Ask A Mod
24Welcome to Ask A Mod, where I will endeavor to answer your meh/diocre related questions.
Hey everyone, it's your friendly neighborhood volmod, @thumperchick, (Tee-Humperchick, if Irk is to be believed - he's not.) It was mentioned that new people (and some not-so-new-people) would like a place to ask questions about the history, forums, etc. - this is that place!
(I'm going to subscribe to this thread directly, so you won't have to @ tag me every time you need something answered.)
- 73 comments, 369 replies
- Comment
What's the meaning of life?
@MEHcus 42
@Thumperchick No wonder I never understood. I only have 20 fingers and toes so I can't count that high. Crap. I'm never gonna win now.
@MEHcus You got married, count hers too!
@MEHcus Most dudes can count to 21

@Thumperchick you are incorrect... The answer would be 42 -the universe and everything. as the meaning of life the universe and everything is 42...
@sohmageek So long and thanks for all the fish!
@hollboll I have sent you a couple of questions about packages thru rage. Not sure if you have seen them, or i am ignore :)
I need an answer for one.
I'll bite, esteemed mod-person.
I'm asking.
I await your answer.
@f00l You shouldn't bite, it spreads disease.
Just one way tho. ;)
How do you do it? Work, family, moderating? Are you as amazing as you seem? Will you buy me a beer?
If the past several weeks are any indication, I don't do it.
I need an idea of how amazing I seem to answer this. Probably?
Depends on the beer.
The more beer, the more amazing.
Simple linear math.
@f00l it might be more like a quadratic or exponential equation, at least in my experience
That might depend on the beer ;)
What was the worst thing you've had to remove from the meh forum?
And what are the worst things you have not removed from the forums?
(Really hoping for a long, link-heavy, inclusive response, so take all the time you need)
@Kevin bigoted hatred.
@f00l follow @jaremelz @mfladd @Pavlov @OldCatLady for your oh-so-close-to-the-line needs.
I feel insulted and neglected.
@f00l then I'm doing my job.
@Thumperchick Who me????

And in my defense I call shenanigans on @jaremelz for most of the trouble. (shit, I pinged her)
@mfladd that's why she's first in the mention.
@Thumperchick Phew...I am glad you see it too. Thanks!
@mfladd Trying to throw me under another bus?
@Thumperchick Aw, shucks!
Only @OldCatLady is showing why she's borderline.
@f00l I just hope I make that list.
Ohhhhhh Myyyyyyy.
Cool idea, @Thumperchick (with a little nudge from @mehbee).
@Barney I linked back to their comment in the OP. Forgot to tag here, though - thanks!
I'm thinking about starting an "Ask Barney" thread. I'll answer questions about purple.
Who what when where why purple?
(In order to warrant your response, i will pretend the answer is not self-evident.)
@f00l Are you trying to confuse me?
No, i merely wish to honor your quest to raise consciousness.
@f00l You used to be pretty quiet at Deals. What happened?
I'm not sure what happened. I must check with my white-coated, soft-spoken, empathetic caregivers and see if i can get a history of my declining mental capacities and my increased decompensation.
@Barney which purple is the best purple
@Lotsofgoats My favorite purple is the best purple.
@Barney oh ok I understand now
@Lotsofgoats No you don't, but that's okay.
Will any of these do as a good shade of purple?
@f00l I like the one on the left.
A possibly better answer to being more quiet on Deals.Woot and the 1st year here vs my current noise level:
I'm actually not sure why i'm in the mood now but wasn't in the mood then. There were was way more stressful a few years ago....a family member went into final decline, then died (few current sensitivites about that, it's been 2+ years, and he died at age 92, after a very successful and healthy life) tendencies toward depression and ocd were felt less happily resolved.....everything was just more difficult. Always felt i was screwing up.
Now, fewer difficulties, and some kinda unforeseen sea change in my head. Something along the lines of: i'm just refusing to be that stressed anymore.
Wish i'd know about this state of mind many decades ago.
@f00l I'm glad you're in a better place and that you're posting here.
@Thumperchick Me, too!
Ok you two gave me permission.....
@f00l Watch out, She, who must be obeyed, will put you on The List.
Lists? We don't need no stinkin' lists!
@Barney - Here's a contender for best purple, hope you like it:

@KDemo Oooooh, pretty kitty cat purple!
@Barney How much purple is necessary for optimal health?
@Barney I have 52 purple shirts from shirt.woot. Do I need to buy more the next time they're offered?

