ToughTested Satellite Rugged Bluetooth Speaker

  • ToughTested is a brand name
  • We are neither tough nor have we tested these
  • Don’t forget the IRK!
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A Meh-rathon Murder Mystery!

Eccentric billionaire steam mop mogul Dallas McAllen has been murdered! And in his own home, no less, while a great party raged on. With 30 suspects and clues galore (some helpful, others less so) only Sadie Dufresne–an Inspector of the Royal Knights order (shorthand: IRK), one of the highest ranking detectives in all the land–can be trusted to solve the mystery. But she’ll need your help. So, what do you say? Will you help IRK Dufresne crack the case?

Did Dallas McAllen know his sister Audrey McAllen wasn’t really his sister? That the story she told, upon arriving out of the blue, of a maternity test that connected them–both having been orphans–was a falsehood? She thought that deep down he might suspect and that he didn’t care, that their bond since her arrival had grown too strong. And yet, recently, he’d discovered something related to her past. She heard as much secondhand, from Hal Dempling, the washed-up professional bowler who frequently darkened her faux brother’s door. She didn’t know what he’d found, but she worried that a confrontation might lead to her extraction from his inner circle. Is it possible that she ended his life before he could sever her reliance on him?

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  • That’s $332 total.
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