@mediocrebot Glad to get these -- THANKS! Friend just got an iPhone, so guess who will get the Lightning cable! I'm keeping the USB one, and will hang it on my keychain here at home. Many thanks!
No! These cables from the last time are still somewhere in the box, where they will probably stay forever. Giving my wallet a break, AND I'm a VMP so.......It looks like I'll have more just rotting away in their boxes.
@bph I used it in my car once after I forgot that I had stolen the cord from my car for something but still had the adapter. I had to prop it up on an old fast food cup but I was stuck in traffic and still able to call home because of it so it was worth the $2 I spent on it
@bph I have a ton of chargers that accept a USB and plug into 110V outlets, so prolly will use the there, though what I really needed was longer, charge -only cords for our Android tablets. But I do appreciate the unexpected gifting from Mediocre labs anyway, and will endeavor most stringently to find a good way for these to be useful.
@jprael you know that gristle that you can't chew but you throw it to your dog anyway...and your dog LOVES you for it... ? That's this 'free' VMP offer. yum!
@Kenahn you know that gristle that you can't chew but you throw it to your dog anyway...and your dog LOVES you for it... ? That's this 'free' VMP offer. yum!
@unixrab I have one of these from an earlier sale. It works and it is always in my computer bag if I don't have another charger. So it is of some value, and this time for free. Meh!
I agree! Just the gesture these days of something actually given without strings attached made a great start to my stressed-out week of consumerism guised in the name of religion. Thanks Mediocre Labs for a not-so Meh act of kindness. Happy Holidays to you and your families!
@thismyusername you know that gristle that you can't chew but you throw it to your dog anyway...and your dog LOVES you for it... ? That's this 'free' VMP offer. yum!
@joe43wv you know that gristle that you can't chew but you throw it to your dog anyway...and your dog LOVES you for it... ? That's this 'free' VMP offer. yum!
@capguncowboy you know that gristle that you can't chew but you throw it to your dog anyway...and your dog LOVES you for it... ? That's this 'free' VMP offer. yum!
Well shit. Look who came waltzin in the door, Twofer Tuesday that dirty temptress. Better you know, buy three sets of two plus my free VMP ones because, you know, fuck it.
@clarinetbob I wouldn't want to be the one who convinces you to buy more cables that don't work, but, while none of the bungie cables worked for me, the blue plastic keychains did. Though, they are oriented in the wrong direction.
@MsELizardBeth To clarify... Bought 4 of the bungee lightning cables - they do NOT charge my iPad Air at all...they charge the iPad Mini very slowly, and the charge the iPhone fine. To me, that's getting burned...when they were advertised as compatible/working. Great for you, though.
@clarinetbob Oh yeah... I don't own a single apple product other than an older cord that came in a pack of charge cables.... I'm probably going to give the lightning cable to the first person with an iPhone I meet.
@akhauri I thought that didn't sound like us…I looked into this for you and saw that the last message we sent you said "Hi, Each time you are responding we are simply getting a message that says “Sent from my iPad” with nothing else attached. Can you try logging in to your computer to respond perhaps?" Looks like for whatever reason we weren't getting your responses. Try responding again and we'll get this figured out with you.
@JonT@akhauri ... That is good customer Service... I've never had any issue with meh.com!@snapster operations are always on the up and up. Never had one complaint that they didn't fix.
@PhysAssist Of course, if I had any real talent, I would have created an amusing, or in some cases, disturbing, Gif animation, like a number of our fellow Mehers have.
I had one of these. They suck. The USB end doesn't work well in any USB female slot that isn't perfectly tight and the ring to attach it to a key fob snaps off easily.
Thanks for the garbage, meh! Maybe I can foist them off on people.
@heli0s Not true. Most USB Male ends have a metal cover so that the attachment is snug even if the female slot doesn't tension the male connector properly.
Oh my ... VMP members ... gloating? 5 months of "dues" That's $25 bucks.... not to mention the CRAP that you bought each day/week/month to make your "VMP" worth it... meh.com can TOTALLY afford to give you this "free" for the $25 that you've already spent...for NOTHING... and the "sunk-costs" purchases you made... ... wise up
@unixrab So, let's get this straight. I buy something and pay $5 to have it shipped to me. It's still going to cost less than if I buy it elsewhere (even Woot). But if I check a box, I get free shipping on ALL OF THE OTHER THINGS I buy for the next month. But wait, there's more! I then get a free gift. So what if it's a crappy charger I'll probably never (or rarely) use. I got it free, while paying for another service that saves me a lot of money. My $25 spent being a VMP since launch has saved me from paying $125 in shipping charges in that same time frame. Cheer up sucker!
@unixrab I had a long comment back. I deleted it because realistically I couldn't care less and you'd just enjoy it too much. Carry on with your pointless and sad vendetta.
@unixrab dude. Seriously. What is your issue? Have a little fun, or at least don't be so miserable that you feel you have to try and take our fun away. To feel so drivven to educate us and spam about how crapy a sale site is, is trolling. Go enjoy life and let it go if you don't like it. FYI- I like the prouducts I have ordered. And I like having cheap gifts on hand.
@capguncowboy oh man... you have no idea... ...I may have my daughter comment... she's an expert! STAY TUNED! (of course... she may be entertained at your comment, especially the "troll thing correctly") .. ohhh I don't want to spoil it! ...((PS: for @jonT to say "we get it" ... ahhh well... "not doing the troll thing correctly?!?? U SIRIUS?" ... ok ))
@capguncowboy ooooohhh so much yes. (shh it's part of the "troll" thing [we have a code] ... .. uh... which.. I should not have told you... ignore this comment!!!!!) [I star yours tho] ;-) [[only a troll wouldn't star an opposing post!]] //that could be about 3 inception levels of trolling //
@unixrab ur just jelly of all my $$$$$. seriously though, I can't spend the shit fast enough, Meh is the only way I can get rid of it all without getting something I have to actually make space for. I just put a note on the door for the delivery man to keep the packages or throw them in my trash bin.
Tried to make my own phone stand box, following the mediocre steps on this website. Instructions unclear. Arterial blood spraying. Should I wait for free vmp shipment to see what I did wrong, or go hospital? I cannot see in color any more...
