Am I the only one?
19Who wants to see the trending topics list be dominated by “Am I the only one?”??
@Durago, @djslack, @Barney, @mfladd, @therealjrn, @f00l, @katylava, @whoever else wants to help out
TL;DR? Help me make @KDemo’s dream come true. Star this topic, then make a new one of your own. Let’s retake the trending topics list!
We have the survey, but we’re losing the topics. So here’s what I think we need to recapture the top spots:
I’m unsure what constitutes “trending” in the eyes of mediocrebot. Initially I believed it was views and comments. I no longer believe that. After all, we made a pretty good push last night that turned out to be totally fruitless.
Now, I believe it has something to so with stars. Not comment stars, but topic stars. If I’m correct, this means it’s not that easy to resurrect old topics. We would have to gather stars from people who haven’t already clicked on the topic.
So the quick solution is to post fresh, new topics. Make sure you copy the old title so we maintain continuity. Then make sure you star all the other “Am I the only one?” topics and comments. Add some form of nonsense at the bottom of the topic. It shouldn’t take that long to drive the new topics into the trending list.
Who’s with me? Come on friends! Let’s do this for @KDemo!!!
- 17 comments, 36 replies
- Comment
I’ve commented on most of the existing topics, but the moment anyone else posts on any topic, down the list the ‘AITOO’ go. We need a mascot.
@OldCatLady I love mfladd’s image:
you are killing me… I tried to bump up the donorschoice… I deleted my bump!!!
because we
@mikibell I don’t think it’ll take long to recap the trending list. Then I can grab a screen cap, post it for @KDemo, and we can all return to our normal routine of madness and mayhem.
@mikibell I’ve posted and starred all of them within the last half hour.
@OldCatLady I think it’s related to the star on the topic title. The first posting. That’s why I think we need fresh topics in order to retake the list. ???
I can’t remember if it’s stars, comments, or both that factor in, but it’s definitely only activity during that given day (midnight-midnight Eastern).
@katylava I haven’t figured out how often the list updates, but it’s changed twice in the last hour or so that I’ve been trying to figure it out. So I’m sure it’s possible to manipulate with enough cooperation from the community.
@ruouttaurmind not if @katylava keeps replying to david hasselhoff thread
@ruouttaurmind it’s only cached for about a minute.
@mikibell Stupid Hoff. He assaulted me in a casino lobby in Laughlin, and now he’s insulting me by disrupting @KDemo’s dream.
/giphy stupid Hoff

/giphy one left!

WE HAVE SIX!!! One more to go!
seriously, I think we are insane!
/giphy insanity

@mikibell I cannot speak for you, but I’m pretty sure I’m totally sane and the rest of the world is nutz!
@ruouttaurmind Hahaha! Nope.
@shawn – what do we need to do to get rid of hasselhoff, legitimately?
@ruouttaurmind won’t let us cheat – but if we don’t know the rules, then how can we be cheating??
/youtube this is driving me sane
@mikibell Yes, this is playing within the spirit of the game.
Not necessarily “get rid of” but release his grip on that slot he’s nooked into.
@mikibell I was looking for Spike Jones My Old Flame, I guess I’m old.
@ruouttaurmind sigh… I am not that spirited today…
/8ball Should I comment?
It is certain

what happened to -19?
/giphy gone missing

@Yoda_Daenerys Speculation? Someone created a topic then deleted it while still within the edit timeframe?
/youtube dave’s not here
@ruouttaurmind i don’t need know spacumation, i’d be all into an ander of da 'spectful veriety, oar et last the …
hang on? you think someones hereabouts might have gone and posted and then deleted? TARNATION!!! well i’ll just reach down yonder and grab my dangle booty thingamabobbs then.
/youtube dude looks like lady
@Yoda_Daenerys I don’t even have a wild-assed guess what you’re on about. (and something tells me I’ll sleep better tonight if I maintain my blissful ignorance)
what happened to -19?
/giphy gone missing

Just found this thread. Wow, you guys! What a worthy pursuit!
@ruouttaurmind @OldCatLady @mikibell @daveinwarsh @sammydog01 @mfladd @djslack @f00l and everyone that played - We have rarely all pulled together for something, and you got us so close - as close as some mysterious algorithm would allow. I consider it a huge success.
It started with a dream and became something bigger than all of us.
I had fun.
@KDemo Even though we couldn’t knock the Hoff from his high horse, we totes pwned the forum for the entire day. That alone was worth the play.
Sorry I wasn’t able to pull it off for you, but we surely had a great time trying!
Thanks to @mfladd for coming up with this most excellent mascot:
Oh, we did! We most definitely did.
@ruouttaurmind Were you somehow not around for this?
@mfladd Ya, that was after @snapster chased me out of the forum by deleting some of my “unhelpful” threads in the daily product topic. I spent my time skulking around where my posts were helpful and productive. I seldom ventured into the forbidden zone. Basically to read product specs and not comment unless there was a drone offered.
@ruouttaurmind Haha THAT I did not know. Niiiice!
@mfladd To be clear, it was a self-imposed exile. After being deleted a couple times I felt censured, and left of my own accord.
This was not a ‘Dante ejected from Florence’ kinda deal. @snapster didn’t send @dave and @matthew like so many forum Ringwraiths to smash my keyboard and lock me in a dank dungeon under Mordor.
Why not?
/giphy ringwraith

That’s the best giphy could come up with?

/giphy ringwraith
/giphy ringwraith
/giphy ringwraith
/giphy ringwraith
/giphy ringwraith
Ok ok I’m lame and giphy is lamer.
Was in a hurry.
@f00l Kind of you to throw yourself under the bus for giphy, but unnecessary. It’s all on giphy!
/giphy blame giphy

/giphy lame giphy

/giphy shame giphy

/giphy flame giphy

On to bigger things!
/8ball “Am I the only one”
Very doubtful

/giphy "Am I the only one"
@Pantheist You are one sick puppy.