@f00l You know, I was comparing the lack of a policy at work to someone painting their house purple with pink polka dots due to lack of a HOA. Now i have a graphic to go with that, and I didnt have to Google. You are now my BFF
So is this the right reveal thread? @gnext2, you do realize that i am boarding an Amtrak today, so let us hope that you are not prophetic, but the travel size toiletries and bathrobe kinda make me worry that you are… This is an awesome box, I will do more proper reveal but I need to pack!!
@RiotDemon well the shipping deadline isn’t until tomorrow, so perhaps the ‘family’ is waiting until everyone has been served, grace has been extolled, and jethro has put his dress on inside out, before diggin in.
@ELUNO it was too much like thinking to figure out how to transfer pictures to pc and keep kids from running off with things, so I deferred to today… I am sorry… please don’t die on us… (OMG, they have a clown icon thingie!)
You can take pix w phone and upload.
You have to turn the phone to sideways to landscape view before you initiate the post. Works best 1 photo per post.
@f00l feeling kinda crappy, weather is changing like the wind… freezing cold one moment, nice and toasty warm the next trying to figure out why medicine makes you sicker before it makes you feel better
@f00l frost warnings…garden is in danger…nasty chilly weekend weather, gorgeous during the week. Last week it was 80, tonight it will be 36. Gorgeous leaf colors…
@dtoone01 I’ve been at a work conference all weekend and haven’t had time to post, but here’s a pic of my haul with a quick list of some items:
Make Donald Drumpf Again hat
Book of Mormon
GOT 1st edition figurine (still in plastic)
MLP and Frozen things
Wireless keyboard, which I’m looking forward to testing on my smart tv
Thousands of “admit one” tickets
A card game
Bragonball Z VHS
X-mini max speaker
Some kind of tablet case/keyboard
and so much more!
If I’d had more time/energy, I’d had added more whimsical stuff. But I tried to do ok for my first box exchange.
PS you don’t have a Blu-Ray player? If you don’t plan on getting one, pls feel free to trade/sell/whatever.
PPS: those fitness watches are not Polar’s latest and greatest, but Polar is Da Bomb in terms of quality. If you are serious with fitness, you prob want a Polar, Garmin, or Suunto, and I think those are decent ones. I ordered in error (the people I was buying for already had similar) and forgot to return them.
PPPS: hope you and family are well, or getting to well. Illness sux.
PPPPS: I love that thing you do w trucks and fundraising. At first I thought it was a “hands on a truck contest” for a free truck; then I figured out it was a cool charity. Thanks for being that sort of family.
@f00l aww shucks… we do the touch a truck because it is fun… and it keeps the kids outa trouble. Hubby and I have been members of BSA longer than we have had kids, and it is a great place to learn, even as adults. I tell people that dealing with the board of directors in our fortune 500 company is no worse than a bunch of cub scout parents
as to feeling better, I think so. I slept the entire day yesterday and went to bed on time last night!! Going in for surgery in a couple of weeks and the prep of medicine is making me sicker but that which does not kill you, makes you stronger, or so I hear!!
The kids think the watches are awesome… kinda wished one was for me … sigh, the downside of being a mom!!! (but it has its many benefits, so I am on the winning side)…
I think one of the laptops will read blu-ray, just haven’t gotten the energy to look. My daughter wants to watch the movie, so we will find a way
I love my box o meh… so two thumbs up from this house!!
So I opened an awesome box today. I didn’t find any identifying information except a real name on the return address, so thank you semi-anonymous person! Definitely not meh!
Geeky treasures certainly gives me away huh? I realized after copious amounts of tape that I forgot to put a note in. I hope you enjoy or can find use for some of it. And you are a Guillebeau fan !?! I would love to travel the world like he has done.
@Confusedkitty I must admit my guess was wrong, but you certainly sent an awesome box!
I’m not yet a Guillebeau fan but think I will be soon. I just picked up the $100 Startup not too long ago and haven’t started it yet. This book just looks relevant as I’ve been coming to the realization that I’ve followed my career path not because I love it, but just because I’m good at it, and I feel like I should maybe be doing something else but don’t have a clue what that something else is. I didn’t know it existed before opening the box, but it feels like it might be something I need to pay attention to.
I definitely like and will enjoy much of the box, and other items are perfect gifts for people in my life, which is also wonderful. Thanks again!
I was out sick the last two days, so I decided to wait and open it when I get home (more room on my bed anyways, plus the cats can assist).
I will post pix, etc. later tonight.
It remains to be seen whether I will thank or curse @savvysapphire, but they ( <-- singular usage! ) have certainly met their ( <— again! ) obligation to the Exchange.
@Yoda_Daenerys I have almost all deliveries go to my job. My comment above was posted from work.
I was home sick on Monday and Tuesday; the box from @savvysapphire arrived (at work) on Wednesday morning.
Central Receiving is between where I usually park and my office. I frequently park, go into CR, get packages, hang out and talk for a while, go back to my car, and then go to my office.
This afternoon “they” were shooting an episode of The Americans in Central Receiving (and a bunch of other places on campus). I had to go out at 4:30 and move my car.
I might add some close-up pix later: ask if you want to see anything closer. (So you can zoom in, the photo URL is \http://i.imgur.com/yGAhk1h.jpg.) Note that the hose in the background on the nightstand is from the CPAP machine, not the Dyson.
For some reason, the cats refused to participate in the opening of the box. Every time I left the room, they jumped on the bed to explore but when I went back towards the bedroom, they both ran away.
Comments on some of the items:
the duck tape is the Dill Pickle pattern
the purple water gun is awesome! I had the SAME ONE (except with a white trigger) until the pump broke about a year ago. I used it for kitteh control.
the red and green things by the yellow Cat-5 cable are some kind of frog things
I will try the FireFlye (led valve caps) on my bicycle
the squareish orange framed box above the Flash Bugs is a laser pointer with colored lens things; the cats will like this a lot
with this Stickup BT speaker I may finally build that 7.1 shower speaker system
I didn’t feel like taking down the smoke detectors to get a 9V battery to test it, but if the Football 2 game works it may well be even more awesome than the purple water gun. (Not that I especially like American Football, but old electronic games can be way cool.)
the woot shirt is a 2XL and one I do not have!
the Tipsy LED tap light may be perfect for my nightstand when I’m reading non-electronic books
some of the kids toys will be saved by my kids for their kids (hopefully not arriving any time soon); the other toys and games will likely be appreciated by several neighbors (people next door will probably love the Kids Night Out Restaurant Bingo).
All in all, a most awesome box and only slightly meh.
I’ve been a bad exchanger!
My box to you still has not shipped It was supposed to be picked up today and they never came! GRR, it will definitely be in the mail for tomorrow, i’m driving it down myself. Sorry for the delay whoever you are!
If my box arrives, I will not be opening until the same day my recipient is scheduled to get theirs in the mail.
( if only i could remember who it )
( was )
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Received a lovely box from @baqui63 tonight. Took photos of everything, but have realized that is a lot of photos. But here’s an incomplete overview, with a few highlights to follow:
This is like… when you get bored with the weird shit on the back of a cereal box, you can change it to one of these predetermined 20 weird cereal box shits?
A utensil solely for dipping Oreos into milk. Does not say anything about Oreos Thins compatibility. Does not say anything about soymilk compatibility.
This probably wouldn’t deserve its own photo, but two things: ‘prepasted’ vinyl border that requires adhesive, and the fact that this glorified tape was somehow made and assembled on two different continents.
Umm, ok, more on this in a minute.
Did meh ever sell these? Seems like a product that was made for them. Like, literally designed and produced, start-to-finish with the sole goal of selling it here.
A pretty Eco-Drive?! Dang! Seriously, I’ve had an occasion to wear a gold watch like once in my life, but this will be a strong contender if that ever happens again. Love Eco-Drives.
Okay, L26 Game Player 2…
Contains 8 games that all use this same basic display scheme. They all feel like they were programmed by a third-grader. The backlight and game power are independent of each other (so the game can be off, but still glowing). The games are on four cartridges:
…with imaginative names like ‘HitBrick’ and ‘FillBrick’. But why would such simple games need cartridges? Couldn’t all these things just fit on system ROM?
Of course they could, and do, and the ‘cartridges’ just short different pins to tell the game what you want to play.
A few of those items (the Mota G2, Zhip clip, Toccs cable, Bracketron and the box) came from Meh. Most of the others (including the dipper, watch, book, L26 game, 2012 calendars and of course the Cooking Stylus) came from woot (in various BOC).
I have plenty more Cooking Stylus (Styli?), L26 games and at least one more Bob Sledding book, should you want more.
My first box arrived today. I actually love it, as do my cats (they drooled all over it before I took the pic!) It included
XL Shirt from Woot! (I think a women’s XL)
Android Stealth Pro 7" Tablet (actually kinda cool)
Frost King storm window kits (totally can use these!)
Built Cargo series organizer (hmmm, I’m sure I’ll find a use)
2 packs of Grime Boss wipes (thanks…with the sick cat throwing up, peeing and pooping everywhere, these will come in handy)
Cow print mug that is supposed to moo, but doesn’t
USB cable
2 packs of earbud covers
Replacement helicopter blades (mini quadcopter), and another package with blades and a USB cable
Cow pin
Fish hook? keychain
Delta wings pin
Think Service magnetic ‘rocks’ (this could be fun)
Euro Disney Resort paper
2 Mickey mouse gardening tools (I LOVE Mickey Mouse!)
Solar Powered Daredevil bobblehead (love)
Reading glasses
Mother Goose 45 Record (how fun, and I still have a record player!)
BYO Large camera case (this will go to good use)
2 iPod cases (I think anyway)
Some ‘dirty theme’ stickers (I think the guys I know will get a kick out of them)
USB mouse
Ever Ready batteries, past their best date
UFO type helicopter, can’t get it to work
XFinity frisbee
? Bag (from woot?)
2016 Elements calendar (love the pics)
Puddle jumper toy that looks like a lot of fun to use
I got my most-awesome box today from @metageist – and boy, did they deliver!
1x Animals of the Ocean book
1x half-used sheet of stickers
1x Xbox controller with extra battery pack
1x postcard
1x Trebuchet (which I promptly assembled and used to launch pellets at my wife)
1x Ethernet cable
1x Hexbug, which my son stole immediately after the picture was taken
2x Pint glasses
2x Star Wars Trading cards
2x some sort of headset
1x martian notifier watch, which works great, but the hands are slightly misalligned
1x hairclip
Honestly, I was ashamed of what I sent after getting this box. Thanks a bunch and I look forward to paying it forward next time around!
Oh yeah, and there was a Greenside paper bag from a dispensery. No goodies though
Don’t worry, I didn’t sniff the hairclip to see if it had been worn recently, then clip it in my hair and cuddle with it. That would be weird. I would never do that. Nope. Btw, do you like my hairclip?
@capguncowboy I think the self shame is kind of part of the deal–you sent off your junk and then got something else awesome. It may be that new junk is inherently awesomer than the junk you already had. Or it could be that other people have cooler junk than we do.
I know I felt the same way after opening mine, but I hope my victi–err, recipient thinks that my junk is cool too.
@capguncowboy I got that watch as a broken fuko gift from meh, and had the replacement parts shipped to me from Martian Watches. Its easy to take apart if you have one of those tiny screwdrivers for glasses or watch repair. I fixed it myself so uh no promises on durability
I thought it was pretty cool and would have kept it but my wrists are smaller than a 9-year olds so it looks gimongous and weird on me.
I was so excited to see one of my favorite Woot shirt designs in a lunchbox! And packed full - I absolutely love the nose pencil sharpener, turtle keychain, Napoleon Dynamite lip balm, and pop rocks! !
I will post the complete list of wonderful soon - I only have access to my cell right now and my battery is about to die. Thank you so much @heliOs and greetings from a former Oregonian
I had @zachdecker as my sender. You so totally overdid it man. I’m impressed.
Here’s what I received:
Aquaglobes! We have some lilly’s in the living room that’l l appreciate these.
Lord of the Rings Pez. I LOVE PEZ! I’m probably going to keep this for a friend who loves LOTR though!
A marathon cash card! Empty, though. Meh.
A little container to hold SD cards with two adapters. This’ll come in handy, I’ve been holding my SD cards willy nilly rolling around the case…
A bunch of these dohickeys, whatever they are.
Four packs of these gold tattoo thingers…
A tripod…
A single use emergency thong:
A little stress ball.
A little bottle of smirnoff. I have only had one sip of beer in my life, no other alcohol and I’m 30… I’m afraid this might go in the trash. We’ll see what uses I can find for it.
Moar pez.
Startup guide for a chromebook… That had my hopes up.
A lightsaber doohickey toy that doesn’t work.
Clothes hangers… can always use.
A random cord to add to my collection.
This little note:
Leading up to…
A BRAND NEW PERSONAL KEURIG. I bought a larger one from a yard sale that died, that my father used every day… He’s pretty much claimed it. It’s already set up… We’ll use our own coffee beans for it…
Here’s a photo
In use:
Gotta jet to help get food ready for neighborhood kids at church. I’ll post more when I get home, I promise, about all of this stuff. Just in a rush now. Toodles. THANKS SO MUCH!
@juststephen Just FYI - none of the photos you’ve posted are coming thru for me (at the office). I’ll check again at home tonight with different machine/browser
@zachdecker Perhaps I’ll use the shot of vodka to clean some mold that’s been attempting to grow on my desk. Tempted to drink it, but I have only had one sip of alcohol (bud light when I turned 21) in my life, and trying to keep it that way… That was eight years ago. Time flies.
@juststephen Glad the box of stuff I didn’t want/need got to you!
The power cord is an iGo, and the little adapters are mostly for charging obsolete phones (an A97 tip is mini-USB, but I’m not sure if any useful ones are in the bag).
Sorry about the vodka, but I figured anyone who hangs around here and asks for this sort of crap will be driven to drink eventually.
Plus vodka because I am secretly a Russian trying to hack this scam…
@zachdecker Believe me, that Keurig will be getting a ton of use. My father will use it at least twice a day, and I’ll use it for hot chocolate water and stuff - perhaps try to throw my own hot chocolate keurig recipe together using cocoa powder, sugar, etc… Probably won’t turn out well.
The water bulbs are currently stuck in a plant in the living room that sat in my grandmother’s house for about ten years before she passed away four years ago, it’s been a very long lived plant, and due to this it’ll last a lot longer (especially if we forgot to water it)
Most of the lowhanging loose pez has been devoured… I once ordered 2lb of pez on Amazon and destroyed it in two days. True story.
@zachdecker The Company has received approximately 200
incident reports related to the approximately 7.2 million MINI Plus units in the U.S. and Canada, which
equates to an incidence rate of approximately 0.003%.
That’s not bad. Even less of a chance than if you bought an “exploding” note 7.
@juststephen I honestly wouldn’t worry about it, but that’s just me. I won that at a golf outing this month, and I would have used it as it was if I didn’t already have one.
@zachdecker ahh just read that! so yea looks like cloudflare cut them off… that would explain it and I am happy it is not my connection, but sad for all the people who have images hosted on there!
@thismyusername Shit! Why am I always one of the last to learn of these things?!!!
I did not know that Meh can host pix directly, tho I am not surprised at this functionality. I’ve been uploading pix to imgur to share them here (because Dropbox is kinda-sorta-muchly lame in many ways).
I am one of the lucky few who @mikeleemm shipped one of the 3 boxes too!
Contents include:
-6 retractable dry erase markers (1 going to each kid, and 4 going to my daughter’s 2nd grade teacher)
-3 clear rulers (going in the school supplies/homework drawer)
-1 glue stick (same)
-3 pair of white socks (keeping these to wear myself)
-1 disposable Schick razor (will use since razors are expensive)
-1 package of mello smello stickers (claimed by older kid)
-1 ThinkGeek Android plush! (claimed by younger kid)
-1 container multi-use wipes (put with cleaning supplies at home)
-1 blue flashlight to go with the red, silver, and blue ones we have (kids play with these ALL THE TIME and now each have 2!!)
-1 Toy Story 3 story/sticker book, with no stickers (I think my nephew will still love this)
-1 45 vinyl of “Walk Right In” / “Cool Water”, The Rooftop Singers (We have no record player, but my daughter is going to give this to my goddaughter, a friend of hers, who has one)
-1 flip phone shaped video game thing (having to pry this away from kids already)
-1 letter opener (put it with the other letter opener we have but don’t use)
-1 HP laptop power brick (unsure what to do with this yet)
-1 strange pelican sculpture (I may surreptitiously drop this off on some random co-worker’s desk)
-1 mediocre post-it-note note (will treasure this for the next 3 seconds before throwing it in the trash)
I can directly use the majority of this stuff!!
Thanks @mikeleemm!
I like the Bugdroid plushies. I have 3 of them in different sizes.
(Of course, I also have a Bugdroid speaker, a Bugdroid made out of Lego, a Bugdroid figurine (I used to have 2), and a Bugdroid case for my Nexus 5.
I need to get more Bugdroid stuff though…)
@zachdecker lol, I did a foolish thing years back and bought a dozen from Thinkgeek, and they’ve been staring at me like WTF did you do. Also, hopefully the markers still work, I didn’t try them, but were a similar impulse purchase.
Upon first inspection I was slightly confused because I clearly said no food. But then I realized that I was not dealing with someone who has a history of taunting me, so I felt fine.
Anyways here is what I got:
C3P0/R2D2 1000 piece photomozaic puzzle