@ruouttaurmind Hey! @Barney gets to sleep, too! You think purple dinosaurs just spend their whole lives waiting for someone to mention a color on a forum? No way! They spend it singing to children and commenting here on their break.
@shawn You obviously don't know @unixrab like I do. He is not fun and likes to argue about things even though he has no proof or evidence on his side. He is relentless and never gives up no matter how much evidence you have that proves him wrong.
And to think that a couple months ago I was going to pay full price for these on toccs website! I was going to pay a full $19 dollars for 1! Glad to be getting them free since I am a VMP!! Thanks meh! I couldn't be any more meh-rrier! Early Meh-rry Christmas!
I got overly excited when I saw Irk on the box. I ordered a set. Then I got around to actually READING what the good (and twisted) people behind the motherboard of Meh.com had to say. Looks like I am due to receive a set free of charge... Curse you Meh for your insidious methods of withdrawing $5 worth of hard earned money from my checking account. And thanks for the free stuff too by the way I guess I should add.
You know, I bought them the first time they were on, didn't have any immediate use for them, never even opened the envelope and am not sure where they are now, and when I saw these I thought "OH MY GOD, how can I justify buying two more?" But then it turns out I don't have to! Because you're sending me some! Thank you for so efficiently enabling my hoarding tendencies and addressing my concerns before I even know what they are!
@unixrab what? I know I basically got my $5 back I put in in the first place but it could have been $0 back. It was more sensible to get VMP than pay $5 for shipping since I'm Christmas shopping here. I don't care if they mail me a box of poop fresh from the cows bum (which incidentally my brother bought a box from from cards against humanity, go figure). I'm a sucker for freebies. Probably because I've been so broke for over 4 years now a penny on the ground is like a gift from the gods. This is the only Christmas (Mehx-mas?) present this year I'm getting, and I'm damn glad to have it. Even if it is complete crap.
@ppujigi VMP가 어렵고, 힘든게, 아니구요. 물건 한개 구입하실때 가입하시면 됩니다. 구매하면서, VMP 한달분 5달러 가입하세요.. 이미 알고 계시지요 ? 한번을 구매하나, 한달을 VMP 하나, 동리한 5달러랍니다. 한달되기전에 알람 맞추시고, 사실 물건이 없으시면, 해지하시면 됩니다. my account인가 누르면, 몇일 남았다고 나오구요. 한달전에 해지하시면, 추가 비용 들지 않는답니다. 해지 않하시면, 자동으로 매달 5달러, 결제되시는거구요. 요즘, meh 마음이 가는것이 없어 아쉽네요. 하지만, jbl onbeat(?)인가는 1개 또는 2개 꼭ㄱ 구매해보시길.. 강추 물건이랍니다. 그럼..
As someone who has whined about the value (or lack thereof) of VMP status in the past, I appreciate this. On the one hand, Free Stuff! On the other, it's apparently very meh stuff! I appreciate yall being true to your mission.
I bought a pair of extra-long lightning cables from TOCCS via a groupon a while back that had a list price of $69/pair. $69 frikkin' bucks for 2 cables, but at least I only paid $15. However, for $69 list price, you'd think the damned things would be Apple-certified. NOPE! Don't work with my iPhone 6. Lame.
The Meh 10 charge and sync cables I bought from Meh don't work with my iPhone 6 Plus. Ended up throwing them out. Won't charge or sync. Makes me suspicious of any other cable/sync device from them.
@JonT Oooh, as a fellow 6+ owner I just put one more check in the 'reasons I like JonT' column. Not really sure I'll have great use for these, but - free. It's definitely the thought that counts.
@RedHot The stand requires work to set up so it is Android only. Apple users can just lean their devices against the unmodified box and it will magically just work.
Well I am ever so grateful for the present but… I don’t understand how it will work? If it is short and not flexible… How do I use it? My USB ports are either in a hub or on the front of my computer. I have an iPhone 6 plus (now). Am I supposed to balance the phone on it on the hub or prop up the phone to usb level on the tower? Not to mention how to use it with the car or wall-port charger? Maybe it is illustrated in the picts but… No change here I can’t see them. Smile Tickled for the gift but baffled as to how it works. Grin
@RedHot LOL My kid, adopted at actually almost 10 (on paper 7 and lived with her birth family until about 6 - we still have contact, was born in a refugee camp, never saw electricity prior to me...) from a least developed nation was bitching about not having an iphone, how she hated me because I wouldn't buy her one and that she wanted to go back to her birth mom because her birth mom loved her enough to buy her one blah blah blah. I asked her where she'd plug one in in her home country - into a tree? She said in that tone of distain that teens have mastered, "Oh yeah. I forgot. But I'll figure something out and just because you made a good point don't think I still don't hate you!" LOL
Wait a second. Let me see if I've got this straight. These things have been on sale today for... let's see... almost 10 hours now. And, not one person has posted an OH/AWW SNAP picture??? I'm disappointed!
@lumpthar Well I suppose that would be the answer! I can’t figure out any other way? Been thinking and talking to my sister who looked at the picts. She is scratching her head too. Figured out the only place it would work is on the lap top port. That is the only one that faces the right direction and is already on a parallel surface.
I clicked the meh button on these the last time, but this is a nice gift. Yesterday was my birthday so I appreciate the timing. Also, we have an iPad now so this will actually be useful. :)
@Kidsandliz Fewwww Thanks for shedding a dapple of light on what @RedHot said. I again was perplexed as to my first world problems again! My third world problem would be what am I going to sharpen this with and how to attach it to my spear! Or how do I make this tiny thing carry water to my home or much less electrical power to the intended device. As said in another thread maybe I could pick my teeth with it.
Wow, I am very excited about this. What the hell is it? Thanks for the two free thingamajigs. So many great things about being an American - wasteful use of resources is one of them - suck it world!
Thank you for the gift, meh! (I'm told that in some circles that's what you say when you receive a gift.) Free for VMP, nyah! ^^"It's cheap." "Will it work?" "It's not here yet!" "You VMP'ers are sheep and lemmings and stupid for spending your $5 that way!"
