@Fuzzalini baby yoda should definitely be inside the cup. although i do have a miniature one given out at a game a long time ago, but still the scale would be off.
@Fuzzalini@jerk_nugget oh I would love to see baby Yoda inside the cup. THAT would be a cuteness overload!!
And my assumption is miniature. I have several here (shocked, right?) I even have a tiny one that went in the nativity scene under the tree. Some people thought it was hilarious, others were PISSED!!! Made for great conversation/debate on Christmas.
@tinamarie1974 Those people who lost it over the cup in the nativity scene need to go to Spain and get exposed to the nativity pooper.
/image nativity pooper
@Tin_Foil Whedon would’ve ruined it given enough time. Heck, listen to him talk about the inspirations that started him on it, and you can see where it could have gone awry. I’m glad it ended so quick.
@PocketBrain I just started S1 of The Expanse on Tuesday night. Watched S1:E6 last night. I’m still waiting for it to capture me. So far it’s just an adequate distraction and I feel like I’m just holding on to find out what happened to Julie Mao.
@PocketBrain I watched through S1:E9 last night, and about 15 minutes of E10. Significant plot twist I didn’t see coming. I definitely see potential here.
Finished the full season binge. Gritting my teeth to avoid giving spoilers. Suffering anxiety knowing I have 11 1/2 months to wait for season 5 (assuming it’s renewed, of course).
@PocketBrain If the anxiety is that bad, start reading the novels! (And the short stories/novellas, they’ve got some significant character and plot bits.)
I don’t think we have much to worry about cancellation. Jeff Bezos is a fan, and Amazon picked it up at his direction.
@hchavers Yes, but ALL seasons. You’ve got to see the final episode, but you’ll probably cry.
Some of season 4 & 5 are uneven because it looked like it was going to be cancelled at 4. So Straczynski pulled some season 5 stuff into 4 so he could wind up some threads. Then they got a last minute season 5.
But there are some real gems in seasons 4 & 5.
The real fun is watching the whole show through again, and seeing how early some things were set up that didn’t get paid off until years later.
They’re different properties - TROS had the unenviable task of trying to clean up 8 previous episodes that had been all over the map with various writers and directors and visions, and I think it did a damn fine and entertaining job of it, despite all the glaring plot holes left behind. But it certainly did clumsily set up a mess of sequels …
The Mandalorian has the luxury of starting it’s storyline from scratch, with a consistent production crew, only having to remember where it is in the timeline and how many suns on Tatooine, and it’s doing great!
I suspect we’ll see a number of these sort of fill-in stories from Disney in the coming years - Mando is setting a high bar.
@mike808@stolicat What properties has Michael Bay damaged though? Star Wars movies are Star Wars. Now they are corrupted, and worse, corrupted to favorable reviews. I’m almost prepared to say the prequels were better than 7 and 9. Likewise Star Trek. STD hasn’t taken after its forebears as much as his movie.
I watched an episode of Lost once – complete garbage. Genre-defining garbage. And again, the insidious thing is that people like it. The more he flails around with that nonsense, the more work he gets.
Transformers is cartoons, comic books, and toys. The movies were an afterthought. And 6 Underground is an original property, isn’t it? Am I missing something?
While I’m not really familiar enough with Bay’s work to say, but I’d take any amount of lens flare over an incoherent plot.
I’d say that The Mandalorian is worth the Disney+ tax all by itself.
Not all that much else besides The Mandalorian to watch on Disney+ for someone who’s not interested in Marvel. The Imagineering Story was interesting. Other than the Disney movies and the Star Wars library, I haven’t found anything else. If I wasn’t riding the coattails of my brother’s (free Verizon) Disney+ account I doubt I’d pay for it.
@blaineg@ruouttaurmind I agree. I have the free Verizon account. Otherwise I would pay month to month, basically renewing when the Mandalorian season becomes available (the whole season) and would cancel as soon as I was able to watch all episodes. Likely paying for one or two months a year max.
@PooltoyWolf yeah… the whole family went to see the new Star Wars movie on the Monday before Christmas … while i shlepped up to where they were on a Greyhound bus!
We did watch some episodes of the Mandalorian over the time I was up there and I enjoyed it but was not overly impressed… Still like FF better.
@outdoorslife I’m enjoying the Mandalorian. However, I did realize at one point that it’s just “The Rifleman” guy goes from town to town killing people for money, with his kid in tow.