The 12 parodies of that holiday for which we murder trees as one site puts it.
Mickey Mouse & Friends napkins (picnic)
Coby digital photo frame
Care Bears thermos
3 plastic spiders
Slightly used tissue
2400 mAh mobile power station
1997 Intel bunnyman
Pop up pint glass
11 Function Credit Card Size Survival Pocket Tool
ID/card/money holder
Pocket change purse thingy
Heart necklace thing
Card/money clip
The Laptop RAM was not part of the box. It’s just what I use to open boxes.
1 - Robin Hood VHS
1- galaxy s7 phone case
3 - collectable pennies
1 - mom to be wrist band
1- postage stamp
1 - bag of radish French dressing 30+ (that honestly creeps me the French out). Or maybe I don’t get the joke
1- bag of keyboard keys M. E. H. and F5 with a tiny lock and Sandy cheeks monopoly figure (very creative)
7 - DVDs big Lebowski, matrix revisited, leprechaun 1,2,3,4, back 2 tha hood. On golden pond, spiderman 2 and Shirley Temple collection.
2 - scoovy (I have no idea what these are for)
2 - sticker sheets my mom claimed
1 - 2000 beanie baby
1 - lotion my mom claimed
2- phone charger cables
1- bag of rocket balloons
1- bag of kids tattoos
1- pink wine bag
1- bag of garbage bags
1- make a thing a Bluetooth thing UGY
1- black mesh bag (I’ll use this when riding the motorcycle)
4- nfl fingernail tattoos (I’m a Broncos fan and my girlfriend so excited to use these)
2- whitesox stickers
10- football and baseball cards
1- selfie stick
1- penguin adoption
1- desk air filter shaped like toadstool mushroom
1- flashlight Keychain
2- car air freshener
1- kindle case (girlfriends mom claimed)
1- collapsible LED lantern
1-premium toner cartridge
1- smoking Marijuana is bad poster that I’m going to ROLL up
So Leprechaun so one of the best comedies and I only owned it on VHS. Those are all gone and I was never allowed to buy them due to annoying the entire family. With this box came great excitement for me and terrible sadness for everyone around me.
Also sorry for taking so long. I didn’t get a chance to even ship my box till today.
My mom was up from Florida that I haven’t seen in 4 years and right after I was in the hospital for some weird bug bite that rashed up a fist size under my knee.
@sammydog01 its not really going away but the swelling went down and it doesn’t hurt anymore. Yeah, im in NJ. They think it was a tick or a spider. Just glad I didnt leave it like i normally would because I hate the doctor. She said it could have gotten really bad
@triplebud When it is that red, if it is also hot you can also have cellulitis in the mix (I get cellulitis each and every time I get a fire ant bite and it spreads fast with me anyway).
The Scoovy things are for the “self-balancing” boards which don’t balance automatically on their own, and which people ridiculously call “hoverboards”.
Batman loot crate comic
Vögelein comic
Forrest Gump vhs
Bluetooth keychain speaker
McDonald’s neo pet keychain
Microsoft word pin
Bonsai kit
Paracord bracelet
Paperweight calendar that is good until 2029
Dog from Wallace and Gromit, I’m guessing Gromit
I’m not sure who my sender is because there is no meh username.
The speaker works and will go in my shower
The paracord bracelet will go in my car with my emergency supply bag. I guess if I ever go hiking somewhere, I can wear it in case I get lost.
The little calendar thing can go next to my fisherman in my shelf. It has a ships wheel on it, so it seems fitting.
I’ll actually try to grow the bonsai kit. Reading the instructions are a little intimidating. They sound almost like the instructions for growing roses from seeds, which I have to do as well. I guess I can do them at the same time.
So @juststephen sent me a nice medium flat-rate box. Inside was a ginormous hand-written note almost twice the size of said box. Pic of that didn’t turn out well, but here is text:
Dear compunaut, I wish that I could afford to send you a HUGE box of stuff as I know I have so much junk, I mean stuff I need to get rid of, but shipping is so darn expensive. I hope that you enjoy this random box of stuff that I am sending. At any rate, I hope that you have an A-Meh-zing Day. JustStephen
PS: The tea is decaf!
PPS: The main project I was working on for you failed mehserably. Product was defective
My Sapphire had to inspect everything before I could lay it out and take a proper picture.
From @Mikeleemm:
Halo Flashlight/lantern (this will become a Christmas gift)
3 pack of socks (also becoming a Christmas gift)
Droid plush (for the Apple user lol)
Multi-purpose cleaning wipes (good for the sick cat that’s leaving all kinds of presents for me)
AC adapter for an HP (not sure what I can use this for yet)
3 - 2 packs of dry erase markers
3 - 6" plastic rulers
Letter opener
Glue stick
Air Wick plug in oil warmer (unit only, no oil)
Mello Smellos Stickers - coffee scent
Toy Story 3 Sticker book with no Stickers
The Outsiders 45 (yup a record)
Barbie PDA looking game/learning device…only a little strange
Cute little plush dog that has a zipper pocket in his back. Sapphire actually loves him, but so do I, so I had to risk claws taking him away!
@savvysapphire Let’s call this a re-do or maybe a Part 2. I’ve got another box heading to you. Following the same guidelines, something from Meh, stuff not from Meh, something a little festive, and some stuff I’ve had around here too long .
@mikeleemm Hi! Wanted to let you know I received the new box! I love it!
Such great goodies to include:
A Meh bottle of wine…honestly, I wanted to try it, but couldn’t bring myself to buy it, so thanks!
A Kindle, with a case and wall charger! This is cool, thanks!
A pet treat thrower…I’m kinda scared they won’t find the treat and I’ll in fact be treating random bugs lol
A peppermint bark bar (yum!)
Dinosaur socks…my mom is giving these to my brother in his stocking lol
Some really cute erasers, two different packages/kinds
A super cute cat sticky note pad!
Bella Sara and MLP card packages…not sure I want to open these, or throw them at some poor child who will wonder about me for the rest of their life.
And a mystery puzzle…
…which awesomely turned out to be a MLP puzzle. Yes, I had to put it together, both before I ate dinner…and my poor starving (not really, but they thought they were) cats!
And, lastly from @brhfl:
A nice old postcard with a gorgeous picture of “West view from Gambrill State Park (High Knob) Frederick, Maryland” (Old postcards and pictures are always fascinating, and the note on the back was nice, thank you!)
1 white glove (which my sweet Sapphire stole, and I tried to get back, but almost lost my hand. It’s hers now.)
A cutting board that rolls up (at least I think it’s a cutting board)
A pair of Tabi Socks - Skull
Irritable hedgehog sticker
Board of Education mailer
2 sets of coupons to Bath & Body Works (I will use them as I love Bath & Body)
Fish to color in, with Zulily ad on reverse
Scissors (But I can’t run with those!)
9 - plastic syringes/droppers?
Postcard from 13 deals
Mini pumpkin with face drawn on it (Seriously love this, it may join my uncarved pumpkin outside)
2 pieces of chalk
3 - corks
2 - atomic fireballs
Piece of paper with pixels on it, looks like an m?
2 - Poloroid pics, one is black the other has dice
Phillips screwdriver (considering I always lose these, this is great)
Gerber brand bottle opener? (I think?) iHerb.com letter opener
Candy Corn lights (I love Candy corn, not sure how the lights will look, I’ll try them out…mehbe, someday)
Kent Nagano/Dawn Upshaw Songs of the Auvergne CD
Wireless mouse (no reciever?)
Paul Frank purse with monkey on it (OK, this is really cool)
Car Cam Buddy (looks like a camera for the car to record your drive, and honestly, I’ve been thinking of getting one)
Water bottle filled with mini candy (Good, because I’m drinking more water, but I also LOVE candy, lol)
Adoroma air bags…smells like…air, lol
Thank you!
@savvysapphire Glad you don’t totally hate it! Hah! Few points: The socks, the PF bag, and the Car Cam were my ‘meh’ objects. The bag is totally cute but not my thing so I hope it’s appreciated!
The wireless mouse is bluetooth. It’s not my favorite mouse, but… now you have a spare mouse? haha
My outside pumpkin is also uncarved.
The Gerber thingy is more of a safety blade sort of thing for opening boxes and the like.
The 9 (I had no idea how many I threw in) pipettes are unused, so if you ever need to pipette something… they should be fine, hah!
The postcard has a URL on it, some of the random garbage items will, in fact, make a little more sense after that. Maybe. Hopefully.
@RiotDemon is right on both accounts — It’s a silicone baking mat, and it’s the meh favicon.
@savvysapphire Oh, and I don’t know how I ended up w/ two copies of that Upshaw disc but I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to give one of them away. Upshaw just has one of those voices, and it’s a truly lovely recording.
@brhfl ah. Cool silicone baking mat! I’m so bad with knowing these things, I bake, but I don’t cook, and I didn’t know silicone baking mats existed! Nice, I tried the url, but it was just some numbers, so I either typed it I wrong in my exhausted state or I’m missing something.
@brhfl Thank you, Sapphire melts my heart too. It’s how she gets away with everything! She’s not a purebred, but her personality is all Siamese! Wouldn’t trade her for the world, regardless of how many times I tell her I’m trading her in for a better model lol!
@brhfl ah, yes, even though I had since Friday to figure that out, I was missing something lol! So much going on this weekend. I’ll look into it tomorrow.
@heliOs Did you ever get your box? It should have arrived last Monday, I think.
@mikibell Yours shows as delivered on Friday. I know you’re under the weather, but I didn’t include medicine or tissues so you can put it off until you’re feeling better
@yoda_Daenerys I’m still missing one box, but I know a bunch of people are behind so I’m not stressing it.
@DaveInSoCal Hi, DaveInSoCal… I will try to post tonight. If I can lay it all out before the kids get home from trick-o-treat, it will show all. If not, it will be missing items I commandeered for the kids’ stockings That putty is coooolll…
@tinamarie1974@DaveInSoCal Sorry guys just moved to a new apt and they are making me come by the office DURING BUSINESS HOURS to pick up packages! I’m hoping to be able to jet off from work early to grab those tomorrow. Sorry for the delay but, the wait will only make them that much more exciting (disappointing?)!
So @Stallion sent me his last exchange box that he couldn’t even go through because it was so gross. I found the source of grossness:
These chocolates that melted and then got over everything, and rehardened. The smell actually made me get my respirator because it was so strong, I was starting to feel ill. I don’t know if the chocolate rotted or what.
Book, dog nail clippers, tin with tea, tube of tea, digital timer, the disgusting chocolates, flying monkey, plastic cups with floral soap dispenser and Christmas ornaments, purple and black wig that would of been fitting for my Grim Reaper costume, bag of trail mix, an android magnet, a switch plate magnet
Some black plastic thing that I couldn’t identify and I couldn’t be bothered to take twenty pictures of, tiny teddy bear, cheap handcuffs, cardboard background, magnet, veggie tales pin, crayon pencils, mental sticker, some kind of plastic lid with a huge hole, McDonald’s bracelet, petsmart bandana, chocolate granola stuff that comes on top of a yogurt, squishy dog toy, think geek monkey stickers
Close up of the soap dispenser and chocolate blobs
Box full of chocolate. Seriously. Don’t send food that can leak everywhere. This was fucking disgusting.
I know I agreed to this, but most of it is going in the trash unless someone wants something. I might wash the handcuffs and the wig, because they’re kinda funny, and my last pair of handcuffs that I had decorating my backpack were confiscated at the airport.
@RiotDemon You are BRAVE! I opened the box and couldn’t go any further…but I don’t regret it since you’ve show that its nearly all junk. This box should be an example of what NOT to send in an exchange.
Yes an exchange can be all worthless stuff, but this box was straight garbage! Was definitely crushing when I took the time to find lots of Meh worthy stuff and sent it off to a fellow Mehrican, and then I got this in return. I wish I knew who sent this box to me…
@RiotDemon Thanks for taking the challenge, you have proven you are one of the most daring Mehers!
@Stallion you weren’t kidding about the junk drawer feel.
I mean, the top of one of those yogurt things really did me in. You can’t really expect someone to use that, can you?
I’m glad you got to see the contents, but I might regret it a little. Lol
The flying monkey even screeched at me when I dropped the box on top of my garbage can. It’s too bad, but chocolate is so hard to get out of fabrics. The handcuffs and the wig were semi protected because of being in a box and a bag.
@DaveInSoCal No not yours. I guess you didn’t like some of my things - such a pity one man’s junk isn’t another man’s treasure. Who would have thunk? If it was the meh pingpong balls someone better appreciate them as it took ages to “sharpie” them (LOL). Of course that is all your fault and not the goat’s since in a thread you wanted meh to sell meh branded ones and so I branded them, meh style, for you. And it better not be that sports decoration or I will hunt you down and get you as I went out and bought that (grin). You do remember I have your address don’t you? Of course you may gamble that it is 2000 miles away from me, I am broke so what could I do…but I have FRIENDS and RELATIVES in So Cal and one is an ENGINEER who loves to do elaborate pranks, another one is in college studying to be an engineer and is being schooled on how you use those skills to say, put a locked car (without being caught) where it doesn’t belong and will be very hard to get down, or cause the lights on the library tower (access is behind locked doors) to blink on and off in morris code sending a message - ya know. Mundane things like that. Yours was appropriately meh and good at the same time.
@Kidsandliz Are you kidding? I LOVED the box I got from you! You sent me 6 artfully crafted meh ping pong balls, so I thought it would be nice to share two of them with other mehtizens.
@DaveInSoCal I was just giving you a hard time : ) All boxes have items that are, um shall we politely say, “white elephants” to be passed around each meh exchange… and with luck never make it back to the original sender (grin)
@mikibell My Box showed up, Woohoo! Hoping I have time to go through it later tonight or tomorrow. I cracked the top and it looked Mehtastic, can’t wait!
@dashcloud I’ll have to take your word for it. I wasn’t going to bother disinfecting the bag to attempt it. That chocolate was stuck all over everything.
Hey, I opened your great box early this morning when I got home, I love it, and posted pix of everything and everything looks either useful or intriguing or both and am esp interested in the whiskey.
It took longer than I wanted to get these posted but, here we go, first box received from @pamtha! Lots of goodies here, Halloween themed goodies, goodie bag, lantern, ipod (won’t charge it says), paracord, luggage tag, card sleeves, laces, shaker ball, Harley, Tic Tacs, corn butterer, glow lights, balloons, coaster, rubber band ball, USB cable, audio cable, eyes, puzzles, poop game, pencils and more happy birthday pencils, necklace, skewers, yellow floatie thingie, shelf liner, gloves, gift bag, dvd movie Tora Tora Tora, and last but not least, the Meh classic, neoprene sleeve.
Actually I’ll be making use out of a lot of this, the cables I actually was needing, ipod is now part of my ipod collection, forgot to mention the electrical tape, but that always comes in handy. Poop sounds like fun too
This next box was from @baqui63 and starts with a couple 2012 Clone Wars calendars, phone stand/hook, cell phone charger, Toy Story curtain hooks (my favorite), basketball speakers, pet snack thrower, MJ figure, Queens college notebook, mini flashlight, a personalized company mug and some type of holder, funky tablecloth, cell phone stand, USB cable (very needed), a cooking game stylus (very specific), a monster model thing, a set of ducks, and a mystery wrapped item, which appears to be some type of LCD game.
@Yoda_Daenerys Well, the way woot was giving those away in 2013 and 2014, I’m sure there are other people who have them (I got at least 6, maybe 7 of them in BOCs during that time range).
If you ask nicely, @brhfl or @mikeleemm might be willing to part with one of theirs.
I have to say I appreciate this thread, and the box I received. I don’t think I did great with the box I sent out and I feel kinda bad but I am soaking all these reveals in and I’m going to start putting things aside for my next box. I’m going to rock the next one.
Last but definitely not least, a big box from @savvysapphire. I completely forgot the first exchange I did was to @savvysapphire, and this time was too. Silly me sent the same stuff, doh! Maybe I will have to share more goodies But back to the package received, first, a Cabbage Patch Kid (I love it). Then another baby doll in package, wine carrier/protectors, baby toys, vintage eraser and fasteners (wow, I haven’t seen fasteners like that since I was little), glow sticks, little bunny, what I think looks like a pigduck, iphone protector, jumping frogs, flashy laces, phone cord, light up stems, 3ds case with pokemon (perfect for the 3ds), squirt gun, power wheels charger, Mork and Mindy Hotwheel (neat!), Penguin Duck Tape (always useful), door alarm, light up thing, carrying strap, vintage crayons, can converters (interesting, might need to try this), flashlight, headphones (yay!), laser pointer (yay!), glow stick, fun pad, bingo, magnet ears, note pad, spongebob watch, game thing, tap light and of course, the Meh Neoprene sleeve (strangely a different one than I had sent from the pictures, lol)
So i got a mystery box from someone in Kansas with the initials MP. I am a little nervous to know if I have offended you, as I dont know if the animal jaw necklace and rock in a leather pouch are good luck totems or a curse. _(••)_/
Sandlot 2 DVD
True Lies VHS (good movie!)
Two editions of Age of Empires III
Felix the Cat DVD
2 CD of Dropkick Empire the Warriors Code and Stretch Atmstrong Free at Last
Puffy paint set
Stick light (handy!)
And a rams head clay holder thingy (sorry no clue what this is), along with the aforementuoned totem.
Cool stuff, I will try the CDs out as i have never heard of either. Thank you MP!
@Kidsandliz@ilovehollboll He is catnip powered, is an asshole, and would not have allowed himself to be stuffed in a box. He does not deign to be catlike, and does not fits/sits anything. He just abides. He is fascinated by the box contents, it must smell good, much like the dead mouse he brought me at 4 am while I was in the bathroom.
@Pamtha LOL - one of mine was jumping on and off the bed, running all over it in the middle of the night. Turns out she was playing with a cockroach, it would fall off the bed, she’d go gently fetch it in her mouth and bring it back on to my bed. I captured it and threw it outdoors. Of course with the foundation problem cracks it could just as easily come right back in (lizards who do that end up lunch for the cats). My kitty was not happy with me that I took away her toy.
