Digital Scavenger Hunt
21Hello Mehtizens -
As you know, today is’s 7th birthday!
To celebrate, we decided to talk you into taking silly pictures of stuff throughout the day.
Here’s how it works:
- We’re going to post a comment to this topic every 30 minutes from 9:30am - 5pm CT.
- All photos must be real-life photos, taken today, by you. (No google image searches!)
- All photos submitted must include a handwritten note with today’s date and your username clearly visible.
- Post your photos as a reply to the relevant comment.
Everyone who plays along with us will get a small token of our appreciation.
- 113 comments, 795 replies
- Comment
/giphy YEA!!!

/giphy nice

/giphy um ok

YES! I’m tired of hunting irks and don’t want to impulse buy anything more on Sidedeal.
YES! I’m tired of working.
Sounds like fun.
Ugh. Never mind. My internet service (or lack thereof) is being so horrible, I just spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to upload one lousy pic and it won’t let me. Phooey.
/giphy magnifying glass

Your first DSH (Digital Scavenger Hunt) picture is:
Birthday Candle or Cake with the number 7 on it.
@Targaryen slow to the draw it seems…but, submitting it anyways, lol!
@Targaryen does a homemade candle count?
Like this?

I am now officially having fun. And stroopwafels. As a snack.
@sammydog01 @Targaryen you actually had a seven?!?!?!?
@sammydog01 @Targaryen @tinamarie1974 That looks like a reversed 5 that’s been broken and melted into shape
@sammydog01 @Targaryen @tinamarie1974 looks like a 5 turned into a 7. i approve.
Close, it has to be a pic of a physical item tho. Pic of thing on phone no workie.
@lichme @Targaryen @tinamarie1974 And I did it without burning myself!
@Targaryen Let’s try this way

@PHRoG Sure, make up the rules as you go.
@Targaryen maybe this will work?
@Targaryen Man… I know what a number 1 is and what a number 2 is. I can guess at a number 3. But a number 7?

@Targaryen Happy 7 Bday, unfortunately batteries I had were from TrackR so were dead.

@Targaryen Late but better than never
@Targaryen Close enough?



Well, it’s a birthday-sized candle with a 7 literally on it, so maybe?
@Targaryen @ongware ffs, I’m Bad at pictures
@Targaryen 11 is 7 in base 6!
Finally found one!
(so, look, we don’t do cake or birthday candles for the most part
@joelmw You from Europe?
@Targaryen I think my girlfriend is trying to sabotage me. We have candles for every number EXCEPT 7
@Targaryen There’s a 7 on there, I promise.

This is a joint effort that might have taken 2 tries. Here’s 7 candles with a happy 7th birthday wishes to Meh!

And this is take 2!
@Targaryen super late, but I figured why not.
late to the party but wanted to make an effort!
@Targaryen @Targaryen If this is a duplicate, please forgive me.
@Fduch @Targaryen Pretty!
@sammydog01 I was going to respond with the clarification that the European convention is DD-MM-YYYY, but when I just googled to verify, apparently they are moving to the superior YYYY-MM-DD because of ISO or something. In any case, no, at least not in my lifetime–genetically partially, but I was born in and have lived alls of my life in the US of A, with a few brief visits to Canada and continuing aspirations to move their altogether (even before things got so so messy down here).
In any case, I adopted YYYY-MM-DD and YYYYMMDD long ago, not because I saw it anywhere or anyone told me to, but because it seems most logical. If you’re storing dates as text (or numbers), it’s the obvious choice. Likewise, when scanning a collection of dates, it makes the most sense. I shan’t regale you with my frustrations re dates in file names and such, unless you insist. Speaking of frustrations, even nerds are surprisingly slow to adopt the obviously superior format, though I have made headway with several of my colleagues at work and my team does it (for the most part), whether they really get it or simply to appease me, I care little.
Cool. Sounds fun.
… Also what the heck? You’ve gone by ET for 7 years, and now all of the sudden you’re switching to CT?
@DaFrogMan Most of our team is based in TX, so we posted this one in that time zone. Don’t worry though, we’re still on ET for everything else.

@AttyVette your entry must be posted in a reply to the comment.
Happy 7th
@romellex your entry must be posted in a reply to the comment.
@Thumperchick Thanks - I think I got it right this time.
Had to scrounge, clearly. lol

@Dakini your entry must be posted in a reply to the comment.
@Thumperchick ah! will fix this, thanks
Thank you for pinning the actual items required, otherwise this is going to suck
@lichme yeah, I figured this thread would get out of hand quickly.
Do you dream of wrapping a gift that looks like it should come out of an out black and white film but have no ability? Let’s see your best effort.
We want to see a crappily wrapped (but there was some amount of attempt/love) present.
@Targaryen I loved all 12 seconds of this. ALL OF THEM.
@Targaryen Wrapping a (hair)ball.
@Targaryen It might be late…

@Targaryen Crapilly bubble wrapped gift for my son

@Targaryen Can wrapping get more Meh than this?
@Targaryen mismatched wrapping paper, packing tape and a brand new pack of KN95 masks, because clearly you don’t have enough.
I’m at the airport headed out on an adventure! Does a link to the picture work?
A gift for the dog!
Does a gift bag count as wrapping?
@Targaryen ok in case gift bags DONT count:

@Targaryen and yes, that is floss instead of ribbon. But it is minty!!!
@Targaryen Hello, my name is OldCatLady. And I’m several times seven years old

@cbilyak @Targaryen I will never be able to see the man bat logo as anything but a spray toothed grin.
The love and effort is all inside! (Really, that’s how I do it.)

@Targaryen ok, so this is like an hour and a half late and it doesn’t technically count because it’s not physically here with me at the moment (because now it’s in my garage where it belongs) but I wanted to share my my little brother’s monstrously beautifully wrapping attempt on the gift he gave me this last Christmas.
@mtbm33 @Targaryen is that a speaker dock

So wrapping Tigger (he probably wouldn’t have held still to add the meh hat to the photo like the one I posted yesterday but I was going to try if he would have). But I have wrapping paper covering the cat, ribbon and snapped just as he was exiting. That counts as effort and crappy. Right?
@Targaryen tried to wrap the lit candle. Not a good idea.
why no, that isn’t void fill, why do you ask?
@Targaryen I just put people’s gifts in a box and tape it closed. Don’t have to waste any wrapping paper.