@chienfou@Fuzzalini@outdoorslife Speaking of the Rifleman, it came on around the time that Davy Crockett (King of the wild frontier) and Wild Wild West was on, along with Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom (… while Jim attempts to give the lion an enema, we are back at camp making margaritas…).
@mike808 Star Wars sucks hard because all they do with it is make inferior clones of the three original movies. If they’d throw everything since episode 6 in a dumpster, and then rocket the dumpster into the sun where it could make use of itself, they’d be free to have all kinds of fun in a wonderfully rich entire universe.
@InnocuousFarmer@mike808 there are plenty of new stories in the books. Disney might not want to pay for them and they deleted them. Haven’t see TROS but the first two were just reworks of new hope and empire strikes back. just on a JJ scale which is sad
i really enjoyed both so it was hard to choose. so i thought, if i had to rewatch one right now, which would i pick? and i went with the movie. but i love the show too.
speaking of shows, i also highly rec killjoys, as well as the expanse.
and if you’re into comics/graphic novels, check out descender as well as paper girls. southern cross was also excellent, but i’m not sure where they are with being able to finish the writing on that one and i hate to rec something that isn’t finished and might not be.
@unksol What I love about the Stargate universe, besides the fact that they didn’t take themselves too seriously, was the references and easter eggs alluding to essentially every other science fiction series in existence as well as every mythological story they could incorporate. While other franchises ripped off stuff from each other and tried to hide it, Stargate did it gleefully.
Also, they don’t explain everything. I don’t think common terms like DHD (Dial Home Device), GDO (Garage Door Opener) and MALP were ever spelled out in-series.
@blaineg@rockblossom I think Carter explained all the acronyms at least once in a semi condescending way to someone. Probably to an asshole politician. Or Jack. Then we were just assumed to know them from then on. Possible while Thor was owning Kinsey.
(Putting on waders, anticipating getting hip deep in this shit)
Ok, so TROS was an objectively terrible movie with some entertaining moments. It ripped off Harry Potter so badly that when Voldemort dementors our heroes at the end, I kind of checked out. There were (unnecessary )horocruxes the heroes had to go find, falling through quicksand into giant snake tunnels. It just went on and on. I still cried when Leia died, and cried even harder when Chewy found out Leia died. I really liked anytime Adam Driver was on screen. He was very clearly in a better movie than anyone else. His line reading of “So That’s where you are” when he realizes she’s in his room was sooooo good. Still trying to be menacing but just a little excited that there’s a hot girl in his room. I liked the idea that their bond was so strong they could touch each other and transfer objects that way, but I kept hearing Han’s voice in my head yelling, “The Force doesn’t work that way!” The horrible implied romantic triangle with Rey/Poe bickering like they were Han/Leia without any of the chemistry and Finn getting all jealous and up in Poe’s face. God, shoot me. I’ll watch parts of it again on Disney plus, but the FF is going to be getting a work out.
The Mandalorian is a damned delight, only one episode stood out to me as subpar, and that’s because the acting just wasn’t quite there. Carl Weathers takes a bit to grow into it, but by the end, he’s rocking that script. I can’t remember the UFC actress’s name who plays Cara, but she also gets the hang of it by the end. Bryce Dallas Howard directs an episode and does a fantastic job with the action and her AT/ST scenes are very reminiscent of the Trex for Jpark in a very good way. The music is great, not quite as good as John Williams Star Wars scores, but that’s setting an awfully high bar. It definitely evokes the western feel the series is going for. “Have gun, will travel” reads the card of the Mando. That being said, the story lines are not even remotely complex. They are very straight forward, which is rare in this age of serialized TV. That may leave some feeling a bit narratively unsatisfied, but as long as you understand what it is going in and adjust your expectations accordingly, it’s definitely worth it. Can’t wait for season 2.
@mtb002@therealjrn Carrie Fisher died. They only have so much footage left. They divorced Leia and Han. They killed Han. They killed Luke. I’m not remotely surprised they killed Leia.
SPOILERS! Not knowing much of anything EU, I had no fear that Chewy was actually gone. I understand for fans who were into the EU that must have been a hell of a gut punch.
You had to be into starwars and reading the EU and new Jedi Knight series books. Which tons of authors contributed too and seemed to coordinate. And I got them all from the library.
Ok, good. I took things 1&2 on opening night and had such a talk about not spoiling it for any of their friends the next day that it would have been pretty ironic had I spoiled something for someone else.