@connorbush Either it had to be from Meh, or it had to be in the spirit of Meh. The Amerelle UtilityLite AA battery powered fluorescent light should have been sold by Meh if it has not been. It reeks of Meh.
@Kidsandliz Don’t remind me of the time I woke up because I thought something touched my feet under the covers. Then I felt it again. It was furry. panic freeze. I boldly reach my hand down there, fish around and grab a warm furry body. IT’S OUR GOD DAMN HAMSTER FROM ACROSS THE HALL THAT ESCAPED AND CRAWLED UP UNDER THE COVERS OF MY BED. start breathing again
( if it was unintentional, )
( nevermind )
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@Yoda_Daenerys It was supposed to be the shrugging thing like the one that started the thread. I am not cool enough to figure it out. @compunaut Desperate times call for desperate measures. What else could I have done? I figured a mouse couldn’t gnaw off a finger and those catfish noodling guys are the real superheroes.
@therealjrn Glad you have it and it’s not in the hands of some package bandit. No rush to open it, let the mediocrity steep for a while. Most importantly, feel better!
Thanks @SavvySapphire! This is by far the largest amount of stuff I’ve ever received in a meh exchange, and much of it is awesome. I especially like the puzzles.
Everything in front of the black storage box was in the package. The t shirt (perfect size!) on the box was also included.
The soda and pumpkin were not part of the mediocre box.
I will find the screw-drivers and speaker most useful. The star wars trivial pursuit is fun; however, I have never seen star wars. community gasp I know… I suck.
There is a note in the upper left hand side that I found to be quite touching and a nice. Also included was a laptop bag that could be handy. I have been on the market for an 11" computer so the Built in NY case might be just the right accessory.
@connorbush the 3-1 spoon, knife, forks were especially well appreciated. We pack lunches every morning and those are just the tools we need to make a lunch a bit more fun and functional–WIN!
On Nov 1, my second box from @triplebud was delivered. Unfortunately, due to confusion in the mailroom (frakking goat!), I did not get it until today. I opened it at work and its contents are most mehsome, but there is no good place to lay out large quantities of stuffs at work for pix.
I promise to do this before the end of the weekend. But the goat made me procrastinate and wait until tonight to do the final prep for my first FIRST FTC tournament this season: I have yet to take the Head Referee test and I have to be up in less than six hours for the hourish drive to Millburn NJ.
I had “emergency” laser eye surgery today (fuck you, goat! leave my eyes alone in the future gadnabit!) so I’m not feeling like pulling the box’ contents out and taking pix. (My eyes will be fine… torn retina, so the surgery was to prevent a detached one… my third thus far, tho first in left eye… I’d say my left eye is back to about 60% of what it can do normally.)
Also, I’ve had most of a bottle of rye as I watched election results tonight., which means that any pix I take might be of things best left unpix’d.
@baqui63 obviously anything surrounding me and this exchange is cursed. I’d say just enjoy the crap and leave it at that. Let’s stop anyone else from being infected
@RiotDemon Thanks. Other than a lack of focus (eye is still somewhat dilated 21 hours later) and some painful light sensitivity, I’d say I’m recovered.
This does not mean that the floaters are gone… they are the most annoying part of it… as if I’m constantly seeing flying things, including a coiled dragon like shape (think a loose wad of USB cables, out of focus and hovering around inside my eye).
@triplebud I will take and post pix tonight. It will be a good thing to do this, even if you have no desire to be eminded of what you sent me, those that keep files on these things need to know what you sent for future reference.
@mikibell I see my passed on sharpie meh ping pong ball in the last photo… and the little man flash drive might have originally come from me too. Does that mean that junk is now making the soon to be famous junk rounds? LOL
@connorbush @f00l
I love love love this T-shirt. And it is not a tiny size as @connorbush appreciates that not everyone is a movie star wth a person trainer
1 Meh “faces t-shirt”, shown above. Almost my favorite. Let’s say my second favorite, but the shirt will last longer than my first favorite.
1 small decorative LA Dodgers baseball hat. I am trying to decide whether to put it on something or to put stuff in it.
1 Synek pack of playing cards, both for regular card games, and for a special drinking game. I wanted a pack of cards, I don’t know where mine went.
3 packs of towelettes for a “Quick Dude Shower”. Might be very handy.
1 compostable bag full of coffee pods which smell incredible from San Francisco Bay Coffe Co, flavor is “fog chaser”. These really smell incredible, even thru the bag.
1 Remington Sportsman Series Skeleton knife. I was thinking of buying a pocket knife so this is great.
1 ifrogz Big Sound Rugged MINI Speaker. I am going to try it on my keychain. It is “Tadpole Active”, whatever that means.
2 interesting looking Activa watches. They have a casual look of something you’d give to a kid but they are sized for an adult and seem rather well-built. One of them has battery life and seems to work fine. The other prob needs a battery. I have to look these up. I am gonna check these out. I have a thing for interesting watches.
I pair of HDO reflective sunglasses as a StubHub promo. They seem fine. I have to look these up also. I will use!
1 unopened SIM Activation Kit for Cricket Wireless. Hmmm. I have a few unused gsm PHONES.
2 silicon wristbands. 1 is green and says "Vitamen Angels"
The other is black and says “LOVE” on one side and has some nice guitar artwork on the other side. What band does this go with?
1 BEM Bluetooth speaker wristband in red. I have one but not in red, so cool! These might go to some younger folk. Or I might dream up some sorta use.
1 genuine Medico filter for pipes and pipe holders. I don’t smoke but I am trying to remember if any of my 4:20 friends uses a pipe? How would these work with alternative smokables?
1 tiny decorated beer-can pin which I like. Where should it go? Hmmm.
A bunch of brewery stickers:
2 for Great Divide Brewing Co
1 for Wolf Creek Brewery
1 for Kolibri Ale Works
1 coffee sticker for Death Wish Coffee
I want to try all of these consumables.
2packs of sticky notepads from the 2016 Great American Beer Festival which sounds like incredible fun. And I can always use sticky notes, since it’s easier than having a memory.
My 3rd and 4th favorite items are two plastic spider rings with huge fake jewels. I love them. I will have to live up to them next Halloween.
And my favorite item: a tiny vial of Fireball Red-Hot Cinnamon Whiskey. How hot is this? I intend to find out next weekend!
So this is great! I will go back they the box and see if I forgot anything.
The wonderful coffee smell is calling me as I do this list.
You might wanna check out the Ringplus threads on Slickdeals. The threads can get long and complicated. Because all cell plans are complicated.
What you need is a SPRINT phone with a clean esn. Then you want for Ringplus to throw a good sale. Which they do several times a month.
(Must be a Sprint phone!)
It’s important to read a bunch of Ringplus threads first to get the idea.
Basically you pay something to activate the phone. Less than $50 I think usually. Then you get, for example, 4000 minutes, 4000 texts, and 4gb data a month. For free. For forever I think.
You have to give Ringplus a credit card to cover data overages. If you are careful to use wifi when you can and don’t download a bunch of large files or binge on videos and music, and if you watch your data usages, you’ll prob never have an overage. Which means monthly use is free.
Not a good plan for kids I suspect. YouTube and Spotify are too tempting.
Great for adults who have self control and who understand it before signing up.
A great phone to get would be a Sprint Samsung Note 3 (the Note 4’s have tech issues, the 5’s don’t allow additional storage.). Or a Nexus 1 or 2 generations back. There are other great phones. The Samsung s5. Many others. Or iPhones a few years old if you want that.
Sources of Sprint phones: Amazon warehouse, Swappa, Amazon warehouse. Possibly EBay if you have a feel for the place.
If you do this, visit a store to see how various size phones fit in your hand and feel in daily use. Some people prefer the 5 in ones, some the bigger phones.
On Slickdeals.net there are a bunch of phone plan experts for these alrernative carriers. Try searching for the threads there. As @PlacidPenguin mentioned, RingPlus buys its cellular bandwidth from sprint.
I don’t know how Ringplus compares to other carriers. Try the slickdeals threads on these carriers.
The universe of cell carrier options is a serious wilderness.
@sammydog01 Next:
-Bubba cup- love these
-Tweety mp3 player (this got me my first goat nomination)
-Meh branded adapter (@JonT sent me one of those. Hi @JonT!)
-fan that works on a power bank just like they sold yesterday!
-Minion building set!!!
And some Woot goodies!
-2 gojo phone headsets (didn’t have one)
-cat unicorn horn (didn’t have one)
-camera strap
-bungee strap
-wall paper border
-DSI dock (the cable in these is really useful)
-teacup candle
-crappy goldish ring
-Monte sticker
-screaming monkey with bonus cape
And some fancy extras:
-Georgia Tech football coaster
-kitty socks! So cute.
-sticky/magnetic device holder of some kind. Maybe for phones?
-green ID holder thing
-miso soup pack
-2 zip seams (kickstarter thing for making shorts smaller)
-Pulp Fiction DVD!
@sammydog01 Unless you’re allergic to something, it should be good to eat. Maybe getting a little stale by now, but hey, this is Meh, not Mehcdonald’s.
@compunaut send me a pretty cool meh box that arrived today. THANK YOU!!!
Purple Rigdlea Rockets (@barney) swim cap
Purple bugs bunny patch
Purple Edward Scissor hand CD/DVD carrying case
Purple x-mini max capsule stereo speakers
Story cube game
IQ buster round cube puzzle “The tormenter”
New Orleans Drip Grind Banana Foster Coffee
Emergency chocolate – it will shortly be an emergency
2 rolls wallpaper border
Whale wind chimes
Glow Blue light with glow stick , flashlight and whistle, battery works
4 pack pack n’ snack containers
Raymond Chandler The big sleep book
Apex gift wrapped AGP X system game player with car race game that apparently needs a battery (easily solved)
Wipeout water bottle
Star Trek DVD
Wooden dinosaur kit that I sort of remember from ages ago from meh
$35 off hellofesh.com food meal box
MN Vikings knit hat
Cat Treats and Tricks - 3 cat toys and a recipe book to make cat treats (the photos of which look better than some human food)
4 texas air bags
one used meh box
Quite a lot fit into that small box.
enter image description here
The goat cat snatched the mouse by the tail, jumped up on the cat tree and then instead of playing with it was guarding it from the other 3 cats who were staring up at her LOL
And missed photo of the cat in the box when a second one jumped in on top – then we had sudden spring loaded cat ejection action from the box and a tipped over box.
@Kidsandliz Hope your kitties enjoy their toys (& recipes?) and you enjoy the chocolate & coffee (Mississippi Mud flavor was also available).
Oh, and I love me some Raymond Chandler, so have fun with The Big Sleep, too.
@compunaut I like to read all sorts of fiction so I should enjoy that. The cats have already batted one ball under the TV stand (most toys eventually end up there) so I will need to fish it out. And of course the photo evidence of her hoarding the new toy so the other 3 couldn’t get at it. We will have to see about the recipes. I have some cat lover friends that I can pass the recipe book on to if they turn their noses up at that stuff. Chocolate and ice cream are my favorite junk foods so the chocolate is right up there as a box favorite. Thanks for a nice box. You stalk me on meh? (the cat threads would have given me away along with the photo of goat cat balanced on the top of a door LOL). Thanks again.
@Kidsandliz Well, it’s kinda difficult to ‘stalk’ someone whose user profile is turned off so I just had to pay attention to all the threads looking for clues.
Thought you were a coffee drinker so I might have messed up there. Story Cubes and mastodon puzzle might be fun to play with any little ones (grandkids?) that might be around.
@compunaut I don’t drink coffee - however someone I owe big time does, loves to try new flavors and so this will be regifted and very, very much appreciated by that person. So thank you. By the way you can search for a user in the search function. I have posted on about a zillion threads I am afraid to say… (one might wonder about too much time on my hands LOL) and likely you’d only glean that I have cats, am broke and have a big mouth : )
The grandkids are 3, 2 and 4 mo however I like puzzles so no worries there : )
I have a deadline of Wednesday for something so can’t spend time reading until Thursday, but will start it then.
When I sent chocolate to @Hollboll, I ordered them from a chocolate company. They talked with me about the shipping methods they use at different times of year and how difficult it can be in summer.
So now I wonder what are the safe months for shipping chocolate?
BTW, great box. I love those golden age mysteries too.
@compunaut Yesterday I gave the coffee to the friend I owe big time. You made her day big time!! Thank you so much! She was thrilled and I was tempted not to come clean about where I got it, but I did, and she told me to tell you a big thank you!!
I am very late with my pics but I’m posting them anyway. I loved my box. @sammydog01 did such a wonderful job. The pics probably only show a little over half of what was in the box because my 1 1/2 year old granddaughter was there. She thinks all packages delivered are for her(I take no responsibility for that at all…lol). So when I started looking at everything she just assumed Grams had bought her more presents. I mentioned this before about how I wished I had filmed the unboxing because she was delightful. She jibber jabbered in such an excited voice about everything included, even if she didn’t know what it was. It was precious. So even if there was nothing in the box I liked, that would have been enough. So aren’t I lucky that I liked everything…except the Boogar candy. I let Harper eat all of that she wanted!
@carl669 Son of a biscuit eater, that was a good start!! I’m going to make sure I’m prepared for the next round and have my new book with me so I can skunk you.
@mehbee@carl669 snake breath (a favorite of a 6 year old I know)… the two of you are going to get yourselves into a mell of a hess with your war of the wonky bad words.
@f00l Yes as in “you are a snake breath”. When I asked if that was bad, I was told very bad because when he used other words (I suspect shit head) instead he got in trouble so he says snake breath now.
Posting here in case the sender did post a box and thinks I have forgotten to acknowledge. No box has arrived and I do not know who had my address. I do not really need more stuff so I guess it all works out.
If the sender did not ship, it should be so noted for future endeavors.
I checked my email and the form, @speediedelivery is supposed to get one, though it’s not necessary. However, the mehmber should really follow through since they DID agree to send a box.
@Yoda_Daenerys@placidpenguin Agreed with the notes above. I posted here for everyone and the chance someone needed to file a lost claim. I figured i would send an email later.
I did receive notification that 3 tracking labels with my address on them were printed early this morning.
@legendornothing you said on Nov. 7, in response to my query, which was in response to @speediedelivery’s query, that you had sent it out ‘a couple of weeks earlier’, so i’m a little confused by your comment ‘sent mine out late’
( the plot thickens )
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@legendornothing I did not receive a first box. You should file a claim for a lost package with the company you sent it. I did get notified that 3 labels were printed at USPS this morning. I am guessing that was you?
@speediedelivery the buttons are a little rusty, but working nonetheless. Download the app on the App Store or play store. A couple apps I recommend for the thing itself are the GPS, Smartwatch+, and this one app called TTMM is a MUST. I hope it made up for me being so late.
@speediedelivery DAMMIT I MESSED UP! THE CABLE IS A PEBBLE CHARGER (YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GET A PEBBLE) also a lot of the cables are missing I apologize
@PlacidPenguin I have not tried one yet so wish me luck. I know basically zero at this moment. I will be browsing the threads for tips. First hurdle charging, next finding the spare parts pack I got in an earlier exchange.
@legendornothing I can return the pebble charger. I have spare regular mini and micro cables. I have not checked to see what I do need yet. This week has been busy. No worries here.
@f00l Somehow I missed that. I agree completely. I have lets just say I have “more than 1” dongly thing that is not properly stored with the matching item. I do not wish to contemplate or worse look to get a more accurate figure.
Even when it’s standard MINI-or micro they warn only to use their special one.
And sometimes it matters.
When something is expensive or unique or takes a lot of power to charge, or the cable looks important, I gave in and started attaching Avery labels to the cord. Or on the power brick.
I first joined audible.com I think close to 15 years ago. Perhaps more. Back then if you agreed to a year’s subscription, you got $100 off an iPod. I got my first ipod that way.
The first books I purchased were the entire Douglas Adams library - the books and the radioplays.
I play audio stuff at 1.5 to 2.0 speed while driving or on my feet. When free to read conventionally, I read.
Took me a while to get accustomed to getting the info that way. Now all good. Just got used to it, learned to handle it that way. Practice.
Also some narrators are amazing. It’s a matter of matching the narrator to the material.
I think the HHGTTG series were originally radioplays. Then the series got novelized into books. Perhaps only the last 1 or 2 books started as novels. Not sure.
@gnext2 If you want an explanation of the item that I sent in the ziplock bag, let me know. It was the item on the list that would not seem meaningful to the recipient but was to the sender.
If I wanted to get a thread out I would either pull it and break it, use scissors.
But your method is also cool.
@PlacidPenguin in other words, you wanted to say FIRST!1!! but in a classy way. lol
my thread count is lagging, any objections if i set up the Meh. exChange 4.01.a v2 Reveal Commentary Thread?
@Yoda_Daenerys Don’t forget we’re going to need a Post Meh. exChange 4.01.a v2 Wrap-up thread
If you don’t mind Y_D, I’m going to set up my calendar for our Meh. exChange 4.01.a v2 Annual Reunion thread
What was the “born on” date for the Meh. exChange 4.01.a v2?
@therealjrn And a who will I give some of my meh exChange stuff to thread reveal…
@Yoda_Daenerys @Kidsandliz @therealjrn
Something tells me that y’all aren’t taking this seriously.