@lisaviolet Ya, different kinda fun back then without the technology etc. "Commercials had to be creative/funny back then uphill both ways in three feet of snow!"
I got the email notifying me of my VMP gift two minutes before they went live on the site. Very thoughtful of you Meh! I've only spent $15.00 and now I've got some cables I can gift (or stick in my emergency bag) and a sweet t-shirt that fits perfectly. I'm happy.
@Cinoclav No, you misunderstood. You don't GET a goat. You get to BE the goat. I will campaign on your behalf. But first, you need to send the PB n J speaders.
@Cinoclav I'll also campaign on your behalf. All I had to do was say that @lisaviolet deserved it (without giving any real reason) and it happened. I'm awesome like that.
@lisaviolet Well, if we want to get technical, the object of my original statement was 'that' which obviously referred to the iPad mini. The attempt to twist the wording and push off your goatness on me most certainly has earned you a nomination for another month. But I guess that's what goats do... they twist.
@Cinoclav It is not my problem that you have a problem with making yourself clear. I think you should be the goat. I will campaign for you, no need to send the spreaders. @Capguncowboy will help.
So I think it's about time for y'all to offer some cheap (but fully functional and meaningfully durable) USB extension cables, so as to make these little snappers all the more useful. In fact, @lisaviolet, I'm blaming you that this hasn't already happened.
Not for the snap cables, those things are shit. For the boxes - a phone stand that folds down! And two of them! It's a Christmas miracle, Charlie Brown!!!
Cool, I can always use an extra cable. I'll toss them in my travel bag, and next time I'm stuck in the airport or something and someone forgets to pack their power cord for their phone, I have a solution! Free, so if they turn out to be crap, I shrug and say "Oh sorry, guess it's broken." Sweet, thanks Meh! (And yes, I know, gristle. Get fresh spam, dipshit.)
No notification by email that I am getting them and nothing in my list of orders,,,,,what have I done wrong that Mediocre Laboratories is not rewarding me for being a VMP member since August????
@jont and others, I ordered the max amount (and got two for free, thanks!) now i'm about to pass them out to folks at work and I can't tell the difference between usb and lightning without opening the box. or, can I? Is there something I'm missing on the box that tells them apart?
@sarahtarah which part didn't work, do they not charge? I've been using one at work all this week and it's worked great, charges really fast too. It's convinced me to put one on my keychain.
Dear meh, I was working from a cafe today, with my laptop tethered to my phone because cafes here are too hip for wifi. My phone got down to 1% and I had no charger. I was juuust about to walk to a phone store to by an overpriced USB cable when I remembered "I've got that useless meh usb deal on my keychain!"
Just the day before, I had thought "I never use this doohickey, I really should get rid of it and free up VALUABLE PANTS POCKET SPACE." How wrong I was.
First time I used it, and I had rigged an entirely dodgy support under my phone with a napkin to make my laptop and phone usb ports line up at the same height. Thanks to this meh-tastic usb thing, I was able to continue on as a productive member of society.
For Android:
Condition - New
Warranty - 90 Day TOCCs
Ships Via - FedEx SmartPost
What’s in the Box?
2x TOCCs Snap Cable
Micro USB
Price Check
$29 at TOCCs
90 days
Look who joined the VMP squad!:3 @Barney likes purple
@Twiggy115 I love purple.
@Barney I know you do buddy.
@Twiggy115 @Barney The gender dichotomy is going to lead to some interesting moments.
@mediocrebot Glad to get these -- THANKS! Friend just got an iPhone, so guess who will get the Lightning cable! I'm keeping the USB one, and will hang it on my keychain here at home. Many thanks!
No! These cables from the last time are still somewhere in the box, where they will probably stay forever. Giving my wallet a break, AND I'm a VMP so.......It looks like I'll have more just rotting away in their boxes.
@Stallion I say stocking stuffer, of mini hockey game with friends.
@Stallion Damn, that box IS pretty awesome though.............
@Stallion forsake VMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@unixrab Never! I'll be happy, unhappy, appreciative, unappreciative, giving, greedy, rich, poor, and any other emotion or state VMP can bring.
I'm getting them for free!
It says that this was shipped automatically free for all VMP members....(received email)
But TOCC products suck. They break easily. A lot of times, it simply fails to work
@ninkorn dont look a gift horse in the mouth situation perhaps
@CrossIT or crap is still crap, perhaps
@ninkorn but it is FREE crap that says MEH
Already got for free for being a VMP member! Take not non-VMP members and become a VMP member!
@SpartanIV "take" " not " .........yeah
@SpartanIV Double negatives sir.... tsk tsk tsk
@RicoSuave He be meaning "Take not[E], Non-VMP Peeps" me[h] thinks!
This is seriously really awesome.
I stayed up late to receive them for free anyways. Awesome.
I already ordered some of the USB ones and haven't used them yet. Where are you supposed to make use of them other than on a laptop on a table?
@bph yeah thats me I work from desktops (gotta have that xeon POWER) so usb extension it is i guess
@bph I used it in my car once after I forgot that I had stolen the cord from my car for something but still had the adapter. I had to prop it up on an old fast food cup but I was stuck in traffic and still able to call home because of it so it was worth the $2 I spent on it
@bph I have a ton of chargers that accept a USB and plug into 110V outlets, so prolly will use the there, though what I really needed was longer, charge -only cords for our Android tablets. But I do appreciate the unexpected gifting from Mediocre labs anyway, and will endeavor most stringently to find a good way for these to be useful.
Do we I get to look smug yet?
@Mavyn Go for it!! I'll stand back and watch from a distance....
Can my kid get suspended from school for pretending these are fake guns?
@jjohns71 That is one tinny Derringer.
@jjohns71 probably. If it looks something like this then yes, yes he can.

@jjohns71 Given ZERO-tolerance laws, your kidlet prolly could! at that!!
Wow, thanks for the VMP freebie!
@jprael you know that gristle that you can't chew but you throw it to your dog anyway...and your dog LOVES you for it... ? That's this 'free' VMP offer. yum!
@unixrab fine I'll throw you one of mine.
I was almost about to cancel my VMP. Glad I didn't!