@jitc@unksol It was on Fox, so it was doomed from the start (Firefly, Dollhouse, Sarah Connors Chronicles, etc…) but it was great. It’s the only TV show I bought the DVDs for.
@lowearthorbital did they actually finish it? Sounds like Starz just cancelled it after 20 episodes instead of giving it an actual ending and they were shopping a third season. Which can be maddening.
@unksol It does have an ending… They must have seen the writing on the wall - or been leery of Starz’ reputation for pulling the plug on shows after 2 seasons - because the last episode functions as a good resolution to the first two seasons, while leaving some openings in the event of a third season.
Need I say more?
@tinamarie1974 The Stanley Cup is bigger than that. Unless that’s a baby Stanley Cup.
@Fuzzalini baby yoda should definitely be inside the cup. although i do have a miniature one given out at a game a long time ago, but still the scale would be off.
@Fuzzalini @jerk_nugget oh I would love to see baby Yoda inside the cup. THAT would be a cuteness overload!!
And my assumption is miniature. I have several here (shocked, right?) I even have a tiny one that went in the nativity scene under the tree. Some people thought it was hilarious, others were PISSED!!! Made for great conversation/debate on Christmas.
@tinamarie1974 Werner Herzog said The Child made him cry on set, even seeing it operated by a team of puppeteers.
@blaineg I can believe it. The baby is mindblowing and so adorable. I just want to scoop it up
@tinamarie1974 Those people who lost it over the cup in the nativity scene need to go to Spain and get exposed to the nativity pooper.

/image nativity pooper
@Fuzzalini clearly I need to google THAT! I told them Lord Stanley AND Our Lord are just hanging out together. No big deal
@tinamarie1974 When you Google that, anticipate going down a rabbit hole. There are places that make celebrity poopers. It’s totally ridiculous.
@Fuzzalini oh down the rabbit hole I went! I was suppose to be taking down my christmas decor, instead I was digging myself in deeper and deeper!
@tinamarie1974 Now you have a comeback for the complaints next year!
@Fuzzalini TYVM
(that’s right, it still has passionate fans)
@Tin_Foil Whedon would’ve ruined it given enough time. Heck, listen to him talk about the inspirations that started him on it, and you can see where it could have gone awry. I’m glad it ended so quick.
@Tin_Foil So what did Whedon do to tick off Fox so bad that they killed it before it aired?
The Expanse, season 4.
@PocketBrain Yes, the Expanse, obviously. Why would anyone watch other science fiction?!
@PocketBrain @UncleVinny we’re watching it tonight!
@PocketBrain The Expanse is wonderful, but reading the novels has spoiled me. I have to keep telling myself: “No, that will be in season 5, or 6…”
@PocketBrain https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3044912
I’m also on a simulwatch binge with my brother right now.
And yeah, I really should read the novels.
@PocketBrain I just started S1 of The Expanse on Tuesday night. Watched S1:E6 last night. I’m still waiting for it to capture me. So far it’s just an adequate distraction and I feel like I’m just holding on to find out what happened to Julie Mao.
@ruouttaurmind Don’t worry, it ramps up a bit.
@PocketBrain I watched through S1:E9 last night, and about 15 minutes of E10. Significant plot twist I didn’t see coming. I definitely see potential here.
Finished the full season binge. Gritting my teeth to avoid giving spoilers. Suffering anxiety knowing I have 11 1/2 months to wait for season 5 (assuming it’s renewed, of course).
@PocketBrain If the anxiety is that bad, start reading the novels! (And the short stories/novellas, they’ve got some significant character and plot bits.)
I don’t think we have much to worry about cancellation. Jeff Bezos is a fan, and Amazon picked it up at his direction.
Warehouse 13.
Family guy has done star wars fine. Trek is still better in any incarnation.
Babylon 5, at least through season 3.
@hchavers Yes, but ALL seasons. You’ve got to see the final episode, but you’ll probably cry.
Some of season 4 & 5 are uneven because it looked like it was going to be cancelled at 4. So Straczynski pulled some season 5 stuff into 4 so he could wind up some threads. Then they got a last minute season 5.
But there are some real gems in seasons 4 & 5.
The real fun is watching the whole show through again, and seeing how early some things were set up that didn’t get paid off until years later.
@hchavers Love me some B5.