@jqubed One can never have enough purple.
@narfcake Silly, of course you should!
@Barney Okay, just making sure.
@Barney Yes, but some days I get more than others. It's like sleep: I know I really should get more, but if I can look back and say I got 6 hours of sleep at least I know that's pretty good. So, like, 6 purples?
@jqubed I think 6 is the minimum sustainable number of daily purples.
TC, how many people are registered at Meh?
@Barney damn. The first on-point question and I have no idea what the answer is. @shawn might have that info handy, though.
@Thumperchick Glad I could help!
Ok, adult-in-the-room, here is a point-on q for u:
How does one "subscribe" to a thread?

Oh. By email?
@f00l It notifies you the same way an @ does. Were you hoping for hugs?
@Thumperchick I was...
@stardate820926 Aww...
I would prefer on-site bookmarking of fav threads and notifications.
Yes, i'm a brat. I go to a 12-step brat-support-group whenever I happen to feel like it.
And I possess a vicious, immature, irrational hatred of dealing w email, hence no fancy K by my name.

@f00l ooh, that would be a great feature.
@Thumperchick Can I star the "brat" part of @f00l's prior comment more than once?
@Barney if you login under your other account, then yes.
@Thumperchick Hmm, do you know who my other account is?
@Barney mehbeee.
Not really. But if you log into it and star that comment I will.
@Thumperchick Touche (I don't know how to put that little mark above the e).
@Barney alt 138 = è
@Thumperchick Thank you. This thread has been very informative.
@Thumperchick Can we have an all panda day? I think I could fill all 24 hours with awesome panda gifs.
@conandlibrarian start the thread!
@Barney I was pretty sure I figured out what your other account was a while back, but then I forgot it. My memory sucks, so your secret is safe with me.
@PurplePawprints I appreciate your sucky memory.
@Barney Well, I'm glad someone does.
@Thumperchick touché is spelled with an accent aigu, not an accent grave. Not sure what the windows smash code for it is, but on the Mac you just hit option+e and then e.
Or you can just rhyme touche with douche, as in @curtise stop being such a touche nozzle.
@Thumperchick Panda pron. Cool
What does the K in front of some of the names mean?
@Barney It means that person supported the meh kickstarter.
@Thumperchick So I guess a person with a "K" isn't any smarter than anyone else because sometimes they act like it.
@thumperchick where's the frowny face icon for those of us that wish we had known about the kickstarter?
@Thumperchick thanks for the clarification. I thought it stood for Kevin
@Kevin In your case, you should change your username to evin...
Did you ever do the thing when you thought you were?
@The_Baron Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
Ok Triple-Star
When someone does an @ about me how do i see that.
@CaptAmehrican there are a few ways right now.

1 - Click your name. This will take you to you here:
2 - You should be getting email notifications if you're mentioned. To turn that on/off, head to your account to make changes.
Also Irk is a troll but what are the other puppets?
@CaptAmehrican those are @matthew's creations, he should be able to tell you.
I think that's something every individual has to answer for him or herself
@matthew I think that Glen is really just hiding behind those bright colors and that inside the socky exterior is a softer side, named Palmela.
@Thumperchick - Could be Armand?
@Thumperchick @KDemo ...or Fingrid.
Just one more question from me today, would you go back and delete all of my non-relevant questions/remarks? I don't want to clutter up your thread, because I think it's important for the new people to be able to have their questions answered without having to wade through a lot of my nonsense.
@Barney I appreciate the thought, but this thread is going to get big (hopefully!) anyway. I'll just deal with the inevitable duplicates as they come in.
@Thumperchick Yeah, but you are already over 60 replies/remarks and there have only been a handful of real questions. I think you need to keep this as slim and trim as possible so that people will read it and not just pass it by.
@Barney I can't do that without censoring everything. It's a balance. If there are few replies, no one wanders in. If there's a ton, some people are intimidated. We'll catch who we can, but I'm not a fan of deleting stuff without a really good reason.
I like the comments, the banter, the silly - they're a good indication of who hangs out here. I think new people should see that as well. If I'm answering questions consistently, we should be ok.
@Barney I disagree silly and kinda random seems to be a meh hallmark and this thread should include silly and random
@CaptAmehrican I wasn't talking about anyone's comments other than mine. But you are right, silly is fun.
@Barney but your comments are silly fun and purple
@CaptAmehrican You just made my day!
It would be way cool if we could collapse/open reply threads, to make the overall look more compact, esp on re-reads.
I dont suppose you can create/order up a Coding Puppet?
@f00l you can edit how many open replies and comments you see. It's not the same as what you want, but I find it quite useful.
How come if I disable user profiles, it doesn't allow me to see my own? I don't mind if I see my own.
@MrMark it's an all or nothing deal.
What would you do for a Klondike bar?
@juststephen moderate stuff?
Can we expect future political debates to be deleted and/or locked?
@narfcake depends on the debate and comments. If you see something going sideways, tag me.
@Thumperchick Sideways ... so anything red or blue?
(So much less arguments and more shit getting done if everything was purple!)
@narfcake I love purple.
whatcha thinkin about
@Lotsofgoats stuff.
@Thumperchick me too!
@Lotsofgoats Tacos. You?
Donuts! Yum.
What's up with Puppykitten, is she into bluetooth speakers? (Or does that happen when she gets teeth?)
@KDemo today she's into her taggies toy. Also, she's 3 months old today.

