Bio Bidet A3 (Self-Cleaning) & BBC-70 (Non-Self-Cleaning)
- A bidet that easily installs onto your existing toilet and then, well … [blushes]
- Your choice of two models: A3 features a self-cleaning nozzle, BBC-70 does not
- Pressure control for tuchuses of all levels of sensitivity
- Moral superiority over wipers included
- Model: A3, BBC-70 (Kudos for avoiding both number 1 and number 2)
"If You Don’t Have One Of These, You’re Basically Gross”
Only a few years ago, bidets were the butt (get it) of American jokes about Europeans. “Silly foreigners, using water to cleaning their soiled selves!” we said. Then, suddenly, it became OK for Americans to own toilet attachments like these. And now enough people do that the moral landscape has begun to change. “Silly wipers, using dry paper to smudge poop around!” some say.
If you’re considering taking the plunge, these Bio Bidets are a good place to start. You won’t find a more affordable option than the BBC-70, though you might as well shell out of a few more bucks for the A3’s self-cleaning feature (now that you know the “self cleaning” feature exists, you might suddenly feel compelled to have it). Both install into your existing toilet easily, and provide superior derrière cleansing.
If you remain unconvinced, consider the arguments of Meh’s most brazen bidet booster, @lukeduff. We sat down with @lukeduff for a truly intimate interview:
What’s your elevator pitch for bidets? How do you convince skeptical parties?
The regular argument for a bidet is “if you got poop anywhere else on your body, you wouldn’t just wipe it with some dry paper and think that’s good enough”. But my argument is that your neighbors and co-workers are getting these and you never want to get in a social situation thinking about how much dirtier you are compared to them.
So it’s a “keeping your butt as clean as the Joneses” situation? Do you judge friends who don’t have bidets?
I think on some unconscious level bidet people can smell non-bidet people. Also, they’re so cheap and easy to install it makes you think non-bidet people must want to be gross.
You don’t think it’s some kind of behavioral inertia? That is, people grew up wiping their butts with dry paper and have never bothered to seriously consider the alternative?
Whatever the cause (here’s a great youtube about it ), there’s really no excuse for it anymore. How often does life give you an opportunity to spend this little amount of money that’ll make you better in a significant way than most of the people you know?
Do you think there are any downsides, such as putting underwear back on over damp nethers?
That would happen if you’re the kind of person that’d walk out of a bathroom with dripping hands. Having a bidet changes the role of toilet paper to something that just dries you off.
How many bathrooms are in your house?
Two bathrooms. I installed the first one, used it for a while, thought “OMG how did we live without this?” then bought and installed the second one soon after. Only took 20 minutes to put in. People should buy one for every toilet they have and not waste time like I did.
What do you do at Meh?
Backend systems. Get it?