@Targaryen Happy Bday!! Your favorite!!

@Vrysen Note that your entry needs to be posted in a reply to the comment.
@narfcake Woops
@Tiamat114 Note that your entry needs to be posted in a reply to the comment.
@narfcake My bad. Too late to even delete it to not double post lol.
Know what the ASL sign for octopus is?
If not, good!
Look it up and show us what you found.
I know this doesn’t count, but here:
Source - @carl669 over here.
@Targaryen like this but you wiggle your fingers
@Targaryen why didn’t I think of timer. Brilliant @Lichme
@tinamarie1974 Selfie mode + timer
@Targaryen Do you people have remote controls or friends or something? Well I tried. Here’s the secret Meh greeting.

That would scare people off.
Edit- well crap I have a delay setting too. Is this close enough? I worked pretty hard for it.
@Targaryen Not as good without gif or video
@Targaryen I only have 2 hands and I cant figure out how to show the ASL sign, my username sign, and take the pic at the same time. :|
@Targaryen special assist from the wife for full octopus effect!

Had to figure out how to do a delayed photo since I have no one to take it for me.
@Targaryen @thumperchick this one need deleted too as someone else pointed out I have the wrong date on it so need to take it again and another one I took. Oops.

So my third try to get this in the right place with the right date, after first having to figure out how to take a delayed photo since I have no one to take one for me LOL

@Targaryen @Riley_husky_adventures for the assist!
igot some help with this one
@Targaryen I was wearing my Meh party shirt today too.

Well after my hand became twisted on my 16th birthday I can finally see first hand (no pun intended) WHY I was told ASL would NOT be something I should have as a career! With a little I help from my friend, I tried!
@lisaviolet (Today’s the ninth.)
@Targaryen bad pic
@Targaryen it was super hard to do this alone.

@Targaryen Octomeh.
@JvB Note that your entry needs to be posted in a reply to the comment.
@narfcake thank u!
Hello, my name is OldCatLady. And I’m several times seven years old
@OldCatLady Note that your entry needs to be posted in a reply to the comment.
@american_badger Note that your entry needs to be posted in a reply to the comment.
@american_badger Note that your entry needs to be posted in a reply to the comment.
I’ve wrapped my meh gift but I am too dim witted to figure out how to upload a photo from my phone; alas, technology has won.
@smoxxy me too.
@smoxxy you have to do it on the computer it seems
@smoxxy turn your phone to landscape (horizontal) and click “reply”. Then click the icon next to the 101010 icon that looks like mountains and a moon. It should appear on the options bar of the text box.
Then follow the prompts and select the picture you want to upload
@iutami whats a computer?!
Thank you my friend. Just so y’all know my gift was meh-riffic! Just use your brains to imagine it.
@capguncowboy I swear it’s not me… but nothing shows up and then when I click “Say It” for a brief moment I can see what you are talking about!
I would… show you via a screenshot but I cannot! Thank you for your kind guidance though.
@capguncowboy @smoxxy I notice that you can’t upload a photo on mobile if you are replying to someone
@capguncowboy @stevenmontes yup! Just figured that out. Thanks friends!
I posted mine for funsies even though the rules are reply. Learned something new!
@smoxxy I am sure it was! And I was almost going to use your tissue paper to wrap mine, but R ripped it to shreds! lol
Not sure if this will help but here you go. This is what it should look like. it should appear on the comment box, but you have to have your phone horizontal before you click comment/reply.
@capguncowboy @smoxxy @stevenmontes I noticed I can’t post a photo to a reply as well. I tried several browsers too. I ended up uploading a photo, copying the link and pasting that into the reply box. Kind of tedious.
Is it a crappy gift?
@smoxxy Note that your entry needs to be posted in a reply to the comment.
@Thumperchick it doesn’t want me to post via my phone and I can’t access meh on my work computer so I’m just playing along
@smoxxy view the thread in landscape mode and you’ll get the expanded options.
What was your favorite Meh purchase ever?
Is it an air fryer? Is it a bike? Was it the bag?
Show us your favorite Meh purchases.
@Targaryen I really didn’t expect to live these chargers so much but I’ve not put them all over my house. They’re pretty amazing
@Targaryen it IS an air fryer, and it was my 4th or 5th IRK!!
@Targaryen I use this mug all day every day.
@Targaryen Bubbas…so. Many. Bubbas.
@Targaryen IRKS for life!
these helped a lot through the pandemic.
I really liked this oil diffuser pack!
I’m not home but my IRK bags go everywhere with me!
@Targaryen Can’t really pick one, each from separate Fuko/Irk. One in bedroom gets under bed to clean, it is great!
@Targaryen ![enter image description here][1]
@Targaryen hockey puck meh

Forgot i go by Andrew here
It’s the Unelma Adjustable pillow, which is clad in some bamboo sheets also from meh. I loved the pillows so much I bought two from two different mehrathons!
@Targaryen It’s my last box, though.
Best noise canceling headphones I’ve found at any price point, including put up against fancy Bose that have an obnoxious background hiss.
I have gotten a lot of things, but this remains my favorite. It was not leaky when it arrived, it has lasted a long time, and with one bathroom and a husband who actually uses it, I am so thankful for this stuff!!!

As a fun bonus the switch was missing so I got to go to the hardware store, buy a switch and install it. I even waterproofed it with Silly Putty. Ah, good times.
@Targaryen Braven XL. I love it, and so does everyone else. I’ve had 4 people offer to buy it from me
@Targaryen Here’s a link from @remo28 since he seems to be having technical issues.
@punkynpye I got the XXL in an irk but have no place to use it.
@OldCatLady your photo didn’t show for favorite item
OMG…I forgot about my favorite lunch bowl! My very first purchase.
Purchased April, 2019
@Targaryen I use this thing all the time, but it’s at home! Hope this meets the requirements.

@Targaryen Because, well, cat hair


MOAR popsockets!
@Targaryen These lightning cables have been LIFESAVERS at my office … every day someone forgets that their computer/keyboard/mouse/airpods/iProduct is almost dead and they left their cable at home. Thanks to super inexpensive multi-packs, I can save them. You basically made me a superhero, Meh.
I guess @Mediocrebot be broke.
My favorite is actually the stickers but I can’t find them.