That pic got compressed in the upload. Let's add this one.

That one compressed, too. That's why jpg sucks sometimes.
@Thumperchick - Oh, she's just getting more precious! Love that baby smell. (also glad to see you here).
@Thumperchick COULD she get any cuter? That is one darling baby.
@Thumperchick Aaaagh, cute overload.
@KDemo I've heard she likes speaker docks
@Thumperchick No body told me there'd be PuppyKitten pictures!!! OMG, those cheeks! My mom would call those "fairy pillow cheeks." They're so soft and squishy the fairies sleep on them at night. (Bit o' nightmare fuel to tell a kid that though. Just sayin'...)
Considering some of the coverage on the topic of moderating the Internet as of late ie, have you tried or considered seeing a mental health counselor to help process some of the unfiltered internet? Have you ever tried to navigate the system for assistance? Do you and mediocre have a contingency plan for a moderation crisis?
@smartr We've been extremely lucky to not have anything so vile as what that poor youtube mod had to deal with. The people that post here may be rambunctious, foul-mouthed, and a bit provocative - but they are not going to require Chris Hansen to sit them down.
Oddly enough, my first career path and courses were in psychology and trauma counseling. A little counseling can go a long way towards a healthy human. Nothing here has made me run to my local psych office, though. It takes more than spam and asshats for that.
@Thumperchick <3 <3 ASSHATS FOR EVERYONE!!! <3 <3
(well, for four people anyway)
I have two questions, and I'm surprised they haven't been asked in this thread yet:
1) How do someone cancel VMP if they're not currently a mehmber?
2) If someone hasn't ordered the day's product, why haven't they received it yet?
Thank you for all your mediocre work!
3) Is @DaveInSoCal due to be nominated for goatdom in the future?
@narfcake I'd be the laziest goat yet
1) Sign up for VMP. Cancel it.
2) Because meh hates them.
3) Yes.
@DaveInSoCal Inquiring minds...
That made me snort I was laughing so hard.
@narfcake we have one month to contemplate @DaveInSoCal's possible impending doom.
@mfladd bleat!
When can I buy another speaker dock from meh? Can you use your influence to help me out? Please?
@sohmageek ask again next Friday.
How is @puppycat doing?
@sohmageek scroll up a bit.
@Thumperchick that requires me going back to page one for the responses.... <3 pagination but makes your answer not make sense.
@sohmageek yay pagination! Have some @PuppyCat

@sohmageek pagination here, like Miss AMeh.rica Pageant? Is that an option under profile or sumpin'?
I would like to see a pix of the incomparably adorable @puppycat all tricked out as a future survivor/fighter in the coming Zombie Apocalypse. Got anything? If not, that my best idea for First Halloween.
@f00l not yet... Maybe for Halloween.
@Pavlov That depends on which way the hurricane of money you're throwing at them is spinning.
@Thumperchick @carl669 made me do it.
@Pavlov i think if it depends if the pole was made in the southern or northern hemisphere. any pole curvature may need to be taken into account as well.
@Thumperchick How is @carl669 not on the "the list"?
@mfladd I thought about it, then forgot to add him. Tattle tail.
@mfladd i played the race card.
Got a history question for you! What the hell's the deal with the scapegoat and how'd it get started?
@polarbear84 I knew this one would come up!
For the story, click here.
For the ongoing list of scapegoats, with links/reasons for their nominations, click here.