@Kenahn you know that gristle that you can't chew but you throw it to your dog anyway...and your dog LOVES you for it... ? That's this 'free' VMP offer. yum!
@unixrab It amazes me how pessimistic people can be from receiving free stuff.
@unixrab I have one of these from an earlier sale. It works and it is always in my computer bag if I don't have another charger. So it is of some value, and this time for free. Meh!
@DeuceSevin fine fine fine! Enjoy!
@unixrab Just mad because your not VMP. No free chargers for you!
@hippiechik riiiiiiight. You figured me out. You caught the tater.
Sweet! Thank you Mediocre Labs, this is seriously awesome!
I agree! Just the gesture these days of something actually given without strings attached made a great start to my stressed-out week of consumerism guised in the name of religion. Thanks Mediocre Labs for a not-so Meh act of kindness. Happy Holidays to you and your families!
VMP Freebee! I can't wear it though.. Or can I?
@ongware oh, you CAN!
@ongware I see a new zipper-pull in your future...
For all you less than very mediocre this is for you:
@thismyusername you know that gristle that you can't chew but you throw it to your dog anyway...and your dog LOVES you for it... ? That's this 'free' VMP offer. yum!
I'm so proud to be very meh!
@joe43wv you know that gristle that you can't chew but you throw it to your dog anyway...and your dog LOVES you for it... ? That's this 'free' VMP offer. yum!
so my $5 VMP this month saved me $5 in shipping and gave me $5 in free cables.
did i come out ahead? I can't math
@terrence no
@terrence yeah, you're up $5. You can now afford to give, say, your favorite web developer a $5 christmas gift
I got this shit for free. Take that non-VMP members
this was per request of the email I received.
@capguncowboy you know that gristle that you can't chew but you throw it to your dog anyway...and your dog LOVES you for it... ? That's this 'free' VMP offer. yum!
@unixrab we get it, you come here every day and never buy anything and refuse to become a vmp. We get it. Stop spamming.
@JonT He sounds jelly. I wonder what flavor?
@Outofmymind So jelly! @unixrab
@capguncowboy omg sooo jelly
@unixrab if its cooked just right I like to eat it :(
@Outofmymind omgomgomg sooo jelly ... flavor sour-apple, cuz im'z sooo green jelly and ... uh... sour-ish...and.. uh... apple-shaped? ... i dunno...but yeah... soooo jelly
@sp3ar I know.
@unixrab Well you do claim to be a cook in BH Calli, so tell us what IS your favorite jelly?
@unixrab We are all dogs at meh. Meh's best friend.
@unixrab Jello
@unixrab Too soon
@SIMBM Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat
Thanks meh! I always like when I am sent "free" stuff!
You suckers! I got mine for free! (+$5.00 shipping and handling)
Stayed up late just to discover you're getting a free stocking stuffer for being VMP? Meh.
Wow, photo zoom beta for VMP. Fancy pants.
Well shit. Look who came waltzin in the door, Twofer Tuesday that dirty temptress. Better you know, buy three sets of two plus my free VMP ones because, you know, fuck it.
I feel properly mediocre today, thanks to meh. The only way it would be better is if there was some sort of sport involved.
numerical-predominant-osprey for the order
glamorize-costly-sycamore for the free! :)
VMP FTW!......fml
LOVE the box :D
Yay. More lightning cables that won't work. #burnedmeonthebungiecables
@clarinetbob I wouldn't want to be the one who convinces you to buy more cables that don't work, but, while none of the bungie cables worked for me, the blue plastic keychains did. Though, they are oriented in the wrong direction.
@clarinetbob butTOCCS
@airjer oriented in the wrong direction?
@clarinetbob I'm charging from my Bungee RIGHT NOW!
@MsELizardBeth To clarify... Bought 4 of the bungee lightning cables - they do NOT charge my iPad Air at all...they charge the iPad Mini very slowly, and the charge the iPhone fine. To me, that's getting burned...when they were advertised as compatible/working. Great for you, though.
@clarinetbob Oh yeah... I don't own a single apple product other than an older cord that came in a pack of charge cables.... I'm probably going to give the lightning cable to the first person with an iPhone I meet.
Thanks Meh! I may have to get some more for stockings.
@PWiddy Consider going with garters instead?
@gertiestn I would but they aren't nearly as kinky.
@PWiddy Depends on where you put them...
OK, the free things are exciting, but I'm really thrilled about the Photo Zoom Beta!
@mossygreen: +1
@mossygreen What is the photo zoom beta?
@JTrilogy It's a beta test of photo zoom. You're VMP - you have it!

@Starblind I might have you beat: stiff-robust-suggestion
@Starblind @Cinoclav
wow, thanks Mediocre Labs!
For non very mediocre people
Yeah! #FST (free stuff Tuesday)
Free Tuesdays? I can get used to this!
This is very mehmorable mehmorabilia!
Thank you meh - #VMP
Thanks Meh! I was considering buying just for the irk stand thingie.
Bonus freebie just for being a VMP! Excellent!
I am paid member bought last time 12 of TOCC charging cables none of them worked. Didn't even get refund. Meh must be rich by stealing pennies.
@akhauri I thought that didn't sound like us…I looked into this for you and saw that the last message we sent you said "Hi, Each time you are responding we are simply getting a message that says “Sent from my iPad” with nothing else attached. Can you try logging in to your computer to respond perhaps?" Looks like for whatever reason we weren't getting your responses. Try responding again and we'll get this figured out with you.
@Akhauri perhaps @TOCCSREP can help you out with them there cables.
@JonT @akhauri ... That is good customer Service... I've never had any issue with meh.com! @snapster operations are always on the up and up. Never had one complaint that they didn't fix.
@akhauri I am sorry your order is not working properly. Please feel free to reach out to me so I can arrange a replacment order. Imelda@toccs.com
@unixrab except paypal?
found-regular-omelette <--- I was looking for one of these just this morning.
I missed clicking meh on Sunday, this ending a 45 day streak. This seriously softens the blow. Thank you, meh.
meh, could you get any more cool?
In for 2 more.

Something went terribly free! I'm extra grateful it wasn't PB N' J Spreader day.
I got mine free as well!! Let them eat cake, non-VMP members.