@Targaryen Got this in an IRK, back when they were called Fukubukuros. (I still call them Fukubukuros)
Why yes, it IS an air fryer!
@Targaryen I love my Meh hoodie. So comfy.
@Targaryen managed to keep a fruit fly infestation at bay!
I love these
I love the air fryer I bought from meh, or at least I did until it died. The one I replaced it with also died last week, but this time youtube helped me figure out how to replace the switch on it. It could probably use a good cleaning
These fuckers have been used.

@Targaryen Schrödinger’s toothbrush club member #1399 checking in. That was quite a wild ride.

my nephews disagree with my favorite. These are probably their third pair each. I know they have each worn holes in a pair or 2.

My most favorite Meh purchase, and it ONLY cost me $5.00! Woohoo!!
@Targaryen Love my meh mug!

@Targaryen The IRK scooter, of course!
this backrest. He quit complaining about how much our furniture sucked.
@Targaryen These are probably the most used. Bought 2 of the Chromebooks, still used daily. Bought 4 of the Tumblers - still have 2 as backups and use the others daily.
I use this every day
@Targaryen Does this count? I purchased the IRK it was in….

@Targaryen shun knife set I got out of a fuku

Number 00976
@Targaryen SCARY DOLLS!!!
Staying in boxes until they’re delivered to @sillyheathen where KIRK will find it’s scary new home and she can make me some awesome homes for the other 2!
I shall be redeemed with my cat tax tho!
@clonetek oh shit!
@american_badger I need you to take the tags off and give them all your love!
@american_badger your entry needs to be in a reply to the comment.
@smoxxy sadly none of them fit me

@Thumperchick keep trying on my phone, but when I hit the reply on the link it never posts to the correct spot
. Don’t think I am the only one having this problem. 
@american_badger @Thumperchick turn it sideways before hitting reply
I’ve gathered the troops!![enter image description here][1]
@smoxxy your entry needs to be in a reply to the comment.
@smoxxy this is why i love you Smoxx!
Vibe 3 in 1 usb cable.
I’m at work so it’s the first meh purchase I found I have with me. But I do use it 3-5 days a week. It’s lasted a while and it was only $3
I tried to post this as a reply. But after a few replies my phone doesn’t seem to give me a reply box. I’ve had this issue for a while. I only have the problem on my phone though. So IDK
@remo28 I reposted it in the right place for you. Also my iPhone has a dying charging port and this is one of the few cables that still works with it. Wish I had more.
@Thumperchick Is there another way to post? My iPad is messed up and it won’t let me reply to the link on each challenge? I finally got it to post on the first challenge but can’t thereafter and have no computer. I tried my cellphone and it doesn’t let you up-load pictures can only write a new post and not reply.
@AttyVette try viewing the page in landscape mode on your phone - that’ll give you the expanded options to post pics.
@AttyVette I have the same problem with my phone if there are already some replies. If I’m in the first few replies it’s fine. But after that it just jumps to the next post with no box to type in, no matter the orientation of the phone. There is just no reply box to use. Usually it works on my ipad, and not my phone, maybe it’s an IOS issue. I’m at work so can’t try to ipad right now. But if I take a pic with my phone I cant reply using my phone. I’ve noticed this problem before as well.
@remo28 it’s not only me then sigh_-they should fix this for those of us who have no computers
@remo28 it isn’t working on my iPad and I’m taking the pictures but can’t post—very disappointed . Wish they’d let us just post since in this thread since we can’t post to reply to what @Targaryen says to show pictures of!
@remo28 @Targaryen got it to post finally but I’m sure it won’t work again
I got the foot massager in a IRK
My fave meh purchase
(and belated promise keeper to post pic of my 1 and only mehrathon tiki painting score!). And Octomeh Jr is wearing his fave MEH score… IRK Claws that fit him purrrrfectly!
lurv Octomeh (card art by Octomeh Jr!)
So we’ve been giving out stickers like crazy.
What did you put them on?
Pictures of yer stickers.
@Targaryen I had put some on my back car window too but it’s outside… and it’s hot out there so you get my cup instead
@Targaryen sadly I have never received any, so I made my own and put it here.
On the work bench.
@Targaryen this is the only sticker I’ve gotten, but I can’t complain - it came with a kitchen appliance
@Targaryen No meh stickers but will this do?
@capguncowboy @Targaryen Seriously jealous! I never got any Meh stickers!
@Targaryen The water bottle my daughter takes to swim practice.
@Targaryen No stickers
@Targaryen I consider this too rare to actually stick on anything
@Targaryen I don’t like unsticking a sticker, so I put mine with magnets on my fridge!! (also, jealous of all the cool stickers yall have got so far!!) enter image description here
@Targaryen I don’t unstick stickers, so mine is magnetically held on my fridge! Super jealous of the stickers some of yall got!!
@Targaryen Use my stickers? Are you insane? What if the other 50 get water damage, where would I be then? I hoard them in an envelope with some of my special things, like Gollum would if he had stickers.

@Targaryen No stickers from meh, but here’s my RBG sticker on the fridge.

@Targaryen, Haven’t gotten any stickers from Meh…and I need one badly now
@Targaryen I put it on my desk where I put everything.
@Targaryen Never have gotten a sticker. Made my own that’!s passable I hope
@Targaryen GF’s car
SAFE IN THE ENVELOPE THEY ARRIVED IN, POSTMARKED AUGUST 2018. I will probably never own anything good enough to put them on.
@Targaryen (gave my irk to someone who was desperate for one) Technically the big oval meh one is a magnetic so not a stick but the others are stickers.

But here is the next best thing…this sticker represents my mood during most Meh-rathons as I’m trying for an IRK and failing.

Stickers? I don’t have any from Meh.