Goats live to suffer the slings and arrows of your outrageous fortune.
What's your deal?
@bluecolor what do you mean?
@Thumperchick Ya shoulda just linked back to the front page, 'cause DUH, that's your deal.
(Well, yeah, technically Meh's deal, but if you're modding for Meh, then wouldn't that make you kinda working for Meh? And if you're working for Meh, then you're a part of Meh, so it really kinda IS your deal. I really should stop watching Fast Times At Ridgemont High so often.)
@LaVikinga that would have been great... damn
Hmm- people aren't asking the questions I'd thought they'd ask, so on behalf of the people who don't want to feel stupid asking questions, I'll ask a bunch of obvious & not-so-obvious questions.
What do all the icons mean?
Who owns Meh?
What does Meh think about Woot/Can I mention that other deal site (Woot) here?
Can I curse?
Is there an FAQ?
What's the deal with @jaremelz & @mfladd?
Why should I get VMP? (And what does that even stand for?)
@dashcloud I think those questions would have trickled in on their own... over time. I'll give 'em a shot here.
What do all the icons mean?
The icons are badges. If you hover over a person's name/badge, it will tell you what the badge means, as well as any other badges that person has. The rarest badge is the one that's visible.
Who owns Meh?
Meh is owned by A Mediocre Corporation. Mediocre is the brainchild of the same team that brought you woot. There's more info about the idea behind mediocre at
What does Meh think about Woot/Can I mention that other deal site (Woot) here?
Meh is a website... it doesn't think anything. (Yes, you may speak freely about Woot. However, if it's a customer service issue, pretty much everyone will tell you to contact woot.)
Can I curse?
That depends on you and whether or not your parent(s) are in smacking range. I do.
Is there an FAQ?
What's the deal with @jaremelz & @mfladd?
They're friends with a titillating gif collection. Also, @jaremelz can craft like you wouldn't believe.
Why should I get VMP? (And what does that even stand for?)
You shouldn't. All your VMP are belong to us.
( is the better answer.)
@dashcloud I don't know who you're talking about
I'm an angel

@dashcloud I'm curious to see how long Meh's writers can keep the @jaremelz and @mfladd will-they-won't-they going.
@jqubed As we would never want to see the consequences of this encounter we stay on different coasts.

Is it wrong if one bases their entire sense of self worth on the meh stars they accrue? Asking for a friend.
@KDemo You get a star, but don't accrue your self-worth on that. Post what you like and fuck the stars. :)

@mfladd - Are you saying I'm not asking for a friend?

@mfladd - Just adding in a meh-related advice column slant, but thanks!
@KDemo you already know who your friends are.

You can breathe, right?
@mfladd - How important is breathing, really?

@KDemo well, since it is 4/30/16 and you are being put out to pasture...not much really.

@mfladd - I really (really, really) hate to bring this up, but it's still Friday on the Left Coast.
@KDemo Fucking Westies!
@mehtherfucker I was going to start with this
, but I loved your reply so much I decided on this

I quote:
"Post what you like and fuck the stars. :)"
Ok. Agreed. I am now a Starfucker.
Mmmmmm, that was good!
@f00l I know I have MY List Of Men I'm Allowed To Eff If I Ever Have The Chance. Might have to change the list title to the StarFucker's Snowball's Chance In Hell list.
If '' had been taken, what other expressions of apathy were considered for the site?
@mcanavino perhaps @snapster knows.
@mcanavino was taken. It took $100k to pry it loose. :-| (our company URL) would have been a reasonable backup I suppose. Other non-apathetic directions were explored but we liked the unconventional retail brand challenge too much to move on.
@snapster Ha, I guess all 3 letter names are long gone by now.
I think you made a good choice, it's a clever branding that doesn't need much explaination.
@mcanavino ...and Mediocre is much more difficult to spell.
@mcanavino Actually I've noticed if people are above a certain age I often have to explain the word "meh" to them.
@jqubed They just don't grok it, eh? Sounds like an obvious onomatopoeia to me.
@jqubed I asked my husband if he wanted one of my black on black Meh shirts. He said no because he didn't know what it meant. That's OK- they are my favorites.
Is there a way to star an entire topic? Or the deal write up?
@tinsami1 yes. Top left of the original post.
For the write up, it works best to comment. Writers live on positive comments and gin.
@Thumperchick And root beer.
@Barney you misspelled cocaine.
Rootbeer, cocaine, just so long as you're snorting...
How do I contact customer support? (And who's the best person to ask for?)
@dashcloud or the cs team are all fantastic.
@Thumperchick Pshhh, whatever.
What is the average amount of time the meh button spins when pressed? And, has anyone had seizures because of it?
@chacham I don't even think they have a way to measure that.
@Thumperchick meh, sure
If a woodchuck has a pile of purple t-shirts from @narcake's pile, which it is eating, and it is busy viewing different gifs from @medz, but it starts choking due to @jaremelz and @mfladd having one of their "things", what is the best way to get the hippo to juggle the watermelons for the Eskimo on the pogo stick?
Only 2.79/5 stars? Slightly disappointing, especially with the Johnny Depp version being the way it was.
@FroodyFrog Voting is kinda fucked up at Threadless. There have been instances where "users" will throw around 1-stars on every design just because they could. Never mind the usual auto-voters, schills, and other tamer shit.
But maybe that's changed nowadays ...
It's stuff like that which is why in certain places I don't pay attention to feedback. (I.e Amazon, Google Play Store)
@FroodyFrog I love purple.
Really? I hadn't heard.
If somebody complains about the daily item selling out the following morning, what should be a proper response?
@narfcake I can think of a couple of things I'd like to say to them, but I don't use that kind of language (hardly ever).
It's called outsourcing
@narfcake point and laugh.
@narfcake Poor you. Too bad, so sad.
@narfcake "Cheer up, sucker!"
@jqubed "Cheer up, sucker! You saved yourself some money!"
There, I fixed that for you.
Can Meh get ahold of any Jay's Crazy Calypso potato chips? Or, Does/will Meh sell food?
@chacham mehbe.
Douglas Adams wrote:
How can I tell that the past isn't a fiction designed to account for the discrepancy between my immediate physical sensations and my state of mind?
Do you agree with this notion?
If so, why?
If not, why not?
@FroodyFrog I require much more coffee to answer this.
Here you go.
Unless of course, you prefer a coffee cup.
Re Douglas Adams
Because i say so.
What's up with @narfcake's T-shirt collection?
@FroodyFrog nothing. He's just a shirty dude.
Why has @MEHcus still not blinked?
@FroodyFrog Staring Contest Champion.
@MEHcus has still not blunk his eyes.
Why am I asking you these questions and not the people who can answer them better, or better yet, actually answer them?!?
@FroodyFrog because you felt neglected and wanted some attention.
@Thumperchick I'll add "but doesn't want the benefits of goatdom."
I'm perfectly fine with never being goatified.
I'm also not good with "responsibility"
@FroodyFrog Our monthly scapegoat ... and responsibility?
@FroodyFrog You jelly, bruh?
@medz I think he's still frog.
@narfcake i like jelly frogs.
I'm a blue poison dart frog.
@narfcake I never felt any benefits of goatdom. Just the constant torment of @jaremelz and @christinewas. Brutal. (witch I kinda liked - don't judge me ;)