@chuckf1 Not to troll you, but did you mean "Let Them Non-VMP members eat cake..."??
@PhysAssist It was a sarcastic remark.
@chuckf1 But of course, as I am fully fluent in Snark and several other languages suited for internet communications, I knew that...
@PhysAssist Of course, if I had any real talent, I would have created an amusing, or in some cases, disturbing, Gif animation, like a number of our fellow Mehers have.
@chuckf1 Mega-Dittoes!! or Me's Twoo!! [Whichever]
Omg I'm getting free stuff for being vmp!
@commodog no
I had one of these. They suck. The USB end doesn't work well in any USB female slot that isn't perfectly tight and the ring to attach it to a key fob snaps off easily.
Thanks for the garbage, meh! Maybe I can foist them off on people.
@DannoHung ur welcome
@DannoHung ne time
@DannoHung A "female slot that isn't perfectly tight" will definitely hinder any "USB"s ability to work as efficiently as possible...
@heli0s Not true. Most USB Male ends have a metal cover so that the attachment is snug even if the female slot doesn't tension the male connector properly.
50 Shades of Grey has nothing on this.
@DannoHung don't feel bad, but…
@JonT now... THIS is trolling
@DannoHung Its ok, recognizing sarcasm just isn't your forte
Woohoo! VMP folks can get four sets of these as opposed to non-VMP who can only get 3 sets.
Thanks, meh!
I was all set to bitch and complain about another crappy item- then you do this for us vmp's?
Thank you for denying me the right to be a douchebag.
and thank you.
@alacrity why didn't you blame @lisaviolet, too?
@Mavyn i would, but 'lil miss perky is on a gin bender and armed with a shiv...
@lisaviolet now there's a unique form of foreplay... flowers'd be easier, tho
@alacrity Maybe, but it's good to work for it.
@lisaviolet i respect a gal who likes a good ol' fashioned bbq.
@alacrity Yeah, buddy!
(I'm laughing so hard here right now...)
@alacrity That was totally me thirty-five years ago.
in retrospect i must apologize- thatr crossed the line into "restraining order creepy"
OMG, I think I'm going to cry... Free stuff makes me so happy!
@owace Oh great, now I feel like I have to peeee.
*taunt. But not really... after all, according to reviews the Bluetooth doesn't work satisfictionally with some compatible nomenclature.
@dgmshop great gif!
@unixrab Tnx, spent absolute seconds hotlinking it
Yay, thank you for the present!!!!
Oh my ... VMP members ... gloating? 5 months of "dues" That's $25 bucks.... not to mention the CRAP that you bought each day/week/month to make your "VMP" worth it... meh.com can TOTALLY afford to give you this "free" for the $25 that you've already spent...for NOTHING... and the "sunk-costs" purchases you made... ... wise up
... lemmings
@unixrab dude, just fucking chill. Love, @studerc :)
@studerc why? go back to sleep
@unixrab OMG! One of my friends had an Amiga. I loved Lemmings! I'm so happy right now I could just...
@unixrab S'kewl Baybee. We know. Part 'o the fun man.
@unixrab So, let's get this straight. I buy something and pay $5 to have it shipped to me. It's still going to cost less than if I buy it elsewhere (even Woot). But if I check a box, I get free shipping on ALL OF THE OTHER THINGS I buy for the next month. But wait, there's more! I then get a free gift. So what if it's a crappy charger I'll probably never (or rarely) use. I got it free, while paying for another service that saves me a lot of money. My $25 spent being a VMP since launch has saved me from paying $125 in shipping charges in that same time frame. Cheer up sucker!
@unixrab I had a long comment back. I deleted it because realistically I couldn't care less and you'd just enjoy it too much. Carry on with your pointless and sad vendetta.
@capguncowboy don't forget you also get to try out the new photo zoom beta on the homepage
@unixrab dude. Seriously. What is your issue? Have a little fun, or at least don't be so miserable that you feel you have to try and take our fun away. To feel so drivven to educate us and spam about how crapy a sale site is, is trolling. Go enjoy life and let it go if you don't like it. FYI- I like the prouducts I have ordered. And I like having cheap gifts on hand.
@shawn I've been using the old pinch to zoom since it was in alpha.
@PilotJim @capguncowboy @studerc @dgmshop
@nadroj that "pop" was just the BEST! :-)
@unixrab I don't think you're doing this troll thing correctly. I'm in no way mad. I just pity your family because they have you in their lives.
@capguncowboy oh man... you have no idea... ...I may have my daughter comment... she's an expert! STAY TUNED! (of course... she may be entertained at your comment, especially the "troll thing correctly") .. ohhh I don't want to spoil it! ...((PS: for @jonT to say "we get it" ... ahhh well... "not doing the troll thing correctly?!?? U SIRIUS?" ... ok ))
@unixrab does it make you feel like you're winning some sort of award when you star your own comments?
@capguncowboy ooooohhh so much yes. (shh it's part of the "troll" thing [we have a code] ... .. uh... which.. I should not have told you... ignore this comment!!!!!) [I star yours tho] ;-) [[only a troll wouldn't star an opposing post!]] //that could be about 3 inception levels of trolling //
@capguncowboy ... ok ok.. here's the email I sent to my kid: " some people on meh.com want to know what it's like to live with a troll-dad... they feel sorry for you. Here's the URL: Say what you will! CTRL-F for "capguncowboy" He seems most concerned! :-) https://meh.com/forum/topics/2-for-tuesday-meh-snap-cables-with-fancy-box"
Mediocre Lab rat will now play you a sad sonata on his tiny violin...
@unixrab Wait, I'm confused... are the VMPs lemmings, or gristle-LOVing dogs?
@unixrab ur just jelly of all my $$$$$. seriously though, I can't spend the shit fast enough, Meh is the only way I can get rid of it all without getting something I have to actually make space for. I just put a note on the door for the delivery man to keep the packages or throw them in my trash bin.
@RedHot ok...this i admit is true. ;-)
@brhfl I don't know anymore
@unixrab Gotcha by agreeing with you. The Iocaine was in both cups!
@dgmshop foiled again!! ...I'll get you next time Gadget!
