Mediocritee Classics and Meh Holiday Shirts

- We have some holiday designs
- We have some nerdy designs
- We have some favorites from Mediocritee
- We have some new Meh-logo stuff
- We sing some songs that remind us of the good times
- We sing some songs that remind us of the better times
- Model: T33-H33-H33
Wear Art, Thou!
A Press Release From Mediocritee
Given its unprecedented success in the graphic tee sphere, Mediocritee, Inc. is excited to announce that it will be expanding its offerings and launching several new sites, such as:
The first tee-shirt site for those with an uncanny ability to see what will happen before it happens, Medium-ocritee will be exceptionally medium-friendly, allowing users to purchase designs currently for sale or those that will sell in the future.
“At this time, we’re not entirely sure if the shirts will be made of steaks, or if the shirts will be made for steaks,” says CEO Chip Peck. “All we really know right now is that we spent a good chunk of change on the URL and we’ve got a freezer full of steaks that’ll either be made into clothing or used as models.”
Same as Medium-ocritee but for mediums who wear a medium and don’t want to deal with the sizing drop-down menu.
Mead-iocritee will provide users with a selection of two meads each week. What will set Mead-iocritee’s meads apart from others in the booming fermented honey beverage sector? Will it be quality? Will it be price? Will it be an eye for sustainability? No. What will make Mead-iocritee’s meads truly groundbreaking is that they will have funny labels!
“This one is just for me,” says CEO Chip Peck. “Seriously, no one else go to it. It’s my site, dammit! ALL! MINE!”
Look for these exciting new sites in the spring (of 2098)! Until then, it’s the same old two-shirts-a-week deal as always.