This is where my Meh sticker would go if I had one

Here’s where my meh sticker would go if I had any!
@Targaryen @xterraguy shiny car
@er1c there’s bird shit on it
@Targaryen I’ve gotten no stickers…
. I feel…![enter image description here][1]
@Targaryen Stickers are banned in the house, for reasons like this:
@Targaryen I have no Meh stickers for my laptop

@Targaryen everyone knows how I feel.
@Targaryen I don’t have official meh stickers so made my own. The kittens say they are definitely meh since they are not edible

I’ve NEVER gotten any stickers BUT THIS IS THE NEXT BEST THING!! It’s a shirt that came pre stickerd!
I don’t remember where my other stickers are, but these are technically on an IRK bag.
@Targaryen used a meh sticker to make myself a
backup meh mug for when my original meh mug is unavailable. I think the bubba may have come from an IRK as well


The only one I seem to have
Well hell. I haven’t received any stickers from you yet, and even if I have, I am not at home so here, you get a sticker!!!
Alright, so these stickers are awesome and I’m jealous. I haven’t received any meh stickers yet! … @sneakertree that Supernatural sticker is perfection!!
@bblood Thank you! I have a “Keep Calm and Carry Salt” on my phone.
@Sneakertree omg… pretty sure I need that one! Gonna do some shopping right now
@bblood If you don’t find it I’ll be home Monday and see if I have an extra. I can send it to you. I went on a supernatural stickers spree while stuck at home for a spell.
I’m so confused what’s going on in this thread? Are they posting a pic and then you search for the irk?
Every 30 minutes or so, @Targaryen will post a new “topic”. To enter for an IRK, you must post in reply to the topic post a picture that includes the date, your handle/username and makes a relevant commentary on the topic.
Since this last topic was “stickers”, the picture should include some kind of sticker, possibly expected to be meh-related. However, I’m sure some rather generous interpretations of “meh-related” are to abound given the participants.
@mike808 @Targaryen
Thank you
@Star2236 Just scroll to the top and look at the instructions. No irks here. The participation prize was not listed as an irk but I don’t know.
See topic-opening post

@mbspell @sammydog01

/image shiny psyduck
@er1c @sammydog01
![meh imaginary stickers made by God and will stick you][1]
Don’t have any mehmade stickers so hers these
Got something interesting in your town?
An old factory, historic monument, world’s largest jar of toenail clippings?
Grab your Meh shirt and take a picture near it!
@Targaryen I am boycotting t-shirts until they have nice scoop neck ones…but here you go
@Targaryen My Meh birthday shirt is near @tinamarie1974’s post, and I’m in Saint Louis also, so her post is near to mine, and mine to hers. I think that qualifies both entries.
There is no “I” in “Teamwork”, but there is in “IRK”.
@Targaryen Like leave the house?

@mike808 @Targaryen aawww thanks!!
@Targaryen How about the Nation’s Capitol?
@Targaryen I didn’t have a meh shirt with me. I hope this suffices
@capguncowboy @Targaryen I want to see a race there! I live near Richmond International Raceway which is fun too.
@Targaryen military base display… There’s an exposed locked box nearby, and local legend says if you can open it, the is yours.
@Targaryen was posting and knocked of
Rain on the coast and not a Mecca for tourists . This tree grew back after Hurricane Rita tore it apart
@Targaryen I don’t have a meh shirt, yet. Also I’m at work and the inversion today is making the usually gorgeous mountains around here look not so photogenic. So here is a photo of my super unorganized desk

@Targaryen Maybe not SUPER interesting, but the high school from S1 of Fear the Walking Dead?

The view from the front of my apt building (these tunnels go all the way under and my apt is over this mess - foundation work).
And a second one from the front - See the 6’ ladder for scale - and that one where the ladder is goes under my apt which faces the back yard
The view from my window from the backyard. Notice the full size backhoe thing (or whatever they are called) on that pile for scale
Does “suburban hell as far as the eye can see” count?

Extreme heat is what we are known for around here.
@Targaryen The only thing interesting as I work from home is my cat. Already had my meh shirt on, but I’ll save y’all from seeing this bedhead and tired face
This is part of the city’s public works lot for fleet vehicles and the building we keep road salt. From my office view inside the public works building.
@Targaryen where I live is the only place in the world with, well, me…standing in front of a penguin wall hanging.

@Targaryen I’m in Wyoming. Yes really.

@Targaryen My town’s grocery store ran out of bananas one time a few years ago, and the facebook community will never let them forget about it. It’s kind of a thing now.
@Targaryen outside?! I’ll melt! It’s raining!
@Targaryen Are you a breaking bad fan?

Dumb me whisperd the first time!
So we have Pfizer here and i’m known as job security! A little pill for anything and everything that ailes me!
Home of the 3rd largest county fair in the US. However I say we’re first as we run at least 2 weeks less than the top two so our people per day is higher.
@Targaryen Quick shopping trip at Jungle Jim’s. It’s… an experience (and also a pretty amazing grocery store).
@Targaryen There’s not much around here besides a water tower and trails.One is mildly interesting over by the Y.
@Targaryen we have some waterfalls here people seem to like.
@Targaryen I live super close to Nike’s World Headquarters and I have a slightly worse addiction than here at meh!
(that’s not even 25% of them!)
@Targaryen posted this second picture as I didn’t have the date and screen name shown with my Hurricane Rita survivor tree!
No picture from me would be complete without my “balls”, bubble wrap and of course Walter.
Wentzville, MO - home of the Bubble Bus!
Finally had coffee. Now I can join in the insanity! 🥳🥳🥳
Sevens are wild.
Take a picture of a seven somewhere and share that with us.
On a sign, on a door, 7 Dwarves anything.
@Targaryen at McD’s
@Targaryen 7 members of The Ghost’s crew
@Targaryen this market flyer has a great deal on Ice Waters for $7!
@Targaryen Yes, set to 7 in the house!
@Targaryen Love my Slurpees.

I had to put the mah jong tile away anyway!
@Targaryen ![7][1]
Glad our conference rooms have such jejune names
Lucky number 7 disc
@Targaryen Seven hours of stomach flu for our little man

@Targaryen lots of sevens
It’s a Seven! Post-It note in lieu of content warning.
I had a dentist appointment 07 May at 0730, 2020 with Dr. Pignataro. I still have the (excellent) reminder magnet.
@Targaryen The first thing I could find at work with 7 on it.
7 lanterns and a confused Ella for luck.
@Targaryen from my trip to Biloxi with my family

Still at work. But there are 2 7’s in the picture (3 if you count the date on the sticky note)

So I did take this photo today. It was a photo of the photo I took at the recently turned 7 year old’s birthday. SoI think it is OK on a technicality. Candle says 7 on it. And my post it note says 7 on it and so I did take a photo of that in reality instead of a photo of a photo so I think that therefore qualifies under the rules anyway.
And here is the actual birthday boy
@Targaryen peanut butter: the food staple of our summer and 7 grams of protein per serving!
There’s a 7 on here.
@Targaryen I am at my Aunt’s house, my mother passed away last week and she lived here with her the last 20 years…I KNEW she would have something here that had a 7 and found a fun one! She has glasses from 1973 with Loonie Tunes characters. Cracked me the hell up.