I liked the 2nd version of the post better. (The one without the word brutal)
@FroodyFrog It was Brutal. Trust me.
@mfladd is all "I never felt any benefits except the thing that was the highlight of my year... what I live for... the food for my twisted soul. My god, I love @jaremelz and @christinewas! (But I guess I liked it a little.)"
@mfladd You begged for it, you sicko. Just happens we were far too happy to oblige you. I refuse to see that as a negative on our parts.
You, you are a negative on my parts.

jk....I just couldn't resist when I found it.
@mfladd Hah!
(On another note, I'm actually wearing this right now:
@narfcake I bow to your shirtiness. I love them.

So this is a noob posting question, but I don't understand how to post GIFs... Help a narwhal out?
When you have when which you like, just add the url (ending in .gif) to your comment.
This guide should answer a lot of questions about forum style posting stuff.
@FroodyFrog Thanks. A question dear to my heart.
@nishthenarwhal after you practice at it, it becomes very easy.

(I saw that
Oh and here's a deer's heart:
@mfladd I feel like I'm being enticed to the dark side...
@FroodyFrog still there. the site or my browser plays games on me now and then with editing. I think my browser.

The path is waiting....young padawan.
Btw, Dad, my, uh, stump kinda hurts. Next time, anesthesia, OK?
Consider it a training accident. Shit happens,

Hey, Father, you know what? Some Dads who actually went to "Dad School" handle family dynamics with a bit less violence and a wee bit less 'tude.
Just sayin'.
Gonna go waste time & hang out with my friends now. See ya laterz.

@mfladd, leave @f00l be...
@mfladd Yes, yes you are the bad guy.

@thumperchick sorry this has turned into a gif fest. I know not what I do :)
@mfladd Yeah, just another "oops" in your ledger
No, Christian, we don't.
@nishthenarwhal So, has this stream of replies
completely confused you aboutanswered your question?@f00l not my power, I have none. I am only method acting.

Before I get banned. I am asking the goat @medz to make an appropriate blur to save me. Help me Obi Wan.
Should every nekked actor have a little golden statuette?
@f00l naaaah, but I fucking love that show.
@mfladd My eyes!! @medz please block that crack. I respectfully request you use this ass to censor that one.
@jaremelz that is just completely and utterly wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!
@mfladd What? I'm innocent I tell you. That's just a random image I found online.
@jaremelz @mfladd @f00l @medz
@medz Oh lord, an ass hat? I am still getting banned. Thanks..
But nice to see you gif'n :)
@mfladd Nice knowin you.
@hallmike Speak for yourself. Hehe. He haunts me.
@jaremelz I bet he does.