/giphy serious thread
Series Meh. exChange 4.01.a v2 Reveal thread?


/giphy serious threads

/giphy threads in series

@PlacidPenguin Oh I forgot this…

I am where? I forgot.
/giphy where am i

If the Total Perspective Vortex were real, it would probably break if I entered it.
/giphy serious cat thread

@f00l directions

in answer to the question

That will be 25 cents

No problem. Here’s my money
Always wanted a monopoly!
/giphy monopoly

@f00l You can buy it here
or here
here cheaper
You are welcome

You’re just
/giphy "too damned good"
i think that depends on your religious convictions, but we probably shouldn’t get into that right now.
/giphy lightning rod

@PlacidPenguin Have you played Sam & Max Hit the Road?
@PlacidPenguin I have never played Sam & Max Hit the Road.
@PlacidPenguin You really should- it’s a phenomenal game with just the kind of logic you’d be excellent at.
If I got the game I’d play it.
I have never hit a road.
I have been hit by a road. It involved a bicycle and going down a very long steep “suicide hill”.
/giphy all is revealed

My recepient should be receiving theirs today. Reveal! Reveal it all!

/giphy reveal
lol. I’ve not even started getting shit together yet, much less packing it.
You know, years ago, I’d have let people like you guys influence me. Now I just ignore you.
The deadline for shipping is 6:00 PM on October 25, and I’ll meet the deadline, likely by several hours, possibly by a couple of days.
Had there been an incentive for getting my boxes out earlier, I might have tried harder. Mehbe, but likely not.
I think you want this thread.

Ain’t nobody got time fo dat.
@miko1 is pretty stingy when it comes to handing out likes
@therealjrn srsly, only 114?
i might have a significant impact of that altruism score with just one like
oh, the possibilities
@therealjrn I only like what I like.
@miko1 is a hardcore meh fiend
@miko1 ain’t got no time fo dat.
So we’re all just expected to play along and pretend nobody got their box yet?
I don’t got no box.
@f00l @Yoda_Daenerys
(This post didn’t end up getting posted earlier…)
Permission to tag someone?
@PlacidPenguin permission granted
@PlacidPenguin I got my box. My mom is in town from Florida. She already claimed the frog stickers. Ill post pictures and send mine out this week
The glow in the dark ones?
@PlacidPenguin yep! And I loved the box btw!
Apparently @triplebud loved the box.
It wasn’t supposed to turn out that way.
He was supposed to actually notice that there was stuff IN the box.
@PlacidPenguin i have heard you have nice boxes
The boxes are all natural. I grew them myself.
Better than having fake boxes which I don’t like to look at.
I want to see some photos. I hope someone reveals something soon!

/giphy "some photos"

/giphy "what’s in the box"
@RiotDemon a kitten
When I do get a box, am I allowed to take the Fifth?
(Amendment or alcohol, your choice. Or my choice. Or random.)
/giphy "the fifth"

Come for the alcohol, and then we can fly to @snapster s house for the bouncy house, and then stay for the Meh meet upwhich @Barney was working on.
Will @snapster do his house up in Purple to welcome us?
/giphy purple house

@f00l @Barney
Implying that @snapster s house isn’t always purple?
Have not checked.
One hopes.
@f00l @therealjrn
I have never lived in a purple house.
Then I wish both of us - plus @Barney and @snapster and others - the opportunity.
There are lots more. I can never get the Pinterest pix that load here.
Two pix are dups, but oh well. It’s a great house.
Here w are you so effing good at remember and finding old posts? And tips you can share?
Hey @Barney, what happened with our purple imaginary meetup?
/giphy imaginary purple

@PlacidPenguin can’t share the secret behind this, even with the @f00l
@f00l @PlacidPenguin
I have never lived in duplicate houses.
I have never duplicated living in a house.
@f00l You know, I was comparing the lack of a policy at work to someone painting their house purple with pink polka dots due to lack of a HOA. Now i have a graphic to go with that, and I didnt have to Google. You are now my BFF

This conversation is getting curiouser and curiouser.

/giphy curiouser and curiouser
@Barney Not the giphy I wanted, but, oh, it’s so cute.
You know I really put up those house pix for you, right?
@f00l Yep,
. Your purple pix are my “bat signal”.
@Barney I love purple, too!
No box for me yet. I’m anxiously waiting
Will the box I receive be like this?
@f00l I have never seen a whole Harry Potter movie
@therealjrn @f00l
Something about @MEHcus.
The acting and effects can be pretty wonderful.
To me the best ones are 1,3,4.
Was not crazy about the director choice for 5-8. I thought the actors carried those in spite of the director. Snape (Rickman) owned it.
Worth sitting thru the series imho.
A fine sample for #3
@f00l Looks good!
While I have ridden a double-decker bus I have never ridden a triple-decker bus.
@f00l maybe like this

You’re always giving everyone hope and twitch for the future Sigh.

Well try this then…
I might rather be a fat cat than a fat goat.

Damn it my pix got out on the internet again. Only they messed with it and made my head too big.
/giphy security

@ELUNO I hope that cat photo is photoshopped.
So is this the right reveal thread? @gnext2, you do realize that i am boarding an Amtrak today, so let us hope that you are not prophetic, but the travel size toiletries and bathrobe kinda make me worry that you are… This is an awesome box, I will do more proper reveal but I need to pack!!
@Pamtha Pictureeeees. Pictuuuuureeessss!
@Pamtha the thing i like best about amtrak, aside from the fact that it is not a plane, is that you can BYOB.
and be sure to queue up woody nelson’s city of new orleans, or the original by one of those guthries…
/youtube city of new orleans
I would have liked to include more whimsical items. I just had a busy week.
Hope the box contents are entertaining or useful, in spite of incompetencies personal and common to me.
Why has no one posted photos yet?

/giphy pouts
@RiotDemon well the shipping deadline isn’t until tomorrow, so perhaps the ‘family’ is waiting until everyone has been served, grace has been extolled, and jethro has put his dress on inside out, before diggin in.
/image food fight

/giphy food fight

/youtube foofighters
if i wasn’t looking too carefully, i would almost believe that is kurt cobain on drums
/youtube reversing roles
@Yoda_Daenerys they shouldn’t wait for the rest of us. They could fill in the gaps with some photos.
22 years past
@RiotDemon I don’t know, but it is slowly killing me inside…

/giphy I am now emo

/giphy dead inside
@f00l i did not know their music while mr. cobain was living.
i regret this.
my older sister has a friend who looks like that cello player.
i wish i could learn to play bass guitar without effort.
what does it say that jimmy, curt and paul all play left handed?
i really enjoy that concert, over and over.
jelly beans come in many different flavors.
I have heard that left handed people are capable of things similar to those things right-handed people are capable of.
I have heard not to (s)end a sentence a preposition with.
I have heard left-handedness has an association creativity with.
I am associated the right-handed among.
/giphy creativity

@f00l I received a box yesterday…but I got home way too late to appreciate it! I will post after work tonight!!

/giphy dying
@ELUNO it was too much like thinking to figure out how to transfer pictures to pc and keep kids from running off with things, so I deferred to today… I am sorry… please don’t die on us…
(OMG, they have a clown icon thingie!)
Thx for mentioning. How is life in CT?
You can take pix w phone and upload.
You have to turn the phone to sideways to landscape view before you initiate the post. Works best 1 photo per post.
I’m a clown?!?!

/giphy faints
@f00l feeling kinda crappy, weather is changing like the wind… freezing cold one moment, nice and toasty warm the next
trying to figure out why medicine makes you sicker before it makes you feel better 
@ELUNO I swear I replied that I had a
moment, but now it is missing… think I might have lost my mind along the way.
Don’t rush to mess w box if you are sick. Just do nothing except indulge self if you can.
How far into autumn are you? Is it actually cold yet?
@f00l sick is a state of being…if I let it stop me, I would never start!
@f00l frost warnings…garden is in danger…nasty chilly weekend weather, gorgeous during the week. Last week it was 80, tonight it will be 36. Gorgeous leaf colors…
Why has no one posted their goodies

/giphy patience

@dtoone01 I’ve been at a work conference all weekend and haven’t had time to post, but here’s a pic of my haul with a quick list of some items:
Make Donald Drumpf Again hat
Book of Mormon
GOT 1st edition figurine (still in plastic)
MLP and Frozen things
Wireless keyboard, which I’m looking forward to testing on my smart tv
Thousands of “admit one” tickets
A card game
Bragonball Z VHS
X-mini max speaker
Some kind of tablet case/keyboard
and so much more!
Thanks a bunch!
@DaveInSoCal I’d like to see the results when you put together that pagoda model thing on the left.
@zachdecker I’ve done a few of those metal models. Not the pagoda though.
@DaveInSoCal yay! First to post a photo!
@zachdecker Will do, Zach!
@DaveInSoCal that spot it game is a hit with all the kids i know
@PlacidPenguin Even though she is on the packaging, those hair clips are clearly not Rainbow Dash.
Thee hair clips are Princess Twilight Sparkle.
Love my box o meh…
It has 2 watches that do that health measuring stuff. Each child has claimed one. Polar FT4
A roll of burgundy ribbon.
Dark Shadow blu-ray disc (not sure I have a method to view this)
An otterbox for a Samsung Galaxy Note3
An otterbox for a IPhone 6plus (these suckers are expensive)
A pack of 4 notebooks… I love unique notebooks!
A PURPLE power charger
5 blue pillow covers…the kids want me to embroider on them!
A rapid rice cooker…
A Time of Wonder book…love books…
Thank you @f001! Oh and a beautiful card with butterflies on it…
@mikibell @f00l you are being paged!
Great box!
@mikibell Ooh, that book showed up in another thread, didn’t it?
If I’d had more time/energy, I’d had added more whimsical stuff. But I tried to do ok for my first box exchange.
PS you don’t have a Blu-Ray player? If you don’t plan on getting one, pls feel free to trade/sell/whatever.
PPS: those fitness watches are not Polar’s latest and greatest, but Polar is Da Bomb in terms of quality. If you are serious with fitness, you prob want a Polar, Garmin, or Suunto, and I think those are decent ones. I ordered in error (the people I was buying for already had similar) and forgot to return them.
PPPS: hope you and family are well, or getting to well. Illness sux.
PPPPS: I love that thing you do w trucks and fundraising. At first I thought it was a “hands on a truck contest” for a free truck; then I figured out it was a cool charity. Thanks for being that sort of family.
@f00l I call that a quality box. Nice job!
@sammydog01 yes it did
@f00l well done
/giphy wheel donut

@sammydog01 I agree!! I think it was well done also…
@f00l aww shucks… we do the touch a truck because it is fun… and it keeps the kids outa trouble. Hubby and I have been members of BSA longer than we have had kids, and it is a great place to learn, even as adults. I tell people that dealing with the board of directors in our fortune 500 company is no worse than a bunch of cub scout parents
as to feeling better, I think so. I slept the entire day yesterday and went to bed on time last night!! Going in for surgery in a couple of weeks and the prep of medicine is making me sicker
but that which does not kill you, makes you stronger, or so I hear!!
The kids think the watches are awesome… kinda wished one was for me … sigh, the downside of being a mom!!! (but it has its many benefits, so I am on the winning side)…
I think one of the laptops will read blu-ray, just haven’t gotten the energy to look. My daughter wants to watch the movie, so we will find a way
I love my box o meh… so two thumbs up from this house!!
So I opened an awesome box today. I didn’t find any identifying information except a real name on the return address, so thank you semi-anonymous person! Definitely not meh!
A great assortment of geeky treasures! Thank you! I have a slight guess as to who the sender may be but it’s only a hunch.
Smarties are like Mountain Dew. I go years without them and then taste them and think “How did I forget how good this is?”
There are only 12 packs now. Must put them away.
Geeky treasures certainly gives me away huh? I realized after copious amounts of tape that I forgot to put a note in. I hope you enjoy or can find use for some of it. And you are a Guillebeau fan !?! I would love to travel the world like he has done.
@Confusedkitty I must admit my guess was wrong, but you certainly sent an awesome box!
I’m not yet a Guillebeau fan but think I will be soon. I just picked up the $100 Startup not too long ago and haven’t started it yet. This book just looks relevant as I’ve been coming to the realization that I’ve followed my career path not because I love it, but just because I’m good at it, and I feel like I should maybe be doing something else but don’t have a clue what that something else is. I didn’t know it existed before opening the box, but it feels like it might be something I need to pay attention to.
I definitely like and will enjoy much of the box, and other items are perfect gifts for people in my life, which is also wonderful. Thanks again!
@djslack have you ever checked out Chris’ blog The Art of Non-Conformity? It has a ton of great content for us non-conventional types
@Confusedkitty I forgot to add a note as well. But I got a small drawing on the side of the box. Which doesn’t identify me either…
Today I received a box from @savvysapphire.
I was out sick the last two days, so I decided to wait and open it when I get home (more room on my bed anyways, plus the cats can assist).
I will post pix, etc. later tonight.
It remains to be seen whether I will thank or curse @savvysapphire, but they ( <-- singular usage! ) have certainly met their ( <— again! ) obligation to the Exchange.
@baqui63 out sick, but not home? are we talking hospitalized here?
hope all is good
@baqui63 I’m sure it’s beyond meh. Hopefully you will find something of use. If your cats are anything like mine, they will love some of the contents.
@Yoda_Daenerys I have almost all deliveries go to my job. My comment above was posted from work.
I was home sick on Monday and Tuesday; the box from @savvysapphire arrived (at work) on Wednesday morning.
Central Receiving is between where I usually park and my office. I frequently park, go into CR, get packages, hang out and talk for a while, go back to my car, and then go to my office.
This afternoon “they” were shooting an episode of The Americans in Central Receiving (and a bunch of other places on campus). I had to go out at 4:30 and move my car.
@baqui63 M first box of meh and not so meh stuffs from @savvysapphire:
I might add some close-up pix later: ask if you want to see anything closer. (So you can zoom in, the photo URL is \http://i.imgur.com/yGAhk1h.jpg.) Note that the hose in the background on the nightstand is from the CPAP machine, not the Dyson.
For some reason, the cats refused to participate in the opening of the box. Every time I left the room, they jumped on the bed to explore but when I went back towards the bedroom, they both ran away.
Comments on some of the items:
All in all, a most awesome box and only slightly meh.
Thanks, @savvysapphire!
@baqui63 what’s the TL:DR - are doing all right?
@Yoda_Daenerys Sorry, I thought I was clear; apparently not.
Yes, I’m fine. Monday and Tuesday, I decided to stay home and (mostly) sleep instead of go to work and spread germs around.
I’ve been a bad exchanger!
It was supposed to be picked up today and they never came! GRR, it will definitely be in the mail for tomorrow, i’m driving it down myself. Sorry for the delay whoever you are!
My box to you still has not shipped
If my box arrives, I will not be opening until the same day my recipient is scheduled to get theirs in the mail.
@Stallion sure, blame it on “they”
no worries, your recipient will be chill about it
Received a lovely box from @baqui63 tonight. Took photos of everything, but have realized that is a lot of photos. But here’s an incomplete overview, with a few highlights to follow:

