@sammydog01 We do like chicken tacos. But I usually grind boneless chicken breast with my kitchen aid grinder attachment, then fry it up on the stove. I don’t know why I never use the Instant Pot. I’m just weird.
@Pony@sammydog01 I try to keep my summer power usage to a minimum, so subbing the Instant pot/ outside grilling/ air fryer for anything I’d normally warm up the oven for is a plus.
@Pony people sell skins for them. I bought a regular instant pot, then bought an R2 skin off Etsy. Even if you don’t use it you can still make it cute.
@Pony we are opposite people. I use my instant pot often, love shredded salsa chicken. I bought a kitchen aid grinder attachment and sausage stuffer over 10 year ago. It’s never been used. It was bought because my husband was deer hunting. Since then the few times he’s been able to go out and got a deer he would process it at a friends house and use their grinder. So my attachment sits in it’s box unused.
@Kyeh It’s printed vinyl with magnetic backing at the edge to hold it in place.
Looks and works great. Although, with licensed products like this item available now, and an army of Disney lawyers, they’re likely to get a nasty C&D extortion letter. So those particular wraps may no longer be available. They also had Mandalorian and Vader wraps.
@Kyeh@mike808 I just bought an r2 wrap about 2 weeks ago. Other sellers have them, and others. Just search through Etsy, you may find others you like as well.
@sammydog01 I don’t see wraps for that, but there are some decals that may work. So they just go on a blank spot, not over the whole thing. Like this yoda sticker
Other sellers may not have as detailed designs, as they’re different interpretations of the design.
Better or worse is up to you. Here is an alternative seller’s version that is less detailed and more stylized/simplified.
I didn’t see any specific to the Insignia Pressure Cooker, but if the design is a literal knockoff of the IP, maybe they will fit? Or maybe with some trimming with a razor/small/X-acto knife.
So cute but I already have a no name pressure cooker.
… must resist …
I know, same here …
well, mine’s named Foodi, I guess.
Also, someone there in CS has a great sense of humor:
The Mandalorian version is cute but not on sale.

/giphy Mandalorian
I love the R2 one, but I already have an Instant Pot that I never use. I doubt the cuteness would make me any more likely to cook with it.
@Pony I’m about to make chicken taco meat. It’s great. If you like chicken tacos.
@sammydog01 We do like chicken tacos. But I usually grind boneless chicken breast with my kitchen aid grinder attachment, then fry it up on the stove. I don’t know why I never use the Instant Pot. I’m just weird.
@Pony @sammydog01 I try to keep my summer power usage to a minimum, so subbing the Instant pot/ outside grilling/ air fryer for anything I’d normally warm up the oven for is a plus.
@Pony people sell skins for them. I bought a regular instant pot, then bought an R2 skin off Etsy. Even if you don’t use it you can still make it cute.
@Pony we are opposite people. I use my instant pot often, love shredded salsa chicken. I bought a kitchen aid grinder attachment and sausage stuffer over 10 year ago. It’s never been used. It was bought because my husband was deer hunting. Since then the few times he’s been able to go out and got a deer he would process it at a friends house and use their grinder. So my attachment sits in it’s box unused.
Definitely cute!
/giphy R2D2

Been there, done that. Got it in carbonite, too.

@mike808 Very cool!
But did you get R2D2 for $60?
@Kyeh No, it was like $13. I got a matching one for my 3qt IP Mini.
They’re taking a hreak, but check back.
@mike808 Oh, that’s a really great deal! Is it durable?
@Kyeh It’s printed vinyl with magnetic backing at the edge to hold it in place.
Looks and works great. Although, with licensed products like this item available now, and an army of Disney lawyers, they’re likely to get a nasty C&D extortion letter. So those particular wraps may no longer be available. They also had Mandalorian and Vader wraps.
@mike808 Bummer. I was thinking of getting one for my sister.
@Kyeh @mike808 I just bought an r2 wrap about 2 weeks ago. Other sellers have them, and others. Just search through Etsy, you may find others you like as well.
@Kyeh @mike808 @remo28 Now i’m sorry I bought an off brand instead of an instant pot. Do they have wraps for insignias?
@sammydog01 I don’t see wraps for that, but there are some decals that may work. So they just go on a blank spot, not over the whole thing. Like this yoda sticker
@Kyeh @remo28 @sammydog01

Other sellers may not have as detailed designs, as they’re different interpretations of the design.
Better or worse is up to you. Here is an alternative seller’s version that is less detailed and more stylized/simplified.
I didn’t see any specific to the Insignia Pressure Cooker, but if the design is a literal knockoff of the IP, maybe they will fit? Or maybe with some trimming with a razor/small/X-acto knife.
@remo28 Thanks. Now which one to get…

@Kyeh @mike808 @remo28 I think it’s a functional not literal knock off but it might be close.
If it was the 3 quart or the 8 quart I would buy. Also if I needed to replace my 3 or 8 quart I currently have.
Here’s an etsy wrap for the Ninja Foodi.

Seller is ItsASkin.
@mike808 Cool! Thanks!