@UncleVinny I do not know about a purple Thor. I only know my husband watches tons of Stargate and recently I saw that little guy and asked who’s the greyboy? And Jeff said he’s an azguard and his name is Thor. That is about all I know. He seems like a sweet guy. Is that not correct?
@Barney@moonhat@UncleVinny This thor looks a little purple. Stargate Thor might be the purple one if people are l also regularly talking about the marvel one. Us Nerds probably do both
@Barney@moonhat@unksol TBH, I realize now I was thinking of Hulk. Purple Hulk is probably a thing, given how much comics are perpetually recoloring and revising and rejiggering everything given the slightest provocation. Purple Thor, that would be a fish of a different kettle.
@mike808@unksol Love it!! On my radar for the next one(s). Also Ronon, Teal’c, Sam(antha), and, of course, DanielJackson (all 1 word ). If they’re hyper and super smart, then Rodney (or MacKay. Or Meredith, snicker). There are more but it’s 420 am
Plus, I’ve been carrying around some NCIS ones (SEMPER Fido and Jethro).
On a semi-related note…if you haven’t seen “A Dog’s Breakfast”…you should. I found it unexpectedly entertaining. The cameos…
@llangley There are a total of three TBLT movies! The other one is ‘The Brave Little Toaster to the Rescue’. Chronologically, the original comes first, followed by To the Rescue, then Mars.
@macromeh Awesome, thanks for the movie name. IMDB confirmed that the actor I was referring to is indeed Tony Shalhoub who played Monk. Being a 1999 movie, I should have watched it already but it doesn’t look familiar. High ratings on IMDB too. Maybe my alzheimers is acting up.
That’s one of the benefits of bad memory, you can watch the same movie over and over again and each time it’s like your first.
Galaxy Quest is the second best Star Trek movie ever made.
I agree with @mike808 about the Orville. If you haven’t seen that show, it’s just like Star Trek but it clearly meant to be a comedy parody. It’s very funny and one of the few TV series I like enough to get the DVR to queue up so I can watch it at my leisure.
@cengland0@mike808 Yep, The Orville is great. I had reservations given Seth MacFarlane’s previous work, but once they settled into telling good stories instead of fart jokes it became a good show.
@blaineg@cengland0@mike808 It would be much better if they skipped all the “social issue” preaching. (Yes, I know that Star Trek has a history of that, but I didn’t like it then, either. Just stick to the good ol’ phaser battles and megalomaniacal AIs, please.)
@blaineg Dunno. It is supposed to be the Asgard C&C, but I’ve never seen it used anywhere. The fleet symbol is triple interlocking triangles and Thor’s Bilskirnir used the stylized Thor’s Hammer logo. This one could have been made by a fan.
@blaineg it’s good to have friends who will show up to tell an asshole to fuck off. It’s exceptional when they’ve mastered their sarcasm into a finely crafted sick burn
I like Thor
@moonhat how do you feel about Purple Thor?
@UncleVinny I do not know about a purple Thor. I only know my husband watches tons of Stargate and recently I saw that little guy and asked who’s the greyboy? And Jeff said he’s an azguard and his name is Thor. That is about all I know. He seems like a sweet guy. Is that not correct?
@moonhat it sounds like English but I don’t understand a word!
@UncleVinny ah ok. Who is your purple Thor, then? Or is that a friend of @barney ?
@moonhat yeah, my comment was essentially just Barney-bait.
@UncleVinny @barney