Sorry, had trouble taking that one.
How the heck are you?
@sohmageek tired and happy.
I got a small packet in the mail yesterday from China containing a pink drawstring bag.
I'm assuming it has something to do with someone at Meh.
@hollboll has denied it coming because of her.
Who do you suggest I should confront next about it?
J'accuse @medz?
But of course.
Based on when it was packaged, I would also be tempted to blame @KDemo
@FroodyFrog offer a large reward in exchange for information leading to the culprit.
Seems somewhat easier than my original plan of sending posters of said pink drawstring bag to the Carrollton office to as many Mediocre employees as I'm aware of. (I have a somewhat filled list)
So, after contacting some people, as much as it pains me to say this, @Hollboll appears innocent.
Good thing I didn't send the posters out to Meh, because I found out why I got a pink drawstring bag.
On the bright side, now I have a couple of more things to blame @medz for.
So do tell!. (If you can.)
My last question went so well, here is another noob question: is there a way to private message to another forum user?
@nishthenarwhal write your number on the bathroom stall
@nishthenarwhal - No. For various reasons.
Just be sure to pick a really low-rent dive bathroom. You message will be received by the addressee that much sooner.
@nishthenarwhal unfortunately not. We use various work arounds, like 'forum friendly' email addresses - which we post in loose format. For example:
thumperchickwastaken at gmail.
Onsite PM would be 1st wish
Onsite thread bookmarking 2nd.
Thread tagging and onsite thread search 3rd.
A better pagination for profiles, so they would load, 4th.
For pagination thread views, loading the page controls before the media content would help. I had to give up on some threads due to loading probs, even w page controls set to 1 post per page.
@f00l Good news- your 3rd wish is mostly here. The browser handles the in-thread search, and the forums have a search across all the threads. Click on Community, and use the Search box at the bottom.
Why does @mfladd feel the need to constantly edit posts before I finish typing a comment on them?!?
@FroodyFrog Because we all know how hard thinking is for a Pooh.
I'm still not kind of sure what kind of creature a Pooh is...
I should write that down so that I remember that.
@FroodyFrog you should. we have talked about you coming too quickly (with my posts that I often edit) before.
@jaremelz. No return gif. THAT IS ME!
@FroodyFrog A pooh is a cave-dwelling creature from the East Coast who specializes in making my life hell.
@mfladd You're my favorite pooh, I shit you not.
It's not exactly my fault if I come to quickly. It's how I operate. It's not like I can train myself to take my time.
@jaremelz - Hmmm...
Some letters should/shouldn't be capitalized the way that they are.
I deleted my Meh API application because the interface is confusing on adding/deleting keys vs apps and now I am unable to create a new app with the same name I deleted. Can I get
un-deleted please?Now I cant seem to create any API keys at all "Internal Server Error"
@Ownix Pretty sure from May 01, 2016 you are supposed to blame @medz for any and all meh API errors. I you read into the source code, you'll see the comment there.
@Ownix Sorry about that. My advice, try a different browser. If that doesn't work, maybe @shawn can help.

@katylava ?
@Ownix my guess is that you're trying to register an application with a name that's already taken. We don't have good error handling there and just bail out with a generic "Internal Server Error" message.
Looks like you successfully registered "IRC Plugin for Tennu". Do you need more help?
@shawn Thanks for your reply, I will use the new application I created.
Dear T-humperchick,
I aint as good as I once was, but I'm as good once was as I ever was.
@therealjrn I will now have that song stuck in my head for at least a night.
@Thumperchick sorry/not sorry lol
For those rare times where I'm not on Meh or eating or doing what I do for a couple of days a week, why don't people like me?

