Today is my 1000th day on Does anyone else celebrate their milestones? A pitcher of sangria seems appropriate for this hot August day. Come on over!
Yes! I would drink a whole pitcher myself! Except I’m going to Redskins training camp to watch men in tights, I mean scout recruits for fantasy football. Or fantasy something. Whatever.
/giphy Antonio Brown dance
Awesome! We’re up to 3 now!
It is 70 degrees here and I am freezing… could you send some warmth this way??? Then I might feel like celebrating!
enter image description here
A friend sent this early this morning – spelling mistakes are not mine!

I missed my 1000th… 1037 now. Congratulations!
Congrats on 1000!
Yes! I would drink a whole pitcher myself! Except I’m going to Redskins training camp to watch men in tights, I mean scout recruits for fantasy football. Or fantasy something. Whatever.

/giphy Antonio Brown dance
@sammydog01 That’s the one giphy.
@sammydog01 I like to watch Marlins baseball, especially when Stanton squares up.
@sammydog01 I was thinking about a classic:
@OldCatLady My view at training camp:

It was a very pleasant hour.
Up to four spots on the list:
@sammydog01 The Hoff. I’ve never had an archenemy before… NOW!
I’m takin’ you down, Hasselhoff!
/giphy screw you hasselhoff