They’re different properties - TROS had the unenviable task of trying to clean up 8 previous episodes that had been all over the map with various writers and directors and visions, and I think it did a damn fine and entertaining job of it, despite all the glaring plot holes left behind. But it certainly did clumsily set up a mess of sequels …
The Mandalorian has the luxury of starting it’s storyline from scratch, with a consistent production crew, only having to remember where it is in the timeline and how many suns on Tatooine, and it’s doing great!
I suspect we’ll see a number of these sort of fill-in stories from Disney in the coming years - Mando is setting a high bar.
@stolicat Respectfully disagree!
J.J. Abrams is the enemy of science fiction!
@InnocuousFarmer @stolicat
JJ? *cough* Michael Bay*cough*.
@mike808 @stolicat I don’t see Michael Bay rubbing his safety mittens on Star Wars anywhere.
@InnocuousFarmer @stolicat
The comment about JJ referenced sci-fi, not SW. I posit that Bay has exceeded JJ in suckitude with respect to sci-fi.
Hold your phone to the side a bit if the lens flare is too distracting from the content of this post.
@mike808 @stolicat What properties has Michael Bay damaged though? Star Wars movies are Star Wars. Now they are corrupted, and worse, corrupted to favorable reviews. I’m almost prepared to say the prequels were better than 7 and 9. Likewise Star Trek. STD hasn’t taken after its forebears as much as his movie.
I watched an episode of Lost once – complete garbage. Genre-defining garbage. And again, the insidious thing is that people like it. The more he flails around with that nonsense, the more work he gets.
Transformers is cartoons, comic books, and toys. The movies were an afterthought. And 6 Underground is an original property, isn’t it? Am I missing something?
While I’m not really familiar enough with Bay’s work to say, but I’d take any amount of lens flare over an incoherent plot.
@InnocuousFarmer @stolicat
Strip lens flare and big 'n plenty esplosions out of a Bay film and there’s really not much left, coherent or not.
I just find JJ’s hot mess of something to be slightly less terrible than the content-free time-suck of a Bay film.
@InnocuousFarmer @stolicat
What, you don’t like JarJar Abrams?
I have yet to see either, and I’m avoiding references to both like the plague, lest my eyes land upon a spoiler!
[spoiler]I heard everybody dies in this one.[/spoiler]
@PooltoyWolf I’d say that The Mandalorian is worth the Disney+ tax all by itself.
Not all that much else besides The Mandalorian to watch on Disney+ for someone who’s not interested in Marvel. The Imagineering Story was interesting. Other than the Disney movies and the Star Wars library, I haven’t found anything else. If I wasn’t riding the coattails of my brother’s (free Verizon) Disney+ account I doubt I’d pay for it.
@blaineg @ruouttaurmind I agree. I have the free Verizon account. Otherwise I would pay month to month, basically renewing when the Mandalorian season becomes available (the whole season) and would cancel as soon as I was able to watch all episodes. Likely paying for one or two months a year max.
@PooltoyWolf yeah… the whole family went to see the new Star Wars movie on the Monday before Christmas … while i shlepped up to where they were on a Greyhound bus!
We did watch some episodes of the Mandalorian over the time I was up there and I enjoyed it but was not overly impressed… Still like FF better.
/giphy no Disney

Which is to say, nothing Disney does will help that franchise. Everything they touch dies.
@AmazingChicken The same could be said about George Lucas, and was said, when Disney bought (or booted, depending) him out of the entire franchise.
@AmazingChicken So, you haven’t watched The Mandalorian?
Can’t see what people saw of The Mandalorian. Slow moving, vague, and boring. Haven’t see TROS yet, but overall I would vote for Expanse or Firefly.
@outdoorslife I’m enjoying the Mandalorian. However, I did realize at one point that it’s just “The Rifleman” guy goes from town to town killing people for money, with his kid in tow.
@Fuzzalini @outdoorslife “Lone Wolf and Cub”, a series of samurai films, was part of the inspiration…

@Fuzzalini @outdoorslife very perceptive… and very obscure in this day and age.
@chienfou @Fuzzalini
Wow, I remember rifleman! Good point. And yes lone wolf and cub, another good one!
@chienfou @Fuzzalini @outdoorslife Speaking of the Rifleman, it came on around the time that Davy Crockett (King of the wild frontier) and Wild Wild West was on, along with Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom (… while Jim attempts to give the lion an enema, we are back at camp making margaritas…).