/giphy barney bait
@Barney @moonhat @UncleVinny This thor looks a little purple. Stargate Thor might be the purple one if people are l also regularly talking about the marvel one. Us Nerds probably do both
@Barney @moonhat @unksol TBH, I realize now I was thinking of Hulk. Purple Hulk is probably a thing, given how much comics are perpetually recoloring and revising and rejiggering everything given the slightest provocation. Purple Thor, that would be a fish of a different kettle.
@Barney @moonhat @UncleVinny well now I’m very confused. But I’m not sure that’s an atypical issue. Hulk is def green… Usually
@moonhat @UncleVinny @unksol Huh?
Hammond of Texas is still a boss.
@mike808 if I ever get a dog I’m naming him Jack
@mike808 @unksol Love it!! On my radar for the next one(s). Also Ronon, Teal’c, Sam(antha), and, of course, DanielJackson (all 1 word
). If they’re hyper and super smart, then Rodney (or MacKay. Or Meredith, snicker). There are more but it’s 420 am 
Plus, I’ve been carrying around some NCIS ones (SEMPER Fido and Jethro).
On a semi-related note…if you haven’t seen “A Dog’s Breakfast”…you should. I found it unexpectedly entertaining. The cameos…
enter link description here
enter link description here
@mike808 for the rest of the non geeks
@mike808 Indeed.
This is who I think of every time someone says ‘Supreme Commander’.
@PooltoyWolf wait, there was a sequel to the Toaster trauma?

@llangley There are a total of three TBLT movies! The other one is ‘The Brave Little Toaster to the Rescue’. Chronologically, the original comes first, followed by To the Rescue, then Mars.
Kinsey was such a dick, wasn’t he??? One of my favorite episodes.
Well played. Well played, indeed!!
I heard Thor had undergone a physical transformation for the last Avengers movie, but I had no idea…
@medz my Thor was first
This is the only thing that comes to mind when I read Supreme Commander.
@ruouttaurmind Curious, what show is that from? That looks like Monk in the far right. Who is that person?
@cengland0 By the Hammer of Grabthar! That’s Galaxy Quest.
@macromeh Awesome, thanks for the movie name. IMDB confirmed that the actor I was referring to is indeed Tony Shalhoub who played Monk. Being a 1999 movie, I should have watched it already but it doesn’t look familiar. High ratings on IMDB too. Maybe my alzheimers is acting up.
That’s one of the benefits of bad memory, you can watch the same movie over and over again and each time it’s like your first.
@cengland0 It’s one of my go-to films when I want a giggle. I’ve seen it probably half a dozen times and it never fails to amuse and entertain.
@ruouttaurmind this is also acceptable. I will consent to Tim the tool man
@cengland0 @macromeh Galaxy Quest is the second best Star Trek movie ever made.
Yes, I know it’s not a Star Trek movie, but it is a pitch perfect spoof/tribute, and an excellent movie in its own right.
Shalhoub’s character is the engineer, think Scotty if he were a stoner.
When it first came out, a friend took me to see it. He said “It’s good, but I don’t want to watch it again. I want to watch YOU watch it.”
@blaineg a friend of mine said the same thing about Brazil
@blaineg @ybmuG
The Orville is the closest to the ‘quantum parody’ of ST that wishes it was as good as Galaxy Quest.
Tell the truth: You tilted your head during that ‘leaving space dock’ scene?
@blaineg @mike808 that’s a full body tilt!
I agree with @mike808 about the Orville. If you haven’t seen that show, it’s just like Star Trek but it clearly meant to be a comedy parody. It’s very funny and one of the few TV series I like enough to get the DVR to queue up so I can watch it at my leisure.
@cengland0 @mike808 Yep, The Orville is great. I had reservations given Seth MacFarlane’s previous work, but once they settled into telling good stories instead of fart jokes it became a good show.
@blaineg @cengland0 @mike808 It would be much better if they skipped all the “social issue” preaching. (Yes, I know that Star Trek has a history of that, but I didn’t like it then, either. Just stick to the good ol’ phaser battles and megalomaniacal AIs, please.)
Thor’s command ship. Now THAT’S a hammer!

@rockblossom meh. The x303 was week right up till we got the full Asgard upgrade at the end of the series and about lost it.
@rockblossom What’s the goofy thing in the top left?
@blaineg Dunno. It is supposed to be the Asgard C&C, but I’ve never seen it used anywhere. The fleet symbol is triple interlocking triangles and Thor’s Bilskirnir used the stylized Thor’s Hammer logo. This one could have been made by a fan.
My scifi fave supreme

@moonhat Ahh, good old V.
@blaineg I so loved it
It’s good to have friends in high places.
@blaineg it’s good to have friends who will show up to tell an asshole to fuck off. It’s exceptional when they’ve mastered their sarcasm into a finely crafted sick burn
In the middle of my backswing???
You used to be MacGyver!