@capguncowboy Inquiring minds want to know.. how do you find out who starred a comment???
Tried to make my own phone stand box, following the mediocre steps on this website. Instructions unclear. Arterial blood spraying.
Should I wait for free vmp shipment to see what I did wrong, or go hospital?
I cannot see in color any more...
@G1 If you loose enough blood though, you will be able to hear in color.
@G1 Depends... are you bleeding Georgia Red, or perhaps Purple?
@PilotJim @G1 " loose " ?
@unixrab Well you normally want your blood to be tight. If it gets too loose you're in for some hurtin'
@ruouttaurmind I like purple.
@Barney So that was like... TWELVE HOURS AGO. WTF took you so long?
@ruouttaurmind Hey! @Barney gets to sleep, too! You think purple dinosaurs just spend their whole lives waiting for someone to mention a color on a forum? No way! They spend it singing to children and commenting here on their break.
@Thumperchick I love purple!
These don't work with my phone because they are at an awkward angle. But whatever, free stuff.
BTW, are these actually meh. branded?
@JazzyJosh "free"
@unixrab you're fun
@shawn .. I try to be!! I like you. (so far!) .... give @jont a little back rub.
@shawn You obviously don't know @unixrab like I do. He is not fun and likes to argue about things even though he has no proof or evidence on his side. He is relentless and never gives up no matter how much evidence you have that proves him wrong.
@cengland0 Oh... So, he's like 99.9% of the people on the Internets? :D
@jsh139 @cengland0
Thanks, meh...I think! If nothing else, stocking stuffers they will be. Cool, eh?
@meow57 Throw 'em on a ball-chain and make some dog tags of the Meh Army!
And to think that a couple months ago I was going to pay full price for these on toccs website! I was going to pay a full $19 dollars for 1! Glad to be getting them free since I am a VMP!! Thanks meh! I couldn't be any more meh-rrier! Early Meh-rry Christmas!
I got overly excited when I saw Irk on the box.
I ordered a set.
Then I got around to actually READING what the good (and twisted) people behind the motherboard of Meh.com had to say.
Looks like I am due to receive a set free of charge...
Curse you Meh for your insidious methods of withdrawing $5 worth of hard earned money from my checking account.
And thanks for the free stuff too by the way I guess I should add.
as my cat has said
the box is what matters most
ignore the contents
@Alien your cat is wise ... haiku wize
being a very mediocre pirate is paying off.
@capguncowboy Howdy cowboy!
@roqbthepirate boy, we sure got tan that day at the theme park!
You know, I bought them the first time they were on, didn't have any immediate use for them, never even opened the envelope and am not sure where they are now, and when I saw these I thought "OH MY GOD, how can I justify buying two more?" But then it turns out I don't have to! Because you're sending me some! Thank you for so efficiently enabling my hoarding tendencies and addressing my concerns before I even know what they are!
I saw mug and Irk in the same paragraph.
Sweeeeet . Thank you. I even ordered another deal for stocking stuffers. Cool beans.
Just joined meh been lurking for a while. Figured these will make good stocking stuffers. Congrats to all the previous vmp members on your freebie!
In for 2 more, for my grassy-grateful-school mates.
That was nice of you to give VMP members one for free. Thank you.
@unixrab what? I know I basically got my $5 back I put in in the first place but it could have been $0 back. It was more sensible to get VMP than pay $5 for shipping since I'm Christmas shopping here. I don't care if they mail me a box of poop fresh from the cows bum (which incidentally my brother bought a box from from cards against humanity, go figure). I'm a sucker for freebies. Probably because I've been so broke for over 4 years now a penny on the ground is like a gift from the gods. This is the only Christmas (Mehx-mas?) present this year I'm getting, and I'm damn glad to have it. Even if it is complete crap.
@Tiamat114 I cannot argue with that. AND... I'm glad you're happy.
@Tiamat114 the freebie was only for pre-existing member
@snapster is a friggin genius ... opiates for the masses... #BowBeforeYouOGreatOctopus
PS: please help @jonT ... he's trying " ... epically ..." hard. #peas&carrots
@unixrab That's an awesome gif, even though you are annoying as hell in this thread. Kinda hope the critter makes it..
@unixrab best gif yet.
I didn't want to buy these, but you're sending them to me anyway? Well Meh! on you Meh!
@shortman it's the Apple/U2 strategy.... only worse.
I thought my vmp had expired but alas upon receiving the email that I was getting it.vmp expires in 4 days. Nice surprises happen at midnight.
@alpine FYI you may want to look into this. You will probably be charged again since they changed VMP to cancel immediately.
@alpine awesome block quote
아 갖고 싶다. 다음 물건 구입할때는 꼭 VMP 가입을 해야겠어요.
@ppujigi 왜. 갖고 싶으실까요 ?
@peterkim7 이번에 가입하고 나중에 올지도 모르는 이벤트를 기다리시면...
@peterkim7 ㅋㅋㅋ 그냥 갖고 싶어요. ㅋㅋㅋ 다들 무료로 받는다는데 전 그냥 갖고싶어서 주문했네요. VMP도 가입했어요. 담에도 이런 기회가 또 있길...
@nathanK ㅋㅋㅋ 가입했어요.
@ppujigi VMP가 어렵고, 힘든게, 아니구요. 물건 한개 구입하실때 가입하시면 됩니다. 구매하면서, VMP 한달분 5달러 가입하세요.. 이미 알고 계시지요 ? 한번을 구매하나, 한달을 VMP 하나, 동리한 5달러랍니다. 한달되기전에 알람 맞추시고, 사실 물건이 없으시면, 해지하시면 됩니다. my account인가 누르면, 몇일 남았다고 나오구요. 한달전에 해지하시면, 추가 비용 들지 않는답니다. 해지 않하시면, 자동으로 매달 5달러, 결제되시는거구요. 요즘, meh 마음이 가는것이 없어 아쉽네요. 하지만, jbl onbeat(?)인가는 1개 또는 2개 꼭ㄱ 구매해보시길.. 강추 물건이랍니다. 그럼..