This is a great diversion, perfect.
@Targaryen I run a bit cold.
@ Targaryen

@Targaryen I was going to change my extension name to all 7s too, but this rain is sucking my will to live.
@Targaryen Hope this house number counts.
@Targaryen engine block seven!
@Targaryen 7 continents

@Targaryen posted before but in the wrong spot

Forgot to post with name and date and won’t let me reply to thread again so posting here
@AttyVette Try what I just tried for posting. Don’t reply to the post with a question, reply to someone elses picture, then just delete their name. It still shows in the same thread order. Thought it may help since we are having the same issue.
@AttyVette You can edit your replies.
At a dr appointment had to work with what was in my purse lol
All will driving and smoking a cigarette to lol
power ranger says HBD
Do you know what people like on their birthday other than money, fun, shots, uncrushed dreams the usual stuff?
Send us a picture of a birthday balloon. (Bonus points if you’re actually a birthday balloon in real life.)
@Targaryen Light up balloon!

@Targaryen ![][1]
@Targaryen Here’s some more inappropriately used lab equipment, and it’s my IRL birthday too which hopefully makes this a birthday balloon.
@Targaryen Balloons scare me but I do have one of these.

@Targaryen Someone here just celebrated his 7th birthday.
@Targaryen literally threw out six mylar b-day balloons today. This will have to suffice.

@Targaryen no balloons here so drew you some and added balloon notes-story of my life
@Targaryen Here is the same photo I had for candles, I added balloon shaped candles
@Targaryen blew it up just for meh!

@Targaryen Do hot air balloons count? Sadly, none in the sky right now.
@Targaryen I got these balloon dogs for my birthday, so that makes them birthday balloons.
@Targaryen a surprising number of these I’m able to do while at work…

@Targaryen Even used the official meh bday balloon!
It does say happy B-DAY if it was full but it’s feeling a little meh.
A pair of mediocre socks, but not just any old socks!
We’re looking for the ones sent out to VMPs in the early days of Meh.
@Thumperchick Dang, I gave all those to Mom.
@Thumperchick of course you are asking for a pair of socks that have officially been worn out!!! - just my luck!
@Thumperchick I could never bring myself to wear them, they are a cherished gift of yesteryear.

I got lucky. I had been sorting out my junk and knew right where they were. That’s likely a first.
@Thumperchick never got any, must have not been early enough


@Thumperchick had I known of meh’s existence in it’s early days I would totally have a pair of socks for this challenge … but alas, no socks for me… yet.
@Thumperchick i loved the description on these!
@Thumperchick yeah, they’re not big enough for me so I gave them to my dad and he refuses to go into his winter socks to take a picture
I had a pair that I wore many times, but then they wore out, so I tossed them to make room for more socks in my drawer.
I feel so left out. A friend and I joined meh the same day, and have been Very Mediocre together for years. But guess who got socks and who didn’t?
@Thumperchick I went to find the socks but found $60 and these phone stands instead. I think I came out on top. Thank you, meh!
@Thumperchick I’m pretty sure these are they
@heartny @Thumperchick I had forgotten about those other socks. Wasn’t Glen a child’s size?
@Thumperchick Actually I went to put the stands away and found the socks exactly where I had been looking before I stumbled upon the money!
@Thumperchick Second time being used!
Thanks to daughter for finding and snapping while at the office. 
I lost one years ago. I think I finally gave up on ever finding it and let the other one go.
Just showing off now!
@Thumperchick i have one lone sock- somewhere
@TaRDy See - you win more than an irk is worth finding that money due to @Thumperchick’s post. You need to thank her and meh!
@Thumperchick I never had those but I want to keep up my participation streak so here’s some socks I got from here
@Kidsandliz I have 2 pair, one says Men the other says Women. They do look a bit small though.
@Thumperchick Doesn’t work quite as well as Glen.
@Thumperchick another thing I don’t have
@Thumperchick Found one!
@Thumperchick Hey, I’ve got an unworn pair and a worn-out pair.
@Thumperchick I still have mine!!

@lichme @Thumperchick You’ve just voided your warranty.
@Thumperchick Still in the back of the sock drawer because I can’t bear to pull the tag off and soil such a pristine piece of internet commerce history
@Thumperchick after lots of digging I could a pair! You might to zoom in to see the name/date, but it’s there! EDIT: I added a closer pic
I found them. So I’m wearing them.

@Thumperchick sorry it took so long, but I didn’t have them at work.

I give you TWO pairs, one classic Fuku bag and a bonus pair of Glen socks, mostly because I knew where they were.

@Thumperchick - finally a use for them. My pants are either black or khaki and I like my socks to match.
@Thumperchick meh mind control.
Who needed to be productive at work today anyway?!
@cbilyak what’s a productive?
@bblood @cbilyak I am managing to apply for jobs between all this… although I’d be done sooner if I wasn’t multitasking.
My nephew stole mine and is in a different state. I really want them back now.
Find some cool stuff on another site that says “meh” or “mediocre” on it and snap a pic. (Pics of digital images are accepted for this one.)
@Thumperchick My favorite egg.
@Thumperchick Not sure if cool – because it’s not mediocritee!
@Thumperchick Oh boy, more socks!



You know they are meh when Walmart carries them

I have this non-catshirt designed by @MJ.

@Thumperchick a shout out to @acraigl for an excellent design!
![meh cats meow ][1]
Using an iPad so can’t put name and date onscreen but it’s 7-9-21AttyVette
Mehpropriation by another E-Commerce Site That Shall Remain Nameless…
@Thumperchick my favorite flask of all time!

No clue what this thing is but it says “MEH”

@Thumperchick This shirt’s good enough.

Walmart has a bunch of stuff. Lots of shirts too. Here are a couple more (posting because the dog ones and the sexy woman’s shirt are ones some people might actually want to buy from there).

