House of Marley F Watch

- We’re gonna turn into House of Marley fanboys if we don’t watch (ha ha) out
- It feels cheesy to praise the wood “accents”, but that’s what they are
- You know how you can just tell when you pick it up that a watch is a nice watch? These are like that
- We’re telling you, this is way more than 35 bucks worth of class
- The feel, the attention to detail… we’re gonna shut up now before we embarrass ourselves
- Model: WM-FA005, WM-FA006 (let’s decode: W for watch, M for Marley, a pointless hyphen, their F series, and a reasonable number of digits - a workmanlike effort, we suppose)
Call off the death watch.
Smartphones knocked the traditional wristwatch down. Smart watches were supposed to be the death blow, the coup de grace, the finishing move that finally rendered the wristwatch as quaint as pince-nez and spats.
But ask yourself: since the Apple Watch came out and sold $1.7 billion worth of watches, have you thought about watches in general less often than you did in the previous couple of years? Or more?
Or, to use another example, did the rise of Nike make it harder for Adidas and Reebok to succeed, or easier? Is a Vietnamese restaurant less likely to be successful on a street with two other Vietnamese restaurants, or more likely? Did the rise of Twilight crowd other badly-written supernatural teenage romance novels out of the market, or did it make more room for them? Do competing car dealerships cluster on the same stretches of road to make it harder to sell cars, or easier?
It’s way too early to say that the Apple Watch and its imitators have saved the watch industry. But people are thinking more about watches. The idea’s not dying anymore.
Now that it’s on your mind, if you want an alternative to wearing an expensive little computer on your wrist, here are some sharp, well-made ones from House of Marley. Yeah, yeah, put aside your preconceptions about a brand based on licensing a music icon’s famous name. Between these watches and the headphones we’ve sold, House of Marley has kicked our skepticism to the curb. The Marley branding is limited to the tasteful M logo that looks better than most company logos anyway.
Now, look, what do we know about style? But for what it’s worth, you can just tell these are nice watches. With the little touches of wood in these watches, they’ve literally carved out a unique look that - again, not that we’re fashionistas - we would feel good about wearing in situations where we want people to take us seriously.
But yeah. We wouldn’t bet on smart watches making analog watches obsolete anytime soon. As the kid who correctly answered that pizza math question understands, a smaller piece of a bigger pie can be a bigger piece of pie.