@ppujigi 오늘의 meh 지르세유 ~~. 저는 이미 실행했습니다. 5분 지났네요
I already got burned previously by buying the charging cables that didn't work. I'll have to pass on Meh branded product. Thanks anyway.
Meh, its fifteen bucks for five of the new, more flexible model: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/New-Arrival-Creative-Keychain-Micro-USB-Cable-for-Samsung-Android-Phone-with-Package-Free-Shipping/32240129496.html And they're about a dollar if you want to buy a thousand.
@thrawn562 Flexible is smart but we don't get greatest or latest here. We get last month/year/millenium cheap crap
@chellemonkey And awesome peeps in the forum!
@lisaviolet And awesome goats in the forum!
what is this i don't even
I laughed... due to the main pictures
This will make a decent addition to my ring of occasionally necessary items.
@neuromancer You are missing a bottle opener. I will now worry about you and your ability to open beverages.
@Pamtha You can sleep soundly knowing there is a bottle opener on the leatherman.
@neuromancer Can I ask... when is the last time your handcuff key was "occasionally necessary"? No... never mind. Some things are best not known.
@ruouttaurmind hand cuff key! I was trying to think why a gun would need such a key
@chellemonkey S&W also makes handcuffs
@ruouttaurmind I won't lie, the USB drive gets more use. I can open most cuffs with a paperclip or a hairpin.
Every orifice?
Nice! Got some free stocking stuffers
As someone who has whined about the value (or lack thereof) of VMP status in the past, I appreciate this. On the one hand, Free Stuff! On the other, it's apparently very meh stuff! I appreciate yall being true to your mission.
I didn't THINK I wanted this, but turns out I'm getting it free, so in the end I actually DO want this.
See how that works?
@shubydoo You, my friend, have what they call "a downward sloping demand curve."
@neuromancer I think that's just because I quit wearing underwires because they wer SOO uncomfortable...
I bought a pair of extra-long lightning cables from TOCCS via a groupon a while back that had a list price of $69/pair. $69 frikkin' bucks for 2 cables, but at least I only paid $15. However, for $69 list price, you'd think the damned things would be Apple-certified. NOPE! Don't work with my iPhone 6. Lame.
So, are these certified?
@xterraguy I would also like to know if they're Apple-certified, since I've been burned before.
The Meh 10 charge and sync cables I bought from Meh don't work with my iPhone 6 Plus. Ended up throwing them out. Won't charge or sync. Makes me suspicious of any other cable/sync device from them.
@paulkbiba were they these snap cables? or something different?
@paulkbiba They work fine on my 6+, send an email to Imelda@toccs.com and they'll take care of it.
@JonT Oooh, as a fellow 6+ owner I just put one more check in the 'reasons I like JonT' column. Not really sure I'll have great use for these, but - free. It's definitely the thought that counts.
So the picture shows a Samsung on the phone stand, will it still fit my iPhone?
@RedHot The stand requires work to set up so it is Android only. Apple users can just lean their devices against the unmodified box and it will magically just work.
@RedHot one of them will, one of them won't.
Meh. 2 usb chargers for $10 isn't bad unless they don't work. Thanks for making my day mediocre.
Well I am ever so grateful for the present but… I don’t understand how it will work? If it is short and not flexible… How do I use it? My USB ports are either in a hub or on the front of my computer. I have an iPhone 6 plus (now). Am I supposed to balance the phone on it on the hub or prop up the phone to usb level on the tower? Not to mention how to use it with the car or wall-port charger? Maybe it is illustrated in the picts but… No change here I can’t see them. Smile Tickled for the gift but baffled as to how it works. Grin
@silverqueen Tomorrow's Meh: Irk branded USB extension cables.
@silverqueen First world problem much?
@RedHot LOL My kid, adopted at actually almost 10 (on paper 7 and lived with her birth family until about 6 - we still have contact, was born in a refugee camp, never saw electricity prior to me...) from a least developed nation was bitching about not having an iphone, how she hated me because I wouldn't buy her one and that she wanted to go back to her birth mom because her birth mom loved her enough to buy her one blah blah blah. I asked her where she'd plug one in in her home country - into a tree? She said in that tone of distain that teens have mastered, "Oh yeah. I forgot. But I'll figure something out and just because you made a good point don't think I still don't hate you!" LOL
Would you ever, under any circumstances, buy Meh-branded merchandise...? Um, do you make an Irk plush?
@shanesny I must be tired; I thought you asked, "how do you make an irk blush?"!
Wait a second. Let me see if I've got this straight. These things have been on sale today for... let's see... almost 10 hours now. And, not one person has posted an OH/AWW SNAP picture??? I'm disappointed!
@jsh139 4U
MFI certified? No.
Hope my iPhone doesn't blow up.
@lumpthar Well I suppose that would be the answer! I can’t figure out any other way? Been thinking and talking to my sister who looked at the picts. She is scratching her head too. Figured out the only place it would work is on the lap top port. That is the only one that faces the right direction and is already on a parallel surface.
@silverqueen Portable charger/battery bank.
@clyde2801 Probably one of the best suggestions on what to use these for.
I clicked the meh button on these the last time, but this is a nice gift. Yesterday was my birthday so I appreciate the timing. Also, we have an iPad now so this will actually be useful. :)
Fewwww Thanks for shedding a dapple of light on what @RedHot said. I again was perplexed as to my first world problems again! My third world problem would be what am I going to sharpen this with and how to attach it to my spear! Or how do I make this tiny thing carry water to my home or much less electrical power to the intended device. As said in another thread maybe I could pick my teeth with it.
Big toothy Grin!
Wow, I am very excited about this. What the hell is it? Thanks for the two free thingamajigs. So many great things about being an American - wasteful use of resources is one of them - suck it world!
Thank you for the gift, meh!
(I'm told that in some circles that's what you say when you receive a gift.)
Free for VMP, nyah!
^^"It's cheap." "Will it work?" "It's not here yet!" "You VMP'ers are sheep and lemmings and stupid for spending your $5 that way!"
@mehjohnson you forgot the gristle part.
Oddly enough, that's fairly accurate.
@deichernc best post.
Thanks, Meh!
Must have caused me to get an extra free order:
I don't like hurting his pride by pointing out his confusion.