@Fuzzalini @mike808 @outdoorslife don’t forget Seahunt…
@chienfou @Fuzzalini @outdoorslife
20,000 Leagues Beneath the Sea was much better than Sea Hunt, IMHO.
Star Wars is just a space western.
When it strays from that core trope, it sucks. Hard. Like, opening-the-airlock hard.
@mike808 Firefly is a space Western. Star wars has wizards! Lol
@mike808 @unksol I loved Luke’s line about waving a “laser sword” to fix everything in The Last Jedi.
The prequels are largely terrible, but worth watching to see Jedi at the height of their powers, instead of just one feeble old man and a young kid.
The final three have been most cromulent.
@mike808 Say something nice about Jar Jar? He was the most effective Sith Lord ever. Look at the damage he did, and remained completely undetected.
@blaineg Lies, all lies. Like a twisted Pinnochio, he grows a new d**k when he tells a whopper. 17 and counting, apparently.
Disagree on the Disney-inspired cromulence.

/giphy princess bride that word does not mean
I also caught the laser sword reference.
And Palatine’s resurrection!
So much midichlorianity!
@mike808 Star Wars sucks hard because all they do with it is make inferior clones of the three original movies. If they’d throw everything since episode 6 in a dumpster, and then rocket the dumpster into the sun where it could make use of itself, they’d be free to have all kinds of fun in a wonderfully rich entire universe.
@InnocuousFarmer @mike808 there are plenty of new stories in the books. Disney might not want to pay for them and they deleted them. Haven’t see TROS but the first two were just reworks of new hope and empire strikes back. just on a JJ scale which is sad
i really enjoyed both so it was hard to choose. so i thought, if i had to rewatch one right now, which would i pick? and i went with the movie. but i love the show too.
speaking of shows, i also highly rec killjoys, as well as the expanse.
and if you’re into comics/graphic novels, check out descender as well as paper girls. southern cross was also excellent, but i’m not sure where they are with being able to finish the writing on that one and i hate to rec something that isn’t finished and might not be.
@jerk_nugget Killjoys was a lot of fun, too bad it’s been shut down. But you can still get full episodes on SyFy.
I mean since you didn’t qualify the third choice as recent… Andromeda and Dark Matter. Canada Sci Fi and Dark Matter is still on Netflix I think.
Warehouse 13 and Sanctuary were good but I don’t know where to watch them.
If you don’t like Stargate I will fight you.
@unksol What I love about the Stargate universe, besides the fact that they didn’t take themselves too seriously, was the references and easter eggs alluding to essentially every other science fiction series in existence as well as every mythological story they could incorporate. While other franchises ripped off stuff from each other and tried to hide it, Stargate did it gleefully.
@rockblossom I mean. Jack was awesome. Especially with Sam. And that one where they were obviously referencing Macgyver…
Tea’lc always had a good joke. With the eyebrows. When they were stuck in the time loop… Lord
@rockblossom @unksol And Stargate has a pretty good internal consistency.
Also, they don’t explain everything. I don’t think common terms like DHD (Dial Home Device), GDO (Garage Door Opener) and MALP were ever spelled out in-series.
@rockblossom @unksol
“In the middle of my backswing??!!?!??”
@rockblossom @unksol Wormhole Xtreme was brilliant as well.
@blaineg @rockblossom I think Carter explained all the acronyms at least once in a semi condescending way to someone. Probably to an asshole politician. Or Jack. Then we were just assumed to know them from then on. Possible while Thor was owning Kinsey.
@blaineg @rockblossom @unksol

/giphy tealc indeed
(Putting on waders, anticipating getting hip deep in this shit)
Ok, so TROS was an objectively terrible movie with some entertaining moments. It ripped off Harry Potter so badly that when Voldemort dementors our heroes at the end, I kind of checked out. There were (unnecessary )horocruxes the heroes had to go find, falling through quicksand into giant snake tunnels. It just went on and on. I still cried when Leia died, and cried even harder when Chewy found out Leia died. I really liked anytime Adam Driver was on screen. He was very clearly in a better movie than anyone else. His line reading of “So That’s where you are” when he realizes she’s in his room was sooooo good. Still trying to be menacing but just a little excited that there’s a hot girl in his room. I liked the idea that their bond was so strong they could touch each other and transfer objects that way, but I kept hearing Han’s voice in my head yelling, “The Force doesn’t work that way!” The horrible implied romantic triangle with Rey/Poe bickering like they were Han/Leia without any of the chemistry and Finn getting all jealous and up in Poe’s face. God, shoot me. I’ll watch parts of it again on Disney plus, but the FF is going to be getting a work out.