This is like… when you get bored with the weird shit on the back of a cereal box, you can change it to one of these predetermined 20 weird cereal box shits?
A utensil solely for dipping Oreos into milk. Does not say anything about Oreos Thins compatibility. Does not say anything about soymilk compatibility.
This probably wouldn’t deserve its own photo, but two things: ‘prepasted’ vinyl border that requires adhesive, and the fact that this glorified tape was somehow made and assembled on two different continents.
Umm, ok, more on this in a minute.
Did meh ever sell these? Seems like a product that was made for them. Like, literally designed and produced, start-to-finish with the sole goal of selling it here.
A pretty Eco-Drive?! Dang! Seriously, I’ve had an occasion to wear a gold watch like once in my life, but this will be a strong contender if that ever happens again. Love Eco-Drives.
Speaks for itself.
Okay, L26 Game Player 2…

Contains 8 games that all use this same basic display scheme. They all feel like they were programmed by a third-grader. The backlight and game power are independent of each other (so the game can be off, but still glowing). The games are on four cartridges:
…with imaginative names like ‘HitBrick’ and ‘FillBrick’. But why would such simple games need cartridges? Couldn’t all these things just fit on system ROM?
Of course they could, and do, and the ‘cartridges’ just short different pins to tell the game what you want to play.
Fun box.
I have never dunked an Oreo in milk. (Of course, I’ve never eaten Oreos, so…)
And, the items not called out:
Han SoloLuke SkywalkerWedge Antilles action figure. Weird!@brhfl
@brhfl I am glad you like the stuffs.
A few of those items (the Mota G2, Zhip clip, Toccs cable, Bracketron and the box) came from Meh. Most of the others (including the dipper, watch, book, L26 game, 2012 calendars and of course the Cooking Stylus) came from woot (in various BOC).
I have plenty more Cooking Stylus (Styli?), L26 games and at least one more Bob Sledding book, should you want more.
@baqui63 well done
/image well done

i was really hoping for a burnt steak image
/giphy burned steak on the grill

My first box arrived today. I actually love it, as do my cats (they drooled all over it before I took the pic!) It included
XL Shirt from Woot! (I think a women’s XL)
Android Stealth Pro 7" Tablet (actually kinda cool)
Frost King storm window kits (totally can use these!)
Built Cargo series organizer (hmmm, I’m sure I’ll find a use)
2 packs of Grime Boss wipes (thanks…with the sick cat throwing up, peeing and pooping everywhere, these will come in handy)
Cow print mug that is supposed to moo, but doesn’t
USB cable
2 packs of earbud covers
Replacement helicopter blades (mini quadcopter), and another package with blades and a USB cable
Cow pin
Fish hook? keychain
Delta wings pin
Think Service magnetic ‘rocks’ (this could be fun)
Euro Disney Resort paper
2 Mickey mouse gardening tools (I LOVE Mickey Mouse!)
Solar Powered Daredevil bobblehead (love)
Reading glasses
Mother Goose 45 Record (how fun, and I still have a record player!)
BYO Large camera case (this will go to good use)
2 iPod cases (I think anyway)
Some ‘dirty theme’ stickers (I think the guys I know will get a kick out of them)
USB mouse
Ever Ready batteries, past their best date
UFO type helicopter, can’t get it to work
XFinity frisbee
? Bag (from woot?)
2016 Elements calendar (love the pics)
Puddle jumper toy that looks like a lot of fun to use
All in all, not so meh box, thanks @heli0s
@savvysapphire nice!
lol - just noticed the dick shit vagina
potty mouth rotten
basrard turd vomit bad donkey
I got my most-awesome box today from @metageist – and boy, did they deliver!
1x Animals of the Ocean book
1x half-used sheet of stickers
1x Xbox controller with extra battery pack
1x postcard
1x Trebuchet (which I promptly assembled and used to launch pellets at my wife)
1x Ethernet cable
1x Hexbug, which my son stole immediately after the picture was taken
2x Pint glasses
2x Star Wars Trading cards
2x some sort of headset
1x martian notifier watch, which works great, but the hands are slightly misalligned
1x hairclip
Honestly, I was ashamed of what I sent after getting this box. Thanks a bunch and I look forward to paying it forward next time around!
Oh yeah, and there was a Greenside paper bag from a dispensery. No goodies though
Don’t worry, I didn’t sniff the hairclip to see if it had been worn recently, then clip it in my hair and cuddle with it. That would be weird. I would never do that. Nope. Btw, do you like my hairclip?
@capguncowboy I think the self shame is kind of part of the deal–you sent off your junk and then got something else awesome. It may be that new junk is inherently awesomer than the junk you already had. Or it could be that other people have cooler junk than we do.
I know I felt the same way after opening mine, but I hope my victi–err, recipient thinks that my junk is cool too.
Taking a risk here…

/giphy do you like my junk
P.S. nice trebuchet!
@capguncowboy I got that watch as a broken fuko gift from meh, and had the replacement parts shipped to me from Martian Watches. Its easy to take apart if you have one of those tiny screwdrivers for glasses or watch repair. I fixed it myself so uh no promises on durability
I thought it was pretty cool and would have kept it but my wrists are smaller than a 9-year olds so it looks gimongous and weird on me.
@capguncowboy Headsets are these things, and obviously are for using your phone while shopping on meh.

@capguncowboy I have at least two (maybe more) of the headset things if you want them.
@metageist well done
/youtube well done
@djslack i love tennis balls
I received my box today from @heliOs and it totally made my day! Pictures to follow
I was so excited to see one of my favorite Woot shirt designs in a lunchbox! And packed full - I absolutely love the nose pencil sharpener, turtle keychain, Napoleon Dynamite lip balm, and pop rocks! !
I will post the complete list of wonderful soon - I only have access to my cell right now and my battery is about to die. Thank you so much @heliOs and greetings from a former Oregonian
Hey @gnext2 Good/Meh things come to those who wait…

Says delivery should be on Monday…Hope you share some pics once it arrives.
@Stallion I will be out of town, but will do later in the week, thanks!
@Stallion Got it today, opening soon!
Woah! I just received my box and it’s not mediocre at all. I’ll spam you with photos shortly.
Something when terribly wrong when I tried to post. I’ll post tonight, gotta jet.
@juststephen jet is the new bolt is the new rally?
I had @zachdecker as my sender. You so totally overdid it man. I’m impressed.
Here’s what I received:
Aquaglobes! We have some lilly’s in the living room that’l l appreciate these.
Lord of the Rings Pez. I LOVE PEZ! I’m probably going to keep this for a friend who loves LOTR though!
A marathon cash card! Empty, though. Meh.
A little container to hold SD cards with two adapters. This’ll come in handy, I’ve been holding my SD cards willy nilly rolling around the case…
A bunch of these dohickeys, whatever they are.
Four packs of these gold tattoo thingers…
A tripod…
A single use emergency thong:
A little stress ball.

A little bottle of smirnoff. I have only had one sip of beer in my life, no other alcohol and I’m 30… I’m afraid this might go in the trash. We’ll see what uses I can find for it.
Moar pez.

Startup guide for a chromebook… That had my hopes up.
A lightsaber doohickey toy that doesn’t work.
Clothes hangers… can always use.
A random cord to add to my collection.
This little note:
Leading up to…
A BRAND NEW PERSONAL KEURIG. I bought a larger one from a yard sale that died, that my father used every day… He’s pretty much claimed it. It’s already set up… We’ll use our own coffee beans for it…
Here’s a photo
In use:
Gotta jet to help get food ready for neighborhood kids at church. I’ll post more when I get home, I promise, about all of this stuff. Just in a rush now. Toodles. THANKS SO MUCH!
@juststephen Just FYI - none of the photos you’ve posted are coming thru for me (at the office). I’ll check again at home tonight with different machine/browser
@compunaut I think it’s just you. Using the church wifi and they’re coming up just fine.
@compunaut They are coming up fine on my main work computer.
@zachdecker Perhaps I’ll use the shot of vodka to clean some mold that’s been attempting to grow on my desk. Tempted to drink it, but I have only had one sip of alcohol (bud light when I turned 21) in my life, and trying to keep it that way… That was eight years ago. Time flies.
@juststephen Glad the box of stuff I didn’t want/need got to you!
The power cord is an iGo, and the little adapters are mostly for charging obsolete phones (an A97 tip is mini-USB, but I’m not sure if any useful ones are in the bag).
Sorry about the vodka, but I figured anyone who hangs around here and asks for this sort of crap will be driven to drink eventually.
Plus vodka because I am secretly a Russian trying to hack this scam…
@zachdecker Believe me, that Keurig will be getting a ton of use. My father will use it at least twice a day, and I’ll use it for hot chocolate water and stuff - perhaps try to throw my own hot chocolate keurig recipe together using cocoa powder, sugar, etc… Probably won’t turn out well.
The water bulbs are currently stuck in a plant in the living room that sat in my grandmother’s house for about ten years before she passed away four years ago, it’s been a very long lived plant, and due to this it’ll last a lot longer (especially if we forgot to water it)
Most of the lowhanging loose pez has been devoured… I once ordered 2lb of pez on Amazon and destroyed it in two days. True story.
I also didn’t photograph a USB Internet Speakerphone thinger for use with Skype for clearer calls. Sorry!
Also, a single use g-string in a plastic baggy!
@juststephen OH MY GOD! YOU GAVE THAT TO YOUR DAD?! Why do you hate him so much?!!
Seriously though, he probably won’t get too badly burned as long as he’s careful…
@compunaut same here no pics… getting “s10.postimg.org refused to connect”
@thismyusername I can see the pictures, but I wonder if this has something to do with the stuff posted on postimage.org/
I put my image on tinypic.com after reading about the problems at postimage
@zachdecker Crickey.
I requested a repair kit.
Thank you for submitting your information and for being a Keurig customer.
Your brewer is affected by this potential issue. You will receive a free repair kit, which we expect to ship beginning in January 2015.
@zachdecker just use the meh hosted pics… so easy… or imgur… imgur always seems to work.
@zachdecker The Company has received approximately 200
incident reports related to the approximately 7.2 million MINI Plus units in the U.S. and Canada, which
equates to an incidence rate of approximately 0.003%.
That’s not bad. Even less of a chance than if you bought an “exploding” note 7.
@juststephen I honestly wouldn’t worry about it, but that’s just me. I won that at a golf outing this month, and I would have used it as it was if I didn’t already have one.
@zachdecker ahh just read that! so yea looks like cloudflare cut them off… that would explain it and I am happy it is not my connection, but sad for all the people who have images hosted on there!
@zachdecker oh man, i knew their war russian spices involved in this gigi somehow
well done! i had a couple of spits of my adult beverage of choice from guffas in your honor
/youtube gigi beach party
@thismyusername Shit! Why am I always one of the last to learn of these things?!!!
I did not know that Meh can host pix directly, tho I am not surprised at this functionality. I’ve been uploading pix to imgur to share them here (because Dropbox is kinda-sorta-muchly lame in many ways).
I am one of the lucky few who @mikeleemm shipped one of the 3 boxes too!
Contents include:
-6 retractable dry erase markers (1 going to each kid, and 4 going to my daughter’s 2nd grade teacher)
-3 clear rulers (going in the school supplies/homework drawer)
-1 glue stick (same)
-3 pair of white socks (keeping these to wear myself)
-1 disposable Schick razor (will use since razors are expensive)
-1 package of mello smello stickers (claimed by older kid)
-1 ThinkGeek Android plush! (claimed by younger kid)
-1 container multi-use wipes (put with cleaning supplies at home)
-1 blue flashlight to go with the red, silver, and blue ones we have (kids play with these ALL THE TIME and now each have 2!!)
-1 Toy Story 3 story/sticker book, with no stickers (I think my nephew will still love this)
-1 45 vinyl of “Walk Right In” / “Cool Water”, The Rooftop Singers (We have no record player, but my daughter is going to give this to my goddaughter, a friend of hers, who has one)
-1 flip phone shaped video game thing (having to pry this away from kids already)
-1 letter opener (put it with the other letter opener we have but don’t use)
-1 HP laptop power brick (unsure what to do with this yet)
-1 strange pelican sculpture (I may surreptitiously drop this off on some random co-worker’s desk)
-1 mediocre post-it-note note (will treasure this for the next 3 seconds before throwing it in the trash)
I can directly use the majority of this stuff!!
Thanks @mikeleemm!
Also, based on your previous boxes, how many of these Android plushies do you have??
@zachdecker @mikeleemm
I like the Bugdroid plushies. I have 3 of them in different sizes.
(Of course, I also have a Bugdroid speaker, a Bugdroid made out of Lego, a Bugdroid figurine (I used to have 2), and a Bugdroid case for my Nexus 5.
I need to get more Bugdroid stuff though…)
@mikeleemm well done
/lolspeak well done
@zachdecker lol, I did a foolish thing years back and bought a dozen from Thinkgeek, and they’ve been staring at me like WTF did you do. Also, hopefully the markers still work, I didn’t try them, but were a similar impulse purchase.
totally unrelated - i challenge y’all to listen to this loud and not tap a foot, shake a booty, or head bob
Received my box from @capguncowboy
Upon first inspection I was slightly confused because I clearly said no food. But then I realized that I was not dealing with someone who has a history of taunting me, so I felt fine.
Anyways here is what I got:
The Laptop RAM was not part of the box. It’s just what I use to open boxes.
@PlacidPenguin that thermos brings memories.
Whoops, turns out the tissue wasn’t included in the box…
Carry on…
1 - Robin Hood VHS
1- galaxy s7 phone case
3 - collectable pennies
1 - mom to be wrist band
1- postage stamp
1 - bag of radish French dressing 30+ (that honestly creeps me the French out). Or maybe I don’t get the joke
1- bag of keyboard keys M. E. H. and F5 with a tiny lock and Sandy cheeks monopoly figure (very creative)
7 - DVDs big Lebowski, matrix revisited, leprechaun 1,2,3,4, back 2 tha hood. On golden pond, spiderman 2 and Shirley Temple collection.
2 - scoovy (I have no idea what these are for)
2 - sticker sheets my mom claimed
1 - 2000 beanie baby
1 - lotion my mom claimed
2- phone charger cables
1- bag of rocket balloons
1- bag of kids tattoos
1- pink wine bag
1- bag of garbage bags
1- make a thing a Bluetooth thing UGY
1- black mesh bag (I’ll use this when riding the motorcycle)
4- nfl fingernail tattoos (I’m a Broncos fan and my girlfriend so excited to use these)
2- whitesox stickers
10- football and baseball cards
1- selfie stick
1- penguin adoption
1- desk air filter shaped like toadstool mushroom
1- flashlight Keychain
2- car air freshener
1- kindle case (girlfriends mom claimed)
1- collapsible LED lantern
1-premium toner cartridge
1- smoking Marijuana is bad poster that I’m going to ROLL up
So Leprechaun so one of the best comedies and I only owned it on VHS. Those are all gone and I was never allowed to buy them due to annoying the entire family. With this box came great excitement for me and terrible sadness for everyone around me.
Also sorry for taking so long. I didn’t get a chance to even ship my box till today.
My mom was up from Florida that I haven’t seen in 4 years and right after I was in the hospital for some weird bug bite that rashed up a fist size under my knee.
@PlacidPenguin good job ol chap!
@triplebud Oh my gosh I hope that bite got better. No idea what it was? And I assume you’re north of Florida, home of weird and creepy insects.
@sammydog01 its not really going away but the swelling went down and it doesn’t hurt anymore. Yeah, im in NJ. They think it was a tick or a spider. Just glad I didnt leave it like i normally would because I hate the doctor. She said it could have gotten really bad
@triplebud And your leg is still attached, so that’s a plus.
@sammydog01 huge plus
@triplebud When it is that red, if it is also hot you can also have cellulitis in the mix (I get cellulitis each and every time I get a fire ant bite and it spreads fast with me anyway).
@Kidsandliz it is warm but the shot in the butt and all these drugs they gave me have it feeling like my leg is not burning off anymore thank god.
@triplebud Well that is good. Hopefully it will continue to improve.
The Scoovy things are for the “self-balancing” boards which don’t balance automatically on their own, and which people ridiculously call “hoverboards”.
@PlacidPenguin ahhhh ty ty
Batman loot crate comic
Vögelein comic
Forrest Gump vhs
Bluetooth keychain speaker
McDonald’s neo pet keychain
Microsoft word pin
Bonsai kit
Paracord bracelet
Paperweight calendar that is good until 2029
Dog from Wallace and Gromit, I’m guessing Gromit
Am either hating or loving the MSWord button.
Hating, I think
Now if that were the title of a big release horror film …
Everything else you got I love.
Who was the sender?
I’m not sure who my sender is because there is no meh username.
The speaker works and will go in my shower
The paracord bracelet will go in my car with my emergency supply bag. I guess if I ever go hiking somewhere, I can wear it in case I get lost.
The little calendar thing can go next to my fisherman in my shelf. It has a ships wheel on it, so it seems fitting.
I’ll actually try to grow the bonsai kit. Reading the instructions are a little intimidating. They sound almost like the instructions for growing roses from seeds, which I have to do as well. I guess I can do them at the same time.
@f00l a new user bumped the ms word thread.

