I'm tired of hurting myself in the kitchen.
8I roasted a chicken for dinner tonight and burned myself on the roasting pan. Another scar. I cut myself yesterday - a little slice off my thumb, don’t ask me how. I don’t know. I keep my knives sharp and I am actually pretty competent, but still I end up with little wounds. Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck. (there, I added to the fuck count!) Anybody else have my problem?
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I just had to pull a inch long splinter out of my hand. The only managable sized ladder I have is wooden, abandoned by a contractor and it always gives me splinters. The annoying thing is that after dragging it out I couldn’t fit it into the space and ended up stand on a chair on top of a big coffee table. On a concrete floor. Reaching as far as I could to drill pilot holes and drive screws. So I guess it could have been worse than a splinter.
It seems to me these things come in tewnds. For a couple of weeks I’ll be constantly getting hurt, then nothing for weeks. Hope you have aloe. Hope you feel better.
Want a ladder?
@PlacidPenguin A 6 aluminum conventional ladder is on my wish list. I’m keeping an eye out as it’s house painting season. I have this rickety wood ladder that’s about 10 feet tall closed, this freaking enourmous conventional aluminum ladder, maybe 12 feet tall? I can barely lift the thing and it doesn’t fit anywhere. And an aluminum extension ladder thats about 20 feet fully extended, the lightest and most managable of the three but it has to lean on something.
Ps. I really can spell. I just don’t type well on this touchscreen.
@moondrake Sympathetic pain. I think splinters are worse than minor burns because you have to pull them out which can be difficult and painful. Two pains for the price of one - going in and coming out.
I ⁽ᵐᵃʸ⁾ have a ladder which you could have.
@PlacidPenguin Thanks! But I have a feeling shipping would be a bit over the top. If you’ll pardon the pun.
What if I cut it up to make it smaller?
@moondrake I’m not familiar with your use of the term conventional ladder. To me a conventional ladder would be this, known to me as a straight ladder:
With this being an telescoping or extension ladder:
This being a step ladder:
This being a platform or podium ladder:
And this being a twin step ladder:
Which kind is on your wish list?
@jbartus Not knowing the correct name, I meant step ladder. A twin step ladder would be even better. I thought of a step ladder like this.

Scars actually turn me on. What?! Don’t judge me!!!
Self-induced, or coincidental?
@PlacidPenguin Good question to ask. Just scars - mainly coincidental. Self-induced makes me more sad (underlying problems), but they all tell a story about life, and the journey people have taken to get where they are.
We know.
@mfladd Well I have 64" of them from cancers (and reconstruction) surgeries. I will be glad to box them up and send them. Free. The catch? You need to take the cancers too. : )
The knee I decided to use as a pavement scraper last Thursday morning: the same knee that, because it didn’t hurt and I forgot, didn’t get washed till Friday morning, and didn’t get antibiotic’d until well after the knee was obviously a petri dish, has finally started to appear to want to heal now.
My bad.
You are not alone.
@f00l Be careful, Bob almost lost his leg that way, ended up hospitalized.
The petri dish aspect of my knee is receding.
Was Bob diabetic? That can increase the vulnerability, I hear.
@f00l Yes. And he had a macho man complex that did not serve him, fed by our friends who were vicariously macho through him. After the leg injury I told them all that if I ever again heard them encouraging Bob not to take care of himself I was personally going to kick their ass. Despite age, size and gender I really am the person in the group most likely to tear someone’s head off, and the idea that they might have been complicit in the seriousness of that injury got through to them. Too late.
@f00l PS glad that your knee is getting better. Hope there’s no lingering damage.
This is exactly like a kid’s injury. It didn’t even hurt. Except for the initial impact, which is why I forgot to wash it until the next am. Stupid me.
Sort of “spectacular busted skin on knee” thing.
There may be a little petri stuff going on, but it’s getting antibiotic’d every few hours.
Fortunately I don’t have diabetes. Since I have/had a few family members with it, about once a year I check my glucose for a month or two.
The highest blood glucose I’ve ever measured was about 150, and that was two hours after a high carb meal. My normal post meal is under 130 (I think?) and normal fasting is under 100 I think. And the physician confirms with blood work. So I guess I don’t have diabetes this week, but of course I might have it someday.
So I seem to be healing, so I won’t be able to use the “klutz factor” for sympathy very much longer.
But thx. Appreciate the concern.
@f00l It’s been a long time since I was tested but the last time was at a Diabetes Association 5k fundraiser and mine was like 50 something after the walk. The volunteer said “go eat something right now”, which seemed funny as I’d had a big breakfast and felt fine but they were giving away Subway to the walkers so I chowed down. I don’t bother much with it as the only thing that will change my behavior is a desire for better fitness, not a number on a scale or glucosameter.
If you are getting older, or are not in shape, there is a reason to test: since diabetes is kinda silent, and can do a lot of damage while silent, if your glucose is out of line, you want to know and at least get meds if you won’t change your diet or get more fit. And you might find motivation toward the latter goals also, if you are informed.
But just because you aren’t in a self-improvement mindset is no reason not to at least get a consult for meds. You can try, with little deliberate “self-reform” effort, to avoid some of the potentially devastating consequences that can come with zero knowledge or treatment of diabetes that way.
My hands are always beat up, I cook, fix things, play with knives and soldering irons, etc, they just get cut and burned regularly. The worst is when I cut myself in the kitchen and don’t realize until I see blood smeared all over something.
I just figure it’s just a sign you’re doin’ stuff.
@awk More doin’ stuff proofs: Working on the cars - bash the knuckles and they don’t bleed until you get the grease off (usually with abrasive wipes from Meh!, Lava soap, or mineral spirits).
Good times, good times…
@G1 If you go to craft fairs you can find mechanic’s soap made with sea salt in it, better for your skin than the commercial stuff, especicially if you are dinged up.
So eat at McDonalds, you’re not going to survive in the kitchen very long anyway, so you might as well enjoy yourself.
@cranky1950 I may have to resort to that, but…nah. Too many carbs.
/youtube hurt cash
/youtube frog leap studios hurt
@RiotDemon man that was a long wait. I kept thinking “no way is all this minor key dissonant type noise not metal.”
another weekend another batch of ‘owies’
Most of the time I don’t even notice the ‘little’ ones until my wife asks why I am bleeding, or what happened to my shin etc.
Overall a pretty routine weekend when I am off work.
As for mechanic work, I can generally do carpentry work all day with minimal damage to myself, but if I get out the wrenches to work on the car, I may as well get the bandaids as well, since I will invariably cut myself or bash a knuckle when a nut turns loose while I am working in a small space in the engine compartment etc.
We, who are about to klutz, salute you.
/giphy klutz