At what point during the "sale of the day" do you realize that you might have a stinker of an item on sale?
I'd say a couple of weeks in advance (based on when the write-up and pics are done), but since you seemed to be asking about one day at a time, and on that particular day, I'd say midnight.
@FroodyFrog froody? Are you a T-humperchick now?
I'm still trying to decide if I actually exist or am just a piece of code in the game called "Life" (not the classic board game), and now you're asking me to consider a third option?
@morrdt I will answer this with a great post from the Breakfast Octopus himself:
Oh, grasshopper....
What's your take on the duet? Are you looking forward to it? I hope they do a romantic duet... that'd be sweet...
@sohmageek Guilty confession... I haven't been watching videos lately. They tend to wake up @Puppycat.
Does meh pay you in Energy drinks and love?
@sohmageek pretty close. Without the energy drinks. They do hook me up with some perks, though.
@Thumperchick They send you BEER?!?!?!? OMG WTF how do I get them to send me beer... I've said if I was overflow on Fuku, just throw a couple of craft beers in a box (pad it well) and a message "we fucked up, enjoy!"
@sohmageek no beer.
@f00l @Thumperchick
If you were the casting director for another version of the original book from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which Meh employee would you cast for the roll of Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz?
@FroodyFrog Irk.
Marvin! Marvin! I wanna be Marvin! Please please please!
Cause being Marvin cures my ADHD.................
And causes that same exact problem in you..................
Oh well, nevermind, i'm sure you're busy.....................
I'll just sit and rust.
If @f00l plays Marvin, then I'd have to shuffle some roles around...
Ok, i guess you have to pay attention to stuff and people now. I'm sure i can find a way to disappear, since there's no point to my being anywhere.....
It's not that, it's that I had already considered you for a particular role.
I'm busy rusting.
If i ever finish this task, i'll ask you who you were thinking of that f00l could play.
Just not someone with two heads.
F00l doesnt have any heads.
Bad casting for f00l to play a character with a brain.
Not that you want my opinion.
I have to work on rusting now.
Never mind.
I know.
You want me to be an improbability whale and crash into a planet and splatter my guts everywhere.
I suppose that's a promotion from rusting.
I was thinking that you could voice the flower pot, and in a sequel play Agrajag...
Nah, actually I was thinking of a more involved part for you.
To be honest, the hardest parts to fill would be Trillian and Zaphod. Especially if we decide to produce And Another Thing
I'd rather keep the parts the same, and preferably authentic.
F00l has that brain problem.
F00l has that lack-of-brain problem
I suppose robots should be precise.
It's so much work being precise.
And no one cares.
I'll just rust till you finish casting.
Chrome won't load the site.
This site can’t provide a secure connection sent an invalid response.
Learn more about this problem.
@ycmeh It's loading fine for me on Chrome for mobile & laptop. Maybe clear your cache?
Is it true?
@therealjrn probably.
@Thumperchick People are so quick to believe the worst. :frownyface:
Did you check or just guess?
@f00l yes.
@thumperchick Has @puppycat sworn at you yet? Apparently my wife and I haven't been good about watching out mouths around the baby...
@sohmageek not yet, but I'm sure that's coming.
@Thumperchick so we had this happen:
me:You have a stinky diaper, time for me to change you
@stitch: NO
me: your diaper is stinky
@Stitch: NO
me: do you want a clean diaper?
@Stitch: NO
Me: I'm going to change you
@Stitch: No
me: Ok let's see mommy
(goes into potty mommy was using it...)
Me: Mommy, @stitch won't let me change his diaper he wants you to. Can I change the baby?
@tiwanaku: Go change the baby, @stitch Daddy's going to change you
@Stitch: No
ME: I'm going to change you.
I take him to the changing table, he's kicking making it impossible to remove the pants to get to the diaper.
Me: I'm going to change you:
@Stitch: NO
Me: yes Mommy told daddy to change you....
Can you guess what he said next????
@sohmageek a quote from nietzsche?
@sohmageek Cheer up, sucker?
@sohmageek a quote from @carl669?
@Thumperchick "tough shit"
Does sound like @tiwanaku, @sohmageek, @carl669, and @pavlov
@sohmageek no
I am outclassed. We are all outclassed.
Why are my mention emails lost in a black hole and I get them hours later?
@sohmageek they should be going out within 10 min., if you aren't seeing them for hours, there's a problem.
@Thumperchick can you fix it? :)
@sohmageek no, but maybe @katylava csn look into it for you?
@Thumperchick @sohmageek i can look up specific emails to see if they were delayed on our side or not, but last time i looked up emails like this, the delay happened after we sent it.
@katylava It's fine with me... I went to the site, I didn't get this meh mention until about 30 minutes after it said @thumperchick said it.
Because that is what Black Holes are for.
I mean, why do you think Meh uses BH tech?
They keep them right next to the octopi.
howdy, someone posted a nice little tool for checking 3 letter words for the karaoke's - can you find it? cuz i can't? I'm sure I have it book marked somewhere, but it just seems easier to ask you to find it, since you kinda offered, right?
Karaoke! Yum.
@f00l Karaoke, a.k.a. Mad Ape Den
@DMlivezey - This?
@KDemo eggs-actly, gracias!
Why does this site not have the Something Went Terribly Wrong video front and center?
@FroodyFrog it does now...
The answer to this one may have changed since the last time it was asked. How do I see my past meh-button face clicks? I can get to the write up pages for last month, but it still shows this month's button clicks. (Trying to see which one I missed two weeks ago. I can count backwards over at, but there must be a way here.)
And how to see past Meh button faces?
@walarney you can see the individual ones by going to that day's deal. I remember there was an issue with the full calendar just killing load times on the front page. I'm not sure when, or if that feature will be back. That's in the realm of @shawn.
@Thumperchick They all seem to show as clicked from around the suspect date. (Maybe I clicked it late?) Was just trying to figure out which one it thinks I missed. I'll live. Thanks for answering.
@walarney you missed April 28th. To see a deal for any date, simply put the url in this format - and it will take you to the proper page. (There may be some early deals that this won't work for, irc.) This is the meh face you missed.
I can tell this was the one you missed by clicking your name to go to your profile, then filtering the results to meh button clicks, and checked until I saw a missed day. This only works for the last 30 days of clicks/participation.
@Thumperchick Wow! SuperMod!
Sorry I've been slow to answer. My mom is visiting from CA and I'm trying to spend as much time present with her as I can. But I'm still here!
Get your mom to offer her answers as an added bonus to yours. Yeah Moms!
@f00l mom answers would be swell