@mehjohnson Oh yeah, dammit @lisaviolet! I mean thanks, it's your fault.
@mehjohnson Every single time I see your name, Blazing Saddles comes to mind.
@lisaviolet Yep, rrrrrarrrritt! A classic in my family, of course. I always had the "the you can call me Ray" commercial from kids at school too...
@mehjohnson Oh, yeah, I remember him! Back when commercials were fun.
@lisaviolet Ya, different kinda fun back then without the technology etc. "Commercials had to be creative/funny back then uphill both ways in three feet of snow!"
Yes, yes - I know I'm getting some free. Unnatural-forlorn-catfish
I got the email notifying me of my VMP gift two minutes before they went live on the site. Very thoughtful of you Meh! I've only spent $15.00 and now I've got some cables I can gift (or stick in my emergency bag) and a sweet t-shirt that fits perfectly. I'm happy.
Meh, you rock! :)
@lisaviolet Ironically this is the third image when searching your order code. Seems apropro.
@Cinoclav My only apple product came in my first Fukubukuro. An iPad mini. Very apropo.
@lisaviolet And for getting that you deserve an extra month of goat. Wanna trade it for some PB n' J Spreaders? I have a few laying around...
@Cinoclav What, trade the extra month of goat for some PB n J spreaders? Sure!
@lisaviolet Fine, you ship me a goat first.
@Cinoclav No, you misunderstood. You don't GET a goat. You get to BE the goat. I will campaign on your behalf. But first, you need to send the PB n J speaders.
@Cinoclav I'll also campaign on your behalf. All I had to do was say that @lisaviolet deserved it (without giving any real reason) and it happened. I'm awesome like that.
@lisaviolet Well, if we want to get technical, the object of my original statement was 'that' which obviously referred to the iPad mini. The attempt to twist the wording and push off your goatness on me most certainly has earned you a nomination for another month. But I guess that's what goats do... they twist.

@Cinoclav It is not my problem that you have a problem with making yourself clear. I think you should be the goat. I will campaign for you, no need to send the spreaders. @Capguncowboy will help.
@capguncowboy Thanks, I think we should be able to make the case...
@lisaviolet I've got your back... kind of...
@lisaviolet I foresee an awful lot of used PB n' J Spreaders being shipped to the El Cajon area...
So I think it's about time for y'all to offer some cheap (but fully functional and meaningfully durable) USB extension cables, so as to make these little snappers all the more useful. In fact, @lisaviolet, I'm blaming you that this hasn't already happened.
@joelmw That's a really good idea! Blame me for everything!
order # image search

How has no one commented on one of the best damn things on the page? Irk meh face! (With the purple background just for @Barney.)

@Cinoclav I love purple.
@Cinoclav true
Thank you meh!
Not for the snap cables, those things are shit. For the boxes - a phone stand that folds down! And two of them! It's a Christmas miracle, Charlie Brown!!!
Why are they called "snap cables"?
@Fej Because they are easily broken.
@neuromancer Oh Snap!! [Again!!]
Cool, I can always use an extra cable. I'll toss them in my travel bag, and next time I'm stuck in the airport or something and someone forgets to pack their power cord for their phone, I have a solution! Free, so if they turn out to be crap, I shrug and say "Oh sorry, guess it's broken." Sweet, thanks Meh! (And yes, I know, gristle. Get fresh spam, dipshit.)
@Jamileigh17 :| What You Said- In Spades!!
Thanks for the freebies, Meh! dirty-agile-calendar = stocking stuffers done 😁
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
. . but apparently i'm getting it anyway.
I love purple.
No notification by email that I am getting them and nothing in my list of orders,,,,,what have I done wrong that Mediocre Laboratories is not rewarding me for being a VMP member since August????
@dadofkmctm Looks like your VMP didn't renew at some point, because you don't currently have a VMP badge, either. Did you payment method expire?
I never got an email and I AM a VMP member! What gives?
@fantom2993 Check your other email folders (like spam), I just responded to your comment over at https://mediocre.com -- I can see that they're on your account, check https://mediocre.com/orders
meh! I love you. oh thank you! wow you look so great!
it`s so wonderful amazing!
@JonT You are correct, please disregard my previous ranting as I wasn't looking in the correct place. Thank you!
I never got a free one, but I am/was as the time a VMP member. Is it still on its way?
@wecarter99 Check here: mediocre.com/orders
I got mine today and made my phone stand, and only lost one drop of blood. Here is my mehsterpiece, next to my Meh-rry Christmas lite brite display.
LITE BRITE!!! I used to love that thing so much and I would always get it out around Christmas time. I love this.
Ordered 2 micro usb, got 2 lightning. A part of me is not surprised. Meh.
@mrockowitz give us a shout at https://meh.com/support.
@jont and others, I ordered the max amount (and got two for free, thanks!) now i'm about to pass them out to folks at work and I can't tell the difference between usb and lightning without opening the box. or, can I? Is there something I'm missing on the box that tells them apart?
@marklog you're an idiot, @marklog. Reach further into the bag and find the ones that are differently colored.
Yeah @marklog, what @marklog said.
@marklog glad @marklog could help you out, @marklog!
Used this thing twice and the connector snapped. Crapply made
Got these for free being a VMP member, didnt work. useless wasted $$ on shipping
@sarahtarah which part didn't work, do they not charge? I've been using one at work all this week and it's worked great, charges really fast too. It's convinced me to put one on my keychain.
Dear meh, I was working from a cafe today, with my laptop tethered to my phone because cafes here are too hip for wifi. My phone got down to 1% and I had no charger. I was juuust about to walk to a phone store to by an overpriced USB cable when I remembered "I've got that useless meh usb deal on my keychain!"
Just the day before, I had thought "I never use this doohickey, I really should get rid of it and free up VALUABLE PANTS POCKET SPACE." How wrong I was.
First time I used it, and I had rigged an entirely dodgy support under my phone with a napkin to make my laptop and phone usb ports line up at the same height. Thanks to this meh-tastic usb thing, I was able to continue on as a productive member of society.
My hat's off to you, meh.
Does anybody need one of these? I think it’s a Lightning connector. First person to whisper me their name and mailing address gets it.