@f00l I don’t think that dude is a klutz. Looks like he got his bell rung with that first ball. He’s already going down before the second ball.
@chienfou Perhaps this?

@Kidsandliz …pain is life’s way of letting you know you are still alive…
@chienfou Blood sacrifices are, I believe, a necessary part of working on a vehicle you care about. Just working on meh car, it will happen, because meh cars hate you and being newer have less space to work, but if its a loved car, those sacrifices strengthen the bond between car and owner. The scars bear significance (yes, I got that knuckle all scarred up while setting the pinion preload on the 8-3/4 axle in the Challenger).
@duodec That’s some mushy love talk!
@duodec said:
Now say all that using your sexy voice. The way it should be said.
@f00l I’ve called my Challenger “Sweetheart”, telling her its ok when she bites or kicks. Its no fun being incomplete, parts not available due to cost, or my life interfering with getting her back on the road. So I take it in stride and just keep working on her a bit at a time, one expensive part purchase or service (priced machine shop work lately?) every few months. Its all worth it; she’s already beautiful in her 40 year old crappy repaint; she’s going to be stunning when she’s ready for her new debut, with a more powerful engine, overdrive trans, updated suspension, exhaust that sings…
Ahhhh… someday.
You are lost to love.
I believe.
Yesterday I discovered that my bread knife is very sharp. With the tip of my finger.
I feel you.
Yes! Sewing and some upholstery at work means constant pins, needles, burns from the iron, and nails bent back or torn off. At home cooking and cleaning lets me know exactly where each little wound is and adds to the collection. It’s a wonder I still have fingerprints.
@callow Especially when you have to squeeze a lemon for the sauce. Yeesh!
@callow I don’t. Dry skin, stained glass, jewelry and other sharps artwork have taken care of that.
If you’re tired of hurting yourself in the kitchen, try hurting yourself in the living room or garage to mix it up
@matthew You’re right. I need to get to work on hanging those curtains. Lots of opportunity there. Fall of the step ladder, etc.
And don’t forget The Great Outdoors! Endless possibilities there for Advanced Klutzdom and curse-worthy but non-serious injuries!
@matthew @mehnyblooms A real pro can damage themself sitting in a recliner. My cousin recently opened the front door and took a breath- and inhaled a whole cloud of early midges.
@OldCatLady YIKES!
/image tig welding gloves

I have lots of little scars on my hands, but they’re mostly from work. I haven’t had many kitchen mishaps, but I also have silicone oven mitts for anything coming out of the oven, and then a little finger gripper kind for grabbing hot pan lids.
I couldn’t tell you the last time I cut myself with a kitchen knife, it’s been so long.