/giphy timing
@RiotDemon I sent my recipient a paracord bracelet as well. Hopefully it till save his/her life.
@ELUNO I’m hoping I’d never need it, but if I ever go camping or anything, I’d bring it.
I have had that MS Word button for freaking DECADES. Please treasure it with the all the fullest treasuringness that its stature demands.
(Or pitch it, either-or…)
@rprussell I think I’ll keep it in case of the off chance that I ever get @f00l as a recipient in the future.
Where I live, HOA won’t let us paint our houses purple
HOAs are the Spawn of Satan.
Oh, @Barney! Look up. Look down.
@f00l I could have painted my shed purple. I should have done it. Who cares if the neighbors hate me?
@Barney They wouldn’t hate you.
I though I was going to paint your shed…
@PlacidPenguin I waited and waited and you never showed up. However, I’ll let you paint the trim, if I decide to make it purple.
I’m still deciding if I want to spend 7+ hours on a train. After all, I don’t fly.
So @juststephen sent me a nice medium flat-rate box. Inside was a ginormous hand-written note almost twice the size of said box. Pic of that didn’t turn out well, but here is text:
@compunaut @juststephen
Stuff from the b-day fuko.
@PlacidPenguia I don’t recall, to be honest… AH, THE BDAY TATTOOS. sorry, meh caps
And the Meh koozie.
@compunaut wait it was supposed to be a large? Looks like im sending another box
My Sapphire had to inspect everything before I could lay it out and take a proper picture.
From @Mikeleemm:
Halo Flashlight/lantern (this will become a Christmas gift)
3 pack of socks (also becoming a Christmas gift)
Droid plush (for the Apple user lol)
Multi-purpose cleaning wipes (good for the sick cat that’s leaving all kinds of presents for me)
AC adapter for an HP (not sure what I can use this for yet)
3 - 2 packs of dry erase markers
3 - 6" plastic rulers
Letter opener
Glue stick
Air Wick plug in oil warmer (unit only, no oil)
Mello Smellos Stickers - coffee scent
Toy Story 3 Sticker book with no Stickers
The Outsiders 45 (yup a record)
Barbie PDA looking game/learning device…only a little strange
Cute little plush dog that has a zipper pocket in his back. Sapphire actually loves him, but so do I, so I had to risk claws taking him away!
@savvysapphire Doh just realized some of those are duplicate items from another exchange! Didn’t mean to do that, so there might be a later surprise
@mikeleemm lol, it was still a great surprise. And now I have two Droid plushies. I can let the cat maul one now and not feel bad.
@savvysapphire Let’s call this a re-do or maybe a Part 2. I’ve got another box heading to you. Following the same guidelines, something from Meh, stuff not from Meh, something a little festive, and some stuff I’ve had around here too long
@mikeleemm oh wow. Thanks. You didn’t have to, but I’m sure I’m going to appreciate it. As will the cats who are now getting a new box! Lol
@mikeleemm Hi! Wanted to let you know I received the new box! I love it!

Such great goodies to include:

A Meh bottle of wine…honestly, I wanted to try it, but couldn’t bring myself to buy it, so thanks!
A Kindle, with a case and wall charger! This is cool, thanks!
A pet treat thrower…I’m kinda scared they won’t find the treat and I’ll in fact be treating random bugs lol
A peppermint bark bar (yum!)
Dinosaur socks…my mom is giving these to my brother in his stocking lol
Some really cute erasers, two different packages/kinds
A super cute cat sticky note pad!
Bella Sara and MLP card packages…not sure I want to open these, or throw them at some poor child who will wonder about me for the rest of their life.
And a mystery puzzle…
…which awesomely turned out to be a MLP puzzle. Yes, I had to put it together, both before I ate dinner…and my poor starving (not really, but they thought they were) cats!
Thank you! I love it all!
And, lastly from @brhfl:
A nice old postcard with a gorgeous picture of “West view from Gambrill State Park (High Knob) Frederick, Maryland” (Old postcards and pictures are always fascinating, and the note on the back was nice, thank you!)
1 white glove (which my sweet Sapphire stole, and I tried to get back, but almost lost my hand. It’s hers now.)
A cutting board that rolls up (at least I think it’s a cutting board)
A pair of Tabi Socks - Skull
Irritable hedgehog sticker
Board of Education mailer
2 sets of coupons to Bath & Body Works (I will use them as I love Bath & Body)
Fish to color in, with Zulily ad on reverse
Scissors (But I can’t run with those!)
9 - plastic syringes/droppers?
Postcard from 13 deals
Mini pumpkin with face drawn on it (Seriously love this, it may join my uncarved pumpkin outside)
2 pieces of chalk
3 - corks
2 - atomic fireballs
Piece of paper with pixels on it, looks like an m?
2 - Poloroid pics, one is black the other has dice
Phillips screwdriver (considering I always lose these, this is great)
Gerber brand bottle opener? (I think?)
iHerb.com letter opener
Candy Corn lights (I love Candy corn, not sure how the lights will look, I’ll try them out…mehbe, someday)
Kent Nagano/Dawn Upshaw Songs of the Auvergne CD
Wireless mouse (no reciever?)
Paul Frank purse with monkey on it (OK, this is really cool)
Car Cam Buddy (looks like a camera for the car to record your drive, and honestly, I’ve been thinking of getting one)
Water bottle filled with mini candy (Good, because I’m drinking more water, but I also LOVE candy, lol)
Adoroma air bags…smells like…air, lol
Thank you!
@savvysapphire that m looks like the one that shows up in the browser bar.
The roll up cutting board, I thought it was a silicone baking mat.
Nice haul.
@RiotDemon I thought it was a baking mat too. If it is, they’re really nice.
@savvysapphire Glad you don’t totally hate it! Hah! Few points: The socks, the PF bag, and the Car Cam were my ‘meh’ objects. The bag is totally cute but not my thing so I hope it’s appreciated!
The wireless mouse is bluetooth. It’s not my favorite mouse, but… now you have a spare mouse? haha
My outside pumpkin is also uncarved.
The Gerber thingy is more of a safety blade sort of thing for opening boxes and the like.
The 9 (I had no idea how many I threw in) pipettes are unused, so if you ever need to pipette something… they should be fine, hah!
The postcard has a URL on it, some of the random garbage items will, in fact, make a little more sense after that. Maybe. Hopefully.
@RiotDemon is right on both accounts — It’s a silicone baking mat, and it’s the meh favicon.
@savvysapphire Oh, and I don’t know how I ended up w/ two copies of that Upshaw disc but I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to give one of them away. Upshaw just has one of those voices, and it’s a truly lovely recording.
Also your siamese melts my heart!
@brhfl ah. Cool silicone baking mat! I’m so bad with knowing these things, I bake, but I don’t cook, and I didn’t know silicone baking mats existed! Nice, I tried the url, but it was just some numbers, so I either typed it I wrong in my exhausted state or I’m missing something.
@brhfl silicone baking mats are great. I love mine.
@brhfl Thank you, Sapphire melts my heart too. It’s how she gets away with everything! She’s not a purebred, but her personality is all Siamese! Wouldn’t trade her for the world, regardless of how many times I tell her I’m trading her in for a better model lol!
@savvysapphire There are a bunch of numbers somewhere in your package as well. When you’re less exhausted.
@brhfl ah, yes, even though I had since Friday to figure that out, I was missing something lol! So much going on this weekend. I’ll look into it tomorrow.
i’m a little blurry-eyed twonight
ale this looks pretty grate
has any-who been mist so far?
eff ewe oar missing a sheep-ment, pleeze let da authori-tees no
hmmm, Meh.
No delivery here, yet.
I forgot to put a note in/on my shipped box. I did remember to ship it so that counts for peanuts, right?
I sure am lonely without my box…Anyone sending to me?
@Stallion yup… you should have it very soon… very sorry, been under the weather and it put me behind schedule.
@mikibell No sweat, happy to know its eventually in the works
@heliOs Did you ever get your box? It should have arrived last Monday, I think.
@mikibell Yours shows as delivered on Friday. I know you’re under the weather, but I didn’t include medicine or tissues so you can put it off until you’re feeling better
@yoda_Daenerys I’m still missing one box, but I know a bunch of people are behind so I’m not stressing it.
@DaveInSoCal Hi, DaveInSoCal… I will try to post tonight. If I can lay it all out before the kids get home from trick-o-treat, it will show all. If not, it will be missing items I commandeered for the kids’ stockings
That putty is coooolll…
@DaveInSoCal i’ll send out an apb whenever you’d like
@Yoda_Daenerys Arrived today. Will post pics tomorrow eve, probably.
Looks like @heli0s is pending for a few boxes, mine shows delivered on Friday. Hope it was received OK.
@tinamarie1974 @DaveInSoCal Sorry guys just moved to a new apt and they are making me come by the office DURING BUSINESS HOURS to pick up packages! I’m hoping to be able to jet off from work early to grab those tomorrow. Sorry for the delay but, the wait will only make them that much more exciting (disappointing?)!
@heli0s oh my gosh, that stinks!! I hope you are able to get them w/o much trouble!
I think my mail woman is tired of me stalking her, anyone know when I should receive my box?
@tinamarie1974 i’ve put an apb out to locate your package.
in the meantime, give your mail carrier some trick or treat candy - it might get there faster
/youtube in the mean time
@Yoda_Daenerys thank you and good idea! THat is one way to get rid of the extra halloween candy
So @Stallion sent me his last exchange box that he couldn’t even go through because it was so gross. I found the source of grossness:
These chocolates that melted and then got over everything, and rehardened. The smell actually made me get my respirator because it was so strong, I was starting to feel ill. I don’t know if the chocolate rotted or what.
Book, dog nail clippers, tin with tea, tube of tea, digital timer, the disgusting chocolates, flying monkey, plastic cups with floral soap dispenser and Christmas ornaments, purple and black wig that would of been fitting for my Grim Reaper costume, bag of trail mix, an android magnet, a switch plate magnet
Some black plastic thing that I couldn’t identify and I couldn’t be bothered to take twenty pictures of, tiny teddy bear, cheap handcuffs, cardboard background, magnet, veggie tales pin, crayon pencils, mental sticker, some kind of plastic lid with a huge hole, McDonald’s bracelet, petsmart bandana, chocolate granola stuff that comes on top of a yogurt, squishy dog toy, think geek monkey stickers
Close up of the soap dispenser and chocolate blobs
Box full of chocolate. Seriously. Don’t send food that can leak everywhere. This was fucking disgusting.
I know I agreed to this, but most of it is going in the trash unless someone wants something. I might wash the handcuffs and the wig, because they’re kinda funny, and my last pair of handcuffs that I had decorating my backpack were confiscated at the airport.
@RiotDemon You are BRAVE! I opened the box and couldn’t go any further…but I don’t regret it since you’ve show that its nearly all junk. This box should be an example of what NOT to send in an exchange.
Yes an exchange can be all worthless stuff, but this box was straight garbage! Was definitely crushing when I took the time to find lots of Meh worthy stuff and sent it off to a fellow Mehrican, and then I got this in return. I wish I knew who sent this box to me…
@RiotDemon Thanks for taking the challenge, you have proven you are one of the most daring Mehers!
@Stallion you weren’t kidding about the junk drawer feel.
I mean, the top of one of those yogurt things really did me in. You can’t really expect someone to use that, can you?
I’m glad you got to see the contents, but I might regret it a little. Lol
The flying monkey even screeched at me when I dropped the box on top of my garbage can. It’s too bad, but chocolate is so hard to get out of fabrics. The handcuffs and the wig were semi protected because of being in a box and a bag.
@RiotDemon The is a better box than one I got in one exchange…
@Kidsandliz Hopefully not the one I sent you?
On a side note: I shared your wonderful creations with two lucky mehtizens this exchange
@DaveInSoCal No not yours. I guess you didn’t like some of my things - such a pity one man’s junk isn’t another man’s treasure. Who would have thunk? If it was the meh pingpong balls someone better appreciate them as it took ages to “sharpie” them (LOL). Of course that is all your fault and not the goat’s since in a thread you wanted meh to sell meh branded ones and so I branded them, meh style, for you. And it better not be that sports decoration or I will hunt you down and get you as I went out and bought that (grin). You do remember I have your address don’t you? Of course you may gamble that it is 2000 miles away from me, I am broke so what could I do…but I have FRIENDS and RELATIVES in So Cal and one is an ENGINEER who loves to do elaborate pranks, another one is in college studying to be an engineer and is being schooled on how you use those skills to say, put a locked car (without being caught) where it doesn’t belong and will be very hard to get down, or cause the lights on the library tower (access is behind locked doors) to blink on and off in morris code sending a message - ya know. Mundane things like that. Yours was appropriately meh and good at the same time.
@Kidsandliz Are you kidding? I LOVED the box I got from you! You sent me 6 artfully crafted meh ping pong balls, so I thought it would be nice to share two of them with other mehtizens.
@Kidsandliz I can’t imagine a worse box than this… Yikes.
@DaveInSoCal I was just giving you a hard time : ) All boxes have items that are, um shall we politely say, “white elephants” to be passed around each meh exchange… and with luck never make it back to the original sender (grin)
@RiotDemon hahaha and I was worried about what I sent @stallion… I guess mine can’t be that bad!!! (I hope!)
@mikibell My Box showed up, Woohoo! Hoping I have time to go through it later tonight or tomorrow. I cracked the top and it looked Mehtastic, can’t wait!
@RiotDemon The trail mix is really good if the bag isn’t a loss.
@dashcloud I’ll have to take your word for it. I wasn’t going to bother disinfecting the bag to attempt it. That chocolate was stuck all over everything.
You asked us to report in. No box yet.
@f00l Ditto.
@f00l @placidpenguin is the author of this thread, whatchoo talkin’ bout willis?
@sammydog01 ditto
/image ditto

/giphy ditto

From earlier in this thread:
I respond to your call.
I am missing a box and a brain. Which lack do you wish to attempt repair of first? Your choice!
@f00l here post this, might help

And I take it…
It’s smaller than that. Way smaller. Very very micro-mini.
/giphy micro-mini