‘Tis a two-fer!
@Thumperchick Meh…just woke up, catching up now!
@Thumperchick Gosh I’m having digital troubles trying to get this done right!
@Thumperchick I mean, close enough, right?

@Thumperchick it’s eerie that a lot of these post-its in the pictures look like they’re stuck to my monitor
OK so I know we don’t have to do this many but I got sidetracked while eating lunch.
This site also sells the meh ornaments that meh has sold several times along with these socks

And this T-shirt reminds me of the cracked beaker subject wise

I posted this pic earlier but someone pointed out that I needed to post it as a reply to the person that requested it.
@DaFrogMan @Thumperchick Thanks for the shout out!
Everything at Archie McPhee is cool.
@Omehgawd Wups. Must be handwritten…posting again
i wanted to play but now i’m just overwhelmed ahhhhh
@pandaisarose Follow the highlights on the top post so see what item/picture is requested. Just note that any entries must be made as a reply to the respective post.
@narfcake @pandaisarose My laptop is overwhelmed as well.
@kdstrong14 07-09-2021. How the heck do you upload a pic to this???![][1]
@kdstrong14 You apparently click on the little icon of the mountain with the sun/moon, upload your image, then give it a name. Rather convoluted method, but if I can finally get it then anybody should be able to.
@kdstrong14 @SylvreKat And turn your phone landscape
@SylvreKat It keeps coming back saying “forbidden” when I do that.
@ciabelle They make a shirt out of that cat with meh too.
Dig deep through your junk drawers and head back in time to find those cardboard Irk phone stands we sent you back in 2014. (Hint - it was the custom box for these snap cables.)
@Thumperchick sighh…before my time
/giphy happy Birthday

@Thumperchick dang, out again. Well at least I have a half hour to get work done now
@Thumperchick ahem… My junk doesn’t all fit in a single drawer, but this does
I think I actually have one of these. Not from the original shipment, but I got one in an IRK years later. Of course it’s at home and I’m at work. So I could just be crazy.
@Thumperchick welp, I don’t have one of those because I’m new. But here is a pic of the phone stand on my desk instead…

@Thumperchick how did you know?!? Get outta my head!!!
@Thumperchick Best I can do is the cable. Trust me, it used to say meh.

@Thumperchick The cardboard phone stand is currently packed away, as I move at the end of this month. But we do have about 6 of these other stands from Meh around the house.
@Thumperchick Unfortunately I gave mine away in an exchange as I found out someone had wanted them when they had posted that on the forums. The outside very was clever though. The valentines went to the same person (they had a serious case of the “I covets” so I obliged them) so if you are doing valentines later, I am out of them too. I still have the cable things though. Does that count? (um ok I know it doesn’t).
@Thumperchick I use this one as a spacer so my books don’t fall down.

Saved random meh stuff yeah

I’m trying to pack. This showed up yesterday.
@Thumperchick I never got one but I am no quitter so here is my version.
@Thumperchick best that i can do for this round… my meh phone
stand popsocket.

I found trip glasses and a DIY IRK. I need to declutter.
@Thumperchick Oh crap. I think I dug too deep…
@Thumperchick I use this to hold my name tag inside my office!
@Thumperchick don’t have one cause I am a newbie…but great going for all that have one!
@Thumperchick Darn, can’t do this one either. /giphy meh phone stand
@jetlag747 @Thumperchick these are cool!!

@Thumperchick Well, I’ve looked and looked and looked. I know I have those phone chargers still but can’t find them in the room that would put a hoarders house to shame. That’s what I get for leaving them at my Dads. Please accept instead these a picture of these neoprene sleeves from the first year that was placed against my will by one of the cheeky mods (JonT). I still to this day I can not give them away, and they are still in the original shipping box. Actually looking back at my past orders, I still have everything I bought in the first year which I’m surprised at.
I have a pic if a t-shirt with Garfield on it saying Meh. But I haven’t figured out how to attach pics.
Dang. I guess I’m out
@Thumperchick @Targaryen thanks for a fun time! Happy birthday Meh !
How to post pics on a mobile device:
@narfcake this did not always work for me. I did what someone else said and replied to another person deleted that persons name and it posted to the thread
Thanks for posting this info though

not sure if doing right.
this response to task #4 about fave meh purchase
and simultaneous belated promise kept to post pic of my mehrathon tiki painting upon receiving.
lurv Octomeh (card art by Octomeh Jr!)
@Octomeh you have to reply to whomever started the scavenger hunt either @Targaryen or@Thumperchick. And the one it applies to.
@AttyVette @Targaryen well, that’s what tried to do.
I clicked reply under the 4th task @Targaryen listed
but there are so many posts up it doesn’t even show the comment window to see what your typing or the options menu for uploading a pic.??? did it have to be posted during the 30min window? I didn’t even find out about this until this afternoon
@AttyVette @Targaryen ugh. kiddo & I spent a solid hour plus trying to do something special more to say thanks and make good on the rare tiki art pic post from several months back. just wanted to send a little bday love. getting something for doing it wasn’t really the purpose. just hope it gets seen!
It’s time to do the impastable! Sort of. Make an Irk out of macaroni (or whatever other dried pasta you have) and send us a pic.
@Thumperchick Okay, I made an IRK with lotsa-pasta!

@Thumperchick something went terribly wrong…
@GenWithaG123 @Thumperchick hey that looks like the last IRK i got!
@stevenmontes @Thumperchick ohhhhh this is suppose to be IRK the personality… not the kit. my bad
@Thumperchick ![meh pasta ][1]
Meh pasta guy
@Thumperchick I’m a little embarrassed that I mis-read the challenge, but carrying 2 pounds of pasta was my workout for today, so I’m leaving it.
@GenWithaG123 I totally figured you took creative license with the description.
@Thumperchick It looked better in my head haha!!
@Thumperchick so I don’t have any dry pasta…but I was in the middle of eating macaroni salad when you asked for this…
@Thumperchick “I totally figured you took creative license with the description.”
Yeah, yeah …that’s what I did!

@GenWithaG123 @stevenmontes @Thumperchick I did the same thing. I guess I have instant regret kit brain today.
@GenWithaG123 @Thumperchick Good one!
@Thumperchick Oops forgot my tag. I’ll have to take another photo
@Thumperchick IRK with pasta, his and hers socks, air fryer, and tape!

