phones when they were being used in class
) as I happened to check within seconds of it being fully funded.
@Kidsandliz huzzah!
@Kidsandliz @lichme
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz @lichme
Woo hoo! First really good news I’ve had all week.
Blowing a hole in my bank account has never felt sweeter.
@Kidsandliz @lichme @TheFLP
/image grin

edit: the first one hurt my eyes
I kept waiting for the donation to show up on my credit card and was starting to wonder if something went wrong. Didn’t notice the charge was on last month’s bill when I made the donation. A bit different from Kickstarter where they don’t charge you until something gets funded.
So now I can breathe easier knowing I already paid for it.
@TheFLP And then if it didn’t fully fill by the deadline you will get a credit.