I watched it 15 times before I realized the dogs wouldn't catch the kid.
Why is a PO Box invalid for shipping today’s deal?
@machetekills - They are shipping to PO Boxes today. It could be an issue with your address not exactly matching your billing address or perhaps you live in NY or another nanny-state that doesn’t want you to have sharp objects?
(Looks like you need to enter your address exactly as it appears on your credit card/bank statement. Thanks for checking @hollboll!)
@machetekills PO boxes should work for today’s sale. If you’re not getting it to go through shoot our support team a message.
Why is it that for certain items I want, even though I have connections in quite a few states, the companies won’t ship the items there due to various laws?
@FroodyFrog see your local law enforcement for answers
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a blow pop?
@sohmageek I always just bit through them and had crunchy bubble gum.
@Thumperchick @sohmageek
Isn’t bubble gum SUPPOSED to be crunchy?
@FroodyFrog only the 2nd or 3rd time you pick it off the sidewalk.
Rootbeer: A&W or Barqs?
@sohmageek Dad’s.
@Thumperchick Does not compute
@sohmageek IBC

@sohmageek have you not had Dad’s root beer?
@sohmageek Barq’s is near the bottom of my Root Beer Favorites list
I don’t think we should be hijacking Meh’s best mod thread for root beer (I think it belongs in that buyers’ thread)
If Ginger is a type of Root and Ale is a type of Beer does that mean Ginger Ale is Root Beer?
@jbartus yes?
@jbartus there’s also ginger beer. delicious in moscow mules.
@jbartus you’ll need to ask Gilligan, or The Professor about Ginger (last resort is to ask Marianne)
@Thumperchick you seem uncertain.
@carl669 right but is it Root Beer?
@DMlivezey lol
If a person drives from Chicago to Albuquerque in a 2015 Toyota Camry on a full tank, and they have a decent supply of food which they’ll finish in less than a day, and it’s slightly raining, and nobody else is with them in the car.
Then will anybody hear when the tree falls in the forest?
@MehllowMiserian you really need to be more specific. is the driver wearing a seatbelt and underwear? is it tuesday? is the spare tire full size or a donut?
mmm… donut.
The driver is not wearing a seatbelt (that’s an odd fashion style, especially if it’s one of those seatbelt tshirts).
However, underneath the seatbelt, there IS a human.
Unlike some people here, I don’t comment on peoples underwear habits.
It is a Wednesday.
And who would drive from Chicago to Albuquerque with a spare tire? Sheesh. The driver is doing the trip without a spare.
I’m just a bit surprised you didn’t ask what kind of tree.
@MehllowMiserian why would the type of tree matter? unless it’s one of those black ops stealth trees.
@MehllowMiserian Can we assume that the driver is making the trip on Route 66? And who takes Route 66 without stopping at all of the fun sites along the way?
Which fun sites are you referring to?
The type of tree is paramount to this question for reasons I am not privy to.
I suppose the most obvious questions should be:
Is anyone near the tree so that they could hear if it falls, yet out of harm’s way just in case?
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Are llamas purple on a Wednesday?
@MehllowMiserian if the Pope shits in the woods, does the bear hear it?

Do you know Vince Noir, the king of the mods?
If a picture is worth a thousand words, is a GIF worth at least two thousand?

/giphy ten thousand
TC: If Irk And Glen Got together and had a baby… What Texture would it be? 1800 Thread count? or that cheap shit they have on <a href=“”>Woot</a> today? or maybe something like <a href=“”>This</a>?
Oi! When did you guys turn off HTML Tags?
Aren’t they both male? Any outside help would change things.
@FruityFraug some frogs and change genders to mate. I assume glen can too
@sohmageek Use the markdown format
If you jam someone’s radar, is their equipment toast?
@jbartus ಠ_ಠ
/giphy cymbal crash

@Thumperchick I’m not sure that qualifies as an answer.
If the second coming happened in Vegas, would it stay in Vegas?
@jbartus I believe Stephen King answered this in The Stand.
In space, what direction do astronauts wake?