This scavenger hunt is wacky!
@Thumperchick Well cripes my name still isn’t very readable. Was on the original photo. Guess I need to send it full resolution.
EDIT so is readable here. Feel free to delete the one several posts above this one. Sorry about that.

@Thumperchick compliments to my son!

I am no pasta artist…here is the best I could do.
@Thumperchick You know what really IRKs me? It’s been so hard to find my favorite shape since the Great Pasta Shortage of 2020. Radiatore is amazing! (This is literally the only brand that I can find in-store now.)

The regret is palpable…
@Thumperchick poor irk parished moments after this photo.
This is IRK made of pasta.

It’s not me, it’s you.
You’ve started this.
black twist ties… or IT pasta… with quinoa in the back ground… best I can do… at work…
I love scavenger hunts! Usually they cost money, but this one will only cost me a couple days of the silent treatment from my passive-aggressive roommate when she gets back from work and sees what a mess the main living area is!
Isn’t it awful when someone swipes their finger through the frosting on a cake or cupcake?
Embrace the awful and send us a photo of a cupcake or cake with a finger-swipe in the frosting. (You should probably buy it first…)
@Thumperchick Do I get bonus points if it was the urinal cake I made for you guys?
@Thumperchick my son thanks you.
@capguncowboy @Thumperchick so GOOD! Not sure I even want to try and enter the cake contest after that picture

Darn it. Forgot my name tag

Forgot to include my username in the last pic.
Freedom Cake!
@Thumperchick well I don’t have a cake to swipe my finger though so stock photo is very meh ish![not my child][1]
Double meh for double meh fun
@Thumperchick sorry frosting, or…you’re welcome?
@Thumperchick Pop tarts go faster than any form of cake in our house
@Thumperchick No cake, but how about a cookie with peanut butter and chocolate sauce??
@Thumperchick These are my birthday cake replacements!
@Thumperchick It’s hard to swipe your finger through frosting when it’s covered with hard chocolate.
@Thumperchick I swiped my finger through a pizza cake (pie)… aaaand I burned my finger. So I’m definitely embracing the awful.

@jetlag747 @Thumperchick I love these mochi donuts!!! Fat Straws?!
@Thumperchick We don’t keep cakes and such in the house, but I do have these nifty Christmas ornaments I can smear.
@heartny I honestly thought you had access to some gourmet kitchen. I was so distracted by the sprinkles that I didn’t even notice the ribbon hangers
@Thumperchick Ice cream cake. Some sneaky bugger - must have been a cat since I live alone - swiped it even before I put a candle on. Of course then I had to finish the job because after all ice cream cake with fudge icing is good.

@capguncowboy I can’t be around these ornaments when I’m hungry because they look so real.
@Thumperchick don’t have any cake on hand… but I did find a tray of “jalapno popper dip” in the fridge to violate. And it was delicious=)

The original

@Thumperchick it’s all meh!
@Thumperchick since I didn’t have a real cake yesterday to
to run my finger through, I did it today when I baked and decorated Meh’s birthday cake.
Take a photo of anything with James Bond on it.
(Get it? Because he’s 007? LAUGH DAMNIT.)
@Thumperchick currently driving so I haven’t been able to get any photos … but I am loving the vibe here right now

@Thumperchick is Austin Powers close enough? This item is funnier. Obligatory James Bond paper included.

@Thumperchick muhahahahaha! (there’s the laugh!)
@Thumperchick ![][1]
![meh bonding movie ][1]
Meh bonding movie
@Thumperchick Bond’s the name. Mr. James Gold Bond. Agent 0073 5 5 2 - 0 3.
@AttyVette Timothy Dalton Bond, eh? Are you sure that even qualifies?
![007 meh][1]
Meh 007 birthday

@Thumperchick My inspiration in the morning!

@Thumperchick I knew buying them all would come in handy some day.
@Thumperchick Best I’ve got for you is the James Bond song I bought–

Sean Connery was always the best bond
@Thumperchick not an original idea but if it helps Duke was NOT HAPPY

One of the few genuinely cool things I own.
@Thumperchick Cheap counterfeit, 000000.000007.
Stupid phone was too slow - I’m in the wrong category. I’m not even IN a category!
The cookie was delicious though, so there’s that…
Do I dare ask, which Bond is the best Bond?
@GenWithaG123 dermabond works pretty well and seems to be the most useful
@GenWithaG123 Sean Connery
@GenWithaG123 Pierce Brosnan was the best. Connery was my favorite though.
Back in July of 2015, @Starblind graced us all with a choose-your-own-adventure style story that involved a Tiny Tub Mummy, Irk, and the first meal of the day.
Grab a screenshot/pic of the first post for that story.
@Thumperchick Not sure if first post, or first comment, so you get both
@Thumperchick easy!
![irks breakfast quest][1]
Meh breakfast
@Thumperchick pics would not load for me on my computer.

@Thumperchick first post is the creation of the topic…


I remember that game. So much fun.
@Thumperchick this?
damn realized my original post wasnt in this threaD!
@Thumperchick I think this will work?
Trying this again
@ Thumperchick
Irk breakfast quest
@Thumperchick So not sure if you meant the first link where he tells us about the game as the first post or the first post where he starts the game. As a result I included both.

First post of the thread
First post where he starts the game
I didn’t have my name and date on it the first time.
@remo28 @Thumperchick
@Thumperchick second take with required placard!
@kdstrong14 on July 9, 2021 says:

A shaken and stirred but it still works
Do you sure play a mean pinball? Or any other arcade game?
Set the high score initials as M.E.H. and send us a photo for bragging rights.
@Thumperchick how long will this challenge be open?!
@Thumperchick Ohhh… this one could be a challenge. Fortunately the Pinball Garage isn’t too far away. BRB! (and maybe I’ll throw on a meh shirt so I can score item #6 at the same time!)
@Thumperchick OK so I am totally confused.
@Thumperchick I wish I had my switch controls instead of this computer keyboard at work!
@Thumperchick I had an extra letter in there because I screwed up. It’s unbelievably difficult to navigate the name entry
I hope it counts
@Thumperchick I don’t have a pinball game downloaded on my computer to enter my player name as M.E.H. and I don’t have room for games, however I do have a high score with a little help (

@Thumperchick does Wallscraper count?
@Thumperchick I play alone so M.E.H. always had the highest score.
@Thumperchick OK so I found a free online game and played. Never done that before. I suck at this. But I am 13th highest. That has to be

luckymeh. Right? LOL@Thumperchick still driving, but I managed to get a quick round of Yahtzee in on a straight way
… beat my best score!
I found an online pinball game and got 2nd.
@bblood Playing while driving may mean you live up to your name B(e) Blood.