The Mandalorian is a damned delight, only one episode stood out to me as subpar, and that’s because the acting just wasn’t quite there. Carl Weathers takes a bit to grow into it, but by the end, he’s rocking that script. I can’t remember the UFC actress’s name who plays Cara, but she also gets the hang of it by the end. Bryce Dallas Howard directs an episode and does a fantastic job with the action and her AT/ST scenes are very reminiscent of the Trex for Jpark in a very good way. The music is great, not quite as good as John Williams Star Wars scores, but that’s setting an awfully high bar. It definitely evokes the western feel the series is going for. “Have gun, will travel” reads the card of the Mando. That being said, the story lines are not even remotely complex. They are very straight forward, which is rare in this age of serialized TV. That may leave some feeling a bit narratively unsatisfied, but as long as you understand what it is going in and adjust your expectations accordingly, it’s definitely worth it. Can’t wait for season 2.
@mtb002 Leia died?

@mtb002 @therealjrn I mean she kind of had too… But still spoilers.
I’m still used to chewy dieing and not han from the expanded universe. Which there was no reason to kill.
The new ones all just seem to be reworks of the originals with no imagination.
@therealjrn @unksol
Yeah, sorry about that. I honestly didn’t consider that a spoiler.
@mtb002 @therealjrn Carrie Fisher died. They only have so much footage left. They divorced Leia and Han. They killed Han. They killed Luke. I’m not remotely surprised they killed Leia.
@therealjrn @unksol
SPOILERS! Not knowing much of anything EU, I had no fear that Chewy was actually gone. I understand for fans who were into the EU that must have been a hell of a gut punch.
@mtb002 @therealjrn lol well it’s not real anymore.
You had to be into starwars and reading the EU and new Jedi Knight series books. Which tons of authors contributed too and seemed to coordinate. And I got them all from the library.
If you want a summary for that part https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Yuuzhan_Vong_War
But that’s now been deleted from the cannon. I just forget chewy is still alive sometimes
@mtb002 I was just teasing you.
@therealjrn well, if it’s any consolation, i got the joke
Ok, good. I took things 1&2 on opening night and had such a talk about not spoiling it for any of their friends the next day that it would have been pretty ironic had I spoiled something for someone else.
Had to pick the third option, as I haven’t seen the other two. Fringe is pretty baller.
@jitc I do like fringe. For a mainstream network and it made it through 5 full seasons… Didn’t want it to end but it had a decent run.
@jitc @unksol It was on Fox, so it was doomed from the start (Firefly, Dollhouse, Sarah Connors Chronicles, etc…) but it was great. It’s the only TV show I bought the DVDs for.
@jitc @stolicat
Also “evil fox executive gets fired” had a few in a row. He was a recurring character lol
@jitc @stolicat found another lol
Like Fringe? Counterpart is Fringe if Fringe was written by George Smiley era John Le Carre. JK Simmons at his damn finest…
@lowearthorbital did they actually finish it? Sounds like Starz just cancelled it after 20 episodes instead of giving it an actual ending and they were shopping a third season. Which can be maddening.
@lowearthorbital @unksol I shall check that out …
@unksol It does have an ending… They must have seen the writing on the wall - or been leery of Starz’ reputation for pulling the plug on shows after 2 seasons - because the last episode functions as a good resolution to the first two seasons, while leaving some openings in the event of a third season.
I’m another that hasn’t seen them, but I do love Star Wars, and spoilers aren’t really a big deal, to me, in this situation.
Also, I hate baby Yoda. He represents everything I hate about Disney.
@TheCO2 but he is adorable!
He’s a little ornery, not just pure sweetness. You can definitely see a bit of ESB Yoda in there.
This is the way…
It’s a moot point. The best Star Wars property (recent or otherwise) is this “Lightspeed” votive candle:
I got a friend an R2D2 version of this years ago. Pretty awesome!
@UncleVinny How dare you besmirch the Instant Pot?

@UncleVinny Or the ultimate in oven finery, the Le Creuset Cast-Iron Star Wars Han Solo™ Carbonite Signature Roaster, 5 1/4-Qt. for $450.

@UncleVinny THIS is the ultimate. Search your feelings, you know it’s true.
At least it’s what I got for Christmas.