FoodSaver Space Saver Food Preservation System

  • Great for sealing stuff to freeze
  • Also good for if you want to try sous vide cooking
  • Don’t forget the IRK!
see more product specs

A Meh-rathon Murder Mystery!

We now take you to the grand finale of our April Fools’ Day murder mystery Meh-rathon, currently in progress…

“So, Marge Roper lured her former husband upstairs to tell him she still loved him. When he rebuked her and left, it would seem she planted the tape in the upstairs bedroom in order for it be heard by the revelers next door, followed Dallas McAllen to his study, and murdered him. Then, she snuck back up to retrieve the player and disposed of it in the kitchen garbage bin,” Sadie Dufresne says.

“What?! But I would never?” cries Marge Roper.

“If her plea sounds genuine, it’s because it is,” IRK Sadie Dufresne says, not looking at her but instead scanning the crowd for a different face. “When I say ‘it would seem,’ I mean exactly that. As in: this is what it looks like, but not what actually happened.”

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  • That’s $424 total.
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