@f00l According to USPS it should have arrived today. I have tracking info in my car if you’d like me to check.
@Yoda_Daenerys no box for this guy.
I use a maildrop. Was there midday, will check again tomorrow.
No worries.
Excited now!
@f00l has the parcel been safely received at the drop-site?
Your package is not missing.
Apparently my local distribution PO has the habit of scanning stuff as Delivered when they receive it, not when they deliver it.
And then they take 2 more days to get it out (was not there yesterday).
Your box is now received and intact. I will mess with it further either late tonite or sometime this weekend.
Am still excited! Much thx in advance!
@f00l cry cry
Got box home then, no warning, left town asap. Apologies, box still unopened.
Will be home tonite. Pls forgive my delay.
Hey, I opened your great box early this morning when I got home, I love it, and posted pix of everything and everything looks either useful or intriguing or both and am esp interested in the whiskey.
See further down this thread. Apologies re delay.
Thx thx thx thx thx!
@gnext2 Tracking shows your box was delivered to your P.O. Box, hope you were able to get it.
@mehbee Thank you! I’ve been away but I will post as soon as I get a chance
@gnext2 Awesome, at least I know I sent it correctly, not sure how well I did with the box.
@Yoda_Daenerys are there many people left before you can decide if there is one left for me to get?
@Kidsandliz yes
@Yoda_Daenerys Thanks for the info
I wasn’t going to say anything here, but with your permission of course, I’d like to be able to send you a box…
@PlacidPenguin Just hold yer horses, buckaroo. @Yoda_Daenerys has a ‘system’ in place to cover all the angles.
Uhh, I think…
I emailed @Yoda_Daenerys yesterday, but I blame me for the fact that I didn’t understand the response.
@compunaut mis-placed confidence?
the more the mary her, that’s what they say right?
it is a tiny bit difficult to keep track of who’s on first with the “boxes missing queue” constantly updating…
/giphy i wish i had something funny to say

@PlacidPenguin wait, someone who doesn’t understand everything i say?
@PlacidPenguin @compunaut
/youtube hard decisions that may
@PlacidPenguin hi please email me at my username with the usual yahoo…thanks
It took longer than I wanted to get these posted but, here we go, first box received from @pamtha! Lots of goodies here, Halloween themed goodies, goodie bag, lantern, ipod (won’t charge it says), paracord, luggage tag, card sleeves, laces, shaker ball, Harley, Tic Tacs, corn butterer, glow lights, balloons, coaster, rubber band ball, USB cable, audio cable, eyes, puzzles, poop game, pencils and more happy birthday pencils, necklace, skewers, yellow floatie thingie, shelf liner, gloves, gift bag, dvd movie Tora Tora Tora, and last but not least, the Meh classic, neoprene sleeve.
Actually I’ll be making use out of a lot of this, the cables I actually was needing, ipod is now part of my ipod collection, forgot to mention the electrical tape, but that always comes in handy. Poop sounds like fun too
@mikeleemm Nice stuff! And it all looks new!
@mikeleemm @pamtha
Ooh, I love that skull bag. Any chance of knowing where it came from?
@RiotDemon Walmart, it was less than a buck.
I’ve seen similar items at Dollar General. Dunno about this year.
@Pamtha thank you. I went to one Wal-Mart a few weeks ago and didn’t see it. Maybe I’ll try the other one.
I’ve been looking for reusable shopping bags that aren’t super lame… Lol
This next box was from @baqui63 and starts with a couple 2012 Clone Wars calendars, phone stand/hook, cell phone charger, Toy Story curtain hooks (my favorite), basketball speakers, pet snack thrower, MJ figure, Queens college notebook, mini flashlight, a personalized company mug and some type of holder, funky tablecloth, cell phone stand, USB cable (very needed), a cooking game stylus (very specific), a monster model thing, a set of ducks, and a mystery wrapped item, which appears to be some type of LCD game.
@mikeleemm Glad you can use some of the stuff!
Note to all: I am now out of 2012 Star Wars calendars.
@baqui63 dagnabit, i was just about to ask for a yoda callout in the calendar
@Yoda_Daenerys Well, the way woot was giving those away in 2013 and 2014, I’m sure there are other people who have them (I got at least 6, maybe 7 of them in BOCs during that time range).
If you ask nicely, @brhfl or @mikeleemm might be willing to part with one of theirs.
I have to say I appreciate this thread, and the box I received. I don’t think I did great with the box I sent out and I feel kinda bad but I am soaking all these reveals in and I’m going to start putting things aside for my next box. I’m going to rock the next one.
Last but definitely not least, a big box from @savvysapphire. I completely forgot the first exchange I did was to @savvysapphire, and this time was too. Silly me sent the same stuff, doh! Maybe I will have to share more goodies
But back to the package received, first, a Cabbage Patch Kid (I love it). Then another baby doll in package, wine carrier/protectors, baby toys, vintage eraser and fasteners (wow, I haven’t seen fasteners like that since I was little), glow sticks, little bunny, what I think looks like a pigduck, iphone protector, jumping frogs, flashy laces, phone cord, light up stems, 3ds case with pokemon (perfect for the 3ds), squirt gun, power wheels charger, Mork and Mindy Hotwheel (neat!), Penguin Duck Tape (always useful), door alarm, light up thing, carrying strap, vintage crayons, can converters (interesting, might need to try this), flashlight, headphones (yay!), laser pointer (yay!), glow stick, fun pad, bingo, magnet ears, note pad, spongebob watch, game thing, tap light and of course, the Meh Neoprene sleeve (strangely a different one than I had sent from the pictures, lol) 
@mikeleemm Funny how you got similar items (tape and neoprene) in two separate boxes!
@mikeleemm glad it arrived safe and sound! . Glad you found some enjoyable goodies inside!
@savvysapphire I have your package in my house, but haven’t had a chance to post. Will try to do it tonite.
score = -1
@Yoda_Daenerys posting quick pick now. There was a YUUUUUUUUUGE account of stuff in this medium sized home depot box from @savvysapphire!
@f00l, you my friend are the “MASTER LIKER”. You like all the posts, that’s cool!


/giphy aw shucks
So i got a mystery box from someone in Kansas with the initials MP. I am a little nervous to know if I have offended you, as I dont know if the animal jaw necklace and rock in a leather pouch are good luck totems or a curse. _(••)_/
Sandlot 2 DVD
True Lies VHS (good movie!)
Two editions of Age of Empires III
Felix the Cat DVD
2 CD of Dropkick Empire the Warriors Code and Stretch Atmstrong Free at Last
Puffy paint set
Stick light (handy!)
And a rams head clay holder thingy (sorry no clue what this is), along with the aforementuoned totem.
Cool stuff, I will try the CDs out as i have never heard of either. Thank you MP!
Was the cat plush part of the box?
@ilovehollboll It is probably catnip powered too. Been so long since meh sold batteries they wouldn’t be able to have any other kind. : )
@Kidsandliz @ilovehollboll He is catnip powered, is an asshole, and would not have allowed himself to be stuffed in a box. He does not deign to be catlike, and does not fits/sits anything. He just abides. He is fascinated by the box contents, it must smell good, much like the dead mouse he brought me at 4 am while I was in the bathroom.
What color was the mouse?

@Pamtha LOL - one of mine was jumping on and off the bed, running all over it in the middle of the night. Turns out she was playing with a cockroach, it would fall off the bed, she’d go gently fetch it in her mouth and bring it back on to my bed. I captured it and threw it outdoors. Of course with the foundation problem cracks it could just as easily come right back in (lizards who do that end up lunch for the cats). My kitty was not happy with me that I took away her toy.
@Pamtha That would be a dead mouse I hope.
@Pamtha Which of these items was attained from meh? I though per the rules some of the items must’ve been purchased from meh?
@connorbush Either it had to be from Meh, or it had to be in the spirit of Meh. The Amerelle UtilityLite AA battery powered fluorescent light should have been sold by Meh if it has not been. It reeks of Meh.
@Kidsandliz Don’t remind me of the time I woke up because I thought something touched my feet under the covers. Then I felt it again. It was furry. panic freeze. I boldly reach my hand down there, fish around and grab a warm furry body. IT’S OUR GOD DAMN HAMSTER FROM ACROSS THE HALL THAT ESCAPED AND CRAWLED UP UNDER THE COVERS OF MY BED. start breathing again
@Pamtha You reach your hand down and grab a warm furry BODY?!
That’s more than just bold; you’re a freakin’ badass SUPERHERO!
@Pamtha this reminds me of when my brother’s snake escaped and was lost in the house for nearly two weeks…
was that intentional?
i interpret is at WTF?
i like it
@Yoda_Daenerys It was supposed to be the shrugging thing like the one that started the thread. I am not cool enough to figure it out.
@compunaut Desperate times call for desperate measures. What else could I have done? I figured a mouse couldn’t gnaw off a finger and those catfish noodling guys are the real superheroes.
@Pamtha use /shrug
@Pamtha and when you use /shrug do it at the start of a new line
@Yoda_Daenerys TIL how to be cool.
@therealjrn just checking in that you got your box, usps said it was delivered to a locker last Friday.
@djslack Yes! Sorry I’ve been under the weather this week. I have not opened it but it arrived very safe and in great condition.
@therealjrn Glad you have it and it’s not in the hands of some package bandit. No rush to open it, let the mediocrity steep for a while. Most importantly, feel better!
Thanks @SavvySapphire! This is by far the largest amount of stuff I’ve ever received in a meh exchange, and much of it is awesome. I especially like the puzzles.
Everything in front of the black storage box was in the package. The t shirt (perfect size!) on the box was also included.
@DaveInSoCal Ooh! What is the 3DS thing?? And @savvy_sapphire and I pack alike. Tape, neoprene and cables!!
@Pamtha https://www.amazon.com/Power-3ds-Pokemon-Pocket-Case/dp/B00FZ3JT9U/ref=sr_1_3?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1478177808&sr=1-3&keywords=pocket+case
@ELUNO i want…
The soda and pumpkin were not part of the mediocre box.
I will find the screw-drivers and speaker most useful. The star wars trivial pursuit is fun; however, I have never seen star wars. community gasp I know… I suck.
There is a note in the upper left hand side that I found to be quite touching and a nice. Also included was a laptop bag that could be handy. I have been on the market for an 11" computer so the Built in NY case might be just the right accessory.
Thank you @mikibell very nice box of meh.
My finace is a teacher so she might be able to use the educational cards, stickers, and pencil.
@connorbush the package appeared to have been opened the resealed. I hope nothing went missing!!!
@connorbush the 3-1 spoon, knife, forks were especially well appreciated. We pack lunches every morning and those are just the tools we need to make a lunch a bit more fun and functional–WIN!

/image HAL9000
On Nov 1, my second box from @triplebud was delivered. Unfortunately, due to confusion in the mailroom (frakking goat!), I did not get it until today. I opened it at work and its contents are most mehsome, but there is no good place to lay out large quantities of stuffs at work for pix.
I promise to do this before the end of the weekend. But the goat made me procrastinate and wait until tonight to do the final prep for my first FIRST FTC tournament this season: I have yet to take the Head Referee test and I have to be up in less than six hours for the hourish drive to Millburn NJ.
@baqui63 oh good! Just glad you got it
@triplebud obviously, I did nto keep my promise.
I had “emergency” laser eye surgery today (fuck you, goat! leave my eyes alone in the future gadnabit!) so I’m not feeling like pulling the box’ contents out and taking pix. (My eyes will be fine… torn retina, so the surgery was to prevent a detached one… my third thus far, tho first in left eye… I’d say my left eye is back to about 60% of what it can do normally.)
Also, I’ve had most of a bottle of rye as I watched election results tonight., which means that any pix I take might be of things best left unpix’d.
@baqui63 I hope you recover quickly!
@baqui63 obviously anything surrounding me and this exchange is cursed. I’d say just enjoy the crap and leave it at that. Let’s stop anyone else from being infected
@RiotDemon Thanks. Other than a lack of focus (eye is still somewhat dilated 21 hours later) and some painful light sensitivity, I’d say I’m recovered.
This does not mean that the floaters are gone… they are the most annoying part of it… as if I’m constantly seeing flying things, including a coiled dragon like shape (think a loose wad of USB cables, out of focus and hovering around inside my eye).
@triplebud I will take and post pix tonight. It will be a good thing to do this, even if you have no desire to be eminded of what you sent me, those that keep files on these things need to know what you sent for future reference.
@mikibell what is that thing in the middle, front of the red bag. It’s white and has a blank triangle.
@mikibell Butteeeerssss
@RiotDemon It looks like some kind of dolphin face?
Also, I wonder what some schwetty balls taste like.
@ELUNO probably not very good, since they are golf balls.
/giphy that’s what she said

@RiotDemon ah, lol. Totally looked like a box of candy.
@ELUNO you can still try to eat them.
@mikibell I see my passed on sharpie meh ping pong ball in the last photo… and the little man flash drive might have originally come from me too. Does that mean that junk is now making the soon to be famous junk rounds? LOL
@RiotDemon It’s a shark-shaped bath funnel for kids, i think.
@DaveInSoCal And it came from one of the really early fukus. I got one then. Think I passed it on in an exchange.
Sorry, totally forgot to come post my results. Some awesome stuff, especially the unopened Cranium game! Cheers, mate.
@dunda My tarantula!
After seeing some of the other amazing boxes I was kind of feeling I sent too little! Glad you enjoyed it!
@ELUNO The lollipop got used very quickly.
@dunda @ELUNO it’s not a chupa chup?
@RiotDemon Nope. It’s a Bon Bon Bum.

I actually went to target to get some chupa chups, but they were all out…
@ELUNO I got three monster heads full of chupa chups half price at Target. Love the tarantula.
@sammydog01 They were out at my local Target way before Halloween. I wish I had gotten half price chupa chups
@ELUNO If shipping wasn’t so expensive I would send you a tub.
@sammydog01 Aww thanks! At least I got some more Bon Bon Bums!
@connorbush sent Me(h) an AMEHZING box and I apologize for being out of town until now.

I love love love this T-shirt. And it is not a tiny size as @connorbush appreciates that not everyone is a movie star wth a person trainer
1 Meh “faces t-shirt”, shown above. Almost my favorite. Let’s say my second favorite, but the shirt will last longer than my first favorite.
1 small decorative LA Dodgers baseball hat. I am trying to decide whether to put it on something or to put stuff in it.
1 Synek pack of playing cards, both for regular card games, and for a special drinking game. I wanted a pack of cards, I don’t know where mine went.
3 packs of towelettes for a “Quick Dude Shower”. Might be very handy.
1 compostable bag full of coffee pods which smell incredible from San Francisco Bay Coffe Co, flavor is “fog chaser”. These really smell incredible, even thru the bag.
1 Remington Sportsman Series Skeleton knife. I was thinking of buying a pocket knife so this is great.
1 ifrogz Big Sound Rugged MINI Speaker. I am going to try it on my keychain. It is “Tadpole Active”, whatever that means.
2 interesting looking Activa watches. They have a casual look of something you’d give to a kid but they are sized for an adult and seem rather well-built. One of them has battery life and seems to work fine. The other prob needs a battery. I have to look these up. I am gonna check these out. I have a thing for interesting watches.
I pair of HDO reflective sunglasses as a StubHub promo. They seem fine. I have to look these up also. I will use!
1 unopened SIM Activation Kit for Cricket Wireless. Hmmm. I have a few unused gsm PHONES.
2 silicon wristbands. 1 is green and says "Vitamen Angels"
The other is black and says “LOVE” on one side and has some nice guitar artwork on the other side. What band does this go with?
1 BEM Bluetooth speaker wristband in red. I have one but not in red, so cool! These might go to some younger folk. Or I might dream up some sorta use.
1 genuine Medico filter for pipes and pipe holders. I don’t smoke but I am trying to remember if any of my 4:20 friends uses a pipe? How would these work with alternative smokables?
1 tiny decorated beer-can pin which I like. Where should it go? Hmmm.
A bunch of brewery stickers:
2 for Great Divide Brewing Co
1 for Wolf Creek Brewery
1 for Kolibri Ale Works
1 coffee sticker for Death Wish Coffee
I want to try all of these consumables.
2packs of sticky notepads from the 2016 Great American Beer Festival which sounds like incredible fun. And I can always use sticky notes, since it’s easier than having a memory.
My 3rd and 4th favorite items are two plastic spider rings with huge fake jewels. I love them. I will have to live up to them next Halloween.
And my favorite item: a tiny vial of Fireball Red-Hot Cinnamon Whiskey. How hot is this? I intend to find out next weekend!
So this is great! I will go back they the box and see if I forgot anything.
The wonderful coffee smell is calling me as I do this list.
Pix next.
this was so much fun!
Thanks! I appreciate esp that thought are whimsy are present.
@f00l We’re getting ready to jump on the Cricket wagon (almost last adopters; I still don’t have a smartphone).
You might wanna check out the Ringplus threads on Slickdeals. The threads can get long and complicated. Because all cell plans are complicated.
What you need is a SPRINT phone with a clean esn. Then you want for Ringplus to throw a good sale. Which they do several times a month.
(Must be a Sprint phone!)
It’s important to read a bunch of Ringplus threads first to get the idea.
Basically you pay something to activate the phone. Less than $50 I think usually. Then you get, for example, 4000 minutes, 4000 texts, and 4gb data a month. For free. For forever I think.
You have to give Ringplus a credit card to cover data overages. If you are careful to use wifi when you can and don’t download a bunch of large files or binge on videos and music, and if you watch your data usages, you’ll prob never have an overage. Which means monthly use is free.
Not a good plan for kids I suspect. YouTube and Spotify are too tempting.
Great for adults who have self control and who understand it before signing up.
A great phone to get would be a Sprint Samsung Note 3 (the Note 4’s have tech issues, the 5’s don’t allow additional storage.). Or a Nexus 1 or 2 generations back. There are other great phones. The Samsung s5. Many others. Or iPhones a few years old if you want that.
Sources of Sprint phones: Amazon warehouse, Swappa, Amazon warehouse. Possibly EBay if you have a feel for the place.
If you do this, visit a store to see how various size phones fit in your hand and feel in daily use. Some people prefer the 5 in ones, some the bigger phones.
@f00l what network does this use? sounds too good to be true, what’s the catch?
@Yoda_Daenerys @f00l
It uses Sprint’s network
@f00l glad you liked it. Great post.
@f00l So what’s the difference between Ringplus & say, FreedomPop? Seem like similar setup
On Slickdeals.net there are a bunch of phone plan experts for these alrernative carriers. Try searching for the threads there. As @PlacidPenguin mentioned, RingPlus buys its cellular bandwidth from sprint.
I don’t know how Ringplus compares to other carriers. Try the slickdeals threads on these carriers.
The universe of cell carrier options is a serious wilderness.
/giphy cellular penguin