@Thumperchick I WILL manage this tonight…hope we have a little time.
Didn’t find pinball game where I can input the name meh
Puzzle Bobble/Bust-A-Move in North America. Played on my beloved four-slot “big red” Neo Geo cabinet.
@Kidsandliz valid point.
@Thumperchick this was on old fashioned Centipede for the record.
@cbilyak @Thumperchick Now do Crystal Castles…

Very MEH indeed!!
@Thumperchick Leeeeeerooooy. Mehhhhhhhnkiiiiiiiiinnnnzzz!
@Thumperchick HaHa just noticed the time zone on that online game I played. 13 hours ago it said it was the 10th (on the score board), when in this time zone it wasn’t the 10th until 7 hours ago. Based on that it’s probably a UK game.
The only pinball I play
@jreppart Same. though I wish it would let me resize it without having to change the screen resolution back to potato.
@Jamileigh17 @jreppart If you had another monitor set up, you can change the resolution on just that monitor. Of course, then it’s not really good for anything else unless you change it back, so you’re kinda’ in the same boat
@Jamileigh17 @jreppart I love potatoes!
@capguncowboy Yeah, just a laptop here. I did, however, remember that if you right click on the shortcut and go into properties, under compatibility, there’s an option to run in 640x480 screen resolution that pops it to full screen. At least that automatically reverts back when you close it!
@Jamileigh17 @jreppart There are online emulated versions that have full screen. Or better yet just run your own Dosbox emulator. I just played it on 43" monitor
This might be easier to see
@APDWaldo6 That looks like one of the Puzzle Bobble/Bust-A-Move games, but not the first.
@Limewater puzzle bobble 2
Here’s a blast from the past for you!
Option to attach pictures is not available on mobile.
@Fduch Or maybe now it is available
@Fduch turn your phone sideways before clicking “reply”. The option should appear
@Fduch it’s there if your phone is in landscape orientation before you click to reply or add a comment, but this topic is getting so big it might crash your phone browser when you try.
@Fduch @Ignorant that’s a great point. I hadn’t thought of that. Can you do it in another thread and then copy/paste the data here? I’ll test that out
EDIT: It does work. So put your post together in another thread, then copy/paste it here.
@capguncowboy @Fduch @Ignorant
@AttyVette @capguncowboy @Fduch pro tip I use copy it and then delete the post then post over here. It keeps it from popping up in random topics over here.
@Fduch What also worked for me was to switch the page to desktop mode in Chrome’s menu. But landscape is likely better
@Ignorant thank you
Can’t figure out how to post photo
I’m so sad to have missed this. But I was stuck at work listening to my boss tell all of us that we’re horrible at our jobs.
@savvysapphire Oh boy, GREAT boss you have there.
I really expected the ‘small token of their appreciation’ to be like a gag on the website. will there actually be a thing?!
@KayStet44 everyone will get a mask or a trackr
@KayStet44 @raccoon81
/giphy please-God-no

@GenWithaG123 @KayStet44 @raccoon81

Everyone will get a virtual
/giphy participation award
This game is now {closed}. Feel free to comment or play along just for fun, though!
@Thumperchick I’m not sure why my picture I previously posted to your thread isn’t showing up today so I took another picture to post showing that I did have the cardboard phone stand that you requested. I know you closed the thread but it was there previously in my ICloud as 2 people liked it. Anyways here’s another picture of it that I took today! meh phone stand digging deep for this one
@Thumperchick ![][1]
Trying post it again- hope it doesn’t disappear like the one I posted when thread was active - as I really did originally post a picture of it in time
@AttyVette I feel like I remember seeing that the other day
@AttyVette I fixed your original post. The image url had an “s” added to the end (.jpgs) that I removed.
@Ignorant thank you for your help! You’re the best !!
Enjoyed the scavenger hunt @Targaryen @Thumperchick thanks for meh meh mories!
@AttyVette Seconded!
This was a cool idea!
Well, I’m a mehbie. aka newbie. @therealjrn (on Woot) said he is the pasta man on meh. Anyone know what his name is on here?

I got tired of hearing everyone brag about their meh IRKs on Woot, so I joined from FOMO. hahahaha
@WendyWensDay that’s him, you guessed right.
@PHRoG Thank you Froggy!!!
Well aren’t YOU the brave one! Coming all over here to the bad side of the tracks…
I had no idea you were a Pastafarian!
May his noodly appendages bless and protect you
Thank you all for playing along with us. You made this game a blast to host.
While everyone will get a little something from us, (make sure you have an address on your account!) we picked 2 participants at random to receive something extra special.
@Kidsandliz & @gogrrl are the (un)lucky winners!
It’ll be a few weeks before we can get stuff out to folks, so hang tight, we’ll get it to you… eventually.
@Thumperchick yeah congrats guys and thanks for the distraction! It helped make the “work” day go by faster.
@Thumperchick Well cool!!! Thanks so much for making me an (un)lucky winner
. Makes me happy. And thanks for all the fun and games those couple of days!
@Kidsandliz @gogrrl Congrats to you both!
@thumperchick thanks for hosting this for us. It was a lot of fun trying to think of creative ways to fulfill each request

Wow! So happy to be picked as one of the (un)lucky ones! I had a blast with the birthday celebrations here. Thanks Meh, and everyone else for such a fun time.
@gogrrl @Thumperchick congratulations!!! Happy for you
@Kidsandliz @Thumperchick glad you got picked my friend!!
@Thumperchick thank you for running this.
Congrats to @Kidsandliz & @gogrrl!
@Thumperchick Thanks for the super fun day! And congrats @kidsandliz and @gogrrl
/image super fun day

Congrats, you’ll never lose anything with your giant box o TrackRs.
@DaFrogMan @gogrrl @Thumperchick @lutami Thanks for the congrats. The games were fun. Much better than that I was doing at the same time which was applying for jobs.
I’m guessing this order I got is for the digital scavenger hunt

/giphy loosely-laboring-siren