Am I the only one?
9I found myself pondering an interesting question, and was wondering if anyone else here has considered it as well.
Isn’t it kind of weird to have ads on a site (meh) that’s already trying (albeit not particularly hard) to sell us stuff? What I mean here is that if a prospective customer has a limited purchasing power, an opportunity cost becomes involved with transactions on meh: if they buy something in the ad, they may not be as willing to buy the product, and vice versa.
Does the advertising revenue from running the ads outweigh those potential lost sales? Does mediocre even care about sales volume anyway? Have I made a horrible mistake with this thread title?
What are your thoughts?
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@mflassy I suddenly get the feeling that I may have indeed made a horrible mistake.
You’re not the only one!
step 1.
step 2.
step 3.
Take something to help you sleep tonight.
“My past self would’ve hated who I am today
And I still feel that hatred in the parts of him that stayed”
― Justin Wetch
There is no sleep for such as me,
Who have done the things I’ve done.
No hope until the dawn I see,
The breaking of the sun.
In darkness I think and ofttimes yearn
For what I might have been.
In darkness I’ll toss and turn,
Until I rise again.
Maybe they make more money off the ad space than the products they sell.
@jarredkahn I could see that being the case.
I think it’s just to keep up appearances that this is a legit website. All legit websites have ads, right?
Seriously, i believe it is an additional revenue stream. I highly doubt there are many either/or moments of Meh deal versus ad. But advertisers are guaranteed exposure to 50+k viewers a day here. And sometimes the ads are for good causes like EFF, not for whatever product.
P.S. @Durago, I think every thread you start should have this title.
@djslack I think that may be true already, regarding the topic titles.
Regarding the ads, I thonk that the ads probably provide a steadier source of income than actual sales, which would logically tend to be variable (and not necessarily predictable). Even if they do take away the occasional sale, they’re probably worth it on those grounds alone, let alone the actual income amount, which could be a significant bonus in its own right.
@djslack I don’t know…I tried to set up some google ads on a crappy website once and google said my site wasn’t legit enough…
@Durago I can vouch that the ads here provide what the site doesn’t. Meh has yet to directly sell catshirts. I see TeeTurtle ads. TeeTurtle sells catshirts.
I’m blaming
@RiotDemon@snapster for that.@narfcake While this is true, both the ads and meh work off of what are often impulse buys, as far as I can tell. While meh does not sell cat shirts… I forget where I was going with this. I’m gonna go look at cat shirts.

@Durago They’ve sold $31k of keychains that generated negative comments on the item thread so far today. I know that’s not all sweet, sweet profit, but if their profit was an exceptionally shitty 1% it would be $310. I don’t think it’s likely that they’re pulling in $300 a day in ad revenue, and there’s no way they’re selling this stuff at 1% margins.
The ad revenue is probably not more consistent than sales, either, as site traffic ebbs and flows with the popularity of the product.
We should just be thankful that the forum is ad-free, and that the only eyeballs they are overtly trying to monetize are those of the masses on the deal page.
@djslack A valid point. It had not occurred to me to really look at those sales figures. This site might look and feel like a small, casual business, but they’re actually moving some pretty substantial amounts of product.
@narfcake Yeah, any word on when Mediocritee will provide actual shirts? Huh?
@narfcake OMG now that’s the best cat shirt I’ve ever seen. Here kitty kitty

@OldCatLady I have no idea. Too bad I have no idea who I should tag about the lack of catshirts here. Would you happen to know, @snapster?
(I am soooo going to be blamed the day when that happens … so maybe leave the catshirts to the other sites, 'k?)
@Durago It’s like double the evilness. I’m convinced that white cats are eviler because the only one that would taunt my (late) doggie was a white cat.
/8ball “Am I the only one”
Don’t count on it

/giphy "Am I the only one"
@Pantheist You are one sick puppy.