You clearly put some thought into the box. Thanks.
I JUST received an anonymous box chocked full of goodies! I’ll try to post pics tonight, bit the contents are Meh-cellent!! Thank you whoever you are
@tinamarie1974 exciting!
I’ve been meaning to send you a(n)
follow upemail…@PlacidPenguin what are the directions again for making the line through text like you just did above?
Double tilde (~) on either side of the word/phrase/sentence/string of characters
Meh formatting guide
@PlacidPenguin thanks
@dunda sent me a box of very cool stuff. First the drawing on the box:

Such talent!
@sammydog01 Next:

-Bubba cup- love these
-Tweety mp3 player (this got me my first goat nomination)
-Meh branded adapter (@JonT sent me one of those. Hi @JonT!)
-fan that works on a power bank just like they sold yesterday!
-Minion building set!!!
@sammydog01 Wooooaaaaaahhhhh! That is the box (and amazing drawings) I sent to @dunda! My art is making its way around the world!
And some Woot goodies!

-2 gojo phone headsets (didn’t have one)
-cat unicorn horn (didn’t have one)
-camera strap
-bungee strap
-wall paper border
-DSI dock (the cable in these is really useful)
-teacup candle
-crappy goldish ring
-Monte sticker
-screaming monkey with bonus cape
Nice crap!
@ELUNO Hahaha! I may frame it.
And some fancy extras:

-Georgia Tech football coaster
-kitty socks! So cute.
-sticky/magnetic device holder of some kind. Maybe for phones?
-green ID holder thing
-miso soup pack
-2 zip seams (kickstarter thing for making shorts smaller)
-Pulp Fiction DVD!
@sammydog01 Hooray!
Inside of DVD box:

Hopefully the extras are good as the movie is missing.
Inside of Kindle box:

Oh well, I have too many Kindles already. Banana protein flapjacks are good too, right?
@dunda Thanks for the box! There were some not so meh things and some very meh things. Are the food items safe to eat? I love me some miso soup.
@sammydog01 Unless you’re allergic to something, it should be good to eat. Maybe getting a little stale by now, but hey, this is Meh, not Mehcdonald’s.
@dunda A little stale is edible to me. Thanks!
@eluno your sender apologizes for the delay, Meh. junk should be on the way soon, hope it’s worth the weight
@Yoda_Daenerys Hooray!
Heavy junk, light junk, I love it all!
@ELUNO And since you’re at the end of the thread you can spam photos like I did without guilt.
@sammydog01 A minimum of 3 pictures per item in multiple angles!
@compunaut send me a pretty
coolmeh box that arrived today. THANK YOU!!!Purple Rigdlea Rockets (@barney) swim cap
Purple bugs bunny patch
Purple Edward Scissor hand CD/DVD carrying case
Purple x-mini max capsule stereo speakers
Story cube game
IQ buster round cube puzzle “The tormenter”
New Orleans Drip Grind Banana Foster Coffee
Emergency chocolate – it will shortly be an emergency
2 rolls wallpaper border
Whale wind chimes
Glow Blue light with glow stick , flashlight and whistle, battery works
4 pack pack n’ snack containers
Raymond Chandler The big sleep book
Apex gift wrapped AGP X system game player with car race game that apparently needs a battery (easily solved)
Wipeout water bottle
Star Trek DVD
Wooden dinosaur kit that I sort of remember from ages ago from meh
$35 off hellofesh.com food meal box
MN Vikings knit hat
Cat Treats and Tricks - 3 cat toys and a recipe book to make cat treats (the photos of which look better than some human food)
4 texas air bags
one used meh box
Quite a lot fit into that small box.
enter image description here
The goat cat snatched the mouse by the tail, jumped up on the cat tree and then instead of playing with it was guarding it from the other 3 cats who were staring up at her LOL
And missed photo of the cat in the box when a second one jumped in on top – then we had sudden spring loaded cat ejection action from the box and a tipped over box.
Thank you again. This was lovely!
@Kidsandliz Hope your kitties enjoy their toys (& recipes?) and you enjoy the chocolate & coffee (Mississippi Mud flavor was also available).
Oh, and I love me some Raymond Chandler, so have fun with The Big Sleep, too.
@compunaut I like to read all sorts of fiction so I should enjoy that. The cats have already batted one ball under the TV stand (most toys eventually end up there) so I will need to fish it out. And of course the photo evidence of her hoarding the new toy so the other 3 couldn’t get at it. We will have to see about the recipes. I have some cat lover friends that I can pass the recipe book on to if they turn their noses up at that stuff. Chocolate and ice cream are my favorite junk foods so the chocolate is right up there as a box favorite. Thanks for a nice box. You stalk me on meh? (the cat threads would have given me away along with the photo of goat cat balanced on the top of a door LOL). Thanks again.
@Kidsandliz Well, it’s kinda difficult to ‘stalk’ someone whose user profile is turned off
so I just had to pay attention to all the threads looking for clues.
Thought you were a coffee drinker so I might have messed up there. Story Cubes and mastodon puzzle might be fun to play with any little ones (grandkids?) that might be around.
@Kidsandliz And if you enjoy The Big Sleep then I might recommend The Doorbell Rang by Rex Stout; it’s another old favorite in this genre.
@compunaut I don’t drink coffee - however someone I owe big time does, loves to try new flavors and so this will be regifted and very, very much appreciated by that person. So thank you. By the way you can search for a user in the search function. I have posted on about a zillion threads I am afraid to say… (one might wonder about too much time on my hands LOL) and likely you’d only glean that I have cats, am broke and have a big mouth : )
The grandkids are 3, 2 and 4 mo however I like puzzles so no worries there : )
I have a deadline of Wednesday for something so can’t spend time reading until Thursday, but will start it then.
Thank you again! This was a wonderful box.
What kind of chocolate - and did it ship ok?
When I sent chocolate to @Hollboll, I ordered them from a chocolate company. They talked with me about the shipping methods they use at different times of year and how difficult it can be in summer.
So now I wonder what are the safe months for shipping chocolate?
BTW, great box. I love those golden age mysteries too.
@f00l chocolate bar chocolate. See red wrapper in box photo. Don’t know if it shipped OK as I haven’t opened it yet.
@compunaut Yesterday I gave the coffee to the friend I owe big time. You made her day big time!! Thank you so much! She was thrilled and I was tempted not to come clean about where I got it, but I did, and she told me to tell you a big thank you!!
I am very late with my pics but I’m posting them anyway. I loved my box. @sammydog01 did such a wonderful job. The pics probably only show a little over half of what was in the box because my 1 1/2 year old granddaughter was there. She thinks all packages delivered are for her(I take no responsibility for that at all…lol). So when I started looking at everything she just assumed Grams had bought her more presents. I mentioned this before about how I wished I had filmed the unboxing because she was delightful. She jibber jabbered in such an excited voice about everything included, even if she didn’t know what it was. It was precious. So even if there was nothing in the box I liked, that would have been enough. So aren’t I lucky that I liked everything…except the Boogar candy. I let Harper eat all of that she wanted!
@mehbee I love everything but I thing this is my favorite. @carl669, did you think you’d sorta be a part of anyone’s box?
@mehbee curse war! it’s on!
@carl669 @mehbee @sammydog01
I should probably eat more popcorn when I read the forum from now on.
@PlacidPenguin @mehbee
Round 1: you low down, rotten smegma head.
@mehbee this was a great box! Way to go @sammydog01
@carl669 Son of a biscuit eater, that was a good start!! I’m going to make sure I’m prepared for the next round and have my new book with me so I can skunk you.
@mehbee @carl669 snake breath (a favorite of a 6 year old I know)… the two of you are going to get yourselves into a mell of a hess with your war of the wonky bad words.
Has the 6 year old ever directed “snake breath” at you?
Or is that honor reserved for peers?
/giphy snake breath

@f00l Yes as in “you are a snake breath”. When I asked if that was bad, I was told very bad because when he used other words (I suspect shit head) instead he got in trouble so he says snake breath now.
How do you respond? ☺️
I am very inspired and awed by what I have seen in everyone’s boxes, sent and received. So much personality and thought!
Happy to get to go along with the journeys of all these boxes.
/giphy great box

@f00l I agree. I will put more thought into mine next time!
Great… Now I need to put less thought into my next box.
Oh, not you!
I am never inspired by you!
/giphy Maru box

Oops! You just inspired me!
I forgive you. Must have been an accident.
/giphy Maru stuck

Posting here in case the sender did post a box and thinks I have forgotten to acknowledge. No box has arrived and I do not know who had my address. I do not really need more stuff so I guess it all works out.
If the sender did not ship, it should be so noted for future endeavors.
I know that last part wasn’t necessarily aimed for me, but noted.
And if it was, I’ll try removing the note.
@speediedelivery let me check the records, were you just getting one?
I checked my email and the form, @speediedelivery is supposed to get one, though it’s not necessary. However, the mehmber should really follow through since they DID agree to send a box.
@PlacidPenguin the shipment was supposed to happen in Oct. but deliver in Nov.
Not my department.
@PlacidPenguin yea, i’ve asked said sender to post here so let’s see what happens
@Yoda_Daenerys @placidpenguin Agreed with the notes above. I posted here for everyone and the chance someone needed to file a lost claim. I figured i would send an email later.
I did receive notification that 3 tracking labels with my address on them were printed early this morning.
Hey all I wanted to apologize for not delivering on time, I sent mine out late (mainly out of laziness) and I made a pretty mehdiocre box
@speediedelivery do you want a second one as payment for my misdoings
@legendornothing you said on Nov. 7, in response to my query, which was in response to @speediedelivery’s query, that you had sent it out ‘a couple of weeks earlier’, so i’m a little confused by your comment ‘sent mine out late’
@legendornothing I did not receive a first box. You should file a claim for a lost package with the company you sent it. I did get notified that 3 labels were printed at USPS this morning. I am guessing that was you?
@speediedelivery Yikes, I didn’t print one out yet, you oughta check on that
@Yoda_Daenerys I didn’t want to seem cop outy by blaming it on my mom so I decided to take the L and not be a dickwad
@legendornothing yea, don’t blame your mom, own it. she’s not Meh.
i hope you make it right and your box doesn’t suck, adding disappointment to delay for @speediedelivery
@Yoda_Daenerys @legendornothing I received my box today. Will attempt pictures tomorrow.
@speediedelivery the buttons are a little rusty, but working nonetheless. Download the app on the App Store or play store. A couple apps I recommend for the thing itself are the GPS, Smartwatch+, and this one app called TTMM is a MUST. I hope it made up for me being so late.
@speediedelivery yay!
I’m itching to reveal mine, but it has to get here first!
@ELUNO i really can’t keep track (at least not with some effort), have i let you know it’s on the way, or do i knead to badger your Meh.ender?
@Yoda_Daenerys You already let me know it was going to be on it’s way soon on 11/10/2016. Thanks!
From @legendornothing Thank you…

Helicopter and controller
Eclipse speaker
Phone case
Two cables
Garmin vivosmart
Those quadcopters are fun. However, I still have not learned how to fly it properly.
@speediedelivery DAMMIT I MESSED UP! THE CABLE IS A PEBBLE CHARGER (YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GET A PEBBLE) also a lot of the cables are missing I apologize
@speediedelivery but I’ll find the garmin charger and send it to you in a mail if you don’t buy one beforehand
@speediedelivery the speaker also uses a mini usb which i seemingly forgot to pack (but the aux cord also works)
Here linked is Douglas Adams’ famous essay on chargers.
If it’s famous, how come I haven’t heard about it until now?
You might have grown up after it was written, in a video world.
It’s famous among
Mmmm…my G.g.g.gen…generation.
If I remember, the essay was included here?
@PlacidPenguin I have not tried one yet so wish me luck. I know basically zero at this moment. I will be browsing the threads for tips. First hurdle charging, next finding the spare parts pack I got in an earlier exchange.
@legendornothing I can return the pebble charger. I have spare regular mini and micro cables. I have not checked to see what I do need yet. This week has been busy. No worries here.
@f00l Somehow I missed that. I agree completely. I have lets just say I have “more than 1” dongly thing that is not properly stored with the matching item. I do not wish to contemplate or worse look to get a more accurate figure.
@PlacidPenguin owns that book in his collection. He just hasn’t read it yet.
He? His?
Re dongle things
Even when it’s standard MINI-or micro they warn only to use their special one.
And sometimes it matters.
When something is expensive or unique or takes a lot of power to charge, or the cable looks important, I gave in and started attaching Avery labels to the cord. Or on the power brick.
Yes, he and his.
Ok. Are those pronouns appropriate from now forward? Or are they for short-term use?
And why do I suspect you haven’t offered up as much info as it might appear?
All good. Interesting.
About my owning The Salmon of Doubt ?
About anything @PlacidPenguin chooses to keep mysterious.
I first joined audible.com I think close to 15 years ago. Perhaps more. Back then if you agreed to a year’s subscription, you got $100 off an iPod. I got my first ipod that way.
The first books I purchased were the entire Douglas Adams library - the books and the radioplays.
I have no patience to listen to an audiobook. As I’ve said before, my mind wanders really easily.
I play audio stuff at 1.5 to 2.0 speed while driving or on my feet. When free to read conventionally, I read.
Took me a while to get accustomed to getting the info that way. Now all good. Just got used to it, learned to handle it that way. Practice.
Also some narrators are amazing. It’s a matter of matching the narrator to the material.
I think the HHGTTG series were originally radioplays. Then the series got novelized into books. Perhaps only the last 1 or 2 books started as novels. Not sure.
This is the month during which we can ask you questions. AMAA.
That thread got a bit derailed by the election and its aftermath, by mfladd’s reappearance, by the holidays.
I have been meaning to revive that thread. For a week or two after the election, I was so much affected and in shock that I forgot the thread existed.
If you have prefer, I will ask these questions in your AMAA thread. But since the matter first came up here, let me offer some questions:
I want to be careful of my assumptions and of your privacy here, as you have been careful of our assumptions and your own privacy, ongoing.
Of course, I expect you to answer only as you chose. The questions below are offerings, not demands.
For your consideration:
If you are willing to discuss this; are the pronouns “he” and “his” the ones you prefer and/or are are they commonly used in your real life?
Do you prefer that those pronouns be widely used here, regarding you, going forth?
Why offer this info now? And why offer this info at all?
(Sometimes persons one knows only on the net reveal unexpected richnesses of motivation. Am intrigued.)
@gnext2 If you want an explanation of the item that I sent in the ziplock bag, let me know. It was the item on the list that would not seem meaningful to the recipient but was to the sender.
@mehbee Is it an old pet’s ashes?
@mehbee thanks for following the rules
@ELUNO Um…no for so, so many reasons
Bump. For the new to exchanges people. Look past all the silly comments to see what sorts of random show in boxes.